Swapping Hot Kerala Girlfriend With My Best Friend
- 5 years ago
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Introduction: Coeds Swap Boyfriends as Graduation Present This is a true story.
I met my wife, Mary, in college. She was a gorgeous, shoulder-length brunette with long, slender, curvy thighs and calves, 32-C tits just big enough to flap delightfully when she humped, and a very pretty, slightly freckled, pale Map of Ireland face. Although we didnt fuck on the first date, we did have a long and enthusiastic make-out session in which I got all the way to third base. It wasnt long before I raced to home plate and scored on a later occasion. Marys only sexual shortcoming was that she didnt give head. She thought oral sex was too auto-erotic and wanted mutuality in our lovemaking. When I suggested the 69 position, Mary, being the fastidious type, said it would be yucky to have my tongue in her cunt. I decided not to press the point and quickly fell in love with her anyways.
Mary was two years behind me in school. After I graduated and went on to grad school about 100 miles from our undergraduate campus, we would take turns visiting one another on weekends. I had a car and would drive back to campus. Mary would take a train to see me, and I would pick her up at the train station on Friday nights. Since we remained faithful to one another during the week, we were always horny as hell when we finally got together and would fuck like rabbits all weekend long.
Mary had a roommate, Clarea petite but very curvy, drop-dead gorgeous, short-haired blonde— who was essentially in the same boat. Think Chloe Foster with a short, cropped haircut and slightly bigger tits and you would not be far off. The first year the girls had lived together, a steady stream of different guys passed through Clares bedroom. But, by year two, Clare had settled on a particular beau– who reputedly had a thick, eight-inch cock and a very active tongue. His name was Jim, and he went to a different college about 80 miles in the opposite direction from me. They, too, would take turns visiting one another on weekends.
The girls tried to manage things so that each couple would have the apartment to themselves on any given weekend. Sometimes, however, that just wasnt possible and we had to share it. The bedrooms in that place were right next to one another, and the walls were paper thin. So, we learned to enjoy the music of one anothers lovemaking and the sounds of one anothers orgasms. Actually, it was pretty awesome– almost like we were fucking in the same room together, side by side.
I cant speak for Mary, but I know that, whenever I heard Clare come, her orgasmic whimpers, shrieks and squeals always inspired me to double the speed and intensity of my thrusts into Marys tight, juicy pussy. And it certainly seemed that Marys humping and oral exclamations got a lot more frenetic whenever Jims orgasmic moans and groans penetrated our bedroom walls.Even when Mary and I were not making love ourselves, we really enjoyed fondling one another while listening to Clare and Jim fuck. We would bet on which of them would come first, giggle quietly when the first orgasmic utterance pierced our bedroom walls and tickle one another as Clare and Jim went through their orgasmic rituals until we, too, were stirred into passionate action ourselves.
I dont know this for a fact, but Im confident the sounds of our lovemaking titillated Clare and Jim on in a similar fashion. Indeed, at times it seemed that both couples were competing to see who could make the biggest commotion and enjoy the loudest sexual frenzy. I can certainly say with confidence that neither couple made any effort whatsoever to keep their lovemaking quiet– or ever complained about the others noises. We all seemed to enjoy listening to one another fuck feverishly and to be inspired by the others passion.
One night, after Mary and I had just finished a particularly noisy balling, I left our bedroom to take a leak and get a glass of ice water. It was still relatively early, and I was looking forward to torturing Marys tits and pussy lips with an ice cube and hopeful that at least a couple more orgasms awaited me that night. When I emerged from the bathroom, Jim met me outside the door. He and Clare were wondering, he said, whether Mary and I might have any interest in switching partners for the rest of the night. OMG, I thought to myself, now THAT would be really awesome! I had wanted to fuck Clares gorgeous blonde face and explore her curvy body from the moment I met her The idea of balling her brains out all night long– and then waking up next to her and sticking my woody into her again in the morning– really excited me. I asked, Would we be fucking together or in separate rooms? Jim replied, I would guess either option would be okay with us. But, personally, I would prefer that all four of us be togetherat least at first, before heading off to separate bedrooms to sleep or whatever. My cock immediately resurrected, as the idea of watching and listening as Jim pounded Mary with his big cock, as well as doing Clare with my own while Mary looked on, totally aroused me. Me too I told Jim. And Im sure I would prefer the whatever to sleep, I volunteered. I was in, but I also told Jim that I had my doubts about whether my more conservatively inclined partner would also be up for a swap.
Sure enough, Mary declined the invitation. She wasnt pissed that I was excited about swapping her out for Clare for a night. After all, there would have to be something seriously wrong with any guy who wouldnt want to spend time inside Clares gorgeous body. And, I was pretty sure that the idea of trying Jims thick eight-inch pleasure wand on for size must have had quite a bit of appeal for Mary. I know she had slept with other guys after I had taken her virginity. Nevertheless, after hearing me out, she replied, Sorry, I just cant get into that, just cant! My guess was that Mary, who had been raised in a very strict Catholic family, may have had some moral scruples about participating in group sex– or maybe she was just put off by the idea of our doing other people in front of one another. She didnt give me any real explanation of her position, and I didnt want to press for more information or try to change her mind for fear that she would believe I wanted Clare more than herwhich, of course, at that particular moment, I absolutely did!
So I trudged off to Clares bedroom to deliver the bad news, tapped on her door quietly, and poked my head in when I was invited to enter. Clare was sitting up in her bed, stark naked, with her right hand resting on her upright right knee and the other set akimbo on the opposite hip. Two pillows supported her lovely blonde head and back, and her beautiful blue eyes peered into mine intently as she awaited news of her roommates decision. Clares dark pointy nipples offered a delightful contrast to the small but curvy, very pale white tits from which they protruded, a deep bellybutton adorned her midsection and begged for exploration with a tongue, her curvaceous thighs were splayed wide open in a come fuck me right now position, and a charming little tuft of blonde girl fur decorated her Mound of Venus and beckoned entry into the folds of pink pussy lips directly below it. I didnt need to see Clares apple ass to know how marvelous it was, as I had seen her bent over in shorts or very tight jeans many times and, on one occasion, in a pair of shorty pajamas that I desperately wanted to tear off her adorable ass so I could doggy her to orgasm then and there– right in front of Mary. I slowly gave Clare another once over, my eyes surely betraying my profound lust.
Then I glanced over at Jim. He was resting on his side to the left of Clare, his head supported by his right hand and an elbow. A knowing smile had crept across his face as he watched me ogle Clare. Oh my, he really was well hung! A full eight inches long and two and a half inches wide, Jims lovestick was built to please any pussy it penetrated. Im totally heterosexual. But his cock was just so damn beautiful even I had to fight off a fleeting urge to suck Jim off. If Mary could only see what she was missing out on, she damn well might change her mind. Ive no doubt she would absolutely relish being wrapped around Jims six-foot-two, well-muscled torso and would have had a ball, literally and figuratively, humping his beast to multiple orgasms or getting great doggy as he savaged her pussy with it from behind. Jim looked up at me and asked: So whats the verdict?
I glimpsed back at Clare. With lecherous visions of some of the dirty things I would like to do to and with her dancing in my head, I sighed deeply and croaked a Marys not up for it. Clare grimaced and rolled her eyes in disappointment. A soft Damn! emerged from Jims lips, who obviously had been hoping to get a good taste of sweet Irish ass. I blew Clare a kiss just to make certain she knew the sexual attraction and interest was, indeed, very definitely mutual, then smiled wanly and said Maybe some other time, who knows?
Though Mary turned down the switch invitation, it did seem to inspire in her an insatiable lust. We fucked for hours that night like there was no tomorrow and very, very noisily. Given the competing sounds that came from the other bedroom, Clare and Jim obviously managed to overcome their disappointment with a long session of very noisy lovemaking themselves. Again, I cant speak for Mary, but Im confident that she spent much of that night fantasizing about a different dick even as she was pleasuring mine. I know her eyes were closed a lot more than usual as we fucked that night. And I must confess that I spent much of it wondering what it would be like to be inside her gorgeous roommate. The brief view of Clares incredibly alluring body that had graced my eyes earlier kept playing over and over and over again in my head like a video on replay. It took a couple of weeks before the vision no longer haunted me.
Months later, close to the girls graduation, I went to the train station to pick Mary up for one of our weekend fuck-fests. And, much to my surprise, who should emerge from the train but Clare. She beamed a 1000-watt smile at me as she waved and moved towards me, then met my quizzical look with a steady eye after she reached me and announced: We girls decided to switch partners for the weekend. Marys visiting Jim, and Im here. We figured you guys would be okay with that. I hope youre not too disappointed. My cock immediately erected In response to her statement. It, instinctively, knew that what I really wanted in my heart of hearts– despite any misgivings I might have– was to take full advantage of the extraordinary sexual opportunity being presented to me. Oh, my God, no, I finally managed to stammer, see here, my dick is already jumping for joy. Clare looked down at the growing bulge in my pants, ran a hand over it lightly, smiled and replied: Im so glad to see that. Im so horny myself that Ive already masturbated twice on the train ride coming down here. Then Clare reached up, pulled my face down to hers, kissed me passionately, exploring my tongue with her own, and smeared my lips with her red lipstick.
When we finished our long kiss, I exclaimed, Wow! That was one very pleasant greeting. I grabbed Clares suitcase with one hand and led her to my car with the other. Our palms were both sweaty. When we reached the car, while I was tossing her suitcase in the trunk, Clare pointed her finger and directed me to drive over there — the other end of the parking lotfar from the station areawhere there was not a soul around. I was puzzled by her instruction but followed it without question. Clare refreshed her lipstick as we drove over there.
As soon as I stopped the car, Clare slid over and knelt next to me. Then she gave me a lascivious smile that made my heart skip a beat and quickly proceeded to reach down, unzip my fly, and coax my big bad boy out into the open. She murmured: Oh My Goodness! Marys never told me what a gorgeous, big cock you have. Then, without the slightest hesitation or request for permission, Clare immediately went down on me, sucking my stick greedily all the way down to its hilt, where she held a tight seal with her lips and twisted her head delightfully, leaving a red ring of her lipstick there. Clare then began humping my cock with her mouth– bobbing her beautiful blonde face up and down my dick– up and down, up and down–and swirling her tongue all around the head of my cock– round and round, round and round– and then plunging her mouth back down to the hilt. She went up and down and round and round, up and down and round and round– over and over and over again.
Then Clare began licking my dick ever-rr-rr so-ooo-ooo slow-ow-ow-ly with her long, greedy tongueher beautiful blue eyes staring up into mine as she did so, giving me a series of do you like it looks– as she licked my slick stick up and down, up and down, up and down. There was of course, no real need to actually verbalize the question of whether I was enjoying her blowjob: the answer was apparent from my contorted face, agape mouth, periodic moans and groans, and the copious precum leaking from my cock. Clare started alternating her tongue licking and mouth humping, lick slow-ow-ow-ly up, once or twice, swirl all around, plunge quickly down, lick slow-ow-ow-ly up, swirl all around, plunge quickly down, lick slow-ow-ow-ly up, swirl all around, plunge quickly down. Then she took each of my balls between her lips, massaged them with her tongue and nibbled on them playfully.
At the time, I couldnt decide which I enjoyed morewatching Clare give me amazing roadhead or feeling her absolutely awesome blowjob. I guess the latter is the correct answer as I just EXPLODED into her pretty face within ten minutes. Clare coughed and gagged as my big boy juices splashed into her mouth. But she recovered quickly and greedily claimed the cum spewing from my cock. Most went down her throat. Some of it, however, seeped out of both sides of her mouth onto her face and dribbled down her chin, leaving a three-inch hanging chad of cum there when Clare finally looked up at me. I cant find the words to fully express my feelings and the enormous pleasure that I took in the smug, self-satisfied, cum-faced smile Clare then gave me. But this had been a truly extraordinary blowjob, the best of my life, a taste of heaven on earth!
Ever the gentleman, I took off my flannel shirt so Clare could wipe her face clean with it. As she did so, she told me: That was a present from Mary, you know. She asked me to go down on you as soon as possible after I arrived, as you dont get that from her. Clare added, You know, thats really why Mary turned down the switch that night. Because she had never given head and knew that I just love doing it, Mary told me she was afraid you would not want her anymore after getting my tongue and mouth. And she didnt want to disappoint Jim either, who is used to getting good oral. Clare told me that she had persuaded Mary to switch partners for the weekend so she could work on developing oral skills with Jim. Clare had assured Mary that Jim was hot for her and would be an enthusiastic and patient partner, who would be just delighted to coach Mary up in both fellatio and cunnilingus. Clare guaranteed her that, after giving and getting head all weekend with Jim, Marys oral skills would be as good as any girls and that, after coming on Jims tongue, she would be wanting oral constantly.
Moreover, since the girls were graduating soon and would no longer be roommates, they had decided it was now or never time, a last chance to put an exclamation point on the sexual adventures of their college years. They would give themselves and one another a unique graduation present: each would become a no-holes-barred, total slut for a weekend for the others boyfriend and announce that intention soon after arrival.
This news generated mixed feelings inside me. On the one hand, I was really grateful that I had gotten such an awesome blowjob from Clare, and that Mary had not only approved it but inspired it. On the other hand, I was really jealous that Jim, not I, would be the first guy to ever get Marys head and the first to bring her to orgasm with his tongue.
I knew Mary had a slutty side. After I had picked her cherry, Mary admitted to me that she had tried several other guys on for size as well. She was just curious about what doing them would feel like. Nevertheless, given Marys aversion to oral sex and the rarity of our anal sex, I was surprised that she would agree to become anyones no-holes-barred slut. The thought of Jim rutting his wide, long schlong in Marys tight pussy and even tighter anus, and of the two of them going down on one another, both thrilled and simultaneously alarmed me.
On the other hand, the prospect of having Clare become my own no-holes-barred slut for a whole weekend was, well, WOW! As I fantasized about the oral, vaginal and anal pleasures that awaited me, my dick stirred pleasantly in anticipation. I turned to Clare, gave her a lecherous smile and said: Lets get back to my place. Ive wanted to ball your brains out since the day I met you. I was just delighted by her reply, as well as its immediacy: Same here!
Our weekend together was a truly, well, memorable one. At the outset, we agreed that, since this would be a one and done experience never to be repeated, we would let go of all of our sexual inhibitions, release the pent-up lust for one another that had been building for a couple of years now and fuck with total abandon. And we did! I explored each of Clares holes passionately and with unabashed enthusiasm. In turn, Clares lust for me was, well, insatiable would be an understatement. What an absolutely gorgeous, incredibly horny and totally erotic young slut Clare was for me!
The only thing I can remember eating during the first eight hours we spent together was one another. Clare so totally let go and pigged out on her own orgasms that I truly became jealous of her multi-orgasmic capacities. When Clare came she was, well, there and not there at all at the same time. Its hard to explain. She just got totally lost in her own orgasms. By experiencing that firsthand, I learned to totally enjoy and get lost in my own.
After graduation, Clare moved back to her hometown, and I never saw or heard from her again. But I still have fond memories of Clares beautiful blonde head bobbing up and down on my long schlong and of her dirty dancing on my dickher mouth agape and small tits flapping as she humped me hard and squealed with delight. And my recall of the tight walls of her gorgeous ass collapsing on my cock and inducing sensational orgasms still gets me hard after all these years. Clare was petite, indeed, light as a feather as she hopped my cock. And I cherish my recollection of carry fucking her from bed to kitchen or bath when we were in need of food, drink or a shower. That was such a delightfully erotic experience.
But Clare also was a genuine sexual athlete, and her furious and athletic fucking enormously enhanced the pleasure of being with and inside her. One of my fondest memories is of the way Clare would balance herself on the tip of my cock at the top of a hump, pause for just a second and then PLUNGE down my shaft, shrieking with orgasmic bliss as she reached the bottom and experienced the full length of my cock, which I would thrust up to meet her as she slid down it. We ended our weekend together face to face, breathless and exhausted by mutual, simultaneous climaxes which contorted our faces with pleasure and generated more than a few orgasmic yelps and squeals that devolved into moans and groans and whimpers and, finally, satisfied soft sighs.
I went on, of course, to marry Mary. It turned out that the weekend apart actually wound up bringing us closer together. It forced us to become more open with one another and respectful of one anothers feelings and sexual needs and desires. Im forever grateful that Mary had such confidence in our relationship that she let me have a very memorable weekend with her very, very foxy, very, very horny roommate whom she knew to be red hot for my cock. Im also indebted, of course, to Jim for the oral skills Mary developed with him that very same weekendskills that I relish and cherish every time I fuck my very beautiful, very horny, very slutty wife.
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After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...
Erica sat on the couch next to Sarah, her fathers young girlfriend, as the two women watched TV. Ericas father had gone out to do a few errands and had left the two at the house. Whatd you do for your eighteenth? Sarah asked, taking her eyes off the set and looking to see her boyfriends daughter splitting her dark black ends. Huh?! Erica questioned as her head turned to Sarah, a few strands stuck underneath her nose as a faux moustache. Sarahs brown eyes lit with mirth at the sight and...
About six months after my divorce, I decided to accept the company’s long-standing offer and transfer to New York. Being a small-town guy from the Midwest, I was a little intimidated about moving to such a big city, but I felt like the change would do me good. Most of my friends had been my ex-wife’s friends first, so I was beginning to feel isolated. If some woman had come along in those six months to pique my interest, I might have stayed longer to see if the relationship might go somewhere,...
Gay Male"So, I see you like Fictionmania!" I turned around with a start. I hadn't even realised my sister was home. But here I was, caught red handed, browsing Fictionmania on my laptop, with my sister Erin standing behind me, looking smug. "Don't worry Luke, I won't tell a soul!" Then she must have noticed the other tab. "Oh, and Female POV. Is that a porn site?" Along with Fictionmania, Female POV ("Point of View") porn was a secret pasttime of mine. Looking at photos of a woman's...
An original story based on a real-life experience. Sherri turned off the living room TV and yawned as she walked into the kitchen to fetch a bedtime Diet Coke, her firm breasts outlined under her t-shirt as she lazily stretched her arms upward. As she opened the refrigerator door a blast of cold air raised goosebumps on her bare legs; just panties and a shirt was Sherri’s standard nighttime garb. The noise of the refrigerator door was followed almost instantly by a high-pitched...
Charlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexCharlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexHello doston ,mene kuch time phele hi is site ki stories panda shuru kiya or mein keh nahin sakta ismein kitni kahaniya sacchi or kitni dimag ki upaj par aaj mein aap logo ko apni kahani sunaney jaa raha hoon. Mera naam amit hair aur meri umar 36 saal hai meri wife ka naam anita hai uski umar 34 saal hai hamari shaddi 14 saal phele ho chuki hai aur humarey 2 bacchein hai bada ladka 12 saal aur choti beti 7 saal ki hai ,humari jindagi aur sex life aaj se 3 saal phele tak waisey hi chal rahi thi...
My wife and I had been dating for about three months when I got a new roommate. Jason was decidedly gay, though he did a good job of covering it up. As far as roommates goes, he wasn't a bad one at all. Most weekends he was gone and didn't come back until late Sunday evening, so on those weekends that Laura and I were strapped for cash and couldn't afford a hotel off base, it was nice to know that we had some privacy in my room. Because it was a training command, having a guest of the opposite...
BisexualI went to visit my girlfriend, Melissa, at her school in Ohio during a weekend in mid-May. It was our first night together after being separated for three months due to her school schedule and my work load. I got there around dinner time and after meeting her roommate, Cathy, we headed out to get some dinner. After dinner, we all headed back to their apartment. Cathy was going to stay with her boyfriend that night, so we could have the place to ourselves. After Cathy packed up some clothes...
I wanted to share another story, about the first time I secretly recorded my roommate. By this point we had been living together for over a year. I had the pleasure of listening her have sex with various guys on a number of occasions. It still didn’t happen often as she often waited until I was out of the apartment (between that and the cleaning she really was a courteous roommate).On the few times she had come home with a guy for sex, I had taken to listening behind my door. I would bring a...
Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....
The two couples had known each other for several years. They'd become good friends, had eaten out together several times, and had even gone to different events and even taken one trip together in the few years they'd become friends. Then, one night, the two guys got their heads together and they cooked up a plan where one of the guys would go to the other one's house and spend the evening in the other wife's arms. And the second husband and wife would swap in the same way. They both talked...
In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...
I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a muscle-bound, jock who gets all the girls. We’re complete opposites from each other. And yet, Andrew and I have always been best friends. We grew up next door to each other, I’m always...
Eighteen-year-old Katherine Sparks moved into her dorm room to find gothic-looking posters up on the right side of the room. She planted her box of stuff on the single bed on the left. A busty pretty girl with long black hair in a black skirt and short cut top with heavy gothic makeup on walked in. She turned to her."Hi, you must be my roommate, I'm Nina Davis," she said and shook Katherine's hand. "Katherine," Katherine replied. Her blue eyes lingered down to her roommate's bust and...
LesbianChapter 1: Doin' The College Thing It's hard to believe you finally did it. You really made it to this point in your life. Have you actually gone away from home? Have you actually come to college? Are you actually standing in your own room at Western State College? You can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday that you started High School and suddenly you are out on your own and moving into your own Dorm room. You're not sure you are really ready for this. In fact, you aren't even sure you...
Brian looked down at Stacy. He couldn't believe he might be fucking these huge tits for the last time. The two of them had a good thing going on between them for these past three months. They both had decided not to put a label on their relationship. Instead, they just enjoyed each others company, as well as fucking each other to the point of exhaustion. All of that would have to was on hold for now. Stacy and her ex-husband had agreed to go on a long trip together. It was their last attempt...
InterracialSomething happened to me not long ago that altered my life. I am not a gayman. I have never liked gay men. I could never imagine how a man could besexually attracted to another man. It's unnatural. I always believed thatit surely must be against God's will.When my son, Mike, moved into his dorm room at college during his Freshmanyear, his mother and I visited him to make sure he was comfortable and thatall arrangements were satisfactory. We met his roommate, Tom. He seemedvery nice, and...
As I approached the dormitories at the beginning of my sophomore year, I have to admit I wasn’t entirely happy. I’d had such a great roommate my freshman year that I wasn’t looking forward to a new one. No, it wasn’t what you’re probably thinking. My previous contentment had nothing to do with sex, since Gerry had been totally straight and not at all physically my type; but he was smart, funny, neat, and tolerant, and, in short, perfect to live with. When he decided, over the summer, to get an...
Foreword: This entry is a direct continuation from my previous stories. Basically I’m just telling all of the most interesting and exciting sexual stories of my life in chronological order. I will try and include enough back story for a new reader to be able to jump right in, however I apologize if I fail to provide enough. In short, if you want to get the full effect, you may want to read the entire thing from the beginning. Thanks and enjoy. The RoommateJune 2002In the summer of 2002, I was...
“Relax, Andrew. It’s just a party. Yeah, sure there will be girls there, but it’s not like they’re serial killers or something,” I tell my best friend as we make our way to the party. I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a...
Introduction: Hermione soon learns Professor Slughorn has his own agenda DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes. Dont sue me, I have no money. WARNING: These stories are just fantasies but well be dealing with mind-control, non-consent, public sex, and whatever else I want to right. Heed any warnings I put up. Ill try to make each story in the series a stand-alone so if you dont like something happening in it, you can...
Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...
TabooYou hate your job. You hate the long hours you have to work. You hate your fat, sweaty, incompetent boss. You hate the work you do and your clients' demands which are equal parts incessant and annoying. You hate that your job pays too well for you to quit. However, despite all the bullshit you put up with, your week is finally over. And working there has paid off in at least two ways. The first comes in the form an apartment that qualifies as more than just "okay." The huge living room packed...
"Why yes, dear. That would be fine. All alone again? Well, never fear. We're always here. Just come around when it suits you. Bye now." Voluptuous, black-haired Cleonora Frankly laid the phone in its cradle and turned to face her handsome husband, who was lying on the nearby sofa without a stitch of clothing on. His tall, long-legged body was covered with a ragged mass of black curly hairs ranging from his ankles upward over his belly to his wide squarish chest, and over the top of his...
I wrote this one with a short time window, so apologies for any typos, syntax errors and if it isn't as coherent as it should be. Still, recalling it was fun, and the real even was even better!As I wrote about in another article, before I left for a six-month deployed to the western Pacific region Sharyn and I were introduced to the experience of swapping with two couples, one that didn’t work out so well and another pair that did. No surprise that we never heard from the first couple again. We...
Carla, my girlfriend and me were looking at options to move in together. We had just started dating, but my family knew that I was a lesbian, a long while back. Carla was new in my life and it felt like I was dating for the first time. Yes, when she arrived, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I loved what she could make me feel and I knew there was a special connection that makes me horny with my Lesbian girlfriend. We had been intimate before, but today as we discussed the next step in our...
LesbianThis incident happened when I was staying with my bachelor friends. It was a 2 BHK flat where there were 5 boys staying together including me. We used to have drinks almost on a daily basis and were enjoying our lives as roommates, but none of us were involved in sex with each other as there were no gays in the group.We had 3 spare keys for the main door and any of the 2 roommates would keep each of them, and last key, we normally keep in the nearby bakery to avoid any last minute confusion...
Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...
I arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....