Anger Ch. 02 free porn video

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Anger Chapter 2 – Destruction, Redemption, Grace.

Author’s Note: First, I appreciate the support and the suggestions. Let me know if you are still confused about who is speaking. Second, don’t forget to let me know what you think. Third, I hope you enjoy the story.

‘Do whatever you want to me, I won’t say my word.’ I nod my head thinking about the world inside those words.

I lay Jane on my bed and sit atop her stomach with my hands on her wrists looking into her eyes. I’m careful not to put too much weight on her as she’s still winded from her exertions.

The sun has set and the moon shines silver light in the room through blinds over the bed. Colors fade in the ghostly light.

I wait for her to catch her breath. It appears she’s willing to suffer some indignities, but the defiance in her eyes tells me she plans on winning the contest. Honestly, that’s not my concern, what I’m playing for is entirely different.

Her breathing slows and we’ve been silently staring each other down for minutes. Breaking the silence she says,

‘You finally got me in your bed. This is where I wanted to be in the first place.’

‘Yeah bullshit, you never wanted to be here.’

‘It’s just one more of those loathsome tasks grown-ups have to do.’ she scrutinizes me, intensely watching for reactions.

‘It’s not about me at all, it’s how you got here.’

‘You’re right, you’re a small man playing a small part.’ I consciously don’t react to her jibes. I don’t want to arm her.

‘What do you think about a man who asks his future wife to fuck a stranger to assuage his guilt?’

‘Don’t bring him into it. He’s ten times the man you’ll ever be. He’s an important man with a future. He’s responsible for hundreds of people. They look up to him and depend on him, while you hide alone in your house. Nobody depends on you.’

She reveals a problem with the loner trick. Clever opponents find new and excruciating ways to recycle the same ammunition. I must have frowned, because she becomes encouraged by my reaction. She continues, ‘If you die tomorrow would anyone care? Would anyone’s life be significantly changed? You can be easily overlooked while he’s a mover and a shaker… I’d rather be his whore than your wife.’

I can’t look at that bitch anymore, I turn away. My mouth clamps while I squeeze her wrists painfully. That woman knows how to push my buttons. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I relax my grip.

There is truth in what she says and I have to accept it. I growl at her, it’s the only way to make speech.

‘You are right. If I die tomorrow, nobody will attend my funeral. I will pass from the Earth leaving nothing behind, not even grief.’ My chest aches, but I’m still standing. And now it’s my turn.

I open my eyes. She tugs trying to free her arms. Her eyes are glassy with emotion and I sense growing fear. I have a flash of insight, imagining her important powerful man agreeing to this solution, and I use it,

‘So you caught them in the act?’ She doesn’t need to answer, I see it in her eyes.

‘He pounded that bitch with gusto, didn’t he?’ She screams back,

‘SHUT UP!’ Her reaction confirms what I suspected, so I prod her in anger.

‘He doesn’t fuck YOU like that…’

‘STOP IT!’ Anger and fear radiate from her eyes.

‘Those infrequent times you do fuck, he’s preoccupied, but with her…’

‘You bastard.’ She whispers and tries to turn away but I move up. I sit on her chest, my legs pin her arms, and with hands on either side of her face I force her to look at me.

‘Your hurt and anger won’t go away. All your bitchin’ and moanin’ inconveniences him, so he doesn’t mind you going out for a little mindless fucking as long as you return ready to play the role you’re perfect for – to be his wife. You know he won’t want for action, women will throw themselves at him.’ Tears leak from the corners of her eyes and wet my hands.

I continue venting my anger,

‘But that’s not what makes you angry.’ She yells,

‘ISN’T THAT ENOUGH,’ and sobs. I respond as contemptuously as possible,

‘You’re gonna marry him anyway. You surrendered. You won’t fight for your happiness and now you’re gonna get what you richly deserve.’ She moans in despair,

‘I love him.’

Jane’s face twists with grief, it’s like looking into an open wound. Powerful wracking sobs shake the bed, giving voice to her agony. It’s painful to watch, but I can’t look away. In anger I carefully dug up the source of her anguish and now in penance, I need to watch every moment.

I was pitifully ignorant of the depth of her pain. I’ve never understood Jane’s kind of courage. I’ve done activities, for fun, that could freeze other men in terror, but Jane shames me. She gave her heart to the whims and weaknesses of another. How could she do such a thing? How could she risk so much? How could she give something so precious to his care?

I envy her, her daunting courage and I wonder, had she given her heart to me, if I could keep such a gift cherished and safe. Watching her suffer, it appears as deceptively easy as breathing.

A powerful wave of tenderness washes over me. I want to make things right, I want to soothe her. She tries to jerk her arms free, she’s embarrassed about her outburst and her messy face. She stops struggling and looks at me. I sense her arriving at a decision I don’t want. I plead with her,

‘Please don’t say it, Jane.’ She looks at me confused.

I grab one of my pillows and shuck it from the case. With the pillowcase I carefully wipe her runny nose.

‘Blow.’ She blows through her nose while I pinch and release, clearing her nostrils. I fold the pillowcase and wipe the tears away with a clean patch. When I’m finished, I toss the pillowcase on the floor. Through this process she quietly studies me.

I move back off her chest to her stomach with her wrists in my hands.

‘You’re the meanest man I ever met.’ My first thought is the childish one, ‘you were mean first,’ but I let that reply dissipate, instead,

‘Yeah…’ I say resignedly nodding my head. I continue, ‘I didn’t understand…I didn’t realize the depth…how bad it would hurt you… I am sorry Jane.’

‘Is that the reason for your kindness, to assuage your guilt?’ I don’t fail to notice she uses the same term I used for her fiancé.

‘No, not really.’

‘So what are your selfish goals?’

‘One, I cleaned you up, so I don’t have to release you, and two, simple gestures can go a long way toward healing.’

‘You want to heal me?’


‘Why?’ There’s only one answer that will do, but it reveals so much. I bend towards her and press my lips to hers. I lift, separating from her, giving her a chance to reject me, but she doesn’t move.

I press my lips to hers again my mouth slightly open, tentatively touching her lips with my tongue, mentally begging her to let me in. She opens and I slide my tongue into her mouth. She doesn’t respond in the least. I pull back and look into her eyes. She’s glaring at me.

‘Is that the best you can do?’ I ask gently.

‘I don’t feel anything for you,’ she chides.

‘Do you have to use every opportunity to hurt me?’ I ask angrily. I release her and crawl off the bed. She watches me with curiosity, following me off the bed. In frustration I continue,

‘Jane, I know I said I’d fuck you, but I can’t.’ She grins through red-rimmed eyes.

‘Peter Pan you need to leave Neverland more often.’

‘Yeah, I try, but that Captain Hook bastard’s got Wendy.’ I say sarcastically. She replies with that maddening grin,

‘You can’t fuck?’ She missed my meaning entirely. I angrily spill out,

‘Of course I can fuck, fucking is all I ever do. I can’t just stick my dick in you.’ I divulged quite a bit more than intended. I feel myself flush compounding the

She leans into me, her warm skin on mine. Her hand slides up my spine and squeezes the back of my neck releasing my tension in a flood. My head falls toward her face angled up to me with parted lips. Our lips meet and she draws my tongue into her warm and welcoming mouth with gentle pressure. I groan in delight. I explore with my tongue, eager to know everything about her.

My senses are filled with her. The image of her soft eyed gaze, fills my mind, her sounds of desire fill my ears, I feel her warm breath on my cheek, I taste her on my lips, her scent is in my nostrils, her heat fills my scrotum and my penis rises for her. I am hers.

‘Oh, Jane.’

‘It’s Emily.’

Her mouth on mine, she drags her nails provocatively down my back. I’m kissing her neck, her hair tickles my cheek I crush her to me possessively, her hand in my hair grasping for purchase but it’s too short.

I push her shoulders and she falls into my bed with a gasp and lies still. I untie my damp bathing suit and slowly drop it. She keeps focus on my eyes, trying not to look lower, trying to hide her natural curiosity, but she can’t hide a growing blush.

I pause watching her lovely form in the silver light. Bands of moonlight bind and accentuate her smooth living curves, the way a striped blouse stretched over proud breasts makes them so desirable.

As I watch, I think about our situation. In light of recent events, Emily must be questioning her sex appeal and needs to know how I want her. I can accomplish this by exposing my naked carnal lust. A wide smile stretches across my face, it’s time to find the joy! I yell,

‘WOO HOO!’ and leap into bed, bouncing her, her face a caricature of shock, with eyes wide and mouth open in an O.

My hands slide up her outer thighs, fingers hooking into her bathing suit bottom.

‘This must go!’ I growl and yank it down while Emily yelps. I stare at her cute little pussy topped with soft black curls.

‘Oh Hello darlin” I purr at her exposed sex. In a flash, I spread her legs and like a dog lapping water, lick the length of her lips. She screams and jerks to sitting. I only notice the swells of her breasts rushing toward my face.

‘Off, Off, Off’ I yell at that hateful top, grasping to find purchase. I slide it up,

‘Arms up,’ off comes her top. I momentarily pause, hypnotized while her breasts bounce and sway to rest.

‘Mmmm,’ I grin like a fool.

‘Men!’ She says without spite. I push her down flat on the bed, her nickel sized cinnamon areole trace a circle and settle.

I lie down on her, my head between her breasts. My bare skin presses hers, the warmth soothes and excites at the same time. The feeling is so gratifying, I pause to enjoy it. I press my ear to her chest. I can hear her breathing. Inhale… exhale.

I am reminded of the ocean. I close my eyes and relax, listening to Emily’s heartbeat. I listen to her living reality so close to mine.

She’s been separated from me all my life playing, fighting, loving, working, a world away, but now she’s in my bed. It’s so unlikely, her being naked underneath me – so close to me yet, I long to be closer still.

I slide hands up over her hips, to her slender waist. I squeeze and continue up her sides until I feel the softer flesh of her breasts. I lazily circle her nipples with my fingertips, relishing the sensations. I wrap my hands around her breasts and squeeze. I am abundantly aware of my calloused hands, they seem so crude and oafish handling the softest flesh so warm and close to her heart.

Her nipples are the center of circles made by my hands. I flick her nipple with my tongue and suck it into my mouth. I suck and squeeze… suck and squeeze… suck and squeeze harder and harder – milking her. Her nipple turns deliciously hard in my mouth.

I lightly press her areole between my teeth. I pull gently distending her breast as she sucks in air and holds it, tensing while her hands clutch the sheet. She rocks her hips into me. She exhales a shuddering breath -‘Ahhhh.’ I release her and blow on her hard wet nipple.

I roll her over and grasp the firm lobes of her bottom in both hands, thumbs along her crack.

‘Oh, Emily you have a magnificent ASS!’ I say with longing, spreading her cheeks. I admire her delicate sphincter, a sepia bloom between the gracefully curving flesh of her buttocks. I say to myself,

‘I’d follow you anywhere.’ It takes a moment then she giggles. The sound is so unexpected, it’s like nothing I’ve heard from her, a playful girlish sound that lifts me skyward.

I wet kiss a round lobe squeezed in my hand and lick her ass in long strokes, lick… lick… bite.

‘Owwwww. What are you doing?’ She asks, outraged.

‘Enjoying you, now be still.’

‘Just remember, I’m going to enjoy you in a minute.’

I kiss her round cheek where I bit in an attempt to make it better. I kiss her coccyx and on up her spine. With my face in her fragrant hair I lie on her with my penis carefully positioned along her crevice. With my weight fully on her I slide my hands along her outstretched arms. I interlock my fingers with hers and squeeze.

‘You’ve been wanting to do that since we wrestled.’ I hear the smile in her voice. She arches her back pressing her bottom into my restless cock.

‘Ohhh’ I groan and rock my hips forward and back slowly sliding my penis along her crevice. She arches in time with my thrusting, my cock hardens wondrously. I roll off her rock hard.

And she rolls on. She straddles me and leans forward for a kiss. Her beautiful black hair falls around my face curtaining us off from the rest of the world. In our newfound secret place of intimacy, I joyously welcome her tongue into my mouth, inviting her to explore me. I thirst to show her who I am.

She kisses down my chest, tongue swirling as she goes lower and lower. I groan as she bypasses my cock. One warm hand gently cups my scrotum, I am shocked, I can feel my face flush. I tense with mistrust. I don’t like to be handled this way, I feel too vulnerable.

‘No,’ I say rising to my elbows. She watches me without moving, her hand feels exceedingly good – so exquisitely warm and gentle.

‘I’d never hurt you like that,’ she guesses my misgivings. I look into her earnest, lovely blue eyes and I want to believe. I’ve always stopped this type of handling, but I want to risk with her. I want to show her trust. I roll back down to the mattress and close my eyes. I breathe deeply, trying to relax – waiting for doom or salvation.

She squeezes softly, and then I feel her lips, her tongue kissing and licking. She gently takes one of my testicles into her warm wet mouth. Delicious waves of arousal flow from this neglected part of my body. I laugh with joy at this discovery, I feel like such a fool, but a fool whose ignorance has been lifted.

Starting at the base of my shaft she wet kisses upward, topping it by licking my head. Her warm hand grasps the base of my cock and she takes me into her luscious mouth. Her lips slide down my penis, a hot wet elastic ring moving slowly up and down my throbbing shaft. Her tongue a swirling delight. She bobs her head out of time – a thrilling to make my nipples tingle.

I can’t go on like this and avoid an eruption of semen. I slide my fingers into her hair and gently push her off my painfully erect penis. She smiles at me, silently saying ‘I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.’ I smile back in appreciation.

Hungry to taste her, I position her on the bed, lay her down. I squeeze her mid-thigh sliding my thumbs down the inside and lightly brush her outer lips, returning to start. I repeat the circuit as her legs spread slightly and she rolls her hips forward a little.

Soon I am tracing her vulva, lightly dragging my fingers around her lips and just above her clitoris. I circle and swirl around her clit. Her breathing quickens, she rocks forward when my f
ingers approach her clit.

I bend and kiss her navel, tonguing it. I move down across her warm sensitive skin, kissing and licking. Her scent fills my nostrils. I lightly pinch her lips and silkily slide up and down in her lubrication. I flick her clit with my tongue. Her hands rub my head in encouragement.

I press my open mouth over her vulva. While my middle finger slides barely into her opening. In and out, deeper and deeper. I am awed at being this intimate with such a woman.

‘Mmmmmm.’ I groan into her pussy.

I drive my finger in deep and find the ridges of her g-spot. I stroke her lightly while kissing and sucking around her clit. I stimulate gently and patiently wait for her to demand from me. Her grip tightens on my head. She moans softly. I lift my face slightly and she rolls her hips to me to keep contact, her eyes full of need.

I’ve teased her enough. I come down hard. I lap her clit like I’m starving for her. I growl into her and shake my head, her hands desperately grasp, guiding me to her joy. She spreads wide for me saying,

‘Yes, Yes.’ She grinds her soaking pussy into me and starts to spasm.

She screams and shudders. She closes her legs like a vice.

‘No’ I hear her muffled scream, muffled by the flesh of her legs crushing my head. She pushes at my forehead, trying to force my retreat. Her vaginal muscles contract on my finger exquisitely. I ache to feel it on my cock.

I ease up but don’t let her go. I softly stimulate, sending shudders of joy through her. Over time the severity lessens and finally she relaxes enough to release me.

I pull back and look at the job I’ve done. I turned her cute little pussy into a swollen drooling, cock-hungry cunt – a job well done. She breathes heavily, beads of sweat pepper her face.

I have to feed her hungry pussy – my cock aches with desire. Naked lust has claimed me, I tremble with need. Her eyes are wild with passion when she looks into mine. I know she knows I’ve crossed over the line and that she’s the object of my towering lust. I come for her.

She challenges, ‘Take me!’ and I am freed. Two words from her and centuries of social refinement are powerfully swept away, giving reign to the primitive. I surrender to a drive as ancient as life.

She rolls over and tries to crawl away. I lunge grasping her hips and yanking her back to me. My right arm wraps around her and hugs her tightly to me, while my left guides my throbbing cock into her doggie style.

I savagely thrust all the way in her dripping cunt and shudder at being completely surrounded by her slippery heat. She gasps and arches her back, wantonly positioning herself for use. And I shamelessly use her. I pump her to fulfill my dire need. I rock into her and roll back out, growling as our bodies slap together.

I release my grip to grasp her hips for deeper penetration and she crawls away. I grab her foot and twist, rolling her over on her back. I grasp her behind the knees and drag her to me.

Emily blazes at me with reckless lusting eyes and says,

‘I’m yours.’ My guile and misdirection went out with the centuries of social refinement and I’m completely exposed. I exhale like I’ve been holding my breath my entire life. Heat radiates from my chest and my face tingles with it. Compelled by emotion, I gratefully kiss her deeply. It’s frightening how she can move me so effortlessly.

I only want her more, I guide myself into her, driving for her center. My thrusting is getting frantic. My reason is gone, I just drive to get further inside, to immerse myself in her more completely. I burn for more, I thrust deeper. She grasps my ass and pulls me into her.

She closes her eyes and moans with approaching climax. Hair clings to her sweaty face, she breathes heavily with mouth open. I feel her powerful contractions tightening on me. She can’t be denied.

I slow to deep powerful thrusts as I release my seed deep in her. Everything goes white in a sensory overload and for a few precious moments I experience nirvana. We moan our ecstasy loudly, our faces stretched in unbearable pleasure.

I collapse on her panting. I still pump very slowly, but it is only because I loathe the idea of ceasing our contact. In moments, I lose my erection and pull out. I roll off her onto the wrinkled sheets. As my breathing slows I gaze on her with a thoughtful contented smile. She looks sweaty and tired, but happy.

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I saw her as soon as I walked in. She was perfect; a mass of straight, dark hair framing her pretty face, tight-fitting yet business-like black silk shirt, slim waist and softly flared hips, gorgeous tight ass and slim, shapely legs accentuated perfectly by a tight black pencil skirt. She looked like a business woman or an executive assistant. She was standing with her back to the bar with a nearly empty white wine glass in her elegantly manicured fingers, her eyes subtly scanning the room....

Straight Sex
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I was walking about a mile from my house and a van that I had seen before stopped beside me. A leggy brunette opened the door and said,"You want to come with us and have some fun?"Now her voice and body posture told me what kind of fun it would be so I said, "Sure. I just need to be back here before morning."There were three men and three women in the van and one of the men asked, "Are you gay or straight?""I'll go either way. One of my girlfriends is a shemale."We drove on for about eight or...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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On yet another business trip, I found myself sitting at the all-too-familiar bar of the Cascade Hotel. Its dark blue interior always seemed to draw me in and I was thankful for a place to hide from the rest of the world while still avoiding feeling alone. I love my job and the opportunities it provides, but it is far from conducive for a lasting personal life. I took a long sip from my drink, felt it burn its way down my chest, and thought that it might be time to head up to my room when they...

Group Sex
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It was a typical Wednesday night after work. I'd met up with the guys for our weekly bowling league. As we usually did after finishing, we'd gone into the bar for a couple of beers before heading home. What wasn't typical, was I noticed the same rather attractive woman sitting at the bar again. I had seen her last week sitting in what I thought might have been the very same stool by the bar. Then ... she'd been wearing a tight fitting, deep cut "V" neck tee shirt that had hinted at a...

1 year ago
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So, every Saturday is girls night out. We usualy get all dressed up and go to some bar and dance. Tonight was no different then the previous Saturdays. Excpt this time Im horny, and I needed to get laid. I havent had sex sence me and my ex broke up four months ago. Im wearing a short black shirt, six inch stellitos, and a black lace low cut top with my 32DD's poppin out. My tits look so amazing in this top, it makes me wet just looking at myself in it. So, the four of us girls walk into the...

2 years ago
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I’d felt your eyes on me since I had entered the conference hall. Five hundred bored souls taking their place to await the annual update on how the company had performed, how it expected to perform and hours of self indulgent back-slapping. Four hundred and fifty bored souls couldnt care less. One bored soul was boring holes in me. I nonchalently turned to where I could feel the looks coming from. A group of five, all wearing the corporate uniform but trying desperately to maintain their own...

2 years ago
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It was a friday night in June and me and a few friends decided to go to the club to celebrate my 21st birthday. It had been at stressful week at work and I wanted to release some of this tension I had been carrying. It took me all day to pick out an outfit appropriate for the night. It was lesbian night at the club, so we decided it would be fun to wear something sexy. I showered straightened my hair and applied some makeup. I had decided on a tight black dress with an open criss cross back,...

4 years ago
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I'd felt your eyes on me since I had entered the conference hall. Five hundred bored souls taking their place to await the annual update on how the company had performed, how it expected to perform and hours of self indulgent back-slapping. Four hundred and fifty bored souls couldnt care less. One bored soul was boring holes in me. I nonchalently turned to where I could feel the looks coming from. A group of five, all wearing the corporate uniform but trying desperately to maintain their own...

3 years ago
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As he entered the room, I could feel his presence. Strong, mysterious, and unlike any I had felt before. I watched him as he crossed. He took long strides, and I couldn't help but notice his muscular legs. They were much like the rest of his body. His shirt looked so tight against his body, I wondered how he got it on. Right as I noticed that his pants had a rather large bulge in them ... he looked over to me and gave me a strange look. One with such intensity, I couldn't help but turn away....

1 year ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 14

Sun Hair motioned for Sergeant Jefferson’s attention. “Sergeant, we’ve got company.” and motioned over to the southwest. About 2 miles away on the top of a rise was a group of Indians. Their face paint stood out even at this distance. “Yeah, I spotted them about the same time. Think it’s a war party?” “They look like Paiute, Sergeant, probably a hunting party.” “What makes you say that Sun Hair?” “If they were a war party, they wouldn’t be making themselves obvious to us. They would be...

1 year ago
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Maine Apni Maa Aur Mausi Ko Choda

Priyanshu aaj kal mai is site ki story ka achcha reader hun mai apni ek accha experience aapke samne rakhne ja raha hun mai kaha ni pahli baar likh raha hun mera naam vicky hai mai ma padh raha hun.meri age 17 years hai .mai aapko apne parivaar ke baare mai bata dun mere parivaar mai main ,meri bahan,mummy aur papa hai.meri mummy ka naam Vandna hai . Meri mom badi sexy hai.woh aksar sadi hi pahanti hai .Aur woh sadi mai badi sexy lagati hai Unke boobs aur chutad bade hai .Jab woh chalti...

4 years ago
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Living The Dream Chapter 3

After the first week, Katie installed cameras in every room in her house. That way I could fuck Molly, even if Katie wasn't there, and then Katie could watch it later. It was a dream for me. And it only got better with each passing day. As I said, we had been going out about two weeks at this point. I was at Katie's house waiting for Molly to get home from school. When she walked in the door, I got a pleasant surprise. Her friend, Emma, was with her. Emma was a pretty little thing, with...

2 years ago
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Ana cheats on me at he mall

I had stayed at home that day; so, in the afternoon, my sweet Ana said she was in the mood for going shopping at the mall.To get ready to go out, I went to enjoy a relaxing warm shower.As I came out, I found my sexy wife waiting for me in our bedroom.Anita was sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing her white robe.She stood up and ordered me to stand there naked while she got dressed. She turned over and dropped the robe to the floor.I then could enjoy watching her perfect sexy naked body.Ana...

1 year ago
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Trick or Treat

Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

2 years ago
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My Very Short Journey

Note: You will notice that I set many of my stories in the sixties. I do that because I think the internet has robbed people of their innocence and naïveté, especially young teenagers. After all, they can watch porn and learn all about sex, so they don’t go through the same experimentation and learning process as was previously the norm. I love writing about the learning and experimentation part of it. Also, teenagers drinking and smoking was more accepted, but drugs, even marijuana, while...

3 years ago
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The Bad BetChapter 9

The next morning, while AJ slept, Frank Jr. rode out and found two more steers. He was pretty sure one of them was one of the ones they'd already had, because it walked right towards him when he saw it, and followed him back to the wagon, instead of having to be driven. Bella and Becky did mending, sitting in the shade of the trees. They were quiet for a while, and then Becky said "Can we have that talk now?" Bella nodded. Becky waited a long time and then said "Well?" "I thought...

4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Amy

"My trousers fell to the floor and her eyes widened as she saw my proud tower of flesh. She stared in fascination as I climbed on the bed and positioned my thick, eight-inch piece of man meat at the entrance to her tunnel of love. Suddenly, as if coming out of a trance, she cried out, "No, we can't, we must not. It would kill my husband if he found out." "Hush girl, you know that you want this." "Oh god I do, I really do, but this is just so wrong." "This will make it right" I said...

4 years ago
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Beach Time

obably our favorite place to be is the beach. We both get great solace in the ocean and it’s mesmerizing sounds. So, we decided to head to a beach on the Florida west coast which has a clothing optional area. We arrived on a Friday night and after checking into our beach front hotel, we set out to enjoy the fresh ocean air and sand. It was late, so we didn’t stay long, but enjoyed the salt air. We retired early and looked forward to spending the next day at the “other” beach, with of course J...

1 year ago
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Sprung 2 Electric Chyooaloo

What happens on Snow Bird Mountain, stays on Snow Bird Mountain. At least, that's how the saying went, but you knew better. After all, a year ago from today, you went up the very same ski lift on a week-long trip searching for dates and romance, and this year you're at it again, with your best friend and circle of usual buddies. Only this time, you're thinking of kicking things up a notch; several notches, if you can.

2 years ago
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My First Real ValentineChapter 4

The first thing I did when I got home was go over to Valerie’s. Her dad answered the door. “Good evening, young man,” he said, formally. “I understand you are escorting my daughter to the Valentine’s dance.” “It’s me, Mr. Carter,” I said. “I know who you are.” “I’ve gone with Val places lots of times.” “Not on an official date,” he said. “Is this an official date?” He smiled. “It had better be. She’s pretty excited about it. Do I need to ask you what your intentions are towards my...

2 years ago
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By Louis van Amoren The story was in the Dutch language. NOT all words translated. (With thanks at Jose, perhaps the stories also?) As all my stories is also this tell defense of A till Z invented. The persons that are named consist thus in reality totally not. Chapter 1. Pleased I run to my appointment. Relieved and cheerfully anyhow. Until now closed lapses really eigelijk everything superbly. First of all I found a job. Well far from house, in the hague. ...

3 years ago
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Quit living on dreams S4 D4

Daniel is a guy that just moved in with his uncle in the big city. He can read people's minds which makes things a bit complicated. In his new school he found Chloe, the one girl whose thoughts he can't read. The two got together. (Pretty good story, you should read it :D) Steve goes to the same school. his parents went on vacation and left him and his stepsister alone at home. She tried to blackmail him, he turned it around and now she's his sexslave (willingly). Steve had a friend called...

1 year ago
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First Time in Middle SchoolAmy the Sexy Tease 2

She grabbed my penis and started to stroke it. The texture of her silk gloves on my stiff dick was UNBELIEVABLE. I shot a load of cum onto her boobs, and what a hot sight that was. She sc****d it all off with her fingers and licked it clean.“Mmm, Neil, you’re cum is so sweet.”Next, she kneeled down and gave me a blowjob. At times she would suck my rock hard stick deep into her throat, and other times she would lick the tip of my penis. When she tongued the head of my dick it would feel ticklish...

2 years ago
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Frankie and His Gurl Part 4 Jock Tease

by julee [email protected] @)~%~;'~`~ I was staring in the window of a Victoria's Secret when I saw Billy Mills' reflection. He was approaching with a tall redheaded girl. They stopped and Billy laughed at me. "Shopping for your girlfriend, dude?" he said. I almost laughed but then he said, "Or your boyfriend?" He didn't know about my female life. I put on my best male voice and said, "At least I buy my dates something." "Think you're funny, little wiseass?"...

3 years ago
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Library Encounter0

I was sitting at the Farmington Community Library one day, using my laptop, trying to setup a couple more webcam shows so that I could have a amazing orgasm for a complete stranger. I was so horny that I thought bout going to the bathroom to masturbate. But then something came to mind. Why don’t I do a show for all of the people in the library. I was so horny and the ideal of playing with my already soaking wet pussy in such a public place almost made me cum right then and there. I wanted to...

1 year ago
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How A Shy And Virgin College Student Had Sex With An Aunty Part 8211 2

Hii all. As I said I am of 5’7 height fair guy from Andhra Pradesh. As I continue …   She said to continue and after some time I stopped doing and asked to give a blowjob and she is an expert in it as she is an experienced woman. She said you just came in your pant and now you may not fuck me with erect cock if you cum again. So I will give you a blowjob with a condom that she took a cream and applied it on my cock and then put the condom and then gave a blowjob. I asked what is it. Then she...

1 year ago
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Free Use Fiction

Must have: * All consensual. * All girls are extremely sexy all guys are studs Can Have: * Genderbending * Pregnancy * Include pictures if you can Must NOT have: * No Rape * No Male/Male unless a girl is joining them First off which media is the story set in.

4 years ago
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Blackmailing And Seducing My Stepmom

Submitted by – Nss My name is Raj. I am 18 years old and I live with my Dad and my stepmom Rani of 35 years. My old man is pretty much loaded, so my step mom is kind of a trophy wife. She was pushing 35 at the time when this story happened. She was still a good looking woman by any bodies taste, but she was still meaner than hell too I came home from school one day and the garage door was open, so I went in through the garage to the house. As soon as I opened the door into the house I could...

3 years ago
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My New Friend

Today was a great day for me. It has been a long time since I was with another MWM and I was looking forward to it. We chatted over the past few weeks and found out he was the same age as me, retired military working at the Defense Center in Philly. Because of my work schedule we were not able to meet and when we thought we could something came up. Finally today it happened. I met him at the Navy Depot and we went to the cafeteria and just introduced ourselves and because of where we were...

1 year ago
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CaughtFapping Aften Opal Caught By Her Sister8217s Boyfriend

Aften Opal enters her living room but is shocked when she sees Lawson Jones, her older sibling’s boyfriend, dozing on the couch. She figures he must be staying over for the night but knows that her parents are super strict about NOT letting Lawson stay in the same room with her older sibling. This annoying rule works well in Aften’s favor, though, since she has a MAJOR crush on Lawson! In fact, she’s so turned on by the sight of him — and thinking that the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Trio Tonsil Touchdown

I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me when I tell these stories. Yes, I live with two sexy people, Tracy and Buck. Yes, I have sex with both of them quite a lot, both individually and all three of us together. And yes, they both have very dominating personalities while I don't. They are both a little older than me, each in their early thirties while I'm twenty-six. I was twenty-two when they asked me to move in with them.Our relationship is open, sexually speaking. Very open....

Oral Sex
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Helena taking me to a glory hole

Helena taking me to a glory holeHome alone again and bored; until my loving girlfriend Helena called me that sad afternoon:“Ana, babe… let’s go to try a good time at a glory hole…” She said. I replied I had never been in such a place, but she continued:“There is a nasty porn store out on the highway. You go into the back and they have some small cabins. Some doors marked with an X are the ones for girls that want to suck some dick…” My pussy was more than wet by the time Helena came home to...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Laney Grey Natalia Nix How8217s Your Head

Dr. Hauser (Laney Grey) welcomes Natalia Nix to her office. Natalia is visibly surprised by Dr. Hauser’s youthful appearance, her eyes widening in shock. Immediately, Natalia shakes her head and apologizes for staring. Dr. Hauser laughs it off, assuring Natalia that she is used to those types of stares, since she is aware that she looks VERY young to be a therapist. Natalia admits that it did throw her off a bit. She’s 19 and Dr. Hauser looks even YOUNGER than her. Dr. Hauser says...

2 years ago
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Untold Love 6 The Flashback

When I flash back to my past, I remember I was only 20 years old waiting for my matriculation result. My father was a lawyer and my uncle (my father’s brother) owned a real estate business. Both lived at a walking distance in the same colony in Lahore. We were four brothers and two sisters. I was the eldest, Neha my younger sister was at number two in the sibling order and remaining were younger than us. My uncle was newly wed having only one year old baby girl. His business was spread over in...

3 years ago
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I Did a Very Bad Thing

This is an old story of crime and punishment, as old as human history. Can the punishment for the crime ever end? Maybe it is possible, for some, but not others. Maybe it is possible for everyone. Who knows such things? You be the judge. One day I was riding down the turnpike and I just got hungry so I stopped in at one of those greasy spoons that dot our highways. I like to eat in places like that because it lets me see how people really live. I sat down and ordered the mid priced meal of...

1 year ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 7 The Ruby Palace

The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...

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