A Holiday Surprise Ch. 01 free porn video

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Some time ago I watched a news special about a condition known as sl**p sex.

According to the special, some men and women masturbate, and even engage in sexual activity while sl**ping.

Those who suffer from this condition are usually unaware that they are engaged in sexual activity while sl**ping. They usually find out after their sex partners begin to question them on their strange behavior.

During the special a woman said her Husband would ask her why she masturbated all night long. She said she wasn’t even aware that she was doing it.

The interviewer talked to a man’s girlfriend, and ex-girlfriend.

Both women said he would frequently have sex with them while he was asl**p.

Unfortunately the story didn’t discuss whether the condition is hereditary or not.

But wouldn’t it be interesting if the condition is hereditary?

Carol Walters sat in the small examination room and listened as Dr. Prague went over the results of the tests he’d done on her.

‘Miss Walters, I have good news for you. You are in excellent health. Every test we’ve run comes back normal.’

‘That is good news,’ Carol said feeling relieved. I was worried that something was wrong when I noticed bl**d spots in my underwear.’

‘The spotting seems to be a side effect of your birth control pills. That is one of the more common side effects.’

Carol became confused by the doctor’s diagnosis. ‘I don’t understand. I’ve taken birth control pills for over twenty years. Why would they start affecting me like this after two decades of use?’

‘Side effects from medicines sometimes pop up immediately. Other times, as our bodies change, the side effects begin occurring later in life. You’re thirty nine years old. Your body is bound to go through changes. It’s like people who have eaten tomatoes all their lives, and suddenly they are allergic.’

‘Does that mean I should stop taking the pill?’

‘That’s up to you. However, you are still fertile, and if you stop taking them you could get pregnant.’

‘Doesn’t the risk of pregnancy go down as you get older?’

‘The risk of pregnancy doesn’t go away just because you’re getting older. You should always use precautions as long as your body is producing eggs.’

Carol shrugged her shoulders. ‘It doesn’t really matter anyway. I haven’t had sex in four years. So, I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.’

‘Is there a reason you’ve stopped having sex? I’m asking as your doctor.’

The tall redhead shook her head. ‘No, I’m just so busy with my clients that I usually don’t have time for a social life. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve sort of given up on men. I’ve never met Mister Right. Men are usually intimidated by a successful New York attorney. Quite often they see themselves being taken to the cleaners if we get married and then end up getting a divorce, so most don’t even try. Besides, I’m nearly forty, so the thought of meeting the man of my dreams is no longer a priority to me.’

Dr. Prague nodded his understanding. ‘If you choose to go off the pill, the spotting should stop after a week or two.’

‘That’s good news. I can start wearing thongs again. I hate these damn panties.’

Dr. Prague held back the smile that threatened to appear. ‘Carol, if you do begin having sex again, I suggest you use condoms, or another form of birth control. Also, if the spotting continues for more than six weeks after you discontinue taking the pills, make another appointment to see me.’

‘Thank you Doctor Prague. I’ll do that.’

Three months had passed, and the spotting had completely stopped.

Carol was able to go back to wearing thongs. The bleeding stopped ten days after she discontinued taking her birth control pills.

The Holidays had finally arrived, and Carol was looking forward to spending Christmas and New Years Eve with her older s****r, Emily, and her s****r’s f****y.

Emily is four years older than Carol. She married Frank Burgess, her high school sweetheart. They settled down in Oklahoma City where Frank started his own contracting company.

Emily got her accounting degree at OU and became a successful accountant.

The couple has one son named Jess.

The last time Carol had seen her s****r was five Christmases earlier.

In Late November Carol booked a flight to Oklahoma City, and reserved a hotel room a few miles from her older s****r’s house.

Emily called Carol the night before she was to fly out and told her that she wouldn’t be able to meet her at the airport to pick her up. ‘I have to meet with a client who is panicking because he’s being audited in January. Don’t worry though. Jess will meet you at the baggage claim area.’

‘Emily, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the boy. I’m not even sure I’d recognize my Nephew. I’ve seen recent pictures of Jess, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him in person.’

‘He looks just like his Father did when I first met him.’

‘Then I’ll just look for the most handsome young man in the terminal,’ Carol replied with a laugh.

‘Don’t let Frank or Jess hear you say things like that. They’ve both got big enough heads as it is.’

The s****rs laughed together.

‘Jess is eighteen now, isn’t he?’

‘He turned eighteen last July. I know you were joking, but you’re going to be amazed at how handsome my Son has become. His blond hair is thick, and wavy. Jess has a disarming smile that makes girls’ hearts melt. He’s six foot three inches tall with broad shoulders and an athletic build. And talk about charm. That boy could charm his way into just about anything, or anyone he wanted. The cheerleaders at OU practically fight over him.’

‘That’s right. He’s a wide receiver for the OU Sooners.’

‘Go Sooners,’ Emily replied enthusiastically. ‘Jess has been dating one of the cheerleaders for the past few months. Her name is Chelsea Randal. She’s a little minx if I ever met one.’

‘Are they having sex?’ Carol asked.

They are fucking like rabbits,’ Emily replied. ‘Jess spends the night at her dorm at least three nights a week.’

Carol smiled as she listened to her s****r. ‘It sounds like someone could find herself being called Grandma before long.’

‘Please, don’t even joke about that,’ Emily shot back. ‘I keep that boy stocked with condoms. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to buy condoms for your eighteen year old Son? But I’ll be damned if Jess is going to fuck up his college education by knocking some cheerleader up.’

‘It sounds like you’re being a good mother,’ Carol replied, holding back the laughter.

‘s*s,’ Emily’s tone changed. ‘I wish you would stay with us while you’re in town instead of a hotel.’

‘Where would I sl**p? You have a two bedroom house. I love you, but I’m not sl**ping on the couch for nine nights.’

‘Jess could crash with his Dad. You and I could sl**p in Jess’ bed.’

‘Sweetie, you have a Husband and a Son who are built like NFL football players. I don’t think they would be very comfortable sl**ping in the same bed.’

‘I’ve got good news,’ Emily said, changing the subject again. ‘It looks like we’re going to have a white Christmas this year. The forecast is calling for heavy snow fall starting tomorrow night. They are expecting up to six inches of snow by morning.’

‘Does this mean I’ll be trapped in Oklahoma for the rest of the winter?’

‘Sweetie, the stuff rarely stays on the ground longer than a week. Besides, Frank, and Jess own four wheel drives. My car is a front wheel drive, so I can go most anywhere, unless the snow is too deep. Don’t worry about getting back to the airport. You won’t miss your return flight.’

The next day, Carol stepped off the 727 and headed for the baggage claim. She had her small carry on case in her right hand.

The terminal was packed with travelers heading to visit their families. It was the worst day of the year to be in an airport terminal.

However, for Carol, it was worth the inconvenience. She hadn’t seen her s****r in such a long time. As Carol entered the baggage claim area she spotted her Nephew standing near the carousel. She immediately recognized him from his face-book pictures. ‘Damn, Jess has become a handsome young man,’ she muttered to herself as she approached the baggage carousel.

Jess spotted his Aunt walking towards the luggage area. He gave the sexy woman a quick once over.

She looked like a younger version of his Mom. Her shoulder length red hair cascaded down around her beautiful face. She was dressed in grey form fitting sweater, a knee length blue skirt, skin tone pantyhose, and pumps. Even with the heavy winter coat covering her frame, he could see her hourglass figure, with large breasts, and hips that begged to be fondled. She looked just like he’d remembered from c***dhood.

Jess gave his Aunt a warm smile and waved.

Carol returned the smile and waved back.

Jess met his Aunt at the carousel, and immediately hugged her. ‘It’s good to see you Carol.’

Carol’s face rested against his powerful chest as she returned the hug. ‘It’s good to see you as well, young man.’ She broke the embrace and looked her Nephew over. ‘The last time we hugged, it was your face pressing against my chest. It looks like the roles have been reversed.’

Jess grinned at his sexy Aunt. ‘I could lay my head against your chest now if you want me to.’

Carol stifled a laugh. ‘Your Mom wasn’t k**ding when she said you are a charmer.’

Jess glanced at the passing luggage. ‘Which bags are yours?’

‘I don’t see them yet… No wait, that’s them right there. Be careful with the large bag. There are Christmas gifts in it, and your Mom’s present is breakable.’

‘You left a breakable gift in the hands of the baggage handlers?’

‘Damn, I didn’t even think of that. I should have put Emily’s gift in my carryon bag,’ Carol exclaimed as she visually inspected the suitcase. ‘I don’t see any wet spots on the bag, so it should be ok.’

‘You got Mom a bottle of expensive perfume, didn’t you?’

Carol smiled at her handsome Nephew. ‘You will keep that between us, right?’

Jess grinned at his Aunt. ‘What did you get me?’

‘You’ll find out tomorrow, when we open gifts.’

A half hour later, Jess pulled up to the Madison hotel.

They got out of the SUV and headed inside with Jess carrying Carol’s larger bags.

Carol approached the busy check in desk, and waited in line for her turn. She had her carry on bag with her.

Jess stood to one side of the line, with Carol’s two large suitcases sitting at his feet. He watched his sexy Aunt wait in line. He couldn’t take his eyes off her round bottom, and long legs. It took all of his willpower not to stare at her legs while he was driving to the hotel.

Carol had noticed her Nephew’s subtle glances at her legs as he drove down the turnpike. She knew it was natural for young men to check out women’s legs, so she didn’t take offence at his occasional glances. She actually felt flattered that a handsome young man was taking notice of her well developed legs, even if the young man was her Nephew.

The couple in front of Carol finished checking in.

She stepped up to the desk, and waited for the front desk clerk to speak.

The young woman, who couldn’t be more than twenty, smiled at Carol. ‘Welcome to the Madison Hotel. How may I help you?’

‘My name is Carol Walters. I have a reservation for nine days.’

The pretty brunette searched her computer. A worried expression appeared on her face as she stared at the screen. She looked up at Carol, and attempted to put on a brave face. ‘When did you make your reservation?’

Carol began to feel uneasy. ‘Late last month, why, what’s wrong?’

‘Do you have a confirmation number?’

Carol thought for a moment. ‘No, the woman who made the reservation didn’t give me one. Is there a problem?’

The young woman’s expression of concern became more pronounced. ‘I’d better let Mr. Bangs, the hotel manager, explain.’ She waved to a well dressed man who appeared to be in his mid fifties.

The man approached the desk. ‘Yes Tiffany?’

The girl glanced at Carol for a moment before speaking. ‘Mister Bangs, this is Carol Walters. She booked a room late last month. She made the reservation for nine days. She doesn’t have a confirmation number.’ The concern on her face could be heard in her voice.

Carol watched the man as he studied the computer screen.

He grimaced as he looked the screen over. He began punching keys on the keyboard. Finally, after several minutes, he looked up at Carol. ‘Could you come with me please?’ He gently asked.

‘Why, what’s the problem?’

‘Please, I’ll explain everything in my office.’

Carol followed the man into his office. She suspected she was about to get bad news.

Jess started to follow his Aunt, but she motioned for him to stay with the luggage.

Once inside the office, Mr. Bangs offered her a seat. ‘Miss Walters, I am very sorry to have to tell you this, but last month we had an employee quit unexpectedly. Apparently she took calls throughout the day, but didn’t bother to put the reservations in the computer. You are the fourth guest we’ve had to turn away today because our hotel is completely booked up for the holidays.’

Carol could see the discomfort written across the man’s face. ‘You don’t have any rooms at all?’

‘Unfortunately no one within twenty miles has any available rooms. I have been authorized, as compensation, to offer you three free nights to use any time you like in the future. However, I don’t have anything available at the moment.’

‘Great,’ Carol exclaimed in frustration. ‘I haven’t seen my s****r or her f****y in five years, and now that I’m here, I have nowhere to stay.’

‘Perhaps, your s****r can let you stay with her?’

‘She lives in a two bedroom house with her Husband and grown Son.’

‘I do apologize for the inconvenience, but at the moment I have no rooms available.’

‘I should have known something was wrong when the girl didn’t give me a confirmation number when I booked the room.’

‘Once again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you.’

There’s nothing you can do about it. I just hope the woman who created this mess is doing something she’s able to handle, like cleaning garbage cans.’

‘As do I Miss Walters, as do I.’

Fifteen minutes later, Jess and Carol pulled into the driveway.

Jess grabbed Carol’s luggage, and carried it inside. He took the carry on bag and the suitcases to his room, and laid them on the bed.

Carol stood in the middle of the living room staring at the couch.

Jess returned. ‘Yeah, the couch is kind of small, but I should be ok on it for a few days.’

‘Carol looked up at her Nephew. ‘There is no way in hell I’m letting you sl**p on that couch for nine days. It’s barely large enough for me to sl**p on. You would be hanging off of it all night long. Besides, it doesn’t look comfortable enough for sl**ping.’

Jess shook his head. ‘It isn’t. Mom bought it because it looks good.’

‘That’s my s****r alright. Looks are more important than comfort.’ Carol sighed. ‘Let me see your bed.’

Jess led his Aunt into his bedroom.

Carol was glad that the bed was queen size instead of a full size bed. ‘You’re a big young man, but I think the two of us can manage sl**ping in it for nine nights, don’t you?’

Jess fought back the excitement he was feeling. ‘Yeah, we shouldn’t have any trouble sl**ping on it.’

Carol chose to ignore the obvious excitement dancing in her Nephew’s eyes. ‘Very well, for the next nine days and nights, you and I are roommates.’ Deciding to have a little fun with her Nephew, she added, ‘However, there will be no attempts at hanky panky. Is that clear?’

‘I would never try anything with you,’ Jess replied defensively.

‘I was teasing.’

Three hours later Jess’ Father, Frank pulled into the driveway. As he climbed out of the truck, his Wife, Emily pulled in behind him. Frank closed the door to his pickup and approached his pretty wife’s car.

Emily got out of the car, and hugged her Husband. Her forty three year old features were grim. ‘You will not believe the day I’ve had.’

‘I take it the meeting with your client didn’t go well.’

‘Ron Parker is paranoid. I swear the man thinks he’s going to jail. I told him that tax audits are standard procedure, but he’s convinced that the IRS is going to find something he missed and arrest him on the spot.’ A wry smile appeared on her face as she spoke. ‘He told me I’d go to jail too, since I’m responsible for keeping his books in order.’

‘If you’re convicted of tax fraud, I promise to come and visit you every day.’

Emily gave her Husband a seductive smile. ‘Will I get conjugal visits?’

The big contractor took his wife into his arms and kissed her. ‘Every damn day,’ he crooned as he broke the kiss.

‘We’d better go inside. I’m sure Carol is here by now.’

The f****y settled in very quickly after the reunion hugs were passed around.

Frank and Jess were in the kitchen preparing dinner.

Carol and Emily sat on the couch, catching up on their day’s events.

Emily stared in shock as Carol told her about the incident at the hotel. ‘I can’t believe the hotel’s employee would do something like that.’

‘I’m not the only one who was left out in the cold. Apparently the hotel has had to turn away several guests today. To make matters worse, every hotel is completely booked up. The hotel compensated me with three free nights that I can use in the future. But in the mean time, it looks like you’re going to have a guest for the next nine nights.’

‘Like I suggested last night, we can sl**p in Jess’ room, and the men can sl**p together.’

‘I think it would be better if Jess and I shared his room. I looked at your bed. There is no way those two will fit on that queen size bed comfortably.’

Emily nodded, feeling foolish for not buying a king size bed when she had the chance. ‘I know I should have bought a king size bed, but I like sl**ping close to Frank. Besides, I got a great deal on the bed we have. It was such a bargain that I bought one for Jess as well.’

‘Then it’s settled,’ Carol said. ‘I’ll sl**p with Jess during my stay.’ She glanced toward the kitchen. ‘Please tell me he doesn’t snore.’

Emily laughed. ‘No, but he does occasionally moan in his sl**p. He’s not loud, but I sometimes hear him when I pass his room at night. Jess also talks in his sl**p. It’s usually one or two words though.’

‘Oh, what does he say?’ Carol asked out of curiosity.

Emily glanced towards the kitchen before continuing. She lowered her voice so the men wouldn’t hear. ‘Sometimes he says a girl’s name. One morning as I passed his bedroom, I heard Jess muttering ‘that feels so good’.’

‘It sounds like he might be dreaming about having sex.’

‘I think you’re right. I just hope he doesn’t decide to snuggle up to you while he’s dreaming. Jess would be mortified if he woke up holding his Aunt in his arms.’

‘I’d be devastated if he held me in his arms, while saying some other woman’s name,’ Carol said in pretended distress. ‘It would remind me of some of my past dates.’

Emily burst into laughter. As her laughter died down, a serious expression appeared on her face.

‘What’s wrong?’ Carol asked.

Emily looked over at the kitchen door for a moment before speaking. ‘There’s something I want to tell you. However, you can never repeat it.’

‘I won’t say a word, I promise.’

Emily leaned close to her s****r, and quietly said, ‘Frank sometimes has sex with me while he’s asl**p.’

‘What?’ Carol stared at her s****r in disbelief. ‘How is that possible?’

‘It’s a condition known as sl**p sex. The technical term is sexsomnia. Those who suffer from it can have sex with someone and be completely unaware that they are doing it.’

‘You must mean that he masturbates with you in the bed, right.’

Emily shook her head. ‘No, he rolls me on my back, which usually wakes me up in the process, pulls off my panties, and then starts screwing me while he is sound asl**p. To be honest with you, I’ve gotten so used to it, that every once in a while, when I’m really tired, I will fall back asl**p while he’s screwing me. Hell, one morning I woke up to discover my panties had been removed, and my pussy was full of cum. I was so tired that night that I slept right through it.’

‘How long has this been going on?’

‘Frank started having sl**p sex with me right after we got married. It worried me at first. But it doesn’t bother me anymore.’

‘I can’t imagine what it would be like to be fucked by a man while he is sl**ping.’ Carol suddenly thought of who she’d be sl**ping with for the next nine nights. ‘Is it hereditary?’

‘If you’re asking me if Jess has the same condition, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. I’ve never found anything that suggests the condition is hereditary. I know Jess has spent the night with his girlfriend a few times at her dorm. I asked him about it the other day, and he said she’s never complained about him waking her up for sex. So, I’d say Jess does not suffer from this problem.’

‘I’m glad to know I’m safe from being m*****ed. But why are you telling me this if I have nothing to worry about from Jess?’

Emily shrugged. ‘I wanted you to be aware of this in case Frank happens to wander into your bedroom late at night. From what I’ve read, people who have this condition generally don’t walk around in their sl**p around looking for sex partners. They usually have sex with whoever is in bed with them. However, I don’t want you freaking out if he comes into your room and tries something.’

‘Surely, even in his sl**p, Frank would know it isn’t you he’s having sex with.’

‘From what I’ve read, the sl**per is completely unaware that they are having sex. Therefore they don’t discriminate. Someone who suffers from sexsomnia will screw whoever is handy.’

‘Does Frank know he’s doing this?’

‘Yes, but I told him not to worry about it. I’d rather he use me to deal with his condition than to spend the rest of his life taking medicine for it. If by some slim chance Frank enters the bedroom, wake Jess up, and he’ll put his Dad back in bed.’

‘Jess knows about this?’

‘I talked to him about it once. He seems to be ok with his Dad’s condition.’

‘How often does this happen?’

‘Frank fucks me while he’s sl**ping almost every night. Plus we have regular sex at least three or four times a week.’

‘Damn s*s, you get more cock in a week than most married women your age get in three months.’

Emily gave her s****r a playful smile. ‘Like I said, I’d rather take care of Frank’s condition myself.’

‘With all of this sex in your lives, I’m amazed that Jess is your only c***d. I figured you’d be knocked up all the time.’

‘Frank had a vasectomy years ago. He only wanted one c***d, so after Jess was born, Frank went to the doctor and got snipped.’

‘You said Frank only wanted one c***d. What about you?’

Emily shrugged. ‘I would have liked to have had at least one more c***d, but I respect Frank’s decision.’

After eating dinner, and spending the next several hours talking, everyone agreed that it was time to turn in.

Carol was exhausted from her long flight. She had no doubt that she would sl**p like a baby.

Jess was feeling anxious about sl**ping with his beautiful Aunt. He would never consciously try anything with f****y, but in the past he had awakened snuggled up next to his girlfriend with a morning woody pressed against her ass. The thought of his Aunt waking up with his morning hard on pressed against her body was a little unsettling to the college student. Jess was beginning to wish Chelsea hadn’t gone back home for the Holidays. At least then he could stay with her until his Aunt Carol returned to New York. As Jess waited for Carol to come to bed, he thought about the conversation he and his Mom had the other day.

She had asked him if Chelsea had ever complained about him waking her in the night for sex.

Jess told his Mother that Chelsea had never complained about being woken in the night for sex. However he had noticed that Chelsea would give him a playful smile on some mornings after spending the night with her.

A few weeks ago Chelsea admitted that Jess was fucking her in his sl**p. It seems she enjoys being fucked by Jess as he slept. She also told him that he didn’t use condoms during their little nocturnal fucks. Chelsea didn’t think it was that big a deal since she was on the pill.

But Jess knew his Mom would worry all the time if she knew her Son was filling his girlfriend’s pussy with sperm as he slept, so he lied to her about his sl**p sex episodes.

Even though Jess suffered from sexsomnia, he believed his Aunt was completely safe from being m*****ed, because he would never consciously try to have sex with her. Jess was unaware that sexsomniacs didn’t differentiate between lovers and people who would never agree to have sex with them.

Carol came out of the hallway bathroom that separated Jess’ room from his Parents’ room. She was wearing her silk, light blue, mid thigh length night gown.

The gown clung to her shapely frame, and displayed a lot of leg. Between this gown, and the two equally sexy gowns in her large suitcase, there wasn’t much to choose from.

Jess would just have to be a man, and try not to act like a horny teenager.

She would have brought pajamas or sl**ping shorts if she’d known she was going to be sharing a bed with Jess for the next nine nights. She took the three steps down the hall to Jess’ room and walked in. Carol closed the door, and turned to see Jess standing next to the bed.

Jess was dressed in an OU T shirt, and a pair of boxers. Jess instantly spotted the outfit that Carol was wearing to bed. Turning his gaze to the bed, he pretended not to notice his Aunt’s curvaceous frame, and long legs. ‘I thought I’d let you choose which side of the bed you prefer to sl**p on.’

Carol spotted Jess looking her over, before he turned away. She hated that she didn’t have anything more conservative to wear. ‘It doesn’t matter to me,’ she replied. ‘You can sl**p on whichever side you want.’

‘I usually fall asl**p facing right, so I guess I should sl**p on the right side of the bed. That way I’d be facing away from you. It would give you a little privacy, anyway.’

‘That sounds good to me. I usually sl**p facing left. This way we can both have some privacy.’

The pair climbed into bed, facing away from each other.

Jess struggled to f***e the image of his scantily clad Aunt out of his mind by thinking about Chelsea. Unfortunately his thoughts kept drifting back to Carol’s amazing legs. After about forty minutes, he managed to doze off.

Carol lay on her side thinking about the conversation she’d had with her s****r. She’d never heard of sl**p sex before. However, with all of the other crazy sl**p disorders that people suffered from, she wasn’t too surprised to learn this one existed as well. She was glad that Jess didn’t have the same affliction as his Dad. After an hour or so, Carol eventually fell asl**p facing away from her Nephew.

During the night, Carol tossed and turned, which caused her nightgown to ride up around her hips, leaving her bare bottom exposed. Carol had thrown away all the panties she’d worn during her spotting problem, leaving her with nothing but thongs to wear.

The thong covered her pussy, and asshole, but it left her ass cheeks exposed.

Early the next morning Jess rolled over in his sl**p, and was soon pressed against his Aunt’s back. He d****d his powerful right over Carol’s torso.

Carol didn’t wake, but she did subconsciously snuggle up tighter against her Nephew’s chest.

As Jess lay there spooning his Aunt, his cock began to grow. Within moments the sl**ping man’s growing erection caused his underwear to tent. His raging hard on was also pressing against Carol’s butt crack.

Carol moaned but she didn’t move.

Jess pushed his boxers down and kicked them off. He then pushed his penis completely between Carol’s butt cheeks, and against the tiny piece of cloth that covered Carol’s rectum. He then wrapped his powerful right arm back around Carol’s sl**ping form, and drew her close.

Somehow, Carol managed to sl**p through the intrusion.

The sl**ping man began to slowly rock back and forth, sliding the head of his cock between Carol’s butt cheeks.

Carol slowly woke from her slumber. She could feel a man’s arm d****d over her. She could also feel his chest pressing against her back. She became confused at first, but then remembered that she’d slept with Jess. Then she noticed something that made her gasp.

The head of Jess’ bare cock was moving between the cheeks of her ass, with the tip repeatedly pressing against her thong covered rectum. The head was pulsating against her flesh.

‘Oh fuck,’ she whispered. She could feel his uncovered cock head pressing against the tiny strip of cloth that made up the rear of her panties as he gently rocked back and forth.

Jess’ pubic hair tickled his Aunt’s butt cheeks with each forward thrust.

Carol remembered Emily’s words about Jessie being mortified if he woke up spooning with her.

Carol couldn’t understand why Jess would remove his shorts. The only thing she could think of was he removed them as he slept. She suspected that if the young man woke with the head of his erect penis pushed between her butt cheeks, he’d never be able to look her in the eye again. She wanted to get up, but couldn’t move without waking him.

The young man would most likely wake up if she tried to lift his arm off her.

Carol decided that the best thing to do is just lie there, and pretend to be asl**p.

Once Jess woke, he’d see their predicament, and get withdraw his cock before she woke up.

Of course she wouldn’t be asl**p, but Jess wouldn’t know that.

Carol lay there, conscious of Jess’ thick cock rocking back and forth between her butt cheeks. She could feel his dick throbbing as it slid back and forth.

It had been a long time since Carol had woke up in a man’s arms. It felt nice to have a man spooned up against her, even if it was her Nephew.

But the throbbing meat moving between her butt cheeks reminded the attorney that this was a dangerous situation.

This could potentially ruin her relationship with Jess.

As she lay there, she slowly reached out and turned the alarm clock on the nightstand so she could see the time. She bit back a moan as she stared at the digital clock.

It was four fifty three am.

No one would be up for at least an hour or two. With it being a Holiday, everyone might sl**p even later.

She would be f***ed to lie in bed with her Nephew’s bare cock moving back and forth in the crack of her ass until Jess turned over the other way, woke up, or had an orgasm.

Jess let out a low moan.

The moan startled his pretty Aunt, causing her to jerk.

The motion of her jerk caused the sl**ping young man to draw Carol tighter against his chest. He began grinding his cock against Carol’s thong covered butt hole.

Carol’s eyes grew wide with shock as she felt his cock head trying to enter her rectum. She tried to slip out of her Nephew’s grasp. All she succeeded in doing was changing her position so that her sl**ping Nephew had better access to her cunt.

Jess slid his powerful arm down Carol’s waist, and tightened his grip.

Carol whimpered as her sl**ping Nephew held her tight with his powerful right arm.

Jess slid his cock forward until it was pressing against her thong covered pussy lips. She could feel the pulsing dick pushing the gusset of thong between her cunt lips.

The only thing keeping the sl**ping young man from fucking his Aunt was the thin cotton material of her skimpy panties.

Jess moaned a second time as he dry humped his pretty Aunt. ‘Oh baby,’ he mumbled in his sl**p.

Carol knew Jess was most likely dreaming about fucking his girlfriend. Unfortunately it was her pussy he was dry humping. She didn’t know what to do. If she woke her Nephew, he would be devastated by what he was doing, even if it was while he was sl**ping. If she did nothing, he’d cum all over her panties.

An orgasm could wake him.

Carol knew he might sl**p through it, since young men did ejaculate while sl**ping, but she couldn’t be sure.

As he continued dry humping his Aunt, Jess subconsciously slid his right arm up and squeezed Carol’s left breast. ‘Baby,’ he muttered in his sl**p.

Carol bit her lower lip to keep from crying out in surprise.

Could Jess also suffer from sl**p sex?

Emily had said she’d never seen any signs that Jess suffered from this condition.

Carol decided that her Nephew was simply having a wet dream.

After all, Jess wasn’t trying to fuck her. He was just reacting to a sexual dream.

Jess thrust the tip of his cock between Carol’s cunt lips, forcing the gusset of her thong into her pussy.

The trapped attorney gasped as her pussy lips spread open, allowing the tip of her Nephew’s cock to penetrate her.

Jess continued to gently rock back and forth. His cock tip would spread his Aunt’s pussy lips open with each thrust.

Carol’s pussy juices began to flow, moistening the gusset of her thong. She was starting to enjoy the naughtiness of her predicament. Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to let Jess go a little farther inside her, Carol parted her legs a little so that the head of his dick could penetrate her cunt more deeply. She knew it was wrong, but she liked the pleasure of having Jess’ cock sink a little ways into her thong covered cunt.

After all, Jess wasn’t fucking her, and her panties did prevent him from going too deep.

Carol lay there, enjoying the feel of her Nephew’s cock tip as it repeatedly penetrated her pussy lips.

Jess suddenly withdrew the tip of his cock head from Carol’s spread pussy lips.

Carol felt a small twinge of regret as her Nephew withdrew the tip of his manhood from between her pussy lips.

He then slid his left hand between his and Carol’s bodies. He grasped the thin material of Carol’s thong.

Carol felt her initial fear return as her sl**ping Nephew pulled the thong to one side, and pressed the head of his dick between her exposed pussy lips. She tried to clamp her legs shut, but Jess was too quick.

The head of his cock f***ed her pussy open as he slid his cock inside her exposed cunt.

Carol was in shock. Her Nephew wasn’t just having a wet dream.

He was starting to fuck her.

Carol was ok with letting her Nephew rub the tip of his cock head between her cunt lips as he slept. But having a little fun with Jess’ dream and being fucked by him were two completely different matters. Carol had no desire to commit i****t with her s****r’s Son.

Jess let go of the thong, and slid his left arm under Carol’s body. He pulled her back tightly to his chest, and thrust his hips forward, forcing half his cock into Carol’s unprotected pussy.

The only reason he couldn’t go any deeper was their spooning position.

Carol grabbed the edge of the pillow and f***ed it into her mouth. She bit down on the pillow to keep from screaming. She was in shock.

Jess moaned in his sl**p, as he dreamed about fucking Chelsea. He had last fucked Chelsea just before Holiday break. He fucked her once while they were awake. He then fucked her bareback as he slept.

The next morning, Chelsea told him that she was going to enjoy going home to her Parents with her pussy full of his sperm.

‘Chelsea,’ he moaned as continued thrusting into his Aunt.

Carol didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t wake her Nephew. If she woke Jess while he was fucking her, the young man would spend the rest of his life feeling like some sort of pervert. Carol wasn’t even sure her Nephew could be awakened in his current state.

Jess shifted his hands to Carol’s hips.

Carol held her breath, hoping that her Nephew was about to pull out. She got a major surprise however, when he rolled them both over onto their stomachs.

Jess f***ed his pretty Aunt’s legs apart with his knees. He then lifted her onto her knees, and thrust his thick cock deep into her cunt. He resumed fucking his horrified Aunt.

Carol buried her face into the pillow, and wailed in horror, as her Nephew’s bare cock slid deep into her unprotected cunt.

Jess had to wake up. He just had to.

Turning her face, she urgently spoke to her Nephew. ‘Jess, please, you’ve got to wake up.’ She was afraid to speak too loudly, for fear of waking Emily. The last thing she wanted was to have her s****r walk in and see this.

The young man continued thrusting into his Aunt. ‘Chelsea, so good,’ he moaned.

Carol couldn’t understand how her Nephew could do this to her. She is his Aunt after all.

Emily’s words came roaring back to her. ‘Someone who suffers from sexsomnia will screw whoever is handy.’

Jess had to be asl**p.

Carol reconsidered shouting out to her s****r, but the thought of being seen like this was too damned humiliating. Carol couldn’t bear the thought of Emily seeing Jess kneeling behind her with his cock buried in her cunt. The lovely attorney decided the only thing she could do was to wait for her Nephew to finish fucking her.

He would be finished soon, and then he’d roll back over and continue sl**ping.

Carol knew that she would never forget what was happening to her. She’d live the rest of her life with the knowledge that her sl**ping Nephew had fucked her against her will. She could feel his cock stretching her pussy open with each inward thrust. Carol knew it wasn’t Jess’ fault. She also knew that sometimes disorders are inherent.

‘Fuck, I should have slept on the couch,’ Carol moaned, chastising herself. Feeling uncomfortable, she f***ed her elbows under her, and pushed her upper torso off the mattress.

Jess released his grip on Carols hips. He slipped his hands up Carol’s body and grabbed her large, spongy breasts. He then began pinching her nipples as he continued sawing his cock in and out of her cunt.

Carol moaned involuntarily as her Nephew played with her sensitive nipples. Her breasts began to tingle as Jess tormented her sex starved nipples. ‘Please, not my nipples?’ She begged. Her nipples were a major weakness for her when it came to sexual excitement. She would easily become aroused when a lover manipulated, pinched, or bit her nipples.

And it has been a long time since anyone has played with her nipples.

Carol shook as Jess continued manipulating her nipples between his fingers. ‘Oh fuck,’ she whimpered as her body began to respond sexually to her Nephew’s manipulations.

Carol began to involuntarily rock her body backward to meet Jess’ forward thrusts. She spread her knees farther apart to allow him deeper penetration. She trembled uncontrollably as her Nephew thrust deeper into her cunt. Tears began running down her cheeks as her body betrayed her. She was being f***e fucked by her sl**ping Nephew, yet her body was receiving sexual pleasure from being violated. To make matters worse, her subconscious mind was also beginning to like it. Carol’s pussy began clamp down on her Nephew’s swollen cock. ‘Oh fuck,’ she moaned, recognizing what her body was preparing for. ‘He’s going to make me cum.’

Jess let out another low moan as he continued to thrust his cock into his Aunt’s pussy.

Carol let out a whimper as her body trembled with lust. She knew she should be outraged by this intrusion, but having her nipples manipulated, as a cock was being stuffed into her cunt felt wonderful.

Jess’ cock felt so damn good inside her hungry cunt.

She was being ravaged by her sl**ping Nephew, yet all she could think about was the pleasure her body was receiving. ‘This is so wrong,’ Carol whimpered as she thrust her buttocks against Jess’ pelvis. But she desperately wanted to cum. Carol could feel her orgasm building with each passing moment. She lifted her butt higher, so that Jess could sink even deeper into her hungry pussy.

Jess let out another low moan as he drove his cock completely inside his sexy Aunt’s pussy.

Carol began to tremble uncontrollably as her own sexual need continued to grow stronger. She couldn’t help herself. It has been far too long since she’s been thoroughly fucked. Carol bit her lower lip as the need to cum began to grow even stronger. She no longer cared that it was her Nephew who was fucking her. She didn’t even care that this started out as a sexual assault being committed by her sl**ping Nephew. The lovely redhead desperately wanted to cum.

Jess pounded his Aunt mercilessly as he dreamed of Chelsea. A deep guttural sound escaped his lips as he rammed his cock deep into Carol’s cunt.

Carol slid her right hand between her spread legs, and began to play with her clit. She knew Jess couldn’t last much longer. She wanted to make sure she came before her Nephew filled her pussy with his sperm. The sudden realization that Jess was going to cum in her unprotected pussy shot through her lust inflamed mind.

Dr. Prague had warned Carol that even at thirty nine she could still get pregnant.

And Jess was moments away from filling her fertile womb with his seed.

‘Shit,’ Carol exclaimed as Jess’ cock began to expand in her cunt. ‘He’s going to cum in me,’ she whimpered. She could feel his cock stretching her in preparation of filling her fertile body with his seed. She was torn between the need to cum, and the fact that her

Nephew could get her pregnant.

Jess could knock her up and never know he’d done it.

Carol’s fingers never stopped stimulating her clit. Even though she was terrified that Jess might put a baby in her belly, her body was beyond caring. The need to cum was too powerful to resist.

Jess’ balls began to churn as he continued to ram his cock deep into his Aunt’s body. His throbbing cock repeatedly stretched her pussy as he thrust into her again and again. Jess began to cum. He shoved his cock in as far as he could and began releasing millions of baby making sperm into Carol’s fertile womb.

Carol whimpered, and her body stiffened, as her orgasm ripped through her.

Jess continued filling his Aunt’s fertile womb with his seed.

Carol could feel the rich potent sperm splashing against the back wall of her cervix. The sensation both terrified and drove her orgasm to new heights. She cried, and whimpered as her body shook. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she rode out the powerful orgasm that wracked her trembling form. ‘He’s cumming in me,’ she whimpered. ‘My Nephew is cumming in me, and knocking me up.’

Jess fired load after load of baby making sperm into his Aunt’s fertile body. He growled like an a****l as he unloaded his rich, potent sperm into her pussy.

Carol lowered her upper torso back to the mattress. She buried her face in the pillow and whimpered. Her body continued to writhe in primal lust. At the same time her mind was reeling with the reality that Jess might be putting a baby in her belly.

The pair shook and writhed as they exploded in orgasmic bliss.

Finally after what seemed to be a lifetime, Jess withdrew his spent cock from Carol’s sperm filled cunt. He pulled out, rolled onto his side of the bed, and resumed sl**ping peacefully.

Carol half lay, half knelt on her side of the bed, trembling with the excitement and shame she was experiencing. Her body was still experiencing the powerful orgasm her Nephew had given her.

Jess had unknowingly fucked her while sl**ping. He had fucked her, and filled her fertile womb with his sperm.

To make matters worse, Carol had enjoyed it. She knew it was wrong, but her Nephew had given her the best orgasm of her life.

After a couple of minutes, Carol’s orgasm finally stopped. She climbed out of bed. Grabbing one of her suitcases, Carol went into the bathroom, peed, and then took a shower. She tried to clean as much sperm out of her cunt as she could, with her finger, but she couldn’t get much of the baby making batter to come out. She dried off, brushed her teeth, and then combed her shoulder length hair.

As Carol stood looking at her reflection in the mirror, the realization that she would most likely have to endure this for the next eight nights hit her. Could she continue sl**ping in Jess’ bed, knowing he’d fuck her as he slept?

She groaned, knowing the answer. ‘Hell, who am I k**ding? It’s been too long since I’ve been fucked.’ Sighing, she said, ‘I’ll just have to go to the pharmacy today. I’ll buy a morning after pill, and a diaphragm.’

Carol got dressed, and then took her suitcase back to Jess’ room. She gazed at her Nephew as he slept soundly. A smile crossed her lips as she thought about what had happened. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined being fucked by her Nephew as he slept.

The very notion of it was taboo and exciting. The best part was, no one would ever know but her. She decided that for the rest of her stay, she would sl**p without underwear. Carol hoped that the pharmacy would be open at least part of the day. She really didn’t want to wait until the next day to get the contraceptives she needed.

However, if the pharmacy was closed, she’d just have to buy what she needed tomorrow.

She strolled into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. As she waited for the coffee to cook, she turned on the small flat screen TV that sat on the kitchen counter.

The weather man was giving the forecast. ‘It looks like we’re going to get more snow than expected this year. Snow will continue falling throughout the day, adding at least another six inches to the ten inches we’ve already received. Snow is expected to continue falling for another two to three days. Businesses are expected to be closed for at least four to five days once it stops snowing.’

‘Fuck,’ Carol exclaimed as she stared at the television.

‘What’s the matter Hon?’ Emily asked as she entered the room.

Carol spun and stared at her s****r. A deep sense of guilt hit her. ‘The meteorologist just said we’re getting a lot more snow than expected. Ten inches fell during the night, and we’re supposed to get another six inches. It looks like businesses could be closed for the next seven to eight days.’

Emily gave her s****r a reassuring smile. ‘That’s ok. We have everything we need. I need to wake Frank and Jess. I’ll be back in a few minutes to start breakfast.’

Emily turned and left the kitchen.

Carol shook her head as her s****r disappeared through the door. ‘We don’t have everything we need,’ she muttered. ‘If I have to wait seven or eight days before I can get to a pharmacy, I’ll end up pregnant for sure. That damn morning after pill has to be taken within five days of having sex.’

Carol turned to the coffee pot. Grabbing a cup from the cabinet she poured a cup. The pretty redhead knew she had to put a stop to this before she ended up having her Nephew’s baby.

But the memory of his magnificent cock buried in her body, as he gave her an incredible orgasm was still fresh in her mind.

Carol knew that if she did get pregnant, she would never be able to go through with having an abortion. Using the morning after pill was one thing. But she would never be able to forgive herself if she had an abortion.

Carol took a sip of the strong coffee. The memory of Jess’ rock hard cock stuffed deep in her hungry cunt filled her thoughts. Could she continue to let her Nephew have sl**p sex with her, and run the risk of becoming pregnant with his c***d? For all Carol knew, Jess might have already placed the sperm cell in her that would cause her impregnation. Stopping now would be a waste of time, as well as a waste of good sex, if she was already on her way to becoming a Mother.

Carol took another sip of coffee. She knew she was taking a risk each time she let her sl**ping Nephew use her for sex.

With businesses closed for the next week, she didn’t stand a chance. If she continued sl**ping with Jess, so he could fuck her each night, she’d go back to New York knocked up.

Yet the thought of missing out on having that wonderful cock stuffed in her was just too much of a temptation. Besides, there was always the possibility that she wouldn’t get pregnant.

Women have unprotected sex without getting pregnant all the time.

She set the coffee cup on the counter. ‘What the hell am I doing? This is insane.’ Carol knew she couldn’t sl**p on the couch with incredible orgasms waiting for her in Jess’ bed. She would just have to take her chances and hope she didn’t end up with c***d. Carol shook her head, knowing she was making the wrong decision. ‘I should have slept on that damned uncomfortable couch.’

by sawandsword

Same as A Holiday Surprise Ch. 01 Videos

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Holiday Wishes Upon the Wind

Author’s Note: ‘Holiday Wishes Upon the Wind’ is my entry for Literotica’s – 2011 Winter Holiday Contest. This is a Romance story through and through, but there are strong paranormal elements present, which made categorizing this story difficult. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life who have lent their life experience and inspiration to the story. But it really is all about the lovely, impish Spirit who guided it along. I hope she is pleased with ‘her’ love story. The...

4 years ago
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Holiday Park Slut

Introduction: Kathys guide to a good holiday We were staying at one of those caravan holiday parks, for once we did not have the kids with us so we had a lot of time to ourselves. I couldnt get enough, wanting to be shagging all the time where ever we were, on the beach, cliff top, Chas even fingered me to a climax in the back of a taxi giving the driver a good eyeful of my shaven cunt. By the middle of the week I had exhausted Chas and still craved more, and that night I wanted to go down to...

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Holiday pool sex

The holiday hadn't started well-- no rep with a hire car to meet us at the airport, so we had to get a rental car. And then we had to ring the holiday company back in the UK for the combination lock code for the villa. They were very apologetic and promised us compensation on our return. But it was fine now. We were determined to enjoy this treat to ourselves, celebrating my retirement. The villa stood some way above and overlooking the little Spanish seaside town, with the mountains soaring...

3 years ago
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We have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...

4 years ago
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Holiday Threesome With Mother in Law

We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...

3 years ago
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Holiday Cuckold

I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...

4 years ago
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Holiday Cuckold

I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...

2 years ago
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Holiday Pleasure

Michelle was looking forward to her holiday after having such a bad year; she had always wanted to go around Ireland see if she could find her family ancestry, she had worked out her route and set off she landed in Dublin and got to her hotel, she relaxed and then went to eat, as she sat at her table a young waiter approached “good evening madam and what would you like to drink” Michelle went weak at the Irish accent she loved it and could feel the wetness of her pussy, she gave her order and...

4 years ago
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Holiday Romance

Holiday Romance ? by: Rachel Edwards Part 1 The sun was scorching as I stepped off the plane with my parents. I was now 18 years old and my parents were treating me to one last holiday abroad before my, the best way to put it, coming of age. They were now resigned to what I was undertaking and were becoming more and more supportive of me. Thinking back to that first time trying on a few of my older sisters clothes all those years ago I had no idea what world was opening up...

3 years ago
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Holiday changes Sandra

Holiday changes Sandra Synopsis Sandra and her husband decide to go on a summer holiday to Turkey, where the sun shines hard every day (40?C). But they take the wrong taxi and are both kidnapped to a deserted place in the woods. 10 days later, she will be transformed into a depraved slut doing what she is made for: being a whore. The gang lets them go home but life will never be the same? Story         It’s over midnight. Sandra and her husband D. are sitting in the plane to Turkey. Married...

2 years ago
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Holiday Romance After an Erotic Massage

At the end of my first year of college, my best friend Samantha and I went backpacking in Sydney, Australia. It was a great place to holiday, with plenty of sun, glorious beaches and lots of things to see and do.We had been there a month staying at a backpackers’ lodge near the beach and although we were out nightly at the pubs and nightspots, we were not meeting any guys.We are attractive girls and at the time we dressed up sultry and sexy in the Sydney summer fashion, with really short minis...

3 years ago
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Holiday Encounters With Kelly and Lorraine

The continuing adventures of our happy threesome of Dave, Kelly and Lorraine. It's Kelly's birthday soon, a cause for great celebration, so Dave decides a few days holiday are just the ticket. At the end of the week Kelly gets some bad news that will lead to a profound change their lives. Kelly's 16th birthday in a fortnight, I had to figure out a suitable way to celebrate. I had a few ideas, but I decided to ponder it over for a few days. Besides last night had been exhausting, my cock...

2 years ago
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Holidaying into Submission

The time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...

3 years ago
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Holiday takes an unexpected turn

During the summer holidays following my college exams my family took a holiday abroad to Portugal for two weeks. I was really looking forward to this particular holiday, partly as a reprieve from the stress of exams but also because it presented a great opportunity to check out some bulges up close. I also saw it as the next step in my developing adventures as a freeballer, something I picked up whilst looking at cocks on tumblr. I was already spending days out with friends sans-underwear and...

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Holiday of a lifetime

I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

4 years ago
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Holiday Sex with young couple

I have just come back off Holiday from Turkey. Three weeks sat by the pool watching the world go by. Well I say watch the world but I mean watch all the girls. That's the great thing about holidaying abroad. You can sit by the pool and ogle the girls and nobody cares or even notices. The first week I found my favourite spot which had views across the pool, over to the bar and the Jacuzzi. It was a prime spot and I was a serial Towel Fiend and was up early every morning to secure my spot. The...

4 years ago
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Holiday Miracle

"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...

3 years ago
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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me; I am sure Cora was and told me as much.“Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.”Jealous or what?The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare family...

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Holiday Massage

This is a true story that happened last October during a wonderful holiday in Turkey with my wife and our best friends.We went on holiday to celebrate my sixtieth birthday away from the cold and damp days at home to spend some time in the sun eating and drinking fine wines and excellent food. We stayed at a wonderful five-star hotel that had its own spa and massage centre onsite, which was owned and run by a group of beautiful ladies from Bali.Over the first few days of our holiday, we dropped...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Holiday Sex Pt 1 The Gang Bang

Hi my name is Mandy and this is my story of when my friend Lucy and I was gang banged by six men on holiday. I am 26 years old and have jet black hair and have an hour glass figure with size 34DD tits. My pussy is fully shaved and is pierced. I was on holiday with my friend Lucy who is 24. She is a size 10 figure with 36D tits and has a neatly trimmed pussy with a runway strip. We were on holiday in Cyprus and it was our third day there and we had been chilling out in the sun...

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Holiday of Sin

This time Sally had gone too far, and her parents were furious with her for getting expelled from school. It's not even my fault, the fifteen year old, grumbled to herself, as she sat alone in her bedroom. Neither the school principal nor her parents would believe that it was Sharon and Tessa who had stolen the wine. One mistake, she thought bitterly and I'm branded a thief for the rest of my life. Just because I took a bar of chocolate from a sweetshop last year, they always think I'm...

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Holiday Anthology

Welcome to the Holiday Anthology! From New Year's Day to Christmas Day, each and every holiday carries a feeling of happiness and magic with it! Some lose their minds to it, while some get filled so much with it, they have no choice but to grow! So come, read a tale or two and enjoy the holiday hijinks!

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Holiday with Paula Pt 1

Holiday Adventure with Paula. Exhibitionism, Group Sex,Threesome Part 1Paula and me, Tom have been together for a year, both of us after unsuccessful marriage’s, this was to be our first holiday together although we had been away for weekends and I unleashed Paula’sexhibitionist side.I am 5’8”, shaven head and no body hair with a 7” cock, Paula is 4’11”,slim, Blonde with 36c tits and no pubic hair just a few wisps of short blonde hair.We were booked on flights to Callela, stopping in a hotel by...

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Holiday Island Boat Cruise

This is a true story of a chance encounter from a holiday trip to TurkeyI was 24 years old and on my first package trip holiday with a group of girlfriends. We were staying in the mountains in Hisaranou, near to the beautiful Olu Deniz lagoon.We had booked onto an Islands boat cruise which in short was a mixture of cruising around the local islands, sunbathing, and swimming with food and drinks thrown in for good measure.Being exceptionally hot down by the coast it was a relief for the six of...

Quickie Sex
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Holiday surprise part3

Holiday surprise part3On return to our suburban life style, we spent the first week, catching up on everything. I had a commission to complete as well as my Monday to Friday work as a bus driver and that of course had to come first. Before I started I had the frames made, as I did not want to send the completed work to the framers, the men there knew both me and my lady wife and there`s no point in inviting a reputation is there, and giving my local carpenter a cheap thrill is not what it`s...

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Holiday spying and taking advantage

I went on holiday years ago with a girl I lived with at university, she was going out with a mate of mine and I was going out with a mate of hers so no risk of anything happening. After an OK flight the transfer seemed to go on forever in the old taxi on 3rd world roads. Needless to say we were relieved to finally arrive at the hotel until checking in to find they had lost our booking and were fully occupied. After much discussion, showing e- mails and general frustration we were upgraded to...

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I hadn’t been away with my mum and dad for ages, not since years before I graduated, but after an unfortunate break up a few months ago and virtually no social life, they thought a couple of weeks in the sun would do me good. It was, I have to admit, nice to be away even if the pace of daily life was slow.They got friendly with a few people at the hotel and one older couple in particular. The man was a bit of an old letch but flattery is good. But then he started touching me, at first a stroke...

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Holiday fuck

I was on holiday with a few friends and one day we saw this guy taking photos of his wife in the grounds of the hotel. She was a gorgeous bit of stuff and we’d been watching her in her bikini round the pool and on the beach and all agreed we’d love to fuck her given half a chance. Well, this particular day I asked the guy if he’s like me to take a photo of them together and then got chatting to him and he was telling me how hot his wife was and that she wore him to a frazzle on holiday...

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