Chance Encounter Ch. 02 free porn video

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CHAPTER II — A Plant in Peoria

Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn’t see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and the songs of the birds in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn’t about to wake up.

Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one another since their night in his hotel room three weeks before. A few e-mails, a phone call were all they managed. That didn’t mean that Glenda had been far from his thoughts. When he called with the idea of a weekend at his lakeside camp, he thought that Glenda sounded glad, too. He had an airline ticket waiting for her at Midway check-in.

Paul would normally be ‘up-and-at-’em’ by this time when he was at the cabin. He didn’t mind the change of routine, though. It had been an all day travel the day before, to his camp on the peninsula nestled in the forest and the lakes. They had both taken Friday off. She flew from Chicago to Saginaw. They drove the rest of the way. With a stop for dinner, the drive had been nearly six hours. They didn’t arrive at the camp until nine. Then, there was the energy they expended together after they arrived. No wonder she was sleeping late!

Paul liked the feel of Glenda’s body resting on him. It wasn’t just the feminine softness or the warmth created by their flesh pressed together, but those things were a big part of it. He had waited a long time to feel them. Sally had always loved the cabin in the forest. It always seemed to bring out her sensuality when they could spend time there together. When she died, Paul had thought that he would never feel a woman pressed to his body again. Then, Glenda saw him by chance in that store in Chicago.

It was the ease with which they blended together. Glenda’s head rested in the triangle between the ball of his shoulder, his collarbone and his nipple. He felt her breath stir his hair and skin. Her arm was thrown across his chest. She rested on her hip, and one of her legs, bent slightly at the knee, crested over his thigh to find a nestling pace between his parted legs. It was a comfortable, perfect fit. The two bodies interlocked like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Without thinking, Paul stroked lightly from the nape of Glenda’s neck, across her small shoulder blades, down the length of her backbone, ending at the far end of his reach at the very top of the crevice that separated her two tiny buttocks. Glenda stirred. He realized that he had broken her slumber without wanting to. He half regretted having done so. The deed done, he indulged himself once again, feeling pleasure in the soft skin under his fingertips.

Glenda stirred. Paul decided to wake her all the way. He stroked again. The deepness of her breathing ceased. Paul stroked again. She woke with a start, lifted her head and settled back down atop him. She played idly with the hair on his chest.

‘Good morning!’ Paul said softly to her. ‘How did you sleep?’

‘Pretty well, I think!’ she said. ‘The last thing that I remember …’

She broke off the sentence, and followed with a long pause.

‘Well …’ she continued in a playful voice, ‘I think you know what the last thing I remember is. I recall that you were a big part of it! I always sleep better after a hard workout.’ She gave out a small, suggestive chuckle.

She nestled closer into him, signaling a desire to start the day where the former night had ended.

‘Let’s go for a morning swim,’ Paul said.

‘Maybe later,’ she purred. ‘Let’s stay here for a while.’ She shifted her weight to be a little more on top of him.

‘No! Let’s go swimming,’ Paul commanded.

Glenda rolled her eyes as he bounded out of the sack. He disappeared into the bathroom.

‘I’ll need my suitcase to get my bathing suit,’ she called out as he emerged.

‘Stay where you are. I’ll bring everything that you’ll need.’ He called back.

Paul was waiting for her as Glenda exited the bathroom.

‘You won’t need your suit. Here’s a robe.’

Glenda held the terrycloth robe and paused. She knew that it had to be Sally’s. She looked at Paul with a questioning look.

‘It’s alright,’ was all he said, and she slipped on the robe. She saw that he was wearing a matching one.

‘You’re not really saying that we’re …’ she asked, or perhaps pleaded.

‘It’s not even six,’ Paul assured her. ‘We’re in a private little cove. Once you’re in the water, it won’t make any difference, anyway.’

‘I’ve never done anything like this,’ She protested.

‘I can see that you’ve become a real city girl!’ Paul said, laughing. ‘Trust me!’

She didn’t have a chance to answer as Paul strode out of the cabin. Glenda followed in hot pursuit. She saw the lake in daylight for the first time. In the early morning air, vapor rose from the silent depths.

‘We’ll dive right off the end of the dock.’ He called over his shoulder.

They strode out on the dock, past the boat house. At the far end, Paul ripped off the robe and dove into the chilly water in one motion. The splash broke the silence of the morning disturbing a pair of loons about fifty yards away. They flapped to be airborne and skimmed across the water. The initial surge of coldness bit Paul. He had expected it, the refreshment of it was what he sought and received.

He surfaced, treading water, looking for Glenda. She remained on the dock, wrapped in the robe.

‘C’mon, jump in!’ he called.

Glenda slowly unwrapped herself, setting her robe on top of Paul’s. She stood at the point of departure at the end of the dock

‘It looks cold!’ she cried out in fear.

‘It is!’ he called back. ‘You’ll love it!’

‘I don’t know if I can, Paul, maybe after it warms up.’

Paul laughed as he effortlessly treaded water. He took a second to view Glenda’s slender body, with the pink nipples hardening on her small breasts, and the triangle of red hair the only break in the whiteness of her skin.

‘Take all the time you want!’ he replied sarcastically. ‘Just remember, while you’re taking your time, you’re standing there in the nude and …’

She dove in head first, surfacing a few yards from him treading water as he was. Paul observed that she was a good swimmer.

‘Ohhh, it’s cold!’ she cried.

‘Yes, it is,’ Paul said, laughing. ‘But it feels great, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes—yes it does’ she said with a sheepish smile.

A small boat trolled by about a hundred yards offshore carrying two early morning anglers. They saw Paul and Glenda and waved to them. Paul waved back.

‘Time to go in!’ he teased. ‘Just climb up to the dock by that ladder over there. Those guys wouldn’t mind the view.’

‘No!’ she shrieked with her eyes opening wide. Then, realizing the joke, she laughed. She laughed long and hard. It was laughter that started deep in the belly and erupted from a face that knew only the moment. It was a laugh that chased away the demons hidden in her. Paul had yet to see it until that moment. The feeling warmed him, immersed as he was in the frigid lake water.

‘They’re my neighbors from down the cove,’ Paul explained. ‘We’ll probably see them for drinks tonight after dinner.’

They swam together for a while. The water of the lake cleansed and refreshed them. They watched the loons in low flight over the water’s surface. The view takes on a different perspective from eye level. They stretched muscles cramped from the long hours in the car the day before.

Too soon, it was time to go back to the cabin. They climbed out on the ladder at the end of the dock, put on their robes and walked back to the cabin.

‘I have to admit it,’ she called to him walking in front of her, ‘the water really wakes you u
p. I feel great!’

‘I knew you would,’ he called back.

They walked into the cabin and stood in the kitchen.

‘Why don’t you take a shower to warm up?’ he said to her. The water in the lake is clean, but hard. You might want to shampoo it out of your hair. I’ll get breakfast started.’

‘Why don’t you finish what you already started,’ she cooed as she opened her robe.

Paul was confused, finding a skillet to start bacon and eggs was in the front of his mind.

‘I don’t know how to answer that, Glenda,’ he said, puzzled.

Glenda stepped to him. She took hold of the ends of the belt holding his robe together. She put her lips next to his ear.

‘You answer …’ she whispered provocatively, ‘by saying that you’re getting in the shower with me.’

She tugged the belt and the robe fell open. She looked down and saw Paul’s erection forming. It showed that he finally understood.

They made love in the shower as the warm water caressed them. It was different from the night before. That time, they devoured one another in victory celebration at the confirming of their defeat of their loneliness. In the morning shower it was a sharing of sensuality. It began with their flesh pressed together, nude, in the waking bed. It heightened as the lake chilled them in their nakedness. They swam together like Adam and Eve, the sights and sounds of the forests enlivened them. Finally, the warmth of the shower touched new nerves. The act of sex was the final engagement of their senses.

They weren’t very interested in washing themselves, except that the soap made their skin slippery. It allowed them to glide over each other as they pressed together. Paul guided his hand over Glenda’s slippery skin. First he probed the front of her. He stopped at her small breasts, cupping them, and then turned his attention on her hardened nipples. He bent to suck the warm water from them. It tasted of the lake and of her. He pulled her to him and let his big hands course the length of her back, and lower. He captured her buttocks in his strong hands and pulled her against him. They shared a hungry kiss. He released her globes and placed his fingers at the juncture in the front of her. He gently probed in. He could feel the difference between the water of the shower the moisture that Glenda created within her. She moved against him and began to moan, that Paul could hear over the sound of the shower. She took his erected penis in her hand and pulled his face down to kiss him once again. The anticipation, alone, would have been excitement enough. The physical stimulation inflamed them.

Glenda stood on her toes in an attempt to mount him, but she wasn’t tall enough. As if on cue, Paul grasped her firmly under her round buttocks. Her slender body was light and Paul was strong. He lifted her, and Glenda was impaled on him. Her arms held tightly around his neck and her legs around his waist. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, counterpoint to Paul’s manhood thrust into her. He made a quarter turn to lean her against the wall for a little support. He lifted her slightly and set her back down. As her weight fell on him, she squeezed around him with the muscles inside her. It took a long time for them to approach climax. By that time, the hot water had run out, the shower ran cold. They didn’t care. Orgasm crested over them, not as a release, but as fulfillment of a search. They relaxed and became aware of the coldness. Paul set Glenda down and shut off the water.

As they toweled dry, Paul thought how satisfying had been the sexual interlude of that morning. He understood why immediately. It was the sating of the senses, brought alive by the immersion in the cold morning lake, it was the thrill of their awakening and justified self-indulgence. They knew they deserved the pleasure—having waited so long— having neither hurt any person nor trespassed any boundary in the partaking of it.

‘Now I think that we’re ready for breakfast!’ Paul declared.

‘I never washed my hair,’ hhe teased.

‘Maybe I’ll help you with that later,’ he teased back.

When Sunday came he asked her, ‘Can you call in sick tomorrow?’

When she answered ‘yes’, he said that he had already taken a personal day, himself.

So their weekend went. They boated and canoed around the lake, swam in that special style that they developed that first morning and grilled steaks and sipped scotch with friends by night. In between they joined to fill one another with their bodies, and with the feeling of being alive.


It had been six weeks since Paul had attended a ‘Peoria Plant’ meeting. Jim Spencer had filled in ably. Paul’s schedule was busy with other projects and the Shareholders’ Meeting preparations. He had no time for sparring over details if it led to more of nothing. Today’s meeting promised to be different.

Around the table was a familiar roll call. Paul sat at the head of the long table and to his right was Jim Spencer, both representing Dunn Chemical Company. Harry Carmichael, who owned the general contracting firm for the project was next to him, the Mayor of Peoria was next. Dr. Arthur Hopkins sat at the far end of the table, looking unusually dour. He was consultant to the State Environmental Agency in name, and suspected agent of Montgomery Chemicals, the competitor of Paul’s Company which stood to lose greatly if the new plant was built. A reporter from the Peoria newspaper waited in a chair outside the room. On Paul’s left, between him and Hopkins sat two representatives from the State Agency. One was Craig Morehead, second ranked on the State team, the other was a younger, more junior woman whom Paul did not know. Missing was the lead state engineer on the project. It bothered Paul that he was missing.

‘Where’s Grafton?’ Paul demanded of Morehead.

‘Ed’s no longer with the Agency.’ Morehead answered. He walked in last week and declared he was retiring. He cleaned out his desk and walked out without saying ‘good-bye. The ‘golden thirty’, I guess. Once he finished that thirtieth year, he was ‘good to go’.

‘We should have been informed.’ Paul said sternly.

I was appointed to fill in for him on this project.’ Morehead answered.

‘Where is he now?’ Paul demanded.

Morehead shrugged it off, but as he did, the young woman next to him spoke up.

‘He got an offer from Montgomery Chemical and went for it. He’s got a full ride on his state pension and a plush office at Montgomery.’

Morehead shot the young woman an evil glance, but the canary had already sung her tune.

Paul was furious, but held himself in check. Paul had been sure that Montgomery had been behind the governmental delays of the project. Paul looked to the end of the table to gauge a reaction, but Hopkins stared out the meeting room window at the Sears Tower.

‘I’m not going to stand for this!’ he muttered to himself, but for all to hear. He turned to Morehead. ‘Tell Larry Wilton to expect a call from me!’

Wilton was the Administrator of the Agency.

‘No need for that!’ pleaded a worrying Morehead. ‘I’m sure that we’ll wrap up the project today. We’ll all get what we want. Let’s just do it.’

‘Oh we will do it, but give Wilton my message, Craig,’ Paul said. His darkened eyes bored into Morehead.

‘Well …’ began Morehead ‘there are some things that we have to insist on before we can issue the permit. First on the list is to install landscaping on the security containment dikes.’

‘The plans already say …’ the Peoria Mayor piped up.

Harry Carmichael touched the Mayor’s arm to halt his sentence. He knew the game was almost over. Jim Spencer sat motionless, containing himself. They all knew that the Site Plan already included the landscaping.

‘Consider it done!’ Paul exclaimed. ‘Good suggestion! You should have been the lead man all along, Craig.’

‘Then, there is the matter of the backup emergency generator.’ sa
id Morehead. ‘It should be solar-powered … if possible.’

As Paul listened to a litany of a dozen minor demands, he knew that it was a way of saving face in retreat. The proposals of the State Agency amounted to nearly nothing, less than window-dressing. Paul would agree to them all. The permit would be issued.

The capitulation confirmed all of Paul’s suspicions. Grafton had been on the dole from Montgomery, as had been Hopkins. The strategy of meeting Hopkins stride for stride had convinced Montgomery to pull the plug and accept the reality of the new plant. That meant that Hopkins’ fees and studies had ceased, too. It explained his unpleasant visage. Grafton had to be hired to keep him silent and out of sight.

The meeting was concluded and they repacked their brief cases. Paul started thinking about giving Glenda a call.

‘We’ve got a reporter outside waiting!’ called out the Mayor.

They all filed out except Hopkins and Paul. Paul stood and peered at the defeated adversary at the end of the table.

Hopkins was a shallow, thin man, lost in a tweed jacket. He was in his early sixties. He had a full beard of salt and pepper whiskers that descended to his chin at a point. His head had less hair, just a thin ring of grey. His eyes were sad and sunken.

‘Win some, lose some, Arthur,’ Paul said. He would have admitted to a tinge of smugness in his tone, and would have also admitted that he didn’t care, either.

‘The people and the planet have lost. I am only their servant,’ Hopkins answered.

Paul was having none of Hopkins’ sanctimony.

‘What is this, Arthur, the ‘Sermon on the Mount’? You know better than to pull this on me. We both know what was ‘lost’. It was your tab from Montgomery.’

Hopkins looked back out the window at the Sears Tower.

‘Is someone in a window over there flashing you the answer, Arthur? You shouldn’t be upset! Look at what you got—something for nothing. Isn’t that your stock in trade? How long did you expect it to last?’

‘You’re very animated today, Paul,’ Hopkins said, without turning his gaze from the window.

‘I’m sorry, Arthur. You just get to me sometimes,’ Paul said. ‘Going out to ‘Meet the Press’?’

‘No, I don’t think so,’ Hopkins said in a quiet voice.

As Paul walked to the door he shot back over his shoulder, ‘You can tell Grafton that I’m not done with him.’

Paul observed the crowd around the reporter. Morehead was telling him how the State had forced Paul’s Company to ‘pay attention to the ambience of the city with landscaping and conserve energy with solar power’. The State Senator from the area, absent from any of the meetings, had shown up to proclaim ‘his part in job creation and bringing the parties together’. The Mayor looked forlorn because it didn’t appear that he would be interviewed, since the reporter had his hook into bigger fish in the persons of state officials.

Paul could see that he wasn’t needed. There were enough clowns in the circus. He motioned for Spencer and Carmichael to follow him out a back door.

‘You guys did a great job in getting this thing through. Jim, it was the right decision when I put you on this job.’ Paul said.

There were handshakes and pats on the back all-around.

‘I don’t know about you guys, but I wouldn’t mind a drink’ Paul said. Let’s go back to the hotel bar. I’ll buy the first round. Harry you can buy the second. Spencer, you don’t have to buy any, you can’t afford it!’ The three laughed at the joke and piled into a cab.

‘By the way,’ Paul asked, ‘Who was that young woman engineer from the State?’

‘I’ll fill you in later.’ Spencer answered.


The three men sat at a table in the cocktail lounge of their hotel. They were in an ebullient mood and the first round of drinks didn’t do anything to dampen their spirits.

‘Hey, guys,’ Paul piped up ‘do you mind if I call someone that I know close by and ask her join us?’

Paul’s companions shrugged and he flipped his cell phone open.

‘Hello, Glenda, it’s Paul. Sorry for the short notice. I’m at the James Hotel. We just wrapped up a project and we’re having a small celebration. Would you like to come over and join us? Sure, we’re in the bar. Plan on dinner. We’ll wait for you. Bye!’

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Chance encounter

Hi I'm dave I'm in my mid fifties let me tell about an occasion that happened to me about forty years ago. My name is Dave I was sixteen at the time and was in sixth form college my s....r was at uni about an hour away but used to come home most weekends to see my p.....s she was a typical teenager at the time, to much drinking to much smoking not enough studying. She did Look good though always...

3 years ago
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Chance encounter

I decided to go out for a ride on my crotch rocket since I had nothing better to do for the afternoon. I went up to the mountains to ride the Dragons tail, I figured this would be a challenge for me and so I headed that way. On the way up I came across a small biker dive and stopped in for a drink and here set a good looking man on a Harley. He said to me nice bike, in a snarky way! so I said back, what! a Harley is better? he said, hands down it is! prove it to me I said back.Well we could...

2 years ago
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Encounters with Tom Sneak Peek and First Encounter

Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon in early August laying naked on my sunbed when a voice comes...

4 years ago
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Leading up to their first encounter

He began chatting years ago, when the worked on the road alot. Living out of hotels, gave him the privacy that he needed for his secret life. Day by day.. he would add women that he chatted with to his friends list. Some, he never connected with again, others were more regular; but, nobody really "clicked" with him. After a career change, he settled in a nice job in his hometown. No longer traveling on the road, but still frustrated in the bedroom, he knew that his chatting would...

3 years ago
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Three for One Special Encounter

Three years into our marriage, my X-Wife and I took the opportunity that presented itself to us and expanded our sexual horizons and freedoms. The years we spent together opened my eyes to the realities of a deep trusting love. Our first encounter with a new friend who we came across on a fateful friday back in the late 90's is only part One of the open journey, we continue to travel to this very day. Priscilla is the most stunning woman I've ever encountered. Her unique, amazing beauty comes...

Wife Lovers
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My First Granny Encounter

This a true and to the point off my First Granny Encounter.At the age of 24, all males are ready to play,enjoy and learn from every sexual encounter they are due to experience in there lives.This a true and to the fact lifetime experience that I had encountered in my life.I was working in construction, I was living in West OZ and the work had dried up, so I thought to my self whilst I am still young and being a single male after splitting up with my fiance of 2 yrs, I decided to hit the road...

3 years ago
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My Recent Encounter

I am a secretly bisexual married man 60 years old living in Philly. I had some previous encounters with other bi men MWM which I prefer. On the 4th of July the wife and I went down to the waterfront to see the fireworks and while there we got involved with another couple and were chatting waiting for the festivities. We had a lot in common and he was retired from the Navy and I retired from the Army. We chatted had a few glasses of wine and he and I really hit it off. We had similar...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Encounter

Hi guys this is Shreekanth from Bangalore, JP Nagar 6th phase. I am here to narrate my life’s 1st and most romantic experience with a girl which I didn’t expect to happen so unexpectedly. Well to know about myself, I am 24 years old, 5.8, average built body, though not a huge dick but a satisfying size for any women. This incidence took place on Diwali 1st day when my ex-colleague named Yashaswini (name changed due to her request upon privacy) came to my house for inviting me to her brother...

2 years ago
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After Hours Encounter

This is my first attempt at publishing a story on here so please provide your feedback! Love to know what others think of my story and any constructive criticism is accepted, but please be kind! They had been flirting with each other the entire day, and really it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. He made it seem like he was just being courteous and kind so the others around wouldn’t think anything of it. It was cold, she had to walk home, and he was being a...

Straight Sex
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My first encounter

Hi friends…m a ocasionally reader of ISS,ocassional in the sense wenevr i get chance in cyber.Its simply gr8..all share their their fantasies n real encounters..i2 wishd 2tell u guys n gals abt my first encounter.Sorry if u dint liked it…This happened wen i ws studyning in diploma…It ws my xam time..i used 2sit near window of my room to study,ther was a compound wall 10yards away frm wndow.,n ther was 3houses next to the c.wall.Aftr the xam i used to do all my collge wrk sittng near wndw.In one...

4 years ago
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Surfing a4a led to my first gay encounter

One day I was looking at gay videos on xtube and started viewing a video title a4a encounter. Curious about a4a site, I started browsing the site looking at profiles until it said I needed to setup a profile, and so I did. I quickly setup my profile, uploaded a couple pictures and continue browsing profiles. I came across a profile with pictures that peak my interested. His profile said he was 6'0" 230lbs married black male with a 7.5 inch uncut cock and he was looking for a discreet sexual...

3 years ago
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A Brief Encounter

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ A Brief Encounter Damn! I’m out of coffee cream for the morning. I hate black coffee. If it was a desperate situation, I could always use two-percent milk, except that it takes almost half a cup of the stuff to kill that acid taste. Cream just seems to smooth the flavour out so much better. A quick glance at the clock on the wall above shows that it’s nearly 9:00 PM. The local...

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A Stocking Encounter

The man and woman sat at their table in the veranda of the hotel awaiting their food.  Both eagerly excited to see what would be concocted from their initial orders from the menu.  As she twirled her honey colored Pies porter in her fishbowl-sized glass, bored by her companion and the lack of their conversation, her eyes scanned the restaurant looking from one couple to the next searching for a true match made in heaven.  The 5-star Tuscan-based restaurant nestled itself quietly in the center...

2 years ago
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Park n Ride encounter

Yesterday morning I was heading over to do a little grocery shopping and decided to swing in to the park and ride to see if anything was going on. First, let me tell you I'm inexperienced with a guy other than when I was much younger and got picked up hitch hiking and talked out of my clothes in some mans car.I pulled into the park n ride off exit 1 on I84 and slowly cruised through the parking lot. I notice on vehicle backed in with a man about my age, 60's, sitting there by himself. I...

1 year ago
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BBC 2 Ben the 2nd encounter

For those unfamiliar with part 1 of this story, please read BBC Number 2 but here’s a brief summary. I’d been chatting online with a 26 year old black stud named Ben who was interested in fucking my wife Erin’s brains out in front of me. When he listed the things he wanted to do to her it was like he was reading down a checklist of things she enjoys so I made the encounter happen for them. Ben fucked Erin hard and stuck with the plan that he and I had made which was for him to fuck her bareback...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon Encounter

The Ad Nikita was a fairly typical upper-middle class professional girl. She had completed her engineering degree at the age of twenty-two and was confident, outgoing, and didn't take any shit from men in her professional life. She took good care of her body, working out daily and performing yoga every morning and evening. Her family thought she was just working out to improve herself but in reality Nikita wanted to look hot for the men that used her. How did Nikita find men? The internet, of...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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K2 A Second Encounter

Heading from the Coffee Shop the night I met K, I followed her to her apartment and parked near her and got out. She stayed in her car and was closing up her phone as I walked up to the driver's side. She lowered the window and I saw she was semi-clothed from our encounter at the old pumping station.She lowered her window and in the light of the security lamps, she undid my pants with no protest from me and freed my cock and proceeded to take it in her mouth. And she moved so I could have...

Straight Sex
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My Glory Hole Encounter

It had been nearly four months since I last got laid. At twenty-three I had no desire for a serious relationship and settled instead for casual flings and friends with benefits, the downside is while it had been four months since I had last slept with my latest fling, I had not properly been fucked in over a year.I found myself becoming desperate for it. At work, I daydreamed about being called into my boss’s office and reprimanded which then ended with me pinned up against the wall and getting...

2 years ago
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Car Park Encounter

A chance encounter in a quiet car park, as seen from both sides ! I’d love to know what people think of my fiction.*************************************************************************************************************************June and her hubby were a devoted couple who'd been together since they'd first met as teenagers. Fit and attractive, they were looked every inch a model, middle-class couple with two, well behaved c***dren. Outwardly everything looked as close to ideal as most...

2 years ago
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The Encounter

---purely fiction---I've always been turned on by the idea of having sex with another man. I've always been too shy to do anything about it however. I've of course played with my butt with my fingers and some toys that I've purchased over the years. I know I love the feeling of it, though it does hurt a little, it still feels great. I've met some gay men in my life, one was really handsome too and kept trying to flirt with me. However, my shyness always got the better of me, and I kept pushing...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of a first Bi encounter

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

3 years ago
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Fantasy of first Bi encounter

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

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Office Encounter

While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...

1 year ago
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A chance encounter

A chance encounterA chance encounter.It was late in the summer and the last weekend at the beach house. I was almost ready to go back to the city. One last walk along the beach to soak salt air into my lungs so I would remember it. I walked along the water's edge to get the sound of the sloshing waves inside me. Far away a dark-haired woman was walking in the opposite direction. Against me. She walked in an almost causual manner, yet with her head high up and a straight back. Dangling. As we...

4 years ago
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Chloersquos first sexual encounter

Chloe’s storyI was a small, petite shy girl at school and I didn’t get that much attention from the boys, they all preferred the girls that had huge boobs and would suck them off for an ice blast. I had boyfriends but I was so shy I would avoid seeing them so there was never going to be any sex happening that was for sure.The strange thing about me was that I was horny all the time but I never masterbated, I’d never tried it. I only started masterbating from about 24, even that was rarely, I...

4 years ago
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My Mechanic Second Encounter

Two days after my first encounter with Jim, I saw the number for the garage come up on my phone. My heart was racing and i felt a tingle between my legs as i answered it, wondering if It would be Jim and his big cock telling me he was ready to have me again. I was disappointed when it was just the desk guy telling me the car was ready and I could pick it up when i was ready. I acknowledged and hung up the phone, wondering when Jims hammer was going to sooner had i put my phone in my...

3 years ago
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Bi MMF Craigslist encounter

NOT MY Craig's List Encounter, But I wanted to share it. I answered a Craig’s List post about two weeks ago, in the Casual Encounter’s / NSA section, posted by a young couple looking for a bi, married male. They wanted to fulfill a fantasy that the wife had, of seeing her husband with another guy.They agreed to meet for the encounter at a motel outside of town.The wife had sort of mentally scripted what she wanted to see and experience, including watching two guys in a sixty-nine oral session,...

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Repeat Encounter

The encounter with my married friend I wrote about earlier has had many starts and stops. For the first few months we got together whenever the opportunity presented itself for one of us to host at home. Then, for some unknown reason, the intensity seemed to wane and a period of abstinence became a month, then six months, than a year. We talked about getting together whenever we saw each other, but it didn't happen. We were still very good friends it just seemed the urge to get naked and play...

4 years ago
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Surfing a4a led to my first gay encounter

I am 6' 4'' 250 lbs bi-curious married black male who love wearing female lingerie (I have quite a collection) and has been fantasizing about sucking cock for a while now. I don't know if there is a better feeling of a thong wedge between my butt cheeks or sexy lacy female boy short hugging my bubble butt. Then wearing some lacy bra to accentuate my tits (my tits looks like a teenage girl just starting to develop and nipples get hard when I am horny). One day I was looking at gay videos on...

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roadside encounter

Pamela’s heart was racing as she made her way along the winding country road that was a major part of her day. As a delivery driver she faced a lot of name calling and discrimination. Being a woman on the road was something a lot of men weren’t comfortable with. She was bombarded with catcalls and dirty comments on a regular basis. It wasn’t that she minded them. It was the fact that they guys were just being mean. The money was good and she needed a job so she kept on driving and did her best...

1 year ago
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Silent Encounter

Silent encounterPart 1 We have not seen each other for some time but, on the day we are due to meet up, we exchange some erotic texts messages and two phone calls. These events heighten the tension for both of us. I arrive back at the house later than agreed; quite deliberately so, in order to further raise the sexual tension between us upon my arrival. You are already there and look beautiful, as ever, and we embrace briefly. Oh sweet memory of the evening when I gave you keys to the house!...

2 years ago
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Sexy SisterInLaw And Rainy Encounter

Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...

4 years ago
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Return Trip Led To Great Sex Encounter

Hi everyone, this is Ilumjack again with another incident that happened during a return trip. This incident happened while I was returning from my trip to Bangalore. I was in Bangalore with my family on a vacation. I had to return back to Mumbai earlier due to some pressing things at work. But the rest of my family stayed back in Bangalore and was to get back to Mumbai after four days. So it was on a Thursday afternoon that I reached Bangalore Airport to take my flight. After checking in my...

1 year ago
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My First Lesbian Encounter

I am Ashima Thakur from the state of Punjab, In the following sex story, I will describe my first real life lesbian sexual experience. So it all started when I was 18. I had a friend named Shruti, she is still in my touch. She is very beautiful, her boobs are quite big, she is a little fat and very sexy. She was not my best friend at that time but we were good friends. In mid of our XII, we started to sit together. We used to talk about boys, sex and all. We also talked about masturbation, I...

2 years ago
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Naughty And Nice Holiday Encounter

Hey indian sex stories dot net friends This is a fantastic forum to express all our pleasures and sins on sexuality, it also gives an opportunity to push further to dig deep in this ocean of thoughts and come out with new innovative ways to keep you all engaged and entertained. Writing a crisp ride hope you ride with it and enjoy it. Life has thrown lots of surprises and this was one of them. If sexuality is one dimension of our ability to live happily in the world then by cutting off our...

1 year ago
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My First Lesbian Encounter

Hi readers, My name is Treesa and here I am going to share with you my first ever lesbian encounter!   Let me explain about myself, I have often heard guys calling me a sex bomb, I have big boobs of 38D and chubby body! I love to show off my big boobs and sexy cleavage by wearing tight t-shirts and shirts. And my boobs have been fondled by men of different ages! From naughty school going boys to 60 year old men and i have enjoyed the soft touches and hard pressings.   But, I never had a...


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