Billy Ch. 04 free porn video

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The conclusion.

Edited by Lady Cibelle with my thanks.

Billy-Part 4

The Party

The week passed without any further word from Billy and it was finally Friday, the day of the party. I left for home at noon, thinking that I should be present to make sure everything was in place. Since I had little idea of what those things should be, it was a puzzle as to how I would even know if they were ‘in place’. Well, so long as I was there, that was the important thing.

As I pulled in, I found myself weaving past vans, trucks and cars, all seemingly arranged to make my path to the garage as difficult as possible. I finally walked into the kitchen to find people with trays of food rushing around, opening the fridge, the oven and the microwave. Since it seemed they knew what they were doing, I made my way carefully out of the kitchen and into the great room. From there I could see people outside around the pool, setting up chairs, tables, and benches. Others were cleaning the pool, cutting the grass and generally cleaning up. There were two men on ladders stringing what appeared to be small lights around the various ornamental trees in the back yard.

As I watched what appeared to be organized chaos, it occurred to me to wonder how all of this had been arranged. I knew Paula had told me to sit back and enjoy, but I was still amazed to think that she pulled all of this together. I was impressed. Until I saw Billy walk out the side door to speak to one of the men dressed in white.

Billy was talking to him with eloquent gestures, stressing something. He seemed to understand her and he began to point around with his head bobbing up and down. She listened, smiled and patted him on the shoulder before moving away to watch the men on ladders. She again pointed and yelled and the men moved in a different direction. Once satisfied, she walked back in the side door.

I went in search of her and found her in the family room off the kitchen. She had a check list of some sort in her hand and was checking things off. I stood off to the side and just watched. She had on jeans, a light pullover top which left her stomach visible, and sneakers without socks. Her face was moist and her hair was mussed as if she had been running her fingers through it. The impression was one of a beautiful woman fully in control of her situation. She wore a slight smile and seemed to be keeping a secret, one that was a pleasure. My heart started to beat a little faster before I even noticed.

She turned just at that instant, looking directly at me as if she had felt me staring at her. Our eyes locked for a heartbeat before she smiled and waved. The moment was past and I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I smiled in return and made my way through the hoards of people to her side.

‘Well, it seems to me that you’re unaffected by all of this. I have no idea who these people are or what they’re doing. Do you?’

‘Of course! Everything is under control. All is in order and right on schedule. And speaking of schedules, what are you doing home so early?’

‘I had the stupid idea I might be needed. It seems that was a very stupid idea. No one even noticed me.’

‘They all have their jobs and they’re very good at it. They don’t need either of us but since I wanted to know how things would look, I volunteered to be here. Paula was happy to leave it to me and I’m having a ball.’

‘I can see that. I’m happy that you’re happy. But if you don’t mind, I think I’ll take a shower and try to relax until later. I’m nervous about tonight but I don’t know why. You have everything under control and Paula keeps telling me to relax and enjoy. Maybe that’s why I’m nervous. I’m not needed.’

‘You’ll be needed tonight. You’re what this is all about.’

We spoke for a few more minutes before I finally went into the bedroom for a shower. The noise and bustle was muted here and I soon forgot it as I let the hot water cascade over me. Paula and Billy were right. Everything was under control and I could just let it happen. I began to look forward to tonight. Since the party wasn’t due to get underway until 6, maybe a short nap would be in order. Fresh from the shower and wrapped only in a towel, I fell across the bed and was soon asleep.

At just after 5:30 I was finally dressed in casual slacks, a cotton shirt with collar but no tie, a light sports jacket and sneakers. I checked once more in the mirror and was satisfied with my reflection. Tall and still solid, dark hair now with some grey showing and a well tanned face. I was glad I kept up with my workouts. I was still nervous but ready. I walked down the hall and into the great room where I was hit with a shock.

Billy was standing there talking to one of the servers. They were dressed in white jackets and black slacks. Very impressive, but more impressive was Billy. She had on a white dress, tastefully fitted, worn just above the knee. She had on low heels, but enough to emphasize her long shapely legs. As usual her makeup was understated but more dramatic because of it and her hair shined. Her earrings were long and elaborate catching the light and spinning off flashes of brilliance. The dress was low cut showing a lot of cleavage but she was wearing a gold chain with a dazzling stone that drew the attention away from her breasts. I recognized it as one I had given her many years before for one of our anniversaries. I didn’t know how I felt about that.

I was speechless when I saw her. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her easy grace was apparent and she moved with confidence. She stood sideways to me while I let myself enjoy the vision. I didn’t want to move from there because I was content just to watch. But she turned, again as if she sensed me standing there.

‘Well hello Mr. Executive. You look very nice and relaxed this evening. Casual but elegant.’

She moved toward me and I remembered my manners.

‘You look wonderful! Whatever you’ve been doing it really works. I doubt anyone will even remember me once they’ve seen you.’

Her easy laugh was enough to make my breath catch in my throat. How could this woman have changed so much? She was always beautiful, but now she was more. The old Billy was beautiful, but the impression of a haughty standoffishness always prevailed. She was often classed as a ‘stone cold bitch’ by many who had to deal with her. This Billy was so far removed from that one as to be two different women.

‘Thanks, but you need to be ready. The first cars are already arriving and the first guests should be coming in. You go out by the pool and greet them there. I’ve got the door.’

With a blinding smile and a pat on the arm, she pushed me toward the back. As I walked out I heard her greet Paula.

‘I’m so glad you’re here early. Stuart is going to need some help out back. Will you?’

‘Of course. And you look great. Has he seen you?’

I didn’t hear the rest as I did as I was told and went outside. I was soon surrounded by people who wanted to say hello and make themselves known. Paula was ready with names of those I wasn’t sure about and I did meet some of the wives and husbands of employees I did know and that was worthwhile. The only uncomfortable point was when Mark came up to introduce his wife. While I was polite to her and spent a few minutes talking with her, Mark was smart enough to just stand nearby and say little. She was a pretty thing but she seemed a little cold to me. Other than that, the party was pleasant.

There were several of the old timers, people that knew me from before that also knew Billy. They were cautious when they mentioned her and tried to get some indication from me as to the current status of our relationship, but I simply avoided any comment. The one prevailing opinion was that she looked marvelous. I agreed with that so there was no issue there.

I had invited Ryan Erinson to the party and he did accept. He was now retired and h
e and his wife were spending their free time traveling around the world. He was between trips now so he was able to attend. We talked a little about the changes and it was good to see him again. He pulled me aside.

‘OK Stu, talk to me. I notice Billy is here and she seems to be the hostess for this party. Are the two of you back together?’

‘Not together Ryan, just good friends. I thought it was time to bury the hatchet and make peace. She’s been a lot of help to me since I moved back. She helped me find this house, and I thought she would be great as a hostess for this shindig. She’s been a big help. She and Paula get along fine as well so it’s all good.’

‘Just friends? You know as well as I that it can’t stay that way. Men and women, especially with women that look like Billy, can’t stay only as friends.’

‘Well that’s all it is. You’ll just have to trust me on that. Billy understands the rules and she has no trouble with it either.’

‘Yeah, that’s why she dressed the way she did. Just for us guests. And that’s the reason she kept your last name? Give me a break!’

Ryan threw back his head and laughed loudly. He was still chuckling as he moved away to find his wife. I watched him go with a grin but I knew he was wrong. Billy kept my name because it was easier all round to maintain the house, the accounts, just about everything. I made no stipulations about that in the divorce. Ryan was way off base with his assumptions. But I did look around to see if I could spot Billy. I hadn’t spoken to her all evening and it was getting late.

I moved inside the house and spent the next ten minutes mingling and chatting with whoever I ran into but I was slowly making my way through the room toward the kitchen. I assumed that if she were still here, she would be there. I finally made it to the hall leading down to the kitchen and took it, quickly walking in.

Billy was there as I suspected. She was filling a tray of snacks for one of the servers. There were several more just waiting. It seemed that the supply of food was still adequate and the drinks were still flowing. Even this late, the guests were still filling up. I waited until Billy had finished and then moved over to talk to her.

‘How are you holding up? Haven’t you been able to mingle with the guests? I think the caterer can manage without you for awhile.’

Billy ran the back of her hand over her forehead, looking surprisingly happy. She was smiling and the smile was genuine. That much I could tell from memory.

‘I’m having the best time. This is good for me. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed entertaining. And the people have all been terrific. I saw Ryan and his wife, Mark and his new wife Sherri, Paula and Jerry and Steven and. . . .’

She stopped as one of the servers came up to ask a question. She answered without hesitation and he went off satisfied. She turned back to me.

‘I have to thank you Stuart, for this. It’s been wonderful. Thank you so much.’

‘Can’t you take some time and come out back with me? It’s really nice out there and most of the people have moved outside. Come on! Relax and enjoy.’

Billy resisted but I finally got her to come out for a time. After a few minutes, she relaxed and began to mix with those she knew. I watched her with pleasure and pride until I began to question myself. Why would I feel pride? She was not my wife any more. She was simply helping me with a party. I was confused and suddenly uneasy.

I moved back inside to the bar there and fixed a strong scotch and water. I took it over to the couch and sat down by myself to think. As I tried to get a handle on my feelings, Paula sat down next to me.

‘I know what you’re thinking. It’s written all over your face.’

‘What am I thinking?’

‘That’s she’s perfect for this life. That she would be perfect at your side. That she’s more beautiful than before.’

I shook my head. That’s not what I was thinking. I couldn’t go there. I had tried once and I wasn’t going to fall again. That last time was too painful. I didn’t, no, I couldn’t go through that again, not in this lifetime.

‘You don’t understand. I can’t get hurt like that again. Not ever.’

Paula patted my arm and smiled sadly at me before walking away. I sat there a while longer and went back outside to join the party.

By 11:00, almost all the people had either left or were making their way back out to the front where the attendants were getting cars. I had rented a vacant lot in the subdivision for parking cars and I had three young college students acting as attendants. They were making out pretty good with tips. I stood by the door with Billy and Paula as they left, saying goodbye and thanks for coming. I noticed that Billy seemed to know all their names as they left. They were also quite nice to her. Several gave me a thumbs up when she was looking the other way and most had grins on their faces.

Billy pulled my sleeve and introduced me to Penny, a pretty young woman. I remembered her mentioning a friend named Penny and assumed this to be her. I spent a few moments speaking to her, thanking her for coming and being a friend to Billy. As she replied, I noticed Will Haley, one of the younger managers standing behind her, looking slightly embarrassed. I took her hand and gave it a kiss, whispering something in her ear, causing her to smile at Will. He had the grace to blush but he smiled back. He was single, a hard worker and had a good future. Maybe now he had something more.

The caterers had things put away and the area bussed by the time the last guests left. The head caterer stopped to check with Billy before he and his crew departed. It was down to a few attendants and some custodial types and they were all gone by 11:30. It was now just Billy, Paula and me.

‘Well boss, I think the party was a rousing success. Everyone I talked to had nothing but good things to say and they weren’t just sucking up. Several hoped that this would become an annual thing. You pulled it off.’

‘No, you and Billy pulled it off. I was just here. I want both of you to know how much it meant to me that you did this. Neither one of you had to do it, so my thanks.’

‘You’re very welcome boss and a raise would be a good thing to talk about now. But, I’ll let you off the hook tonight. I’m getting up early tomorrow to go shopping. I have to find something new to wear for tomorrow night. I’m having dinner with a very nice man I met tonight. He works in Traffic. How about that?’

Laughing, Billy walked her to the door and watched her leave. The attendants had put her car in the driveway so she was quickly on her way. Billy watched as she disappeared around the curve and then came in and shut the front door. We were alone. I wanted some more time with her so I asked,

‘Come outside with me. Let’s sit by the pool and just relax. I think you’ve earned it. Can I get you something?’

‘I would love an iced tea. Or even a cup of coffee. Nothing more. I’m stuffed from testing everything on the menu. God, it was good! That caterer Paula found was terrific. I got his name as if I could afford him.’

I went inside to get the drinks and brought them outside with a tray of leftover snack sandwiches. I was starved even if Billy wasn’t. I set them down between us as we each took a lounge chair facing the pool. I admired the little lights that had been installed earlier in the day. The effect was spectacular.

We shared a time of peace and quiet, each lost in thought. My thoughts were in turmoil. I wasn’t sure what to say or do. Maybe I shouldn’t say or do anything. That might be best.

As I was trying to convince myself that silence was the best bet, Billy rose and walked over to the side of the pool. She stood there, framed by the lights under the water and surrounded by the twinkling lights in the trees. As I watched her, I felt something stir inside me. Without thinking, I rose and walked up behind her. I put my
hands on her shoulders, just resting them there. After a minute, she leaned back into me and let her head rest on my shoulder. I moved my hands up and down her arms until I felt her begin to shudder.

I turned her around, facing me. I looked into her eyes and saw acceptance, clouded with a trace of fear and uncertainty. It was what I wanted to see. I moved my arms around her waist, pulling her body against mine. She was trembling but willing. I bent down to place a kiss on her lips, lightly brushing her mouth and moving down to her neck, my tongue tasting her and then back up to her mouth. Her lips opened as I searched with my tongue, hers meeting mine in passion. The kiss deepened and became more demanding.

As I began to take, she responded, offering herself to me. I was careful, trying to delay the heat and the urgency, instead giving gentleness and control. She seemed to be confused, expecting me to take her, but instead I used what I could to bring on her arousal. She finally gave in and took what I gave. She began to move against me and I moved my hand down to cup the mound between her legs. She moaned into my mouth and she tightened her grip on me. As she began to move against my hand, I increased the pressure and the motion to give her pleasure.

‘Stop, please stop. We can’t do this here. Take me inside, please. I’ll stay with you but let’s go inside.’

I took her hand and led her inside, locking the door and turning out the lights as I did. We walked down the hall to the master bedroom. Billy moving ahead of me. As I came into the room, she had already begun to remove her dress. She let it fall to the floor, stepped out of it and turned to face me. She had on a white lacy bra and matching panties. I looked my fill as she stood there.

Her body was lean, well muscled and tan. Her breasts were small but firm, probably a B cup. As she reached behind to unclasp the bra, letting it fall to join her dress, I saw that her nipples were erect, signaling her arousal. She finally pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. I saw that she was cleanly shaved and her lips were swollen and full. She looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

‘You are absolutely breathtaking! You are magnificent!’

The smile I saw earlier returned. The happy one, the contented one. As it came, she raised her arms to beckon me to her. I went willingly.

‘I want you naked. I want to see you and touch you and give you pleasure. Help me.’

And I did. As she worked on the buttons of my shirt, I removed my shoes and pants, letting them fall where they would. She pushed the shirt back off my shoulders and I lowered my arms so she could slide it completely off. She knelt down in front of me, put her fingers in the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down. She remained on her knees taking my erection in her hands. I waited, holding my breath as I felt her begin to slide her hands up and down. I could feel her breath on my cock and I hoped. She never would before, but would she now?

Yes! She took me in her mouth and began to move her head up and down, replacing her hands. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and dark with passion. She reached around, putting one hand on my butt, pulling me closer. The other hand was caressing my balls as she moved her head. It felt wonderful, devastatingly wonderful, and my climax was not far away. I had to let her know before it was too late. But when I told her, she continued without slowing down. I was losing control and again I warned her but she didn’t stop. As a matter of fact, she began to bob her head faster and faster while holding me close to her face. I had no control left and l let go, pumping my hips forcing myself deeper and deeper as the liquid splashed out. I was certain it would never stop but finally, I was done.

‘I’m sorry Billy! I tried to warn you but it was too late. I’m so sorry.’

‘I’m not. And I heard you, but I wanted to do this for you. This is what you always wanted me to do but I would never let you. This was just for you.’

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Double CrossChapter 8

I woke up at seven the next morning, which is unheard of for me, and I was too excited to get back to sleep. I lay in bed, smiling at the ceiling, luxuriating in my good fortune. Fifty thousand dollars, tax free. That was almost five years rent on my apartment. Seventeen years rent on my office. Twenty-five hundred lap dances. You get the idea. I got up and took a quick shower. When I was done, it was still too early to call Tina Callahan on a Sunday morning. I made myself some scrambled...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 6

As the Battle of the Ebro drifted on into September 1938, it took on all the drama, and international attention, as any battle in France during the 1st World War. Casualties, sickness from unsanitary conditions, and the new horror of systematic bombing from aircraft as well as the usual relentless artillery bombardments, were horrific. Fully 12% of all Republican soldiers who fought in the War were killed, and a good percentage died on the Ebro. Falangist success in the North and South had...

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Fun With An ISS Reader

Hi…. I’m shyam, a regular reader of iss; it’s my 4th story, thanks to everyone for their valuable comments. After my first story, got a mail from silly(named by her),she said it’s a great story with lots of lusts, though during couple of mail conversation she never said she want to explore sex outside her hubby, we did some general conversation about life, parents, plans. Sadly one day she said please dot expect much from me as she is just here to indulge some chats only not into real meets, I...

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Roadway FindChapter 2

"I think I can solve that," I said with a smile... I stood and pulled Kayla close, kissing her as she came to me. Easing out of the kiss, I turned her sideways and pushed her back against the table. As she sat on the edge of the table, I put my hands on her shoulders and eased her back, causing her to lie across the table. I leaned forward and kissed her again, then began working my way down her neck, eliciting moans as I went. I noticed Sherrie again watching intently. I straightened up...

4 years ago
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Alson and Sarah Schoolgirls

Alison gazed at Sarah from across the classroom and pondered the best tactic to take. To Alison, Sarah was the most beautiful creature she had ever laid eyes on, but she couldn’t think of how to get her. But that didn’t bother her. Alison is the kind of girl that is always able to get her way. She was confident and concrete, but could always put on the charm when necessary, as she knew how to use her looks to her full advantage. She was very fit and slender, but with curves in all the right...

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Sex up your love surprises

Such situations are definitely not uncommon. Many people who are in long-term relationships do encounter this phase. So why don't you plan some exotic surprises for your partner? Such that he's taken off guard and left asking for more.Surprises need not necessarily be really pricey. What matters the most is your attitude, the way you show your concern and express your love towards your mate. Here are some innovative ideas...Dare bare...Men love it when their ladylove makes an extra effort to...

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my ela teacher on halloween part 2

I was gonna wipe it off of my face but she got up fast and told me to lay down on my back. When i was on my back , she hops on top of my penis , i can feel my penis head entering her big warm slimmy cunt. She went all the way down untill she was really sitting down on me. She moaned and groaned as she was going up and down my shaft. I was fricking loving the sensation of her pussy on my cock. I grabbed her boobs and sqeezed them , pinching her nipples sometimes. I could tell when she was gonna...

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My first time

I had worked with Tim for a couple of years. We were going to a college in the mountain area of Colorado. He was openly gay but a really nice guy. He had teased me verbally a few times about his life style but I just blew it off. It did stir my curiosity as he was really into guys feet and had made MANY comments about mine and how sexy they were. I had never given it much thought till one night I was staying at his apartment as it was really snowing. That happens a lot out here. We were...

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Using Annes Vibrators and Panties

This is a true, albeit long-winded recollection of a very inappropriate experience, which started when I was all alone in my best friend’s mother’s house… I regularly used my mother’s vibrators as a teenager, literally hundreds of times. I was never particular aroused by sticking penis-shaped objects in my butt, but rather by the fact that I was accessing and using a woman’s private and secret stash of sex toys without her knowledge or permission. The fact that they belonged to my own mother...

2 years ago
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MMen SSpanking NNewsie BBottomsCotton PantiesDownChapter 3

Tori Sings A New Song A What if Story! By Spanking Arts Disclaimer: This is fan fiction loosely based on the events taking place in the TV show Victorious. I do not own Victorious or the characters which appear in the show. This is a satire with spanking as part of the plot. All characters are adult 18 year-old or over in this story. If you don’t like that please go to another story. Please (R & R) Read and Review. It all started a the LA Songfest when Tori and Jade skated head to...

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Main Huyi Bhai Ke Lund Ki Diwani Pt 3 Do Lund Liye

Hey Guys. Thank you for your response to my earlier stories. Yeh meri ISS pe teesri kahani hai. Asha karti hun ki pehle 2 kahaniyon ke tarah, isme bhi aap logon ko maja aayega. So, apna haath apne lund ya chut pe rakhle. Iss kahani main main bataungi, ki kaise mere bhai ne mujhe apne mama ke ladke se chudwaya aur fir baad main hum teeno ne enjoy kiya. Agar accha lage to apna review main bhejna bhulna nahin. Maine apni dushri kahani main batayi thi ki strip poker main haarne ke baad mere bhai...

3 years ago
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The Exterminators a Love StoryChapter 6

David My heart stopped when Johnny told me what happened with Susan. I wondered how bad she was hurt. Was she even alive? When Jan and I landed, I immediately fired up my computer and pulled up my tracking app. Unknown to anyone but me, I had placed tracking devices in the three watches she wears everyday just for this reason. Thank God, she’s wearing one of the watches. I saw the pinpoint on the map. I called Johnny and told him to assemble our medical group for immediate deployment. I...

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CHAPTER 9F: SATURDAY AT THE ESTATEReturning to the estate property, I opened the gate and let the dogs in first and then closed and locked the gate behind me. I walked the dogs to the kennels, got them back in and then went to the mansion. The patio and pool area was vacant. I sat down on one of the chairs and took off the shoes I had borrowed, took them to the grass and rubbed the soles on the grass to get the loose dirt and sand off them. I was taking them inside when I remembered that I...

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Shopping for passion

I pulled up to the store and as I was walking up to the store this handsome gentleman caught my eye. He looked at me and kept walking then he turned for a second look with a huge smile. I walked over to the womens' clothing section and he headed somewhere else. He had an amazing smile I could not get it out of my head. I was wearing a skirt and nice thin blouse so even a slight breeze got my nipples hard, he must have noticed when he turned for the second glance. I began to look at the clothes...

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Daddys twin porn stars part one

Twin girls were quite pretty but quite wild. Their mom did not care what they did as long as she was able to drink herself to sleep every night. The dad started noticing how sexy they were and his wife was not giving him any sex. He decided the girls would be a great way to release his sexual fustrations. He knew his twin daughters were sexually active so he wanted to fuck them too. That night he went into the bedroom where they slept. He tied one leg of each twin to the bedpost then stripped...

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A Game For Liars Part 2

Introduction: Cheating is wrong, so why does it feel so good? Hello readers, I have decided to reclassify this as fiction since details are changed as well as names, ages, any dates that might be mentioned, and places. There is truth rooted in these words (although I have made great exaggerations) and this story is an attempt to materialize these thoughts as well as reflect personal feelings and thoughts on infidelity in a hopefully good story. Enjoy. —————————————————- Im done tearing down...

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LenaChapter 20

Lena’s turn: Another trip to Dallas. Another bucket with almost a million dollars in it. Randall ran down our list. Several times he paused, looked at a coin from the inventory. “Last bucket,” he said, then he laughed. “You don’t realize what saying ‘bucket’ in relation to what you’ve laid out here means to me. I mean, people come in here with something like THIS,” he said, holding up a particular coin he’d said was a quarter million dollars, “and you’d think they had the British crown...

1 year ago
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Fringe Benefits

Shawn showed his employee badge to the TSA agent and was waved through to the metal detector. He quickly slid off the lanyard placing it into small bin to take a ride down the conveyor belt. Once he was fully cleared, he collected his belongings and headed away from the security checkpoint to the Office of Physical Plant. He clocked in then spoke to his boss’s secretary before heading out to make sure the trash bins in the terminal were empty.The 29 year old airport custodian landed this job...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 12

December 13, 1974 Sandra Miller and Cathy Peterson glared at Tim when he sat down at the lunch table across from them. He had just walked over and sat down without any kind of invitation. Cathy said, “Go away.” “No. I have a proposition for the two of you.” “We’re not interested.” “Yes, you are.” “Are you stupid or something?” “No. In a couple of weeks we will be entering the Christmas holidays. That’s normally a reason to celebrate, particularly since we’ll be out of school for almost...

4 years ago
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Poker turned to Strip

I was playing poker with several of my friends and doing quite badly for the moment. I had lost on the last several hands and was now looking at a pair of tens with a king kicker. When my doorbell rang informing me I had a guest at the door. I folded so I could see who was at the door, a few minutes later I returned to the game with Deb. I told the guys I had forgotten she was coming over and if they mind letting her play with us. They said it was fine, they even poked fun they'd enjoy...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 2 A Murmuration of Starlings

Twelve days after my Columbia visit, I had finished what I hoped was the last of the one-way conversations with my former employer. Major Peter Maxwell was still upset with me, but he couldn’t convince my recently-acquired attorney to allow me to talk with him. The Max was angry that HAVEN had been compromised. And that they still didn’t know who or how. Angry that Sabbath refused, absolutely refused, to talk with anyone in the department. He may have been upset, but she herself was...

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Phoebe Chris

They had always been in love with each other, ever since Phoebe was in seventh grade and he was in tenth. Of course, they would never say anything about it at that time, it was unacceptable for a tenth grader to date a girl in junior high school. But they both knew, and felt an odd kinship as they sometimes conversed in the hallways, because they were very much alike-shy and rather quiet, but well-liked and never friendless, foreigners. She was American, and he half-Polish, so they stood out in...

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Friends forever

I met John in college several years ago and we became fast friends. After our freshman year we decided to get an apartment off campus together. Over the next couple of years we partied a lot together but neither one of us ever told the other about our desire to be with another guy. We had girls over, picked them up at bars, all the typical college stuff. Of course sharing a small apartment I had seen John naked many times and always admired his large cock. Compared to my 7” his was huge, at...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 3 Peters Muse aka Man of Steel Vs Woman of Tissue

Elsewhere in the mansion, a Shadowcat hunted. Moving with more stealth then any normal cat could hope to imitate, she went from the first floor to the second floor and finally up to the attic on the western side of the mansion. The eastern attic was assigned to Ororo Monroe, who had turned it into arboretum, which was allowed by the massive skylights in the roof of the mansion. The western attic was turned into a large studio apartment. The only piece of furniture was a very large, custom...

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Bathhouse visit

Every time I travel to a city where there is a bathhouse I always try to spend at least a few hours there. This time was no different. Upon checking into my hotel, I ran a few errands and ate dinner.I'm bisexual but my indulgences in that world are rare. For that very reason, every time I do get to enjoy that, I try to make it as memorable as possible. I'm versatile and I enjoy giving just as much as receiving. The bath was only a short distance away from the hotel, so I decided to walk. The...

Gay Male
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Beach Blanket Bang

Being married to a Filipino woman means lots of family or group activities, like the one we were packing for now. The two of us (don't have any kids yet, adoption in progress though), one of her closest friends, the husband and their two kids were both to leave Thursday after work and make the 6 hour drive to our campsite at Oregon Inlet State Park. Camping for us is a small travel trailer and they have a pop up camper. Shortly before we were to hit the road Mia's phone rings, it's her...

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Ashely8217s punishment

This is a work of fiction and is not meant to portray any person living or dead, nor any known situation. This story contains themes of spanking, anal sex, and incest. It is meant for adults only and is not to be read by persons under the age of 18, or the legal age in the county/state/country in which the reader resides. Ashley at Seventeen- Twenty minutes after her final class, Ashley Shirer appears at Mr. Jarman’s door. She leans against the jam, waiting for him to get off the phone....

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Up mom's dress was somewhere for her son to cum! Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Zelda Stein sat alone on the red leather sofa in her living room of a posh Park Avenue apartment. 'All dressed up, with nowhere to go!' she thought to herself. As her aunt Sophie would say, “A fine kettle of gifilte fish!” But it couldn't be helped. Her date for the society bash at the Metropolitan Museum, philanthropist Martin Eisenberg was delayed in London. ...

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Is this what he wants my secret deaire Chapter 1

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Mary was visiting with her friend, Constance, and was unsure how to ask about her husband’s fantasy. Finally, after four glasses of wine, Mary felt brave enough and asked, “Constance, I need to ask you about a problem I have with Allen.” Constance looked at Mary and said, “What’s the matter? We’ve been friends a long time, of course you...

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NeighborAffair Mia Lelani 23779

Mia Lelani is going about her business, lounging in lingerie, making her tea, and just enjoying the night to herself. But does she know that someone’s lurking in the shadows? Does she see the hooded man who’s made entrance into her home and is watching her from afar, but closely? Who is this suspicious man stalking her within her own home, following the sexy Asian beauty into the kitchen, then in through a window and into the master bathroom? Could this mean trouble? Mia’s frightened when the...

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Her Shy Sister Part 2

With his heart pounding in his chest, Vince waited for his knock to be answered. After what seemed like hours the door was partially open and Kathy was standing there staring at him. Kathy was not as stunning as her older sister but she was still very attractive. "Did you forget? Mandy's not home," she told him in a soft voice."I know. I came to see you," Vince managed to say.At his statement, Kathy's nipples became very prominent from under her loose-fitting scrub shirt. She blushed as she...

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Emma 4

He didn’t come back to me for over a week and I was relieved but somehow disappointed, I didn’t want him doing things to me as they were wrong, but equally once I got over the guilt it did feel good. It got to the stage where I was almost thinking about faking a nightmare when he turned up one night. I was fast asleep and didn’t feel him get in bed with me and by the time I did realise my nightie was up round my neck and his hands were everywhere. I came awake with a start but he whispered that...

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A nurse does more than her job

She skipped putting on her bra and panties as she rushed out the door. Barely clocking in on time she reported to her assigned area for the night. It was one of her favorite departments as she walked into the room filled with beds currently all holding sixteen to eighteen year old patients. Twelve beds with a curtain separating them into six beds per area. Four held sixteen year old young women and six held young men two sixteen , two seventeen , and two eighteen year olds. Alyssa walked the...

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The Box

THE BOX By Hungry Guy     Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood.  She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car.  "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.  It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms."    The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. ...

3 years ago
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Waiting IV

I'm sweating and my penis is half erect. I see her as I round a bend and she sees me about the same moment. Her face blanches, I guess, out of surprise and fear. I say hello and her hand covers her chest. She says hello. It is a moment frozen in my memory. Feelings of embarrassment fill me along with sexual desire. My penis is at full attention as I help her up and she puts her arm around my shoulder as I put mine around her waist. I feel smell her sweat and something else, something a woman...

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