A Midday Cheat – A Modern Family FanFic free porn video

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Introduction: This is my first sex fiction. And fan-fiction, really. Maybe people will think my inclusion of music is cheesy. Try reading it with the choices made though and youll maybe soon think otherwise. Could very well lead into a few more parts for sure. Constructive criticism welcome. -CC Andy pulled his car into the Dunphys driveway and left the engine to idle as Kyla La Granges Cannibals finished up on the radio. Typically, it was the kind of song that would make Andy change the station – its dark, intense electronic synth not usually being his bag. Ever since the song had played on Haleys iPod the last time they had been intimate however, he left the radio be if it came on.

He didnt go out of his way to keep count the number of times he had heard the song in these last three weeks but his brain – which was always on – told him that he had heard it seventeen times.

Seventeen times Andy had reflexively pawed where Haley had bitten him on his collarbone during the songs final thrumming beats. Seventeen times Andy had instantly relived the final, elongated thrust they shared as Haleys bite put him over the edge. Seventeen times Andy had felt a stirring unlike any hed had before that evening.

As the song concluded and gave way to commercials, Andy snapped himself out of this train of thought. He wasnt at the Dunphy residence to dwell on such things: Phil had sent him to pick up brochures for the open house they were hosting that afternoon. With that, he got out of the car and made his way to the front door, letting himself in with the key Phil had given him.

Hello, he announced loudly just in case anyone was in. As suspected nobody replied and he headed to the kitchen where Phil had told him the brochures were.

He found the papers on the kitchen table and thumbed through them to check they were the correct ones. Surmising that they were, Andy turned to leave but stopped when he heard a small thud come from upstairs.

Hello? he called up the staircase. No reply, but when he listened closer he could hear that the shower was running. A burglar would hardly take a shower, Andy thought. Then he began to wonder. Luke was with Phil at the open house, Alex was at college, and surely Jay, Gloria, Manny, Cam or Mitchell wouldnt ever need to shower in this house on a Thursday afternoon. That left only Claire or Haley.

Andys eyes widened and he smiled. Every time he and Haley had come close to getting physical since that last time three weeks ago some interference had always occurred. Andy, having grown up quite conservative, used to take occurrences like these when he was with his ex-fiancee Beth in stride, but Haleys indecorous nature had recently awoken something in him that made such interruptions an abominable action.

As the shower continued to run, Andy checked the door to the basement: Haleys bedroom. It was ajar. She must have gotten off work early today, he thought. He descended the steps to investigate and upon seeing a lit incense he began to unbutton his shirt before stopping only half-way done. To make sure that Claire was not the one responsible for the lit incense he pulled out his phone and rang her.

Hello? Claire answered quickly. She sounded confused, likely because although they had saved each others numbers, she had never received a call from Andy.

Hey Mrs Dunphy, its Andy.

I know, Andy, these smartphone things are equipped with everything from GPS to caller ID.

Ive heard they also let you play Boggle too! Its a mindb-ending world we live in, huh?

No response … though, Claire never laughed at his jokes. Better to push on with the enquiry.

Im calling because Phil said he forgot some open house brochures when he left this morning. He asked me to get them but I just realized that he never actually said where they are and now I cant get hold of him. Youre not home are you, or know where they are?

Im not, Claire replied impatiently. Sorry, Andy, Ive got to go. Meeting. I saw the papers on the kitchen table though.

Claire ended the call. Beaming, Andy continued his way down the staircase into Haleys bedroom and finished removing his shirt, excited for what was to come.

Feeling inspired by the spontaneity, he looked around the room for matches. Finding them on the bedside desk, he lit the various candles Haley had placed around the room, each one a vaguely different colour and scent. Then, he removed the rest of his clothes and laid himself in the middle of the bed. As a final touch he placed Haleys favourite bed decoration – a white cushion dotted with strawberries – across his bare pelvis and propped his head against a raised fist in what he deemed a conventionally sexy pose.

Finishing his setup with not a moment to spare, Andy saw the natural light from upstairs illuminate the staircase as the bedroom door opened. Time slowed as his eyes followed a towelled Haley descend, her wet bare legs glinting in the candlelight, her phone, as requisite for Haley, in her soft hands, her towel hanging loose over her lower body but tight over her ample chest …

Andy paused for a moment on Haleys chest, which was decidedly much larger than the one his memory recalled, and then continued to travel up her body only to find himself looking at the face of Alex as her own gaze strayed from her phone when she reached the bottom of the stairs and found his.
Simultaneously they both emitted loud noises of shock and terror jolted their whole bodies. Andys involuntary action swung his free hand forward and he struck the strawberry cushion with enough force that it flew to one side of the room whilst Alexs jump saw her throw her phone to the other, her reaction also loosening her towel such that it dropped in one quick motion to the floor.

An indeterminate period of time passed as they both remained frozen and gazed at each other, first maintaining eye contact, then, inevitably, roaming over each others body.

Alex was the first to react – though not as swiftly as she thought – as her arms shot across her body to cover herself. What are you doing here? she asked indignantly.

Andy blinked. What are you doing here?

I live here, Alex said, not completely assuredly. Without meaning to, her eyes wandered once more.

Not &hellip, any more you dont, Andy said, watching her eyes move across him.

Alex didnt reply and neither of them made any immediate effort to cover themselves further.

Andys cognitive thought all but switched off as he took in Alexs body: the long, dark, still-wet hair resting on her wide shoulders, her soft-skinned, buxom curvature – which Andys father would have likened to a real woman, the way her arms covered just enough of her womanhood that her stance would, in any other situation, look playful, and finally he rested on the eyes behind the thick-rimmed glasses: large, bold, sultry, beyond her years.

Andy felt a stiffness between his legs then and his brain was suddenly back in the game as his hands awkwardly made to cover himself, but not before Alex had watched the growth take place. She couldnt help but emit a faint gasp as she processed that she had just witnessed her first erection, at which she felt her cheeks become flushed.

Well, put some burgers on the grill because we are in a pickle, Andy said with a nervous laugh, attempting to break the ice.

At that, Alex smiled. Involuntarily, she thought of her dad, who would undoubtedly have said something similarly stupid if he were the one in this situation. Remembering that she was naked and having just felt a strong sexual impulse however, she immediately pushed her dad from her mind.

My curling iron is broke, she said to Andy, as explanation for her being in the house.

Mine too, said Andy, as he raised one hand in a what-can-you-do-gesture as the other failed pretty miserably at keeping his erection out of sight. This made Alex first laugh, then blush further, and then feel guilty as she remembered who Andy was to her family, to Haley.

Im going to, er – Alex started, looking down at her towel on the floor.

It took Andy a moment to realize that he should look away so Alex could cover herself properly again.

After Andy had turned his head Alex waited a moment before moving, savouring how her arm felt on her rapidly hardening nipples and even more so on how her cupped hand felt against her warming vaginal lips. Although she had of course masturbated many times – certainly more so once she and Haley no longer shared a bedroom – there was something about her own touch here and right now that felt new and somehow more powerful. For the first time in all her interactions with a male she felt like a real being of desire, not in a mental capacity but as a physical one.

Remembering the promptness with which Andy has become erect, she let her cupped hand move firmly along her lips and across her clitoris. Then, she parted the skin using two fingers and pushed into herself gently, just once. She barely heard the whimper that escaped her lips but she certainly felt what elicited it. Then, she brought her fingers to her mouth she pulled on the taste.

Im, um, also going to cover myself, Andy, who was still averting his gaze, said.

Whether Andy had gauged what she had just done, Alex did not know.
As Andy draped himself with one of the free halves of bedsheet beneath him, Alex felt more comfortable in her nakedness than she ever had, relishing the obvious wrongness of the unexpected pleasure she had just felt. Nevertheless, a faraway pang of guilt made her pick up her towel. As she wrapped the cloth around herself however, she positioned it so that a sizeable amount of cleavage was on offer.

Weeeeell, Andy said, as he slapped his legs and looked around the room after Alex announced that she was covered, that was awkward.

Im not sure awkward is the right word, Alex said, twitching her fingers together as she moved to the desk chair beside the bed.

Andy pushed himself into a sitting position and raised his knees. Not only did this feel like a more friendly position for the two of them to talk than remaining laid down but it also allowed him to easily hide his erection in the tented area of bedsheet.

He watched Alex as she rummaged in the draws of the desk beside the bed for the curling iron and was unable to catch himself when his gaze landed on her chest once more as she stretched her torso toward the different draws. He subconsciously made a note in his head that Alex had wrapped her towel noticeably lower than it had been when she had entered the room earlier as she now proffered the room the two crests of her taut bosom. Was this a subtle invitation or had she not even realized what she had done, he wondered.

Suddenly, he found himself questioning his brain how he hadnt noticed Alexs clear womanliness before. He largely pinned his ignorance on his infatuation with Haleys perpetual game of cat-and-mouse, in addition to the fact that Alex was her younger sister and was naturally forbidden. Then, it crossed his mind that the bookish, reclusive Alex, behind her chastity shield of baggy sweaters and sarcasm was never cause for distraction by her own choice anyway. But now, seeing her in this new light &hellip,

Andy didnt like where his thoughts, and his erections clear wishes, were trying to take him. He loved Haley and he shouldnt let a fleeting moment of unauthorized lust bring that relationship down – if he was going to be presumptuous and think that Alex had even felt the same urge as him anyway.

I, well, er, I should get going, Andy started. I only got like- he cleared his throat and gestured at his covered nakedness -because I thought you were Haley. Obviously

Curling iron now in-hand, Alex turned in her chair to face Andy. Although she completely understood why he would want to leave, had he not felt that explosion of tension? She accepted that Andy was Haleys boyfriend. The smart one of the Dunphy children, Alexs brains and unerring common sense told her that she only felt this compulsion this strongly because of the shock of the incident, a flash of convenient desire wanting to be indulged in.

It was the kind of thing hormonal teenagers always fruitlessly fantasized about but it had actually happened to her: a cute, funny and healthily-built young man had been practically dropped in her lap, and he appeared – so his swift erection and continued obvious gawping would suggest – to find her as attractive as she, him, the only hangup was that he was her sisters boyfriend. She knew that whatever these glances were now, Andy didnt have real feelings for her, even if she herself had on occasion experienced what Haley also felt towards the quirky guy.

But she wasnt destined to have passion or romance like Haley. She was relegated to the Sanjays and Reubens of the world: the boys who quiver at the thought of female contact, who dont even look at her the way Andy had done (even if he did kind of look guilty doing it). She resigned to not act on the urge.
But her body, finally and so unexpectedly close to the action her 18 year-old hormones craved, did not want to go home (so to speak) completely empty handed. Her primal urges bargained with her brain to at least fulfill one request from this mishap.

As Andy made to get off the bed Alex quickly set the curling iron down and raised her hands toward him in protest.

Andy! This might sound &hellip, weird, but could you &hellip, could you … hold me? Just for a short while?

I dont think that would be a good idea, Andy said, a small bit of blood leaving his nether region and rising to his cheeks.

Alex felt herself choking on her words in a way she never did in Debate Team. Ive &hellip, uh &hellip, Ive never been looked at like that &hellip, like the way you &hellip, did.

Andy felt guilt travel through him and he sat back down, legs hanging off the far side of the bed.

Ive … never felt … like a woman, Alex continued. Im not, uh- she didnt know how to word this without seeming too presumptuous. Im not asking for you &hellip, us &hellip, to do anything.

Andy contemplated the proposition. He sensed a shift in the room. Something like sexual tension having given way to something more like compassion. Alex looked so dispirited and he felt like he needed to help the mood, if not to end this awkward encounter on the most agreeable terms. Eventually he turned and pointed at Alexs iPod on the desk and then at Haleys docking station. One song, he said.

Alex immediately perked up and inserted her iPod into the docking station. She loaded her All Songs playlist, turned the volume up two thirds of the way and hit Play.

As Alex had been sorting the music, Andy had climbed off the bed and secured the bedsheet he was already wrapped in around himself like a Romans robe. Then, he faced Alex as she straightened herself and lifted her towel from the top hem to hide her cleavage.

One song, she said and offered her hand to shake.

One song, Andy said, then shook.

Andy drew Alex in as Kavinsky & Lovefoxxxs Nightfall began. Alex wrapped her arms around him and placed her chin in the nook of Andys collarbone to rest her cheek on his neck, with her chest pushed gently against Andys own. Their proximity sent a faint shudder through his body but he ignored it.

At first they swayed stiffly to the steady thud of the synth-pop track but they soon found a rocking rhythm in their step. Eventually, whilst the deep beat of the drum hit the pair and Lovefoxxxs entreating voice begged them to ignore their instincts, they pushed their bodies right up against each other. As the dance became more fluid, their arms became freer, Alexs moved up Andys back and clutched at his shoulders whilst Andy found his hands fall from Alexs sides to rest in the arch at the back of her waist.

Alex melted. Although she really did mean to just be held, the intimacy of their slow dance sent quivers of confidence through her, encouraged by Andys warm hardness pressing into her leg.

Andy, ever the romantic, felt the moment spurred by the song, the myriad of smells, the candlelight and Alexs alluring closeness. He pulled his head back from Alex to look into her eyes for a brief moment. Then, his brain lapsing again, he kissed her. Just a soft, pursed press. When he pulled away again his face was regretful.

I wish that hadnt felt good, he said equally to himself as much to Alex.

The kiss was the curtain call on Doing The Right Thing for Alex, it pushed her confidence and want into new territory and she planted her mouth on Andys. To begin with their kisses were textbook. Then they became exploratory: open-mouthed, wet, tongues lashing at tongue, teeth and lips. Their hold on each other became more of a grip and there was no more dancing as they pressed their bodies harder together.

Alex had both given and received pecked kisses from boys but she had never come close to envisioning such passion as she was experiencing. Likewise, Andy reflected (very momentarily) on how stilted Haleys kissing could be, like she was trying to emulate a Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling love scene. Where had Alex learned to kiss like this, he wondered as his bedsheet became even more strained.

He found himself being moved backwards by Alex and he hit the wall. She gripped his waist and thrust her own against it, using the wall to her advantage, the pressure on the skin surrounding her moistening clitoris more intense than she anticipated. Eventually, tired of interfering cloth, Alex stepped back and released the fasten in her towel and dropped it to the floor.

Andy gaped at her still-wet body, glistening in the candlelight. She seemed infinitesimally more sexy now than she had when her towel had fallen by accident minutes earlier. She bit her lower lip, chest pushed out, and put her hands on her waist. The summons was there: he unfastened his bedsheet-robe and let it fall off him as he put his hands out and then against the wall. Now Alex was being summoned as her eyes fell once more on Andys phallus.

For the first time since he kissed her, she hesitated proper. Not because of guilt – although, that would surely hit her hard later – but because she had never touched a penis, much less an erect one. She had watched porn and read articles: she had studied for this day – it was the Alex thing to do. To actually put what she had learned into practise though, was a different matter.

Then, as Nightcall came to an end, whatever cosmic forces that controlled the universe came into play when Roxettes Listen To Your Heart came on next. Alex felt confidence fill her once more.

One song? she asked playfully about their earlier deal.

Andy shook his head once, lust in his eyes. At this, Alex moved forward a step, gripped Andys erection in one hand and pulled him towards her. She gripped him from behind with her other hand and thrust his penis between her legs to slide not inside, but against her now fully wet vaginal lips.

She kneaded her pelvis against his, forcing him to take slow steps backwards as she slicked his erection with her own juices, gasping heavily with each thrust. An action he had not felt before, Andy was suddenly taken to new places and also emitted a deep groan.

They continued to gyrate in tune with the beat of the ballad until, all of a sudden, Andy felt himself close to ejaculation. Alarmed and not wanting their affair to end so soon, he grabbed Alex by her waist and pushed her away from him with force. Temporarily shocked, Alex then intuitively understood the action and smirked. She playfully made a grab for his erection but Andy gripped her arm and willed her to turn around, which she did obediently.

Then, Andy put his arms around Alex and pulled himself close, his penis resting on her back as one hand explored her substantial chest and the other, her vagina. Alex had played with her nipples before but she never saw the appeal. When she had handled herself they barely became erect but right now they were at full charge and with each tweak from Andys fingers a lungful of air escaped her. This was nothing compared to the pleasure she felt from the ease with which he was able to slip his fingers through her lubricated lips. Each time Andy firmly circled her clitoris her legs buckled slightly and she let out a tiny squeak.

Feeling herself also reach new heights of pleasure now, she put her arm around her back and gripped Andys penis hard, instinctively moving her grip from shaft to head and back in quick succession.

Suddenly, the aroma of Alexs wetness hit Andys nose. A bolt of shame struck him as flashes of Haley ran through his head when he realized that the sisters smelled the same. The shame was short-lived however, as he suddenly found himself leading Alex to the bed, where he laid her down.

First he cupped the back of her head and they kissed with open mouths as he hovered above her (Alex once again holding onto Andy by his erection). Then, he methodically kissed her neck, then collarbone, then made his way to her breast (at this, Alex released Andy as his waist was now out of reach). His tongue circled the areola of one breast as his hand played gently with the other and then he switched focus. At this play, Alex unconsciously thrust her pelvis upwards, which prompted Andy to return to kissing his way down to the parting in her legs.

He took a moment to appreciate the view. Where Haley was always shaving her pubic hair into one shape or another, Alex simply had a consistent turf of short hair which, he found as he began kissing the area, was surprisingly soft. Then, as he slowly clasped each of his hands around her her thighs, he kissed the inside of her legs, switching between playful bites and light, lingering licks.

Alex was pleased by each kiss but she was eager for Andy to begin the real wor-

His tongue travelled from the base of her vagina up to her clitoris. The sudden, trailing sensation sent a shiver through her body and she clasped his head in her hands as he began systematically running his mouth across every inch of her womanhood. Licking as deep into her as his tongue would go, he then moved up the lip to flick and revolve around the clitoris with all parts of his mouth that he could use. Just when she thought she could get used to his rhythm, he reversed his style and the subsequent surprising burst of pleasure forced her to moan deeply. When she began pressing her pelvis into Andys mouth with increasing frequency, he devoted his efforts to her clitoris and its immediate vicinity, circling with his salivating tongue and lips with escalated spirit. In no time, Andy was suddenly drinking in a gushing fruity, metallic wetness. As Alex trembled with euphoria, Andy kept up his game, lapping her juices until she let out a final squeal and lifted his head away, breasts rising and falling rapidly.

Andy, giving Alex a second to come down from her orgasm, made a note that climaxing during the last moments of a song was evidently a familial habit as Listen To Your Heart on the iPod came to an end. Then, he crawled back up the bed towards her. Just as he made to wipe any remaining cum from his mouth she pulled his face to hers and kissed him hard, still giving a small bodily twitch every now and then.

Andy reflected that Alex was definitely more intense, seductive, flirty and varied in taste than he thought as Walking On Air by Katy Perry began. Although he wanted to chuckle at the songs contrast to the last two on her playlist he was too focused on Alexs face as she cocked an eyebrow, pulled a cheeky grin and leant in to slowly lick a trickled line of her juice from his chin. It was a simple move that immediately reinvigorated his erection.

Without missing a beat, she rolled him from on top of her and positioned herself on her knees to be above him. Andy placed his hands on her waist and let them move across her body and up her arms as she descended to his eager penis.

Alex was enraptured. Not only had she proved her womanliness to Andy with their arousing dance and following teasing but he had shown her that he respected her sexuality by devoting himself to her own pleasure, and even swallowing every drop of her ejaculation that he could. Separately, she marvelled again at the feeling of the liquid release itself: something she hadnt actually achieved before. Now, she would repay him in kind.

She gripped him at the base, acquainting herself with the pulsing penis up close for the first time. Slowly, she ran her grip up the shaft and thumbed the underside of the head, where a considerable amount of pre-cum had accumulated. This made Andy thrust his hips forward in what Alex took as yearning. Obliging, she put her lips over the head, lifted her tongue to the underside and slurped the liquid into her mouth. A brief moan came from Andy and she felt him run his hand through one side of her hair to hold her head from behind. His juice tasted sweet and had a thicker texture than she expected. Determining to get more of it – especially given how he had produced and consumed hers with such vigor – she began working the shaft with one hand as the other met Andys, all whilst she wet her lips and embraced the rim of the bell.

She swirled her tongue around the purple end and softly bounced her head repeatedly, making sure she wet the bell in its entirety before she circled her tongue underneath once again, much to Andys groaning approval. Then, deciding that she was ready to do so, she let go of Andys hand and placed it on his pubis for embrace as she swallowed as much of his penis as she could.

The warmth of her mouth made Andy gulp for air and she felt more droplets of pre-cum escape him.

Remembering that the substance was slippery, Alex repositioned herself to incline her throat higher above Andy. As she did this, she continued to thrust her mouth onto the erection and strategically rubbed it against any area where she could taste his cum. Then, angled to do so, she deepthroated the entirety of Andys now throbbing penis with ease and zeal.

Andys face contorted in pleasure as Alexs warm, tight, wet throat pumped up and down repeatedly. Although he held out for as long as he humanly could, he suddenly slammed his fists into the bed and called out loud as he ejaculated.

Momentarily overcome, Alex felt her mouth seemingly fill with warm semen, the discharge as equally sweet, though thicker than the pre-cum. Not removing her mouth as burst after burst released into her throat, she actively began to suck up and down the phallus as if to siphon out any unreleased semen until she determined that no more would come. Finally, she sat up to look at Andy as she licked the inside of her mouth and her lips, to show him that his load, like hers, had not gone to waste.

Andy made a noise akin to a well-satisfied laugh and pulled her down towards him. Just as she had done with him, he initiated another burst of tongue-on-tongue kissing and they embraced each other, lying in their respective remnant cum, sweat and betrayal.

Neither of them could think of something to say for a while, instead preferring to try and not think about the impending questions theyll have to ask themselves and each other about what happens next. Both Andy and Alex had crossed a line that, should Haley – or anyone – find out had been crossed could potentially destroy any semblance of a relationship, friendly or familial.

Although neither of them dared say that they wanted more of what they had just shared, they both felt it.

Alex could already feel her nipples hardening at the thought. If foreplay felt this good, she thought, how incredible must sex itself be?

As Walking On Air came to its close, Andy began to wonder the same. As had crossed his mind earlier, Haley consistently brought out the best in him as a person but when it came to the physical side of their relationship – as improper as she was – even that night three weeks ago hadnt felt as good and right as the intimacy he and Alex had just shared. And they hadnt even gone all the way!

He pulled Alexs waist towards him once more. She looked into his eyes and smiled as she moved her hand southward and felt his penis twitch and begin to harden.

Then, from the iPod Kyla La Granges Cannibals began playing.

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Modern Family

100% fiction! I come from a well to do family in Delhi. Our family could be described as somewhat a modern family I have a younger sister who's 20. My dad's 45 and my mom is 40 and I myself an 22 years of age. My mom is the bomb shell of the family, she's 5'8 has large D cup breasts and a perfect ass. Shes has curves to kill for. she looks younger than her age. Both my sister and mom receive a lot of attention from men in public places or at parties that we host or go to. We are prominent...

3 years ago
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Escapism The Modern Man

ESCAPISM: The Modern Man "Fuck yes! Yes Daddy! Fuck me like a little bitch!," I scream into the pillow. My arched back allowing my partner full access to my greedy asshole. He slams harder in response. One leg bent, pointing a pink glossy stiletto heel towards the ceiling, bouncing against my stocking clad legs. Straightening my long caramel blonde wig, I run my hands against my partner's sturdy thigh, reiterating the approval of my girlish screams. My high pitched, fake...

2 years ago
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Modern Amazon Feminist Society

Modern Amazon Feminist Society By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), bondage, trangender (TG), Body Modification and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the...

3 years ago
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Modern Day Marriage

Thanks to mikothebaby for editing this story Betty Sutton scanned the bar around her nervously. Though she'd done this many times before, she was always worried that she'd run into someone she knew. The chances of that were remote since she'd picked a meeting place that was a half hour's drive away from her neighborhood, but you couldn't be too careful. Only stupid people weren't careful, but that was why stupid people got caught. Betty didn't want to run into anyone she knew. The...

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Midday double feature

Last year I was online looking thru some personal ads and found one that said "Big Cock with huge load voyeor" I replied to it and he sent me some stats with a few pics of his big cock. He sent me his number and said text me if you are serious and can follow directions. I text him and he replied back with this "you will do as I say and be rewarded with cum" I replied back "yes"He asked if I would be free on Thursday midday and I would be so I said yes. He told me to go to the local movie...

1 year ago
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Cheat Codes

I was twenty when my life changed. Or perhaps I was fifty. Well, one me was twenty, and the other was fifty, if that makes any sense. It will. Anyway, twenty year old me was sitting on the couch one Saturday, playing some videogames and unwinding from a demanding week at the software company I worked at, when suddenly, a man appeared from thin air in the room, right between myself and the screen of my television. I swore as I dropped the console, partially in fright, and partially because...

4 years ago
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Cuckold asks wife to cheat again

Me and my wife are fairly recently married but we have been in a cuckold relationship way before marriage.For those of you who have read my stories, as you know we entered this life style when I caught my wife cheating on me... The story is one of the earlier stories on my page so feel free to read it.Anyway this story happened a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty horny and my wife Sue was out on a date so I decided to read some of my older stories and remember all the hot experiences me and Sue...

2 years ago
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All Men Cheat

All rights reserved by the author, © 2002. No commercial re-prints authorized without express written permission of the author. All men cheat. Some men cheat between their ears and keep their little head in their pants. Some men chase women like it's an obsession. It is an obsession when you think about it. And some men cheat and don't admit it. Eatin' ain't cheatin', it ain't no disgrace. But if her lips are on your willie, it's cheating even if you are the president. All men...

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An Evil Witch in the Modern World

http://forum.chyoa.com/threads/story-discussion-and-planning-for-an-evil-witch-in-the-modern-world.11/ EDITOR'S WARNING: This story has strong forced sexual and BDSM themes, and is not at all suitable for those not interested in "Bad Endings" for the heroines and heroes. There are many possible story paths, each with their own dangers. Turn back now if you expect mostly happy endings. This is the dark story of a modern world corrupted by a newly awakened witch. Three hundred years ago, the...

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Kumar Apartments English 8211 Part 1 Modern City Modern Culture And My Modern Bhabhi

Hello friends. This is my series named Kumar Apartment, which is already published in Hindi. But as per my reader’s demand, I am now publishing it in English. This is a story of multiple characters of an apartment called Kumar Apartments. You will be finding a lot of characters in it. I hope you enjoy what I give to you. Anyone who wants to give me their feedback can mail me on Episode 1: Modern City Modern Cultures And My Modern Bhabhi Narrated by Akash Hi, my name is Akash. I was going to...

2 years ago
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Happy Wives Dont Cheat

Man wins his life and his wife back. Happy Wives Don’t Cheat She walked up to the table with a nervous smile. She was still just as beautiful as always. Shoulder length dark red hair, blue eyes, and a small frame, yea she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Petite is what she was best described as. Not much in the way of breast or an ass, but slim and perfect. But, she wasn’t supposed to be here. They promised me she wouldn’t be here. I guess they lied like they have been for months. I...

1 year ago
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Happy Wives Dont Cheat

Man wins his life and his wife back.Happy Wives Don't CheatShe walked up to the table with a nervous smile. She was still just as beautiful as always. Shoulder length dark red hair, blue eyes, and a small frame, yea she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Petite is what she was best described as. Not much in the way of breast or an ass, but slim and perfect. But, she wasn't supposed to be here. They promised me she wouldn't be here. I guess they lied like they have been for months. I should...

4 years ago
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To Cheat or Not to Cheat

To cheat or not to cheat on my wife, that is the question I need to face right now. I have been living in hell for the past six and a half years. Then I met two women from my past who have made me question if my vows are worth the agony I am suffering now. We have been married for twenty years, now. Our 19 year old daughter, Melody, married her high school sweetheart, Sam Marlowe, last year. Their courtship was much like ours way back when. I hope and pray that their life doesn't end up like...

2 years ago
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An All Night Cheat

"Are you serious, Vicky, you want to throw Angela her bachelorette party?" he asked, handing us a couple of beers."Yes, John," she answered, taking her's. "She might be your fiancé, but she's my new best friend. It's not like we're gonna talk about you, we're fucking sick of that now, aren't we, Angela?" she asked, rubbing my leg.I immediately twitched somewhat and grinned. "Yes, Vicky.""You heard her, John, now get lost, it'll be awkward if the strippers show up and you're...

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A Modern Metamorphosis

A Modern Metamorphosis Stephen sipped his morning's second cup of coffee--he was on his coffee break, after all--and scrolled down, reading of Pyramus and Thisbe, a tale he'd begun yesterday, but hadn't finished before it had been time to resume work. He was writing an instruction manual for a bidet, one of his more unusual and, in an odd way, sexier recent assignments as a technical writer. It wasn't every day that someone in his line of work was given the opportunity to write about a...

3 years ago
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A ldquomodern womanrsquosrdquo guide in male oral servitude

Foreword: When talking about oral sex most men automatically think first about fellatio, blow jobs etc. and only later on maybe about cunnilingus or eating pussy. It is such a common male attitude and unfortunately as well a widespread image in magazines, films and groups/communities on the net. A picture of a naked girl on her knees sucking a guy’s cock doesn’t raise an eyebrow anymore, but a naked guy on his knees eating out a girl always stirs the emotions, especially when the girl is still...

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How My Mom Became Modern

Hello friends. I am Vikraal Kaushik( Vicky) from a small town near Jaipur in Rajasthan.  My dad, Mr. Bhavik Kaushik, lives in Dubai and visits us once in a year. We are the richest people in our society. I am a very handsome guy, and very fair colored.  I am 5 ft. 11 inch tall, with bare chest and grand personality. I am currently doing B.Com from a college in Jaipur. Girls there used to stare at me, many of them also proposed me, but i nodded, as I’ve to concentrate on my studies. Now let me...

1 year ago
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A Very Modern Family

Note : This story is a parody of ‘Modern Family’, the sitcom. All the actors are above 18. * Dylan laid back on Haley’s bed with a wide smile on his face. ‘Nice, Haley’ he said to the slender brunette whose lips were wrapped around his cock. ‘You’re getting much better at it this!’. Haley smiled at the compliment. She had only recently started giving blowjobs, but she quickly learned how much she loved doing it. She held the cock in front of her, mesmerised by its size. ‘Mmmm! You taste...

1 year ago
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Will the wife cheat

Susan is tempted Would my Susan cheat? This is a true story of what happened with my spouse, Susan who I have been married to for over 15 years. Susan and I met in college and married when I was 25 and she was 22. Susan was, and still is a very attractive blonde. Actually I should say, dirty blonde. She has big brown eyes and can look innocent as hell. She is 5’4” and 121 lb, so she has managed to stay in pretty decent shape. Last year, after 14 years of marriage, things were...

Cheating Wife
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My Wife wants to Cheat

My Wife wants to Cheat *Ill keep the truth of this story to myself. Ill let the readers decide for themselves. I have to hand it to my wife, shes honest. This all started when the wife was young. Her and her sisters all got horny over their male cousin. He was a tall, dark haired guy. A wonderful personality. The outgoing life of family gatherings. He was charming to all the ladys and was just a handsome guy. My wife told me about him and how her, and her sisters had the hots for the guy. She...

4 years ago
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Dont you want to cheat on me

What would you say if your wife would tell you without warning she would like to see you fucking another woman? Well, I was totally shocked! Could it be? My lovely wife asks me to cheat on her? What sounds like a dream for some guys had to have a reason, right? I got suspicious. Should she have a lover by herself? As long as we were together I never did cheat on her, not before and not after the wedding. Not even in my darkest dreams I would have considered to cheat on her. I was happy - also...

2 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 7

It was two days after Manny’s pain-pleasure solution at the Dunphy household. The spanking therapy had worked to help the family reduce their hypnotic induced cravings. The frequent application of pain and humiliation of having to bare their asses and ask for a spanking from each other had somehow blocked their mental instincts to carry out their conditioning. It hadn’t worked perfectly, though. In part, because the family loathed the spankings and didn’t apply them consistently. Alex worked...

3 years ago
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The Next Morning After The All Night Cheat

After sleeping for at least eight hours, I calmly opened my eyes and saw him there. "Holy shit, John, what are you doing?" I whispered."What am I doing?" he laughed softly. "What happened last night? Did you two hook up?" he whispered, getting close to me. "I haven't seen her tits in years, and yours look a lot sexier next to hers," he muttered, before kissing me. "Seriously, what's going on here? Did you two drink too much and just wind up sleeping together naked. Did you two have...

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An Hour Long Cheat

"Well, you two seem to be clicking," he pointed out, getting out of the car. "You two planned almost our whole wedding by yourselves, and now you are getting a massage from her too. I certainly did picture you two killing each other.""Why, John?" I pondered, closing the gap between us. "It isn't like I stole you from her. You were divorced for over a year before we met," I reminded him before taking his hands in mine. 'Although, you did leave a beyond sexy hussy,' I thought, kissing him.We went...

2 years ago
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Meri Modern Family 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, mera naam Rohan Arora meri age 23 hai aur main apni gf ke saath living relation main huunn pichle 1 saal se aur hum dono mumbai main rehte hai waise to main pune ka rehne wala huunn apni studies ke liye mumbai aaya tha aur abhi yaha event organiser huunn aur har weekend mujhe pune jana adta hai meri family se milne. Meri family Dad- rajesh arora, age 48, height 5ft 11″ aur lund ka size 7 inch hai, ye ek businessman hai aur jyadatar abhi ghar par hee rehte hai aur pura din aaram...

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Modern Family Claires Fathers Day GiftChapter 5

“You licked up my pee!” Gloria made a face, but she didn’t fool anyone ... she was actually very flattered that Claire lusted enough for her that she craved her piss. “And your sweet pussy juice and any cum that oozed down your thigh. Don’t worry, we can clean that ottoman and remember to use that one as one of our special pieces of furniture, after all. You know, the kinky kind. Look, Gloria, baby, we have a hall pass for the both of us. We clearly wanted that. We might as well use it, as...

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Slut craves to cheat

Catherine, Steven and Benjamin.Catherines Version.For the last three years my Husband Steven and I have partaken in the local swinging scene.I have enjoyed a variety of erect cocks during this time and one or two, I must say, were exceptional, very large and very hard. Steven is in possession of a fine hard 8” cock which always pleases the ladies we swing with, and undoubtedly pleases me.Their husbands don’t seem to be too disappointed when I open my shaved pussy for them to slide their hard...

1 year ago
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A Man of the Modern Era

Introduction: A parallel to another of my stories, where comets and plague have made the world a harsh and dangerous place. But some remain civilized, and can even form bonds with each other. A Man of the Modern Era I am become, without choice, a modern kind of guy though Im over fifty. I recall the heady days of JFK and his Camelot, when all seemed right with the world. As a kid back then, I had a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideals, everything seemed magical. I later watched men walk on the...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Sexy And Modern Mom

Hi friends, I am Parthiv and I am going to narrate my first story in Indian sex stories . So pardon me for my mistakes. I am from Noida. My mom’s name is Varsha a modern but conservative woman who wears sexy and modern dress in home but always wear saari when she leaves home.Her size is 36-30-36 and her complexion is fair. She wears saari, salwar kameez, jeans-top, tang tops, shorts mostly denim and of thigh length. But most of the times she is in saari aur salwar kameez.I was never having any...

3 years ago
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Sweet Loretta Modern

Host: "Good evening. If you're just joining us, we're talking tonight with Loretta Modern, star of the new... (clears throat)... adult film 'Lady Lust'.Loretta: "Good evening."Host: "So, tell us, Loretta, do you really enjoy your work, or are you just fake fucking for the camera?"Loretta: "I can assure you, Tom, there's nothing fake about it. And, yes, I really do like it. I've done other types of work in my life and this is the most... fun I've ever had working (laughs)."Host: "Caller, you...

4 years ago
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Modern Age

Modern Age Man, I just love living in the Modern Age. Technology is such a wonderful thing - and so sexy too! Here I am, all frillied up for my lady, kneeling before her with her collar around my throat, with her hand on the back of my head pressing my face into her beautiful, beautiful pussy, and with my tongue working all over that gorgeous clit of hers as I try to coax it into becoming a cock. Yes, it is true that if you lick it hard enough and lick a clit well enough it can...

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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 2

Author’s Note: This second chapter was written by my collaborator in this tale, Eddie Davidson. Luke wasn’t the brightest bulb in the socket. He was eager to please and enthusiastic. He was also easily suggestible. He had to be because the mind-control pills that were in the tea were entirely placebo. Luke didn’t know that, and he had no idea how long it would take to wear off. He knew he had fucked up, though. The girls had confiscated his remaining tea. It was clearly marked as a...

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She Will Cheat

You know what everyone loves? Porn networks. People especially love it when porn networks get all confusing and redirect you 100 times over before you get to the smut you paid for. That’s exactly what you get with SheWillCheat. I am being sarcastic. I hate this. This website is giving me butt cancer. How can a website that’s filled to the brim with Valentina Nappi level videos make me upset? Bad design. Seriously. This website’s content can only be summarized as 10/10 mainstream porn but you...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Short Fanfics

Each chapter will be a different short story. Most of these at least initially will be from my work over on the Image Inspiration thread, which is a great post but is unwieldly for new cummers. I will also post completely new ones, including a new Kate Upton story to kick things off. Several of these will be more of the non-con/reluctant variety, so I will go ahead and mark the consensual ones as such in case that's all you're into. Additionally, each chapter will have the celeb or character...

3 years ago
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FIVE Raquel Fuentes was taking little satisfaction from the fact that the...

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Cheat On Me Cheat On You

Amanda’s Bar was slowly filling up, as was usual on Fridays. It was a good place to start the weekend. The drinks were both good and affordable, and the music was quiet enough that you could held a conversation without shouting. And, though nobody knew exactly how or why it had happened, the regular crowd was made up mostly of lesbians with the odd gay couple thrown in. It had become something like our second living room."Anne! Could you stop staring at the slut’s bum and look at me while I...

4 years ago
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Cheaters Never Prosper Revenge on cheating wife i

Revenge on cheating wife is sweetI was very pleased with myself as I drove from the Long Term Parking Garage at the airport and headed home. I was two days early. I had tried to let Grace, my wife, know but the phone was busy every time I tried to call. She must have been on-line. She spent a lot of time on the computer.I tried to reach her on the cell phone again and again as I made the almost two hour drive home. Busy, busy, busy. As I entered town I did a double take on a car I saw parked in...

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Did My Girlfriend Cheat On Me

Did my girlfriend cheat on me?Last week, I woke up to choking and slurping sounds, mixed with some sports commentary from our TV in the living room. My head was throbbing, my eyes hurt, and my throat felt dry from the dehydration caused by the few too many beers and shots I had the night before when we were celebrating my birthday.It took me a few moments before I realized where I was and what was going on. Turning around in my bed, I realized my girlfriend had been missing. She probably...

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Would Susan Cheat

Would my spouse of 15 years succumb to temptation? This is a true story of what happened with my spouse, Susan who I have been married to for over 15 years. Susan and I met in college and married when I was 25 and she was 22. Susan was, and still is a very attractive blonde. Actually I should say, dirty blonde. She has big brown eyes and can look innocent as hell. She is 5’4” and 121 lb, so she has managed to stay in pretty decent shape. Last year, after 14 years of marriage, things were...

Cheating Wife
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Modern Family

Choose a character Luke- the youngest and only son in the Dunfee family. He isn't too bright when it comes to school, but he does wield some impressive street smarts. He has two older sisters, Haley and Alex. Luke can be annoying to them sometimes. He is usually considered his parents', Phil and Claire, favorite child. Luke has somewhat curly dark hair. He isn't very athletic with an average build to his body. Claire- She is the mother of three children, Haley, Alex, and Luke. Her husband is...

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Modern Family Claires Fathers Day GiftChapter 3

Gloria Maria Ramirez Pritchett, Jay’s very hot-blooded Colombian second wife, had certainly been busy most of that day, shopping, getting styled, mothering Manny and Joe, and otherwise preparing for their visit to the Dunphys as invited by her stepdaughter, Claire, and Claire’s rather charming husband, Phil. Many a time Gloria had stolen glances at Phil, finding him adorable in his poorly concealed boyish crush on her. She was still madly in love with Jay, even if also dependent on him for...

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Modern Family Claires Fathers Day GiftChapter 4

“What are we gonna do now? Claire tricked us into cheating on our spouses, though to be fair, I accidentally cheated on Claire this morning and she was totally cool with it. In fact, I can’t help but wonder if she set that up, too. Knowing Claire, this is her attempt at a Father’s Day gift for Jay and myself. She probably lured him into bed with her and fucked him herself. Incest. As in, daddy/daughter incest. “She knew that I was attracted to you and that it would be enjoyable for me to...

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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 11

“So, thank you for having me,” Sal told Claire, her eyes dancing with real mischief as she noticed how tense and awkward Mrs. Dunphy was. “Yes, well, it’s high time that we made peace, right? You’re close to Mitch and Cam, so that should matter, right?” Claire answered, her hands shaking with her latest cigarette craving. Why hadn’t anyone, in all of these hypnotic sessions, bothered to rid her of her nicotine addiction? What could be done about that? Maybe it was the wrong people to do the...

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Ive cheated on every single ExGF who was a part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee One caught me cheating

I'm a tall, dominant, hot, fit dude with a pornstar sized cock (proof on my Fetlife) living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved from SoCal (West Hollywood LA area) where every other chic had a nice rack, perfect cleavage and at least a full C cup tits. NorCal was the opposite, it's like finding a damn unicorn here, most chics have As or Bs, rarely even see Cs and when you do, they are obese (I'm not into overweight women either). It was so easy for me to get laid with hot women with bigger...

4 years ago
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Wife Forced To Cheat 2

FORCED TO CHEAT CHAPTER: 2 This is continuation of Forced to Cheat. All characters are fictional and should not be taken seriously. This is for pure entertainment purpose. Sharron climbed back into her car and headed for home. Her pussy ached like never before. I can’t believe that I just sucked a stranger’s cock, she thought to herself. Sharron now had a bitter taste of cum in her mouth and a terrible ache in her pussy that needed to be satisfied. As she was headed for home she thought...

4 years ago
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Wife Forced To Cheat 2

FORCED TO CHEAT CHAPTER: 2 This is continuation of Forced to Cheat. All characters are fictional and should not be taken seriously. This is for pure entertainment purpose. Sharron climbed back into her car and headed for home. Her pussy ached like never before. I can’t believe that I just sucked a stranger’s cock, she thought to herself. Sharron now had a bitter taste of cum in her mouth and a terrible ache in her pussy that needed to be satisfied. As she was headed for home she thought about...

Group Sex

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