Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad
- 3 years ago
- 45
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‘Devon, I really shouldn’t be going out again tonight. I need to get some sleep man! We’ve got this software installation next week, and I need to make sure all my documentation is ready for the staff.’
‘Look Justin, you’ve been pouring over all these stupid technical manuals all month. Don’t you have the shit together by now? Look, it’s ladies night at the Palm Tree Club, and I want to get there early for the booty shakin’ contests!’
Justin shook his head and laughed at his riend. ‘You are wrong on so many levels, you know that? First, if it were your department, I bet you’d be doing just what I’m doing-sweating. With your perfectionist ass! Second, the women can wait. Anyway, you got a whole department full of women. Don’t you get tired of all that estrogen?’
Devon looked at him like he was crazy. ‘Man are you nuts? Those women down there in Vault are no where near as hot as the girls who turn out for those contests! You’ve seen the girls in my department. Old, too old, too fat, too ugly, too skinny, too crazy. Pick one category, and I’ll show you a girl in my department who fits the bill!’
Justin laughed, shaking his head again. ‘Man, you know you can lie, you’ve screwed half the women in your department! If they’re that bad, what does that say about you?’
‘Desperate! See, that’s why we need to be going out tonight. And when was the last time you got a piece of ass? You still hung up on Tonya I bet. Put that stupid manual down and let’s go!’
Devon reached across Justin’s desk and slammed the technical manual shut.
‘Devon! You lost my place!’ Justin growled. He finished tapping out the last words to the instructions he was typing up for his staff’s training manuals. ‘You win, I’ll go! Damn! Let me go see what’s happening in the department first, and I’ll meet you downstairs. Don’t you have some work to do yourself?’
‘Nope. I finished my accounting reports for the change orders that came in today, and Viola is here. She’s supervising closeout. Let me go clean off my desk. You’ll be ready by six?’
‘Yes. I’ll meet you in the lounge.’
‘My man! You just made my night, hopefully!’
Devon danced out of Justin’s office, obviously glad that he won the contest. Justin let him win, because he knew Devon was right. He did need to get away from all this work. Going through this conversion had him on edge. A lot was riding on the success of this installation, including the possibility of a promotion to Regional Operations Manager. That would mean even more work and more stress, but also a lot more money and exposure within the Bancorp. At least he could have a successful career, since his love life seemed to be on life support of late.
Justin cleaned off his desk, shut down his computer, and made a quick trip to check on his first shift manager. Everything was running like clockwork, his manager, Cole, had assured him. Justin clutched his briefcase and headed down to the lounge to meet Devon and get their night of fun underway.
Devon was already standing in front of the door, talking to some of the girls from the Lock Box department. Justin threw him a look as he walked up.
‘Just couldn’t wait, huh?’
Devon winked. ‘Hey, you know me, not passing any opportunities. Ready?’
‘Let’s do it. We driving together, or taking our own cars?’
‘Better keep it separate. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking to score tonight! Good night ladies, see you in the morning,’ Devon grinned.
The girls giggled as they walked away. Justin could swear he heard his name mentioned in the same breath as their giggling. The women around the bank processing center were always trying to throw themselves in his path. He knew what they were all about, and he had no time for their games, especially not after what happened with Tonya.
Justin floored the gas in his 2010 deep red Camaro. He loved this car, it made him hard as he hit the accelerator and felt the power of the 6.2 liter engine. Devon swore by his BMW, but nothing compared to the pure Detroit muscle of this baby. And the car was a chick magnet. He could have pulled many girls, as they wandered to talk to him, admiring his car. But, he was not interested. No woman had been able to capture his interest since he broke up with Tonya. He bought the car right before Tonya left town. They christened the car, stopping off by the side of the road having a wild sex scene. He loved his car, and Devon was right, he was still a little hung up on Tonya.
Devon pulled up right next to the empty spot next to Justin’s car. He jumped out, slamming his door shut, as he diverted his eyes to the line of women waiting to get in the club.
‘Come on old man! The action is getting started. What did I tell you, look at all those prospects!’ Devon pointed around the parking lot to various women as they walked towards the entrance.
Justin opened his door and got out slowly, taking off his Prada shades and placing them in his pocket. He took his jacket off and laid it on the backseat of the car. A group of young women passing by whistled.
‘Look at that cutie getting out of that Camaro!’
‘Damn, girl, he is FINE!’
Justin looked at them and winked. Devon shook his head.
‘Why does that shit always happen to you, and not me?’ he grumbled.
‘I dunno, man, maybe it’s the car! You know chicks dig hot cars. Told your ass not to get that tired ass BMW! Let’s go.’
Before long, Justin found himself at the bar, sipping on a glass of Hennessey, watching Devon take inventory of all the girls around them. As if he was going to have all of them.Justin noticed there were three young women sitting across from them, who kept looking at him, then Devon. They had been whispering and stealing glances since the two of them sat down. Devon caught sight of them, and tapped Justin on the shoulder.
‘Look at those girls checking us out, man. I should go over and say something to them.’
Justin took another swig of his drink, looking over at the girls again. One of them, clad in a form fitting, low cut red dress, was really cute.
‘Well, you just go ahead and do that.’
Devon downed the rest of his drink. ‘I am!’ He ambled over to the table of giggling girls.
Justin watched to see if he would get lucky, as he asked if they wanted to dance. The girl in the red was first to speak up. Devon led her away from her friends, and Justin caught her cutting her eyes over at him, throwing him a smile. He looked back at the other two girls left behind, and they both lifted their glasses to him smiling, before downing their shots. He smiled and lifted his glass back to them.
Justin couldn’t help but keep his eyes glued to the dance floor. The girl in red was wild. She was dancing all up against Devon, who couldn’t keep the wide grin off his face. They were practically having sex, as she ground her ass all into Devon’s crotch. He had his hands wrapped around her hips, keeping her glued there. Occasionally , she would turn around to face the bar area, and she cut her eyes towards Justin again, licking her lips and smiling at him. Finally the dirty dancing ended, after the music stopped to start the dance contest. Devon returned to his seat, looking like he needed a cold shower.
‘Man, Alexa was hot! I’d love to take her home tonight!’
‘Oh, you managed to get her name, amidst all that hip rubbing?’ Justin smirked.
‘Yes, and I think I need a cigarette. She was too much.’ Devon beckoned for the bartender.
Justin swirled the ice around in his glass. ‘Yeah, I saw every second of your little x-rated exhibition!’
The announcer was up on the stage, getting ready to start the dance contest. Alexa’s friends were encouraging her to go up.
‘Go on girl, you know you can easily win!’
‘Yeah, you know you have crazy moves. Go on Alexa!’
Alexa smiled and hesitated at first. ‘I don’t know, I didn’t really come out to
do any contests tonight.’
‘Oh yeah, that’s why your ass came out in that booty-hugging dress! Go on, you know you want to anyway!’
Finally, Justin heard Alexa change her mind.
‘Ok, I’m going, I’m going! Watch me win.’
Justin could hardly wait for this encore, after seeing her with Devon. As she headed for the stage, she made sure their eyes connected again. She smiled. Devon caught it too.
‘Why the hell does she keep looking at you? I’m the one who asked her to dance!’
Justin positioned himself so he had a clear view of the stage. ‘I don’t know, but she was looking at me even while she was dancing with you. I mean, grinding her ass against you. Guess she was doing you but fantasizing about me!’ he laughed.
‘Yeah right, we’ll see about that.’ The bartender returned with Devon’s beer, which he wasted no time guzzling.
Justin’s eyes were glued to her form, which was magnificent. His stare started with her long and shapely golden brown legs, which seemed to go on forever. His eyes moved up to her muscular thighs, and up to the curve of her hips. The rounded, sculpted ass tapered into a neat waist, then to a well toned back. The red dress didn’t leave much to the imagination. It was low cut, back out, and the hem stopped right at the top of her thighs. It hugged every inch of her perfectly shaped body. He could hardly wait for this show to start.
The announcer rolled off each girl’s name, as he moved down the stage. Each girl would have one and a half minutes to perform her sexiest moves to ‘Follow You Home’ by Nickelback. The winner would be chosen by applause, and would receive a gift certificate for dinner for two at the Olive Garden. The hooting and hollering from the audience had already started before the dancing even started. And Alexa was already gathering fans.
Justin and Devon affixed their eyes to the stage, watching each girl as she put her best moves forward. Alexa was the next to the last. She moved into the spotlight like she was a star, owning the stage. When the music started, she was on.
Justin was mesmerized as he watched her undulate, her hips swiveling around with the precision of a belly dancer. She isolated and moved each section of her body rhythmically, swishing her hips from left to right in perfect time with the music. Her eyes somehow found him, and she looked like she was dancing only for him, her body calling him to watch her, to touch her. Her face wore an expression of lust, as she rubbed her hands up and down her thighs, pushing her dress up on one side to the edge of her red thong. She held her tongue suggestively between her pursed lips. She went into a twirl, snapping her head around and flinging her hair about. The crowd was going wild.
‘Wow,’ Devon exclaimed, I think she got this on lock. There’s no competition.’
They watched eagerly as the last girl danced. There was no way she could top Alexa’s show. It was over.
The announcer got all the girls back to the front of the stage for the vote. He went down the line and held his hand over each one, beckoning for the audience’s approval. By the time he got to Alexa, the whole crowd was going wild, clapping and yelling. It was pretty obvious that she had won.
‘Looks like we have a clear winner! Your Dancing Queen tonight is Sexy Alexa!’ The announcer gave her a hug, and pulled one of her arms up over her head in victory. Alexa was beaming. He handed her an envelope with the certificate, as the crowd roared with their approval.
Alexa switched confidently back to the table, getting pats on the back and guys touching her along the way. Her friends greeted her with loud yells of victory, slapping her on the back. A waitress alighted their table, bringing them a complimentary round of drinks on the house.
Justin watched a bit longer, catching Alexa’s gaze again. She locked an unmistakable stare on him, smiling at him directly. Before he could turn around, he saw her getting out of her chair, grabbing her glass, and heading his way.
‘Here comes your friend,’ Justin said, tapping Devon.
‘Yeah, I caught her gawking at you again. What’s up with that shit? I do all the work, and these chicks just fall all over you. You and your curly hair and dimples. I hear them at the bank talking about you all the time.’
Justin shrugged. ‘What can I say, if you got it, you got it!’
Alexa pulled out the empty stool next to Devon.
‘Hi Devon. You didn’t introduce me to your friend here.’ She looked around Devon’s shoulders, smiling at Justin again.
‘Oh, this is my boy, Justin. We work together,’ Devon said dryly. ‘Justin, this is Alexa. And congrats on winning the contest. You were hands down the best up there.’
‘Thanks. Nice to meet you Justin.’
‘Good meeting you too. I second the congrats. You truly were the easy winner up there tonight! Where did you learn moves like that?’
She put her head down a little and laughed. ‘Oh, picking things up here and there, and practicing for my man.’
‘And who’s the lucky guy who gets to see those private dances?’ Devon asked, eyes lighting up.
‘No one at the moment. I’m taking auditions for the part!’ she laughed.
‘Humph, just tell me when the casting call is on, and I’ll be there!’ Devon leaned a little closer to her.
‘So, where do you boys work?’
‘Second Chartered Bank. We’re both officers there,’ Devon responded.
‘Really? That’s one of the largest banks in Chicago, right?’
‘No, one of the largest in the country, sweetie.’ Devon added.
Justin was content to let him do all the talking, since he still seemed to think Alexa would be leaving with him. And Justin knew the code. He didn’t want to step on Devon’s toes.
‘So you guys are high rollers eh?’
‘Well, I wouldn’t go that far,’ Justin finally chimed in.
‘Oh he’s just being modest. He is the big shit, getting ready to get a huge promotion to Senior V.P. and Regional Manager.’
Justin gave Devon a little side glare.
‘Really? Wow, that’s great Justin!’
‘So, what do you do? You look like a model.’ Since Devon was throwing all his business in the street, he figured he might as well find out what this mysterious creature was all about.
‘I’m a secretary for Stevenson Real Estate.’
‘That’s kind of a rocky business to be in right now, isn’t it? I mean, with the economy and all.’
‘Not really, we have plenty of movement. We specialize in commercial real estate, and we have quite a few clients doing business. Plus, our deals our large dollar, so it pays well.’
Justin took his final swallow from the glass. ‘Well, that’s a good thing.’
The music played on, and a song called ‘Love Sex Magic’ started, immediately driving people to the dance floor.
‘Hey Justin, would you like to dance?’
He almost fell off his seat. Get out there with the Sex Queen?
‘Uh, yeah, sure.’ He looked at Devon, shrugging a little. He could tell Devon didn’t like it. But hey, she asked him, not the other way around. She grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.
The floor was packed, because this song was made for sex. Justin didn’t have much space to move, so he was forced to stay close to Alexa. Not that he minded, but he didn’t want to hear Devon’s whining later.
Seemed as though Alexa had other thoughts in mind. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself tightly against his body as they swayed to the beat of the music. He could feel every curve, and even her stiffened nipples, as they exchanged body heat. He couldn’t help but run his hands along the sensuous lines of her physique. His hands rolled over her hips, down to the curve of her ample ass. He had a definite visual of them being in this position somewhere alone, both of them naked, with his dick entering her while she danced against him. He felt himself getting too aroused. He needed to shut that line of thinking
‘Justin, you really know how to move your ass. You’re a good dancer. Men who are good dancers are usually good at other things too,’ she cooed, close to his ear.
That visual was creeping back into his head. ‘Good at what other things?’ he asked, playing dumb.
She smiled. ‘Sex, what else?’
Hmm, she wasn’t biting her tongue. He guessed that was what she was after. She may have been barking up the wrong tree, because he wasn’t sure about getting involved with anybody. He was just getting over a broken relationship.
She moved her arms from around his neck, and started sliding them down his back, down to his ass. Now there was no way he could remove the image, and it was morphing into a movie in his head.
‘So, you think I’d be good in bed?’
She got her mouth closer to his ear. ‘Yes, I mean, look at you, with your sexy brown ass. I’m feeling all these rippling muscles, this tight ass, and I can feel something else too, and it feels pretty big. I’d like to see it, instead of just feeling it.’
Justin’s face got really hot. He never had a woman come right out and spell it out for him like that, especially not even knowing anything about him. He spoke back in her ear.
‘You sure don’t mince words, do you? Are you always this forward?’
She looked into his eyes and smiled. ‘Yes. Why play games? You see what you want, so why not go for it. And that’s what I do.’
He thought about what she said, as he inhaled her scent, a fusion of jasmine and honeysuckle. If you knew you wanted to fuck somebody, why beat around the bush? He didn’t want to waste time either, but he didn’t know what his next move should be. Devon would have a stroke if he walked out of there with her. But it was pretty obvious that she had chosen him.
A slower song came on, and Alexa made no attempt to leave the dance floor. Her body seemed to be glued in place. Glued to his. Justin heard her whispering in his ear again.
‘What are you doing when you leave here?’
‘I’m going home, and taking my ass to bed. I’ve got a lot going on tomorrow. Why?’
‘Why don’t you take me home and let me dance for you in private.’
Justin’s head started swimming, thinking about her offer. But he knew there was no way he could endure a night of sex, and try to make it in to work in the morning. He’d be dead. And there was Devon.
‘I’d love to take you up on your offer, but I’ve got to get some sleep. If we got together, I know I’d be up all night with you, the way you’ve got me right now.’
‘That’s my plan! Are you sure? It’s still kind of early yet.’ Her lips brushed against his neck, right above his collar. It sent chills up and down his spine.
Justin looked down into her light brown eyes, and at her full, cherry colored lips. Her sandy brown hair framed her heart-shaped face, falling loosely down to her shoulders. Hell no. It would be an all-nighter.
‘Yeah, there wouldn’t be enough time. Not for what I want to do. Anyway, what about my boy Devon? I thought you were up on him?’
She looked into his eyes, easing out another seductive smile. ‘He’s nice to dance with, but I want to do more than dance with you.’
Oooo-kaaaay. That answers that question. Now all he had to do was break the news to Devon, without getting killed. He figured he couldn’t fuck Alexa tonight, but at least he could take her home and get a little preview.
‘Hey, you going home with your girls?’
‘I don’t have to be.’
‘Well, why don’t I take you home, and since tomorrow is Friday, why don’t we hook up here again after work?’
‘Hmm, sounds like a deal to me! Let me tell my girls the new plan.’
‘Cool, I’ll talk to Devon.’
They left the dance floor. Justin headed back to the bar, trying to put some words together in his head, but nothing he could think of was going to be good enough.
‘So,’ Devon chided, ‘you finally let the girl go so she could get some air? I didn’t think you were coming back.’
Justin smiled. ‘Well, the music was good. Hey man, look. Alexa asked me if I could give her a lift home, and I said yes. Are you cool with that?’
Devon grimaced. ‘What? Man, you know the code! Now I scoped the chick out, asked her to dance, and you get to waltz off with her after just one dance? Bull.’
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Hi friends this is Mallic. I am new here so please bear my mistakes; this is a real incident which happen in my friends life I am going to narrate this story on behalf of him. I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, who I’ve always wanted to see...
My brother wasn’t anything special in the looks department, but he was tall and played volleyball so he had a bit of muscle on him. I on the other hand was still short even for my age and people always said I got my looks from mom. I wasn’t weak or anything, but I was shy and tended towards wrestling in middle school, because the jocks of the football team weren’t my crowd. I remember when I was really young, a friend of mine (Brent) was a typical horny boy and he would invite me over to his...
Hello all, this is Prem and I am back with another one of my adventures. I would like to thank all the readers who have provided me with valuable feedback and because of which I am still writing these stories. A little bit about me, I am 24 years old, 5’8″ and have an average body. Let’s get to the story now. This one is a bit long. During college, I was living in my hometown of Nagpur. I moved to Mumbai in order to chase my dreams. I have always been a good story teller and so I decided to...
Hey, people, we are back with another sex story. This sex story is partially real and some fantasy added to it. My ex-girlfriend was always interested in sex the kinkier the better. We had a few experiences with laborers, beggars and young boys. It was all harmless fun and we had a great time doing it too. She was fair and about 5’5, long legs, curvy and had a cute face. Her figure was 36-30-36 and she looked good in any situation. We always shared our fantasies with each other and then fucked...
Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...
Chapter Twelve: Futa's Mind-Controlled Cherry Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Chloe Quick I trembled as Stacey approached. My best friend had a nervous look on her face as she came up to me and Kendall, one of my mind-controlled lovers. I had my hand shoved into the pocket of my skirt gripping my wet panties. My nipples throbbed and ached against my babydoll t-shirt. My pussy clenched and my futa-dick throbbed in my panties. It was...
My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...
Seeing me and her friend Sneha and all the mess we had created, my ex-girlfriend Swathi was fuming with anger. Swathi: Better tell me what is this all about? From when did this start? Sneha: Relax, Swathi. Swathi: How could you do this to me? Sneha: Come on, Swathi. You have not spoken to him in 3 years and you are married now. Don’t tell me you still want him and he can’t enjoy his life. Swathi: And you are engaged, Sneha. Does your fiance know this? And Rahul was my boyfriend for 3 years...
Hi my dear Iss story readers Am a regular reader of Iss and am keep on reading the stories Here an incident of my true life where i experienced a heaven life with my girlfriend. Well coming into the story directly I had completed my graduation and my girlfriend had also completed the graduation at the same time and we both got a job in a same company also.Me and my girlfriend had got a nice relation ship between with as all lovers have.We used to have naughty chats too sometimes. One fine day...
It was three in the morning, and I was sweating profusely lying naked on my bed with two separate pairs of hands – one on my chest and the other caressing my cock with those soft fingers in an AC room. Yes, you read that right – AC room and sweating! I was trying to rewind the events that happened during the night and it was still something I couldn’t fathom and I’m quite sure I had lived every guy’s fantasy that night. It all started with me bragging to Madhu (yeah, she is the bike lady in my...
Hi, I am back with another story which involves my ex-girlfriend, me and two old men who watch us from behind the bushes. This starts with me and my girlfriend trying something kinky. I and Neha were always open about sex and we loved to try new stuff. We had thought about outdoor sex where anyone could see us. We both liked the idea but had never tried it. One day we were both horny and couldn’t sleep at night. So we decided to go for a drive and see what we could find for kinky sex. We were...
hi readers na peru praveen age 26 chudadaniki avarejega vuntanu naku ammaielu ante chala ishtam enduko teleyadu kani adavallani chudagani na vollanta adola avutundi eestori nenu inter secound yearlo jarigindi memu appudu hyderabad vundevallam ma pakka flotlo oka famili vundevaru ANTI,UNCAL vallaku ieddaru kuturlu pedda ammai peru SANDYA enggnering 2nd year chadevede. rendo ammaie VINDYA ma collegelone 1st year inter chadevutundi pakka pakka flats kabatti chala closegane uvndevanne. vindyani...
Simply put, my brother John’s girlfriend was a knockout. Her name was Katie Doe, and she was one of the nicest and sexiest girls at our school. She was in 12th grade, like my brother, and she was going to turn eighteen in two months. She had dazzling green eyes, cute freckled skin, and the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Her hair was red, and she wore it short in what I call Egyptian style--cut even across the forehead with long sides. She was tall and slender, with a nice chest and a...
July 2000, Summer Break "You should call your girlfriend." "Huh?" With red eyes, I blearily turned my gaze to my big sister Brandi. "Call Megan," she said. "You just got home and she'll want to hear from you tonight. Girls like that." "Oh ... right, right," I nodded. "Just looking out for you little bro," Brandi smiled and hopped up the stairs to her bedroom. I was simultaneously thankful and annoyed at her. Thankful, because it never would have occurred to me to call my...
Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...
i had this girlfriend who was alittle bit asian and thaiwhich was awesome until she had brought over her friend one time to drink with us, so we were drinking for a few hours then it all hit me, that the friend who had her boyfriend over aswell wanted to hook up, so i moved to the endof the table next to her while we were close something had happened,in a split second we went outside and started to put our tongues together kissing and feeling each other up, later on my girlfriend was in the...
Sharing Friends Cocks with my GirlfriendWhen I was about 11 years old an older boy from the neighborhood and I used to spend lots of time talking about girls, pussy, fucking and looking a Club or Hustler Magazine . He was about 15 and heavy so he took a lot of ribbing but we became close. We would pull out our cocks wghenever we were alone and look at the girls posing and talk about what we'd like to do to them. I loved hearing his fantasies and loved watching him stroke his cock.By the end of...
Seeing as my girlfriend, Jennifer, was a virgin when we met. I drunkenly suggested one night that she should maybe experience what sex with someone else would be like.She surprised me when she told me that her favourite masturbation fantasy involved fucking a man with a massive dick, while I watched.It didn’t take me log to come round to the ideaShe has amazing tits and a spankable arse and sometimes when she is sucking me off, I find myself feeling selfish about keeping such a cock pleaser to...
The third and last of the new stories. Maybe you could let me know which of the three you liked best, or disliked least would work too XXXThe GirlfriendBy Nikkie Silk“It looks like Sam has a girlfriend at last.”“Huh, what?” My attention was fixed on the rugby on the TV and I really wasn’t paying attention to my wife.“I said, numbnuts, that a huge sinkhole has opened up in the high street and it’s swallowed the pub and all the customers.”“Oh, OK.” Rolling her eyes she said, “What did I just...
Myself being a long time follower of Indian Sex stories had read lot of stories and had lot of fantasies about my sexual life as all of you reading this story right now. As I said I had lot of fantasies after reading iss, the biggest one I had was to swap my girlfriend and I implemented one in my real life which just took place last week at my friend’s house. Let me start the story with character description as its true incident I don’t want to mention our real names (names are been changed for...
Fairy Girlfriend Carl sat at his computer, looking up the latest news he could find on video games and movies. It was one part of his nightly routine that helped him unwind after a long day at work. His job was nothing great and he was sure society could function without him but the pay was decent and it didn't intrude on his personal life like so many other jobs seemed to in the past. After an hour of half-assed browsing he hear a tap on his window and perked up, glad that the other,...
Chapter 1I mentioned to my girlfriend that I would like to be submissive to her dominant in the bedroom and she took it way too far. Now I’m stuck and if I try to say something she will probably leave me forever. But I will start at the beginning.I look back to age 10 when a neighborhood girl tied me up as her reward for finding me in Hide and Seek ?Cowboys and Indians?. Or I can’t really remember the exact game. I was unexpectedly freaked out by the experience at the time and couldn’t look her...
Seeing as my girlfriend, Jennifer, was a virgin when we met. I drunkenly suggested one night that she should maybe experience what sex with someone else would be like.She surprised me when she told me that her favourite masturbation fantasy involved fucking a man with a massive dick, while I watched.It didn’t take me log to come round to the ideaShe has amazing tits and a spankable arse and sometimes when she is sucking me off, I find myself feeling selfish about keeping such a cock pleaser to...
Straight SexWhat makes a house, a home? A woman's touch.At least that's what my mother always said. "Men are so crude. Hard, inflexible, unbendable.", she's complain. "Women are soft and cuddly. Their bodies are a work of art. Look at Mona Lisa. Da Vinci could've picked a man but he chose to portray his masterpiece as a woman.""Why not mom?" I'd ask."Because men are assholes." I heard her say as she brought her face close to my butt. She then carefully separated my hips to reveal my anus and inhaled...
She was wearing a black lacy thong, with a sexy black dress which was lifted up around her hips. Laying on her back on the bed, looking so sexy, she was moaning around a thick cock which was shoving itself in and out of her throat. Legs spread wide, and feet dangling in the air, she was moaning loudly as she was brutally fucked into again and again by a massive black cock. As she was pleasured, the cock entering her was nearly ready to seed her, as with a grunted sounded, yet another load of...
FantasyWhat a turnaround. One day Mrs Thomson is the mother of his girlfriend then within days she’s Jennifer, his dominant girlfriend, and has him across her lap spanking the living daylights out of him . It was only a week ago that Daniel was at Chloe’s house, his then girlfriend, Mrs Thomson’s daughter. Daniel thought Mrs Thomson, or Jennifer as he now called her, looked gorgeous, 42 but still so attractive to 21 year old Daniel, with tight fitting slacks and a low cut light blue t shirt that...
SpankingBikini Beach: Understanding A Girlfriend ********************************************** ElrodW Taking the steps two at a time, Don smiled as he anticipated a hug, and maybe some cuddling, from his roommate and girlfriend. He hated these business trips, but that was life in the consulting business. Once in a while, like now, the job finished early. Don hadn't even had time to call Leslie. This was going to be a very big surprise. As he reached the top of the stairs, his hand...
TonightsGirlfriend! Have you been wondering who tonight’s girlfriend is going to be? Well, if you’re stuck at home on coronavirus lockdown, your options are a bit limited. The local fat girls on Tinder are off-limits unless you’re a gambling man, so why not step up your game if you’re just going to be jacking off anyway? The girls at TonightsGirlfriend only visit via your computer screen or mobile device, but they’re way hotter than the locals, and you don’t have to bring along your gallon jug...
Top Premium Porn Sites------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Daniel, a 32 year old average looking single guy. For almost a year or so now, I regularly visit a sex club. It's an extraordinary place, visited by couples and singles, where your wildest dreams and fantasies can become reality. It is quite a private society, and it is near unknown to non-members, so most members were...
Three friends engage in a late night threesome. Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body. His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to continue our night of drinking. “Do you want another drink?” “No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!” I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s...
Erica sat on the couch next to Sarah, her fathers young girlfriend, as the two women watched TV. Ericas father had gone out to do a few errands and had left the two at the house. Whatd you do for your eighteenth? Sarah asked, taking her eyes off the set and looking to see her boyfriends daughter splitting her dark black ends. Huh?! Erica questioned as her head turned to Sarah, a few strands stuck underneath her nose as a faux moustache. Sarahs brown eyes lit with mirth at the sight and...
I'm walking through the mall, alone - but I know she's watching me from somewhere. She can't be too far away, considering... well, the remote that controls the vibrating egg she'd made me wear. I was reluctant to oblige the request, because I'm fairly bad at hiding my arousal and keeping myself from being vocal. But the look in her eyes made me do it anyway. I couldn't deny a request, not from her. The her I'm talking about is my girlfriend. She's gorgeous, long brown hair down to her hips,...
LesbianThe GirlfriendBy Nikkie Silk Chapter One“It looks like Sam has a girlfriend at last.”“Huh, what?” My attention was fixed on the rugby on the TV and I really wasn’t paying attention to my wife.“I said, numbnuts, that a giant sinkhole has opened up in the high street and it’s swallowed the pub and all the customers.”“Oh, OK.”Rolling her eyes, she said, “What did I just say?”The game was on a knife edge and I couldn’t tear myself away. “Um, you’re going to the pub?”A cushion thrown at my head...
Sat in front of her computer, Cathy looked up at the clock on the wall. Good, there was still a few minutes to make sure everything was right. A quick check over was required she told herself, it was the curse of being very organised to the point of almost obsession. It was this need for things to be right that meant Cathy always had a mirror handy so she could check her appearance and that was especially relevant tonight. She wanted to look her best.Another glance at the clock showed it was...