Sharon’s In Love free porn video

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Hostess Helen Horsely watched intently the new recruit who had been introduced to her as Thomas Thom walked away. Her husband Hudson was managing partner of HBW, Certified Public Accountants and Advisors, and this was the Horselys’ bi-monthly cocktail party for people on the HBW payroll along with partners to foster goodwill and togetherness.

Helen broke away to go to her youngest daughter Sharon, who still lived at home and seemed to have far more girlfriends than boyfriends, and that was a bit of a worry.

‘Sharon dear, please dress up and come down, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.’

‘Aw mom, not again?’

‘Come along, it will happen one day. This could be that occasion.’

‘Okay,’ Sharon signed dutifully, being smart enough to know when you live at home as an adult it pays to be polite and cooperative.

Helen had artfully engaged Thomas in conversation, knowing when Sharon came down she’d come to her mom, to be pointed to the young guy Helen had hoped would be Mr Right.

‘How did the firm get the name HBW Mrs Hudson? That wasn’t explained at my induction.’

‘Well the three original partners were named Horsley, Bobbitt and Winkowski.’

‘Oh, what a collection of odd names lumped together and making quite a mouthful. Some guy with a modern streak must have shaken the firm’s principals out of the cobwebs and suggested HBW?’

‘Indeed Thomas. By the way my married name is Horsely.’

‘Oh, no slur intended.’

‘Well calling my name odd could be termed offensive.’

‘Mrs Horsely I had no intention…’

‘Relax dear. I think it’s a hideous name but found Hudson to be quite a charmer when we began courting some thirty-five years ago. It was our youngest daughter who suggested HBW as a name change. Why here she comes now. Sharon I’d like you to meet our newest recruit Mr Thomas Thom. Would you two please excuse me, I must circulate.’

It didn’t work out. An hour later Sharon accepted Thomas’s invitation to sit on the back porch in the dark with her. He groped. Sharon excused herself for a minute and didn’t return and Thomas, poor guy, sat waiting in subduing excitement for a good half hour thinking she was taking a long time to remove her underwear and fetch towels.

At breakfast next morning Hudson said with satisfaction last evening’s function appeared to have gone very well. Nothing appeared broken and he hadn’t found any red wine stains on the carpets.

‘Yes dear, it went very well,’ Helen said, eyeing her daughter in despair. ‘Sharon, what went wrong?’

‘Nothing mom. Mr Thom decided to sit on the back porch longer than I cared for so I returned to my room.’

A scowl spreading over his face, Hudson asked, ‘Did he grope?’

‘What’s a grope daddy,’ asked the apparent blue-eyed innocent.

Helen scolded, ‘Hudson for heaven’s sake.’

Later that day the twenty-five year old blonde Sharon left the loft where she wrote her daily column about the interests of young adults that syndicated to thirty-three newspapers and was heading for Pam’s Coffee Shop to join some of her friends when a guy fell into step beside her.

‘Hi I’m Tomas Thom’s brother Miller, a sub-editor on The Clarion. He said he met you last night and considers you a cold-hearted bitch. Should I hit him for you?’

‘Yes please. Now shove off.’

‘Sharon please. We are literary compatriots.’

‘Oh yes — don’t you mean we work for the same newspaper? Sub-editors are word technicians. There’s little creativeness in them.’

‘That is an erroneous conclusion. Thomas is right, you are a cold-hearted bitch.’

Sharon stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. ‘Take that back and apologize or I’ll bloody your nose.’


‘Come along now Mr Thom.’

‘Sharon sweetheart. I apologize and your virginity is safe with me.’

The blue-eyed innocent asked sweetly, ‘What is virginity Mr Thom?’

‘I-I well… Miller blustered, caught left-footed. ‘May I take your for a drink?’

‘Very well.’

Miller practically had to drag her into the bar.

‘I-I had assumed you meant coffee shop.’

‘Nah, its early afternoon and… oh god, you don’t inhabit bars do you?’

‘Well now that you mention it may reply has to be no.’

He said carefully, ‘So you are a non-drinking virgin?’

‘I drink alcohol at home, at other people’s homes and in restaurants and I can assure you I’m… Well enough said.’

‘About what?’

‘That’s for you to find out Mr Thom if you are good enough.’

‘I don’t understand. You are talking in riddles.’

‘Well don’t attempt to understand and you’ll be left without that problem. Why complicate your life so Mr Thom?’


‘Or really Mr Thom. A single malt Scotch, no water.’


‘Yes, you must be a word technician. Barman, a single malt Scotch and a beer for the gentleman.’

‘What kind of beer?’

‘Don’t ask me, ask him. I just picked him up on the street.’

‘In that case ma’am I’ll have to ask you to leave these premises. The notice above the bar clearly says No Soliciting.’

‘Mr Stupid,’ Sharon said ominously. ‘If any soliciting had occurred it would have occurred out on the sidewalk wouldn’t it? Now serve our drinks or I’ll go to court and have these premises closed down for breach of license requirements compelling the licensee to serve liquor to bone-fide customers.’

‘What kind of customers?’

‘Al, serve the lady and stop attempting to embarrass her.’ Miller said. ‘She’s all over you and you will risk having the boss’s license reviewed.’

‘Jesus. Best of malt coming up ma’am and Bozo with you drinks Claudeland’s Larger.’

‘Thank you Al. Now hit him Bozo beside me for attempting to spoil my maiden journey into a den of iniquity.’

Al reached for his baseball bat but eased away when he saw Miller thrust his hands into his pants’ pockets.

‘Well now that’s settled amicably may we have our drinks Al?’

‘Yes ma’am.’

‘Al you may call me Sharon. Why don’t you allow sex in this bar? It’s one of the few things young people of today seem really interested in.’

Scandalized and not knowing how to answer that and to escape another possibly tongue-lashing, Al scurried down to the far end of the bar to fix their drinks in perceived safety.

‘Well Sharon, that was an interesting insight to you losing you loosing your bar virginity, so to speak, and scaring our barman legless.’

‘Oh very droll Miller. Remember you did have the option of taking me to coffee.’

‘I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few minutes. Being with you has been momentous, shaking the dullness out of my Saturday afternoon and to think Thomas’s description for you was, quote, ‘As dull as a gray sky and she’s determined to keep her legs locked.’

‘Hit Thomas for me Miller and then explained to me what he meant.’

‘Perhaps I’ll bypass both of those requests Miss Horsely. I’m wondering if you are the Daughter of the Devil reincarnated?’

‘Oooh, you surprise me Bozo.’

‘Bozo is not my nickname. It’s a title Al uses when he can’t remember guy’s name.’

‘Oh, how fascinating. That is something I must investigate… how do young people remember people’s names and if they fail to remember a name how do they substitute?’

‘Hey you?’

‘The young people I target may have an intellect that’s above your level Bozo.’

Miller grinned. ‘You are awesome and I’m now sure you cannot possibly be a virgin Sharon.’

‘That is something I don’t care to discuss.’

‘Well have some more whiskies and become malleable.’

‘Oooh Mr Thom, that’s a big word for you. No, after this one drink I’m off. You’ll be given occasions to attempt to prove your theory’

‘What? When?’

‘Just sit tight. It will happen.’

‘Thanks A
l,’ Sharon said and raising her glass to Miller drained it in one gulp. ‘Oh lovely. Keep the change Al. Bye Bozo and thanks for soliciting me in this bar.’

‘Bozo,’ roared Al. ‘Out of this bar.’

‘Al, come on, be reasonable. Look how she tied you up in knots with her words. The bitch is a shit-stirrer.’

‘Oh, one of those. Have another drink Bozo, er Miller.’

Over dinner that evening Miller said, ‘Mom, I think I’ve found her.’

‘Found who?’

‘Miss Right’

Miller’s mother Milly, younger sister Kate, older brother Thomas and father Stanley looked at him expectantly.

‘She’s the Horsely’s youngest daughter Sharon.’

‘What, that dried up young bitch?’

Bedlam erupted as Miller gave Thomas a big nose bleed, blood flying everywhere.

When the meal resumed, Thomas sat holding an icepack over his nose, and Kate said, ‘Sharon Horsely is on the honors board at college. She won the Sarah Lincoln Memorial Literary Prize and top gymnast prize each year she was at college and in her final year was runner-up in the state inter-collegiate award for journalism. Her older sister Macy is my gym coach.’

Miller scratched his head and said, ‘Holy shit’ to receive a mild rebuke from his mom. A mild rebuke? He looked at his mom surprised to find her smiling at him proudly. He looked away embarrassed.

‘Why didn’t she take to me?’ Thomas moaned, lifting the ice pack to speak.

‘Because you are scum. Those young women you mess with talk you know. At least Miller has some class.’

‘That’s enough Kate,’ said their mom, losing her smile.

‘Well being Hudson Horsely’s daughter she’ll be okay,’ Stanley said. ‘Hudson’s a real straight-shooter as most accountants are. What does this kid do?’

‘She’s a columnist for The Clarion,’ mother and daughter said almost in unison.

‘Huh? I must jump her column,’ Stanley said. ‘You met her at the office son?’

‘No, she never comes into the newspaper. She emails her column to us.’

‘Then how did you two meet?’ Kate asked, looking puzzled.

‘Thomas told me this morning he’d met her last night and she was such a bore, wanting to talk and appeared to have her legs bolted together. So I thought she must be okay and then saw her on the street, recognizing her by her photo at the top of her column, so I chatted her up and we um went for coffee.’

‘Oh how sweet,’ cooed their mom. ‘When are you bringing her home to us?’

‘God mom, I only met her today.’

‘When are you dating her?’

‘I don’t know mom. Why this interrogation?’

‘Because I’m interested.’

‘She just said it would happen.’

Their mom shrieked with laughter and Kate said, ‘The guys calls her Miss Impenetrable. But in general they seem to think she’d awesome.’

‘She’ll be the type of girl mother’s want their sons to bring home.’

Everyone looked at Stanley in astonishment. That was a rare style of comment for him. Milly looked at Miller and beamed. He hung his head over his scrambled eggs.

Miller made a painful decision, thinking he should not call Shona but wait for her to ‘make it happen’. This was like a game to her.

Early on Monday morning Miller collected the newspaper and flicked to page 5 and thought he’d read Sharon’s Column — that was the name of the column, nothing fancy.

The hairs on Miller’s nape began rising as soon as he read the heading: Street Pick-up. His alarm was well founded. Sharon was suggesting how women should respond to ‘legitimate sidewalk soliciting, not the sinister kind’.

Miller squirmed as he read of an ‘incident’ that had happened to someone she knew when the unabashed guy hauled her into a bar just after midday and plied her with whisky. But the strong willed young woman escaped quickly as she could and instead of waving goodbye scowled and said, ‘See you later alligator’. Sharon wrote: ‘That clever woman is to be admired for handling herself decorously. She escaped unharmed, avoiding a scene and the possibility of her over-eager young man being slugged by the barman wielding a baseball bat. However that same young woman has decided to give the young man another opportunity to try again, but this time on safer ground’.

The embarrassed Miller left the paper on a chair under the dining room table. It was Monday and everyone would be in a hurry to set off so wouldn’t find it.

The family except for Kate was at the table eating sausages and fries when Kate sauntered in crying, ‘Ohmigod, Ohmigod.’ Miller’s stomach pit dropped to knee level when he saw Kate held the newspaper.

‘Listen to this guys. This morning Sharon writes about street pickups and here’s a most enlightening incident she recounts, saying it happened to someone she knows. Well, Sharon knows herself.’

Kate the cow read it out, the seething Miller not allowing his eyes to leave his plate.

Kate finished with a giggle, saying ‘Oh boy.’

‘Miller, you said coffee.’

‘Yeah mom.’

‘How can you mistake a bar for a coffee house?’

‘Er, it wasn’t easy mom.’

‘Now don’t lie to me. Did you ply Sharon with whiskies?’

‘No mom, and that’s the truth. She bought a beer for me, a whisky for herself and then left after saying that piece it would happen.’

‘I am very disappointed in you Miller.’

‘And I am too,’ Kate said gleefully. ‘Ohmigod, women will rush you Miller to be plied with whisky before opening their legs for you.’

‘Kate, go to your room.’

‘No I’m off to college mom. It’s my final, final exams remember?’

‘Oh darling, please don’t allow this disgusting incident bringing shame on this family upset you.’

‘No it will stimulate me.’

Their mom had spoken, allowing Miller to feel he was off the hook. ‘Kate which is the best bar to frequent to allow all those women to find me,’ he joked.

‘Miller would you please leave my house. For that disgusting comment I want you to drive Kate to college.’

‘Aw mom.’

‘Just do it Miller.’

‘Come on my disgusting brother. I’ll introduce you to a bunch of loose fellow seniors.’


‘Bye mom.’

* * *

Miller worked an 11: 00 to 8:00 shift on the morning newspaper. On Friday he noticed a woman with a stunning figure in a tight short red dress and black accessories including a large black hat walk into the newsroom. The public was prohibited from entering the newsroom reinforced by hard-ass principal receptionist Mrs Roberts.

Now everyone at the subbing table was looking at her. Chief sub Archie Stokes stood and said, ‘Why Miss Horsely, it’s a real pleasure to have you visiting us. A rare visit indeed.’

‘Cut the crap Archie. Just because my father’s chairs the board of this publishing company is no need to slather me.’

‘You mean fawn over you don’t you?’

‘No Archie, you are spreading it over me like butter. Slather is correct as a short-form of describing your action and it depicts your motive.’

Archie grinned. ‘To think Marion and I used to baby-sit you when you were a little kid and your parents lived next to us. Are you here to take me to lunch?’

‘Another time Archie and we really must do it. No, Mr Thom please.’

‘You heard the lady Miller. Grab your jacket and comb your hair. Are you the whisky would-be-seducer in Sharon’s column on Monday, now being given that second chance to act like a gentleman?’

‘Guilty Mr Stokes.’

‘It was true but with embellishments,’ Sharon smiled. ‘I had one whisky and left. At no time did Miller behave in an ungentlemanly manner and stood at my side, ready to defend me, when I engaged in a silly altercation — perhaps you’d know it better as a batrachomyomachia – with the barman who threatened to throw me out for soliciting.’

‘A barman who was battered by superior intellect I would assume?’

‘I try to avoid making such assumptions Archie. Hello eve
ryone. I’m Sharon and we work on the same team although I work rather on the left field.’

‘Sharon I’m Lisa Watts. May I welcome you on behalf of everyone at this table and say I believe you are a valued member of our team and play above your weight. My husband and I love reading your column and I know my parents and my grandparents do. At your young age I believe you are on the way to becoming an institution on this newspaper.’

‘Why thank you Lisa — you were Lisa Arthur were you not, cross-country champion in your senior year when I was a freshman?’

‘Yes. Fancy you remembering that.’

‘People who excel ought to be remembered, don’t you think Lisa?’

‘Well yes but in my case is was only running.’

‘Does it matter what it was Lisa? You pitched yourself against your contemporaries and came out top. Ah, here comes Miller. I trust he has a rising future on this newspaper?’

Archie said, ‘Miller has completed three years as a reporter and almost finished two years in sub-editing. In September he replaces Mike Oliver as chief of staff on Mike’s retirement.’

‘Oooh, good boy Miller. Come, I must ply you with whiskies.’

Sharon and Miller left the room with the sub-editors laughing uproariously. Several reporters from all sections of the newsroom rushed over to find out the joke and to learn who the babe was.

‘That was our esteemed columnist Sharon Horsely,’ said Archie pompously. ‘Lisa here has correctly predicted Sharon is on her way to becoming rather famous. I’m saying she’ll eventually be recognized as the best columnist this newspaper has ever produced.’

‘Why doesn’t she come to one of our awards nights,’ someone called.

‘Possibly because she’d never been invited,’ Archie said. ‘Her awards are couriered to her. Perhaps I should look into this.’

‘Yes,’ chorused a number of people as Archie shouted, ‘Back to work you lazy scribes.’


Miller sat opposite Sharon at the small table. He pushed his knees forward, touched hers and left them touching.

She asked coolly, ‘Why are you doing that?’

‘For physical contact. Is there a problem?’


‘You don’t want me to be a mechanical bull do you?’

Her blue eyes widened and her mouth curved. ‘God no.’

They studied the menu, both still smiling, when she said, ‘Look at me Miller.’

She stared at him and Miller thought he didn’t feel uncomfortable so held her gaze.

‘I can’t decide about the color of your eyes. Sometimes they appear green and sometimes brown.’

‘They are hazel, my hair is called curly brown and underneath I have a firm muscular body. Do you have a firm body Sharon?’

Instead of answering she infuriated by asking, ‘Are we here to discuss my body?’

‘I shouldn’t think globally, my question was general and it would be considered polite to answer such a question.’

‘Yes, I believe my body is firm.’

‘Excellent, we should be both satisfied. You have learned my eyes are hazel and I have confirmed your body is firm.’


‘Yes the way in which your body apart from your breasts, appears not to move under that tight and beautiful dress suggested to me you have a firm body and your tight thighs supported that opinion.’

‘You said your weren’t here to discuss my body globally?’

‘I did preface that with the words ‘I shouldn’t think’ but the fact is by mentioning breasts and tight thighs I have simply become regionally focused and that was only to reinforce an assertion.’

‘We are apparently now here to discuss my body and yet here we are discussing my body. My god, your term my tight thighs is approaching the obscene.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous. The tightness of not of one’s thighs has nothing to do with obscenity.’

‘Yes, quite right.’

‘You hoped I’d be a challenge to you. Is that correct?’

Sharon sighed. ‘Yes quite right but there is no need to exhibit your cleverness.’

‘Why are we here Sharon?’

She colored hugely. ‘God you are impossible.’

‘Go on, slip off to the restroom and recover.’

‘There is no need for that. I mostly don’t mind if I blush when confronted.’

Miller knew there was no need for it this early but nevertheless moved in for the kill. ‘So what was the exceptional reason that made you blush this time Sharon, embarrassing you?’

‘Much against my usual good judgment I have taken more than a passing interest in you.’

‘Thank you Sharon. What on the menu appeals to you?’

‘Grilled chicken over a bagel but without any sauce.’

‘Good choice for maintaining a great figure. I’m having grilled chicken over fluffy rice, double serving of rice, with the light curry sauce.’

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Sharon the Horny Futa MILF

Matt and Jareth were skipping school to hang out at the arcade. They were seniors three weeks from graduation so they figured it wouldn’t matter. Jareth elbowed Matt. “Dude, check out the hottie on the Dr. Chomps machine!” He gestured in the woman’s direction with his chin. “Dude, you made me lose my last life!” Matt complained as his spaceship exploded. He turned to look where Jareth was pointing. “Holy shit.” She was tall, with broad hips and a big, round ass stuffed into capri-cut jeans...

2 years ago
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Sharon was visiting her Aunt8217s farm

“Oh, that black horse is lovely!” Sharon cried. “Can I ride him, Aunt Pearl?” Pearl glanced sideways at her niece. She had been surprised and pleased at how nubile the girl had become since she’d seen her last. There was something about nubile young girls that Aunt Pearl always found very interesting. The horse was a brawny brute, his sleek coat jet black, his main flowing and his tail silken. He eyed the girl and his dark, moist lips curled out from his big, blunt...

3 years ago
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Sharon Amy

Chapter 1 Awww that feels so good Mistress Amy Sharon moaned as Amy fucked her ass & cunt with nine & ten inch cucumbers . Amy had brought her home about 25 minutes earlier & after have a glass of wine each , Amy was now fuckin her new momma bitch with the veggies . Once Sharon reached orgasmic bliss , Amy sat on the stacked old hags face , Sharon had 40d natural slightly saggy tits , which she slapped while Sharon ate cunt . Sharon was an expert pussy licker , often she would lick pussy...

3 years ago
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Sharon goes dogging

“There were all these guys just turning up and wandering around checking out the cars,” Marcus heard the voice say. It was an innocent enough sentence at first and he only recalled it because of what was said next. “Then I saw them standing next to this car that had its internal lights on and they all had their dicks out near some sheila.”Marcus looked around and he was pretty sure that the bloke talking on his mobile phone had no idea that anyone could hear him. Hidden behind a wall of hoses...

4 years ago
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Sharon our Mom gets trained 2

After having started sucking off her two sons, she and Phil's sex life became a lot better. He always got much exited, when thinking of her servicing the sons and they fucked much more than they used to.He would come home to find her just finished with her duties, sometimes he would have to wait for her finishing sucking off her sons. Then they would retreat to the master bedroom and while he was fucking her, she would tell him all the details. One day he found them all together, a thing which...

2 years ago
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Sharon is owned pt 2 after the prom2

Last night Billy had come home super horny cuz he had only been jerked off by Cindy in the limo ., nothing else. So being the good sex slut ,Sharon was waiting in Billys bed wearing his favorite pink bra & panty set . He muttured a quick hello and immediately shoved his massive dong down her throat nearly choking her. Bobbing up & down Sharon soon received her creamy reward. She ate the goo like she had done thousands of times before. Chapter 1 Sharon was collared & leashed as Billy...

2 years ago
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Sharon Goes The Distance

When I woke up Saturday morning, I knew it would be a very eventful day. My wife, Donna, had been making plans for quite some time, which included me dressing up as Sharon, my female alter ego. Three years ago, I had confessed to Donna my desire to wear feminine attire from time to time and she had embraced it more than I could ever imagine. In fact, she took pictures of me all dressed up or even while she fucked me with her large strap on dildo. We posted these photos on a free, picture...

4 years ago
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Sharon and me in red and black

That afternoon I was at home doing some work out when the phone rang. It was my girlfriend Sharon. She asked if I was free to join her for some shopping at the mall.I accepted and she said she would come over and pick me up. Then I went for a quick shower and put my makeup on, when I heard Sharon pulling in the driveway. I grabbed my bag and went out to greet her.She smiled and gave me a deep kiss as she smiled to me…As we were driving she asked if I would help her pick out some new lingerie. I...

3 years ago
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Sharon Einstein Ch 02

Toy Euler is a gynoid. A gynoid is a female android. For those who don’t know what an android is: it is a robot that is designed to look like and behave like a human being. When one talks about a mixed collection of androids and gynoids, they are collectively called androids (although sometimes ‘noids’), in keeping with the usual patterns of western grammar. Toy Euler is in her bathtub recharging her batteries. The recharging process is extremely heat-generating (exothermic), so along with...

3 years ago
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Sharon and Her Brother Judge Cooke Series 9

Introduction: First read 1-8 , so that you may understand the relationship we had with the Judge One weekend, when I was spending the night with Sharon, the Judge came in again. We had been asleep for about an hour, I think. The light shinning into the room, from the hallway, woke me up. When the door closed, I strained my eyes, to watch Judge Cooke. He walked over to the night stand, and turned the lamp on. Sharon had her back to me. He walked over to the far side of the bed. He looked right...

1 year ago
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Sharon our Mom gets trained

Sharon was sitting at the breakfast table alone, cum slowly dripping from her mouth down on her naked tits. She'd just finished sucking off her two sons before they went to their summer job, her husband left before breakfast.She was thinking back when it had all started, it was almost four years ago now. They were living in a nice neighbourhood, both had good jobs and they had two wonderful c***dren, two sons. In their earlier days of marriage they had a wonderful sex life, both very interested...

1 year ago
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Sharon The professor gives lessons again3

I did know she had several boys before me and she wasn’t a virgin. I knew the one she was seeing was a bully, so I used him as a reason if she asked why . Ryan was her boyfriend and he found out I had a date with her and was pissed off. He cornered me the next day and threatened to beat me up if I even talked to her again. That seemed like a good excuse , and surprisingly she told me later that he threatened all the boys in school. Finally the call came from Sharon telling me to come over,...

4 years ago
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SharonChapter 14

It was not until Sunday that Richard remembered that he had to punish Sharon for bursting in on him when she had broken the vase. He hated the thought of it but, if he was to maintain his dominance, he had to do something. He could no doubt play some psychological trick but this had little appeal to him. Sharon was a straightforward woman and it could hurt her more than he intended because she would be unable to see beyond it. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her mentally or...

2 years ago
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Sharon the slutty sub

This is the story of Sharon a very sexy, shy submissive slut I met in 1999 and saw several times a week until the end of 2003. Then I had a change of circumstances and we could only meet once or twice a month until I moved to France. I now see her a few times a year.In 1998 I had the opportunity to give up work and study for a degree. I undertook an access course for one year and then started at the University of Portsmouth in the autumn of 1999. During the time on my access course I...

1 year ago
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Tits was now both confused and scared. Confused as to why she was feeling unsatisfied sexually. She wanted to be fucked, she needed to be taken, after all these guys had brought her close to orgasm and now they seemed to be toying with her, menacingly. As she looed at these men, she felt fear coursing through her body, the fear now replacing her sexual feelings. What were thes 2 brutes of men planning to do to her? She didn't have to wait too long to find out. Clint roughtly grabbed Sharon by...

1 year ago
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SharonChapter 5

Sharon flew in the following Wednesday. "Hello, Mr H! Doin' alright are you? Ooh, I've 'ad me problems this week. The bloke next door's been playing 'is music ever so loud and 'e doesn't turn it off 'till two or three in the morning. I 'ad a word with 'im Friday an' he told me to get stuffed. I told 'im that I'd tell the council. He told me to get stuffed again so I did. Nah! Not get stuffed but I went an' saw Mr Gardner, the local 'Ousing Manager an' 'e said they'd send...

2 years ago
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SharonChapter 9

Richard was perplexed. Sharon had virtually run the day, declared her love for him and then pledged to be subservient but held on to her individuality. He found it difficult to understand: how one could be three different things all at the same time. Love and subservience together he could understand even if it was about a hundred and fifty years out of date. Love and maintaining one's individuality was totally understandable. It was putting all three together that was the problem. On the...

1 year ago
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SharonChapter 10

Again no whistle! Richard fought against it but knew that if he did the whole affair could become something more permanent not to mention a subject for local gossip. Sharon hoped but did not expect. She could not help masturbate though and she got an extra thrill as she remembered how dominating he had been the last Wednesday. He hadn't been cruel or rough but he had entirely ruled the session. That gave her a thrill and she looked forward to the next Wednesday with excitement. It did not...

1 year ago
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Sharon our Mom gets trained 3

"I think you should do it, Rob has shown me your Sharon with Tits out sites on the internet and told me all about it and I saw how you fucked your other son yesterday evening. So go ahead, I don't mind, I would like to see a real slut doing it," Karen said.Phil lightened up; clearly this young girl was no prude."Go ahead, Sharon, show her what you can do."Sharon reluctantly started to suck Rob's cock, which was soon very hard."Can you taste something different, he has been fucking me all night?...

2 years ago
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Prologue I really love the taste of a man's cum. Really! The smooth feel of it on my tongue, the sloshing around of it in my mouth, the easy way it coats my throat on the way to my stomach. And yes, the awesome knowledge that my mouth, my tongue has given such pleasure to another human being. (I also love the taste of pussy; we'll talk about that later.) But after all these years, after all the gallons of sperm that I've ingested, deep down I know that those little soldiers swimming...

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SharonChapter 15

Sharon led the way to the shower casting off her remaining clothes as she went. By the time Richard reached the bathroom the shower was running and Sharon was stark naked. "Come to me, Sir," she beckoned. Richard moved towards her and she ripped his shirt from him. "Good thing you already kicked off all the bottom half," she grinned. "Or I might have done you an injury." She hauled him into the shower, which had by this stage gained its working heat, and wrapped herself round him....

2 years ago
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Sharon in the training machine

We had posted an open invited to Sharon’s training on the machine, we had just bought for her, and needed extra help. Twenty responders had been selected, and invited round.the machine consisted of a frame of scaffolding poles with a phallic poll to impales Sharon on which could be move to varying degrees so she could be horizontal or vertical while always having the insertion poll inside her cunt. A head restraint kept her in place and always lined up with the insertion pole. I dressed Sharon...

1 year ago
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Sharon ShareAlike

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sharon was very much in love with her 28 year old husband Abel Lindberg, and he loved her too, even though she was 40. They had a son together from their 7 year marriage, named Abel Jr., and Sharon already had a couple of daughters from her first marriage. They were named Dahlia, aged 17, and Veronica, who was 12. Abel also had a by a japanese girl that he had met at an office orgy. Her name was Ameratsu, after the Japanese sun goddess, but most people...

3 years ago
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Sharon Holly

Peter was Joe's 19 yr old cousin he was not not as experienced as a Master as Joe but 3 mths earlier , Joe gave Sharon to him & said he could use her whenever he wasnt around , after all his stepdad Philip was now nothing bur a wimpy cuckold' . Peter was watching milf lesbian porn as his mom Sharon engulfed his giant penis , she was a great cocksucker , & Peter complimented. He grabbed he her by the head & the brunette deepthroated her son/master. Is that better than Philip's prick he...

3 years ago
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SharonChapter 4

Richard did think. Fornication wasn't a problem. After all neither he nor Rachel had been a virgin when they married. But then Sharon was still officially married. It was clear that she would never get back with her husband but... He wondered whether there was some Romany rule about separation meaning divorce. He looked it up on the Internet and found there wasn't. Divorce was admitted in Romany society but involved the husband expelling the woman or her leaving him. On the other hand, she...

4 years ago
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SharonChapter 8

Sharon arrived next Wednesday and set about her work without any of her usual diatribes. Richard worked quietly away. On the dot of midday there was a knock on Richard's study door. Sharon came in when he answered. "I've finished", she said, a shy smile on her face. "Do you want to make love to me?" "Yes, my dear! Are you ready to go a bit further this week?" "Ye-es, as long as you don't frighten me." "I would never frighten you. If it's violence you're frightened of forget...

3 years ago
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SharonChapter 11

Sharon walked back to her car feeling like a limp rag. The main reason was her concern for Louise. Then she had gone through the anger with the receptionist quoting the rulebook at her but she was relieved when Nurse Louise arrived and put things in perspective. She was also impressed with her professionalism and genuiness. Her Louise was in good hands. She did not enjoy the drive home. She had to concentrate really hard and felt wobbly throughout. She walked into the house and flopped onto...

2 years ago
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Sharon Part 3

Sharon wasn't sure of me holding her hand and rubbing my cock though my trousers and said "It feels so big". I laughed and said here I will take my pants off so you can feel all of it. I loosened my pants and took them off and then removed my briefs allowing my cock to point straight out to her. Sharon just gazed in amazement and said " how could that fit in Glenda" ( the girl I fucked in part1)I told her viginas stretch to take most sizes but some women can't take the whole length. I took her...

4 years ago
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Sharon Part 2

I had made arrangements to meet my girlfriend Sharon at the park on Saturday morning and was a bit concerned as I approached her as she wouldn't have sex with me I had met another girl from class and fucked her. As my girlfriend went to another school than us I thought she mightn't find out but girls in my class who had found out about sex with Glenda live near my girlfriend.Walking up to her I could see she was troubled and she said"I thought you were my boyfiend and here you are fucking...

1 year ago
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A Colleen In Clover

A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...

2 years ago
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Sharon Taken Roughly in the Kitchen

I prop my bicycle up against the inside wall of the porch, slip my key into the lock of the front door and let myself in.I divest myself of my back pack dumping it on the table in the hallway and then walk into the large L shaped lounge and dining room.I slip my work jacket off and place it around the back rest of one of the dining chairs.I become aware of activity from the kitchen – Sharon must be home early.I fancy a cup of tea so I head for the kitchen.As I enter the room I find myself...

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This is a true story of how I met and had a hot sexual relationship with Sharon;First some prelude: I was stationed in Germany with the U.S.Army, I was assigned as the operations NCO for a Signal Company, My duties revolved around ensuring the Company was trained and ready for deployment if necessary, I also took over as the Company First Sergent when he was absent for extended periods of time, I was performing these duties when I met Sharon, She was a transfer from state side to our company,...

4 years ago
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SharonChapter 7

Sharon drove out into the lane and pulled into the same gateway as the previous week.She switched off the engine. She was not shaking this time. Instead, her entire being was elated and invigorated. For the first time in her life she had been treated with respect and affection. She had also experienced being made love to and not used as a receptacle for sperm. She was blissfully happy and, for the first time in her life, felt fulfilled. Then her heart sank. In less than two hours Richard had...

4 years ago
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SharonChapter 13

Sharon was at Louise's bedside on the dot of nine and mother and daughter hugged each other. "How are you feeling, darling?" "A bit washed out but the headache's gone and I managed some breakfast. I've got to wait until the doctor sees me later but it looks as though I shall be able to come home today." "That's good. I was so relieved when Nurse Louise rang me last night." "She's brilliant. She never left me all night and held my hand and talked to me all the way through the...

2 years ago
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SharonChapter 19

Winter at last became Spring and Richard delighted, as he always did, in the burgeoning trees. He took particular joy in the chestnut trees: their big, dark, sticky buds breaking out into delicate, soft, green parasols of leaves which would later be huge. Later he would glory in the early delicate green of the beeches. His life with Sharon continued but had settled down to more of a routine. There was nothing less passionate about their love-making but there were no more dramas like Louise....

3 years ago
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Sommer Loven

Madison Tyler wiped sweat from her brow and stared for the hundredth time at her cell phone. She willed it to have a signal. ‘What? Your boyfriend so insecure you have to call him every hour, sugar?’ said the man with deep Texas drawl. The one man on the face of the earth that Maddie would give anything not to be stuck in an elevator with. All right, so being stuck in a five foot by five foot cage suspended forty-two floors above Houston was a nightmare enough. What had she ever done to...

2 years ago
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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

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