Getting Activated
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Author’s note: This is just a little idea that occurred to me. No significance beyond that.
Hala kicked her door shut behind her, and managed to place her bag and keys on her table before she let herself collapse onto her couch.
She rubbed her temples with one hand. Jesus, she needed about half a bottle of wine, an instant meal (or even a bag of chips, if microwaving was going to be too much trouble, which, ya know…) and then twice as much sleep as she was going to get.
Taking a deep breath, she levered herself upright before she congealed onto the couch, then frowned and rubbed her temples again. Something was making her head feel funny. And she felt warm. Not flushed, exactly, but warm-and-relaxed warm. She tried to stand, and felt dizzy. She took a deep breath, and tried again.
She woke up to her alarm, lying in muddled confusion for a good ten seconds before she snapped into proper consciousness and grabbed at her watch to turn the bloody thing off.
She was in her pyjamas, in bed, and it was time to get ready for work. She stared at herself in astonishment, then tried to recall the previous night.
She didn’t feel as though she had managed to get any wine into her at all, so she could hardly blame being drunk. Just how tired had she been?
But she felt strangely relaxed.
She scrambled out of bed, then winced as bits of her twinged. She felt a bit odd, but not unpleasantly so. She shook her head, then sniffed herself cautiously.
Shower. Need a shower.
She was halfway to the bathroom when she staggered and nearly fell as her mind was suddenly full of a vivid, detailed image of a woman—herself—seen from above, naked, hogtied, on her back, gagged, cunt obscenely visible, nipples clamped.
Hala gasped, reeled, and managed to get to the doorway before she fell. What the fuck had that been about? She frantically tried to think, but nothing else came to her. On suddenly shaky legs, she took a step into the bathroom.
She felt herself suspended off the ground. She was naked but her body was criss-crossed and wrapped by ropes that held her up. Her arms were folded uncomfortably behind her, one leg bent sharply backwards, her breasts wrapped at the base so they were hard and swollen with blood, and her head was pulled sharply backwards by her hair, which seemed to be connected to a thick hook in her arse, so every time she moved her head, she fucked herself in the arse. A rope pressed hard between her cunt lips and against her clit, and she had just enough movement to rub along it, which made the hook in her arse move. She was wriggling, trying desperately to fuck herself until she came.
Her legs buckled, but she managed to turn her fall into a controlled collapse so she ended up sprawled but unhurt on the bathroom floor, heart hammering in her chest, pussy creaming and nipples tight.
Oh, Jesus, what the fuck? *What the actual fuck?*
She crawled to the bath, to grab the edge for more support.
What was…
She desperately bit down on her exclamation. What was the right order, now…
‘Have to remember to grab coffee on the way into work,’ she said out loud. ‘So that’s two cappucinos, a latte, and a double shot long black, no sugar.’
She held onto the edge of the bath, heart hammering in her chest, for nearly a minute.
Her phone rang. It was not her usual ring, but it sent a message her legs did not ignore.
Stumbling and reeling, she managed to propel herself off the floor, out of the bathroom, and to where her phone was, amazingly, on charge next to her bed.
She listened.
‘I haven’t forgotten. Two cappucinos, a latte, and a double shot long black, no sugar.’
Whatever the voice on the other end said made her legs fold until she was sitting on the edge of the bed, when her legs stopped obeying her.
She very carefully put her phone on the bed, clasped her hands between her knees, then tried to control her shaking.
The security team took ten minutes, and let themselves in with no fuss, announcement, or damage to her door.
The security chief—Jordan, she remembered his name was. She had seen him once or twice, and he had a hard, fiercely competent face it was hard to forget—nodded at her, then gave flickering hand signals to his team. They were all dressed in regulation suits, carrying regulation briefcases. The woman wore low high heels. Their suits were so well-tailored that Hala could not see any bulges that might suggest weapons.
‘Are you ready, Hala?’
Whatever had stopped Hala’s legs working, let them move again.
She meekly stood up. She meekly put her hands behind her back for the cuffs. She shuddered as the hood was placed over her head, but did not try to flinch away. She was not expecting the collar to be closed around her neck, or to have a moment of disorientation before the collar and hood were removed in a secure medical room.
‘What prompted you to use your security phrase?’
Hala squirmed in embarrassment, but the doctor waited patiently for her, with an expression that was not unkind but was unrelenting.
‘I had… visions,’ she said, haltingly.
The doctor’s expression said quite clearly that Hala was expected to be precise.
Hala blushed scarlet, and looked away. ‘I saw myself in bondage,’ she muttered. ‘Then the second one, I felt myself in bondage, with… Um…’
‘Have you ever experienced any BDSM situation in your real life?’
‘No!’ Hala shook her head violently.
‘Have you ever had any desires, or fantasies about BDSM?’
‘But the second vision felt real?’
‘Yes,’ Hala whispered.
The doctor nodded. ‘I am going to need you to describe the second vision for me in detail,’ she said. ‘You will probably experience sexual arousal while reliving it, as a consequence of whatever programming or indoctrination you have undergone. You need to understand that it is a programmed response, not a natural response. Do you understand?’
Hala thought back to speaking her safety phrase, then to how helplessly she had sat, limbs locked in place, while waiting for the security team. She had never felt more terrified than then, while locked inside her own head.
‘Yes,’ she said in a low voice.
‘Then begin,’ the doctor said.
Hala managed to fix her gaze on a minute scratch in the table’s surface. ‘I was hanging off the ground,’ she began. ‘I had ropes all around my torso and arms and legs. I was upright, and my arms were tied up behind me…’ She hesitantly held her arms behind her back, to illustrate.
She felt a flush of arousal that made her cheeks burn first with lust, then with shame. She trembled, feeling a sudden tightness in her body, throb in her groin and tingling in her breasts. She barely managed to suppress a gasp. The doctor had been right.
Hala struggled to catch her breath, then forced herself to continue. ‘My left leg was straight down, my right was tied up behind me. There were ropes around my breasts.’ She had to stop for a second to struggle for breath. Her face was burning. Her breasts were remembering the sensation of being engorged with blood. Her nipples were tight. She was only wearing her pyjama top still, so her nipples were screaming their presence.
‘I had a rope… Um… Over my, uh, vulva. It was tight. And there was a metal hook in my… my anus. I think the hook was tied to my hair.’
Hala did not even notice that she was still holding her arms behind her back, nor that she was frantically rubbing her thighs together, trying to get the cotton of her pyjama pants to rub over her clit.
‘I was… I was…’
She could no longer see the doctor. She was not seeing anything except the memory. She was gasping for air, her hips rocking urgently in the chair.
br> The doctor pressed a switch.
Hala felt as though she had been dropped into ice-cold water. The shock was so great she yelped and jumped, then froze in horrified embarrassment as she realised what she had been doing.
The doctor was writing some notes in what seemed like shorthand, head down.
Hala whipped her arms around in front of her and clamped her hands between her thighs. Her face was burning and her body would not stop shaking.
‘We discovered the equipment in your apartment,’ the doctor said. ‘It was not capable of delivering this amount of conditioning in just one night, so you must have had several nights, or at least one session elsewhere.’
Hala froze in horror.
The doctor looked up at her. ‘How has your social life been lately?’
Hala shook her head. ‘I’ve been going from work to home, then back to work, every day for a week,’ she said, the admission sounding pathetic to her own ears. ‘I went out with the girls on Saturday, but I had to leave early because I was feeling unwell. I was in bed sick all Sunday, and I’ve been getting over it still. I’ve been staying at home reading.’
The doctor gave her an inscrutable look. ‘What have you been reading?’
‘I’ve been going through Agatha Christie again,’ Hala said, instantly.
‘Have you?’ the doctor asked.
‘Yes, I’ve been…’ Hala’s answer tailed off. She stared at the doctor. The words had marched out of her mouth, but she couldn’t remember deciding to say them. She couldn’t remember having done the reading. Oh, she could remember Agatha Christie, and hold up a discussion of any of her books. But she hadn’t read any for months. But she hadn’t noticed that until the doctor challenged her.
‘We believe,’ the doctor said, quietly, ‘that you met someone on Saturday night who began the process of your induction.’
Hala could only stare at the doctor open-mouthed.
‘You spent all Sunday in your apartment,’ the doctor continued remorselessly, ‘yet you were not alone. We have security footage to confirm that at 5am on Sunday morning, you returned home with a man. An hour later, tradesmen arrived carrying large boxes. They left three hours later, being careful not to be noticed. The building’s normal monitoring systems all suffered glitches during this period, and detected no movement at all. Only our systems remained online.’
Hala felt panic threatening to choke her.
‘Saturday night, plus Sunday, plus three nightly sessions, would be about right for the level of induction you appear to be displaying.’
Tears blurred Hala’s vision.
The doctor sighed. ‘We now have to work out what was being planned for you, and therefore whether you have been a threat to this organisation.’
Hala began shaking. She had already reached that conclusion. She knew what the organisation did, of course. She had passed her security checks. She wasn’t naive, but she was not an operative. She was not a field worker. She was a forensic accountant, and damn good at her job, but she would never, ever be any good in a dangerous situation. She had a carefully constructed cover to protect her!
‘The equipment used on you is good, but a couple of steps behind the cutting edge,’ the doctor said, ‘which may be a good sign, or may be intended to put us off. Commands for each session were remotely installed via a line-of-sight coded signal each day, so all we were able to extract was the core program, and part of last night’s session. Still, it gave us enough. We have the outlines of the program, and should be able to reconstruct what we need.’
Hala froze, her guts twisted into knots. ‘Do I have to…’ She stopped, her tongue having trouble working. She felt dizzy. Oh god, she was going to faint. She took a deep breath. It didn’t seem to help. ‘Do I…’ she tried again.
As if a switch flipped in her head, she went very still, then she sat up straight, glassy-eyed.
The doctor watched her with interest.
‘I am ready to learn,’ Hala said, not tonelessly but with no trace of her own will.
She stood up, moving with precision and with finishing-school femininity, then turned around.
An examination table was behind her. It had moveable arm and leg pieces, and many straps. She walked up to it, then undressed, folding her clothes neatly and laying them on the floor. Her nipples and the lips of her pussy were already swollen.
She climbed onto the table, settling in place on her back. She did not notice the arms that moved to either side of her head, their coils ready to read her brainwaves.
‘I am ready to learn,’ she said.
Memories flooded her mind.
She remembered the man in the club. Not much taller than her, the perfect blend of muscular bulk and slender style, face handsome if somewhat unremarkable, but a dazzling smile just for her. She remembered his eyes capturing hers, his charm, and the way she tingled all over and felt a burning need to have him inside her. She remembered giggling with him as she arranged to leave her friends and sneak out without telling them about him.
She remembered a car ride to his place…
‘Tell me what you can about the ride,’ the doctor commanded.
Someone else had been driving. She and he…
‘What was his name?’
Chris. His name had been Chris. He had lain on top of her on the back seat and kissed her all the ride home. She had no idea how long it had taken, or where they had gone. She had not remembered seeing anything outside, not even streetlights.
She remembered him leading her out of the car in a parking garage, then into a lift, then straight from the lift into an apartment.
‘What did you see through the windows?’
The skyline. They were high up. A penthouse, maybe. Wide windows, all along one wall. A balcony she did not go onto. The bay, in the distance. Not far distance. She had to look down on it. They might have been fifteen blocks from the water. On the other side of the bay from the major shipping port. That might have been the yacht club directly in front of them. No, she couldn’t see the casino, or the clock on the tower.
She remembered his apartment. All black leather couches. Then his bedroom. She remembered his hands, undressing her. Her feet were already naked. She had left her shoes at the door.
His hands, from behind, on her bare back. His hands, caressing her flanks. His hands, pushing her dress off her hips. His hands, sliding around her ribcage to cup her breasts inside her satin bra. His hands, gently pulling the cups down to tease her nipples, which were already hard. She remembered shivering at his touch and willing him to take control, to dominate her.
‘Do you usually want men to dominate you?’
No, she usually wanted to climb on top. But Chris was different. Chris made her want to be a woman. Chris whose hands left her breasts to travel down to her panties, to tease them off her hips, to slip his fingers inside, to caress the edges of her vulva, to part her gently, to rub against her swollen clitoris, rub and tease and gently urge it onwards without even entering her, just…
Lying on the examination table, hands obediently still beside her, Hala arched her back in an orgasm.
She remembered being naked, her underwear gone, as Chris lay her gently back on the bed while she still glowed and pulsed from her first orgasm. She remembered him looming above her, so handsome, so masculine, so perfect, so much a man, while his fingers moved inside her, caressing her walls to feel how much of a woman she was, how subservient, how helpless before him, as his fingers moved, and teased, and caressed, and her entire vagina burned with every touch, not one mere G-spot but everywhere, as his fingers…
She arched with another orgasm.
She remembered him hovering above her, his face so handsome, so commanding, so stern yet loving, so dominant, so dominating, his eyes trapping hers and commanding h
er to obey him as he entered her, his cock splitting her open, so amazingly thick…
She arched off the table.
Chris moving inside her, taking total possession, taking total ownership of her body, stripping away her will, showing her what it truly meant to be a woman, showing her what it felt like…
She arched.
He took her from behind as she lay on her belly, begging him to possess her, to show her how utterly submissive she…
She arched.
He folded her in half, pressing her legs back to the mattress next to her head, tilting her hips up for him to…
She arched.
She held her ankles far out to the sides, telling him she was his slave over and ov…
She remembered getting dressed and giving him her address.
There was the car again, riding to her apartment this time, seeing only dark windows all around her, no sense of time at all. She let him in, then lay on the bed hearing voices whisper in her head as men came and did things to her apartment. Chris left at some point, she wasn’t sure when.
There was a dark space. A stage. A man strapped her to a cross, then whipped her gently while she repeated words being spoken inside her head. Every fifth stroke of the whip, she came.
Lying on the table, she came.
Men came to her, fucked her, came inside her, as she worshipped them and thanked them for making her useful.
Lying on the table, she came.
She was introduced to nipple clamps. They made her come. She was introduced to clamps on her clitoris. They made her come. She was introduced to anal sex, which she had never enjoyed the thought of. She came with a dildo in her arse.
She came.
She came with a cock in her arse. With a metal hook in her arse, tied to her hair, as she was suspended off the ground in ropes, grinding against a rope tied tight between her cunt’s lips.
She came.
On Monday, she woke up without remembering a thing, just as she had been ordered to. She went to work and told people she had been sick, and was still feeling a bit flat but no longer sick. When she got home, she felt tired.
She entered trance easily, like a good girl. She undressed, got onto her bed, then went back to the stage and the ropes, the men and the toys.
This time, there were women as well. Women with long fingers in her pussy, long tongues lapping at her clit, and long nipples in her mouth.
Lying on the table, she came.
On Tuesday, the pattern repeated.
Except this time, as she went into trance, the doctor stood before her with pictures of cityscapes. ‘This?’
She only recognised part of that.
Those buildings were wrong.
She hadn’t been able to see the insurance tower.
Yes. That was it. She remembered that.
‘Do I have to go through it again?’
Hala stared at the doctor with her guts icy from fear.
The doctor smiled. ‘Not today. We can give you a day to recover before we try less invasive methods. We can protect you, clear your apartment and shield it.’
Hala almost cried with relief. She sagged in her chair, then winced and shifted position. She felt odd. But when she tried to hold onto that feeling, it slid away from her.
‘Rest for today in one of our on-site apartments,’ the doctor said, standing up. ‘You’ll have to stay until normal time, to avoid anyone getting suspicious, then we’ll make sure you get home OK. We bought your normal clothes in, so you can get dressed properly before leaving.’
Hala beamed, relief flooding through her. ‘Oh, thank you! Thank you!’
She slept for quite a lot of the day, napping between snacks and genuine reading in a modestly sized but very comfortable, if obviously underground and secure, suite.
She felt a tremor of doubt when it came time to get dressed to go home, but it faded quickly.
Her bag was there, and she left looking just the same as she had every other day, on time today but managing to pull off a convincing impression of someone who had just worked damn hard all day and was now on the way home to a well-deserved glass of wine and bath.
She shivered a little at the door to her apartment, but it passed quickly and she chuckled at herself.
Her bag and keys went in their usual place and she shrugged out of her coat on her way to the kitchen. What food did she have? She must have been eating during the week…
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LesbianDawn and I watched Kay leave then sat staring at each other for a few minutes”wow was that planned”Dawn asked.”What did she whisper to you”she then asked ,then stood up and sat down on my lap. “I hope she told you to take me back to bed”then wiggled her but around, “so are you’? I gave her a kiss ,sliding my hand up between her thighs,you would like that wouldn’t you. But I thought we would take a walk and maybe relive some memories down by the creek.You know , the place where we almost...
Fink had long since retired to his penthouse office. His scientists had assured him that the youngest Summers was well on her way to become the slut he envisioned her to be. In the meantime, he sat and looked at a TV monitor on his desk. Cordi was proving herself as the bimboslut he had made her. She taught her captive audience the joys of slutdom. Fink watched the Sunnydale teen-girls. He imagined them returning one by one. Maybe some would bring their mothers. Fink chuckled to...
After our teasing of Maggie things became far more hectic, as all the tables and benches are removed to outside so there is nothing but standing room. Then the musicians take a small corner. This time the dancing is far more baudie then the last time. There is very little room to spread out so we are all expected to be very close to our partners and anyone else that is with in a foot of you. I get to dance closer to Nimrod for our waltz and I do hesitate to call it that. If it was any place...
Phyllis Dangerfield had spent a quiet afternoon reading. Harry had gone into town on a shopping errand. She had no doubt that he’d be using the opportunity to meet up with a few of his friends, but she didn’t mind as long as he was back before curfew. At least, Harry hadn’t caused any of the problems that her last houseboy had, Phyllis thought. That had been an unfortunate few months with police on the doorstep every other week. He’d been good in bed but, in the end, he just hadn’t been worth...
Tanda Havra stood in silence after she finished her report to Chief Vall. He in turn regarded her without expression as he mulled her words. "Did you deliberately reveal your position to the Hostigi?" Manistewa asked after the silence had grown uncomfortable. Tanda had left that part out of her report. She looked directly at the Chief. "Tazi moved. They had just fired one of the mortars and she didn't have a good spot to see what happened. So she stood up and moved to shade her eyes....
The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost Elfi said. “Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.” I got up, Har-Hi held my mask. “You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.” “You think I have that? I mean a flair?” “In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that...
I slept quite late in the morning after the engagement party, and even when I woke up, I felt exhausted and disoriented. I asked Lisa if I had drunk too much the night before; maybe the alcohol had interacted with my heart medicine; but she said I had only had a glass of champagne, one nip of bourbon, and stuck to soft drinks other than that. But it wasn’t just that I was feeling tired; I had dreamed some pretty wild and vivid dreams overnight; dreams involving Jillian, and that she had...
Imee does not open the door, her daughter does. Where is your mother, Ate?(*1) She had to leave for the day. She is with my Aunts. Where is your brother? Mother took him with her. Why are you here and not with your mother. She said I should stay in case you came back. Did she say why that was important? She said she promised you that she would be here for you, if you come back in an hour. She cannot be here, so I am to be here for you instead. She says it is very important that we not...
I then said sternly but jokingly “Take off your braâ€. Surprisingly, with little hesitation this time, she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and let it fall to the ground; exposing those beautiful breasts that I love so much. Tonya and I were walking barefoot in the park one night. It was late…. Just past twilight, and a beautiful night. About 75 degrees, and a crystal-clear sky. She was looking awesome as always, wearing a nice t-shirt and short shorts. We came upon a scenic lookout....
LoveI was supposed to be the cleaning girl in that house, but i was seduced and fucked earning a good tip [email protected]
Sex With StrangerColin grinned at the youth pinned beneath him. He had used his shirt to tie Phil's hands over his head, and Phil was now down to wearing only his black underwear. He always felt so powerful when he watched the strong-willed boy get reduced to the quivering, moaning thing he was now. Colin took one of his free hands and put it against Phil's cheek, moving it down his neck. He leaned down and kissed him a few times until his lips follow the path down his neck. Colin's fingers danced down his...
GayYou will get a sentimental feeling when you hear voices singing, “Let’s be jolly, pack my ass with border collie...” We live “out here on the edge of the prairie,” as the guy on the radio used to say, and when the wind comes rushing down the plain this time of year, there is no sweetly waving wheat; it just feels anywhere from bitterly to lethally cold. You can argue whether or not it’s the most wonderful time of the year, I suppose, but opinions aside, late December on the northern plains...
I punched the wall near Sheila when she told me that the other self-destruct had been activated. I had been with her almost all the time, and then I snapped my fingers. That one time that I had to leave the bunker to meet with the brass! It had to be then when they had inserted most of the tracers. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to access you positronic brain Sheila. I am sorry that you have to go through this.” I said shaking my head. “It is all well Doctor Gance, I-- I know that your...
Telling Him Softly With a very seductive voice a wife asked her husband, “Have you ever seen Twenty Dollars all crumpled up?” “No” said her husband. She gave him a sexy little smile, unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse and slowly reached down in her cleavage, created by a soft, silky, pushup bra, and, pulled out a crumpled Twenty Dollar bill. He took the crumpled Twenty Dollar bill from her and smiled approvingly. She then asked, “Have you ever seen Fifty Dollars all crumpled...
On Tuesday, I decided to just go ahead and do it. I drove over to Federated Group, and was looking through the computer games when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and greeted Rebecca, and once again it was a combination of flirting, and good customer service. We talked about several of the newest games, and she suggested I try one called “Starflight”. “Oh, you should like it. It’s kind of one where there is no real goal early on, you just travel around. Explore, buy and sell things,...
The story of my journey from being a nice girl to a slut in high school, and then finally marrying one of the boys to make him my cuckold husband should be both interesting and stimulating to you. My name is Jeannie, and my husband Ed and I are now forty years old and happily married, but this story starts during my junior year in high school.It was in the mid-1980s in Orlando, and I had just turned sixteen in the summer before school started. I had not had very much attention from boys up to...
CuckoldWhat a figure she has! What a beauty! A complete woman with a perfect figure. I knew the time was right for the next step to make love to Anisha. I can see her side boobs. She was trying to tie the hook. She saw me, “Sohail, you are too much. Why you came here? You will get aroused, just go.” I was like how can she be so cool. I smartly replied, “Why should I get aroused? You are my friend, not my girlfriend.” She said, “Then come put this bra hook. It’s most difficult for me. Always...
"Walking a Mile" Conrad Lee & Zaccely Mohh The A.S and a dream come true It was a bright day as Jenna Turner donned her sunglasses and walked towards the mailboxes her apartment complex provided, turning the key in the lock she hoped for something other than hospital bill she never intended to pay or an array of stupid store adds that tended to "accidentally" fall from her hand to the ground; opening the box she instead found a manila envelope no bigger than a deck of cards...
ReGenesis, Inc.: As Children into the Abyss by Bill Hart Becky Phelder was stunned, as the rest of her classmates began to snicker. She'd been sitting in the front row desk of her next to last class of the day listening intently to one of her favorite teachers, when she heard the unexpected announcement crackle over the intercom. "Becky Phelder ... Please report to Mr. Wilton's office immediately." In addition to being surprised, Becky was also more than a little embarrassed at...
The attack on the apartment was a complete bust! Nobody was home, and it looked like the most recent resident had moved out. All that was left was some basic furniture and nothing else. We even checked the trash baskets in hope of finding some clue as to where to look next. Nothing! Oh, well, it was time to try a different tack. Back to the computers we had snatched from our first raid on ISIL. There were some shipments to locations near Phoenix, so those were easy for us to check out. Maybe...
…This is when everything changed…. …I felt free now to get some good sex I had missed out on for a long time. …My first goal was to get that handsome and sexy washer repairman to get here on a Friday afternoon. He said he would be here at 3pm. I put on my shortest black shorts, a baggy sweater and no panties or bra on. He was in for a little shock when he got here. …. He had been here once before and I knew he was single, and I remembered his sexy eyes looking me over. That time I...
I was at my sisters place the other day, and we were catching up as we do from time to time. Somehow, the topic turned to sex. I remembed the ways in which she had helped me and my wife, and I was curious. "Tell me, how do you know all this stuff? When did you learn about creampies, snowballs and the like?" I said. "Well, it's like this," she said. "After you left home, it seems that dad and mum let their guard down after that. All of a sudden they weren't so modest anymore, wandering...
Move house they said, get one with a pool they said. The fresh air out of the city, enjoy a different pace of life. You'll love it they said. Join a country club, play golf, play tennis, enjoy your retirement. I'm 35, you can't retire me, you fuckers. I'm stewing here in this place. Sure, the house is nice, there's no crime, the people are beautiful, the country club is fun. For a week or two. Now, though, I have to live in this house, with neighbours who definitely don't think I should...
MILFAfter about half and hour the girls were making too much noise for David to get to sleep so he got up and grabbed a couple of ball gags from the cabinet and went into their room and switched the light back on and he walked straight up to Olivia who had just orgasmed and he placed the ball gag into her mouth and fastened it behind her head and then went over to Claire and did the same with her. He then switched the light off one last time and went to bed.The next MorningDavid woke his usual sort...
After mom returned from Adil’s flat, she looked quite happy. I decided to act unknown of the affair between mom and Adil. Whenever I met Adil, I would not discuss anything I saw. Mom and Adil would now meet more often in my absence. I realized now that my 45-year-old mom Chitra was sexually deprived. Hence had developed physical relations with my friend Adil, who was 21 years younger. They used to meet privately, so I could not see much of their action for the next few days. But I was curious...
All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
Amanda opened her eyes and looked around. She hurt all over, especially in her back where she felt a big lump. Mark sat slumped over in his chair sound asleep. She yawned and tried to stretch. That hurt too much. She raised her right arm high enough to stare at her hand. She never realized how much she had taken her wonderful body for granted all her life. From then on, she vowed to herself, she would treat her body with more respect, much more. Life was too precious to waste. Mark opened...
Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...
Fantasies and the next nightPart one of this series, gave all the dirty details, of how my wife Ann and I hatched a fantasy about her fucking my best friend. For months it remained nothing more than a fantasy that she and I used to heighten our sexual pleasure. I don't think either of us ever intended for things to go further, but one fact is undeniable. Each time we invited that fantasy into our bed, we fed it a large helping of lust. It grew larger, bolder, more detailed, nastier, and more...
I was now on my hands and knees, fully naked before my daughter. Tugging on my leash, she led me into the bath tub, removed my collar, and turned on the shower. In moments I was drenched by the ice cold water as it sprayed down on my back and head. I began to shiver as the tub slowly filled. When it finally did, Stacey turned off the water, took hold of the liquid soup and poured it all over my back. "Butter Cup, you are being such a good girl doggy, now hold...
So my baba is now ready for the next lesson..“What lesson’ I asked with great astonishment.”……… Till this you read in my earlier stories.. ( MY ABC OF SEX I & II ) how Veena taught me to Suck her boobs and how to kiss. Now my next lesson…!She made her hand reach to my shorts and put inside it. My fucking machine was almost fully hard to go for any lesson. She undress me, pulled down my shorts and grabbed my penis in her hand. Veena kneeled down to me with a smile on her face and dropped down...
The city of Holly Grove. A small city by all respects, sits at the crossroads of the Borall Valley, a wide reaching expanse of farmland and forrests. Once every year, after the fall harvest, the faire grounds are prepared and the entire month is filled with revelry and celebration. Holly Grove swell in population, nearly 40,000 people come to attend the faire and partake in its events.