Bearly even a hunter
- 3 years ago
- 74
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The heavy wooden side gate of Efflington Gully Prison slammed shut, leaving pasty-faced man of about thirty dressed in a blue suit, light blue shirt, no tie and brown boat shoes. He carried a small suitcase.
Short-ass Maud Evans, all of five feet, called in a stentorian voice, ‘Bass Togood?’
A little disoriented, Bass looked around to see if she was addressing someone else. There was no-one else about.
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘There’s no need to shout.’
‘Oh dear, a rebel. You were to go to the Selfridge family but I’m afraid anyone with aggression is not suitable for them. I’ll switch you to Miss Cushla Masters, David Persons who’s due out at 3:00 can go to the Selfridges.
‘Please get into the car.’
Bass did not move.
‘What’s the matter, are you hard of hearing?’
‘I don’t trust women drivers – I’ll walk.’
‘Oh, very well, here are the keys. Drive in an orderly manner. Go around this curve to the right, take a sharp turn left and continued on for about a mile. That is all.’
Bass got behind the wheel.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Pushing the seat back.’
‘Now what are you doing?’
‘Lowering the seat.’
‘Now what are you doing?’
‘Starting the motor.’
‘Oh. Sorry.’
‘Eeeeeek,’ screamed Mrs Evans, as her Japanese hatchback accelerated savagely forward, went around the unsealed curve in a slide and she was squeezed into the right-hand side of her seatbelt as Bass eased the Honda into a sharp left and floored the accelerator to give Mrs Evans the fastest car ride of her life.
He eased back under 100 miles an hour, scratched behind his left ear with his right hand, almost giving Mrs Even a seizure then said, ‘I’d like a beer.’
‘The p-p-pub is a quarter m-m-mile down on the left,’ she said.
‘Right, better slow down – don’t want to over-shoot, do we,’ said Bass, stomping on the brakes.
‘Nice car, everything seems to work as well as it should,’ he offered.
‘I-I-I think I’ll have a double scotch when we get to the p-p-pub,’ said the former Australian Army nurse.
Half of Mrs Evan’s whisky disappeared in the first gulp, returning color to her face.
‘What did you miss most in prison, Bass?’
Mrs Evans’ face was now nicely colored.
‘I understood the prisoners attended to that themselves.’
‘The first fruitcake that laid a hand on me, I pushed his front teeth to the back of his throat and I wasn’t touched-up again.’
‘The report said you were aggressive.’
‘Better that than having my asshole rebored to a new width.’
‘C-c-could we c-c-change the subject, Bass?’
‘Okay, what’s this Masters Shelia like?’
Cushla Masters is president of our Wainsford Prisoner Rehabilitation League and I would advise you to proceed carefully as she runs a martial arts academy and is chief instructor.
‘She sounds interesting.’
‘She’s not, she’s a sad, heart-broken woman.’
‘What, her parents died recently,’ laughed Bass, scratching his butt.
‘Actually yes, shot by her fiancée before she killed him, breaking his neck.’
‘Sounds like my kind of girl.’
‘I’d be very careful if I were you, Mr Togood. If you’ll excuse me I’ll go over to the corner and phone her now and read out the report we have on you. It could be she’ll refuse to accept you. Here’s more money, enough for two more beers.’
Bass bought another beer then put two bucks in a slot machine and selected only the Jackpot. The alarm went and the publican came running out of his office carrying a baseball bat.
‘Was it a legitimate strike, Scotty?’ he asked the idle barman.
‘Yeah, saw him put two bucks in and select only one button.’
‘Yes, that is correct, Mr Carrington – I can collaborate that statement,’ said the Court registrar, having a late counter lunch.
‘Better come with me, son and get your check.’
‘Check – don’t trust banks.’
‘What, you expect that I’m keeping $800 bucks on these premises.’
‘Well I don’t.’
‘I’m willing to bet my eight hundred bucks that you’re got at least ten thousand bucks in that safe of yours – my $800 to your $10,000 says I’m right.’
‘Oh, all right, but keep your voice down, I don’t want the riff-raff knowing I keep a safe full of money.’
‘He is the riff-raff Alfie, what’s he done?’
‘Just won $810.15 in the Jackpot.’
‘What, legitimately?’
‘So it seems.’
‘He’ll want it in cash.’
‘We’ve already established that, Maud, so unless you can produce grounds for me not having to pay out this money, I shall go off and get it for him.’
‘You go get the money, Alfie. It’s time he had some luck.’
‘Cushla – this is Mr Bass Togood, Bass this is Miss Masters. She has gracefully accepted the task of helping to rehabilitate you into society over the next three weeks.’
Gosh, he needs fattening up and putting out into the sun to tan, thought Cushla. He’s a much better type than I’d expected.
The report Maud had read to her stated: drunken driving three months, assaulting the judge seven months, contempt of Court three months – fourteen months concurrently, served eight months and released on good behavior bond. A complex character, post-release rehabilitation program recommended for a suggested period of three weeks.
Cushla thought a good bath, haircut and finger nails clean and he would be fine to have sitting at her dining table.
Bass knew she was sizing him up and yet didn’t look dismayed, which was a good sign. She was in her early thirties, almost as tall as he was -six-two.
Shucks, her parents must have been feeding her something rich. She was lean, nothing outstanding in the tit department, boyish hips but it was of little interest as he was unlikely to get himself parked in there. Oh goodness, look at those legs below her short shorts – they were top babe material.
Staring at the legs Bass looked up to find Miss Masters staring at him, coldly.
‘Are you into martial arts, Mr Togood.’
‘No, not really.’
Cushla looked about to challenge that answer when Mrs Evans said she’d better be off.
‘Goodbye, Bass. I guess I’ll see you at the community social on Saturday, if not before. Good luck and please be obedient to Miss Masters. She’d not had a great year.
Bass stepped forward and kissed Mrs Evans on the cheek and thanked her. She blushed and said that she knew he was a nice man ‘underneath it all.’
They were standing to the side of the small weatherboard house and Bass could see a little hut behind it. Cushla looked at the hut, looked at him and obviously made a decision.
‘Come on, you’re sleeping in the house – but first we have to delouse you. It’s standard procedure. I’ll join you in the bathroom in a couple of minutes, strip but keep your underpants on.’
Bass thought this was more like going into prison rather than coming out of it, though the guards had simply hosed the three-person intake down with a high pressure hose, grinning fiendishly as the hosed prisoners howled with pain.
Cushla arrived in a one-piece peach colored bathing suit that almost made it appear she was totally nude. Bass’s cock raced to half-mast, fortunately not protruding out of his underpants, he fought to keep it undercover, unable to hide his embarrassment.
‘It’s all right Bass, we realize this happens when you’ve been out of circulation for months or even years. We pretend not to notice.’
Bass gave Cushla a look of puppy gratitude, he really appreciated the humane touch in the use of the word pretend. She’s a nice lady, he thought.
Cushla shampooed his hair, working her fingers in deeply, his head was bent forw
ard, almost touching her breasts and both he and Cushla worked to avoid unnecessary contact.
The shampoo smelt as diabolical as the soap.
‘I’ll go now and you can finish off, please had me your underpants for washing, I’ll get your suit dry-cleaned and I will fumigate your shoes. May I take clothes out of your suitcase?
‘Yes,’ croaked Bass, removing his underpants and expecting another humiliation, but she stood with her eyes well averted, holding out a hand to receive them.
He then noticed a freshly laundered white polo shirt and pair of white shorts and white briefs on the stool, waiting for him.
‘We’re not supposed to serve new release people alcohol.’
Bass noticed the use of the words ‘no supposed’ so said he’d like a beer.
Cushla, still in her swimsuit returned carrying two screw-top bottles of lager. Bass flicked a look and concluded that the breasts were larger than he’d first thought and he could see no stray hairs below, which meant that she shaved to a bikini line or was completely smooth. He licked his lips at the thought of a completely smooth vulva.
Cushla whipped off the cap of the bottle with ease, a reminder to Bass that there was real power in those hands and arms. Most women in his past would have asked him to unscrew the caps for them even if knowing they could do it themselves.
‘Cheers,’ she said.
‘Bass, is that short for Bassem, though I very much doubt that?’
‘No, my real name is Basil, but as a wee tyke someone called me Bass. Apparently I hooked into it and the family hearing me say the name confidentially followed my lead and started using it, and it stuck.’
‘What a sweet story. You know Bass, part of my role is to induct you back into the community slowly through meeting people and doing community things.
‘I’ve got a class of young girls a 5:00. I’d like you to come down and sit with the mothers. They won’t know anything about you. Do you think you can handle it? Grab a towel and then place it over your lap if you get a boner. There will only be six of them but two of them are rather sexy.’
‘I won’t let you down, Cushla.’
There, he’d said her name. He felt foolish calling her Miss Masters. She indicated no concern.
They finished their beer and she told Bass to settle into his room, to change anything around as he wished.
Fifteen minutes later she was standing at the door, dressed in a white gown, probably with a sports bra underneath. She was barefoot.
‘My parents were killed with that rifle almost a year ago, Bass.’
‘Were they?’ he replied discretely. ‘That was tragic – I’m sorry. The gun needs cleaning, Cushla but I’ll reassemble it and not touch it again if that’s you wish.’
‘I don’t know what my wish is, Bass. It was such a shattering experience.’
‘Then let my clean it, Cushla. Most other people would have had the gun destroyed. But I believe you did a reasonable thing in retaining it, as the gun was not at fault. And life goes on.’
‘Wise words, Bass, and thank you. Leave that now, we must go. Will you drive?’
‘Yes, and thank you. I have a thing about being driven by women.’
They walked into the old doorless barn, and Bass’s eyes lit up – the vehicle was a near new yellow Falcon top-of-the-line utility. His mouth watered.
‘Take care, it’s a powerful brute.’
‘Thanks, but I know cars.’
He drove slowly out to the metal road and was told to turn right. The first two miles were twisty, with surface rutted on the corners.
‘Hold on,’ he said as they came out of the second bend quite fast. Cushla didn’t say a word. Bass now felt he had the feel of the vehicle on this condition of road surface, so pushed the vehicle, using a good mix of power from the 4-litre turbo-charged motor and manual six-speed transmission.
It was an exhilarating, no-scares run and they emerged from the hilly section with Cushla flushed with excitement.
‘That was fabulous – I think I’ve got the skills but don’t have the guts to push it quite that fast.’
‘Nice wheels,’ Bass said nonchalantly.
Cushla unlocked her rooms and there were a few minutes to wait before her students arrived.
‘Come on, help me warm up,’ she said. ‘I won’t hurt you or throw you. Just try to block what I do.’
They played around and then Cushla forgot what she’d said and tried a hip throw, found herself on her butt.
‘You said you weren’t into martial arts.’
‘Actually I said not really, then we were diverted when I was about to tell you I was an assistant Army instructor in unarmed combat, mostly at the Wombat Patch Training Facility.’
He helped Cushla to her feet.
She tried a few more half-hearted moves which Bass blocked then she dropped him with a leg trip and immediately pulled out before Bass could attempt to counter. Meanwhile mothers with twelve to fourteen year olds girls had arrived and were watching.
‘Hi folk this is a friend Bass who’d like to sit in on this session, is that all right with you?’
‘Yes, he can sit up here with us,’ said a woman in overalls, a man’s shirt and heavy boots. ‘Hi, I’m Paula.’
Two younger women, laughing, came in with two children. They were sexy, definitely and both were eyeing him while talking to Cushla.
When driving home Bass asked Cushla if she was happy for him to clean and oil the rifle.
‘Yes, quite, and I’ll give you a box of ammunition.’
She appeared relaxed about that, but her voice was tight.
‘No, it’s fine. Guns just need some loving care now and again, I have no interest in using it.’
For a brief moment Bass thought Cushla was going to reach over and take his arm affectionately.
The squawk of rosella parrots in the treetops woke Bass at dawn and he stretched. At the edge of his drowsiness he became aware that something was not quite right and his eyes focused almost in alarm. Leaning in the doorway was Cushla, dressed in a tank top and shorts so small that it looked if half of them were missing.
Bass realized his dick was at attention.
‘This is normal for many men at dawn,’ he said, touching the tip of it.
‘I know. I’m here to invite you to accompany me on a run,’ she said, her voice sounding perfectly normal.
‘Well, I don’t know if I can manage – we had a crude gym which I used daily but it was pathetic trying to do circuits around the exercise yards with clowns sticking out a foot trying to trip you.’
‘I’ll be gentle with you.’
At that Bass’s dick shot to full attention and gave a couple of dry jolts. In the half-light he watched the tip of her tongue come out between her teeth and her face appeared to darken, though he couldn’t be sure of that.
‘Come on,’ she choked. ‘I’ll pour you a glass of juice.’
‘You naughty little bastard,’ chided Bass, giving the head of his disgraced dick a glancing blow with his palm. The dick plummeted into soft hanging mode.
Bass lasted less than a mile before he was utterly stoked, chest heaving.
‘You go on.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Okay, but watch out for snakes. They’re bad in this locality.’
She smiled, teeth flashing, her tanned skin silvered with perspiration as the arrival of the sun over the horizon had already lifted the temperature.
‘Stay sitting here on the roadside on you’ll be fine, they’ll be shyer of you than you are of them.
‘Shy? I’m bloody terrified of snakes.’
‘Most women always have been,’ she giggled, and was gone. Only when she was some distance away did Bass realize that had been a smutty little joke.
The next four days Bass jogged a quarter mile along the road, turned and tried to run back to the house, which was some 300 yards beyond the town boundary. He made this into a routine, doing it every three hours or so. By the fourth day he
was running the distance in both directions and coming home very fast.
She didn’t comment, but watched him, he thought with approval.
On the third morning Bass made a request – could Cushla fetch eight fence posts that needed replacing in the perimeter fence around her home.
‘Are you sure you want to do this, in this heat?’
She went inside and returned to the doorway and tossed the keys into his lap, he was sitting in the shade.
‘Go around the back of Hayman Hardware and someone will recognize the yellow ute and help you load up, but you pick what you want, they’ll try to load the second quality posts. I’ll phone the order through now.’
Bass had learned to dig in hot conditions during Army days, and actually quite liked the sweaty hard yakka providing his head was cool.
When he returned with the posts Cushla had a shovel, crowbar, wide canvas hat and water in an insulated container waiting for him. The crowbar, of course, was to break open the dirt, which was sun baked to a concrete-like consistency, she knew not to give chilled water to a man who’d be sweating copiously so it was tepid water, straight from the tap.
‘You are prohibited from working on hard yakka beyond 11:00 – and that’s an order.’
‘Yes ma’am.’
She came out with more water and a big, freshly basked muffin at 10:00 and a big colored towel. As Bass drank the water she began drying off his chest, taking her time about it. Cushla then sat him on a tree stump and went around and toweled off his back, dropped the towel and began gently massaging his neck muscles.
‘I do this to the four men in my A-team,’ she explained. ‘Bodies can be fine-tuned, just like a car, and they also respond to maintenance.’
Then Bass stupidly spoiled the moment.
‘Aren’t you worried that the neighbors will be talking, me with just you in this house.’
‘But we don’t have any near neighbors,’ she giggled.
‘Yes, but people who know you or know of you drive past and people talk, as well you know.’
Cushla stepped back and stalked off angrily.
Turning as she entered the house she cried, ‘If they think like that they can go and get fucked.’
The door slammed and Bass hung his head thinking you stupid bugger. He expected to be sleeping in the shed that night.
At eleven Bass went inside and showered where he found another change of clothes waiting for him – cheap stuff but they more or less fitted.
He returned to the kitchen determined not to mention his goof. Cushla was waiting to pour plunger coffee.
‘I want to tell you something, Bass.’
For the next twenty minutes she talked non-stop, telling here how Trevor came into her life when she lived down in Victoria and how he killed her parents in a fit of rage and she killed him as he turned the gun on her after realizing what he’d done. The Court found she acted reasonably in self-defense under extremely provocation.
‘I relocated to this property, Bass, and at first it was fine. And then someone found out about my past and I began being treated as an object of curiosity and found I had the nickname of the Karate Killer.
‘Then one Friday night four young men called on me, I was out at the back, dressed only in a shirt and my panties, drinking wine. My only thought was this was to be my finale – a gang rape and then being beaten to death.
‘The youngest of them, a blond fella (fellow) they called Blue, stepped forward and blurted out, ‘Miss Masters – would you train us in karate, we know you could get free use of the abandoned wool store at the old railways yards because we’ve checked it out with the rail authorities in Sydney’.
‘Blue Barrett eventually got his black belt grading and later came home with a big cup from the national competitions. From that day focus on my past just filtered away. These days I’m called ‘The Shelia who made Blue Barrett famous’.
Bass kept his eye on his coffee mug, and said: ‘Thank you for telling me that. Life sucks, sometimes, doesn’t it.’
Cushla’s chair scrapped back and she hurried from the room. He smiled faintly, pleased with himself, believing he’d said exactly the right words. She’d probably be on her bed, sobbing, and thinking that life sucks which was the right way to view it.
Almost an hour later she emerged, rubbing her eyes.
‘Sorry, I fell asleep. Let’s go into town and get you kitted up for tomorrow night.’
‘Good, I was wondering about that. I’ll buy you a slap up lunch.’
‘You be careful with your money, they give you so little on release.’
Bass told her about winning $800 and she was excited.
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MasturbationSpecial thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953, creative thinker, charlie33851, Matillie97, EL TORO, Shadowreaper267, Bldg436, deeppenetrator, perverted1, Dr. Goodsex, WetLust, Darethmortuus, Elaken-Palmer, leed's 13th Child (Go Rhino's!!), Sprout69 and corbie. All the feedback from these people has hopefully made me a...
After everything I had been through the past two years, I thought I would have sworn off men forever. I was so excited to finally have my home to myself and not have to worry about pleasing any one or supporting any one financially. It was such a liberating feeling, but I felt bad for my poor toys. One side effect of my horrible past relationship was the growing baby inside me, and boy did that make me crave sex. I found myself rubbing my clit nearly four times a day. I knew my breasts would...
Introduction: A young woman forced to marry a horrible man finds joy in her life. **This is a work of pure fiction and a new story for me. Not part of any other series. I hope you like it. Sorry I was away for a couple of months and thank you to everyone who sent me PMs asking me to start writing again. I assure you there will be more All for Mr. Redman and Yukios Adventures. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah,...
His hands ran down my body, smoothing over my hips, curving behind me cupping my ass. He lifted me by my ass, pulling me close and our mouths met in a heated kiss, his lip ring a cool kiss of metal against my soft lips, our lips parting eagerly against each other. My tongue stroked along his mouth and he opened for me and I delved inside, and stroked my tongue along his, as his reciprocated. My hands smoothed over his head, stroking the slick skin, as his hands groped and squeezed my ass. He...
Straight Sex"Let me GO you sick fucks! I don't know anything."Rose had been shouting this for hours at the men who took her, but to no avail. She was tied to a chair surrounded by no other furniture, in one of the many rooms of the DeVeal mansion, owned by the infamous bank robber Mr Richard DeVeal. The ruthless gangster was standing across from her, flanked by his two amazingly ripped bodyguards/henchmen. "You know what, I'm getting pretty tired of hearing you say that," he said, "and I'm actually...
Reluctance?But how did it all begin A special report for the Women?s News Service WOMEN DISCOVER A BASIC TRUTH ABOUT MEN??????? AND TURN IT INTO A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS For immediate release By Aaron Oliver Based in Colorado, ODI is the largest and most successful business of its type. The founders set it up seven years ago as a membership organization, with annual dues and a variety of products and services available for purchase -- and it stole a page from Tupperware and Mary Kay by...
“Oh my god, Brian. That was fucking amazing. I’ve never cum like that. EVER.” You chuckle. “Well, if you did the neighbors would be pretty entertained I imagine. Speaking of… do we need to worry…?” Your question trails off, not finishing your thought, but I know where you’re going and decide to tell you more of the story. “I don’t care if they know, Brian. Or if it gets back to Chad. I found out today that he was cheating on me.” “Oh…” you don’t say much, but it’s written on your face that...
Office SexI walk my dogs every morning, usually between 6:30 and 7:30. The road is remote and in most cases, the only people and cars on the road are neighbors and the occasional contractor. The walks are a great way to start the day. Between morning thickness, the warm sun, and gentle breeze, more times than not I am extremely horny when I get home. Cumming while taking a shower and watching various styles of porn is a great way to start any day. At least a couple of times a week I see Paula walking...
CrossdressingEARLY MORNING HEATbyChristopher PierceHow did I wind up getting jerked off by a total stranger in the garage of my apartment building, praying that none of my neighbors would walk in? How did someone as shy as myself end up with my shorts pulled down, rubbing my crotch against another man's anxious butt?Who could say? It had all started normally...That morning I had gotten up at 5:00 AM, which was normal.It was cold outside, which was normal.I had gone to the gym and worked out at 5:30 AM,...
When he made his bed once again on the sofa, he considered setting the alarm for the wee hours of the morning. He wanted to make sure he got up early enough to accomplish "his plans". Although an early alarm was not out of the ordinary because of his habitual morning run, he still did not want the alarm to potentially wake everyone else. So he left it off. Unfortunately, this was probably a mistake. He did not sleep at all. He was very worried about not waking up on time. As a result, he...
She arrives home early from doing half a days work. She is so glad to be finally home and starting her weekend early, it feels so good to take half a Friday off and not return until Tuesday due to a Monday holiday. She opens the door to her apartment and sunshine greets her. She is on the 2nd floor and loves having the blinds open at all times. Her cat prances up to her meowing to say hello. She bends down to pet him and he purrs and that makes her all tingly inside. Throwing her purse and...
Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. – Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It’s summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...
Nicole and I got up early to drive to the Playa from Reno, the day was already getting warm at 7AM, Nicole wore a long button-down shirt, no bra and butt covering panties to be comfortable on the seat. I work my favorite kilt and an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt. Nicole drove us the first half of the way, and we shared what we were eager to do or see once in the City. Nicole had a couple of guys that were dying to see her, and I had a couple dates arranged prior. We rubbed ourselves and each...
Friday afternoon I was lucky and could leave my office very early.I was in the mood for a good sex session; but, when arriving home, I received a text from Victor, saying a couple of his good friends, Jack and Andy, would come tonight for a poker game…Once at home I rushed to get a warm shower. I felt upset and needed to relax; so, I shoved my fingers deep in my slippery wet cunt as I was enjoying the warm rain and touched myself until I came crying like crazy.When I turned the water off, I...
Early Morning Neighbor----------It had been a most incredible day! From start to finish, everything seemed to be going my way. An early riser, I had awoken well before dawn. As is my habit, I climb from bed, pull my terrycloth robe over my naked skin and head for the back porch.I stepped out into the cool morning air. Still dark I wait for the sunrise to appear in the east. The robe was warm, and I like the feel of the cool air, so I untied my robe belt, and let the robe hang open. Many a...
I went to bed early on a Monday night so I could get up early on Tuesday to get into the office and get things complete. I had set my alarm for 4:00 AM but I was woken around 2:30 AM by my wife wrestling in the bed. I did not pay much attention to it at all as she always tosses and turns in the bead as she sleeps. I just rolled on my side and went on back to sleep.I woke again around 3:15 AM, I know this as I looked at my alarm clock thinking "Damn it I will not have a good day if I do not...
Early afternoon surprise at homeThat Tuesday I came back home early from my office: all daily task finished satisfactory and then I could relax home… Better than expected.I was surprised to find Ana’s car in our garage. She usually always came after me in the late afternoon. She must be home early I thought…I opened the door and almost froze in the threshold, when I saw her clothes ragged to pieces on the carpet, also some pants that were not mine…Also I found my wife’s phone in the mess of...
Early morning at the officeI will never forget that Friday morning at the office. Home alone again, loving Victor on his way to Chicago, which was a nice advantage: I had plenty time for myself at home to complete the paperwork my boss needed that Friday. I set the clock to wake me up at four o’clock. I wanted to rush for the office and was planning to finish the task in at least two hours, before the rest of my coworkers could arrive.I was always the first one in the office anyway. I figured...
Save this post in 'My Favorites'Catsman11's Blog » early one morning Edit | DeleteIt's early still but you have been on my mind all night and even when i awoke this morning. Our Monday morning love making was certainly a surprisingturn of events of that morning. Strange as it may seem, we almost always make love on the mornings that I am there and most of that morning was spent just holding each other and breathing in the others aromas and always taking advantage of the others soft lips. I know...
Hi iss readers! The stories are really exotic and i enjoy reading them thoroughly and daily i read one or two stories here and after reading these stories i have also decided to share one of my experiences here. Hey i m Rohan (name changed for privacy) 21 years for age and studying in a reputed college in Chennai. My height is 5.10 and my dick size is 8 inch and coming to my girlfriend she is really a sex bomb, her stats are 34b 28 32. This story is about how I and my girlfriend lose our...
Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. - Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It's summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...
Straight SexHere we are, the morning of the interview. I didn’t think I would be this nervous. They say first impressions are very important. I don’t know what to wear. Should I wear pants? No, I can wear a black mini skirt to show off my legs & my ass (just in case my interviewer is male). Thigh highs and knee high black leather boots, a red silk tank top with a little black jacket; that should do it. And I will leave my hair out. I want to get there early to show I can be punctual. Now that I am...
It was New Years, and the big bash I’d paid big bucks to go to was over. We’d raised Hell and danced and had our fancy dinner and a show and the champagne to ring in the New Year and it was two thirty in the morning. Coming out of the city on the main highway, I rounded a corner to find blue lights everywhere. Shit. Well, I’d had a bit, but I’d eaten well and danced my ass off — and I didn’t FEEL impaired, so MAYBE… It wasn’t as if there was...
Introduction: While most of this story is true, I changed some of what happened so it would read better, and because I had finished writing Yes Mistress a short while beforehand, and wanted to show my lover -whom I wrote the story for- what would be running through my mind if he did the same to me. Hope you enjoy! All things considered, I woke up pretty early this morning. Though I suppose thats normal considering Ive spent the past 4 months waking up at 5 in the morning. Though one would think...
I woke up early next morning. I kinda had to shake myself to believe what was happening. Just to recap: My parents were away for 3 months … My Aunt Julie was taking care of us … Us consists of me, Daisy, 16, Jenn, my sister, 17, Terry, my brother, 19.So the first night they were away Jenn and I caught Terry and his friends watching a video of me masturbating so we threatened them with exposure and now they all do anything we tell them. We also caught Terry fucking my Aunt Julie. That was even...
IncestEarly Christmas Present Working in IT has its benefits..A good living,nice house and the down side's take me away from home for days at a timethis instance im away for 5days in holland at our sister factory the wife debbie is a busy person to between work ..trying to keep fit as we are both in our early 50'sdebbie is 5'8 blonde hair 38DD great legs and ass turns many heads when we're out and me John 6'0 pretty fit blonde hair 8" cock and nice size balls so the wife says lolthe third day...
Recently my wife and I needed to get away from work and home life and she decided that she wanted to go to nashville for the weekend. I agreed and we set the plans in motion not knowing that my wife already had something cooking. she's been wanting another bbc for aliitle while now and I wanted her to have more bbc experiences since she liked her first two. we drove the 3 hrs and checked into our hotel then we decided to get aliitle sight seeing in and go out later to some of the country...
Hey guys this is part 3 of my early Sexual Experience of when I was Tw☆!ve (11+1). This is my story and it really did happen to me. I hope you enjoy.Days went by after being busted by the 8th grader Max. Matt and myself were nervous to go to school because we thought that he was going to tell on us. For a whole and a half Matt and I didn't even think about playing with each others cocks, we were to busy thinking hiw much trouble we were going to be in. After awhile Max finally decided to come...
When I was in my early teens, I was a very randy fucker with my hormones raging just looking for some kind of sexual stimulation to get me started wanking. It wasn’t long before I noticed women’s panties hanging on the washing line. I would take notice of who was happy showing their underwear and those who hid theirs amongst other items of washing as not to bring attention to their smalls.As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I came from a small village so knew pretty much where all the good...
Early One Morning I woke up horny. I had thought before that I had known what that meant when I was without a lovers touch when I was alone for too long. I thought I knew what it was when I fell in love and got married. To feel the two of us drown in each other over and over and losing count of how many times we could spend hours merged together until we no longer knew when we ceased to be separate and only felt connected as one until we fell apart in mutual exhaustion. But this...
The early morning light creeps through the curtains. He half opens his eyes, and in that semi-awake state before full consciousness comes is aware only of his rigid penis and his urgent desire to assuage the feeling. The sight of the curve of her back, the valley between chest and hip, only inflames his passion and slowly his hand goes to stroke his rigid organ. Wanting more than a quick release, he slides across the bed, closer to her back, hoping that his movement and his closeness alone will...
AnalEarly Morning Delight by Ms. Madison (After a few attempts, I am rather proud of this story. I'd say this one wastruly inspired, as none of the ones I've written in the past have been as easy,steamy, and fulfilling. Please send me your comments. Enjoy!) ------------------------------------------------------------- He touches my face, rubs his fingers over my lips. He feels my teeth. My handsare caught above my head ? I try to pull down again, but can't get free. Hechuckles over watching me...
© 1997, All Rights Reserved Susan was a court referral, one of the people sent to our office to work off minor infractions by performing community service. Although she was reasonably friendly and otherwise quite attractive, she always seemed to have a sullen look on her face. Despite this, we had exchanged glances and flirted casually with each other. One day, she brought a file folder to me, sent by one of the other managers in our office. "Why do you always look so glum?" I asked...
The taste of Jeannie's pussy was still on my tongue as I stood up in the kitchen. We heard the padding of Al's footsteps, and I smiled innocently as he entered the room. Al's ruffled hair, and goofy grin lightened us up as I stood up. Neither of us made a move to really cover our nudity and it was obvious that Al appreciated that. As he stared, I slowly rubbed my breasts under the towel, then moved the towel down my belly slowly revealing my full breasts and hard nipples. I could see his...
Early the next morning, Brent got up and was ready to start his morning run. All summer he had been getting up with the sun and running throughout the town. It was early and everyone was still asleep. He got himself off the sofa and walked down the hallway to his bathroom. The bathroom was right next to his bedroom where Sherry was sleeping. When he finished peeing, he looked down at his cock in his hand. He considered jacking off like he did most mornings. But he usually did so laying on his...