Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Struggling for a break in his chosen career of commercial photographer, having gained basic academic qualifications but lacking experience and an influential person to get him through the door, Col Cully sat at a bar, having worked eight hours as a security guard standing outside a bank.
The pay was sufficient to keep him housed and fed with something left over for a few drinks.
The good-looking skinny babe was bent over a near empty glass, two bar stools down.
‘Bad day?’ Col asked, looking at her in the bar mirror.
‘A bad-ass day, yes,’ she replied to the mirror.
‘What don’t you do?’
‘I don’t work as a model although I trained for it. And you?’
‘I yearn to earn money taking pictures.’
She smiled economically. ‘But you lack the talent?’
‘No I have the talent.’
She pondered and flicked some hair back. ‘Oh, someone stole your equipment?’
‘No I have the equipment.’
‘Hmm,’ she said, eyeing her drink. ‘You fucked up and now no one will touch you?’
‘No, I never went in and beat up people or even replied to any of those countless agencies who rejected my submissions, usually with derisive comments attached to my torn print in my self-addressed envelop.’
‘Ah, you poisoned the mind of your agent?’
‘No agent would take me on, stating I had no published success.’
‘But how do you gain experience if no agent will submit your material?’
‘Baby you have amazing intellect. What you just gave me is the big question, yet no agent can understand it.’
‘They sound just like modeling agents. Well I’m off. See you here same time tomorrow to swap about our bad-ass day if you wish.’
Next day Col walked through City Park and saw by swelling buds that in a day or two the first spring bulbs would be flowering. He’d always thought of nipples of women with flattish chests as swelling buds.
In his hovel in the rooming house Col poured soup heated in the can into a bowl and imagined he was eating like a Mafia boss, except he didn’t have a starched napkin to tuck under his chin and neither did he have the fat belly to go with it. He slept and at 5:00 went to the bar for his two cheap glasses of beer that tasted not unlike flavored colored water drained over oats, or so he imagined. Col fancied he had sharp imagination.
He waited a little excitedly.
She came in and he patted the stool beside him. She said, paid for her own drink and said, ‘I don’t do sex.’
‘I bet you do but appreciate you don’t do it with me because you’re black and I’m white.’
Her smile was thin. ‘Now who’s intelligent?’
‘God you have a long memory. Intellect was last mentioned twenty-four hours ago.’
She laughed and called him funny. What’s your name?’
‘Col. Short for Colin.’
‘My stage name is Cindy Lightfoot. The name came to me one night when I was drunk.’
‘Which isn’t often?’
‘Which isn’t often. I can’t afford it.’
‘Listen Cindy. Do you own a red garter belt, a red g-string, matching red stockings and bra and black boots and a snappy black hat and see-through umbrella?’
‘I’m not having sex with you.’
‘I really don’t think anyone has umbrella sex but anyway we are clear about no sex. If you wore that outfit I’d pay you a few bucks.’
‘God why do nice looking and well mannered guys have to be closet perverts?’
‘I don’t know what you’re on about. I’m talking an el cheapo modeling assignment, in public.’
‘You’re kidding. Well I could beg, steal and borrow such an outfit. How many dollars?’
‘I could get by paying you seventy bucks.’
‘You’re joking.’
‘I wish I were.’
Cindy’s lips pulled back. ‘You’re insulting me.’
‘Tell me this Cindy. How else do you aim to earn seventy bucks the day after tomorrow?’
‘Are you joking? No one will employ me. Everyone says business has gone soft because of the recession. What tripe. They’re always trying to pin their laziness on to something.’
Col snorted. ‘And yet you’re turning down seventy bucks to arrive at City Park dressed with a coat over that outfit and you walk through a flower bed three or four times without the coat, ignoring just a few park strollers staring and a brace or two of lovers laughing.’
‘Is that all I have to do?’
‘Then let’s do it.’
Two days later it was raining lightly, just as the forecast had stated, and a little bit of warmth the previous day had brought the flowers on.
Cindy looked gorgeous and after she completed three strolls through the bed of emerging daffodils, some already open, Col thanked her, handed over the $70 and hurried off, the caption already written. Fifteen minutes later the illustrations editor of The Daily News and his female assistant were looking at the digital image.
‘Not bad,’ the editor said. ‘It captures a few things that make it arresting. We’d be lucky to get approval to publish this. Her state of undress is close to being bawdy. Have you a caption?’
Col handed it across.
‘Give him fifty bucks as a finder’s fee Belinda and make sure he signs for that. Col if we publish this photo anywhere inside the newspaper you get the standard submission fee of $300 with a 30% loading if it goes page 3. If some idiot places it on the front page you get $1500 if it’s in the top half of the page or $750 if it’s below the fold. Published size is irrelevant.’
‘Urge the editors to place it front page above the fold Mr Lewis.’
‘Are you crazy. Get out of here. Give Belinda your contact address.’
Col told Belinda he didn’t have a mailing address but gave her his cell phone number. ‘I’ll drop in for my check if I see my pic published. Um do you date?’
Belinda eyed him. ‘I could be interested but you should be told I’m Jack Lewis’ fiancée.’
‘Er then let’s leave it till you’ve finished with Jack.’
Belinda laughed and called him a gentleman.
Col was in the shower next morning when his phone went. He stumbled from the shower box dripping and grabbed the phone eagerly. Usually he received no more that two calls a week.
‘Hi it’s Col.’
‘Hi Col, it’s Belinda from Illustrations at The Daily News. This is a business call. Can you give me Cindy Lightfoot’s phone number?’
‘Sorry, don’t even know if she has a phone and don’t know where she lives. But I expect to see her this evening.’
‘In the last hour I’ve received calls from three agents wanting your phone number and have the phone details of three agencies chasing after Cindy’s phone number.’
‘Why would those jerks be calling us?’
‘Because your pic is featured in more than 330,000 newspapers, top of front page, being distributed throughout the city and beyond today. Haven’t you seen today’s News?’
‘Obviously not. I’ll pick up mine from a trash bin later today.’
‘Oh Col. I thought you appeared hard up. Look, do you have a suit?
‘Oh Jesus. Can you borrow one?’
‘Nah, don’t know anyone in the city that well. I guess I could hire one if it’s that important to you. Do you want me to escort your somewhere?’
‘No you clown… oh Col, that was so rude of me. No the features department is thinking of hiring you as its replacement photographer. The current one has been promoted to news.’
‘You mean demoted to news… features allow photographic creativity.’
‘Ah as you say Col. The meeting is here at 2:15. Come to me and I’ll take you to the Mrs Manning.’
‘I’ll come for you anytime you wish Belinda.’
Belinda giggled helplessly for a few seconds and said, ‘Col, have you forgotten yesterday I labeled you a gentleman?’
‘Not forgotten but I did think it was a case of mislabeling and regretted you thinking of me like that. Modern women are not interested in gentlemen.’
br> ‘God Col, you’re a treasure,’ the 40-something Belinda said sweetly to the scruffy 28-year-old.
Col lived in a seedy part of the CBD but it had a suit hire store. The 24-hour hire price seemed pretty steep so he said, ‘Have you a returned suit not gone to the drycleaner’s yet, my size and available at half regular fee?’
The young store assistant grinned and came back with a suit Col’s size.
‘May I change into it and leave my clothes here. I’ll be back before 5:00.’
‘Okay, this is a bit unusual. Just leave you credit card…’
‘Don’t have one and I can’t pay the suit hire charge in advance.’
The assistant looked pained.
‘Er, my watch and, Jesus, mom will be cross with me doing this, my gold ring.’
The assistant sighed and said okay, that the watch was crap but the ring looked more than the value of at least five suits. ‘Deal.’
Col dressed in the dark blue suit over the only business shirt he owned and that was light blue.
‘Do you want a tie, no charge?’
‘Nah, don’t want to over impress. It’s a job interview.’
‘Look go to the bathroom through here and scrub your hands with a nail brush. Your fingernails look as it you’ve been making mud bricks. Also wet your hair and comb it. Here use my comb and wash it afterwards.’
‘Thanks pal but don’t run away with my gold ring.’
‘I’m tempted but okay. I won’t.’
The guy was reading a newspaper when Col came out with his hair done.
‘Wow, want a job with us pal?’
Col said, ‘You not gay are you?’ and they both laughed. He picked up the front section of the newspaper and saw the huge presentation of his pic. The caption read pretty well as he’d written it:
‘Aspiring supermodel Cindy Lightfoot walks through the first show of daffodils at City Park yesterday. Cindy agreed to take off her dress to spice up the picture for her friend, a top portrait photographer, Col Cully. Col had no idea what his brazen suggestion would uncover and his offer of a modeling fee of seventy bucks was accepted by Cindy who thought this spoof on spring was hilarious.’
‘God that Cindy could warm my bed every night,’ said the assistant, looking at what Col was reading. Great photo. Ought to win an award.’
‘What’s you name pal?’
‘What’s your favorite beer?’
‘I like the Bud American Ale.’
‘Me too. See you later Arthur.’
Col ignored the woman at reception calling through that door was private and ambling up behind Belinda slapped her ass. ‘Got my check baby?’
‘How dare you. How did you get in… Ohmigod, it’s you Col. Don’t you wash up well?’
Belinda scratched around and found Col’s check and he kissed it, making her smile.
‘Come on,’ she said. ‘You were damn lucky yesterday. About once every three to four months instead of having up to ten photos vying for front page top we have nothing, just crap. Then Jack tossed your photo on to center of the table at our pre-deadline news conference. The guys’ eyes popped, the female’s mouths screwed tight and there was an all-out scrap and those who like pretty girls with tiny tits and very long legs won.’
‘That easy huh? What’s Jack’s favorite beer?’
‘We both prefer Coors Light.’
‘Me too.’
Belinda introduced the freelance photographer who dressed nicely and with his dark and over-long hair now under control, to features editor Mrs Manning, art director Aster Fontaine and the newspaper’s chief photographer Jason Boyer. She then left.
‘Col we are interested in engaging you as our features photographer if you have what it takes,’ said Mrs Manning. ‘Although our department is assigned photographers according to needs, we have one permanent senior photographer. This meeting is to assess you capabilities and then, if satisfied, I’ll make you an offer.’
‘Thank you. I am interested. Being a self-employed photographer is hard work, the business side and attempting to win commissions takes me eye off the ball, which is to focus on photography.’
‘Please hand Jason your portfolio.’
‘Um sorry. It was stolen two weeks ago.’
‘And you didn’t have the initiative to replace it?’
‘To tell you the truth Mrs Manning, no one who engaged me to do work for them up to now appeared interested in my portfolio. They only wanted to know how I’d approach their project.’
‘I see and can say that’s most unusual. Well what about your credentials?’
‘Hand me the keyboard Aster.’
‘Thanks Aster. I went to Herzog University. Let’s see, yes, here we are. My father worked for our Ambassador. I completed a masters as a double major, in political science and English Lit and then scrambled though a masters in visual arts/photography.’
‘But this is in French.’
‘Well Herzog is in France Mrs Manning.’
‘Pull up your student profile page Mr Cully and Aster please translate for us.’
What Aster read out confirmed everything Col had claimed.
‘Do you wish me to read out his awards? The list is big.’
‘Don’t bother Aster,’ Col said. ‘The French are trigger happy with awards. You are in danger of getting one for blowing your nose correctly.’
Everyone laughed.
‘Except for this one Col. It reads ‘European Grand Prix Award in Street Scene Photography, Persons aged Twenty-five and Under and your were also was runner up in same category.’
‘I can show you my two photographs Mrs Manning. Here we go.’
The winning photograph showed two women in headscarves and white kitchen uniforms standing alongside a bridge tipping waste from baskets in the Seine. The simple caption read by Aster stated, ‘Fish heads, meat bones, offal and other puke from a nearby restaurant sink into the River Seine in heartland Paris.’
The weariness on the faces of the two women, illuminated by streetlights, indicated this was one of the last acts of their day’s work, probably well after midnight. The angle of the bridge in the photograph indicated the photographer had leaned out to take the shot.
‘Ohmigod,’ said Mrs Manning. ‘Doesn’t that put a different face on Paris.’
The other photo was a scene on a street in Paris with a young woman holding spring flowers on a man’s knees, facing away from him. His pants were down around his ankles and they were obviously having sex. But a couple arm-in-arm pushing a pram appeared oblivious to them as was a policeman looking at the rear of a young woman in a very short dress and also two matrons who were sniffing flowers as they walked long.
Aster giggled when she read the caption, ‘Parisians are noted for being liberal in spring.’
‘I have a series to show you guys and here it is. Soprano Vivienne Mellow when on an engagement in Washington noticed me with my camera and poised for me to take a shot. It was a film camera and I emailed a scan of the print to her. She paid me to go the Los Angeles where she was appearing for the Opera Season and I spent two days with her and then was permitted to photograph, without flash, during her performance as Pamira in Rossini’s ‘The Siege of Corinth’. Here are six shots of Miss Mellow out and about in Los Angeles and at rehearsals and then this one that she claimed was the best photograph ever taken of her. It shows her in full cry singing during that live performance.’
The very dramatic shot was stunning.
‘Well that’s all folk. If the appointment depends on me scratching up a full portfolio I’ll go home to my mother who is retired in the south of France and compile one for you.’
‘I don’t think that will be necessary. Jason?’
‘Thin on examples but what he has displayed is quality. I have no problem with Col being appointed.’
‘Grab him Mrs Manning.’
‘Okay you two, thanks for your time. I’ll talk to Col.’
Mrs Manning explained her department produced Lifestyle articles covering entertainment, food and dining,
travel, fashion, motoring and family features, personalities and social backgrounders.
‘Isn’t that everything except news, sport and service articles such as weather?’ he asked.
She smiled and said her department people liked to think so but ‘news’ covered a much wider spectrum than hard news. Reporting politics, for example.
‘Much of our material comes from agencies and regular contributors. You if you join us you’ll be principally attached to our specialists investigating and compiling backgrounders and interviewing personalities. The later demands high-standard photography and you show expertise in portraiture. We always have been dumped with ageing news-trained photographers in the belief they can take any kind of photograph expertly.’
‘Each person for her or her specialty.’
‘Exactly Col. So this time I’ve been attempting to find a photographer with a worldly attitude with a bent towards portrait photography and that picture we ran this morning of that black lady stepping through that flower garden exploded on my senses. That’s why I asked that you be brought to me.’
‘Well I’m more than interested. My status at present is jobless and I’m hungry to get going.’
They talked for another hour before Mrs Manning completed her discussion with Col. Satisfied he was what her department required she had her PA take him to sign a three-year contract.
Col left the building after that and returned fifteen minutes later and handed two six-packs of Coors Lite beer to Belinda and said, ‘For you and Jack. As a result of Jack handing across my photo I have a job as features photographer.
‘Oh that’s lovely Col,’ Belinda said, kissing him.
Col had his check cashed by the newspaper’s cashier and purchased two six-bottle packs of Budweiser American Ale that he handed to the surprised Arthur at the suit hire store.
‘How much for me to buy this suit and a quality tux pal?’
‘Just a minute. Mr Haber will have to attend to this request but we have sell-offs occurring all the time. I’ll persuade him to be generous.’
Col went home with two suits and during the weekend shifted into more expensive and better accommodation. Although it still was a rooming house he had his own bathroom and a kitchenette.
Waiting anxiously at the bar, Col was relieved when Cindy came in and smiled at him hugely.
‘They published your photograph. Congratulations.’
‘Thanks and they paid for it.’ He attempted to hand Cindy three hundred bucks but she refused to take it or allow him to buy her a drink.
‘No, we had our contract.’
‘The newspaper offered me a job and I’ve accepted.’
‘Oh good for you,’ she said, patting his hand. ‘Luck comes to some of us.’
‘That was a nice thing to say.’
She smiled and said saying lovely things came easy to her. You know Col I’m really disappointed you’re not black.’
He grinned knowing what she was really saying.
As they were leaving Col handed Belinda’s business card to Cindy. ‘Call this lady, she has contact details of three modeling agencies who called her office asking for your phone number.’
‘Do you mean modeling agencies or model’s agents?’
‘I know nothing. Belinda has the details. This could lead to your big break baby.’
‘You’re a real darling Col. God I wish you were black.’
‘Being white is okay by me Cindy. I’m used to it.’
Col arrived at the newspaper on Monday morning and Mrs Manning’s PA took him to his office. All the photography was digital and the printer in the room was top quality for photography. The PA had already set up his computer with a password that later in the day Col changed to one the IT department was unlikely to be able to crack. This was against the rules in the electronic Personal Handbook he’d read over the weekend but Col usually was flexible about rules.
The PA took him into the general office where the seven specialists were housed in shoulder height glass booths. She introduced Col as the people straggled in. During the wait the PA explained that Mrs Manning’s deputy made the assignments and discussed suggestions. Mrs Manning worked as the liaison person with the city editor, the editor and worked on policy, budgets and trouble-shooting.
‘Does everyone call her Mrs Manning?’
‘Not the editors. She’s the niece of the chairman/publisher and has been in her position for twenty-six years after five years in our bureau in Washington and three years before that in our office in City Hall.
‘Something of an institution?’
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Massi ki badi bahu Sorry dosto badi late aya apni real and new story lekar. Wase to aapko pata hai mein Ravi hu aur mein Delhi mein bachpan se reh raha hoo. Jab se muje sex kee knowledge hoi tab se mein bus sex ke bare mein sochta rehta hoo. Khas taur per mujse shaadi shuda ladies jada pasand hai and moti ladies bhi. Ye story meri aur meer massi ke badi bahu ke bich ke hai. Meri massi ke badi bahu ka naam rajni hai aur unki umar 43 ke as pass hai lekin wo dikhen mein lagtee nai hai. Aur...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 21 now and have been lucky enough to be having sex with my aunt, actually my massi, for the past 3 years.I had admired her sexy body ever since i had started mansturbating.She fits perfectly in the image of what i call a sexy lady, an indian milf.She is 38 years in age but has the body of a 25 year old.On a first look at her nobody would be able to not notice her perfect breasts.Size 35 and shape better than the best you would have ever seen.small...
IncestYes Massa.I was tired when I made my way back to our little shack, just past dusk. It had been a very hot day and I had been on duty fanning Mistress Elizabeth and Her guest on the veranda all afternoon. I’d heard talk that there was a new kind of fan, much lighter than the heavy one I had to use but Mistress wasn’t going to pay out for something that didn’t effect Her.I was sad that I was just a slave; something inside me felt it wasn’t right. But what could I do? I was just a nigger on Massa...
Hi guys, this Rahul from Mumbai I am 24 years old presently working with a MNC, I am normal guy with chocolate boy looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex can feel to mail me on mail id I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me it was around December my mom and dad had to go to hometown urgently because my dads brother who lived in hometown...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Mona massi was the sexiest woman i had seen till then and had the dream of fucking her one day ever since i had started jerking. 90% of the time i jerked it was fanasizing about mona massi.She was 38 at that time and i was 18. I had shifted to her place after her husband had left her.having mona massi so close and all alone with me was great but the fact that she never gave me a chance to even get close to her was very depressing.I had started to think...
IncestFor the next three weeks I hoped Kassidy and I could get together, without all the spectators. That just wasn’t working out. There were competitions and parties and trips and just constantly something in the way. We did see each other at parties and at the gym but we never had time we could be alone. Every time we spoke the conversations were so sexually loaded it felt like we were having sex in front of everyone. That, combined with the constant image in my head of her kneeling down and...
Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and they were avoiding her as if she was the center of a five-foot quarantine. Stress was ever-present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers.For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again, wondering if her obligatory appearance at the Firm’s meet and...
SeductionWhen the newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America was safely in the Embassy car which had met her aircraft on the tarmac at Kobek International Airport she asked the Deputy Head of Mission, "Are there always this many military around?" "No," he said, "They are rarely seen in the city, except close to the barracks. I only expected the ceremonial guard for politeness. They are here because of you, personally." "The U.S. Ambassador is that important?" she...
I have come across many stories of husbands… fantasizing or in real sharing their wives. I always thought how would it feel to experience this bliss. Now this is my true story and I have tried to write it in the simplest possible way.We are a couple in early thirties… and are married for 5 years now. This all started a year back when I read all the wife sharing stories, saw pics and watched videos… I kept on thinking how will it be to see my wife acting like a slut and enjoying with other men...
Hello, everyone. This is raj. I am 22 years old and this is the first time that I am writing a story.This is a real incident which happened with me in 2011.Now let’s not waste time and start with the story. At that time I was only 16 and I would love to go to my massi’s house. { let me tell you about my massive she is a 32-year sexy lady with a sexy figure of 36-33-38 and she was a widow as mosa passed due to heart attack} I loved to go my massi’s house because she had a daughter of my age.Her...
IncestHe squirted more oil on her back and spread up to it her neck and then downwards on her calves. He slightly pushed his hands below, brushing her ass. Seeing no comments being made he her spread the oils on her ass cheeks. "The masseur is too dirty" she commented, "just the way I prefer." He kneaded her backside and slightly brushed her groin. Pouring more oil over her tiny little rosebud he clamped his thumb over it and tickled her pussy. She shuddered and moaned. He poured oil on her thighs...
LovebyBlackShanglan© Conor stood in the opulent reception hall of the Merchant House of Kor, feet sunk in the plush pile of the carpet as he watched the morning crowd arrive. The galaxy, he thought, is a strange and wonderful place. All around him, merchants, agents, pilots and purchasers teemed in all the variety of which life, in its galactic sense, was capable. Con had been raised on a small and isolated planet, and until he'd left home he'd seen only a handful of races, most of them other...
Another few weeks of the 2nd term went by and it was once again the time of the month when Cassi was on her period. On this occasion her parents and brother went away for the Saturday and would only be returning back on Sunday. That Saturday morning I played a rugby game and there after went home showered and made my way out telling my parents that I was meeting up with friends at the mall to watch a movie, relax and have dinner but that obviously wasn't the case. I made my way to Cassi's...
‘I have a son. He’s going to come and get me someday. Maybe you’ll be here when he does.’ The head of a man in a wheelchair nearby snapped up. In his day he’d written many a gangster movie script, and the phrase ‘get me someday’ that the old movie star, Cassandra, had spoken to her visitor hit him a bit differently than perhaps it was meant. Suddenly he was all ears, which meant he needed to move a bit closer, because all ears in his case required the help of hearing aids. Cassandra looked up...
Mark arrived in Istanbul two days and one night after spending the Summer Solstice in a Greek field. He'd been looking forward to seeing the city since setting off on this hitch-hiking adventure during his gap year. In six months he'd be among the dreaming spires of Oxford but, for the moment, that was a different world away from the elegant minarets and towers in the age-old city on the Bosporus. Gateway to Asia; historic Constantinople, a rich alloy of Christian and Muslim that gleamed in...
I wanted to make tonight special for her. We were going out for dinner, then back to my place for a night of fun. We had been planning this for 2 weeks, and I wanted it to be perfect. The plan was going for me to pick her up, and we were going to a good Italian place downtown. Well that went over perfectly, we had a lot of fun, and I got her to blush quite a few times. She's so cute when she blushes. Once the date was over and we started to head back to my place, I smiled and looked over at...
BDSMAmbassadors of Peace By Malissa Madison Netti Zell had no idea why she was being summoned at six in the morning. Her mother and father had no idea either, but it was a royal summons. The only odd part was that the Guardian who delivered it stated that she was to bring her Vershang. At twenty one Netti had just completed three years of her college geared towards a career in the Diplomatic Corp. The final fourth year however was supposed to be spent in the field under a seasoned...
Chapter Three: Cassandra's Futa Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Lana's accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother's pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other nineteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair's vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller's...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had only been on the job for about two weeks. It was just part time. I went to college during the day. Two nights a week I helped clean office buildings, banks and shops near campus. The pay was pretty good. I usually worked with two other guys. We get a text on the way to work. Where to meet. Then we divide the work up. One person would vacuum, the other garbage, and one would dust. Nothing to hard. It was just staying up all night that was difficult.I...
Richard Dawson is a 45 year old male and remembers when the Unites States of America was a country that stood for liberty and justice for all. He experienced the winds of change blowing as a young man as the Equal Opportunities Act was distorted into a tool that resulted in the discrimination of white males. He had difficulty getting into college, difficulty getting work, and found it impossible to get a promotion once employed. When the right to bear arms was stripped from the citizens,...
Cassidy and Vanessa by William Kincaid The ice lay heavy on the bleak Indiana landscape. The barren farm fields lay encased in a crust of frozen snow while the wood lots were stripped of leaves, dark, and foreboding. The sky mirrored the frozen ground, gray and featureless, a somber blanket that matched the mood of the two passengers in a Jeep Patriot in the southbound lane of I-69. Mark Baxter and his sixteen year old son Tommy had been thrown out...
We found ourselves in a dark and gloomy room with a single lit exit. Tina and Janice grabbed onto my arms as I walked up to the exit and looked out. The exit led to an umbilical tube, which stretched out about fifty yards and came to rest against the airlock of an extremely battered ship. I found myself a bit amazed to realize that this battered wreck had managed to protect any of its crew. My concubines and I made our way along the tube and a moment later I was pushing on the airlock's...
When Cassidy arrived at Manuel's door, she found it surprisingly difficult to ring the bell. She really didn't know him at all, and yet less than half an hour earlier, she allowed him to take her sexually on the balcony during her Firm's company party, a party that was still taking place upstairs.Afterward, even after fucking her as if she were some coed slut, he dared to assume she would follow him down here, to his apartment. It was preposterous, and yet, here she was.All the way down, as she...
SeductionDear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...
IncestHello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...
Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it, and the other guests were avoiding her as if there were a five foot quarantine around her. Stress was ever present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers. For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware that they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again and wondered if her obligatory appearance at...
At just 18 years old, Roger Warren is a Classification 2 male and a new recruit for the New American Army. The title of recruit is a misnomer. With the erosion of Article 3, the New America government dictates what males serve in the military and males have no freedom to choose. They are typically selected based on temperament, physique and strength, and willingness to submit to females. They are provided access to weapons based the need or mission and on the demonstrated loyalty and...
I have no voice today from all the cock I took down my throat last night. sir took me to a hotel bar. it smelled like pancakes and was lit too bright for my taste, i asked to leave. but he insisted i stay for a drink, i ordered a vodka cranberry but the drink was so weak I said to the bartender there was supposed to be vodka in this. and they gave me a new one of just vodka and a splash of cranberry. So then I was tipsy. We left after our drinks and a man followed us out and asked where we were...
Sorry for the wait!I slept like a baby that night. A baby that had been sucked dry, that is. I woke up, hoping it was Saturday. However, It was only Thursday. I had another two days before the weekend, and that gave Alex, Jenna, and her sisters two more days to remove all the sperm from my balls before what I assumed would be a very painful weekend. I took a quick shower and ran my hand through my buzz cut before dressing and driving off to school. Somewhat to my relief, Alex did not enter my...
I had just finished mowing my lawn when I saw Cassidy waving to me from her back yard. She was looking very nice in her two-piece yellow bikini.“Hi, Mr. McDougal,” she said, waving to me.“Hello, Cassidy,” I said, waving back.There’s a wooden fence about five feet tall that runs between our yards. It hasn’t been stained in a while so some of the boards were starting to show signs of heavy wear. I had the wood to replace it, stacked off to the side, just hadn’t got to doing it yet.Cassidy trotted...
MatureThe leader of the four, Finneous, motions instructions to his associates in the silent sign language used by the Assassins Guild; though they already know their goal, no mistakes will be tolerated this night, the contract must be fulfilled…no survivors and no evidence is to be left behind. On that the Grandfather of Assassins, the true ruler of the guild and of Providence is clear. Silent as death, they move between shadows illuminated moment by moment as lightning dances across the...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 28 Return to Tallahassee Mercifully for Beth her week in Charleston ended. She felt like she had survived a very difficult test and she wanted to celebrate. As they were heading back to Tallahassee Beth looked at Aaron. She knew what she wanted. "We had a good visit in Charleston. I think we need to celebrate. There is a nice Embassy Suites in Savanah. Let's stop there for the night. We can enjoy the Manager's Reception and the...