The Snake Catcher's Daughter, Chapter 6 free porn video

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Do not imagine for an instant, gentle reader, that I am brave or even particularly resourceful. I took this task upon myself as much out of the need to satisfy the promptings of my headstrong nature as out of regard for the duties of love.

Once I had fully acquainted him with the facts of my situation, Montuhotep readilly agreed to assist me. Quietly and discreetly, he gathered a group of experienced and dependable soldiers from their barracks near the palace grounds; men known to him personally. Preparations for our expedition took no time at all and I was glad when the men assisted me to properly don my armour.

We chose horses from the stables known for their intelligence and stamina and best of all, the guards at the gate needed nothing more than a hand gesture from Captain Montuhotep, Companion of the King, to open the gates and let us pass. Of course the guards did not notice one particular soldier, far shorter and slighter than the rest with her face discreetly turned away...

Admittedly, as my gallant band and I finally rode out into the desert, doubt, misgiving and apprehension were my secret companions. But I was certain in the knowledge that the lives and safety of those innocent hearts, the bandits' captives, depended on our success.

Clouds of swirling dust rose behind us as our most dependable of steeds left the Nile valley and entered the maze of desert wadis. Earlier, Montuhotep had formulated a plan, asking me a plethora of questions. My main concern was that he not inform my uncle about any of this. He swore that he would say nothing.

On we rode, and, I am pleased to say, that the discipline and cool determination of my fine men, did much to reassure me as we neared our goal. Naturally, we covered the distance in a fraction of the time it had taken me on foot. So at around midday, over a rough meal of military rations, we discussed our strategy. Montuhotep was cautiously optimistic but he also expressed his concerns that the bandits may have moved their camp by now.

“I pray to Meretseger that they have not!” Was my reply.

“Fear not Highness,” he said gently, “The men and I are trained desert scouts and we have ample supplies. We may have to extend our soujourn in the desert a little longer, that's all.”

That night, by the embers of the fire, we slept under the deep blue, starry body of Nut with all the imperishable stars looking down upon us. I prayed fervently for their blessing before fitful sleep finally overcame me.

We broke camp at dawn the next day, after having breakfasted on almonds and dried palm fruit. Luckily, I remembered the way that I had gone on my earlier expedition and before long I led the troops slowly down the wadi to where the narrow fissure cleft the rock. We stopped often to listen for any signs of life but heard nothing. As we approached the bend in the wadi, two of the men proceeded on foot ahead of our main party, while the rest of us did our best to keep the horses quiet. When they returned one of them addressed me,

“I regret to say Highness, that there are distinct signs of a camp but it seems to have been abandoned, probably last night.”

We rode round to the right hand branch of the wadi but as we neared the remains of the camp Monuthotep held us back so that he could examine the ground. It took him only a few circuits of the site before he made a decision and rode off down another nearby wadi, signalling us to follow. We spurred the horses on and soon, with me in the centre, we rejoined the gallant Montuhotep. I felt then that our task was once again in hand.

At around midday we halted and listened intently to the deep silence. At length, a faint echo reached our ears. To me it sounded like falling rocks but Montuhotep's trained senses told him a wholly different story. On we rode until we heard faint but unmistakable voices. Again our scouts ventured forth, this time returning quickly with the astounding news that our foes had set up camp by a well under an overhanging cliff only a few hundred paces away.

I brought my horse up to Montuhotep's.

“Shall we double back a little way, until we deceide what to do?”

“No Highness, we attack now.”

I do not often think about my own death but when I do, it is a source of great comfort to me. I envisage my eyes painted, my pale skin purified with natron and precious oils. I imagine many pious hands hanging amulets about my throat; the ankh, the djedj, the scepter of Waset, the holy eye of Horus and the scarab of gold that shall sustain my heart. Then the pious ones annoint my body with fragrant unguents and they swathe me in the finest linen; like the swaddled babe I once was. Lastly they bind my head tightly, ever so tightly; veiling my face forever beneath a shroud of bands. Locked in darkness, my body rests in nestled coffins of gilded cedar, through all the twelve hours of night; like a moth asleep in her crysalis, but my soul goes forth, to journey through the caverns of the netherworld, while I await the sun's return and with him, I am reborn as a falcon of gold !

All these thoughts passed rapidly through my mind at that moment, as though it was some divine revelation.


“My apologies, I'm...what must we do?”

I was indeed surprised but I quickly saw the wisdom of catching the bandits off guard. Addressing the troops, I reminded them that the prisoners were more than likely being held in the largest tent, then I added,

“If possible, shoot the bandits in the limbs, we all have to answer to Osiris one day.”

The men smiled and gave me their polite assurances that they will try. We agreed on our course of action. My task was to free the prisoners while the men provided cover and dealt with the bandits. The sun was well past his zenith and the afternoon stiflingly hot when we finally spurred the horses into action. As the bandit camp came into sight the troops forged ahead. I directed my horse towards the large tent. Before I reached it, I heard shouts from the bandits and the hiss of arrows, horses neighing and the thunder of hooves. I focussed my attention on my task; jumping from my horse, Leah's dagger drawn, I slashed the door open, reaching as high as I could and bringing the blade down with all my might to rend the thick linen. Cautiously, I peered inside. Thanks be to the gods that I saw only the prisoners within. Without wasting an instant, I located Rahotep, freed him and gave him the dagger.

“Free these people with me.”

We got to work quickly and once everyone was free, only then did I see the look on his face. To say that he was astounded at the way I was attired would be a gross understatement.

I ordered the captives to get down and I stepped out of the tent. I saw that a trio of bandits had taken cover on the far side of the tent and that they were firing arrows in the direction of the troops. I took up my bow and ran to the other side of the tent. There, I caught the ruffians totally by surprise. I pointed my arrow at the man in the centre and yelled at them at the top of my voice,

“I am the harbinger of Meretseger, Peak of the West, daughter of Re! Lay down your arms or I shall slay the three of you right here and now!”

The ruse worked. I could see fear and surprise mingled in their eyes as they struggled to comprehend the extraordinary sight before them. But after a couple of heart-beats they dropped their bows and daggers. Luckily for me, two of my men stood behind me ready to take them prisoner. Luckily for them, they did not resist or their flesh would be feeding the vultures now.

Though the battle was far from over, I deceided to try and get the captives away. I told them to follow the cliff until they were out of sight and await us there. Not for the first time that day was I met by stunned stares of disbelief at the way that I was dressed. So I pointed a stern finger of authority and bade them,


As I uttered the word, a volley of arrows hissed past me hitting the stones behind where the tent was situated. The arrows originated from a spot on the other side of the wadi where three or four of the bandits had grouped together and were firing at anyone who they did not recognise. The soldiers beside me fired back and then I heard Montu shouting orders to his men.

Under Rahotep's supervision, the prisoners fled to the cliffs in a tight knot then made their way back towards the river valley. I forgot about them for the moment as further arrows flew over our heads. The bandits may have been out flanked but they seemed determined to resist.

Montuhotep rode up to me while directing his men to approach the bandits from both sides.

“Princess, your position here is vulnerable. Either fall back with the prisoners or ready your bow and charge with us on my mark!”

I was honoured and terrified at the same time. Honoured because the captain saw fit to include me in the attack and terrified that we would fail. But these sentiments only came to me later, at that instant all I could say was,

“On your mark.”

Seconds later Montu raised his arm and we rode towards the bandits at full speed. I held the reins with one hand and drew my iron dagger. The troops were able to ride and shoot at the same time which gave our attack deadly efficiency. With the sheer cliff behind them and our men advancing on the other three sides, we made short work of the remaining bandits. Two of them fell groaning with arrows in their legs while the other two looked up terrified as Montuhotep, like his namesake the war god, ordered them to surrender or die. Sure enough they dropped their bows and slowly raised their hands. The soldiers dismounted and took them prisoner, leading them away to where the rest of our band was already searching the tents for anyone in hiding. They found two very scared Nubians; peasant boys, I found out later, who had been abducted from their villages far to the south.

There were fifteen bandits in all as opposed to just ten soldiers and myself. Four of the ruffians were wounded including the two with deep arrow wounds. As soon as I could I ordered the soldiers to tend to the injured which they did with swift efficiency. Luckily all the wounded were able to walk and we tied them together, neck by neck, using one of their own ropes. Further up the wadi we finally met up with Rahotep and the former captives.

As soon as I saw him I jumped down from my horse and embraced him, kissing him on the lips and just about knocking him over. We embraced and swung each other around and around laughing. All the onlookers; military, civilian and criminal were amazed at our behaviour until Montuhotep said,

“A most successful mission your Highness.”

“Indeed Captain.”


My wife and I were woken early by my senior steward Paneb whose look of bewilderment caused me immediate concern. Hesitantly he said,

“Forgive me my lord but I have just been informed by the captain of the watch on the western gate that a column of horsemen is approaching the palace.”

I dressed quickly and called for my palaquin. I was conveyed with all speed to the western gate where, with some effort, I climbed to the observation platform. I questioned the captain on duty but he had no idea who the riders were.

“That they are well drilled and disciplined troops is clearly evident my lord, judging by how they handle their horses.”

Noting the tone of admiration in his voice, I let this comment pass as I strained my eyes to observe them more closely. They were indeed a picture of martial beauty; raising dust in perfect formation as they made straight for the gate.

After a while it became evident that a group of bound men followed the riders on foot along with a number of pack horses. I ordered the captain to prepare to meet them. The column now crossed onto the road that led to the gate. Their leader, whom I took to be a small man in scale armour, raised a commanding hand and the column halted at the gate. A familiar female voice now hailed me from below.

“Greetings uncle Kha !”

“Anath !”

I ordered the captain to open the gate and the column rode in. I descended the stairs hurridly to be greeted by the sight of my neice, sitting proudly in her saddle in full battle armour. I struggled to regain my composure.

“Anath, by all the gods, what is the meaning of this ?”

“Rejoice uncle, for after many trials and tribulations, my men and I have rescued eight innocent people and captured a gang of bandits.”

“Your men ? You've joined the army ?”

“Well… not exactly. It's more like the army has joined me.”


- The Chronicle of Prince Khaemwaset.


Prominent amongst all the many gods and goddesses whom I praise daily, is Thoth, great god of magic and inventor of writing. I thank him for his gift to mortals. Secondly, my undying gratitude goes to prince Khaemwaset, my dear, beloved uncle who took great pains to educate a rebellious, willful and insolent girl. The scroll you hold in your hand now, gentle reader, is as much a product of his patience, his wisdom and his confidence in me, as it is a true history of my adventure.

Thankfully, my uncle's patience and wisdom did not desert him when Rahotep, Montuhotep and I were summoned to appear before him two days after our return from the desert. Although he met with us in the magisterial surroundings of the Court of The Visier, he was remarkably candid and informal. He listened to Montuhotep's account of our battle with the bandits with obvious interest and concern. When Montuhotep had finished he commended the captain for his bravery and dismissed him.

As the captain was leaving, I caught a worried look from Rahotep and returned my sweetest, most reassuring smile. My uncle listened attentively to Rahotep's story and then to mine. He then looked at us both in silence whilst rubbing his head and shifting in his chair. Finally he said,

“This day I will send a letter to His Majesty recommending that you Rahotep be made a hereditary noble, chief snake catcher and steward of the palace. I do this purely to reward you for your bravery and for the services you have rendered the dual kingdom and, of course, to reward my neice here. She obviously loves you very much, my boy, to have suffered the dangers and privations of rescuing you and those other unfortunate innocents. Furthermore, I too feel responsible, at least in part, for not having delt with these ruffians earlier. But it took one of firmer resolve than I to do so.”

I smiled at him, this was high praise indeed.

“Our sincerest thanks, your royal Highness.”

As Rahotep bowed I fought the urge to step up onto the dais and hug my uncle. Instead I thanked him formally, a gesture which evidently met with his approval. In a subdued tone he then said,

“Of course you now leave me with the onerous duty of passing judgement and pronouncing sentence on the bandits but that is precisely why I occupy this seat.”

“Ah, uncle, I have a few thoughts about that...”

He raised his hand.

“Later Anath, I beg you. Now, the pair of you go on your way and may the blessing of the gods go with you. The bandits are securely imprisoned and can await our decisions. Now I can hear this day's petitioners gathering. Farewell.”

I was amazed and mightily pleased that he said “our decisions”. We thanked him and left. We wandered hand in hand back to my chambers. It was a beautiful cool morning.

I was so happy but words cannot express what only the heart can know.

Later that morning, Rahotep and I returned to my chambers. We bathed in the palace lake, washing away the dust and sweat of the desert. Then, cleansed and naked, we fell into a blissful, dreamless sleep entwined in eachother's arms. I was awoken well after noon by a gentle, musical voice.

“My, you two are quite the picture….”

I opened my eyes to see the sly, smiling face of Neith.

While she had long abandoned her ever so subltle attempts to embarrass me in public, no degree of impropriety was beneath her.

“Neith my dear, I'd invite you to join us but as you can plainly see, there's no room. Now get...”

I was about to send her sternly away when she bowed her head. I then noticed that she was holding a tray laden with fruit, a jug and three wine goblets. My attitude changed. Quietly I said,

“This is Rahotep.”

“Ah, your good snake catcher, recently freed from captivity.”

“The same. Does the entire palace already know?”

She nodded in her usual sly way.

“Oh well, who am I to deny it.”

She put the tray down by the bed. Running her eyes slowly over Rahotep's naked legs, ass and back she said quietly,

“Why deny it dear one, your bravery and resourcefulness are good cause for honour and renown.”

Were these the glimmerings of sincerity ?

Rahotep then stirred and opened his eyes. He had just smiled upon seeing me when he turned his head in sheer surprise towards the slightly sinister face now above us. Swiftly I held his hands, lest he cover his manhood. Women such as I are innately vain, gentle reader, nor is it unseemly to hide one's good fortune, particularly in the face of a rival.

Rahotep lay motionless where he was, breathing awkwardly in my ear, until I sat up, arranged the cushions and lay back against them.

“How kind of you to bring us some refreshment dear Neith.”

“Not at all, friends must honour friends.”

She poured the wine and handed me a goblet. I took a sip.

“Mmmmm, delicious. From the vinyards of Nebkheperure?”

“ Hardly. Tenth House by Ipet-Iesut I believe.”

Now she handed Rahotep a goblet who did his best to sit up and accept it with dignity. I pushed him back against the cushions and manouvered myself gently between him and Neith, who had by now somehow settled on the edge of the bed. Rahotep soon drained his goblet and surprisingly, held his empty cup out to Neith who graceously refilled it. He offered humble thanks and wriggled, struggling to relax. Neith and I exchanged some small talk about palace affairs and she confirmed that the Queen was indeed away. I relaxed my guard and took a few more sips of wine. We passed around the fruit platter and the remaining wine until I could tell that Rahotep was becoming more acustomed to being naked in a room, in the royal palace of Malkata, while far from alone. A notion formed itself in my mind.

“Now Neith dear sister, where are our manners? Are we going to make our guest here feel out of place?”

With that I reached forth and pulled down the straps of her sheer dress from her shoulders. Her beautiful eyes looked up at me and spoke unuttered thanks. We may have little in common she and I, but in the pursuit of passion and pleasure we always find common ground.

Neith soon wriggled out of her dress and shed her sandals. She joined us on the bed and I embraced her wordlessly. As Rahotep looked on, scarcely believing the scene that was about unfold before him, Neith and I kissed. We had often done so in our youth but the currents of our lives had made us drift apart long ago. I was pleased to taste her lips again and I could tell that she felt the same. Slowly our hands began to move about our bodies.

As you are no doubt aware by now gentle reader, Neith is a most beautiful woman and her body is perfection itself.

Neith smiled sweetly at Rahotep as though to say, “Welcome.” But immediately after, she fixed her intense brown eyes onto mine. My hands slipped beneath her shoulders and we kissed. Her lips were sweet and gentle like the petals of the blue lotus but inside I knew there dwelt another Neith, a predator akin to dread Sekhmet. We kissed gently for several moments and I was conscious the entire time of Rahotep's eyes drinking in the scene before him. He relaxed and smiled as Neith and I began to explore each others mouths with our tongues. It was a delightful experience that I had not shared in a long while. I had occasionally made love with the other ladies in the Queen's retinue but the rivalry between Neith and I was often too adversarial to permit relaxed intimacy. What a pity.

I felt her delicate hands now begin to play with my breasts and squeeze my nipples. Again she seemed to know just how to do it. My pussy began to feel the first stirrings of desire as I shifted position; drifting closer to where Rahotep lay. His attention was, of course, still firmly focused on the two beautifully entwined bodies before him. I heard him sigh, whereupon Neith slowly pulled away from my mouth and began to lick my nipples. I ran my palms down her smooth back and pulled her dress down further. Rahotep smiled and I nodded to him, whispering,

“Yes, this is real lover.”

Moments later Neith began to suck my nipples and flick them hard with her tongue; causing them to become erect as I relished the sensation. She concentrated on each of my breasts in turn then pulled away, leaving my chest glistening with saliva. I rubbed my hand in it as she giggled. Now she looked at both Rahotep and I while wriggling in between us on the bed. She reached up and brought Rahotep's mouth to her own. He just managed to dart a concerned glance towards me before her lips began to devour his hungrily. I propped myself up on my elbow as Neith gradually moved from Rahotep's lips down his neck, nibbling and wetting it with her tongue. Ripples of sensation made him sigh and breath harder. He was in the care of a particularly skillful viper. She grasped his body like she had known him for years; this was a totally uninhibited woman. I sensed too that Rahotep was finally beginning to relax. He ran his hands over Neith's shoulders and upper arms, drinking in the supple smoothness of her skin. Now that his mouth was free, I lent over to kiss him. He accepted my lips gratefully and for a long while our tongues parried; one pair of lips devouring the other. It only then occurred to me how much togetherness we had missed during those dark and anxious days apart. I then felt his hand at the back of my head, pressing my lips and tongue closer and deeper. There followed a moment of peace and delight during which scenes from my adventure flowed rapidly through my mind. I then noticed Rahotep's breathing change. Neith had found his cock.

Far from being surprised at this inevitability, gentle reader, I welcomed it. I slid from the bed while Rahotep glanced at me with momentary concern. I stood over our eager companion and gently stroked her hair. Now I spread her legs and knelt between them to be greeted by her immaculately groomed and ripe pink pussy.

I ran my fingers gently over her lips and she purred. She had by now gripped Rahotep's cock firmly by the base and she pumped it slowly while, with her lips and tongue, she concentrated on it's head. The look on Rahotep's face showed that he was clearly relaxed and enjoying himself. He sighed softly and his chest rhythmically rose and fell. He was in very good hands.

I returned my attention to Neith's pussy. I lapped at her lips like I was a thirsty cat, tantalizing and tasting it but also directing some of my efforts to her smooth inner thighs. She started moving her hips slowly, in time with my mouth and moaned softly every time my tongue slid over her succulent lips. Moment followed delicious moment as I savored her sweet and subtle aroma. I spread her lips with my fingers next and gently slid one into her. She shivered with delight, gyrating her hips as my finger penetrated deeper into the petaled flower that was her pussy.

By now Neith was swallowing Rahotep's cock with growing abandon. I glanced up to see his eyes tightly shut and his mouth open; awestruck. I proceeded to lick and tickle Neith, slipping another finger into her as she grew wetter. Soon I used both my hands to spread her lips open like a ripe pomegranate. Her lovely, slick hole gaped at me as though to say;

“I need filling and soon.”

Impetuous little thing, you'll get what you want, all in good time.

Now I decided to step in and rescue Rahotep from almost certain capitulation.

“Cease the siege kindly sister and let our brave shake catcher savor our delights for a while.”

“As you wish….sister.”

With that she looked at the bemused Rahotep and lay back on the bed next to me. We both spread our legs and smiled at him invitingly. Without thinking I said,

“Lick me first.”

To which Neith replied,

“Nay but is it not more intriguing to explore a new land?”

Rahotep looked at me and I nodded. His handsome head then descended into the luxuriant grove that is Neith. She loved his attentions and I knew from my own experience that licking and teasing was his forte. Neith gripped his head and soon her hips were grinding and gyrating against Rahotep's mouth. It was a scene I very much enjoyed but after a while a novel idea entered my mind and I moved behind him and ran my fingers up and down the cleft of his ass. I had often used my fingers and tongue on Rahotep's tender nether regions during our brief time together, so it came as little surprise to him now.

He relaxed his muscles and allowed me to tickle the sensitive areas around his hole. I licked my hand and slowly slid it over his skin down to his loose and fleshy balls. His reaction was mildly palpable; I felt him shiver and moan softly, Granted, all the while his attention was fixed on Neith's glowing hot pussy but my efforts didn't go unnoticed. Now I spread his muscular cheeks and my mouth found the rim of his ass. I licked and teased it, running ring after wet ring around it then wiggling my tongue between his powerful muscles. I felt him flex under the sublime wetness of my tongue. Next, I slowly I worked my way down to his balls and covered each of them with a salivary sheen. I blew air onto them, cooling them like the breezes that the gods send at eventide. After a few breaths I giggled as I felt his balls slowly retreat into their sanctum.

A few minutes later Neith came with an admirable deluge of deep groans and choice profanities. She heaved and bucked and only after the storm had subsided did she paused to regain her breath. Rahotep looked up to see her smiling face beaming down at him. She was obviously most satisfied with his task.

“Ah my new found lovers, how happy you make me!”

I now drew her down to the floor beside me and made Rahotep raise his legs into the air and part his knees. As Neith and I squatted next to each other she bit her lips and passed a hand over my pussy. It emerged moist. She giggled and said,

“Soon sister, but now we must turn our attention to this bull of Waset.”

Without another word we proceeded to lick, nibble and suck every inch of Rahotep's cock, balls and ass. He fell to us like a town besieged. Over and over again our faces collided as we ran smooth tongues over his rapidly hardening shaft and over his tight sack. Neith payed attention to his balls and ass with an abandon that I though only I possessed while I pumped and teased his shaft to ever greater rigidity. Over and over again we licked and sucked until his skin was a sea of saliva. At length I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and I met his mournful brown eyes. Smiling with saliva still dripping from my chin I said,

“Kindly snake catcher, will you now oblige our guest with your cock?”

“Of course my lady.”

Neith's eyes widened instantly as she climbed on top or Rahotep. His cock was now chaffing at the bit and she guided it into her slick wet hole with practiced precision. Never the passive bystander, Neith was soon gliding up and down Rahotep's considerable shaft. She dug her fingers into his chest and positioned herself for maximum effect. Soon her pussy was feasting on the delicious meat within it while the hapless Rahotep fought to placate this ravenous lion that had downed him. He gripped the sides of the bed and thrust up into Neith's pussy with growing power. After a long while he finally met her downward thrusts with equal upward power and I saw her throw her head back with glee. She laughed and shook as she came again, sliding one final time hard onto his cock and wriggling her hips. She fixed her eyes upon his face and wriggled all the more. Sure enough Rahotep gave up the fight and bucked one final time, gripping her lovely slim hips with his powerful hands.

How deep inside her he came I can only guess but pump after pump; spurt after spurt of seed left his body in a magical tempest of flexed muscle and muted sound. It was indeed wonderful to behold.

The three of us rested and chatted idly for a while on the bed. Neith and I kissed often and fondled each others breasts and we could not help but tease Rahotep. We forced him to compare our pussies, breasts, legs and asses. He struggled to furnish us with gentlemanly and diplomatic answers right after which we asked him,

“Well, who sucks your cock better and which of us has the fairest eyes and the smoothest pussy?”

He would only take so much of this verbal onslaught. He said nothing after the pointlessness of these baiting inquiries had hit home. He simply sat back and looked at each of us in turn,

“Now I want to fuck Anath while she uses the horn on your ass Neith.”

Neith squealed with delight,

“Aaaah, I love that horn!”

I was in full accord with this plan of course gentle reader, so I fetched 'the horn' from its case under the bed and nestled myself upon one of Neith's thighs. She looked at me with sweet expectation as I rubbed juice from her still dripping wet pussy gently around the rim of her ass. She relaxed her muscles and accepted my fingers as they moistened her eager hole. She sighed and purred as my touch began to take effect. I then slid the horn slowly into her sweet little hole. She relaxed her muscles as I began to thrust it in and out, gently, to let it's uniquely crafted properties take effect.

Rahotep meanwhile ran his palms up and down my back, across my butt cheeks and over my hips. Lost in admiration he hardly needed to tease his cock back into action. He spread my ass cheeks and my pussy lips and gently eased into my golden shrine. My pussy greeted him eagerly and I got up onto my knees so that he could get closer. How sweet the sensation was as he filled me to the brim like a cup full of the most piquant wine. Thrust after thrust and my heart filled with the intoxicating sensations of love. I did my best to thrust back so that we worked together in blissful unison.

Neith was not to be neglected either. I worked her ass patiently and skillfully with the horn, gradually letting it in deeper and deeper. This beautifully crafted object was tapered in such a way that it gently stretched her ass while stimulating it's sensitive walls with delicately carved beads along its entire length. She clearly loved the sensation and soon I had to turn the precious object over to her. I was grateful to do so, for now I could fully savor Rahotep's cock as it cleaved a path into my secret inner depths. I thrust back countless times, meeting his every delightful stroke with one of equal force while his hands kneaded my ass cheeks and rubbed my shoulders and back. I was his to play on like a skillful lutenist in full command of a highly responsive instrument. Oh, what music there was in my head; sweeter melodies that the airs of Mitanni that I had first heard in the heart of The Perfumed Garden.

Before me, Neith was now engaged in quite a spectacle. Her ravenous ass drank in the length of the horn until it seemed as though she would swallow it whole. Her hand gripped it hard, white knuckled, lest it escape, robbing her ass of its due of pleasure. But no, it vanished again and again deep into that sweet, wet place only to emerge again until, to my mind, it became an extension of that limb with which she held it. She now thrust it in faster and faster, her body reacting to every stroke like a block of limestone under the master sculptor's chisel. How glad I was to witness this.

When she came, it was with blissful eyes rolled far back into their orbits and with shivers and tremors of the deepest, most profound tone. I was gratified. Breathing heavily she then placed the horn gently on the floor, lay back and propped her head up.

“Now, entertain me.”

We both laughed as she helped herself to a goblet of wine.

“What is your pleasure my lady,” Rahotep asked.

“Hmmm, fuck her, fuck her hard. I want her to come like I did.

Rahotep needed no further instructions. With a sly, lustful look in his eyes he planted his hands firmly on the bed above my shoulders and stepped back. He was now perfectly placed to bring all his force down upon my eager pussy. I spread my lips until my pussy gaped and I guided his cock into me. Withing an instant he was working my body like a blacksmith at his anvil. I guess the tender ministrations that Neith and I had subjected him to were still bearing fruit; he was a tempest of desire. Again and again my shoulders bumped against his wrists as he fucked me harder and harder. I gripped his hips and dug my nails into his skin. Soon I found myself pulling him to me as the returned for another thrust. The assault on my pussy was indescribable; so wet and ravenous was I for this man's adamantine cock ! We bucked and bucked like unbroken colts as Neith watched, kissing and sighing as our mingled perspiration lubricated our bodies. Now I placed my legs on the small of Rahotep's back and I arched my spine. I felt him thrust faster and faster until with a cry such as I have never uttered before, I came. The waves of sensation that radiated through my body dear reader, were like golden ripples of sunlight upon the water but magnified a thousandfold.

When my senses returned, I became aware of Neith applauding us. Rahotep mumbled breathlessly,

“You are too kind my lady.”

I laughed and reluctantly slid out from tuner him. I knelt on the floor and wiggled my ass invitingly. This was Rahotep's favorite mode of lovemaking and as soon as I reached back and parted my ass cheeks he entered my pussy and gripped my hips. I was facing Neith and I decided to put on a performance for her. With Rahotep's cock now snugly back inside me, we proceeded to thrust against each other, soon building up a fine momentum. Rahotep's hands needed my ass as he plunged his cock into me as deep and as hard as he could. The entire time I kept my eyes on Neith, letting her see in my face what my pussy was now experiencing. My design perhaps was to arouse her or to make her a little envious, I cannot say. But she appreciated it if her smiles and giggles were anything to go by. Needless to say, my brave lover was by this time approaching the limits of his endurance and self control.

I knew as much instinctively, and sure enough, I felt his onslaught on my pussy slow. At the same time his cock achieved its very apogee of hardness. Rahotep groaned as I shut my eyes, opened my mouth and ran my tongue around my lips. He gripped me tightly and pumped rope after rope of his salty-sweet seed deep into my body.

Neith was silent and her eyes had widened with wonder. Had we impressed this most impressive of women?

“Ah my pets, my precious tuneful rush birds, how happy you've made me!”

I said nothing but straitened my back with difficulty and handed Rahotep a goblet of wine. He was very grateful and downed it quickly.

The afternoon was still young judging by the shadows on the balcony. We called for more food and wine which the infinitely discreet Patti brought us. Neith suggested we take a swim in the lake and I readily agreed. It was a mild day but as always in this beauteous land of ours, cooling waters are one of the irresistible blessings of the gods. How wonderful it was and afterwards I marveled at the sight of our wet, glistening and beautiful bodies rising from the waters. Might have it been so, on the original island of creation after it arose from the waters of Nun at the gods command, whichever of the gods it was in that distant aeon?

We dried each other and ate a delicious meal of figs, cold cuts of duck and sweet melon, all with wine such as the vineyards of the gods might make.

I had expected Neith to have tired of our company by now, she was the most easily bored woman that I had ever encountered. But as it turned out she had one further plan in mind for us. If we were to be the objects of her amusement this day, I felt sure that she would one day reciprocate.

“Anath my dear. Why don't we initiate this mightily timbered ship of yours into the tender delights of the horn?”

I was about to answer, thinking that I would rescue him from the unknown when he said,

“A novel idea Lady Neith. And how much nicer if Anath steers my stern while you take up watch upon the bow.”

Neith giggled but I could tell she was impressed by the wit of this our lowly snake catcher.

It was a day when clothing had become an abstract concept; we were all nude and only the dry warm air separated our bodies. I picked the horn up from where it lay and fetched my half full bottle of kitano oil. I would gladly sacrifice some of this precious substance for Rahotep's pleasure. He turned to watch me apply the oil to the shaft of the horn and I glanced at him reassuringly. Neith meanwhile was already down on her knees and now she grabbed Rahotep's hips and made him face her.

“This way brave ship, you are about to sail the stormy waters of lake Neith, beware!”

With that she started pumping his cock, slowly but firmly, much as I remembered her doing to the noble son of Khefti on that memorable night at The Perfumed Garden. Before long Rahotep's eyes were transfixed by her. As I said, she is a most beautiful woman with beguiling eyes and luscious lips. It was ever her majesty's custom to surround herself with beautiful women and Neith, as you know, is amongst the finest. Add to that her skill in love craft and she is a formidable temptress. Soon Rahotep was slipping deeper and deeper into her spell. When his cock had sufficiently come to life she gently put it between her lips and worked her magic upon it with hand, tongue, lips and cheeks. Rahotep now swung gently back and forth and I caught a soft moan or two escape his lips. All this had only taken some little while so I began to perform my end of ship's duties.

I ran my hand gently between Rahotep's butt cheeks and he immediately relaxed them. Taking a generous dab of kitano oil, I rubbed it on his rim then traced my fingers over and over it until I felt the muscles give way. I had done this to myself so many times that it felt strange doing it to a man. He obviously enjoyed the sensation for then he reached back and pulled his cheek aside to allow me easier access. My middle finger found his hole warm and smooth and soon, I was working Rahotep's ass in time with Neith's impressive efforts on his cock. Our brave snake catcher found himself caught between tide and tempest as he rocked his body back and forth, muscles rippling with delight.

I quickened the tempo, slowly stretching his ass enough to slip in another finger. With circular strokes rubbing his lovely flesh with circular strokes, I could sense that Rahotep now found himself in some pleasant grove that he could never have imagined. Neith downed the entire length of his shaft over and over again then concentrated on pumping hard at the base of his cock. Groan after groan rose up from his lips and he swayed back and forth like a persea tree in the breeze. It was time for a change.

I gently removed my fingers from his ass and gently pulled him away from Neith's devouring maw.

“The horn awaits,”

I announced and with Neith smiling broadly, we led our hapless captive to the bed. We lay him on his side and Neith resumed her position between his thighs. She waited there however until I had moved the horn into position. With another application of kitano oil, I slowly eased this wondrous instrument into Rahotep's nether regions. He took it gallantly, remembering to relax and let it work it's sorcery upon him. Neith stroked his balls and tickled the tender skin behind them. She smiled appreciatively as he fondled her breasts, pinched her nipples and ran his fingers through her raven hair. This entire time she was watching my progress with the horn. As I drove it deeper and deeper into Rahotep's ass, I twisted it gently before withdrawing it and returning it a little deeper every time. He clearly loved it and again he thrust back against the horn as I myself had often done.

Now Neith finally lowered her mouth onto his shaft. Hard slow strokes soon had him rigid again and thrusting. She took his every stroke in her stride, moaning and rocking back and forth on her knees. He spread his ass cheeks wider and, and I plunged the horn in deeper, twisting and thrusting it in faster and faster. He was transported into that realm of dreams that would intoxicate us with joy were we to tarry there.

Neith too was flying somewhere amongst the rose tinted clouds with Rahotep's cock so deep in her throat that it might have made her gag. But no, she was as content and comfortable as a cat upon a cushion.

Suddenly Rahotep clenched his ass. I could feel he was close so I replaced the horn with my fingers. I immediately felt his ass tighten and relax rapidly. I rubbed his tunnel, concentrating on the sensitive rim. Now he groaned loudly and I could see that Neith's head no longer bobbed. She took what must have been a flood of seed between her cheeks, humming quietly like a bee drinking from some exquisite flower. Reluctantly I withdrew my fingers from Rahotep's ass and smiled at him. He was breathing heavily but I could see that he was mightily happy. Neith too looked very pleased with herself rearranging her hair and licking her lips clean like the lioness that she was.

After we had rested a long while and recovered some portion of our energies, we took a further swim in the lake. Neith and Rahotep were particularly friendly and talkative which pleased me.

“Hmmm, I'm glad I decided to pay the two of you a little visit this afternoon.”

I smiled at her while gathering up her dress. I put it over her head and straightened it out over her perfect shoulders, pert breasts and subtle hips. With a cursory farewell I ushered her towards the door.

“My darling Anath tell me, what are you two doing later tonight?”

My face darkened,



Coming next, the seventh and final chapter of The Snake Catcher's Daughter.






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Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 7 Daughters Exam Turns Wild

Chapter Seven: Daughter's Exam Turns Wild A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Okay, Janelle, hop up into the stirrups,” said Nurse Alexis, her bob of black hair swaying about her youthful face. “I'll go let Dr. Sharma know that you're here.” “Sure,” Janelle said. She rose from the chair she was sitting by me with a groan. My eldest daughter, twenty-one and very pregnant, waddled to the chair, leaning back to...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 3 Popping the Daughters Cherry

Chapter Three: Popping the Daughter's Cherry A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me along with a picture of her breasts in the...

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Sister Celeste Snake Charmer

Author’s Note: I’ve never written from the POV of a woman before, but I like this character and have a love story in mind for her. I entered the exam room and saw the patient, Mr. P, for the first time. He was 54 years old and seemed to be in pretty good shape. I checked his blood pressure and pulse, both of which were a little high, but that’s to be expected given the subject we would soon be talking about. The moment of truth arrived when I asked, ‘So, what are we seeing you for...

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Snake Chapter 6

Snake, Part 6 ? by: Beverly Taff Jacqueline Bentley cruised slowly up and down the strip that comprised the main drag of her small town. She knew all the clubs and watering holes intimately, from the prestigious country and golf club right down to the most menial dockside bar. In her previous persona as Jack Bentley, she had frequented them all. That was as a man, now she was a woman. From the high vantage of Jack Bentley's 4X4 she studied each nightclub and squirmed sensuously...

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Sister Celeste Snake Charmer

Author's Note: I've never written from the POV of a woman before, but I like this character and have a love story in mind for her.I entered the exam room and saw the patient, Mr. P, for the first time. He was 54 years old and seemed to be in pretty good shape. I checked his blood pressure and pulse, both of which were a little high, but that's to be expected given the subject we would soon be talking about. The moment of truth arrived when I asked, "So, what are we seeing you for today?""Well,...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 4 Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter

Chapter Four: Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! In a week my daughters had set up Best Dad's Daughter Services. “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” Sarah set up the website, Tonya did the banner and other graphic designs, and Janelle did the marketing. I couldn't believe how excited they were for me to teach other daughters how to love their daddies, and to teach...

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Snake Venom

SNAKE VENOM By Lana F. "Drop your pants, man." The leader of Drua women pronounced the last word as though it were an insult. The women pointed their spears at me and Lieutenant Shevet. The seven Drua women all wore trousers, and leather armor over their woven shirts. Their hair was short, like men's. The leader was taller than any of her companions by half a head. "I will not." I held my head up defiantly. "If you want to take us prisoner, you don't have to...

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Escaping the deathtraps of the lost tomb of Mhuntee had been bad enough, but looking around now Lara Croft reached the inescapable conclusion that things were about to get a whole lot worse. She had just grabbed her treasure--the fabled golden skull of Mhuntee--when the floor of the cave gave way, sending her crashing and tumbling down a tunnel until she emerged into some jungle... ... with ten extremely tall and nearly naked warriors armed with assegais surrounding her. She recognized them...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 15 Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter

Chapter Fifteen: Futa Mommy Saves Her Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “She's mine!” Spice hissed. Her voice was that same melodic one I remembered from the video I'd watched in the church's bathroom a few days ago. The futa-demon held me tight, her futa-cock buried in my ass. “I won't let you have her.” “What the fuck is going on here?” I asked, standing in a dark void. Just moments ago, Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 6 Best Daddys MotherDaughter Consult

Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...

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“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...

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Momther and daughter

We both get dressed, not really slutty but nice. We are both in really good moods too, so should be a great night. We decide to take cab back and forth so we don’t have to worry about how much we drink. After I call for the cab, lil one looks at me and smiles. Wow mom you look great, I don’t normally see you dressed like that. Its not that I am dressed slutty, well not really any way. However I do not normally wear skirts this short or tops this low cut. Being I am big breasted the low...

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Snake Chapter 11

Snake - Chapter 11 - by: Beverly Taff As Sissy's tears flowed she sat on the bed and examined her digi-grade feet. She tried pushing her sandals off but the ankle straps held her shoes secure. They prevented any hope of escape for her feet. Then she reconsidered and concluded that 'even if she did get them off, she would then be totally unable to walk unaided'. Until her 'dressers' arrived to undress her, she was locked into those necessarily cruel, but beautiful heels. The...

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