My Father In Law s Big Cock Part 2
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 2.
The next few weeks flew by and mostly, I forgot, or at least tried to forget, about that night. I played Bass for the band, I continued doing what I love most, and, well, it was an average three weeks.
So, after that three-week period, on a Friday, school was just let out. Toby and I were putting stuff into our backpacks near his locker once again.
‘Hey Steve-Agh, sorry, I mean, Toby-‘ I stuttered, once again getting his name wrong.
‘Man, you always get everyone mixed up with Steven!’ He told me, chuckling lightly as he did.
‘Not true, just sometimes nowadays, I usually call everyone by a different name when I first meet them though.’
Again, Athena was near us at her locker, doing nearly the same thing. She overheard our conversation, shuffled herself and her bag near us, and decided to join in.
‘Really? Did you… did you used to call me by Steven? Or Toby?’ She asked, turning her head slightly toward us.
Right then, I looked at her. One of her eyes looked toward me with a grin on her face. On the side of her mouth pointing toward me, the side of her tongue poked through her teeth. Her hair was draped behind her ear, the black locks slightly covering her eye and cheek. That look made my heart pitter-patter. I realized I was staring at her for about five seconds before I shook my head.
‘Oh. Uh…’ I thought about it for a moment. ‘No. I don’t think I actually ever did. I think I’ve always called you by your name cause, well, it’s unique. Never met another girl named Athena.’
She turned to her bag again, putting random stuff in. I swear I saw her cheeks go slightly pink, blushing a little. Nah, I’m probably just seeing things. Right?
I returned home sometime later, alone. I threw my bag on the couch, greeted my two dogs, and found a note on the counter. I read through it and basically, it was just a drawn out way of saying Mom and Dad are having a date tonight, probably gonna bone, so we’ll be checking into a hotel and might not be coming home.
Suddenly, I felt a little bit intimidated. I am in my house for a whole night, completely alone…
Other than for my sister.
I put the note down and carefully sat on the couch in the living room, rummaging through my bag to get my homework out. All the while, thinking about what my sister was doing right now.
Jenny could be preparing to ‘show me the ropes’ as she offered several weeks ago. And what are those ropes, anyhow? What did she want to show me? Kissing? I knew how to do that. Did she want me to… do other stuff with her? Like touch her and…
Honestly, I think I shivered then.
For the rest of the night, I just stayed on the couch, watching television and doing homework. Hell, I got my homework for most of next week done. I think I saw my sister once, and she just came down to get a drink. Didn’t even say hello to me.
At one point, about 10:00 at night, I was very frustrated. Sure I was intimidated about the idea that we could actually be touching each other, but to tell you the truth, it intrigued me. It was forbidden and looked at as a sin among society. And this was a one-way ticket to get to that. The way that everyone looked at it and the way even I looked at it just made it… well…
To put it bluntly, it just made it fucking hot.
So after I had just finished next week Thursday’s Math homework, I threw my folder down on the couch seat beside me and marched upstairs. After walking through the halls, I shoved her door open, just to see her on her laptop, listening to music. She looked over to him as he pulled open the door, pulled her earphones out, and gave him an open, friendly smile. He had to scowl.
‘What are you doing?’ He asked.
She raised an eyebrow with a smirk. ‘Writing my English report, why?’
He walked over to his bed and pointed at her as if he was a father scolding his child. ‘You know exactly why, Jen. We’re all alone tonight, Dad and Mom aren’t here, no friends are over, hell, the English Report you’re doing is not due for another two weeks!’
‘It’s just a simple night, right, big brother?’ She smiled at him innocently and he nearly flinched. The way she had said big brother just made him cringe. She never calls him big brother. And yet, even with the innocent look on her face, the glint in her eyes, however, told him of anything but innocence. There was a game she was playing. He didn’t want to play games.
‘What if I don’t want it to be a simple night? What if I want something different, for a change?’ I challenged with my arms crossed. She crawled to the end of the bed, got up on her knees, and crossed her arms in turn.
It was the first time I was able to see her tonight. She was wearing a tank top and panties. Her long light brown hair that nearly goes down to her panty line was brushed and was slightly damp. She smelled amazing, like vanilla and lavender. She must have showered recently. Her pouty lips were in something reminiscent of a nearly comically evil smile.
My thoughts were pretty much all over the place at this point. I was nervous as hell.
‘Well I guess you’re just going to have to take what you want, big brother.’
Again, nearly flinched.
They looked at each other for about thirty seconds before he let his arms fall to his sides and sighed. She smiled and daintily got back into bher previous position.
‘Maybe when you grow some balls and actually take what you want for a change, I can… show you the ropes… but until then, it’ll just be like every other day,’ She smirked at me for a moment before putting on her headphones.
I growled angrily before storming out of her room and into the hallway. She wants me to be dominant, right? Wants me to show her that I have confidence? That I can go the distance when it comes to women?
I’ll show her.
Next week, my father and mother revealed over date night that they decided to head on a short vacation. They were leaving Wednesday night and would be back either late Sunday or early Monday. I decided if I was going to show some initiative, this is the time to do it.
After school had ended, I approached Athena. I remember holding a basketball in my hand while by backpack was draped over one shoulder.
And uh… when I say approached, I mean I kinda stood at least five feet away from her, awkwardly spinning a basketball in my hands while staring at her. But you know. She did eventually notice me.
‘Oh. Hey Jeff. What’s up?’ Athena asked, pulling her raven-black hair into a ponytail.
I stood there for a few moments, not sure that she had actually said anything. I was a nervous wreck. ‘Oh! Hey there. I was just… Uh… I wanted to ask you something.’
Did I see a grin? ‘So? What is it?’
‘So… I was just… you know… wondering, did you… like, want to-‘ Yeah, I was a bit of a bumbling idiot.
However, she already answered for me. ‘Did I want to come over today? Sure, Jeff,’ She giggled and I believe my face was as red as a tomato.
‘Yep. That’s totally what I meant. You ready to go?’ I smirked and she broke into a full out laugh, nodding as she did so.
We left about a minute later and arrived at my house another minute after that. I opened the door for her and she stood on the welcome mat, kind of scrunching herself up as if she took up too much room. She was nervous. Just like me. I was about to tell her to calm down and relax since she’s with me, but then I looked ahead and saw what she was nervous about. My sister had several of her friends over and they were watching television in the living room.
I looked over the friends in the room. Don’t know her. Don’t know her. Don’t care about her. She’s a
bitch. And I think the last one dated Toby for like a month.
‘Oh. Hey Jeff. And girl.’ Jennifer turned to me for a moment, but turned back to the show she and her friends were watching.
‘Her name’s Athena,’ I stated. ‘What’s going on here? Are you having a party? You can’t have parties with Dad and Mom not here,’ I immediately got down to questioning her, moving toward the couch.
‘Jeez, relax Jeff,’ One of the girls said, looking up at me. I scowled.
‘I don’t even know you. And my sister can talk for herself,’ At this point, I couldn’t tell you who I was defending.
Jennifer frowned at me. ‘No, some of my friends are just sleeping over. God, Jeff’
The girl who had previously said something to me looked over at Athena, who had made her way up behind me. ‘Oh My God… it’s the Emo Bitch!’ Her friends laughed, including Jennifer.
The look on Athena’s face, the sadness and depressing vibe it gave off immediately sent me into a rage. I don’t know what happened to me then, but I was so full of anger that I stomped on the ground next to her as hard as I could. She looked up at me with a defiant expression, but her eyes looked fearful. ‘You watch your mouth while you’re in my house, you got that?’
I grabbed Athena’s hand and led her downstairs into the basement, nearly dragging her as I did. If I weren’t so angry at the time, I would have probably noticed I held her hand for the first time. Hell, wasn’t this the first time we ever touched? I don’t remember another time where we did.
However, I was too preoccupied about how my sister, who I was so ready to fool around with the other night, could sit back and watch her friends say things like that to another girl. I knew how, already though. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I realized that Jennifer and her friends were bullies. They were the Queen Bitches around here.
I slammed the door that led to the staircase shut as we both got through. We both walked down the stairs and into the main floor of the basement. It was a hangout place for me. Sometimes Jennifer came down here too. What lay below was a living area with a couch that turned into a pullout bed and several chairs, a flatscreen television, video game consoles, and a small kitchen that was stocked with food and drinks.
Athena just looked around, nearly gawking. ‘Wow… this place is nice.’
‘Huh? Oh yeah. Make yourself at home, you don’t have to worry about the bitches upstairs,’ I grumbled. ‘Oops, sorry. Pardon my language.’
Come on, Jeff. You’re with a polite and kind girl, don’t act like such an animal!
‘Oh don’t worry about it. They are stuck up bitches.’ She casually took a seat on the couch and looked up at me. ‘You seriously don’t have to worry about language in front of me. I’m a bit of a potty mouth.’
I chuckled at the use of the word potty mouth. She frowned. ‘Don’t believe me? Fine.’ She smirked. ‘Fuck, shit, ass, damn, bitch, cock, dick, pussy, cunt…’
I burst out laughing then. I didn’t hear her say the last few words of her list of profanity, my laughs drowning it out. I fell back onto a recliner chair, nearly choking because I was laughing so hard. She chuckled with me as well. Eventually I stopped, having to wipe tears from my eyes.
‘God, you’re funny,’ I complimented her and she grinned widely. She looked down at her lap and I could clearly see a blush on her fair skin.
‘Um… you… Oh! I see Assassin’s Creed 3 is in your PS3… wanna play?’ She changed the subject, clearing her throat. I smiled warmly.
‘Sure. Want a drink?’
For the next few hours, we played video games. About an hour into our game session, we broke out into laughter as she was attacked by two bears in the forest and was killed in the water. My hand fell onto hers by accident and, after both looking at it for a few seconds, I wrapped by fingers around her palm and squeezed it gently. We stayed like that for a few minutes, but continued on gaming afterward.
Eventually, she had to leave. I made a point of escorting her to the door, blocking her off from any hurtful comments. She stood outside the door, the sun setting behind her.
‘You sure you don’t want me to walk you home?’
Athena shook her head. ‘No, I’m fine. I don’t live too far from here.’
I nodded. ‘I uh… I had fun tonight.’
‘Me too.’
‘Want to… uh… you know… we could… I mean…’
She chuckled. ‘Yeah, I’d like to do this again sometime.’
‘Oh. Awesome. Uh… I’ll call you.’
‘Don’t you need my number?
I rubbed at the back of my head. ‘Yeah uh… I guess I would need that to call you.’
Athena smirked, took a marker from her bag, and wrote her number in my palm. ‘There. And Jeff? Thanks for tonight. And what you did back there…’
‘No problem. I just… ya know. Wanted to help out.’
She didn’t say anything after that, but she pulled me closer, leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek. I nearly swooned. ‘Goodnight Jeff.’
Athena walked off. I watched her the whole way down the street… Yes, I occasionally glanced at her ass. Come on, I’m eighteen. But I mostly kept my eyes up.
After she was out of sight, I sighed and walked back into my home. I immediately walked downstairs, still not able to look my sister or her friends in the eye. I lay down on the couch and switched the game to Dragon’s Dogma.
After playing for about half an hour, I heard the basement door open. My sister emerged from the stairwell and hesitantly stood near the couch. I didn’t even look at her.
She stood there for a few moments.
‘So uh… my friends wanted you to come up for a game.’ She told me, biting her lip.
I looked at her. ‘Did they now?’
‘So you expect me to come up there with the Bitch Squad and play ‘a game’?’ I asked her, sitting up and pausing the game, saving quickly.
‘Look, Jeff. I know they’re mean and spiteful, but they’re my friends. I’ve known them since I was a kid,’ She admitted.
I looked at her. She looked like she was told to come down here and get me upstairs for the game and if she didn’t, to not come back up. And as angry as I was, I knew she did want me up there. ‘Fine. I’ll come and play your game.’
Her eyes widened. ‘Really?’
I didn’t answer, I just walked upstairs to find her friends sitting in her circle. Jennifer trailed behind me and then took her spot in the circle. ‘Here, Jake. Sit next to me.’
I shook my head and lay down on the couch, using the armrest as a pillow for my head. She shrugged at her friends and started the game. ‘All right, Kelly, truth or dare?’
I lay there, lost in thought. Why did they want me to come play with them anyway? Didn’t I tell off one of their friends just a few hours ago? Maybe Jennifer made them have me up there. As a peace offering or something. Man… girls are weird.
You were also probably hoping for some type of sexual story to go along with the truth or dare. Nope. It was just normal truth or dare. Really, all that happened, I think once, a girl talked about a previous boyfriend or something. I didn’t really pay attention.
They eventually headed up to my sister’s bedroom and got their air mattresses and sleeping bags out. My sister eventually walked over to me. I was just looking through my texts on my smartphone.
‘Hey, I’m going to head to bed with my friends.’
‘Have fun.’ I murmured.
Jennifer pushed my phone down then, leaned in, and kissed me on the lips. It wasn’t like the one we had several weeks ago, no, it was a chaste kiss that was held for a little too long. She pulled away, smirked kind of seductively, and turned from me, making sure her ass was straight in my line of sight.
By then, I was pissed off.
I threw my phone down on the couch, rushed to my feet, and as she started walking over to the staircase, I grabbed her arm and wr
enched her in front of me. I grabbed both of her shoulders and pulled her toward me.
‘What are you doing? Do you even understand what you’re doing?’ I asked She looked at me with a look of fear on her face. ‘You don’t, do you? You don’t even understand how to tease, right? You’re just going along with whatever is going on at the time.’
‘N-no, I-‘
‘Shut up!’ I nearly yelled. ‘You kissing me, teasing me, telling me to man up and tell people what I want, well, I did that today! I asked Athena over! So? What’s going on? What are YOU going on about?! Huh? Answer me you little shit!’
Jennifer was giving me a death-glare, but she did answer. ‘I… I don’t know, all right? I’ve never had a boyfriend longer than a month. I’ve never teased a guy. Hell, never even kissed one. I know that sounds crazy, but I never have. I just… I like you, all right? And I know you think I’m cute, at least. And I thought we could be together at first, but then I got scared, and I knew you were scared, so I tried to forget about it and-‘
Tears started to well up in her eyes, but I pulled her close then, hugging her. This wasn’t like another Literotica story. We didn’t fuck after that. I didn’t start grinding into her. No… I just hugged her and let cry into my shoulder. Eventually I asked if she was okay, she nodded, and I sent her upstairs, telling her to go to the bathroom to wash off the tear stains so her friends don’t start asking why she was crying. Again, she nodded, and headed up the stairs, silently.
I just stood in the middle of the living room. Looking at the floor.
I’m such a dick.
Oh so true.
His sister has finally confessed to her actions several weeks ago and Athena’s relationship with Jeff has progressed a little bit.
Leave some feedback below, chapter 3 coming soon.
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Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ******************************* ‘Sheila, let me tell you a story,’ Tim said,...
Sue's mom had just married Jake's dad. She was s*******n and he was fifteen but big for his age and quite good looking. The two were alone in the house as the parents had left for a week long honeymoon. Sue heard Jake in the shower and decided she would tease him and spy on him. As she opened the bathroom door she could she him through the glass doors on the shower and she stood and watched for a few minutes till he turned and she saw that her young step brother was very endowed. He was long...
Mark had taken several sips of water, his own pulse elevated by the intensity of the play on the ice below him. “The face-off is in the Chiefs’ end to the right of Tokarski. There are thirty seconds remaining in Subban’s penalty, a minute and fifteen remaining in the third period. The Falcons are that much time away from winning their first CHL championship. Can they hold off the constant onslaught from the Chiefs?” “Mark, this must be the longest two minutes of P.K. Subban’s hockey career!...
O, love and summer, you are in the dreams and in me.--Walt Whitman, The Sleepers Wednesday was the last day of my little lawn service business. It was like so many other days in that summer of 1979, hot and close, the air an atomized poison of car exhaust and dew steaming off roof shingles. I was nervous about seeing Eleanor Kaminski one more time, afraid it was going to be awkward. I had already begun to feel a certain amount of affection for her, and after her graciousness and understanding...
Love StoriesChapter One“This will surely go down in the record books as the storm of the century.” The meteorologist’s voice bellowed from the 32 inch flat TV screen. That was the last thing Sarah Sheldon heard before the lights flickered, once…twice, and then everything went dark. Her body stiffened, paralyzed by her fear of storms.“Shit!” she shrieked. “Daddy…? The power’s out!” Of course he would have already figured that one out for himself, but Sarah had been afraid of storms for as long as she could...
All I knew was that I’d tossed and turned all night. I woke up at 4:30 wondering about so many different things: Committing incest with my sister—more than once; letting Candy help me nail Stephie. Should I tell Reggie about my sister and me? Ah, that one I crossed off as soon as it occurred to me. After that I had comingled thoughts about fucking---first Stephie, who was promptly joined alongside Candy and then Reggie. I tried keeping focused on Reggie, but images of Mrs. Rodriquez and...
Graduation day... FINALLY! We survived our final year and looking back we learned many valuable lessons. I found the love of my life, whom I'm now engaged to and who is carrying our child. We moved into our temporary house a week ago and progress on the custom log home of our dreams is coming along quite nicely. The one we had looked at was just way too much money for way too little. After the graduation ceremony, just before we left the school for the final time, I spoke with Ms. Voulet...
What a long week! I had allowed Mel to play with her toy the last week. We talked just about everyday but never meet up during the week. Mel and I live 1.5 hours away, being married, it makes sneaking out for a quicky a little difficult. I had denied her the ability to play with herself and for a woman who had masturbated just about everyday, she needed some attention! "Feed me!" she declared one day. I reminded her that she would be meeting PG in a few days and if she was a good girl, she...
I met Rail at a CB equipment swap-meet. We were both looking at the same piece of gear. It was the last item of its kind there, and I bowed out to let her buy it. Rail was certainly no beauty queen, but she had a great sense of humor. As we chatted, she told me why she picked Rail as a handle. She knew she was skinny as a rail and ugly as a mud fence. She was indeed skinny as a rail. Though she wasn't quite as ugly as that mud fence, she certainly wouldn't win any beauty contests. I saw no...
The day finally arrived when Jamie's parents were to return home, and he knew without question that he was ready to tell them everything that had been going on. He looked at his engagement ring every chance he could, marveling not only at how it looked on him, but for what it meant to him. It made him feel more self-assured, more confident. He knew what he was doing was the right thing and he wasn't going to back down to anyone. When school was over and he started to walk down his street,...
My step-daughter Sky and I have a distant relationship but when my wife asked me to help I have no problem talking to her. I wanna help grow the family with them, I walk into Sky’s room and hear her having a sketchy conversation. I ask her what the call about after she hung it up as soon as she saw me in her room. Sky gives me a really difficult time answering but eventually, she spills it. Her friend just got pregnant and they are all freaked out, Sky admits she doesn’t know much...
xmoviesforyouI woke up later that night for dinner. "Aww how was your nap" Mistress asked. I yawned and said it was good. She tells me that because I slept past dinner, I wouldn't have any, but she did give me a bottle filled with formula and some 'extra protein' which to me was more than enough! Later she promised she would take me out for ice cream since there was a little shop near by. She sat next to me on the couch and turned on the tv. This was quite the unusual event for me since I was rarely allowed...
My wife Joy had a hysterectomy a few years back and all of a sudden her body chemistry went crazy. Hormonal imbalance caused mood swings that ranged from euphoria on one side of the scale to almost homicidal depression on the other. Her doctor had to pretty much experiment on her to try and find a combination of hormone pills and other drugs that would bring her to a balance. Whenever he found something that seemed to work things would be great for a month or two and then they wouldn't work...
Group SexThere is a cup of coffee and a note: ‘I am going shopping today. Have a good day love you. ‘ I drink my coffee and am hit with a flood of thoughts. When get got first married, we were having sex almost every night. She used to blow me, and I would lick her. Now we have sex once a week, the same way each time. I go on top, thrust away until I cum, and then roll off her, always lights out. Like last night, if I try to break out of our routine I am shut down. I realise the more we got...
Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should wirte. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....
jade woke the next morning stiff and sore. The first thing she noticed was that the tray had been removed and she didn’t remember anyone coming to get it. Then she looked at the door and to her amazement she saw that there was a small, almost unnoticeable crack in it – whoever had come to get the tray had forgot to close it completely! This was her chance to escape! jade slowly opened the door hoping it didn’t creak as it had in the past. She opened it just enough to poke her head out and...
Life for young Annette wasn't good to begin with, but it turned disastrous shortly after she turned 15. It was then that her boyfriend Harold had made her pregnant. Annette's father, with whom she lived alone, had been none too happy having her with him anyway, and the pregnancy seemed to give him an excuse to get rid of her. He threatened to have the police arrest Harold, who was 18 at the time, for knocking up his kid. Harold's parents intervened. Don and Wanda weren't rich, but their...
For right now, the first stop was to visit Braga. The shuttle left Caprica and made its way toward the gate, then less than a minute later they approached the blue-green planet called Braga. It was an exquisite-looking planet, but didn’t seem to have many heavily populated areas. When the planet was first discovered, it had an estimated population of about 10 million people ... mostly nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes, but there were larger communities forming in every region. The planet had...
This is a real incident happened some days back. I am a teenaged college student. My father is aged 57 and mother 45. We are living in a village nearly 30 kms from city. I am the only child of my parents. My father is a business man and a social worker who is always busy. He rarely sits at home and comes home late. Most of the time mother is alone at home. I sleep in my study room in the upstairs. One day I wake up in the night to get some water and went down to kitchen. I heard some soft...
It’s ironic that those of us supposedly straight guys, who from time to time go out and seek some illicit sexual adventure with another bloke, often go about it in a clandestine and rather depraved way.I’m married and just turned forty. My wife is beautiful and I enjoy making love to her. But even though sex is good she’s not that adventurous, and as for myself I’m afraid to ask for anything out-of-the-ordinary in case she uses it against me in the future. A question of embarrassment I...
I had been attracted to spanking for a very long time. I had been looking for a female to spank me for some time. I made a connection with a woman about a hour from my home. Our schedule had trouble working and eventually she quit answering email. I was determined to make this work and continued to search various websites that related to what I was seeking. I should mention that my age played a factor with some as I was nearing 60 it seems no one wanted to communicate with me. I located a...
The Tidy Little Hotel Maid 3-9-2018 I was stuck in a Hotel in South Carolina after my car broke down on the Interstate. Parts for older import models are scarce, expensive, and hard to come by. So, I had to find a place to wait while the part came in from god only know where probably Timbuctwo. It was hot and humid, being the middle of August what else is there? Fortunately, I had a lot of time to kill and let’s face it I really love that car of mine and definitely could use some...
A COMPANY PICNIC When Taylor and I returned from our honeymoon, we were invited to a company picnic the following weekend for the senior staff. Dave pointed out that I would be the only manager level person at the event and it would be a great opportunity to position myself for further advancement. He went to great lengths to explain to me that the business world wasn’t like the church and that Taylor should dress in a cheery little sundress, like you find at the mall. Taylor was delighted...
I have been dating my girlfriend Michelle for around six months now, and as luck would have it, my lease was up on my apartment the day after our six month anniversary. She suggested that I move in with her, and I agreed, Our relationship had been going pretty well, with nothing really out of the ordinary. Our sex life was getting a little sparse, but not terrible. She was my first sexual partner, but she had been with a couple of guys before me, that I know of. After moving in, however, things...
Generic Brand Hero By Sarah Barndt Chapter 1 I was, admittedly, a loser. I was a 24-year-old college dropout who worked at a video store and lived in my parent's basement. Add to that I was 5'5, scrawny and kind of weaselly looking. Well, as you could imagine, I was beating the babes off with a stick. Actually you could describe my love life by removing the words "the babes" and "with a stick" from the last sentence. The only thing that kept my Dad from thinking I was a...
Princess Bunny feels that her latex cuckold slave is getting out of line and not remembering that she is the focus of his world. So to teach him a lesson she has arranged a fuck date for her to be pleasured while her gimp only gets to watch. Licking and rubbing her feet he is told this day is all about her and for cucky to learn his place. Once Will drops by it’s all about Him and Bunny fucking and sucking. Cuck boy is reduced to Lube boy and that’s as much of a title as he gets....
xmoviesforyouIt was only two hours from sunset, and I was still in my laden state of a vampyric sleep. I knew he was there, watching over my sleep, to ensure my safety. Even though we were two completely different creatures of the world, he seemed to care for me more than I had ever imagined. Again I hear the footstep as he enters my room, but stays in a dark corner as he does not wish to disturb me. Even though I was fully awake my body wouldn’t allow me to move to look at him. He seemed to understand what...
SupernaturalAfter she cleaned herself up from the massive facial she got at the airport parking garage, we drive to my place which is only about a 20 minute drive. Along the way we chat about regular stuff, nothing too specific. We get to my place and it's nothing fancy. A 2 bedroom apartment whom I share with my roommate who is usually never home, living room, kitchen and our own bathrooms which is nice. We go in and she sets her stuff down around my bed and I grab her and push her onto the bed and I fall...
The next time my friend and I shared my wife was when we were going back to work a few days later. My wife came home from work, he showed up early and once again I grabbed the camera and got ready for the show. She was standing at the kitchen counter and stripped down to a very sexy black bra and panties, to which he replied, “ wow do you look sexy in black”. He then knelt down in front of her and started playing with her body. He then stuck a couple fingers in her pussy and asked her “is this...
I am pretty sure that there is no need for me to explain what PornHub is all about. Everyone has heard about this free website, and if you have not… are you living under a rock? This website was launched in 2007, and it has been one of the most popular free porn websites ever since. However, it has definitely improved a lot compared to the past, and I am sure you’ll love it.Now, I am not here to talk about in general; I am here to tell you more about their incredible selection of...
BBW Porn SitesJune 1st not only marks the beginning of the hurricane season, but it also often marks the busiest time in the life of a Weather Channel meteorologist, and none are busier than Stephanie Abrams. That's because she made her name for two things: being hot, and being the one in the eye of the storm between June 1st and November 30th, which is the length of the Atlantic hurricane season. So as she gets called into a TWC meeting about her first potential destination for the season, she is looking...