Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! free porn video

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It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away.

I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot.

I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she will beg off and I will call one of my buds to round out the trip. Part of that is she never really learned to swim, I am not sure why. Her version of swimming is a bit like a pup does when thrown in for the first time, she gets lots of water going lots of directions, even stays on top but barely.

I was surprised that she agreed. So while I got the big old 21 foot inboard ready, she packed a basket of snacks and sandwiches, tucking a fine bottle of dark wine into the mix.

Sometimes we will be naughty out on the boat if the bite is slow. More than once we have made sweet love up in the little cuddy cabin up under the bow, causing the old boat to bounce oddly as she lay at anquor.

I was really looking forward to one of those days, Kay showed all of the signs that she was also. She pulled a loose jacket on over her somewhat on the skimpy side Bikini, she wore nothing else, so I knew.

Kay is drop dead pretty, at least to me. At 33 years, she has this tiny soft bulge above her waist and she fights that losing battle constantly. The back of her legs show a few little crinkles of cellulite, and her fanny sags maybe just a tad more than it did at 19. She isn’t large busted, but even though her left breast is slightly larger than the right, she looks just fine in any kind of clothing.

Kay is tall, too, at 5’10’ she stands one inch short of my height, and at only 140 pounds she isn’t the least bit out of shape. Add in the just past the ears brown hair and bangs, at a glance she can pass for 20.

Like I said, gorgeous!

Yea, I love my wife and I am totally faithful. Sure, I take a look at some of her nastier lady friends, and a couple of times at parties I have had some of them put the move on me. That doesn’t work, I look but keep my mouth shut and my pants up because I happen to know from my first failed marriage and some messed up relationships that Kay is one in a lifetime.

Kay was married once before, also. The stupid bastard slapped her around and tried to force her to do his bidding, one day she had enough and dropped him with a Chinese made frying pan and walked out the door.

She told me that story and we still crack jokes about the Chinese gong.

That guy showed up just once right after Kay and I started dating, found us in a nightclub and got beligerent. I told him to back off, got a ‘fuck you buddy’ in return, so I popped him in the solar plexus with a backhand, just two fingers. He bent over so I popped him under the nose to straighten him up, he did and then I rapped him in the nuts.

He sagged as I caught him, gagged a bit, then got quiet. I helped him to a chair, explaining to folks with odd expressions that my friend had had a bit too much to drink.

Kay and I left and I was taking her home to her apartment when she told me to please take her to my house. I gave her a questioning look, she just smiled and said, ‘You are the one, Dan.’

That night was the first time we made love, I could brag here and say I seduced her but it was the other way around. She had decided, she shoved me back and made my body do things I simply did not know it could. We spent a solid 8 hours, the Sun was coming up when we finally lay back and slept wrapped up in each other. I had learned of the mole on her thigh, the way her nipples perked up when I licked them, I watched as her chest heaved and turned red flushed in orgasm, the way her abdomen seemed to ripple under my hands as she spasmed.

We have been together from then on, it was as simple as that. Together, we became complete and total delight.

But I digress.

I pulled the Bronco around and hooked up the trailor for the short run to the launch ramp. I knew everything was top notch, I had just spent $2500 having the outdrive completely done and the engine was built with my own hands. We called the boat ‘Dancer’ because she floated up and over the waves, the higher than normal sides gave us a secure feeling. Part of why I had bought the machine, knowing Kay’s fear of water. I had had the boat out less than a dozen times since the major overhaul, she always performed perfectly. Even out in the Ocean, the high bow slid up and over the big rollers with a soft ride, easy to handle.

Once unloaded and in the water, Kay held the rope while I parked the Bronco and trailor. I walked back to the dock, noting a couple of fishermen checking out Kay’s legs with a twinge of pride. I couldn’t blame them for that, I liked to check them out myself.

One touch of the button and the big 321′ inline six cylinder fired right up and we were off.

I set her on 2400 RPM, right at torque peak, running a steady 15 knots. The day was every bit as fine as I thought it would be, the air was warm enough to not be uncomfortable as we ran down the side slough to the main river.

As we slid out into the more open water, I picked up the pace to 20 knots, speeding the run across the river to the mouth of a side stream, a gathering point for Salmon I knew of.

I was surprised to find we had the area to ourselves, but we were a few weeks early for the normal run, most were fishing the more productive lower river.

I pulled into what I knew was the slot, Kay took the bow with the anchor in hand, I read the depth finder to try and set us on the exact point I knew that the fish would come to.

‘Drop it!’ I called out as the familiar ridge I was looking for showed on the scanner. Kay dropped the anchor, I waited, felt the gentle tug as it set and then shut down the engine.

We had lines down in literally no time, as soon as mine was set I was reaching to help Kay but she was way ahead of me.

Her line didn’t even reach bottom before it took a familiar bend, 20 minutes later a shiny 30′ piece of raw power lay in my net. I spotted the dorsal fin sticking up clear as a bell, she was wild so I reached down and slipped the hook, let her slide out of the net to freedom.

We hugged in the sheer joy of the moment, Kay stripped and set another Herring on her hook, dropped it to the bottom.

It usually goes like this, I always tease her that her fingers taste better than mine, fact is, it seems to be true. For some reason she catches more fish than me.

We didn’t get any more bites, we did sneak up into the Cuddy cabin though. That made the day perfect. I looked at my watch. It was coming up on 3 PM and the tide was now wrong anyway, and picking up to running very hard, so I started the engine. Then I climbed out on the bow and pulled the anchor. I called to Kay to drop the engine into gear, she did.

Nothing happened.

‘Drop it into gear!’ I called out.

‘I did!’ Her voice went nervous.

I slid back off the bow, reached for the controls, pulled back to neutral and back into gear, nothing.

I touched the button to lift the outdrive, stepping back and looking over the stern, there was no prop. A simple glance told me the story, I could see the rusted ends of what had been the retaining pin still inside the main shaft, the prop was gone! Somehow the stupid bastard that redid the outdrive had used a plain steel pin instead of a stainless steel one, why hadn’t I noticed that?

I stepped back up to the bow, threw the anchor over the side, feeling sick inside because I knew that just 300 feet downstream the hole dropped off to 90 feet. I had just 150 feet of line. Not enough to anchor solidly in a 3 knot current.

‘Jackets!’ I ordered, notin
g the flash of fear in Kay’s eyes, but she reached for hers and pulled it on, tying the knots tightly. I grabbed mine, the straps hooked with Felcro, I really didn’t like the jacket because of it but I had always used it, not really thinking about it.

I glanced downstream, checking the distance to the pilings left over from an old mill operation. It was about a quarter mile, and the anchor was holding.

I knew we did not want to drift into the piling, with log debris piled up sideways against it. Not in a 3 knot current, building to 4 knots as I knew it would at peak. The odds were very high that the impact could punch through the hull.

But we were secure at anchor, so I reached for my ship to shore radio.

‘Private ship Dancer, any contact!’ I called out.

No answer.

I called again with the same result. I was a little surprised at that until I glanced down and saw I was on channel 18 instead of 16, the emergency channel.

I touched the button, switched to 16, called again.

No response.

I set the radio down, asked Kay if she felt all right, I didn’t want her frightened. She was but she was trying.

‘It will be just fine, hon. As soon as I raise someone, we will have some help.’

Kay nodded, holding her hands in her lap. She was scared, I could see it. The last thing I wanted.

Then I saw a big boat coming, one of those day cruisers fishermen all hate. The skipper had her set at maximum wake, rich assholes all do that for some reason. I waited until the boat was within a hundred yards, tried to signal. The two women on the bow waved back to me, they kept right on going. I was going to fire a flare but it was daylight and by the time I decided to try, the boat was by us.

I watched the bow wake coming at us, knew what was going to happen. It was almost like in slow motion. The first wave lifted us, the second slapped us, I felt the anchor shift and let go. We drifted back into the deeper section.

I saw the piling below, our boat rushing towards them.

‘Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!’ I called out on channel 16. Our situation had just changed from a problem to dangerous. The response was almost instant, Coast gaurd, but at the coast, more than 80 miles away.

‘What is your situation?’

‘Twenty-one feet. White over blue, canvas. Two souls on board, one male one female, in jackets. We lost our prop, anchor is failing, going into the dolphins.’

‘Dress all line.’ Came the response. I knew this meant to let out all of our anchor line.

‘All is dressed, we may need to..(I looked at Kay, her eyes were a haze of fear) abandon ship if we go into the pilings.’

‘Rescue is dispatched, hold fast.’

Sure, hold fast. The pilings were less than 300 feet now, I knew what would happen when we went into them. The boat could be holed, tip, draw water, then she would roll from the pressure of the current.

‘We are preparing to abandon ship!’ I called. I didn’t wait for a response.

Less than 100 feet now, I reached for Kay and got a good grip, waited. The boat rushed towards the piling and logs. I spotted the sharp end of a limb, it was almost like it was reaching out for us as we drifted helpless exactly at it. At the jolt and loud crack of contact I lifted Kay and threw her over the side towards the top of the logs with all my strength. Then I stepped up on the now raising gunwale as water began to flood the floorboards and leaped off towards the logs.

I missed the logs but surfaced quickly, I looked around and spotted Kay clinging to the the edge of them, the water piling up and around her. I was by her side in just a few seconds. The boat tipped, took on more water, rolled and vanished in moments out of the corner of my eye.

All I could think of was Kay. I grabbed her and tried to lift her up and onto the logs, I couldn’t. It took me a few moments to realize that a branch off the log had slid under her life vest. The flow of the water was beginning to drag her under, I knew that if she went under the logs there was little chance. Even if she tore free from the snag holding her, there were limbs and debris under the logjam that could catch and hold her underwater.

I reached for the blade I always carry on my hip when boating, got it and reached out and cut the straps on her vest. The water instantly tore it free. I held her for a second, telling her to let go of the logs.

I threw her up and out of the water with all of my strength, then I felt the tug of the water grab me, I knew I was going under. I struggled with all my strength, the weight of the rushing current was too strong. I managed to grab a deep breath before the force of the water pulled me under the pile of debris.

I felt myself torn along by the current, flet my body bump against unseen obstructions. I waited for a limb or stick to grab me, trap me underwater to sure death. I was close to my lungs bursting when I felt the tug as my jacket hung up, then something released, that cheap Felcro straps had let go. I let my arms flail back releasing me from the life vest, seconds later just as I had given up and my lungs could hold out no more, my head popped to the surface.

I gulped down several breaths of sweet air, called out, ‘Kay!’ Then I blacked out for a few seconds.

I came back around, drifting along with the current. I lay back and started to gently paddle to save energy. Then I heard a roar, I looked over and a big aluminum sled went by, running fast at wide open. The operator ran the sled right up to the piling. Tipping the outdrive at the last second to lift the bow, he then set it right up on top of the logs. I watched from what was now 200 feet away as one man leaped from the boat and ran across the tops of the slippery logs. He reached out and grabbed Kay, hauling her back to the boat and on board.

I saw Kay try to save her bikini top but it was off her arm and hanging and caught in a branch, she shook herself free and climbed onto the sled. The bottoms had been torn off her by the current, she was naked. Then I saw the outdrive go back down, the roar of the engine slid the machine back off the logs into the water.

It was just a few minutes later the sled pulled up beside me, the operator leaned over with a grin.

‘Want a ride?’ He reached out and grabbed me, his buddy helped and the two of them hauled me on board. I sat down on the floorboards, catching my breath. Then I looked at Kay, they had given her a T-shirt but it wasn’t a hell of a lot of help, coming to about mid pubic hair. She was sitting huddled, soaked and cold, still frightened. So I slid over and gave her a hug.

She broke into tears, I just held her, telling her it was all right. Her legs were scratched and bleeding, more blood was showing on the T-shirt and there was a swelling and big reddish looking spot on her hip.

As I got my breath back, I thanked the two guys, the burly looking man running the boat just nodded, the other man was digging in a side compartment. He was bare chested, I knew where the T-shirt had come from.

He came back to us with a medical kit, sat down and pulled out some gauze and ointments.

‘I’m John. That’s Darrell.’ he grinned at me. ‘Close one, huh?’

I explained what had happened, he nodded. They had been running up the river to fish the same area and had heard our call on the radio.

‘You went under the logjam?’

I just nodded.

‘Lucky.’ He just shook his head, that doesn’t happen and have someone survive.

John washed up Kay’s leg first, dabbed some ointment on what was a small scratch, then he felt both of her knees, and her arms.

‘Nothing seems broken.’ He asked her to turn so he could check the swelling on her hip, she did, reaching dow to lift the bottom of the T-shirt. I sat there perhaps in a bit of shock watching this man, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts place his hands all over Kay’s lower body.

The whole thing seeme
d to be like a dream. Of course I could have helped Kay myself but I just sat and watched, I was still close to exhausted.

John pointed at the growing red spot on the front of the white T-shirt.

‘I need to check that.’ he said, matter of factly.

Kay glanced at me, reached down and pulled the T-shirt up, baring both of her breasts. The cut was from midway in the middle of her left breast to around her ribcage. I knew it must have been from the limb that had trapped her at first. It wasn’t deep, just red and angry looking.

John washed the wound and spread some of the ointment, then he placed some gauze and taped that in place. I noticed the big man running the boat glanced back a couple of times, then he turned his attention back to the river.

Kay sat there quietly as John attended to her, then he turned to me.

‘Hurt anywhere?’ I shook my head no, I was thinking I didn’t have a mark on me.

‘Might want to fix that.’ John pointed at my leg. I looked down, there was a piece of limb sticking out of my thigh, a good 3 inches long. I hadn’t even noticed. I just reached down and yanked it out.

‘Coming up on the dock.’ The man running the machine called out.

They had called emergency, an ambulance was waiting for us at the dock. They loaded Kay on a stretcher, I climbed in and sat down as the two attendents began to check Kay out. They just cut the T-shirt off of her. One of them turned and cut my pants up to my wound, placed a bandage on it to stop the flow of blood.

We walked out of the hospital holding hands, Kay was dressed in a nurse’s smock they gave her. We hopped in a Taxi, went back to the parking lot and retrieved the Bronco and trailor.

‘No more boats.’ I told her.

‘Why not?’ she turned and looked at me with a smile.

‘Well, that was close, I don’t want to scare you like that again.’

‘Buy a new boat.’ Kay told me, snuggling up next to me.

‘If you can get us through that, you can get us through anything.’

That made me feel better.

‘I knew you needed attention, but I wonder what they thought when they hauled a naked woman on board?’ I laughed at her.

Kay grinned at me.

‘I can just imagine.’ she started to giggle.

‘I guess those two guys saved our lives.’

‘No, you saved our lives, they just helped.’

She snuggled up even tighter.

‘We do owe John a T-shirt.’

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After years of saving money for a dream trip, me and my husband Peter will finally be able to take a year off traveling. We've both always wanted to go to Asia to see the culture while we're still fairly young. So we packed our bags and took off. We had a smooth experience traveling in Japan, Korea, China, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. Everything was almost perfect. Our next destination is India and we can't wait to get there. India was a bit different from our expectations but we tried...

4 years ago
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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 11

Once in the room we were quickly laying on the bed kissing, and our clothes were soon off. I held him in my hand and sucked on his tongue as I stroked him in my hand. He was so hard he was throbbing, and I was madly in lust. I sighed into his mouth, and told him I wanted to do something special for him. I went and got the hand cream, and laid on my back. I asked him for his hand, then squirted some into it then asked him to spread it on my breasts. He did so, and was covering all of them, so...

2 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 21

If you listen to Gaen, you will hear things. Learn things. If you listen, you will come to know Gaen's will. The philosophers have long said this, but to my knowledge, they did not listen as I have learned to listen, and perhaps none have listened so. Just as I have come to learn about my own song, I have come to understand that if I leave the song alone as it comes to me, rather than grabbing it — ah! Well then there are things to be learned in the song Gaen sings. Some of what is there...

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On display

Folsom Street, San Francisco I'm English from Brighton. Last year they entered me into the Folsom Street Fair wearing just a well filled pink bra, matching panties and a spiked collar around my neck. I had no shoes on my feet and my wrists were cuffed behind my back and I was hobble chained. My face was made up like that of a whore but it was obvious I was a man as I wore no wig my hair being typically that of a man. There was much interest in me with many photographs taken...

1 year ago
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Bald Adventure Part II

"I think you'd look better without all these clothes," Gary pulled a little on be bellhop's jacket. The latter didn't need anymore encouragement; he was naked in no time. And what a beautiful body! Shaped and formed to perfection with generous balls and a large, thick cock now fully erect with its bulbous cockhead straining, trobbing, pushing against Gary's genitals, it wanted nothing less than rapid release. Pre-cum already formed at the top of the head. But Gary was in no hurry. "This is so...

4 years ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 3 At Home Reviewing the Case

As I left I decided to return to my pod for a short time. I had a small office there and over two years of working in Internal Affairs, I had developed a strong relationship with my AI. While it was still mostly a tool for running the machinery of the Confederation, my AI had become very good about linking communications for me if I wanted a quick answer. It was good as well in delving through the Confederation's data banks to find reports or memos that helped me in unraveling a case. The...

3 years ago
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Designer Children Part 3

Chapter 7 "You've got a lot of fucking explaining to do, lady." Mark, ever his cheerful and charming self, addressed Ms. Daniels with a sneer. Ms. Daniels replied sweetly, "Little boys shouldn't say such naughty words. Now, I trust you've all learned your lines?" I took in Ms. Daniels' form again. She wore a conservative blouse with a skirt that reached just below her knees. Her pert heart-shaped ass was again on full display as she turned around to scold Mark. The bags underneath...

4 years ago
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Seduction On The Sun Deck Part 2

"How was that, honey?" Julia asked, looking down at Josh. He didn't reply, his eyes still closed, his hands no longer playing with her breasts but lying limp on the sun lounger, the fingers of one hand against her thigh. "Joshua?" she said, "are you okay?" Josh's eyes flickered open and he looked up at Julia, topless in the late morning sunlight. "Oh my gosh, Ms. Wilkinson," he said, suddenly embarrassed about his situation, his throat dry, "that was amazing. Thank you." Julia smiled. "You're...

3 years ago
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Summer of Love part 8

Tuesday, July 26. J.J. lets out a deep groan of pleasure as Allison’s lips kiss the base of his stiffened shaft. Just like last week, J.J. is seated on her sofa, with the nerdy wife on her knees between his open legs, steadily massaging his sperm swollen nut pouch with her hand as she works his love wand with her mouth. She is giving up her lunch hour, having hurried home from work to suck off her teen stud. “Does that feel good?” she asks, looking deep into the stud’s eyes through her sexy...

4 years ago
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see the thing about me is im an outgoing type of guy .I like to experince new things every now and again just like any average guy or woman for that fact.So when i tell you about this story there will be vulgar language it started when i was about 23 i had met this freak by the name of bianca she was slick wit it in the bed she liked things like sex in the kitchen, anal in the bathtub , dick sucking in public like parks or in vacant lots, true freak.Although i enjoyed her presents it was just...

2 years ago
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SheWillCheat Avery Black Cheats on her husband with their hung roommate

Avery Black needs to have a conversation with her husband but as usual he has to rush out the door for work. She knows he’s been cheating on her so she’s completely checked out of the relationship at this point. She sits down to talk to their roommate and she tells him everything… and he tells her he’s always been attracted to her. If her husband can cheat, why can’t she? She takes him in the bedroom and goes to town on him, she gets so into it she doesn’t...

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ExxxtraSmall Ava Haze Sex In The Suburbs

Ava Haze and her man are just an average suburban couple, watching the days go by as they live out the most mundane version of the American Dream. But when her man goes to work, the fun begins for Ava. She finds his credit card and does her favorite thing in the world, she shops! When our stud finally gets home from work, he sees all the unnecessary crap she bought and knows he needs to punish her. He ties her wrists together and throws her on the bed, hiking her skirt up and pulling out his...

2 years ago
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first timer part 3

We both sat up and i moved to sit on the edge of the bed."You wana use condoms babe?", Paul asked me. "I dont wana use condoms, i want you to fuck me bareback.", i told him, i wanted to feel his thick, wet cock slide in me."Mmm, good boy, what style do you want it?", he asked me as he stroked his cock in his hand. "I want it doggy, i heared its better like that.", i told him."Oh boy, your gonna loose your cherry to me tonight.", he said. I grabbed the lube from the side table, next...

4 years ago
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Meri Cousin Ki Chudai

Dosto ye meri pahali story ha ma umid karta hu ki apko jarur pasand ayegi. Bat un dino ki ha jab ma 12th me padhata tha hamara ghar gaw me ha to ghar ka kam bhi karna padta tha. Hm logo ka pariwar chhota ha mere parent tau tayi ma apne ma bap ko akela hu aur tau ji ko do betiya ha badi didi nitu jinki sadi ho chuki ha ye story jinki ha pallavi wo us waqt n b.A. Kar rahi thi aur mujhse 2 saal badi thi. Meri mammi nurse ha papa post man ha aur tau ji apani shop chalate ha ye log subah 9 baje tak...

2 years ago
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BangBus Dixie Lynn Shy Southern Chick is a Low Key Freak

The bus is out here son!! This week we pulled up on this sweet chick from Tennessee. She was shy at first but she had no idea that her Miami vacation was about to go take an unexpected turn. We started offering money to try and flash us and what not. It took awhile, but eventually she agreed. Soon after she was inside the bus, where we showered her with money for her to a little further. It didn’t take long from there, she was naked within minutes and a few minutes later she was wrapping her...

4 years ago
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fucking eachother

First there's me. I'm not that tall. I'm also not that short. Some might call me "normal". But really, I'm anything but. I'm also blonde. I'm also skinny. I'm mainly blonde. All over. That's right. Even my pubic hairs are blonde. Sometimes I dye them brown though so I can fit in better. Then there's you. You're not that tall. You're also not that short. Sike! You're a dwarf. You're so short. And you're not skinny. You're one of those stout folks who looks like a football come to life. An...

3 years ago
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Seduced By Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 5

HarDick69 is back again. Keep sending me your valuable feedback on hangouts. My eyes went down on my mallu milf teacher’s flatmate Remya and saw that she was rubbing her pussy through the shorts she was wearing. My teacher Beena wasn’t stopping either. I spanked her again. She buried her breasts on my face. I kissed her nipples on the nightie she wore. I rubbed her pussy with my left hand and stroked her ass with my right palm. I placed both my hands on her butt cheeks, squeezing and pulling...

3 years ago
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Andy Drives Into Shifa8217s Hole

Hi people. Its Aditya again. Those who don’t know me, I’m from Bangalore and work in MNC. After having written so many stories about my own experience I have chosen to write the experience of one of my readers who contacted me after reading my stories. While chatting she shared this event of her life and with her permission I’m writing her story for you all. Most of it will be fact, but few additions are there to make it more exciting. The driver’s name, Andy, was hired by Shifa when she joined...

3 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 7

Jessie sat on his bed looking at the new underwear his mom had bought him. Something wasn't quite right about it but he didn't know what. His mom was so supportive and understanding of his sensitive chest and his sudden weight gain in his lower section. He should be grateful that he has such a wonderful family. "What the heck. Let's try these bad boys on and see if they fit." Jessie stripped down and looked at the selection of underwear in front of him. The logical choice, he...

2 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 32

I slowed my activities down a little after I got back from taking Connie up to Stanford. I still spent part of every day out looking at properties, and Ken and I stayed in close contact, but I wasn't pushing it very hard at all. I was in a funny mood, wondering what to do with myself. I had decided not to go back to school in the Fall. It seemed pointless to me, when I could have my guardian enhance my knowledge on just about any subject that I wanted to know more about. I came into contact...

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Bengali mother and son

Bengali mother and sonHello FSI friend this is my true story. This is originally happening to me last February. I am Mr. Gopal Roy age is 30 year. I am the only son of my family. My father name is Ganesh Roy. My mother name is Kamolika Roy, her age is 48 years. This incident happened between me and my mom. My father died last November 2005. My mother is now widow. I am the only earning member of my family. I am a business man. I stay in home. We really based in agriculture. We have some cow and...

2 years ago
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caught by a group of lads P1

The other day we decided to have a bit of a mid day shag in the bedroom and given the time we presumed that all our neighbors would be at work, consequently we started to strip one another without pulling the curtains too. With my naked arse in the air I began to suck my boyfirend's already hard cock on the bed and feeling that bit naughtier I asked him to lick my pussy as I stood at the window. He was not visible and my top was still on so we thought that no one would be able to see us, I...

3 years ago
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A Day Then A Night In Schendi

(based on the Gor fiction of John Norman) The Slavers of the great port of Schendi threw a festival for the whole city, on the occasion of the groundbreaking for their new library cylinder. Even before the Sky was streaked by rosy-fingered Dawn, on the cleared land where the Slaver library would one day stand, a good many stalls were set up to provide free food and drink. Musicians roamed the grounds playing tunes, acrobats leapt and tumbled. Mimes mimed. For those in the mood for a match of...

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A True and Tragic Southern Romance

Based on a true event. Mississippi, 1911 Ora Bradey wasn’t sure what woke her, the unborn child kicking her belly, the gray light of pre-dawn at the window or Jim’s heavy work shoes on the wooden floor. His left hand on her shoulder roused her and she rolled backwards toward him as best she could with her belly holding her down. Jim was already dressed and held a steaming cup in his hand. ‘Mornin’ Ora,’ he smiled. ‘I wanted to fix yer breakfast,’ she grumbled. ‘What kinda’ wife d’ya think...

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Locke UpNew Arrivals

It was Tuesday – the day when new inmates arrived. Chris, a tall, white dude with a long, thick dick was the first off the bus. He was ready to get inside and sample the faggot punks this prison had to offer, the final person down the steps was Jericho. Jericho was 18 years old. He was five-foot-seven and weighed one-hundred-forty-two-pounds. His crime of joyriding had cost him dearly. Veep heard about the young, soft bitch. He was promised to him now.Veep was a medium-height, medium-build,...

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Sisters Night Out

So your sister texts you that she needs to let off some steam. She asks if you’ll come over to pregame at her apartment and then go out dancing. Her girlfriend is outta town and she really needs to let loose. You go over to her place and start off with a few mixed drinks. Your sister starts talking about how her girlfriend has been gone for so long and how badly she just needs to get fucked.  She admits to you that her girlfriend is ok with her fucking other people when she can’t be around to...

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Megan Justin

Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...

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My Biggest Secret Pt 3

Even after several years we continued our on again off again relationship as secret lovers I and my older English boss. There was a formal function we all had to attend and everyone brought their spouses. I was in-between boyfriends at the time and even though I could have drug someone along I knew he would be there with his wife so I wanted to go alone. I did my best to mingle and stay as far away from them as possible so I didn’t have to make eye contact with him. I don’t really remember...

2 years ago
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Refuges get lucky part two

Frida just saw a flash of light, wondered in the back of her mind what it was before she felt Abshir’s hands grip her neck and she felt his breath come in shorter gasps, his hips began to buck and the boy held her head tightly to him. She knew he was going to ejaculate. She felt his cock throb, all the way up and a small spurt of semen arrived in her mouth. She was surprised and disappointed at the small amount, but then another shudder rent through the cock in her mouth and she she felt the...

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My Lady Says Goodbye First Afternoon

The two young men were gorgeous. Tall, slim, immaculately dressed in smart casual clothes, clean-shaven, handsome and looking about ten years younger than me. Having entered my room, I was told that they were to prepare me for lunch, and the afternoon "entertainment," as per My Lady's instructions. Firstly, they removed the butt plug from my anus and the cock ring that was biting into me. They then told me to shower.On my return, one fitted my new cock attire. The other busily lubricated my...

Group Sex
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Personalising My Personal Assistant

kris is my former student whom i know her since age 18. she was my favourite. about 3 years ago, i had the opportunity to work with her in my office when when she was did an internship with me. i mentored her personally and i know i am also her favourite mentor. kris was a young lady who has the fire and idealism in her. she is a highly confident girl who knows what she want. she is an achiever in every sense. kris is now employed as my personal assistant. fresh from university, she is half my...

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My innocent friend

I walked through the tunnel to the place we agreed to meet at. I was early, so I sat and waited for a while, until I saw my friend Ella approach. I got up and went to go meet her. As I approached, I was about to go for a hug, when Grace peeked out from behind her, smiling nervously at the ground. I instantly lost it, my usual confidence flew out the window, “um…hi...I’m Seth; you must be Ella’s cousin.” She smiled, still looking at the ground, and nodded. Just then my friends arrived, drawing...

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Room Service

Room Service.I lived on an outback station tending cattle, doing a lot of riding, riding a cross country motorbike, and lots of other general farm work. My sister had been on the station until she got married and then moved into the nearest town where she and her husband bought a small motel – only 14 rooms but it gave them a living especially as many guests paid cash. They had been doing it for a couple of years when they asked me if I could possibly give them some relief from the 7 day work...

4 years ago
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Standing together my lips touch the top of your head, feeling the soft curls of your beautiful dark hair. Your curls tickle my nose as the smell of your hair engulfs my senses. My hand moves up your back and my fingers lightly touch the muscles at the top of your neck, thumb and forefinger moving up the back of your head I hold you to me. Your body surrenders to my touch, I feel you relax and you softly melt into my body; fully feeling you, so satisfying so comfortable, like being wrapped in a...


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