Canon Ch. 01 free porn video

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Amy Madigan lay on her bed, humming the same eight notes over and over. The deep harmonies and ever more complex layers of counterpoint of Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D’ soothed her nerves and calmed her mind, as they always did.

She began to accept the situation for what it was, and slowly began to see the positives. She had been nervous about moving so far away to a strange place where she knew no one, anyway…

And she had always liked Uncle Geoff….

She felt a gentle tap on her thigh, and opened her eyes. Her mother was standing by her bed. Amy took off her headphones and sat up, moving over a trifle.

Her mom sat down on the bed. ‘Pachelbel?’

Amy smiled. ‘You know me too well, Mom.’

‘Are you okay?’

She drew up her pale, lovely legs and wrapped her arms around them. ‘I’m okay, Mom. I’m even getting to like the idea.’

Her mother, an older version of Amy herself, blinked. ‘Really?’


Before her mother could speak further, Amy shared her thoughts. ‘Stanford is a long way away,’ she said, ‘and I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I’d be a little fish in a big pond, I wouldn’t know anybody, and I’d be surrounded by rich snobs.’ She smiled. ‘Half the kids in my class are going to State anyway, and I’ll have friends there.’

She was speaking as the thoughts occurred to her. ‘And I’ve always liked Uncle Geoff.’

Ellie Madigan – her given name was Elvira, which had been a source of annoyance ever since she had married – smiled and shook her head in wonder at her daughter. So young, and still so wise.


‘You amaze me, Amy. You always have, but especially now.’ She turned her head to the doorway. ‘Frank!’ she called.

Amy’s father, a tall and slender man with a diffident air, appeared instantly. He had obviously been waiting in the hall. ‘Our daughter is going to survive,’ said his wife. Then she grinned. ‘Told you.’

Frank looked at his daughter sadly. ‘Amy, I’m so sorry,’ he said, for the twentieth time that evening.

Amy jumped from her bed and ran to embrace him. ‘It’s okay, Daddy,’ she said against his chest. ‘Really, it is. This is going to be a good thing. Did you hear what I said?’

He nodded, then realized she couldn’t see it. ‘Yes,’ he said.

She leaned back and looked up at him, and he saw that her smile was real. ‘Look at it this way, Daddy,’ she said. ‘At State I’m a cinch to make the Dean’s List!’

Frank couldn’t help it, he laughed. Amy was a National Merit scholar and the salutatorian of her high school class – and she had hardly broken a sweat to do either.

He looked down at her – Amy was not quite five feet tall – and marveled. So pretty, and so smart – and so sweet and understanding. What had he ever done to deserve such a daughter?

He hugged her and rocked her back and forth for a moment. She let him, and hugged him back. Amy’s mother rose to join them, and his arms embraced them both. ‘My girls,’ he said.

Amy and her mother giggled together and squeezed him. They were the same height, and he kissed first one dark head, then the other. ‘Come on,’ he said. ‘Let’s go out for Italian.’

His wife blinked up at him. ‘But-‘

He shrugged. ‘I got a big pay cut, Ellie, but we still get to eat out now and then. And this seems like a good time.’ He released them from his hug. ‘Come on. I want some lasagna.’

Amy and Ellie looked at each other, looking more like sisters at that moment than mother and daughter. ‘Mmmm… Lasagna,’ they said in chorus, in conscious imitation of Homer Simpson. Then they laughed and went to get ready.

Amy closed the door of her room and changed from her skimpy shorts into jeans. She didn’t mind showing off her legs, but not when she was out with her parents. She swapped her tank top for a sports bra and a polo shirt, and slipped on some sandals. Good, she thought.

She went into her bathroom and brushed her hair – deep brown, straight, shining, and ‘long enough to sit on,’ as her mother said. She knew it was out of style, but she didn’t care. She thought about tying it back, then decided to leave it loose.

Lipstick? Blusher? Naah. She looked pale, as always, but she was going out with her parents, not on a date. At that thought, her lovely mouth twisted into a wry smile.

It didn’t occur to her that her clear, smooth, creamy-white skin was beautiful, just as it was. She had had exactly four zits in her young life, the last at fourteen – four years ago.

She put on her glasses, and smiled without bitterness. They were new, and very flattering – and very expensive. She was momentarily glad that she had gotten them before her dad got the bad news at work.

Then she frowned. Those damn weird eyes of hers. The right one pale blue, the left a deep brown. She thought again about getting tinted contacts so they’d match. Other people liked them, though…

Amy shrugged and decided on just a quick bit of lip gloss. Why not, she thought. Can’t hurt.

Amy thought of herself as presentable, maybe a little better than plain. She had no idea she was drop-dead, stunningly, heartstoppingly beautiful, with or without her glasses.

Her curtain of shining hair swirling behind her, she picked up her small purse and went to the door – thinking about lasagna, not college.

Over dinner, they talked about it. ‘Thank you, Amy,’ her father said. ‘I felt so bad about -‘

She waved a hand. ‘It’s really okay, Dad,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry about tearing up this afternoon. I’m getting used to the idea, and the more I think about it, the more I like it.’

She took a sip of wine, glad of the privilege, it was new. ‘Are you sure Uncle Geoff is okay with this?’ she asked.

Her mother coughed discreetly. ‘You know Geoffrey, Amy,’ she said. ‘He wouldn’t complain if he had a bullet in his leg. But he’s been very lonely since Aunt Tina died. I think he’s thrilled.’

‘He was lonely before that,’ said Amy’s father. ‘Tina was sick for a long time.’ They all looked solemn at that. Geoff’s wife had died of cancer, and it had been a long struggle.

‘The only thing he asked me was if you could cook, and if you’d mind doing it,’ said Ellie. ‘He said he was so tired of TV dinners and takeout he could throw up. Geoffrey was always helpless in the kitchen.’

‘That’ll be fun,’ said Amy. ‘I love to cook.’

‘And you’ll be doing some housework, too,’ said Ellie. ‘Laundry, vacuuming, dusting. It’ll be hard at first. I’m sure his house is a mess.’

‘Don’t be so sure,’ said Frank. ‘Geoff was a Marine. He likes things neat.’

‘Uncle Geoff was in the Army?’

‘Ooo, don’t say that, Amy,’ he laughed. ‘Not Army. Marines. He retired as a sergeant-major. I know he brought home two Silver Stars and a Navy Cross from Viet Nam, but that’s all I know. He doesn’t talk about it much. I think he saw some rough stuff over there.’

Amy swallowed a bite of garlic bread. ‘What else do I need to be careful about?’

‘Well, he is seventy,’ said her mother. Amy’s eyes grew big behind her glasses.

‘Really? He didn’t look that old the last time I saw him.’

‘Well, that was six years ago, honey. You were twelve.’

Amy thought about that, and felt sad. ‘Has it really been that long?’

Her father nodded. ‘We saw him at the funeral,’ he said. ‘He’s kind of kept to himself since then.’

‘I remember.’

She did. She remembered a strongly built man, with broad shoulders and a craggy face, not as tall as her father, but wider, with a warm smile that was rare that weekend. Then she remembered something else.

‘I had a crush on him when I was little, didn’t I?’

Her parents laughed. ‘You sure did,’ said her mother. ‘You told me you thought he was ‘the most handsomest man in the world.’ You were, what, eight? You remember that?’

Amy blushed. ‘A little. He was nice to me.’

‘He was always crazy about you, honey. He never had any kids of his own.’

‘He’s seventy now? Gee, that’s old.’

‘Don’t say that either,’ said her father with a small smile.

She smiled back. ‘I won’t.’

Frank looked at his daughter. Her skin was radiant, her long hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back, and he had not missed the appreciative looks from the men in the room – though Amy had. She was totally unconscious of her beauty.

‘Anyway, it’ll be good for both of you,’ he said. ‘He probably needs some help now -‘

‘He’d never admit it,’ put in Ellie.

‘And he’ll love having you around. And for you -‘

‘Free room and board,’ said Amy, nodding. ‘And a much nicer place to stay than a dorm.’

‘Safer, too.’ Her father smiled. ‘Geoff may be seventy, but I still wouldn’t mess with him without three other guys and a baseball bat. Maybe not even then.’

The women laughed, and Ellie said, ‘The main thing is, Geoffrey loves you, Amy. He always has. He’s family, almost.’

Amy blinked, her eyes magnified behind her convex lenses. ‘He’s not really my uncle? I thought he was.’

‘You didn’t know?’ asked Frank. ‘Well, I guess not, if nobody ever told you. My dad – your granddad – died when you were three, Amy. Geoff was his best friend. Marine buddies, best men at each other’s weddings, went on vacations together. He’s my godfather. He babysat me when I was little. You, too.’

Amy frowned. ‘If you’re about to tell me he changed my diapers -‘

They both laughed. ‘Geoff? Not likely,’ said her father. ‘I think diapers were the only thing he was ever scared of.’

‘Your aunt Tina handled that,’ said her mother. ‘Even with your dad.’

‘Well, okay then,’ said Amy with a grin. ‘I guess it’s a go.’ She brushed back her hair and took another bite of lasagna, then asked, ‘Does he still live in that wonderful old house? I remember exploring it when I was little.’

‘It has a pool in the back yard now, but yes.’

‘A pool?’ said Amy, with a speculative, distant look.

‘Yes,’ said Ellie, ‘and no, I’m not giving back that ridiculous string bikini you bought. You’d give poor old Geoffrey a heart attack.’

She giggled and tried to look innocent. It wasn’t hard, she was.

Late August, five months later:

The Madigans’ SUV pulled up in front of the iron gates and stopped. Frank ran the window down and pressed a button, and after a moment, the speaker squawked, ‘Who goes?’ Even so distorted, the voice was a deep bass.

‘Frank, Ellie and Amy.’

‘Hey, great! Come on in!’ The gates rolled back, and they went up the short drive and pulled up in front of the antebellum house – large, but not a mansion. There was a wide veranda around the entire house, but no pillars in front or cast-iron jockeys. Amy smiled.

‘It’s just like I remember, but smaller.’

‘No,’ said her dad. ‘You’re bigger.’

A man stood on the porch, grinning, his fists on his hips. His shoulders were wide, his hips narrow, his stomach flat, and his head entirely bald. ‘Is THAT Uncle Geoff?’ asked Amy, amazed. ‘He looks forty, not seventy!’

‘Fifty, anyway,’ said her dad.

‘I was worried about having to take care of some decrepit old codger,’ said Amy. ‘But-‘

He parents laughed heartily. ‘Geoffrey is a lot of things, but ‘decrepit’ isn’t one of them,’ said her mom.

The family got out of the car, and Geoff came down the stairs and immediately, picked Amy up in a bear hug, and swung her around in a circle, making her hair flare out like a fan for an instant. She felt like a doll in his arms.

When he set her down, he said with a delighted grin, ‘Well, hello, punkin! You went and grew up!’

Amy laughed. ‘Hello, Uncle Geoff. Sorry it’s been so long.’

‘My fault,’ he said shortly, his smile not faltering. ‘Hello, Frank.’ He hugged his godson and slapped his back twice, then embraced Amy’s mother as well. He held her by the shoulders and looked at her. ‘Ellie. My God. You look wonderful. Let your hair grow, and people will take you for Amy’s sister. She even has your eyes.’ Ellie’s eyes were mismatched too, but the sides were reversed, brown on the right, blue on the left.

‘We get that anyway,’ said Amy. Her mother blushed.

‘I’ll bet you do,’ said Geoff with a grin. ‘Here, let me get those bags. Come on in.’

They mounted the steps, with the men carrying the first load of Amy’s luggage and boxes. ‘Back here,’ said Geoff, leading them down the hall.

Amy looked around as they moved through the living room, remembering.

Playing on the bearskin rug in front of the big fireplace while her Aunt Tina sewed, sitting on her lap in the big rocker, playing checkers and Candy Land and Sorry! with Uncle Geoff on the coffee table…

They were at the end of the hall. ‘Geoff, this is the master bedroom.’

It was her father speaking. ‘I know,’ said Geoff. ‘Now it’s Amy’s.’


‘I haven’t slept in here since Tina passed,’ he said. ‘I’ve redecorated it for Amy, and our bathroom was always more of a girly thing anyway.’

Amy looked around. She remembered this room with green walls, now they were a pale blue. The big brass bed that had belonged to Geoff and Tina had been replaced with a lovely queen-sized canopy.

The room was enormous, at least eighteen by twenty feet. There were white-painted bookshelves and bureaus around the walls, blue gingham curtains at the windows, a white computer desk under one of them, and a pretty white dresser near the bathroom.

One corner of the room was set up as a sitting area, with a sofa and two chairs around a table in front of her own fireplace. Amy could see that Geoff had done his best to erase the room that had been here before.

As her father and uncle put down her boxes and bags and went back to the SUV for more, Amy and her mother went into the bathroom. ‘Wow,’ said the teen. ‘Is all this mine?’

‘That’s what he said, honey. I think you owe him a hug.’ The bathroom was and even paler blue and white, with a huge garden tub, a large, separate shower stall, two sinks, and…

‘What’s this?’ asked Amy, opening a frosted-glass door. Inside was a small room lined with white tile, with a high shelf-seat on one side and a low one on the other. Small chrome fixtures of some kind protruded from the walls near the ceiling.

‘This is a steam room,’ said Ellie. ‘I remember Tina telling me about it.’

‘I hope you don’t mind if I borrow that now and then,’ came Geoff’s basso voice from the door. ‘I’m addicted.’

‘Whenever you want, Uncle Geoff,’ said Amy. She skipped over to him and hugged him delightedly. ‘Thank you so much!’ she sang. ‘I was expecting a room, not a suite!’

‘This whole house is yours, punkin,’ he rumbled, his eyes warm. They were a steel gray – and though they were soft now, she could imagine how they could look as hard and cold as flint when he gave orders to his troops.

She looked up at his face. It was heavily lined, but still strong and very virile. She could see why she once thought him incredibly good-looking.

The fact is, she thought, he still is….

It was a matter of a tenth of a second, but Amy saw it: Uncle Geoff’s eyes flicked to her mouth, for just an instant.


…she thought.

No words, just…


She wondered…

Well, she wondered nothing, there was nowhere to go. She felt something, though, and though she couldn’t name it, whatever it was she felt, it felt good.

She smiled up at him and hugged him again, and he grinned and said, ‘Let me show you the kitchen. I THINK everything still works…’

The four of them laughed and went back down the hall.

Geoff – his last name was Rider – insisted o
n taking the four of them out to dinner before Amy’s parents drove back. It was a very nice place – subdued lighting, discreet and efficient waiters, and the Madigans’ menus had no prices.

As the headwater seated them, he said, ‘Enjoy your dinner, Sergeant-Major – you and your guests.’

Geoff smiled. ‘Thank you, Gunny. I’m sure we will.’ As the waiter withdrew, he explained: ‘One of my troops. Good man.’

‘Where are the prices, Geoff?’ asked Frank suspiciously.

‘You let me worry about that,’ he said in a low but good-natured growl, with a nod of emphasis. Frank knew better than to argue.

They dined very well indeed, steaks for the men, seafood for the women. Conversation was warm and casual, old friends reconnecting.

‘So when did you start with the chrome-dome look?’ asked Frank.

Geoff stroked his smooth skull. ‘A couple of years ago,’ he said. ‘Thin was okay. White was okay. But thin AND white -‘ He shook his head. ‘This old saddlebag of a face makes me look old enough. Besides, I don’t have to carry a comb now.’ They all laughed at that.

Amy was watching him. He reminded her of Clint Eastwood, a little, his face was just as worn and craggy, but not as thin. His hands were veined and old, but strong and steady. His smile was frequent and warm.

She liked him, he made her feel safe and comfortable. And she knew he liked her and cared about her.

For his part, Geoff was trying not to stare at his godson’s daughter. He found Amy gorgeous, stunning. With skin like fresh cream, those beautiful, unsettling eyes magnified by her glasses, and that long waterfall of shining brown hair – in all his long life, he had never seen a woman so lovely.

Hard to believe that the dear, sweet, skinny little girl that he used to hum to sleep on his chest had grown up into – this young beauty, this angel, that was sitting beside him.

And who lived with him now.

He smiled. It would be nice to see her and talk to her every day, but there would be no more to it than that. She was his to shelter and protect, and he regarded that trust as sacred – and he loved her like his own. He would cut off his hand before he laid it on her.

Even her hands are perfect, he thought, watching her eat her grilled salmon….

He pulled his attention back to the conversation, laughed at a joke of Ellie’s and told one of his own.

The Madigans had driven their SUV to the restaurant, and they had decided to leave from there and let Amy ride back to her new home with Geoff. As they parted in the parking lot, with much hugging and backslapping and not a few tears from the girls, Frank murmured to Geoff in a low, serious voice:

‘Take care of her, Sarge. She’s all I’ve got.’ He had reverted to his childhood nickname for his father’s friend.

‘Like my own, Soldier,’ said the older man, following suit. ‘With my life.’

The two men hugged once more, and in a few moments Geoff and Amy were waving at their taillights as they drove off toward the highway.

Geoff smiled at his young charge. ‘Let’s go home, Amy.’ He put his arm around her and they walked back to the front of the restaurant.

As they waited for the valet parking attendant to bring his car around, Amy said, ‘Not quite yet, Uncle Geoff. We need to make a run to the grocery store.’

‘We do?’

‘I’ve seen your kitchen.’

‘Oh.’ He chuckled like distant thunder. ‘I guess I am heavy on frozen dinners and Pop-Tarts.’

‘What do you like for br- Wow! Look at that!’

Amy’s attention was seized by the attendant driving up in a maroon Jaguar E-type coupe, he was sitting on the wrong side. Amy blinked, then realized that it was a British car, with right-hand drive. She admired the sensuous, almost phallic shape of the vintage machine. ‘I wonder whose car that -‘

The attendant was handing the keys to Geoff, who grinned at her sideways as he tipped him. He opened the tiny left-side door, and Amy, giggling, slid in over the wide sill and plopped into the leather bucket seat. She looked around wide-eyed at the wood and leather interior, and at the gauges placed, oddly, in the middle of the dashboard. Geoff snaked into the driver’s seat and grinned at her. ‘Whaddya think?’ he asked.

‘It’s amazing,’ she said. ‘What year is it? It looks new.’

Geoff laughed. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘This car is more than twice as old as you are, Amy. It’s a ’68.’ He turned the key, pressed the starter button, and the big 4.2-liter XK engine growled into life. ‘It’s a pain,’ he said. ‘Maintenance is a nightmare, mileage is worse, I have to add lead substitute with every tank of gas, and the electrics are cranky as hell – but – well, buckle up.’

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about his granddaughter and himself.The story Grandpa John and Granddaughter Marie. They are very close and have a very special relationship.John is seventy. He is five-feet-ten, slightly overweight, with gray hair and a thick, 7.5 inch love tool.Marie is a nineteen year old college student. She has shoulder length blond hair. Marie is five-foot seven-inches tall; her boobs are 36D and as she says, "shaves in all her nice bits." John's View: Well how do I start this true story? I have lived...

1 year ago
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Sister Gave Sex Education Part 1

Hi readers, this my second story. Thank you for giving love to the previous story (link: ) I hope you enjoy this story too. My name is Raj and I’m an 18-year-old fair man with a height of 5’11 with an averagely built physique. This story is from last year when I was very curious about sex. My cousins usually come during the summer holidays at my place in Mumbai. My house isn’t that big, so me and my sister usually sleep on the...

2 years ago
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Operation Violation Chapter Four

At that thought, he suddenly had an idea. He grabbed his phone and made three phone calls. When he was finished with them, he grinned to himself. He was brilliant! He went to the kitchen to grab himself some coffee and a sandwich, trying to gain back some energy. Those girls had worn him out…well, almost. He knew what he wanted to do next; he made his way back to Ashleigh and began to untie her. She looked at him, completely scared out of her mind. “Come on sweetie,” he coaxed. He...

3 years ago
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Right Or Wrong

Hi, all sex lovers, especially women because your comments are expected.Please be genuine the read full sex story and comment or mail me at with right feedback. This is not a usual sex story but an incident that happened in my life a few days back which put me in a great confusion.I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories dot net but I never thought that I too will have such thing to write. About myself is am a dusk in appearance with exploring mindset currently self-employed based at...

4 years ago
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A Game Gone Wrong

A GAME GONE WRONG Susan Jenkins was unhappy. All her life she had been able to take charge and get things done. She liked to employ people with the same hard business attitude and had ended up with an almost all-male staff of two hundred spread over more than a dozen separate commercial ventures. Some of them were not a problem but others had attracted the attention of the Equal Opportunities Board and they were fast approaching the deadline set by them to improve the female to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 32 Transition Plans

February 12, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “What time will Jodie be here?” Kara asked. “Around 1:30pm. She has an assignment she needs help with, and I need to keep my word to her dad to keep an eye out for her.” “And you also have lunch with Ailea tomorrow, right?” “Yes.” “How long will you be gone?” Kara asked as we walked home from the dojo on Saturday morning. “My lunches with Ailea usually last about an hour, so with the drive, about two hours. I’ll be back before Amanda arrives.” “What...

3 years ago
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Fucking Mom And Daughter At The Same Time

hello my name is Nikhil i am 28 years old i am a well build huge guy. I don’t want to give fake size of my penis but to be frank i would love it if it was bigger my penis size is around 15 cms. well guys let me tell you about all the characters in these story first character is obviously me and the rest characters are smita aunty (F 43, 34-32-36)and her daughter prema (F18, 32-30-32) Well now let’s start with the story i don’t want to bore you guys so here is the story of my best fuck and let...

3 years ago
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Last StrawChapter 15

Many nights, Theresa wished she had Vince's ability to just write someone off and forget them. She had known it would be hard facing everything alone, but it was worse than she expected. Things were much closer between her and Julie, but still not to the point of sharing in typical mother-daughter fashion. There were only two people Theresa could rely on for any support and help: Julia and Betty. Betty no longer harbored her old anger at Theresa, but she had not intended to become her...

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Crashing a High School party

I walked nervously up to the door expecting to be turned away at any moment. Not only was I not turned away I was basically ignored. I walked right into the house through the open doorway. Then I saw a guy headed toward me, beer in hand. I thought “yep, here’s the bouncer” but all he did was hand me the beer and say “drink up, enjoy.” He turned and left and I continued to walk in. I have had some beer before, never a whole one, but enough to get a bit of a buzz to know what a buzz was...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 14

Friday - Day 14 On Friday morning, I woke up to the feeling of Becky trying to swallow my cock again. This time, she managed to swallow even more than before. "You are doing better at that," I told her. "The internet is an amazing place," she said after she had extracted my cock from her mouth. "You can find instructions on everything!" She put her mouth back onto my cock and moved her head until she just started gagging. She left it there for a minute, and then started wiggling her...

4 years ago
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good to be back

It was my sophomore year in high school when I met Robin. Her family hadjust moved to our town from someplace down south.She was pretty tall andhad beautiful bronze skin. I was the first k** in our school to makefriends with her and before long we were best friends. We were inseparable,we did everything together. My mom was so glad that I finally had a bestfriend. She and my dad had just gone through a very bad divorce and it hadbeen very hard on me. I became very withdrawn and had kept to...

2 years ago
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Bedside Luxury

Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers. "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets. Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again. Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright. This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room. She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here. Another surprise was that she was sitting in this...

1 year ago
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My secretcontinue

Here's wat happen later that night.... i saw them naked in front of with their semi errect cock hanging, i just had a look on roy's little monster,. Wow, it was still semi errect and it's already 7", and my bf cock is about 7"1/2 rock hard.. Then i asked "when did you get naked guys??" and they said "when you were lying n enjoying ur orgasm baby".. And they approached me holding their cocks on both side of me.. I first took my bf's cock and start sucking, but my mind was on roy's monster.. Then...

2 years ago
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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 13

The intake clerk was apologetic. The doctor was on campus but busy overseeing physicals at the gym. He was aware they were at the clinic. He would be there as quick as he could. She led them down a short corridor to the examination rooms. There were four rooms, two on each side, separated by curtains. She indicated a room. She reached in a cabinet and pulled out a green paper hospital gown. “Strip to your underwear and put on this.” She handed Sam the gown. She turned to Jamie. “Ma’am, he...

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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 10

I vaguely heard the alarm this morning, but I did notice my bedmate was gone shortly after that. I heard another alarm later and figured that Suzie had reset it for me. I really didn't want to get up, but the Leroys were coming over for Sunday dinner and I needed to be ready for them. I glanced at the clock as I tried to get my lazy butt out of bed; it read 10:07. I struggled from the bed, and the covers were still decent. I must have been really tired; I didn't mess up the bed after Suzie...

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Caught Parking Ch 05

Epilogue The weeks following the return from their Hawaiian honeymoon were busy ones for Jim and Alex. Their nights were filled with loving sex, but the days were, at times, hectic. Alex’s college classes were scheduled to start in just two weeks and she still needed to complete the admissions process. Following that, they paid a visit to the university book store. Even with his substantial financial standing, Jim had forgotten just how much college books and materials could cost. When the...

3 years ago
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An interesting Ride Home

A few years ago, I was dating this girl named Judi. She was my first "serious" girlfriend, so the whole "I love you so much, together forever" rubbish was the norm. We spent as much time together as we could, despite the fact that neither of us had a car. One evening I was with her/her family at her place, hanging out, having a good time, but mostly trying to ignore the palpable sexual tension between us.We were always sneaking off somewhere to fool around for a minute or two, making out...

2 years ago
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Morning Masturbation

Licking my finger I think, What a wonderful life. Rubbing spit between my legs, wondering if he enjoys himself while he mows his ground, I hear the sound of the engine move further and further a way from the house. He is a good man. The thought of him pushes my hand below. The softness in the ripples there turn me on. I like that spot where my wrist rest on the inner thigh where the leg meets the wet. Around like a merry-go-round fingers push and massage and make me plump. I think about last...

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Have FaithChapter 5

“Tell me again about Plan B,” said Cinny. Both girls were naked and were curled up in bed, spooning. Linny was behind her sister, holding her, as her hand slowly caressed her. “Well, it just came to me yesterday. Plan A was to slowly wear her down. First was the constant touching. Then, were going to move her to constant nudity. After that, we were going to going to make her totally dependent on us. And voila. We have ourselves a ponygirl.” “Yeah, I know all about Plan A,” said Cinny as she...

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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 6

Hi friends aap sabne meri pichli kahani me padha ki uncle ne apne dost ke ghar pe meri mummy choda.Ab mai uske aage ka kahani aap sabko bata hu.Meri school start ho gayi thi ab mai routine se school jane laga tha 22 din ho gaye the mujhe un dono ke bich me kuch dekhe hue and is bich uncle ne meri mummy ko kitne bar choda ye baat mujhe nahi malum hai. Mujhe aaj bhi yaad hai april me hi ye april end tha ek raat meri mummy khana khate samay uth ke bathroom gayi and ulti karne lagi I guessed ki...

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Finding AnswersChapter 4

Since Penny and I were going out Friday night, we didn't get together after school that day. I started on my weekend's homework so I could get it out of the way. A few minutes after I started, Andy came over to talk. "Kyle, can I ask you some questions about girls?" "Sure, what's up?" "What do I do on a date with a girl?" "I thought your trip to the movies was just a group of friends getting together?" "It is, but I really like Heather Miller. I don't know what to...

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Revenge On Bully

It started off as a normal day in school, when all off a sudden I saw my teacher bend over in front off my desk to pick up a pencil. I could see her butt in her cute little skirt. I think she did it on purpose I thought, no way I thought that’s just my blindness hoping that my teacher crush liked me back. Little did I know I was gonna get my wish later that day, when class ended my teacher asked to see me after class. “I hoped that I wasn’t in trouble, I walk up and ask if I’m in trouble.” No...

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First Time Gay Hookup

This is the story of the first time i hooked up with a guy. feel free to comment/question. Let me know if you like it or would like to hear another story. Included a picture of his dick for reference.So i started getting a little curious about guys when i was younger. I didn’t feel i was gay but i would sometimes think about sucking cock while i was jerking off, only to feel ashamed of it after i had blown my load. I didn’t find men attractive, so much as I just enjoyed the deviant idea of...

3 years ago
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Two Pantyhosed Guys I wrote this over 15 years a

Title: Pantyhose Guys Part1I had first contact with a fellow pantyhose wearer through the chat room. I was just looking around watching the conversations develop, stroking my nylon encased thighs, adding a comment here and there when a new person entered the chat room. "Hi, I am rather new to all this. I love to wear pantyhose as often as I can and was wondering if there are any guys here who would like to meet in real life?" This looked too good to be true as I had been thinking about...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Crossdresser Part 7

Chapter 13: One Hour Photo I checked in at the motel and went to my room. It was a standard motel near the freeway, two levels tall and I was on the lower level in the room farthest from the office and facing away from the freeway. I opened the door and turned on the air conditioner. It was still about 85 degrees and it was after 5:00. After a quick shower, I picked up my voice mails from home and returned a couple of calls for work and then got dressed into some nicer clothes. I knew there...

2 years ago
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She was devastatingly beautiful  NATALIE  She is devastatingly beautiful.  It?s hard for me to describe her without immediately gettingstuck on the image of her in my head, becoming lost in her beauty, aroused,intoxicated, and completely overwhelmed. Her body makes me weak, but it?s her smile that breaks all of myresistance.  It?s such a sweetsmile, with her bright eyes sparkling and her lip gloss shimmering.  If you saw her, you wouldn?t be able tolook away, not the first time. Your whole being wou...

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Dinner and Desert

While going out for dinner and drinks, we spend several hours talking and telling stories, just getting to know each other. After dinner we get into my car. As our eyes meet I lean over and kiss you deeply and soulfully. I run my hand up your thigh and gently squeeze. I break off the kiss and start the car to drive home. I continue to caress your inner thigh as your hand rubs my stiffing cock through my pants. I pull up into the driveway and we kiss again. I go around and open the car door for...

2 years ago
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EMS Encounters Leah

I got to work only a couple minutes early for my 8am shift. I'll be honest, after the previous day's 16 hour shift I was still pretty tired. I know I am not as young as I used to be. I have been a paramedic for going on 18 years now. There are some grey patches in my beard lately and some mornings the joints are pretty achy. I was scheduled with a guy that was a real loudmouth braggart today. I wasn't really looking forward to it. Although today's shift was only supposed to be eight hours...

Straight Sex
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Rainy Night Part 1 The Parking Lot

The rain was sheeting across my windshield while the wipers barely kept the road visible. I laughed to myself because I couldn’t believe I was actually going to drive three hours in this shit just to see her for a few hours. Lori and I had known each other for years and she only called me when she wanted to fuck. She had a boyfriend but I think he was a little too conservative for her sexual appetites. At least that’s what I used to tell myself. I had the radio on low. For some reason I...

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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy turned on her cell phone, and set it down on the instrument panel. The light, although not very bright, managed to displace the overwhelming and depressing darkness inside the cabin. She looked over at Ben and saw that he was looking a little pale. “Is that better?” Betsy asked. “It’s much better,” Ben said. “Good. I got Sharon’s cell phone next to the two guys who are trapped in the back,” Betsy said. “How are they?” “They keep drifting in and out of consciousness. They aren’t...

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SHARON by Leigh DeSantaFe David Hausman sat in the bathtub in a soaking stupor, clouds of dissipating suds popping softly around his knees. His mind wandered out to the bedroom where he had laid out his clothes for the evening. He was fixated on the shiny new French maid's outfit with tulle petticoats that he received at his P.O. box two weeks before. It had remained virginal for those two tremulous weeks because of scheduling conflicts. His second wife, Sharon, though...

2 years ago
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Hansel Gretel The Aftermath

I don't exactly remember at what ages these two kids escaped being cooked and eaten (not that it matters), but my version has this brother and sister pair as thirteen year olds, just entering puberty, naturally curious about each other's developing differences, and suddenly overcome with a familiar scent in the air! Gretel, tilting her head back to savor the gentle aroma of baking, asked her brother, "Hans, do you smell this?" As Hansel looked upon his sister and saw her breasts heaving,...

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Shades of Beech MountainChap 19

Introduction: Getting the Dungeon ready For Business Chapter 19 We landed at Banner Elk just at dusk. Sandra had called ahead and Donna drove the Hummer to pick us up. Hugs and squeals were passed between Donna and Connie, as if they were long lost sisters. Im soo happy to finally get to meet you all. Dano has spoken highly of all of you and the plans he has — I can hardly wait to begin! Connie was very tall and had a half head of height advantage over Donna, who was just an inch or so...

1 year ago
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Pie4K Veronica Leal Lesbian Revenge

There are different friendships and there are different loves. I was friends with Veronica and Veronica had a girl she loved. One fine day, I came over to her place, hoping to spend a nice evening chatting with my BFF, only to find out she broke up with her GF. I was ready to do whatever to get her out of this rut. She asked to take a picture with me to get her ex all jealous. Guess what? This neat little plan of hers went tits up as soon as she started pressing her firm tits against my cock in...

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EvilAngel Anna De Ville Matilde Ramos 3Way

Slender brunette Anna de Ville and hot Latina Mathilde Ramos meet sex superstar Nacho Vidal; he and sexy Anna soon find themselves discussing anal sex. Pantyless Anna bends over, spreading her gaping asshole for Nacho’s stunned gaze. He lustfully tongues her bunghole, giving a deep rim job. Anna inhales his big cock, taking the thick root in her luscious mouth. The delicate, porcelain beauty stuffs his meat up her ass for a fierce fucking ride! Sphincter slamming leads to an ass-to-mouth...

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FilthyMassage September Reign Gettin8217 Wet In The Reign

Adorable September Reign is nervous but excited for her filthy massage. Jay Bangher oils up her perfect body as her perky nipples peak out of her lingerie. Then comes her amazing ass – September’s pussy starts leaking girlie juices as he rubs over her panties. She can barely handle the pleasure as he rubs her clit intensely. She takes Jay’s fat cock in her little mouth before turning around for it. Jay stirs up her pussy cream as he stretches her out with a thorough pounding....

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Very exhausting sessions

This happened to me when I was 24.. That time I was looking for a job after my college. I was staying in my Mom’s sister’s (Aunty) house in the Ernakulam city attending interviews. My Uncle is a Sales Representative. He will be out of town for at least 25 days a month. My aunty was 31 years old that time. She is really beautiful and sexy. Especially I love her boobs. Her boobs are huge and those two cannot be kept with in her Bra and Blouse. Most of the time when she is doing household work her...

3 years ago
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Sex with Gloria

Troy was fucking Gloria so fast that he couldn't hold back and burst his nutt. He grind a couple of times and then pulled from her butt hole, Gloria rolled off my cock and into a fetal position. I turned over and took hold of Gloria and laid her onto her stomach. She kept grinding the floor with her hands under her cunt. I parted her buttocks and saw her anal opening, it was winking and puckering at me so inviting that I positioned my cock right over it and as soon as my cock head touched her...

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