Lowborn Ch. 10 free porn video

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Mindblind blinked his eyes open, squinting against the morning light streaming through the window, and tried to focus on his surroundings. Eventually, Raven congealed out of the haze, standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips.

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Morning to you, too,” he said as he sat up and groaned. He was stark naked, and as the sleep fog burned off, he recognized he was in a room at the Cat.

“The hell made you run off alone like that, you damned idiot? Figure you were just going to walk up there, cut his head off, and come back for a beer?”

“Not exactly like that.”

“And what about this?” Raven knelt down, and then stood up with a blood-stained sheet. “Damn healer had to spend an hour pulling chunks of steel out of your hide before he could do anything else.”

“It’s a long story.”

Raven walked over and plopped down on the foot of the bed. She lifted a hand and made a little circling gesture with it. Long story or not, she planned to hear every word of it.

Mindblind sighed and launched into the tale of learning that Reed was behind the whole thing, and how his sword had urged him on, almost taking control of him. The metal shards were explained by the explosion of the magical blade. There wasn’t much to tell after that, because Raven had arrived not long after.

She blew out a whistling breath. “I’ve heard about magic stuff that gets in your head like that. You’re lucky as hell. Guess we should have listened to Indigo.”

“Magic never has worked real well on me. My sisters used to throw spells at me all the time. Started calling me Mindblind because I was the only one who couldn’t do anything with magic. Hell, even Vlad can do some little things he’s learned from the Heraklan temple.”

Talking about them set off a sudden surge of homesickness he never would have expected. Home was only a few miles away, but it suddenly felt like a thousand.

“Well, I guess you survived, and you have a good enough excuse, so I’ll let you off this time.”

“Thanks,” he said sarcastically. “Don’t suppose my pants are around here anywhere?”

“It’s a whore house. Who’s going to notice if you’re swinging in the wind?” She laughed. “Actually, Pomp sent over some things, because your stuff was pretty torn up and bloody. In the drawers there.”

“It’s nice enough and all, but I hope he isn’t going to follow me around like a damn puppy trying to pay off that debt he has in his head,” Mindblind said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and opened the drawer.

“Not going to complain about one part of it. I can’t believe the change in Yani. She’s almost… Normal.”

“Yeah, she looked a lot better when I saw her last night, even when she was passing out. What time is it, anyway?”

“About midday.”

“Damn. I was out for a while.”

While Mindblind dressed, it was Raven’s turn to tell him about a few things he’d missed since he collapsed the night before. “Between Pomp, Indigo, and Yasmine, they convinced the guard and the governor to leave us out of it. Only other one they talked to was Yani. We’re all free and clear.”

“Least I don’t have to get raked over the coals.”

“Guess the two that were with Reed didn’t really know what he was up to. They knew enough for him to bribe and threaten them, but had no idea how far he was willing to go to salve his burnt ego. His lordship is going to give Yasmine the coin from selling off that blueblood scum’s stuff. Hardly makes up for what he did, but I guess it’s something – and he is dead. You could have saved some for me, you know?”

Mindblind cinched up his new pants, which were of a cut and material that probably made them worth more than the whole of his sparse wardrobe at home. The shirt was likewise fine. His old, comfortable boots contrasted sharply with the new attire, but he was going to put them on anyway. “Suppose you could find where they’ve laid him out and stick him a few times.”

“Don’t tempt me. I’m of half a mind to cut off that inch worm of his that started this whole mess.”

A knock sounded on the door, but it almost immediately flew open. “Are you decent?” Alice asked as she swept into the room with Betty and Cammie hot on her heels. “Damn, we’re too late.”

Mindblind shook his head and chuckled as he pulled on his boots. “Things getting back to normal?”

“Nope. Yasmine isn’t going to open back up until tonight. We’ve been shooing guys away from the door this whole time. And that’s sort of what we wanted to talk to you about.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Yasmine really likes all our ideas. She’s sending a letter to Yvonne and Samantha about it, and she’s going to help us set up in Stingy Pussy. We were kind of wondering if we could use one of the wagons?”

“Hell, I got no use for the damn things,” Mindblind said with a shrug.

“Hard to hide from the law in a wagon,” Raven added.

“Great. We figure it will only take us a couple of months at the inn to have enough to find a place of our own.”

“Stuff that,” Raven said. “I’ll give you some coin so you can get your own place to start, and hire some burly guy to watch out for you.”

“I… R-really?” Alice stammered. All three of the prostitutes wore looks of stunned surprise.

“Yeah. Just a few conditions. I don’t pay when I need some pussy, the place has to have a back door and a basement, and I can crash there sometimes if I need to.”

“Done. Hell, we’ll set you aside your own room,” Alice said.

“I’ll give you all the free ones you want,” Cammie said, and giggled.

Raven grinned, and then moaned. “I’ll catch up with you later. I’ve got to do some business to get the coin.”

“Don’t get caught before you get back to us,” Betty teased.

Raven twitched her eyebrows. “As if.”

“Well, we’re going to see about hiring a guard then. Maybe we find somebody who will do it for free ones, and save us some more coin.”

“Probably can,” Mindblind said.

Alice cocked her hips to the side and struck a provocative pose. “Interested?”

“Thought I was already getting free ones?”

She laughed. “You are. A girl has to try, though.”

“Go on,” Raven said, waving her hand. “Lots of guys in Stingy Pussy waiting to get their pricks wet. You don’t want to keep them waiting.”

“We can’t thank you enough – either of you,” Cammie said.

“You’re welcome. Now get out of here,” Raven told them, again waving toward the door.

The three filed out the door and Mindblind heard Betty say, “Think he’s about to get a free one.” The other two laughed as the door closed.

“Heh. Tempting, but I figure you’re pretty much fed up with bed, huh?”

Mindblind nodded. “I need some fresh air.”

“And I need to go fence a few gems to get them that coin. Meet back here in a couple of hours?”

“Yeah, guess so.”

Raven looked him up and down. “You know, Pomp’s got pretty good taste. You look good in that.”

“What worries me is how well it fits.”

Raven laughed. “Yeah, that usually requires some measuring. Think he just has a knack, though. Sent over things for all the girls that fit just as well, so doubt he was measuring you up with his eyes – at least specifically.”

“Real comforting.”

“Don’t be late getting back here. Last time you weren’t where you were supposed to be, it got pretty hairy.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that,” she said, and offered her crooked smile before heading out the door.

It took Mindblind a few minutes to make it out of the brothel, because everyone wanted to greet him. Even Yani was up and about, looking better than the night before. The healer was obviously good at his job.

Eventually, he made it out the back door, and took a deep breath. Feeling the need to be alone with his thoughts for a while, he walked straight out from the back of the Cat, into the fields scattered around town.


Mindblind knelt next to the rectangle of recently turned earth and sat down a bunch of wildflowers he’d gathered up just before returning to town. Delly had kept flowers in her room whenever they were in season, so he guessed that she’d probably have liked the gesture.

“Ain’t real good at this,” he muttered under his breath. “Guess I just want to say sorry, and thanks. Never felt like a damn outcast when I was with you. Wish I could have done something to keep you from getting killed. Best I could do was kill the son-of-a-bitch that was responsible. Hope that’s enough.”

Feeling extremely self-conscious, he remained for a minute or two more before making his way out of the graveyard. As usual, he kept his eyes fixed straight forward, trying not to notice what was going on to the sides. It helped when he couldn’t see the people staring at him or darting inside.

It was impossible to completely avoid, though. A man walking down the street in the opposite direction drew near, and out of the blue, offered a brief nod of his head before passing by.

Somehow, Mindblind contained his surprise. What happened next was even more shocking. Someone approached him from the side of the street, moving to intercept him. He paused, not sure what to do in the completely unfamiliar situation.

“I just wanted to say that you did a good thing,” the old man said. “Sure he didn’t hurt anyone as bad as he did those folks at the brothel, but he caused plenty of pain to the folks around here over the years. Wouldn’t nobody else have stopped him.”

“Just did what I had to do,” Mindblind responded, at a loss for words.

“Well, I’m glad you did, and I ain’t the only one. I won’t trouble you no more.” With that, he nodded and returned to his place sitting on the weathered wooden porch of a storefront. The group of similarly aged men he was rejoining all nodded or touched the brims of their hats in Mindblind’s direction.

After that, Mindblind let his eyes roam as he continued across town. Naturally, some still shied away as he approached, but others nodded, waved, and even offered words of greeting to him. In a few minutes, the people of the town gave him more notice than they had for the entirety of his life up to that point.

The feeling was odd, and even a little uncomfortable. He almost wished that they’d just put their heads down and walk away as they used to. Even as he thought that, he realized how absurd it was in light of his years of rankling over exactly that sort of treatment.

“Ho, my good friend.”

Mindblind recognized Indigo’s voice and turned that direction. The Draxnian met him in the middle of the street and reached out a hand to shake.

“I sought you out at the Cat, but they said you had gone out.”

“Yeah, need to clear my head.”

“Understandable, my friend. All is well that ends well, eh?”

“Guess so. You going to head home soon?”

“Actually, I think I will stay for a time. Travel this country. There are many things said about this land in my country, and already I find many of them are false. I would learn the truth for myself.”

“You know, Alice and a couple of the girls are heading back to that town where we ran into you. They could use a man with a sharp blade riding with them.”

Indigo laughed. “We are truly kindred spirits, my friend. I have already heard of their journey and asked to accompany them.”

Noticing a shiny new sword on Indigo’s hip, he said, “Speaking of sharp blades…”

Indigo muttered something in his own language and slapped his forehead. “I had nearly forgotten. It is a gift from Pompeil. Come, my friend. You need a blade to replace what you have lost. He asked me to find you and bring you to his offices here.”

Despite what he’d said to Raven earlier, he needed a new sword, so he wasn’t about to pass up a free one if Pompeil wanted to provide it. “Lead the way. I have no idea where it is.”

“This way, my friend.”

The place wasn’t far, and Pompeil emerged from his office almost immediately after the doorman to the warehouse admitted them.

“Ah, welcome. Come, let us browse my stores and see if there is anything to your liking. If not, I will be glad to commission something appropriate.”

“You know, Pompeil, you’re going to go broke if you keep this up.”

The merchant laughed. “Ah, rest assured that I have a very long way to go before I exhaust my coin. I have enjoyed some measure of success in my career.”

“Well, I’m not turning down a free sword.”

“And a suit of chain, if I may? I would see you better protected, should you have need of such in the future. I have someone on hand who can take measurements, and I will have it delivered as soon as completed.”

Since he had been saving – very slowly – for a chain shirt, he wasn’t passing that offer up either. “Sounds good.”

“Splendid. Splendid. Sword first, though. I have a fine selection.”

The merchant wasn’t lying. Considering the unrest in the area – and it was much worse the closer to Draxnia or Normandal one ventured – only a fool who made his living in trade wouldn’t take advantage of the market for weaponry. Nearly any type of blade Mindblind could imagine was represented in the crates opened for him to look through.

One immediately caught his eye – a large, hand-and-a-half broadsword. It wasn’t nearly as massive as the weapon that had nearly turned him into a slave, but it was a dramatic improvement over the short sword he’d carried at the start of his journey.

Pompeil noticed his interest. “Please, test the balance. See if you like it. I believe it suits you.”

Mindblind picked up the weapon, already liking the way the hilt felt in his hand. With his great strength, he was able to hold the sword in one hand, and after giving it a few swings, a wide smile spread across his face.

“I do believe we have found you a match,” Pompeil guessed.

“Truly, it suits you, my friend,” Indigo agreed.

After giving the sword a final swing, Mindblind said, “It feels good.”

“Then it is yours. The scabbard should be in the crate.”

Mindblind dug through the packing material inside the crate and located the scabbard. Having grown used to carrying the magical blade on his back, it felt perfectly natural when he strapped on the scabbard and slid the new sword in.

“Well, then only one thing remains to complete our business here today. The process is a bit uncomfortable, but shouldn’t take long, and I believe it will be worth it. Ah, there you are, Emelia.”

Mindblind turned to see a blushing blonde woman with a length of twine carefully marked in small, even segments. It was hard not to notice that the young woman spent a little more time with certain measurements than others – all below the waist.

Once she was done, Mindblind said, “I’d best get back to the Cat. If I’m not there when Raven expects me, she’ll have a fit.”

“Something I would wish on none, my friend,” Indigo said. “I must draft a letter to my family, but I trust I will see you again before my journey south?”

“Sure I’ll be around.”

“And glad I will be to see you.”

“Appreciate this, Pompeil,” Mindblind said, nodding toward the sword on his back.

“As with everything else, it is a small price to pay for my life, which surely would have been forfeit but for your intervention.”

“I’m off, then.”

Both offered him farewells as he headed to the door and back out into the bright summer day. A look up at the position of the sun caused him to quicken his pace, because he guessed that Raven was already waiting for him.

He was right. Fortunately, she ignored that he had arrived a bit past the agreed-upon time. “Nice,” she said upon seeing his sword. “So, what now?”

He’d made the decision shortly after leaving the Cat. “I should head to the house. The family keeps to themselves, but they have to have heard about what happened here. Going to get a dressing down for vanishing without a word as it is.”

“Least you got someone who cares enough to do it. Catch up with me here tomorrow?”


“Get going then. Think I may take Cammie up on that offer before the three of them head out.” She licked her lips and moaned.

Mindblind chuckled, though the thought made blood surge between his legs, and almost caused him to reconsider heading back to the house. As soon as he stepped out onto the landing, he saw Kayleen.

“Hello, Cerebus.”

“Hey, Kay. How’s Yani?”

“Much better. She doesn’t really need me watching over her any longer. I think I’m out of a job.”

“Any ideas?”

“I’m not sure, just yet.”

“Well, if you need anything, you just come see me.”

Kayleen smiled. “Thank you. Madame Yasmine says she’s happy to put me up until I decide what I want to do. I might see if they need help at any of the taverns, for now.”

“Any of them would probably be glad to have you.”

The blonde woman blushed. “Thank you. For that. For everything.”

“You did your share, too, Kay.”

“I won’t keep you. I overheard. I hope all goes well at home.”

Mindblind let out a snort, expecting that his mother would alternate between scolding him and hugging him in equal proportion from the moment he walked in the door. “Me too.”

A few minutes later, he set foot on the dusty road home. For the first time in a very long time, he was glad for it.


Mindblind stepped into his small room at the back of the house and sighed in relief. As good as it was to see everyone again, there were limits. He was exhausted, overfed, and emotionally overloaded. Tired as he was, he dropped off to sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He really should have expected it.

“Nice place,” Raven said sarcastically as she climbed into his small bed.

“How’d you get in?” he asked as she sat down next to him, and he tried to gather his senses.

“Are you serious? I could have picked that lock when I was five.”

“Give me a break. I’m still asleep,” he said when he realized how ridiculous the question was in light of her skills.

He noticed that she wasn’t wearing her leather-armored overshirt, or even the masculine style shirt she usually wore under it. Instead, she was wearing a blouse. It was a drab, beige color and had no frills or lace, but it was the first garment he’d ever seen her wear that had been specifically tailored for a woman. The cut served to accentuate her figure – especially her perky breasts.

“Excuses. So, everything go okay with the family?”

“Yeah, even my sisters weren’t acting like witches,” he said as he sat up.

“What did you tell them?”

“Told Pops most of it. He probably passed along what he thought Mom could handle, later on.. They were gonna find out about Reed at the least, eventually.”

Raven nodded, scooted in a little closer and asked, “So, you okay with some company?”


“I’m kind of at a loss,” she said, and shrugged. “With those gems, I’ve got more than enough coin to relax for a while. Yani doesn’t really need me. I don’t know what to do with myself. What about you?”

“Always wanted to sell my sword, and I’ve got one worth selling now.”

“Gonna hit the road then?”

“Not just yet. Had enough of the road for a little while at least.”

She chuckled. “Ain’t that the truth.”

“I’ll get fed up with being cooped up here soon enough. Been eating me for years.”

Raven nodded, and then drew in a long, slow, deep breath. She let it out in a burst, and then said, “I want to try something.”


She turned toward him, slipping a hand behind his back, and whispered, “This,” as she leaned in.

Whether through pure instinct or her example, his lips softened as she pressed hers against them. The kiss was soft – tentative – and he felt her shiver as he slipped an arm around her. The next touch of her lips was longer, and far more sure.

Her lips still brushing his, she said, “That’s the first time I’ve ever kissed anyone with my clothes on. I think I kind of like it.”

At a loss for words, still unused to the softer side of the thief, he fortunately wasn’t left hanging long. After only a breath or so, she kissed him again, tightening her embrace. He pulled her closer as well, matching her growing passion as he reached up to cup her cheek in his hand.

Once again she shivered, letting out a shuddering sigh. “Yeah, I like it. What about you?”

“Yeah,” he responded, finding it hard to keep his rising passion under control.

Raven’s lips met his in yet another kiss, her hands roaming over his bare back. Though completely outside his experience, he was able to follow her lead. Their tongues slipped out to caress each other. Breaths came quicker with each passing moment. Finally, she leaned back, sucking in a quavering breath while looking deep into his eyes.

Her expression was strangely shy as she popped open buttons on her blouse. On a whim, he reached out to tug the tail free of her pants, and worked on the buttons from the bottom up, meeting her hands in the middle. Subtle guidance encouraged him to slide his hands up to her shoulders, parting the cloth to reveal her breasts, and then pushing the garment down her arms.

With little room on his small bed for two, the blouse slithered off the edge and down to the floor. A muffled ticking sound as the material pooled on the boards hinted that despite the common appearance, her blouse most likely still concealed a few tools of her trade.

She immediately leaned in for another kiss, wrapping her arms around him to press her breasts against him. Her kisses were stronger, and her fingers slipped beneath the waist of his breeches on occasion as her hands explored his body. He responded in kind, cupping one taut buttock in his hand.

Twin thumps heralded her shoes finding a place beside the bed, which she somehow managed without ever breaking their embrace. Before the second sound of leather on wood had even faded, her hands pushed down on his breeches from the back. Mindblind winced slightly from the discomfort of his rock-hard erection catching on linen, and slid one hand from her back to free the tip of his cock from the trap. She broke from the kiss, her fingers sliding to the front of his breeches to brush against the exposed mushroom tip.

Mindblind lifted his hips as she tugged, allowing her to expose him in the dim light filtering through the single window. As soon as he was nude, she unbuckled her belt, slowly sliding it through the loops on her pants. She caught a sheathed dagger when it dropped free from the retreating leather and secreted it beneath the pillow before allowing her belt to drop to the floor.

Raven reclined, unbuttoning her pants as she sank down to the straw and down-stuffed mattress. Mindblind pulled on the legs and she pushed from the top, sliding down pants and panties at the same time. In short order, they were both nude, and her pants dropped to the floor atop his.

She followed the example of their discarded garments.

Raven’s lips found his, and she leaned forward as they kissed, guiding him to lie down. Her knee crossed over his body and she straddled him, the curls on her mound tickling his abdomen while his erection tapped against her taut ass.

She gasped, breaking away from an especially ardent, tongue-wrangling kiss to look down at him and smile. A slight shift of her hips was all it took to press the head of his cock against her slippery sex, and a second engulfed him deep inside her.

Mindblind groaned as her velvety soft walls squeezed him. Above him, she let out a whimpering moan. He was surprised when instead of sitting up over him, she instead sank down atop him, curling an arm behind his neck and pushing the other beneath his back.

He embraced her, one hand resting on the small of her back and the other on the back of her head as she kissed him. Her body moved in sinuous waves atop him, stirring his cock inside her. She moaned and whimpered into their kisses, seemingly trying to pull him closer with each passing moment.

As usual, she was in control, but it was far different this time. Gone was the almost desperate rush to climax, replaced with a tenderness that neither of them had really experienced before. Blissful minutes rolled by – their bodies joined as one – and they reveled in the slow boil of rising pleasure.

Sweat slicked their bodies as Raven moved faster, her breaths coming in short pants. “I… Oh… Oh yes,” she softly whimpered, and then stiffened.

Mindblind caressed her back and ran his fingers through her hair as she came, her fingers curling into claws. She trembled, her mouth hanging open and eyes tightly closed – frozen in a moment of perfect ecstasy. It ended with a high-pitched moan as she collapsed atop him, still shivering and twitching.

Nowhere near his own peak, he simply held her as her orgasm played out. He found he was smiling and relaxed, perfectly content as her intimate muscles unpredictably clenched and fluttered around him.

“Oh. Oh wow. That was different,” she whispered, her breath stirring his hair. A chuckle shook her, and then she moaned. “It was so good, though.”

He kissed the top of her head – the only place he could reach in their current position.

“Did you..?”

“It’s okay.”

It wasn’t really an answer, but she must have understood. “Better than okay. Gods, I’m still tingling all over. But I want you to get there too.”

Raven showed no sign of moving, and as strange as it was, she felt good in his arms, lost in the afterglow of her orgasm. He was on the verge of drifting off to sleep again, still buried deep inside her hot, slippery sheath when she shifted her weight.

Opening his eyes, he realized she was rolling off to the side, but still holding on to him tight. He got the hint and planted one hand on the bed, pushing to roll with her. He slipped free, his cock slapping against him and spattering her juices up his abs.

“No,” she plaintively moaned. “Back in.” At the same time, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

A growling groan escaped him as his cock slid back inside her. His balls had barely settled against her when she wrapped her legs around him as well. The pressure of her legs tightened, pulling him closer, then relaxed. He fell into the rhythm, rocking his hips in time with her squeezes.

“Ahhh. Ohhh. Just like that,” she moaned. “Right there. Ohhh yes.”

Though his range of movement was limited, it was more than enough. The feeling of sliding in and out of her made him groan and his heart quicken. The slow pace of his short thrusts let him feel her clinging to every inch of him. Her every indrawn breath was a gasp, and she let out sharp whimpers every so often, her eyes alternately widening and pinching closed. Though he didn’t know it, the position was perfectly causing his cock to slide along her swollen clit, driving her toward another peak right alongside him.

“S-say my name, Cerebus. P-please,” She gasped out as the needs of his body pushed him to thrust faster.

“So good, Raven,” he groaned.

“No. No. Real name.” The last trailed off into a loud squeal.



“Come for me, Rayneena,” he said, recognizing the signs in her expression that her pleasure was mounting toward a crescendo.

“Yes. So close. I… I… Ahh! Mmm!”

A quavering cry of release burst from her lips as she reached her peak, her arms and legs tightening around him. Her walls contracted, though his passion-fueled strength allowed him to resist her grip and keep thrusting.

“Ah, Rayneena. Gonna come,” he grunted.

Raven squealed, the sound transforming into broken, breathless words as she continued to come. “Fill me up. Yes! C-come!”

His last thrust was powerful, driving her ass down into the mattress. A sound mingling qualities of a growl, groan, and roar rumbled in his throat, echoing back from the walls as it joined her cries of release, forming a symphony of perfect ecstasy. His cum erupted in a long, powerful jet, coating the entrance to her womb and pooling in her depths. After the briefest of pauses, he sucked in a great breath and lurched when a second ejaculation traveled up the length of his shaft, bursting forth with equal power to the first.

Again and again, his balls tightened, his shaft pulsed, and his seed further flooded her depths. The sound of them both crying out grew dim – muffled. His head was swimming as sweat ran in rivulets down his arms and abdomen, dripping onto her equally glistening body below. She writhed on the mattress, pinned down by his throbbing shaft as they remained trapped in the seemingly endless cycle of wonderful agony.

By the time Mindblind’s wits returned, he was barely supporting his weight above her on a trembling arm. Raven was desperately panting for breath, still twitching from aftershocks. Near to collapse, he moved with barely any conscious thought. His cock pulled free with a slurping sound that she drowned out with a yelp, and he collapsed next to her on the bed, precariously perched on the edge.

For long minutes, neither of them could catch their breath. Raven somehow found the presence of mind to roll over, laying her head on his chest. Eventually, they both settled down from their peaks, and Mindblind draped a weary arm over her naked back.

“Okay, that was really good,” Raven said, her voice sounding odd because her cheek was still pressed against his chest.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he had to agree. He had come so much that near the end, he’d had the brief, irrational thought that his balls were trying to come up as well.

“Thought I was going to faint when you said my name – my real name.”

“Thought it would feel odd saying it, but it didn’t. Felt right.”

“So right. Think we woke the family up?”

“Don’t really care right now.”

She let out a girlish giggle. “This was Kay’s idea. She talked about how wonderful it was. She was right. I’m going to have to thank her.”

“Me too.”

Raven gave a tug on his arm, encouraging him to move closer to the center of the bed. She snuggled in so that neither of them was on the verge of falling off, and for a while, they lay together in silence.

Mindblind let out a surprised grunt when her fingers traced the length of his softened – and still sensitive – cock.

“Not that down and dirty fucking isn’t great too,” she said, the previous softness of her voice gone. “And I’m ready for more.”

Mindblind’s head thumped hard into the pillow as she darted in, slurping his cock between her lips to get it hard again.

It didn’t take long at all.


“You know, a girl could get used to this,” Raven said, snuggling up against Mindblind as he awoke. No light shone through the window, indicating that they’d awakened before the sun.

“Think I could too.”

“I don’t have to remind you that I’ll cut out your tripes if you ever breathe a word of it to anyone, do I?”

“Hehe. Nope.”

“Much as I don’t want to get up, I should probably head into town and see how Yani’s doing. She actually notices when I’m gone now. It’s almost strange.”

“Good strange, though.”

“Yep.” Raven sighed and climbed out of bed.

Mindblind couldn’t help but admire her lithe, nude body as she bent to pick up her discarded clothing. When she caught him, she twitched her eyebrows and swatted her bottom before returning to the task at hand.

A basin of water let them both wash off the abundant evidence of the previous night’s passion, though Mindblind suspected the bedclothes and even the mattress itself were probably done. The whole of the small room smelled like sex. He dressed as well when she did, and the first rays of sunlight peeked above the horizon as they met in front of the door.

“Coming into town with me?” she asked as she opened the door and stepped out.

Seeing his younger brother headed toward him from the front of the house, he smiled. “Can’t just yet. I’ve got a promise to keep.”

“I’ll be waiting at the Cat, then. Don’t be too long.”

Vladamir walked past Raven, and almost immediately turned around to stare at her. Mindblind grabbed his brother’s arm, spinning him around.

“Who’s that?” Vladamir asked, looking back over his shoulder.

“Do you want to hear about the adventure, or not?”

That was more than enough to distract Vladamir from the sight of Raven. He nodded his head emphatically.

Mindblind laughed and patted his brother on the back. “Well, it started out just like I told you it would – a boring, bumpy wagon ride…”

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Batman Girlhood

It seems that Batman is a popular subject for TG stories right now. Here is my contribution. As usual, what was intended as a short little story has gotten away from me. Look for the next part soon. Bruce Wayne opened his eyes, looked down at his bright, pink-painted toenails, wiggled them and smiled. It was such a pretty color. Then, he frowned. His feet were big, clunky men's feet. Ugly. And he wanted so badly to be a girl. To be pretty. Sitting up, he slid his feet off...

1 year ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXII – My Husband Cheated, and We Fucked the Maid (based on All True Romance No. 15, Comic Media, January ?)The worst thing that can happen to a woman is to be cheated by her husband. To me, there is no doubt about it. But, unfortunately, I found out there is something worse than that: a husband who cheats you with someone you really trust, your maid.When I found out Stephen was betraying me with Maria I went totally down. My whole world fell apart. Five years with him and I thought he...

2 years ago
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Pilar und Gerardo im urlaub I

Pilar und Gerardo waren seit zwei tagen im urlaub und es war bereits abend als sie ins hotel zurück kehrten.„War ein anstrengender Tag,“ meinte Pilar und zog sich bis auf den bh aus. Gerardo sah ihr dabei zu und stellte fest, das Pilar mit achselhaaren super geil aussah.„Sehr müde“ fragte er und grinste sie an.„Naja, für das vielleicht nicht,“ antwortete Pilar, die sofort verstanden hatte was Gerardo mit seiner frage meinte. „Ich muss aber erst auf die toilette. Gerardo horchte auf.„Da geh ich...

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Angels Journey Chapter 28

I clatter noisily down the metal stairs, hurrying as much as I can, knowing the little skirt keeps floating up around my hips. Good job there's no one here to see... and all I can focus on is the hair brushing my neck, the tightness of the shoes, the cool air around my thighs... And that I'm probably going to be late! I slow down for the last few floors though, I don't want to be out of breath, and at the final staircase I pause, looking at my reflection in the window, ready to...

1 year ago
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The Blowjob

Daddy texted me saying to pack an overnight bag, and be ready for a nice night out. He picked me up at around 4pm. He threw the sunroof open, tossed pandora on, and handed me a fat blunt. We took off on down the road, I clueless as to the night he had planned. We rode for a good hour or so until Daddy rolled up on a hotel. He checks in, and we go off to the third floor. I walk into the room to see two full sized beds, and looked confused. Without missing a beat he says “I plan to make you...

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AnythingChapter 7

The girls chattered together in their own language for a minute. At one point, my friend gasped and then laughed. I was almost worried, but then figured that any activity that involved me and these two adventurous girls couldn’t be that bad. “I really need to learn that language so you girls can’t plot behind my back”, I joked. The girls spoke again for a bit and then seemed to reach an agreement. My friend climbed over us and took her place on my other side. I was now the proverbial meat...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Mother And Her Friend

My name is Ketan. I am 20 years old who has just completed my study and am looking for a job. I live with my divorced mother Devyani, aged 38. Devyani is very beautiful in a sexy way and I dont feel ashamed of the fact that I have peeped at my naked mother from the bathroom hole. My mother is dark, 5 feet 5 inches tall. She has big boobs and a round ass. My mother often wears my shirts at home and underneath I can see her naked.” I hate to wear underwears and bra!” she said. I have often...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 271 Handling Pressure

The shoot on Friday went perfectly. Three tabloids had various photos of Heaven and Adam. They always seem to use the worst photos they can dig up. "Adam cast out of paradise," one headline screamed. "Broken-hearted Heaven betrayed!" said another. "Football star had relations in the locker room." "How Heaven is coping with betrayal." "Rampaging model banishes gay 'boyfriend.'" LARA: Oh, my goodness, Heaven! Look at these tabloids! You poor thing. HEAVEN: Oh, don't let those...

3 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 9 November 30 December 1

November 30 As usual, I was up early on Saturday morning. Well, 9:30 is pretty early for a 14-year-old on a day off from school. Once I was up, I showered and dressed for the day ahead before coming downstairs. Mom was sitting on a stool in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and I could hear Dad stumbling around upstairs, so he would apparently be downstairs soon. “Becky called when you were in the shower, wondering if she could come and pick you up,” Mom said. “It sounds like she has...

4 years ago
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Hot Friday Night

It had been hot and sultry all day so when I got in from work, I headed for the shower. The warm water felt great on my hot sweaty body. I dried myself off and put on a thin dressing gown and then waited for my lover to ring. "Hi, babe," he said his voice alone making my pussy wet. "Hi, yourself," I replied. "Ready for some fun?" he asked. "Always," I said with a giggle. "Right, put on a pair of thong knics, that wrap around blue skirt that I like and that semi-transparent blouse...

2 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 15

Brenda's day in dreamtime included a picnic by the lake that Mòr Dubh had found for us, once before. The big stallion followed her around like a puppy. Brenda had made sure to be prepared for her trip by bringing some apples for her friend. After we had eaten we simply lay back for a while to enjoy the sunshine and then I sprang my first surprise on my girl. I stood up and stretched my arms wide. "Aquilaire, afflubh!" A few moments later the eagle and his two lieutenants appeared and...

2 years ago
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Schwules Internat 1009

Ich wünsche all meinen Lesern frohe Ostern.Als sich die Runde auflöste nahm ich mir die drei zur Seite und sagte „da hattet Ihr Glück, dass der Kleine nach Euerm ersten Schauspiel abgehauen ist.“Sie stoppten, als wären sie gegen eine Wand gelaufen.„Wie, was, wieso“ stammelten sie.„Ich hatte mich zum Ausruhen hingelegt und dann kamt Ihr und habt mir und dem Kleinen ein Schauspiel geliefert. Ich muss sagen mir hatte es gefallen. Vor allem, dass Ihr beiden Großen zum letzten Akt nicht zugelassen...

3 years ago
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Tim Victor and Our Moms

Part 1 I would first like to introduce the people in this story. I was 12 years old, going on 13 at the time. There was my friend Victor, a 13 year old friend of mine who had introduced me to the pleasures of masturbation and then became my masturbation sidekick. There's my mother, Mollie, a 34 year old blonde beauty with a 36-24-36 figure and a pair of legs that wouldn't quit. There's my 37 year old dad, a good looking guy in his own right. He was a short man, but he was, as they say,...

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You Undressed Me

You Undressed Me I was in my tent in the backyard jerking off to a Playboy that a friend had given me. The Centerfold reminded me of the lady next door. Maybe that was why I was beating off so much lately. Anyway when Teddy called out for help, I rushed out to see what he wanted. There he was next to his mother’s car. She had driven home but couldn’t get out of the car. She was drunk as a skunk. I unhooked her seatbelt, grabbed her under her arms, and pulled her out of the car. I...

4 years ago
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Manipal College Group Femdom Story

Note: Work of fiction. Don’t try to make fantasies real. It destroys lives. This story dates back to 2016, my first year in college. I had secured admission in the Manipal Institute of Technology which is amongst the better institutes of India. Our fees are among the highest in the country so only the richest bitches and guys come to study here. Many of us focus more on having a good time rather than worrying about our careers. All of us live in flats and hostels here, and our parents live in...

2 years ago
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Queen of JariloChapter 16 Surrender

“So ... how do we do this?” Walker asked, the gigantic Queen watching him with her blue eyes. She reached one of her lower arms down between her massive thighs, using one of her long fingers to open her loins, of a similar size and configuration to those of the other castes that he had encountered during his tour of the hive. Despite her impressive stature, her reproductive organs were not scaled up appropriately, no doubt so that the five-foot-tall males could still mate with her. It was odd...

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Sheltered Siblings

A second round of aggressive knocking hit against my door once again. I tried to call out in response but all I could muster was a tired groan as I rolled over and looked at my clock. It was 7:45am, did I seriously have to get up right now? “Cody…come on, wake up!” My sister Ava called through the door. Before lightly knocking once again. I reached over and turned on my lamp and let out a huge yawn before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. It was in the middle of the summer so I had slept in...

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Rendezvous Pt I

Rendezvous It started out as a typical Saturday, with not much going on except a couple of phone calls that weren't of any consequence. Lounging on my sofa, listening to some music, and reading Catch-22 seemed like a proper way to allot my time. Steely Dan was wafting through the speakers when there was a soft tapping at my door. I sure as hell hoped it wasn't some damn Jehovah's Witness trying to sell me Jesus. Christ isn't for sale, as far as I know, and a theological discussion with some...

Love Stories
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Doctor goes home 7

DOC GOES HOME The doctor made it up the silo and shut and locked the door. He knew no one could get thru the Iron door. This was an old missile silo and now it belongs to him and him alone. He starts his truck and walked over to the generator to check the fuel. It has not been turned on for years and he actually never even tried it. He opened the gas can and it was over half full. He was satisfied it was ok and finished scraping off the snow from his truck. He had his mother in his...

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She flipped through the papers of potential men. “ You are seriously not setting me up, with any of these men.” She said displeased. Sitting back in her chair with a disgusted look to her face. “ Madison! Get real you are 35 and still single! I know I am your younger sister. But you need to make an effort if you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life” Melanie spoke truthfully. Madison leaned forward and kept flipping through the long white papers. Until she pulled out a paper,...

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Lesbians and Unicorns

Lesbians and UnicornsSaturday - The Next DayThis is the sequel to ?Bound On The Town? and what happened the next day. However, it is a separate story unto itself. Briefly, I want to recount the events that got Lisa and me into the predicament we found ourselves in on that Saturday morning. In ?Bound On The Town,? my girlfriends and I were out shopping together, when the subject of some sort of public bondage adventure came up. Beth and Ashley dared Lisa and I to go to a lesbian bar, with our...

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Momrsquos Tiny Tits

Fbailey story My thirty-five-year-old mother hates being flat chested but I just love her tiny tits. Mom is really pretty, tall at five feet ten inches, and only a hundred and ten pounds. She is tall and thin like a basketball player. She wears size one and two dresses and wears a 32-A padded bra. She really doesn’t need a bra but she likes to wear sexy lacy bras anyway. She likes the matching panties and almost all of her panties are thongs too.Mom got worse when dad left us for a...

1 year ago
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Trisha Hershberger Fantasy

I have been watching Trisha Hershberger for a long time. She has a naked vlog show called "The Naked Truth". I'm just going to be honest from the begining, I want this woman to breastfeed me.I fantasize about sucking on her boob. I fantasize about sucking on her big boob like a baby. Trisha's bra size is a 34DDD. Her tits are massive! SInce she has been on the youtube show Sourcefed, I have masturbated to her big boobsIn a video on youtube, Trisha showed a close up of her cleavage in a purple...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter Pimps My Wife At A Party

It was a few days after the gloryhole incident. Danielle had “babysat” for us again tonight and I was dropping her home afterwards. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she raised her face from my crotch and asked, “Do you and Kim want to come to a party with me next weekend? I’ve promised to provide the entertainment, if you know what I mean.”“I think I do know what you mean, but why don’t you spell it out for me, just in case…”“Well,” she said, with a coyness that was almost...

4 years ago
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Be Careful What You Ask For

Be Careful What You Ask ForbySexywife104©Even before we were married, my husband wanted me to allow other guys to see my tiny boobs and hard nipples. I didn't understand why he wanted me to do this and I didn't think other guys would be interested in seeing my minuscule breasts. I did notice how excited Dave would get when I would go braless in public and leave several buttons undone. I began to feel more comfortable going braless and did so almost all of the time.While we were still in college...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 35 Good and Bad

December 12, 1986, Chicago, Illinois Julia was just about to wrap up a special staff meeting, which included Tom and Debbie by speaker phone. “As the last item for our staff meeting, Steve has an announcement.” “All of you have been instrumental to the success of NIKA Consulting and have worked hard this year. I wanted to find a way to say ‘thank you’ in a meaningful way, and beause actions speak louder than words, I’m handing each of you an envelope with a check for $250 as a Christmas...

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Practice with a Camera

This story is real only the peoples names have been changed for privacy. Also if you have not read the first two installments of this series please do otherwise it will not make much sense. Several weeks after being at Ashley's vacation house and filming our sexual expedition her mom was planning on going back for another three day weekend she had off of work. Her husband David was going to be out of town for work and their son was spending that weekend at his friend's house so they could do...

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Lady of the Forest

It was early spring when I finally made my way through the mountains of Ered Luin and started my journey into Mirkwood, the elven forest. I had seen a few elves in pubs here and there, mysterious yet comforting folk they are, but strangely enough, through all my years of travelling, this was the first time I ever set foot on elven grounds. Something was different in this forest than any place I had been, as if a thousand spirits were living in the wind. The trees were ancient, almost as...

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Blackmailed babe turned sex toy 2

By the time Janel collected herself and, brought her seething emotions under control, her blackmailer was gone. He’d no sooner finished with her than he’d cleaned himself up with a damp towel and dressed, standing in front of the mirror to tuck in his shirt and knot his tie. Janel lay naked on the bed with the spread pulled over her, trying to collect herself and think of something to say that might somehow redeem herself—in her eyes at least, if not in his—but absolutely nothing came to mind,...

4 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 16

My girlfriends had to get back to school but they didn't wake me to take them to the airport until they were ready to go, it was really early and Jeff didn't even wake up. I dropped them off at the airport and cried almost all the way home, I was going to miss them so much.When I got home Jeff was up and making coffee, he could see that I'd been crying and came over to hug me and hold me, it gives me a lot of comfort to be in his arms. As he held me I could feel his cock start to push up...

1 year ago
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The Chronicle Fantasies Come True

We were going to a club. I dressed pretty hot – a tan skirt and a green v-neck that brought out my eyes – nothing underneath. I walked in and was momentarily deaf because of the blasting speakers. I went in, all nervous, when this girl approached me. She had very long dark brown hair, huge lips, piercing grey eyes, a huge chest, and long, slender legs. I could see them very clearly because her skirt barely came up to the point of exposing her underwear to everyone. But I wasn’t...

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Gentel Dental

It might have been an accident, and I am really not sure who moved first. My cheek might have rolled into her breast, or maybe she leaned over a little too far, but there was no doubt that a very erect nipple was brushing against my face. Her lab coat was open, and I could see just below the name tag which read " Heidi Anderson, DDS " that her other breast was straining against her smock and also displayed that tell tail mark of excitement. When I turned my head slightly and rubbed my cheek...

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ResonanceChapter 8

“Hi,” I said, as the duplex apartment door locked behind me. “Hi,” Yael grinned, standing barefoot on the third stair of the entryway, wearing one of my white dress shirts. “How was your first full day here? Not too weird?” “No, it was nice. First time I’ve ever played arkeret bayit.” She winked, and extended her hands. “Come!” She guided me into the house, showing me the fresh cut flowers and earthenware she had bought from Carmel Market, the way she had arranged the closets and...

1 year ago
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My Perfect Family

The phone rang sharply beside the sleeping head of Terry Gilson. He snapped awake. "What the fuck?" he growled. It rang again. He picked up the receiver. "Hullo," he managed in a gravely, low cough. "Mr. Gilson?" "Yeah." "This is Sergeant Preston of the Yukon County Police Department. May I speak to Mrs. Turvey please?" barked the authoritative voice in Gilson's ear. "Who is this?" "Mr. Gilson, please put Mrs. Turvey on. This is a police emergency." Again, a clear and...

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PTA Chapter 3

Harmon Brubaker knew that his fiancée, Robin Cawdor, was a slut by nature. That didn’t bother him, any more than his being a skirt-chaser bothered her. However, even with the understanding that monogamy was off the table and theirs would have to be an open marriage because of their predispositions, they would still have to slow things down a bit. Her pregnancy meant that they would soon have new responsibilities. After a certain stage, they agreed that Robin should quit her job and focus...

Group Sex
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 23

Tracy and Evelyn looked at each other for a while. They had no choice, since both had been tied so that they had to. Tracy couldn’t talk and Evelyn didn’t say anything to her. She knew the humiliation Tracy was suffering. Soon, despite their awkward positions, both of them drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Christina, Linda, Sue and Beth all woke up in the same bed, holding each other. What a wild night they had together. They got up quietly, so as not to awaken anyone else. Before...

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A Pups Wish is Granted

Carelessly dropping them where ever they lie, I strip clothes sodden with sweat and the reek of my workout on the way to a shower. It's a bit early but reeking as I did and with muscles tight, I only have one goal in mind, to sluice the sweat from my body while hot water works its magic to loosen painfully tight arms and legs. Stopping to piss, I finally notice that the locker room is not empty as I'd thought, seeing Cindy and Bobby washing their paws before stepping into the shower and...

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Getting to know the neighbors

A couple weeks after moving to a new city we were still getting to know our neighbors. The back is wide open and we can easily see into the back yards of five other houses. Since we moved in June we got to know them quickly because there was usually someone outside. Jeremy and Shelley Brooks, who live directly behind us, are very outgoing. My first impression of Jeremy was that he is a stereotypical alpha male. He can often be seen riding his bike on the roads or off-road trails, but you never...

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A Weekend of Pleasure and Pain Final Part A

What turned out to be the last chapter of this adventure ended up splitting off in two directions. This first one was a little too heavy and didn’t rally inspire continuation, so eventually Final Part B was born as something of a do-over. Which is better? Your choice...enjoy :) me:And we sleep, wholly and completely. We spend an exhausted night just wrapped in each other. And it is brilliant. sleeping in Your embrace is the perfect end to a long and boundary-blowing night. i am completely at...

4 years ago
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In the old School Library

It was an old school, over one hundred years old. The boys and girl who went there appreciated its history, especially the decor. It's an old building had been updated with air conditioning and a full electrical overhaul, making it a nice mix of the modern with the old. It was a wonderful place to study for the teachers and students alike. It had many weird features in the school that you wouldn’t get in a modern school, for example, it had two libraries. One library was bright and modern, it...

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Fuck A Cheerleader Fundraiser

Fuck A Cheerleader Fundraiser Let’s have a “Fuck A Cheerleader Fundraiser.” It was a ridiculous idea to say the least but it certainly got everyone’s attention when I said it during the meeting. The ladies on the committee were appalled and called me a sexist pig…and that was the most polite thing that I had heard. The men laughed but I knew that they all wanted to fuck one of those amazing young ladies as much as I did. Anyway the meeting was a shamble after that and it broke up with...

2 years ago
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Sebastian and Ciel

Sebastian opens the door, and allows Ceil to walk into the room. The Hotel Room is large, but enough for three people to sleep in one bedCeil walks forward and sits on the bed, grumpy. Sebastian steps forward and slowly and sensually takes off his shoes, tying them out and slowly taking them off. He puts them in the shoe closet and takes off his coat. He looks at his Master; "Master you are a mess" he says and Ceil looks up;"it's because of all these free hugs and glomps, when you were not...

1 year ago
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Mothers Room

Prologue A "Mother's Room" is a room where new mothers can get some privacy to relieve the "pressure" of being a mom. In other words, they can use a breast-pump to milk themselves like a cow, with little chance of being disturbed. Chapter 1 Rich was in his office participating in a teleconference with the Customer. These conference calls are the bane of his existence as an average, white, 59 year-old, over-weight, facilities manager. The customers never seem to be able to explain what they...

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Bangkok Diaries Part 8211 2

Bangkok Diaries… Part 2 This is the continuation of the first part. It is rather a long story and not for people who wants Sex from the first line till the last word of the story. In the first part, me and Aayush had a discussion on the old memories of our school times and also unfolded few secrets. I had mentioned he took my phone number. That day I was restless to receive a message from him. I could not concentrate on any work until at 10Pm when my phone pinged. Yes it was Aayush. Aayush:...

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Camera action

One day I was surprised to see a large box being delivered to the house. I hadn't ordered anything, and Michael hadn't said he had either. I text him to see and he just replied 'It's fine, just leave it.' I was tempted to take a peek into the box but I knew that Michael wouldn't like me to do that. He came home from work at noon for his lunch with a big smile on his face. He kissed me and I could tell by his mood that he was happy. "Good day at work?" I asked as his hands clutched my...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 8

“It’s been three days,” muttered Jason to his dad. “According to the Praetor, this is the way it works. The controls are almost duplicitous, needing only physical contact with the operator and the most superficial of settings. How mom ever got this thing to work is completely beyond me!” “I know, son, “Jacob replied wearily. “She even programmed it to pick her up here in New Eden and return her to wherever the machine was located. Then she even managed to get the machine to bring itself...

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Aunty Ko Khush Kiya

Hi dosto mey ek baar phir se aaya hu ek story le kar aap sabi logo ko thanku kiaap sabne meri story ki tarif ki muje mail karke dost aaj jo meri story sunna ne nja raha hui wo bhaut hi intersting h jomaine first story likhi thi first sex with bhabhi wo story pard ke ek aunty ka message aaya unhone phele to meri story ki tarrif ki aur phir unhone mujese sex karne ki icha jahir ki unhone mail mey apne wht up no likhe aur kha ki messge me when u see your mail phir maine uhe mail kiya to unka bi...

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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad 01 Prologue

Agatha Allbut was a nerd. Not a hot nerd, like Willow or Velma, but a real, true to life NERD. She would have fit in with Lewis and Booger and the rest of the Tri Lams if she had been alive in the eighties. She looked just like one would expect a girl with that name to look; 5'1", 95 pounds, measurements of 32A-26-31, long, mousy brown hair perpetually tied back in a ponytail, pale, oily skin, thick glasses and, of course, braces.Junior High had been miserable for Agatha, and high school had...

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A Bodyguards DutyChapter 2

Koraq could see the tension in Illeisiel’s shoulders ebb as they landed on the hover pad outside her set of suites. She exited first and again helped her ward step down from the shuttle, feeling the soft touch of her skin. The shuttle was powering down, it’s engines humming quietly, as the ork strode to the panel near the door to her Lady’s suites. She input the current security code and began to move through the rooms, making sure everything was as they had left it and no one else was...

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Three For Emily

“Of course you can come stay hun. I’m going to do some swimming and tanning pool side this afternoon if that’s alright with you?” She asked over the phone. “That sounds great I need some lounging around before I head back. I’ll be over in about 15 minutes.” I replied. I hung up the phone and finished checking out of the hotel. The day was pleasant and sunny as I drove to Emily’s with the top down on the convertible rental car. The wind felt reviving as it swept through my long, golden...

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PrincessCum Lana Smalls I Am So Dirty Stepbrother

Lana Smalls is super into her stepbrother, Sam Shock. She has a plan to get his cum inside her and today’s the day. Standing in the living room doing laundry in a super skimpy outfit, Lana waits for Sam to walk out. When he does, she tells Sam she needs him to wash her. Sam clarifies: Wash Lana or was her clothes, and Lana says both. Sam hesitates, but then picks Lana up and puts her in a laundry basket to carry her to the laundry room. It’s clear the stepsiblings have been flirting...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 12A The Top the Bottom and the Whore

Amy kept her eyes fixated on the floor as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She could see her shadow jump and flicker on the carpet from the dancing flames of the gas powered fireplace behind her. It was strange: she seemed so much bigger as a shadow. She heard movement to her left and knew it was Elissa. She didn't look up but could feel her new best friend lean close to her ear just before whispering, "Amy, are you okay?" Now the 14-year-old girl turned her head. She was surprised and...

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Yep I Can Fly Part 7

Chapter 24 Escape I ran as fast as I could. Brian is a killer. A cold blooded murderer. There is no doubt in mind. I just needed to get away from his mental grasp. So I ran. And ran, until I finally stopped. I honestly had no clue where I... "Lindsborg?" I gasped as I saw a welcome sign in town. Where the hell is Lindsborg? I looked around. The town was small. Really small. It wasn't that late, yet there wasn't a soul around... "Hey! Looking hot! Nice tits!" I suddenly heard...

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Her first group sex

Of course I felt guilty about breaking my promise, but he was just too irresistible. From the first moment I knew that he could get me to do anything that he wanted, and that I would enjoy every moment of it. I knew from the first moment that I looked into his eyes that I would do anything to make him happy. It was love at first sight. Too bad I had taken a vow to my church that I would save myself for marriage, while I didn’t say who that would be to it was implied that my family was to join...

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TandraChapter 21

Saturday September 30 At six o'clock I woke up horny with a very attractive woman draped over me. Taking the tube of KY I slipped into her and heard the same sounds of appreciation that I heard last night. I held her tightly and flipped over onto my back, and let Susan wake up with my hard cock inside her. My hands pulled up her knees so that she squatted over me. I cheated a bit and projected erotic scenes into her unconscious mind. Her vaginal muscles contracted in time with the images...

1 year ago
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Have A Leader Brother

I have a elder Brother, Anand, who’s just turned 25, and I have to tell you about what happened one summer day when we were at our farm house near Dehradun. Me’s about 5” 7’, silky black hair, very smooth skin, athletic body, and has very recently grown 32 C tits, which have so quickly come to my attention. Anand and I were very close as kids, being only a year apart, as well as being the only kids to our parents. We used to do everything together. We were both involved in heaps of sports like...

3 years ago
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Epic of Karanos

I wake up, laying on my back in the midst of a epic battle. What happened to me? Strapped to my right arm is a large bronze and wood shield. The other is clutching a spear, with a bronze tip. I stand up to observe my surroundings. Nearly the instant I arise, I hear a loud metallic clang and am knocked down again. The spear is snapped. As I look up, I see a man dressed in full Hoplite armor. I roll backwards and feel around my waist. My hands grasp around another handle. A sword, about three...

3 years ago
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Gaping after first college party

I walked out of my room to go down the hall and while looking at my phone to check the room number, I was practically run over. My phone was knocked out of my hand and after picking it up I finally saw who knocked into me.... the sophomore. "Well, if it isn't my puppet," he said. I immediately started to blush. "Hi." is all I could manage. "haha you had so much to say", he said before leaning into my ear, "while I was balls deep in you. I believe you said, fuck me harder" I...

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