Boyfriend? free porn video

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‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

The alarm clock went off at exactly six o’clock on Monday morning. Heather lay under the thick blue comforter and closed her eyes tightly. She contemplated hitting the snooze button, then realized that just made her a chicken.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

‘Oh God I wish I was dead,’ Heather thought as she pulled the comforter over her head. She knew this was not going to be the most pleasant day at work. What if she lost her job over this? Charles was definitely not worth that in her opinion ~ but she certainly wouldn’t put it past him to force her out of her comfortable position at KelMax.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!’

Imagining the snooze button was Charles’ face, Heather jumped out of bed and slammed her hand down on top of the annoying clock. She looked wistfully at the soft bed for a few moments before deciding that she had no choice but to go to work and face Charles and his wrath.

As she stripped off her pajamas and tossed them on the floor, she wondered how she’d gotten herself placed in this type of position. She was twenty-seven years old, single, and broke. Her Bachelors Degree in English was getting her nowhere career-wise. Heather had graduated and expected to have little problem acquiring a well-respected career in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. This was a huge city, after all, so the employment agencies were confident she would have a job offer quickly. Unfortunately, none found Heather to be an asset because she lacked the job experience that other candidates possessed. The damn degree wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on!

So, six weeks after her graduated from West Texas A & M University, Heather found herself grateful to receive a job offer from KelMax. Sure, it was only a secretarial position, but it beat serving burgers to snotty little kids at Wendy’s.

Her first day at KelMax was horrid. Heather dressed to kill in a tight black skirt and her favorite black blazer. Her white blouse was wrinkle-free and freshly laundered. The pink tourmaline brooch was her good luck charm (passed down from her mother) and she found that she kept touching it – as if the luck would simply rub off onto her through the constant contact.

Getting out of her car she spilled coffee on her skirt. Walking up to the building she had been clipped by a bike messenger and had stumbled on the curb – running her pantyhose. She had found her office and sat down in her chair approximately 12 minutes late. Mr. Charles Walker had glided into her office just as she sat down.

Heather had swallowed hard as she drank in her new boss. He stood about 6’4′, very athletic build. He was draped in Armani and looked good enough to lick. Heather sat mesmerized until he looked through her and stated ‘You’re late. Welcome to KelMax,’ and strode out of her office as quickly as he’d entered it.

‘Great, he hates me already,’ she had mumbled, as she went to get his coffee.


In the six months Heather had been the secretary of Mr. Charles Walker, Mr. Walker had spent exactly ten seconds with her on a personal level. That was on her birthday, when her brother sent her a dozen white roses. Mr. Walker had come into her office to place his lunch order and had glanced briefly at her desk.

‘Boyfriend?’ he asked.

She had smiled and said, ‘Brother.’

‘Happy birthday,’ he had mumbled as he walked out the door.

Because the relationship really had not proved to be personal on any level, the dinner invitation had been a shock. She had been punishing herself on her Stairmaster to the latest episode of ‘American Idol’ (which she had recorded the week prior) when the doorbell rang. Sweaty, and humming a tune from the show, she jogged to the door. Outside stood a boy of about 20 years old, holding a flat of pansies.

‘These are for me?’ she’d asked.

‘Heather Layton?’ he questioned.

She’d nodded and taken the flat. As she was about to shut the door the boy said, ‘Oh, there’s a card’ and had handed it to her.

She went into the living room and sat the flat of purple blossoms on the coffee table. Wiping the sweat from her brow with the towel around her neck, she leaned forward and smelled the sweet scent of the pretty buds. Fumbling, she opened the card:

‘Have dinner with me Sunday evening. Pick you up at 7:00 p.m.

Humbly yours,


Leaning back on the couch, Heather had groaned. She had three choices the way she looked at it. Her first gut instinct was to call him and tell him she had other plans.

‘I’m sorry, Charles, but I have to wash my hair tomorrow evening’

Okay that idea was out.

She could always pretend she wasn’t home when he showed up, and peek out from behind the blinds to get a look at him all slicked up.

‘Chicken-shit’ she scolded herself.

She had tapped herself on the forehead with the card. She had then looked down at the beautiful flowers on the coffee table. They really were sweet. Heather had never received flowers from a man before that was not a blood relation. Her brother sent her roses on her birthday each year. How sweet of him to choose pansies instead of roses like other men!

Suddenly had she bristled. Why was he asking her out all of the sudden? Mr. Charles Walker had never shown any interest in Miss Heather Layton in the six months she had known him.


‘Why did I even go on the damn date? STUPID STUPID,’ Heather’s shouts reverberated off the tile in the shower.

Heather hurried and dried off with her terry cloth towel. Jogging naked into the bedroom she stopped at the closet door and flung it open. What does a person wear on the day she lost her job? Frustrated at herself for thinking Charles would actually fire her over a date-gone-bad, she grabbed a blue silk shirt and her black skirt. As she dressed she tried not to think about the date.

The date really had been wonderful.

Then she lost her mind.


Heather had prepared herself for tonight so carefully. She had gone out shopping for a dress. SHOPPING! She went shopping for a dress for a date with her boss? Was that really proper? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she was nervous and excited. Heather wanted to watch Charles drool. She wanted him to regret the past six months of indifference he had shown her in the office.

Showered and slathered with her favorite peach lotion, Heather blow-dried her hair. She was attractive, but she looked too young in her own opinion. Her long brown hair fell in soft waves across her back until she pinned it up on top of her head. She left tendrils hanging softly down the sides of her face. Expertly she applied her makeup, pressing her lips together softly after she applied her lipstick.

‘Why are you glowing, Heather? He’s your boss!’ she scolded herself. She felt butterflies fluttering inside her stomach. As she slid on the tight red dress, she felt like the sexiest woman in the world. Affixing her earrings to her earlobes, she heard the tinkle of the doorbell. She slid on her shoes, grabbed her bag, and took one last glance in the mirror.

When she opened the door, Heather smiled sweetly into Charles’ twinkling eyes. He was dressed as she’d expected – slick and handsome in his Armani suit. His blue eyes were striking under her porch light, the cerulean eyes that were roving up and down her body.

She thought to herself, ‘Thank God for my Stairmaster!’

‘Wow,’ Charles breathed. He cleared his throat several times before choking out ‘Good God, Heather you look stunning.’

Blushing hotly under his stare, Heather managed to stammer a weak ‘Thanks’ before turning around to lock her door. Smiling again, he led her to his car. When he opened the door for her she laughed
out loud.

‘What’s funny?’ he asked her, confused.

She’d been thinking about all the times she’d followed him around the office and he’d shut doors in her face. This was the first time he’d treated her like a human being and not an office slave. Putting on a serious face she replied, ‘Nothing, Charles.’ She climbed into the SUV and he shut the door behind her.

After the initial awkwardness the date proceeded nicely. The drive to the restaurant was cordial. Charles asked Heather about her family and her days at WTAMU. He didn’t mention work a single time. Heather was unable to ask him any questions because he shot them off like missiles.

The same thing occurred at the restaurant. Heather felt that she’d talked about herself through the entire meal. Yes, the jokes about the dry chicken were funny. The conversation was pleasant but focused entirely on her. Over the candlelight, Charles’ eyes were always focused on her, his smile melting her heart.

They left the restaurant and went to a play at the Dallas Little Theatre called ‘The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez’. Afterwards, they walked to a nearby park and discussed the play. Charles led her to a gazebo surrounded by cottonwoods. The park was quiet, save the sound of the crickets chirping their woes to the midnight sky.

Heather was feeling herself torn in two.

The evening had been wonderful – delicious food, fantastic entertainment, and a beautiful sky. By far this had been the most wonderful evening of her life, save the fact that Charles had yet to tell her a single thing about himself. Yes, he’d been attentive and sweet all night – but she had no inclination of what type of person he was because he had told her nothing personal about himself.

‘Charles,’ she began.

He sat next to her in the gazebo and looked at her. She felt his eyes burning into hers and the action left her feeling naked and exposed. ‘Yes, Heather?’

Her gaze fell to her lap.

‘Charles this evening has been wonderful. Thank you so much.’

He smiled and whispered, ‘I’m so glad you came.’

‘The pansies were absolutely beautiful and just perfect. They were lovely.’

His smiled broadened and his eyes softened. ‘So are you.’

He lifted her chin with his fingers and looked deep into her eyes. She blinked up at him as he leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

It was her first kiss.

She didn’t kiss him back.

She didn’t kiss him back because she didn’t know how.

When he felt the lack of response on her part, and felt how she had frozen in his arms – so he pulled away slowly.

‘Heather, are you okay?’ he looked concerned.

It happened so fast, she was humiliated. A single tear ran down her cheek as she looked into those beautiful cerulean eyes of his.

Then another.

Soon she was sobbing uncontrollably. Turning away, embarrassed, she choked out the words, ‘Please take me home.’

Mistaking his confusion for anger, she watched him get up and hold out a handkerchief. She took it and dabbed her eyes. As he walked away, slowly enough for him to keep up with him, she followed. When they reached the car she opened her own car door and got in.

When he stopped in front of her house, Charles looked at her – watching her stare out the window. He looked at her looking away from him. He watched her pulling further and further away.


She looked at him. Her eye make-up was smeared on his handkerchief in her lap, but she looked beautiful. Of course, she didn’t know that.

‘Goodnight Charles,’ she whispered.

She climbed out of the car and ran to her front steps as fast as her tight dress would let her. She opened the door, went inside, and shut it quickly. After she locked her latches, she leaned against the door and began sobbing again.

Charles sat outside in his SUV long after she’d gone inside, wondering what had happened.


At her office, on Monday morning, she sat in her car in the parking lot. Looking around she saw Charles’ SUV in it’s reserved space.

Wincing she got out of the car and walked slowly to the front doors of the KelMax building. She walked through the doors. She used the elevator to take her to her office on the fourth floor. Making her way through the busy central office, she glanced over at Charles’ door and noticed that it was closed. Hoping that he was tied up in meetings all day, she gratefully reached the door to her own office and opened it.

On the desk was a vase.

In the vase was a lovely bouquet of red roses. The roses were beautiful, but the little purple flowers woven in the bouquet were an exquisite contrast. She approached the desk slowly and stared at the flowers. Had she said roses were not original? This was. This was too much.

She reached for the card. On the envelope ‘My darling Heather’ was scrawled in a familiar hand. She knew whom they were from. She didn’t need to open the card to figure that out. Taking a breath she did:

‘Talk to me tonight. Take the day off. I’ll be at your house at 7:00 p.m.’

There was no signature.

No signature was needed.


Straightening the flowers on her coffee table, Heather glanced at the clock. She’d been glancing at the damn clock since she got home from the office. After putting the bouquet of fragrant blossoms on her table she’d soaked in the tub for about an hour.

Lying in the tub amongst the steaming aroma of apricot, she wondered what she could say to Charles to explain to him what had happened. Her virginity, her innocence, had never been an issue before in her life. Yes, she’d dated men occasionally in college. Unlike her friends, she was much more involved in her schoolwork than dating. Her goal was to finish school to make her dad happy. He’d been razzing Heather for years to finish school and start her life. So she did. She’d started life and had forgotten how to live it.

And now the one man she really felt a zing for was the one who would probably be too afraid to kiss her again.

Why hadn’t she just told him that she’d never been kissed before?

‘Because he’d have thought you were a prudish old maid, that’s why,’ she scoffed before she submerged her entire head under the bubbles.


Heather was antsy. She couldn’t sit in the house and hide – waiting for him to show up. At 6 o’clock she went out on the front porch and sat on her swing. She was dressed probably the most informal he would ever see her – Jeans, sweatshirt, and socks.

When he pulled up at 6:30p.m. She didn’t smile as he approached the porch. He walked right up to her, sat on the swing, and took her into his arms without a word. He didn’t kiss her – he just wrapped his arms around her to keep her from escaping.

She didn’t struggle away from him, but instead looked up into his eyes while she contemplated what she could say. How could she explain herself to him?

‘Heather, I know you’re attracted to me or you wouldn’t have gone out with me last night’ he stated.

She nodded.

‘Why didn’t you kiss me back? Why did you freeze when I touched you?’ he asked.

She blinked and stammered, ‘I . . . I . . .’

He looked deeply into her eyes and waiting for her to answer. He didn’t push. He didn’t prod. He simply waited.

She closed her eyes and said hurriedly, ‘I’m a virgin.’

He sighed.

He pressed his forehead to hers.

‘Baby, I didn’t ask for sex I just kissed you,’ he reminded her with a smile.

His smile disarmed her. She wasn’t prepared for him to make this into a big joke.

‘Charles, you were my first kiss.’ She blushed as she admitted it. She looked away and he reached up to turn her to face him again.

He smiled as if he’d done s
omething incredibly wicked. ‘Do you mean to tell me that you cried because I kissed you?’

She felt the mist hit her eyes as she became embarrassed all over again.

She shook her head dismissively, ‘No, I cried because I didn’t do it right.’ She tried to pull away from him but he pulled her back towards him.

‘How do you know you didn’t do it right if you’d never been kissed before?’ He stared down into her blue eyes that were brimming with unshed tears, and pressed his forehead against hers again.

‘If I’d done it right then you wouldn’t have stopped,’ she tried to explain.

‘Honey, I stopped because you froze up on me.’

Looking up at him under her lashes she said, ‘Am I freezing up now?’

He smiled.

He leaned in.

He pressed his lips to hers softly. As she relaxed into him and let him teach her how to kiss for the first time in her life – she lost herself in him. She fell into a bottomless abyss of pleasure for the first time in her life.

Charles pulled Heather back far enough so that he could look into her eyes, and he smiled. When she smiled back, he whispered, ‘ Did you like the flowers?’

Smiling wistfully she replied, ‘They’re lovely. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. The roses smell divine – the purple blossoms I’ve never seen before. What are they?’

‘Heather for my Heather. Kind of silly huh?’ he grinned, then kissed her quickly again.

‘You’re so original,’ she whispered against his lips, as she pulled him inside the house. When they reached the living room, he looked at the flowers. He then looked at her with a grin.


She answered, ‘Lover.’

He raised an eyebrow and whispered, ‘Not yet he’s not.’

She kissed him softly and pulled him towards the bedroom. ‘We can fix that.’

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Gary Cooper Aka the Das Man

88Gary Cooper retired D C police detective. aka Gary Edwards Rosemarie Whitaker County prosecutor Janet Stevens, Gary’s partner, aka Jennifer Edwards. Earnest witness. Aka Eddie Edwards The DA.’s Man The tent/cabin weathered the first full year fine. It even made it through the second summer with only minor repairs needed. It was my second October in the mountains and I had adapted well to the solitude. Somewhere along the way I discovered that I didn’t need recognition any longer. There was...

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Hiding in SchoolChapter 17

The look on Dad’s face was funny. And when I laughed I got odd looks from both Bree and Steven. While trying to hold back further laughing I said, “Can you stop the act now Mom? Not all of us in the room know when you’re goofing around. “I’ve been away for a long time, I needed to have fun. Thanks for that setup, Kyla. What did you really want to tell us?” Mom asked. “I already told you. I’m pregnant. And I’m keeping my baby,” I said wondering why my Mom hadn’t believed me the first...

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The water is cold

It’s rare to read exhibitionist stories about a dude. Regardless, I love getting naked out in nature. Somehow running around town as a dude with no clothes on is not as acceptable as a girl doing it. Don’t get me wrong, the ladies get in trouble too. Just not as much, or I’ve never read a story about the ladies getting locked up. Here’s one story of a problem us guys have when exercising our nudist ways. What a perfect day it is. Seven AM., eighty degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I hate the...

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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or pub...

3 years ago
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Falling in Love Bit by BitChapter 10

"Are you going to charge him?" Through the monitors, Colonel Jerrik watched several angles of Holland Campbell sitting on the couch in the small apartment. He was staring blankly off into space. "With what?" Special Agent Rendel snorted. "Falling in love with a robot?" "Are you sure he wasn't an accomplice?" "We don't know what he might have been an accomplice to." Rendel scanned the computer screen. "As near as we can tell, the robot didn't do anything illegal until your...

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Meeting Caitlyn VI

*Meeting Caitlyn V was so awesome and so many ppl emailed me about that so i'm happy to present the sixth one! have fun!* Missing Laura's sweet face already, Alyssa dragged herself into the shower...alone. Caitlyn was out on a Saturday for some school activity, leaving Alyssa unattended. Alyssa took her time, taking half an hour to shower and get dressed into appropriate clothes. She took another half an hour to make herself some pancakes and she took an hour to eat. Taking a bite every five...

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Part 2

And so with my freshly fucked cunt recovering from the pummelling it had received You told me to relax back on the bed. My breathing was still rapid and my heart was pounding as I tried to come down from that special headspace I go to when we are together. Of course it was pointless, you are all consuming and I could focus on nothing else except you and the power you had over my mind and body.I admired the length of your body as you lay back on the bed looking relaxed and content. I took it...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 12

Betty, Cheyenne, and Savannah ate while kneeling with their legs apart. It was uncomfortable, and more so, they felt vulnerable and exposed while they ate breakfast. “Fifer and Fiddler,” Karen addressed the girls during breakfast. “If you are well behaved this week, then next week, you will have your clothing back, and you won’t have to kneel during breakfast,” she said. “Will you stop calling us Fifer and Fiddler, Ma’am?” Savannah smirked. Her pretty blue eyes radiated mirth. Humor was a...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

*WHIPCRACK* "ARRRGGHHHH!!!" Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of...

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Making HeroesChapter 5

Once back on The Butcher's level of the cellars, they started looking for more monsters. They cleared out the various rooms of monsters and treasure items before returning to the The Butcher's own residence. Sue had an inspiration before they went in. She discussed the idea with Hat and received approval, so she contrived a spell that gave them breathing masks to filter out the horrible stench of decaying bodies before they opened the door to that hateful chamber. They were met with a...

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Midnight Lovers The Cemetery 2

(This is more like a build-up for chapter three, seeing as though I have neglected you guys, Chapter 3 will be here soon, I had intended it the be a really big chapter 2 but the would be over 5000 words… so it will this will be a little tease for my readers, Enjoy) Jakoda stared at the handwritten note on her dresser, Proof that the events last night had been real, her childhood friend was a Vampire. She had been seduced by him and most of all, she was bitten by him. What did this all mean for...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 27 Euripides

Everyone was pretty mellow in the morning. I woke up with Mary’s bare breasts still pressed against my chest, her lips near mine. Most of the time when I go to sleep with a girlfriend—even if we drift off holding each other—we end up in our own favorite sleeping positions, giving each other room in the bed. Mary seemed to relish being held in my embrace overnight. And I loved it. My left arm pillowed her head and my right hand explored her back and her butt. I slipped my hand inside her...

2 years ago
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Come The Recorders

Ah, ha!—Come, some music! Come, the recorders!—Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2 * I used to work around the corner from that church, and I remembered the day the fire tore through the building. There was a lot of snow. It was in December, about ten days before Christmas. The fire trucks had a tough time getting through. It took years to rebuild the church, and by the time they were done I was long gone from that part of town. So when my wife suggested going there for a concert, my reaction was...

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Beth Tells All

Beth Johns is 38 has two daughters one Amy 20 living with her man and Sky who is two weeks from 18. Beth's husband is Steve a Banker who works all the time, he is a good father and husband just not always there. their lives are full and comfortable, but as Sky's birthday comes up Beth's other life is starting to entangle with her family life so.............. It's a sunny may day Beth is setting in the kitchen when Sky comes in Morning mom Oh morning honey are you planning to go to...

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Die Referendarin und ihre Schlerinnen

Ich bin Lisa eine bildschöne junge Frau von 23 Jahren und hatte mit meinen 172 Zentimetern und meiner schlanken, hochgewachsenen Statur eine wahre Modellfigur. Wer immer mich ansah, war von mir begeistert. Denn ich hatte neben meiner beeindruckenden, sehr weiblich Formen lange, hellblonde Haare und die unvermeidlichen tiefblauen Augen in einem absolut ebenmäßigen Gesicht. Ich achte sehr auf meine Figur, ernähre mich sehr bewußt und war, dank meiner zahlreichen sportlichen Aktivitäten, mit...

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JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6

Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...

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Rapes ProgressChapter 19

I flew back to the City from Bangkok with Madelaine. I was feeling virtuous. Not only had I arranged for Hans to enter a Buddhist monastery but I had offered the Hildebrand-Smythes and Greta their freedom. Hans was pathetically grateful. Mellissa and Greta were not and both opted to stay on as "entertainers/junior executives" in the Thai branch of Kim's expanding vice-empire. Kim, too, remained in Thailand. She wanted reassurance that the deal I had brokered with the Organization would be...

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E132 The honeymoon begins

Joseph and Sasha drop Emma and Donald off at the airport.  Hugs and kisses are exchanged as they leave.  The bulk of their luggage is marked for their final destination, so they do not have to worry about when changing planes.  Donald has a carry on with the things they will need for tonight and tomorrow.Emma knows what this first leg of the honeymoon is.  They are headed to Boston to see Dorothy and Maude, just for one evening before their main flight leaves tomorrow afternoon.  Emma is now...

Love Stories
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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter Four

Chapter Four I want to start by saying I love my husband Doug. What has transpired over the past few months was something that I wasn't looking for it just simply happened. Here I was happily married for over fourteen years, housewife, mother of two who never cheated much less flirted with other men now a slut wife. To be blunt I now have a cuckold hubby who loves watching me fuck other men as much as I love fucking them! All told I have dated and been bedded by his recently divorced best...

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Sarah left me 6

Introduction: Lilly and I get to know each other This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 to 5 On Friday night Lilly turned up at about 6pm. I was expecting her at 7pm which left us plenty of time to get a taxi to the restaurant for our 7:30pm reservation. Not only was she very early, but she was hardly dressed for a fancy restaurant, she was barefoot and wearing a skimpy sun dress, which left a lot of bare flesh exposed. We were all still naked although Sarah would be leaving soon for her...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 47

Rory Phil and My mum came back to Marchester for Christmas and with Baby Emma despite having been here a few weeks ago. Rebecca and I had thought that they might want to bring in Christmas at home this year since it would be Emma's first. However my mum told me that they both felt the family should have a chance to get to know the baby and watch her grow. She seemed to be a contented little soul and she had a regular routine of sleeping for a spell in the morning and in the afternoon....

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Miss Callahan Ch 13

Time seems to stand still for a minute as we all just stand there awkwardly. My heartbeat is so fast, I can feel it ramming itself against my chest. I know I should be the first to speak but I feel paralyzed between Jackie’s glare and the woman standing behind me.The sight of Jackie’s face moving from angry to crushed causes a wave of guilt to crash into me all at once. This is not how I wanted her to find out and I know I should have just told her when I had the chance in the bar last...

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Ovid 17 The Talking Head

This one is PG-13. The usual suspects are free to post this at your sites. Others please ask - permission is freely given. Enjoy- The Professor Ovid 17 The Talking Head By The Professor I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the sign welcoming us to Ovid just ahead. It was ironic, I supposed, for here I was, one of the favored who could come and go from Ovid as I pleased and yet I always looked forward to returning to the small town which had become my home. I know...

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Garwyli 01

I drove up the track, worrying for the hundredth time about the state of it, the winter frosts had eroded great tracts of it, making the suspension work hard, I thought again of asking Da to arrange for a lorry load of tarmac and a couple of men to sort it. I was glad the skies had cleared. I could rescue part of my scheduled work at least, there were two sets of comparison shots I wanted to complete, half an hour shutter time each. I also had the next set of three to start. There, round the...

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Unexpected Fantasy Come True

I'm writing this as a story. all details are true and accurate! I have been very bicurious, and NEVER thought THIS would happen! SO glad it did! Enjoy!We had been drinking a few drinks at our workplace. I knew I was in no condition to drive, and her husband was coming up to meet us and have a drink. We had a couple more drinks, and I asked if I could crash at their place for the night They agreed and we made the ride home. Once we got there, I asked her if I could change into some comfy...

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Daddys Little Whore pt1

I was only 18 when I first noticed my father looking at me differently. Suddenly a developing new young woman, I was growing breasts and my hips were growing wider. As my father noticed my body taking on a more womanly shape, his looks turned from affectionate glances to leering stares of desire.Part of me liked the attention, but mostly I found it sickening that his eyes seemed to undress me every time he caught sight of me. My mother was much too concerned with her own problems to notice, and...

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Army Girl

Army Girl by Lucille Jeanette Smith Sixteen year old Michel Bordon was glad to see the hard winter change into spring. It was the year seventeen hundred and seventy seven and it marked the sixth year that young Michael had spent at the terrible saint johns home for boys in London. The place was beyond terrible. He did not know did not know how he has survived this long in this place. The bitter winter had taken over half of the boys and other events had taken another quarter....

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A Game of Basketball Pt 3

Without my phone, I had no way to contact Nicole and I desperately wanted to talk to her. Not for any reason in particular. I was lovesick and she was the cure. I sent her probably 8,000 emails. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s what it felt like. And of course, no one checks their student email over the weekend. Without much to do, I spent most of my time with my mother when she wasn’t at work. Apparently, she had a fun time with Miss Crandell. I knew they were friends, but I...

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Son8217s Journey Towards His Mom 8211 Part I

Hey guys dis is my first story hope u all like this one..this one of the real incident which happened to me.. this happened wen i was 19 years old wen me and mom went a trip to mom is a very traditional and very strict and very shy kind of a woman.. My dad went to Bangkok for some work he had there..i had holidays and it was very boring so i planned to go somewhere and i thought on it for few days..suddenly one thing flashed in my mind that my mom asked me about Goa.. because she has...

3 years ago
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Selena Lookalike Fucks her Fanatic Young Sister

Introduction: Wall have Selena fantacies, right? Heres a story about a sister who role plays Selena for her young sister. Lana carefully brushed her shoulder length curly, dark hair and put on a bit of pink lip gloss then pulled on her pink tank over her bare little tities. She loved how hard her puffy nipples looked under the thin material. She looked at the pink thong. She couldnt resist. She ran a finger down her pouty cunt lips so the material slipped inside. She trembled slightly and let...

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My sexy shoot

It had always been a fantasy of mine to have a professional naked photo-shoot. It might sound weird but I wanted to immortalize my body at its peak, so that when I grew old and shriveled I could look at pictures of me as a young, beautiful girl. The problem was to find a photographer I liked and trusted to do the shoot. First I didn’t want it to be a man taking my pictures. Second I didn’t know how to go about finding someone who was good at nudes, it’s not like it was a common thing outside of...

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