Nicole s MayDay Party
- 2 years ago
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It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away.
I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot.
I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she will beg off and I will call one of my buds to round out the trip. Part of that is she never really learned to swim, I am not sure why. Her version of swimming is a bit like a pup does when thrown in for the first time, she gets lots of water going lots of directions, even stays on top but barely.
I was surprised that she agreed. So while I got the big old 21 foot inboard ready, she packed a basket of snacks and sandwiches, tucking a fine bottle of dark wine into the mix.
Sometimes we will be naughty out on the boat if the bite is slow. More than once we have made sweet love up in the little cuddy cabin up under the bow, causing the old boat to bounce oddly as she lay at anquor.
I was really looking forward to one of those days, Kay showed all of the signs that she was also. She pulled a loose jacket on over her somewhat on the skimpy side Bikini, she wore nothing else, so I knew.
Kay is drop dead pretty, at least to me. At 33 years, she has this tiny soft bulge above her waist and she fights that losing battle constantly. The back of her legs show a few little crinkles of cellulite, and her fanny sags maybe just a tad more than it did at 19. She isn’t large busted, but even though her left breast is slightly larger than the right, she looks just fine in any kind of clothing.
Kay is tall, too, at 5’10’ she stands one inch short of my height, and at only 140 pounds she isn’t the least bit out of shape. Add in the just past the ears brown hair and bangs, at a glance she can pass for 20.
Like I said, gorgeous!
Yea, I love my wife and I am totally faithful. Sure, I take a look at some of her nastier lady friends, and a couple of times at parties I have had some of them put the move on me. That doesn’t work, I look but keep my mouth shut and my pants up because I happen to know from my first failed marriage and some messed up relationships that Kay is one in a lifetime.
Kay was married once before, also. The stupid bastard slapped her around and tried to force her to do his bidding, one day she had enough and dropped him with a Chinese made frying pan and walked out the door.
She told me that story and we still crack jokes about the Chinese gong.
That guy showed up just once right after Kay and I started dating, found us in a nightclub and got beligerent. I told him to back off, got a ‘fuck you buddy’ in return, so I popped him in the solar plexus with a backhand, just two fingers. He bent over so I popped him under the nose to straighten him up, he did and then I rapped him in the nuts.
He sagged as I caught him, gagged a bit, then got quiet. I helped him to a chair, explaining to folks with odd expressions that my friend had had a bit too much to drink.
Kay and I left and I was taking her home to her apartment when she told me to please take her to my house. I gave her a questioning look, she just smiled and said, ‘You are the one, Dan.’
That night was the first time we made love, I could brag here and say I seduced her but it was the other way around. She had decided, she shoved me back and made my body do things I simply did not know it could. We spent a solid 8 hours, the Sun was coming up when we finally lay back and slept wrapped up in each other. I had learned of the mole on her thigh, the way her nipples perked up when I licked them, I watched as her chest heaved and turned red flushed in orgasm, the way her abdomen seemed to ripple under my hands as she spasmed.
We have been together from then on, it was as simple as that. Together, we became complete and total delight.
But I digress.
I pulled the Bronco around and hooked up the trailor for the short run to the launch ramp. I knew everything was top notch, I had just spent $2500 having the outdrive completely done and the engine was built with my own hands. We called the boat ‘Dancer’ because she floated up and over the waves, the higher than normal sides gave us a secure feeling. Part of why I had bought the machine, knowing Kay’s fear of water. I had had the boat out less than a dozen times since the major overhaul, she always performed perfectly. Even out in the Ocean, the high bow slid up and over the big rollers with a soft ride, easy to handle.
Once unloaded and in the water, Kay held the rope while I parked the Bronco and trailor. I walked back to the dock, noting a couple of fishermen checking out Kay’s legs with a twinge of pride. I couldn’t blame them for that, I liked to check them out myself.
One touch of the button and the big 321′ inline six cylinder fired right up and we were off.
I set her on 2400 RPM, right at torque peak, running a steady 15 knots. The day was every bit as fine as I thought it would be, the air was warm enough to not be uncomfortable as we ran down the side slough to the main river.
As we slid out into the more open water, I picked up the pace to 20 knots, speeding the run across the river to the mouth of a side stream, a gathering point for Salmon I knew of.
I was surprised to find we had the area to ourselves, but we were a few weeks early for the normal run, most were fishing the more productive lower river.
I pulled into what I knew was the slot, Kay took the bow with the anchor in hand, I read the depth finder to try and set us on the exact point I knew that the fish would come to.
‘Drop it!’ I called out as the familiar ridge I was looking for showed on the scanner. Kay dropped the anchor, I waited, felt the gentle tug as it set and then shut down the engine.
We had lines down in literally no time, as soon as mine was set I was reaching to help Kay but she was way ahead of me.
Her line didn’t even reach bottom before it took a familiar bend, 20 minutes later a shiny 30′ piece of raw power lay in my net. I spotted the dorsal fin sticking up clear as a bell, she was wild so I reached down and slipped the hook, let her slide out of the net to freedom.
We hugged in the sheer joy of the moment, Kay stripped and set another Herring on her hook, dropped it to the bottom.
It usually goes like this, I always tease her that her fingers taste better than mine, fact is, it seems to be true. For some reason she catches more fish than me.
We didn’t get any more bites, we did sneak up into the Cuddy cabin though. That made the day perfect. I looked at my watch. It was coming up on 3 PM and the tide was now wrong anyway, and picking up to running very hard, so I started the engine. Then I climbed out on the bow and pulled the anchor. I called to Kay to drop the engine into gear, she did.
Nothing happened.
‘Drop it into gear!’ I called out.
‘I did!’ Her voice went nervous.
I slid back off the bow, reached for the controls, pulled back to neutral and back into gear, nothing.
I touched the button to lift the outdrive, stepping back and looking over the stern, there was no prop. A simple glance told me the story, I could see the rusted ends of what had been the retaining pin still inside the main shaft, the prop was gone! Somehow the stupid bastard that redid the outdrive had used a plain steel pin instead of a stainless steel one, why hadn’t I noticed that?
I stepped back up to the bow, threw the anchor over the side, feeling sick inside because I knew that just 300 feet downstream the hole dropped off to 90 feet. I had just 150 feet of line. Not enough to anchor solidly in a 3 knot current.
‘Jackets!’ I ordered, notin
g the flash of fear in Kay’s eyes, but she reached for hers and pulled it on, tying the knots tightly. I grabbed mine, the straps hooked with Felcro, I really didn’t like the jacket because of it but I had always used it, not really thinking about it.
I glanced downstream, checking the distance to the pilings left over from an old mill operation. It was about a quarter mile, and the anchor was holding.
I knew we did not want to drift into the piling, with log debris piled up sideways against it. Not in a 3 knot current, building to 4 knots as I knew it would at peak. The odds were very high that the impact could punch through the hull.
But we were secure at anchor, so I reached for my ship to shore radio.
‘Private ship Dancer, any contact!’ I called out.
No answer.
I called again with the same result. I was a little surprised at that until I glanced down and saw I was on channel 18 instead of 16, the emergency channel.
I touched the button, switched to 16, called again.
No response.
I set the radio down, asked Kay if she felt all right, I didn’t want her frightened. She was but she was trying.
‘It will be just fine, hon. As soon as I raise someone, we will have some help.’
Kay nodded, holding her hands in her lap. She was scared, I could see it. The last thing I wanted.
Then I saw a big boat coming, one of those day cruisers fishermen all hate. The skipper had her set at maximum wake, rich assholes all do that for some reason. I waited until the boat was within a hundred yards, tried to signal. The two women on the bow waved back to me, they kept right on going. I was going to fire a flare but it was daylight and by the time I decided to try, the boat was by us.
I watched the bow wake coming at us, knew what was going to happen. It was almost like in slow motion. The first wave lifted us, the second slapped us, I felt the anchor shift and let go. We drifted back into the deeper section.
I saw the piling below, our boat rushing towards them.
‘Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!’ I called out on channel 16. Our situation had just changed from a problem to dangerous. The response was almost instant, Coast gaurd, but at the coast, more than 80 miles away.
‘What is your situation?’
‘Twenty-one feet. White over blue, canvas. Two souls on board, one male one female, in jackets. We lost our prop, anchor is failing, going into the dolphins.’
‘Dress all line.’ Came the response. I knew this meant to let out all of our anchor line.
‘All is dressed, we may need to..(I looked at Kay, her eyes were a haze of fear) abandon ship if we go into the pilings.’
‘Rescue is dispatched, hold fast.’
Sure, hold fast. The pilings were less than 300 feet now, I knew what would happen when we went into them. The boat could be holed, tip, draw water, then she would roll from the pressure of the current.
‘We are preparing to abandon ship!’ I called. I didn’t wait for a response.
Less than 100 feet now, I reached for Kay and got a good grip, waited. The boat rushed towards the piling and logs. I spotted the sharp end of a limb, it was almost like it was reaching out for us as we drifted helpless exactly at it. At the jolt and loud crack of contact I lifted Kay and threw her over the side towards the top of the logs with all my strength. Then I stepped up on the now raising gunwale as water began to flood the floorboards and leaped off towards the logs.
I missed the logs but surfaced quickly, I looked around and spotted Kay clinging to the the edge of them, the water piling up and around her. I was by her side in just a few seconds. The boat tipped, took on more water, rolled and vanished in moments out of the corner of my eye.
All I could think of was Kay. I grabbed her and tried to lift her up and onto the logs, I couldn’t. It took me a few moments to realize that a branch off the log had slid under her life vest. The flow of the water was beginning to drag her under, I knew that if she went under the logs there was little chance. Even if she tore free from the snag holding her, there were limbs and debris under the logjam that could catch and hold her underwater.
I reached for the blade I always carry on my hip when boating, got it and reached out and cut the straps on her vest. The water instantly tore it free. I held her for a second, telling her to let go of the logs.
I threw her up and out of the water with all of my strength, then I felt the tug of the water grab me, I knew I was going under. I struggled with all my strength, the weight of the rushing current was too strong. I managed to grab a deep breath before the force of the water pulled me under the pile of debris.
I felt myself torn along by the current, flet my body bump against unseen obstructions. I waited for a limb or stick to grab me, trap me underwater to sure death. I was close to my lungs bursting when I felt the tug as my jacket hung up, then something released, that cheap Felcro straps had let go. I let my arms flail back releasing me from the life vest, seconds later just as I had given up and my lungs could hold out no more, my head popped to the surface.
I gulped down several breaths of sweet air, called out, ‘Kay!’ Then I blacked out for a few seconds.
I came back around, drifting along with the current. I lay back and started to gently paddle to save energy. Then I heard a roar, I looked over and a big aluminum sled went by, running fast at wide open. The operator ran the sled right up to the piling. Tipping the outdrive at the last second to lift the bow, he then set it right up on top of the logs. I watched from what was now 200 feet away as one man leaped from the boat and ran across the tops of the slippery logs. He reached out and grabbed Kay, hauling her back to the boat and on board.
I saw Kay try to save her bikini top but it was off her arm and hanging and caught in a branch, she shook herself free and climbed onto the sled. The bottoms had been torn off her by the current, she was naked. Then I saw the outdrive go back down, the roar of the engine slid the machine back off the logs into the water.
It was just a few minutes later the sled pulled up beside me, the operator leaned over with a grin.
‘Want a ride?’ He reached out and grabbed me, his buddy helped and the two of them hauled me on board. I sat down on the floorboards, catching my breath. Then I looked at Kay, they had given her a T-shirt but it wasn’t a hell of a lot of help, coming to about mid pubic hair. She was sitting huddled, soaked and cold, still frightened. So I slid over and gave her a hug.
She broke into tears, I just held her, telling her it was all right. Her legs were scratched and bleeding, more blood was showing on the T-shirt and there was a swelling and big reddish looking spot on her hip.
As I got my breath back, I thanked the two guys, the burly looking man running the boat just nodded, the other man was digging in a side compartment. He was bare chested, I knew where the T-shirt had come from.
He came back to us with a medical kit, sat down and pulled out some gauze and ointments.
‘I’m John. That’s Darrell.’ he grinned at me. ‘Close one, huh?’
I explained what had happened, he nodded. They had been running up the river to fish the same area and had heard our call on the radio.
‘You went under the logjam?’
I just nodded.
‘Lucky.’ He just shook his head, that doesn’t happen and have someone survive.
John washed up Kay’s leg first, dabbed some ointment on what was a small scratch, then he felt both of her knees, and her arms.
‘Nothing seems broken.’ He asked her to turn so he could check the swelling on her hip, she did, reaching dow to lift the bottom of the T-shirt. I sat there perhaps in a bit of shock watching this man, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts place his hands all over Kay’s lower body.
The whole thing seeme
d to be like a dream. Of course I could have helped Kay myself but I just sat and watched, I was still close to exhausted.
John pointed at the growing red spot on the front of the white T-shirt.
‘I need to check that.’ he said, matter of factly.
Kay glanced at me, reached down and pulled the T-shirt up, baring both of her breasts. The cut was from midway in the middle of her left breast to around her ribcage. I knew it must have been from the limb that had trapped her at first. It wasn’t deep, just red and angry looking.
John washed the wound and spread some of the ointment, then he placed some gauze and taped that in place. I noticed the big man running the boat glanced back a couple of times, then he turned his attention back to the river.
Kay sat there quietly as John attended to her, then he turned to me.
‘Hurt anywhere?’ I shook my head no, I was thinking I didn’t have a mark on me.
‘Might want to fix that.’ John pointed at my leg. I looked down, there was a piece of limb sticking out of my thigh, a good 3 inches long. I hadn’t even noticed. I just reached down and yanked it out.
‘Coming up on the dock.’ The man running the machine called out.
They had called emergency, an ambulance was waiting for us at the dock. They loaded Kay on a stretcher, I climbed in and sat down as the two attendents began to check Kay out. They just cut the T-shirt off of her. One of them turned and cut my pants up to my wound, placed a bandage on it to stop the flow of blood.
We walked out of the hospital holding hands, Kay was dressed in a nurse’s smock they gave her. We hopped in a Taxi, went back to the parking lot and retrieved the Bronco and trailor.
‘No more boats.’ I told her.
‘Why not?’ she turned and looked at me with a smile.
‘Well, that was close, I don’t want to scare you like that again.’
‘Buy a new boat.’ Kay told me, snuggling up next to me.
‘If you can get us through that, you can get us through anything.’
That made me feel better.
‘I knew you needed attention, but I wonder what they thought when they hauled a naked woman on board?’ I laughed at her.
Kay grinned at me.
‘I can just imagine.’ she started to giggle.
‘I guess those two guys saved our lives.’
‘No, you saved our lives, they just helped.’
She snuggled up even tighter.
‘We do owe John a T-shirt.’
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CheatingHello, Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to either email me or to leave feedback. It's greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback as it does make writing stories more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading what you write. If you have any suggestions for the plot that you'd like to see in the story please send me an email at [email protected]. Please also take some time to visit my blog...
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IncestChapter 8: Sara and RoryThe next day followed the familiar daily farm routine. Chores came first, of course, which Rebeca and Rory completed in the morning, then ate a great lunch that Sara cooked for them. The evening chores were followed by a dinner of sandwiches. Once again, Rebeca fell asleep early and Sara and Rory put her to bed in her mother’s room. A little while later, Rory told Sara he was tired and went upstairs to bed.The house was quiet, as was the surrounding countryside at that...
Love StoriesRebirth By JL Williams To: Kelly J. Robinson With all my love. My best friend, my true Confidant, my inspiration For finishing this book, my Emotional safety valve, and The person who has caused The best times in my life to Happen. A New Birth CHAPTER ONE: THE ACCIDENT AND THE AWAKENING Terence Hopkins stood quietly on the jetway waiting for his turn to board the flight home. It had been a particularly difficult week. He loved New York, but a week of "The Big Apple",...
Chapter 4 It seemed like the time would never arrive. I watched the clock limp around the dial for the last hour between 5 and 6, but finally the time came…the time to go home. I still felt the pressure, not unpleasantly, of the plug installed by my wife yesterday, and still had the memories of the sensations that I felt each time she activated it…again, not unpleasant. Finally, I had the last words from her… “That was only level three… two more…when you get home…next steps…” I finished my...
Crossdressing[Epilogue - Jack] As you can see, this story has grown in the telling. I'm sure more adventures will occur over the coming years. I will write of those in the future and add to this history with help from others, particularly Janice. Tom and Vic have trained pilots and Pintlala provides maintenance people to keep them running. Bennie and our Janice are happy in their marriage and move between the two communities regularly as do their partners. The only one who isn't a pilot is Melissa....
Chapter Ten: Mrs. Jones’s Video Leads to a Four Way It is the first Wednesday of winter break and Rob is home from school. He is feeling the need to release his sexual tensions (Like almost always.). While Rob is stroking his erection, he looks out the window towards Mrs. Zamora’s house. Rob sees her coming toward his house and it looks like she is carrying a video cassette. He remembers Thanksgiving weekend when he and Bill fucked his mom and he had noticed that his mother had the video...
The view through the keyhole was enough to sicken the most jaded pedophile. Three girls, about 8-10 years old were being dragged down the hall. The girls were crying, naked, and bleeding at the crotch. And they were being dragged toward his door. The Ghost barely had time to escape out the window and move out of sight as he hung on the rope. The door was pushed open and the three girls were pitched unceremoniously into the room. Then the door was closed and locked. The terrified girls were...
Kissa Sins and Karmen Karma tag-team Markus Dupree in this intense, squirting, No-Holes-Barred fuck session. Kissa and Karmen are two beautiful babes with big asses and an insatiable appetite for cock…in any hole! They’re making their way up the stairs as we watch their bodacious booties bounce with every step they take. They stop on the landing to make out and twerk for the camera before continuing their journey back to the pool area. As they wait for their cocksman, Kissa and Karmen inspect...
xmoviesforyouCorner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. ...
BDSMLiz Button was an attractive woman, unmarried and now aged 40. She had blond hair to her collar and a very pleasant slim figure with ample breasts and very nice personality. It was now summer 1965 and she lived in the town of Beachside.One day she was in the library when she stopped in her tracks.“Oh, I say, Miss Haywood, isn’t it?”A sprightly lady in her late 70s stopped and glared at this pretty, mature woman. Then her gaze softened.“Ah, yes, it’s…sorry, you’ll have to remind me…but Button...
The first time I thought about my mom in a sexual light was when I caught my friend trying to sneak pics of my mom. It just amused me until I went through his phone. I was scrolling through his WhatsApp when I suddenly saw my mom's face. Whaat? To my shock, there was group with a photo of my mom as the group pic. And the group was filled with my friends discussing how hot my mom is and how they want to fuck her and creepshots. It was freaking hot and I got an instant guilty boner! I was...
IncestDear readers it’s been a long while since I sat down to finish the story that I started I’m hoping that you will enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. ***** Meanwhile Logan paced back and forth in his cell. Eagerly awaiting for the guards to escort him to his visit with Raine. He stood with his feet apart, hands stretched out touching the walls of his cell. His head slightly bent forward while meditating. His training as a Navy Seal provided him with various techniques of...
This is my first story post ever, please be indulgent and leave comments. The halls and corridors usually become quiet after 6 o clock in the University’s pavilion of mathematics and I jump, feeling panick mounting as I hear the expected knock on the stall wall. This was all so sudden and unexpected. Only a week ago had I stumbled on a first sissy hypnosis video; this weird clip with a super sexy female voices coaxing you to suck dicks. Since that day things had developed rapidly into this...
And if you can believe it…I was also up early that next morning, showering, shaving, and doing all the right things to make myself look beautiful as ever for Cynthia while her son began to prepare himself for the next chapter in his life. Me, I didn’t care about Max any longer. I cared about me. I cared about my long overdue needs. I simply cared about all the overdue cum which had built up inside my body. And I only cared about sharing it with Cynthia as I assumed she cared about having it...
A man neatly dressed in dinner jacket, white open neck shirt and a neat black kilt walked in. “Wee Jock McLeish as I live and breathe,” Andy Cameron suddenly announced as he looked up from his whiskey, “Whit ye daein here in Glasgie, and in a kult?” Jock swiftly replied “Ah Andy man, uts nae a kult uts a skirt, uts nae tartan see.” “Eh?” Andy queried, he turned to the girl he was drinking with. “Eh Morag, Wee Jock here is wearin a skirt.” “Its a Kilt you twat,” Morag explained. “No...
Looking for a Sims 4 sex mod? Am sure WickedWhims isn’t such a new term in most gamers or Sims fanatics diction, but I'll consider those who are probably hearing about this brilliant site for the first time. Now Whickedwhims happens to be an excellent mod that provisions for animated sex, nudity interactions, exhibitionism shit, relationships enhancements, gameplay as well as visual improvements.And if you are wondering what’s special about their Sims games, it’s because they contain; new...
Free Sex GamesHi dosto mera naam waseem hai, I am 29 years single guy. main ek software company main senior analyst ki post pe hu, meri posting naye project ke liye pune main hui so mujhe waha aana pada project bada tha so company ne waha rahene ka intezam kar diya ek apartment main. Kuch din main hi main waha settle ho gaya us din Sunday tha so main late utha chay banani thi so main kitchen main gaya par yaad aaya milk to hai hai nahi, main door open karke bahar aaya to dekha ki samne ek lady kahdi thi...
"Wow, once she warms up she does pretty good." Cleo whispered into Mike's ear. "Look." Mike turned and followed Cleo's gaze. Katrina was on the dance floor with her skirt hiked up around her waist. Her bare white ass exposed to everyone and anyone. Mike grinned at Cleo. "I guess I won't have to worry about her tonight." Cleo licked the ear she'd just been whispering into. "You should be ashamed of yourself. Taking that innocent young girl and turning her into a hussy." Mike...
Sophia could not remember how she managed to get Amelia in bed without Estelle, but she didn't feel like questioning it. In fact, what she did feel had very little to do with rational thought. The weight of Amelia's body on top of hers made her wet with excitement, while the thickness of the blanket that rested atop of them both made her wet everywhere else. There were so many arousing sensations happening at once, that comprehending them all was turning out to be an overwhelming task. The...
Kingsoft Company was a cruel and brutal place. Manny hated every single day he went to work. He wasted more time in office politics than actual productive tasks. His days went from 8 am to 10 pm, sometimes even later if his boss handed him some last minute stuff. Manny's wife, Raquel asked him to quit but he feared he couldn't find a job at his age. He had to do something drastic and he got the idea while watching National Geographic one night. It was a documentary about Bonobo monkeys....
One more time Fuck Team Five is sex hunting, this time Holly Hendrix Rose Monroe and Mia Martinez, go to a boxing gym with a specific workout routine in mind. They invade the place, go from machine to machine touching, kissing and rubbing every girl and guy they find on their way, they are horny, pull one of the patrons’ shorts down and start sucking him off. Then they turn their attention to another guy at the bench press and also pull his shorts down and start sucking him off, they are...
xmoviesforyouI was in a close town for a meeting business that day.I had invited my sweet Ana to come with me; but she said that if I was going to be away from home a couple days, she could visit an old girlfriend meanwhile. So I agreed and left by myself…After the meeting I had a couple hours to kill before going dinner. I felt bored at the lobby bar, having a drink. Then I saw her…She was a beautiful sexy middle aged woman, with a very nice round ass and huge tits poked against the tight material of her...
Hi Indian sex stories readers. I am Lakshayesh. 18 year old boy from Delhi. I was a regular ISS reader and when I had this sexual encounter with my widowed maid, I couldnt help but share it with you guys. Every girl young or old, every lady hot or cold can write me to I am really looking forward to get reviews from all the readers here on ISS. *** So this happened when I finished my school and was waiting for admission in a good college. Both my mom and dad were doing jobs and were out for...
Let me first clarify that neither me or Zach are gay or even bisexual, we were just a bit curious. Second, we aren’t ‘band nerds’ either, we just joined it mainly for the big field trip at the end of the year to six flags astro world. Okay, so me and zach are practically twins. We are six days apart, same hair color, very similar height, similar interests. The only thing that was different was that I was the smarter on and he played football. So we were 16 on the 10th grade band trip and we...
Introduction: jenny was soon to learn that there were worse things that could happen than not getting picked for the chearleadin squad Bang. that was the last thing jenny heard before she blacked out in the street, she had been out at a bar walking home late at night when she was knocked out. Jenny was 16 years old so she had to use a fake I.D. to get into bars she was 58, blonde and had blue eyes. she was thin athletic and perhaps most important a cheerleader at boulder high school. She woke...
It was late Saturday evening when J.D. and I pulled up in front of the barns at the Double D. We didn’t waste any time getting the horses unloaded. After walking them around to limber up their tired legs, we put them in adjoining stalls with plenty of water and feed.“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” I commented to my grandfather, standing at Indian Summer’s stall.“They’re both beautiful.” J.D. responded, putting his arm around me. “I’d say you made two good decisions today.” “You’re gonna do all...
Chapter 1 „Oh, this is good!” My breathing was becoming more and more irregular with every second. I could feel the pleasure inside of me building up, slowly. I hadn't blinked for multiple minutes already and I could feel my eyes starting to hurt a bit, but I wasn't able to stop. My left hand was practically moving on its own, trained from years of experience, while my right remained exactly where it was and didn't move an inch apart from slight twitches due to the...
I am what is commonly called a soccer mom. But in this case I guess it is to be taken literally. My own two sons grew up playing soccer. Over the years I drove God knows how many hundreds or maybe thousands of miles; to practice, from practice, to games, from games, to the sporting good store, etc. You get the idea. My sons played for the Centerville Centurions for their four years of high school, and I was at every game cheering them on to victory and consoling them in defeat. Naturally I came...
Group SexHi, I went to a club and met a guy who was visiting from up North of the uk my fella and I invited him home because we found out he was a tree surgeon and we wanted some trees sorted in our garden. Well we didnt want to pay any money so i decide that he could fuck me. After a few drinks things happened that night, I had jeans on and a top but underneath I was wearing fishnet stockings and half cup bra. We danced and kissed, my fella decided to film us, he slowly undressed me playing with my...
The three of us walked out of the courtroom and into the elevator. We got to the first floor and went to an exit around the corner from the metal detectors. Both Daddy and Arthur had been quiet since we left chambers except when Arthur told us which way to turn. We got to the street and Arthur said. "Where are you parked?" Daddy pointed to the lot across the street at the corner and said, "Over there." "I'm around the block. I'll meet you over there. Eastside,...