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Charlie was not having a good day, despite the sunny nature of the weather outside, the somewhat stereotypically legless sheep resembling clouds, and the annoyingly chirpy twittering of birds. It all seemed quite at odds with the irritation that she was experiencing, and the jocular expression on her brother’s face was not helping.

‘I refuse to believe it,’ she said, again, quite firmly, as if she would be able to command her wishes to life through her tone alone. ‘You simply cannot be gay. You must change your mind at once, Ed. Gayness – is that a word? – is simply not respectable. Why, what would mother say?’

Ed, newly gay, sighed somewhat exasperatedly. It was impossible to reason with his little sister when she was like this. He really ought to have gone with the note-on-whiteboard-idea. ‘It’s not a matter of choice, Charles. I can’t just flick a switch and turn it off, you know. And mother’s dead, so it’s a moot question.’

His sister eyed him with irritable frustration. ‘Well, can’t you be bi, or something? At least that’s fashionable. All the fashionable people are bisexual these days. It’s the in thing, I hear.’

‘Absolutely not,’ said Ed. ‘I told you, it’s not a choice.’

‘I just – I simply cannot believe it. You cannot be gay! Why, if you were, I’m sure I’d have known before now. We did grow up together, and all.’

‘Well,’ said Ed, eying his sister with a mix of amusement and wryness. ‘The fact that I never dated and spent an inordinate amount of time in the boy’s locker room really ought to have clued you in.’

She brushed that off. ‘Yes, but you were a jock. All jocks do that. Does Harry know, by the way? Anyway, alright, you’re gay, though I do wish you’d told me earlier. But we are NOT having your birthday party at a gay bar.’

Ed’s hands immediately went to his hips. ‘And why not?’ he demanded. He added as an afterthought. ‘Yes, I do believe Harry knows.’

‘Because I say so, of course.’ She paused. ‘Harry knows? And he never told me? The cad. I shall fire him.’

‘It is my birthday,’ he pointed out. ‘You know you’re not going to, Charlie. You never do.’

‘So?’ said Charlie. ‘Yes, I suppose you’re right. I just know I’ll eventually find a use for a large butler, though.’

‘Uh,’ said Ed. ‘Well, you know, traditionally, birthdays tend to be focused around, you know, the one who’s having the birthday. Not his younger sister.’

‘It’ll be focused around you!’ said Charlie, reassuringly. ‘Just not in a gay bar!’

Ed smiled.

* * *

How, wondered Charlie, on earth was it that she was in a limo, and about to shortly walk into a gay bar with her gay brother? It was really all too surreal to think about properly. She supposed she really ought to have known Ed was gay when she’d walked in on him and Cindy Jones of the DD cups a number of years ago, and had found Cindy somewhat irritably reading a history textbook while Ed was drawing Superman with his underpants on the outside. It had never really occurred to her though, to think that her macho, jocky brother was gay. She sighed. It wasn’t really a bad thing, she supposed. It just meant she wouldn’t be able to set him up with her single friends anymore, but the shock had simply come on top of a rather horrid day altogether. Her new boss, well, Editor-in-Chief, happened to be something of a jerk, as Charlie had found to her chagrin some few weeks ago. In any case, he’d thrown out her entire article layout this morning, after stomping it to bits and tearing it up, announcing quite blithely that she’d have to rewrite the entire thing. And then to add insult to injury, ordered her to get him coffee, again… Just the thought of it was enough to make her mutter under her breath something about violent maiming.

‘What’s that?’ said Ed beside her. ‘Who’s getting violently maimed?’

‘Oh,’ said Charlie. ‘You know, that Jack Danvers fellow – my new boss. I think he’d look charming without an arm and a leg. It’s rather catchy actually, that line, don’t you think? Jack without an arm and a leg…’

‘Charlie,’ said Ed, looking vaguely perturbed. ‘You really must cease making death threats against your colleagues. It will one day land you with a restraining order, and then where would we be?’

His sister beamed at him. ‘But you’re a lawyer, and clever and all that. You’d get me out.’

‘I specialize in taxation law,’ Ed pointed out. ‘You know restraining orders really aren’t my thing.’

‘Taxation, restraining orders, larceny…it’s all law,’ said Charlie airily. ‘Who can tell the difference? Anyway, he’s not my colleague, he’s my boss. I’m sure there’s some sort of provision for boss-murder. What would they call it I wonder? Supervisor-cide? How catchy. I do like that. Or perhaps I shall get Harry to beat him up, since you won’t.’

‘Harry wouldn’t do such a thing,’ said her brother. ‘He’s much too proper.’

‘Won’t he? How unsporting of him. I shall fire him. I have no need for such unsporting fellows.’

‘You will not. And I still don’t get what it is you have against Danvers, you know,’ said Ed. ‘It seems to me all he did was ask you for a cup of coffee. You overreact a lot, you know. And’

Charlie stiffened, glaring at him. ‘Overreact?’ she demanded. ‘I absolutely do not overreact! I never overreact. In fact, for your information, I was very calm about the whole thing. I did not even raise my voice, nor throw anything at him. I think I handled it quite well! Besides, it wasn’t just the one time. He’s treating me like his bloody secretary!’

And he had been, from that very first day she’d found herself with a new Editor in Chief. She’d stepped into his office while he’d been rather busy flicking through some papers. He hadn’t even noticed her, at first – she’d had to clear her throat. He’d looked up, then, and smiled…and ah, what a smile, it was. Slightly crooked teeth, but wonderfully white. (Sharks could have white teeth too, Charlie reminded herself.) ‘Oh, hello,’ Jack Danvers had said vaguely. She noted that he was younger than she’d originally expected – not over thirty, certainly. ‘Would you mind getting me some coffee? Black, please, four sugars.’ Charlie blinked. Coffee? What was she, his bloody secretary? But he’d looked at her expectantly, and so Charlie, much to her chagrin, had left to get the coffee – black, with four sugars. What sort of pansy drank coffee with four sugars anyway?

When she returned, it was to find him still reading. Charlie cleared her throat, and he looked up. ‘Ah, thanks,’ he said, going back to his reading. ‘Just leave it there.’

Charlie did as ordered, and then stood for a moment, expectantly. A minute passed before she cleared her throat again. ‘Er…Mr Danvers?’

He looked up again. ‘Yes?’ his tone was polite, but impatient.

‘Er, well, you asked to see me. Sir.’ She had no idea why she’d tacked on that last part, but something about the situation seemed to call for it.

He seemed perplexed. ‘I’m sure I didn’t.’

‘You did,’ Charlie insisted, feeling a frisson of doubt run down her spine. Had the memo on her desk said three pm? She was sure it had…but if it hadn’t, she’d have made a colossal fool of herself…

‘Excuse me a moment,’ she blurted out, and dashed out of the room. Racing down the hall she’d skidded to a halt at her office, rushed inside and grabbed up the memo. ‘Aha!’ said Charlie, triumphantly. ‘It does say 3 pm!’ She was aware, quite suddenly, of the raised brows of several of her coworkers. ‘Oh,’ she said sheepishly. ‘Uh…I have a meeting at 3.’

‘Charlie,’ said Jenny-from-next-door, ‘You know it’s ten past now, don’t you?’

‘Oh,’ said Charlie. ‘Oh, yes.’ She half ran back to the office she’d been in a minute ago and held up the little slip of paper. ‘It was at three.’ she announced solemnly.

Jack Danvers blinked. ‘I beg your pardon?’

Shit, she thought. He proba
bly thinks I’m a lunatic. ‘Well, you wanted to see me at three, sir.’

‘Oh.’ He frowned, brows furrowing together. ‘Who are you again?’

‘Charlie Sands, Mr Danvers.’

His brow cleared immediately. ‘Oh!’ said he. ‘Oh, I see. But I thought Charlie Sands was a man.’ He paused. ‘You’re not a man.’

‘Er,’ said Charlie. ‘No, that’s right.’

‘Then you can’t be Charlie Sands.’

Charlie blinked. This was not at all how she’d expected the meeting to be going. ‘I assure you,’ she said, with a little embarrassed laugh. ‘I’m really not masquerading as him. Er, her. That is to say, me. My first name is really Charlotte, but I hate it, so everyone just calls me Charlie…’

‘Well that’s just ridiculous,’ said Mr Danvers. ‘Charlie is a man’s name. You’re not a man.’

‘Well, yes, I think we’ve established that,’ said Charlie, unable to resist.

‘Can’t have girls running around with men’s names.’ He ignored her comment. ‘Be awfully impractical. Cause mass confusion everywhere. See what happened today? No, it will not do at all. I shall call you Charlotte from now on, I think.’

Charlotte – that is to say, Charlie – stared at him in horror. ‘Sir…!’

‘In any case,’ said Jack Danvers, and she could have sworn there was a twinkle of something suspiciously close to amusement in his eyes. ‘I’m very pleased to meet you, Ms Sands. Jack Danvers, but please don’t call me that.’

‘Pardon? Don’t call you what?’

‘Jack Danvers,’ said he. ‘Much too big a mouthful, you know.’

Oh, yes. Regular comedian, that one.

‘Alright,’ Ed was saying beside her. ‘You didn’t overreact. What else is it about him that you don’t like? Coffee seems to be a bit too petty, even for you.’

‘He calls me Charlotte,’ said Charlie sulkily, ignoring the petty comment.

‘Oh, I see,’ said Ed, with a perfectly straight face. ‘How perfectly horrid of him.’

‘He is horrid!’ Charlie insisted. ‘He’s always criticizing me over the smallest things…and he rips my work to shreds.’

‘Well,’ her brother pointed out, ‘You know, as your editor that tends to be his job…’

‘But not that much! He’s meant to criticize, not demoralize completely.’

Ed patted her shoulder comfortingly. ‘I’m sure he’s just insecure at the moment. He’ll get better as he settles in.’

Charlie looked at him hopefully. ‘And if he doesn’t? Will you beat him up for me?’

‘Erm,’ said Ed, ‘Charlie, you know we’re not in grade school anymore…’

‘Well, yes,’ she sighed. ‘And I suppose what with you being gay now and all, I guess it wouldn’t really work either.’

‘Hey!’ protested Ed, somewhat affronted. ‘I haven’t suddenly turned into a queen, you know. I can still beat people up. Besides, I’ve always been gay.’

Charlie snickered. Her brother glowered. ‘What…’

She interrupted him. ‘We’re here!’ His sister, Ed thought, stepping out of the hired car behind her, was sounding entirely too cheerful for a straight woman about to spend a night in a gay bar.

* * *

Her high spirits, Charlie decided, downing her fourth shot of whiskey, earlier in the evening had been entirely inappropriate. There was a terrible, terrible irony about the fact that she was in a room filled with men, all of whom happened to be gay. The few women she’d spotted wandering around had all likely been gay, too. Her brother’s party, made up of mostly men (gay, she believed, since no self respecting straight men was going to be stepping into a gay bar, and really, where on earth had Ed found the time to be meeting all these gay people when she’d not even known about it until today?) had included only herself on one other female whom Ed, she believed, had thoughtfully invited along so she wouldn’t be lonely… It was entirely unfortunate, of course, that she’d hardly seen Cindy Jones of the DD cups since high school.

Charlie sighed. It was really not at all amusing to be sitting at a bar drinking while everyone else was dancing. But Charlie had never been one for dancing, let alone dancing alone…she really couldn’t see herself just marching into the pit and dancing. In any case, the noise and the music was beginning to grind on her nerves and she looked around for Ed to tell him she was leaving early. She did, after all, have an article to be finishing up for tomorrow.

There was a movement out of the corner of her eye which caught her interest and she turned to see a figure suspiciously resembling Jack Danvers take a seat at the bar, just around the corner from where she herself was seating. She stared for a moment in perplexity, then amusement. Well, so it turned out that her boss was gay…who’d have thought? Perhaps she shouldn’t have been surprised, though…today seemed to be a day when it seemed downright unfashionable not to be homosexual. He chose that moment to look up, and met her eyes. His jaw dropped, and an expression of horror crossed over his face – he glanced down, then before her puzzled eyes tripped out of his chair, half stumbling half running oddly towards the rear of the room.

A little grin curling her lips, Charlie decided to give chase.

She lurched slightly as she got to her feet. Hmm. Perhaps four shots hadn’t been so wise a choice. She didn’t process alcohol well and two was usually enough to get her tipsy, so four was probably pushing it a bit. She shook her head to clear it and started off through the crowd of people, stumbling occasionally but finally arriving at her destination, slightly confuzzled to see that he’d disappeared.

Ah, the restrooms. She made her way towards them, was halfway towards the men’s room when she stopped and rethought the wisdom of barging into a male toilet. Alright. Perhaps it hadn’t been as good an idea as she’d originally thought. She’d just stand here and wait for him to come back…then she’d…well. Charlie wasn’t sure exactly what she’d do when he emerged, but she’d deal with that when it came to it.

A door opened to her left and she turned her head slightly to see a woman with a very large bosom (did people even use that word anymore?) stepping out of the women’s restroom. The woman stopped a few feet short of where Charlie was standing and looked her up and down, a calculating expression on her face. Charlie looked away uncomfortably and pretended to be absorbed in a sign by the door advertising Super Fun Super Stretch Condoms, even as she was aware that the woman was coming rather close to invading her personal space. Yep, there was invasion of personal space right there. The cloying smell of her perfume filled Charlie’s nostrils.

‘Well hello there,’ purred the large-bosomed-lady, ‘What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here?’

Good lord, thought Charlie. I do believe she’s hitting on me. But why is she hitting on me? I’m not homosexually inclined in the least!

‘Erm,’ said Charlie. There was a pause. ‘Well, I, er…I…I really need to use the loo!’

Before the woman could blink, she was already dashing into the woman’s toilets.

* * *

‘Well,’ said Charlie. ‘I certainly didn’t expect to see you here.’

Jack Danvers, emerging from one of the cubicles, froze. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘Well,’ said Charlie. ‘This is a women’s restroom. Shouldn’t I be asking you that?’

He held out a furry bundle in his hand. ‘There was a ferret.’ He seemed to think was explanation enough.

‘Oh,’ said Charlie. ‘That’s nice.’ Then, ‘Why are you here?’

‘The ferret was in my pants.’

Charlie wrinkled her nose. ‘Ew.’

He glared at her. ‘Not like that!’

‘Well alright,’ said Charlie. ‘That still doesn’t explain, specifically, why you’re in a female toilet.’

‘Well I couldn’t go in the male ones,’ said Jack, looking at her like she was mad. ‘There are men in there.’

‘Er,’ said Charlie. ‘Well, that sometimes happens…’

‘Gay men,’ said Jack.

Charlie stared at him. ‘So?’

‘So, they might hit on me.’

Ignoring the illogical nature of that statement, Charlie said, somewhat questioningly, ‘But…isn’t that a good thing?’

Jack looked at her in horror. ‘Good lord woman,’ said he, aghast. ‘I’m not gay!’

‘Huh,’ said Charlie. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes,’ said Jack, very coldly. ‘Quite.’

Charlie, feeling a little dazed, leaned back against the wash sink and crossed her arms. ‘Well,’ she demanded, ‘If you aren’t gay, what are you doing in the ladies room of a gay bar with a ferret down your pants, huh?’

Jack stared at her. ‘I just told you!’

She shook her head. ‘Nuh uh. Don’t believe you.’

He sighed, looking towards the heavens as though to say, why me? When his eyes met hers again, there was something of a calculating glint in them. She didn’t think she liked that, and inched slightly away, hoping he didn’t notice the small movement. He did, and stepped a bit closer.

‘Hey,’ said Charlie. ‘You stay right where you are now.’

Jack raised a brow. ‘But why?’ he queried. ‘Surely you’ve nothing to fear from me, since I am gay and all…’

‘Well,’ Charlie spluttered, ‘Well…well, you might still be a crazy axe murderer!’

‘Hmm,’ said Jack, who was now standing close enough that Charlie’s personal space invasion alarms were screaming. Too close! Too close! ‘Then you’d be in a rather tricky situation, wouldn’t you…?’

‘I –’ said Charlie, suddenly cut off when he kissed her.

Kissed…was that even the word? His mouth was hard against hers, almost violent but not quite – almost painful but not just yet – that combination of fiercely possessive nips and soft, stroking lip touches. Her head spun, and she seemed to stop breathing…

Not altogether a wise decision, since the moment he pulled away to allow her to gasp in breath, she, somewhat still woozy, dazed, and short of breath, jerked backwards too. There was water on the ground, and the combination of slippery surfaces and pointed heels never being great for balance, Charlie found her feet flying out from under her, an undignified shriek escaping her lips, and then the rest of her smacking onto the ground in a singularly unflattering sprawl. She gave up – her head hurt, and it was far too tiring to keep her eyes open after that, and so fell into something of a faint.

When next she opened her eyes it was to find herself in a taxi with her head dangerously close to her Editor in Chief’s crotch. Whoa, thought Charlie, where on earth had that come from?

‘Huh,’ said Charlie, still somewhat drunk, ‘What’s going on?’

‘I’m taking you home,’ said Jack. ‘You’re drunk.’

‘Well duh,’ said Charlie. ‘Where’s my brother?’

‘I told him I’m taking you home. He’ll see you in the morning.’

‘Where’s your ferret?’

‘I left him with your brother. I’ll see him in the morning too.’

‘But you can’t take me home,’ she protested. ‘You don’t know where I live!’

‘Of course I do,’ said Jack, placidly. ‘I asked your brother.’

‘Huh,’ said Charlie. ‘Well, you can’t anyway.’

‘And why not?’

‘Because,’ said Charlie, ‘I’ve absolutely no intention of letting you set foot in my house. And if you take me home, it’s almost certain that you’ll expect to be invited in, and I have no intention of doing so. No, you simply cannot take me home, I’m afraid.’

He laughed at her. ‘And how do you intend to stop me? You’re not exactly in any state to stop me.’

‘I have a large butler,’ said Charlie. ‘His name is Harry. He is very burly and will certainly throw you out.’

‘Ah, well,’ he replied. ‘We’ll see, won’t we? Why don’t you go back to sleep now. I’ll wake you when we get there.’

* * *

Jack looked regretfully after the cab speeding away, and then back at the sleeping girl he had heaved over his shoulder. The driver hadn’t wanted to wait, and he supposed he could always call another after he disposed of Charlie. Staggering slightly under the weight of her, he lurched to the front door of her surprisingly large house. He struggled to fumble inside her purse for her keys, but the combination of keeping her there and finding her keys was too difficult and he lost his balance, tripping and falling against the door with something of a crash. He regained his balance with some difficulty, sighed and attempted key retrieval once again. He had more luck this time, but then realized that there was no way he was going to be able to pick the right one. He was resigned to having to put her down to find the right one when the door opened, quite suddenly.

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BOSS KI BIWI KI CHUDAI Hi mera naam Sahil hai. Main ahmedabad ka rehnae wala hun. Meri age 24 yrs hai,. And I M A CHOCOLATY guy. 5.6inc height and average body. Maine Gujarat university se graduation kayak hai. Aur computer hardware & networking bhi kaiya hai Main ab aap ko apni story suna ne jaa raha hun. Karib 2 mahine pehle mien ek advocate ke yahan job karta tha. High court mien advocate hain. Aura satellite mien uska ek office hai. Uska office mien sambhal tat ha. Sirf mien akela hi...

4 years ago
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Boss fucking the wife

When I know I work for your dad and I'm the older than you and all but she will see things that you never ever ever thought about doing her but everything put into a position to learn how to do she looking at me all Dazed and Confused into that you know I'm only 25 right reply. Yeah I do know that you know I'm married to who I also no I did not and you know my dad is a good friend of yours also yeah yeah he's a good business partner one you lost your step dad and your mom your mom getting...

4 years ago
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Boss Ki Biwi Ki Chut Aur Mera Lund

Hello friends me hu raj.Mera age he20 years me dikhne me thoda short hu par fair nd handsome hu.Aur sex ne export hu.Chod chod k bahat maza deta hu jo v mujhse chudwati he.Andhra pradesh aur odisha me khas kar k visakhapatnam me koi aunty aur bhabi ya girl mujhse chudna chahti ho to mere collage me girls and boys mujhe romio bulate the.College k time bahat sari ladkiyan mejh pe marti thi par us time thoda sahas nhi ta isliye me sex kar nhi paya.Jab mera inter kgatm hua tavi me b.Sc distance me...

1 year ago
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Boss Ki Beti Ko Hotel Me Lejakar Choda

Hi friends, mera nam ravi . me gujrat ke badoda saher me rehta hu. aaj me apako ek sachchi kahani batane ja raha hoo jo kariban 6 mahine pehale ki he. Me ek company me job karta hoo aur mere boss mere kam se kafi satisfied the isaliye office me boss ka favourite me hi tha. Ek din boss ne mujhe apne ghar par dinner ke liye bulaya. Me unke ghar gaya. Boss ne mujhe apani family se introduction karvaya. Unki family me sirf 4 log the boss, boss ki bibi, 0r do betiya. Boss ki beti ka nam neha tha jo...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

Hello Readers I’m Abhishek, This Is My Second Story for Readers and I want your Feedback after Reading My Story On . In This Story I Use Mixed Language Hindi and English. Ye Story Meri aur mere boss ki biwi ke sex ki story hai. Padhai Complete Karne ke baad Maine eq Computer center me computer teaching ka kaam karna suru kiya. Wo company Govt. ke kaam kaaj karti thi aur aadivasi area me school student ko computer teaching ka kaam karti thi aur is kaam ka payments Govt ki Taraf se hi aata tha....

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Boss ke Husband ki Seal todi

Hello friends how are you? Anuj here.. asha hai aap sabhi lfe enjoy kar rahe honge. Me aaj apake sath mera ek aur experience share karana chahata hun. Me bata du, mera naam Anuj hai aur age 25 , meri height 5’11 hai aur gym toned body hai, fair and white skin hai. Me bi sexual hun muje ladakiya aur ladake dono pasand hai… Ye 2 mahine pahele ki bat hai, meri lady bose aur usake husband ke sath travel karana pada tha.. bich me meri boss ko urgent Delhi jana pada to vo hamare journey adhura chhod...

3 years ago
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Boss Called Me Good Girl

All the friends and colleagues called me the shorten name of Nelu instead of Nelumini. It became my pet name as well as popular among others. I got my first appointment as a secretary in private sector firm. Lot of happy memories gathered in my life since my first appointment. Meanwhile, I had to give resignation to my first job at age 29 for better prospectus of the future. I was sure my experience and qualifications would help me to find better place. While I was seeking a new job, I applied...

4 years ago
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Boss ki wife ko valsad me choda

Hi, dosto kaise hai mara name rahul hai, maine bahaut sari storie read ki hai and i enjoyed now. Is tarike se mane socha ki kyo na maibhi apni ap biti sunau aur apni stories ap logoke bich rakhu. Main umar 30 years hai meri sadi ho chuki hai ek ladka hai. Abme apni storie batata hu ye storie 6 sal pehlen ki hai mai apne saher valsad (gujarat) me rehta hu aur vahi par ek c a ke firm me kam karta tha apne office sttaf me ek senior tha mere office joint karne ke 4 month ke bad us ne job chho diya...

4 years ago
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Boss Ki Zamin Kharidne Ke Liye Mera Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad. I am Gujarati, I am 25 years old. Please share your feedbacks at [email protected] or on Facebook parulparikh4uall. Let me describe about myself. I have done MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 5 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36-28-38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. Ye incident kuch iss tarah hua. Main ek company mein as sales and HR ka department sambhalti hu. Ek din mere boss Mr Ajit...

4 years ago
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Boss Unknowingly Sucks His Subordinates

My name is Jacob, and my wife, Olivia, and I live in Brentwood, Tennessee, an affluent suburb of Nashville. I’m a senior state official working in the Tennessee State Capitol area, and at the time this story began, I was fifty-two years old and Olivia was fifty.Olivia and I met after college, and we have had a wonderful marriage, raising a son and a daughter who are now out on their own. We had a great sex life too, at least until Olivia became premenopausal and lost interest in sex of any...

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Boss Lady

The job was interesting only the boss was difficult. She required Jim to work late on reports which she took the credit for when sending them to head office. He knew his time would come but when it did he was surprised how bizarre and complete his revenge was. As usual Mary informed him of a meeting with clients at the last minute on a Friday afternoon. She would pick him up at the tube station near the restaurant so all he had to do was go home and change. Luckily he had a change of clothing...

3 years ago
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Boss fuck me

I Saba from Karachi, never expected this would happen in my life my husband and me are married for 4 years with one year kid, I am very beautiful and sexy too my husband always says that I grab his friends attentions and we both are satisfied with our sexual life it was the occasion of my son’s first year birth day so we invited all our friends and my husbands colleagues and after the party everybody were departed except my husband’s boss the maid cleaned everything and she too left but my...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

The door popped open as the shapely blonde and the handsome stud approached the car. The spaghetti straps of her little black dress were challenged by her full bust, and the hemline showed more of her legs than if she were wearing his white shirt. That shirt was half unbuttoned and his tie draped loosely as she had started undressing him before they left the club. She dove inside and he followed. An older, smaller limousine, the seats formed an “L”, with the forward-facing seat at the back...

2 years ago
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Boss trap

I decided to start my day by meeting my colleagues. And they were a not only a big disappointment- they were a shock! The first one, Khanna, after barely five minutes of introduction, asked if my wife was very beautiful. I was not prepared for this question and fumbled for a response before uttering “well she is not bad looking….” and to make the conversation lighter once again, added, “but any way beauty lies in the eyes of beholder” Khanna acidly retorted, “ and the boss has those...

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Boss wife

Hi folks, this is sheik again. first of all hope you have had a nice fucking new year. today i am going to tell you my real sex encounter with my boss fact we work in the same company.we are currently woking with six staffs.there are my boss,his wife and four other boss wife’s name is reema and she is about 38 yrs old.she is not so sexy and she never wears revealing clothes.she is fair and medium sized body. I don’t know why but these last few months,i really wanted to fuck...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

Title: Boss Lady Author: Euryleia Rider Contact: Codes: F/f, D/s, humiliationSynopsis: An innocent is turned into an obedient toy for her boss.Boss LadyChapter One Vivian DeArmoud admired the play of light on the bright red polish of her fingernails as they flew over the keyboard. She was really beginning to enjoy this temporary assignment. The law firm of Morris, Lankford, and Emes LLP had a number of amenities for the hired help, including ergonomically designed...

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Boss takes over my wife

Disclaimer: This story and all characters are fiction. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral and i*****l, and not condoned by the author. All characters are over eighteen.Our lawyer told me it was all legal, what they did. My company denied my pre-surgical claim on my son's heart surgery, simply because they said it was too expensive. That was it. The insurance company said that the owner of my private company denied the claim, and Vance, my Human Resources director, confirmed it....

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Boss8217s Daughter Proved Her Sexual Skills

Hi sexy boys and hot girls. I m a great fan of the stories here and have read almost each and every story on this site and have shared many of my experiences with you all. This incident took place few years back when I got a job in a private firm in Hyderabad and joined as an executive which was my first job. My boss was a US returned guy, very decent guy from whom I got the inspiration to migrate to US for career opportunity and reap the benefits in the future here which I did later. He was...

2 years ago
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Boss aur maid ki chudai

Hi all, this is Raj from Delhi, I’m a regular to ISS and thought now its time to share my experience with you all. The incidence happened on 11th August 2006, I’m working with an MNC and have a lady boss of age 49years, she is a divorcee and staying with her children, suddenly at 530 pm in the evening , she fell sick, the whole staff gathered around her, we called at her house and found that only a maid was available, so it was decided to take her to hospital, myself and one of our colleague...

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boss fuck his engaged secretary Part A

Please note that any non-consensual sex - in reality - is not ok. Your comments are welcome. She was working in the company more than 10 years. She was 34 but looked a lot younger. She looked 10 years younger. Most of her co-workers made her no more than 22. She was working as secretary for her boss. Her boss was a man of gym. He liked to go to gym. He was a fit man. She liked gym, too. She was fit. She was not very tall about 1.64cm. But she was very beautiful. She had very beautiful...

4 years ago
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Bossed Into Panties

Thanks for your many suggestions and requests, some of which have been included, so keep them coming. I just hope the next story won't take as long as this one did to write! Bossed Into Panties - Part 1 Introduction In the late 1980's, the UK was once again gripped by the effects of a recession. Companies were going bust, unemployment queues were lengthening, and downsizing was becoming the norm. This is the background to a story, that illustrates what people...

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Bossed Into Panties Part 7

Bossed into panties - Part 7 Apologies for taking so long to write the final part of this story. For those that have completely forgotten what it was all about... a short synopsis: BACKGROUND: In the late 1980's, the UK was once again gripped by the effects of a recession. Companies were going bust, unemployment queues were lengthening, and downsizing was becoming the norm. This is the background to a story that illustrates what people are prepared to do to hold on to their jobs...

2 years ago
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Ross looked at the torn-out magazine page tacked onto the wall of his cubicle. In the picture, a man lounged in a reclining with a drink in his hand. A bikini-clad woman, who looked a little like Carmen Electra, leaned against a palm tree and gazed blissfully at the man. The headline across the top said, "Palm Resort and Spa -- The Sexiest Singles' Scene on the Beach"Ross sighed."One more day," he whispered to himself.He had the next morning all planned out. His alarm would ring at 5:30 a.m....

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Boss I Nailed Your Wife 8211 Part 3

The rain and alcohol brought my hidden desires into reality. As my boss’s sexy wife’s ass caressed on my bulged cock, I extended my arms to reach out to her. I still couldn’t believe the things happening. I still doubted that this was happening. My boss’s wife didn’t find what she was searching for and resumed cooking. I moved behind her almost within her reach. I could see her hands shivering. I noticed that the stove was already off. She was waiting for me to make the move. She clasped the...

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Boss Er Cheley Ar Amar Maa

Hello friends aj ami apnader amar maa key amar boss er chele ki bhabey chudlo sei ghotonar sonabo Ami je office e job kori seta akta multinational company sekhaney ami senior project manager,bhalo salary pai hay kaj er chap achey office e amar bhalo sunam achey as a good employee Ta jai hok asol golpey asajak,amader company akta khub boro contact pai er seta within deadline ses korey prochur profit korey to sei anondey boss akta party throw korey,as a senior project manager ami o sekhaney...

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Boss Ki Seva Mein 8211 Part 1

Hello Doston Main ek 30 yrs ka average looking slightly chubby banda hoon. Meri gaand aur boobs achhe se ubhare hue hain. Mein pune mein software company me kaam karta hoon aur ab hasi khusi mere boss ki seva mein apna jeevan bita raha hoon. Lekin hamesha meri life aisi nahi thi. Mein ek sincere student tha aur college mein jyada sex k bare mein sochta nahi tha. Mere bade boobs ko dekhkar majak me ladke unhe dabaate the aur mein jyada dhyan nahi deta tha. College k last yr mein campus interview...

4 years ago
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Boss Ki Wife Ka Dukh Dur Kiya

Hi Prem once again with new story is story mai kaise ek employ ne apne boss ki wife ko chudwaya mai uska byan karne ja raha hu mera ek dost hai raj wo ek private company mai kaam karta hai wo bada mehnanti hai aur har dost ki madad karta hai uski kai interview ke baad job lagi thi kaam ke prati wo bada mehnanti hai jab se uski nokari lagi tab se usne apne kaam se sabko achambhit kar diya aur nai nai unchaiyo ko chuaa ek din uske office mai kuch udgatan tha ek naya unka plant khul raha tha...

1 year ago
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Boss Called Me Good Girl

All the friends and colleagues called me the shorten name of Nelu instead of Nelumini. It became my pet name as well as popular among others. I got my first appointment as a secretary in private sector firm. Lot of happy memories gathered in my life since my first appointment. Meanwhile, I had to give resignation to my first job at age 29 for better prospectus of the future. I was sure my experience and qualifications would help me to find better place. While I was seeking a new job, I applied...

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Bosses Bull Becoming His Master

Hi all, , this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It was an usual office day, I started working in a manufacturing company as general manager, reporting to the owner, the md of the office, my boss was a very strict man, who expected lot from his employees, he was strict on schedule, money, he was an upright man, who made his empire on his own, he is close to 50 years...

2 years ago
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Bossed Into Panties Part 4

Bossed into panties - Part 4 Chapter 12: Fancy dress surprise With a week to go before Christmas, and two weeks before Peter and Debbie's wedding, everyone was talking about the company's annual party. This year it had been decided to make it fancy dress and each department had chosen their own theme. Peter's department had agreed they would go as 'Vicars and Tarts'. Peter himself had other things to think about and just let the girls get on with it, but at the...

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Bossed Into Panties Part 6

Bossed into panties - Part 6 Chapter 18 Honeymoon cuckolding It was a long journey through the night to the Caribbean. Debbie, travelling with Henry instead of her husband Peter, finally reached the hotel and collapsed into bed around lunchtime. Whether it was the jet lag, the shock of the events of the last twelve hours, or Henry's constant attention, Debbie couldn't sleep. She stood staring out of the open window, admiring the beautiful blue ocean and the fine sandy private...

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Boss Seduces the Voluptuous Wife of a Clueless Husband

My name is Thomas, but people call me Tom, and I am the owner of a medium-sized, high-tech company located in the Raleigh-Durham area, in The Research Triangle of North Carolina. I was forty-two years old at the time of this story and happily married, to my wife, Megan, but I also became sexually attracted to Jennifer, my marketing director, who was thirty at the time.Jennifer, who everyone call Jen, is a lusciously sexy and beautiful woman who I think looks a lot like the sultry, Italian...

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Boss And his friends fuck mt wife

Your boss invited you and your wife to a party at his mansion. When you arrived you knew something was wrong. He walked out into the foyer to greet you and said that he had a proposition for you.As we walked in I could see 5 other men in the living room, where rope was dangling from the ceiling. “Lets be honest,” he said with a grin. “This isn’t a party that you’re going to enjoy. My proposition to you is that you let, myself and my friends here, tie up your beautiful wife and take turns...

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Bosss Daughter

Since this is a true story and I want to keep my job I changed names to protect my ass...everything else is accurate. I work for a large company in Austin and my Boss is a really big asshole but I love what I do so I put up with her. Last year I decided to have a small party out at my house and decided to invite my Boss and her family to attend. Now I didn't think they would attend but to my surprise she came out and brought her husband and daughter with her. Her husband was a nice enough...

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Boss Ki Khubsoorat Biwi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto I m jay jani from Gujarat, meri age 25 year hai or mai ek business person hu, mere land ki size 6.5’’ lamba or 2’’ mota hai. meri height 5ft 7’’ hai. mari body athletic type hai. dikhne mai handsome hu. Agar koi ladki bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar shakti hai. mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai jab mai padhai khatam karke ek chhoti company mai job karta tha. ummid karta hu ki apko yeh story bahut achhi lagegi. Comment karna mat bhulna Yeh...

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Boss Ki Seva Mein 8211 Part 2

Hi Doston, Mera boss, Sateesh sir 39 yrs ka brown complexion wala banda tha, uska pet thoda bada tha aur thick mustache thi aur uska 8″ ka tagda lauda tha. Ab tak, mere boss Sateesh sir ne mujhse apna lauda chuswaya, apni gaand saaf karwai aur apna cum pila diya tha. Aur yeh sab karne ke baad mera saara disgust jaa chuka tha. Mujhe laga main ab puri randi banne ko taiyar ho gaya tha. Itne me hi Ritesh aur driver dono ek chaddar lekar aaye aur jameen pe bichha di. Sateesh jhadne k baad thoda...

1 year ago
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Boss Lady

Boss Lady by Tim Roberts Diane was the first female supervisor I had ever had. The first day she arrivedin the office I was stunned by how beautiful she was; early 30's, long brownhair and brown eyes, about 5'6", and slender with a great build. Yes, she wastruly very pretty. But what really turned me on was the way she dressed andhow she handled herself in the office. She managed to do a real good job oflooking business-like and sexy at the same time, wearing suits but with thedress cut short...

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Boss ki biwi ke sath sex ka maja 2

Hi dear friend apki mail mili read karke bohat accha laga mujhe to ummid bhi nahi thii ki ap lagon ka response mujhe milega well dear iss reader friend jaisa ki apko pata hai main boss ki biwi ke sath shopping karne gaya baad main hum ghar aye or chudai ki or phir raat ka khane chale gaye to main ab ap sabhi ko khana khane ke baad ki story bata ta hun or haan kuch log ese bhi hain jo meri story ki nakal karte hain so plz ap un logon ki story ko kooi response na dain ok haan to main ab ap ko...

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Bossed Into Panties Part 3

Bossed into panties - Part 3 Chapter 8: Maid in trouble With recent events praying heavily on his mind, Peter drove to Lucy's house in a bit of a daze, barely noticing the journey. He really didn't want to go but he knew there'd be trouble if he didn't, and right now he couldn't see any easy way out of their blackmailing antics. Lucy opened the front door and beckoned him in. "Good, you're on time. Come on then, don't be shy. My parents are out for the evening so we won't be...

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Bossed Into Panties Part 2

Bossed Into Panties - Part 2 Chapter 3: A try-on at Debbie's Peter spent most weekends with his fianc?e, Debbie, and this one was no exception. He showered and drove over to her place as planned, hoping to forget all about the office, and all the unpleasant things that were going on in his life. He wanted to try and put recent events behind him and return to normal. Being Saturday, the traffic was heavy and he arrived a little late, just as Debbie was about to leave for a...

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Bossed Into Panties Part 5

Bossed into panties - Part 5 Chapter 14 The Big Day At long last, Peter and Debbie's wedding day had arrived. The sun was out and it was a bright, crisp morning, if a little breezy. Peter and his best man Tim, had spent most of the previous night drinking and talking about old times and after a couple of hours sleep were rushing to get ready. Peter was cursing as he struggled with his kilt when the doorbell rang. "OK, I'll get it" Tim announced and ran downstairs to open the...

3 years ago
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Boss Me Part One

I was taking quick peaks over my shoulders in each direction outside my cubicle walls between feverish strokes of makeup that I hadn't had time to apply before I left my apartment this morning. Another late night had left me short on sleep and thus short on time.Once I realized I'd turned off my alarm in a half-asleep still-buzzed daze, it was a mad dash to spray my wild wavy locks with dry shampoo and run fingers through the tangles, pulling on my already sore scalp. From my closet, I dug out...


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