An Early Morning Intrusion free porn video

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That fucking hurt, man. Shit. I should really stop falling off the damn bed.

I prop myself up against the side of my bed and rub my thigh where a bruise will soon be forming.


I tense. The fuck was that?

More noise as whoever knocked whatever to the floor starts picking it up.

I pick up two of my knives from my bedside table and creep to the kitchen, towards the noise.

Why does this stuff always happen when I’m in my boxers? Shit!

I fall backwards on the floor, nearly stabbing myself and Frankie as she falls on top of me, dropping all the shards of some sort of broken dish she just picked up.

‘Dude, you scared the shit out of me, Skulls!’ Frankie doesn’t quite yell, but she still says it too loudly for this hour. She’s already picking up the broken dish pieces again, and when she finds my knives, she furrows her brow in the most fucking adorable fashion in existence.

‘What’s with the steel?’ She asks, flipping the blades closed and sitting up, straddling me.

I cannot believe it’s fucking FRANKIE. Oh my God, I’m an idiot. It’s too early for this shit, oh, early…shit. It’s pretty impossible to hide an erection from someone that’s sitting on you. I’m going to die of embarrassment and sexual frustration. What the fuck is my life?

I run my palms down my face and sigh loudly.

‘Sorry, I thought you were an intruding, zombified polar bear attempting to steal the last of the oreos.’

She laughs and I can’t help but grin a bit back at her.

She stands up and takes the shards to the trash and returns shortly to help me up.

I groan in protest. I’m perfectly fine with going back to sleep right here.

‘Come on, Skullsie-kins, you can’t stay on the floor all day.’ Damn that spark of mischief that’s always in her eyes.

‘Says who?’ I allow myself to be pulled up, but complain throughout the whole process.

‘Says me, genius-Christ, you’d think I was forcing you to pull your own teeth out,’ Frankie swipes some hair from her eyes and continues, ‘and without anesthesia, no less.’

It doesn’t stop my grumbling, but it does make me smile at her again.

‘What are you doing here, anyway, Franks?’

‘Stealing the last of your oreos.’

‘Ah, so you’re the zombified polar bear intruding into my home?’

‘Yep. Ya got me.’


She sighs and looks away for a split second and I know something’s wrong, but she doesn’t want to tell me. Then she smirks and says,

‘What-zombie polar bear not realistic enough for you? I’m almost offended.’

I shake my head and slip my hands to her waist and pull her in. She always smells so damn good, like Axe bodywash and berries and a little bit of smoke. Totally warm and edible, if you know what I mean. She snuggles her face into my neck and I’d be in fucking heaven if I didn’t know something was bothering her…and wasn’t trying not to press my hard on into her thighs.

I nudge her with my shoulder and she sighs again.

She buries her face even further into me.

‘Just that damn nightmare again, man. It still gets me sometimes, I guess.’

Shit, the one where you kill your brother?

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight.

‘You didn’t kill him, babe. You wouldn’t. It wasn’t real.’

She nods into my shoulder, but I can feel her chin start to tremble, so I pick her up and carry her into my room and lay her on my bed. She curls into a ball, facing away from me. Damn it all, she’s just going to have to not freak out about me having morning wood, not that she freaked before…whatever.

I slide behind her, pulling her close to me, and rock her. She’s crying now. I kiss her shoulder.

I’m so damn desperate now, I can’t think of anything to do. I wish there was something I could do, Franks. I swear to God, I would do anything…I hate seeing you cry.

‘I’m s-sorry, Sk-ulls…I-‘ I can barely understand her.

‘Shh, you don’t have anything to be sorry for.’

She shakes her head, and wipes snot on her shirt. After a while she starts to breathe easier, so I rock her slower. Finally, she rolls over and hugs me.

‘Sorry, Skulls.’

Oh, fuck no. She is not getting away with apologizing a million times for a nightmare she didn’t ask to have.

I slip my hand under her chin and make her look at me.


‘Huh?’ She looks at me, confused again.

‘You. Are Not. Allowed. To be. Sorry.’ I lean my face closer. ‘You. Are. Fucking. Perfect.’

The tears are back in her eyes. Damnit…I’m fucking this up…

‘Shit, Franks…’ She’s shaking her head at me. Fuck it. I kiss her. I just want her to stop crying…and then I feel her lips move against mine.

What the fuck is happening right now? Oh my God…I thought I was going to die before, I am completely dead now. Her hands are in my hair…shit. I can’t think straight right now. My best friend is kissing me back. Brain’s not working. She tastes like strawberries…and Dr. Pepper, of course. Her tongue swipes cautiously across my lip and I officially lose my shit. I groan and yank her hips closer to me. She smiles against my mouth, and then has the audacity to giggle.

‘Thought that was funny, did you?’

She laughs, ‘Very.’

I rest my forehead against hers. It’s really hard to be best friends with one of the sexiest people on the planet, especially when she likes you and is your best friend and looks like a tall, teal-haired Marilyn Monroe without the mole, and huge tits. The curves she has doesn’t even rival a rollercoaster, she completely wins that battle. I’ve been tired of staring and not being able to touch for way too long.

‘Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?’ I pull back to look at her.

She shakes her head and bites her bottom lip, still smiling.

‘Forever, for fucking, god-awful, ever.’

‘You could have done it a long-ass time ago.’

You have got to be kidding me. I’ve been torturing myself for a year and a half and I could have already been touching what I’ve been drooling over?

Guess I should make up for lost time…

I brush my lips against hers as softly as I can, almost kissing her. She’s the one making an involuntary sound now, and I’m the one smirking against her lips. I keep kissing her. Rub her back. I don’t want her to start crying again, and I also don’t want to be a bastard and take advantage of this. And it’s way too fucking early for me to have to do all this thinking.

I press little kisses all over her face, her cheeks, her nose, each eyelid, her ears, and her forehead. She laughs at me, and kisses under my jaw. I run my fingers across her cheek, just staring at her in disbelief, trying to figure out how the hell this is actually happening.

Frankie just kissed me. Frankie just let me kiss her. Frankie. Just. KISSED. Me.

The sweetheart in question gently taps her knuckles against my forehead.

‘You alright there, Skull?’

Alright? You’ve got to be kidding.

‘I’m fucking amazing,…but what about you, Franks? Are you any better now?’ I catch a few stray strands of her hair and twirl them between my fingers to distract myself from her mouth and the fact that her breasts are pressed against my chest and failing.

She looks at me like I just said something ridiculously stupid.

‘Better? I’m in fucking damn heaven right now. The guy I love most in this world, my best friend, just got his shit together and kissed me. I’m fucking perfect.’

‘What do you mean-‘got his shit together’-you could have kissed me first, you know.’ I tease.

Her gaze flicks away for just a second, so fast I almost didn’t catch it.

‘Frankie, what?’

She sighs again.

‘I didn’t think you…ya know, I didn’t think you wanted to be more than fr
iends, is all.’ She shrugs and looks down at my chest.

Huh? What in the hell? What in the fucking damn hell?

‘Oh my God. We’re idiots.’ Frankie jerks her eyes back up to mine at my words and squishes her eyebrows together yet again.

‘What are you talking about, man? You hit your head again?’

‘I didn’t think YOU wanted to be more than friends.’

‘Shut up.’ She shoves at my chest. I chuckle and hug her.

‘For real, I didn’t.’

‘Whoa. We are such dumbasses…Wow.’

She pulls back a bit and looks at me for a second. I swear to God I am aching, I’m going to have balls so fucking blue…I shake my head and try to focus on her. She touches my face and tilts her head to the side like she’s thinking about something.

‘What?’ Anything to take my mind off the ‘itch I can’t scratch.’

She reveals that sexy-ass smirk of hers and finally speaks.

‘Nothing. I just love you.’

…did she just-?

I blink…

She cocks an eyebrow at me.

I open my mouth, but I can’t make anything come out.

‘You okay?’

Apparently all I can do is nod and blink some more.

She loves me?

I shake my head, trying to clear it. I have to focus. I clear my throat, swallow, start again.

But there’s no way good enough to tell her how I feel. I run my thumb across her bottom lip absentmindedly, only realizing that’s what I’m doing when it registers that I can’t take my eyes of them. I force my eyes to hers.

‘I cannot believe you just said that. I can’t. Really. It’s taking me a minute to process.’

She fucking laughs at me again, and that’s what brings me back to the surface.

‘Frankie…’ I swallow another time. ‘I…I just…’ I can’t do it. I shake my head. I think I might actually cry, I’m so fucking happy and probably a pansy-assed motherfucker but I don’t really care at the moment. I press my mouth to hers and it finally comes out barely a whisper, in between kisses.

‘I love you. So much. Always have.’

Frankie wraps her arms tight around me and squeezes me tight. Now I’m dying because she loves me and I’m so close to her and kissing her and I’m so fucking hard.

‘Don’t you dare make me cry, Xavier, I swear to God…’

A short laugh falls from my mouth.

‘Sorry, Francesca.’ She smacks me at the sound of her real name.

I kiss her hard on the mouth, and the hands that just smacked me away pull me back in.

Her hands in my hair, her body pressed against me, her lips on mine…nothing on the planet is better than this. I grip those sexy, full hips, loving the softness, and she rewards me with a tiny gasp. Without even thinking, I slip my tongue in. I taste every nook and cranny I can find. I suck on her tongue, slide away, and then let hers duel with mine. Her hands are on my back now, nails sinking in a little, too.

Fucking heaven…and hell, I’m going to pay for this in a major way later.

She nibbles on my bottom lip. I can’t hold back the small groan. I slide my hand onto her tummy and feel her shiver in response. I rub my thumb back and forth as she kisses me, my other hand twisted in her hair. I feel her leg go around me. I don’t know how far she wants to let this go, though.

Shit…shit, shit, shit.

I take a deep breath and break the kiss in favor of air and maybe some oxygen to clear my head a little bit.

She pants and slides her hand up my arm to my cheek, just holding me.


‘Hmm?’ I guess she’s not the only one panting.

‘Don’t stop. Please don’t stop, if you don’t want to, okay? I want this. I want you. But I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do or aren’t ready to do or whatever, I ju-‘

I slam my lips down on hers before she can babble at me anymore, she can babble later. I roll us over so I’m nestled between her soft thighs.

Her tongue seeks out mine, and mine gladly accepts her invitation. Her hands run up and down my back, her legs wrap around my waist, and I can’t handle all the sensations. It’s too much for my hard buddy downstairs to handle. I need to cool off a second before I cum in my boxers. I push myself back and pull her up with me.

I peel off her tank top and have to close my eyes for a second.

God…oh my God…why the fuck does she have to be so damn gorgeous? Pale skin, cute little tummy, big, perfect breasts…

I press my lips against her neck, lick and suck at her skin, listening to her adorable, sexy, little moans. When I reach her collarbone, I can’t help but test my teeth, and she can’t help but suck in a quick breath of air. I nip my way between her breasts, then let my tongue run back up her chest. Her hands are in my hair the whole time, until she reaches behind her to unclasp her bra and pull the straps down.

I just thought I was hungry before. I’m fucking starving.

‘Have I mentioned that you are fucking perfect?’

She lets out a small laugh. I smile and lay her back down so I have a better position. I bury my face in her chest, kissing and flicking my tongue over every inch of skin I find. My thumbs find her nipples to tease, and the satisfaction at feeling them harden to points because of me is unrivaled.

I suck one into my mouth and she moans so loud…so I suck harder, then let go altogether. She lets out a sound of frustration and I flick my tongue over the very tip of her nipple just to watch her eyes close in response. I move on to her other breast, and kiss a circle around her nipple before actually suckling it. She’s undulating against me now. I thought I couldn’t handle the feelings before. I kiss down her stomach and reach the waistband of a very familiar pair of boxers.

If there was ever a time to use the phrase, ‘shit-eating grin,’ it’s now.

‘Thief.’ I cock an eyebrow up at her and she rolls her eyes at me. I slide my hands down her sides and hook my fingertips under the elastic and ease them down as slowly as I can stand, which is apparently slow enough for her to make a very irritated sound, and I know I’m driving her crazy.

I’M driving her crazy. ME. Long damn legs, and damn…her pussy…not shaved, not a freaking shrubbery, just hairy enough…and then she opens her legs and my mouth goes dry.


She’s so beautiful uncovered. I don’t know why she wears so much clothing all the time.

‘You’re never wearing clothes again.’ I run my hands up her shins as she laughs. I kiss up her legs, across the tops of her thighs, up to her hipbones, and then scrape my teeth down, finally. Frankie hisses when my tongue touches her soft spot. Her nails dig into my scalp. I grab her hips and pull her closer to my face. I suck at her labia gently, and drag the tip of my tongue up the middle. I lap at what juices are already there, causing more. I find her clit and tease her slowly.

So fucking wet…I could do this for the rest of my sorry damn life and be ecstatic…

I suck harder at her labia and then pull back to press my finger against her folds, but barely, so I’m almost not even touching her, and she makes a noise that’s a cross between a moan and a whine.

Doesn’t that just make a guy smile?

I rub over her pussy with my hand and suck the inside of her thighs. She keeps making those sexy little noises and I finally slide two fingers in her hole. And she hums happily. I twist and scissor my fingers and start flicking my tongue against her clit. Then I nip at her labia and start pumping my fingers in and out, twisting every now and then. I suck at her skin again, and press a third finger inside her.

‘Oh my God, Xav…fuck.’ Her hips are thrashing against me.

I pump faster, then slowly, just to piss her off so she’ll get hotter.

‘Ugh…Skulls! Please…’ It’s almost not even a demand anymore, and towards the end, it was definitely starting to sound like begging.

I suck her clit and pump my
fingers in and out of her quickly, then flick my tongue across her clit, too. Her movements become more erratic, less controlled, and I know she’s getting closer. I pump just a little faster and suck even harder biting gently occasionally. Finally, I’m rewarded with sweet cream gushing and her entire body clenching as she comes for me.

As she comes for ME.

I wait out her orgasm, slowly pumping, licking and lapping until she’s done. I look up her body as she shudders her way down and I feel the precum oozing out of my dick just at the sight.

Her hands pull at my skull, and I oblige them, letting her bring my face back to hers. She kisses me hard, thrusting her tongue into my mouth and, all of a sudden, I feel her hand on my cock.

Oh, fuck…

I’m going insane as she pumps my dick with her hand and sucks my tongue in her mouth.

A groan does not even begin to describe the sound that’s coming from my mouth.

I’m just trying not to come all over her yet.

‘Xav, baby…’ motherfucking sexy voice, I am so screwed.

‘Yeah?’ I need to breathe, Jesus Christ, I need some blood back to the other head I have.

‘I want you inside me.’

My eyes nearly roll back inside my head.

I have never put on a condom so fast in my life.

Franks just laughs at me. She leans up and sucks and chews on my earlobe.

I hold my cock in my hand and position it between her thighs, pressing into her folds, just playing in her wetness for a minute. I take my finger to her clit, getting her hot again, and she arches into me. I kiss her and push myself just inside her. We both groan loudly. She wraps her legs around me and pulls me by my chin back to her mouth.

I kiss her again, and slide myself right where we both want me to be. Frankie gasps against my mouth and I don’t even know what I’m doing.

Then she clenches around me and rolls her hips into mine. I start to pull in and out of her and she starts sucking my neck and I feel so good it’s like I’m dying but I don’t care.

‘You are so fucking wet…and sexy…and fucking…shit…’

She moans against my throat and bites down. ‘I love you Skulls.’

Another groan, moan, sound-you-can’t-describe boils out of me, and I pump faster for a minute, then have to slow down.

‘I love you, too.’ I’m gasping for air. I’m getting so close.

I pull myself up on my elbows, and she tightens her legs’ hold on my waist, her heels digging into my ass. I thrust in and out of her only a few more times, and she bites me again, harder. It feels like lightning shoots into the side of my neck and then warmth spreading and pulsing down my throat and I fucking lose it because of the damn lightning sensation.

I come so hard I’m dizzy for a second. I feel her spasming around me, too, then I collapse on top of her.

‘Mmm,’ she mumbles incoherently in my ear, sliding her feet up and down my legs. I don’t think I’ve felt better in my life.

I kiss her where her jaw meets her ear and whisper, ‘I’ll be right back. Do not go anywhere.’

She chuckles. ‘Where the fuck am I supposed to go?’

I grin and go to the bathroom to throw away the condom and clean myself up. As an afterthought, I wet a washcloth and wring it out to help clean her up, too.

I walk back across the hall and she’s still in my bed, in the same exact position, eyes closed, legs bent, arms at her sides, breathing a little heavy, and sweaty as hell.

I can’t help the smirk.

I walk over and rub the washcloth between her legs. Her eyes pop open in surprise and then she lets me wipe her down.

I toss the rag across the room and lay down, pulling her to me.

She kisses my nose and I laugh.

Frankie presses her forehead against mine once more and closes her eyes, still smiling.

How the hell did I get so fucking LUCKY?


‘Mmhmm?’ She murmurs back to me.

I kiss her lips gently.

‘Sweet dreams.’

She smiles and snuggles her face in my chest.

We fall asleep like that. I can’t wait to wake up next.

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Early morning at the officeI will never forget that Friday morning at the office. Home alone again, loving Victor on his way to Chicago, which was a nice advantage: I had plenty time for myself at home to complete the paperwork my boss needed that Friday. I set the clock to wake me up at four o’clock. I wanted to rush for the office and was planning to finish the task in at least two hours, before the rest of my coworkers could arrive.I was always the first one in the office anyway. I figured...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Hooker

Early Morning Hooker In the nineties, I carried on an erotic pen-pal correspondence with a woman who earned the name DG late in her high school years. She had fantasies of being turned out as a prostitute and liked having her breasts slapped. I wrote this for her. This is my only story in first person present. I usually don’t like that, but it seems to work here. Enjoy. - Paddler You and I are on the road, traveling across country. It's summer and hot, so even in the early morning you wear...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 5 Rise and Shine on Saturday Morning

Early the next morning, Brent got up and was ready to start his morning run. All summer he had been getting up with the sun and running throughout the town. It was early and everyone was still asleep. He got himself off the sofa and walked down the hallway to his bathroom. The bathroom was right next to his bedroom where Sherry was sleeping. When he finished peeing, he looked down at his cock in his hand. He considered jacking off like he did most mornings. But he usually did so laying on his...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Interview

Here we are, the morning of the interview. I didn’t think I would be this nervous. They say first impressions are very important. I don’t know what to wear. Should I wear pants? No, I can wear a black mini skirt to show off my legs & my ass (just in case my interviewer is male). Thigh highs and knee high black leather boots, a red silk tank top with a little black jacket; that should do it. And I will leave my hair out. I want to get there early to show I can be punctual. Now that I am...

3 years ago
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Early Morning

Introduction: While most of this story is true, I changed some of what happened so it would read better, and because I had finished writing Yes Mistress a short while beforehand, and wanted to show my lover -whom I wrote the story for- what would be running through my mind if he did the same to me. Hope you enjoy! All things considered, I woke up pretty early this morning. Though I suppose thats normal considering Ive spent the past 4 months waking up at 5 in the morning. Though one would think...

3 years ago
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Early Mornings

The movie – one of those all-nighter ordeals- was over. It was four o’clock in the morning and I was still wide awake. I knew I didn’t want to go home. I had spent the entire last movie in the back row, my fingers slipped secretively down the front of my pants, loving the feel of my wet pussy as I made myself cum over and over in quick succession. I wasn’t quite satisfied though. Not yet. I set my sights on the street that led to his house. I decided to pay him an early morning visit. When I...

2 years ago
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Jordans Job Untimely intrusions

Finally, Jordan's first day was finished and Eric took him back home discussing the latter part of his day as they walked up the stairs to their apartment. "But why didn't you just tell him no?" "I did. The little shit wouldn't take no for an answer so I told him we had a date that night." "Well, what are we doing for our date?" Eric teased. "I don't know, beer and tv." "Wow, catch me I may faint." "We're not actually going on a date." "Then you better come up with...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 28 Intrigues and Intrusions

“I’m serious, Paul, go to work,” Jeryl said. “You’ve been wonderful and supportive, and loving, but you need to go back to work. Besides, it’s not like I lack for help or companionship.” I smiled and kissed her. “If you’re sure.” She smiled back. “I am, really.” We had been home from the hospital for almost three weeks. Jeryl’s mother had been with us the first two weeks. My mom had arrived just over a week ago. Anna had started the week we came home, and Alison was near, constantly...

2 years ago
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Early Morning Surprise

The morning sunshine greets me through the window, awakening me from the most vivid and exciting dream. My skin tingles as I recall moments of kissing, gentle but passionate hands fondling my breasts. And the moment I’ve waited my entire life for when I feel the love of my life’s beautiful cock nestled inside me for the first time. Sighing, I snuggle down into the pillow further. But the scent that greets me is not my own, but rather a very masculine smell, not unlike that of my boyfriend’s...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Delight

Early Morning Delight by Ms. Madison (After a few attempts, I am rather proud of this story. I'd say this one wastruly inspired, as none of the ones I've written in the past have been as easy,steamy, and fulfilling. Please send me your comments. Enjoy!) ------------------------------------------------------------- He touches my face, rubs his fingers over my lips. He feels my teeth. My handsare caught above my head ? I try to pull down again, but can't get free. Hechuckles over watching me...

1 year ago
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Early Morning Wake Up1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up early this morning. Something had woken me. I couldn’t figure it out but I swung my feet over the bed and sat up. I grabbed my robe and put it around me. My eight inch cock was standing tall and proud do to the usual morning wood. How it inconvenienced me at times. I walked towards my door and heard a noise. That must have been what woke me up. I couldn’t quite tell what...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Grind With My Maid Suman

This is a story that goes way back, during my school days, when I was a horny little shit. There was a good reason for my high sex drive, other than puberty hitting me hard. I had a pretty decent-looking girlfriend who let me lose my virginity to her. It was during the confusing times that I was too keen on losing my virginity, and I was successful. Maybe this story for another time. Now I had a major maid fetish since I was a kid, what with all those dangling tits and ass while they sweat it...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning4

“Good morning”. My eyes opened rapidly as I heard: “Have you missed me? It’s only been three days, but I want you now.” I replied: “When would you like to get together?” She answered: “Well, guess I could wait two or three minutes. I’m right outside.” I opened my door. Her hug nearly knocked me over. I kissed her gently. We passionately hugged some more. I said: “Why don’t we sit down and get to know each other a little more?” We sat together on the couch, as her hand...

2 years ago
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Marians Garden 3 Morningwood Tease

Jack wakes up to see a pair of soft blue eyes watching him. She smiles upon seeing him wake and roll over to face the ceiling. The interior of the house annoyed Jack in many ways, but the slanted cedar slabs cut by two long skylights was not one of them."Morning," says Marian beside him."Overcast," Jack replies."It was raining earlier," Marian says. "I enjoyed watching the water droplets fall down. They made little rivers along the glass.""I am glad we fixed those first,” he says,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Friday Morning0

My hand slipped in between my legs for a split second, adjusting my shorts and brushing over my mount ever so lightly. Did I mention I was impatient? With my mind wandering I quickly fell back into a light sleep, I must've been more tired than I thought I was. When I woke up it was about an hour and a half later, the light was still on but it wasn't really dark outside anymore. By now the cat had left and curled up somewhere in the living area. Outside it was gloomy, rainy, just how I liked...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning1

Dad dropped me at the end of the bay by the headland, amongst the trees next to the BBQ area on the little patch of mown grass where families congregated on hot weekends to cook up and hang out. It was deserted this late in the year, and the rangers had closed down the grill and disconnected the gas knowing there wouldn’t be any more business till next may. I was so sure I had the place all to myself that I changed on the green, slipping off my sneakers, jeans and t shirt. I hadn’t put any...

3 years ago
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A Very Good Morning0

I groan and push my face deeper into the warmth of the pillow. Hands run up and down my arms slowly bringing me out of my dreamy trance. "Maddie." Kayla says in a sing song voice. I sigh and finally roll over and see my beautiful black goddess with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling at me. Her curly black hair was cascading around her shoulders and her brown eyes looking at me lovingly. I smile back and cover my eyes with my hand. "Oh god. I don't think I'll ever get...

2 years ago
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Early Sunday morning

I had finally finished my period on the Friday night. My husband, daughter and myself had a rather busy Saturday as we had friends over for a late afternoon lunch. After the late lunch around 5pm our friends had left, my hubby was a bit drunk from the number of drinks he had and went upstairs to shower and soon was past out. I bathed our daughter and then first watched some tv with her, before she fell asleep. I carried her to her bed and then went to have a shower and hopped into bed as well,...

3 years ago
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Early Morning

The early morning light creeps through the curtains. He half opens his eyes, and in that semi-awake state before full consciousness comes is aware only of his rigid penis and his urgent desire to assuage the feeling. The sight of the curve of her back, the valley between chest and hip, only inflames his passion and slowly his hand goes to stroke his rigid organ. Wanting more than a quick release, he slides across the bed, closer to her back, hoping that his movement and his closeness alone will...

4 years ago
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Early Mornings Dream

I have spent nights, just wondering what it really would be like to curl up in your arms at night, and I in some ways know already, because I feel you near me so often. Just thinking of climbing into bed and just feeling your naked body pressed so close against my back, your arm holding me close and feeling so content and safe in your arms and drifting into such a peaceful sleep. Waking just a few hours later to feel soft kisses on my neck, and your hand tracing patterns over my...

1 year ago
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Early Morning Waterfall

There is a place I know in the woods of Pennsylvania that is perfect for a romantic swim. It’s hardly the sort of place that nobody else has discovered- there are picnic benches- but if you have a full moon and a love for waterfalls… there is nothing more lovely. I want to take you there. And I want to go now, because it’s 1 AM and it’s August and it’s a full moon and if there’s a sight more beautiful than your face and breasts reflecting wet off the moonlight I cannot imagine it. It’s a warm...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Delight

When I knocked on the door my heart was thumping in my chest. We had never met face to face and I had no idea what to expect, or even if I was knocking on the right door! At seven o’clock in the morning, I was hoping I’d gotten the address right. I had been so horny and it had been so long that I posted a personal ad online simply stating I was looking for cocks to suck. After a couple of responses that didn’t work out, I got a note from a guy who called himself ‘Will’ and after a few notes...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Wake Up Call

Lifting my head from the pillow, I blinked a few times before glancing at the alarm clock. It was just another early morning for me as I lay next to Michelle, enjoying the sweet perfume she wore. The alarm showed 4am as I moved a little closer to her and placed several soft and lingering kisses over her ears, even blowing into them. One long slow lick followed by several soft bites were placed along her neckline as my fingers traced downwards over her stomach.I felt her body move involuntarily...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Early Morning Fantasy

It was just another dreary morning, getting out of bed, taking a shower, getting dressed and getting out of the house. I anticipated yet another boring day as I got onto the train. As usual, it was crowded… Using my phone as all commuters do, I scrolled through the various social media platforms to check out what everyone else was up to when the train stopped to pick up more people. I looked up and was ready to create more space for fellow passengers, a lady standing in front of me whom I...

1 year ago
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Early Morning Paper Round and Fucked

'Shows your tits then'.My eyes were locked on his hand as he pumped on his cock, not because it was a captivating sight, but because he would explode at any minute, and there was something very basic and primeval about watching a man's sperm shoot from his cock, and more powerful to a girl, that it was she who was making it happen.It was early morning, cold and mid November, the skies were still dark outside, and as I stood inside the entrance of the tower block, where I delivered my morning...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Delight

When I knocked on the door my heart was thumping in my chest. We had never met face to face and I had no idea what to expect, or even if I was knocking on the right door! At seven o’clock in the morning, I was hoping I’d gotten the address right. I had been so horny and it had been so long that I posted a personal ad online simply stating I was looking for cocks to suck. After a couple of responses that didn’t work out, I got a note from a guy who called himself ‘Will’ and after a few notes...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Early Morning

Very slowly, consciousness overcame me, as I woke up, my head trying to absorb the reason why I had awoken. It was still dark, my brain registered that much, and therefore far too early for my alarm, fighting the fog in my head, I started to drift back to sleep, the sort of wonderful relaxing sleep that comes from knowing that I did not have to get up just yet, that I could snuggle back down in the covers, against your softness curled into my back. Gradually I heard myself moaning softly, and...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Play

He opens his eyes and yawns, a hand moving down to confirm what he already knows. Shit, a hard-on again! They’d been making love all night. He can still taste her skin and sweet juices. He can still feel her silky skin beneath his fingers as they skim her every curve. Her throbbing body enticed him to want her repeatedly and he did possess her a few times before they finally collapsed on the bed and fell fast asleep. Now awake, he hungered for more of her gentle caresses. He longed to have her...

2 years ago
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Early morning fuck

My name is Jon, I woke up early one monday morning when I was a teenager at about 3 am with a raging boner feeling wide awake and horny.I didn't know what to do about it so I got out of bed in my boxers and no shirt I had about an 8 inch cock fully corked sticking out of boxers. I walked over to my parents' room, I stood by my mom's bed. She heard me tip toe in and said with her eyes closed "What is it honey?"She opened her eyes and saw the predominant bone in my boxers. Her eyes widened, she...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Sex With Gf

“Hi janu” a sweet angelic voice, “Hey babes”, I replied. “kal mil rahe hai na?” To which I replied “Par yaar kal to college band hai. Tu ghar se kaise niklegi?”. She giggled and said “babu, kal college band hai. I know but my mom, she does not know about it. Main abhi so rahi hun, The sooner I wake up, The sooner I will meet You. Good night babu, I miss u”. We kissed good night on the phone to bed, even I didn’t want that call to get dragged as it was too late and I was very sleepy. Next day...

1 year ago
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Early Morning

It was fairly early in the morning, and I watched as she was carrying out her garbage cans, and recycling boxes to place at the curb. She was a cute little blonde, although the hair colour wasn't completely natural; she dyed it a few shades lighter than her natural colour. That morning, she was wearing a nice sleeveless dress that ended a few inches short of her knees. Her shoes were close to being called stilettos; very thin heels, straps around her ankles, and nearly four inches high. The...

3 years ago
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Early Morning

would think that after all the traveling, unpacking, greeting family and a serious bout of welcome home sex, I'd be able to sleep in for once. Ugh. Not in any hurry to get up, I cuddle up closer to your sleeping form. The room felt rather warm last night, so the covers are all kicked down in a bunch at the bottom of the bed. I slowly pull my arm free from under your head, propping myself up on my forearm, and slowly drag my hands across the goose-bumped flesh covering your ribs. You shiver...

1 year ago
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Early Morning

The early morning light creeps through the curtains. He half opens his eyes, and in that semi-awake state before full consciousness comes is aware only of his rigid penis and his urgent desire to assuage the feeling. The sight of the curve of her back, the valley between chest and hip, only inflames his passion and slowly his hand goes to stroke his rigid organ. Wanting more than a quick release, he slides across the bed, closer to her back, hoping that his movement and his closeness alone...

2 years ago
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Early Morning Lovers

The warm body pressed against his chest was a stark contrast to the cool air which flowed onto his exposed back from the air conditioning vent in the ceiling above him, keeping the room cool against the humidity of the early morning North Carolina air.  He pulled her closer to him, his eyes still closed. She sighed contentedly as she felt his arms wrap around her and she pushed her buttocks into him, sighing again at the stirring her movement illicited from his groin. He responded by pressing...

1 year ago
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Early Morning Wake Up Call

Lifting my head from the pillow, I blinked a few times before glancing at the alarm clock. It was just another early morning for me as I lay next to Michelle, enjoying the sweet perfume she wore. The alarm showed 4am as I moved a little closer to her and placed several soft and lingering kisses over her ears, even blowing into them. One long slow lick followed by several soft bites were placed along her neckline as my fingers traced downwards over her stomach. I felt her body move involuntarily...

4 years ago
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Early Morning Gloryhole Visit

It was early just before day break and i had fell asleep from drinking after  a long week of work. I wanted to have some at the gloryhole that night.  So when i woke horny feeling freaky as hell and dick hard as fuck.  I needed to go and have some fun with someone before the GH was empty . So I grabbed a huge t shirt with no sleeves and some very baggy shorts and sneakers and i left still with a good buzz maybe still drunk a little. So  I pull in the  parking lot  and there is only one car....

3 years ago
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Early Morning Lovers

The warm body pressed against his chest was a stark contrast to the cool air which flowed onto his exposed back from the air conditioning vent in the ceiling above him, keeping the room cool against the humidity of the early morning North Carolina air.  He pulled her closer to him, his eyes still closed. She sighed contentedly as she felt his arms wrap around her and she pushed her buttocks into him, sighing again at the stirring her movement illicited from his groin. He responded by pressing...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Early morning fuck with Sarah oh my

I was sleeping, woken up with my cell going off. Not the alarm but a phone call. I thought it be my wife who was out of town, but saw it was sexy hot Sarah. I picked up and talked to her. Sarah needed a lift, she was in the bad section of town without a ride. Got dressed and on my way I was. When I pulled up, I see her hot sexy legs, and that she was wearing a short dress skirt. Sarah was a white blonde chic, her dress being black....kind of look that gets you in trouble in this part of town....

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