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Introduction: Sarrina Windsworth never even saw it coming. One moment she was a normal teenage girl with friends and a social life, the next she was cast out of reality into a land where anything is possible. A land where mythical creatures of all kinds roam free and wild. She is thrown into the mix and has to find her way home. This is her story. This is a work of fiction I am writing from my phone since my computer busted. I tried writing a personal experience of mine and make it a series but I decided I didnt like it. I think this genre is mine to write. Mytholigical fantasy that is. I will warn you now there is no sex in this chapter. A masturbation scene but No sex just yet. Im bulding that up mwahahahahahah! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
Please keep an open mind while reading.

Okay enjoy now!:)

I awoke with a start. I could hear something scratching at my window and figured it was just a tree being tossed by the wind. Then the banging started. I threw back my covers and ran over to it. Pulling back the curtians I saw my best friend Beth standing outside in shorts and a tank top. I unlached the locks and threw it open.

Hey Sari. She said, shivering. Sari is short for Sarrina.

What the hell Beth! Its freezing out there, get in here dumb. I reached out and pulled her in.

Once she was inside I wrapped her in one of my favorite blankets and made her sit on the bed. What are you doing here so late? Its two in the morning. I exclaimed quietly. I didnt want to wake mom and dad.

Beth looked me up and down, Nice pjs. She said. I looked down at my elephant-in-tootoo covered pajamas. Well theyre comfortable and at least Im not freezing my ass off, why are you over so late, Beth?

She looked away for a moment. I admired her dark beauty. Beth was tall and thin, her body had the perfect amount of curve in all the places I didnt, her hair was so black it looked blue sometimes, it was long and kept in a braid, her skin was olive and flawless. I was short, about 52, with unruly curled red hair I wore loose down my back. My body was okay at best, my curves were subtle and my breasts filled a C cup. But id have to say my legs and butt are what Im really proud of, Im on the track team….so yeah. But compared to Beth, Im hardly noticable.

I snapped my fingers infront of her face, Hey, hello? You gonna tell me or should I beat it out of you?

She flinched at that, and then I noticed the side of her face was swollen. I felt my body go black with rage. I flipped on the bed side lamp to see better. She tried to hide it by turning away but I grabbed her chin.

He hit you again. I said quietly. He was her father. Hed been beating on her ever since her mom died when we were in 7th grade.

Beth nodded. He came home drunk again. At least this time he just used his fist and not his boot or his belt. She laughed weakly and it didnt reach her eyes. Her blue eyes flicked hatred and my green ones reflected it.

Fury and disgust raced and faught with all my other emotions. Id more than once asked her if we could call CPS on him but every time she would just break down and beg me not to. She didnt want to go into foster care and she sure as hell didnt want him finding out about it and beat her some more. So id stopped offering. Beth figured she only had a year left of school and then she could ride her scholorship to collage and be away from her dad. She was an exellent student and was going to be Valadictorian at our graduation this year.

My parents had tried negotiating with Robert, her father, for Beth to come live with us. But hed been violent and beat her for it. He was a sorry excuse for a dad. He hadnt always been that way though. I remember going to Beths house when we were young and Robert would swing us on the playset in the back yard and he would make us homemade strawberry icecream. And on sundays he would take Beth and I to the aquarium and tell us all about the fish and myths about mermaids.

But those days were over ever since Carla died. She was like my second mom and I loved her just as much. Beth looked exactly like her. And as she got older she looked even more like her. Carla died in a car accident, she was hit head on by and 18 wheeler. It was the worst day of my life, and the end of Robert and Beths. Beth didnt talk for weeks and Robert didnt go to work that whole first month. Beth stayed with me during that time and my parents treated her like their own.

But then she moved back to her dads and the beatings started.

Beth said it was the booze, it had stolen her dad and taken over his body like a demon.

But I knew it was because she looked so much like Carla, and Robert was still angry she had left him behind, alone to raise their daughter.

He is a sorry bastard, Beth. Im so sorry you have to go through this shit. But your almost out. Just finnish this year and your good as free from him forever, baby! And you know I love you so your going to stay here tonight. Okay? I was sitting next to her and petting her hair.

Beth sat up and threw her arms around me. What would I do with out you? She whispered into my hair.

Probaly go crazy and get commited. I whispered back in complete seriousness.

That got me a weak laugh and a smile that did just barely touch her eyes. Oh and a punch in the arm.



The next morning we got up for school and headed out at 7:00.

Beth was wearing rolled up skinnies and a tanktop with a blue jean jacket exenuated by pink flats (borrowed from yours truely, but I dont mind. I love her).

And I wore ripped skinnies with a Papa Roach t-shirt ending with black converse. Dont judge me.

We drove in my yellow bug to school. Beth had covered the bruise with make up. A technique she had perfected over the years when she shouldnt have had to.

Godamn bastard.

Her face wasnt swolled concidering id made her ice it before going to bed last night.

Fucking prick asshole piece of shit no good two balled bitch Robert!

I pushed that sorry fuck out of my mind long enough to catch the ending of Beths sentence.

…but Cas is so hot I could eat him. She said, and the hunger in her eyes made me believe it. .

I dont get it, whats so special about him? Hes just another jackass with a skateboard. Oh yeah, that was Beths type.

She was the typical good girl with a bad boy complex. I sighed, she was back to her old self. Talking about boys and the latest drama at school. What grades she nedded to work on and papers she needed to turn in. I sighed with relief. Thank Dear Baby Jesus!

…so then Kason hit Eric in they jaw and knocked him backwards into the lockers…

I just listened. It was my speacialty.


When we got to school, which was only about three miles from my house in the suburbs where my house and Beths house faced eachother, it was almost first bell time.

Luckily we had four classes together (wed had it aranged that way) and all of the were core classes. We got to first period, English with Mr. Lynch, yes he is just a dreadful as his name plays him up to be. Beth and I sit in the middle of the class because she likes sitting up front and I like the back, so I guess you could say we met half way(OH YES I JUST DID).

After getting out our books as instructed, I looked up to realize the new guy.

Time stopped. There he was. Sitting at the closest desk to the door at the very front.

He was pure perfection. Thats the best description I could give you. His dark hair was strait and was pulled back into a short ponytail at the nape of his neck, I knew it was at least past chin lengh down. His shoulders were wide and when he stood I knew they would taper down to narrow hips and long legs. His face had a light beard that led up to full lips and a perfectly sharp nose and the most amazing brown eyes id ever seen. They were almost gold.

Class id like to welcome a new student, Lynch went on in a monto tone voice, please stand and introduce yourself.

Then he stood and I almost came when he spoke.

Im Gracin Allanada. No you cannot call me Grace, Gracy or Grey.
Im just Gracin. With that he sat back down.


I was breathing hard and I couldnt take my eyes off of him. Gracin. Gracin, what a strange name. And I thought Sarrina was weird.

Beth elbowed me in the side, Whats wrong with you?

I sighed. Lots of things. I swear I saw him smile as if hed heard me.

Well snap out of it, we have got work to do.

You did not just say that. Have you noticed perfection is our new student? Whats wrong with YOU? I snapped back.

Ive noticed but I dont care, I like Cas. Hes the only guy id ever concider.

After school we are going to the nearest hospital to have you commited for retardation, or brain damage. Shit maybe your blind. I waved my hand infront of her face. She smacked it away with a giggle.

Im not dumb, Im just focused. She started gathering papers and shuffling them.

I huffed and said under my breath, Nope. Your crazy.


It turned out I had Mr. Perfection in six of my classes and I stared at him in every one. This was bad. Bad, bad, bad. I wouldnt ever get any work done if he was there. I spent too much time thinking about how to seduce him. I was seriously concidering getting a schedule change.

I was walking to seventh period when I saw him having problems with his locker. He looked like he had no clue how to open it so I took this as my chance.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him.

Having a problem? I asked. Stupidstupidstupid.

He flashed a smile that made my thights clamp so my girl didnt soak my panties.

You could say that. I noticed a faint accent, but I couldnt place it.


He looked at me weird, almost a cluless look. Then he looked around and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. 13-45-62.

I opened it up for him and then repeated it again to let him see. Then I let him try it.

You really didnt have lockers at your old shcool? I asked. 7th period could wait, I was talking to my dream guy.

No, Ive never seen them before. He replied seriously and I thought he was joking.

Yeah, thats funny. I said then I picked up my bag and waved him good bye. It was a useless gesture because he was in my 7th period also.

You gotta be kidding me?! I whispered and Beth looked up from her essay.


I have him in every class. I told her massaging my temples.

OH wow. Thats got to suck. She went back to writing her essay.

I, on the other hand, was trying to think of ways to focus on something other than him….yeah I got nothin.

When he noticed me he smirked and waved a little.

I looked behind me to see who he was waving at.

He smiled and started walking over to me. Imagine my shock when he sat down next to me.

Hey. He said.

I vaugely noticed Beth look up and her jaw hit the floor.

Hey. I said back.

So I have you in every one of my classes and I still dont know your name. He smiled and I melted.

Its Sarrina, but I go by Sari. I was blushing. Why was I blushing? What the tits?

He smiled, Sarrina, thats an odd name.

Not anymore odd than Gracin. I smiled back and was trying not to evaporate at the heat he had created just by saying my name. I wanted to tell him to repeat it over and over into my ear and he made sweet sweet love to me.

Fair enough. He smirked and I was gushing.

So for the rest of the class we talked about how he had moved here from a foreign place though I never learned where. And how he had six brothers and four sisters, which facinated me because I was an only child.
He was the second to youngest. That was pretty much all I got from him and then he mostly listened to me talk about my life.

I also learned that I had a huge crush on him.

Im so screwed.


As Beth and I drove home she asked to stay the night. I of coarse said yes and the she asked, Have you set a date?

I looked at her confused. For what?

The wedding, silly!

I spit out the gulp of water id just taken. Beth was laughing histarically.


A few minuites later after stopping at the store to get snackes for girls night concidering it was Friday.

We saw none other than Gracin walking down the heavily wooded back road that leads to our culdesac.

What the–?
I pulled over and rolled my window down.

Hey Gracin what are you doing? Do you need a ride?
He didnt look suprised to see me. It was as if he knew id be driving home this way. There were just way too many coincedences for me today involving this guy. Why had the fates crossed us? Shit, maybe I should be preparing the wedding.

He leaned into the window, I could use a ride actually, he noticed Beth and for a moment I thought he would forget I existed but he just said hi and turned back to me.

I started thinking of what to write in my vows.

Well get in, I dont want our ice cream to melt. I said, not even really caring about the ice cream.

He got into the back seat and my Bug felt dwarfed compared to him. He filled the entire back seat.
Where do you live? I asked.

Oh, just up here. He pointed.

Omg if he lives near me Im going to the nearest bridal store and picking out patterns for the cake and my dress.

When we came to the small house just outside my culdesac I asked, All your siblings live there!? The place was tiny. Shit it was too small for him!

He laughed, No its just me. I live here alone.

I didnt ask any questions. I was to busy watching his sweet ass wiggle out of the back seat. He got out and thanked me. Have a nice weekend. I smiled and waved. I watched him walk into his house and turn one last time to wave to me.

So when do you want to go gown shopping?

Im thinking Sunday.


That night while I was in the shower I couldnt help but rub myself. Images of Gracin kissing me down my body burned into my mind. Im a virgin, yes, but that dosent mean I dont know anything. Ive watched porn, read porn, wrote porn. Its fun. Ive just never commited the act. But I have masturbated…plenty of times.

I went back to my fantasy. Gracin was kissing down my stomach to my soaked pussy. He dipped a finger into me and then put them in his mouth for a taste. I groaned and rubbed harder on my clit. Gracin was now licking my pussy and sucking my clit, his beard, that drove me insane it was so hot(Im like wayyyyyyy into beards. If you dont have a beard dont talk to me.) It was tickling my thighs and my outter lips as his mouth made love to my little pussy.

I took the shower head off the wall, put it on its most powerful spray and went to town on my vagina.
Gracin pushed my legs back to my shoulders and started plunging his tongue into my hole, his fingers danced on my clit. This fantasy was the greatest one id ever had! I dont think Ive ever gotten off just from imagining something.

I felt the orgasm burst inside me. My whole body shuttered with it and liquid heat raced up my spine.

It was the most intense thing Ive ever felt in my whole life.

When I got out and towled off I wrapped my hair and walked into my room. Beth sat on my bed in her panties and a oversised t shirt. She was eating her icecream and typing away at her computer.


Hey, did you have a good one? From the sounds of it, you totally did.

Stay out of my personal affairs. Peeping tom. I flushed red with embaressment. Was I really THAT loud? I thought id been quiet.

Beth giggled. She knew I masturbated, just like I knew she did. I also knew she liked putting the handle of her hair brush up her ass occasionally. God help the poor soul that marries that girl. They are in for a WILD ride.

Did you think about him? She asked, scooping a mouth full of icecream into her face orphis.
What him? I replied towling my hair dry.
You damn well know.
Yeah he might have slipped into my mind for a minute.

Youre hopless child. Beth shook her head.

I know! But hes so pretty!!!

Ive noticed.

Dread filled me, Please dont notice. I never get this interested in a guy.

Seriously calm down. I just agreed he is pretty, get your panties out of a wad. Beth threw a pillow at me. Well thats going to be hard to do because Im not wearing panties! I flashed her. Beth threw her arms up to cover her face. My virgin eyes!

We both burst into laughter.

After watching The Notebook and having a good cry we got ready for bed. I didnt like staying up late on the weekends because I enjoyed mornings and during the week I had school. No morning enjoyment when I have to stare at Lynchs fat ass all 1st period.

I couldnt get to sleep. One hour went by, then two. Beth snored softly next to me.

I looked at the clock. 3:00 am. What the tits? Why cant I sleep?

I decided I needed a glass of water so I went into the kitchen and made some, after gulping it down I looked out the window over the kitchen sink. I saw my reflection. I wore shorts since it was muggy outside tonight, and a tank top. My hair was down and spread around my shoulders falling over my breasts. My green eyes shone like a cats, my mom had always said I had the most striking eyes. My skin was pale in the moonlight. I looked like a fucking porcalin doll. I hated porcilane dolls. Ew. Creepy.

Then something caught my eye outside. A light was bouncing around on the edge of the forest. Not a flash light, not big enough, and it was pale green, about the size of my fist.

My Granpappa always said hunt the booger which didnt mean pick boogers and find a good one, it meant find the boogyman, dont let him scare you. I lived by that rule. So I went to my room and got my tennis shoes.

I grabbed a paper and pen and scribbled a note that read: Dear beth, I went to chase a ball of light! Love ya, see ya. -Sari:)

Our house was the only one in the culdesac without a fenced in back yard. Dad had been meaning to fence it up but hes been busy with work and so has mom, and Im sure as hell not doing it. So its just stayed like that.

I walked past my old swingset and saw the light dissapearing down a nature trail. I didnt know what it was but I was going to find out. Every step I got closer it got further, never fading or getting bigger, just further away. I paused for a moment then it paused. I stepped left, it waved left. It was mimicking me. So when I started walking backwards I was surprised to see it stay in the same place.

I accept this challenge mystical ball of green light. I whispered to the night.

It started bouncing as if it were laughing. The little shit. Then I charged it. It hesitated and then took off, staying just ahead of me. Please keep in mind Im going to be a track star so this little light is hauling ass!

After weaving my way through the trail I was extremely surprised when I almost hit the side of a house. That little shit of a light had went right through it, so I guess I thought I could too.

And then I realized whos house it was.
You guessed it…Gracins.

I walked around front to see if the light had came out the other side but all I found was the front door standing wide open.
After warring with myself that I should go in or leave, going in won out.

The floor boards creeked and I called out for Gracin. To see if he was home.

I know your thinking, is this bitch crazy!? She just walks into some guys creepy house in the middle of the night. The door was wide open he could have been robbed and the theif is still there.
Well the answer is no Im not crazy, just curious. Ive always been that way.

Danger isnt frightening. Its the unknown that is. So I like to find out and not be afraid of whatever is out there.

The house was even smaller on the inside. The livingroom, kitchen, and bedroom were all in the same vacinity. There were two doors off the side of the livingroom. I assumed they were a closet and a bathroom and then there was a bang from behind the first door.

Gracin! I called out. Silence.

I walked to the door and opened it up. A faint green light illuminated the stairs that led down to the basment. I knew it was my little light.
I walked cautiously down the stairs, they were creeky and old so I didnt want to fall through and break something. As I reached the bottom I saw that the room was actually bigger than its upstairs counterpart. It was cluttered though. And I could hear scurring mice. Yuck.

All this time in the back of my mind Ive been wondering where Gracin is.

I saw my light dissapear behind a sheet covered object and followed it. I followed its weaving movements through shelves and sheeted things until it came to rest near a wall.

Ive got you now. I whispered.

It shook again as if laughing. And then I noticed the shadow behind me. I turned to meet whomever it was and was surprised to see Gracin.

I shouldnt have been surprised because after all it was his house. Face+palm.

He smiled at me, the illumination of the pale green light made him look sinister.

I opened my mouth for an awkward explaination and he shushed me with a finger to my lips.

No, Sarrina, it is I who has got you.

Then I felt myself being pushed backwards by his hands. I expected to hit the wall but then I just felt myself falling.

On a silent scream I looked up to see Gracin and the little ball of light looking down at me as I fell into some unknown darkness.
It engulfed me.
Then everything went black.


I hope you enjoyed it. I know it dosent have a lot of sex in it but just wait for the next chapters.
If you liked it Im happy, I hope to make this a series. Leave comments, all good things I hope:)
Im open to suggestions and writing tips. Thanks for reading!!

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Sue Johnson looked down at the monstrosity in her hands. It was leather. That was no problem. It was made in the U.S.A. Now, that was a big plus in her mind. Her daddy had lost his job to a factory shutting down and going overseas for cheaper labor. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be thinking about such things because she was still a minor. The real problem was the gross heels coming down to a narrow spike at the bottom. They had to be like six inches long and looked terribly dangerous to be on...

1 year ago
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Jilnar Jardalys Lesbian Lovefest

Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...

3 years ago
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A Party of Four

Chapter 1 I've never written this kind of thing before, so if I jump around a little and get things a bit out of order, well, I hope you can be a little tolerant, after all, few of us are masterful writers and I'm honest enough to admit it right off. So, let's begin. I'm Andy and this happened the summer before I started my junior year of college, I was twenty. My parents had been friends with the McDaniels, Jim and Deborah, for a long time and, in the normal course of things, I had...

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Bi foursome with girlfriend and another couple

I hadn’t seen my friend Marcus for a couple of years so I was surprised when he called to say he was in town and wanted to meet up. Marcus wasn’t just a good friend, he was also my bi fuck-buddy for several years and the prospect of getting my tongue around his thick juicy cock again made my own swell as I heard his voice. We chatted awhile, catching up on our gossip – I told him about Jenny, my new girlfriend while he talked about bringing his partner without saying if it was a girl or a boy....

2 years ago
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I Hope We Dont Get Caught

Not too long ago, June 13th to be exact, sixteen year-old Skye and eighteen year-old Preston had recently gotten out of school for the summer. Preston was about to move away to Vermont to attend college while Skye was stuck in boring, old Wyoming, as she would describe it as. Despite this, Skye decided to invite him over to her house for the night, just to start off summer vacation. I mean why not? Her mother and father weren't going to be home for most of the night. It was around 10 o'clock at...

First Time
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Jamaica Blacken PT10

2nd WednesdayWe slept, intertwined, until noon.Over fruit, rolls, and coffee, we discussed the previous night's activities, Jaye naked as usual, curled up with her head in Samuel's lap, stroking his Black Cock.She told us about her mixed emotions – living out the fantasy, its gritty reality, erotic high, her humiliation from the use of her body and shame at how she loved it. Being sold for dances and groping hadn't really bothered her that much – it was kind of an extension of the night before...

3 years ago
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I Love All Women

I guess that I should tell you something about me before I go any further. The one thing I absolutely love to do in this life is fuck. I live to fuck. I see a beautiful woman, hell for that matter, even a plain woman, I immediately want to be between her legs giving her my 7 inches of happiness. It may seem like I’m bragging, but, I’m damn good at giving a woman all the pleasure she can handle. This brings me to what is going on right now. Earlier this evening, while at the gym, I met an...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 87

If there was one purely social event in Spearfish Lake that got talked about, planned for, rumored over, recriminated as a result of, or preached against, it was the annual Halloween Party at the West Turtle Lake Club. In other words, it was usually far and away the most memorable social event of the year. Like many things that get a reputation all their own, it started innocently enough, when Gil and Carrie Evachevski decided to have a few friends over for a little party the weekend before...

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Mommy mommy mommy Chapter 3

Mommy, mommy, mommy, Chapter 3 I went over to short-term housing and luckily there was an available room. While waiting for them to finish my paperwork I saw my reflection and was horrified to see that the pretty lipstick I was wearing was now smeared all around my mouth from Duane's assault. I forgot I was even wearing lipstick! The housing clerk must have noticed but she just handed me the key and pointed me down the hallway. I was so tired I just fell on the bed and cried myself to...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 29

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Both Sam and Mellos could feel when the seven melded Tetricon council, smashed against the shield. Sam turned to look at Mellos as they both held fast. A moment later Sam felt a small nudge, (Sam, how can this be of help to you? We will do as you ask though for now, we are confused.) Came the thoughts of the male elite. (If I have this calculated right, you’ll see what I am trying to do, ) returned Sam’s thoughts. Sam could feel that both...

1 year ago
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Me And Sam The Final Chapter

Chapter 23 Let's Spent The Night Together No need for an alarm this morning. Saturday had finally arrived. Based on everything I'd already done, I had no idea why I was so excited about getting my hair styled. I guess in a sense it expressed my commitment to being Joan. I made my way to the bathroom and showered carefully. The razor quickly removed the bit of stubble from my legs and the few stray hairs in my arm pits. Thankfully, I still had my beautiful baby...

3 years ago
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Sexy student

Hello ISS readers my is Divya & I live in Mumbai, I read ISS. And by fascinating I am writing first story of mine. I am 28 yrs old now widow and in search of sex partner, I am a lecturer by profession in one of the classes in Mumbai . My husband was a Govt. Servant & died two years ago. I first enjoyed sex when I was 18 with one of my student who was use to come for tuition at my home. I have lesbian experience with two female lecturers who are working with me in the same Classes. The story I...

4 years ago
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White Skates

White Skates Small boy holds on to his mother's hand, as they navigate the store, looking for the right place. Soon, they are in sporting goods, and the two of them join the small group of boys and girls and harried parents getting new skates. "I want white skates, momma," the small boy practically whispers. "White skates are for girls," she says, and sits him down so the salesclerk can measure his feet. Soon they are stuffed into black skates, and the mother says "Now you'll be...

2 years ago
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On the BeachChapter 2

PART 5 - A summer reunion. It was summer and time to go to our favorite beach, the scene of so many of our life’s key events. Alison emailed to let me know she was out of school for a month and was bringing her fiancé as I had suggested. They would go to the beach with us. I picked them up at the airport and was rather surprised to discover that Ed was Asian. He was polite and nice and was all American, fourth generation. I took them to her parent’s house and we made plans for the next...

1 year ago
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Far Too Hot And Getting Hotter chapter 4

Far Too Hot(chapter four)Kevin is making me so hot, the relentless slapping of his balls on my pussy, his giant cock spearing my arse, his hands playing with a nipple and my ever sensitive clit. Kevin, you’re driving me mad.I spit again on my fuckers pole, his face is contorted, his mouth is gaping, his breathing is spasmodic, his hands fist the bed on both sides of him.“Oooo, this looks like just what I need, I’ve always wanted to be in a porno.”It’s Jen, my darling Jen . . . . . fuck, that...

1 year ago
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Bend Me Shape Me Part 3

Bend me Shape me, number 3 by Vonya Lee The walk from the train station to Dan and Maria's condo is all uphill. I stop at the bottom of the staircase to catch my breath. I've never been this exhausted in my life. I'm spent. I don't know a soul around here and thank god for that. I don't want to see anyone right now. I doubt I'm capable of stringing together two coherent sentences. Pulling myself up the three flights of stairs takes all the strength I can muster. Opening the...

2 years ago
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Countermove Ch 01

Okay, to wrestlers and wrestling purists please accept my apologies for any mistakes or inaccuracies in this story. I am not a wrestler and can only work through visualization so I’m sure there are many glaring deficiencies. To wrestlers and wrestling purists (and anyone else) who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story...

4 years ago
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Election Night

Tuesday, November 8th, 1960 It was a happy night. The 1960 presidential election had just reached its conclusion.  Well, for the most part. The election had pitted Senator John F. Kennedy against Vice President Richard Nixon.  What a campaign it had been. Loretta and Penny had been enthralled by every moment of it. From the party conventions, to the debates throughout the fall, and election night itself, they felt as if they had truly been a part of this campaign.The two girls were both juniors...

2 years ago
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A Night of Summer Group Sex n Fun

I love being my hubbies sluttish wife, and doing whatever he requests of me. I didn't know exactly how smutty as wife I could be, without breaking the confines of marriage. I can honestly say that I have never cheated on him, why would I? I love sucking cock, and I get to suck as much cock as I want, or whatever he opts me to do. One evening last summer it was our turn to host the monthly get together. We enjoyed the get together and having a no holes barred sex party, free trade for all who...

Wife Lovers
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Second ChanceChapter 16

It took a few days to wrap up things in Syria, drive back to Tel Aviv, and get back to Atlanta. Angela was thrilled to see me, having stayed behind to deal with the supply trucks, but it seemed like my conversation with Gordon Olson beat me home, because a government Suburban with a driver and bodyguard met me coming off the plane. “Mr. Morrison. I am Sergeant Wilson from the Special Services Section of the Federal Marshals Service, and I have been assigned to accompany you and your ......

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Honey Bee Part 1 Sharp Shooter

It was during one summer evening in the year 2005, I was sitting in a reputed club with my friends after my after my office hours since that was Friday night & we friends planned night out with music instruments. Sorry let me introduce, myself Raam from Dharwad, Karnataka. My family consist of Brother, Bhabhi & 2 nephews one is 10 years & other one 4.5 years old. Our house is situated on the way to University hill & the view from our first floor is really beautiful & from my room window whole...

3 years ago
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Made Arrangement For My Stuff

Hello, people, this is Rajesh from Hyderabad. Once I met this guy through online we chatted for some days exchanged our interests, hobbies etc… And finally, on a fine day, we met each other at some private place. He texted me the details of the place and I was waiting there for him. After some time a car came and stopped there the guy lowered the window and said Rajesh? By looking at me. I said yes then he opened the door and called me inside the car we greeted each other. He: shall we have...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Zoe Parker Using Sis For Pleasure

I spot Zoey doing her laundry and I can’t help but notice her bubble butt peaking out from her dress! She’s filling the machine up with her dirty clothes and all I can think about is filling her up with my own load! My sister pulls her panties down to her ankles, and tosses them in with the laundry, giving me a front row seat to her perfect pussy lips! I remembered how she left me in my room after begging me to fuck her last week.. That’s not something a sister should do! She...

3 years ago
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The Princess and the HoundChapter 5

He sees her pulling into the parking lot. Katharina is just stepping out of her car, the one her father bought her six months ago. He decides to park in the space next to the trees, down just a little from where she is parked. It’s a nice luxury of having a hover bike, no need to look for a space—one can park practically anywhere. After knowing what she has been up to, he still finds her beautiful, especially now with that light summer dress that she is wearing. It clings to her body almost...

3 years ago
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Luke Takes a Wife Ch 04

Sorry this chapter took so long and is so short. Real life interfered….as always. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. * A stricken look on her face, Hannah turns and runs up the stairs as Luke struggles to adjust the huge bulge now throbbing behind his zipper. He takes a couple of deep breaths before turning to face his son. ‘You’re not supposed to run in the house, Cash!’ Luke says a little more harshly than is necessary, Feeling bad almost instantly as his...

1 year ago
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In a Secret GardenChapter 25

Friday December 21st was our final carved in stone 'be done!' date. I mentally wasn't predicting the EMP until Sunday the 23rd, but the 21st was the traditional EOTW date set by the Mayans and when most of the 'we're all going to die' internet hysteria seemed to be taking place. All of our computer equipment was disconnected and stored now except for one old laptop with a slow wifi card that I'd decided to sacrifice. We had up to a couple of days now to wait, in primitive...

2 years ago
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Ammarsquos coconuts 1

My father ran a small tea-shop and my mother helped him in the business. Though I was their only c***d, I was not much spoilt. I was not bad in my studies and frequently stood first in my class. I was very obedient to my parents. Since they were fairly educated people, they knew well the value of good education and, though it was beyond their means, they were sending me to an English medium school in a nearby town. Looking back, I think that we were a happy family, though poor, and were envied...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 22 Leave

I told my family to stay there, and I would get my gear and catch up to them. Kelly offered to follow me, but I had to explain that women were not allowed in the barracks, no way, no how! Luckily there was a parking lot near the barracks that would allow me to load my gear up. Dad had driven down in the F-150, so we could toss my stuff in the back and then ride home. The ride home was mostly taken up with my parents and Kelly asking me about the Army and my training. What did I do, what did...

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Trans woman teaches me scat

I arrived at her house and she greeted me wearing a long silk robe. She was wearing heals and it looked like a half bra and stockings. She led me into her room and we sat to talk. She reminded me about the instructions, and I agreed. She told me to sit on the floor and worship her feet. I am not really into feet, but whatever. I sat down and slowly took off her heals and began kissing her feet. I sucked on her toes as I caught glimpses of her panties. While I was kissing her feet, she...

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Jedadiah Jones

Introduction: A cheating wife story I met this cute girl while I was out cruising Saturday night and we sort of clicked so she invited me back to her house. Actually, it looked like a small mansion. Her name was Bonnie. Bonnie said her parents werent due home until late. We started kissing and necking for a while. So anyway, one thing led to another. We threw off all our clothes and started fucking. Everything was going along fine and dandy. I heard Bonnie gasp while we were doing the old in...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 24

Teresa's arrival as Scott's fiancée changed the plans for the Friday night before the wedding. Raul was to have taken the kids out to dinner and a movie, to give Barbara and Scott some time alone to catch up with each other. Instead, Raul and Barbara had a barbeque for their kids and Scott and Teresa. They thought about inviting others, but kept it small; the larger rehearsal dinner, with the wedding party and selected guests, would be Saturday night. As Bobby and Sammy had already been...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 6

The Taking of Rebecca, Chapter 6 Lilith is dressed to the nines today. It is an outfit that Rebecca has only seen her wear when she has a hot date. Perhaps something exciting is happening today. The outfit is composed of a rather short form-fitting black skirt with a low-cut white blouse that barely covers her bra. She is wearing an exquisite pair of spike heeled platform pumps, and stockings with a garterbelt instead of pantyhose. The truth is that Lilith is closing a huge deal today...

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A Step into Submission

This story is dedicated to Lady Orchid, Mystress, the Domme Corps and MystressWorld.comI spent a great deal of time in that strange place between awake and asleep trying to convince myself I was not dreaming. The muscles in my shoulders and legs were clearly suggesting this was reality, I would never dream this kind of discomfort.  The worst was I could not move to get comfortable.  The little bit of motion I actually had only seemed to make it worse. The piece of fabric in my mouth, now well...

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OHGIRL Bar Whore

Many of my clients began meeting me at my condo for our appointments as the weeks passed. I was spending so many nights getting high with Shawn and staying up so late, that it became nearly impossible for me to keep my appointments. It was easier for them to come to my place and it allowed me to get ready shortly before they arrived. I felt bad about breaking my own rules, but I was still buzzing during many of my appointments and would have been hard pressed to drive to my destination. I was...

1 year ago
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Bestial Cherane

After a hard day at the office, Cherane wasn’t in the mood for her usual “gentlemen callers” tonight. She hoped that she could simply go home, take a nice hot bubble bath, and wane her vice-presidential tensions at a gourmet home-delivered meal. But tonight there was a slight detour from the normal state of affairs. Her friend had called late in the day, pleading with Cherane to take her beloved “puppy” in for the night, because she had an out-of town emergency,...

2 years ago
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Debbie Sets the Tone

Debbie and I had been dating for almost eighteen months and early into our relationship had discovered a mutual fascination with spanking. We both enjoyed switching from top to bottom especially when combined with role play which kept evolving in terms of complexity. One evening when I arrived home late and slightly drunk I quickly picked up on Deb’s foul mood as she sat watching the news in the family room.  “What’s up babe?” I slurred “It’s after midnight, did you think about calling to...

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Eye of the Tigress

Night over Gotham City was still more than two hours away. Nevertheless, the dark figure in gray and black was already out searching the city. A crime most monstrous was in danger of becoming even more so. “Twenty possibilities down, only a hundred more to go,” the young woman beneath the cape and cowl thought as she looked over the waterfront. “Something like this would have to happen when Batman and Robin are out of town. I could really use that keen analytical mind of his.” Shielding her...

4 years ago
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Those Weekend GetawaysChapter 4

I cancelled the rest of my calls that week. I was in no mood to talk business. I became addicted to watching that video, especially knowing what was going on back at home. I have never felt such a desire to fuck my wife. No love making – just out right bend her over and drive it home fucking. I was actually looking forward to see where this was going to take us. I arrived home a few hours later, three days before I was scheduled. Both my son and wife were surprised to see me walk in the...

4 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 22 Tea and Conversation

There was no time to dwell on it. I had my own follower to worry about. As soon as I thought of that, thoughts about myself vanished. I had sent Elspeth off, both of us knowing that I would be meeting an old lover. How could I have been so callous? Rather than risk Boston traffic, I phoned. Elspeth picked up on the first ring. Doh! I had no idea where Elspeth wanted me to go. The GPS in my phone led me to a large house with an iron fence. Someone opened the gate as I drove up. In another...

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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 19

Danny walked out of the theater, deep in thought. Val walked beside him in amazement. She’d actually been able to watch the whole movie, without having to fend him off. She wished more guys were like him. Then she realized that was just part of what made him unique and intriguing. “Was that an action adventure or a comedy?” Danny asked. “I think it was both,” Val answered. “That’s an interesting concept. I think I liked it,” Danny said. Val said, “I enjoyed it. It was nice to suspend my...

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Chapter Four Feminzer disease takes my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Four The next morning, Cathy was already up sitting at her makeup table telling me to get moving that she has a special treat for me today. She said get dressed and she would meet me downstairs for a quick breakfast. Oh boy, what is she up to today? My hair was getting longer than normal so I thought I would stop at my barbershop today and get a haircut. Little did...

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