- 2 years ago
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The conclusion.
Edited by Lady Cibelle with my thanks.
Billy-Part 4
The Party
The week passed without any further word from Billy and it was finally Friday, the day of the party. I left for home at noon, thinking that I should be present to make sure everything was in place. Since I had little idea of what those things should be, it was a puzzle as to how I would even know if they were ‘in place’. Well, so long as I was there, that was the important thing.
As I pulled in, I found myself weaving past vans, trucks and cars, all seemingly arranged to make my path to the garage as difficult as possible. I finally walked into the kitchen to find people with trays of food rushing around, opening the fridge, the oven and the microwave. Since it seemed they knew what they were doing, I made my way carefully out of the kitchen and into the great room. From there I could see people outside around the pool, setting up chairs, tables, and benches. Others were cleaning the pool, cutting the grass and generally cleaning up. There were two men on ladders stringing what appeared to be small lights around the various ornamental trees in the back yard.
As I watched what appeared to be organized chaos, it occurred to me to wonder how all of this had been arranged. I knew Paula had told me to sit back and enjoy, but I was still amazed to think that she pulled all of this together. I was impressed. Until I saw Billy walk out the side door to speak to one of the men dressed in white.
Billy was talking to him with eloquent gestures, stressing something. He seemed to understand her and he began to point around with his head bobbing up and down. She listened, smiled and patted him on the shoulder before moving away to watch the men on ladders. She again pointed and yelled and the men moved in a different direction. Once satisfied, she walked back in the side door.
I went in search of her and found her in the family room off the kitchen. She had a check list of some sort in her hand and was checking things off. I stood off to the side and just watched. She had on jeans, a light pullover top which left her stomach visible, and sneakers without socks. Her face was moist and her hair was mussed as if she had been running her fingers through it. The impression was one of a beautiful woman fully in control of her situation. She wore a slight smile and seemed to be keeping a secret, one that was a pleasure. My heart started to beat a little faster before I even noticed.
She turned just at that instant, looking directly at me as if she had felt me staring at her. Our eyes locked for a heartbeat before she smiled and waved. The moment was past and I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I smiled in return and made my way through the hoards of people to her side.
‘Well, it seems to me that you’re unaffected by all of this. I have no idea who these people are or what they’re doing. Do you?’
‘Of course! Everything is under control. All is in order and right on schedule. And speaking of schedules, what are you doing home so early?’
‘I had the stupid idea I might be needed. It seems that was a very stupid idea. No one even noticed me.’
‘They all have their jobs and they’re very good at it. They don’t need either of us but since I wanted to know how things would look, I volunteered to be here. Paula was happy to leave it to me and I’m having a ball.’
‘I can see that. I’m happy that you’re happy. But if you don’t mind, I think I’ll take a shower and try to relax until later. I’m nervous about tonight but I don’t know why. You have everything under control and Paula keeps telling me to relax and enjoy. Maybe that’s why I’m nervous. I’m not needed.’
‘You’ll be needed tonight. You’re what this is all about.’
We spoke for a few more minutes before I finally went into the bedroom for a shower. The noise and bustle was muted here and I soon forgot it as I let the hot water cascade over me. Paula and Billy were right. Everything was under control and I could just let it happen. I began to look forward to tonight. Since the party wasn’t due to get underway until 6, maybe a short nap would be in order. Fresh from the shower and wrapped only in a towel, I fell across the bed and was soon asleep.
At just after 5:30 I was finally dressed in casual slacks, a cotton shirt with collar but no tie, a light sports jacket and sneakers. I checked once more in the mirror and was satisfied with my reflection. Tall and still solid, dark hair now with some grey showing and a well tanned face. I was glad I kept up with my workouts. I was still nervous but ready. I walked down the hall and into the great room where I was hit with a shock.
Billy was standing there talking to one of the servers. They were dressed in white jackets and black slacks. Very impressive, but more impressive was Billy. She had on a white dress, tastefully fitted, worn just above the knee. She had on low heels, but enough to emphasize her long shapely legs. As usual her makeup was understated but more dramatic because of it and her hair shined. Her earrings were long and elaborate catching the light and spinning off flashes of brilliance. The dress was low cut showing a lot of cleavage but she was wearing a gold chain with a dazzling stone that drew the attention away from her breasts. I recognized it as one I had given her many years before for one of our anniversaries. I didn’t know how I felt about that.
I was speechless when I saw her. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her easy grace was apparent and she moved with confidence. She stood sideways to me while I let myself enjoy the vision. I didn’t want to move from there because I was content just to watch. But she turned, again as if she sensed me standing there.
‘Well hello Mr. Executive. You look very nice and relaxed this evening. Casual but elegant.’
She moved toward me and I remembered my manners.
‘You look wonderful! Whatever you’ve been doing it really works. I doubt anyone will even remember me once they’ve seen you.’
Her easy laugh was enough to make my breath catch in my throat. How could this woman have changed so much? She was always beautiful, but now she was more. The old Billy was beautiful, but the impression of a haughty standoffishness always prevailed. She was often classed as a ‘stone cold bitch’ by many who had to deal with her. This Billy was so far removed from that one as to be two different women.
‘Thanks, but you need to be ready. The first cars are already arriving and the first guests should be coming in. You go out by the pool and greet them there. I’ve got the door.’
With a blinding smile and a pat on the arm, she pushed me toward the back. As I walked out I heard her greet Paula.
‘I’m so glad you’re here early. Stuart is going to need some help out back. Will you?’
‘Of course. And you look great. Has he seen you?’
I didn’t hear the rest as I did as I was told and went outside. I was soon surrounded by people who wanted to say hello and make themselves known. Paula was ready with names of those I wasn’t sure about and I did meet some of the wives and husbands of employees I did know and that was worthwhile. The only uncomfortable point was when Mark came up to introduce his wife. While I was polite to her and spent a few minutes talking with her, Mark was smart enough to just stand nearby and say little. She was a pretty thing but she seemed a little cold to me. Other than that, the party was pleasant.
There were several of the old timers, people that knew me from before that also knew Billy. They were cautious when they mentioned her and tried to get some indication from me as to the current status of our relationship, but I simply avoided any comment. The one prevailing opinion was that she looked marvelous. I agreed with that so there was no issue there.
I had invited Ryan Erinson to the party and he did accept. He was now retired and h
e and his wife were spending their free time traveling around the world. He was between trips now so he was able to attend. We talked a little about the changes and it was good to see him again. He pulled me aside.
‘OK Stu, talk to me. I notice Billy is here and she seems to be the hostess for this party. Are the two of you back together?’
‘Not together Ryan, just good friends. I thought it was time to bury the hatchet and make peace. She’s been a lot of help to me since I moved back. She helped me find this house, and I thought she would be great as a hostess for this shindig. She’s been a big help. She and Paula get along fine as well so it’s all good.’
‘Just friends? You know as well as I that it can’t stay that way. Men and women, especially with women that look like Billy, can’t stay only as friends.’
‘Well that’s all it is. You’ll just have to trust me on that. Billy understands the rules and she has no trouble with it either.’
‘Yeah, that’s why she dressed the way she did. Just for us guests. And that’s the reason she kept your last name? Give me a break!’
Ryan threw back his head and laughed loudly. He was still chuckling as he moved away to find his wife. I watched him go with a grin but I knew he was wrong. Billy kept my name because it was easier all round to maintain the house, the accounts, just about everything. I made no stipulations about that in the divorce. Ryan was way off base with his assumptions. But I did look around to see if I could spot Billy. I hadn’t spoken to her all evening and it was getting late.
I moved inside the house and spent the next ten minutes mingling and chatting with whoever I ran into but I was slowly making my way through the room toward the kitchen. I assumed that if she were still here, she would be there. I finally made it to the hall leading down to the kitchen and took it, quickly walking in.
Billy was there as I suspected. She was filling a tray of snacks for one of the servers. There were several more just waiting. It seemed that the supply of food was still adequate and the drinks were still flowing. Even this late, the guests were still filling up. I waited until Billy had finished and then moved over to talk to her.
‘How are you holding up? Haven’t you been able to mingle with the guests? I think the caterer can manage without you for awhile.’
Billy ran the back of her hand over her forehead, looking surprisingly happy. She was smiling and the smile was genuine. That much I could tell from memory.
‘I’m having the best time. This is good for me. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed entertaining. And the people have all been terrific. I saw Ryan and his wife, Mark and his new wife Sherri, Paula and Jerry and Steven and. . . .’
She stopped as one of the servers came up to ask a question. She answered without hesitation and he went off satisfied. She turned back to me.
‘I have to thank you Stuart, for this. It’s been wonderful. Thank you so much.’
‘Can’t you take some time and come out back with me? It’s really nice out there and most of the people have moved outside. Come on! Relax and enjoy.’
Billy resisted but I finally got her to come out for a time. After a few minutes, she relaxed and began to mix with those she knew. I watched her with pleasure and pride until I began to question myself. Why would I feel pride? She was not my wife any more. She was simply helping me with a party. I was confused and suddenly uneasy.
I moved back inside to the bar there and fixed a strong scotch and water. I took it over to the couch and sat down by myself to think. As I tried to get a handle on my feelings, Paula sat down next to me.
‘I know what you’re thinking. It’s written all over your face.’
‘What am I thinking?’
‘That’s she’s perfect for this life. That she would be perfect at your side. That she’s more beautiful than before.’
I shook my head. That’s not what I was thinking. I couldn’t go there. I had tried once and I wasn’t going to fall again. That last time was too painful. I didn’t, no, I couldn’t go through that again, not in this lifetime.
‘You don’t understand. I can’t get hurt like that again. Not ever.’
Paula patted my arm and smiled sadly at me before walking away. I sat there a while longer and went back outside to join the party.
By 11:00, almost all the people had either left or were making their way back out to the front where the attendants were getting cars. I had rented a vacant lot in the subdivision for parking cars and I had three young college students acting as attendants. They were making out pretty good with tips. I stood by the door with Billy and Paula as they left, saying goodbye and thanks for coming. I noticed that Billy seemed to know all their names as they left. They were also quite nice to her. Several gave me a thumbs up when she was looking the other way and most had grins on their faces.
Billy pulled my sleeve and introduced me to Penny, a pretty young woman. I remembered her mentioning a friend named Penny and assumed this to be her. I spent a few moments speaking to her, thanking her for coming and being a friend to Billy. As she replied, I noticed Will Haley, one of the younger managers standing behind her, looking slightly embarrassed. I took her hand and gave it a kiss, whispering something in her ear, causing her to smile at Will. He had the grace to blush but he smiled back. He was single, a hard worker and had a good future. Maybe now he had something more.
The caterers had things put away and the area bussed by the time the last guests left. The head caterer stopped to check with Billy before he and his crew departed. It was down to a few attendants and some custodial types and they were all gone by 11:30. It was now just Billy, Paula and me.
‘Well boss, I think the party was a rousing success. Everyone I talked to had nothing but good things to say and they weren’t just sucking up. Several hoped that this would become an annual thing. You pulled it off.’
‘No, you and Billy pulled it off. I was just here. I want both of you to know how much it meant to me that you did this. Neither one of you had to do it, so my thanks.’
‘You’re very welcome boss and a raise would be a good thing to talk about now. But, I’ll let you off the hook tonight. I’m getting up early tomorrow to go shopping. I have to find something new to wear for tomorrow night. I’m having dinner with a very nice man I met tonight. He works in Traffic. How about that?’
Laughing, Billy walked her to the door and watched her leave. The attendants had put her car in the driveway so she was quickly on her way. Billy watched as she disappeared around the curve and then came in and shut the front door. We were alone. I wanted some more time with her so I asked,
‘Come outside with me. Let’s sit by the pool and just relax. I think you’ve earned it. Can I get you something?’
‘I would love an iced tea. Or even a cup of coffee. Nothing more. I’m stuffed from testing everything on the menu. God, it was good! That caterer Paula found was terrific. I got his name as if I could afford him.’
I went inside to get the drinks and brought them outside with a tray of leftover snack sandwiches. I was starved even if Billy wasn’t. I set them down between us as we each took a lounge chair facing the pool. I admired the little lights that had been installed earlier in the day. The effect was spectacular.
We shared a time of peace and quiet, each lost in thought. My thoughts were in turmoil. I wasn’t sure what to say or do. Maybe I shouldn’t say or do anything. That might be best.
As I was trying to convince myself that silence was the best bet, Billy rose and walked over to the side of the pool. She stood there, framed by the lights under the water and surrounded by the twinkling lights in the trees. As I watched her, I felt something stir inside me. Without thinking, I rose and walked up behind her. I put my
hands on her shoulders, just resting them there. After a minute, she leaned back into me and let her head rest on my shoulder. I moved my hands up and down her arms until I felt her begin to shudder.
I turned her around, facing me. I looked into her eyes and saw acceptance, clouded with a trace of fear and uncertainty. It was what I wanted to see. I moved my arms around her waist, pulling her body against mine. She was trembling but willing. I bent down to place a kiss on her lips, lightly brushing her mouth and moving down to her neck, my tongue tasting her and then back up to her mouth. Her lips opened as I searched with my tongue, hers meeting mine in passion. The kiss deepened and became more demanding.
As I began to take, she responded, offering herself to me. I was careful, trying to delay the heat and the urgency, instead giving gentleness and control. She seemed to be confused, expecting me to take her, but instead I used what I could to bring on her arousal. She finally gave in and took what I gave. She began to move against me and I moved my hand down to cup the mound between her legs. She moaned into my mouth and she tightened her grip on me. As she began to move against my hand, I increased the pressure and the motion to give her pleasure.
‘Stop, please stop. We can’t do this here. Take me inside, please. I’ll stay with you but let’s go inside.’
I took her hand and led her inside, locking the door and turning out the lights as I did. We walked down the hall to the master bedroom. Billy moving ahead of me. As I came into the room, she had already begun to remove her dress. She let it fall to the floor, stepped out of it and turned to face me. She had on a white lacy bra and matching panties. I looked my fill as she stood there.
Her body was lean, well muscled and tan. Her breasts were small but firm, probably a B cup. As she reached behind to unclasp the bra, letting it fall to join her dress, I saw that her nipples were erect, signaling her arousal. She finally pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. I saw that she was cleanly shaved and her lips were swollen and full. She looked at me, waiting for my reaction.
‘You are absolutely breathtaking! You are magnificent!’
The smile I saw earlier returned. The happy one, the contented one. As it came, she raised her arms to beckon me to her. I went willingly.
‘I want you naked. I want to see you and touch you and give you pleasure. Help me.’
And I did. As she worked on the buttons of my shirt, I removed my shoes and pants, letting them fall where they would. She pushed the shirt back off my shoulders and I lowered my arms so she could slide it completely off. She knelt down in front of me, put her fingers in the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down. She remained on her knees taking my erection in her hands. I waited, holding my breath as I felt her begin to slide her hands up and down. I could feel her breath on my cock and I hoped. She never would before, but would she now?
Yes! She took me in her mouth and began to move her head up and down, replacing her hands. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and dark with passion. She reached around, putting one hand on my butt, pulling me closer. The other hand was caressing my balls as she moved her head. It felt wonderful, devastatingly wonderful, and my climax was not far away. I had to let her know before it was too late. But when I told her, she continued without slowing down. I was losing control and again I warned her but she didn’t stop. As a matter of fact, she began to bob her head faster and faster while holding me close to her face. I had no control left and l let go, pumping my hips forcing myself deeper and deeper as the liquid splashed out. I was certain it would never stop but finally, I was done.
‘I’m sorry Billy! I tried to warn you but it was too late. I’m so sorry.’
‘I’m not. And I heard you, but I wanted to do this for you. This is what you always wanted me to do but I would never let you. This was just for you.’
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Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * Magic. That was the only explanation. The outfit she was wearing was an affront to physics, leaving magic as the only possible explanation. The long skirt came down to mid shin, and flowed around her like water. It was the waistline that was staggering. It started high on her hips and plunged down to a point that stopped what I gauged to be an inch and a half from the top of her pussy. The back wasn’t much...
It had been a bad week, and I was ready to go out and cut loose. I was feeling a little slutty and dressed accordingly. I put on my black leather bustier, which shoved my tits up and put them well on display. I shrugged my leather jacket over the top. My leather mini skirt came to mid thigh. I added knee high spiked heels boots to complete my look. I asked my husband, Brian, how I looked. He grabbed my ass and kissed me hard. I knew I had his approval. We headed out with no particular...
Late afternoon, we caught a bus back to the hotel. It wasn't very busy, and we managed to get a seat. Back in the hotel room, we lay on our beds and read until it was time for dinner. Jon had me wear just my short wrap-round skirt and my white bikini top that evening, and I had to be careful as I leant over the buffet table to get what I wanted. We had a bottle of white wine with our meal, and I let Jon drink most of it, I didn't want to get drunk again. Afterwards, we went into some of the...
POP! The noise was so loud that it was painful as if someone had slapped both of her ears hard and suddenly she was no longer standing in her living room at night but in the morning sunlight of a strange city. She had fallen about a foot to the pavement of a sidewalk and although it hadn't hurt she'd been disoriented by the sudden change and crumpled to the ground. She wondered if this was some kind of dream, but sat up looking around. She was in an unfamiliar city. There weren't skyscrapers,...
[Author's Note: This story is mostly voyeuristic. There will be lots of spying, perving, teasing, masturbation, etc., with some exhibitionism and heavy petting/touching, but no full-on sex. It is a voyeuristic fantasy inspired by a friend's mom I knew in real life. Rochelle can also be found in my adult interactive fiction games "Encounter 1: Tim's Mom" and "Pool Party".] Cottage layout: We arrived at the cottage. It was...
Hi all, I am writing here about my recent date with my graduation classmate. We met accidentally at a shopping mall after 12 years of gap. Before I start with the incident let me tell about myself. I am Ritika, I am 34-year-old. We are a family of 4. My husband Sachin is an administrative professional in a reputed company. My mother in law and father in law are retired government servants. My daughter Prisha is 8-year-old. Ours is an arranged marriage and it’s been quite a happy simple life....
?I had a sneaking suspicion that someday you?d come for me,? said Darwin Caulden, to his mysterious guest.?In fact, I think I knew you?d come.? Darwin let a smile float to his lips. He sat in a green chair next to an oaken coffee and a floral patterned sofa.A cigarette burned readily in an ornate glass ashtray.He grabbed at the cigarette with his index and middle finger and slid it into his lips hastily. ?So it?s time already, I suppose?? said Darwin, his voice estranged by the...
I am Shravan here. I like to narrate in detail & not just like.. so & so and we started doing this and that which in fact is a turn off. So bear with the length of the story. I hope it turns you on. I was traveling from Ernakulam to Pune by train. It was a heavy downpour on the date of the journey across the entire state. By 5:30 pm, As soon as I boarded, I arranged my luggage and set up my favorite playlist in my iPod for listening.Since it was a last minute reservation, I only managed to get...
My wife and I decided we would post an ad on a local website wanting to have another man join us for an few hours of sexual fun. She is a bigger gal (bbw), redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, I am a bigger guy six foot six inches, 290 pounds, average size cock, we are both white and in our early forties. So we weren't real sure on what kind of response we would get. We had an astonishing response to our ad. We sat and had a few drinks while we went through the responses, and the pictures that came...
I watched my young wife fucked hard:Mary and I had only been married for a couple of years when this happened, She was 19; full of life with bright red hair, milky white skin and very hot, I was 21; Mary and I always had a great sex life as she was as far as I was concerned a little over sexed, Mary could have sex every night but I have to admit three times a week is enough for me and after a couple of years it had slowed down to about twice a week for us but I knew Mary would have liked it...
I work early mornings stacking shelves in a supermarket. There is just me, the cleaner, and two guys out the back with the trucks. The cleaner is a beautiful middle eastern woman in her mid thirties. She has great tits. It’s funny, in her work clothes you can barely see the extent of their size from the side. It’s only when she bends over, and thankfully enough as a cleaner, she does this a lot! I can’t handle it when I’m working near her. It doesn’t help that she...
It was a beautiful wedding. Flowers and purple coloured candles scattered the hall, making it a very romantic affair. The bride and groom had been together for more than five years and seemed to know each other very well. What I was doing there I will never know.I was a plus one, that insignificant person that you took with so you didn’t seem to be going alone. My date, a nice girl, seemed to have latched on to someone new. So, I was there, at a wedding, where I didn’t know anyone.The wedding...
Wife LoversI am so glad to be off work.. walking up the sidewalk into my house i feel strange like my spidey sense is going off.. I look around i dont see anything unusual no strange cars i unlock the door and come in i dont turn the light on because the dark is relaxing... i am hanging up my things taking off my shoes and then i hear something behind me.. You saw me at work today and somehow found out where i live and have been waiting on me. u came in thru the back sliding door that was unlocked...
Jason and Kershaw were college roommates. Both were straight,good-looking, well-built athletes, Jason was white of Irish descent,Kershaw was black. They got along well and often dated the same chicks,which tended to be co-eds that put out since neither of them were lookingto fall in love, as young as they were.One night, Jason and Kershaw got drunk over a few pitchers of margaritaswith two girls, Tammy and Sheila. After the girls had a few too many, theysplit, but the room mates stayed until...
They came at us like a swarm of bumble bees. The sound wasn't right for bees. I knew that sound, but I could not for the life of me remember what it was. "Max are you alright?" I sorta recognized the voice, but I couldn't quite place it. It took me several minutes to remember where I was even. I heard the voice calling my name, but I didn't know what to say. I just wasn't in the same world as the voice. I was lost and had no idea where I was. "Max where are you?" A different female...
To story aise suru hoti hai. Pehle baap bhai aur phir bf ke dosto ke sath ganda wala gangbang krwakar me ekdam randi ban chuki thi aur ghar me jaise man waise ghumne lagi kabhi sirf bra me to kabhi panty me aisa lagta tha ki mein kisi kothe par rhti hu aur apne aango ko dikhakar customer pasati hu. Wo baat alag hai ki mera ghar kotha nai hai par mere ghar me mere baap aur bhai ke roop me do dalal jaroor hai jo mujhe jab man aae tab ragar dete hai but unlogo ne abhi tak koi bahar ka aadmi nai...
I'd noticed her working in the upscale Department Store other times when I had gone shopping there. Oft times, when I would see her from a distance, I would hesitate for a moment to drink in her beautiful little figure. She was what I considered a perfect example of everything that is beautiful about the fairer sex. This time when I looked around for her, I discovered her working at the Cashier's Checkout stand. Well, I thought, as I got into her check out line, here goes nothing......
Abella Danger might be one of the greatest Cuckoldresses this site has ever seen. If you don’t believe us now, you will by the end of this Cuckold Session. Her minion, Jay Wimp, has been a bad boy. Abella’s warned him — on more than one occasion — that if he touches his little, white weiner, that there would be consequences. Sure enough, after walking him around like a puppy dog, Abella locks him up…for a three month sentence! Imagine your blue balls after 90 full...
xmoviesforyouCasey laughs when he wakes up to the sound of music and the shower running. It only happens when Jessica has really enjoyed herself the night before. He asked her about it once, and her response was that she didn’t really have an answer why. Pushing off the covers, he swings his legs over the side of the bed. Sitting up, Casey has the perfect line of sight into the bathroom where Jessica is cutting off the shower and stepping out. As much as he could use a shower after last night, Casey is...
100% fiction! This all occured several years ago, so I feel confident in the retelling now. For name change sake, let's call my ex sister in law "Laura". My wife's a-hole brother traveled to Italy for business purposes and ended up meeting, and marrying an incredibly sweet as pie Italian woman named Laura. How a complete jerk like him got such a perfect creature like her does remain a mystery to me. As Laura and I were both Italian (me by descent, her by nationality), and my wife's messed-up...
IncestMary’s Guardian Angel By Beagle9690 July 2016 Her name is Mary.....Mary Susan Brown to be exact. Mary is a good and charitable woman. She was born and grew up in a small coal mining town in Western Pennsylvania. Her father was a dentist and her mother his dental assistant. His dental office was located in their spacious brick home. An only child, Mary lived a happy and tranquil life. Perhaps a somewhat sheltered life with parents who loved her. She adores music and dancing and the...
After April O’Neil hires sex dream architect Kristen Scott to plant an idea in her best friend Eliza Jane’s mind, she goes to her house to cover the compensation. Kristen drags her inside after she recites the password. April is concerned with any long term after effects the experience might have on Eliza. Kristen blows off her worries more interested in hearing how her pussy tastes. April has lots of questions about Kristen’s amazing virtual reality technology. Apparently,...
xmoviesforyouIt was laundry day. Vincent, or Vinnie to his friends, loved laundry day. It was a time to relax, catch up on reading, and listen to music while the washing machines whirred in the background.He was tall and ruggedly handsome, with dark, almost Spanish features. In his five or so years of living alone, he always cherished his trips to the laundromat.Walking slowly from his house to the laundromat, he whistled a tune. In his little trolley, he had his laundry and detergent. Sitting on top of his...
TransThe New Fantasy Island Jack had been working with the U.S. racing agents promoting their more permanent presence at the Meydan Racetrack in Dubai. So while he was staying at the Meydan, it was an interesting circumstance that a meeting was set up here in the Tiered Restaurant. Jack had seated himself as instructed at a table far to the right of the overlook of the winners circle and watched as a man in a bright green beret walked to his table and waited to be acknowledged. “Join me George, it’s...
BDSMKay lay in bed the following morning and opened her eyes slowly. Yesterday had been a wonderful experience and a new one in her lifetime. She had finally felt the sensation of having her tight little ass fucked and fucked thoroughly. She was thankful she had prepared today’s surprise for Dan previously or she may have been a bit behind in trying to come up with something new for their week of intimate surprises.So far she had played the part of a sweet and innocent little schoolgirl for Dan and...
FetishI hesitated for just a second before opening the door and entering the bar. I was in town for business and had come here many times for lunch. This was the place to be for the view and the beer. Every table was packed and the bevy of wait staff busy attending to all the tables. There wasn’t one empty in the place, it was jammed. Classic rock was playing in the background and some twenty televisions had all the current sporting events playing, sensory overload. I found an open stool at the bar...
Lily Larimar arrives home from school. Her older sibling Kayley Gunner is hanging out in the living room with her friend, Jazmin Luv. Kayley and Jazmin both greet her, but Lily seems down and quickly runs off to her room. Kayley is concerned about Lily and wants to help her, but she has to go to work soon. Jazmin reassures Kayley that she can have a talk with Lily. After all, Jazmin has been friends with them for so long that she’s almost like an older sibling to Lily too. Jazmin goes to...
xmoviesforyouShe never should have rented this apartment in the Mortal City The cold comes though every crack she puts her hand up to The radiator's broken, so she has to use electric heat. I hurried around the apartment, trying to get everything ready. There just wasn't time, wasn't time. It was nearly five; he was going to be here at 6:30. My apartment was a freezing cold mess. The damp December weather seemed to be slithering its way inside, rain pelting a drumbeat against my single-pane...
Later that night at the hotel, Jane discovered that she and her new fiancé were to share a bedroom. Sir Henry, or Henry as he insisted she must learn to address him, said this was due to the exigencies of war, but Jane had noticed that there was a separate room available for the chauffeur, and that Henry had signed in as Sir Henry and Lady Johnson. Musing about it as they went up to their room she could not help thinking that Lady Johnson sounded so much better than Miss Jane Edson. In the...
This story contains Bondage, Clover Clamps, Weights & Piercing between friends- Enjoy! We get a call several days later from Mitch regarding her friend Anne so we meet up for lunch, in a week she wants to plan a birthday party and design a cake for her friend that will give her a surprise. The wife and I love the idea of a kinky cake and further discussion that Anne has been mostly dominant and the birthday party is an idea to turn the tide, the birthday girl is experienced in...
I had kept my worries that Lenore pushing me from the room would hurt my image quiet. However, when I returned in the afternoon, I could see that somehow I had gained some stature with the crews. While my stature seemed to be on the rise, the performance in the simulations was terrible. Only a few people had paid attention during the sleep training, or even kept up with the classes. Worse, while the trainers could walk you through the steps and provide knowledge of procedure, it still took...