My Son…Leif free porn video

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Introduction: A highly erotic story between a mother and her son… Like most women, I had long dreamed about what the perfect romantic getaway would be like. Each time I thought about it, the fantasy took a different shape, but romance was always paramount. Some nights I pictured a deserted beach with nothing but my lover, surf, sand and sun for miles around. Many an evening I longed to be whisked off to Paris for a long weekend, making love on a bed in a five-star hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower, nibbling strawberries and sipping champagne as we relaxed in our post-coital bliss. When I was feeling friskier, I imagined going to someplace exotic with my man, but pretending we had never met, so he had to sweep me off my feet like some mysterious stranger.

Sitting here at my keyboard fresh from the experience, its hard to believe that by far the most perfect getaway of my life was not set in an exotic locale, but in the quaint state of Vermont. And the passionate, talented lover I had dreamed about since I was a teen, turned out to be even better than I could have possibly imagined. The only problem being that lover was my only son, Leif.

I guess I should provide a bit of background to help explain how this all came to pass. My name is Jillian and I am a 52 year old divorced mom of two. I grew up in the Boston area, but after marrying my college sweetheart Lars, we chose to settle in his hometown of Seattle.

At first life was difficult, being in a strange city away from my family, yet only one year later our oldest, Karin, was born, so I didnt have much time to feel melancholy thereafter. I had lots of help from visitors from home which made things easier, and just four months after Karins arrival I was pregnant again. Leif came nine months later with much fanfare as he was the first male grandchild born on my husbands side, so his birth was celebrated by his large, Scandinavian family.

I loved Lars very much when we dated as he was so different from any man I had ever met. He was very handsome, an athletic blonde with high cheek bones and lovely eyes, and more humble than I would have expected for someone of his physical appearance. He was stoic, which at the time seemed so mysterious to me. And since he was a great listener too, I convinced myself he was simply a well of compassion.

Sadly, while at first I took my husbands stoic demeanor to be intriguing, I later learned he was just simply boring. And that wonderful listener I loved? In time I realized it was because he had absolutely nothing to say for himself. I was left largely alone in an unfamiliar city with a man whom I seemed to grow further apart from on a daily basis, yet thankfully I was able to immerse myself in raising two wonderful children.

I will admit to thoughts of running back to New England on many occasions over the years, but for the sake of my kids I stayed with Lars until I finally divorced him after Leif went off to college. By then my ex-husband and I were no more than acquaintances, but I kept up a good front for everyone else. I also held a pretty decent job since the kids first went off to elementary school, so that helped keep me both sane and grounded.

After the divorce, I attempted to date, without much success. Living where I did in Seattle, I was surrounded by Lars extended family, so it just seemed like everywhere I went I bumped into a relative.

One summer evening not long ago I happened to be flipping the channels on TV, bored as usual. I stopped on a nature documentary about the Appalachian Trail, and I immediately fell in love with the fall colors they displayed from the mountains of New England. I suddenly became very nostalgic and amazingly homesick for my place of birth. It had been years since Id basked in the autumn splendor that is New England, and I longed to experience it once more. Washington was beautiful of course, but most of the trees are evergreen, so we just do not have the explosion of color to compare to what I was used to as a child.

Halloween had always been my favorite holiday, dressing Karin and Leif in their costumes and parading them around the neighborhood. Most years I wore a costume myself as I toted the kids about, wanting to show them I enjoyed the evening as much as they. I spent hours decorating the house as well, trying to make it a fun place to stop for all little trick-or-treaters. My enthusiasm for the holiday had waned over the years, but I suddenly felt recharged.

Knowing I had a ton of vacation time saved up at work, I decided a nice fall vacation was in order. I spoke to my girlfriends to see if anyone would accompany me, but found no takers. Undaunted, I expanded my list of candidates to include people I was not as familiar with, but still no luck. I simply could not believe nobody felt as excited as I did about a leaf peeping trip to New England, and staying in lovely Bed and Breakfasts or Inns. I was so desperate, I almost asked a guy from work to go with me as I know he liked me, but he was just too creepy. Without another option, I resigned myself to the idea that it was just not going to happen and cried myself to sleep or more than one occasion.

I was left feeling rather depressed and sorry for myself when out of the blue Leif showed up at my door one Saturday afternoon. We had not seen one another in a few months, so I warmly welcomed him in. Within minutes we were sitting together on my sofa, deep in conversation as usual. As much as he looked like his dad, he was very much his own man and could carry a conversation on almost any topic.

Leif tried to appear at ease, but intuitively I could tell something was wrong, so I finally asked him what was up. Turns out he had recently broken up with his long-time girlfriend Gretchen, and was feeling a bit lost. Apparently they had grown apart over the years and the passion had left the relationship completely, something I knew all too well.

I must say, it was nice to focus on someone else for a while and forget about my own issues, listening intently as he poured out his feelings. I became misty eyed as I listened to his tale, wanting the best for my only son.

After an hour or so the conversation turned to me. Apparently I was not the only intuitive person in the family, because he seemed to look right through me as he asked, Whats wrong Mom? I can tell youve got something on your mind too.

Tears welled in my eyes once more as I explained my desire for a homecoming trip to see the fall foliage, and my recent frustrations. I felt a bit silly crying in front of my son, but he simply grasped my hands within his own and listened intently, nodding with either sympathy or understanding from time to time.

It had been ages since Id taken the kids back to Boston, so I was surprised when Leif said he remembered the foliage and loved the idea of seeing it once more. I felt momentary guilt as I was afraid he was just doing it for me, but the look on his face was so sincere. Leif explained that he had plenty of vacation time, and really wanted to get away given the situation with Gretchen.

While I was saddened by the news of his relationship, to say I was overjoyed by his desire to go would be an understatement. It finally hit me that I really was going home, and not with some creepy guy from work, but with my handsome son.

After our long talk, Leif stood and held his hands out to me and I placed my palms within his. He then pulled me up into a deep hug and I simply melted into him. It had been ages since Id experienced loving arms around me and I felt as though I had suddenly been transported to another place entirely. I must admit, being held by such a handsome man was an experience I had not known for years. Leif looked like the man I once feel in love with, but only more handsome than I could remember. I felt proud that maybe I had something to do with that.

As the days slowly wound down before the trip, I began to organize my things. I knew the weather in New England could vary greatly, so I packed lots of flannel and wool. I packed a few lightweight items as well, in the hopes wed luck into some unseasonable heat. We would be spending a few nights in a Bed and Breakfast, which I was sure would have big warm fluffy comforters, so I added one super slinky nightie too just to pamper myself.

We left Seattle on a Friday evening on the redeye and arrived in Boston early Saturday. We were met by my sister Connie, and after collecting our bags we were on the road to her home in the suburbs. I looked around in shock as the city had changed so much since Id last been home, but it was wonderful to be back in the warm embrace of family.

Connie had planned a barbeque to include my parents, siblings and all the nieces and nephews that could attend. Given the time of year, many were off at college, but it was great to meet the little ones I previously had seen in only pictures. Even though Leif and I were tired from the flight, we had a fantastic time. Connie had even purchased a number of pumpkins, so all the kids and I engaged in a carving competition, which I absolutely loved.

We stayed at Connies for two days, giving us ample time to reconnect with my family. Each evening, my sister and I stayed up late sipping wine and chatting about everything and nothing. Leif and I also went into the city and played tourist, marveling at the changes since the Big Dig. He proved the perfect traveling companion, always accommodating my desires but not afraid to offer suggestions of what we could do.

Connie tried to lend us her old minivan, but thankfully Leif concurred with me and we rented a convertible. Sure it was cool out, but thats probably why we got such a good deal. Besides, I loved the idea of having the top down as we soaked in the foliage.

Leif insisted on driving from Boston to our B&B in Vermont, so I just sat back and enjoyed the ride and his company. The sun was shining and the colors were spectacular, as was the conversation with my son. We talked about the landscape that we passed, each of us pointing out pretty sights for the other to look at.

I must say, sitting next so close to my son I felt a certain quiet confidence exude from him. He seemed to be so relaxed yet completely in control as he tapped the steering wheel along with the song on the radio. I couldnt help but smile as I looked over at him. He was just so damn handsome with the wind tossing his wavy blonde hair.

After just a couple hours on the road we arrived at the B&B. If you can imagine a quaint antique home nestled in under glowing orange, yellow and red maple trees, youd be on the right track. It was even prettier than I could have hoped for.

When I booked the place I was sure I asked for two rooms, but either I messed up or they did, but for some reason we were down for only one room. The proprietress was kind and made a few calls to see if anyone else had a spare room, but soon it was clear that if we wanted to stay in the heart of foliage country that evening, it was either that room or our car.

We settled into the cozy room, which was much larger than expected, and we made ourselves comfortable. The room was more like a small suite, as it had a small sitting area in front of a spacious fireplace. It felt strange to be in such a romantic setting with my own son, but somehow strangely intriguing too.

The redeye and long days at Connies must have taken their toll on us because after checking in we were both felt pretty wiped out. Rather than do anything crazy, we decided to grab some lunch and go for a drive in the mountains. We got a couple recommendations from the folks at the B&B, then were off.

Driving the winding mountain roads along a river was everything Id hoped for. Leif once again did the driving so I was free to look about for all I was worth. We pulled over at a scenic overlook and peered down into a beautiful tree-lined valley. A cool breeze came up so my son moved behind me and took me in his arms to keep me warm. He rested his chin on my right shoulder and I could feel his whiskers tickling my cheek. The hug was intimate, but felt so right. It just seemed so perfect being in the loving embrace of a handsome man as we stared out at the amazing explosion of colors spread across the valley below us. Leif released me after only 30 seconds or so, but I could have stayed like we were forever. Reluctantly, we moved away from the overlook and got back on the road.

We were out most of the day, and my son even indulged me some shopping in an old country store. I was lucky he was so patient, even encouraging of my desires to pour myself into everything that was Vermont. Later we enjoyed a lovely dinner at an inn not far from our B&B. A fire was roaring in a large fireplace as we dined on classic hearty American meals.

We arrived back at our room tired but very satisfied. The room was cool, so my son lit a fire in the fireplace before we got ready for bed. Leif said he would sleep on the floor in front of the fire, but I would have none of that. The bed was a king, so I told him there was more than enough room for the both of us. Maybe it was because I was so tired, or maybe the wine I had with dinner, but I felt playful suddenly and said, Just keep your hands to yourself young man. He just looked back at me with a silly grin and nodded his head.

I had not been in such close quarters with a man in so long, I was actually a bit nervous, even though it was my son. I slipped into the bathroom and put my flannel pajamas on, and made myself ready for bed. I climbed under the covers while Leif took his in the bathroom. I had turned off the lamps, so the light in the room was from the glow of the fire.

Leif exited the bathroom and made his way to his side of the bed. As he walked past the light of the fire, I noticed that all he had on was a pair of shorts or boxers. As he moved onto the bed he said, Sorry mom, but I figured wed have our own rooms so I didnt bring any sleeping clothes.

Its okay sweetie, not a problem, I replied, but in truth felt a shiver run down my spine.

We sat under the covers with our backs against the headboard and chatted for a while. Leif looked so handsome with the light from the flames dancing across his face and torso. I couldnt help but notice how defined his abdomen was and how solid his chest looked. Thankfully the light was low because I felt myself blushing when I stole a glance lower to see if his crotch was exposed and I didnt want him to see me looking so guilty.

I was left wondering what he was thinking at that time. Was he grossed out having to share a bed with his 50-something mom, or was he possibly intrigued, maybe even a little titillated?

Before long he said, Im wiped mom, Im turning in, and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on my cheek. His action caught me a bit off guard, but also excited me a tad.

Even though we were not touching, it felt thrilling to be in bed so close to a handsome man. I listened to his rhythmic snoring and found it amazingly comforting, yet strangely arousing. As if it had a mind of its own, my right hand wandered down between my legs and rested lightly against my mound. My body was hot but my mind conflicted. Could I actually touch myself with my son so close?

I was sure he was asleep, and soon I found myself very slowly easing my fingers up and down my slit, rubbing myself through the flannel slacks in time with Leifs breathing. As my son inhaled, my fingers moved upwards and as he exhaled they slid back downwards.

I had never been a particularly adventurous woman sexually, so this was new territory for me. I knew my pussy was going to get very wet and didnt want a bog spot on my PJs, so I silently pressed my palm under the waistband of my bottoms, and touched my naked sex. It was so warm and damp, my fingers easily sliding up and down the slick skin.

The visions running through my head were all of Leif, which shockingly turned me on immensely. I could see his chiseled face clearly in my fantasy, along with his perfect body. In my mind he was nude, his large cock standing up proudly from his groin. I couldnt help but imagine all the lovely, twisted things we could to together.

Within only another minute or two I felt an orgasm coming on. I was deathly afraid I might make some audible sign of my arousal, so I gritted my teeth tightly as I frigged my swollen clit. Moments later my body shuddered as I came and Im sure a whimper must have escaped my lips.

For a while I basked in the incredible feeling, but when I came down from the high I felt ashamed at what Id done. What had been so amazing at the time all the sudden made me feel dirty. How could a mother think those things about her own child, I wondered? After running over the troubling visions over and over, I finally drifted off to sleep.

Our first full day together in Vermont was simply spectacular. Leif awoke before me, and when I rolled over I found him looking at me with a grin on his face. I instantly remembered what I had done the night before and I instantly felt a cold sweat coming on.

Morning mom, he said softly, his bright eyes staring into my own.

Morning baby, I responded, hoping I was not blushing. He just kept looking at me with a soft smile across his face I asked, Is something funny?

Nope, you just looked so peaceful while you slept it was nice to see, Leif replied.

If I didnt know better I would have thought he was flirting with me and my body responded. Leif must have been watching me for a while, and I really wondered what was going on inside his head. He was lying on his side with his head propped up on his hand as he looked down at me. The comforter was bunched up on his abdomen and a quickly stole a peek at his chest. God, what was happening to me?

I had to get away and clear my head, so I got out of bed to take a pee and freshen up. The room had grown considerably colder overnight, so after only a few minutes in the bathroom I almost ran back to bed and climbed back under the warm covers.

I was oddly nervous beside the boy Id raised myself, but did my best to hide it. We chatted for about an hour regarding our plans for the upcoming days, before we decided to get up for breakfast. Since wed talked so long, it was too late to shower and still make breakfast, so I dressed casually and stole Leifs baseball cap to hide my untidy locks, and then we headed downstairs together.

Breakfast was hearty and just what we needed. Leif enjoyed a giant stack of pancakes, while I opted for a diet plate of fresh fruit, yogurt and homemade granola. He offered me a bit of his breakfast, but when I declined, he said, Come on mom, you cant come all this was and not have any Vermont maple syrup.

I smiled back and gave in and soon was biting a syrup-covered bite of pancake from his fork. I felt my cheeks grow a bit warm as I chewed, realizing how intimate it must have looked to the other diners in the room. It was so romantic and reminded me of something his father had once done years before.

Given what I had done the evening before, I found it hard to look directly into his eyes. Leif didnt seem to notice as he sat sipping a cup of coffee and reviewing a map of the area. After speaking with an older couple seated next to us, we excused ourselves and headed back to the room.

Leif was a gentleman as expected and let me shower first. After undressing, I looked at myself in the mirror. For a 52 year old woman I thought I looked pretty darn good and was pleased with what I saw. I may have been carrying a few extra pounds, but my skin was still smooth and my breasts remarkably firm. I smiled into my reflection and then turned towards the tub.

After showering, we both dressed in layers, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. I loved my sons choice in clothes which seemed so perfect for our setting. He wore a pair of brown Carhartt jeans, which accentuated his firm bottom, along with a flannel shirt and a pair of hiking boots. He looked comfortably casual, but in a rugged, manly way.

Leif was in great shape and had always been quite the outdoorsman. When he suggested taking a hike I had my misgivings, but didnt want to disappoint him so I agreed. I owned a gym membership, but rarely found the time to go of late, so I was worried that Id be unable to keep up.

We set out on a foliage trail that was billed as, Moderate, but soon became a bit much for me as we kept climbing upwards. Leif was wonderful as Id come to expect, walking slow and continuously checking on me as we went. As much as I wanted to turn around and head back to the car, my son kept me moving forward and before long I was simply thrilled I had done so.

After a couple hours hiking, the trail came to an end atop a huge granite outcrop with panoramic views down of the little town where our B&B was located. You could see small houses here and there tucked under large colorful trees. A large white church steeple spiked upwards in the middle of town, which looked like it floated in an orange sea of leaves.

I felt like we were somehow transported into a foliage calendar photo shoot, the scenes were that breathtaking. As tired as my legs had become on the way up, I felt reinvigorated as it was exactly what I wanted when I booked the trip. Leif stood near the edge of the cliff looking around, and I almost lost my breath for a moment. With the wind blowing his wavy golden hair and the sun on his cheeks, he looked like a Norse God on the prow of a ship. I felt so wonderful I moved beside him and he put a hand on my hip and pulled me close. In my 52 years I cannot ever remember feeling so alive.

Leif brought a camera and snapped a few photos of me with the colorful scene behind me, then I did the same for him. Luckily, a lone male hiker passed by and Leif and asked for a picture of the both of us together. Fortunately, the stranger took a good picture and I smiled widely knowing Id put that one in a frame someplace special.

We sat on the warm granite and had a snack Leif had brought up in his pack. The only thing that could have made it better was a glass of wine, but I guess you cant expect absolute perfection. Sadly after our break we got to our feet and retraced our steps back down the trail. Back at the car, we decided to take another drive as I was feeling too tired to do much of anything else. I just sank back into the leather seat and soaked in the scenery as it passed.

After enjoying another sumptuous dinner, along with a bottle of wine, we went back to the B&B to relax for the evening. I complained about sore legs, so Leif jumped up and poured me a hot bubble bath. I slowly lowered myself into the deep antique claw-foot tub, the bubbles engulfing my body sensually. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe spending so much quality time with my son, but I was tremendously horny. I slowly caressed my skin as I soaked in the warm, fragrant water. Within only seconds I began toying with my nipples with one hand, while the other snaked its way between my legs. I felt so naughty, with my son just in the other room, but it actually turned me on even greater.

I lifted my left leg and draped it over the side of the tub, opening myself up wide. I started running my hand up and down my slit, then curled my fingers and eased two inside my body. My pussy was on fire and I alternated fingering myself and rubbing my clit, back and forth. My hips began rocking slightly in time with my probing digits, making small waves in the tub.

I couldnt get the images of Leif from earlier in the day out of my head. My beautiful boy was making his mother one horny lady. I imagined being back in his arms, only this time we were naked and kissing, the hot sun on our tanned skin. I could see myself dropping to my knees and taking his cock into my mouth, wanting so much to please my boy. I never swallowed my husbands cum, yet in my vision I happily gobbled down my sons seed.

Just as that image passed through my head, I came hard on my driving fingers. It was one of the most powerful orgasms of my life, and I was shocked that I was able to keep quiet. My head flopped back against the tub as my body relaxed from the intense feelings. It took me a few minutes for my breathing to return to normal, but a tingling feeling remained in my crotch. I then ran my razor over my legs and neatened up my special place, just in case something was to happen.

I reluctantly got out of the tub and slipped into the flannel pajamas I had laid out. Feeling the way I was, I wished I had brought my nightie in with me, but it was too late. Upon exiting the bathroom, I found a fire crackling in the fireplace and the lights turned down low. Leif was sitting on the corner of the bed staring at the fire, but stood and turned towards me when I walked near. He gave me a smile and asked me if I was ready for a massage.

Honey, thats so sweet, but you dont need to do that, I replied with a sigh. Deep down I really wanted one and was very desirous of his touch, yet was unnerved at the same time.

Mom, its the least I can do after making you climb that trail with me today, he countered, and I could see by the look on his face that he really meant it.

If my legs werent so sore and the setting so special I may have found the will to resist, but the idea of a massage was just too good to pass up. Okay, you win. Where do you want me? I responded with a shrug of my shoulders.

Climb up on the bed, that should work best, he stated as he pointed towards the mattress.

I did as he instructed and laid face-down on the soft comforter. I felt him climb next to me and moment later his hands touched my back softly. Naughty thoughts invaded my mind once more as his strong hands wandered my body, rubbing me through the thin pajamas. The only sound in the room was the occasional crackling of the fire, so I had little to distract my mind as it began to wander. I again imagined being naked with Leif caressing warm oil into every inch of my bare skin. This time I didnt even try to fight the images, I just relaxed and enjoyed the sensual feeling.

Leif stroked my neck and shoulders, then slowly moved his was down my enflamed body. He seemed to know just what I liked and the perfect amount of force to exert in each spot. He spent a lot of time on my lower back which was lovely. His hands occasionally drifted onto my upper butt cheeks, the pressure of which pressed my pussy onto the bed, driving my passion.

Leif then moved down the bed and gently lifted one foot in his hands. I couldnt recall ever having a foot massage before but the effect was heavenly. He alternated between each foot, rubbing all my troubles away. He then worked his way up my legs, spending ample time on my calves before moving higher. His fingers slowly drifted higher, closer and closer to my sex.

He stopped just inches from my pussy and playfully spanked my bottom. It made me jump, and screech out as I turned to look back at him. With a huge grin on his face, he said, Turn over mom, Ill do your thighs.

I was apprehensive, thinking I might have a wet spot on my PJs, but unbelievably found that idea that my son might actually see what he had caused thrilling. I rolled over and closed my eyes, completely willing to let him do whatever he wanted to me. My legs were spread about shoulder width, and I awaited his touch with baited breath.

Within seconds I felt his hands touch me just above each knee. Leif softly stroked up and down my thighs gently, slowly adding greater pressure over time. Each time he moved higher, in my head I wanted to scream at him to keep going and touch my moist sex. I wondered if he could possibly smell my arousal or if he was able to see any stain on my PJs.

At one point I moaned aloud, and my son asked if he was hurting me. I could barely speak and somehow only got out the word, No.

After working me over for about 20 minutes, I felt his hands move away before he asked, How was that mom?

I opened my eyes and looked up at him and he looked so proud of himself when I said, Wonderful.

He leaned over quickly and kissed me on the lips, then sprang off the bed headed for the bathroom. Over his shoulder he said, Im gonna take a quick shower before bed.

I lay on the bed with my body still on fire. I thought about rubbing myself off again but was afraid Leif might pop back in at any second so refrained. A minute of two later I noticed the bathroom door was open a crack, and instantly a devilish idea came into my head.

I quietly slipped out of bed and crept over to the bathroom door. Very slowly peering around the doorframe, I peeked over towards the shower. My son had already gotten in behind the curtain, but I could make out his shadow as he soaped himself up. Even though I really couldnt see much of anything, the thought that I was actually peeping at Leif was intoxicating.

I slipped my right hand under the elastic seam of my pajama bottoms and began teasing my pussy. Part of me felt terrible that I was invading my sons privacy, but I just couldnt help myself. I rarely ever masturbated, yet there I was doing it for the second time in the same evening, and to thoughts of my own son no less.

I was close to cumming once again when I heard the water shut off. If I was thinking clearly, I probably would have run away, but I just had to see what his naked body looked like. I moved my head as far to the side as I could while still being able to see into the room as I saw the curtain open and the amazing vision of my son step out to grab a towel.

He was simply a thing of beauty. He was in wonderful shape, and his skin was almost flawless. My eyes were drawn to his midsection though as I drooled over his penis. He was not hard, but still his cock looked to be about four inches long, making me wonder how large he was when hard. My fingers moved like lightning as I got myself off once again, this time soaking in the sight of Leif in his birthday suit.

I basically waddled back to bed on weak legs and dove under the covers, praying I would not get caught peeping. My breath was ragged and I kept telling myself to get a grip on things before he reentered the room. I was glad the light in the room was low as Im sure my cheeks were flush.

Leif was back in the room a minute or so later, rubbing a towel over his damp hair. My eyes shot to his crotch as I admired the bulge in his boxers. God, I really was losing it!

When my son came over to climb into bed, I quickly got out to use the bathroom. I was afraid that my fingers might reek of my arousal and wanted to wash them before he got too close. Looking into the mirror I almost felt like I was view another person entirely, a wanton slut.

I took a deep breath and went back to join my son in bed. He looked so handsome propped against the headboard with his broad chest showing. He pulled the covers back for me and I climbed in beside him. His actions may have been so simple for him, but to me he was such a gentleman it really moved me.

Rather than talk like we did the evening before, we instead sat in silence watching the colorful flames dance behind the screen. As the fire died down we both settled deeper into bed under the covers. I was somewhat surprised when I saw Leifs face looming above my own. He leaned in close and said, Night mom, and gave me a soft kiss right on the lips. We had kissed many times before, but never on the lips that I could remember. He smiled at me brightly and looked like he wanted to say something, but must have lost his nerve and laid his head back on the pillow.

I had been caught off guard by his action and didnt respond immediately, and finally mumbled, Night.

I found it difficult to sleep that night as I lay so close to my son and I could not get him out of my mind. I wondered about his kiss, was he trying to tell me something? My skin still tingled from the massage and my blood was pumping from the kiss, keeping me aroused. Finally I drifted off to sleep and dreamed about loving my son in an entirely new way.

We awoke early the next day and headed off to breakfast, unsure of just what wed do that day. We scanned a few brochures, but were still unable to formulate a plan. We figured the best course of action was to consult our hosts for some of their recommendations for a true Vermont fall experience. Both husband and wife replied, Reillys Farm, at the same time, so we figured it had to be pretty decent anyway.

We arrived in a large gravel parking lot in front of a gigantic red barn. I felt a bit of trepidation as I feared it would be overly commercial and too much of a tourist trap. From the look in his eyes I think Leif was thinking the same thing, but after the drive we both stepped out of the car and prepared to make the best of things. As luck would have it, I didnt have to try very hard to have fun.

There were lots of options for how one could spend their time. Apparently we could pick our own pumpkins, go on a hay ride, traverse a corn maze, view maple syrup or apple cider being made, and of course tour their gift shop.

We decided to start with a walk through the corn maze, and entered excited for a new adventure. Towers of corn stalks rose above us as we made our way deeper and deeper towards the center. The ground was muddy and uneven, so on more than one occasion I fell into my son seeking his assistance. We began laughing uncontrollably as Leif helped me extract my muddy boot from the muck, my body pressed firmly against his. Before I even knew what was going on, my son had taken me by the hand as we pressed forward.

After stumbling along for longer than I would have cared, we finally reached the center of the maze. Leif and I sat down on one of the seats that were set in a circle around the center. Tired form the effort, I leaned against him and he put his arm around me. It just seemed so perfect to be in the sun on such a wonderful day, in the arms of my dream man.

I could have stayed there all day, but Leif rose and extended a hand to me. He helped me up and we began working our way out. The path out went easier and in no time at all we were back at the entrance.

Leif and I decided to go on the hayride next, which looked like fun way to see the countryside. We climbed aboard a huge hay-covered trailer, pulled by two large Clydesdales. The slow ride through the meadows was amazing, but it was made so much more because I saw sitting so close to my son. The ride was pretty crowded, so space was at a premium. Leif sat on a hay bale while I positioned myself just between his legs on the hay, resting my back upon the bale he was sitting on.

The cart was jostling from side to side along the bumpy dirt path, causing my head at times to rock back into Leifs tummy. I got a wicked idea and slowly slumped down into hay so the back of my head would be just about at his groin level. With each subsequent jolt of the wagon, I intentionally pressed my head backwards, trying to make contact and hopefully stimulate him. I felt a twisted thrill run through my body to be doing something like that in front of others, but Im sure they had no clue what was going on.

I wondered what could be going on in Leifs head, but I had one clue to what he was feeling. Before long I felt something solid when my head made contact with his body. My son was getting hard! I hoped that it wasnt just because of the contact, but because the contact was from me. I grew bolder and leaned my head back and tried my best to keep it in place, firmly against his hard cock. I was throwing caution to the wind, my hormones clouding my otherwise clear mind.

I jumped when Leif touched the side of my head and started to gently massage my scalp through my flowing hair, but he made no effort to push me away. He must have known I could feel his cock, but he didnt seem to care. He softly scraped his nails along the skin, sending a shiver throughout my body.

I looked around the wagon wondering if anyone had noticed our illicit contact, but everyone was looking at the foliage on the surrounding hills. As much as I wanted to see the colors, I closed my eyes and basket in the feelings my son was giving me.

Sadly, the ride was over before we knew it. I watched as Leif struggled to his feet, Im sure because of the erection he had in his pants. He helped my down from the wagon, and I intentionally fell into him, pressing my groin into his. We stared into each others eyes, before he slowly moved his head towards mine. I knew it was coming, a kiss, and I was so ready for it. I closed my eyes as our lips met and was instantly transported to another place. I felt his arms surround me and pull me into a strong embrace. The kiss was long and wet, and our tongues danced in each others mouths.

We broke the kiss and I suddenly felt embarrassed by what we did, given the fact that so many others were around. None of them knew we were mother and son of course, but it left me with an uncomfortable feeling. Leif gave me an encouraging smile, but I could sense he understood.

As we walked back towards the barn, Leifs fingers wrapped around my own and we went hand in hand. I felt like a schoolgirl again, and I had the most handsome boy in my class. When we originally arrived at the farm I really wanted to hit the gift shop and maybe even find a small pumpkin in the field, but suddenly all I wanted to do was get back to the B&B. My son must have felt the same way because he led me back to the car.

When we reached the convertible, Leif opened my door for me, and held it for me, once again, the perfect gentleman. I wasnt ready to get in just yet and leaned up against him, planting my lips upon his once more. I found myself almost whimpering into his mouth, unable to suppress my feelings. I felt his hand cup the back of my head, directing our movements. My hands wrapped around his waist, holding on for dear life.

Our kiss lasted a few minutes, and I was weak in the knees. We broke apart and Leif gently ran a finger across my cheek, sweetly caressing me in a loving way. He smiled and leaned his forehead against my own and said, I love you so much mom.

Oh baby, I love you too, I replied breathlessly.

He moved a step back and motioned me into the car. As I bent to get in, he playfully slapped my bottom and we giggled like kids. We didnt speak the entire way home, I just sat completely contented, my head upon his shoulder and holding his free hand.

When we got back to the B&B, Leif once again came and opened the door for me. As we went in, the owner said, Back so soon?

Leif answered, Yeah, were pretty tired and are going to lay down for a bit. I had to chuckle at his response. One of two anyway, we were definitely going to lie down. We pulled off our muddy boots, and both almost ran up the stairs knowing what was to come.

Leif unlocked the door and pulled me into the room. No sooner had he bolted the door than we were upon one another. I kissed my son with a passion I had never before known. Our mouths mashed together as our hands caressed each others body.

I had been fantasizing about that moment for days I just had to scratch my itch. I began pulling Leifs clothes off, wanting to see him naked and give him pleasure. I pulled off his sweater, then his shirt, before dropping to my knees and unbuckled his pants. My hands were literally trembling I was so excited but I finally got them open and breathlessly pulled them down. There was a huge bulge in his boxers, so I knew we was as excited as I.

I reached for his shorts and dragged them down, careful to pull them away from his hardness. I pushed the fabric to the ground, and then looked back up to my sons groin. Sticking up right before my face was his solid erection. Ive never thought the male penis particularly attractive, but if there ever was a beautiful cock, that was it. It was large, but not obscenely so, maybe seven inches or a tad longer, but fairly thick. It seemed just the perfect size for me and I anxiously awaited a time when it would be inside my pussy.

I leaned in to take it into my mouth, but Leif stopped me, holding me by the head. I looked up to see if something was wrong, but Leif just smiled down at me and said, No mom, you first.

I wasnt really sure what he meant, until he put his hands under my arms and lifted me to my feet. He kicked the pants and shorts off his feet, then smiled at me once more. He gave me a sweet kiss then began undressing me. He took his time as he pulled off all my layers, teasing me greatly.

I became nervous about what his reaction might be in seeing me naked. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but I was a lot older than any woman Im sure he had ever been with. When my shirt came off I felt my stomach twist slightly, but he smiled reassuringly at me which made me feel a tad better. Leif moved in close and kissed me softly as he unclasped my bra and eased it off my shoulders.

He then stepped back to take a good look at me, seeing my bare breasts for the first time since he was but a child. I lowered my eyes feeling self-conscious, and noticed that my pink nipples were hard.

Leif didnt say a word, but dropped to his knees just as I had done earlier. I closed my eyes when I saw his fingers grab my belt and he worked it open. He then unbuckled and unzipped my slacks, and gently pulled them down my legs. I balanced myself with a hand on his shoulder while he worked the slacks off of each foot. He then began to stand, but scooped a hand under my knee and placed another behind my back, lifting me off my feet.

Leif carried me to the bed and gently lay me down on the soft down comforter. I saw his eyes wandering my body, drinking me in as I did the same to him. He climbed onto the bed and lay aside me, then kissed my forehead softly. He then slowly began placing soft kisses across my face before settling upon my lips.

We started kissing each other very tenderly, taking our time to savor the moment. I saw Leif move his hand towards me breast, and I anxiously awaited his touch. He gently ran the tip of one finger around my nipple, then did the same to the other. I was impressed with the fact he could take his time and be so patient, unlike the men I had been with previously.

He then began rolling my nipples between his fingers as he moved his kisses down my neck and shoulder. My skin tingled as his lips and tongue worked their magic on me. I had one hand stroking his head and the other caressing his back as he showered me with attention.

Leif worked his way to my chest and began kissing and sucking my hard little nipples, while his hands kneaded my breasts. It was like an exquisite torture he was being so gentle, yet every now and then he would softly bite my nipples, causing me to moan out loud.

After toying with my breasts for quite a while, he began kissing and licking his way down my tummy. It had been years since anyone had gone down on me and I was excited at the prospect of my son loving me with his tongue.

His body slid down my body as he kissed lower and lower. He eased his way between my legs and kissed me just above the knee on one side then the other. Just as he had done working his way down my body, he did the same thing as he moved up towards my sex.

Both of my hands where then on the back of his head as he finally planted a soft kiss directly on my mound through my skimpy panties. His hands gently rubbed my thighs while he placed kiss after kiss on my steaming pussy.

I found myself thrusting my hips up to press my groin into his face desirous of greater contact. He had me so worked up his teasing was simply killing me. He must have known because he leaned back a moment before reaching for my panties. I happily rolled my hips to allow him to take them off so he could do whatever he wanted to do next.

Leifs face went right back between my legs and he began licking his way up and down my slit. A long loud sigh escaped my lips as his hot tongue danced over my wet pussy, occasionally pushing it deeper into me. After working me over with his mouth, I felt something firm move inside me and realized my son had obviously inserted a finger inside of me. The invasion of his digit was welcome and made me moan again loudly.

Leif then began to lightly flick his tongue across my sensitive clit as his finger moved in and out of my sex. My hips began rocking again as I moved in concert with the rhythm he had created with his fingers. My hands held his head firmly as I began to ride his finger and face. I do not ever remember being that aggressive with a partner before but I was just so completely drunk with passion.

I realized I was actually huffing and puffing out loud, my breathing had become so heavy. I could feel an intense orgasm rapidly approaching and I began humping Leifs fingers faster and faster. He must have sensed my growing urgency as he matched my pace and started to lap at my clip with greater pressure. Only moments later I felt my body stiffening as my climax washed over me and I had to stifle a scream by biting down on my forearm.

Leif kept licking me as I came down, but thankfully moved away from my overly sensitive clit. I lovingly ran my fingers through his hair in appreciation for what he had done to me and I so wanted to return the favor.

I gently grasped his head and lifted it away from my body. I looked into his eyes and said, My turn baby, roll over. His face lit up like a Christmas tree at the idea of his mother sucking on his cock. In a flash he was laying on his back beside me, his pole sticking straight up.

Much like the way Leif teased me, I decided to do the same to him. I kissed and licked his nipples trying to stare into his eyes the entire time to turn him on. I wanted him to see just how naughty his mom could be as I licked my way over his washboard stomach. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his prick standing tall and couldnt wait any longer. I raised my head off his tummy and moved my lips to just a fraction of an inch away from the tip.

Staring into his eyes, I asked, Do you want mommy to suck your cock baby? It felt so nasty to be using a term like that for myself, something I probably had not used in over 25 years.

I heard a whimper before he grunted, Yes mommy.

I loved his reaction and wondered if hed harbored an oedipal complex about me prior to our trip. I snaked my tongue out of my mouth and slowly ran it around the head of his penis, tasting his salty pre-cum. Leif groaned as I began sucking just the tip of his cock, then I slowly began taking more and more of him into my mouth.

I moved one hand to play with his balls while my other wrapped around the base of his thick shaft. I started to jerk his cock at the bottom and suck it at the top, working him over as best as I could. I pushed my face as far down as I could and was able to get most into my mouth, then eased back and began doing it over and over, fucking him with my mouth.

I was working him over only a couple minutes when I heard Leif say my name, and I instantly knew he was trying to warn me he was going to cum soon. I looked up at him and nodded, trying to let him know I understood, but had no intention of stopping. As I said before, I never liked men to shoot in my mouth, but at that moment thats exactly what I wanted. I was desperate to give him the kind of pleasure he had given me and I was going to swallow everything he could give me.

Leif put his hand onto the back of my head as I bobbed onto his cock. I began sucking as hard as I could, knowing he was close. He grasped a fistful of my hair and he began to roll his hips, so I readied for his cum. Seconds later his bottom came up off the bed as be began to empty into my waiting mouth. He made a sound I can only describe as a growl as he came.

I kept sucking softly as his cock slowly deflated in my mouth, then released it with a plop. I kissed his tummy a few times and then rested my head on his belly as I hugged him tightly. He stroked my head and shoulders lovingly as his breathing started to return to normal.

My god mom, that was amazing, he said, as he teased my hair.

I rolled my head to the side to look at him, and then answered, So were you sweetie, so were you.

We rested together like that for a long time in silence, but from deep within myself I had a burning desire to have Leif inside of me. I wasnt sure if he would be able to get it up so soon after his orgasm, but I was willing to do whatever it took to get him hard again.

I ran my hand back to his cock and began toying with it. It was flaccid, but I began to roll it within my fingers, sometimes lightly tugging on it, trying to coax it back to life. I moved my face back closer to his crotch and began licking his balls as I manipulated his prick. Shortly after my licking started, his penis began to grow again. I was so ecstatic I took it back into my mouth and started sucking it.

Once he was fully hard again, I sat up and slid my body onto his. I grasped it in my hand and climbed on top of him, aiming it at my sex. I looked Leif in the eye and asked, So baby, are you ready to fuck mommy?

Oh god yes mommy, he cried out enthusiastically.

I wanted to tease him a bit first as payback for what he had done for me, so I said, Ask mommy nicely sweetie.

Please mommy, please let me fuck you, he pleaded.

As much as I wanted to tease him more, the reality was I just couldnt wait any longer myself. Without another word I slowly eased my way down onto his rigid shaft. His thick cock stretched my tight pussy, but it felt absolutely wonderful as I bottomed out unto his hips. Yes, he hissed loudly as my hot pussy engulfed him completely.

I rested in place for a moment before I began to rock my body up and down. I couldnt believe I was actually fucking my own son, and loving it no less. Leif placed his hands on my hips to help guide our movements and then began rolling his body to match my pace. Soon we were fucking each other in steady rhythm, our bodies going in perfect unison.

Leif let me do most of the work for a while, and then he reached up and grabbed my shoulders before he pulled me towards the bed and rolled atop me. His cock never left my pussy and he began fucking me once more. He increased the pace of his thrusting until he was rapidly pumping in and out of me and I drove up into his just as quickly.

I dont think I had ever been fucked so hard and fast, but I loved it. Leifs thick cock was stretching my pussy, but it felt simply amazing. It was everything Id dreamed about and more. I just hoped he felt as wonderful as I did at that moment.

I looked up at my son and sweat had formed on his brow and his face was contorted as he worked hard to satisfy me. Im sure sweat covered my body as well as I was straining to keep up. I had no idea where he got the stamina, but Leif just kept going and going without slowing down. My pussy felt like it was on fire and I knew I was going to cum shortly.

I wanted to get him off and remembered how he had responded to my earlier comments, so I offered words of encouragement, Thats it baby, fuck mommy. Fuck mommys hot, wet pussy.

I could see his eyes go wide as he heard the words, and he began to grunt loudly with each thrust. My dirty talk must have had an effect, so I continued on along the same lines. Come on baby, make mommy cum on your hard cock. Cum inside mommys pussy, sweetie, you can do it.

He did not respond with words, he just whimpered and pounded me even harder. We were almost bouncing off the bed as we drew to our climax. I could feel my body tightening again, even the hair on my neck stood on end, as my orgasm neared. At the same time Leif began grunting loudly again and I could see his head begin to roll back and his eyes closed. He made a few more rapid pumps before his body went stiff above me just as my own orgasm hit. A few moments later, he collapsed down upon me and I held him close.

Our breathing was ragged as we fought to catch our breath, our sweaty bodies pressed tightly together. It was wonderful to hold my son with his cock still buried inside of me. I began running my fingers through his sweaty hair and kissing the side of his face. I could feel his hot breath on my sweaty neck as we relaxed in post-coital bliss.

Leif finally lifted his head to look me in the eye. I gave him a loving smile and said, That was wonderful baby.

God mom, that was the best ever, he sighed, a smile growing on his face as well.

I thought back to how he responded to my dirty talk and wondered if it had been a long-time fantasy, so I asked, Honey, may I ask you a personal question?

Sure mom, he replied.

I wasnt really sure how to approach the subject, so I just went ahead and asked, Well, you seemed to really enjoy it when I said mommy, was this something youve thought about before?

He waited a moment as if to think whether he should tell the truth or not, but he finally admitted it was, Ive dreamed about this moment for years mom.

I smiled at him and said, Well Im happy your fantasy has finally come true. He looked relieved as he lowered his head back to my chest.

The room was cool which sent a chill through our sweaty bodies. Leif rose up off me and said, What do you think about a hot shower mom?

I must say, after seeing him the previous evening getting out of the tub I had dreamed about just such a thing, so I responded, Sounds great honey.

Leif got up first and helped me off the bed. He led me by the hand to the shower, and the two of us climbed in and closed the curtain as the warm water washed over us. I took the soap first and started washing my sons back. I must admit, I really enjoyed soaping his taut bottom as it was the nicest Id ever seen. When that was complete I had him turn around to work on his front. I started at the top and cleaned his face before I moved downwards. I soaped up my hands and then began to gently roll his limp cock in my palms, and then I cupped his balls and rubbed the lather into his skin.

It had been a long time since Id bathed my son, but I was flooded by pleasant memories. It was wonderful to be able to take care of my baby again.

My turn to be pampered came next and Leif did not disappoint. He didnt simply wash me but rather massaged my whole body while the warm water ran down my skin. Nobody had ever taken so much time to spoil me, and I basked in the attention. He spent a fair amount of time on my chest and pussy, which got my blood flowing again. He stopped before I got too worked up, and then shut off the water.

We took out time drying each other off with the fluffy towels, then Leif went to start a fire. I took the opportunity to brush my teeth. I actually loved the taste he left in my mouth, but I knew most guys were turned off by kissing someone after a blow job, and I really wanted to kiss him more.

I walked back into the bedroom naked and my son was equally naked stoking the fire. I went to the bed and climbed under the covers to warm up, awaiting his return. When he had the fire roaring, Leif came back to the bed and slid in next to me, holding me close.

We looked into each others eyes and without a word began gently kissing. After the animalistic fucking we had done earlier, it was wonderful to leisurely lie together and make out. We stroked each others skin as our tongues danced together. It could not have been more perfect.

We ended up taking a nap and woke up in the early evening. Since we didnt have lunch, we decided to head out for an early dinner since wed burned a lot of calories during our love making.

We had a recommendation for a romantic little bistro, and made a reservation. It turned out to be s lovely a spot, just what we had hoped for. As we sat across from one another we just could not stop smiling. Just like a young married couple, we fed each other mouthfuls from our dishes and flirted ruthlessly. We sipped a delicious bottle of wine and completed the meal by sharing desert.

We drove back to the B&B, but did not go straight up to our room. Since it was a pleasant evening, we took a short walk under the pale moonlight. Strolling hand in hand, we stopped often to hug and kiss, occasionally gazing up at the starry sky. After a while I became chilled, so we headed back towards our room.

Leif stoked the fire while I freshened up, then he took his turn in the bathroom after me. While he was out of the bedroom, I slipped into the slinky nightie I brought. The instant the soft material touched my skin I felt both sexy and horny. I thought about putting on a little show, but decided to climb under the covers to surprise him.

My son reentered the room and started peeling off his clothes before easing himself alongside me. We began kissing the second he settled in, Leif stroking my neck with his fingertips. I waited a moment before I said, Mommy had a surprise for you, baby.

Leif perked right up when I said mommy, and he looked at me with wide eyes. I very slowly slipped the comforter down my body as far as I could reach, then used my feet to push it completely, off. Id already cum a couple times already, but teasing my son was getting my pussy wet once more. With a huge grin, I asked, What do you think of mommys nightie sweetheart?

His jaw looked like it was about to fall into his lap as he gawked at my skimpy negligee. Youre gorgeous mommy, he said in barely a whisper.

Thank you baby, I wore it just for you, I replied in a soothing voice. His couldnt take his eyes off of me which made me feel incredibly sexy. My body was in overdrive again so I pushed things forward. Can you do something for mommy, sweetheart? I asked, and he nodded his head enthusiastically. I then followed with, Would you lick mommys special place again?

Leifs face was flush with excitement as he responded, Oh yes, mommy, and moved towards my legs. Before I even knew what happened, my son had opened my legs up and was easing up my nightie. I had not put on any panties, so in an instant my little kitty was exposed to his hungry eyes. Like before he started kissing my thighs but moved closer to my sex more rapidly. Only a short time later I felt his tongue gliding over my wet pussy.

God it felt so wonderful to have a mans tongue on me in such an intimate way. He seemed to know just what I liked and licked me perfectly. He spent a lot of time working my labia, but occasionally he would force his tongue deep inside me and lap away. I once again felt his fingers enter me as his mouth continued its assault.

I couldnt believe I was ready to cum so quickly, but there I was on the brink just minutes later. My breathing was ragged and I started making huffing sounds like I had earlier. Leif concentrated his tongue on my clit and finger fucked my pussy and I shot off like a rocket. I melted back into the bed, momentarily spent.

I looked down at Leif and he was staring back at me with a giant grin on his handsome face, Im sure proud of the fact hed made me cum so quickly. I smiled back and said, You made mommy feel very, very good baby.

Im so glad mommy, he replied, and leaned in to kiss my pussy again.

God I just loved that boy and could really get used to that kind of treatment! I wanted to return the favor and get him off, so I said, Does my baby want mommy to suck his big thingy?

Oh yes, mommy, he answered with a nod.

We switched places, Leif lowering his head to the pillow while I moved between his legs. My sons cock was hard and begging for attention, and I was just happy to oblige. I reached out and began stroking his cock in my soft hand, slowly running it up and down his hot skin. Looking at him with my sexiest pout and cooed, Mommys gonna make you feel so good baby.

His face was priceless, the passion he was feeling clearly written all over it. I was thrilled that I was giving my son such pleasure with both my actions and words, and wanted to take him even higher. I lowered my mouth to his prick and began sucking on the head. I felt his body twitch as I squeezed the tip between my tongue and the roof of my mouth, then I gently scraped my teeth up and down his skin.

God I loved sucking my sons cock! I had never felt that way about anyone else before, but there was something about having his meaty prick in my mouth that really turned me on. Knowing how I was making him feel gave me a sense of power Id never known sexually.

I put my hands on his knees and began tickling up and down his inner thighs as I fucked his shaft with my mouth. Soft whimpers escaped his lips and I could feel his legs quiver as I teased his skin. His body seemed to be reacting completely out of his control, which made me even hotter. I was certain he would not last long, which was fine by me because I so wanted him to cum for me.

I remembered reading an article in a womans magazine about prostate massage, which was supposed to drive men absolutely insane. Id never done it and wasnt completely sure what to do, but thought Id give it a try anyway as I wanted to blow Leifs mind.

I eased my head up off his cock briefly and moved my right index finger inside my mouth, making it wet with my saliva. I removed it quickly and went back to work with my tongue, but placed my hand between his spread legs. I ran the tip of my finger up to his bottom and softly teased his opening. Leifs body jumped at the contact and I wondered what he would do at my next move. Gently but firmly, I pressed my finger inside my sons ass.

Leif moaned loudly and rolled his hips at the intrusion into his body. I probed my finger around and watched for his reaction, wanting to know when I hit a sweet spot. My fingertip traced along a spongy piece of flesh and my son almost jumped out of his skin. Success!

I began running my finger slowly in and out of his bottom against that special area. Leif began whimpering for me, Oh mommy, over and over. His knees rose off the bed as he drew his feet towards his butt, opening himself up for me even greater. His body was rocking with me and his breathing was becoming labored so I knew he was very close. I started bobbing my head as fast as I could, and fucked my thin finger in and out of his ass rapidly.

Leif began thrusting his hips uncontrollably, forcing his cock into my mouth as his hands pressed on the back of my head. He fucked my face for only a few seconds before his body rose up off the bed stiffly, moments before he came with a roar. I hungrily took it all down my throat, and kept milking his prick with my mouth.

Leif removed his hands from my head and flopped them to his sides on the bed, looking completely spent. I eased my finger out of his bottom and raised my head off his cock. He looked at me lovingly and said, Oh god mom, you were fucking amazing!

I dont think I had ever heard him curse before, but at that time I certainly didnt mind. I climbed up onto his body and rested my head on his chest. Leif wrapped his arms around me lovingly as we rested together. I rose to freshen up in the bathroom and get ready for bed, but I returned as quickly as I could. I pulled the warm covers around us and we fell asleep in each others arms.

We both slept late the next morning, and leisurely toyed with each other, kissing like school kids before we rose for breakfast. As I was enjoying my pancakes, a naughty thought entered my head. I imagined rubbing maple syrup on my nipples and having Leif lick it off. Or better yet, dripping some onto his hard cock and slurping it up. I smiled widely at Leif and he asked me what was up, so I told him Id have to tell him later.

When the woman came to freshen our coffee, she told us the weather was expected to change and showers were on the way for the next couple days. She added, Good thing you two got to were here while the sun was out.

When she walked away, I looked at my boy and said softly, Isnt that sad honey, looks like youre gonna have to play inside with mommy. He didnt say a word but smiled profusely,

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Earths CoreChapter 27 The Unseen

As Zax was waiting for Sister Iaura to wake up, whilst in the meantime reckoning how to treat Niel, someplace else, on the opposite side of the planet and beneath the blue sky, happened to share the same inaudibility but with ambiance much less peaceful. ... Stelero Mars, Archbishop Silternjan, Cardinal Northstar, in addition to all fourth level Martial Mortal members of the church and several of the third level Martial Mortals, were seated on long backrest wooden chairs around a rectangle...

4 years ago
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Have FaithChapter 5

“Tell me again about Plan B,” said Cinny. Both girls were naked and were curled up in bed, spooning. Linny was behind her sister, holding her, as her hand slowly caressed her. “Well, it just came to me yesterday. Plan A was to slowly wear her down. First was the constant touching. Then, were going to move her to constant nudity. After that, we were going to going to make her totally dependent on us. And voila. We have ourselves a ponygirl.” “Yeah, I know all about Plan A,” said Cinny as she...

2 years ago
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Unleashing A Secret Passion For Cock

My name is Russell and I am a student. I live in lodgings that are relatively close to college. I was glad of the room to be honest, as I always leave things to the last minute and applying for a room close to college was one of those last minute things you do.I could have ended up with anybody, but I ended up with Brigitte and Steve. I couldn’t have picked a better couple to share company with in the evenings and during the weekends. Staying with them was like being at home, they were really...

4 years ago
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My Faggot Training PT1

About ten years ago, I ended a pretty serious, 1-year relationship with a woman I had met while working at a bar. She was this classic beauty: elegant, dirty-blonde hair, thin frame, striking facial features, an amazing ass and set of perky, small tits. I was incredibly attracted to her, but we quarreled constantly. The separation was pretty painless, and the break-up was fairly mutual. Our lives were moving in separate directions, and it was obvious to both of us. But the direction in which...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 58 Artesia

I also found Artesia in the city, now proudly-wed to a long-time suitor, who was, much to my surprise, a high ranking Tory functionary. She had rejected her hastily betrothed and dubiously patriotic, pseudo-diplomatic fiancé. I do not think that the dark-haired beauty cared a whit for politics, but she certainly did enjoy wine, wealth and swiving. And she enjoyed herself and being loved and cared for. Willful was the word for Artesia, and she almost always had her way. I saw her one day in...

2 years ago
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Friend Circle

Hello friends , phele main apko apne Bare main bata do , mera name silvy Khanna hai or mai MBA final year mai ho , mere age 23 saal hai or mera rang gora hai or figure 36-26-37 hai jo ki kisi ko v attract karde or mere height 5’6″ hai .   Main girls ko frnds nai banati thi because wo mujhe matlabi lagti hai isliye mere frnds hmesa boys hi hote the , mere class mai 5 frnds the , Rohan , anuj, aman , sagar or Mukesh , hum sab sath hi rehte the or bahut masti karte the , main hmesa tight tops n...

3 years ago
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Hopping Allie

Hopping Allie ~ By Tobyredone and finished by Toxic Allie Dedication: To my friend Allie. She graciously let me borrow her body for a body hopper tail. That's the problem with being a girl and hanging around hoppers. Eventually you'll get taken for a ride. I hope you like it, and don't wake up too sore. :p ***************************************** I watched her from across the street. I felt a little bit like a stalker. I suppose I was in a sort, but it wasn't really my...

4 years ago
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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part V

If you have read my first four stories you know that I am a loyal and devoted sub to my loving husband/master. He was such a good master and while he was away for a week long fishing tournament he instructed me to complete two tasks. One task was that I was to seduce one woman a day during my lunch break from my job. The second task was to seduce our 17 year old son and let him use his mother for his personal pleasure. I loved the tasks my husband gave me and this was one of my...

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New Gods

For the record I didn't ask for any of this, I never prayed to the devil or searched out old tomes of power. I didn't have any family heirlooms that contained mysterious abilities. My family was a long line of people who just got by and weren't horrible people or really amazing good people. So I was as shocked as anyone could be when I figured out that I was 'special', that's the word I'm using for it as the others sound a little corny. Let's be honest, superheroes and villains don't exist for...

Mind Control
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Thought of you today I couldnt Help Myself

I was thinking of you today. I couldn't help myself. I was driving on these mountain roads. You came into my mind like the wind blowing across the road. I thought of your amazing beauty. OMG, you are beautiful. I thought of your intoxicating eyes. You were staring at me, teasing me with that playful smile. I freaking love your smile. Did I say you are beautiful? lol I was on my way to a meeting so I tried to stop but I couldn't help myself. I thought of the curve of your neck and how it...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Emma Hix Kylie Quinn Seducing The Landlord

Emma Hix has recently broken up with her boyfriend. She bought her place with him, which means that she needs roommates now to make ends meet. She is curious about the couple that has applied to live with her, and as she gets dressed she daydreams about what they may be like. That’s how Jake Adams and Kylie Quinn came to be in Emma’s home. Once Emma has showed them around, they’re in the kitchen making small talk. Emma’s ex comes up, but before she can let herself spiral...

4 years ago
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Blue Magic 1

That was how it all started, the giant empire grew from there, making Frank a millionaire over night. Frank, a young African American, was greatly feared by everyone in the city of New York. Crack whores, other drug dealers, thugs, police all feared the great Frank Lucas. He was pretty good size, a firm body and abs to rock any girls world. Frank knew he was on top and he planned to stay there no matter what it took. Frank tossed his suit jacket across the bed, as he walked by it into the...

2 years ago
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The Installation

I ordered satelite television, and the installers came by at 9:00 AM on Tuesday to get it all set up for me. I have long hair and look like an old hippy. The people that came to set up my television were in their 20's, one was a good looking girl, and the other was a sexy guy! Now I've been bi-sexual since I was 10 years old so I was enjoying checking out the sexy young people setting up my television. They were easy to talk to and very friendly. We talked and chatted as they set it up...

2 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 11

“We have two major players in Ghost,” Spencer says sitting with Samantha on the sofa. Even though they were told to go home and get some sleep, neither could rest until they catch a lead for tomorrow. “Hanson Noi, the leader, German born.” “Never heard of him,” Sam remarks, setting down her folder. “These guys are mostly small,” Spencer says. “His parents disappeared and found dead when he was still a small child. He went into an orphanage until eighteen and then he disappeared. He later...

1 year ago
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Sucking Roberts cock

Robert lived in my street from an early age of approximately 8 years old, he was always a straight acting boy and had intrest in girls as far as i knew. Robert was a older role model and often we ended up alone at his house in a secluded room or in his fathers hobby room in their garage. Neither of us were aware of homosexuality when we were young but he was always curious and horny to explore his sexuality. The first of 6 encounters started when Robert took me for a ride on our push bikes to...

3 years ago
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Realising Our Fantasies Together part 2

Introduction: Our wannabe heroine goes nightclubbing with the wife Steve, come in here now! Two weeks had passed since my first strap-on session with Maria, and since she had fucked me with it a few times, but she had never let me take off the cock-cage in those two weeks. She was gradually taking her dom role more and more seriously, to the point where she had ordered a black vinyl outfit just to push the point home for me, and it was that same outfit I was looking at as I entered the...

4 years ago
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Abused in the club

This is the first time I have submitted anything like this so please bare with me! I first got into exhibitionism when I was 18 years old. Me and my boyfriend at the time were walking back from a night out and feeling frisky, he had been touching and teasing me all night and I was horny as hell. We walked along the pavement down a reasonably busy road past a park which was surrounded by a small waist height wall. My boyfriend dragged me into the park and we started to kiss, anyway, fuelled by...

1 year ago
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Cheating with Girlfriends Roommate

I had just gotten off work, and was happy to be able to leave finally and go see my girlfriend. I checked my phone, and I had 3 unread texts from my girlfriend, Sophie.“Hey Jason, turns out I’ve got work tonight too, but I should be home right after you.”“Sorry, works been slammed, won’t make it home until after midnight. Love you”“So my sister is in the hospital, she was in a minor car accident. I’ve now got to drive back to my parents for the night, would you go by my place and let the dog...

3 years ago
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The Prince Goes to Market

5Prince Jaseth, Bina and an assitant butler sat in an elegantly decorated small auction room. Jaseth was just getting fed up with waiting when a side door opend and an absolutely gorgeouse High Elf woman came in wearing only a golden slave collar."Pardon me Your Highness.""Yes." Jaseth said obviousely anoyed.She gave him a dazling smile. "My Master sends his apology for the delay. Organizing the display is taking much longer than he expected. While you wait, would you care for some...

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Adventures of Tami Tamis Chastisement

Adventures of Tami: Tami's Chastisement Starring L & Tami by Tami, L's Gurl As always these stories are based on the truth. Only a little bit of "dramatic flair". L has always been a tad bit insecure and jealous of any woman that she thinks is eyeballing me. One day I think I mentioned that if she could lock up my dick I would gladly let her, just to prove there are no other women in my life. Not that I would ever think of leaving L, my life is too fantastic as...

2 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 15

Rota was the same as Guam ... only smaller ... and less traffic ... and fewer people ... maybe Rota wasn’t anything like Guam. Rota wasn’t all that far... 47 nmi (nautical miles) and the wind was in our favor. West Harbor Marine could and would supply us with diesel but ... Kohatsu, the diesel engine and implement supplier, would sell us fuel in refillable seven gallon yellow plastic jerrycans at half the price ... and we could keep the drums. Even better, they delivered ... so. Instead of...

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King of the Town

You are Scott Chulley, but everyone calls you Scotty. You are a six foot four country boy who is a lanky but very strong kid. You've led your town's high school basketball team to three straight state championships and everyone expects you to do it your senior year as well. To help make life as easy as possible everyone in the town is treating you like a king, especially the ladies. And not just the high school girls but every woman in the small town. Your only choices this year seem to be who...

1 year ago
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Holly Gets a RideChapter 10

Addie made breakfast for all three of them, smiling while Holly sat on Ricky’s lap, still dressed in just the sheet while they related their story of meeting last night, how her car had broken down and their journey back. The injury on Ricky’s head was to the right and behind the eye socket, and while it had stopped bleeding long ago, a definite bruise had formed. With each glance at him, Holly’s delight from their love-making was tempered by the memory of Rob, his anger, his accusations and...

2 years ago
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Right Out From Under Me

The events of the last 2 weeks of my life have utterly pulled the rug out from under me, and I've slowly started to learn that I was nowhere near as in-control as I thought. Thinking back, I would never have guessed what She really was like, and if I'd never had the courage speak my mind, I never would have known. This is definitely one of those moments where we need to work our way up from the beginning.. Next up; Step One, My Life in Perfect Order

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Esta soy Yo This is Me

A/N: I’ve been inspired to write this when I was listening to the song ‘Esta soy yo’ by ‘El sueño de morfeo’, one of my all-time favourites… I just wanted to portray a different perspective on the glamour life that many people crave for. But remember, any of the characters and events herein are entirely fictional. * They said I needed to laugh a little more. Whenever my face was tightened, they told me to open up and show my pearly whites. ‘You need to make a pouty mouth, with just this...

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The Convict Discipline House

Mary and Betty walked up the path to the front door, both dreading what was going to happen to them over the next couple of hours. Mary was sixty-four-years-old and Betty was sixty-six-years-old and both were partway through their prison sentences. Most of the prisoners worked at the prison for just a very low nominal wage which they used to buy special items, but Mary and Betty very were two of the lucky ones offered employment at the local factory owned by Mrs Carson. Mrs Carson was...

3 years ago
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'PRISCILLA' Not the Queen of the Desert. Wesley Family. Maggie Wesley: Widowed mother of Steve, Dave, Rob and Emily. Steve: Oldest son, 23. In the army. Dave: 19. Rob: 17. Emily: 12. Gaines Family. Malcolm Gaines. Husband of Elizabeth, father of Priscilla and James. Elizabeth Gaines. Wife of Malcolm, mother of Priscilla and James. James Gaines. 18 year old. Priscilla Gaines: 12 year old. 1960. A warm Saturday afternoon in Melbourne, Australia. In the Wesley household, Rob...

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Cousins Farmyard FunChapter 3

"You certainly seem quiet today," Christina observed, closing the ledger book and turning around. Barbara was sitting in the same sofa Pardner had "attacked" her in. Leafing through a magazine, she felt her mind wandering, wandering back to the day two days ago when the animal had jumped on her and brushed her cunt with his tongue. "Hm? Oh, just thinking about how relaxing it's been since I've come here," Barbara mused out loud, feeling a little ill at ease under her cousin's...

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Valendrel is a huge world of vast kingdoms and powerful nations. It's is populated by many different races with a wide variety of cultures. For many years it has been plagued by wars, plagues, and marauding bandits. Several of the larger kingdoms have recently used their power and influence to begin settling the many disputes and disturbances across the land. The three most powerful kingdoms are Tarendil, Raqdor, and Poltian. These three super powers are at the center of Valendrel and form an...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 3

"I'm sorry," Alicia said quietly as they walked along the dirt path. "What for?" Jackie asked. "You didn't do anything. Besides, I thought your explanation of hyperbolic acceleration was very ... educational." "I'm apologizing because you got stuck with me instead of someone you could actually talk to," Alicia explained, her face turning a little pink with embarrassment. "I can talk to you just fine, Mom," Jackie replied. "Yeah, right!" Alicia replied, throwing Jackie's...

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Kiss me like a lover

This one just came out over the course of Friday morning. It’s hot off the keyboard and hasn’t even had a read-through, which means there will be typos and errors. I’ve got to get out and do some shopping now, so here it is as an unedited piece. I hope the errors don’t detract too much from your enjoyment of the scene.Feedback is appreciated, bearing the above in mind, that is.Thanks for reading. As ever, I appreciate you taking the time and effort.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 28th of August...

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Clone experimenting

"So how do you feel about fucking your own clone?" a show host on your television asked to his guest for the evening. "As in is it masturbation or not?" the guest asked back. "If that's the first thing that pop in your head, sure." the host answer with a chuckle. "I actually say it is, but with a few caveats. The first being the intent of the cloning. If the absolute first thing you think is to fuck it, then that's masturbation." he stated but as he did, you go a text from your best friend,...

3 years ago
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Caught out by GF

My ultimate fantasy, not true:One night while my GF is working late, I decide i have about two hours to meet a guy I'd had lined up for some time. He says he is new to the scene and wants to get a bj off a crossdresser like me. Hes 62 and a has nice big belly and large cock. I quickly dress in my gfs fishnets, thong pink heels and bra. I am feeling amazing as I always do when I'm in stockings.After a bit of chat I finally convince him i can accommodate and it's totally safe. Ive been sending...

4 years ago
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Encounter With A Stranger

Hi guys, This is Nithesh. This is supposed to be my second submittal. The first one was about 4 years back. I am a regular reader of ISS and every story/experience I read in ISS has made me share my experience with you all. Please mail your feedback to First of all, I would like to introduce the people involved in this event of my life. Myself Nithesh Krithi – The girl with whom I had intercourse. Govind – Krithi’s husband for namesake Ramya – My cousin I am basically from Bangalore (now...

1 year ago
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Whores in My Bedroom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Connie was not very pleased when she heard about my elder sister Nikki’s visit the coming week. Like all other women in the world, Connie, my dear wife of last three years, too did not seem to like the company of my relatives, certainly not when they plan to stay with us for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I consider this as natural trait to a woman, and therefore I did not blame her for her feelings. The call from Nikki came last night while Connie...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 64

The disaster at Gorgipest had burst over the faxes on Settlement. The Brown Hollow government fell. The old team were back at the Admiralty. People with relatives or friends on Gorgipest were worried. There was a number of women on Settlement who had partners and friends on 119. They were worried almost literally sick at the lack of news plus the added worry of a babe orphaned before its birth and the prospect of children never knowing a father. There were glaring gaps in the knowledge of the...

2 years ago
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my life as a sissy crossdresser

it should be noted that i did not ask for this disposition to crossdress, rather it was presented to me quite by accident. circa 1958...grade school PTA fashion show. PTA fathers were asked to put on a fashion show dressed as their better halves. my dad was right in the mix. I remember he wore some mid calf, grey business suit w/jacket, tan stockings and black heels. i remember this because he practiced dressing days before the show. he wore some makeup and a wig. not very passable, but not...

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Hard Fucking My Married Cousin Didi My Angel

This happened when my suddenly in my life with a distant married cousin. I m residing in mumbai and she was also residing here few months back when this encounter happened. My jija went to US for higher studies leaving his darling wife. Based on my parents insistence I started visiting her as she was leaving day she asked me moved in her house as she feels alone so I moved. We started going out like brother n sisters for movie shopping. One day I saw her dirty many in the bathroom...

1 year ago
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When I Think About Cheatin

Thank you to Techsan for editing my story and making it a much better read. Note from Jake Rivers: DG Hear and I worked together doing the "Back Up Buddy" and "Hey, Joe!" stories and then collaborating on "Wish Me Luck, The Sequel." This was in addition, of course, to our stories in the two writing invitational's I put together on "This Bed of Rose's" and "El Paso." So we decided to try it again. DG is writing a story based on Gretchen Wilson's great song, "When I Think About...

2 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 21

The conference at An Clochán resumed after lunch with Laonize giving the presentation on the Atewa World. Egulle then presented the details on the Alliance’s organization, the composition of its governing body, its responsibilities and limits. After his presentation Sarah, Siobhan and Maureen returned to the riser. They said, “Until we break for dinner, the floor is open for questions. We will act as moderators during this time. Our goal is to see that everyone has an opportunity to ask a...

3 years ago
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Encounter in the Bar

I entered the hotel lounge, and wandered over to the bar, looking over the room. It was somewhat dimly lit and about half-full of people at booths and tables. I took a seat on a stool, flipping my short skirt out behind me as I sat down, putting my bare rear on the leather of the seat. I hooked my heels into the rung of the stool, and let my knees fall open about a foot or so. The bartender appeared in front of me, a cute blonde, and I asked for a glass of white wine. When it arrived, I took a...

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Generations of Sand

THE STORY The story centres on Nathan Sand, a high school boy and his growing sexual adventures with some of the females in his family. I strive to write between 400 and 800 words on each fork, not to make it too short and lose depth in the story and not to make it too long and boring. CHARACTER INTRODUCTION! Nathan Sand (our main hero) Age: 18 Height: 5,6ft Weight: 131lbs Hair: Short dark brown Occupation: Student Relation: Son Veronica Sand Age: 34 Height: 5,7ft Weight: 119lbs Hair: Long...

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Love Comes To Me

Hello again, this is a strange one (seems like I’ve said that before). It is really as much a personal thought experiment about dominant/submissive relationships, as it a story. I was idly wondering what a normal, laid back man would go through if he suddenly found himself with a very submissive partner. I’ve only read a few D/S stories, but they all seemed to be submissive focused or to involve a very powerful personality as the dominant. What got me thinking like this was ‘Stray Kitten’ by...

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The MILF next door parte uno Karen

This a story, fictional, nothing more! I have lived in the the out skirts of this big city for quite some time now. I do have a great relationship with most of my neighbors and the community in general. Across the street is the old grumpy George, he sits in his porch and drinks his coffee every morning looking at people gone by, always complaining about something. Next to him are the Rogers, nice f****y, and on the other side are the Smiths, and on my right side are the Ortegas, nice Mexican...

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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

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Alex and PeterChapter 13 Peter

Dad and I went fishing. We took McElroy's Honor and dropped anchor in the Chesapeake for two days. A Father-Son fishing trip like we used to do when I was a kid. To celebrate. George McElroy was excluded by the second test. "I knew it in my heart." Dad say again as we sat watching the moonrise over the bay. "Why I couldn't let her abort you. I knew you was mine." I just nod. I still feel like I just dodged a bullet. We sit in silence for a while. I've been a rotten son the last...

2 years ago
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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors Part One

I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there....

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Mistis Adventures Part 29

By the time they got home, there wasn't much time for them to do much more than clean up, and get ready for a new day. They didn't mind though, because they were too excited to sleep, anyway. Sharon and Mary shared a ride, as they often did, stopping to get some breakfast at a fast-food drive-through. They had coffee at work, so some sandwiches and hash browns were all they needed. Mary also stopped at a bakery and bought boxes of donuts and rolls to celebrate with the others at work. Sharon...

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Enslaved By Sorority Sluts Chapter 1 Captured Gimped

This wasn't how Zack typically spent his Friday nights. He would normally be back at his dorm reading a book, watching Netflix or adding to his vast collection of degenerate internet porn. His friends, however, were having none of it. Tom was a suave ladies man who Zack had known since high school and Marcus was a football player that Tom had introduced him to three years ago. They were good friends despite their vastly different experiences in life and over the summer Tom and Marcus had made...

1 year ago
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Hiking for Love 2 Love Blossoms

I got up and she led me to bed. Once in the bedroom, we stripped down and crawled in bed. I was already hard, just looking at her. She smiled as she lay down and slightly spread her legs. I grabbed her hurt leg, and gently brought up by my face, and kissed her ankle gently. She looked at me with a weird look on her face, "Foot Fetish?" "No. Actually this is the one part of you I totally love all ready. Because of this ankle, it brought us together. Had you not been a klutz,...

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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 1

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata,(well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval). All names have been changed as she requested. I will forward her fan mail to her. Please send your comments, suggestions and fan mail of Sujata to ) Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an incest story, Mom seducing and...

1 year ago
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My wife a fantasy Part II

Thanks for the feedback so lets continue.....Marcus started kissing Janes neck and his hand started to disappear inside her white blouse gropping at her 32ee tits. She still had her hand on his dick - rubbing him through his trousers."Give me a hand James" he said. James looked at me - I nodded and smiled.He stood up from beside me and had to adjust his trousers over his hard-on.This was not lost on Jane "Nice to see you approve!" she whispered breathlessly.At this moment she was obscured from...

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