Having fun with my cousin
- 2 years ago
- 42
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Introduction: The fact that she doesnt have a name or description is intentional. The reason is so you, as the reader, can fill in whatever mental image of her that is the sexiest. Please rate and comment. I put on my hat and grabbed my pellet gun as I get ready to go outside. I was at my grandparents house for a week and I wanted to make the best of it, which meant staying away from my grandma. She was a sweet lady and all, but she would always make me do work when I looked like I wasnt doing enough. I opened the door on the patio and was greeted by the pleasant scent of the garden my grandmother had crafted. It was sunny out, like always, and I took my first step outside excitedly.
I first walked toward the field that was behind their yard and started looking for gophers. It was my pass-time because it led me away from my grandma, and I felt tough and powerful shooting and killing another living being. About 2 hours and 5 gophers later, I decided to head back towards the house. I stepped into the patio and put my gun away to be greeted by my cousin.
She was younger than me but only by about 6 months. I had always noticed that she was very attractive and had had a crush on her for a long time. Now that I was 16 I could fully realize just how beautiful she was. I had watched many a porno in my youth, but never had anything close to a girlfriend. I knew what the two sexy bumps were under her t-shirt and what the thing between her legs was for.
She had just ridden her bike over and the light of the sun bounced off of the perspiration on her face making it glow. She smiles with the cute almost shy smile she has and greeted me with a Hi! and gave me one of those awkward cousin hugs. She asked me how my summer was going and we chatted for a while before walking inside and have dinner with everyone else. After dinner I helped with the dishes and went downstairs because it was cooler and my cousin was down there.
She was watching TV, but when she saw me coming she turned it off and said Wanna play a card game? I said sure and she grabbed a deck and we started playing cards and talking. Soon the conversation landed on if I have a girlfriend. I was slightly embarrassed because I had never had one and she was so pretty so I assumed she has had many boyfriends.
No I have never had a girlfriend before, I havent even kissed another girl I stated, going quieter at the end. Ya me either, I mean like with a boy though. she casually pointed out, quite to my surprise. But youre so pretty! I said without even thinking. Do you think Im pretty? she almost whispered, No other guys seem to think so. Well they would be stupid to think other-wise. I said with more confidence, as I was trying to cheer her up. I guess she felt more awkward and changed the subject.
Later that night I had found out that she was staying over for the night. It was weird, because she almost never did, and that was only if my sister was over. I got into my pajamas I got into bed and started imagining her coming into my bedroom and doing terrible unspeakable things to me, and I was loving it. I heard her then open the door to the bathroom and walk right up to my door and say Good night and then into the bedroom right across the hall from me. I stifled my breath to hear her getting into bed and turning off the light.
The fact that she was right across the hall from me sent my imagination to places it has never been before thinking of ideas of how to get in her pants or how I wished that she would want to get into mine. I soon fell asleep to be joined by her in my dreams.
Slowly I woke up to find that I had had a wet dream. My boxers were soaked with my cum and I cursed because my grandma is the one that deals with my laundry and I didnt want her to see this. I took them off and rolled them into a ball and put them at the bottom of my dirty clothes, hoping that it wouldnt be too obvious. I then put some new clothes on and headed out for breakfast.
Out at the table I saw my cousin already sitting and eating, dressed in a loose t-shirt and pyjama pants. If I looked close enough I could see her nipples poking through the t-shirt, and would sneak a glance every chance I got. My grandma and grandpa were in the kitchen and my cousin small talked about the weather and what we were going to do after school and just regular stuff. Then my grandpa said that it looked like a good day for a swim, and in case I didnt mention my grandparents have an in-ground pool that all the kids loved. My cousin then looked at me and asked if I wanted to go swimming with her, and of course I accepted. Anyway I could get a better look at her body I would take.
When we got out to the pool I started imagining walking inside the girls change room with her and helping her take off her clothes, but I went into the boys instead. I opened the door and got a whiff of chlorine and saw the sparkling water. I jumped in and was rudely greeted by the coldness that took over me. I started moving around to help the circulation of warmth through my body.
I heard the other door open and was then treated to the gorgeous body of my cousin step out of the change room. The top of her bikini clutched and caressed her chest and I became envious of it. I followed my eyes down her stomach to the mound between her legs that was also unfortunately covered by the soft cloth of her bathing suit. She must have noticed me staring because she said Like my new bathing suit? I just got it yesterday. It left me dumbfounded because how could I not love the little fabric exposing most of her beautiful body to me? It looks very good on you I said, not to raise any suspicion.
She smiled and jumped into the water next to me. I got out and grabbed some goggles so I could see through the distorted images that the water created. I went under the water and swam around staring at the beautiful display I had before me. I then playfully grabbed at her leg and she kicked away with a smile on her face and we started chasing each other around and having fun with each other.
Thats when something amazing happened. As she got out of the pool one of the strings tying keeping the bikini together got caught on the siding and pulled it completely off. I watched in slow motion as her boobs were freed from there prison and bounced as she hopped up. The moment that it took her to realize what had happened was the greatest moment of my life. The water made light dance off of her and the cold of the water had made her nipples stand at attention.
I was speechless. As quick as it had happened it was taken away by her hand. It covered them back up and I quickly looked at her face to see what reaction she had. There was obvious embarrassment and shyness and she reached down and grabbed her top and ran into the change room. I could hear crying follow out from behind the door and I jumped out of the pool. I walked up to the door to listen closely and she was defiantly upset. I didnt know what I could say. Im sorry was all I could think of. She then yelled GET OUT OF HERE! and I quickly went inside without even thinking.
As soon as I was inside I realized that I was still soaking wet and only had my bathing suit on. I didnt want to go back out to get my clothes, but I didnt want to get in trouble with my grandma either. I thought about what I should do and quietly went back outside to get my clothes I could hear that my cousin had stopped crying and as soon as I had grabbed my clothes she walked out of the change room. She saw me and looked down at the ground with tears in her eyes and softly said Im sorry for yelling at you, but that was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. Its ok, I replied, I would have yelled at you too if that had happened to me. She relaxed a little and then got a worried look on her face and said Please dont tell anyone. She was just to upset and worried and I wanted to make her feel better so I said of course not it will be our secret.
When we went back inside lunch was being prepared and I could smell the food my grandma was making and it smelled good. It almost got my mind off of the beautiful pair of boobs that I had just seen exposed in the sunlight. Things were defiantly more awkward between me and my cousin and we ate in silence. After lunch I watch as she got up and scraped her dished and walked down the hall, and then listened as I heard the door to her room close. I sighed to myself and went downstairs to watch television.
I found myself not even wanting to pay attention to whatever sit-com was on, but instead daydreaming about the events in the morning. I replayed the top coming off in my head hundreds of times. I was enjoying myself, but I heard soft footsteps hitting the carpet as they descended toward the room I was in. I quickly straitened up and heard the pure voice of my cousin call my name out. I turned around to see my ears were correct as my cousin stood at the foot of the steps looking strait at me. Yes? I commented trying to sound as if I was just dreaming about her. She looked at the ground in front of her and said We need to talk. It wasnt in the tone of voice I was expecting. It sounded embarrassed, but yet curious. What would you like to talk about? I replied.
I dont like the way things have gotten between us now. She calmly stated Everything is to awkward now I want it to be like before. What was she talking about? I thought to myself. And how would it get back to being like before? I asked.
She then looked at me in the eyes, took a deep breath and said, I think I should have to see your penis.
Now this was quite surprising as I always thought of her as very innocent. She stood there looking more and more unsure of herself as I thought about my answer. Youre right it is a stupid idea I should have never said anything. She stammered looking on the verge of tears again. I quickly regained my senses and said the first thing that came into my head Okay. No, no its ok I dont want to force you her lip was trembling now.
I just wanted her to be ok so I got up off the couch and grabbed her hand. Come on. I didnt know were I was getting all this courage from, but it sure felt good. I led her into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. We didnt have much room in there and I looked at her and said You cant tell anyone either. She looked up at my and nodded and her eyes then immediately focused on my crotch. All of a sudden I was very nervous and started shaking a little.
I reached for the top button of my pants and opened it up. I then slowly unzipped my fly, with my cousin watching every move. I hooked my thumbs under my boxers and slowly pulled them down.
I could feel the cold air hitting my parts and they disagreed with it and started to contract into my body, like a turtle into its shell. She gasped the moment she saw it and I felt my face get bright red. It looks so different from the pictures at school she gasped eyes never breaking contact with it, or even blinking. Does it feel weird to have something dangling in between your legs? she asked with child-like curiosity in her voice. I guess Im pretty used to it. Was all I could think of. Still her eyes did not leave what she was gazing at. With wonder in her voice she said, Can I touch it?
I had not been expecting this and the thought started getting me excited. I could feel blood starting to rush downwards towards the focus of my cousins eyes. I didnt want to miss this perfect chance, but my mouth didnt seem to work like I wanted. I just nodded and watched at her arm started to move and her hand open up to accept my manhood.
She grabbed on and immediately I could feel the coldness of her hands and gasped and pulled away. She looked up with a concerned face and said Im sorry did I hurt you? No your hands are just really cold I replied, and a nervous heh escaped my lips. She reached out again and cradled it softly in her hands being as gentle as she could.
The reaction from my dick was as it probably would have been if any hot girl was holding it, it started getting harder. Oh! she exclaimed, is it doing that because of me? I guess when I assumed that she was innocent, I was correct. Well what else is going to happen when a hot girl holds it? I teasingly asked. Im not hot, she said. Well my dick seems to think otherwise. I said, with a grin on my face. Then an idea popped into my head. Can I touch yours? She looked up at me and saw I was serious. Her face then started to get a little red, Sure. That was all I needed. I had never touched a girl there before and started getting nervous again. I reached up and felt the cloth that was her t-shirt and pressed a little harder and felt her bra, and finally some heat from her boob. Even thought I couldnt really feel anything. That fact that my hand was on it excited me over the top and I felt an orgasm coming. It shot onto her hand and she jerked it away.
I immediately took my hand off her boobs and apologized. I didnt know what she thought of me and I didnt want to look up and see. Its ok, she said Ive never seen that happen before and just didnt expect it. She then grabbed my hand and put it back on her boob. Then she did something I couldnt even imagine. She brought her hand up to her face and licked all the cum right off of it! I almost came again right there as I realized what she was doing. Salty she simply stated but all of a sudden I heard my grandma call us up for supper.
I quickly pulled up my pants and unlocked the door behind me. I walked up the stairs with my cousin right behind me. What were you kids doing down there? asked my grandpa. My cousin reacted quicker and said Nothing!
She was right thought about it being less awkward. We actually had a pleasant conversation over supper and it felt normal again between us. Then she looked up and said I was thinking that I could stay over again tonight. Would that be ok? My grandparents couldnt find anything wrong with it and she phoned her mom and informed her. We then played cards and nothing was mentioned about what had happened in the bathroom.
That night I could hear her in the washroom, and she went into her room again that same as last night. Many, many times I thought about getting up and going over there even just to check on how she was doing. I convinced myself out of it as I thought that if she would have wanted to do anything she would have come into my room. The next day was uneventful, she actually had to be somewhere with her mom and that left me alone to think about our time in the bathroom all day. When she got back it was after supper and she came up to me and asked if I would like to sleep outside in a tent with her tonight. Of course I said yes, and so did our grandparents so we spent the evening getting ready by setting up the tent and such
By about 11 it was ready and we both got changed inside and climbed into the tent. We played card games until our grandparents went to bed and she looked at me and said Wanna finish what we started? I sort of knew what she was talking about but to be safe I said Okay, but you start. She responded by taking off her shirt. Now you take off something. At first I could hardly move at the sight of her bra, but did as she said and also took of my shirt. Then she took off her pants and look at me expectantly so I followed suit. She then took a deep breath and unhooked her bra. I could feel the tension and excitement rising in my and my pants and she slowly took both her arms out, looked at me, and let her bra drop to the floor. Even though I had already seen her boobs once by the pool before, the sight of them still astounded me. They were perfect in everyway. Before that I had studied them in porn, but this was something else. She broke me out of my trance by saying You can touch them if you want.
My hand floated through the air and came in contact with them. Without the bra on was completely different. They felt so smooth and nothing like I had imagined them. My other hand joined its brother on the other breast. She giggled and I then felt self-conscious about what I was doing and if I was doing it right. I then realized she was staring at my crotch again and I pitching a different tent then the one we were sitting in. She then reached down and grabbed it and said Wow its so big. I was kind of thrown back by that, I never considered myself to be big. I also realized that it was the first one she had ever seen as well.
She began stroking it outside the cloth and I took one hand off of her for a moment and removed my boxers for her. She grabbed on again and started stroking. This is was youre supposed to do right? she asked. I was in pure ecstasy and the best I could do was nod my head. Her jacking me off and me fondling her chest was too much for me I came again right all over her hands but she was expecting it this time. Did that feel good? She asked. That felt better then anything I have ever felt. I replied. She smiled at me and said thanks.
Then I got another idea. Can I make you feel good? She looked at me for a second and the realized what I was asking. She brought her hands up to her panties and grabbed them pulling down. Immediately there was a scent that was different then I was used to. It was sweet and pungent and absolutely intoxicating. A primal feeling started rising up in me as I stared at my first pussy. She had shaved it, and I guess that means she was planning this from the start.
I had seen in many pornos that the guy would use his tongue down there, and the girls would go crazy for it. I slowly lowered my head, as if not to scare her, down between her legs she opened up her legs and the scent that was driving my crazy kept getting stronger. I opened my mouth and my tongue stuck out reaching as far forward as it could begging to touch the magnificent display I had in front of me.
As soon as my hot breath and tongue hit her, her legs closed onto my head. Not hard, but enough to keep me from going anywhere. I started feeling around with my tongue and her breath started getting heavier. Then I went over what I guessed was her clit, because she jerked and told me not to stop. I started licking where she told me and her body reacted by pushing her towards my mouth she started moaning under her breath, and her body was humping my face. I then felt her tense up, and juices started oozing out. I licked up all of it I could and looked up at her.
Her face was flushed red and her breathing was still pretty heavy. Did that feel good? I asked out of genuine curiosity. That felt amazing! she wheezed, still recovering from her orgasm. She then hugged me and crawled in her sleeping bag. Why dont you come join me? she asked. I couldnt say no and crawled right in next to her. We were both naked still but she didnt make anymore moves so I assumed our fun was over for now.
End Part 1
Hi everyone, I would like to share our experience with everyone. I and my wife are very happy couple. We are married since 1 yr. I am 30 yrs old n my wife is 26. We both are satisfied with each other in sex life . I am very lucky to have a sexy wife with 36-28-36 figure. Just to spice up our sex life we decided to have some fun. One day we invited my cousin brother to our home who is 24 years of age. He came home at 1 o clock in the afternoon. My wife was wearing deep t-shirt n jeans without...
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This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...
Hi friends! First of all I am very thankful to all my readers for making my 2 stories a huge success. Here are links of it for those who missed: story-1: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/fulfilled-desire-sex-aunty-15-years and story-2:https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/fucked-widow-aunty-even-2-marriages/. Heroine of this story is my uncle’s (father daughter) daughter. She is just 19th but her height and figure makes everyone mind-blowing which are 5.6 and 34-30-32.Not to waste...
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IncestI live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason and one reason alone. To clear my conscience. Before I begin, let me tell you a little more about the world I inhabit. A woman’s eighteenth birthday is usually a big deal, but for a man, it is a life-changing experience. Once a young man comes...
Introduction: Hopefully this ones better than my last. It was the first day of summer vacation. Christina and her family were in California visiting her family. Nat had gotten up early that morning regardless, almost out of habit at this point. He knew his cousin would still be asleep so he went down stairs to make them some breakfast. Christina woke up and rubbed her eyes. She sat up in her bed and looked out the window. What time is it? She said to herself. She stood up and looked at the...
Blond hair going toward grey and dull lack-luster eyes were the first things that everyone noticed about her. She stands 5’ 3” if she would ever stand up straight and her skin was showing the result of years of neglect. At 135 pounds she’s not too bad, but her waist needed trimming and tightening and her tits were already sagging more than they should have.Rachael is my cousin. We grew up in the New Jersey shore area. She was only 3 years younger than me so we played together at times and not...
Hey, this is Sidharth from Chennai here gonna narrate my first experience with my cousin sister. This is my first sex story so please excuse my mistakes. About me I am a tall and medium complexion guy with penis 5 inch. I was in a urge of sex since from my age 15 and now I am 18 years old. Any unsatisfied aunties or ladies from Chennai contact me via my email Privacy guaranteed. I have two cousin sisters staying in Vellore. Elder cousin was 25 years old and was married 3 years ago and her...
IncestHi everyone.This is guyanga again with my newest story of how i’m fucking my aunt and cousin.The story of how this relationship of family progressed to one of sweat,screams and endless fucking was a very long one and didn’t happen over night.My uncle who has left abroad for work paved the path for this achievement and i’m currently attending to both my aunt and cousins needs whenever I can to my fullest extent without anyone else knowing about it. I will not be describing the story of how I...
IncestWalking along the trail on a hot sunny day, we were all looking forward to reaching the lake to swim and cool off. There were three of us in the group - my wife and I, in our mid twenties along with my sixteen year old cousin who was staying with us for a few days. Growing up, I was used to spending time with cousins as I had lots of aunts and uncles with two or three kids in each family. Most were older or close to my age. The exception was Sarah, who was born ten years younger than her...
TabooWeddings can be fun. I came to this conclusion in my early twenties when I went to a family wedding. It was my first wedding as an adult and I remember being disappointed when I found out I couldn’t bring a date. Little did I realize the opportunities being single at would bring.After the ceremony, my aunt let me know where I would be sitting. Since my parents were at the head table, she wanted to let me know there would be someone my age at my table. It was a cousin of mine who grew up in...
IncestMy family had moved to London about ten years ago after my Dad got a posting here. I am now twenty two years old and haven’t been back to India in that time and have become much westernised. After finishing my degree studies I decided take some time off and travel around the world, including a trip to India and a visit to see the family for a few days. Originally we are from the North of India, I won’t say where as it could easily identify me and my family. I decided to bypass Europe as I’ve...
Incest"What time is it?" She said to herself. She stood up and looked at the clock. It was about 8 o'clock. For a 17 year old Christina was over developed. She had a slender, tan body, no more than 110 lbs and 5 foot. Her breasts were large. She had a firm ass. She had long curly blond hair that was cut just above her waist. She wore pink booty shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank top. She walked down stairs and saw Nat cooking. She crept up behind him and said "Good-morning." He...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I still remember my as if it were yesterday. It was the summer of 01' and my mother and father decided to take a vacation only this time they decided they wanted to spend a little quality time alone. I was so excited I was going to finally be home alone.I had been hearing about sex all during my junior year from the more experienced girls , and now that I was finally in highschool being 17 and all I knew this was my big chance with my parents going out...
IncestAs soon as I saw my cousin Ashley, I knew I was smitten. It had been two years since her family had visited, and since that time she had grown from a scrawny and freckly little girl into the most gorgeous sixteen-year-old beauty I had ever seen. On the one hand, it was hard not to picture her as the cute, if a bit whiny, little girl that I remembered so well when she was just a child. On the other hand, there was no denying her beauty now. It was the first thing I noticed when I walked in the...
Toms Onkel und seine Tante baten ihn für ein Wochenende aufzupassen, dass ihre 18-jährige Tochter Chantal keine Dummheiten macht und da der Onkeln noch was gut bei ihm hat muss der 25-jährige wohl den Babysitter spielen. Tom klingelt an der Haustür. Nach etwa 5 min. öffnet Chantal, seine jüngere Cousine in einem Bademantel noch ganz nass die Tür und sagt, dass sie grade geduscht hat und es deswegen so lange gedauert hat die Tür auf zumachen. Tom nickt kurz und geht in die Wohnung rein. In der...
IncestHi my name is Charles and I've been a firefighter for the city of Philadelphia for almost nine years. For the last three of those years I've been involved in a sexual relationship with one of my first cousin. A relationship that doesn't involve vaginal intercourse at all, it is mostly oral with occasional anal. There is also quite a bit of petting and masturbation as well as other things we do to pleasure each other. I think a quick statement of my views on the art of felatio would be...
"Yes she was," Scott responded on auto pilot before escaping the elderly lady, only to bump into yet another one. "You must be Scottie," she said. "I was a friend of your mother. She was so young." "Yes she was." That's the way the day went after his mother's funeral, with everyone paying their respects and offering condolences. Scott wasn't annoyed. He was bored. Having left his wife home with their two sick children, he flew cross country to Florida for the funeral. He loved his...
100% fiction! this is my first story so sorry if ts not the best i guess ill introduce myself my name is michael and I have a sister named nikki and a cousin named lishamea they were close ever since they were little wll thats what my family told e cause I'm 18 and there in there twenties my sister loos like a lighter version of jada fire and my cousin looks like a black kourtney khardashian so back to the story one day they came home from shopping and went up stairs me I thought they just...
IncestHi, readers. This is Naresh, 23 old guy with average physic from Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS and its gay stories. Before 2 years, I even dont know what is gay sex until I saw my cousin who is distant relation to me and happened to met him recently. He is very handsome and got very good body. Not too muscular but gym toned body. I was surprised to see him after a long time with a manly face and body. He came and hugged me and said that he missed me a lot. My parents asked me to show...
Gay MaleHi guys this is my first story. I have gone through almost all stories on ISS and I Just love them. I’m Sanju 20 years old, fair in complexion, young tall energetic guy, slim and my height 6 feet from Bangalore and my gun size is 6 inches. Now coming to the story I had completed my p.u got distinction. I scored 96 % in my pu and got a medical seat by getting a good rank in k-cet. My family was really happy and I was out of earth. I had struggled a lot coping up with my hostel food. As it was...
IncestKaren. My cousin. Sweet flesh of my flesh. She has entered my dreams so often, I smell her in the soft folds of her slips and the humid little panties I snatch from her laundry. She is beautiful in a way that defies my understanding. Desirable and magnetic beyond my will to resist her. Tiny and bright like a bird. I’ve watched her, through half closed eyes, move naked through a morning bedroom. A little boy with an itchy bone struggling against a starched cotton sheet. I’ve watched...
by the age of 15 we had tried out a lot out things with each other. We practiced kissing. And foreplay, she was inexperienced yet she gave the best blow jobs. My aunt then found a job and moved out right before we had sex. I am now 18 and my cousin is spending winter break at my house, but before she leaves her virginity will be mine. Knock knock knock! Was what I heard at the door my cousin Jessica was finally her. ”Jordan” she screamed as I opened the door. She was standing there...
Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. It had been a long hot day. The two teenage college students sat close together on the white plastic loungers by the glistening...
IncestHere is another story I found while I was tidying up my hard drive. Not sure where I found it, but credits to the original (unknown) author. Summer Holidays with my cousin My cousin Cheryl and I had always been close. In fact we were born only three days apart. I was the older one and the wiser I always used to joke to her. We lived in the city but went out to my Uncle and Aunts farm almost every weekend after my Father had passed away. It was like our second home. Cheryl and I spent so much...
Chloe was three years my junior. She was that little annoying cousin you have who seem to always bug you. I guess she hung around my sister a lot so would always be around when we were teenagers. I think I started to realise I was attracted to her when I was 19 and she was 16. She had started to develop a fine pair of legs and her breasts were beginning to grow as evidenced by the tight t-shirts she chose to wear on summer days. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had started to take an...
IncestMy Suppervisor and her Cousin......... This happened in 2002 So it started out with me working at a lil small gas station job. My supervisor we will call Misty and I was doing a little fucking around. She would come by after my shift and her lunch break. We were just little fuck buddies, she was married so thats as far as it was going. Well one day she comes by and her cousin we will call Macy comes with her. Now this woman looked fucking hot. So Misty introduced us and I later found out...
Hi everyone, this is Radhakrishnan back with a new sex story. Please if you wish. I was in distress that my sex life was dull after the incident with Lakshmi. I was waiting for a chance to have sex again but luck did not pick me. I watched porn a lot, masturbated at least twice a day and I was horny most of the time. One day, I got a call from my cousin saying that she has planned a family vacation covering ECR Kovalam and OMR. She was suggesting that we spend some time on the beach, have some...
IncestAnita and I had taken a couple days of quick vacation at Miami.Her cousin Martha was working as waitress in a bar very near to the hotel we were staying so Ana insisted we could visit her the first night we arrived there.As we walked into that bar, I realized my sensual wife definitely turned heads from men and also women…I had met Martha at Buenos Aires and I could recall she was a very sexy babe; she was younger than my wife; now she would be in her early thirties.Suddenly a very beautiful...
A Cousin [email protected] ???? When I was sixteen a cousin Alena came to visit us. She was a beautiful girl of seventeen who had a slim figure just made for fucking, only she didn't know it, but anyone who glanced at her had only one thought about getting in her hot pants. The most striking thing about her was her huge firm boobs for her young age. They protruded so much under her dress that all men that passed her couldn't help staring at them. She had a gorgeous tight ass, always covered...
I am from a middle class family. We four – my parents, one younger brother – and I live in a small house with only one bedroom, one hall a kitchen and of course one bathroom at the backside. The house was just sufficient for we four. But, the things changed when my uncle who lived in nearby town was transferred to on site work and we had to shelter his family. They are three members – aunt and two cousin sisters, one elder by two years and other younger by 2years to me. The younger sister went...
IncestMegan and her father, Butch, lived happily in Oak Hollow, a sleepy little mountain town in Kentucky, where her daddy worked in the barrel factory. He drove a big truck that delivered barrels. Megan had just turned sixteen when her daddy got laid off and had to go to become an independent trucker to pay the bills and keep his truck. Now he had to find his own loads, and would be gone from home for as much as a month at a time. Since Megan’s mother had gone to the big city to find a job... and...
Hi friends I’m Santhosh age 24 from Hyderabad India. This is my first story with my cousin Ramya(name changed)please ignore grammar mistakes. Her age 23 stats 32 30 34. She used to have boy fried and recently she broke up with him. My family consists of four members mom, dad, sister and myself. My sister studying B tech and my self working for some company. we used to stay in 2BHK. Mom and dad used to sleep in one room and me and my sister used to sleep in another room. My Cousin used to visit...
IncestHi all. I have just begun for the first time. I am a businessman. Married since last two years. Two main characters in stories. First – My wife Sneha. (Bold, beautiful 34-28-36) Second – My cousin Viraj. (Fair, handsome) The story was described by my cousin to me. It begins in Paris. We three me, my wife & my cousin were on holiday trip to Europe. We were in Paris. We allotted two rooms one was for both of us & second for my cousin. We just check in that day. All of us were tired. I and my...