Beetlesmith’s Ch. 19 free porn video

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As promised, here is the latest installment of my Beetlesmith’s tome. This chapter turned out to be much longer than I had anticipated, and, as such, I had to break up the Henry orgy into two manageable sections, this one, and the next.

A warning to casual readers, as with much of my writing, these next two chapters touch on a number of different sexual subjects, double penetration and rimming being the most prominent outside the ‘usual’ adult, sexual practices. Also, I should add that there is one husband within the merry band of orgy participants who is a cuckold, and there is a degree of male bisexuality that is briefly touched upon very late in the chapters. None of these subjects are treated gratuitously, at least in my opinion, and fall well within the boundaries of the plot and the motivations of the characters I’ve set within the story so far. I believe all these sexual subjects, whether talked about briefly or elaborately, add another dimension to the plot, particularly as Karen, with Will’s help, begins to exercise control over the other partygoers using her newfound powers. Plotting and characterization aside, however, if some of these subjects cause you to throw your skirt over your head and make you go screaming into the woods, then don’t bother reading further.

Lastly, I wish to extend another big thank you to Bella Mariposa, who edited an early draft of these chapters.


I lead Karen upstairs, well out of earshot of the others.

Once we got to our bedroom, Karen let fly with a bevy of questions. The most prominent, but probably what I thought the least significant, being, ‘What the fuck did you just do?’

‘I gave them a very powerful aphrodisiac. It’s a drug called ‘The Elixir.’ And you guessed correctly, it was in the Sangria.’

A flash of anger crossed her face, before she said, ‘Now everything makes sense. You’ve been using this on me all along.’

‘No, and that’s the most important thing you have to understand. We’ve only taken the drug a few times, once with Gloria, once with Jackie, and then the dinner party with Denise and the others.’

‘Jesus,’ she exclaimed, ‘Where did you get it?’

She was still concentrating on the least significant questions. It frustrated me a bit.

‘That’s not important right now. What is important is that you understand how it works and what it does…’

‘I can see what it does. It turns everyone into rabid sluts in heat.’

I laughed sarcastically, before responding, ‘No you don’t understand, not really. Turning everyone into ‘rabid sluts in heat’ is just a part of what it does.’

‘What do you mean?’

Better, I had her attention.

‘Think back over these past months. Remember all those days of our heightened libido, all those morning and evening ‘twofers’ of yours, those Saturdays with Denise, that time in the car with that girl, Beth, our romp with Barbara and all yours subsequent when you were doing her behind my back. We were never under the drug’s influence during those times.’

She thought about my words. At times, muttering to herself in frustration, as if doing some mental calculation where the numbers weren’t adding up. Finally, she said in exasperation, ‘It doesn’t make sense. That Beth person wasn’t on the aphrodisiac, nor Barbara? What about that time with…’ she choked on the words before finishing, ‘That time you were with Barbara and Lisa?’

I just shook my head.

She responded, incredulously, ‘I can’t believe that. You mean mother and daughter just naturally started having sex with each other without this elixir thing? Lisa’s sicker than I thought.’

‘Don’t blame Lisa. If anyone was sick, it was me. At the time, I was sick with rage at you. Pissed at everyone, really…pissed at the whole world. So, I lashed out by making both of them have sex while you could only watch.’

‘Would you make some goddamn sense, how could you just make them, without this…this drug?’

‘That’s what I’m trying to tell you, and what you need to understand. I did it with my mind, with just a thought, just like I did moments ago with Rashid and Darcy.’ I let that declaration sink in, before continuing, ‘Do you really think Darcy would just start sucking another man’s cock in front of her husband and his wife, in front of everyone? Elixir or no, she would need a push to do something so brazen at the start. I commanded her by putting the thought in her head, and she acted on that command.’

Karen yelled with incredulity, ‘Oh bullshit! You don’t really believe that, do you? And if you do, then you’re insane.’

‘Am I?’ I almost lashed out at her insolence, but I held my anger in check. Instead, I punished her with the truth, ‘You have the ability as well. You just don’t realize it yet. Think about all your times diddling Barbara behind my back. Do you really think a young, innocent girl would just naturally play a dog…eating off the floor…drinking out of the toilet…drinking your piss…eating your…’

‘Stop!’ she screamed, while clamping her hands over her ears.

Recounting her deplorable acts—and they weren’t the most dangerous things she did to Barbara, just the most distasteful—recounting them in the open and in the full light of day, she collapsed down onto her knees in wretched, mortal embarrassment and shame, weeping uncontrollably at what she had done to an innocent girl.

I sat on the floor next to her, pulling her close. She grabbed me hard, nearly crushing the breath out of me as she laid her head against my chest and continued to cry.

Finally, through stuttering sobs, she asked, ‘How could you still love me after knowing that?’

I kissed her hair, and said with quiet conviction, ‘Because I do, and always will.’

That sent her into another uncontrolled fit of crying. I tried comforting her as best I could, but it didn’t help much. Between sobs, she continued to mutter, repeatedly, ‘How could I have done that to her? How could you still love me?’

Slowly, as she put herself through her mental torment, Karen had come to the cold, logical realization that I spoke the truth. It wasn’t Barbara and her exploring themselves together, feeding off some collective dynamic that pushed the envelope of human depravity well past even any abnormal standards. It was just Karen, herself, manipulating Barbara to do those things. Their ‘shared’ depravity was really just Karen’s, alone, and she trembled at that knowledge.

After she quieted, I continued, ‘I don’t know how, but using the elixir has given us a mental power beyond anything I could ever conceive. I don’t think it’s as powerful in you as in me, but you do have the power, as well. Your tryst with Barbara proves that. Now you know why I put you through hell these past few weeks. I wasn’t doing it just to punish you, but to force you to learn control over your emotions, and over your darker nature.’

She asked, ‘What about the others? Denise, Jackie, do they have this power as well?’

‘No, and I don’t understand why it’s only affected you and me. That’s why we have to be careful. We can’t let our arrogance get away from us. We can’t let our darker natures loose as long as we have this power. It will harm others, if not physically then mentally. It could even destroy us in the end.’

She asked with wide-eyed innocence, ‘Do you have a dark nature, like me?’

I smiled that she thought so highly of me, ‘That’s sweet of you to ask that, but yes, I do as well. Even ‘Saint’ William has dark thoughts. We all do, Karen. It’s human nature. Regrettably, I’ve unleashed my dark nature a couple of times. One of those times was in anger toward you, when I used Barbara and Lisa as tools of punishment, and for that, I’m asking you for your forgiveness and for your help. I can never do that again. You must help me control my dark nature just as I’m helping you control yours.’

‘I understand,’
she answered, thoughtfully. ‘I wish you’d have told me sooner, though.’

‘How? What could I have said before that you would have believed? If I came to you with this when it first happened, the elixir, our new abilities, you would have tried to have me committed. I needed to show you these things, and make you experience them yourself. Hell, even then you almost didn’t believe me.’

She nodded agreement.

Once I opened the Pandora’s Box in relation to the elixir, I decided to extend the tour of some of its other contents.

‘There are other side effects besides enhanced mental abilities,’ I continued, ‘The most obvious one you’ve noticed already.’

She raised a knowing eyebrow before commenting, ‘Yeah, the kielbasa you call a dick, which is now about fourteen inches long. This drug is every guy’s wet dream. It turns every chick into a bitch in heat, while making your cock huge. What does the girl get out of all this?’

‘She gets the kielbasa anywhere the guy wants to put it,’ I retorted, laughingly. ‘Don’t get all sanctimonious on me. I didn’t hear you complaining about the kielbasa before now, so it seems it’s every chick’s wet dream, as well.’

‘Well, if it gets any bigger…’

‘If it gets any bigger, we’ll just have to take more time and use more lube before slipping it in somewhere.’

‘Easy for you to say,’ she said, laughingly, ‘You’re not the one trying to fit a double meat, deli salami through an opening made for a cocktail wiener.’ She giggled to herself before continuing, ‘It’s not the length, Sir, but how thick it is that’s really becoming the problem. I’ve compared it the other night, the goddamn thing is as big around as my forearm at the widest part, and just as long. My goddamn forearm!’

I joked, ‘Just thinking about it makes you squirt, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes!’ she responded with an embarrassed giggle. Then she got serious again, ‘I mean it, Sir, if it gets any thicker you might as well forget about blowjobs, because your tool isn’t fitting in that placewithout pulling teeth.’

‘I guess I’ll have to find some hot grannies with dentures, then.’

‘Funny. Go ahead and make jokes, but before long, if it continues to get bigger, anal sex won’t be much fun for me either, no matter how much lube we use.’

‘No more butt fucking? Now you arescaring me,’ I joked at first, before telling her it was also my fear, ‘I agree with you. I don’t want this thing getting any bigger, either. That’s why I’ve decided you and I won’t be taking the drug any longer, among other reasons. Without the drug, the growth should stop.’

‘Will it?’

No, not so far anyway, which was another worry.

I shrugged my shoulders, and told her a half-lie, ‘It’s too soon to tell, but I don’t see why not.’

After voicing her fears about my changing physical nature, I hesitated telling her the rest, telling her about the same dreams we’ve been having and the nightmares plaguing Denise, about my growing callousness and disregard for others feelings and well-being, about the fact we could project emotions and visions other than lust into the others, about my vision outside of Beetlesmith’s that day, and so many of the other minor peculiarities outside the realm of normalcy and logic that I’ve experienced. It was all too much to tell at the moment. Instead, I gave her the opportunity to vent her anger at me at what I had done. ‘Well, now you know. I happened onto this thing at a time in our marriage when we weren’t setting the night on fire. And to tell you the truth, I felt, deep down, I was losing you. I was desperate to try anything that would spark your desire in me again. Stupid, I know. I know now I should have told you about it, at least after that first time with Gloria. Maybe then, things would have been different between us without the drug, if you had known my thoughts about losing you.’

I stared at her face. A small tear slowly made its way down her cheek, as she stared back at me, doe-eyed. Smiling at her, I wanted to kiss her more in that moment than at any other time in our marriage. She was forgiving me, unconditionally. Taking her hand gently in mine, I rubbed a thumb across her knuckles, while saying, ‘You’re being too easy on me. This may be your only chance to kick my ass for being so stupid.’

‘What you did…with the drug, I mean…this is about…about him, wasn’t it?’

‘It was about a lot of things that were going on in our marriage at the time. He was never a factor. Most of all, I wanted you to desire me again, as you did when we were first married. I just wanted it to be like it was.’

She blinked once to clear the water from her eyes, and said, ‘You dope, you should know you could never lose me. I love you and I always will!’ With that, she pressed her lips to mine, and we fell into each other as if it was the first time. After a while, she added, ‘And I can’t lie to you. I like what’s been happening to us. So there it is. I can’t be mad at you although I should be, because being mad at you would make me the worst kind of hypocrite. That said, I just hope what we’re experiencing doesn’t go any further. I like taking you up the ass too much to just quit.’

I laughed at her self-deprecating joke, before agreeing, ‘I hope so, too.’

She thought a bit more about what I told her, probably trying to weigh all the conceivable positives and negatives, all of the good, along with the bad caused by the use of the elixir, just as I have been doing these past months. Yet, it was all too much to process at the moment. Instead, she asked with a sigh, ‘What do we do now?’

Standing up, I pulled her up to me, saying, ‘I think we should see to our guests. They should be in full swing by now. But first, I’m going to change into my bathrobe.’

‘Bathrobe? Don’t you want to…you know…join in?’

I kissed her deeply, while pushing those thoughts of bliss and tranquility into her mind. Immediately, I felt her arousal begin to percolate. ‘Of course I do, and so do you. But, for the time being I’m going to continue playing ‘The Hef,’ and just watch how the others have their fun before joining. I think you should too. Sit in the big chair with me for a while, and learn how to focus your mental abilities. You should get used to using these powers.’

‘After Barbara, I don’t think I should.’

‘Because of Barbara, I think it imperative you should. It will be good training for you. You have to become aware of what it feels like, and to learn what you can and cannot do.’

She still looked at me with apprehension.

‘Don’t worry. I’ll be with you to guide you.’

Reassured, she nodded her head before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me deeply.

I took this moment to slide her skirt off and remove her bikini bra, then said, ‘Leave the thong on for now. You can be my sultry, mistress Queen, sitting at my side while we watch our toys playing with each other and themselves.’

‘Speaking of toys, are we like the others? On the drug, I mean.’

‘No. As I said, we won’t be taking the elixir anymore. We’re both in our…how should I say it…we’re both in our new, natural state.’

‘Really!’ she exclaimed, with surprise.

‘Why is that so surprising? How do you feel?’

She reached down into my boxers and stroked my cock lovingly with her fingertips, while saying, ‘Because it feels like I’m on it. Because I want you to push this down my throat, while I beg you to fuck my cunt. And Master, I want you to keep fucking my pussy and my mouth until I pass out. Then you can start fucking my ass, and keep fucking it until I squirt in Jackie’s face, over and over, again.’

‘Now, I thought I was supposed to do all that to Linda.’

‘Oh Sir, you’re making my pussy drip, again.’

‘I haven’t even started yet.’

I almost gave her a full demonstration of the extent of my powers—our powers, really—right then and there. It would have been so easy to show her wha
t I could do, by pushing her into a screaming orgasm with just a touch to her mons. Something held me back, however—vanity, I guess.

I always want her to think it was just me and me alone, without use of the drug or my powers that makes her feel like no one else on the planet could feel. Yes, I am Robo-cock—forever.

‘Now, let’s gather up all your toys. I’m sure our guests will put them to good use.’


When Karen and I got back to the guests, things were in various states of ‘ordered’ chaos.

Some of them were fully active in various fuck and suck sessions with various partners, while some, like Gabby and her husband Phil, just played with themselves as they passively watched the actions of the others. It was odd. Neither of them played with the other, but just sat naked on the couch fiddling about at masturbation.

Surprisingly, some guests hadn’t committed to anything yet, and were still dressed, frantically looking about. One of those was Mark, hard to believe.

After Karen peeled away from me to deposit her toys around the room, I ventured over to Mark to find out what was wrong. At first, I assumed he didn’t get a large enough dose of elixir, and was still within his normal, repressed state.

‘Hey man, anything wrong?’ I asked.

He was sweating profusely, and his head and hands nervously shifted about as if he was a junky in desperate need of a fix. He responded loudly, like a deaf person who thinks everyone is as hard of hearing as they are. It was obvious he was overly jacked on elixir.

‘Wrong? No man, nothing’s wrong. Great party! You and Karen always do a great party.’

‘Well, what are you waiting for? I’m sure the ladies would love to meet you, particularly when you take your pants off. Hey look, there’s Jackie. I know she’s into you. Why don’t you go over there and grab her big tits.’

Jackie was on the other side of the room, along with Denise and Mark’s ex-wife, Linda. Jackie and Denise were completely naked, their arms around each other as they squeezed the other’s buttocks, playfully. Linda wasn’t completely undressed. Holding her blouse in a hand, she still had on her bra and slacks. All three were looking down at the other lounger, but I couldn’t see at what because they were blocking my view.

‘Oh man, you didn’t tell me she’d be here,’ Mark responded, loudly.

‘Who, Jackie?’

‘No, Linda. I don’t know if I can do any of this with her here.’

I was confused by his answer. ‘Sorry man. Karen invited her. But hey, you don’t have to fuck her, plenty of other fuckable women here. Why, just look at Sara going to town on Carl and Jack. Boy, she really likes to suck cock. I bet she’d love a third one shoved in her face. And, just whose face is she sitting on, anyway? Why that’s Pammy, go on man, forget about Linda and get in the middle of that. Just stick that big dick of yours into Pam’s dripping bush. She’ll squeal in surprise and delight.’

‘It’s not that man,’ he started to say, loudly, then dropping his voice almost to a whisper, ‘I don’t know if I can take watching Linda fuck other guys.’

Oh that was it.

‘Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a hard time watching you fuck Karen, but I got over it, sort of. Look, if I can get over seeing my wife fucking another guy, especially another guy that made her squirt like you did, how much easier will it be for you to get over Linda?’

Just then, as Sara continued to pump their cocks with her delicate hands, both Carl and Jack shot a heavy load into her waiting mouth.

She is good. Got them both off at the same time.

‘Well looky there. I think a spot just opened up for you. Go on. Stick your cock right into Sara’s mouth.’

I thought I had him coaxed off the couch, when Gabby finally made her presence known. She must have been waiting to see the money shot from Jack and Carl, and now she was ready to get down to business.

Strutting around the living room with hands on hips, she announced as if the queen of the orgies had just arrived, ‘Okay, which one of you peckerwoods is man enough to fill my snatch?’

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My First Sexperience With My House Owner Young Sexy Wife 8211 Part I

Hi everyone this is my new real bed story with my house owner young wife. My name is Arvind, I am 23 yrs old guy from Mysore, working in private company in Bangalore and staying with my cousin brother in rented house, he is also working in private company. We are staying in a pent house of top floor, below that 2 houses are there in that 2familys r staying. In ground floor family both couples r working they are aged around 35 to 40yrs and 2 children’s goes to school. And in 1st floor our house...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Hot Friend0

It was a rare opportunity that our three kids were preoccupied enough to allow for my wife and I to enjoy each other in the bedroom. Our ten year old had gone over to a friends house and the other two were watching one of their favorite tv shows. It was opportunities like these that were our only chance to squeeze in time for ourselves, and my wife did not disappoint with this chance. We quickly hustled up the stairs into our bedroom and immediately engaged in a deep lustful kiss. I could...

2 years ago
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Neutral Party

I walked out of the thick forest alone and crossed to the waiting flyer. The woman behind the controls looked at me as I opened the door and set my pack in the back and then climbed in. She lifted, turned and accelerated while I leaned back, “so...” I kept my eyes closed, “they have agreed to stop killing humans.” She snorted, “and?” I turned and opened my eyes, “and a mating between the two hives was also agreed on.” She shook her head, “why do we have to pull everything out of you?” I...

1 year ago
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Prototype TenChapter 10

President Caprio, along with the assembled heads of most of the nations on earth, watched the wall of monitors as the last squadron of armed shuttles lifted from their base in Australia. The launches were timed with the orbit of the alien ships such that each group of ten launched from the side of the Earth opposite the position of the alien fleet. One hundred forty nine out of the planned hundred fifty shuttles had launched successfully. Of the group scheduled for launch from the...

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The Ex colleague

I’ve been wanting to put this story on here for a while now as I’ve rarely been as turned on and horney as this.To give you background I used to work as the UK manager of a medium sized marketing agency. I was 48 and doing well in my career. There were around 30 people in my team, complete cross section. I have a fairly rounded bum and big boobs and used to make the most of them in the office, attracting glances from most of my males colleagues, even though I was carrying a few more lbs then...

3 years ago
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How I lost My Virginty

When I hit puberty I could not jack off enough. I spent most of my time spanking my meat and trying to sneak peaks at my mom and older sister naked. I loved looking at women naked, seeing their boobs and bush. I would stay the night with friends and sneak a peak at their moms. One night I spent with my friend Jay, I got up to get a drink of water and his mom was sitting in the kitchen, her robe was kinked just right to give me a wide open view of her wonderful red haired snatch, her lips open....

2 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 004 Unprecedented Pleasure

Clear water is finally flowing from the showers, and my new friends pause their activity and step into the falling water, summoning me to them with the movement of their glistening bodies. Of course, I approach them, preceded by the length of my cock.Just as I enter the edge of the water, Emily stops me with her voice. “So,” she starts, “where are you from?”“Huh?” I ask, a little distracted by the ladies returning the vibrators to their pussies.“We answered some of your questions,” Xandra’s...

First Time
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Home for the SummerBooty Call

One evening, Amy called me. It had been a few weeks since "that night," and I had hardly seen any of the girls, including my sister. I had been working an intern job at a law office downtown, and they had been taking finals and were now enjoying their summer vacation. "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hi." I recognized Amy Chen's voice. "Hey Amy. You want Megan? I don't think she's here right now." "Well," she replied, "I actually wanted to talk to you." I was puzzled, and...

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Her Brother Having Sex with Kelly

It was March of 1981. Kelly came home for the weekend from college. It was a coincidence that her folks were out of town for the weekend to a bowling competition. Her dad was pretty good back in the day. We wouldn’t have the house to ourselves because her twenty-three-year-old stoner brother, Steve, still lived there. Steve spent very little time in the house though. Kelly and I hadn’t seen each other since Valentine’s Day, so we had some catching up to do.Kelly and I were both twenty-one....

3 years ago
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Fun saturday with mum after shopping

It was a saturday morning and i was planning on going into town to get a few summer clothes. Just before i headed off i asked mum if she wanted to come. She didnt really seem bothered at first but then said that dad was off at work and she would be bored indoors. So we decided well go for an hour or so. We got into town and at first was in and out of shops, looking and buying some clothes. Mum had said she was popping into a shop to see if they had any summer dresses, i said that ill wait...

3 years ago
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Listen to the NightChapter 4

What I found was a naked woman hiding in the shade under one of the wagons. She had a chain running to a collar around her neck with the other end fastened to a wagon wheel. Her skin was too dark for her to be a normal White woman, but I could not tell if she was Mexican or Indian. I had enough Spanish to get me by, so I asked her if there was anybody else in the camp. She answered me in common English, "I am the only one here. My captors rode off earlier this morning. You should leave...

4 years ago
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Andee Loses a Bet and Her Panties

The whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...

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When the phone rang, I nearly jumped out of my chair. The anticipation I had felt all day had been exhilarating. I made sure the kids got a lot of exercise so that they would zonk out immediately upon going to bed and sleep soundly. I couldn’t take any chances of them awakening with Kitten coming over later this evening. I reached over to the end table, picked up the phone and greeted the caller. “Mr. Grey?” a young girl’s voice inquired. “Yes.” “Hi. This is Charesse Dole – Mike and...

3 years ago
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My first mature man

I didn’t breeze through school, but I got good grades and started a college course. That was it, the work load went up a gear. The whole lecture thing was so different, you went to lectures if you wanted, if you had a problem you saw the tutor. Well I had a problem with some work to be marked and went to see my tutor after a lecture, it was last lecture of the day so he suggested I walk with him to his office. David, as he liked to be known, was a muscular guy in his mid thirties, strong face...

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New DaughterChapter 6 Reassurance

Again I woke up to the sound of Kimmy sobbing against my chest, and I knew she was having another nightmare. "Kimmy?" I said, gently nudging her awake. Her eyes opened, and she stared up at me with fear. "Daddy!" she cried. "Please make him go away! I don't want to go back with him." "Who?" I asked. "Troy!" she sobbed. "Troy's not here, honey. He's in prison. I promise he'll never hurt you again." "But I saw him at the window!" she insisted. "He said he came to take...

1 year ago
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Being dominated by my wife when I wore her dress

I have been into cross dressing for a while now and have kept it a secret from my wife. She likes to play and is a dominatrix. Usually, we go into dom and sub mode where I worship her cunt with my tongue as she flogs my ass. I like getting dominated by my wife. But tonight, she saw me, in my female form. I was at a local club, which she doesn’t frequent, with my gang and we were all dressed up as pretty women. I was wearing her glitziest dress and had a full face of makeup with a wig. Yet she...

Cross Dresser
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Mon chriMy Darling

My name is Melinda, I’m 55, divorced and live by myself near Nashville Tennessee. I have long Auburn hair, seductive green eyes, and a full figured body, I don’t go out in the real world to find someone to date, nor do I go online. Mainly because most of the people online are phony, I can never tell whether I am talking to a man or woman. However, my poor heart had been shattered so many times, and on Saturday nights you will find me in front of my computer chatting. His name was Mathieu, he’s...

3 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 17 Coat Turning

"See that pretty one over there," the Madam said. "I'm not at all sure about her." I looked where she nodded and spotted the newcomer, a vision in satin and lace, svelte and luscious, her posture picture-perfect. "Why?" I asked, inwardly licking my chops. "A volunteer," she said with a growl. "No family connections to speak of. Go chat her up. Let me know what you think." My goal, of course, was to converse with the girl horizontally. I approached and was introduced, took her...

2 years ago
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Wife Applies For Modeling Job

My name is Betty and I am very depressed. I was laid off from my job last week and don’t see much chance of getting another good one. A job of “flipping hamburgers” doesn’t appeal to me. My husband makes a good salary, but we need two incomes to pay the bills and keep our son in college. Christmas will soon be here and we need money to buy presents.I looked again at the help wanted ads in the newspaper. With nothing else to do with my time, I browsed all through the classified ads and noticed...

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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

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Moth Ch 042

Submitted to by the author. * ‘I almost miss you jumping,’ said his Lei, her face sticking out of the blanket. ‘I miss jumping,’ said Kokata, running on the six legs that weren’t holding his woman and her meat. ‘But it’s not safe out here in the open.’ Two days had passed since they had left the forest. Trees were sparse and far apart. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked. ‘Weak,’ admitted Lei. ‘But still no fever.’ ‘The no fever part is great. Do you think it’s the spring...

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George 6 Georgina The party

Winning just under a Million pounds on the Lottery enabled me to build an Olympic sized covered swimming pool and a large snooker cum play room beside it in the garden. It was nicely done with large Palm trees, loads of bushes with a sauna, a large sunken Jacuzzi and stupendous sound system throughout. I decided to have a party to celebrate the end of the building work. The party went well with many people from the area I live in. George and Georgina were there of course. Georges mother was...

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Ryans Naughty Babysitter

Ryan often recalls moments in his life when lust completely overwhelmed his common sense; when his cock ruled supreme over his brain.  This particular event is deeply etched into his memories; he can relive the feelings and emotions as if they are real.  He realizes how much high-risk taking is in his nature.  He replayed this particular event many times in his mind and can recall every hot delicious moment in detail.  It was a few incredibly sexy minutes in his life, the briefest of all his...

4 years ago
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Meri maid Vandana

Hi friends mere nam simer hai aur maine abi abi apni Intunship complete ki hai aur aj main ap ka apni life ka sab se happy aur zabardast experience share ka rha hu yeh bat un dino ki hai jab main 9 standard mein the aur Vandana hamare ghar mein kam karti thi us ka rang gora badan 36-24-36 k kareeb tha ,aur woh jab kam krti to apna dupptta utar kr rakh dati aur jb woh niche ki aur hoti to use ke boobs saaf nazar atte. Ek din papa ne kaha k hum sab manali ghumne ja rahe hai kyuki unhe Family tour...

4 years ago
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Timely Discipline

Ken Danager, the wonder boy of Bowman Advertising was late again. At twenty-four, despite his chronic lateness, he was the youngest Account Manager in company history. His imagination and his ability to turn his ideas into art enabled him to rise quickly. However. he had no excuse for being late.The meeting at Taggart International had been on his schedule for two weeks, and nothing had happened this morning to account for his tardiness. His boss, Peter Keating, had counseled him more than once...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 7 December 9th 1983

Almost a year and a half went by like it was nothing. The sun was shining brightly on the Nevada desert. Even if it was December, the heat was still there. It felt like nothing had happened, yet it did. Many things did happen with some things that might have occurred or never occurred at all. The one obvious thing was that everything was usual in the desert. Tumbleweeds blew across the sands and shrubs that grew by the road. Located on Route 50, the long stretch of endless road would be the...

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The Magic of my first Black Cock

Wow ! This was my first real experience with Black Cock. it was right after my divorce. I was in my late twenties. I ran my ads as a crossdresser on a few dating sites and on Craigslist. I recieved a message on my AFF site from a member whos profile mame was BBCRicky. My interest was immediately peaked. His profile discribed him as a dominant black male 6'4" with a 10 inch thick cock. He was older in his late 40s, Interested in meeting petite submissive white sissys which fit me...

2 years ago
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The Flowering

Eighteen year old Ashley Chester nervously smoothed her white shirt. So this was the biker's spring festival? Freddy had dreamed of coming here? It was horrible! All the noise and the smell of beer and exhaust fumes! Ashley put a strand of her short mouse-brown hair behind her ear. Freddy Mason, her boyfriend, had been so excited. He had finally talked his rich father into buying him a Harley Davidson. He had been so cute, like a boy opening a long awaited Christmas present. And now he wanted...

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A story about an attractive young widow and her evil son and a dog

Amanda was by any stretch of the imagination a truly beautiful woman even at the age of 34 she still held the figure of a woman over a decade her junior and has shoulder length dark blonde hair which framed her angelic face. Her breasts, whilst not being particularly large were perfectly shaped and in proportion to her slight 5′ 4″ frame. She had met her husband Francis at high school they had dated and she had fell pregnant on her seventeenth birthday having a son who they named...

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Mutual masturbation with neighbor

To start off I love to masturbate, I do it at least once a day, and if allowed time wise, I'll usually jerk off for at least an hour (sometimes up to two hours with a massive amount of cum). I've been into edging for a few years now and it feels so fucking great. If I edge to far and some cum flows out, I'll use that as lube and hammer down hard until full ejaculation while standing in the house looking out the windows while female joggers or dog walkers go past. In the story (Caught jerking by...

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Treat Turned Into An Affair

Hi folks! I’m Shan from Coimbatore and 29 years old, married as well. I prefer flirting with married women since that’s the safest way, if you are also married. Coming to the story and this incident happened 2 years back. I have a store which did not have a good manager. So called for an interview and had lots of candidates for the same. Out of which there was one beautiful woman called Geetha. She was 30 years old and a mother of one and her husband was in Malaysia and had good experience in...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 13

I left for Dartmouth the next morning, before either of my parents were up. The train left at 5am and I wasn't foolish enough to want to try driving all the way to Dartmouth. As well, I knew that my parents would be there for my graduation, and they would come prepared to have my accumulated scholastic detritus packed to take home with them, since I would be headed straight for England. I thought of Rebecca the entire way and kept seeing her face in the glass of the rail car's window. We...

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How I lost My Honesty For My Husband

Hi, I’m not a regular reader of the ISS stories, let me introduce myself. My name is Payal Verma, I’m 28years of age, I’m married and my husband is in the army however I’m living in husband’s parental house in Delhi. My looks are really decent and I was really honest and loyal for my husband. But let me share the experience with all the other reader that how my honesty and loyalty was shattered which I had for my husband. It happened 2years ago, one of my neighbour was really a good friend of...

2 years ago
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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 7

Maria returns home to find her step-dad, Roy, drinking beer and watching TV. She goes to her room to drop off all of her things and then comes back out and looks around. "Where's mom?" she asks, while standing in the archway leading to the kitchen. "Gettin' her hair done at the mall." Roy responds. "But... I was supposed to do it for her..." Maria says, disappointed. "Well... complain to her..." he says, followed by a loud belch. "Are you making dinner?" "No. I'm going...

2 years ago
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Sister Daughter

I really need your feedback please so I can learn to write better. Thank you all. Sister / Daughter Brother - Mom was away for the night. His eyes were shivering in fear, or was it anticipation. He was nervous and for whatever reason, I had little care. He was a boy, a thirteen year old boy. You can’t break one of those. It was dark in his bedroom. I was sure it was warm but my skin still crawled with millions of shivering bugs. All I wore was two thin pieces of cloth,...

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The Boy DownbelowChapter 7

Cat was the first of the two to get past her shock. She flowed to my side in a flutter of rags, pointedly ignoring the other woman’ shivering form. She still flinched at the occasional scream, but it was obvious she was trying to prove something, perhaps that the murders didn’t bother her. Both women were afraid of whatever was happening outside. I, having the advantage of knowledge, felt no fear. Although I did feel an intense curiosity. I’d only killed three of the people outside, and my...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 18 part 1

The crew began rousing themselves around noon. It was just too hot to sleep comfortably any longer. The shipwrecked survivors moved slow and gingerly, trudging through their tasks with stoic determination. There was a lot to be done. The ramshackle camp was mostly just strewn hammocks and bedrolls at the edge of the lagoon. There hadn’t been time or energy for much else, so the day’s first priority was to set up a more organized campsite. Nearly half the crew, lead by Mister Reeve, were off in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Halloween Eve The Party

My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making. Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5’6′ tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...

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