Diavolo Ch. 14 free porn video

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Gabriel frowned as the last vestiges of sleep faded away. Something had awakened him from deep slumber. A sound. It was familiar. Almost as familiar as the sweet sound of Abby’s snores against his chest.

Oh, but he felt so comfortable right now. His fingers squeezed the tender flesh of his wife’s ass possessively. She moaned in her sleep, tilting her sexy tush tighter into his grasp. Gabriel’s lips spread into a grin even as his cock jerked against Abigail’s tummy.


Still…that sound…


His eyes snapped open.

The room was still dark, only a shimmering glow from the rising sun peeping through soft white curtains covering the glass wall in front of the bed.

No one was supposed to know where they were. Diamond was supposed to have made sure of that when she booked the honeymoon.

Fame was still a new thing for him. Most times people didn’t know who he was. Being harassed by paps was strictly stuff that happened back home in California.

Gabriel looked down at Abby. Her leg was thrown over his thigh, one hand curled under her chin, the other resting at his waist. Blonde waves spilled out behind her, gleaming against the white sheets.

She was so beautiful, it made his chest ache. The sun had darkened her skin to a pretty golden glow, but it still looked pale compared to his deeper darker tan. Diamond was going to have a fit when she saw him. She’d made him promise he’d use sun block, because of image and crap. What was wrong with a heavy metal rocker dude getting a little sun in the tropics with his new bride?

Gabriel snorted before running his lips up the side of Abby’s cheek to revel in its petal softness.

His dick throbbed, hungry to be embedded within her. Sliding his hand from her supple ass to her thigh, he pulled it higher onto his waist and arched into her.

Nothing like fucking your sweet wife awake.

His ardor cooled when someone rudely banged on the door to their cottage.

Abby mumbled something and blinked sleepy blue eyes open with a yawn.

He buried his face in her neck as she arched her body against his, igniting his lust again. Maybe he’d imagined someone banging on the door. He rolled her onto her back. She automatically spread for him, eagerly, much to his pleasure. As he stared into her darkened blue eyes, cheeks filling with pink color, he angled his hips, ready to sink into her tight pussy, pussy that only he’d had the privilege to plunder to his heart’s content.

‘You’re so fucking mine,’ he growled as he began to sink in.

Loud banging on the door followed by Diamond’s annoying yell, ‘Gabriel, open up.’

What. The. Fuck.

Abby stiffened beneath him, eyes going round.

Various emotions fought for dominance within him at that point, fury, impatience, fear that something horrible happened back home and that’s why Diamond had to fly hundreds of miles to tell him personally.

He stumbled to his feet, grabbed Abby’s discarded robe and tossed it to her before yanking on his white linen drawstring pants he’d worn the night before.

Once he was sure Abby had wrapped herself in her robe, he stalked to the door and yanked it open.

Diamond stood, dressed head to toe in black. Behind her stood the two goons she’d hired to guard him at the hospital, blocking the way of about a handful of camera toting paparazzi.

He didn’t bother brushing back the swath of black hair the early morning breeze blew across his face. Instead, he stared daggers down at Diamond. Of course, she hardly noticed his furious gaze. She was too busy practically drooling at his bare chest and abs.

Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and snapped, ‘What the hell is going on?’

‘You and Abby are all over the tabloids.’

Diamond held up her phone, and there in living color was his naked ass. It was the picture that annoying woman had taken the night before when Gabriel had propped Abby up on the dresser just before dinner.

‘Fuck,’ was all he could say before glaring at the picture-snapping paps about ten feet away. Just down the boardwalk leading to the cottages sitting over the crystalline waters surrounding Bora Bora, three more were running up, cameras in hand.

Diamond pushed him into the cottage and closed the door behind her.

‘Don’t’ worry about your stuff, I’ll have management collect it and send it back to your place.’

Gabriel finally raked a hand through his tangled hair in agitation.

‘How the hell…?’ he began until he remembered the picture she’d shown him on her phone.

Diamond rolled her eyes, and placed her hand on one of his pecs. ‘Look. It doesn’t matter. You’ve had an entire week to yourselves. You’ve got the rest of your lives to be together,’ she said as if she were talking to a five-year-old. ‘Besides, you need to start getting ready for the next tour.’ She smiled as if she’d just told him the most wonderful news in the world.

Gabriel felt his eyes bulge. He pushed the hand she’d been stroking his chest with away abruptly. ‘Tour? We just got back from a fucking tour like six months ago.’

Diamond frowned, her eyes flicking behind him a second before leveling back on him. ‘What the hell, Gabe. A few months ago you would’ve been jumping for joy at the prospect of performing live. I busted my ass to get Diavolo these gigs here in the states.’

She was right…but this couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

The feel of Abby’s hand sliding up his back had him turning. She stared up apprehensively at him.

Gabriel slid his arm around her waist, pulling her tight against him as his other hand slid into to soft trails of golden hair spilling down her back.

‘I’m so sorry, baby,’ he told her apologetically.

She smiled sweetly, making him feel even more crappy. ‘It’s okay. Like Diamond said, we have the rest of our lives before us.’

He’d wanted more time alone with her. Getting ready for a tour and touring entailed a lot of things that would most likely strain their new marriage.

‘It’s going to be okay,’ Abby whispered.


He looked so torn. Sliding her hands into his thick hair, she rose up on tiptoes to press her mouth against his in a soft chaste kiss. Just when she would have pulled away, the fingers he had threaded in her hair tightened. His lips covered hers again, tongue delving deep, possessive. He kissed her thoroughly, the feel of his hardening erection evident through the thin material of his pants.

Abby felt her face grow hot. Diamond was right there. She’d hated the way the other woman had touched her man with so much familiarity…and for a moment, Gabriel had allowed it, until his temper had flared.

The night before, being caught naked hadn’t fazed him either, and now, the pants he wore were so thin they barely concealed anything, especially his burgeoning erection.

The sound of Diamond’s foot tapping impatiently on the floor had Gabriel easing away from their kiss to glare at the other woman.

‘We need to leave,’ she said, eyes ice cold. ‘Now.’


Abigail did her best to stay away from gossipy media. It wasn’t easy. Every time she logged onto the internet there’d be pictures of either her or Gabriel.

The biggest media scandal had been uncovering the link to Daniel and Gabriel, and the triple deaths of his parents and stepfather. She’d been shocked and outraged when they’d hinted that it was some sort of diabolical Illuminati ritual and that Gabriel was the antichrist. They’d included pictures of her in her habit as a novice and a picture of Gabriel onstage with fire spewing to either side of him right hand throwing up the horns sign. Very dramatic.

Unable to resist, she clicked on the picture responsible for ending their honeymoon prematurely. He’d sat her atop the dresser and had pressed his naked length between her thighs. He
r face was a mixture of shock and arousal, much to her chagrin. She looked nothing like the Abigail she’d been before, hair always tied in a knot at the nape of her neck and necklines up to her chin almost. Her skin was golden in the picture, thighs pressed tight to Gabe’s hips, blond hair loose and wild. She bit her lips as she devoured the sight of his bare backside, slightly less tan than his upper body. His hair tumbled down the middle of his broad, sculpted back in a glossy flow of black waves. She knew just how soft and silky those thick strands felt, how hard his muscles felt beneath the velvety softness of his skin, and how wild his scent was.

A big brown hand pressed the laptop closed and she was plucked from the chair and pinned to the wall.

Dark green eyes flashed a second before disappearing into the side of her face. Automatically, she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his broad shoulders.

‘I told you to stop looking at that trash,’ Gabriel growled between nibbles at her neck.

‘I was bored,’ she sighed tipping her head to give him access.

He stopped nibbling her neck with a sigh and looked down at her, noses touching. ‘I asked you to come with me.’

He had.

Abby had to look away. He looked like he’d just showered, hair still damp and the scent of soap clinging to him. ‘I don’t want to get in the way. You guys are so busy with rehearsals and stuff.’

‘You’re not in the way,’ he answered tightly.

She could feel the tension creeping into his body.

They’d argued before. It had been at least three days since. She’d hinted that maybe she should find another job and he’d flipped.

Apparently, she’d married a man who still held the old ideals of male provider being the sole provider very close to heart.

But, what was she supposed to do while he was making music.

He must’ve thought the conversation was over because he began nibbling at her neck again, his body pressing tighter against her.

‘Have I fucked you against this wall yet?’ he murmured.

Her eyes rounded momentarily. By now, she’d grown accustomed to his rather crude candor, though it still sent little shock waves through her. He was like a beast continuously in rut around her.

Unfortunately, for her very sexy, lusty husband, she didn’t want the conversation they’d started to be over just yet.


‘Wait,’ he said leaning back. Before she could finish uttering his name, he used his hips to keep her pinned against the wall, but gripped the bottom of his black t-shirt and pulled it off.

She’d been married to Gabriel for a little over a month now, but seeing his naked upper torso never ceased to leave her speechless for a few seconds.

He’d been working out, preparing for his tour with Diavolo. Diamond had dieticians see to his meals and he had a personal trainer come over every afternoon to work with him in their gym. Late at night, he ran a few hours down the beach behind their two-story home.

His abs were more defined and his pecs bulging with power. She watched mesmerized as the muscles in his arms contracted and flexed as he slid them around her again.

‘Where were we?’ he purred in that magnificent deep voice of his.

Gabriel was temptation incarnate.

His lips covered hers in a hungry kiss and she felt her insides ignite.

‘Hellooooo,’ came a deep booming voice from somewhere downstairs.

Their lips separated with a pop. ‘Oh-come-on-now,’ Gabriel huffed with a pout as he looked over his shoulder.

‘Was that Angelo?’ she asked.

Gabriel turned his head to frown down at her again. ‘Unfortunately, yes.’

Abby giggled at his annoyed expression. The guys from the band acted more like siblings than band mates.

Gabriel let out a long suffering sigh and let her slide down the wall.

She gasped as she felt the enormous bulge in his jogging pants.

‘Later,’ he promised.

They needed to talk, she thought inwardly as he turned, his fingers wrapped around hers to tow her behind him.

Downstairs, Mike high-fived Gabriel and then bent to peck a hard kiss on her cheek. Ariel sat on their white sectional, beer already in hand with a far off look in his dark eyes. It was only when Gabe slapped him on his shoulder that he popped up from the couch wide-eyed to greet them.

Abigail stared at him when he settled back down, once again lost in his thoughts…whatever they might be.

‘Geez, don’t you people have any food here?’ Angelo bellowed.

He had his head poked inside the fridge, nothing but his jeans-covered behind poking out.

‘Get your own food,’ Gabe muttered as he sat on the other side of the L-shaped white sectional, pulling Abby down onto his lap. She settled stiffly, nibbling her lip as she watched Angelo search their kitchen. Maybe she should have cooked. Gabriel’s meals were premade and delivered fresh on a daily basis. He’d already had his dinner and Diamond had forbidden her to alter his diet.

Angelo turned sad, puppy-dog eyes to Abby.

‘Oh-stop,’ Gabriel snorted at him. ‘You know the rules.

Angelo snickered humorlessly. ‘Rules? Hey, it’s me you’re talking to. I don’t need any fancy diets and personal trainers. I was born perfect,’ he said puffing out his chest.’

The guys laughed at him as he preened.

‘Where’s Rafe?’ Gabriel asked looking around.

The laughter ceased.

Angelo planted his hands on his hips and frowned, looking at Mike who was busy cracking his neck as he stalked to the kitchen to rummage in the fridge Angelo had just rummaged through. Ariel propped his booted foot on a small beach cooler, tipping his head back to chug his beer so he didn’t have to answer Gabe.

Abby could feel the tension in the room get thicker.

Behind her Gabriel huffed in impatience.

‘Fine,’ he snapped. ‘At least he’s showing up for rehearsals.’

Abby turned her head to look at Gabe, but he seemed lost in troubled thought, fingers thrumming against the armrest behind her.

Her phone vibrated in the back pocket of her jeans.

Gabriel retrieved it for her before she could even reach for it and looked at the screen. She winced when he scowled at it for a few seconds more as it continued to vibrate.

Abby frowned in confusion when he handed the phone over to her, eyes stormy.

When she looked at the screen of her phone, her heart skipped a beat.


Why was Daniel calling her?

‘Well aren’t you going to answer it?’ Gabriel sneered.

Abby felt her face grow cold. He’d never spoken to her in that tone before.

Was he jealous? God. There was nothing between her and Daniel. He was married to her sister now.

Pressing her lips together and stiffening her spine, she clicked the answer symbol on the screen.


‘Well-well, if it isn’t my long-lost sister,’ came Mikayla’s sarcastic voice over the line.

Abby frowned before looking back to Gabriel again, but he was already engaged in conversation with Mike, who’d sat next to them.

Since Gabriel had already removed his hands from her, she stood and went out onto the balcony just off the game room.

‘How is everyone back home, Mikayla?’ Abby sighed leaning against the Jacuzzi.

Mikayla snorted. ‘With the shit storm that’s hit us after your wedding? Aunt Paulina said she’s disinheriting you.’

Abby could care less.

‘And she’s going to do everything possible to bring Diavolo down. Thanks a lot, stupid. That was my favorite band.’

Abby blinked several times. ‘Wait. What do you mean, she’s going to bring Diavolo down?’

Mikayla laughed humorously. ‘Auntie Paulina has enough money and power to do whatever she damn well pleases.’

Abby shook her head. Her aunt was wealthy, but she wasn’t God. Mikayla was just trying to scare her.

‘But that wasn’
t why I called you,’ Mikayla continued and then paused.

‘What is it?’ Abby sighed, out of patience.

‘I’m pregnant.’

Abby blinked in astonishment. ‘But you’ve only been married a few weeks. Are you sure?’

Mikayla scoffed. ‘I’m a little more than five months and I can’t hide it anymore.’

Abigail’s jaw dropped. Hadn’t Mikayla said Daniel hadn’t wanted to engage in sex with her until they were wed? A very bad feeling crept into Abby’s bones.

‘Mikayla…is it…is it Daniel’s?’ she whispered, remembering her sister’s affair with Edvard, the chauffer…the one who just might have run her Gabriel off the road.

‘It’s Gabriel’s,’ her sister answered tonelessly.


He was sure he’d heard a woman’s voice on Abby’s cell. For a moment, he’d wanted to hurl the phone through the glass pane that lined the entire back of the beach house he’d bought for his wife, but kept a tight leash on his temper. Breaking a glass wall would only fuel the media frenzy surrounding them at the moment.

Gabriel couldn’t help turning his attention to her silhouette standing just outside on the balcony. He couldn’t hear the conversation, but his curiosity burned to know what was being said. Who was she talking to? Was it Mikayla?

Feeling extremely pissed, he yanked his phone out and hit contacts. He’d never erased her number just in case she tried to pull some shit.

What are you doing?—he texted and sent before he could stop himself.

He shouldn’t have. It could open up a whole can of worms. She’d never contacted him after the wedding…but if it wasn’t her Abby was talking to…?

Stomping feet caught his attention.

‘Abby just fainted,’ Angelo shouted over his shoulder.

Somehow, Gabriel managed to beat Angelo and the rest of the stampeding band members to Abby’s side. Her phone had fallen inside the Jacuzzi and she laid unconscious on the wooden deck. Gabriel gathered her in his arms and carried her inside.

As he laid her out on the white sofa, Angelo grabbed a throw pillow and fanned her with it, Ariel was pressing his chilled bottle of beer against a nasty bump developing at the side of her forehead, and Mike was rushing from the kitchen with a damp washcloth to press on her head.

‘Abby,’ Gabriel said patting her cheek, worry eating away at him. ‘Abigail,’ he snapped in desperation when she refused to respond.

Finally, she moaned and stirred.

‘Here,’ Ariel said tipping the bottle to her lips. ‘Sip this.’

Confusion clouding her blue eyes, Gabriel watched her take a mouthful of beer before making a moue of disgust and waking fully.

‘Easy,’ he said as she struggled to sit.

Abby dragged her hand across her mouth, coughing, ‘That’s disgusting. How can you drink that?’

Ariel just shrugged and took another pull from the bottle.

‘What the hell happened?’ Gabriel said a bit more tersely than he’d meant.

She stared at him, face still pale, silent. Slowly, her hand went up to her throat and her eyes welled. There was so much hurt in those blue eyes. It gutted him, but then he remembered whom she was talking to and his insanely jealous side took over. He gripped her arms and barely restrained himself from shaking her.

‘Easy,’ Mike warned with a scowl.

Gabriel ignored him. ‘Who were you talking to? Was it Daniel?’

There. He got that out and off his chest without becoming violent.

A new emotion colored Abby’s beautiful blue eyes, one he’d only seen once before, and that time she’d slapped the shit out of him. He barely kept from recoiling.

‘I was speaking to Mikayla.’

What had Mikayla told her? Gabriel loosened his hold on her arms and sat next to her.

Abby continued to stare at him in a way that made him want to squirm. Once again, his anger stirred. He’d never had anything to do with Mikayla.

Okay, so maybe they’d kissed a few times and he’d let her go down on him once…or twice, but that was it. He’d never fucked Mikayla nor touched her waist down…in the front anyways.

‘Abby, what is it?’ he snapped.

She looked as if she were about to say something, but then closed her eyes and put a shaky hand to her temples.

‘I…I think I’m going to throw up.’

She was up and out of the room before any of them could blink an eye.

Gabriel shot to his feet to go after her, but Mike’s big paw gripping his arm stopped him.

‘Give her a moment.’

Gabriel yanked his arm from the guitarist’s tight grip. ‘Why?’ he all but shouted.

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Across the soft green plain, the predator stalks his prey. Ears laid back against his skull, he flexes his claws. Soon the enemy will feel their sting. The interloper would pay for invading his domain, just as all the others have. The predator seizes the chance for a surprise ambush. In a blinding rush he leaps to the attack, vicious claws spring free and sink into soft unprotected flesh. On the couch Greg and Beth kissed passionately. Tonight was their third date. Greg had almost cheered...

1 year ago
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Revenge Disaster Part 1

I used to hang out with the most amazingly beautiful golden brunettes. They are, still to this day, the sexiest brunettes I’ve ever seen. I’ve wanted to fuck them both since we were teenagers. Looking at them, you’d swear they were sisters, but luckily, they weren’t. Though they acted like sisters, they also used to get a kick out of cuddling and kissing to tease the raging-hard schoolboys.Kara and Tara were their names, and we were friends all through high school, though I was closer to Kara....

Straight Sex
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Stop WatchChapter 14

Kara walked up the drive towards where I was standing - a quizzical expression on her face. She was wearing a skimpy pair of white shorts with sandals and a black t-shirt, and her long dark hair was pulled back with a simple tie. As she approached me she turned and looked over her shoulder to where she had seen her old babysitter leave. “Was that Emily?” Kara asked me hesitantly. “Yeah, it was.” I replied - secure and confident. The thrill of power and control from last night was still...

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 54

"I hear you're a disobedient girl!" bellowed the General, leaning forward to address her directly. "There's no room for disobedience in my outfit, you know." The chatter in the room died away. Lauren heard her heart pounding against the floor, the squelch of her pussy as Maria let go of her foot. She curled into a ball, exposing the tight cum-speckled slickness of her pussy to him. Trembling slightly, she coughed, catching her breath in between great gasps for air. "I think she needs...

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an evening at the cinema

Once when I was younger before I got married I was in the local cinema watching a film. This man came in and sat beside me. I thought nothing of it who would? After a little while I felt this hand on my thigh and moving gently up and down in a circular motion getting close to me cock each time. I gave a jump of surprise and moved his hand away. This seemed to do the trick and I settled down to watch the film. After a while I felt him getting up and moving out of the row. Some time later I went...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Lexi Sample Lexi Is Stepdaddy8217s Favorite Dinner Guest

Beautiful big ass big tit Latina stepdaughter Lexi is enamored with her stepdaddy Dorian. Since he is the main chef, she spends most of her dinners eating with him, since her mom is always out and has grown more lustful for his thick cock deep inside her tight pussy like she hears when listening to him fuck her mother! Lexi makes one final move under the table but gets nowhere. So her only moment is to catch him at the pool and show him her sexy curvy body and hope for the same hard fuck....

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 25

Roshan unke boobs ko apne hatho se masalne laga dhire dhire.Meri mummy apne hotho ko danto se dabaye. Roshan ne mummy ke boobs dabate hue kaha, “I want you fuck you whole night today.” Mummy ne kaha, “I have to go in some time. I just wanted to spent some quality time.” Roshan ne kaha, “No problem.” Boobs ko dabate hue usne hanste hue kaha, I will ask the same question whether you want to stay or go after some time.” Ye bat sunke meri mummy ne thodi smile ki. Bat karne ke dauran maine dekha...

1 year ago
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GuerillaChapter 2 Ill Met by Torchlight

Rear Admiral Bob Blake welcomed his guest, "Dr. Singh, thank you for taking the time to visit us here. How was your trip from Azahar?" "It is my great pleasure to be here, Admiral, though I must confess that the trip was somewhat tedious. At least it allowed my team to get caught up on documenting our recent experiments. I am only too happy to present our suggestions for your fascinating problems in person." "I'm all ears, Doctor." "You gave us two problems, sir. Firstly the...

3 years ago
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Lexidegrade Chapter 1

-Lexi- chapter 01 I thought I had been so careful, but all it took was one slip up, leaving the curtains a little too open. Now here I was, looking at pictures that had been emailed to me - pictures of me dressed up like a schoolgirl slut. That particular day, I had cuffed one hand to the headboard and was wearing a bright red ball gag, as I used my free hand to fuck my own ass with a medium sized vibrating dildo, my fishnet clad legs splayed up in the air, and 6 inch black pumps with ankle...

3 years ago
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Strange But True

The strangest things that you can think up never match up to real life. I was out at a favorite bar sitting with the manager who was a friend and customer of mine and having a couple of drinks. It was a Thursday and not much was going on. Now I'm not a big country music listener, which is what they played here, but I love to two step and waltz. So far this evening I had asked a couple of women to dance and had been refused. I think this was probably because I had come straight from work and...

2 years ago
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Crossdressed In Kerala Part 8211 4

After the last session in saree the next session continued in a sexy hot black t-shirt Ahmed explored me like a deep sea researcher and found a lot of-of new things for me to enjoy and it lasted for 5days and we were very happy and we returned to our respective places , but both of us wanted each other very badly , so we were looking for the right time ,so it came as a surprise Jagan said me that he has invited Ahmed for Saturday night dinner and he asked me to look like a very beautiful woman...

Gay Male
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Iron Man

IronMan by SirBosk1 IronMan by SirBosk1? 2006 SirBosk1 This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of bondage, spanking, caning, strapping, humiliation, sex between men of adult age, and other erotic activities involving male and female adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places, events, or...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Riley Nixon Shaved Head Gaping Ass Sloppy Sodomy

Striking, all-natural Riley Nixon sports a sexy shaved head, crotchless lingerie and a fleshy rear. With a butt plug lodged in her sphincter, the babe joins heavily hung director Mike Adriano for a sloppy session of anal sex. Riley flaunts her gaping asshole when Mike plucks the toy from her anus. She kneels obediently for a cock-worshiping blow job. Riley vibrantly rims Mike’s bunghole and trembles when the hung stud plunges her ass with his fat cock. A sloppy sodomy session features...

3 years ago
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The Exchange

Introduction “Yes, I have my passport.” I reassured my mum for about the thousandth time as she kissed me on the head wishing me luck and telling me to have a good time. I was relieved to walk through the sliding doors into the terminal at Heathrow to the sight of all my friends. Our flight was leaving in three hours: plenty of time to go round the shops with them and generally have fun. We were going to Spain, on a Spanish exchange with our school. “Ah, Zach, could I have a word?” came the...

2 years ago
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first time gay

*this is true*I was 12 or 13 at the time,thumbing through the greatest magazine a young teen could get his trembling hands on,a Hustler. The women with spread pink lips and the men with rock hard cocks glistening with sweat and sex made my little dick like granite.I was sharing the treasured pages with a local neighbor boy about my age,we had touched each other many times and he showed me how to jerk off,who showed him I have no idea but thanks to whoever it was 'cause my technique was...

4 years ago
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When I was Pregnant

Since the night of my affair when my husband got me pregnant I have been horny as hell. It started with my husband joking that I needed two guys to wear me out now. Eventually those jokes became serious and my husband made some arrangements. He had a friend who was hot into pregnant chicks. Chuck was about 10 years younger than me. My husband, who was just starting to warm up to the idea of a threesome invited Chuck over for dinner, and implied to Chuck that he had a good chance of fucking...

1 year ago
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Family Brooklyn Gray Isabella Nice Slutty Step Sister Shows Her Innocent Sister Pleasure

Brooklyn Gray is such a slut whereas her step sister is anything but. Isabella prays for her sister to stop her bad ways but then starts to feel something special as she watches Brooklyn masturbate with her toy. Maybe it is not so bad after all. You may not be able to sleep with a man but what is so wrong with personal masturbation. Brooklyn makes Isabella touch herself in front of her and soon Isabella has her face buried in her sisters wet little pussy! The fun only begins now and Isabella...

2 years ago
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Slut is BackI

Hello all of you. I am Bhavna. I guess all of you have read of my slutty experiences and even that I am married. Last time when I wrote I said that I am a loyal wife and will never cheat to my husband but it will be not wrong if I say I am a filthy slut who loves to be screwed by strangers. I was happily living with my husband. He is not very good at sex but quite satisfying. I had no more intentions of doing any more slutty acts like I did in my past. We are living in an apartment in a...

1 year ago
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Driving in Snow Ch 09

Chapter 9 I handed the phone to my wife. Ann called her Mrs. McCartney. My wife objected saying: ‘My name is Filipina but everyone calls me Fil.’ Ann offered to take us out to dinner tomorrow night. My wife accepted and Ann asked her to choose a nice restaurant where we could all talk. The two chatted happily for about ten minutes. I was surprised, actually shocked, by this. Then it occurred to me that these two are friends over many lifetimes at the level of soul. It got me thinking about how...

2 years ago
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The Succubae Seduction Ch 03

Chapter 03 Working Things Out No sleep comes for me as I lie in bed, hating myself for what I’ve done to those two women. The worst part is that I actually feel good right now, which only makes me feel even worse. I just wish I had some way of contacting Angela. Hadn’t she told me that there was a way to give energy, rather than take it? How much longer is she going to be gone? If I had a keycard like hers, I’d be able to go to the Shadow World, and ask her. If, if, how, and if: my life...

3 years ago
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My First Time in The Band

I was an 18 year old senior in high school and lead guitarist and vocalist in a good rock band that played at least four or five gigs a month locally, making good music and better money than we used to make cutting grass or washing cars. We were getting a rep as a good party band! We were the happiest guys in school — and I was soon to learn there is more to music than I thought! We played a birthday party for one of the popular chicks, Jody, in school and we impressed her and her mom to the...

4 years ago
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The Apprentice

The Apprentice Chapter 1 She was asked by one of the school’s teachers to come to room 17 today at 9am.She arrived at 8:55 and was greeted at the door by the same teacher.?Please go in and sit at the table, someone will be with you shortly?. ?Ok? was all she said and opened the door. Inside was a small room all painted in white with a small table, one chair and what looked like a speaker. She went in and sat down. As she was sitting she heard the door she had just come thru being locked. She...

3 years ago
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Badge of Dishonor Ch 12

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twelve Deputy Sheriff Luke Thomas arrived home in the morning after a very boring night shift. He had lived in a tiny two-room second floor apartment in the home of Lorraine and Marvin Keeler ever since he started working for the sheriff’s department. Luke was an orphan. His parents were killed in a car crash when he was nine, and he’d been raised by an elderly aunt and uncle, who had retired to Florida the year Luke finished...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Eyes

I don’t remember all of it, as my first time went fast and hard, but I do remember the thrill and the passion and the insane ecstasy. I’d known about my orientation from an early age, I knew in my heart that I was not meant to love women, but that didn’t mean I didn’t yearn for those long, drawn-out romances that one often saw on the silver screen. And it certainly never occurred to me that I would give something as significant as my virginity away on a one-night-stand, as archaic as that...

2 years ago
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Three Monster Cocks Fucked Me That Night

P.S. The character names in this story are imaginary. About me, I have an athletic body. My face is a little girl-like. I have rose lips and thick eyelashes. Hope you all have I had in my last story. This is a story that I experienced again at Bangalore. I went to Bangalore to check out a college campus. I was ready to join there as my friends suggested that it was a nice college. So I started the journey by train in the early morning and reached Bangalore by afternoon. I reached the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Lab PartnersChapter 5

Dawn’s light through Nichelle’s thin curtains roused Kit. He saw her slipping into a mid thigh-length light green robe. “I was going to use the bathroom,” she said. “Do you need to?” “Yeah, I probably should. He climbed out of her bottom bunk and pulled his jeans on. “You go first. I’ll guard the door.” She opened a drawer and handed him a towel. “Here, you can use this.” He stepped into the common living area and looked around. “No one else up yet,” he remarked. “Or, not home yet,”...

4 years ago
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Wife Loving the Cuckold lifestyle

Continuation of the fantasyIt had been a few weeks since my wife decided that I was to be a true Cuckold. My fantasy started by watching videos of cuckold couples. My wife had called my bluff and enjoyed her first experience she had decided that this was to be our sexual lifestyle. My wife had taken a few days off work to sort out some chores around the house. When I returned home after her first day off there had been a delivery and my wife had left a big box in the centre of the living room....

1 year ago
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Early Sexual Experience True Story

This is a continuation of my first young Sexual eexperience. This story is about me and is true, I was tw€!ve yrs. I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoyed doing it ;)•A few days later at school Matt told me to meet him at the church storage room. After we went in there he locked the door and said he had a surprise. He had taken a Hustler magazine that he took from his dad. We sat in there looking at the pictures, within seconds we were both hard. He told me to show him my cock and I did. I...

3 years ago
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My Grandson My Owner

How I bacame my Grandson's sex slave. One of my grandsons his name is Sid and myself He calls me Gramps were sitting in my living room just two days before his 18th birthday. Now my grandson is a very cute, very sexy young man. He has dark skin his mother is from the Philippines, he's 5ft. 6 in. tall, weighs 145 pounds, black hair, dark brown eye's, slim, some really nice eye-candy! We were watching a movie on TV that included a lot of nudity, I don't remember the name of the movie, but I do...

2 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 18 Invasion

Getting out of Scotland and to the Metéora proved more complicated than anticipated. Rebecca spent most of Thursday at the embassy retrieving her updated passport with her new name. She ran to the university and explained to Dr. Reston that she would be pursuing a lead in Central Greece where a form of goddess worship was still practiced at the very foot of the Orthodox monasteries. And that while based in the Greek pantheon, it appeared that a single goddess was the object of reverence. This...

2 years ago
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A Day in Dicks Life

She was so warm, wet and willing as I eased into her after some serious stroking and arousal. I was standing tall and stiff, dribbling my juices as I got ready to dive in...Then I awakened from my wet dream to find my appendage slowly waking up. I was still stiff and ready but I was just morning wood - too bad Big Head didn't score a warm fuzzy snatch for me to perform with, but that's not unusual. Me, I can make a woman moan but Big Head keeps blowing it so I spend too many nights just...

3 years ago
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The Receptionist

[Author's note: I typed up the original story on my phone in the middle of the night. It's been awhile since I've had the time and inspiration to write a story, so I barely gave it a second glance and published it with all sorts of mistakes. I've edited the currently existing chapters to improve the writing and grammar. If you enjoy the story, please like it by clicking on the thumbs up button below. Thanks!] “I’m very sorry Mr. Davis,” Sofi said, her voice a careful mixture of apology and...

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the gym guy

as i prepared to go over my lovers house to worship his BBC, my cock bulged in my pants and exploded... just the thought of his beautiful 11 inch cock down my throat was more than i could bare.... it was winter,cold and close to x-mas.... i arrived at his house,at around 8pm... when he answered his door,he had on a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt....i was kind of disappointed... i was hoping he'd answer the door naked so i could immediately go to town on his huge member... he told me he...

3 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 33

Luis Garza waited until after seven p.m. to go to the address the 'red-headed witch' provided, freshly showered and changed. As advertized, a black woman came to the door. Luis stuck to the script, "The club sent me to fuck you." Phyllis Horner blinked in surprise. "Say what?" "The club sent me to fuck you. That's what the red haired witch said to say..." Phyllis stood there for a moment blinking. 'Who ELSE would send someone and have them say THAT?' "TRISH!" "Momma?"...

2 years ago
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A Gentleman8217s Sex With A Shy College Girl

It was raining heavily. I was in my car, driving home. I saw a lean college girl dressed in jeans and a blue-yellow mixed t-shirt gesturing the autos to stop. Unfortunately, none of the autos stopped to pick her up. She looked very much concerned and I liked her cute face. I stopped my car even though she didn’t gesture me to stop. I pulled down my car window and asked her where she was going. She was reluctant to answer my question. I told her where I was going and she replied me back. Her...

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Bouncing Bunny

I felt ill and I had been sick a couple of times in the afternoon at work and really wanted to go home and lie down. I couldn’t get to talk to my husband, confounded new phone kept losing signal and going off-line,. Didn’t matter, I’d see him at home. Not sure what the problem was: something I ate? Something I was coming down with? It certainly wasn’t pregnancy, I'd been on the pill for over four years. All I knew was that I wanted to go home. Oh, by the way, my name is Nichole, but everyone...

1 year ago
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Jurassic Park 6 The Sickness Part 2

These events happen one to one and one half year later from the events of the girls that got stranded on isla sorna. Part 2 a couple of months after part 1.Amanda and Dustin were a couple that were having the time of their life living their new life away from their poor past. They were taking people to isla sorna to see dinosaurs and were getting paid a lot of money to do it and even though they risk punishment and death every time they were loving the adventure of breaking the rules. They had...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Hot Mom

Will Blake was my best friend. We’d known each other since middle school and now, the Summer after graduation, we were headed to be rommies together at college. I was at Will’s as usual. He was taking a shower and I was waiting for him to finish and we were going out – hopefully to nail some fresh pussy. When new conquests were on the agenda we went across town to hang in the other high school’s area. We knew all the k**s from our school, but the k**s that went to Jackson High were not as...

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