All for Mr Redman
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: Continuatoin of the series. you might want to read the other four chapters first. All For Mr. Redman Chapter 5
*To understand where we are I strongly suggest you read the previous Chapters first. Thanks to everyone who has read them and taken the time to comment, PM, and rate the stories. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed the experiences that compelled me to write about them.*
I crawled over to Peter and said Ready for more Tiger?
He was sitting back on the couch looking well and truly fucked. His cock was standing proud and he had clearly been aroused by having just been fucked by my roommate Amanda, while I had been making love with his closest friend, Barbara. I guess having a hot bombshell Nordic blonde, an athletic latina, and his own little Japanese girlfriend getting nasty with him and with each other was inspiring to him.
Amanda and Barbara were laying on the floor next to each other and had turned their heads to see what was going to happen next.
Peter saw me coming and said Holy shit Sachiko, your going to fucking kill me.
I had reached him and having placed my hands on his spread thighs said Not yet, but I am seriously trying. as I winked at him.
He put his head back and moaned as I started licking the mixed cocktail of his cum and Amandas juices from his powerful shaft.
Both Barbara and Amanda came over and took a spot on the couch on either side of him. Amanda kissing him while Barbara leaned in and licked his nipples. It was pretty obvious that he was in heaven as his cock started to twitch. I had no idea how many times he had already cum, but I had something on my mind and I really wanted to see it happen.
Barbara, why dont you come and help me? I asked seductively staring into her beautiful blue eyes.
With a glance at Peters face, seeing he was busy kissing Amanda and caressing her gorgeous tanned breasts, she slid down onto the floor next to me. She opened her lovely mouth and her pink tongue came out as she started to lick his cock.
I lowered myself down and started kissing and sucking on his balls as she took him into her mouth, sucking lightly and moving her head up and down.
Before long Peters hips began to move, pushing himself up into her mouth. I heard him moan out her name when he saw she was the one giving him head.
He took one of his hands from Amandas full tits and placed it on Barbaras head. Amanda began kissing and licking his neck so he had a clear view of the hot oral worship his proud white cock was receiving. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen.
While continuing to bathe his balls with my tongue, I slowly began circling his tight asshole with my wet thumb. This made him shake even more and I knew all this stimulation might make him cum before I got to witness something I really wanted to see. I wanted to see his big cock buried in Barbaras tight pink pussy. Honestly, I wasnt sure if she would allow it, but oh fuck did I want to see that. Peter had allowed me to be bi-sexual in front of him, not needing to hide anything or worry about any strange consequence to our relationship. I wanted her pussy to be his reward.
I leaned up and whispered to Barbara Its so fucking hot seeing your lips around his cock, watching you take that big fucking meat in your mouth… you want to know dont you? You want to know what it would feel like buried in you tight pussy while I lick you both I heard her moaning and continued Please fuck him, I want to see it so much… I want to suck his hot cum out of you and taste you both together.
With what can best be described as an animalistic growl she stood up and straddling his lap she set his cock head against her shaved pussy. She held herself there and when I saw their eyes meet I saw lust in both their eyes, and it made me shiver in anticipation.
Barbara began lowering herself onto him and Amanda leaned back out of the way and was staring at them transfixed by the sight, just like I was. She came when she was halfway down, with a scream, and the sudden gyrations caused her to sink all the way down. They locked eyes for a moment and Peter said Barbara.. and she began to move up and down on his cock, her hands going to his shoulders as his cupped her firm ass.
I watched them fucking, unable to move. They looked so hot together and so into their shared pleasure. I was not jealous… just soaking fucking wet I was so turned on. Amanda leaned in and began sucking on Barbaras breasts. That caused me to snap out of it and I lowered my face and began licking Barbaras tight little pink rosebud. Peters fingers came in contact with my hair and I heard him moan out Holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit.
Barbara began really riding him and was writhing all over his cock.
Amanda stopped what she was doing and got off the couch. I was not sure what she was up to until she got on her back underneath me, and bending her head backwards began licking Peters balls and his ass.
I continued to feast on Barbara as their heated fucking grew into a firestorm of lust. Barbara suddenly reached back and grabbed my head, holding it in place on her ass as she buried his cock deep inside her hot pussy.
She was wracked by a massive orgasm and was screaming out incoherently. Peter let her ride it out… then lifted her off him and rolled her onto he her hand and knees on the couch.
I looked down at Amanda and she winked. We both got up fast. We watched as Peter shoved his cock hard back into her tight velvet sheath, and pulled her back towards him and up, licking her ear. Like lightening Amanda got on the couch under her in a sixty nine position and began licking then both while Peter was thrusting into Barbara.
I took in this incredible scene and could not believe how fucking hot it was to watch this happening. My hand had slid of its own volition onto my pussy and I was circling my clit, but I didnt want to just watch. I wanted to give Peter the biggest fucking orgasm of his life.
I got on the couch behind Peter and was kissing his neck as he released Barbara and she fell down along Amandas firm body. Barbara was screaming again as she came and after the orgasmic release she buried her head between Amandas thighs, attacking that hot pussy with a vengeance.
I slid down Peters back, kissing along the way, until I found myself tongue fucking his ass. I could feel him shaking and knew he was loving all the hot action he was experiencing. I took my tongue away and slid two fingers into his as aiming for his prostate. He was starting to really shake now and was roaring out powerful grunts and starting to slam in and out of Barbara. When I knew he was really close I began fucking my fingers in and out and his ass, twisting them for maximum effect.
Peter lost it, spanking Barbaras ass and screaming out You hot fucking sluts! he went into orgasm. He locked his hips tight against her ass and blasted off a load deep into her pussy. I could hear Amanda crying out in orgasm as well. Barbara had apparently joined them as her cries joined theirs. They rode it out together and, when it was over, Peter fell backwards against me.
I was ready for this and leaned back against the end of the couch, bringing his head backwards onto my shoulder and cradling it there. My other hand I wrapped around his chest and hugged him to me. He was breathing hard and covered in a sheen of sweat. His eyes were closed and I knew he was done for now. He slid one hand down the side and gently squeezed my knee, but could do nothing else.
Barbara was laying flat on Amanda, but gradually rolled off her onto the floor, laying on her back panting with her arms spread over her head. Her legs were spread apart enough for me to see the hot cum oozing out of her.
Amanda did not move, having simply dropped her arms, one hanging off the side of the couch. She was just as wasted as everyone else.
There was something I had to do. I kissed Peter on the head and gently laid him back against the couch as I slid out from behind him. He looked at me and said I love you. Smiling I kissed him lightly and said I know.
I gently positioned myself between Barbaras thighs and gently licked all of his cum out of her pussy. Licking around it and on her thighs and between her cheeks I gathered up all I could find. She didnt orgasm, and was not trying to make her have one. I dont think her overstimulated pussy could have handled it, but nothing was going to deny me tasting their combined juices.
When I was done Barbara was laying there relaxed and had an angelic smile on her face. Amanda was barely awake and was positively glowing with sexual satisfaction. As for Peter, my love and the first man I ever gave my heart to, well bless him but he appeared to have slipped into a light doze. His breathing was soft and regular.
Getting to my feet and got water for Amanda and Barbara. They sat up as I brought it to them and looking over at Peter we were all just smiling. That amazing man had managed, despite overwhelming odds, to satisfy all of us. Granted we helped each other from time to time, but he never quit. I was so proud of him and loved every second of that remarkable night.
We had our water and chatted about how amazing it had all been. Amanda asked if we would ever do anything like this again and Barbara nodded and smiled. I was in favour of it, but said we would have to ask Peter about it later.
Barbara and Amanda grabbed quick body showers and dressed. I kissed each of them goodbye and we had a group hug. They then left, holding hands, planning to sleep the day away at Barbaras.
I glanced at the clock and saw it was just after four in the morning. I walked back into the living room and Peter had not moved, he was still sleeping. I did notice that he had a very relaxed face and the cutest little hint of a smile. I could not help it and leaned over and kissed him lightly.
Despite being exhausted I cleaned up and set the coffee maker for 11am.
I went back to the Peter and gently roused him from his slumber and took him to bed. He was so tired he didnt even ask where everyone went. When he was tucked sweetly into bed and sleeping again I took a shower and crawled into bed with him, curled up, and went too dreamland.
At 11am my cellular alarm went off. I crawled out of bed and noticed that Peter did not even stir.
I went into the kitchen and made myself and coffee and sat down. I was flipping through one of Peters cook books when I heard the shower running. Making him a coffee I took it to the bathroom and set it by his towel. Returning to the kitchen I made breakfast for is both.
When Peter came into the kitchen he scooped me up and gave me a really big kiss while I wrapped my legs around his waist. I was so happy and started giggling when he was kissing my neck. Setting me down he joined me for breakfast. As we sat there eating we talked about the night before and everything that happened. I mentioned the fact that Amanda and Barbara loved it and hoped there would be a repeat.
He burst open laughing and said I think I am the luckiest man alive, but seriously, I would appreciate a chance to recover first. we were laughing and he said Sachiko, it was great but if it didnt happen again I would be okay. I have you and you are more than enough for me.
Smiling I said We will do, or not do, whatever we want that makes us both happy.
The remainder of our Saturday was spent just hanging out and enjoying our time together. It was a lot of fun. When we went grocery shopping I was feeling kind of naughty. We were in the vegetable section and I spotted a zucchini and picked it up. I held it up by the end and said ooooooooooooh Peter.
When he looked over I took my other hand and started stroking it. Peter started to laugh. Thats when I noticed a couple of women and one man standing at their carts staring in shock. I just and said Um, we dont need this dear as I set it down. I looked at the woman and said Sorry, I just love my veggies. She started to laugh.
We decided that shopping was a lot of fun, but he dragged me away from the meat area when I said Oh baby check out the sausage! We were laughing like hell and kept shopping.
In the dairy section I picked up a carton of 10% cream and made like I was pouring it over my chest. I love being covered in cream baby! I said. Peter was laughing and we noticed a stock boy, about 17 staring at me with a clear Holy Shit expression. I set the cream down and looking at him and said I prefer it fresh from the source. The guy got a huge smile on his face as I walked away with Peter. He pointed out I can never go shopping with his mother.
Peter made an amazing dinner for us and we just relaxed and watched movies for the rest of the night. It was so nice just cuddling up.
On Sunday morning when I got out of bed at 9am I showered and made sure I was dressed. I put on a sundress, and arranged my hair and did my makeup. I went for the cute look because I figured someone might be coming by. Peter got up shortly after and found me in the process of making coffee. He said Stop! Holding both his hands up toward me.
I did freeze, holding the pot and a cup. Dont you move a muscle! he said in mock seriousness. Set the pot and cup down slowly and step away from the counter. I followed his instructions to the letter and turned back to face him. I slowly raised my hands in surrender and said Is there a problem officer?
He just laughed and explained we were going out for brunch with his parents and that his sister was joining us. I pointed out that telling me before they walked in the door, using keys like everyone else, was too much of a break in tradition for me to handle.
We were laughing about that when he said Wait a second.
Peter left the room and I stood there waiting, having been forbidden to make coffee it seemed. When he came back he was holding something in his closed fist. Smiling sweetly he held his hand out and opened in, revealing a car key and a condo key. Placing my hand over them I looked back up at him.
I hope this isnt too much, but I would like you to be able to come over when you like and not always have to wait on me. he said. I just…. this whole thing has been… we have been all I ever wanted and more than I was capable of dreaming of. This place simply seems empty when you not here, even though I have lived here for five years.
Gently taking the keys from his hand I slid my arms up around his shoulders and he leaned down giving me a lovely kiss. I leaned back and saying I feel like I should make a joke, but thats just my nerves. You dont have to do this.
Peter stared into my eyes and said Your nervous?
I nodded and meekly said Yes.
He walked me over and sat me down. I was feeling all kinds of butterflies and was actually scared. Not only had I never been in love before, I had never ever gotten this close to anyone. My emotions were wide open and it scared the hell out of me. This was huge, this was so serious it was scary to me.
Peter placed one hand on my cheek and he sweet eyes were filled with concern. What is it? Did I do something wrong?
No, nothing, ever. I swallowed and said I love you. I love you with everything I am I started to shake a bit and continued It scares the hell out of me, you could wreck me so easily. The only time things seem real to me is when I am with you. Please… I took his hands in mine Please dont… I am living a dream with you… one I have had for years. I dreamed about so many things with you and if you…. if you are having doubts or have problems please tell me now. I was breathing hard.
Sachiko, breathe for me baby… take a few deep breaths and just relax. I think I know what your asking. I dont have any doubts about you. You are about the only thing I am completely sure of. Im not going to do anything to hurt you. Im not going to break your heart. Believe me sweetie, this feeling, this is deep and its going both ways. Your not alone here. Lets just let this lead us where it will and not worry about some kind of heavy ending. He kissed my fingertips then hugged me and said I love you Sachiko.
We just held each other and I did get control of my emotions again, gradually. I was not happy that I lost it like that. It was pretty clear that this was all new to me, and he knew it. He had experience with relationships and he knew what I was feeling. That was a relief, I may have understood heartbreak as a concept, but he had actually been there.
We pulled back out of the hug and I smiled at him and said Caution, slightly neurotic Japanese at work. He laughed and kissed me lightly and said Hey, I want you to have the keys. Just keep them in your bag and if you ever want to use them you can. If you really dont want them just set them on the counter. If I moved too fast Im sorry, I just… well I would like to see you more often even if all we do is sleep or spend time in the same room doing our own thing.
I will keep them and use them when I can. Im sorry I freaked out. I love you too. giving him another hug.
We started kissing and well, being us things were getting heated up pretty fast. The doorbell rang snapping us back to reality and we both laughed.
Peter let his parents in as I was fastening my bra and pulling my shirt back on. I marvelled at how fast he got his pants up, shirt tucked in and his belt done up. The mans a miracle in every way.
I went and greeted his parents. His mother gave me a big hug, very happy to see me. When his father held out his hand I laughed and stepped in and hugged him saying We are past shaking hands Mr. Redman. He laughed and said Yes, I forgot, your making me a grandfather.
We all started laughing and his mother said You people are never going to let that go are you. Peter kissed her cheek and said Nope!
I stepped back and looked at Peters sister. She was standing back a bit and watching me closely. When she saw I was watching her she smiled and held out her hand saying Hi, Im Catherine.
Catherine had long dark red hair and blue eyes. She was 56 tall, and had a well rounded figure, with generous breasts, a slim waist, and hips that flared outwards beautifully. Her skin was fair and clear. Her face had a fresh beauty to it and her teeth were a bright white. Her smile was actually quite lovely. I remembered all the nice things Peter had said about her and about how close they were growing up.
Smiling back at her I took her hand and shook it and said Hi, Im Sachiko. Peter has told me many very nice things about you.
Im relived to finally meet you Sachiko. Now I can put a pretty face to all the things he has told me. she replied, her smile spreading.
Peter suggested he could make brunch for everyone, but his parents would not hear of it and insisted that they were taking us for brunch. We travelled in their Escalade to the restaurant and the whole way I marvelled at how easily they talked to one another and how relaxed they were.
Brunch was at a really nice restaurant near the waterfront and it was as relaxed as the first time I dined with them. His sister seemed very interested in anything I could tell her about myself. She clearly loved her brother and seemed to want to reassure herself I was right for him. I found Catherine to be funny and she clearly enjoyed life. I learned she is two years older than me, had already landed a career in the financial sector and it was going well apparently. She didnt seem too interested in telling me about though, which struck me as odd since more people I knew with a new career could not be quiet about it.
She was very light on the details.
When they dropped us off back at Peters, Catherine and I exchanged numbers so we could set up a night to go out for drinks.
Knowing that Peter had to play football at 3pm, so I decided to make use of the time that we had. As soon as the door was closed and we were walking back into the house I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bedroom. I didnt say anything, but he was laughing playfully.
I lead him next to the bed and stepped away looking at him and simply said Strip.
He went to take my hand and I stepped away and said Strip… bitch.
He smiled and took off all of his clothes. God I love his height, his fit body, those strong legs and off course that wonderful cock that was hard by the time he was finished undressing.
I smirked and him and walked forward and shoved him causing him to fall back onto the bed. While he laid there looking at me I peeled off my clothes and ran my hands over my body slowly swaying my body as I caressed myself and bringing my hands back up to my breasts I pinched my rigid nipples and tugged them outwards. I brought my eyes up to meet Peters and said to him as I slowly moved onto the bed crawling over him Here is whats going to happen Mr. Redman… you… are… going… to… fuck… the … shit….out…. of …. me kissing his body between words. He was laying there staring up at me with a mix of wonder and lust. I said fuck the shit out of me! as I pinched his nipple to emphasize the point.
He caught on fast. He grabbed me and rolled over on top of me and lifted my ankles up in the air pushing them backwards. He slapped my exposed ass and leaned down and started licking my pussy. He had bent me over backwards, leaving my pussy and ass fully open to his oral exploration. I came quickly all over his face and he lowered me slightly, lined up, and shoved his big cock deep into my little pussy with one massive thrust.
YES!!! FUCK ME!!! I screamed at the top of my lungs and he did not hesitate. His 62 powerful body fucked my little 53, 105lb body deep into that mattress. He was relentless and nailed me hard making me cry out repeatedly as he battered my cervix. I was helpless and he knew it. He was loving it and relished having me pinned for his pleasure. I loved the feeling of power from him, surrendering, not worrying about what I had to do, rather just waiting to be fucked any way he wanted me. I was getting everything I wanted at that moment. Is this good? You like having my cock pounding your tight pussy? You like getting fucked hard and deep? I managed to cry out Yes..Yes oh God please dont stop.
Peter didnt stop either, my wonderful man. Looking up at the determination in his eyes to fuck me to complete submission made me so happy.
He growled suddenly and pulled out and flipped me over. Spanking my ass he pulled me up onto my knees and rammed back into my pussy. He grabbed my hair and railed my pussy. I was lost in pleasure and crying out my orgasms. I was pushing back at him and loving this raw fuck. Peter was going to cum in me and cum hard, by the growls he was making and the feverish pitch of his ramming cock.
I was crying out with each thrust and when he gripped me hard, burying his cock deep inside me, lodged against my cervix I had a massive orgasm. I could feel his cum shooting deep into me, knowing it was filling my womb.
He suddenly released me and I collapsed forward onto my stomach. Gasping and thrilled by the sensations in my body, I reached a hand out and Peter was not there. I rolled onto my side seeking him out just in time to see him fall off the bed. Quickly I crawled and looked over the side of the bed. Peter was sprawled on his back on the floor. Our eyes met and I burst open laughing. Rolling onto my side I simply could not stop laughing. I heard him muttering and he got onto the bed next to me and laid down pulling him to me.
What did you say? I asked.
He touched my nose and said You are a succubus was what I said.
Laughingly I embraced him. Your saying Im going to steal your soul through sex?
He kissed my head and said Might not be too bad a fate after all
We just cuddled and talked, enjoying our time together. Peter finally had to get up. While he was dressing to go I went and took twelve cold beers from the fridge and put the into his cooler. I was in the kitchen doing this, bent over working at my task , wearing nothing but my thong when he walked in. He smiled and I glanced at him smiling back before finishing loading the cooler.
I stood up as he came over to pick it up. He kissed me and said I cant believe the sexiest woman I have ever known was in my kitchen, looking hot as hell, and loading beer in my cooler for football. Im starting to think your perfect.
I laughed and said I think you hit your head when you fell off the bed. Go, have fun, make them your bitches. I said laughing.
You could help. He said
How on earth could I possibly help? Ive never played football in my life.
He smiled impishly and said Just bring the beer out during the game and while they stare at you mouths open we run them down.
And you friends? I said with a smirk.
Ah, right. Bad Idea. he replied smiling.
Peter gave me a kiss and left for his game. When he closed the door I stood looking around. This was so weird, he wasnt there. It was warming be here in his home, but was at a total loss as to what to do. I didnt have to study and he would be gone for about three hours. Deciding to make tea I walked around sipping it and ended up in his office. I looked at the pictures on the wall, I knew some of the people in them, most I did not. Looking at the case where the tea set I bought him, when I was his student in High School, sitting there perfectly dusted and never used.
I did not want to touch his computer to check my e-mail, that seemed kind of invasive.
Wandering into the bathroom, intending to take a shower, I noticed his three bin laundry basket. An idea occurred to me. I became Suzy Homemaker. I did his laundry, vacuumed, and cooked a lasagna for him. I left it in the oven when it was done, keeping it warm. I took my shower and dressed using clothes in my bag. I gathered my things up and wrote him a note telling him I loved him and would call him later.
I left, having locked up, and made my way back to the dorm. When I arrived I found Amanda was passed out cold. I set down my bag and gently climbed onto her bed with her. Gently wrapping an arm over her I kissed her head and laid down. She mumbled my name and brought a hand up to hold the one I had put over her, falling back to sleep quickly.
Laying there for a time I pondered all that had happened and the new joy in my life. I fell asleep with those pleasant thoughts on my mind.
CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do... or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment can really help make a dark day brighter! The ideas for other stories have also been appreciated and I am flattered you would trust me with them. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz,...
Mrs Redman An Introduction With my assignments finished for the day I finally arrived, near exhausted, at the home of Mrs Redman where I had been resident for the last six months or so. With some reluctance born out of my exhaustion, I walked around the house from the garage where I parked my van and thought of what obligations may await me on entering the house. The household had consisted for months of just Mrs Redman, Miss Julie and me, however, for the last week, Mrs Redman's...
Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much. There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit everything and you may not like me after. I have never claimed to be a perfect person. I am not hiding anything... simply trying to fill in an important section in our lives. Please remember...
Introduction: Peter and I struggle, Jessica interferes and I prove I am only human *** You will find this easier to read, and more enjoyable, if you take the time to read the other chapters first Thank you to all those who have written to me about this, commented, and voted. I really do appreciate it very much. There is not a lot of sex in this Chapter, it is located in just after the middle portion. Please do not be too hard on me as for this story to continue to be true I had to admit...
All for Mr Redman Chapter 6 In the morning Amanda and I got up and got ready for another killer week. Finals were coming up, papers and labs were due, and it was simply a killer grind. The entire week I slept when I could, ate nothing that was good for me and had pure coffee in my veins. Every night I called Peter and we would talk. I actually fell asleep on him during on of my calls. There was no way I could go to his place with all the things I had to get done in and around campus....
Introduction: You may want to read the others in the series to fully enjoy what is offered here. **Again I would like to thank everyone who has PMs me and taken the time to comment on my writing. I was feeling kind of low and a PM from a site member in Ireland really improved my mood. I really hope you enjoy this. Kisses. ** All for Mr Redman Chapter 6 In the morning Amanda and I got up and got ready for another killer week. Finals were coming up, papers and labs were due, and it was simply a...
It was nearly midnight when William and Colt entered the house. William tried to be quiet expecting everyone to be in bed, but Colt just walked in without worrying about the noise he made. At the irritated glance from William, he said, "I'm up all night and no one notices. If I tried sneaking around here all the time, I'd wake the whole house the first time I made a noise. Everyone is used to me walking around." "Oh, I guess I didn't think about that," William said uneasy about the...
Introduction: Jason is an ass, Peter meets my family, My sister enters the story much to Davids chagrin. Yumiko makes a confession. ** Thank you everyone for all your support, PMs, and comments over the course of this series. I am happy to get back to this series as it was my first. It has been a pleasure to share this and I have some people to thank here. These are not in any order: Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman,...
Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953 For all their advice, support, encouragement and humour. I am grateful to each of you for the time you have taken in reading my stories and giving me feedback. And to all the writers of all the Unknown comments... thank you as well. It does mean something to get feedback and it is motivational to me....
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do... or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment really helps make a dark day brighter! The ideas for other stories have also been appreciated and I am flattered you would trust me with them. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz,...
Introduction: James and I, Barbara/Amanda/James and Peter and I. Oh and Peter has a question of interest. *** It would really be a good idea to read the other chapters before this one so you know what is happening. They can be found by clicking the authors link above: JadeM Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do… or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or...
*To understand where we are I strongly suggest you read the previous Chapters first. Thanks to everyone who has read them and taken the time to comment, PM, and rate the stories. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed the experiences that compelled me to write about them.* I crawled over to Peter and said “Ready for more Tiger?” He was sitting back on the couch looking well and truly fucked. His cock was standing proud and he had clearly been...
I sat there stunned and thought about everything between me and Amanda. She didn't do relationships with guys. I mean she liked having sex but other than that it was a brush off. She had always been there for me since we became roommates and after that first time when we made love it became something we did. She had always been a kind of aggressive lover, but never rough with me. Something pushed her over the edge and it had to be jealousy over Peter. That fact she had just sexually...
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Linda, an attractive young woman, was a special friend of Patrick. She had a well defined hour glass figure with long shapely legs. Her hazel eyes, flecked with gold, drew attention to her face. Her face with soft features was framed by naturally curly blond hair that gave the impression that she had just come from bed. As far as most men were concerned, she would have been an ideal cheerleader type except for what many thought was one major flaw. She was the least endowed female on the...
William looked over at the patio of the hotel where Debbie and Georgia were seated. The two women were talking with each other oblivious of their surroundings. It was obvious to him that they had left their depression behind. Kim and Nancy joined William at the table. The pair of Druids did not look happy. Nancy said, "I feel like we failed." "What do you mean?" William asked. Kim said, "We're supposed to be the grief counselors, not you." "We were useless," Nancy said running a...
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do... or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment can really help make a dark day brighter! Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953, creative thinker,...
Introduction: Life gets interesting between Yumikos actions and a shocking arrival. *** It would really be a good idea to read the other chapters before this one so you know what is happening. They can be found by clicking the authors link above: JadeM Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do… or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment can really...
In the morning I woke up slightly disoriented. I opened my eyes and glanced around. I knew my dorm room didn't look this nice. The gorgeous furniture, amazing decor, the tranquillity of silence. I smiled sleepily and it all came back. I had just had the most amazing night of sex with Mr. Redman, my favourite highschool science teacher. Well, no guilt there. I had a strong crush on him when I was in highschool and I had discovered last night that this way more than a crush. Much to my...
Wearing western garb, William sat on a bench soaking up the sun in front of the Morgenstern building housing the Department of Economics within the School of Business. Classes would be starting in three days and the current crop of undergraduates were busy moving into their dorms. He watched the parents and their children wandering around the campus with a frown. The sons and daughters wanted to declare their independence despite fears of the great unknown. The parents wanted to keep their...
William sat back and stared at the stack of papers. He had spent the past four weeks going over the first draft of his dissertation and fixing the small errors that had crept into it. Sections had been changed to be more precise. The language had been improved to be more readable. References had been checked and the original sources double checked for accuracy. This pass through the dissertation was at a less strenuous pace than the first pass. He had worked eighteen to twenty hours a day on...
"You're lonely." Shrugging his shoulders, William answered, "My girlfriend is hundreds of miles away." "I don't mean that way," Joe said. "What do you mean?" "You don't have any friends. There may be a lot of people around you, but you don't really have any friends." Joe cut a piece out of the steak and put it in his mouth while watching William to judge his reaction. He knew that William was going to be leaving in a week and wondered what was going to happen to his...
Eddie stood with his legs spread shoulder wide and his fists on his hips. Glaring at the man standing in front of him, he said, "My brother is the smartest person alive." "There are a lot of very smart people in this world, young man," the distinguished looking man said with amusement in his voice. He added, "As Provost of this University, I can tell you that many of them are here on this campus." "I don't care who you are. My brother is the smartest person alive. He's going to win...
Doug, sitting in the loveseat sideways with a leg over the armrest, looked up from his book and saw that William had put down the manuscript he had been reading. He asked, "So what do you think?" "I like it," William said nodding his head. "What about my conclusion?" "I think you are right on target. It does seem that a crisis of followership must be a democratic phenomenon," William answered. Doug had concluded after studying several dozen national histories that a loss in...
"That woman is impossible," Forest Shadow declared. "Which woman?" William asked looking up from the journal in which his paper had appeared. In the week that she had been there, Forest Shadow had said that about Lisa, Lucy, Jan, Natalie, and Nicole. He didn't think there was another woman in the house about whom she could complain. "Jan. Can you imagine that she started in on me again about how I treat Lucy? White people just like her were the ones that raped our culture. Why should...
Responsibility is perhaps one of the most complex words in the English language. Written down on paper, it is fourteen characters long. It is pronounced using six syllables. Whether it is written down or spoken, the word is significantly larger than the average word. Despite that, it is still too short of a word to convey a concept so significant. It is a heavy word; just ask anyone who strives to live up to an unpleasant responsibility. Responsibility can weigh a ton. A responsibility is a...
Representative Sidney Smith walked to his office pleased that he had an entire afternoon without a single appointment. Between public speeches, committee meetings, time spent on the floor of the House of Representatives, and smooching with businessmen for funding, he felt that he never had time to think through the issues. It was his standing order that no appointments were to be scheduled Friday afternoons. That was his time to catch up on the issues of the day. Entering his office, Sidney...
While reading her book, Lucy occasionally glanced over at the television to watch the election coverage on the television. It was kind of sad, but the news coverage only addressed a few of the state elections. When they failed to mention the race in Texas, she shook her head and said, "The news services really make me mad." "Why?" William asked moving his book aside to look at Lucy. "They are only covering some of the races we're interested in," Lucy said gesturing over at the...
Chuckling to himself, William shook his head as elements of the near future resolved themselves in his mind. Ken, seated at the dining room table, looked over at him wondering what he had found so humorous. He was about to ask when William said, "It is time for one of my mothers to make an appearance." Lisa, in the kitchen with Tim, wondered why he hadn't asked her to prepare one of the guestrooms. She came out of the kitchen and looked at William with concern. This was the first that...
Ken removed his clothes and placed them on the patio table. The past four weeks had wrought major changes in his physique. He had lost fifteen pounds, with even more fat having been turned into muscle. His shirts were too large around the waist and too small at the shoulders. He glanced over at his wife to see how she was reacting to stripping outdoors. Lisa's body was a soft red color, flushed as a result of embarrassment. After a month of morning exercises with William, Ling, and Tim...
An ominous feeling radiated from the black hole as the sun peered over the horizon. A huge construction crane towered over William. He watched the cage slowly approach the hole. He lifted a hand and the operator stopped lowering the cage. William turned his back to the hole. Medicine men from all over the country had gathered in a great circle around him. Behind them, stood hundreds of warriors. Every man was dressed in tribal costumes. It was not that their costumes had importance in their...
Lucy and Ann entered the house curious as to what they were going to find. They weren't expecting to have a screaming Tim run across the room and then jumping into his father's arms. They both jumped at his scream of delight at having his father return home. Holding up his son, Ken said, "Hello, sport. I'm glad to see you too. How about we get you ready for bed and I'll read a bedtime story to you?" "Yeah!" Ken carried Tim up the stairs. Lisa was waiting patiently for the males to...
Lucy and Ann stood at the window watching the crowd of people practicing Tai Chi in the back yard. Young, old, and everything in between were moving in perfect synchronization. Off to the side was a pile of neatly rolled up sleeping bags, giving mute testimony to the number of people that had slept outside the previous night. Shaking her head, Ann said, "I've never seen anything like this." "I don't see Ed, Eddie, Leroy or his father," said Lucy struggling to remember names. "You...
The students trickled out of the classroom in ones and twos as they finished their final exams. William sat on the floor across from the door watching them leave. Some looked confident, others angry, and a few as if they didn't care how they did in the class. Those who looked blurry-eyed or were sloppily dressed had spent the previous evening cramming in the hopes of learning the material at the last minute. When Lucy stepped out of the class, she rolled her eyes and smiled. Closing the...
"Mom, can I ask a favor?" asked Lucy while putting some eggs in a pot of water to boil. This was the first chance, since arriving at the house the previous evening, for her to talk to her mother alone. William and her father had gone fishing, leaving them alone in the house. "Sure," answered Ann while peeling a potato. There were a handful of peeled potatoes in a water-filled bowl and a small pile waiting to be peeled. She was making a potato salad for dinner that evening. "I was...
Greetings had been exchanged and the guests shown their rooms in the Carter home. The next order of business was to relax. William stripped off his clothes and headed towards the pool. He jumped in feet first, reveling in the feel of cool water against his bare skin. Lucy and Ann, naked as well, slipped into the pool right behind him. Before they had even moved a dozen feet from the edge, Betsy charged into the poolroom throwing off her clothes even as she ran. Without pause, she jumped into...
Wearing nothing but a loincloth and a small leather bag around his neck, William walked to the edge of the stream. Once there, he paused and looked down at the ground. At the border between water and land was a stone that caught his attention. Kneeling, he picked it up. The stone was the diameter of a quarter with a thickness of a quarter of an inch. The edges were worn smooth. There was nothing remarkable about the stone except for one feature -- the center of the stone had been worn away...
Lucy stepped out of the truck and went around to the back to get her suitcase. Before she had a chance to pick it up, Ken had grabbed it while looking at her as if she should have known he'd carry it. The van with Linda and Ed pulled up beside the car. Looking around the parking lot in front of the country hotel, William said, "We'll get checked in and then I need to get on down the road." "Are you sure that you don't want me to come?" "Lucy, I'd love for you to come, but you...
"Your mother and I watched your meeting with the White Buffalo on the news. That's how we knew to go to the ranch," said Lucy. "Pardon?" William was not aware that there had been a television camera at the ranch. "Someone filmed the whole thing with their video camera. It was on the television within half an hour of it happening." "So what did you think?" "Strange. It was like you weren't there. Your face was blank. Your voice was strange with an odd echoing quality to it. When...
"We're your bodyguards. I'm Natalie." "And I'm Nicole," said Natalie's twin sister. Lucy looked from one to the other. Despite the fact that Nicole had black hair and Natalie had blond, their hair was cut in the exact same style. It was parted along the top of their head and hung down to their shoulders without curls. They both had simple bangs that came down to just above their eyebrows. Lucy asked, "Which of you dyes your hair?" Natalie removed her wig, exposing her short brown...
William walked out the front door of his house to await his visitor. His daytime bodyguard, Colt, walked behind him wondering why they had come outside. For all he knew, they had left the house just to stand around all day in the sunshine. His eyes automatically checked the surroundings for any threats. The two men headed over to the driveway with William leading the way. A minute later, a rental car pulled up in the driveway. Colt glared at it as if it were a direct threat. He relaxed when...
Used to being sent to answer the door despite the fact that no one had knocked, Ken headed towards the door as soon as William had told him to answer it. He shook his head in puzzlement the entire trip. Although he knew from experience that there would be a person at the door, he hadn't given up wondering how William did it. Colt looked from William to Ken wondering what was happening since he hadn't heard anyone knock. The door opened to reveal a very tired looking green robed Druid while...
The four bodyguards settled around the conference room in the office of a local private investigator. None of them looked very happy. Their current assignment was proving far more difficult than any of them had anticipated. Frowning, Rock asked, "What did you find out about the homeless folks?" "Fat Fred is a protégé of Happy Harry. As far as I know, there's nothing to worry about with regard to him. He'll keep the other homeless under control," answered Derrick Grant with a...
William bent over his keyboard studying the outputs of his program. The ringing of the cell phone broke his concentration. Irritated at another interruption, he pulled the phone out of his pocket and glanced at the caller id. The fact that the call was from Lucy concerned him. He answered, "Hello, Lucy." "William, I'm here on campus and there's this old Chinese woman who looks lost," Lucy said. "What do you want me to do?" William asked surprised by the nature of the call. "She...
The household was in total chaos. Natalie and Just Jan had been released from the hospital after a visit to their rooms by Kelly. The four bodyguards, Ling, Kelly, Lucy, and Just Jan were at the house with Ken, Lisa, and Tim. William was nowhere to be found and no one had a clue as to his location. Allowing herself to act like a mother, Kelly paced around the living room with an expression of worry on her face. Although Kelly was worried, Ling was not. In fact, she was furious. Growling at...
Spreading margarine on the slice of toast with long smooth motions, William was getting ready to enjoy breakfast. Lucy watched him, waiting for him to cut his slice of toast along the diagonal. Rich enough to afford butter, it always amazed her that he actually enjoyed margarine more. William looked up from his toast and winked at her. Rock, the nighttime bodyguard, was watching him with narrowed eyes. The other three bodyguards were seated at the far end of the table eating their eggs....
"So you're going to become Dr. Carter?" Eddie asked while watching his brother pack up his books. William looked over at his little brother. The boy was turning into a good looking young man. His short black hair, piercing grey eyes, and subdued Native American features gave him an exotic look. William knew that it wouldn't be long before the girls started following his brother around town. Pulling the roll of tape over the top of the box, he answered, "Yes, if I ever manage to get out...
"Uh oh," William said as he pulled into the driveway. Rock, Colt, Natalie, and Nicole were standing in the driveway with their arms crossed and a frown on their faces. They didn't look too happy to see him. "I forgot about them." He turned off the motor and stepped out of the car. Looking at the four body guards, he asked, "How did you enjoy your vacation?" "You dumped us in the middle of nowhere," Colt said. "Sorry about that," William said. He glanced over at the front door to...
"Congratulations, Dr. Carter," Oliver Brown said with a grin. He was seated in a large chair in one of the emptier rooms of the mansion sipping on an iced tea. He was wearing a pair of silvered sunglasses. Despite years of living with his gift, it still hurt him to be around too many people. William took a seat across from the Grand Druid and said, "Thank you. What are you doing in here?" "I'm hiding from the President of the University. He wants me to send some of our graduating...
Nancy Darnell, Mistress of Ceremonies for the Druids, stood at head of the platform. She had finished explaining the significance of the ceremony that was to take place and now she was waiting for the bride and groom. This was her first wedding ceremony in which none of the individuals involved were a Druid. Oliver had volunteered to perform the ceremony, but she had insisted that she be allowed the honor. It was, after all, her service. A very serene Lucy walked to the platform from the...
The Denver Aquarium is owned by a restaurant chain. The Carters had reserved the entire place for two parties, one held at lunch time and the other held at dinner time. The lunch time party was to allow employees of the Fusion Foundation, fellow students, and neighbors a chance to interact with the newlyweds. The dinner time party was for executives, business types, and elected officials. Perhaps it was because of the years spent living in the desert, but the entire family looked forward to...
"Where's Betsy?" "She's grounded," Eddie answered. He shrugged his shoulders and, looking over at his mother, said, "All she did was have a little swim." "Naked, in a public aquarium, and with sharks," Ling said filling in a few details that Eddie tended to forget. Putting an arm around his little brother, William pulled Eddie against his side and said, "At least she didn't get threatened with a spanking." "True," Eddie said. He was tired and wished that he had been able to...
William stared at Lucy in shock. Unable to believe what he thought he had heard her say, he asked, "Excuse me?" Pointing to the woman at the front of the conference room of the Carter House, Lucy said, "I asked her to remove her clothes." "I thought I misunderstood you," William said. He glanced over at Mary Gold. The woman had her head down and was hiding her mouth behind her hands. The twinkle in her eye suggested that she was trying not to laugh. The twenty-four year old woman...
"What's the matter, Betsy?" Betsy looked over at her brother and said, "It is just not as much fun swimming without the sharks near me." Smiling at the fact that even when she was depressed Betsy couldn't slow down, William said, "I'm sure." "I felt really complete swimming with them," Betsy said with a sigh. She eased into a simple backstroke straight from treading water and swam away at what was a leisurely pace for her. William watched her swim and thought about her swim...
Amused by what he was doing, Derrick led the little horse using the reigns. Lucy was seated on its back holding onto the saddle horn with white knuckles. She was nervous; feeling like the horse was huge and ready to run away at any moment. She looked over at William and, voice tight with tension, said, "I've never ridden a horse before." "You don't say. I would never have guessed," William replied with a grin from atop the horse that Derrick had given him. It was a nice quarter-horse...
The gymnasium of the activity center was empty except for a long table at which the tribal elders of all the local tribes were seated. All eyes were watching the door at the far end of the room for their visitor. The tension in the room was high. Most of them expected their visitor to argue with them about their conservative stance and they were not looking forward to it. They were sure that they would lose this argument with this particular visitor. Looking around the room, Robert White...
Lucy sat on an egg crate talking and laughing with several of the homeless men at the Pittsburgh shelter. The gossip about what was happening around the country was flying fast and furious. A lot of the news dealt with the artist William had hired to create a statue of Happy Harry. It seemed he was starting to demonstrate that he was really an artist. Natalie, ignored by just about everyone there, was standing behind Lucy watching the men and women deal with her. It was amazing to her how...