Feeling naughty and the 2 officers
- 1 year ago
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Part 4: Eric
‘It’s really important to me, dear,’ Elizabeth said as they pulled into the parking lot. ‘You mean, it’s important to Mother,’ Eric said.
‘Exactly,’ she said, winking at him. ‘If she’s going to pay for our wedding, we’re going to have to keep her satisfied. And that means feeding her that sort of bullshit. She’s also going to ask about grandkids, so be prepared for that.’
She looked across the parking lot at the dentist’s office. ‘So, did you ever find out what happened with Dr. Golden?’ she asked.
‘No, all I got was the message on her website, that she’d left her practice to explore new business opportunities,’ he replied. ‘Hopefully this new guy’ll be just as good.’
‘Well, let’s go see,’ Elizabeth said, unbuckling herself. They walked over to the dentist’s office and opened the front door.
‘Oh hiiiiiii!’ the receptionist greeted them, her pornographic breasts bouncing up and down. ‘Like, welcome to Dr. Joseph’s office! I’m Crystal! What’s your names?’
‘Um,’ Eric said. ‘Um, Eric Desjardins and Elizabeth Schulman.’
Crystal took on a look of intense concentration. ‘I type real good,’ she said, then stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth, and tap-tap-tapped away at the keyboard.
That left the room silent, and, therefore, awkward. Elizabeth wasn’t quite glaring at him, but she was Not Happy. He would’ve pointed out that she’d suggested this place, but that probably wouldn’t’ve helped. Instead, he very carefully did not watch Crystal as she typed in their names.
‘Ohhh, here we are!’ Crystal said. She peered at something on the monitor, then smiled at Eric and Elizabeth. ‘Dr. Joseph says you should both go right on in. Eric is in room 8 and Lizzie, you’re in room 2.’
Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth, probably to start yelling at this bimbo for calling her Lizzie, but Eric forestalled her by laying a hand on her shoulder. ‘Don’t bother with her. She’s not worth the time,’ he whispered into her ear.
Reluctantly, Elizabeth nodded, and they walked through the door that led to the actual office area. Maybe the hygienists were a bit more intelligent than the receptionist.
Their hopes, however, were dashed when they saw the hygienist waiting for Elizabeth in room 2. ‘Oh hiiiii!’ said a Chinese bimbo. ‘You must be Lizzie! I’m Ming, and I’ll be your hygiene lady today!’
Eric laid a hand on her shoulder and just said, ‘Patience.’ They shared a smile, and then he strolled down the hall to room 8. It was the last room on the right side, and another hygienist was waiting at the entrance to it. And she was also a bimbo.
‘Oh hiiiii!’ the bimbo hygienist said. ‘You, like, must be Eric! It’s, like, rilly nice to meet you! I’m Noor!’ Eric blinked. He’d thought she looked Arabic, based on his experience in the Middle East, but none of the women there had been nearly as shapely. Or as uncovered.
Noor guided him into the chair, a big white smile plastered on her face. Her long black hair cascaded from her shoulders as she started chattering about nothing in particular. It was almost hypnotic, the way she talked. It made Eric feel like he was slipping into a trance, a trance that carried him through all of Noor’s poking and prodding in his mouth.
When he came to again, there was a brown-haired man looking down from behind the chair. The man smiled down at him and said, ‘I’m Dr. Joseph. Feel a bit more relaxed now?’
‘Very,’ replied Eric. It was, oddly enough, quite true. He did feel refreshed, for no apparent reason. It wasn’t as if he’d felt like shit, or something, but he felt ready to take on the world now.
‘So, got any plans, Eric?’ Dr. Joseph asked, shuffling some papers.
‘Oh, nothing much,’ Eric replied. ‘My fiancée’s mother is coming to town in a few days.’ He made a face, and Dr. Joseph chuckled. ‘I know the feeling,’ he said, taking up a tool from the tray.
For a few seconds, he just poked around in Eric’s mouth, then set it down on the tray again. ‘You seem to have a very nice set of teeth, Eric. But I do need to talk to you about something.
‘Your fiancée Elizabeth is going to need to come back three days from now, and she’ll need to go under general for us to deal with her problem. If you could be available to pick her up, that would probably work best for all of us.’ He frowned. ‘Is that going to pose any sort of problem?’
Eric thought for a minute, running through his schedule. ‘I think I can get time off then. What time do I need to be here?’
‘Her appointment is at 11 am, and she should be done by 12:30,’ Dr. Joseph said. ‘I don’t know what arrangements you need to make, but you should be here by then.’
That might be a problem, Eric thought. Since his accident last week, he’d been sharing a car with Elizabeth. That had worked out fairly well for work, since they both worked in the same building. But that meant he would need to come with her to, at the very least, drop her off.
‘Well, thanks for letting me know, Doc,’ Eric said, standing up from the chair. He shook the dentist’s hand, finding the strength of his own grip to be a bit surprising. Noor just giggled and waved coyly at him.
As he walked down the hall towards the front of the office, Elizabeth was waiting for him at her room. She smiled ruefully at him. ‘I thought I had good teeth,’ she said, taking him by the arm, ‘but Dr. Joseph said something went wrong with a couple of my molars when I was a little kid.’ She shrugged. ‘You can hardly blame me for that.’
Eric hugged his wife-to-be and said, ‘I couldn’t blame you for anything, dear.’ They breezed past Crystal with a minimum of awkwardness, and out into the parking lot. He gave Elizabeth a kiss on the cheek and said, ‘I’ve got all the time in the world for you.’
‘Awww, honey, you’re so sweet when you get like this,’ Elizabeth said, wrapping her arms tight around Eric’s chest. She giggled, and Eric hugged her back, again.
Three days later
The sun had risen just above the trees behind Dr. Joseph’s office when Eric and Elizabeth arrived in the parking lot. Elizabeth, who had never been a morning person, was still yawning and stretching, trying to manage without coffee. Dr. Joseph had stipulated that, saying that it would interfere with the anaesthesia.
So, of course, Eric had stopped at a coffee shop on the way over.
He’d always been bright and chipper in the mornings, so he didn’t really need it, but it tasted nice. And besides, he deserved a little treat, what with how his exercising had been going.
Eric didn’t have any idea what had happened to him in the past few days, but whatever it was, he liked it. He’d dropped at least 9 pounds, and he could actually feel the edges of his abs, without pressing through a layer of belly fat. His energy level had been sky-high, but he never felt jittery. This wasn’t ‘caffeine-and-sugar-high’ kind of energy, the sort that was going to crash and burn as soon as he had to do anything.
No, this was a ‘my-metabolism-is-kicking-itself-into-high-gear’ kind of energy. He’d run five miles yesterday, and barely broken a sweat.
Elizabeth, on the other hand, had seemed to be having some trouble focusing. She seemed to be trying to do everything at once, without managing to finish any of it. The day before last, she’d swept half of the kitchen floor, cleaned a couple of plates, dusted a few of his college textbooks, and moved around some random family heirlooms, before retiring to the bedroom and flipping restlessly through channel after channel.
Maybe she was worried about the surgery, or maybe it was her Mother’s imminent arrival. Whatever it was, Eric couldn’t decide if he wanted it to stop or continue. On the one hand, she was oddly spacy from time to time, forgetting the oddest things. There was a reason he was at the wheel this morning.
But, on the other hand, she’d been great in bed. Yesterday, she’d ac
tually managed to get up before he went to work (which was astonishing) and she’d proceeded to give him a handjob (which was incredible). Something was different about Elizabeth, but whatever it was, Eric felt pretty good about it.
They entered Dr. Joseph’s office, Elizabeth yawning as Eric held the door for her. Noor was at the desk, a big smile still plastered on her face. She sent Elizabeth down the hall to the operating theater, leaving Eric by himself. With her.
For about ten minutes, Eric managed to keep to himself. He’d brought his laptop along, and he managed to do some work on it. But no sooner had he finished an email to his boss about the Friedlander accounts, than Noor said, ‘Oopsies.’
He couldn’t pretend that he was alone anymore. He just couldn’t. As soon as he had to acknowledge Noor’s presence in the room, he became riveted by her lush, voluptuous body. How had an Arabian girl maintained that kind of physique, and how had she become so sexy?
‘Um, Eric?’ she said, forcing him to actually look in her direction. ‘Do you know how to, like, use a computer?’
‘Yes?’ he said, puzzled. How could someone so mind-blowingly hot be so monumentally stupid that she didn’t know how to use a computer? He could understand not knowing how to fix a computer. But this was something else entirely.
Still, he stood and took a few cautious steps towards the desk. ‘What is it you need?’
As soon as he was within reach, Noor grabbed his head and planted her lips on his mouth. Her tongue went deep into his astonished mouth, and she started pulling him over the desktop.
She was surprisingly strong, and Eric found himself sprawled on the floor, cushioned by the grinning bimbo. For a second, he wanted to shout, to object, but he took a deep breath. Everything around him smelled musky, like a million orgies had filled the office with their smells.
Instead of objecting, Eric growled and ripped Noor’s top off. Her exposed tits rolled free, and Eric grabbed them with both hands. He gently rubbed against her nipples, while holding the rest of her tits in a firm, almost painful grip. Noor just mewled with pleasure, her face rapturous.
As Eric moved his hands down her side, running his fingers along her toned stomach, Noor bucked under him, moaning a bit. He pulled down her tiny skirt, revealing a sopping wet pussy. Noor’s cum had spilled all around her slit, lubricating her in anticipation of Eric’s penetration.
Eric obliged her and impaled her pussy on his cock. It yielded easily, but not too easily. Her cunt was tight around his cock, though he suspected she wasn’t actually a virgin. She was too experienced at this to be innocent.
Less than 30 seconds later, Eric orgasmed, shooting a stream of semen deep into Noor’s pussy. A small part of his brain tried to inform Eric that he’d just shot a much bigger load than normal, but he was too occupied to think of that just now. He was focusing on how he wanted to fill this slut up.
An hour later
Eric had kind of lost track, at this point, of the number of times he’d orgasmed in the past hour. It should’ve surprised him that he was able to fuck Noor so comprehensively without a pause, but he just accepted it without hesitation.
If he had bothered to focus on something other than the bimbo on his cock, he might’ve noticed the mess they’d made of the waiting room. Chairs were toppled, papers scattered everywhere, and the computer monitor had a big hole in it. Eric had punched straight through it in the midst of passion, several orgasms ago, but he’d barely even noticed.
Currently, he was ramming his cock into Noor’s asshole for at least the third time. The bimbo had braced herself against an overturned couch, while Eric held two fistfuls of her asscheeks in his hands. At every push, she squealed with mingled delight and pain.
Eric groaned and orgasmed again, shooting a (still) surprisingly large load up into Noor’s asshole. Noor, in turn, thrashed as the cum entered her. Her eyes were wide and her tongue stuck out, panting as sweat rolled off her body in waves. A good part of the mess came from their co-mingled cum and sweat, smeared all over the room.
‘Perhaps I should’ve expected this,’ Dr. Joseph said, looking down on the pair of them. ‘I guess this is my own damn fault.’
‘Fuck!’ Eric shouted. He rolled over to find the good Doctor standing over him, looking grim. ‘I, um, um, I, I, I can explain,’ he stammered, trying to come up with an explanation.
‘You don’t need to explain,’ Dr. Joseph replied. ‘I understand exactly what happened here. Your transformation took effect before I expected it. And it’s changed my plans.’ He crooked a finger forward, and a peroxide-haired bimbo flounced forward.
‘Hiiiiii!’ she chirped. She seemed familiar, but Eric couldn’t place it exactly. It definitely wasn’t Crystal, because her face was different. But why was this supposed to be significant? It was just a bimbo.
‘What’s your name?’ Dr. Joseph asked the bimbo. She scrunched up her face in deep thought. ‘Um… uh… it’s… uh… oh yeah, it’s Lizzie!’ she said.
‘Your old name,’ he corrected her. The bimbo looked puzzled. ‘Old name? But Doctor Joey, you, like, said, I should, like, forget all that, like, dumb stuff!’
‘Was your old name Elizabeth Schulman?’ he asked. Lizzie looked thoughtful again, then brightened. ‘Oooh, that’s, like, totes it!’
‘What did you do to her?’ Eric said, pushing himself to his feet. His clothes were smeared with cum, and his still-erect dick hung out of his fly, but he ignored all of that. Judging by the responses of the bimbos, he looked very impressive. Of course, they’d probably be impressed by a squirrel’s dick, at this point.
‘Calm down,’ Dr. Joseph said, his eyes blazing. Eric felt something take a hold of him, like a giant’s hand grasping a tiny porcelain figurine. ‘I expected you to fuck your fiancee first. But you didn’t. So sit down, and zip up your fucking pants.’
Eric felt his concerns fading a bit, as he obeyed Dr. Joseph. They were still present, but now he was feeling a bit more thoughtful. Obviously, there was an explanation, and Dr. Joseph would provide it. He flipped over a couch and carefully sat down on it, avoiding the cumstains.
Noor and ‘Lizzie’ plopped down next to him with no such regard. While Lizzie’s expression was vacant and smiling, Noor seemed confused. She wasn’t smiling, and she actually seemed to have a few thoughts.
Dr. Joseph sighed. ‘It’s already started, see?’ he said, pointing to Noor. ‘We don’t have a lot of time, so I need to explain. You and your fiancee, as you may have surmised, have been changed here.
‘She’s become an airheaded bimbo. You’ve become a man who can master bimbos. Your physical changes are not as serious as hers, but you’ll notice a few new things over the next few days.
‘But the thing is,’ he went on, ‘the first load of cum that you shoot into a woman after your transformation will also change her. It bonds her to you, and grants her actual intelligence along with any necessary physical changes.
‘She becomes a smart bimbo, in other words,’ Dr. Joseph said. ‘She’ll look like a bimbo, and have the sexual desires of a bimbo, but the intelligence to not constantly gratify them at the cost of her dignity.’
‘I’m, like, gonna be smart?’ Lizzie said, giggling.
‘No, Lizzie, because Eric hasn’t fucked you, yet,’ Dr. Joseph said, as though he were talking to a three-year-old. ‘Noor is going to be smart instead of you.’ He looked into Eric’s eyes. ‘When she becomes smart, I’ll have no use for her as a bimbo.’
‘So take Lizzie, instead,’ Eric said, speaking coherently for the first time in some while.
Dr. Joseph shook his head. ‘My bimbos require a special touch, one that only I can give them. Lizzie is already beyond that. She’s imprinted with her new self, and there’s nothing we can do now that would change that.
‘Here’s what I’l
l offer, then,’ he continued. ‘Take Noor and Lizzie home with you. All I want, in return, is a replacement for Noor. I don’t have any particular requests, though I prefer a diversity of bimbos. So I’d rather not have another blond or redhead. I’ve got a Chinese bimbo, too.
‘So if you could find another Middle Eastern woman, like Noor, or perhaps a Hispanic girl, I’d appreciate that.’ He handed Eric a disc. ‘Just point that at the woman you want to bring to me, and she’ll obey you temporarily.’
Eric took the disc, and pointed it at Lizzie. He pressed the button in the middle, but nothing happened. ‘It doesn’t work on the bimbos,’ Dr. Joseph said, ‘so that they don’t deplete it by playing around. It’s got a limited number of uses, so be careful with it.’
‘Any questions?’ Dr. Joseph said, folding his hands.
‘Um, am I supposed to be thinking like a smart girl?’ Noor asked hesitantly. ”Cause it feels really, really weird.’
‘Any questions I didn’t already answer?’ Dr. Joseph amended himself.
‘I… don’t think so,’ Eric said. He stood, feeling very disoriented. His head felt closer to the ceiling. Maybe getting taller was part of his transformation.
He stretched, feeling the muscles ripple under his shirt. That was definitely a new feeling for him. Lizzie cuddled up to him, and he put a beefy arm around her shoulder. Noor stood slowly, and followed as he maneuvered Lizzie out of the office.
They walked to the car in silence, and Eric buckled Lizzie into one of the rear seats. She just giggled as Eric took the driver’s seat, and Noor, the front passenger’s.
‘Everything feels so weird,’ Noor complained. She looked over at Eric. ‘Is this what being smart is like? You know, thinking? Is it always this strange?’
‘I suppose,’ Eric said. ‘I’d never given it that much thought.’
They drove home, mostly in silence, with nothing but Lizzie’s giggles to break the calm. Noor just looked out the window, as if she was seeing the world for the first time.
When he pulled the car into the driveway, Eric snuck a quick look at all the other houses around him. They lived in a fairly young neighborhood, and he was pretty sure there weren’t a lot of people around, this time of day. Most folks should be at work or school (or both).
Nevertheless, he felt like a million eyes were watching the three of them as he pulled forward into the garage. When the door descended behind them, he breathed a huge sigh of relief. Lizzie just hopped out of the car, completely oblivious.
‘Come on in, Noor,’ he said, seeing how confused she was. ‘This is your house, too, now.’
‘I just don’t feel right,’ she said, stepping out of the car. ‘I feel like I’m about to throw up.’
She walked over to the door out of the garage, then stopped. ‘Am I really your bimbo now? Not Dr. Joseph’s?’
Eric nodded. She nodded back, then toppled over.
‘Oooph!’ Eric said, catching her body with quite a bit of effort. ‘Lizzie, help me carry Noor inside.’
‘Okey-dokey!’ Lizzie said from the couch. She’d been engrossed in the search for something vaguely dildo-shaped, but apparently Eric’s orders took precedence.
‘Like, what’s wrong with Noor?’ she asked, as they carried her into the living room.
‘I think she’s just a bit stressed out,’ Eric said, setting Noor down on the couch. He picked up her right arm, which had fallen to her side, and set it across her chest.
‘Oh,’ Lizzie said, then brightened. ‘She should, like, try fucking someone!’
‘I think she’s done that before,’ Eric said, trying to remain patient with his bimbo fiancee. She couldn’t help saying stupid bullshit. She was just a fucking bimbo. And most bimbos weren’t about brains.
He grabbed Lizzie’s hand and said, ‘Here, how about we fuck while she’s asleep.’ Lizzie giggled and said, ‘That’s, like, such a good, like, idea!’
They went back to their bedroom, and Eric tossed Lizzie onto the bed. She giggled as she hit the mattress, and looked up adoringly at her Master, standing above her.
Eric ripped off his shirt and thrust himself out of his pants. He felt his dick rising to attention again beneath his underwear. He made short work of that obstacle, too, and soon he stood, in all of his Masterful, bemuscled glory, ready to fuck his bimbo silly.
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MatureAs I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant. It was an early meeting I was asked schedule on all their computer calendars as a mandatory meeting with Bob Hansen. I occasionally smiled as someone greeted me or commented on my outfit as they walked by. My focus though was on getting the...
Spencer arrived at work a little earlier than usual Monday morning remembering the previous weekend's activities. After their morning fuck session Saturday, Sasha and Spencer talked about continuing their liaisons in the future since they both found out they were sex starved people. Spencer knew partially because he accidentally saw Sasha masturbating at work."You saw me?" she asked slightly stunned."Yeah," Spencer said guiltily."What did you do while you watched?" Sasha asked very...
My Father's Officebysethp©"You've got the job. You start tomorrow at 8am. Please don't be late." Said the voice on the answering machine. Cindy screamed! She was so happy. This would be her first real job at a real company. No more serving pizza at the local shop. The best part of all though, was that it was her daddy's company. He had no idea that she was going to be working with him. She hoped that he would be happy.Cindy was 21, tall, well built, and was a very sexy woman. She had large...
This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...
My name is Vidya. I am 30 years old now. Happily married and living in Pune along with my husband, Nitesh. I stand 5’7″ tall and have stats 36C-28-38. I have a voluptuous figure with two big melon-sized boobs and a jaw-dropping ass. People say I have a pretty face that looks as innocent as a baby but the figure of a sultry seductress. I was born and brought up in Bangalore. After graduation, I got a job as a receptionist in an MNC in Bangalore. One day, I was working at the front desk of...
Walter Peel had just returned to his chair after making himself his lunchtime coffee. Walter’s job was a cross between doorman and receptionist. He would vet visitors and direct them to the floor the companies they wished to visit were on. His secondary -- and probably more important -- role was to watch over the vehicles in the car park via the monitors on his desk. It was a movement on one of those monitors that caught Walter’s eye. A black estate car was reversing into one of the...
Introduction: Once again my fantasies are flowing! Your comments are very gratefully received, if you do vote negatively please comment why. Thank you for all your encouragement so far! I am mid thirties, tall, slim, large breasts, short brown hair. I manage an office of giddy sexually inexperienced young girls. They drive me mad, not only their attitude to work but their attitude to sex. They shag any boy they find, they giggle and tell each other about their sexual exploits on the previous...
FUCKING AUNTY IN MY OFFICE After years of practicing law I started my own firm on the high street, employing a number of staff. A few years back a friend of my father came in for some legal advice and help so he could bring his wife from bangladesh and make her a British citizen. I had assisted him in carrying all the immigration procedures and even traveling with him back to Bangladesh to further assist her. That was the first time I met her. I called her “chachee” and introduced myself to her...
Work was almost impossible. I wondered walking into work the next Monday what it would be like. I had seen Sara and Kayla almost daily for years now. I had always thought of seeing them at work. They always dressed very nice, on the verge of being too revealing for work without quite crossing the line. They had triggered my imagination before, but now I didn’t know how I could possibly concentrate around them. After they left our party, my wife and I spent the rest of the weekend first...
Office Sex"Morale Officer" by Jennifer Brock On a spaceship in the near future, a situation arises that requires an innovative solution. The Monongah hung in space like a giant 10-penny nail. She was an asteroid mining ship for the AsterOre Mining Corporation. At one end was a disk 150 meters in diameter, inside of which was a ring of rooms that spun to simulate gravity. This is where most of the crew cabins and workspaces were located. At the other end of the 800-meter...
Jess is sitting at home bored with nothing to do and is quite hungry but doesn’t feel like cooking. She is 20yrs old about 5”4 with straight blonde hair 14DD bust and a little bit chubby bluey greeny eyes and is quite shy but inside her is a horny beast waiting to escape. She decides to drive into the city to find a nice restaurant too eat at. Jess walks outside and gets in her car. As she walks out a light chilly breeze blows past her making her nipples harden under her top slightly and blows...
FetishAnthony said that he would call in all non critical security for a meeting. He said it should take about fifteen minutes. Chloe and Adriana came over and sat next to the desk as I rolled out the map. Looking at the map I saw the exact properties we needed to purchase, but we still needed to go and look. I asked them what they thought. Adriana pointed at the eleven landing pads and asked what these were. I told her they supported the other club. Touching the map I indicated that these ten...
It was one of the days in the office when nothing much was happening. So most of us browsed the web, checked our mail and soon had nothing left to do. The boss knew that not much is going to happen that day so she decided to give the office the day off. We jumped for joy but mine was soon shot down as I was to hold the fort that day JUST IN CASE. What the fuck???? I was so pissed off. Being reasonably senior, I couldn’t protest and resigned to watch every one pack up and leave. The parking lot...
The trip back home was luxurious but uneventful. I had taken Caroline out to dinner for our last night in Doha, after an afternoon spent in Souq Waqif. I liked it there, because even though it was rather sanitized, there was more than enough to see, smell and taste. Sure, one or two of these hole in the wall shops sold the inevitable Gucci handbags, but it was actually fun to learn from Caroline how to spot fake goods. “Take this GG canvas horse bit hobo bag,” she said, while the salesman...
Step Into My Office By Cal Y. Pygia All right, I admit it. I was an idiot. I never should have worn the butt plug--if "worn" is the right word--in the first place, especially not to work, but I couldn't help myself. Okay, I guess I could have helped myself; nobody forced me to insert a plug up my ass. It's just that, ever since Hermie left me for (of all things) a genetic girl, I've felt lonely--and horny. I guess my self- esteem was at an ebb, too--I mean, losing a guy to a...
When she came to our office all the boys were floored. And probably the girls were either jealous or scornful of her. To say that she was sexy would have been an insult to her. She was smoldering, the way she moved, she carried herself and the way she dressed. She was wearing a plain white semi-transparent chiffon top, and a body hugging jeans. The top was a sleeveless affair displaying her clean bare arms. It was well cut and stuck to her body accentuating her curves. A normal collar front...
“Any questions so far?” Bill asked, his hand on the nape of the new girl he had shown around the office. He had penetrated the veil of her shoulder-length, light brown hair so casually that Abby had been too shy to shy away. Simply hunching did not get the message across. “I’m OK so far,” she stuttered, convincing herself that maybe she was the one who needed to adapt to typical, friendly, office touching. If Bill thought two minutes was an appropriate amount of time to painstakingly apply a...
It’s not exactly a small building, with forty-two floors of offices. The James and Neville Law Company spans seven of these floors with each floor consisting of offices overlooking the city and a central pool of people providing administration and research tucked away on the inside. There are perhaps twenty to thirty people per floor; so a big workforce in total.Melissa is an office administrator, a clerk that helps one of the departments run smoothly, as she puts it. She is efficient, always...
Office SexFrank was recently hired on by the company as a Desktop Support Technician. His job was to help the personnel with computer problems varying from network issues to printing problems. He was there about two weeks when they had received a phone call from their remote office. "George, you over there?" "Yeah, Bob, what's up"? "Gina just called from the remote office. Network connectivity is down again." "Dammit. Bob, head out there and call me when you get there." "No can do George....
This happend a good few weeks ago but its been going over in my mind quite alot of late, so i thorght i would write it down.just like ever other day i went to the office as normal, i parked my car in its normal spot and headed into the building. in the lift there was a women i had not seen before so i smiled and said hi she looked at me and smiled and said hi back, she was a dark haired women in here 40's dressed in a black top with a red blouse and long skirt, and red shoes as far as i know i...
“I don’t understand,” said Lori. “You get excited by thinking about watching me have sex with someone else, but you would be devastated if it ever happened.” “I didn’t say it made sense,” said Edwin. They were covered with sweat and lying next to each other after one of their athletic lovemaking sessions. Even though they were exhausted and knew they were finished for the night, they both didn’t want to give up yet. Whenever this happened,...
The Office. Before you read this, it isn’t a stroke story as such. A story with sex in it yes, but not a quick fire wham bam. Thought it best to let you know. The players: Stella was a bitch, pure and simple, a statement of irrefutable fact. Somehow, in her twelve years working at the small Accountancy practice, she had charmed, or perhaps bullied the senior partner into making her the Office Manager. She was the archetype of the Office Manageress. Quite tall, at around six foot, as...
Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. Story is about my busty colleague Anusha who joined recently. There is a girl at my workplace who I sort of had a crush on. She was not that great. I mean she was fair but doesn’t have an...
I was lounging on the couch in my media room, watching NASCAR on the big screen. There was a commercial on right now, and my mind was wandering. A knock on the front door brought me back to reality. As I approached the front door, I heard a radio squak outside. I tried to peek through the sidelight glass, but it was frosted, so all I could see was a shadowy form close to the door, and a flashing coloured light in the background. Police? Why? I cautiously opened the door. The officer had his...
This is a rough draft of my newest erotic short story - Overtime at the Office. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read elsewhere on the internet, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan. Hope you like it :)*******************As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway...
The normal workday had finished and I gladly filed away the tedious paperwork that I had been toiling with over the past few hours. Knowing that I wasn’t going to depart for a number of hours, I went to the common tea room and made myself a cup of coffee.Back in my office, I sat back, sipped my coffee and contemplated my plan for the next hour and a half before the evening students started to arrive. By now, the building had emptied of the usual complement of tutors and students, and so I knew...
CrossdressingThis is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...
This is a rough draft of my latest erotic short story. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read on Literotica, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan, one year later. I will upload the final draft on Literotica.********As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway chatter of...
My said the other day to me that one of her fantasies was me fucking her on her work desk. My wife is a financial manager at an IT company. She’s got a nice big office with a big table. I imagined the situation and liked it very much. So one evening after work, she phoned me and told me to come to her work. I arrived there and some of the other workers were still there. I could see in her eyes that she was very horny and she told me to be patient till the other people left. After about 30min...
EroticThe end-of-day buzzer had sounded yet there were those who had decided to stop behind for some naughty fun. For one, however, her plans for a long satisfying piss over the attic floor had been put on hold, for as Gabriella had rounded the stairwell doorway she had discovered a semi-naked Zara, squatting over the top step, and with a flowing torrent of hot pee flowing from the base of her curly-haired muff.‘Sorry,’ Zara shouted down over the hiss and patter her flowing toilet was making as her...
Watersports( Part 2 of Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge) By rutger5 (An original story - copyright 2011) Kim’s hand shut off the water but she continued to stand there for a moment in the shower as the water dripped from her body. Finally she opened the door to the stall and lifted the fluffy towel which hung from the nearby rack. Toweling herself off first she then stepped...
I work in a IT office where people are coming and going anywhere from 6 am to 9 pm even though the office hours are 8 – 5 and mostly guys. Out of 50ish people there are only 7 women working in the office but most of them are younger good looking guys considering I work in a male oriented business. Some of the guys even come in on the weekends or stay late weekdays to play poker, Wii, or have land parties. I work in the accounting department so at year end I have a lot of overtime. ...
It’s after midnight and I’m writing this by torchlight under the covers of my bed, holding an ice pack between my legs. I can’t stop thinking about what happened after school today; hopefully writing this down will let me clear my mind and get some sleep. If anyone is reading, I don’t expect you to believe it, but I swear every word is true. ~~~ I’m in my final year at a posh boarding school in Sydney. It’s pretty cool in an old-world sort of way; as well as the normal business, science and...
First Time