24 Hours (9:30pm-5:30am) free porn video

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Thanks to everyone who has followed this series. It has been a pleasure to write. Thanks to VillageWordsmith, for the editing.

His arms lifted me, my sleep laden eyes heavy with drowsiness. I try to focus on the clock.

‘The time?’ I ask.

‘Does it matter?’

‘No,’ then I mumble, ‘yes.’

‘Just after twelve,’ he whispers against my ear.

My eyes close as I press into him, remembering the time it all started, the time we first touched. The moment when I realized it was happening, that it was for us and no one else. Nuzzling his neck, my lips place a kiss upon his skin. His fingers slide over my side as he carries me to our bed. The scent of my lover is here now, before it had been only the familiar aroma of my life, but now his scent lingers everywhere.

I know I will smell it in my bed, my kitchen, my living room. His scent will be with me when I shower, or walk around my quaint little town. The vision of his body will be in my head, as will the feel of his skin next to mine. Looking up to him, as he places me on the bed, I see that it will happen soon. I won’t be able to control it, I won’t be able to keep him with me. Pulling his body down to lie beside mine, I hold him.

We lie there, our bodies pressed together, his fingers stroking my hair, as his eyes concentrate on mine. No words are spoken as he rolls to his side and pulls me against him. ‘You need your rest,’ he whispers into my hair.

My head shakes a firm no, under his chin. His fingers slide over my hip, and he scoots himself closer to my back. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he slowly caresses my stomach. I struggle to stay awake, I concentrate on the clock, the green numbers, now the ones I hate. They scream at me. They display themselves, taunting me. My hand reaches out, and I push the clock to the floor. The sound echoes through the room. ‘Shh…’ he whispers as the tears begin to fall.

I try. I try desperately not to give into them, but I fail. Turning into him, I empty it all, releasing the pent-up despair of our parting, allowing the flood of anguish and frustration to consume me. His fingers run in my hair, his kisses rain down on my head. He holds me as I cry the tears I have tried so hard not to shed.

‘Rest, love.’

I hear him, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to rest. My eyes hurt. My heart burns. The will to stay awake for the final hours is great, but the body is weak, and soon my eyes close, and I do as he wished, I sleep.

‘Soon,’ his voice whispers in my ear.

I hear him and the word he spoke. His breath touches my ear, stirs my hair, and rubs over my skin. Rolling over, I face him, ‘How long?’

He looks at me and smiles, ‘I could tell you if you hadn’t tossed the clock on to the floor.’ I growl and jab him in the stomach. ‘How do you think it will happen?’ I ask.

‘What?’ his eyes full of confusion.

‘How do you think you’ll leave?’

I realize that he doesn’t know. ‘Do you think you’ll just disappear?’

‘I guess,’ he sighs, ‘I never thought about it.’

‘When you woke up, what was it like? Did you feel cold, or perhaps you were on air?’

Raising his brow he answers, ‘I just woke up, like I do when I am at home. Just opened my eyes and there you were and here I was in your home.’

‘Do you think, if I didn’t go to sleep, you’d stay? If, perhaps, when the clock hit 5:30, and I was awake holding you, you’d still be stuck here?’

‘I’m anything, but stuck. I don’t think it would work that way.’ Pulling me close, his arms circle around my back. ‘I think it will happen, when and where, doesn’t matter, but it will just happen.’

‘I guess your right,’ I whisper against his chest.

He kisses the top of my head, pats my butt, then pushes me gently, ‘Out of bed, you’ve had enough rest.’

I watch as he pulls himself up and off the bed. Sighing I roll back over and find myself staring down at the floor. The ghastly green numbers laughing at me as their fiery green color scream 3:00. Lifting it from the floor, I place it gently back on the table, wanting only to throw it against the mirror, the wall, the window, any where, but I don’t.

He walks over to me and lays his hand on my shoulder. Jerking my body away from him, I shake with rage. This was not a gift, or a present, it was a curse, a mean spirited tease to us. It was forced upon us, and we lived it, only to have it ripped from our bodies. ‘We still have so much to do,’ I tell him, as he brings my face to his. His smell intoxicates me.

‘There will never be enough time.’

‘I know,’ my face looks up to his and I see everything, I was supposed to have but can’t. Turning away, my heart burning in my chest, my hands come up and cover my face and I feel myself jerk away from him.

He is waiting, waiting for me. He gives me a moment to collect myself. We are both thinking the same thing, both of us suffering. I turn to him, my body, my soul, my heart, all of me throw themselves into his arms.

Our hands move quickly flying over each others skin, touching every patch of flesh. Our lips mash and merge as our tongues drive in a heated frenzy to take what we can. His hands thrust into my hair, holding my head still as he captures my mouth. Our tongues fight a battle that we know we won’t win, but one we refuse to give up. He is over me, my legs opening for him. My back arches as he takes me, filling my body with his. He pushes deep into me as my legs wrap around him holding me him tight, refusing to allow him to escape. He pushes and kneads my flesh, pulls and twists my nipple.

My nails rake his back, dig into his ass, grasp his hips, as my sex pushes up with his. Our grunts of heated mating are pulled from our throats. We each take what we want, increasing the tempo of our mating until with the screams of each one’s name echoing through our ears, bodies, and souls, we climax together.

Pulsating waves of pleasure soar through each of us. We both ride them as they build and fall, lifting us upon wings of eagles then spinning down to only rise once more. We hold each other tight, savoring each feeling of liquid, merging and mating with its long sought partner.

Finally he looks at me, touches my face and kisses my lips. My fingers slide to his jaw, his eyes, his nose, capturing every feature. His light kiss on my forehead brings a smile to my face. He slides over to his side and pulls me close against him, nuzzles my neck, then pinches my ass.

‘Hey!’ I jab him gently in the ribs. He makes a fake sound of pain then leaves the bed. I watch as he pulls a robe from the closet, tosses it to me and says, ‘Pie.’

‘Pie? Now?’

‘Yep,’ then he is gone. His naked ass disappears through the door as he pulls his arm into the sleeves of his robe. I sigh, take another one of many deep breaths and climb out of bed, time forgotten for the moment. ‘Pie,’ I laugh and shake my head, joining him in the kitchen, my robe loose around my body.

‘Whip cream?’ I ask.

‘To obvious,’ he smiles. I pour two glasses of milk and we move outside. Morning sounds are just starting to erupt. A gentle breeze passes over us, as we take a seat on the whicker chairs and enjoy our pie and milk. ‘This has been more then I had ever dreamed.’ I tell him.

‘I never thought it possible.’

‘Nor did I, it is somewhat unfair also.’

Placing his hand on mine, he looks over at me, ‘I shall remember this always, it is burned into my soul. ‘

‘Will we remember in the morning?’

‘I’ll never forget.’

‘Neither will I,’ I whisper as I lean over and cover his mouth with my lips. ‘Mmmm… blackberries.’ Taking my finger, I dip it into the blackberry pie. Smiling at him, I run it over his lips, and then slowly remove it with my tongue.

‘Nice,’ he grins. Taking a large dollop of pie, he opens my robe and coats one nipple with blackberry filling. Shivers run over my skin, a
s the cool gel of the pie touch my heated flesh. He bends his head, takes my nipple into his mouth, then his tongue sweeps across the hard bud.

Moaning, my fingers move to the pie, and I coat my other nipple with the sweet treat. He looks up, our eyes meet, and he smirks before he devours the sweetness. Grinning wickedly he looks up to me, his face full of mirth and humor. I watch his finger gather more pie and feel myself shudder as he pushes it into the wet folds of my sex. The cold fruit tickles my walls, as my body warms it to a pleasant temperature.

My pupils dilate as he lowers his mouth to my wet arousal, ‘Wait,’ I whisper. He looks at me, the glow of the porch light illuminating us, I place a finger into the now demolished pie and move some onto my belly button. He laughs as he quickly devours that place as well. My lover owns my body. He cleans my belly, then takes his tongue on a sugar filled journey.

As I feel the heat of his body, press between my legs, I sigh in contentment. His breath hovers over my sex, bringing trembles of desire to my flesh. When his tongue touches my berry covered clit, I squirm and shift, hoping to press more of my wet, lips into his face. He blows on the hairs of my pussy, stirring them, raising goose-bumps across me.

His teeth pull at the fine, soft curls and tug on them. My hips lift, when his tongue slides and pushes my clit, slipping down between my wet walls. The sticky berry juice is gathered and lapped up by his mouth, drawn deep between thrusts of his muscle and the motion of his sucking against my sex. I gasp as I feel his strong fingers open my lips wider, and soon I feel his tongue lick inside my slick hole.

My hand moves down to join in the banter, as he licks and pulls the juices from my body. Lifting my hips to his face, I plead with him to continue, to cleanse me of the fruit, not just the blackberry, but my very own fruity nectar. He does. With each thrust of his tongue, he works more warmed dessert out of me, as he begins to use a finger to slide around inside my body.

Stroking my walls, grazing the fleshiness of them with his nails, I feel his hands under my ass. My legs are lifted to his shoulders, they lock at the ankles and pull him towards me, holding him there. ‘Oh yesss!’ I call out into the morning air. ‘Please, ohhhh yesss!!’ Each sound echoes off the trees, my house, the very buildings that surround us.

I feel it. I feel the explosion of desire burn from me, the heat leaves and flows like warm syrup, coating my walls, his tongue and his fingers. I gasp and lift, fall and moan with each pull of his finger, each push of his tongue. My cum escapes my body, an offering to him, for his questing mouth, and seeking fingers. My lips tremble as I feel the shivers that course through every vein and seek release through every pore of my flesh.

Slowing the movements of his tongue and finger, I feel my body begin its descent down to Earth. I close my eyes savor the warm breath upon my skin, as he moves my legs from around his neck. He snakes his tongue back up my skin, poses over each nipple and sucks each one, an unexpected treat for the twin peaks that call out to him. Our lips meet again, and I accept the taste of my juices and the pie, begging him for more. My tongue dances with his, merges with each stroke, increasing the force of our mating.

His hands slide to my hips, and he lifts me. My pussy smacks against his cock, pressing against it. ‘I need you,’ he growls in my ear.

‘Not yet,’ I whisper against his. ‘It’s my turn.’

He carries me to my bed, turns himself around and brings me down with him, as he lies back. I straddle him, and then lower my mouth to his neck, covering it with bites, licks and sucks. His fingers skim my back, ass and thighs. He kneads the flesh he has marked. My tongue moves across his collar bone, then attacks the dip in his neck where the bones meet. I lap at it, he shivers under my touch. Smiling I continue to drink from his skin. Then slip my tongue and body lower.

I place a kiss on the center of his chest. Another on each nipple before, taking one in my mouth and biting it. My teeth pull and tease the hard button, sucking softly, then biting once more. I only wish to taste all of him, learn all of him, own all of him. My tongue slides over the nipples of my lover, feeling the ridges that rise up to greet me.

With practiced ease from the hours we have spent together, I place a kiss on his stomach, my eyes hold his. He watches me, as my tongue slides over the head of his cock, and then down each side. Taking it in my hand, I allow it to be praised, covering it with wet licks and strokes. My fingers run over the head, teasing it, bringing the oily gift to the tip and letting it be captured by my lips. Running my closed lips over the head of his shaft, they now glisten. I quickly relieve them of their precious lipstick, as my tongue slides over them.

My hand cups his balls, lifts and plays with them. Each marble is a jewel hidden from my eyes, but felt by my tongue. I taste each one. Guiding them like fine wine being savored in one’s throat, I begin to take them into my mouth, holding each one as if it were a gift to me. My tongue presses against them, pushing them back and forth, up and down. I feel his hands in my hair, holding me against him. I know he wants more, needs more and so I give him want he craves.

Moving my mouth from his testicles, I place it just over the tip of his cock. He watches. His chest lifts and falls as I guide the swollen head into the heat of my mouth. ‘Ohhh love,’ he groans out to me. I smile and take more of him inside. His shaft is only partially buried in the warm blanket I possess, and still I hold him, waiting for his need to voice it. My tongue circles and stretches down the length that is covered within my velvet lips.

He groans, and presses his hips up again. I move my mouth lower, taking his cock fully. The base hits my lips as my breath touches the hairs that curl around his sex. Drawing breath from my nose, I move my head slowly up and down. My fingers tease the crevices of his silky sac that is still moist from my previous licks. I hear him gasp and I feel the rush of blood moving through his swollen vein. My head moves faster and my hand soon begins to stroke with the rythmn of my mouth.

I move quickly, wanting to taste his fiery passion. ‘Ohhhh yesss… OHHH GOD!!’ he shouts. The first flow of his cum covers the back of my throat, and my tongue savors the tastes. Another is followed quickly behind it. I move my mouth quicker, stroking his cock free of the seed that I wish to have forever. It flows steadily to me, as I swallow and accept him, loving him fully.

My mouth moves away, my tongue cleans him, rinsing him for my pussy. He pulls me up to his body. Our mouths meet and tease then he rolls me to my back. His cock is half hard, and enters me. I tremble, as I feel him pump his rod into me. Soon it is growing inside me. My fingers dig at his shoulders, his name falls from my lips. I call out to him to continue.

As he continues to slide inside me, allowing my body to accept him, my eyes close, and I see us. Not as we have been for the last day, but as we will be in the future. It is revealed to me, that someday, whether this life or the next, we will be one. The joy of the revelation is more then I can bear as he brings me back to the place I am now. He pushes deep and I feel my climax hover then cascade down. We are both surrounded by it, covered in its warm embrace.

I pull him close, kiss him gently and sigh into his arms. He loves me slowly, the release heady, and quick, but it was what we needed. He empties more seed, as I clasp his body to me. ‘I love you,’ I whisper again.

‘And I, you.’

He pulls his body from mine and once more gathers me up, my back against his chest. He holds me close, his fingers once more resting on my breasts. I look out my window the sun is just a peak above the horizon. I turn in
his arms and kiss his lips, then snuggle into his embrace. My eyes close in quiet, love filled slumber. A smile fills my features, as I hear his soft snore against my ear.

The wind blows through my open window, the sun beats down on my skin, my eyes open, and a crystal wind chime blows in the breeze.

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Pondicherry Restaurant Aunty Sumathi

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Dass, vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, intha vayathil pengal ennai vaitha kangal edukamal paarpaargal. Enaku manathil pengalai ooka vendum endra aasai irukum aanal naan ooka bayap paduven. Ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu, oru naal en nanban udan pondicheeryku sendru irunthen. Appozhuthu naangal oru saraku kadaiyil saraku vaangi kondu beach sendru ondraaga kudithom. Nala bothai eriyathu, pondicherry endraale anaivarukum...

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Practicals with my Bio teacher

This all began on the first day of school when I saw my gorgeous Bio for the first time. She was one of the hottest women I've ever seeen. With a flawless body which consisted of perfect tits(C-Cupped I guess) and a cute round ass that wiggled a bit every time she walked. If my conclusions were correct she was in her mid 30's and looked just like a pornstar. She could have easily modelled for PLAYBOY if she wanted to. I was often distracted by her lovely breasts in class and found it hard to...

1 year ago
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Bath time for sis

100% fiction! When Emma entered the bathroom and began preparing for her shower my heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful. Her dark brown curly hair bounced around her shoulders as she moved. Her perky breat jiggled inside her night shirt. Emma had amazing tits. I had seen them by accident a few times as she was growing up. They were not what you would call big, but they are gorgeous. Fully round size 34c with pink areolas and puffy little nipples that turned up at the tip. Oh so begging to be...

3 years ago
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Liv This is the true story of the time during and after my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend Liv, and hopefully more to come. Anyway, this is 100% true. Hope you like it. We were both home from college on Christmas break, not returning until the end of January. If you’re wondering, we both went to the same college. Conveniently, this was just in time for our 2 year anniversary. We started dating in high school, when she was a senior and I was a junior. We met in our French class when we...

4 years ago
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HomelessChapter 5 Nina worries and shows a bit

The next morning, I was again eating cereal for breakfast when Nina came down from her room. Today she was wearing one of the pairs of trousers that we bought, the white blouse and the blazer. The trousers did fit her nice and tight, but the jacket was quite long and covered up most of the relevant details. I told her she looked lovely again, she blushed again and smiled and thanked me for the compliment. After she grabbed a bite to eat, we went off to work and I didn't see her again until...

4 years ago
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Crossing the Line

We'd been hanging out, having a few drinks and laughs. I love your sense of humor, your laugh. As you move my eyes take you in. I smile on the inside. After deciding to call it a night, I hunker down on the couch for a few hours of sleep. You give me a blanket and go to bed. Images from the night, watching you, drift through my mind.. About fifteen minutes after you say your good night's, I'm laying there half awake. There is very little light, but I watch your silhouette as you quietly walk...

2 years ago
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My Brothers Present

I stuck my head over the edge of my bed to see my twin brother Ritchie lying on the floor of my bedroom. He'd be sleeping here with me until Aunt Marge and Uncle Bert went home after Christmas. "Ritchie," I whispered, "It's ok if you want to sleep up here with me." "Oh God thanks Stephanie." He said scampering up into bed. With the doors closed my room got incredibly cold in the winter, especially on the floor. Mom said since we were both thirteen we couldn't sleep in the same bed,...

2 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 11

"We probably should go back to the reception," said Alice. "I agree," replied Sarah. "Before we go out I have a couple of questions. That way I can digest the answers while we are at the reception and talk about later." "Oh, no. She is setting us up for a quiz," said Judy with a smile. "How about inquisition?" "We're saving that for the woman later," replied Alice laughing. "Although by the time I get down there she may be ready to talk her head off and do anything to get...

1 year ago
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Find Me Forgive MeChapter 2

With Gordon lying in hospital, life took on its expected hectic pace during the next weeks. I had two sets of clients to handle. Jenny and Nicola worked their socks off re-arranging my appointments, and Nicola, who had a law degree, helped with conveyancing and research. However, the extra interviews and paper work only I could do, meant I was in the office by seven each morning and didn’t leave until my self-imposed deadline of ten at night. Day after day the routine went on, and it was...

3 years ago
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The Pianist Ch 03

Allie jumped slightly and felt a sharp intake of breath as she heard his voice. She turned slowly with a smile and said ‘As a matter of fact, I am…you.’ ‘Really, to what do I owe the pleasure?’ ‘Actually, I came to apologize for my behavior yesterday.’ ‘Well then, you can start by buying me a drink. Shall we?’ Nic offered his arm, and Allie surprised herself when she readily accepted. Nic led Allie to an open table towards the back where the music wasn’t as loud, and he ordered them a round....

1 year ago
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Meri Badi Behan Bani Meri Patni

Hello to all my readers. Aaj mai devilzbadboy aapke saamne fr se ek kahani haazir karne jaa raha hai. Yeh kahani hai mere aziz dost rocky ki. Rocky ek middle class family se bilong karta hai. Rocky ki ek sagi badi behan hai jiska naam hai gayatri. Gayatri aur rocky dono ek doosre ke bahat kareeb hai unke bachpan se. Gayatri rocky se umar mai 2 saal badi hai. Kahani mai aane se pehle mai aap ko rocky aur gayatri ke bare mai thoda bata doon. Rocky mechanical engineering ka student hai uski height...

1 year ago
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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...

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My Give Away WifeChapter 5

Lea became noticeably more nervous when Jim left a sizeable tip and we got up to leave. It’s time. The games are about to begin. We left the car in the restaurant parking lot again and just like before, Jim unbuttoned one more of Lea’s buttons, leaving only three buttons between Lea and getting arrested. We walked down the street and went into the same bar we played pool in two nights ago. I suspect a lot of people heard what happened and have come in this evening hoping Jim and Lea would...

1 year ago
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Drunken orgy

It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was coming for a few days. He was accepting the open invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him. My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to drink a bit much for our liking. David and I are involved regularly in Church and are our faith played a major role in our lives. I met David when I was 18 and he was 20. After a year courtship we were married. I lost my virginity to David on my wedding night and he is the only man I...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 23 Windy Weather in Scotland

The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...

2 years ago
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Slut Is Back 8211 Part III

Hi to all. I Bhavna is back with further sex incidents of my life.so varun asked me to come to go to theatre with him. i was in a little doubt about how he knew that my husband is not home anymore but then i thought he must have asked it from watchman. i mean its not too tricky to get information about someone. he messaged me the dress in which he wanted to see me. he asked for a tight t-shirt and skirt showing my thighs. he even warned me not to wear any bra or panty or he will make me nude...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole Gwen Vicious Sloppy Teen Anal Slut

It’s been two months since sexy coed Gwen Vicious had a big dick up her asshole, and on a scale of one to ten, her horny-level is off the charts. Thankfully, PervCity is open for business, and so is this PAWG’s big ass. Latin stud Ramon Nomar devours her plump shaved pussy lips, and in return, she gives him a footjob with her stocking-covered feet, and then turns around and gobbles his prick with a POV blowjob while she masturbates. Spit drips from her chin to her perky big tits, and the...

3 years ago
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Souvenir Paddles

Souvenir Paddles I’d passed this place several times in the past. As a traveling factory rep, I had occasion to find myself in this part of the state, perhaps every six months, or so. This time, I had some time to kill — actually the rest of the day free — and yielded to my curiosity, pulling into the gravel parking lot spanning the front of the building. The building itself was old and made of concrete block. With windows fronting the store, it looked like it had once been a market — IGA, or...

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The Maid 2 The New Contract

Let me explain..... I was originally hired to be Miss Laura's house maid to make extra money for college. After I graduated, Miss Laura offered me the position of her personal maid. With this position came all of the normal duties associated with taking care of her personal care. Included in my tasks was to wipe her after she went to the bathroom, or as she prefers to call it.... Her Throne Room. I was to call her Ma'am or Ma'dam, not Miss Laura anymore. I also received a very nice...

4 years ago
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Kuwari Kannya Ke Sath Sex

Hi friends this is Vaibhav again from Ghaziabad with a new story. Thanks for your feedback for my previous stories. Thanks to ISS to publish my story. Let me introduce myself for the new readers.I am a boy of 23. My height is 5’9″ 1weight 65 kgs with average health, white complexion. I work as a Sales Officer in a MNC. Let us come to the story. Let’s come to the story. This story is about my facebook friend. She is Kanishka from Saharanpur. (Name changed) Age 18, with height 5’5 weight 70kg...

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Marvin Leaves the City

CHAPTER 1 Corporate accountant Marvin Roach was unsettled in his role as an internal auditor. The twenty-seven year old had liked working with three foxy females on a project costing team but had been switched, without consultation, to the internal audit section where he worked with two grumpy old guys and a hawk-nosed female with no obvious tits who chewed gum. Jesus. Marvin’s grandparents had died and left him their ranch run as a cow-calf operation. The appraised value was $8.7 million...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kyler Quinn Lily Larimar Let Me Get A Peek At Chu

Lily Larimar and her friend Kyler Quinn have dressed up for a Halloween party. They’re competing for the attention of the same guy, so they go to Lily’s stepbrother, Seth Gamble, and ask him to decide who’s hotter. Seth points out that Lily called him a pervert the last time he looked down her shirt, which just upsets Kyler because now she knows Seth hasn’t seen her tits but he has seen his sister’s. Kyler responds by flashing Seth. Lily gives Seth another glimpse...

2 years ago
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Public love

I am anxiously awaiting your arrival. We haven’t seen each other in … I don’t know…. 2 or 3 days, and I know my body is aching for yours. We decide to meet in a shopping center parking lot. My phone rings, and It’s you, telling me you’re almost here. My stomach lurches with anticipation, and I can already feel the wetness between my legs. I want to give in and rub myself until you arrive, but I hold off. I want you to be the one to satisfy me. I see you then, coming around the corner...

Straight Sex
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My First EverythingChapter 29

Thursday, Denise was waiting for me right in front of the school when I first arrived. She flashed me one of her biggest smiles, acting as though she and I had never been in any arguments at all. "Larry, you didn't call me last night. I was waiting for you to call." "I didn't know you'd be at home. I thought you said you'd be out studying with a friend?" "I would have been, but my friend was busy with all his other friends. He didn't have any time to spend with me." "Are you...

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Driving With Daddy the Second Episode

As I was recovering from my concussion, foremost in my mind and heart were the new-found loving sexual encounters with my dear Daddy. While our first virginity-taking episode was painful, I was really proud of the blow job I had given Daddy on our next encounter. My first climax from the grinding stimulation of my clitoris over his erect member was truly life-changing. But, I greedily wanted so much more! I don’t know if my bitchy mother was suspicious, or if Daddy was afraid to proceed...

3 years ago
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FLYPAPER By Lana B. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. *** The grimy ceiling lamp gently swayed on its rusted chain as the overworked floor fan ten feet away noisily labored to circulate the dank air in the warehouse's cellar. The lamp's wavering light beam shone downward in a broadening cone that softly illuminated the immediate area around the small wooden table but not much else beyond its perimeter. Steve looked into the...

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Divorcing My Vibe

Anna walked in the door, shutting it with force just short of what could be considered a slam. She absently tossed her purse on the coffee table, and headed straight for the shower. She felt as if she had a cloud of stale cigarette smoke hovering around her auburn hair from the bar, and she reeked of beer because some drunk had spilled it all over her while delivering the worst pick-up lines she’d ever heard. One more night of the world proving to her that all the men were married, gay,...

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Not Passing Go Ch 03

Pain in Spain They say Solitary Sal was anybody’s for half a crown, but that was when half a crown was worth sumthink. Now old Sal’s nobody’s. Except when her son’s conscience allows her to spend a week with him in sunny Spain. Motormouth Mikey was never a friend of mine but he had his uses. Last time was just over five long painful years ago. I had a bank deposit vault that I had my eye on, where I was minded to max out the credit by making multiple withdrawals. Now, in the right hands an...

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Shadow and LightChapter 12

Harding Residence, Immediately Following Tess’s house burned with a roaring fire and soon the whole structure would be incinerated. The last thing any of the group saw before the explosion was Alex getting inside; they never saw him come out. All they could see was red-hot flame and a cloud of billowing smoke that rose higher and higher. Isabel felt her heart stop and she would have fallen to her knees if Liz hadn’t held her. All any of them could do was stare, they couldn’t believe what...

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