Anthea s baby 1
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Thisis the story of a teenage who want to seduce the teacher she has a chrush on My name is Amy Cotter and this is what happened on my last day at school.
I took a deep breath and looked at myself the mirror. On any other school day Id be wearing a very different set of clothes. The school code of conduct stated that all pupils should wear a uniform consisting of a white shirt or blouse and either black or grey trousers or a knee length black or grey pleated skirt. It was ok to wear a plain black sweater as well. Normally Id have my black school trousers on with a pair of trainers and a baggy long sleeved white shirt, Id have my long red hair tied in a ponytail which Id shove down the back of my coat and very little make up. I never bothered with much in the way of lipstick and blusher, I dont mean to be boastful but I do believe Im an attractive young woman. So that would be all, it rarely took more than ten minutes for me to get dressed, make myself look somewhat appealing, and be out of the door on a school day. Today was very different though.
It was in fact the last day of school, at 3pm that afternoon I would no longer be a pupil at Hamilton Community School, there was an option for us to actually stay on for another year after today, all the people that chose to do so would be put in a single class and get the best tutors for a few days a week, but I had no intention of doing so. I would be a free woman, and Id craved for school to end for so long but not for the usual reasons. Sure I wanted to be free, I was 18 years old and itching to see the real world but there was another reason. The last day of school would be my first, and last, chance to finally confess my love to the person that had dominated my thoughts and fantasies for the last four years, my English teacher Miss Sullivan.
Being head over heels in love with Miss Charlene Sullivan presented two problems for me, firstly theres the fact that shes a woman and I didnt know for sure if she liked girls in that way, although I did, however, have a reason to think that she might be.
About a year ago Id seen her in the parking lot behind the school with an attractive woman. I kept watching, or more accurately spying, on them and realised they were holding hands as they walked towards Charlenes car, then, just as she opened the car door they actually kissed each other on the lips! It didnt look like a particularly long or intimate kiss from where I had been standing but it did look to me like there was quite a bit of feeling there.
After the kiss ended Charlene and the mystery woman got into the car and drove away, my imagination was rife with sordid fantasies about what they got up to afterwards. Of course I could have read the situation entirely wrong, it might have been just a close friend or anything, time had jaded my memory and it was hard remembering exactly how intimate the kiss had been. That, however, was my one and only bit of encouragement I could take into todays attempt.
My second problem was that she is my English teacher, so even if she did like girls and I was able to seduce her nothing could come of it because it would be i*****l, even though I was above the age of consent she would get into a lot of trouble and most likely lose her job.
However, after 3pm I would no longer be her pupil. I still had no idea if she would react badly or not but I had to try, if I didnt Id hate myself forever. Every day at school Id listened to her beautiful voice as she called out the class register in a morning (shes also my class main form tutor.) During English classes Id watch every movement she made, when she spoke to our class or read through whatever book we were studying at the time Id dreamily let her voice travel through me and focus on her lips, every little curvature seemed to be intensely erotic to me, often the actual words escaped me and I rarely took notice of what she was actually saying.
What really made my heart flutter was her smile, it would light up even the darkest room, many nights I had laid in my bed imagining kissing her smiling lips and running my fingers through her short blonde hair. I wanted to taste her mouth and feel her warm tongue rub against mine, I yearned to run my tongue over her beautiful lips, would she keep smiling while I did it? Would she give out a contented sigh if I kissed my way up her neck and pulled her tightly against my body, our breasts pushing together and my knee rising up between her thighs…?
A knock on the bathroom door followed by a voice brought me crashing back to earth.
Are you gonna be much longer in there? I want to use the shower when youve done!
I wont be long Becky, I shouted back through the door. Im just finishing my hair, should be about five minutes.
Ok, Ive put the kettle on! Becky shouted back at me. Call me when youre done.
Becky is my little s****r, shes only 9 months younger than me but its easy to tell that Im the eldest, shes 5 feet and 3 inches tall and Im closer to being 5 feet and 8 inches tall, so shes my little s****r in every sense of the word. She would have to wait a little bit longer to use the bathroom though, I wanted to look as close to a supermodel as possible today, if I was to have any chance at all with Miss Sullivan Id have to look at my very best, which was the main reason I was dressed in this new way.
As I mentioned before, Becky is my little s****r, she wasnt at school today because her year group (the one below me) had broken up the day before, and so Id been able to borrow some of her clothes. I ditched my normal baggy long sleeved white shirt in favour of Beckys short sleeved shirt. Of course it was smaller than my own shirt but not by a massive amount, Becky wore her clothes baggy as well. When I put it on and fastened it up the sleeves actually went right up to my shoulders with just a tiny bit of the material hanging over, it actually looked quite good. The shirts length was the main issue, my breasts are slightly larger than Beckys, so it was pulled pretty tight. To help relieve the tightness I undid the top two buttons. As a result my cleavage was much more on show, Id just about convinced myself wear the shirt like this but while I was checking it out in the mirror I realised how much my bra strap was standing out. It was like a thick ridge running across my back. I was about to discard the whole idea and put my usual shirt back on but something stopped me. This would be my only shot at this, its difficult to convey just how much I needed this to work. I felt like my entire life hinged on this day, I was going to tell Charlene that I loved her and I needed her to see me as a grown woman, not as a silly school k** with a crush.
I had to make this extra effort, just this once, so I took the shirt off, discarded my bra, and then put the shirt back on. I undid a few buttons at the top and bottom so it looked a little more natural, the shirt parted at the bottom and showed off my navel, the hemline didnt even make it to the waistband of my skirt. Yes, today was the first time Id actually wear a school skirt, and Id be pushing the rules to the limit. My own, and still brand new, pleated skirt came down to my knees as the code of conduct demanded and thats what I was wearing. However, underneath the skirt I was also wearing Beckys skirt. I planned to wear the sensible skirt to school and at some point during the day Id sneakily take it off and put it in my school bag.
When I saw myself in Beckys little skirt I almost went straight to the drawer for some trousers but, once again, I knew it would only be this once and I had to look perfect. This one was different to mine, it was grey but didnt have any pleats so it was essentially a mini skirt. The hemline was about an inch or two below my buttocks and it clung tightly to my thighs, I have to admit though, it made me feel very sexy, I have pretty long legs and this skirt showed off almost every inch of them and every little movement I made caused it to ride up a little higher, Id have to stay in my sensible skirt right up until the last minute, as soon as we were alone in the classroom Id make the switch under the table.
I had some knee socks as well, Id seen some girls at school wearing these kinds of socks with short skirts before and the effect they had on me was quite profound. A rumour went around that girls wearing those short skirts were given detentions for breaking the uniform code. I didnt allow myself to dwell on what other people would think about me though. If things went as planned the only person who would see me in this outfit would be Miss Sullivan herself.
Before getting dressed Id gone in the shower and shaved my arms, legs and pubic hair. I didnt do it because I expected to be having sex with her, it was more to bolster my confidence and make me feel just a little more attractive. I brushed my hair down so it fell naturally around my shoulders and down my back. Finally, to finish the transformation I used some nice lipstick, it was liquid pink and made my lips look moist.
I looked at myself in the one more time mirror and took another deep breath, this was it. I was so nervous that I could see myself trembling in the mirror and a question kept ringing in my brain. What if she says no? What if she says no? What if…? I tried to ignore the incessant chanting in my head and pulled my jacket on and fastened it over my shirt (if my parents had seen the way my tits were out on show they wouldnt have let me leave!) I turned away from the mirror and left the bathroom. I had just enough time to drink the hot coffee my s****r had made for me, then, with my heart in my mouth and my stomach in a knot, I got up and said bye to everyone.
Have a good day, Mum shouted after me as I opened the door.
I sure hope so, I whispered to myself as I grabbed my school bag and hung it on my shoulder.
What if…?
* * * * * * * * * * *
Every step I took on the way to school made me ever more nervous, it was quite windy outside and my hair was being blown all over the place, eventually I smoothed it down and tucked it into my jacket. The wind served as a constant reminder of why I never liked wearing skirts, the hemline of my sensible pleated skirt was being lifted and blown, it was like God was being pervy and using the wind to see up my skirt. I rounded the corner at the end of the street and suddenly became short of breath as my school came into view. It began to dawn on me that things were getting real, I was wearing the standard school uniform on top but underneath I was dressed like a whore. Could I really do this? Was it worth it? I slowed my pace and for the hundredth time that day I considered forgetting the whole thing.
Amy? Hey Amy!
I turned around and saw one of my friends approaching me. There are quite a few routes to get to the school but they all sort of converge on a single street, like many different streams flowing into the same river.
Wait up! she called. It was Kylie, wed been friends since the first day of school, we always say next to each other when we were in the same lessons and we were often chastised by many teachers for messing around and giggling in the back of the class. You could say we were just the stereotypical schoolgirls. I f***ed a smile as I waited for her, it actually made me feel a little better knowing that I wouldnt have to walk there on my own. So my mind was finally made up, for now at least, Id just go with the flow and see what happens.
I wasnt sure it was you at first, Kylie said as she drew level with me. Dont think Ive ever seen you in a skirt before.
I know, but my normal trousers werent ready so I just threw this on, I lied. I couldnt tell her the truth of course.
We linked arms and chatted as we walked to school for the last time, I cant have been very good company because my mind was dead set on the day ahead and what might happen. Id see Miss Sullivan in the morning for registration and again at 2pm for our final round up with her. It was meant to be a sort of last minute advice session or something. Then, at 3pm, the final bell would go and wed leave for the last time, thats when I would make my move on her.
We arrived in the classroom just before 9am and took our seats near the middle of the class, there were 3 rows of 5 tables and, looking forward from the teachers big desk, we were on the right hand side and three tables up, I sat on the outside of the table and Kylie sat on the side closest to the wall. The reason Id chosen this position was so Id get an unobstructed view of the teacher and, more importantly, from her position she could see above and below the table, this meant shed easily see my legs and my shirt without having to move. I knew this because a few days ago Id sat in her chair and looked around to see where Id best be able to show off my cleavage and my legs at the same time. Id put a lot of thought into this whole set up, I just hoped it would be enough. As I sat down I pulled the hem of my skirt up and stretched my legs out under the table. Thats when the door opened and Miss Charlene Sullivan breezed into the room.
Shes around 5 feet and 11 inches tall although I guess about 3 inches of her height was down to her shoes which had pretty thick soles and heels. She was wearing a beautiful silky red shirt which showed off a bit of her chest but, of course, it wasnt showing any of her cleavage. Her breasts seemed quite small in that shirt but, as Id never seen them in the flesh, I couldnt be totally sure on that. She also wore a long black skirt with a hemline that danced around her ankles as she walked, at first I was quite disappointed as Id hoped to see her legs.
She has the most beautiful legs Ive ever seen, Id once seen her in a short gym skirt and Id almost cum in my panties, Id watched every move shed made that day, every gust of wind or movement that even slightly raised the hemline was like a personal gift from God to me and it had made my pussy weep. It looked like today shed gone conservative but then as she turned to face the class I saw that the skirt had quite a long slit up the right hand side, I got a brief flash of her exquisite thigh and my pussy immediately responded, please God let this be the day when everything goes right. I repeated the sordid prayer several times in my head as I watched her read out the names of each pupil, when it got to my name she turned to me and smiled that epic smile I loved so much.
Amy Cotter, Miss Sullivan called just as she turned to me with that smile.
Here, I responded. As I looked at her I noticed her eyes ever-so slightly look down, I was certain shed looked at my legs! Just knowing that shed seen me was enough to make my head spin again. Almost immediately after shed read the last name on her list the bell went and everyone stood up and made their way out of the room.
I felt the hem of my skirt fall back around my knees as I slowly stood and made my way out, I glanced in her direction and almost drowned my panties. She was sat with her legs crossed and the slit on the skirt had fallen away to the sides of her legs, so I could see her bare legs right up to the tops of her thighs. Her head was turned away so I lingered there for a moment, enjoying the sight of her bare skin. It seemed that no one else had noticed because they were all heading straight for the door without a second glance. Oh how I yearned, ached, to reach out and feel her silky skin, to run my hand over her knee first, then stroke my way up and over her thigh before reaching between her legs and under what remained of her skirt. I never want to move from here, I wanted to stay and look at her, please just let this moment pass a little bit slower. Eventually she turned towards me, she saw me standing there and smiled at me.
You look nice today Amy, I dont think Ive ever seen you in a skirt, she said looking down at the hemline of my skirt.
Oh, ummm, thank you, Miss, I replied with a goofy smile. I guess I just felt like a change today, as its the last day.
Oh, I see, she said. Well, if I had a figure and a pair of legs like you Id want to show them off too. I must have gone bright red, I desperately wanted to tell her how good her legs were and how beautiful she was but the words wouldnt come.
Youd better get off, (no shit) Or youll miss your lesson, she said. I nodded and smiled at her then I almost ran out the door! Oh my God she noticed me and she thinks my figure and legs are nice!
With this little confidence boost in the bag I hurried after Kylie.
See you all later, Miss Sullivan called after us.
What if…?
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The rest of the day passed in a sort of blurry dream, I couldnt focus on anything and I certainly couldnt confide in anyone. Kylie knew I was into girls but I think she thought it was some kind of teen phase, I knew better. I still liked guys but the thought of a man putting himself inside me was a real turn off, whenever I saw a porn movie or even when I heard people describing it to me it always seemed to be a little too invasive, most of my fantasies were centred around you-know-who.
At lunchtime Id sat in the large dining room with Kylie as usual, it was a pretty big room full of noise, tables and heat from the kitchen. I wasnt eating anything, the sheer thought of swallowing something made me feel nauseous. It was like I was waiting for a massive examination or a hugely important job interview, all I could think about was how things were going to pan out and how Id even begin to cope. It was this train of thought that got me thinking about the best case scenario, what if it all went well? What if, after the bell rang and the classroom was empty, Id stand up with my tiny skirt and my newly discovered cleavage and stride towards her. She would open her mouth to speak and thats when Id strike.
The second her lips parted I could push my tongue in between them, Id taste the inside of her mouth, drawing her own tongue into my mouth so I could close my lips around it, sucking it. (Id seen it a porn movie a few days ago and it had appealed to me very much.) Then maybe Id tear open her shirt and slip my hand inside her bra, cupping her breast as I continue my assault on her beautiful lips. By now shed be totally up for it, (not likely but fuck it, it was my fantasy after all.) She could reach around my waist and pull my little s****rs skirt up before sliding her hands down the back of my underwear to cup my buttocks. Then, shed take hold of the waistband of my panties and roughly pull them apart, tearing the soaking wet garment away from my damp skin, now she could pull me closer and guide my head down towards her breasts. Id kiss all around her pert pink nipple first, and then guide the tip of my tongue around it, making her shiver and squirm, then Id give her what she wanted, my lips would part then close down, sucking the little pink bud into my warm mouth. While I ever so slowly tease her nipple with my tongue Id take hold of her other breast and gently give it a squeeze lest it would feel left out as I continued to arouse its twin.
Finally, her hand would glide over my clean shaven, and now fully exposed, pussy. Her fingers would lightly brush against my slit first, and then shed gently stroke up and down, with each stroke shed push a little harder and part my wet lips a little wider, and then, at long last, Id feel Miss Sullivans finger on my clitoris and…..oh fuck!!!
I snapped back to reality and the beautiful imagery dissolved into the noisy dining room, which seemed much hotter than before. I dont know how long Id been lost in the fantasy but now I really could feel fingers on my pussy, unfortunately they were my own. Somehow, probably while my mouth was full of my teachers tits, Id allowed my hand to slip under the table and into the waistband of my skirt, my s****rs skirt and finally my panties. The first thing to do was obvious, I quickly scanned around the room to see if anyone had noticed what I was doing, Kylie had her head turned away from me and was talking to some guy on the table next to ours. For a couple of seconds my head was on a swivel, I mustve looked like some kind of nervous and horny owl! I was relieved to see nothing that indicated Id been watched and breathed a sigh of relief. Now there were a couple of other things to do.
My hand was still down there and very wet, I slowly withdrew it while trying not to touch the now ultra-sensitive lips of my pussy. I grazed them with my fingernail and nearly squealed out loud, instead I just closed my thighs together and tensed up until the over-the-top reflex action gave way. My school bag was at my feet and if had a few clothes in there as well as my school books and pencil case. Id brought a pair of my normal trousers, some spare panties and a sweater in case something happened and I needed to look respectable in a hurry, it also contained the pair of white knee socks Id tried on that morning. I leant down and unzipped my bag and dried my hand on the sweater, I know it wasnt very lady like but it was the best I could do. In recent masturbation sessions Id actually started tasting myself, again it was something Id seen on the internet where a girl is finger fucked by another girl and then she licks her partners fingers afterwards. It seemed a bit icky at the time but I was curious so I figured what the hell? It wasnt the taste that got me more turned on though, it was the thought of where the juice had come from. Anyway, as I couldnt exactly lick my hand clean here I did the next best thing and dried it off.
It was while I was leaning down that I noticed my breasts, Id left a couple of buttons open because of how warm it was but now, after my little episode my nipples were straining against the thin shirt and poking through, not only that but at some point during my fantasy I must have touched my breasts or pulled on my shirt because now they were almost spilling out of the top of my shirt! It was a lot more cleavage than I was comfortable showing in public, so I quickly tucked them back into the shirt and buttoned it up to the top while slightly wishing Id worn that bra after all. Now all I needed to do was remove my wet underwear and put on the spare panties that were in my bag, I couldnt risk walking to the bathroom like this so it had to be done there and then.
I pulled the sweater out and slyly used the sleeve on my thighs, then, after a quick scan of my surroundings I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties and pulled, slightly raising my buttocks off the seat, I did it quickly and wrapped them up in the sweater after Id used the other sleeve to wipe myself. I was doing really well, I put the sweater in my bag and started clawing around inside to retrieve my spares.
Thats when the bell rang and everyone stood up.
Are you coming Amy? Kylie asked just as I was about to pull them out.
Uh, yeah Im coming, Despite my predicament I couldnt help smiling at the irony of that statement. Now that she was looking at me I couldnt pull them out and put them on so instead I shoved them back in and zipped up my bag. I stood up and smoothed my skirt down, Id have to find a moment during the next hour to get changed anyway because after that it would be time for the final reckoning, so to speak.
That opportunity never came because the next class was in an open room with no tables so there was no way I could discreetly pull my replacement panties on. To make matters worse we were all sat in a semi-circle with me on the end so pretty much everyone could see me. I could hardly sit still, I felt like everyone knew I was naked beneath my skirt and I constantly smoothed my dress down and tightly crossed my legs. Even though I was terrified that someone might see up my skirt I couldnt help feeling slightly empowered in a strange way. I felt so sexy!
My knee length skirt was the regulation length and I wasnt the only girl wearing one but, somehow, I felt so different. My long red hair was settled around my face, I had cute lipstick on and my breasts and legs were much more on show than they had ever been before today. I wanted to explore this feeling a bit more but it would have to wait, it was hard enough trying not to think about Miss Sullivan in case I phased out and came all over the floor without also thinking about the new thrill of exhibitionism Id suddenly felt. So I tried to focus on whatever the fuck the teacher was droning on about and watched the clock tick around until, at last, it got to 1.55pm and the bell rang. In five minutes Id be sitting down in Miss Sullivans classroom for the last time and, about an hour from now, Id know whether all of this had been worth it.
Again those two little words that had been haunting me for the last few weeks entered my mind.
What If…?
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
As we made our way out of the classroom I told Kylie that Id meet her in the next class because I needed to go to the ladies bathroom. I was stiff with tension but Id come so far, I couldnt wimp out now. I put on my replacement panties, Id considered leaving them off and flashing my crack from under the table at her but I decided that it would be too extreme. After all there was a fair chance that this could all come to nothing and I didnt want her to think I was a slut or something. No, this had to be subtle, Id most likely give her an eyeful of my panties from time to time during the lesson, whether I intended to or not considering the skirt Id be wearing. I pulled on the knee socks until they were about an inch or so over my knees, the effect would be more profound when Id swapped skirts because now only a tiny amount of flesh was visible between the top of the socks and the hem of the skirt. I pulled the waistband of my skirt up slightly so a tiny bit of thigh was on show, I did consider just swapping skirts and arriving in the classroom with Beckys skirt on but, again, I felt that would be too much too soon.
I checked out my reflection in the large bathroom mirror and made some final adjustments, stroked my hair back so it was nice and straight, it reached to about the middle of my shoulder blades when I straightened it like this. I arranged my fringe so it nicely framed my face, then I quickly touched up my lipstick (Id brought a spare, of course) until my lips got to the same colour and moisture as this morning. There was only 2 minutes left for me to get up to the English block for the final lesson of the day, I looked at myself in the mirror once more.
This is it, I told my reflection. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder, took a deep breath, then strode out of the bathroom and made my way to the classroom.
On the way there Id seen one or two people with raised eyebrows as I briskly walked past, it was nice being checked out and I wondered why Id been so conservative with my appearance in the past, again that confidence Id discovered earlier surged through me and lasted right until I got to the door of the room. The last few people were entering the room and just as I stepped through the door and saw her standing at the front of my class I suddenly became that pathetic little girl with a crush on her teacher.
As I walked towards the specially designated table Id picked earlier I noticed Miss Sullivan turn her gaze towards me, then away again, then she looked for a second time, I turned to her and weakly smiled. She looked at me and was clearly surprised, obviously shed seen me this morning in my jacket and skirt but now my jacket was open and fully displaying the cleavage that was hidden earlier, also my skirt had gotten a little bit shorter from when Id pulled up the waistband and, finally, I was now sporting a pair of white knee socks and, in turn, showing off a little bit of thigh.
Her eyebrows rose slightly and then she hit me with her smile, it felt like being shot in the chest when she smiled at me, I wondered if she approved of my new dress sense. Surely if shed been disgusted by it she wouldnt have smiled so warmly, for the first time I had some real and genuine hope, shed looked me up and down and smiled, that must have meant something! I spun around and sat at the table next to Kylie and watched Miss Sullivan walk to the front of the room and begin speaking, once again I paid more attention to the clock than anything else.
Id been waiting for an opportunity to take off the skirt and stuff it in my bag for about half an hour, it had been a pretty informal chatting session where we talked about what wed do after school and what options were open to us. Id been hoping that there would either be a quiet time where everyone was concentrating on something or that there would be some kind of other distraction and that chance finally came a few minutes later. There was a large TV in the corner and there was a short 10 minute film for us to watch, it was one of those boring educational things where some guy goes on about college and university and so on. It was quite a bright day so the lights were turned off and some of the curtains were closed, this would be as good a chance as any, the only problem would be Kylie, even with the lights off and the TV on she would easily see what I was doing.
Thats when I got another piece of luck, we were friends with the two girls who were sitting at the table behind us and one of them, Carla, tapped Kylie on the back and they started talking to each other. I waited until she had her back to me then slipped my thumbs into the waistband of my sensible skirt, I had to do this quickly. I raised myself very slightly off my seat and gently tugged the waistband down, in one swift motion I guided it down my legs, over my knees and let it fall to my ankles. After a quick scan of the room to make sure I hadnt been seen I lowered myself back on to my seat, suddenly feeling the texture of the moulded plastic on my thighs, I leant down and took the skirt off the floor and shoved in in my bag. After I sat up straight I looked down at my legs and, oh my God, Id forgotten just how short this thing was!
Because I was sat down the skirt had ridden up to the point where it barely covered my underwear, I adjusted it until it covered as much as possible but that meant lowering the waistband down to the point where it was right on my hips, just a little bit higher than my panties! Now, at least, the skirt was covering my rear but I could still feel the cold plastic chair on my upper thighs, I pulled the knee socks up as far as they would go but they only just reached a little bit higher that they were at to begin with. As I continued adjusting myself I noticed that the TV had fallen silent and Miss Sullivan was heading towards the light switch.
Now Id passed the point of no return, there was no way I could put my other skirt back on in the time it took the lights to come on and certainly no chance to pull out the trousers or the sweater, so I just crossed my legs and budged my chair further beneath the table, when the teacher sat down at her desk shed have a clear view of my new look, now that I was all in and fully committed I would try to stick as close to my plan/fantasy as possible. The lights flickered back to life and the first thing I noticed was the clock. 2.45pm.
Miss Sullivan muttered something about the video to the class and a few people laughed, most likely it was a reference to the boring cunt on the video wed just watched. She moved towards her chair and asked the class if anyone had any questions or concerns about life after school. One or two hands went up and Miss Sullivan patiently answered the questions, at this point I was stretching my legs so far under the table Id probably trip someone up but it seemed that this piece of planning would not go my way. 2.50pm.
Finally, she sat down and crossed her legs, unfortunately the parting in her skirt revealed nothing to me. They were all still talking but to be honest all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beating. It thumped inside my chest so hard that I began to worry it might push my tits out of my shirt, happily that didnt happen. What did happen was what Id been waiting for, she briefly looked in my direction and I saw her eyes lower, my legs began tingling in a funny way as if they knew they were being looked at. She looked for a couple of seconds then turned away, there was no smile this time. 2.55pm.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. 2.58pm.
Anyway, I wish you all the best of luck in the future whatever you decide to do with it, its been a pleasure to see you all grow up, and an even bigger pleasure to see the back of you, said Miss Sullivan to a chorus of laughs from everyone in the class. Well, almost everyone, I had other things on my mind, and those same two words circled in my head like some kind of insect in my mind. What if?
3.00. The bell rang.
From this moment onwards I was no longer a student at this school and Miss Sullivan was no longer my teacher. Now we were just two women, Amy Cotter and Charlene Sullivan. As people stood up and began saying their goodbyes to their classmates I pretended to be messing about with my bag, Kylie kissed me on my cheek and I told her Id call her later. Maybe Id have something very juicy to tell her about, or something very depressing. She left and said a quick goodbye to Miss….to Charlene and disappeared through the door followed by the girls who had been sat behind us earlier. The room was clearing quite slowly so I continued to pretend I was rummaging in my bag, I was hoping that no one else would stay for too long. After a few moments I peeked over the table and saw just two more former students making their way out. They shouted a final goodbye as the door swung shut. Now it was just me and Charlene.
Everything ok there Amy, she asked.
Yeah, fine, I just uh, thought Id lost something, I lied. But its ok, Im about sorted.
I noticed that you were dressed a little differently today, if this had been a regular school day Id have been obliged to give you a warning. She was smiling as she spoke so I knew she was just playing around. Why the sudden change in attitude?
I dont know, I lied again. Its a nice day and I was tired of always wearing the same outfit.
Ah, I see.
If she thought that my other skirt was a little bit too revealing I wondered how shed react when I got the courage to stand up. She had been sat on the edge of the table while we were talking but now she stood up and walked away from me towards her desk. This was it.
I got to my feet and smoothed the skirt down as best I could and walked unsteadily towards her, she still had her back to me.
Ill miss you, I said rather more pathetically than intended.
Ill miss you and everyone else too, she replied in her soft voice. She had begun to turn around towards me again. I stepped closer so that when she turned around Id be about a foot away from her.
When she turned to face me I saw her flinch a bit, Id obviously startled her.
Im sorry, didnt mean to frighten you, my voice was a shaky as the rest of me, I trembled as if the temperature had dropped several degrees.
Its ok, Charlene replied. I just didnt expect you to be there. I could see she was a bit bemused by my behaviour. It seemed to grow when she noticed what I was now wearing, when Id made her jump shed stepped back and now she had a good full frontal view of me. She opened her mouth to say something, in my fantasy Id kissed her at this point but I just wasnt brave enough, instead I just put my arms around her waist and laid my head on her shoulder,
Ill really miss you, I said softly. I was surprised and delighted when I felt her arms around me, even more so because her hands were touching my bare back between my skirt and shirt.
Hey, its ok sweetheart, her lips were so close to be that I felt her breath on my cheek. I was so close! I didnt realise how short that skirt is, she said in a lighter tone. I guess you really have grown in confidence.
Yea, I guess thats it, but I wanted to look nice for the last day, I almost told her the truth, that Id dresses this way in an attempt to look appealing to her, but I stopped myself.
Well it suits you, she said. Its difficult to explain exactly what those words meant to me, I got a massive surge of confidence that went through me like a tidal wave. Id dressed to impress and it had worked, she thought I looked good wearing such revealing clothes which must mean she thinks I have a nice body. That brief surge made my mind up, I knew what I had to do.
I loosened my grip around her waist and lifted my head up off her shoulder, I moved very slowly and didnt say a word. As I moved back I felt her hands fall away from me but she couldnt step back because of the desk behind her. As I moved my head away I purposely grazed my cheek against hers, very slowly I moved back, enjoying the feeling of her skin on mine until I got to the required position. I turned a little to the side so we were facing each other, we were so close that our noses were almost touching. I didnt dare to look into her eyes, instead I lowered my gaze to her lips, it was pretty difficult to be sure but for a moment I thought I saw her smile. My mind was screaming at me, do it Amy, do it now!
I closed the gap between us so my nose rubbed against hers, her lips were so close to mine, and every part of my body was shaking. Please dont reject me, please dont. Our lips were literally millimetres away and finally, after all this time Id do it. I moved forward just enough so my lips would brush against hers at first and then, with a little prayer I took a leap of faith and pressed them firmly against her, gently planting a sweet kiss on her beautiful lips. Now, at this point Id give pretty much anything, Id do anything just to feel her kiss me back.
I couldve literally jumped for joy when I felt her lips respond to my touch. For what seemed like an eternity everything melted away, there was no classroom, no school, no silly uniforms and no sound, it was like the world had gone dark and fallen silent and the only thing in the world that had any substance was this one kiss. Our lips pressed together a little harder but even though from the outside it might look like an innocent peck on the lips, to me it was the single most sensual feeling Id ever had.
I put my arms around her neck and gently ran my fingers through her hair, still our lips were locked together, it was like we were each waiting for the other person to move it forward, however, Charlene must have just realised what was happening and, more to the point, where it was happening so she moved her head back and broke the kiss.
Amy I…we cant do this, she whispered. I couldve crumbled to the floor with disappointment.
P…please, was all I could say. I felt her hand on my cheek as she guided me away from her. I still didnt look right at her, this time it was pure embarrassment that stopped me from facing her directly. I could feel her eyes on me, like hot lasers focusing on my head.
I kept my eyes lowered, despite everything I was enjoying the way she gently held my cheek and stroked my hair, I wasnt sure what was going on at the moment and I didnt have a clue what might happen next, I just wanted to stay here but, eventually she took her hand away from my cheek and stopped stroking my hair.
Surprisingly I felt a bit of relief, Id been thinking about this for so long, putting myself under this pressure and now it was over. How could I have been so blind, just because Id seen her kiss a woman once Id assumed that she just had to be a lesbian! And what was I thinking by wearing all this stuff? That if I flashed a bit of thigh shed come running? I must be the most arrogant, c***dish….
Amy? She whispered, pulling me out of the self-loathing episode. Amy, look at me.
I couldnt.
Its ok, she said softly. She moved away the hair that hung over my face and tucked it behind my ears, then brought a finger to my chin and slowly tilted it upwards, we were still stood really close together so when we were face to face again we couldnt have been more than a few inches apart. My eyes were still lowered, avoiding her gaze, instead I looked at those beautiful lips that I had ever-so slightly tasted a moment ago
I…Im sorry, I whispered. I just…just had to try, I love you and…
Amy, Im your teacher, she said softly.
No, no youre not. Not anymore.
Well…no, she paused for a moment. Is this why youre dressed so differently today?
Yeah, I admitted, still feeling incredibly foolish. I thought that you might…like girls. I saw you once, kissing another woman, so I thought that if I looked nice you might…and now that Im not a student anymore… My voice trailed off, I was babbling and what was left of my dignity was bleeding away.
It was quiet for a moment, Charlenes left hand was resting on my shoulder while her other hand cupped my cheek. She was silent. I had said everything, it was all out. I guessed that she was either simply processing everything Id said, or she was waiting for me to pull myself together and leave.
It was so quiet, I didnt want to move my head because she might stop touching my cheek, instead I just opened my eyes wider and looked up, I could only see her lips from this position which, as it turned out, was enough for me to get excited. She was smiling! Not a sympathetic oh dear what a shame smile or an awkward how the fuck do I get rid of her smile. It was a smile that gave me hope.
Oh Amy, what am I going to do with you? She continued. Still smiling, she turned her head in the direction of the classroom door then back to me, and then she put a finger under my chin and gently raised it until we were face to face again. I wondered what the hell was going on, nothing made much sense until…
Listen, to me Amy. Charlene abandoned the soft tone and used her teacher voice. It worked because I immediately looked up at her. No matter what, you have to promise me, and I mean really promise me that you will never breathe a word of this to anyone.
Amy? She was waiting for an answer.
Yes, Miss, (shit!) I mean, no, no I wont, I sounded ridiculous and felt like a pathetic schoolgirl with a silly crush. Just to be sure shed got the message I shook my head from side to side.
Good, said Charlene, more to herself than me. Thats good.
My chin still rested on her finger and I was looking up at her. She turned to look at the door a final time, and then turned back to face me. She paused for a moment and just stared at me, I met her gaze for a moment, then the hand that had been under my chin circled round to the back of my head and, with all the tenderness in the world, pulled me towards her, the space between us was quickly closed and, for the second time today, our lips met each other.
Even when my lips were closing in on Charlenes I half expected things to go wrong but, happily, it seemed like smooth sailing for now. Her lips lightly touched mine with just a tiny amount pressure at first, as if we were introducing them to each other, but then our kisses got a little harder. I suddenly felt deeply erotic, especially when I felt the tip of her tongue trace the outline of my lips and then, with a deftness that almost made me cry out, she worked her way between my lips and, for the first time in my life, I felt a womans tongue on mine.
Charlene was speeding things up now, her tongue danced around mine inside my mouth while she ran her fingers through my long hair. My inexperience began to show itself because I wasnt certain what to do with my hands, so I just copied what she was doing to me. Our kiss was becoming a little more passionate now, Charlene withdrew her tongue from my mouth and gently kissed her way down my chin before planting her wet lips on my neck. As soon as she did I made an involuntary noise.
Charlene seemed to take encouragement from my vocalised approval and kissed me some more, instead of little light pecks she sucked and smooched her way over my soft skin, making her way back up my neck, she stopped off to gently pull my earlobe between her teeth before dragging her lips along my jawbone and final back to my mouth. It was the most erotic and sensual experience of my life up to that point, my beautiful, and former, teacher savouring my taste.
While we kissed, I felt Charlenes hand softly touch my breast through the thin shirt, it wasnt long before I felt my nipples pushing against the fabric, and no doubt she could feel them as the palm of her hand brushed over them, I actually flinched in surprise when she did. Id never had another person touch me like this and I was unprepared for the bolt of pleasure that shot through me with each new sensation.
Is it ok for me to touch you like this? She asked.
Yes, yes of course. I didnt mean to flinch, its all just…new to me, the second I said those words I regretted it! Id never felt quite as embarrassed and inexperienced as I had done then! I didnt have much time to dwell on it though.
Good, dont worry, she said with a smile. She moved back a little and looked down at my shirt, my nipples were starting to ache as they pushed against it. She trailed a path with her finger down my throat and chest and down in-between my breast. My breathing became shallow again as Charlene undid the buttons of my shirt one by one until it fell apart. The relief from the constant straining was wonderful but nowhere near as pleasurable as feeling Charlenes warm hand take hold of my left breast.
I gasped quite loudly when she ever-so-gently squeezed my virgin breasts, so much so that she immediately covered my mouth with her own. She continued to caress me as our lips met again, Id never been so turned on in my life, my hands ran through her beautiful blonde hair and down her back over the silky material of her shirt, I wanted to touch her in the same way she was touching me but I guessed there would be time for that later, for now I enjoyed being the very centre of this beautiful womans attention.
Her hand left my breast and moved lower, down over my bare stomach and then to the waistband of my little skirt.
Is it ok for me to touch you here? Charlene asked as her forefinger slipped inside the waistband of my underwear.
Yes, I said with the breath I had left in my lungs. Touch me anywhere. I did realise how slutty that might have sounded to her but at this point I was too far gone to care. My body was literally pulsing with energy, the pleasure had built up inside me like water builds up against a dam. I was aching for it to be released and it seemed that Charlene knew exactly how to release it.
As soon as Id given her the go-ahead Charlene slipped her hand under the waistband of my skirt. I felt her fingers through the thin material of my increasingly damp panties. She delicately ran her finger around the material before finally slipping beneath and, at last, I felt her touching my pussy.
MMMmmmm, my voice came without my consent. When Id watched porn movies in the past Id assumed the women were faking the vocals, I knew that women dont scream in that way at all but now I knew that, given the right motivation, my body would do whatever it liked, including making noises. I could see Charlene smiling as her finger ran up and down my wet slit, she seemed to love the response she was getting from me. She looked so beautiful, so very….
OOOhhhhh, I squeezed my eyes closed as I felt Charlenes finger delicately slip inside me, she didnt f***e it, just dipped her finger inside me. My head lolled back and rested on her shoulder as Charlene expertly used her fingers to explore my centre, she stroked my wet slit up and down and back again.
Suddenly, Charlenes fingers were gone and she was hastily pulling my skirt back down to cover me up. Then I felt her rapidly buttoning up my school shirt.
W..whats wrong? Did I do something? My panic was clear in my voice.
Shhh its ok Amy, stand up and sort your uniform out, have you still got the other skirt you was wearing earlier? She asked. I could sense the panic in her voice too.
Umm yea, in my bag, I said.
Good, go and put it on quickly, its almost 3.15 and theres meant to be people coming up to this room for a meeting!
Oh, shit, All at once I was relieved that Id done nothing wrong, and scared shitless that we were going to be caught.
Exactly, Charlene replied. I realized that she must have been using her other hand on herself judging by the state of her skirt. I rushed over to retrieve my bag from the table and pulled out the skirt but it was too late. There was a knock on the door and the handle began turning! I shoved the skirt back in the bag and quickly sat down on the chair Id been using earlier, when I felt the cold plastic on my upper thighs again I knew my skirt had ridden up too far but there was no time. My tits were practically out save for two buttons and my skirt was essentially just a thick belt for now. I tried to adjust myself in that split second as best I could, Charlene was already sorted out and beautiful again.
Thats when two other teachers stepped into the room, one was an overweight man in his forties wearing a brown suit and the other teacher was a woman in her fifties in very thick glasses, a green jumper and a pair of brown trousers. Essentially, Mr and Mrs ugly-as-fuck had interrupted the most sensual moment in my life.
Oh, Miss Rutherford, Im sorry Id forgotten all about our chat, I was just having a one-on-one discussion with Amy here, Charlene had slipped back into teacher mode quickly.
Im sorry Miss Sullivan, I didnt mean to take up your time. I said in the cutest voice I could manage. I turned towards the two intruders, would you like me to leave?
Oh, no honey thats ok, the woman said. We can leave this until tomorrow, its nothing vital. I suddenly felt very guilty for my original assessment of her. Well see you tomorrow, Charlene.
Ok, thats fine, Charlene answered. Amy and I will finish up here soon anyway but we can do the meeting tomorrow. As the two people turned around to leave, Charlene briefly glanced at me and gave me a little wink, I almost came in my panties!
Charlene closed the door behind them and waited for a moment, and then she turned to me and burst out laughing!
That was close, said Charlene between giggles. Amy, we cant do this, not here but…if you like you could come home with me and…
Finish what we started? I asked hopefully. It was a strange moment, we both knew what we were referring to, that we wanted to have sex, but neither of us seemed able to actually say it.
Yea, she replied awkwardly. I wondered if it was starting to really sink in for her, that she was going to take home a girl who, only twenty minutes ago, was her legal pupil! It seemed like the more she thought about it, the more she was put off by the idea.
Are you sure its ok? I asked, dreading the answer.
Yea…it is, I dont live to far away, do you want to come with me now? Or do you want to come later, its only on Spearland Road (about a 20 minute walk from my house.) Its up to you because I assume youll be expected back at home? I really wanted to go with her but if I went home first I could get changed and freshen up, then tell my parents I was going to a friends house.
I guess I should go home first but… I hesitated.
What is it? She asked.
Im just a little worried that you might…change your mind later, I admitted.
Oh, dont be silly, she said with a warm smile. I wondered if she had thought the same thing of me. Get your things together and Ill drop you off.
Charlene took hold of my hands and pulled me to my feet, we shared a quick kiss then got ready to leave. I took off the mini skirt and put the longer one on then zipped up my bag and got my coat on. Charlene grabbed her bag and threw her coat on.
Lets go quickly, before the other teachers go to their cars, she said with an urgent tone.
We didnt say much during the walk through the school on the way to the car park, we walked briskly and didnt see anyone on the way. We quickly arrived and Charlene hurriedly unlocked the car and slid in, unlocking the passenger side door for me once inside. No sooner had I closed the door behind me and locked the seat belt in, we were moving out onto the street. Id already told her where I lived and it was a short car journey.
We didnt talk about the coming night, or make any plans, much like in the classroom earlier we seemed to avoid saying anything too revealing.
Drop me off here, I told her when we pulled on to my street. I live a little further up but I dont think my parents should see us, Im not ashamed of you but I dont want them ringing up school or anything.
Thats good thinking, she said as she brought the car to a halt. There was no-one around so I guessed most people were home by now. Listen Amy, youve got my number, if you dont feel comfortable about anything give me a call.
Yea…ok, I said. If you change your mind or something…
Amy, I wont do that, besides nothing has to happen. We can just hang out and watch TV or something, Charlene said earnestly. I know that I did want something to happen but, strangely, knowing that there was still an option took a lot of pressure on me.
Ok, ok then, I said. So, I guess Ill see you later Miss… (FUCK!!)…I mean, Charlene. I couldnt believe Id slipped up again but Charlene seemed to find it funny.
Yea, see you then, she said.
Charlene quickly scanned the street and then leant towards me, still with that wonderful smile on her lips, she reached out to me and cupped my cheek in her hand and guided me towards her. Then, right there in the car, Charlene slipped her tongue between my lips and covered my mouth with her own. We smooched as our tongues danced with each other in my mouth and then in hers, then all too soon she began to slowly withdraw, her lips were on my tongue and as she moved back they dragged along it.
Charlene gave me one final peck on the lips and ran her fingers through my hair.
Ill see you tonight then…
The End
At the moment I dont know how to continue the story, so if you want more please come with suggestions to where the story should go.
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word. Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is not promoting racism in any way, it's just a piece of...
(Gay, Twinks/Males, Submission/Domination, Interracial, School)All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between 5 Black teenage students and their racist teacher. The teenagers dominates the teacher. The N-word will be used fairly often but in context, as the main protagonist is a racist teacher member of the KKK, also the students will often address each other using the N-word.Keep in mind though that Black people in this story are actually the dominant party. This story is...
Yithu mattoru anubhavam: yithil ayalvasi aaya thankachi teacher aanu nammude nayika. Bahrainil ninnu orikkal naattil vannappol undaaya anubhavamanu, 2 varshathil naattilundaaya maattanghal, adhil onnayirunnu jhanghalude yellam priyankaran aayirunna monachan chettante dhaaruna maya maranam. 28 vayas aayirunnu praayam, co-operative bankil secretary aayirunnu, naattil yellavarkum veantapetavan, upakari, 1.1/2 varsham munpu vivaahithanaayi, vadhu naattukariyum jhangalude school le teacher...
Hello friends, en peyar Ganesh vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan kalluriku sernthu muthalaam aandu padithu varugiren. Enaku oru teacher paadam edupaargal avargal engalin pazha kadaiku juice kudika varuvaargal, teacher vayathu 38 irukum. Teacher aninthu irukum aadaiyil mulai pilavu sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irukum, teacher intha vayathilum sexiyaaga aadai aninthu kondu irupaargal. Nandraaga sirithu pesuvaargal, naan kalluri sendru veetirku vanthu pazha kadaiyil thaan velai seithu kondu irupen....
Peter O’Malley was sulking in the dimly lit parking lot. The loud music blasting from the club continued to remind him of the fun he could be having if only…. “What a stupid law,” he fumed. “I can vote. I can be drafted into the army. But at 18 I can’t go into a place where they serve alcohol. What’s so special about being 21? What a stupid, fuckin’ law!” Peter had tried using his fake id, but the bouncer at the door spotted it right away....
Main uttar pradesh rampur me rehta hu.Dosto me aap ko jo story batana chahta hu usne mujhe pehla aur pyara ahsas diya hai.meri Story bata ta hu To dosto suno ab aap ka bhi khara ho jayega agar acchi lage. Me 23 saal ka hu 2 saal pehle ki true khani bata raha hu.main jab bhi us din ko yaad karta hu to dil chahta hai kaash wo din lout kar ajaye. Jab me 2nd year main tha meri pyari teacher computer subject sikha ti thi teacher ki age 24 thi wo itni pyari thi ke un par se meri nigah nahi...
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FantasyThe R.A.I.D. and the Mild Mannered School Teacher Watching the children play, Adam saw several kids form a game of tag. They were laughing and giggling as they ran around. There were innocent kids doing nothing but having fun. They looked like a bunch of boys, but one might have been a girl, as his hair was a bit longer than the rest. Not that it mattered. Adam had forgotten what it felt like to have so much fun just playing. He longed to remember how it was to enjoy himself so much....
(I dedicate this story to Deborah Ford who has given me much encouragement. I am frantically trying to finish "Dana's Revenge" and "My Life in a Cage".) The Student Becomes the Teacher By Tweak "Well, we have finally come to the end of another school year. I, for my part, cannot wait to begin my summer vacation. I plan on having a very relaxing summer slowly traveling across the United States. I realize that for many of you your vacation will be quite a bit shortened thanks...
Sally Harris was an English teacher in the local public high school. She was 45 years old and somewhat plain looking. She was not ugly by no means but she was not what you would call gorgeous, either. She was 5’ 6? tall and was slightly overweight but still decent looking. The most noticeable quality that Sally Harris had was her breats. They were much larger than normal. In fact they were very large and most of the guys in school noticed it. She was devoted to her teaching and was convinced...
Title: The British Teacher. Send comments to: [email protected]: I am not a historian, nor am I trying to be one. Don't let this story offend you because it is historically inaccurate, it's only meant to be a piece of "historical" fiction.Wicker's Pub, London, 8:30 pm. April 1947. "You do know that India is half a world away, your father might be a powerful man her in England, but he can't help you if you ship off to Bombay". Said a handsome British officer sitting at the table....
Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThe moment she came in, i was transfixed. I had settled down in my seat for english, bored as hell, when our teacher announced that our lessons would be taken by a supply teacher, I expected some old ass or some strict fat bitch to walk through the door. Imagine my surprise when Miss Ellen walked thorugh the door. Let me just say, saying that she was "hot" was a huge understatement. she must be no older than 23 (her actual age, I found out later was 22). with blonde hair, slim body with...
I’m finally graduating high school. It has been an amazing four years. I’m a senior and will be having my graduation on Tuesday evening. I’ve done really well in high school. I have maintained an A average and have been on the National Honor Society all four years of high school. I also did very well on my SAT’s and received a scholarship to Rutgers University in New Jersey. I’m the quarterback for my football team. A few schools were interested in me, but I chose Rutgers University. Rutgers...
TabooHi! to all ISS readers.I am Jay from Ahmadabad 24 years old and about 6 feet tall.I am doing M.d at Ahmadabad.Let me tell u all i am a cool guy and fill the environment around me with joy.But i am bit emotional too.This is my first story on ISS. The story starts when i was 14 years old.I was very weak in studies.Not because i was duffer but because i used to take it very lightly.My concentration was entirely on cricket as i was mad about it and also as i was captain of our school team.So i was...
These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. FETISH WARNINGS -Gross pervy sniffing/tasting (armpits, sweat, everything) -Gross bodily fluids -Non-consensual / rape -Face...
Just watching her sitting there, looking at those sensual legs of hers beneath her desk, being crossed then re-crossed....just admiring how sexy those shapely breasts of hers looked under her crisp, white blouse all added towards stirring his thoughts and in turn, ensured his cock was rock hard inside his briefs. Finally, though he knew he was going to be taking an awful risk, he started to write beneath the heading already written boldly at the top of his paper....... To make my...
Hi all! I am Tarun from Mumbai. my email id is: It happened a long-long time ago. I was still in the school. The class, year, and other details I will not revealed. But it is an experience of my life that I will never ever forget. I was a good student in school but my performance in the subject of mathematics was pretty average. We had a new class teacher, who was also our math teacher. Right from the beginning of the session, she used to pay special attention to me. This fact I was simply...
It had been a hard five years for me and my daughter, Julia. Becky had died quite unexpectedly.... we only discovered she had cancer six months before she was gone. Hardly enough time to even get her to any kind of treatment, much less have it do any good. I tried to shield Julia from what her mother was going through as much as I could - an eight-year-old little girl shouldn't have to know how badly life can suck. But Julia was a smart kid, and I'm not sure even today how successful I was at...
Occupations…I’m Jason. I was only half listing to my girlfriend Trina talk about her big crush on the schools male drama teacher, Mr. Miller. I was more interested in feeling her nice tits as I had my hand under her T-shirt and feeling them. I was getting her hot and the hotter she got, the more she talked about her big crush.I decided to mess with her. …..“Have you ever thought about what his cock feels like?…what it would be like if he made a move on you?…kissing you and feeling you up?” She giggled all...
Teacher, Sexy Teacher By Reeb Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body. It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the local diner. She was very tired...
Teacher, Sexy Teacher By Reeb Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body. It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the local diner. She was very tired...
First TimeI sat quietly in my science class, in the middle seat of the middle row. Not drawing attention to myself ... or her. My teacher. My lover. Yes, I have sex with my teacher. I only half-listened to her lesson. I probably could have taught this class myself. So instead, I watched her movements, her body, her face, her look of almost sadness while most of the students, I won’t call them her students, paid little or no attention, bored, whispering to each other about the game tonight or who was...
Introduction: Amy has the hots for her teacher, but will she get the response she wants? (Honestly, I wrote this story a long time ago and I never got around to finishing it off properly, I dont know if I will or not, it depends how well this story is received. Please excuse any perspective changes, I originally wrote this as a 3rd person story! And there might be one or two grammar errors, but nobodys perfect so dont be mean to me! Enjoy! P.T) The Teacher I took a deep breath and looked at...
The main character will be one of these teachers choose which one you wish to send down to their lust filled sex life. They will be pranked by the same students regardless of which one you choose. Keep in mind that among the transformations in turning into a futa if they are old they will start aging backwards becoming younger at a rapid pace till they reach their mid 20's in which they'll age normally afterward. These teachers are going to be in the college scenario and 5 will be set for the...
TranssexualA new young teacher fights her desires for her handsome student.Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body.It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
This is Raj, let me tell you a story when I was in School, many years back, we had got new neighbour, they were middle aged couple with no kids, after sometime my mommy and aunt became friends, and on one fine Easter holidays my mommy was scolding me for taking less mark in math I was sober that time, and same time aunty came and came to know about my problem in math. Aunty convinced my mom that I will be good in math also as she gets enough time to teach me as her husband will remain out of...
Sandy Hauser was sitting poolside on a condo lounge chair soaking in the warm Mexican sun, as she enjoyed the beginning of her getaway vacation. Beside her was Dawn Reynolds. Sandy and Dawn had been best friends since they first met at college. It was as if they were destined to be soul mates. Sandy was twenty-five years old, blond, five-foot-six, very pretty with a complexion that glowed. Her long legs flowed into a perfect ass, which Sandy thought was her best feature, complimented by her...
Two college tarts get the surprise of their short intense sex lives. When Talisia Grey and Zoe Clarke heard they had a relief teacher for their senior play rehearsal day they took it in their usual scheming stride. After-all they were both recently turned eighteen and felt very worldly. They conferred and believed they should be able to make excuses about costumes and knick off to the dressing room for some fun after lunchtime. Piermont College always got that geriatric Allwyn Davies to...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
By Suphilyne A young boy walked into his teacher’s classroom he had black hair, blue eyes, and tannish skin. He saw his teacher, Mrs. Ashley sitting down in her chair and could not help but glance at her chest a few times. Mrs. Ashley had huge tits, but they were not saggy either like his moms they were nice and firm. She had zig-zagged blondish hair, deep yet shocking green eyes, and the best body the young boy had ever seen. Mrs. Ashley broke his train of thought when she asked why...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexy soothu vaithu irukum auntyai eppadi usar seithu othen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ramakrishnan surukamaaga ramkrish endru ennai neengal azhaikalam. En nanban veetirku oru naal nadanthu sendrukondu irunthen. Appozhuthu en mune oru sexiyaaga aunty nadanthu sendrukondu irunthaal, aval soothu sema sexiyaaga pazhuthu irunthathu. Neengal yar antha penin soothai paarthaalum kandipaaga neengal avalai ooka...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
The heroine of the story is my cum goddess – our computer teacher Meena. I completed my higher secondary in a private English medium school. I then joined college.I started masturbating in the classroom itself watching my sexy teachers. When I moved to college, the first thing I was searching for was some sexy teachers for my ‘routine activities’.On the first day, I was very disappointed as I couldn’t find any good looking teachers. So I waited as some boys said that our computer teacher was a...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesMy name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...
My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...