138 A favour for Misty
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: sorry, im trying to figure out the grammar and reading issues. Charmander, we need you! The white light flashed from the poké,ball in Ashs hand and the fire lizard Poké,mon appeared in front of him. Ash didnt like using his Charmander, but Brock insisted on trying out a new recipe and they were out of matches. The Poké,mon didnt mind at all. He enjoyed being out of his Poké,ball. He enjoyed it so much that Ash let out the others as well. The six Poké,mon were thrilled.
Alright, dont go too far, and be back before those storm clouds get here! Charmander, dont let your flame start any forest fires, okay? Be careful! Each of them ran off into the woods and Ash smiled. They were a good team. The smell of sizzling peppers and stew drew Ash back to the fire and his friends. He eyed Misty as he sat down. They had walked a fair ways from the Poké,mon center over the course of the morning, and the road led through a forest. They wouldnt see anyone else, probably, for days. Misty had pretended as though nothing had happened. She still called him and idiot and yelled at him a lot. But Ash felt her bump into him from time to time, once she had even pretended to trip while looking back and talking to Brock. Ash had been forced to catch her, grabbing her arm and placing a hand directly on her chest. He had felt her nipple poking through her shirt at him. That wasnt just coincidence. He knew she was doing something, maybe trying to get his attention or something. She looked up at him and smiled as he sat down, ignorant of his staring.
Hey Ash, How long do you think itll take us to get through the forest? He eyed her suspiciously. Misty never asked him that question.
Probably a few days. I hear its pretty big, but the next gym is on the other side, so weve got no choice. Im looking forward to it, honestly. Weve been going through a lot of towns lately. And itll give you and I time to figure this out. Misty smiled at him.
You wont miss sleeping in a warm bed? I know how much you love the Poké,mon centers.
I like sleeping outside more. Brock announced lunch and they ate, all eyeing the storm on the horizon. It came closer and closer as they ate.
Brock had seen Misty trip and fall. He had even seen the awkward way Ash had been forced to catch her. He had been wondering when the two would figure it out, but then he thought them both too stupid to know anything of human anatomy. HE cooked lunch, chased hot girls and learned how to breed Poké,mon. That was his job. These two were his friends, not his charges. If they wanted to try something, that was fine with him. But Brock knew they wouldnt. Ash was too dumb, hell, he needed everything explained to him in terms Pikachu understood. And Misty seemed like she hated him. She still nagged him about the bike every once in a while, but Brock knew that Ash had already paid it off. At least he hoped so. Bikes could be fairly expensive&hellip,
Misty eyed the storm with glee. It was perfect, a chance to be alone in Ashs tent all evening. Brock never shared a tent with them if he didnt have to. Ash usually slept in a sleeping bag outside, and the others followed his example sometimes, But Misty already had an idea of how it would all pan out. And the clouds grew closer and closer&hellip,
When the storm hit, the seven Poké,mon were safe in their poké,balls and in Ashs bag. Even Pikachu had gone inside willingly. The three companions rushed under a small rock outcrop and began to pitch tents. Three of them were set up, all so small that they could barely fit two people. One was the recommended size of course, but Ash had a feeling, from the way Misty bounced around, that he wouldnt be alone tonight. Finally they were all inside safely. Ash took off his vest, gloves, jeans and shirt, they had all been soaked setting up his tent. The tarp overhead would offer some protection but not much. Ash had set his tent up closer to the storm on purpose, Brock didnt like the rain and Misty could stay dry if she decided against her plots and plans. He didnt mind, and the tent would stay mostly dry. He lied down and shut his eyes. It felt like a minute, maybe two. Lightning broke and the thunder rumbled a bit, and the rain pelted the side of the tent. Ash heard the sound of rustling in one of the other tents. After a few seconds Misty opened the flap of his tent. Ash smiled inside and looked oblivious on the surface. The sleeping bag he was in could fit two people, if they were close, there was no room for anything else but clothing and stray items. Misty was stuck with him.
Ash? This storm is kind of freaking me out&hellip, I dont know why, but I&hellip, For a second Ash believed her. She looked so innocent, so trustworthy. She was dressed in wet clothes and looked miserable, tired too. Then Ash remembered the night before and laughed in his chest. Misty heard him gulp before answering.
Yeah sure. There isnt much room though, and youll have to get out of those clothes&hellip, mine were pretty wet too. Misty crawled inside and undid the suspenders on her denim shorts.
Thanks Ash. I think I can stand a night cuddling with you. Can I just crawl into your sleeping bag? There should be enough room&hellip,
Yeah sure. Weve got to stay dry and warm. Ash watched her pull her yellow shirt over her head and gazed at her light blue bra. It wasnt hiding much, seeing as Misty wasnt exactly a busty lady, but she had decent breasts. The she sat down and pulled off her shorts before turning around and crawling toward Ash and the opening to the sleeping bag. The memory of Misty crawling toward him in her underwear was seared into Ashs memory forever. Misty slid into the bag next to him, touching quite a bit of skin as she did so. She smiled at him and snuggled up close. Ash put an arm around her, trying to make it seem somewhat real.
Its a lot warmer with someone else in here&hellip, thanks Ash. Misty looked up at him with those big green eyes sparkle up at him. Ash was mesmerized by them.
No problem Misty, its like I said&hellip, Ash didnt finish the sentence. Looking into Mistys eyes then, he couldnt help himself. He leaned in and kissed her. She returned the kiss eagerly. She even rolled on top of him and put one hand in his black hair. Ash wrapped his hands around Mistys waist, feeling the bare skin and light fabric under his touch. He was surprised at how naturally kissing Misty was. He had never kissed a girl before, not once. But now here they were. Ash pulled away slowly and Misty looked down at him with a look of a disappointment.
Whyd you stop? It was so&hellip,
Misty, I think youre beautiful and I want to kiss you and touch you and so much more, but I just have to let you know: I was awake last night. Misty looked at him in shock. Then in fear. Then in anger. Finally in disbelief. She leaned down and pecked him on the lips once, the same way she had the night before. But she couldnt pull back before Ash grabbed the back of her head and pulled her lips to his again, kissing her tenderly. His hands stayed where they were, one in her hair and the other on her waist. It was exactly the way she wanted it. He kissed her a little harder and she threw herself at him, all of her passion was pushed into the one kiss. Ash felt her tongue touch his lips and opened his mouth. The kiss became more and more passionate, more violent and desperate. Finally Ash slid his hand up and gripped at the hasp of her bra. It was a simple catch mechanism. Misty yelped in surprise when she felt he bra leave her back. She pulled back and gasped for air as Ash threw the bra onto the pile of wet clothing. He admired her small breasts and their pink nipples. He wanted to feel them, know them, taste them even. Then Misty kissed him again and Ash forgot about her breasts for a moment. He slid the hand that had undone her bra down her back and pressed it under her underwear, cupping her ass in his palm as he slid down further between her legs.
Misty purred when she felt his hand on her lips. Ash could hear the rumble in her throat and feel the vibration in his mouth, dancing on lips and making his tongue shiver. He was harder than he had ever been before and Misty could feel it pressing into her thighs as she writhed against him in the sleeping bag. Ash pulled away from her kiss and rolled her over so that he was on top of her. He kissed the nape of her neck and suckled at the pale flesh, enjoying the way Misty moaned. The he slid down to her breasts. They were petite, little mounds rising from the surface of her chest with bright pick nipples standing up in the middle. They were warm, soft, and beautiful. Ash kissed around her nipple and finally kissed the nipple itself. Misty pushed her breast further into his mouth as she felt him please her. She had never let anyone else touch her before, and Ash was so gentle&hellip,
Ooooh! Ash, yes! His finger probed deeper into her vagina, stroking her tight insides, as she grew wetter and wetter. Finally Ash unzipped the bag and threw it open, sliding back up to Misty and planting a kiss on her lips as he removed his underwear. She grabbed his head and pulled him down to her lips fiercely, refusing to let him go. He found her entrance and pushed, causing Misty to squeal and finally let him up for air. She looked uncomfortable with his length and girth.
Misty are you ok? Should I sto&hellip,
No! Please I just&hellip, I just need you to go slowly. Its bigger&hellip, bigger than I thought&hellip, Misty grimaced at the tiny needles of pain and clenched her teeth. Keep&hellip, keep going! Ash pushed again, slowly, and Misty groaned. Sweat beaded up on her forehead. Her muscles tightened around him and Ash grunted himself at the unexpected pressure. He wanted just to push it all inside of her, to feel it. He wanted to cum inside of her, to feel her around him. Ash had never thought that a woman could be so tight. He pushed a little farther and Misty squeaked. Finally Ash couldnt take it, he had to relieve her of this pain. He knew once she was open the pain would be gone, after a while, and they could just enjoy it.
Misty, Im sorry!
Wha&hellip,? Ash?… wait! Misty felt him kiss her, plant his lips firmly on hers and push his tongue in her mouth. She started to kiss him back, until she felt him pull back and surge forward. She screamed underneath him and pushed against his body, trying to hurt him back for the intense agony in her loins. Ash kept his mouth planted on hers and didnt move inside of her, just stayed still. She wriggled underneath him and moaned in pain as her crotch throbbed. Ash tried hard not to cum and spray inside of her. She was so hot, wet, tight&hellip, Ash wanted so badly just to cum inside of her. But he couldnt do that. Finally she stopped moving under him. He pulled his lips away from hers for a second and was rewarded with a slap across the face.
Hey! He didnt get a chance to say anything else. Misty grabbed his head and yanked him roughly back down to her lips. Ash pushed deeper to see if it hurt her, nearly jumping for joy when he heard her moan and felt her pull her legs up into the air to give him more room. Her tongue roughly shoved into his mouth and Ash pushed back just as hard. He pulled out of her and pushed back in quickly, moaning with her as they made love. Finally she dropped her head down onto the padded pillow built into the sleeping bag.
Oooooh&hellip, Fuck yes, Ash! Fuck me! Ash kneeled and pulled out again, ramming back into her hard and pressing against her clitoris. She cried out, a high-pitched little cry like she had been nipped by a Poké,mon. Ash loved that sound, he wanted to make her fell even better, but he knew he wouldnt last long inside of her.
Shit&hellip, Misty, Im going to cum!
Just&hellip, a little&hellip, longer&hellip, ungh FUCK! Mistys voice gave out as she came and tried to scream. Ash felt her start to cum and realized what was happening just as he was pushed over the edge. He shot his seed into her belly just as she recovered from her orgasm. She grunted and came a second time as he kept pushing into her pussy and filling it with his cum. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard, straining to stay awake as her two most intense orgasms ever in her life rippled through her limbs. Ash pulled out and kissed her mound, just above her clit, then kissed her lower stomach and continued kissing his way up, brushing a finger around her belly button before dipping his fingers to her inner thighs. He carefully avoided her snatch as he kissed her breasts, forcing her to relax and breath. Finally he kissed her lips with as much love as he could. They rolled onto their sides and Misty draped her leg over Ashs waist, letting his cum slowly dribble out of her pussy onto her leg. They stopped kissing and Misty nuzzled her head into Ashs chest as he wrapped her in a hug.
Im so sorry, Misty. I didnt want to hurt you, I promise. I just wanted you to enjoy it&hellip,
Ash, its alright&hellip, Misty looked into Ashs eyes and planted one soft kiss on his lips before settling her head against his chest once more. I know. And I probably deserved it&hellip, I havent been very nice to you up until now.
Misty&hellip, are we going to keep doing this?
I hope so&hellip,
They fell asleep in each others arms, letting the rain fall on the tent and leave them to themselves.
WHEN COYOTE MET MISTY By C Part I For the Mythican hunter in a hurry, there are few manuals more clearly written–andmore informative–than Crinolina: A Brief Guide for Busy Predators .Every paragraph is a little feast in itself. Let me share with you a few of my favoritepassages: "No land fay in Mythica is more winsome, or more flavorful,than Fatamorgana Crinolina--Crinolina for short. Unlike other fays, shealways wears a sleeveless dress with full skirt and petticoat. The petticoatis a...
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Misty bounced and bobbed as she skipped toward her father down the drive. He had just gotten home and she was obviously very excited about something. Bob watched happily as she came toward him. She was fun to watch. Misty had taken after her mother, growing nice big handfuls of breasts, with prominent and usually hard nipples. She didn't like to wear bras. The fact she was his daughter didn't bother him. She was a babe, pure and simple, and babes were fun to watch. He envied the boy who would...
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Critics, comments etc. should be written to [email protected]. Thank you. Christiane und Christa: Ein Mann ist ein Mann ist ein Mann Christa trug jetzt diesen Namen und konnte sich kaum noch daran erinnern, dass sie so lange ein Christoph gewesen war, der sich danach gesehnt hatte, einer Frau zu dienen, ihr zu geh?ren, von ihr beherrscht zu werden, ja, was sonst wohl, ihre F??e zu k?ssen, und, und, und... ach verdammt , was war denn jetzt schon wieder? Sie drehte sich vor ...
Ziggy’s got a lot on her mind. So many racing thoughts about sizes…colors…just a lot! Ziggy’s so preoccupied that after finishing her beverage at the hotel bar, she doesn’t even pay her bill! She just…walks out. Thankfully, her crime doesn’t go unnoticed. There’s somebody watching her. An officer hired by the bar to stop people just like Ziggy. But when the officer catches up to Ziggy…he finds out exactly whats on Ziggy’s...
xmoviesforyou[Permission is granted to post this story on other websites, as long as it remains unedited, and all parts, including my nom-de-plume, my spelling and grammar mistakes, and these notes, are included. Permission is also granted to utilize the plot device of the wish-granting website "genie.com" in stories of your own device.] It was a dark and, thankfully, not-so-stormy night. The forecast was for scattered showers without a spark of lightning for a hundred miles in every direction. He'd...
"You're not the only one! When he shoved just the head in I thought I would split open! It hurt so bad as he pushed in. He acted like he was going to stop at one point, and I didn't want to admit that I couldn't. Once he finally got in and was going easy it started feeling real good! Then it was about to drive me crazy I needed it faster. Mom was rubbing my clit and on my tit I was about crazy! Fuck what an orgasm! I didn't think it was going to stop! I was almost down from it when Pete...
After all the discussions and bedtime talk it was time for me to push things a little further to actually happening. An American navy fleet came to town from the Middle East unleashing some 5,000 sailors onto the city. I suggested Monica should have a girls night out.After all the bed time talk and confessing of my fantasy to see the woman I loved with other men and Monica somewhat taking an interest, or should I say more than an interest, in the possibly of getting it together with a man other...
Sitting through class and waiting to tell the news of what happened last night after she dropped him off at home was sheer torture. With a couple of minutes left in his English class, Tim pulled up the website on his laptop and got it ready to show his teacher. He had thought it over all night before he went to bed and again during morning practices and other classes. Tim decided to give her the information and let her decide what she wanted to do. If necessary, he could tell her what he did...
Chapter 1 Jimmy Martin was kicking a small rock along in front of him as he slowly walked down the street with his twin sister, Amy. The two kids had gone over to the local playground for the afternoon, but, finding no other children there, they were reluctantly ambling back to their uncle's house. Because their parents had gone on a company-sponsored three-week Caribbean cruise, the children were temporarily staying with Uncle Paul and Aunt Alice, and they were bored...
My elder brother was away on business and his wife Michelle had asked me to take her on her regular Friday shopping trip. Knowing that she could not drive and as I had done so on many previous occasions I had readily agreed. I had nothing else planned for the day so Michelle would walk the half mile to my house whenever she was ready. Michelle and my brother were obviously aware of my situation and no doubt she intended to add her advice, or more likely my brother's advice in her words....
The Pizza and Pasta Pit was one of those new casual style restaurants. Not exactly fast food, but close. There was a long pizza and pasta buffet, complete with a large salad bar. I guess because I have been all over, I could appreciate the salad and plain cheese pizza. I didn't need fifty things on top of my pizza. The pizza was simply made with simple basic ingredients on a thin crispy crust, so that it really made great bread sticks for my salad. Gus filled his plate with about three...
100% fiction! hi guys this is sundhar again. i hope u liked my last stories and am feeling very thankful to all of my readers. but this story is not about my Nina nor priya its about my new relative aunt named sona she 40 yrs old and she is widowed and living alone. she is some Wat fat but tall she was abt 5'11 and due to her height she will not be looking fat, and her size is about 38MM-34-38. her plus point is her huge breast which is very fascinating. but i was only 20yrs and 5'8 and my cock...
IncestSunfest had arrived. Every year, West Palm held a music and arts festival which attracted a ton of people. While music played throughout the week, the best concerts were Thursday through Sunday. I typically had to work those four days but had been granted off Thursday at my request. The unfortunate part of working in the service industry is that nearly all of your friends end up being from the service industry. After calling around, I was unable to find anyone who was free to go to the Nelly...
TrueThe assignment, the first major essay of the school year, was to write a narrative essay about a first-time experience. Given the age of my students, most of whom were from just fifteen to almost sixteen, I frequently received essays on learning to drive a car, staying at home by themselves, cooking a meal, or other kind of age-appropriate topics. But in my eight years of teaching, I had not received a sexually themed narrative essay before. My eyes flicked to the pile of essays, half of...
Kendra Lynn is home from college for the weekend. She hasn’t seen her Step Daddy for far too long. Kendra’s Mother is out for the day. This leaves the devious all natural brunette alone with the man of the house. Kendra wants to show off how much better she is at sucking cocks and wrapping her tight wet pussy around them. She has learned a lot while away at school and wants to show her Step Father every trick she has. Kendra won’t take no for an answer as she drops to her...
xmoviesforyouWhile fucking each other silly in a hotel suite was exciting, we always liked waking up together in our big bed under the dome of our house on Paradise Palms. I had the huge bed cut down until it was only about the size of two king size beds. That felt more comfortable for all of us. It certainly erased the feeling that we needed to perform like porn stars when we made love. We rarely used the girls’ private rooms, but the staff kept them clean and ready in case someone got sick or needed...
A young wizard was walking in a small port known as hargion on his way to magnolia when he saw a man with pink hair getting pummeled by a mob of angry women then you notice who it is standing next to him your cousin Lucy when you approach them she spots you.John is that you asked Lucy Lucy its great to see you but I never would have thought to see you so far a may from your home. I know but I got fed up with it and the way father ignoirs me. So I left to find and join fairy tail said lucy....
RomanceI tried delaying our hike for a day. I really did. Although Heather’s ankle was sore after she removed the ski boots in the lodge, by the time we got home it was already feeling a little better. She could certainly get around, since it mostly hurt only when putting sideward pressure on it. Skiing was probably out for a few days, at least, but a walk through the woods was not worth postponing. Or so she said. I was of two minds. Twenty-four hours of extra rest would allow more time for her to...
"Oh I ache," were the first words I muttered when I became conscious again. "I told you you wouldn't thank me," came an amused voice. I opened my eyes to see Medical Technician Sofia Stevens looking down at me with a sardonic smile on her face. I just groaned. "Torturer," I muttered good-humouredly. She laughed and helped me up. When I was vertical again, she gave me a glass of something to drink. "Here, drink this. It'll help you." I stared at the greenish-brown muddy looking...
“The bush leaguer’s here, I see.” Phil smirked until I retorted, “Yep, hilt-deep in more bush than Michael Jordan.”“Liar as well as a piker.”“The word is spiker, as in what I do to your…oh, never mind. You’re too young.”Phil had taken an instant dislike to me our first day in the lab, and I soon returned it with interest. He was cocky, smart, and attractive, but knowing him long left you feeling that there was something vital missing at his core. He treated me like a low-grade threat our first...
Love StoriesIt felt like I just went to bed when the phone rang. Open your door, he said. Looking around it was still dark outside. Opening the door I asked, is everything okay. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I had to feel you again, he whispered. Holding me by my arms he said, take off my shirt. As I unbuttoned it, I could feel the warmth of his skin. As I pushed it off his shoulders, he put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down to his chest. Pressing my face against it I opened my mouth and...
Hi,Hw ru?All….I hope k ap sab theek hoon ge aur apni life enjoy kar rahay hoon ge…Yey life bohut choti hai kuch nhi pata k kab khatam ho jayay !!!Isi liye life ko full enjoy krna chahiye…Yey story meri aur meri phopho pe base karti hai..Mera Naam Sam hai Aur LHR may rehta hoon.Meri age 18 hai Aur FSc Part-2 may hoon…Jesa k ap jante hain mai pehle B apne real experience ap logo k sath share kar chuka houn..yrh bhi ik real story hai aur ap logo ko yaqeeen krna hoga…Mai looking wise bohut cute...
Chapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...