Hunters Ch. 01 free porn video

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**Writing Science Fiction was my first love at the age of 9. If it’s you’re cup of tea, please read, if it’s something you kind of enjoy, read on. If you hate it, let me know. Either way, don’t forget to vote, and if you have time, leave a comment, I actually really do read them!**

The soft pulsating red glow of the low fuel light had passed from almost pleasant to down right annoying. The engine of the Mako started sputtering between Mars and the asteroid belt. For the last hour she’d been coasting along into the Consortium’s territory, hauling Max and his bounty along with her. According to the computer in the mono-pod, he was still a good hour away from his destination, unless he had trouble along the way. Every blip on the radar was a mixture of hope and hopelessness, there was a chance that some of Lorien’s men would come pick him up, and there was a chance that the Consortium would find him. Either way, he wasn’t about to radio out to them and draw attention to himself.

It was the last blip that had appeared on the screen that was making him uncomfortable though. It had been right at the edge of the radar’s range for the last 15 minutes, and it wasn’t moving from directly behind the Mako. He was being followed, and whoever it was wanted him to know it, and that was making him the most nervous out of the entire situation.

Max’s hand flipped some toggle switches up and the pod’s heads up came up, its amber flaring brightly in the absence of the pulsing fuel light. The ship’s status display oscillated between weapons that the ship had on it and their ammunition. It flashed 2000 rounds for the machine gun and two magnetic missiles still left in the munitions banks. Not enough to fight on, especially with only fuel for the maneuvering thrusters, and barely enough for that. He flipped the switches and the display powered down. Another switch up and the cool blue ‘VOX’ light turned on in the display panel.

‘Hey. Whoever you are. Stop following me,’ Max said coolly, his harsh voice betraying his young age. He waited for a response, his fingers tapping the right control lever agitatedly. He was almost thankful he didn’t have to wait long, almost, until he heard her voice.

‘Tsk, tsk, tsk. Out of gas cowboy?’ the husky, almost sultry voice poured out of the speakers.

‘I should have known it would be you,’ Max said slapping his forehead lightly. ‘It could have only been you.’

Her soft laughter bubbled through the speakers, but there was no warmth in it. It only clenched Max’s teeth and made his left eye twitch uncontrollably.

‘Oh Max, you were expecting me?’ she giggled. A small alarm started going off in Max’s pod and small red flashers started going off. The words ‘Radar Lock’ began flashing over the top of the radar screen. Max sighed deeply.

‘Gillian, are you going to come get me or are you going to stay back there and shoot me?’ Max said in a bored voice. He didn’t like this feeling of powerlessness. More laughter sounded over his speakers and a small amber light started rapidly flashing next to his radar. ‘Missile’ started flashing over the top of the radar instead of ‘Radar Lock.’ Max shifted quickly in his seat and fastened his safety harness.

‘Just going to blow up 10 million woolong with a push of a button?’ Max said, bracing himself for the incoming explosion.

‘Maxy, you’re not worth 10 million. You’re not trying to buy your way out of this, are you?’ Gillian’s voice rang again, still sultry and taunting.

‘Nope, just letting you know I have the Candyman in the hold,’ Max said

‘Oh,’ Gillian’s voice said, a touch of surprise in it. ‘I didn’t know that. He’s as good as cash, and he just bought your life. You’ll have to thank him right before I shoot you myself then.’ Max was relieved that she wasn’t just going to blow him up, but this presented a new challenge for him.

‘Missile’ stopped flashing over the top of the radar screen, but Max didn’t see the flash of an explosion. He turned to look, and he saw the missile streak past his pod and go not more than 60 feet past the Mako and explode in a flash of white light. The instrument panel of the Mako flared and the explosion rocked the Mako hard and to the right, throwing Max against his safety harness. The Mako began a slow spiral away from her original course and the blip on the radar closed slowly toward her.

‘Just making sure you weren’t playing. You really are out of fuel, aren’t you. You’d be gone by now if you weren’t,’ Gillian taunted again. ‘Don’t go anywhere, Maxy, I’ll be there to collect my money and that crate of yours soon enough.’

Max unbuckled his harness and started feeling under his seat. He came back with a crumpled pack of cigarettes. He squeezed it open and saw but one paper-wrapped treat inside. A frown contorted Max’s face. ‘Damnit,’ Max said softly and put the ruined pack back under his seat.

‘What’s wrong now Max? Something new troubling . . .’ Gillian’s voice came over the speakers.

‘Nothing,’ Max said, cutting her off and flipped the VOX switch back off. ‘Bitch,’ he added quietly. He leaned back in his seat and waited for the Megalodon to pick him up. He didn’t wait long.

Gillian’s ship maneuvered under the Mako’s spiraling trajectory and maintained distance. Max ruefully punched a short code into the keypad and his landing gear came down. The Megalodon trusted up and caught Max and his ship on the foredeck and he felt the entire craft shift downward slightly as the deck’s magnetic locks engaged. The main hanger door opened slowly, the door’s shells collapsing down into the main foredeck and two men came out of the hanger with heavy cables in their hands. They were attached to the rear landing gear on the Mako and with a hard jerk, Max began to be pulled inside. Inside the hanger he saw three more of Gillian’s men with their black jump suits and helmets on.

The hanger door expanded upward again and the room sealed. A small light in the upper left corner of the Mako’s pod came on and Max knew there was atmosphere in the hanger. Lights inside the hanger itself powered on and the soldiers around him took their helmets off. Max opened the side of the Mako’s pod and climbed out onto the step, keeping his hands in plain view of everyone in the room. The main air lock spiraled open and a tall, redhead stepped out onto the hanger floor, one hand on her hip and the other supporting her as she leaned against the door.

‘Oh Max, I wish you could see what you look like right now,’ she said her voice still husky.

‘And how’s that?’ Max asked defiantly.

‘Pathetic,’ she said and pulled a gun from her back, pointing at Max. She giggled and her five men around the Mako gave a short but hearty chuckle. Max rolled his eyes. He shifted his gaze to Gillian. She straightened her aim on him a little. ‘Come on down, Maxy, we can’t detain you while you’re up there, at least not without hurting you.’ Grudgingly Max jumped down and three of Gillian’s men were around him instantly. Two of them produced guns of their own while a third began patting Max down. The gunmen were positioned so that if they shot and missed, the bullets would sink into the Mako, a fact that was not lost on Max.

‘Such well trained little lap dogs,’ Max mumbled just loud enough for his temptress to hear. The guard patting Max down stopped for a second and punched him in the face. Max took the blow, his head jerking violently to the side, but his body remained firmly standing. He straightened his head upon his shoulders to look into the eyes of the guard. ‘Do it again,’ he said, his eye twitching. The guard backed up a step.

‘He’s clean,’ he announced to Gillian. He backed up to a safe distance from Max, but took care not to turn his back the man before him.

‘Good,’ Gillian said. ‘Lock him up,’ she said and turned to leave, tucking the gun back into the belt of her leather flight suit. She took a step through the door and turned her head as it was closi
ng. ‘Oh, and get the Candyman out of that pile of shit,’ she said and the door irised completely shut behind her.

The two men not guarding Max went to the rear of the Mako and opened up the cargo hatch. The hatch itself wasn’t even the size of a garbage can lid and the compartment inside wasn’t much bigger than the can. Inside they saw a man, barely conscious, an oxygen mask tied to his face and a thermal blanket wrapped tightly around him. He was drug out of the hatch and dropped on the hanger floor and the hatch door was closed. The pressure seals sucked shut with a hiss and the two men carried the Candyman off through the door into the air lock into the ship.

‘So what are you going to do with me then?’ Max asked the man in front of him. He smiled in response.

‘Me? Nothing,’ he said. Max heard the clank of a boot on the metal mesh decking and knew what was coming. He felt the butt of a gun smash down onto the back of his head and then was embraced by the darkness.

Max awoke to the coppery tang of dried blood in his mouth and a headache that would drop a charging rhino. He was vaguely aware that his arms were hand cuffed to something over his head and that his feet were both asleep and not quite firmly under him. He opened his eyes and a rush of pain took him, but he forced his eyes to stay open. There was a dim overhead light in the small room he was in, and he immediately recognized it. This was one of Gillian’s cells: a converted utility closet with a heavy copper airline running through it. The room had barely any space at all in it, but at least it was more than he had afforded the Candyman in the Mako’s hold.

‘Well, time to leave,’ Max said under his breath to himself. He stood the best he could with his sleeping feet and he began to wrench on the pipe he was cuffed to, twisting it in its fittings. Max hoped they hadn’t fixed it since the last time Gillian had caught him. He suppressed a grunt and was rewarded with a quiet squeak as the pipe gave under his powerful hands. After a few turns, one end of the pipe was free. He slid his handcuffs off the end of the pipe and set to looking about the small room for something to pick the lock with. As he looked, he screwed the pipe end back into its fitting on the other side of the wall. A small pile of dust was in one corner and he managed to find a small screw and an Allen wrench entombed in dirt and dust bunnies.

‘Thank Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the minimum wage,’ he said to himself. He picked the lock on his right cuff but kept the left side locked on his wrist. The Allen wrench and screw went into his pocket and he draped his arms back over the pipe, his left hand toward the door and his right hand behind the pipe, holding the empty cuff. ‘Now for a little attention getter,’ he mumbled to himself again and started kicking at the door. It was only after three or for decent belts that the small sliding panel that had been installed was thrown open. Max only got a quick look through the slot, but he didn’t see anyone else in the hallway beyond the guard.

‘Might as well take the chance,’ Max thought.

‘Hey! Quiet down in there. I can’t kill you, but you don’t need both a’yer knees, savvy?’ the guard shouted gruffly in a thick Earth accent. The panel slid shut and that was exactly what Max was waiting for. He kicked the door as hard as he could along where the lock was still hopefully attached. The door caved in easily under his heavy foot and he felt it slam into the guard, his foot still carrying the door. The follow through on the kick hit the guard and Max heard him slam head first into the bulkhead on the other side of the hall. Alarms and sirens started going off. Those were new, he hadn’t counted on those.

The guard started to stagger to his feet and he pawed at his hip for his gun. Max turned him around, grabbed his pistol, and threw him against the broken doorframe in one fluid motion. The guard slumped to the ground and began to breathe in raspy gurgling draws. Max looked up and down the hall with the bulkheads to his back, he knew that was the hull of the ship. There were two more doors in the hall, one to the left of his and one to the right. The hall was open to both ends and went around corners and out of sight. Max unlocked the door to the right of his, opened the slide so he could see out and jumped in. He barely got the door shut before he heard boots tromping down the decking of the ship.

‘What’s going on…oh Jesus Matt!’ the guard yelled and moved past the view slit in Max’s new door. He bent down in the hall and was out of sight. ‘Holy mother, he really worked you over, didn’t he, buddy,’ he said, checking over the wounded man. Max opened the door a little and stuck the pistol out.

‘I should radio in and tell Gillian that . . .’ he started. He stopped when he felt the muzzle of a gun press into his jumpsuit over his kidney.

‘That nothing happened and there’s a glitch in the alarm system,’ Max finished for him quietly. The guard’s hands went slowly out to his sides and Max leaned in and took his gun. ‘That’s a good boy, you’ve played this game before, haven’t you,’ Max taunted. ‘Why don’t you stand up slowly and don’t worry about your friend right now. He’s just taking a little nap.’ The guard got to his feet slowly and carefully. He slowly turned to face Max, his face drained of color and his eyes full of panic.

‘Alarms bother me. Shut it off,’ Max said quietly.

‘I have to radio in,’ the guard stammered out.

‘Do it.’

‘This is Alexanderson, false alarm, the door’s malfunctioning,’ the guard said after touching the collar on his jump suit and speaking into it.

‘Alexanderson? What the hell, you’re not supposed to be . . .’ a crackly voice echoed up from the neckline of Alexanderson’s jump suit. The transmission was interrupted by Max’s pistol firing. Max’s arm moved down to point the gun at the man’s hip and he squeezed off a round. Alexanderson’s hip shattered, spraying little bits of bone, flesh and blood along the wall. The guard’s screams filled and echoed through the hallway, and probably throughout the entire ship as he spun and slumped down. Max pistol-whipped him on the way by, his feet moving almost before the guard fell. His scream ended and he lay on the floor by Matt, unconscious and bleeding.

Max charged forward. He really wasn’t sure whether he was on the port or starboard side of the ship, but he would find out soon enough. He really hoped he was heading for the bow and the hanger instead of the bridge and the engine room. He threw open the door and saw that he was wrong.

Inside, he glimpsed a man standing in front of the door, cocked back in a baseball swing with something in his hands. There were two other guards beyond him, both with guns drawn and pointed in his direction. He was on the bridge, but he didn’t see any signs of Gillian anywhere. His luck, he’d be attacked from behind.

Max dropped. He ducked backwards and let himself fall, just barely fast enough to have the big man with the pipe miss his head. Max’s shoulders hit the decking and he fired a shot into the big guard’s boot, just under the armored kick plate. The steel toe under that wouldn’t offer enough resistance to stop the bullet. The guard lost his balance from not connecting with Max and his momentum carried him around in a circle. With his freshly wounded foot, he spun almost completely around twice. Max kicked his legs back under him and kipped up off the floor. He grabbed the guard before he fell and kept him spinning until his back was to Max. Max pulled his other gun and held it to the wounded guard’s chin as he was using him as a human shield, his other gun pointed at the other two guards in the room.

‘Drop it,’ Max said to the guards. The wounded guard he was now mostly supporting dropped his pipe. It clattered to the floor and rolled halfway to the other guards. They dropped their guns and put their hands out to their sides. Max started to back out of the bridge when he heard the und
eniable double click of a hammer of an automatic pistol being drawn back and felt the cold steel barrel press against the base of his skull.

‘Why don’t you follow suit, Maxy,’ Gillian’s voice said calmly. He sighed heavily and dropped the big guard to the floor. He hit with a thud and began cradling his destroyed foot and moaning softly. He turned slowly, both guns still in his hands, and faced Gillian. She kept the barrel pressed against his skin, and he turned until it was resting against his nose and digging into his cheek. He looked into her sparkling ice blue eyes and felt himself almost smile. Almost. His arms went limp, and the guns feel from his relaxing hands, one hitting the guard on the floor, and the other clattering against the metal decking of the bridge. He stood there, unmoving, unblinking, and nearly not breathing for what felt like an eternity, staring into those deep blue liquid pools. A smile lit up Gillian’s face and her eyes seemed to go from sparkling to glowing and she stepped closer to Max. She pressed her chest to his and stood on her tiptoes and her lips went to his ear.

‘Still not killing people?’ she whispered sensuously, her hot breath making Max fight back a wash of goose bumps. Max felt her move the gun from her right hand to her left. He could feel the guard on the floor twitch and start to squirm more. Gillian’s tongue flicked out against Max’s ear and he was unable to suppress the shiver or the goosebumps this time. She gave his earlobe a soft bite as she pulled the trigger of her pistol. Max felt the guard on the floor twitch and then lay still. ‘Was it as good for you as it was for me, Max?’ she breathed huskily into his ear. She giggled and backed up a step. She was flush with excitement, her eyes glazed part way over, and her heart was beating so hard Max could see her jumpsuit move with its quickened rhythm. Max just stood there, starting at her, his eyes meeting and not leaving hers.

Gillian’s remaining two men were standing, their mouths open and their eyes wide. They slowly looked at each other and then back to the body on the floor. After another quick glance at each other, they retrieved their weapons and resumed their positions on the bridge.

‘See how easy they are to train? Besides, drones like these are so much easier and cheaper to find new than to give medical attention to. You didn’t make the others have to die, did you?’ Gillian asked, her eyes still glazed. She stuck the tip of her tongue out between her lips and licked them seductively.

‘One will be fine in a few days. I shot the other one. I imagine you’ll let him bleed to death,’ Max said coolly. He was beginning to flush, too, but with anger instead of excitement. Gillian giggled a little.

‘Well, whatever works best for me. The Consortium will pay better than the police for you, however, and that’s where we’re going now. I’d worry about that rather than the guard bleeding out and dying because you shot him. Now, be a dear and put this back on,’ she said and tapped the empty cuff dangling from his left wrist with her pistol. Max instead twisted forward, the empty cuff flying to the end of the slide on the gun and down into the space between the hammer and the slide. He jerked forward and she pulled the trigger, clamping the cuff in place, not firing the bullet in the chamber as it should have. Another quick flip of the wrist and the gun slid to the end of the handcuff catch and off into his ready right hand. He pulled the hammer back again and spun her around into him with the gun to her liver before she even realized fully what had happened.

‘Tell your men to drop their guns,’ Max whispered into Gillian’s ear. He felt her try to twitch and Max dug the gun in, the front sight grinding against the base of her rib cage. ‘I can’t stop until you let me,’ he whispered again. Gillian let out a little whimper.

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Let me paint a quick picture. She’s not even five foot, weighs 110 pounds, looks barely 18 even though she’s 26, has dark brown hair and equally dark brown eyes, loves Lamb of God to an obsession, and her favorite show ever made is either X-Files or Star Trek TNG. But she’s also the most gifted and depraved masochist I’ve met thus far. When I first met Rikki, I hadn’t fully reconciled the darker desires and fantasies I had. I still felt guilty for some of the things I wanted, still hadn’t...

4 years ago
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Saturdays Lawn

Chapter 1 Saturday visits to my house had become very special occasions for Sophie. It was summer and my house was set back from the road with a large lawn spread out in front. I had hired a teen age boy to mow the lawn. And although I got more than I bargained for, so did he. Brian was 18, just finishing his senior year at the local high school. He was a very handsome kid with wavy blond hair. He stood about 6'2" and weighed about 185 — not quite fully filled out yet. He had broad shoulders...

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Scoreland Violetta Cums First

Violetta loves to suck and fuck, and doing it on-camera makes her even hotter. Knowing that so many are enjoying her with a cock in her mouth and pussy or flying solo to spread and toy herself adds even more spice. “I enjoy the attention and opportunities I receive,” Violetta said. “I am affectionate and very tender in and out of bed. I like to say sweet words to my partner. I like it when he is also affectionate with me and says nice words to me and that I am beautiful....

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Role Reversed

I leaned over him kissing him softly from his neck down to his stomach. I then hovered over his thigh and then nibbled on it softly and then sucking. Using my tongue moving closer to his cock, knowing how bad Daddy wanted it, how bad he wanted to feel my mouth around his cock. His Babygirl wanted to, was going to but not quite yet. I gripped my hands on his thighs and took my tongue and dragged it slowly up over his stomach to his face, softly placing kisses along the way. Nibbling on his...

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Lynseys Game

LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....

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Eating Out and Staying In

The night was a rainy one, perfect for staying in and relaxing by the tv. Anna and her fiance Jared planned to do just that. They'd ordered takeout and were now taking it easy on the couch, Jared's head was in Anna's lap while the latter fed lo mein to the both of them. It was a peaceful night. A good session of spending some loving time together. Anna's favorite show was on, neither of them had work tomorrow, and they were in their comfortable pajamas. Nothing could make the night better....

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vendredi 16H

Vendredi à 16h, Angela, Mélanie (ces deux femmes sont tante et nièce car Marion sa fille n’a pas pu venir) et moi, nous arrivions chez Fred. Nous étions toutes les 3 surexcitées car c’est la 1ère fois que nous allions faire l’amour à 4. Angela et Mélanie sont allées avec Fred au salon. Moi je suis allée déposer dans la chambre divers objets, godes ceintures, plug anal, menottes et fouets rigides. Quand je suis arrivée au salon, je me suis assise sur les genoux de Fred. Nous les femmes nous...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Serena Blair Chanel Preston Valentina Nappi The Art Of Lesbian Anal Surprise DP

Thoughtful Chanel Preston goes all out for her wife’s Serena Blair’s birthday, treating her to a gift of two strapons. When Serena asks why they need two strapons, Chanel reveals a special treat. She knows that Serena has a crush on Valentina Nappi, so she arranged a surprise threesome with Valentina. The erotic Italian shows up, like good friends do, in an deep V neck bodysuit, braless and hungry for sex. Serena looks to for Chanel for permission before she fondles...

3 years ago
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Pleasures at Dressing Manor 4

Pleasures at Dressing Manor The story so far: Miles Johnson, a newly qualified teacher, receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his father has eloped and his stepmother is venting her fury on him, keeping him prisoner at Dressing Manor, dressing him childishly and punishing him severely. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who has Miles visiting her study every afternoon as a result, where he becomes addicted to the feminizing drug...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 17

Sunday, January the second, 2005 was my last day of freedom. It was back to school the next day. I went home at nine that morning, changed clothes, and attended Mass with Dad. It sure wasn't the same as last Sunday without Mom and Katrina there. Of course the experience didn't get better seeing the Cavanaughs and Rochellis sitting three pews in front of us. Tony and Shelia were sitting side by side, of course. After Mass we shook hands with Father Donovan on the church steps and headed for...

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Maid To Taste

Hi, after your warm response to “cook became my meal” and many requests to write more about my sexual encounters. I am here to narrate one of my more Memorable days in bed. So far all my love-making partnerships have been my 2 maids, padma when i was in chennai (“How I finally attained my maid part 1 and 2) and more recently in Bangalore, with a mature woman named gowri. I believe with a maid, there is a purely raw sexual interest in the relationship and hence the experience is...

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I Am A Cocksucker

I am not gay, but I am a cocksucker, I don't want a relationship with other men, I don't want to kiss and cuddle, I do however love to suck their cocks. I love the feel of another man's cock in my hand, against my face, in my mouth, I love the smell and taste, I love to feel the head slip down my throat. I love to have my mouth fucked, I love to hear them moan and call me cocksucker and talk nasty to me. Most of all I love to make them cum, in my mouth, I always swallow, or in my face, I love a...

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Jessica Alba

Sheriff Jasper T. Long sat at his desk in the small jail he ran in the desert town somewhere between LA and Vegas. The town consisted of a gas station and several rundown trailers but he was the sheriff. He was also the mayor, justice of the peace and the owner of the gas station. He also ran one of the most lucrative speed traps in the country. The highway that ran through the town went from 70 mph to 25 without any warning and his deputy pulled over anywhere from 20 to 30 motorists every...

3 years ago
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More Perverted Sexual Cravings

Mark was twenty four now,a handsome young man who loved dressing up inwomens clothes and going out on the town.He could get away with it becausehe was such a handsome guy,or you might even refer to him a pretty.He had had implants installed in his breasts which made him even moresexy,he dated men without them being any the wiser.He knew from the time he was three that he was never meant to be a boy andhis mama made it plain she had wanted a girl.She would dress the boy inpanties and little...

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Private Stefany Kyler The Art of Fucking

In Private Specials, Young Beauties 3, the super sexy brunette, Stefany Kyler, is an artist looking to seduce her crush at art school, and in true Private style… it involves a whole lot of fucking! So enjoy this sexy twink in heat on as she treats the lucky Marc Crow to a taste of her sweet pussy before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch Stefany’s beautiful figure in action as she spreads her legs ready for a hard fucking that has her moaning and screaming...

3 years ago
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Her turn an Erotic Story by Rod Houston

It’s no surprise that she awoke from a wet dream. He had been away on a business trip for over a week and she was horny. In the dream, she was Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Her lover had been Apollo. As with all of her erotic dreams, she woke just before they could reach climax together and it left her with a wanting feeling between her legs. Oh, her pussy was soaking wet, to be sure. She had been sitting astride her dream lover fucking hard, and loving it. But she was awake now, and the...

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Moms Concussion

I got home from school to find my mother at the bottom of the stairs. She was alive, but unconscious. I called 911 and they took her to the ER in an ambulance. She woke up when we arrived and they took x-rays and scans. The doctor kept her over night to watch for signs of concussion. The next morning they discharged her. It was summer so I tended to her, as Dad was with his new family. She seemed fine during the day, and I went out to play basketball with friends for an hour. When I returned...

2 years ago
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A Gentleman and the Widow

We met online, innocently, really, instant messages on a forum, a simple hello at first and welcome to the site. I replied with a thank you and how thoughtful. He sent another message, ‘I found your bio interesting.’ Of course, I had to ask, ‘How so? What makes it so interesting, different from the rest?’ A simple reply came from him, ‘Your honesty.’ I was trying to write stories, erotica, and I was unsure of myself. He offered to help. How could I refuse? I sent him a writing sample. He...

4 years ago
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Girls Nite Out Part 2

We walk from the kitchen in to the lounge -- Mick sits in the corner of the sofa and I sit between his legs ... I feel his still hard cock in my back...I have a sheet wrapped around me ---- as I lean back into Mick his hand slides inside the sheet to hold my breast and my nipple is caught between his thumb and forefinger.....Jen sits in the opposite corner of the sofa --- sitting there in her silk vest top and boxer style silk bottoms --- nice and baggy for max comfort ... as we sit chatting I...

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Leben 140

Truda -   Fighting woman Varick -   Protecting Ruler Harman -   Man of the army   Alan appeared back in front of his uncle's house. His eyes wide, his face white as he recalled the conversation he'd just had with the doctor. Gasping in huge lungfuls of breath Alan could only shake his head in denial.    Falling to his knees Alan didn't hear the approach of several people. Stopping a few feet away from him the men and women weren't sure they should venture closer. Somewhere...

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Adventure With An Amazing Russian Pussy

Hey, there readers, this is Rahul and I’m back with another real sex story which happened to me on the 13th April. A little about myself, I am a Northerner residing in Bangalore. I am a footballer, slim, 5’9” tall and fair. My tool size is 6.5” in length and 3” in girth. I love experimenting on the bed but few of my favorites include, eating pussy, and extended foreplay. Any feedbacks on this story? Please write to me at So it all started when my friends and I went to Goa for a bachelor’s...

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Bullet Part 2 A Cry In The NightChapter 5

I knew I was in for a little chiding from Marilyn and my other friends for saying, "How the hell did you know his name was Kim!" What happened surprised and pleased me at the same time. It reminded me how new I was at being a Spirit. It showed how little Spirits of the living or for that matter Spirits of the newly deceased understand about the after-world. Tammy passed over to me, "I told her ... You know ... Privately ... Just like I'm doing to you now." I felt, "Gee, you'll have...

2 years ago
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HEY I am 22 years of age. The title it self will give some idea about the story. I would not like to call this as Story. Because this is a real one. This was happened on my 17th years of age. On that time I am in 12th Standard. This is my first affair, that too with my Teacher. About Teacher: Her name is NAMITA.She is married. On that time she is 26 years of age. White in color with good shaped Boobs. But she doesn't have the c***dren even after 4 years of married life. But they are not worried...

1 year ago
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Young and Lusty 2

The next morning I awoke with Amy in my bed and still naked. Her back was towards me and to my delight her ass was only a few inches from my limp cock. I was hesitant to touch her for the fear wakeing her up. Yet the sight that was filling my eyes was too much to resist. I slowly brought my hand softly down along her exposed hips and cupped her skin in the palm of my hand. I made a grunting sound as I felt the warmth and smoothness of her young skin. By now my cock had risen to its fullest...

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SRU The Prom Dress

I rarely do stories in which the narration is in the first- person view, but for some stories it's appropriate. For some it's not. And I thought this story would seem better with first-person narration so I did it. It has more vulgarity than my stories would usually have, but the main character (who narrates it) is a male jerk, and that's how people like him talk, so I did it to make it seem more real. I decided to do this story, because my other stories were talking a bit too...

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She had prepared for this morning, anticipating that one of her recent students would call into the cafe. Wesley had just left school and was now eighteen. He had started to come to the cafe over the last week. She wasn’t sure if he was stalking her or hoping to bump into her. She had made an extra effort this morning. A different perfume, slight change to her hairstyle. She wore a plain blouse and a summer skirt. Only she knew that she had left the underwear at home. She had a long thin...

4 years ago
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Didi Or Dost Part 8211 2

Hello friends. Aap sab ka bahut bahut shukriya… Ab main aapko meri behan Neelu ke bare me aage batane ja raha hu. Meri behan mere dost Nilesh ke sex kar kar ke apna figure kafi metain kar chuki thi. Uske boobs to bas aise lagte the ki bas suit me bahar aane ko maar rahe hai. Uper bade gale ka suit pehnne ki uski aadat uffff. Jane kitno ladko ka hall kharb kar deta hai. Ab uska figure 34D 30 32 ho chuka tha. To dosto baat Nilesh ke meri behan ko chodne ke baad ki hi hai. Par didi ki shadi ke...

3 years ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Girlfriend On His Birthday

I want to tell you all that I am a regular reader of this page and I love how people share their experience. Today I am sharing my experience on how I got to fuck my friends gf on his bday at my apartment. this happened a year ago and we still fuck. This is a real sex story which happened in NOIDA sector 41. So it’s been 4 years working in HCL and I live with my friends. We share a flat so both have independent rooms. We bother each other less but yeah we do a lot of parties. Often our office...

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The Gang The formation

The gang started with four memebers, 3 black and one white. All four met 10 years ago when they worked at McDonald's, and now they were all managers of different ranks, and had become good friends. Carl the unofficial leader and brains of the pack was 33, married with four young children. Dave 32 also married with 2 teenagers was as smart as Carl but did not command the same respect from the others. This was something he resented, and could make him hard to control. Dave was very good...

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The next morning, I felt Alan’s hands reach around from behind and start fondling my tits to wake me up. I tended to wake up slowly, and as I stretched and yawned with my eyes still closed, I could feel Alan rubbing his morning wood against my naked back, clearly wanting some relief. Wanting to keep my eyes closed just a little longer, I reached behind me and started stroking Alan’s erection with my hand, causing him to let out a soft moan and to rock his hips against my fist. After a few...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 11

Mind Swapping Chapter 11 Tom woke me twice during the night. I would awaken to find his lips sucking my nipples and his fingers teasing my clitoris and penetrating deep into my moist pussy. Each time, he would climb on top of me and sink his huge stiff cock into my belly. I would cum several times before he would explode in my suctioning pussy. After each time, we would snuggle and go back to sleep. It was the most wonderful night of my life as a woman, and, far surpassed anything...

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At the Lake

I'm not sure what happened last night. I mean, I know what happened, but I don't know why. I'll have to wait until Ted wakes up to ask him about it all. In the meantime, I'll tell you so that we can both get some answers. I'm Sandy Phillips. I'm no teenage virgin or blushing bride. I've been around the block a few times and enjoyed the hell out of most of it. I'll be forty three on my next birthday. I don't work out and I know I'm overweight. Still I'm usually horny and my husband,...

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Room service

Room Service It had been a good night out, too much too drink as expected, the only down side being going back to the hotel room at the Four Seasons by myself. I woke late so quickly threw some clothes on and headed down stairs for breakfast. As I came into the dining room I saw an attractive blond bringing cutlery out in to the dining room, she smiled and said morning, the smile lighting up the whole room. She disappeared again and after breakfast I went for a breif walk and to get myself a...

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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 15

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai mera. Part 14 mein maine bataya ki kaise maine aditi ke sath sex kiya aur use apni beti banayi. Aagey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Please apna comment min mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Aditi ke sath ke session ke kuch dino baad aditi ne mujhe call kiya tha. Wo kaafi distrub lag...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Charlotte Stokely Aiden Ashley Lily Rader Fashion Model 2 Doing Whatever It Takes

Budding blond fashion model Lily Rader is ready to take her place as the fresh new face of Eternity Cosmetics. She walks onto the photography set wearing nothing but an airbrushed bra and panty set in blue, dazzling the sultry makeup company owner Charlotte Stokely and the hot photographer Abigail Mac. Supermodel co-star Aiden Ashley is forced to step aside as Charlotte gushes over the new girl’s astounding beauty. Aiden scowls in her matching pink airbrushed lingerie. The diva...

3 years ago
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Discreet encounters

This is your JJ back with a Diwali script a short and sweet one that happened years ago. No issues it is still poised to bring you off within a short span of time also depends on how you prefer to handle your sex organs as you read through this submission. Getting on with it, my job at manpower contract company just wasn’t paying enough anymore but sure it had add on benefits such as working with the 49 year old Thilaga a widowed beauty and just by looking at her I knew she was dying to get...


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