- 4 years ago
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Note: This story isn’t as graphic as most, but it has the added element of being a true story. No, not a fake true story – a real true story. As you get into it, you can probably see that it’s true. It has a little humor (I can’t help it), but I know that’s not why you read these stories. Actually, it has quite a bit of sexiness to it for a true story, but it’s not wall to wall sexual description. If your horniness meter is flagging a bit, try it and see what you think. I might write another one, if somebody likes this one.
I was a senior in college, and one of the girls on my coed softball team invited me to a party. ‘Just come on over about 8:00 or so,’ she said. ‘And things should be going pretty good by then.’
The thought of going to one of Bobbi’s parties didn’t excite me greatly. I knew she always stacked the deck: more guys than girls. However, I had nothing else to do that Friday night, so I decided to drop by. Bobbi didn’t disappoint me. About 25 guys crowded around the apartment and only three girls. Everybody was drinking and a lot of people were smoking. It was not a scenario that appealed to me, so after a cursory glance around, I eased back out the door before my teammate saw me.
I didn’t want to alienate Bobbi because, although she was slightly chunky and not particularly feminine, she was a good friend and fun to be around – and she was a redhead with enormous tits. From my perspective, a redhead’s tits are great, but enormous redhead tits are as good as it gets. On occasion, when we were both bored, and nobody else was around, she let me play with her tits. I like tits a lot, I like redhead tits even more, and enormous redhead tits are irresistible. We had never gotten around to fucking, but I liked to think that we were keeping our options open on that count.
So, I unobtrusively sneaked out the door before she saw me and headed home. It looked like one of those boring Friday nights that single guys have to endure more than they should. But as I walked down the stairs of Bobbi’s apartment and strode across the courtyard, next to the swimming pool, a cute little blonde I had never seen before intersected my route. She hooked her hand into the crook of my elbow and dragged me back toward Bobbi’s place. ‘C’mon,’ she said. ‘There’s a party upstairs. Let’s go have some fun.’
I pulled my arm loose and said, ‘No thanks. Too many men and not enough women. Go ahead: it should be fun for you.’
‘Oh c’mon,’ she repeated. ‘It will be fun.’ And with that, she gave me a curious little smile . . . but I was not in one of my more perceptive modes at the time, and I was homeward bound – not to be deterred.
‘Naw, I’m going home,’ I insisted. ‘Go on up. You’ll like it. The odds are in your favor.’
She gave me one more exasperated look, as if to say, ‘Come off it, you fucking idiot. I’m making you an offer. Get your stupid ass moving, and come on up to the party with me.’ But she didn’t say it. Instead, she shrugged and walked away. My eyes lingered on her as she walked away. I concluded that was just a bit overweight, but not bad. I’d definitely fuck her if I had the chance. But I wouldn’t have the chance tonight. I was heading home.
When I got back to the house I shared with three of my college football teammates, I lay down on my bed and began to stew. I thought about the curious smile the girl had given me, and the imminently fuckable body that I had watched walk away and regretted my lamentable decision to walk away.
‘Go on back you fucking idiot,’ I groused to myself. ‘There was a potential piece of ass, and you walked away from it. She’s probably in Bobbi’s bedroom, right now, getting nailed by some nerdy sonofabitch who really doesn’t deserve it.’
I struggled with my thoughts for a few more minutes, then muttered to myself, ‘Oh, what the Hell? Get up and go on back. She may still be there. By now, you need a piece of ass for relief?’ So I got up and pedaled my bicycle back up the street to the party.
When I walked in, she was still there! She was sitting on the kitchen countertop, sipping a drink and talking to three guys, but she hadn’t left, and she was not getting bounced in the back room – yet. I still had a shot. So I sauntered over in her direction, and as she saw me approach, she smiled and said, ‘Welcome back. Couldn’t resist me, eh? Here, have a drink. And she proffered me a can of beer.
I took the beer, as I always did at parties, then babied it for the rest of the night. I didn’t like alcohol, but I could avoid getting pestered all night by well-meaning friends, simply by holding the beer in my hand and taking an occasional imaginary swig. My vice wasn’t drinking. It was getting my dick into as many girls as I could. And at that moment, my dick was aimed directly at the girl sitting on the countertop.
(Yes, I know: it was a self-centered, insensitive, and infantile approach to life, but at that time, for better or worse, that’s where my mind was. As you will see in subsequent stories – if I do, indeed, write further stories– my attitude would come back to bite me in the ass a few times).
Much to my surprise – and pleasure — the little blonde kind of deflected her attention from the other guys and toward me. I still don’t know why. Yes, I was literally the star running back on the football team, and in most paradigms, that counts for something. But in our small, academically-oriented university, it usually didn’t help a bit. In fact, it tended to be somewhat of a stigma because we were generally regarded as ‘Those big, dumb, football players, who inexplicably run around banging into each other, sustaining unnecessary and sometimes life-long injuries.’ But football did keep me in pretty good shape, so that might have been part of the attraction.
‘What’s your name?’ was my clever, brilliant, and smooth opening line.
She let my clumsiness slide and said, ‘I’m Claire. I’m not looking to get married.’
‘Whooh!’ I said. ‘That’s usually my opening line, but you beat me to it. I think I like you already.’
‘I mean it,’ she said. ‘I’m nowhere near thinking about getting married. I have a lot of playing to do first. I mean it. I want to be far-removed from being a virgin when I get married. And I have a little work to do along those lines yet.’ She gave a curt nod of the head to reaffirm her stance.
Was this really happening to me? No, couldn’t be. This type of thing only happened to other guys. Not me. Still, it looked good, so I followed up. ‘Are you inviting me to fuck you?’ I asked.
She cocked her head and gave me a bemused look. ‘Do me a favor,’ she said. ‘Please don’t exacerbate the negative feelings that everybody already has about you intellectually challenged football players. Or to put it another way: don’t be a stupid asshole. I just want you to know, up front, where I’m coming from.’
She sipped at her margarita. ‘What I’m saying,’ she said. ‘is that I’m not inviting you to fuck me, but I always keep an open mind. So, who knows: you might get lucky somewhere down the road, if you play your cards right. Just don’t get too serious, or you will get hurt.’
So, she did know I was a football player, and she was inviting me to fuck her – and if there was one thing she definitely didn’t have to worry about, it was that I would fall for her and get too serious. I wanted a piece of ass. It was that simple. But I would take her advice and try to play it right.
‘OK,’ I said. ‘I’ll try to keep my emotions in check and not fall for you too hard and too quickly.’
‘Good,’ she said. ‘Now we can move on from here. What’s your name . . . Xavier?’ She smiled again. ‘Of course I know your name. Who on campus wouldn’t know the star running back on the football team, who is a Native American with a name like Xavier, who also has, I might add, a long string of mercy fucks and broken hearts trailing behind
She gave me an intense and self-confident look. ‘Don’t worry: with me, there won’t be any broken heart, nor a mercy fuck. If anything, it will be the other way around.
I looked at her, but I didn’t verbalize my thoughts. Those weren’t mercy fucks, I thought. They were just fucks. And if there were any broken hearts, well, at least I warned them. They made their own choices. And as for you sweet Claire. I’m not too proud to accept a mercy fuck, if you want to make the offer.
‘Oh, one more thing, Mr. Xavier- Native-American-Football-Star: there won’t be any mercy fucks tonight, one way or the other, and maybe never. But, we’ll see. I’ll keep my options open.’
(She was right, but we would both be surprised at the way things would turn out this night).
We chatted for a few minutes, and when the other three guys gave up and walked away, I asked, ‘It’s not so noisy and smoky at my place. Do you want to come over and play some ping pong?’
We didn’t have a TV, but our ping pong table stood prominently in the middle of our living room. It may seem like a ping pong table was a tactical error for four guys whose main mission in life was to nail as many girls as we could during the relatively short time span of our college careers, but it worked just fine. Asking a girl to come over to play ping pong was a lot less threatening than asking them to watch a porn flick on TV, and once we got them to our house, lots of options remained for us. For example, after we impressed them with our considerable skills at table tennis, we could offer them a nice cold pop while we rested – and got to know each other better.
So, Claire responded in a fairly predictable manner. ‘Ping pong?’ she exclaimed. ‘I love ping pong! Sure, let’s go play some ping pong. So she followed me back to our house: me on my bike and her in her Pontiac Firebird. When we arrived, the place was deserted, not an unusual occurrence for a fairly early Friday night. I picked up my custom foam padded paddle and gave her a standard paddle with a sandpaper finish. ‘You’ll like that paddle, ‘ I said. ‘The sandpaper really grips the ball and makes it bounce in crazy ways.’
She fondled the paddle, looking at it closely. ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘A very fine paddle: no doubt far superior to that fat, ugly thing you’re using.’
In an attempt to move things along quickly and get off the subject of the disparity in equipment quality, I asked, ‘Do you want me to play left-handed.’ It wasn’t as big a concession as it may seem, because I was well-practiced and fairly well-skilled with either hand.
‘Naw,’ she said. ‘Just play normally. I’ll muddle along as best I can.’
I served and she returned the ball well off the table. A point for me. ‘Let’s make this interesting?’ she said. ‘Why don’t we lay some stakes out on this game?’
‘OK,’ I said. Trying to keep a straight face. Already another advantage of ping pong table over a porn flick was coming into play. ‘What kind of stakes do you want to put up?’
Without so much as a quiver on her countenance, she said, ‘I’ll bet my bra against your boxer shorts.’
Wow, this was moving along nicely. She was several steps ahead of most of the girls that came to ‘play ping pong.’ Most of them started with outer garments, such as shoes, socks, earrings, and other really boring an innocuous accessories. But she was already willing to part with her bra. It would be fun watching her remove her bra. I would make her do it standing in good light, right in front of me, without so much as a warmup hug or kiss. I tried to hide the smirk in my smile and said, ‘OK, your bra for my boxer shorts. Let’s go.’
I served again, and she quick-hopped it right past me. My roommates and I played a style in which we stood back, let the ball bounce, then slammed a forehand or backhand past our opponent. But her return was so quick that it sailed on by me before I could react. I served again, and ‘click-click,’ it was past me again. She was already ahead 2-1. She had me off-balance. I had never played anybody who short-hopped every shot. I had some adjustments to make. But she got well ahead of me, and by the time I was making the correct adjustments, she had wiped me out 21-11.
Slightly embarrassed and nursing a sore ego, I attempted: ‘Best two out of three?’
‘I want your shorts.’ She put her paddle on the table and smiled sweetly.
‘Uh, surely you’re kidding,’ I stammered. ‘We weren’t really serious about that bet. You wouldn’t have just stood there and taken your bra off while I looked.’
She cocked her head, as her smiled deepened. She looked down then back up and raised her eyebrows in mock sweetness as her eyes caught mine. ‘We’ll never know that, for sure, will we?’
She reached out her hand toward me and pulled the air with her fingers. ‘Your shorts.’ She demanded politely, but insistently.
‘But I’ll have to take off my pants first. That’s not fair.’
‘You didn’t seem to see a problem about how I would get my bra off without taking off my blouse. I want you shorts.’
This was ridiculous. A 115-pound, 5′ 2′ girl was taking advantage of me. I didn’t even let 300-pound defensive linemen do that to me. I hesitated.
‘Think of it this way,’ she said. ‘You want to fuck me, right?’
I stood there, noncommittally.
‘How are you going to fuck me with your pants on? I mean, I know it can be done. But why would you, without it being a necessity for a quick piece in a linen closet somewhere? So, just keep it simple. Take off your shorts.’
After another hesitation, I unbuckled my belt.
The look on Claire’s face remained friendly but the smile was now gone. ‘This doesn’t mean you’re going to fuck me,’ she reiterated. ‘At the moment, we’re just in an evaluation phase.’
With no other dodges readily discernible, I unzipped my pants, dropped them to the floor, and stepped out of them. Claire reached out again, palm up, and motioned for my shorts. Still separated by the ping pong table, I dropped my drawers, then grabbed them and threw them at Claire.
‘Well, that’s more like it. Thank you, Mr. Xavier-Native-American-Football-player. Now, we shall have a look. She casually tossed the shorts over her left shoulder and moved purposefully around the table. ‘Move away from the table and stand out here in the good light,’ she insisted. My T-shirt was covering my cock, but Claire’s directness was having its affect and the shirt protruded from my body about seven inches.
Yeh, I knew my dick was seven inches long. I measured it when I was 15, and it didn’t appear to have grown since then. However, anybody who has done some research knows that seven inches ain’t bad. The average is about an inch shorter than that, and very damned few – literotica stories notwithstanding – are bigger than that. So, I had confidence in my size — and my experience. The past five years or so had taught me a few things about how to use it. The girls at our academically demanding college were not shy about what they wanted and certainly weren’t shy about telling you what they liked. I was a willing and grateful student. Anything a girl was willing to impart to me about what felt good to her, I took to heart and stowed it in my little bag of seduction tricks. So, I had adequate dick and a continually growing knowledge of how to use it.
Claire stepped around the table, sidled up to me and stood on her tiptoes, as she purposefully put her arms around me and gave me an enthusiastic and sensual kiss. As she approached, I put my hand out and caught her left tit and squeezed it as she kissed me. There was no attempt to stop me, so I pulled back far enough to look her in the eye, then I pulled slightly away from her, took my right hand off her left tit and put it behind her back. Then, I moved my left hand to the bare flesh just under her chin and wiggled some fingers under the fabric of her blouse. Still no sign of doubt on her face. So in one quick motion, I slippe
d my hand down her front. She slightly hunched her shoulder and back to allow more room for my hand, and I closed my hand down over a perfectly formed breast, which was slightly more than a handful – about a ‘C’ cup, I guessed as I massaged the soft but perky tit. I kissed her again as I explored that perfect breast.
Since I was on a roll, I gave her nipple a quick sqeeze, then pulled my hand out and slipped it down the front of her pants. She made one, quick abortive move to stop me, then put her hand back up over my shoulder and pulled in her stomach as my hand slid quickly by. I went all the way past the hair on the way to her pussy and quickly slid a finger in, as she slightly spread her legs. It was a very tight but slippery pussy: perfect. It would take a cock in easily but grip it tightly at the same time. I had had the opportunity to fuck a few other pussies like this one, but not many. Even the virgins I had fucked usually weren’t this tight.
She didn’t seem to mind that I didn’t tarry with her clit on the way down to get her going. It was OK that I went right to penetration. I wondered if she would let me do that with my cock too. Then she surprised me again and reached under my shirt to grab my cock. She immediately started pumping.
This can’t be happening, I thought. This is just too good. We’re about one minute after first contact, and she’s playing with my cock while I finger her pussy. After exploring her cunt for a few seconds, long enough to gain a cursory but approving evaluation, I slid my hand back up to the top of her pants and started tugging downward. Without letting go of my dick and without stopping pumping, she used her other hand to help me with her pants as she rolled over on her back, lifted her ass up to let the pants slip down, and quickly shed herself of her pants, along with her panties.
She kept pumping hard, and without opening her eyes, she said, ‘You can come on my pussy. It’s OK. I’d like that.’
So that was her game. She planned to keep my cock out of her pussy by getting me off before I could bet inside her. She spread her legs wide and pulled my cock to within an inch of her pussy and jacked even harder. I put my hand on her’s and made her stop.
‘I’m coming in your pussy, not on it,’ I said. ‘But not before I thoroughly check out your body.’
She opened her eyes and looked at me with what seemed like a slight bout of panic. But she didn’t let go of my cock. ‘OK,’ I said. ‘The lights are on. Let’s check you out. Don’t let go of my dick.’ She didn’t. I pulled back slightly to let the light fall between her legs. ‘Spread your legs a little wider.’ She did.
I looked closely and said, ‘Well, a nice little patch of hair, neatly trimmed. That’s nice.’ She continued to look at me with a noncommittal look. ‘A nice smooth crack with no protruding lips, smooth and clean, with more than adequate dampness. Very wet with no streams running down to your ass. Plenty of lubrication for easy penetration but not sloppy – and clean, all good smells. OK, spread ’em.’
She looked surprised. ‘I can’t spread my legs any wider. They’re about as wide as they can go.’
‘Not your legs. Your pussy.’
Her expression was still one of some anxiety, but she followed directions and spread it out between her middle finger and forefinger. Very clean and very ready, but something didn’t look right. Then a troubling thought hit my mind. ‘Are you a virgin?’ I demanded.
Then she was annoyed. ‘It’s none of your business,’ she blurted. ‘Now, are you going to put it in or not?’
‘Not,’ I said.
She suddenly let go of my cock and tried to wiggle out from under me, but I didn’t let her.
‘What do you think?’ I asked. ‘That I’m a boy scout. Of course I’ll put it in, but I have some playing to do first. I happen to be a tit man to the core, and I haven’t seen your tits yet.’
She stopped struggling.
‘You have both hands to work with,’ I said. ‘Unbutton your blouse.’ She looked peevishly for a moment, then shrugged and started unbuttoning her blouse. I backed away slightly to give her more room. ‘Spread your legs back out. I’m not done looking at your pussy. I’m a man who likes combined pleasures.’
Introduction: Sam Meets Claire DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of COMPLETE FICTION. Any likeness to individuals or events is unknown and unintended. This story contain descriptions about a sexual relationship between a young girl and a adult man. If you find such subject matter to be offensive, PLEASE STOP READING NOW !!!!! It is not my intent to offend you. This story is a continuation of Claire Chapter 1 and there are numerous references to that first story. I would encourage you...
When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...
CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE BEGINNING by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein are the property of DC Comics. (Note: Though it last saw print over 40 years ago, the Superboy story "Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" is still fondly remembered by many fans of TG fiction. The original was a mere 9 pages long so, understandably, the story was pretty compressed. In recent years, there's been a move in comics towards what has become known as 'decompressed' storytelling,...
Claire was your typical high school student. Except, she was one year older than the other students in her class after transferring schools this year. She was nineteen and managed to make a few friends and went to some of the parties now and then. She was the quiet type, but knew what she liked, enjoyed trying new things and was very open minded. She was a bit adventurous at times but far from being to the point where she made a spectacle of herself. She often thought about full blown sex and...
Introduction: Sam Meets Claire Again The following is a complete work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons or events is unknown and unintended. This story does contain descriptions of a sexual relationship between an adult male and an underage girl. If you find such subject matter to be offensive, PLEASE STOP READING NOW!!! It is not my intent to offend you. This story is a continuation of Claire Chapters 1 & 2. I would encourage you to read those chapters first if possible to bring all the...
Flicking through the documents before me, there was no doubt. The invoiceswhich suppliers denied issuing, the cash transfers to an offshore account, the amendments to the company's financial ledger, it was clear that someone was perpetrating a fraud on the company. Tens of thousands of pounds, maybe more, had gone missing. As CEO, it was my responsibility to make sure that the fraud stopped and that the person responsible be brought to account for their behaviour.The simplest thing to do would...
I took a towel from the side of the sink and began to roughly dry off Claire's face and hair. I didn't want the dirty little a****l getting the carpets of my host's house all wet after all, did I? Claire struggled and squealed as I dried her off but soon her face was clean and dry and she was ready for more fun.Finally, I pulled the dog tail out of her ass. Claire moaned as it popped out. I took the tail and put it to one sideI ordered Claire onto her hands and knees once more and made her...
Claire and Abby were good friends of mine. In our fifth year at school we would spend a lot of time hanging out between exams and study periods. Sometimes it would just be me and Claire, Abby and I were friends but she was always a little shy and didn’t really spend time with me if Claire wasn’t around. That suited me fine though, Claire was fun to be with and when we were on our own we usually ended up exploring each other. We were never boyfriend and girlfriend but we had this kind of...
Introduction: Claire the model decided to take a risky painting job…but its okay, the cuffs are just made out of clay…right? Times up, ladies and gentlemen. Pencils down. Claire sighed, finally relaxing out of the position shed been in all class, drawing a pale blue soft robe around her as the art class around her began murmuring quietly. She looked away from the drawings theyd done of her, shed learned to never look at work people modeled after her. It made her feel weird to see the way they...
Claire had been married to her husband, Paul, for seven years. She was very pretty, about 5’2, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She was built solidly, without being overweight, had C cup boobs, gorgeous legs and a shaved pussy. Her sex life with Paul was far from normal. Sex had become a little risqué and rarely took place in the bedroom. That morning, she had woken up and masturbated, which had become her normal start to a day and went downstairs naked. She noticed the window cleaner was...
ExhibitionismClaire sighed, finally relaxing out of the position she’d been in all class, drawing a pale blue soft robe around her as the art class around her began murmuring quietly. She looked away from the drawings they’d done of her; she’d learned to never look at work people modeled after her. It made her feel weird to see the way they had drawn her. Everyone had a different drawing style. Goosebumps rose on her bare thighs and she rubbed her hands up her biceps. Why would they keep an art room so...
My friend Claire had been married to her husband Paul for seven years. I thought she was very pretty; 5’2, short blonde hair, blue eyes, solidly built without being overweight, with C cup boobs, gorgeous legs and a shaved pussy. For some time, she’d been telling me that a normal sex life between her and Paul had ended. Any sex that did take place had become a little risqué and rarely in the bedroom. Not for one instant did she suggest that they didn’t love each other, she merely wished that...
ExhibitionismClaire gets glasses ? Claire was unsure how she felt about her new glasses. ? On one hand they were very cute, having been both the most expensive pair at the store. And they did look good on her- she was one of those people who looked good either with or without glasses- same went for hats, but these days who actually wears hats anymore. ? But on the other hand, it was a sign that she was getting older and they were a pain to always remember to have with her.? Not that she needed them always,...
from one [She sat back on the sofa and opened her legs, exposing her womanhood. I knelt between her thighs and gently eased my cock into her vagina. I pushed ever so slowly. She was breathing fast. I moved in and out and then had to pull out and I stroked myself and came globs of cum onto her tummy. “Why did you stop Sam?” She said, looking hurt. “I don’t want to get you pregnant. “Oh!” Claire said, almost crying. She sat up and hugged me. “I won’t get pregnant I’m on the pill; have been for a...
About the time the step-sister was giving my hero head, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I jumped, startled by the interruption, then closed the lid of my laptop before snarling "Who is it?" I was irritated that someone had interrupted my self-indulgence. I was naked under the blanket and my boner was aching from the pressure of built-up lust. The door opened a few inches and my little sister Claire stuck her head in and asked "What are you grouching about." "You’re bothering me. Go...
The women began to move towards the table and surround her. They swarmed around her - there were too many to count, but maybe twenty, maybe thirty. All of them were smartly dressed in their party attire, some of them wearing cocktail dresses, some more formal wear. There were beautiful young blondes, statuesque black women, raven haired beauties aged between 18 and their mid forties. Claire moved her head to look at these women - women who she had once been like: executives, doctors, lawyers,...
Bonjour à tous, Pour des raisons professionnelles, je passe une nuit par semaine, 1 fois par mois chez ma belle-sœurAprès quelques séjours, elle me domine maintenant complètement, elle est ma princesse et je lui dois donc une obéissance absolue.Elle reçoit l’aide et les conseils de Clélia, sa meilleure amie dont le petit copain, Marc, est un hardeurClaire, Clélia et Marc se sont retrouvés après que Claire m’ai sodomisé dans sa chambre.Claire avait besoin d’en parler avec des personnes de...
Claire was sitting at a table in the back of the coffee shop when I arrived. We’d been meeting off and on since we both met at a swingers club. Claire was single and enjoyed the no strings fun of playing with myself and my husband Phil.She smiled widely as I approached, her brown eyes lighting up. I pecked her cheek and sat across from her, brushing my soft summer dress as I sat. We made small talk as we drank our coffee. I slipped the sandals off my feet under the table and was able to raise...
A few years ago I met a lady online, a fair bit older than myself but became very good friends and now meet on a regular basis. The better we got to know each other the more she told me about things that had happened to her while she was married, eventually asking me to write about her experiences. Her name was Claire, thirty five years old, with medium length blonde hair, blue eyes and five feet three inches tall. She was solidly built, without being fat, doing a lot of horse riding when...
ReluctanceLooking down at Claire, kneeling naked in front of me, a throng of men and women joking and laughing at her predicament, I wondered just exactly what she was feeling. Shame and humiliation - most definitely. Regret that she had ever tried to steal from the company - certainly. But I sensed that, even though she would probably never admit it to herself, there was a frisson of sexual excitement at being treated like this bubbling away inside her. Deep down, I just knew that underneath all that...
Claire finished the breakfast dishes and was on her way out the door from her upscale suburban home and into the big four wheel drive Ford Explorer. Gliding smoothly into traffic, she thought that lately shopping seemed to be her only outlet. Her husband Frank was away on business at least three nights a week, and usually more. Not to be complaining, Frank is a wonderful provider and father for her and the twins, but it seemed like they hardly ever saw each other, let alone spending any...
LesbianAs she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...
As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...
As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...
It was a wonderful summer fling, Claire and I had met on a summer camp where we were both working. We had real sexual chemistry and we would take every opportunity we could to get some alone time but that wasn't easy at a busy summer camp. So when the summer came to an end and Claire invited me to help her house sit her parents house I jumped at the chance even if it did mean a 3 hour car ride with Claire's friend Angela.Now don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with Angela as a person...
Looking down at Claire, I laughed at how stupid and degraded she looked. "What a dirty fucking whore," I said. "You know, ladies and gentlemen, I think she's more like a pig than a dog or a cat, don't you?" The audience standing around watching Claire's continuing abasement laughed and nodded their agreement."Yeah", chortled a guy wearing a dinner jacket, "A dirty fucking cum pig. That's what she is. What are you, whore?""A c…cump…ig, sir," mumbled Claire, blushing with shame.Christina pushed...
Claire and Mike had been friends ever since their bus rides in the 6th grade. She was a grade below him in school, but he always felt that she was closer to him than anyone his own age. She had blond hair blue eyes and a smile that could make Satan happy. Mike had always had a slight crush on Claire in school, but never said anything because he felt awkward about the age difference. On the bus they talked about everything, and on days when Mike was lucky they talked about girls. He had felt a...
First TimeLooking down on Claire, I thought back on how, over the past hour or so, she had been mistreated and abused and how as a result, this once proud and haughty businesswoman had been turned into a helpless sex slave. She had been pissed on, forced to lick pussy, fucked with a dildo, made to drink a bowl of cum, and subjected to relentless humiliation and degradation. I regretted in some respect that I hadn't had the opportunity to whip her and spank her, or tie those amazing tits of hers with rope...
After Claire and Rick had made love once more Claire got up because she heard a cat mewing. She went downstairs to open the back door and let it in and stared out into the night. There was only a rather thin layer of snow, the snow dunes she had hoped for had not materialized and the night was cold and clear again. She shook her head. There would be no way the bus wouldn’t come now, and so she could not keep Rick around for some more days. Maybe if she just asked… When she came back in the...
Claire peered out the window checking to see if Becky was on her way from across the street. Not that it really mattered, it's just that she was all ready to go and was getting a little fidgety waiting for the 18 year old baby sitter to arrive. It was so handy to have Becky so close and not to have to worry about using someone you didn't know, especially after hearing all those baby sitter horror stories! Just then there was a knock on the door and Becky entered the front vestibule. Claire was...
LesbianFrank couldn't wait to get home to show Claire the new toy he had picked up while a trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands. One evening while out one the town, Frank's host had taken him to the famous red light district, where there were hookers of every size, shape, color, and sex that a person could think of! Also in the area were many adult bookstores, to which Frank wandered into a large well lit one and was browsing the magazines when he noticed a display case with every kind of vibrator and dildo...
LesbianClaire and Liam Parker had always seemed like your perfect, young, mid-twenties, beautiful couple. She had the face on an angel. He was thin, yet with very well defined muscles. They always appeared happy, healthy, and loving to one another. Little did onlookers know, they both held a dark secret within. Liam Parker held a secret within the basement of their lovely home. Through the main hall and under the staircase was a mahogany wooden door. The door suspiciously held three locks upon it. No...
FetishI lived on a dead end street with only one other house, which was right next door. I lived with my father. My mother had died several years ago. I was on my own most of the time. I had just turned 18. I had a close friend who lived in the house next to ours. Her name was Claire and she had just turned 18, as well. Claire and I were as close as a brother and sister. We had grown up together since we were toddlers. We had our spats, as brothers and sisters do, but always made up and were close...
As Claire finished up her last aerobics exercise, she noticed a very muscular dark haired woman working out on the stationary bike in the strength and conditioning room. The woman was oblivious to everything around her because of the Walkman headphones attached to her weightlifting belt. Claire picked up her towel and walked directly towards the heavily sweating woman, and as she got closer, Claire could see the brunette was extremely well built and was much more heavily muscled than any female...
LesbianClaire carried the chips and dip on a tray into the family room where her two good friends Jill and Vera were watching a soap on the television. "Hurry up with that, I'm hungry," said a famished Vera! "You don't look hungry," kidded Jill while her friend made a face at her before diving right into the food!!! It was just a good old fashioned "hen party", with three girls trading gossip and watching the soaps! As usual, the conversation got trashier and trashier the longer they talked, and in no...
LesbianI awoke and felt so relaxed and the world a good place, the feeling lasted for perhaps a second or two, then I remembered... I’m not a bad man, really I’m not. But recently I did something which unsettled me greatly. I sort of had non-consensual sex with my wife’s best friend. I guess it could be called rape in a lot of people’s eyes. Oh, I wasn’t violent; though I sort of forced her (possibly, at first), but it wasn’t with her verbal consent and I did it when she (and I) were under the...
Labyrinth Extended Prologue When he opened up his eyes, he knew whose face he would wear to get the job done. It was four o'clock in the morning and the day had not even started yet. He always woke up this early, no matter how terrible the jet lags or how severe his wounds after gunfights - or how tired his body after interrogation sessions. It's automatic: one of those things that his body was trained for; a simple practice that had saved his life countless times. He reached...
As she settled onto the bike next to her, the brunette gave Claire a courteous nod, and with this opening Claire nodded back and introduced herself. Turning off her headphones the woman introduced herself as Samantha or Sam for short as she reached out a small but powerful hand in an introductory shake. After some small talk, in which Claire found out that Sam was single, lived alone, worked in the Loop as an attorney, and drove a bright red Mazda Miata, Claire broached the subject of Sam's...
It’s a funny thing, time. It dulls the senses and affects your memories. Be honest, can you truthfully say that the things you remember from twenty years ago really happened the way you remember them? Some of the memories from my youth feel as if they are in black and white, like some Saturday afternoon matinee from the 50s on an obscure satellite channel. While others are in vibrant colour and full 3D. And yet, it’s those full-colour blockbuster memories that I’m sure are the ones most...
She was running late as usual! Claire just couldn't seem to get anywhere on time. Why in the world did she ever agree to attend a lingerie party at Cathy's house? With Frank away on business and it being a week night, she had had trouble finding a sitter for the twins. She was bone tired and prospect of watching a lingerie show was the last thing she wanted to do, but Cathy had invited her over a month ago and had promised an "interesting evening". How did she get roped into these things?!? Oh...
LesbianClaire woke me the next morning with her warm mouth round my semi hard cock, a few tugs and I was hard and fucking her pretty little face “Don’t cum in my mouth, I want it inside me” she instructed as I lifted her up onto my cock, she was bouncing on me harder than usual, and calling herself a dirty whoreIt was only then I saw her phone in her hand, she was video calling Craig and fucking me at the same time, I caught a glimpse of Craig wanking watching usI could feel Claire’s pussy squeezing...
I had met Claire at a spa weekend; she is a masseuse and had given me a massage that ended up with me having my first lesbian sex. But that's another story! We arranged to meet up outside the spa and perhaps see if we could take things a bit further. And so it was that one Friday evening we found ourselves at a bar getting to know each other a bit better.I should explain that Claire is very pretty and it was obvious she was going to attract a lot of attention. She's petite with medium...
I don't know how Claire got home - and frankly I don't care. But like the good little slave she now was, at 8:00 am exactly, there was a timid knock on the door of my office.I waited a minute or so before telling Claire to enter. Slowly the door opened and Claire nervously entered my office. I waved to her and bade her approach my desk. Slowly, hesitantly she walked over to me and stood apprehensively in front of me.I leaned back in my leather reclining chair to get a long look at her. And what...
This is a prologue to a sci-fi story called ‘The Donation’. It is meant as a dystopia. Do not read this prologue or the following chapters, if you can not handle stories about a patriarchal regime. ‘The Gender Reconstruction Act was narrowly approved today. All remaining women’s rights have been revoked. Leading feminist protesters were arrested today, on charges of ‘inciting emasculation’, a capital offense under the Anti-Emasculation Act, enacted in 2025,’ the telecomputer announcer...
LABYRINTH - Prologue Ned Guthrie stepped out of the bus and immediately had to balance himself. The paper bags in his hands tilted and the contents almost spilled out to the pavement. He wobbled for a second, trying to reach one of the chairs at the bus stop. Then he began rearranging his stuffs. Finally placing the champagne, roses and other items properly inside, he carried the bags and walked to his apartment. It was almost dark as the autumn breeze slowly dragged the fallen...
The Tale about The Laughter of Azbezil Prologue During the age of darkness, there existed a country where the people were proud of their happiness, but in truth, the kingdom was headed for chaos and sorrow. In the following years, many would question why none saw the danger and reacted before it was too late. The wise answer is that the problem was not lack of knowledge, but rather the opposite. The danger to the kingdom had been foretold many hundreds of years earlier. With the warning...
Claire CrucifiedClaire was naked and tied to a cross. Not an X, but a real Roman-style cross--a perpendicular beam with a horizontal crossbar. Her wrists were bound with leather cuffs that attached to eye-bolts in the wood. Her long legs were tied together at the base of the cross, where her feet with her carefully painted red toenails rested on the ground. Stretched out naked like that, Claire looked almost too beautiful to flog, so I hit her extra hard, getting pleasure from the way her...
My best friend of 11 years is a woman called Claire. being a bloke and a female friendship people started to accuse us but we didn't care We have always had this bond between us like something I haven't felt before, we each have different partners in the past but never taken the step to try it out. At the time I was in a relationship with her sister Kerry. Claire had a new boyfriend every so often and I remember getting Very jealous and actually quite pissed off. They both lived In Peterborough...
EroticHi, my name is Claire, I was an average 21 year old student, um, I don't know if I need to tell you what I look like, but I'm small, blonde, pale and until a week ago I was relatively innocent. Oh my god, I've not been able to speak to anyone about this, but, um, please don't think badly of me...It was Friday night, my flatmates Anne and Emily were out, but I had stayed in to finish some coursework... I know, right? Coursework on a Friday night? Finally bored, I messaged Anne to see where...
My step-daughter Claire has been friends with Ana for ages. They are both eighteen, but Ana is a year behind Claire academically, so though Claire has gone off to her freshman year of college, Ana is a senior in high school. Pixie-ish and stout at 4'11", she's a handful, short black hair with straight bangs, a black leather motorcycle jacket and calf-height black leather doc marten boots, pale skin with liquid-quick ink-black eyes, a small mouth with poutly little lips, the physical opposite of...
The passionate interlude in the darkened shop entranceway between Claire Darcy and Arthur King had been a spur of the moment random impulse but Claire knew the unfortunate marriage to her anally obsessed spouse was soon to be a closed chapter in her life. Her lush garden was still trembling with the strength of Arthur's violent thrusts and the delicious stretching caused by his unusually thick shaft. She had not washed his spunk from her slit hoping that he had possibly managed to put her...
“Why? So, you can laugh in my face. Since I’ve known you, all the best guys in school have asked you out. All the really popular guys. And you’ve turned them down. What chance has a nerd like me got, eh? I mean look at you. You’re sweet and kind and the most caring girl in school. And by far the most beautiful. What would you want with someone like me, huh? So let’s just forget I said anything. I’ve said what I wanted to. I’ve made a fool of myself, so now I’m just going home and locking...
“Clarissa, this is Michael O’Dell, your father.”I don’t know who was more astounded, she or I.“But, mother, he can’t be over 40,” Clarissa declared.“By my count, 36. Am I correct?” Claire said.Still dumbstruck, I just nodded, the awkwardness of the moment leaving me mute.I finally ended the awkward silence, by asking Claire, “Why didn’t you tell me?”“It was the times, Michael,” Claire answered, “and the situation. If I admitted that you were the father of my baby, eventually, the fact that you...
Straight SexIt was a beautiful summers day in sunny Rome. Claire, a 21 year old receptionist from England was strolling down the stony paths with her boyfriend of 2 years Ryan, a 25 year old bricklayer also from England.They had always been rather happy in their relationship but neither knew that they were both hungry for something else... FROM someone else. They had planned the trip together, both telling each other that it would be very romantic to get away to the Italian capital. They promised each...
Pretty much a true story, this comes from an old clubbing friend I hadn’t seen for years. Claire & Angie’s Holiday AdventureI never really intended it to happen, but sometimes these things just do. Blame the heat, blame the booze if you like, and you can even blame me, because I don’t regret a thing. At least we’ve managed to contain it to once or twice a year since then, Brokeback Mountain style, but for women.I’m Claire, she’s Angie, and we met at work five years ago, hitting it off...
Introduction: Setting the scene for the next chapters. Authors Notes – I never intended this story to have intercourse in it. However, it just so happened that a friend of mine delves into this site often and convinced me to try my hand at writing. Knowing full-well the catastrophe this may well cause, I give to you a re-edited (parody, if you will) version of my up-and-coming novel Dabbling in Water. I will not post it all, only certain bits for your reading pleasure. I hope you enjoy as this...
This is a long story, containing 10 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue. All chapters have been submitted and should be posted within a few days of each other. The idea for this story came from a story idea forum. Thank you janetsexy77. Warning: The prologue contains NO adult content. It is strictly an intro to the characters and their relationships. If this isn’t your kind of unsmut then please find another story. 8========D Agatha Allbut was a nerd. Not a hot nerd, like Willow or...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...