Calli & Myer free porn video

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He was talking to another man. Over the noise, it was impossible to make out what they were saying, but it appeared that they were deep in conversation. Calli couldn’t help but stare as she watched the man pull a ball point pen from his jacket pocket and hand it to Myer. Myer accepted the pen, and then signed the document in front of him on the table.

It was then that Calli realized the man at the table with Myer was one of the company’s clients, and not a very trusted one according to the water cooler gossip. Douglas Slate, was his name Calli remembered from a meeting.

“Excuse me, miss?”

Snapping back to reality, Calli looked at the bartender, he had her drinks ready and was trying to get her attention.

“Oh, sorry,” she said. She skillfully took all four drinks in her hands and thanked the bartender.

Trying not to be too obvious, she glanced back at the corner booth. Unfortunately, she had been caught as she made complete eye contact with Myer before she turned away and walked back to her table where her girlfriends were waiting.


Six nights later, it was Friday evening. Calli was just signing off her computer for the night. She had stayed late tonight to complete a project that was due the following week. She figured if she got it finished Friday night, she could enjoy her weekend without having to worry about the upcoming deadline. The office had cleared out and she was the only one still there. She used the small light from her desk lamp to organize her project folders into their correct cabinets, then pack up her Kate Spade bag with her personal items. She pulled her jacket off of her coat rack and hung it over her arm to carry home.

Right as she was about to turn off her lamp and head out to the train, her telephone rang.

Confused as to who was calling her office line at this hour, she stared at it for a second before finally picking it up on the third ring.

“Calli Rosse,” she answered.

“Yes, Ms. Rosse. This is Myer Vross.”

Calli’s heart sank into her stomach when she heard his name.

Ever since last Saturday night when Calli saw Myer at the Pub with Slate, she had been avoiding him like the plague. Not wanting to get involved in his business, every time Calli saw Myer coming from his office or walking through the hallways, she would quickly dart into the ladies bathroom. At one point, she was nearly caught in an elevator with him when she got in to go down to the main floor for lunch and he slid in with her. Luckily, an intern from the mailroom called out to hold the elevator so she wasn’t trapped alone with him.

On this evening though, she could have sworn she saw him leave for the evening. She made sure to triple check that his office was empty before making the decision to stay this late on her own.

But now, she was stuck.

“Oh, umm, hello,” she finally spat out when she was able to form words.

“I’m glad you’re still here,” he said. “Would you please come up to my office before you head out?”

At this point, she knew she had no choice. “Yep, I’ll be right there.” She hung up the receiver of the phone, turned off her lamp and walked the long walk to his office.

It felt like she had walked miles and that the hallway had expanded in length as she slowly made her way to his office. The fact that they were the only ones on this floor, probably the only ones in the building, made the silence and darkness even more frightening.

A week ago, Calli would have been thrilled to have Myer call her into his office. Since she started working for the company, Calli (as well as probably every other straight female employee) had developed a crush on her boss. It was hard not to. Not only was he incredibly good looking and clearly spend many hours at the gym, but he was an amazing boss. Always listening to what his staff had to say, following through on promises, and making meetings actually fun and enjoyable.

Two months ago, at a conference in Fort Lauderdale, Myer took everyone in his team out for drinks after a successful day. After hours at the hotel bar, Myer and Calli were the only ones left who hadn’t gone back up to their rooms yet. Nothing happened, but ever since that night, there always seemed to be a little flirting whenever they spoke, or a handshake that would last a couple second longer than normal.

That was, until last Saturday. Now Calli was too scared to even look up at Myer when he would make his daily walk to and from the break room for his coffee.

She stood in front of the large dark wood door, Myer Vross: Junior Field Designer, read on the plaque nailed to it. After taking a few breaths to calm herself down, Calli knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he answered, almost immediately.

Calli turned the handle and walked in.

Myer stood in front his desk. He was about 6’3”, had a professionally done haircut and trimmed chocolate brown beard. He had rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt and his large arms were crossed in front of his chest. He stared at Calli with his piercing green eyes as she stepped into his office, shutting the door behind her.

“Please, have a seat,” Myer told her, gesturing to the chair placed in front of his desk. Calli walked towards him, then sat down in the chair provided, placing her bag and jacket on the floor beside her.

Neither of them said anything for a second. For Calli though, it felt like hours before Myer finally spoke.

“I know you saw me Saturday night at Chapman’s.” He didn’t move. He kept his stance, leaning slightly back on his desk, his arms crossed, staring down at Calli. “And I know you have been dodging me ever since.”

Not sure if he was asking her something, Calli didn’t say anything.

“Do you deny seeing me?”

Besides walking from the door to the chair, Calli made the first movement she had made since coming into the office. She shook her head.

“Good,” Myer said, uncrossing his arms and putting them behind him on the desk.

Normally, Calli, and every other female in the office, would take this opportunity to check out Myer’s flexed arms. But Calli sat petrified in the chair, keeping herself completely focused on his eyes.

“Have you told anyone in the office who you saw me meeting with?” he asked her.

Again, she shook her head.

Myer slammed his fist hard on his desk, making Calli jump. “Are you mute?” he almost screamed at her.

She almost shook her head again, before stopping herself. “No, sorry,” she answered. “No, I didn’t tell anyone that I even saw you on Saturday,” she told him.

“Sorry,” he said, lowering his voice. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just,” He put his face in his hands and sighed in and out, loudly. “I just need to make sure of everything.”

Calli stared at him letting him calm himself down. It was strange seeing him go from strong and terrifying to weak and scared in only a second.

“Were you with anyone from the office that night?” His tone of voice and body language had completely changed from when she had first arrived in his office.

“No, I was out with some girls I went to college with. It was one of their birthdays. No one from work,” she assured him.

He pushed himself off his desk and stepped closer to her. She could smell the musty scent of his cologne. “You’ve been avoiding me all week,” he told her, “and I needed to make it clear that what you saw stays between you and me.”

“Okay, I won’t tell anyone,” she promised him.

He got closer to her chair, taking tiny steps. “I’m serious Calli. This isn’t some little ‘I’ve been taking paperclips home from the supply cabinet’ thing. This is a big deal and it needs to be kept quiet for now.” His voice was almost a whisper now. He clearly was trying not to scare her or make her seem threatened.

“Okay,” she repeated. “I understand.”

Putting his hands on the arms of Calli’s chair, Myer lowered himself down so he was now completely face to face with her. She stared into his eyes, not blinking and having to remind herself to breath.

“Promise me, Calli.”

“I promise.”

“This is a big deal for the company,” he told her. “It could become dangerous, and I don’t want a beautiful girl like you to get hurt.”

Calli was taken aback by his words. She stopped breathing as his face got closer to hers.

“Can I trust you?” he whispered. His right hand slowly moved off the arm of the chair and he delicately placed his finger tips on her naked thigh. She was wearing a pencil skirt, however, it had ridden up when she sat down, leaving part of her leg exposed to him.

He whispered again, as he hand got closer to the hem of her skirt and his face got closer to hers. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Calli. Can I trust you?”

Against all her judgement, Calli whispered back, “yes.”

Myer’s face moved down, away from hers. He got down on his knees in front of her legs and both his hands slowly snaked their way under her skirt. Calli breathed in and out heavily, as she watched him and felt his soft hands on her skin. Underneath her skirt, Myer took the fabric of her thong between his fingers. He took a deep breath, as if he was smelling her and bit his lip in sexual frustration.

“Tell me to stop,” he ordered her.

Almost as if she had no control over her body, Calli spread her legs further apart.

In one swift movement, Myer pulled her thong down her legs and left it dangling at her ankles. He pushed her skirt up as high as it would go and stroked the naked lips of her sex. She was already moist and every touch made her even more wet. He bent his head down and lightly licked her, making Calli bend her head back and moan. He circled her clit with the tip of his wet tongue. Calli clutched onto the arms of the chair and wiggled herself down to give him better access to her sensitive area. Thanks to her moving down in the chair, Myer had a better angle to work and began probing her with his tongue, going in and out a few times, then pulling out to tease and suck on her clit some more. She cried out as she felt him insert his finger inside her and began to thrust it in and out as he continued licking and sucking her little nub.

It had been a long time since anyone had touched her at all, let alone in such an intimate place and way. She knew inside, that this was wrong, he was her boss, and now she had this secret of his that she had to keep. But none of that was even a thought as his skillful tongue and fingers worked themselves in and out of her.

“Shit!” Calli screamed, realizing she was close to an orgasm. Myer could feel her tensing up and he inserted a second finger into her pussy making her squeak in pleasure. He finger banged her harder and harder and continued sucking and licking at her until he could taste her juices from her orgasm. Calli’s entire body clenched up in the chair as she felt herself lose control. Myer pulled his fingers out and lightly licked at her while she came down.

Wanting to satisfy himself and her again, Myer picked Calli out of the chair and sat her down on the edge of his desk. There, he pulled her purple blouse out from the tucked in waist band of her skirt and began undoing the buttons. Calli followed suit, unbuttoning his dress shirt and pulling it open to reveal his rock hard abs and pecs. Myer ripped Calli’s top off her arms, leaving her sitting there in her favourite green lacy bra. He could very clearly see her pink nipples through the see-through lace. Lightly, he ran his thumbs over her hard nipples drawing another moan from Calli.

“Holy fuck Calli,” he said, continuing to tease her through the fabric. His thumbs circled her nipples and he held her small but perky B-cup breasts in his hands. “You are so incredibly sexy.”

Using one hand, he grabbed her by the back of her head and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Calli kissed him back, feeling his tongue at her lips, asking to be let in. She opened her mouth and he plunged his tongue into her mouth. He held her by her black hair as their tongues played with each other. Her hands roamed over his shoulders and into his hair. Kicking her heels off of her feet and her thong from around her ankle, Calli wrapped her legs around his body and felt his rock hard erection hidden in his pants.

He broke their kiss and pulled away slightly to remove his belt and pants. In one swift motion, he dropped his pants and boxers to the floor and Calli watched as his thick 9” member sprung free.

Although Calli was pretty experienced in the current department, it had been over a year since the last time she had been with a man, and she had never in her life been with one as large as Myer.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her into a kiss again, then ordered her through his teeth, “Stand up, and bend over the desk.” Calli didn’t have to be asked twice.

She hopped off the desk, and turned around so her back was to Myer, and slowly bent down onto his desk. She felt his hands completely remove her skirt and then rub her bottom and back. He used his knee to spread her legs a little further apart and he lightly stroked her sex with the tip of his cock as he lined himself up at her entrance. She closed her eyes and prepared herself as he teased her with his tip, making her sigh.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, Calli Rosse.” She bit down on her bottom lip and smiled, thinking of all the times she had thought about him late at night. He kissed her back and shoulder blades and then without any other warning, Myer drove himself deep inside her pussy. Calli screamed out in ecstasy as she felt Myer drill himself into her. She pushed herself backwards to feel him even more. He used her hips as leverage, lifting her slightly so he could hit her sensitive spots.

“Holy fuck,” Myer cried out thrusting himself further into her. She was so tight; it felt like she was sucking him inside of her. It took all his strength to pull out so he could shove himself right back into her again.

Calli started to slide a little on the desk due to the fact that she had starting sweating. She gripped onto the edge of the desk to hold herself still. She knew her second orgasm was not far away.

Myer felt it too as he felt her insides tighten around his length. He held her hips tighter against him and with all the strength he had left, he pounded in and out of her as she screamed for him.

“Oh shit,” Calli cried, “Yes! Fuck, I’m almost there!”

Reaching underneath her, Myer rubbed her clit, sending her completely over the edge. Her orgasm rocked through her body, squeezing on Myer’s cock. The tightness he felt inside her was all he needed, and he cried out with Calli as they finished together and he shot his hot load inside her.

Myer rested his chest on Calli’s back, kissing her shoulder blades, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. They both laid there, slowly catching their breath while Myer waited for his cock to soften and slip out of Calli.

Myer slowly stood up off of Calli and helped her to stand up as well, lightly kissing her back as she came up with him. As carefully as she could, Calli turned and faced Myer. She felt sore down there, so she tried not to strain herself. Still gasping for breath, she looked up into his eyes and smiled when a big grin appeared on his face. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

“Oh God, Calli,” he said, after finishing their kiss, “I know I shouldn’t have done that, but fuck, I have wanted to do that since the first day you started here.”

Calli looked down and blushed. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I had never thought about you in any sexual way,” Calli admitted to him. Myer smiled and pulled her in for another passionate kiss. He cupped her small face in his hands as he explored her mouth with his tongue. It was as if he was an adventurer and had just discovered the Promised Land in her lips.

After another minute, he slowly pulled away and let go of her. Together, they bent down and began collecting all their clothes that had earlier been discarded.

“So, I hate to do this to you,” Myer said, as he re-buttoned the buttons on Calli’s top, “but I need you to also keep this a secret as well.”

“Of course,” she responded.

“It doesn’t mean I didn’t like it,” he assured her, “or that we can’t do it again.”

Calli giggled at his eagerness.

“No, I understand,” she said. “Probably won’t look good on my part either; sleeping with the boss.”

Myer smiled. They were both fully dressed now. Calli glanced at herself in the office mirror. Her hair was a little tousled, and her makeup a little runny. But overall, it didn’t completely appear she had just been fucked over a desk.

Myer approached her from behind and hugged her, kissing her neck. “Will you see me again?” he asked her. “Maybe in a non-office setting?”

Calli smiled. “Of course.”


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Calling Party Of Three Part One

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! There Is A First Time For Everything – Part One Let’s start with who I am. My name is Harper and I’m 25 years old, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about two years and we’re each other’s worlds. We would do almost anything for each other. I have never dated a whole lot before I met Ryan. I’ve always wanted to try new things and have talked at length with Ryan about those things. We’ve done some things but now I want to step it up, tonight I’m going...

2 years ago
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Calling All Panty Boys

This is a totally made up story with a picture of one of my friends here on XH, wonder if he will recognize himself. I love panties and so does he so we will celebrate with this little fantasy. I will mark it gay because every time I mark something shemale the critics give it a thumbs down.I felt her hand slide in my pants and rub his fingers across my panty covered cock. I can’t tell you exactly how this happened. I just know that lying in the dark with her fondling my hard cock that was...

2 years ago
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Calling his Bluff

If your not gay then stop reading now. I lived in a small town when I was in my early thirties I drank and partied there and worked thereIt was quite a close community which meant I knew a lot of people and I was easy recognisable, so hiding a massive secret like my love of sucking cock and getting fucked up the arse was extremely difficult to the extent I just wouldn't search for any gay activities in my town which at times became very difficult, you see there was a lovely set of public...

1 year ago
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Calling Party Of Three Part Two

Written By Poppet: ForLushStories ONLY! There Is A First Time For Everything – Part One Oh yes, we’re back for round two, can you handle it? I’m sure you can. I know I am about to. I’m sure by now you've took the journey with me and Ryan that we had with Chris. That was fun and exciting, wasn't it? If you haven’t, then stop reading and go read the first one! If you have then let’s move on and get this show on the road, we’re about to explore the desires we want with a FFM threesome. Ready?...

Group Sex
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Calling Party Of Three Part One

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! There Is A First Time For Everything – Part One Let’s start with who I am. My name is Harper and I’m 25 years old, I've been dating my boyfriend for about two years and we’re each other’s worlds. We would do almost anything for each other. I have never dated a whole lot before I met Ryan. I've always wanted to try new things and have talked at length with Ryan about those things. We've done some things but now I want to step it up, tonight I’m going to...

Group Sex
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Calling Her Bluff 8211 A Couples first BiSex

James and Rae have been together for 18 years and were very close. They trusted each other very much and knew they could tell each other anything. Therefore they loved to talk about their fantasies while they made love to each other. They talked a lot about swinging with a third person and also with another couple. One of Rae’s biggest fantasies was to watch her husband fucking another woman in front of her. Ever since James took the big chance and told his wife about how he use to play...

4 years ago
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Calling Dr FeelgoodChapter 2

Samantha had been sitting on the toilet for about ten minutes and was fairly confident that she had expelled all of the remaining liquid from the rinse enema. Smiling up at Dr. Harris, she signaled that she was ready and he helped her over to the exam table once more. Her legs were a bit weak and rubbery and she felt physically drained from the whole ordeal. "You're doing great Samantha. You can rest a bit while I get things ready for the next part of the procedure." Having experience...

3 years ago
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Oh Mr Patterson Part III

Continuation of ‘Oh, Mr. Patterson, part II’ The bright glossy rays of sunlight bled through the window shades and onto my face, forcing me to wake up. I groaned and rubbed my eyes to restore my vision. I slowly sat up and looked to my side. Mr. Patterson was there, already staring into my eyes. ‘Good morning beautiful,’ he smirked. I blushed as he sat up and moved closer to me. Under the covers I could feel his hand smoothly running up and down my leg. ‘Yesterday was amazing,’ he said, as...

2 years ago
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VCard Losing it

I grew up in a shabby, rundown area of small farms. The place wasn't even really a town, just a s**ttering of houses and a couple of churches spread along a state highway that led to a smallish town. I lived with my dad in a small little 5 room house on the property of an old retired farmer, Quimby. Dad sc****d out a meager living taking care of Quimby's property. Quimby had done well for himself, He'd quit school at 16 and joined the military when he turned 18, and had served 20 years. A...

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Me and My father

"So what is this place?" I asked as we turned from the road and down a tree lined lane."It's a surprise," my Dad smiled at me both happily and enigmatically. We were close, me and Dad, I'd not know my Mom, she'd left when I was so small she wasn't even a blurry figure in my memory and Dad had brought me up. As a rule we were a no secrets house, I'd come out as gay to him without a thought and let him know about all my boyfriends. He in turn had let me know about the women he was seeing, (even...

4 years ago
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Cryska Wintergaze

"Uugghh.... Finally! Jeez I was stuck on that boat for weeks!." Cryska would say after walking onto the port. It was busy lots of people getting off ships, going onto ships. The whole city, called Ravenburg, smelled of fresh fish and of animals. She went straight to a closeby inn, so she would have a place to return to. ~3 hours later~ Blowing off all the cash on a boat ride and forgetting to keep some when you actually arrive was not a good idea... But she is in luck, a guild looking for a new...

1 year ago
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What was never ment to be Day 2 game time

What was never meant to be, Day 2 game time I groaned as the alarm clock when out, Sarah sifted next to me and mumbled something that sounded almost like “Don’t pull out yet.” I laughed lightly and kissed her cheek hoping to wake her. She rolled over to face and her eyes opened a little. “Why are you waking me up?” She asked rubbing her eye with her hand. She looked so cute, like a young kid not wanting to get up for school. “We have a game to get to hun.” I told her gently rubbing her...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

Constance was waiting for me at the helicopter, and as soon as we were belted in it took off but didn't head toward Camp David. The Judge obviously had some other agenda for me, but didn't think to tell me, so I relaxed and went with the flow. To my surprise we landed on the White House lawn, and were ushered into the building through a rear door. Constance was dismissed by her boss to check her mail, and I was hustled to the elevator and taken to the bunker deep underground where I found...

2 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 19

“Well we’re here,” said Glory, “They’ll be here, reluctantly on her part I’m sure, and likely his too, but they’ll show up of that I am certain,” I said. “You are a trusting soul,” said Glory. “Hmm, am I?” I said. “There they are.” She watched as the two strangers, to her, approached our waiting selves. “Have a seat,” I said. They did so. Seated, I glanced toward Penelope and introduced my new girlfriend. “Penelope Hardy this is Glory Harris, Grant, this is Glory,” I said. The two of...

3 years ago
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Indian Student Cheating on Boyfriend Part 2

Sounds like you guys want me to tell you the rest of the story – so here goes. I had just cum all over Sarv’s mouth and skilful tongue and was lying on my back on his bed. He moved back up the bed and started kissing me gently. His hands were still roaming over my body – he used his big strong palms to brush over my tits and nipples which were still hard from the attention that he had given them before. Every so often he would pinch one and pull it to make sure I knew he was in control. My...

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The Peeping Tom Day Two

To fully appreciate the story it is better that you have read day one prior to this chapter. It is 07:20 when the wife leaves to go to work and as I take my place in the attic again, I open the window just in time to see the college girl in her window in her skirt and bra, putting on her blouse. I am in just my bathrobe, which I slip off, sitting down naked next to the little table with my box of hankies on the ready. Next door to the college girl there is a light on in the bedroom of Brian and...

2 years ago
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Words Made FleshChapter 12

"Come here darling. Sit down and tell Marilyn what's wrong," the slender, dark-skinned woman said; as she used her foot to push out the chair on the other end of the table. She held out her hand to the chair invitingly. Sophia hesitated, but smiled weakly as she looked at Marilyn's sympathetic expression. She turned toward the empty seat and hung her head in an exaggerated manner as she plopped herself down. "How do you always know?" Sophia asked. "It's a mystery," Marilyn...

3 years ago
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June gets hooked in to excitement like a teen

June is 74 but has a great figure especially her tits 34 c i think. Blonde hair, very prim & proper manner.I managed to persuade June to help me shop for a christmas present for my wife. Secretly I wanted to be a lone with her in a sexy environment, so I said I wanted to shop for undies but would be embarised in that department.She agreed,so we set a date. June lives 25 miles from me and would travel by but for our shopping trip. I was surprised when she told me she invited her husband to...

2 years ago
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Fuzz the Cat Ch 02

Fuzz’s presence in Maria’s life quickly settled into a routine. Every day when she came home from school Growl would immediately pounce on her at the door. Fuzz waited calmly until Growl was done with his clownish antics before lightly jumping down from his perch on the back of the sofa and greeting her with a dignified purr. Then Maria would pick him up and they’d all go into the family room to watch TV, Fuzz on her lap and Growl at her feet, his pink tongue often tickling her dangling toes. ...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnMoms Sasha Sean Sasha Sean Came To Please

Sasha Sean loves Interracial!!! So we paired her up with two huge black cocks, belonging to Moe Johnson and Ricky Johnson. First she explained to us why she prefers fucking black dudes, and from then on it was party time. Sasha took on both cocks at once, choking and sucking on them both simultaneously until it was time to penetrate that dank cave. The guys each took turns, switching between her pussy and her mouth. Sasha took the pounding that she deserved and enjoyed every single inch of them...

4 years ago
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Seducing Jiju

It was party time and this diwali we were celebrating it with my sister and her family who had come down to our place from surat as markets remain closed there for a whole week . Jiju and didi alongwith their 9 yr old son were to stay here for a week and we had planned places to visit in advance . The next day was New year (gujrati new year starts from the next day of diwali ) and the whole day went by meeting friends and relatives . The next day we as per our plan went to a water park . We...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Pleasure

It all started one day when I went for a walk, I was walking down the street when I spotted a woman walking toward me from the intersecting street. I stopped on the corner and occasionally glimpsed her way pretending not to look at her. As she got closer, I realized I knew this woman and said, “Hey, Julie how have you been, long time no see?” “Hi, its good to see you. I’m great I lost the ten pounds I gained when I was pregnant, so I’m feeling pretty good.” “You look good… sorry, maybe I should...

3 years ago
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Lustful ViceChapter 27

Ray is quiet on the drive to drops Zaria off at school. Half way there, Zaria prods him for answers. “Daddy, did I do something wrong?” “We’re both doing something wrong,” he answers with a huff. “What we’re doing is dangerous and it’s completely my fault.” He steals a glance at the girl, seeing her face drooped and confused. “Listen, Zaria. I love you as much as any parent can love their child, but I’ve crossed a line that I can’t uncross. All I can think about is you. When you’re away, I’m...

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HANDLING THINGS IN THE PARKby Rumple Foreskinnote: This is not a work of fiction. Only the names have been changed to protect the author from divorce lawyers and/or para-medics.It was a seductively beautiful Sunday afternoon in Central Park. Around the edge of a small, remote meadow, leaf covered trees, their limbs swaying gently in a light breeze, muffled the sound of distant city traffic. By some miracle, there were no portable radios blaring. The loudest noise came from squirrels and pigeons...

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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

3 years ago
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Valentine At 18 At Her House When She Was Alone

Hey, I am Ratheesh Goyal, age 18. I live in Ghaziabad, U.P. Contact me at Or find me on facebook. I have been an avid reader of ISS and have a huge drive for sex. This is my first story on ISS of one of the incidents with my girlfriend.Starting with the story. It was 14th February, you can think in a way that due to this date I got this chance. It was a long time since I met her as we were busy in preparing for our final exams. I called to ask her to meet me at the mall, but I got aroused...

4 years ago
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18 year old curse

Becca Miller rises out of bed early one morning smacking on her alarm to shut it up, she wore a long shirt and panties to bed that's it. usually she's a late sleeper but today? It's special it's her 18th birthday, she's officially an adult now and she plans to go out before the festivities begin she picks out an outfit, a long little bit of a thin blue dress, a sexy thong she's been saving just for today, she almost passed on a bra but realized the dress was a bit see through in the light and...

4 years ago
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Proving my ex Im not frigid

I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks prior this story. I thought I loved him since he was my first and all but the thing is I already saw it coming. I knew he was not the one for me. I makes me look as if I'm a cold hearted bitch but he never gave me an orgasm. He sucks in bed. The only good thing that came from that disaster is that I became close to his friends which annoyed him and they mostly prefer to 'hang' with me. I don't see anything wrong with it since all of his friends doesn't...

Straight Sex
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MILF Ridden Hard on a Cattle Drive Part 2

It would be much more enlightening for you to read Part 1 before reading Part 2. But for those who want to get started here, I will briefly describe what happened in Part 1.Joan and Jason are a forty-year-old married couple living in Denver, Colorado, where Jason is the CEO of an oil and gas exploration company. Their sex life had become a little strained due to the stress that Jason was under at his company, and they decided to go on a one-week cattle drive at a dude ranch in Wyoming, so he...

Group Sex
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CherryPimps Emily Willis Shower Time Cums So Quick

Sexy brunette Emily Willis is taking a shower and loves how the warm water runs over her nude body. Her nipples perk up at the sensation and her pussy is dying for some attention. Donnie walks in and is in need of a shower himself and can not wait until Emily is done. He walks in and they lock eyes and soon Emilys lips are locked on his cock! Donnie is not a man that doesn’t return the favor so down he goes and then the real fun begins as she sits on that cock and takes control bouncing...

3 years ago
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How a lesbain turn to straight

HOW A LESBIAN TURN To STRAIGHT Hi This is Naveen Kumar from Delhi, regular reader of ISS from last one year narrating my real encounter with a lesbian, three months ago when I was returning from Mumbai to Delhi by jet air flight . I am Naveen kumar(Name changed) aged 44 years single divorcee medium built , wheatish complexion with sharp features looks below 40 years resident of Delhi keep travelling to various places due to official work. I m working for a private company as a General manager...

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