House Slut 27 - Brandon And Yeong free porn video

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Reluctantly breaking the kiss Brandon slid off the bed pulling Yeong’s skirt and leggings down her legs and casting them to the floor in one smooth movement, so that she was now clad only in her underwear, lacy black panties to match her bra. He swallowed nervously, wondering how many times Yeong had worn sexy underwear on their dates, hoping he would finally see them. Since he was already standing he took a moment to drop his boxers to expose his slowly swelling cock before crawling back onto the bed and embracing Yeong, continuing the kiss he’d foreshortened earlier.

Their hands wandered over each other as they kissed. Yeong seemed to be pointedly avoiding letting her hands go near his cock but occasionally a thigh would rub against him and make him shiver with anticipation. He kissed his way down her neck and shoulder, pulling down one of her bra straps, then repeated on the other side until her bra was almost pulled down far enough to expose her chest. Taking the hint Yeong rolled on top of Brandon and straddled his belly, his cock curving up just behind her ass, pointed skywards in throbbing anticipation.

Yeong looked down at him as she reached behind and popped her bra hooks, slowly lowering her bra to reveal her breasts to him. Brandon ran his hands up her sides and eagerly cupped her firm tits, gently thumbing her hardening nipples with their tiny areolae. He pulled himself into a half seated position and gently closed his mouth over one of her nipples, sucking gently as his hands ran down her back and into her underwear to firmly grip her ass, pulling her body against him as he felt her ass slide down a little, his erection in the underwear-covered cleft of her asscheeks.

After a minute of unbearable frottage as Brandon alternated between her nipples, Yeong pushed back a little and pressed the gusset of her panties down against his cock. Brandon looked up at her as if to decode the message he was being sent. If the look in her eyes and the nervous bite of her bottom lip wasn’t enough, she also nodded, a gentle but confident head bob that confirmed all he needed to know. He gently rolled them over to lay Yeong on her back and disentangle their legs. She lay still other than to lift her ass as he curled his fingers into the sides of her panties and pulled them down and off her legs, his eyes drinking in her nakedness. His eyes drawn again to her hairless mound with its prominent clitoral bump and labia minora.

Slowly he climbed back on top of her, gently kissing her lips as their naked bodies pressed together, happy to just kiss her a little longer. He felt Yeong’s soft hands on his hips, gently urging his hips towards hers. He stopped kissing her and pressed his cheek to hers, whispering in her ear.

“Protection?” It was possibly the least sexy thing to say right now, but it needed to be asked.

“Pill.” She whispered back assuredly and he acknowledged her with a nod and resumed kissing her. As he lowered his hips to her she raised her knees and parted her thighs to make room for him. Experimentally he rubbed his crotch against hers, his cock pressed against the underside of her pussy. He adjusted position and used his hand to guide himself until he found her vagina with his cockhead, and gently pushed himself inside with a groan of satisfaction. Yeong arched her back and wrapped her legs around him as he sank into her, her body so wet and tight and hot that he thought his dick would simply melt into her. They both shivered as the moment they had been anticipating arrived and kissed frantically while Brandon struggled to keep his hips still. Despite his practice with Tegan, he felt completely out of his element and overwhelmed. He stopped kissing her and rested his head on her shoulder, breathing slow steady breaths. Yeong’s body seemed to be quivering under him, he didn’t know whether out of pleasure of nervousness or a mix of both. It might have been thirty seconds or several minutes before he composed himself felt like he could move without immediately blowing his load. He lifted his head and whispered in her ear.

“You ok?”

“Mmhmm.” Yeong acknowledged with a nod, kissing his neck. Brandon slowly moved his hips, gently drawing a little out of Yeong’s body and she let out a gentle sigh of pleasure which turned into a gasp as he pushed back in. Brandon thought her noises were simultaneously the most adorable and hottest things he’d ever heard. He moved again, this time trying to build to a slow but steady rhythm. Under him Yeong clung to his shoulders, her gentle pants and gasps of pleasure slowly giving way to soft moans each time he entered her. Between her gentle sounds of passion and the fact he was actually having sex with her, there was absolutely no way he was going to last and panted breathlessly into her ear.

“I’m close.”

“Mmhmm” Yeong repeated, with slightly more urgency than she had the last time. She seemed to have her lips pinched shut to try and stifle her noises. He wondered if it was possible she was just as close as he was. Brandon decided if he was already past the point of no return then he’d best get as much mileage as he could and urged his hips to move faster, trying to tense his muscles to hold off from cumming for as long as he could. Yeong’s stifled moans sounded more like a whimper as she clung even tighter to him until he finally couldn’t hold on any longer, as abruptly as a switch being flicked inside him. He felt a small squirt escape from him as he was moving backwards, then he came all at once with a groan, his cock gliding deep inside Yeong as his jizz fountained out of him into her hot tunnel. Yeong held her breath as she felt Brandon twitching inside her and his hot gunk spurt into her body. She as her body let go of the tension that had been building up inside her, a small orgasm claiming her body as Brandon weakly stabbed at her sensitive hole, his body trembling against hers in the throes of his own orgasm.

They both gradually stopped moving and Brandon just lay on top of Yeong, who still had her legs wrapped around him. His now mostly soft cock was still buried inside the squishy mess he’d made of her pussy and he was happy to keep it that way. He tenderly kissed her and she reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Eventually they broke apart. Brandon going limp enough that he couldn’t stay inside her, Yeong releasing Brandon from her leg lock. They each rolled onto their sides to face each other and kissed again, briefly. Brandon couldn’t help but place a hand on Yeong’s breast, casually caressing her skin with his fingertips almost possessively, as if he was afraid Yeong might disappear if he stopped believing she was there. Yeong obligingly rested her hand over his, holding his hand to her chest and snuggling into his as they settled into more comfortable supine positions.

Brandon didn’t know what to say at this point, he worried that asking Yeong if she enjoyed it, or if she had an orgasm, would ruin the moment they were having. Surprisingly Yeong beat him to it.

“That was wonderful.” Yeong sighed.

“You’re amazing.” He affirmed.

There was a moment of silence while they independently contemplated the ceiling, Brandon’s fingers gently toying with Yeong’s nipple.

“This is such an unexpected feeling.” Yeong said, after awhile.

“How do you mean?”

“Just being here like this. I thought it would be more strange.”

“That’s good though, right?”

“Yes. Brandon?”


“Do you think your roommates know that we were…”

“They probably guessed that we were fooliing around at least a little bit.”

“That’s so embarassing.” Yeong giggled shyly.

“Considering what we walked in on, I don’t think they’re too bothered about it.”

There was a brief pause.

“Was it like that for you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Doing… things… in the open like that.”

“Not really.” Brandon said hesitantly. “Sam and Angus did it sometimes but I think mainly to embarrass me. Like today.”

“Oh.” Yeong pondered for a moment. “So between you and Tegan…”

“Mostly I wanted to learn, so I didn’t mess up. We tried a few different things.”

“What kind of things?”

“Do you really want to discuss this? I prefer being with you. You don’t have to worry.”

“I’m not worried, I just want to know.” Yeong said, rolling onto her side to look at him. “You know that my experiences were not good. Now that we’re finally together I want to make better memories. Together.” She kissed his cheek.

“So why does talking about Tegan help?”

“Because now I want you to be my teacher.” Yeong said with a coy smile as she ran her hand up his thigh and closed her fingers around his cock, still sticky with their combined fluids. It immediately twitched under her soft touch.

“You seem to be learning pretty quick.” Brandon said with a note of surprise in his voice. He adjusted himself so he was on his side and kissed her, running his hand down her front and sliding his finger between her hairless lower lips, gently exploring the folds of her prominent inner lips and sliding a finger into her. She felt warm and sticky inside, his earlier ejaculate having begun to seep out of her. Just feeling her around his finger made his cock spring to attention in her hand. He drew his finger out, gently massaging her clit, rubbing his slippery finger over the swollen bump. They kissed with more urgency as they masturbated each other, Yeong moving her hips to press against his hand until finally she sat up and Brandon rolled onto his back as she straddled him. She looked down at him a little nervously but with the determination of the extremely horny as she lifted her hips and gently guided Brandon inside her, slowly sitting down on his shaft with a moan as he disappeared up inside her. He couldn’t resist but grip her hips to help guide her down until her pussy lips were pressed down around the base of his cock. Yeong took his hand and brought it to her mouth, taking his index finger and sucking it gently as she began to rock her hips. Brandon knew she must have done it deliberately to take the residue from fingering her and he groaned as his cock twitched inside her as he thought about the implicaitons of that.

Yeong slowly moved her hips in a small circle as she lifted and lowered herself on her knees, apparently experimenting with this position and what felt good for both of them. Brandon was happy to be a passive participant, happy to let Yeong slowly ride him – it was hard to complain about having his dick inside her no matter what she did. He was rock hard and having cum so recently he suspected they might be at it for awhile, and he was beginning to suspect that Yeong might be something of a ‘secret freak’, her demure and shy exterior slowly giving way to her inner desires. Maybe she was just making up for the years of lost opportunity after her initial bad experience. Right now, as she started rocking her hips back and forward to work his cock making him arch his back in ecstasy, it really didn’t matter.

She released his hand and braced her hands on his shoulders, starting to build up a steady rhythm with her hips, her breasts jiggling back and forth. He couldn’t help but reach up and grab them, massaging the firm mounds and rolling her hard nipples between thumb and finger. As Yeong began rocking her body with increasing intensity Brandon was forced to reassess his estimate that he would last longer on round two – he let out a strangled groan as he felt his balls tighten and the pressure build for him to loose another load. He pressed his right hand to Yeong’s pubic mound and his thumb delved between their bodies, finding her clit by touch and she let out an appreciative moan as her hip movement caused her thumb to mash against his thumb. With his other hand Brandon grabbed Yeong’s ass, feeling as though he was clinging on for dear life as he clenched every muscle he had.

Somehow he rode out a bodily spasm and did not feel the familiar sensation of ejacluation occurring. Grateful for the brief extension of time another breathless groan escaped him as he felt Yeong’s pussy squeeze and clench. Her hip movements became erratic and her legs quivered. She bit her finger to stifle a high pitched sigh as she lifted her hips then drove back down onto him. She repeated the movement one or two more times before she sagged with releif and collapsed against him. Brandon took her ass in both hands, his aching cock still buried to the hilt up inside her as her chest rubbed against his and she nuzzled his neck, taking slow deep breaths. It seemed to take a moment but Yeong slowly realised something was amiss and experimentally squeezed her muscles.

“Are you still…?” She whispered.

“Yeah.” Brandon whispered back. “I don’t think I uh… went.”

Yeong moved her hips a little experimentally and Brandon shivered.

“Do you want to be on top?” Yeong queried.

“What about from behind?” Brandon suggested.

Yeong eased herself off him, his cock sliding free of her momentarily. He noticed it was an angry red colour, turgid with lust and an aching need to blow. Brandon climbed onto his knees as Yeong got onto all fours. As he lined himself up behind her he took a moment to appreciate the shapeliness of her ass, the slick slit framed by slightly puffy hairless lips. Just the sight of her made him want to explode. He gently took her by the hips and lined his cock up with her glistening slit, easing himself back into her. Yeong let out a whimper as he slid inside with a satisfied grunt, her vaginal walls clenching around the head of his cock as she lowered herself onto her elbows and hugged a pillow, pushing her ass back against him. Looking down Brandon say the tiny dark star of her anus between her olive-toned cheeks and wondered if she was a virgin there. She almost certainly had to be. He imagined being the first to explore her most private place, then internally chastised himself for thinking that far ahead – this was only their first time properly together and he should be satisfied – no, thrilled that she wanted him inside her at all, instead of fixating on something she may never want to do.

He began to gently thrust, pulling out and driving slowly back in. He only moved his hips slightly, using his hands to guide hers as well. After adjusting to the feeling and angle he began to speed up, his erection angled downwards both putting pressure on her g-spot but also curving upwards, the flare of his swollen helmet raking the rear wall of her vagina. Yeong had reached back between her legs with one hand and, Brandon assumed, was rubbing her clit as he fucked her. She seemed to be well on her way to a third orgasm and Brandon believed he wasn’t far behind this time.

As they both raced towards the finish line Brandon began to pick up the pace, his crotch repeatedly slapping against Yeong’s ass. It felt almost disrespecteful to her to start pounding her so frantically but she didn’t seem to bear any objection, burying her face in the pillow as her moans grew louder and her legs began to shake, her toes curling as she squirmed her feet against the mattress. This time when he felt the internal pressure building he knew it heralded the end and he announced this for Yeong’s benefit.

“I’m cumming” He groaned breathlessly. Below him Yeong nodded her assent with a breathless “yes”. With another groan he pulled her hips against his and held himself as far as he could go. Yeong’s tight hole gripped him, her muscles rippling from base to tip as if trying to milk him as she enjoyed another small orgasm. Brandon’s cock pulsed as he empited himself inside her. He was beyond continuing to fuck, he simply let the warmth and silkiness of her body do the work as he kept himself buried deep until he was done. As the last spasms of pleasure faded away he slowly pulled his wilting member out of her creamy hole and they both lay alongside each other again. Brandon wrapped his arms around Yeong and pulled her close, her head tilting up to join him in a brief kiss before burying her face against his chest as he gently stroked her back. This time he broke the silence first.

“That was amazing.” Brandon whispered.

“Mmm” Yeong agreed, seemingly quite sleepily as she nodded against his chest.

“You ok?”

“Yes.” Yeong said, looking up at him and blinking a few times. “I’m sorry, I feel exhausted suddenly.”

“Don’t be.” Brandon kissed her forehead. “I take it as a compliment. You want to sleep here tonight?”

“I’d like that.” Yeong yawned.


“They’re definitely fucking by now.” Sam said matter-of-factly, as he played with Tegan’s clit. He’d arrived home shortly after Yeong had disappeared into Brandon’s room and Angus had brought him up to speed. He’d taken out his own dick and pulled Tegan unresisting down into his lap and she had obligingly taken him in her mouth. After a certain period she was unconcerned that Yeong might walk out and catch them at it – or rather, even if that did happen it wasn’t likely to damage Brandon’s relationship with Yeong more than seeing her with Angus already had. After awhile he had pulled her head out of his lap and guided her to sit on his erection facing away from him with her dress hiked up around her hips, holding her in place so that he was buried inside her warm body, gently playing with her clit just to tease her, apparently in no hurry to finish.

“It’s possible.” She said, slightly breathlessly. “But that’s none of our business.”

“Aye, aye, Brandon made that clear enough.” Angus said from the armchair across from them, apparently enjoying the show Sam and Tegan were putting on as he opened a beer and took a sip. “Though it does make me envious.”

“It’s not like you haven’t had other women.” Sam countered as he groped Tegan’s small breasts through her dress.

“Aye, ah suppose.”

“Bored with me already?” Tegan cut in, a mild shudder running through her. The fact none of them were openly addressing the fact Sam was wearing her on his cock was making her crazy, or maybe that was just her body responding to Sam’s teasing.

“So sensitive.” Angus chuckled. “Nay lass, not bored. Us men are just always envious of what yeh cannae have.”

“Speak for yourself.” Sam countered again. “I know when I’m on to a good thing and appreciate it.” He took Tegan by the hips, raising her up for a moment before pulling her back down with a groan. Tegan bit her lip to stifle a moan.

“Yeh’re saying if some other lass walked in here right now, flashed her gash, and said ‘yeh can have me’, yeh’d just say ‘nae thanks, ah’m good’?”

“Well, that’s not the scenario is it? If some girl came in and kept her pants on, I wouldn’t give it a second thought. If she offered herself that’s a different story. So no, I’m not jealous of Brandon, I’m happy for him.” Sam moved Tegan a few more times until she took the hint and started using her legs to raise and lower herself from Sam’s lap, feeling him slide in and out of her slick hole. He kept his hand on her back to manage her pace, starting her slow and then encouraging her to go faster as he leaned back into the couch to relax.

“Well, and ah mean nae offence” he nodded to Tegan “If another girl walked in an said ‘yeh can have me’, ah’d have tae say aye.”

“I’m not saying I wouldn’t either, but I’m also not cooking up that scenario while I’m already balls deep in a willing participant. What are the odds of two sexy girls making the same offer in one lifetime?” Sam went back to groping Tegan’s chest through her dress as she rode him. She could tell by the slight tremor in his voice that he was probably going to cum soon. She wasn’t, but that was fine. She was growing increasingly fond of the feeling of just being horny.

“Very pragmatic of yeh.” Angus said. “Though o’course I do bless my lucky stars that such a comely slut fell intae our laps.” He raised his beer in an imaginary toast.

“Aww, that’s so sweet.” Tegan purred. Sam tapped her on the shoulder.


Tegan raised herself off his throbbing prong and sunk to her knees, enveloping him in her mouth and bobbing her head, working the glans vigorously with her lips and tongue as Sam’s body tensed, trying with every fibre of his being to hold back for as long as possible, digging for that bigger, more powerful release. Eventually Tegan’s oral ministrations worked his orgasm loose and he groaned, relaxing into the chair as his seed surged into Tegan’s mouth, where she gracefully held it until he was done squirting. Slowly she drew her lips off his wilting stalk and opened her mouth to display the load in her mouth for Sam’s amusement, using her tongue to toy with it. She still didn’t love the taste of semen, but making men think she did only fuelled the fire between her legs. After giving Sam a short show of savouring his gift she swallowed thickly then displayed her empty mouth, which he rewarded with a gentle pat on the head.

“They don’t come much sluttier than this, Angus. What more could we want?”


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Carmen and Brandon

I noticed one day at work that a new young man had been hired and over the course of several days noticed he had been eying me from time to time. So one day I wore a particularly short dress which showed off my cleavage very well and went into the copy room. After a few minutes I went back out and asked if he could help me with some papers. Once inside, "You're new here aren't you?' I asked him "Yes maam" he replied. Smiling at his formal answer, "Carmen's my name" I followed "You can call me...

3 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 3 Riverbend Outpost

The outpost is a thriving and busy place known as Riverbend Outpost. There is a good sized market near the gate, multiple inns and pubs, at least one blacksmithy, and myriad other businesses to be found within its walls. The first order of business, the two agree on is finding food. They’re not starving, but it sure feels like it to them and they have finished the rations they were provided with a day ago. Neither of them has ever had to go any significant length of time without a meal...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 100

By Bob Chapter 10: Is Jon Really Mad or Covering Up? "Where the fuck is Tom?" Jon asked in a very stern tone. I really didn't know how to answer so I told him that Tom and Dave had spent the night in our room so that they wouldn't bother him. He seemed to accept that for which I was very grateful. I stepped up to the urinal and went about my business. I really had to pee and I wasn't really concerned about what Jon was feeling at that moment. As I started to pee, I felt that...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 11

By Bob Chapter 11: Being True to My Love and Myself "Ah, Jon, can we talk somewhere else," I said knowing that chances were that others would be coming into the bathroom. "Sure, let's take a walk," Jon said as he made his way to the door. "Maybe we can hit the lake and talk." There was a very bright glimmer in his eye as he said that. I wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but getting out of the washroom was. I followed him as he made his way down the stairs. As we left...

3 years ago
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Carmen and Brandon 2

The three of us sat there for a while relaxing from the session; me sitting on Brandon's right side while Joe sat on his left. After a bit I reached over and started to caress Brandon's cock, gently rubbing it and lifting it up in my hand. I knew Brandon was going to be my new lover and from the look he gave me as I fondled his cock, he knew it too. "What a nice fuckin' cock you have" I finally said to Brandon as I took it more in my hand and started to jerk it. I moved my hips over away from...

3 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 1

As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained. At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 1

Coming into school on Wednesday was different. I've read accounts about how people would line up and wait for the Program participants to show up—basically you're supposed to do a striptease—but that didn't happen to me. I mean, there were people around, but they didn't pay me much mind. Who's interested in seeing Brandon Chambers naked in school anyway? And it was fine by me, because I doubt I could strip-tease if my life depended on it. Who exactly would I be teasing? Everybody's gag...

2 years ago
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Doing Brandon

After our first "encounter," Nora and I had fallen into the practice of meeting for coffee about twice a week at her house.  We would sit at her kitchen table sipping coffee and swap gossip and share fantasies.  Sometimes they would get us both quite horny and we would end up in her bed.  One time we didn't even make it that far, finding ourselves naked and pleasing each other on the cold kitchen floor.  But one Monday morning upon my arrival, Nora warned me that her son (Brandon) was home that...

3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolThursday part 1

Waking up was a slow, luxurious process, cocooned in warm, soft sheets, hampered only by the fact that I had no idea where I was. I had never seen this room before—at least, not from this angle. It looked vaguely familiar, but... Where was I? And whose chest was that up against my back, whose arm across my waist? Whose clothed erection just barely brushing against my rear? I stretched to look over my shoulder. Oh. Brandon. It's all coming together now. Remembering where I was,...

2 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 2

Arriving back at the inn, Tammi flashes a signal to the other Hei Guer sect members in the area around them. The sign that she gives them is the “All is good” sign as they enter the Twisted Oak. Upon receiving this signal all but one of her brothers and sisters depart, leaving a single watcher across the street. Inside the inn, Brandon leads the rest of them to the room. Once inside, Brandon takes a moment and sets up the sound canceling shell so they can speak without being overheard. The...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolTuesday part 1

If you really stop to feel it... Being naked is actually a really fun experience. The way the fashion industry is now, you sometimes forget that you can go around without clothes on (and what girl isn't aware of that stuff?), and until you take 'em off, you never realize how... Confining they are. It's really nice to feel the sunlight on your skin, the wind. You feel... Liberated. Hi, I'm Arie Chang, and I'm naked in school. I don't really know how this program came about. The...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 3

Open House was hardly a new experience for me; I've done three of them so far. But in some ways it was utterly new, because for the first time, I, Arie Chang, was naked in school. Naked in Open House. And boy, did people stare. I was just glad that none of the parents could see my scars. We musicians were the opening act, so we had to be seated and ready on our metal chairs under the gaudy yellow-white neon lights before Dr. Zelvetti went up on the little stage that had been erected...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha

It had been three long years since that special summer when I was introduced to the glorious world of sex with an older woman. That's actually incorrect, as I had the pleasure of fucking two of my Mom's best friends during that same time period. For those of you who don't remember, and those who never knew at all, my name is Brandon. I am a concert sound engineer for some of the most popular rock, pop and country acts in the music business. During that summer I was involved with both Jeri and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chap 5

By Bob Chapter 5: The Big Game, Part 1 Morning came too soon. I didn't want this night to end, but as the sun shone through the window my normal instincts to wake up were initiated. I turned to find Brandon also beginning to awake. I put my arm around him and kissed him. It was almost like Sleeping Beauty, because as I softly pressed my lips to his, he awoke. "Ummmmm," is all I could distinguish. "Good morning my love," I whispered. "Time to get up, Bran." "As if I'm...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and Sasha Part 3

We arrived in Sunnyvale the day before Mom's procedure. She was happy to see us, but saved her biggest joy at finally meeting Sasha for the first time. To say that Mom was impressed with Sasha would be a major understatement. The way she carried on with her, you'd think that she was her long-lost daughter. In a way, I believe that probably summed up Mom's feelings, because I had never seen her quite so happy in a long time. Sasha certainly did her part, making sure that Mom's favorite flowers...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 2

The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Brandon Part 3

Later that afternoon, Brandon and I were back in my room sitting on the bed together talking about what had happened between us the past 24 hours. I was still dressed in my plaid skirt white panties and nothing else. Brandon had his boxers and a t-shirt on.I gotta say, Taylor, your mouth is amazing. You know how to please a cock.Thank you, Brandon. I rubbed my hand over his bulge. The thought of your cock makes me so horny.Since your mouth is so good a pleasing my cock, maybe your ass is too.I...

1 year ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 4 Having sex at school2

I get out of bed, grab my clothes for school and head into the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I step out, towel off and put on my clothes and head downstairs to make myself breakfast. I grab a box of frosted flakes out of the cabinet along with a bowl, and a spoon out of the drawer and the milk out of the fridge. I put it all together and start eating my breakfast. Brandon comes down the stairs and into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl and he starts to fill it with cereal. “I want you...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon 2

By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door - FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. "Hey Dave. What's up?" the voice I had been waiting for resounded. "Not much guy, just doing some crap for history," was Dave's reply. "Yea, hear that. Actually I need...

1 year ago
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Brandon Part 4

Brandon and I weren’t able to see each other as much as we wanted to the rest of the summer. Between his work schedule and my baseball schedule, it was hard to find time. When we could find time, it was hard to find a place. We would send each other sexts every so often. I dressed up in my yellow bikini from our first night, remember this?He texted back with a picture of his hard cock, now look what you’ve done!Brandon was a student manager for the college football team so he had to get to...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Series Chapter 2

A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. “Hey Dave. What’s up?” the voice I had been waiting for resounded. “Not much guy, just doing some crap for history,” was Dave’s reply. “Yea, hear that. Actually I need to talk with Bob about my science. He has Mr. Knop and I know that he...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 4

Following the aborted orgy with the women, I hurriedly apologized to Jeri and Brenda for our abrupt departure and took Sasha's hand. We never looked back as we made our way to the car. On the way back to Mom's place, I focused on driving. Sasha sat in the passenger seat, quiet except for an occasional sniffle. She was silently crying as I drove, but I wanted to wait until we got back before I spoke to her. Once I pulled into the driveway and shut off the car I turned to her. "I feel that I owe...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolTuesday part 2

It was a short walk, only a couple minutes, between the Nurse's Office and Dr. Zelvetti's. None of us said anything, and Steve and Shannon, one of the school's most recognizable couples (completely aside of their lack of clothes) weren't holding hands. I guess we were feeling subdued. It was only in the actual office (Had we truly all been in here only thirty-six hours ago?) (Oh, and fancy that: as it turns out, she too graduated with a degree in Psychology) that we finally spoke, and it...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolThursday part 2

Around the time my lunch came surging back up my esophagus was when I also got my brain back. Meredith was a dear—she drove slowly and carefully, trying to avoid sudden starts or stops, and never once complained about the mess I'd made. Forget Brandon Chambers, Naked in School: let me be Brandon Chambers, Boyfriend of Meredith Levine for the rest of my life, and I'll be happy. Except for that whole nausea-in-the-aftermath-of-anti-pot-treatment. Ugh. Have you ever tried to drive the 220...

1 year ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 5 The Grind

Over the following months, Tracy and Brandon train daily. Three days a week in how to manipulate mana and use it to cast spells, and learning new spells. Both of them become proficient with Brandon’s original three spells and add a set of spells that will imbue their weapons with various elemental boosts for a period that is dependent on the amount of mana they use when they cast it. They also learn spells for concealment and camouflage, creating food and water, and even elemental armor that...

2 years ago
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Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...

2 years ago
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Brandons nervous habit helps out Gina

Everything started a few months ago, if I was stressed at work I would quickly silently get an orgasm out when nobody was in the bathroom. Now it's a normal office setting so I make sure nobody else is in there,( try and predict nobody will go in) and started as a way to calm down in the evenings when I worked late. Anyhow, when I would feel really slutty sometimes I would do it on lunch in my car or in the bathroom but over months I found myself looking forward and doing it routinely. This all...

4 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 1

There's this word in the English language, "Apocalypse." It doesn't mean what everyone thinks it does. Well, actually, that's not true. It does mean what everyone says it does, because that's how language works. If everyone suddenly decided to call a pig a tree, then "tree" would mean pig, and the dictionary can go fuck itself. Kind of like how when someone bitches out a bush or a shrub, they mean the president, not the greenery on their lawn. But when the word "apocalypse" was...

2 years ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 3 Having sex while mom is home

“Brandon is home already from hanging out with his friends?” Julie asked. “Yeah, he got home not longer after me. Which is surprising considering he’s normally home late on Tuesdays. What are we having for dinner?” Kathy asks. “I was thinking of making Lasagna if that’s okay with you guys”. Julie says as she sets down the groceries. “Can you grab the last couple things from the car? And I’ll start dinner”. They both look up at the ceiling as they hear the water shut off in the bathroom. I...

2 years ago
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My brother Brandon and I

We met in summer school last year, I was an honor roll student trying to take summer classes, so I could graduate early, and he was a stoner who only took summer school because he had to, so he could graduate on time. We had most of the same classes, and he was/is the class clown. He always made me laugh, which drew me to him. We started talking and hanging out, and before I knew it we were having sex in the back of his car on school property next to the football field. He asked me to be his...

1 year ago
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Brandon Part 1

Brandon was a friend of mine that grew up just down the block from me. He was a year older than me and just finished his freshman year in college. He came back to town to work at his old construction job over the summer. I had just turned 18 in April and graduated in May. I couldn’t wait to get out of that town. In the fall I was going to the same college as Brandon. We weren’t going to be rooming together though. He was an equipment manager for the football team and lived in the student...

1 year ago
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Brandon and Megan

Brandon Jamison liked many things about hanging out at the gym. Not the least was taking off the tight constraints of proper underwear and letting his cock swing free in flimsy gym shorts. He liked to feel his cock swinging in his shorts. He was big and liked being big. It made it far easier to get girls into bed and Brandon really liked getting girls into bed. Of particular interest was a tall brunette he'd seen at the gym. Her workouts made him chuckle. She didn't take her workout too...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolMonday part 2

As Arie and I and the dark-eyed girl walked away from the cafeteria, it suddenly struck me that, for the most part, I hadn't noticed all day that I was naked. I hadn't asked for relief, I'd barely had a hard-on. Considering the circumstances, that was probably okay. Arie and her stories—me and my stories—were hardly conducive to things getting hot and bothered. Basically the only time I'd gotten an erection all day was during break, when Jane was near. (I wonder why Zach hadn't teased me...

1 year ago
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Brandon the delivery boy

I was 52, retired, and living in a small town in Montana. My wife passed away last year and I was falling into a depression. I didn't really have a lot of friends in the area. Social events were more my wife's thing. I'd tag along on occasion, but mostly she bore the brunt of talking to people. After she passed, the friends slowly stopped coming around to check on me. That was fine, since I enjoyed my solitude. Heck, I bought this house in the countryside just so I wouldn't have pesky...

1 year ago
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My brother Brandon and I Part 2

Umm…. Well…. You remember a couple years ago when I caught you masturbating in your room, and then the bathroom? I watch you walk around the house in nothing but shorts and it turns me on. Well, I’ve had a crush on you since then. We’ve had a connection since we were little, and we’re close despite being 2 years apart. I’ve been watching you since then, why do you think I got into anime and video games? I want you to notice me. I want to do stuff to get me close to you. I look up to you. I...

2 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 2 A New World A New Life

When they regain consciousness, there are a few things of which they are acutely aware. They are entirely reliant upon each other in this world. Alone, they will perish. They are paired to balance their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, that this world is filled with magic and monsters. In many ways, this place can be compared to the lands depicted in their favorite Chinese Wuxia movies. They are aware of the need to begin cultivating; the sooner, the better. They have choices to make in...

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