The Librarian And The Bartender free porn video

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Introduction: Brandon has been harbouring a secret librarian fantasy for many years, but Emily was hardly his idea of a hot librarian. She was the type of women who came a side-serving of Complication. So why couldnt he stay away from her? It was almost time for last call. Brandon wiped the sodden rag over the counter and put the empty glass the girl had just put down into the crate under the bar with the other dirty glasses.

One more? he asked. She nodded and took her wallet from her purse. He handed her the scotch on the rocks her sixth or seventh one for the evening and wondered how she managed to keep her balance on the high barstool. Her eyes had that glazed look of somebody who had definitely had a few too many, but if he had not been the one to pour her drinks all six or seven of them he would not have guessed she was drunk. There was no characteristic slumping or wobbling or even raucous laughter. In fact, her ramrod straight posture and uncanny balance reminded him of a ballet teacher, especially with her hair scraped back into a bun like that. She was pretty enough, in a neat, mousy little way. It was impossible to hazard a guess at the figure under the bulky, shapeless coat she was wearing over goodness knew what. She was wearing glasses with a nice frame that actually suited her face in a non-descript kind of way. Brandon had never seen such a dignified drunk in his life. She had better manners drunk than most people had when they were stone cold sober and sitting their grandmothers sitting rooms.

Thank you, she said politely when she accepted her change and slipped half of it into the tip-jar, as she had been doing all evening. He kept an eye on her as he started straightening bottles on the shelf behind him, wondering about her story.

Brandon loved his job. He owned several bars and still spent an evening now and then behind the counter. After serving drinks for three years across the globe when he was fresh out of high school, he enjoyed the occasional trip down memory lane. It fascinated him to see how alike people were, no matter where they lived. Broken hearts healed just as slowly in Hawaii as they did in Australia, and flirting was a universal art that did not differ too much from one place to another. He loved watching the games, the intrigues, the emotions, as people relaxed around him. Hed seen it all the break-ups and the make-ups, the hopeful souls scouring the bar for the love of their lives or at least the lay of the night. Hed seen people drink to forget, or to try to keep memories alive. Hed seen them drink because there was nothing else to do, or because they couldnt do anything else. Hed seen the lonely girls go home with the wrong men and knew theyd wake up the next morning with alcohol on their breath and regret in their hearts. Hed seen women play fast and loose, and the men who managed to escape their clutches. Hed seen the best and the worst of people, but he thought hed never quite seen anything like the girl sitting there in a dull brown coat, finishing one drink after another without toppling over or falling into somebodys lap on her way to the bathroom. She was fresh and new, and it intrigued him.

The bar was rather empty in comparison to most Friday nights. But to be fair, it was the middle of the month and there was a blizzard raging on outside. He was closing up earlier than usual to give the staff and the customers the chance to get home before it got worse. The neat lady there was other way to describe her was one of the diehards, but since she was hardly causing a scene, he didnt ask her to leave just yet while they were cleaning up.

Finally they were done, and he had to ask her to leave. She blinked owlishly at him from behind her glasses.
Excuse me? she asked, as if she had not heard him the first time.
He leaned closer and thought he caught a whiff of something clean and fresh under the ripe smell of alcohol and closed-up people that hung over the room.
Its closing time, he repeated. Were going to lock up.
Oh, she said, frowning slightly as her impaired brain tried to sort out his words. Right, she said finally. Well, Ill just go then, wont I?
Can I call you a cab? he asked, because she still had not moved from her seat. He waved a hand at the two waiters and the other barman, indicating that he would lock up and they could go home.
She looked at him, her eyes still slightly unfocused.
To take you home, he explained. You shouldnt drive.
Did I come with a car? she asked, bewildered. I hope not. I dont own a car. Did I steal one?
He grinned. This was fun. Normally drunk people just annoyed him a bit, but this girl struck a chord somewhere in his chest hed never known to exist.
Not that I know of, he said. How did you get here?
I must have walked, she said, puzzled. From work. Fancy that.
What work do you do? he asked as Rod, one of the waiters, closed the door behind the other staff members.
Im a libal&hellip, librali&hellip, a li-bra-rian, she said, looking quite pleased with herself for managing the word. Fancy that indeed, he thought, his mind going into immediate overdrive at the mention of her career. Like many, many men, he harboured a secret Librarian Fantasy. Even the way she broke it up into syllables didnt diminish the thoughts running though his head.

The job suited her perfectly, he thought. She was cut out for the silence and air of wisdom and propriety that hung around the books like dusty clouds. He imagined being scolded by her for being too loud and grinned.

Where do you live? he wanted to know. He would help her home, call her a cab, and forget about her. She was not the type of librarian he fantasized about she had glasses, but they were the wrong kind, and even though her hair was scraped back out of her face, there was nothing sexy about it. She wasnt wearing nearly enough make-up and not at all the right kind of clothes, either. She was just a girl, hiding behind stacks of books. Her fingers were unadorned, and he guessed her to be single. She probably had four or five cats and a vibrator named Bob hidden in her nightstand that she rarely used because it made her feel guilty.

Up the street, I think, she said, pointing vaguely with her fingers. That way. You have pretty eyes.
He lifted an amused brow. That way would take him to the kitchen and eventually, an alleyway behind the building.
How about an address? he asked. To give to the cab-driver.
He grabbed a paper napkin and a pen. She wrote slowly, carefully, her handwriting still managing to be neater than his illegible scrawl.
You dont live far from me, he said, lying smoothly. Just one block south, to be precise. Would you like a lift home?
Never get in the car with strangers, she said firmly.
A cab driver is also a stranger, he pointed out.
Not the same thing.
Nope. But on second thought, Im not sure youll find a cab in this weather.
Thats right, she said, smiling broadly for the first time. The expression transformed her face from plain to pretty. Her innocence amused and tickled him. Its snowing. Like a White Christmas.
He couldnt help it. He grinned it was January. She wasnt just drunk, she was completely sloshed. But still amazingly stable and logical.

Lets get you home, he said, coming around the bar to help her from the stool. This was not something he ever did. He owned the bars, how the patrons got home was their problem, not his. But he couldnt just leave this girl to her own devices, not unless he wanted the next time he heard about her to be her name in an obituary. Shed probably fall asleep in the cold right outside his bar and die. It would cause all sorts of unwanted paperwork and police questions.

She didnt even need his help standing up. The liquor, it seemed, had not affected her balance one bit. Still, he kept a hand on her back to steer her. He locked up behind them while she stood looking at him through her wide, trusting eyes.
Youre really tall, she said. I wish I was taller.
Youre the perfect height, he said. See? My arm fits right round your shoulders. Youre like a portable armrest.
She didnt giggle at that, and he wondered of shed heard him. It was a pretty lame joke, but in his experience, drunk people will laugh at anything.
I wish I was hot, she said. Like you. But not like you. Like a girl. Then maybe I could have sex.
He coughed, choking on his breath, the way some people trip over their own feet.
What? he asked when he finally had the air back in the right pipes.
I wish I was prettier, she said matter-of-factly. Im not being pessimistic, really. I just&hellip, well, no use crying for the moon, is there?
You are pretty, he said automatically. She sighed.
Im not. But thank you for pretending, anyway. Oh, my goodness, its cold.
He had just opened the back door and yes, it was cold indeed. The wind was blowing sheets of snow into their faces and heaping it against the side of the building. He steered her with one hand in the direction of his car, which was parked under the staff-members-only roof.

He cranked up the heater and took the drive slowly and carefully. The cold was making her drowsy, and he could see her head drooping slightly. No doubt the drinks were finally taking effect.
I take it you dont drink often? he said.
Nope, she said, pulling the edges of her rather ugly coat closer around her. Ive never been drunk before.
Until tonight, he thought, but he waited for her to continue on her own. After a few seconds, she did.
Im sort of a virgin, she said. By choice. But its not my choice. She gave a self-deprecating laugh. Technically Im no longer one. But Ive never been with a man, you know?
Well, he certainly knew now. But his years as a barman had taught him when to listen and when to talk. So he kept quiet.

Well, anyway, I always thought it was because Im too shy. Men dont like that, right?
Some do, he said, because what else could he say?
Liar, she said fondly. Nobody wants to be with somebody whos ashamed of themselves. I know I wouldnt like that in a man, so I can hardly expect any man to show interest in me. Thats why I went out tonight, she added after a few seconds. Too see if drinking helps me get loose. Turns out Im even boring when Im drunk.

Youre not boring, he said firmly. You just need to learn how to fake it. Everybody is secretly self-conscious. Some just hide it better that others. You need to find a way to pretend. If you can convince yourself, you know other people will believe it.
I dont think Id know how, she said. Im no good at acting or pretending or lying. I cant even lie to telephone sales people.
Ill help you, he said impulsively. Ill show you how to fake it.
Sure. When youre sober. Anything I teach you now will be wasted.
Like me, she sighed. Im wasted, and all I want to do is go to bed. Thats my building up there.
Thats a gas station, he said with a grin.
Oh. She frowned. Then its not my building, is it?
I sincerely hope not.

They found her building eventually, tucked away between a tall, scary-looking block of flats and a three-story bridal boutique. He helped her out of the car and up the steps. It took her three times to key the right series of numbers into the keypad so the door would open. Finally, she recited them to him to read it in.

Thank you, she said awkwardly. For the lift, and the ear.
He grinned. No problem, he said. Hey, whats your name?
Emily, she said.
Emily. It suited her perfectly, as if her parents had had a glimpse of her in the future when they named her. She looked like an Emily more than anybody else hed ever met.
Im Brandon, he said. Can I pick you up tomorrow around noon for your first lesson?
In faking it.
It occurred to him then that faking it might refer to something else as well, but he always made damn sure a girl does not need to fake it when shes with him. Not that he planned to have sex with her. This girls second name was Complication. It would be cruel to pluck her cherry and then be off on his merry way. She was not the type to come and then go.
Okay. Wanna come up?

He considered saying no, but realised she might need help to get into her apartment. It seemed her brain had simply been behind on its reaction, and she was finally in the clumsy imbalance phase of drunkenness.
She might get hurt, or lost, or wind up asleep on a hallway chair somewhere.
Sure, he said.

It was three interesting flights of stairs. She only almost-fell seven times, even with his arm around her waist. She was still incessantly polite, apologising profusely and telling him how pretty he was.
Yeah, because thats what every guy secretly wants to be. Pretty.

He had to take her keys and unlock the door himself. She was toppling over and had to hold onto the wall with both hands to keep from introducing her ass to the ground. It was a good thing she was wearing sensible flats rather than sexy heels, and he had to be the first guy ever to have that particular thought.
There we go, he said when he finally got the door open. She would need to get a locksmith to take a look at the thing the key had stuck a bit, as if the mechanism inside was rusty.

Her house surprised him. He had unconsciously expected it to be decorated like something from the Victorian Era Chintz and flowers, frilly and stuffy. Chokingly girly. It wasnt. Oh, it was undeniable a female place, but it was feminine rather than girlish. The door opened into the sitting room, which had a sage green couch with big white pillows and lampshades. The lavender curtains had been drawn against the cold air and what was probably a dreary scene outside. The art against the walls was lovely no modern skyscrapers with red splashes to indicate blood and lust, or wriggling shapes than reminded him of female sex organs during ovulation.

A small little galley kitchen on the right showed no dirty dishes in the sink, and a gleaming espresso machine on the countertop next to an equally gleaming microwave.
He half-carried, half-dragged her to the only other door, guessing it to be the bedroom.

It was, and here was more proof of neat, uncluttered taste. The room was tiny, with built-in cupboards and barely enough space to walk around the bed to the bathroom on the other side.
You gonna kiss me now? she asked when he helped her onto the bed and slid a pillow under her head.
Sure, thing, honey, he said as he switched on the bedside lamp so he could turn off the harsh overhead fixture. In a minute, okay? You just wait right there.
He made sure she wasnt too close to the edge to roll off and brought her a glass of water from the kitchen. He found Advils in her bathroom cabinet, along with some make-up and an unopened packet of condoms. Pity stirred his heart. She was well and truly lonely, wasnt she? All cosseted in her small little apartment, hiding behind books and pretty paintings. So far he hadnt seen any sign of a cat, but maybe the building didnt allow pets.

He found a heater and turned it up. She was lying suspiciously still on her side, one arm flung out to the side. He tucked it into a more comfortable position. It was the desire to get her comfortable as much as curiosity that made him wait until she was deeply asleep, or, more likely, passed out, before he pulled her coat off to reveal her body.

She was small, and firm, and the only word he could think of to describe her was neat. She was utterly non-descript. She had breast, but they were just there, situated on her chest much in the way a nose is situated more or less in the middle of a face. He doubted hed notice them if he saw her in the line at the grocery store other than for the obvious reason they were female breasts, and therefore bound to be noticed, even if they did not get a second look. They were completely average breasts. He couldnt see much, as she was wearing a creamy beige sweater that had clearly been bought with an eye on heat rather than hotness, and brown slacks that sat loose around her legs and revealed nothing about what her body looked like.
He shook his head as he slipped her shoes from her feet and considered doing her another favour and tossing them in the trash. They were butt-fuck-ugly. He hated sensible shoes on a woman.

He pulled the quilt over her body and since he had some experience with drunk people, found a plastic bucket in her kitchen to put next to her bed. She seemed to have missed the psychedelic-yawn, porcelain-god-worshipping part of the evening, but judging by the fact that her body seemed to have its own ideas of how to react to alcohol, he wasnt taking anything for granted. She would hate herself if she woke up in the morning, only to find shed puked all over her pretty, plush white carpet. Who bought white carpets anyway? Wasnt that like a direct invite to Karma and Murphy and all those other sadistic creatures who makes people spill coffee just after they get dressed in a new shirt, or back their car into a lamp pole the first time they take it out for a drive?

He left a piece of paper with the instructions to drink the tablets and the water next to the glass and went back downstairs, only to tread back up when he couldnt find his keys in his pocket.
It wasnt in the living room either, nor anywhere else in her house that he could find. He went as far as opening her underwear drawer (he really was desperate, after all,) and was not too surprised that they werent there. He was pleasantly surprised, however, that the librarian lady had quite good taste in underwear. He didnt touch any of the pretty lace and satin snips of fabric, but he could imagine them on her easily enough, and it made for a pretty image.

He finally located his keys sitting in the ignition of his car, the doors firmly locked against him.
Son of a bitch! he said, slamming a frustrated hand onto the snow-covered roof. Dammit!
He took his phone from his pocket and tried to call a cab company to come get him and take him home to get his spare key, but just as he got an operator his phone made a cheerful beep just before the battery died. He considered throwing the POS into the nearest heap of snow, but figured that would be counterproductive.
He was stuck, and hed be dammed if he was going to wait for the sun to rise outside on the streets, looking at a locked car.

He trudged back upstairs, grateful that he hadnt been able to lock the door behind him and made himself at least semi-comfortable on Emilys couch, and closed his eyes. By any luck he would be awake and gone long before Miss Emily found the courage to leave her bed. And when he left, he would stay gone. She probably wont remember the impulsive promise he had made to help her get confidence, so she wont be upset when he doesnt show up. He already regretted the invitation Emily the librarian was not the type of girl he needed to spend time with. She was too shy she said so herself and she dressed atrociously. Except for her underwear, of course. She was plain, bordering on dowdy, a self-proclaimed virgin, (whatever she had meant by technically) and she had youre-going-to-break-my-heart written all over her.

She was a librarian, for goodness sake. That was a species of women best suited to the porn industry, where they wore impractical high-heeled pumps and button down shirts with sexy glasses and tight skirts. If you put Emily in an outfit like that she would&hellip, well, she would look hot, to be honest. Almost any woman would look awesome, dressed like that. He imagined it easily, right down to the stern look she was giving him for putting a book in the wrong shelf.
It belongs in the back, she would say and motion for him to follow her so she could show him where to put it. He would wait for the right moment to pin her against the shelves and kiss the living daylights out of her while his hands explored her hot and eager curves. She would slide one leg around his waist and grind against him seductively&hellip,

Brandon came to his senses with a jolt, his hand around his cock. He groaned. This was ridiculous. He was sporting a hard-on for the most wood-uninspiring girl hes ever met. She was shy and plain and, frankly, her life was a little pathetic. She had to be at least twenty-six and shed never had sex? What was he even doing in her house, other than trying to beat one out?
He swore and closed his eyes, trying to get comfortable and wishing he had a blanket.
This was what he got for playing the Good Samaritan.

Emily could feel the light all the way down to her queasy stomach, and it burned the whole way down.
Oh, she moaned and wondered, briefly, if a freight train or a passenger one had hit her. The question seemed important, somehow. Her head felt like the maze of a Pac-Man game. Something was running around inside there and eating bits of grey-matter. She tried to squint through the smallest of slits she could make with eyelids straight into the light of her bedside lamp. She could hear her corneas go up in flames. She whimpered and turned her face into her pillow to hide from it. She regretted waking up with every fibre of her being. The longer she was awake, the more issues were brought under her attention by her irate body. Her mouth tasted like something she would gag at if she were to smell it on her way to wok. Her body was sore, and she was nauseous. The most pressing problem, however, was her bladder, which was screaming for attention. She eased her legs over the side of her bed carefully, surprised to find herself in her wrinkled angora sweater and slacks of the previous day. At least shed had the sense to kick off her shoes the previous evening before she got in bed.

Her eyes fell on the bright red bucket sitting next to her bed. It was the one she used when she washed floors or windows, and it belonged in her kitchen on top of the cupboard that holds other cleaning supplies. What was it doing next to her bed? The next second she grabbed for it as her stomach revolted against the switch from horizontal to vertical. She was sick, violently and tear-inducingly sick. When it was over she sat there, sweating and just trying to get her breath. Another wave hit her and she was infinitely grateful for the bucket, though she still had no idea how it got there.

Finally it seemed to be over for real. She made her way cautiously to her bathroom and emptied the bucket in the toilet with a grimace. She would clean it later. No, she would throw it out. Nobody needed a reminder like that sitting in their kitchen.

She flushed the toilet before she unbuckled her slacks and sat down, relief spreading over her body like a flush. Eventually she realised she couldnt hide on her toilet forever and she got up.
She just looked at herself in the mirror. Was that her? That rumpled, bleary-eyed stranger whos make-up had smeared and whose hair&hellip, well, to be honest, the ruthless bun shed tied her hair in had held pretty well. It still looked reasonably neat, in comparison to the rest of her. But her skin was white, her eyes red. There were pillow-creases on her check and she smelled like&hellip, No. There was no words to describe the odours wafting around her. But it was foul and she might need to burn her clothes.

She pulled it off, stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. The next second she screamed when the icy water hit her skin and she realised too late that she should have waited a minute for the hot water to reach the pipes. It cleared her head instantly, however, and she forced herself to stand there while it warmed.
Thats when she heard her bathroom door swing open, and an unfamiliar voice say, What the hell?
Oh, dear heavens. There was a man in her apartment.

Brandon could see vague movements behind the translucent curtain he truly hated those things but nothing else. Hed woken up to the cheerful sounds of somebody throwing up and considered leaving before she emerged. But he would still be stranded until he could get home for his spare key, and he knew the lady would probably have a few questions regarding the previous evening. It seemed cruel now to leave her to her own speculations. And then shed screamed and although he knew there was probably no crazy axe-murderer in her bathroom, he did feel some concern. Or, at the very least, the desire to be spectator to her humiliation. The uncharacteristic bout of pettiness was undoubtedly brought upon by the crink in his neck after spending the night on a couch that was too short for his frame. Why didnt women invest in man-sized leather couches or lazy-boys with cup-holders?

Whos there? she asked, and he could hear the shiver in her voice. Was it fear or cold?
Me, he said, wanting to punish her just a little for the worst night of his life. Not that it was entirely her fault. He had decided to help her home all on his own, after all. But the punishment her couch had meted out had neutralised his part in this little clusterfuck. That, and the raging case of blue balls he was suffering from even now. Though, to be fair, there was no way in which he could hold her responsible for that.
I, she said.
What? Brandon asked, confused.
You mean I. Not me. Grammatically speaking&hellip,
Youre giving me a grammar lesson? he asked, astounded. Youre naked in the shower and theres a stranger outside who could, for all intent and purposes, have a chainsaw or an electric appliance, and youre pointing out grammatical errors?
There was a moment of silence, during which he could only hear the sound of running water.
Do you have a chainsaw or an electric appliance? she asked after a few seconds. Steam was rising and she sighed in pleasure. The sound shot straight downstairs. He winced.
No, he admitted.
Well, then, she said as if that explained everything. I assume we met last night?
Sort of.
Did we&hellip, There was trepidation in her voice now. Did we have sex?
He grinned. There was no way he was passing up this opportunity.
Baby, you rocked my world, he said. Twice. Whered you learn to do that thing with your tongue?
What thing?
That thing where you&hellip, Oh never mind, Ill show you later. Mind if I join you? He jiggled his belt, making it sound as if he was pulling off his pants.
No! she said quickly. Im naked!
Thats the idea, he said. Naked and wet. Just the way I like you best. Just like last night. Man! You were wet.

He thought he heard her whimper something about deities unknown.
Want me to go make coffee instead? he asked, taking pity on her.
Yes, she seized the opportunity. Please. Coffee. Why dont you take yours to go?
She was kicking him out? After everything hed done for her the previous evening?
Now thats no way to talk to your new husband, he said reprovingly.
He could hear her shock in the very silence.
My what?
Dont you remember? Oh, he was enjoying this.
My what?
After we met up at the bar, we went to a judge I know and got a special licence. He married us. Hes a good guy, Judge Henderson. Owed me a favour after I got rid of a little problem for him a year ago.
Please leave, she begged, close to tears, if her voice was anything to go by.
Now, honeybun, I told you last night the garbage disposal company I work for doesnt work over weekends. Where would I go?
She moaned, a pitiful sound that made him feel slightly guilty. There was a movement behind the curtain and then her head poked out. She was holding the curtain prudishly high to hide the rest of her.
Please tell me youre joking, she pleaded.

He let his silence speak for itself, while he took her in. Her eyes were bloodshot, but that didnt do much to distract from their beauty. Had he ever seen such big blue eyes outside the porcelain-doll industry? Why hadnt he noticed that before? He was standing close enough that he could see the water clinging against her long lashes. Her nose was fine with the cutest tilt, and her skin, though still slightly sallow from the previous evening, was perfect and unblemished.
He was stunned. She was beautiful. How the hell had he missed that?
This cant be happening, she said.

His thoughts exactly. He could not be noticing her beauty now. It was just his libido talking. Hed spent a restless evening tossing around coldly on her couch, getting images of her all mixed up with his librarian fantasies. Thats what this was. His cock was desperate to convince him he was attracted to her so he would make his move. And she would fall for it, no doubt about that. She was inexperienced and, by her own admission, desperate. If he turned on the charm, he would have her under him before the end of the day.
But he wasnt that kind of a guy. The guy who sleep with girls and leave them when they bore him. And bore him she inevitably would. She was too quiet, too shy, too damn librarian-ish to hold his attention for longer than it took him to come. He preferred women with fiery personalities and lots of experience in pleasuring her lover in bed. Emily would probably faint dead the first time she saw him naked. And try to be prim and proper, and not want him to go down on her. Sex with her would have to be after dark, a quick, awkward coupling under the covers. She wouldnt want to do any of the things he liked no blowjobs, no cunnilingus. Definitely no role-play. It would be utterly unfulfilling.

So why wouldnt his cock stop trying to make happy-happy with her?
Dont worry, he said, finally annoyed by himself and his thoughts and feelings. Its not. Ill go make coffee. Ill even leave if you want me to.
She looked at him, blinking those big eyes of hers.
No, she said. Stay. Ill be there in a few minutes.

She brushed her teeth and even her tongue for what felt like hours to no avail. The taste of her humiliation sat as if the enamel on her teeth had absorbed it. She felt as if she was chewing on moss as far as she went. She twisted the towel around her head and drank the Advils next to her bed. Bits and pieces of the previous evening was filtering down to her. She had been at the library and Mrs Gunnings bless her heart had been talking about how Emily needed to find a nice young man to take care of her. Of how nice it was to go home and not spend the evening alone. Of how nice it was to go out and hold somebodys hand in public. Of the lovely man whod swept her daughter right of her feet and now they were married with a little baby and how happy they were&hellip, shed talked and talked until Emily was so depressed with her own lonely little life that she decided to stop for a drink, rather than face her empty apartment. As she sat there, she kept thinking of ways to meet somebody clearly, her job was no help and the thought had somehow taken root that people met other people in bars. When they were drunk. So shed ordered one drink after another, hoping she would magically become sexy and&hellip, and pretty and desirable. And somebody would magically notice her and fall magically in love with her and they would magically live happily ever after.

Well, she thought almost bitterly as she got dressed in sweatpants and a plain black sweater that was soft and a little loose after her latest, and to date most successful, weight-loss plan. She considered shoes, but settled for her fluffy pink slippers instead. So much for her brilliant theory. She had sat there for hours and hours on the most uncomfortable stool ever, drinking glass after glass of whiskey because she didnt know what else to order and was too shy to ask. And nobody not even one man had shown any interest in her. The only one who talked at her at all was the hot bartender, who&hellip,

The bartender! Of course! Thats why the man had looked familiar to her in her bathroom. His features had been blurry without her glasses, of course, but she was reasonably sure it was him. She was almost a hundred percent certain of it. The only question was&hellip, what was he doing in her apartment?

Its a long story, he said when she asked him later, in her kitchen, her hair wrapped up in a towel and perched on her head. His eyes followed her movements around the kitchen as she got milk from the fridge for the coffee and put bread in the toaster. The irony of the morning-after-nothing-happened breakfast didnt escape his notice.
I have time, she said carefully, closing the blinds to avoid all possible sources of light. Give me the quick version.

Fine, he said with a sigh. You were drunk, I helped you home. My keys are locked in my car and I couldnt get a cab to come get me. Thats it, in a nutshell. And because I know youre still wondering, I spent the night on your couch, shivering a little. Ok, shivering a lot. It was damn cold. Plus I have a crink in my neck now.
She winced. Im sorry. I wish youd waken me up, I would at least have helped you with a blanket.
I could have used your hairdryer to build a nuclear bomb right next to your bed and you wouldnt have woken up. You were out cold.
Another wince.
Im really sorry, she said. I dont know what came over me. Ive never been that drunk before. Im really not the type.

I know, he said, not bothering to hide his grin. You told me last night.
She chewed her bottom lip nervously. Brandon wanted to take that hot little task over for her. He imagined nibbling on those petal soft lips and cleared his throat a little.
What else did I tell you? she wanted to know apprehensively.
Well, you work in a library, and you cant lie even to telephone salespeople.
Is that all?
Not by a long shot. By the way, what does technically mean?
She frowned and cocked her head in a what do you mean? way. Technically?
Yes. When is something technically and when is it&hellip, I dont know, untechnically? Physically? Literally?
I have absolutely no idea what youre talking about, she said and smeared a thin strip of margarine over her dry toast.

He cupped his hands around the plain white cup filled to the brim with coffee and leaned forward.
Tell me, he said conversationally, sadistically waiting for her to take a bite of toast. How does one remain a virgin, but only technically?
She started choking as hed expected, coughing and wheezing and grabbing her coffee to help the dry bread down the right pipe.

Apparently, if you were speaking the truth last night which drunk people seem prone to do for some reason, you are technically still a virgin, but not in a physical sense. I was just wondering how that happens.
I told you that? Oh my&hellip, Im so sorry!
He laughed at the red flush creeping up her neck and into her cheeks.
Relax, he said. Its fine. I would just love to hear that story. Because there has to be a story.
Not really, she muttered, and then, as an afterthought, Im never drinking again.
Wise words that has been spoken by many, many people over the years.
I mean it, she insisted. I honestly cant believe I told you that.
Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of, Brandon said, stroking one finger down her arm.
It kind of is, when youre twenty nine.
He gaped. Youre twenty nine and youve never had sex? How the hell had that happen?
I dont know, it just&hellip, happened, she muttered. Or more to the point, it just never happened.
There must be a reason, he prompted.

There isnt one specific reason, its more like a series of non-sexual incidents, strung together by everything from dating sites to five-minute dating games and more blind dates than I can count.
I take it none of that worked for you?
I met the most interesting people. Like Mike, who was seventy two at the time, and told me he had a granddaughter fantasy he wanted to play out with me.
He wanted you to pretend to be his granddaughter?
She shook her head. If only. Im not sure how this would have played out since I didnt stick around to find out, but I had to play the grandfather. And he was one of the better options.
Brandon sat back, stunned. No way, he said disbelievingly.

She nodded. Im serious. After him was a series of serial losers men who couldnt hold on to jobs and girls and had to borrow money from one loan shark to pay off the next. The type of guys whose idea of cleaning out the trailer means letting a stray dog in to lick the stains from the floor and to put all the porn in one box.
Oh, he was in deep shit, Brandon thought as he roared with laughter. She had a sense of humour. There was, to his mind, nothing sexier in a girl than a sense of humour.
And after them?

She frowned. I met this guy, his name is Stanley, online. We went on a few dates and it didnt go too bad, till his parole officer contacted me to let me know he was back in jail for harassing little kids at a park. She winced. It was messy. The police went through my house, looking for signs of kiddie-porn. Apparently he was part of a child-prostitution and trafficking ring. I had no idea. I got off with a warning, since there was no evidence that I was involved, and he told them that I knew nothing. I suspect they still monitor my internet history ever once in a while.

Helpless laughter rocked through him. No wonder she was still a virgin, if these were the kind of men she stumbled across during her search.
What about high school? he asked. And college?
She looked down at her hands. I wasnt exactly Miss Popular in school, she said simply. I wasnt even that shy girl that nobody talks to except when they need help with maths, because I sucked at maths. Still do, as a matter of fact. I didnt fit in with any of the clicks. I wasnt pretty and I wasnt clever, and I didnt have any secret talents. The only thing I was good at was reading, and I did a lot of that. But nobody makes friends in the school library, right? Especially not if the girl is chubby and have the fashion sense of a blind nun.
Now that part I can help you with, he said. Why dont I go shopping with you and help you pick out a few outfits that will make the, uh, best of your figure?

She looked down at herself. True, she was wearing sweatpants, but they were new and still neat. And her sweater might be a bit too big after her diet, but it was of a good material and had been expensive and it didnt lose shape in the wash. But his words made her feel downright dowdy.

Do you remember what I told you last night? he asked.
I barely remember you, never mind anything you told me, she said, stung.
He frowned a little and gazed at her with an intent look on his face that made her wonder if he could see more than what she revealed.
You expressed the wish to… how to put this delicately? find somebody to enjoy yourself with, but you were concerned that you dont have the right look and personality to attract men. I merely offered my advice to help you if you wanted an objective opinion.

Oh, she said, pushing her plate away from her with one finger.
Actually, what hed promised was to help her learn to fake it, but Brandon was strangely reluctant to hurt her feelings by telling her that. She was female, after all, and would immediately conclude that he thought she wasnt good enough or pretty enough, or didnt have what it takes to attract men like ants to a syrup bottle.
And that was just bull.
Even if he had had almost those exact same thoughts not twelve hours ago.

Why are you being so nice to me? she asked after a few semi-akward moments of silence.
He shrugged. Maybe Im just a nice guy.
Men are never nice unless they have an agenda.
He winced. Ouch. True, but ouch.
She gave him a small smile. So whats your agenda?
Getting in your pants.
Maybe I want library privileges.
She snorted. Like what?
Showing you what the reference section should really be used for.
Maybe I have a fine for a book thats late. Think you can help me make it disappear?
Her smile was like the sunrise.
Are you trying to bribe me?

He leaned forward with a grin. Maybe I am. Are you corruptible?
Certainly not. Im a good girl, you know. She was trying hard to look prim and proper, and failing miserably. Her eyes those bluer-than-the-sky eyes of hers were filled with laughter behind her pretty glasses, despite the way she was pursing her lips and trying to look chastising.
All right. So Ill have to pay the fine, then. How about this? Theres a book I want to read, but its on a waiting list. I would love to be moved to the top of the list.
She pretended to think about it. That depends, she decided. What book is it?

He couldnt help it, couldnt resist the invitation their flirting was issuing.
The Art of Pleasuring Women, he said, wondering if she would accept the unvoiced challenge.
She did, though her eyes widened slightly in scandalous provocation. Well, now, she said, clearing her throat a little. I guess I can be convinced. Wouldnt want your girlfriend to be dissatisfied by your prowess. It would be sad for the poor girl if you didnt know how to&hellip, get things done. You might even say its my civic duty to let you have the necessary instruction.
His throat was a little dry and he lifted his cup to his lips, surprised to realise there wasnt another drop. Yeah, he said. Education is important. Speaking of education, I think its time for lesson one.
Lesson one in what?
He grinned. Making you irresistible.

Emily twisted her hair into a clip with a practised movement. Brandon had given her couple of hours while he got a cab to take him home and get his spare keys, promising to be back for her first lesson. She felt awkward when he left, sure it would be the last time she saw him. She knew he thought her plain and uninteresting hed basically said it himself in so many words and he had absolutely no reason to waste his Saturday on her. She was surprised at the desolation she had felt when she stood at her window, watching his cab pull off. He was the first man in a long time to be nice to her. Not many guys would go to the trouble hed gone too to get her home safely. Hed looked after her as if they were friends, and this morning hed joked with her and put her at ease, making her forget about the humiliation of her alcohol-loosened tongue of the previous evening. For goodness sake, she had told him she was still a virgin. Why on earth had she felt the need to share that with him? Now he would always remember her as that crazy girl who couldnt handle a few drinks and had no taste in clothes. He was nice, and talking to him had been very nice and seeing him again would be even nicer, but she was not nave enough to believe he would be back. Still, she couldnt help taking extra care when she dried her hair and did her make-up. The result was less than satisfactory, to her own eyes. No matter what she did, she would be plain. Nothing could change that. She had never been pretty, nor would she ever be.

And youd best make peace with it, she muttered to her slightly depressed image in the mirror. She threw open her closet and looked at the piles of clothes that had been arranged with military precision, according to colour and styles.
It was a bit sad, watching her cupboard. Most of what she owned was either white or beige or cream, or any variation of that. There were blacks and navy blues, and a few browns and greys. Some dowdy shades of maroon and a mourning, drab purple, but that was it.

Was this really what her life had whittled down to? Her job was going nowhere, fast, she had no relationships outside her head, and her closet looked like she let her grandmother do her shopping. Why on earth had she bought that grey and brown coat hanging in the back? It was horrible. It was hideous, even if it was made of the finest wool shed ever touched.

Emily pulled it off the hanger and dumped it on the bed unceremoniously. She grabbed another jacket, a few skirts she was ashamed to say shed worn more than twice. The heap on her bed piled high as she emptied her closet almost completely. She was feeling slightly frantic by the time she was done with the coats and jackets and started on slacks and trousers. Had she been blind her entire life, to wear this?
What are you doing? a voice suddenly said, disturbing her. Emily dropped a faded charcoal blouse on the floor in surprise. Her sort-of friend and downstairs neighbour was staring at the bed, which was covered with clothes, with an expression of revulsion. She must have used the spare key Emily had left with her, because Emily had locked the door behind Brandon. Usually Judith knocked, but Emily hadnt heard anything.
You! said Emily accusingly, bending down to pick up the shirt and holding it out in front of her. I blame you!
For what? Judith asked, clearly not sure what to expect.
This is partly your fault, Emily scolded, shaking and accusing finger at Judith. How could you let me wear this crap? In public?

Judith stared at the bed, her mouth working a little as she processed the situation.
I thought you liked it.
You should have told me I look about ninety! What sort of friend are you?
Em, you always look neat. I thought&hellip,
Neat! I looked neat. And how many guys want to have sex with neatness, I ask you?
Uhm&hellip, Judith cleared her throat. Clearly, not as many as youd like.
Emily threw another armful of blouses a mustardy floral, a khaki-with-frills and a navy box neck that looked like the wrong end of the fifties on the bed.
None, thats how many, she said grimly. How am I supposed to get somebody to marry if I cant even find a man to have sex with me? Whats wrong with me?
There is not a thing wrong with you, Judith said immediately and loyally. You just&hellip, appeal to a different demographic than the men you meet.
Yeah, Emily muttered. The men at the senior citizen really enjoy chatting to me on Library Tuesday. They show up by the busloads to come see me.

Judith stifled a laugh. Why are you taking all of your clothes out of your closet?
Emily sank down on her bead and glanced at the pile of ugly materials and styles.
Im getting rid of it, she said darkly. All of it. And Im going to buy new things. Pretty things. Colour, Judith, I need colour. Pink and green and yellow. Red! I dont even have a red dress. Why dont I have a hot red dress?

Reds really not your colour, Judith said. Or yellow, to be honest. You need to stay away from red and yellow, and definitely no orange.
See? Why havent you told me this before? Look at me, Judith, Im a mess.
Judith sat down next to her. I guess you always seem so content, so at peace with your life. I used to envy you that. Im the most unstable person I know, and you just never cared what people thought about you. I had no idea you were dissatisfied. Im sorry I let you wear ugly clothes.
Emily gave a small laugh and glanced at the empty hangers in the closet. There were two coats that had passed her test, a truly timeless black cashmere and a really warm, snowy white one shed bought on sale but hadnt worn yet because it would get dirty the second she ventured out of her bedroom.
Its ok. Its not your fault. I should have realised I need help long before now.
What brought this on? Judith asked, picking up the mustard shirt looking at it shrewdly. This would make an excellent floor rag, by the way.

Emily laughed slightly. Nothing brought it on. Im just&hellip, Im tired of being part of the scenery in my own life, you know? When is it my turn to have some fun? Ive been waiting so patiently for my life to begin, and look where its brought me. Im twenty nine, Ive never had sex, and Im too scared to venture outside this comfort zone Ive been digging for myself with serviceable clothing and comfortable shoes and not enough friends.
Your shoes are really ugly, Judith said, honestly. And I promise Ill tell you from now on if you wear something that doesnt work.
Emily looked at her nearly empty cupboard. Thanks, she said. I guess Ill take this stuff to the Salvation Army, if they want it.

Let me help with that, Judith said. I have a car, so itll be much easier for me. I know a great homeless shelter that needs donations desperately.
Id appreciate that, Emily said. Why did you come here today? Did they drop my mail off in your box again?
No, I wanted to ask about that really hot guy I saw coming out of your apartment a while ago. Was he the cable repair man or something?

No, Emily said, blushing a little. He&hellip, actually, he spent the night here. On my couch, she added quickly. Nothing happened. I was so drunk he had to bring me home from the bar.
Judiths eyes widened. But you never drink, she said.
I did last night.
Never mind that, then. Oh my word, Emily, you let a stranger sleep over at your house? And you didnt jump him?

He wasnt interested in being jumped, Emily said. Hes just&hellip, a nice guy Im never going to see again.
Judith chewed the inside of her lip. Leave this stuff, she said, and bring your credit card. Were going to go shopping.

Brandon paced the hallway outside Emilys apartment. Hed been there for an hour and she still wasnt opening the door. She was either avoiding him on purpose, or incapable of answering the damn bell, or, most probably, not home.
Which just plain pissed him off. Hadnt he told her he would be back? She had no business being out when he wanted to see her!

He kept walking, following the generic grey carpeting with the navy pattern with his eyes. This was ridiculous. He should be at home, watching sport or having an afternoon nap. He should not be pacing around, waiting for Emily to show up. What was he, a horny teenager who mistakes lust for love?

He forced himself to leave after another half hour. No girl was worth waiting for like this. It was pathetic and sad and told him, more than anything else, how much he needed to get laid. These&hellip, feelings he seemed to have caught, were like a disease. Or a virus. And the best cure for unwanted feelings is a good old-fashioned boinkfest. He knew plenty of girls who would be more than happy to oblige. It was just such a pity he wasnt interested in anybody except Emily.
Brandon scowled.

Are you sure about the dress? Emily asked for the third time, loading the last of the shopping bags into Judiths car. Theyd spent almost five hours straight in the shops, with Judith dragging her from the one shop to the next, picking out clothes and smelling discounts from miles away. Her arms were sore from carrying the bags around, and her credit card had given up screaming in pain ten purchases ago. Instead, she imagined it making small little whimpers as it lay in her wallet, trying to curl itself up against the agony and torture shed put it through.

But oh, she loved the clothes! The colours Emily had never thought there were so many shades of pink, or that she could look so good in pastel and bright colours alike. For the first time in years, she didnt feel dowdy. She felt pretty, since Judith had made her go to a bathroom and change from frumpy and dumpy to smart and sexy. She was wearing a short skirt, teetering around on high-heeled boots that could not possible be good for her insteps. She felt deliciously slutty, even though the skirt wasnt that short. But the tight black sweater she wore with it dipped low enough to make men take a second look, and the jacket she had on over it was hot-pink and attention grabbing. Added to that the new jewellery and a sexy little scarf, and she felt like a million dollars.

Judith didnt need to ask what dress she was talking about. It was a slinky black number with very flattering, very seductive lines. It was shorter than sin, and with the right bra, would show off more cleavage than a centrefold Playboy Bunny. It was completely backless and basically said, take me to bed and tear me off her body.
Im sure, she said. Em, you look so hot in that dress, even I wanted to jump you in the fitting room. Brandons gonna eat his heart out.
I dont want Brandon to eat his heart out, Emily muttered, but she grinned a little. I wouldnt mind him eating something else out, though.
Judith gasped in shock. Why, Emily Brown, she said. Youre positively slutty!
What, Emily said defensively, just because Im a virgin, I need to be prudish?
I created a monster, Judith said, shaking her head as she backed out.

Brandon couldnt stop scowling as he rolled out of bed the next morning. It was still snowing outside, and he had spent the entire evening stomping around in his house. That bloody librarian had him all tied up. He was angry, and horny, and annoyed all at the same time. After waiting around for three hours outside her apartment the previous day, hed gone home, only to keep thinking about her. And now it was Sunday, and it was still snowing, and he was damned if he would spend another day frustrated as hell.
The lady needed lessons, and he was damned well going to be the one to teach them to her.
Starting today.

Emily brushed her hair, marvelling at the lightness of the layered and highlighted strands. The swelling on her eyebrows had finally gone down, after the waxing and tinting shed agreed to the previous day. And the new eyeliner made all the difference in the world. She experimented at leisure with the new make-up Judith had helped her choose, and loving the outfit she had decided on that morning a pair of surprisingly comfortable jeans with the boots of the previous day, an amethyst-colour sweater that hugged her body and showed off the curves she had always kept hidden for some reason. She fixed the silver hoops in her ears and wondered how she was going to settle the bills on her credit card. She almost had more debt now than right after she finished her degree at the university.

But oh, it was worth every cent. Every time she opened her cupboard doors and saw the cornucopia of colours adorning her pretty white shelves, she wanted to hug herself and dance a little jig. She had the weirdest urge to grab her hairbrush and sing along to the mixed CD she was listening to while she got dressed, but she figured it was unacceptable behaviour to anybody over the age of oh, say, fourteen.

But then she got a what-the-hell feeling and grabbed her brush. She might have missed out on the dance-like-youre a teenager phase when she actually was a teenager, but there was no reason not to catch up on that now, was there? She spun around her room, ignoring the unmade bed and singing along to the newest teen-sensation swooning about a boy and what he did to her.

And you make me want you like a grown-up&hellip, she crooned along to the singer.
Emily could relate. She had never been passionate, to say the least. She had a vibrator in her bedside table, and she used it occasionally, but she suspected there was something wrong with her that she didnt enjoy it much. It made her feel pathetic, the way shed felt at twenty-five when she finally decided to end her virginal status on her own, if she couldnt get a man to help her with the pesky little task. She cried when she broke through the barrier, so lonely and depressed that she just took out the vibrator a pretty pink one with different settings and went to go clean up in the bathroom. There had been no pleasure, none of the ecstasy shed read about in books and seen in movies. It had felt humiliating and like giving up, and she had hated herself for it.

She tried using the vibrator again, and after a few times she actually had an orgasm. Which was great while it lasted, but afterwards she felt stupid and tainted and like such a loser. She still used it occasionally, though the orgasms seemed to be getting smaller every time. Maybe she was getting too old to enjoy sex. Maybe her body was tricked into thinking it was time to go through menopause, since it wasnt being used the way nature intended for it to be used. And she had never, with one exception, looked at a man and gotten turned on. Men were from Mars, and she didnt speak Martian. She was tongue tied and avoided them like a second-grade girl, at the same time wishing one of them would just look at her once, fall head over heels and coax her out of her shell. But Brandon&hellip, Brandon made her want him in a way she had never thought it was possible to want somebody. Maybe it was because he was the first man to take the time to talk to her, or maybe it was because hed hit her at a vulnerable stage with that smile of his, but when she had looked out of her shower to see him standing there, shed felt the heat low in her belly, unfurling and moving to her nether regions. He was hot. He made her want things, like one-night stands and short flings and naked bodies writhing together.

He made her feel like a women, even if he wasnt interested.
And that was more pathetic than anything else.

Her doorbell rang, several times shortly after each other, indicating irritation on the other side of the door. It was probably Judith, so she slicked one last coat of gloss over her lips and headed to the sitting room, eager to show her friend what she looked like. Only it wasnt Judith.
It was Brandon.

Brandon swallowed once. Was he at the wrong apartment? Because there was a really, really hot girl standing where he had expected to see Emily. And maybe his cock was finally ready to get down and dirty with somebody else, because it was stirring subtly, reminding Brandon that he hadnt had sex in about five months. At least not with somebody else in the room.
Hey, the girl said. Brandons eyes were glued to the plump, shiny lips the colour of ripe cherries and he swallowed convulsively.

She was wearing Emilys glasses, and she was standing in Emilys doorway, but there was no way Emily could be wearing clothes that made him want to take her right there, against the wall in the hallway.
Hi, he croaked, feeling as if he was in high school again and trying to talk to pretty girl who owned the locker next to his. All tongue-tied and awkward. The pretty girl cleared her throat and gave a step back. Would you like to come inside?
Sure, he said, but he couldnt seem to move. It felt as if the connection between his feet and his brain had been severed (best guess put the cut-off point somewhere near his groin) and he was unable to do anything but stare.

At her breasts. Those previously thought plain, nondescript breasts. They were perfect. Not too big, not too small. Full and high, soft and plump. He itched to have them in his hands and do something anything with them. To them. On them. For them.

Her voice sounded like it had been made to say his name, preferably in different tones of passion. He could imagine her crying it out as the orgasm hit her, and he swallowed again, trying to force his brain to get rid of the lust-driven haze so he could function like a normal human being.
Sorry, he said quickly. You look&hellip,
Different? she guessed and looked down at the soft, form-fitting sweater that made her skin seem all healthy and glowy and&hellip, stuff. Or something.
Really beautiful, he amended. Really, really beautiful.
Thanks, she said, glancing down uncomfortably, reminding him that she was a very shy girl, despite the fact that she set fire to his fantasies.

Where did you disappear to yesterday? he asked when the awkward silence stretched out too long.
She smiled, a surprised, delighted smile that brought forth a little dimple he hadnt noticed before.
You came back, she said. I didnt think you would.
He just looked at her. I said I would, he said quietly. Why didnt you believe me?
She blushed, and damn if it wasnt cute. Well, I didnt think I would see you again. I know Im not the kind of girl men comes back to, especially not men like you.
Men like me?

I know what I am and what I am not, you dont need to pretend anything to spare my feelings. But anyway, I went shopping. For clothes. With my friend Judith.
Im glad you went shopping, he said. But to come back to the men like me remark&hellip,
Hot men, she muttered, shamefacedly. But like I said, I know what I see in the mirror so you dont have to pretend to be attracted to me or whatever. I wont blame you if you dont want me, or dont want to help me. Only&hellip, she paused for a second. Just dont pity me, okay? I dont need anybodys pity. Im fine with who I am.

Brandon didnt think, he simply acted. He gave one step and then he was flush up against her. He twisted their bodies skilfully so that her back was pressed against the doorway. He didnt take the time hed imagined he would when he cupped her face between his palms, took off her glasses and dropped it on the floor behind her, bent his head, and kissed her.

It was an electric thing, the kiss. Their lips were barely touching, and there was not enough pressure to satisfy him, but it still sent chills racing up and down his body. He rubbed his lips over hers, getting some of that cherry-red gloss on his own mouth and not minding one bit. He sucked her bottom lip between his and enjoyed her surprised little gasp. He licked over that softest skin on the inside of her lip and then nibbled lightly with his teeth. He pulled back, stretching her lip a little before letting go. He didnt move away, not yet. Instead, he pressed a chaste kiss on the one corner of her mouth, and another on the other side. She smelled fantastic. No heavy, seductive perfume that made him want to sneeze and drink allergy medicine. She carried the scent of her innocence, and it smelled like some light sort of flower. Clean, and fresh, and young, like a rose covered with early morning dew, and could he possibly get any cornier? If he didnt stop thinking, he was going to start spouting poetry soon.

So he stopped thinking and touched her lips again, a bit firmer this time, just to remind her who was in charge. He felt the natural softness that indicated her femininity, felt the way they gave and moulded under his, shaping around his in a warm, strangely familiar way. He touched his tongue to the Cupid s bow, following the line of her lips with the tip of his tongue, knowing that it would intoxicate her as much as it did him. When he reached the plump bottom lip, he slipped his tongue to taste the seam of her closed mouth, sliding it first in one direction and then the next. He pressed lightly, asking her wordlessly for permission, for access. She softened her lips further and he slid his tongue in a little further.

Her taste blossomed and he groaned as it assaulted his senses. He couldnt wait to taste the rest of her, to taste all of her. He could feel his breathing picking up speed as he explored her mouth relentlessly. Her arms slipped around his neck and she rose on her toes to press herself closer to him. He could feel and taste and sense her inexperience in her hesitation. She was a little bit clumsy, and it was endearingly sweet to him, knowing that this girl-woman trusted him enough to let him kiss her like this.

He deepened the kiss, one of his hands sliding achingly slowly down her back to press her against him even more. He wanted to move his hand to the more interesting terrain of her front, but he was oddly content just to hold her like this while he taught her more about the art of kissing with infinite patience. He pressed a little harder, hungry for just a little more, and coaxed her tongue from her mouth with his own. She didnt understand what he wanted, and he knew she was confused by the change in the angle of his mouth as it slanted over hers.

Give me your tongue, he whispered hoarsely against her lips.
What? she asked dazedly.
Your tongue, he said again, moving his hand lower to cup her deliciously soft butt in his palm. She was all feminine curves firm, but not overly muscled, like too many women nowadays who spent more time in a gym than at home. She felt so different from him, and he revelled in the way their bodies fit together, hard against soft, muscles aga

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Kate the Librarian

Working in the small-town library can be so boring! I sit at my desk, checking books and making out late slips, wondering what to do to end the dreadful boredom. So I push things around on the desk, pens, stapler, my nameplate that reads “Katherine Vaughn - Head Librarian”. I giggle quietly thinking about that title: “head” librarian! If only! I have had to “shush” the college boys a few times, even though they are “studying”. They are cute and hunky and will give me something to think about...

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Fucking the Shemale Librarian on the table Shemale Sex Stories

I was a student by day and a firefighter by night. I had joined the team two years ago and was trying to get a college degree by attending classes at night. I often used to silently masturbate when I would go to the library, as I was alone in the evenings, at the almost closing time and it would take the edge off a bit. During one of these times, I saw the local librarian and oh she was hot. Perky tits, tight ass and a low cut blouse. Wow. She would probably feature in my fantasies for a while....

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The Librarian Who Loved To Fuck

Laura Weber cast a sidelong glance in the direction of the nineteenth century romance novels and saw that there was trouble brewing. From her position behind her desk in the center of the library, she could see everything, even Kenneth Wilcox's hand inching its way under the reading table toward Mary Kepler's knee. Laura knew that the youngsters who frequented the Maple Grove Public Library were only there because they were forced by their teachers' reading assignments. She knew perfectly well...

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The Head Librarian

The Head Librarian By Johnny Segundo There was only one library in the small, provincial town of Tuckers Bend. And it was a rather old fashioned one. The staff had requested computers years ago, but it wasn't in the budget, so the antiquated card catalogs remained. The head librarian, Miss Ellingbee, had a large bosom and an even larger heart. She would do whatever it took to help patrons find the information they were searching for, and she even hired Dennis Wilberson as her...

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Romancing the Librarian Pt 02

The RV was parked at Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. My watch said 3 am and I was completely awake. So was my very new and very nervous bedmate. Her arm was across me and the fingers were lying on my chest. I turned over and she caught my mostly limp cock in her hand. Her lips landed on mine and the cock wasn’t staying limp. Marian said, out of the dark, ‘Is he hitting on you?’ Sheila giggled, ‘No, we’re both awake and he’s hard. I’m squeezing him. Do you want some action? I can get out...

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The Enlightened Librarian

Sarah first appears in 'Little Black Bikini' In addition to running, Sarah attended yoga classes with one of her co-workers. Doris Timmons was the school librarian and Sarah really liked her. Doris was in her mid-50s but looked younger. She was a very pretty woman, blonde with a pixie style haircut, but always played down her looks by sporting conservative makeup and clothes. She credited the youthful look and her vigor to healthy eating and exercise. It was hard to argue with the results.  ...

Straight Sex
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The Librarian

The Librarian It was never meant to be like this, her ambitions thwarted, her life bluntedto a compliant daily grind. By now her life should have blossomed into a sensualexploration of existence, full of fascinating ideas and interesting people.Instead she found her self trapped in a small town world. Her mother, thougha day's drive away, still riding on her back like a grotesque growth. Her fatherhad left her mother when she was very young and she had to live with her mother'simplied...

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The Librarian Chapter Three

The Librarian By Michele Nylons Part Three - Return of the Ice Princess They stayed two days in the motel while Sarah got well. In between her bouts of nausea they developed a strategy. Randy fed her Chinese food and Coke; two staples that she seemed to be able to keep down. "We need a back story. Tina isn't going to believe that I just turned up out of the blue and want to work in the pornography business. Usually the best lies are just fabrications of the truth," Sarah...

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The Cute Librarian

I had been helping out at the local library as an after school assignment for a few weeks. The head librarian was an old battle-ax named Ms. Jenkins. However the assistant librarian was a young very attractive lady fresh out of college. Miss Amore was prettier than the girls I have seen in Playboy and Penthouse. She doesn’t dress like a librarian either. On a couple of occasions I have been able to catch a glimpse of her bra and once she was up on the ladder and asked me to hand her a book...

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The Librarian

Samantha stood in front of the mirror, naked. As she let her left hand gently slide around her right breast, she took notice of how round and soft it was. She imagined her hand to be a man’s, strong and eager to manipulate the nipple between his fingers. So, she gently squeezed her nipple, watching the process in the reflection of the mirror.“Want me,” she whispered, staring straight into her own eyes. From that moment she had decided to find a man that would do more than touch her the way she...

1 year ago
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The Librarian

Julie was a 19 year old college sophomore, still inexperienced in sex, but definitely experimenting, and already sure of her sexuality- she was gay. She knew that she was a lesbian from her days as a high school cheerleader, when she got excited from looking up her classmates' skirts, but not the ballplayers' legs. She was not an ugly, butch kind of lesbian- she was the kind of lesbo that made guys think, "Gee, what a waste- such a fine tail, and only used by girls!" She understood this fact,...

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Marian the Librarian

A jack-o-lantern glowed on the corner of the desk next to a basket of ripe red apples. A vase of mums completed the autumn vignette. Marian’s head was bent over a pile of books she was sorting, hoping to have them back in place on the shelves before it was time for her to leave. Every October it was the same thing. Just about every book of “true” ghost stories was taken out of the library, and returned by Halloween night. Her thoughts were interrupted by “Trick or treat!” Marian looked up and...

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Marian The Librarian

Introduction: Happy Halloween For reasons of my own, I no longer allow public comments, nor do I make them on other writers work. I do hope youll send me a message with your critiques. A jack-o-lantern glowed on the corner of the desk next to a basket of ripe red apples. A vase of mums completed the autumn vignette. Marians head was bent over a pile of books she was sorting, hoping to have them back in place on the shelves before it was time for her to leave. Every October it was the same...

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Librarian in the Stacks

While I was in high school, my aunt and uncle used to call me “Marian the librarian,” and predicted that’s what I would become. I knew nothing about The Music Man, a musical of bygone era, in which a traveling salesman invades a wholesome Midwestern town and attempts to steal the heart of Marian, the town librarian. Out of idle curiosity, I watched it one day, and enjoyed it very much indeed.But that is not why I eventually became a librarian. That story is quite a bit less savory than the...

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Roxanne the Librarian Chapter 01

I frequented the campus library and not just for books. I always came in about an hour before close for an opportunity to chat up with librarian that worked evening shifts. The librarian here was a beaut, 5’9, long hazelnut hair that she kept in a ponytail, deep, gorgeous brown eyes behind her glasses, and a stunning smile. This evening she was wearing a red blouse, buttoned down low enough to show generous amounts of cleavage, a short black skirt that showed off beautiful sculpted legs, and...

3 years ago
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Falling for the local librarian

I made the Librarian pregnant. My first time cumming inside of a woman.Author's note: Most of my stories are about older women in my life. This time I am writing about a librarian. Before you go and say that it is a typical librarian, think again. This one just might fool you. As usual, sit back, crack open your favorite beverage, and enjoy yourself....CHAPTER 1: Meeting AmandaI had been downsized from a job of mine in a town called Columbus, Indiana, and it took awhile for me to get my...

2 years ago
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Moms Librarian Style Glasses

Mom was so tired of the ordinary sex she had with dad, a long distance trucker who would be away for a week or two, come home for a few days, get laid and roll over and snore like a drunken sailor. I heard her talk to her friend Lois on the phone, saying "It's the same old thing, don't see him for a week or two and for a while I could not wait for him to get back home, but now it's we do it and he rolls over and snores like a drunken sailor for eight hours then it's another tank of diesel...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Librarian Part 2

Why is she staring at me? I didn't have room to talk, because I couldn't help but stare back. My parents used to tell me it was love at first sight when they met. I never believed that could happen to me... until today. Walking up the stairs to the second floor of a library I'd never been to, the last thing I expected to see was the most stunning woman I had ever seen in my twenty years of life. There was an awkward silence before she spoke. "Yes. How may I help you?" On top of being drop-dead...

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The Librarian and the Bartender Part two

Introduction: This is part two of my story… it can stand on its own, but I hope you enjoy if enough to go read part one as well! Im reposting this because, for some insane reason, the last time I posted it, it got voted down ridiculously fast and ended up at the bottom of the barrel where nobody read it. I dont care so much if my work gets negative votes when it deserves it, but I felt my story deserves a second chance. I hope you enjoy it, and that it doesnt get negative attention from a bunch...

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The Bro and the Librarian

The Bro and the Librarian By Terryln Miss O'Shea was startled to hear a commotion at the front of the library. She put a pile of books down and walked to the front desk, where a new student to Smythson High was throwing books over the counter at her young female assistant. His language horrified her. 'Now young man I wont have that language used in here...' 'Why don't you fuck off old lady! I ain't paying no book fines you hear!' He turned on his heels and walked out...

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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

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The Librarian Chapter Seven The Finale

The Librarian By Michele Nylons Part Seven - Shorebirds Sloane Patterson, Stacy Patterson and Steve Patterson stood in front of the headstone. Sloane was crying and bought a handkerchief to her face to dry her eyes, as did Stacy. Steve Patterson had never met the woman buried in the grave and his eyes remained dry. "I never knew her but I know I owe her so much," Stacy sobbed. Sloane pulled her daughter to her and hugged her and the three of them stood staring at the...

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The Librarian

This story isn't mine, but a story that she told me a while back.The public library had seen many people pass through its glorious marbled halls throughout the years. The people came and went. They were of all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages. Some were dreading their time among the rows and rows of books, and others stayed for hours, relaxing in the peace and quiet of the adult section on the second floor. Isabelle worked as a full-time librarian. The monotony of stacking books and selling...

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The Librarian

I'm in my mid 50s and I find myself saying more often; "they were different times", when I talk about past decades. When I think back to "Mrs G" the librarian, when I was at university in Adelaide, it becomes poignant again.I studied at a university in Adelaide in the mid 1980s. I spent a lot of time in the library. It wasn't all about study. A lot of it was about Mrs G; the librarian. In 1985, I was 22 and Mrs G was about twenty years older. Nowadays, she would be called a "chunky BBW mature...

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The Nympho Librarian

Tammie Edwins was not your typical librarian. She didn’t wear her hair up in a bun, didn’t wear glasses, full-length shapeless dresses and heels, didn’t squint or purse her lips, didn’t have dishwater skin like parchment, and was not middle-aged. On the contrary, she was in her mid-twenties, had long flowing honey-colored hair, deep green eyes, and peachy complexion. She favored wearing a tight skirt six inches above the knees and a tight silk blouse, which accentuated...

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Filthy Librarian

As unassuming as the little nympho seemed, Abby often found herself tucked away in the catacombs of her library, cumming to the stories she would sneak away. She was skilled at getting off with minimal distress to her long auburn hair/prim clothing and today was no different, as Abby headed back to her desk after a gloriously hard cum. She could still feel the juices that weren't contained by her panties soaking her thighs. She only hoped it didn't stain her skirt. When...

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Seducing the Librarian

He stroked his bulging member with great desperation, feeling it pulsate and contract in his hand. Carlita licked her lips greedily as she anticipated his release. His passion exploded at that moment, streams of hot white cum landing on her swollen... “Miss? Can you help me find the Dr. Seuss section?” Alice was startled by this sudden voice in her mind- she placed her book down and smiled sweetly at the mother in her midst, clutching the hand of a squirmy toddler. “Sure, right over here,”...

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Naughty Librarian

Where I live, I am unable to receive the "monthly periodicals" with out embarrassment. But the local library has quite the collection. Usually a month behind, but they are there none the less. So today is the day of my monthly visit. Knowing that it is a very quiet day at the library. And knowing that the magazine section is in a rather secluded area of the library so I can have a little privacy when reading the "articles". I also get to see my favorite librarian, Leigh. There is something...

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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

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My sexy librarian

Hi guys, I am Karthik and I am back with another story about my session with my school librarian. She was a young woman with a sexy figure and had tits of 36DD. She was only 23 years old and all the guys used to look at her and we were in 12th standard and we all wanted to fuck her. Once in the library I and my friend went to refer a book. We sat looking at her big bouncy boobs as she was walking and when she looked at us we turned away. She was so sexy that made me cum in my pants and it...

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Line Up For The LibrarianChapter 8

There was an odd crumpling of bodies as everyone suddenly lost balance and fell in a heap. Cocks were pulled free of Vickie's steaming holes and she was trapped among all the male limbs with her cunt and ass pouring out oily pre-cum juices. She gasped and panted noisily, sucking in great gulps of hot air. "Let's come on her! Let's fucking come all over her!" someone suggested. "I wanna see her covered in cum!" "Yeah! Fuck, yeah!" someone agreed. "Let's do it! Let's do it to the...

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Romancing the Librarian Pt 01

Excitement in Death Valley I met Marian at a fund raiser for the library. We knew each other distantly, but socialized with different people. She had a degree in library science in her past, and substituted for the full time librarians when they went on vacation. She was tall and slim and always well dressed. Elegant wasn’t quite the right word. There was a quality of aloofness that added to her feminine allure. It said this was not a woman to make a casual pass at. ‘Hello, Jeff, are you...

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The LibrarianChapter 26 Expanding Horizons

The beginning of the Christmas Holidays lightened everyone's mood a little. The successful execution of the plan to have Sasha and Millie picked up after Marvin's extraction helped boost everyone's confidence that the bigger project had a chance of success. The one depressing item was Admiral Grayson's refusal to even consider leaving Earth. Toby, Jake and Janet had gone ahead with the original plan and submitted applications for graduate study to the Dean of Admissions at MIT. They were...

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The LibrarianChapter 1 You Cant Win If You Dont Play

Lesa Crews was forty-two and a supervising librarian at Georgia Tech. She had a lifetime habit of sensible eating and exercise, and with the right makeup and clothes she could easily pass for thirty-something. Her 5'9" frame comfortably supported the 150-pound mass of her body. She had a naturally dark complexion that required little makeup. At work she typically wore medium to dark business suits over a silk blouse with her dark strawberry hair in a tight bun. The muscular legs that...

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The Librarian and Her Disabled Brother

Summer 2015 town of whiskey Illinois Miss Chloe Marie a 30 year old librarian is taking a walk with her 8 year old brother Mike Marie who was born with Spina bifida and must wear small leg braces and use a wheelchair to get around. When they finish their walk they return to their parents' house where mike lives and where Chloe is staying during her vacation and she sees her luggage and several moving boxes all over the driveway. She spots an envelope on one of the boxes she opens the...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Horny School Librarian Seduces And Enjoys Teen Girl 8211 Pt 1

Hello everyone, wishing all guys and girls out there that your penis is always hard and your pussy is always wet. Happy to meet you all with my first story in ISS. Today, I like to share one of my own experiences which happened long ago which no one knows till now. I am sure that this will make you cum and if that happens, please share your comments on my email I am Jenefar, currently living in Chennai with my husband and two kids. About my family, my husband is working in the IT field and is...

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The Librarian Part 6

“Cheating bitch,” Peter hissed, the anger and jealousy evident in his voice. Daniel didn't even feel the pain intended by the insult. He looked directly at him now, fixing on those honey sparkles he always found so alluring. “We just said good-bye, that's all. He's gone, Peter ... forever.” Daniel walked past him into the house and closed the door, throwing the deadbolt. Peter sat motionless on the cold steps, wrapped in his own possessiveness. He had heard the lock slam shut, clearly...

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The Librarian

Julie pushed open the heavy oak door and almost fell inside. She closed the door behind her with a heavy thud, leaving the snow storm outside. She collected herself and looked around. In front of her stood high shelves with books as far as she could see. To the left was an old wooden desk with a worn chair in the same material. Someone had placed a threadbare cushion on it.The library was quiet, which wasn’t strange considering it was just that, a library. The snow storm kept the other students...

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The Librarian Part 5

Hello there. My name is Sloane. Four months ago, my life changed completely. I fell in love with a boy who was twenty plus years my junior. I had just turned forty-five and thought any chance of finding true love had long pass me by. Life had other plans I guess. Me and this boy fell for each other pretty fast, and pretty hard. The second time we hung out we ended up having sex. Really, really, really good sex. I tell him all the time that was the day before I became a new woman. A lot has...

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The new librarian

 The new LibrarianWord got around so fast from one of our colleagues. There is a new face at our local library. A man of all people. I would think he is a nerd for one, or a women hunter. Would be interesting to find out and also if is really there to just pack away books.I have been single with a reasonable enough explanation. There is nothing wrong with me. In fact, I believe I am good looking. I am build slim. I have a healthy diet and work out running every morning.  I take my time in the...

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The LibrarianChapter 9 Dinner at Lesas Part Two

Lesa arrived home well ahead of the others. She asked Sara to listen for the doorbell as she headed upstairs to change out of her business suit. In the hope that the crowd would be delayed long enough at the pizza parlor, she took a quick shower and reapplied some light makeup. She was coming down the staircase in a sleeveless white tunic top, matching drawstring pants and straw sandals when she heard the front door open. Everyone had arrived together. Susan looked around the foyer and...

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The LibrarianChapter 14 Confrontations

The library became the group's de facto information center. Lesa met with her co-conspirators in one's and two's throughout the day collecting and disseminating information and suggesting assignments for the next step. Jake stopped by mid-morning with a magazine article about Dr. Grayson that had a picture of his staff and graduate students. Lesa started a dossier on each of names. The project looked very promising. She even risked kissing Jake as he reluctantly left for his next...

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The Librarian

Introduction: ever get turned on by the geeks? As he walked into the library, the first thing he noticed was the librarian. She was a quiet, timid woman, someone whose husband always took her in the missionary position, with it all over in forty five seconds. He admired her body from afar, she wasnt exactly a porn star, but she was tall and slim. Her breasts were small yet erect, and her face was soft, with full lips. If only a man who knew what he was doing would get in bed with her, she would...

3 years ago
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The Librarian

*click* *clack* *click* *clack* *click* *clack*. The college library was a massive building with massive laminated floors. Everything was a shade of brown outside of the multicolored books on the bookcases. *click* *clack* *click* *clack* *click* *clack*. The motion of her red stiletto's hitting the wooden floors reverbed around the building. Anyone who heard her approach fell rather silent. The murmuring faded away. Marianne Solana was a the head librarian here. But she didn't...

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The Librarian

She sat quietly behind the circulation desk, gently tapping her terminal screen with a pencil. She seemed almost the stereotype, with wire-frame glasses, fair skin and red hair cut in a pageboy. Her blouse was gray, with puffed out sleeves and collar so high that you cold see almost none of her neck. Her long, plaid skirt was woolen, though it hugged her hips in a most sensual way. Her jewelry was plain, only a single gold band worn on her left hand identical to the one on mine. So engrossed...

Quickie Sex
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the librarian

LibrarianThat was this summer. I had very long relationship and last year i got ridden of it. So I sex occasionally wit various girls till then. One night this September I was very very tired of everything. Job went finally better and some private investing also, but I had being working for 14 hours a day at time. It was About 1 am in the morning and was just went of from long shower and about to lay down on my bad.The voice from the other side of cell phone was very pleasant, some kind of baby...

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The Librarian

I have always found the Library a great place to meet the right know of people. If you think about it, sure, it's a communal space and most people understand it's a gathering place, but it's primary purpose is to be an institution of learning. Enlightenment. Expanding ones horizons. I've had sex in the library, probably, 7-10 times (depending on what your definition of 'is' is), but it's been a few years since the last time (at the local university with not one, but two, beautiful students --...

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Loving the Librarian Ch 01

Chapter 1: Erin I answered the phone when I recognized my daughter’s number in the caller ID display, distraught no doubt. ‘Mom! Daddy’s going to marry that bimbo.’ I paused a moment, hoping the tension would ease a bit if I appeared thoughtful. ‘Yes, Liz, darling. I saw the wedding announcement in the Society Section.’ My ex was a high ranking member of the San Diego social scene now, and I’m sure his fiancé’s family was proud to announce the wedding of their young daughter to the renowned...

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