Im So Drunk Right Now… free porn video

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Introduction: Happy St. Patricks day my ass. I was out getting drunk at a bar after getting dumped by my girlfriend and meet a girl there doing the same thing. We both share our sorrows and one thing leads to another and needless to say we wind up at my place. Now the weird thing is when I didnt take advantage of her she got upset and practically begged me to. What a great way to spend Saint Patricks Day. I was planning on getting drunk anyway, but now I was angry and drinking far more than I knew I should, but I didnt care. I just wanted to forget my lying, cheating whore of an ex-girlfriend.

Everyone else was cheering, celebrating the Irish holiday, drinking watered down green beer. Instead I started off hard with two shots of vodka, and hardly slowed down the rest of the night. In the sea of green rowdy revelers one lady stood out as I bumped into her getting another drink. I was pretty drunk, but she seemed to be an attractive blonde in a sexy green dress. She scowled, and seemed to be drinking just as heavily as I was. I dont know exactly what I said or did, but she looked at me and said in a disgusted tone, Men fucking suck shit.

I shot right back without thinking, Women are all lying whores.

After that she responded with a string of even more derogatory insults against my sex, and I kept up with her, letting out all my hate on this complete stranger. Half of our drunken insults didnt even make sense, but that didnt matter to either of us as we just ranted and drank.

We spent the rest of the night drinking and cursing as the bar cleared out as the night wore on. Im hazy on the details, but we were ushered out when the bar closed at two in the morning. Then she looked at me and said, Im so drunk right now&hellip, I probably shouldnt drive home.

My brain should have warned me, but like a fool I volunteered, I live in an apartment just down the street. Then we stumbled down the empty dark street, up the three long flight of stairs, and into my apartment.

The place was a mess between the broken lamp still in shards where Id thrown it during the fight Id had with my girlfriend earlier that day, so only half the normal light came on when I flipped the switch. I showed her the couch, then walked into my bedroom crashed onto the bed.

The long walk and stairs had really sent all the alcohol right to my brain, so I passed out seconds after my head hit the pillow. Im not sure how long I slept, but it was still mostly dark out when I woke to the sound of crying.

I got up and followed the sound back out of my open bedroom door. I was still light headed and buzzed, but no longer blind drunk. So looking down at the sobbing woman I could tell she was actually really hot looking, even with her disheveled hair and streaking makeup. Whats wrong? I asked wiping the sleep from my eyes.

She looked up and instantly tried to bottle herself back up, Nothing. Im sorry. I should go. She went to stand, but wobbled and sat back down and put her hand to her head. Whoa, she muttered, Im so dumb.

Its okay, I comforted her, but she was having none of it.

No, she cried. Im so useless I cannot even have a drunken one night stand right.

That threw me a little. Had she wanted me to take advantage of her? Look, Im sorry, but I wasnt trying to pick you up last night. I just broke up with my long-term girlfriend yesterday and was just looking to drown my sorrows.

She wiped at her running mascara with the back of her hand. Me too. I found out Brian has been porking his secretary when I went to surprise him for lunch yesterday.

Yea, Beth was about the same, I related my story. Shed told me she was hanging out with her girlfriends, but then I went to surprise her with changing her phone background with a picture of me and got a sexy text from some guy.

She was cheating on you? she asked.

With at least three different guys, one who was a friend of mine. I confessed. It felt really good to let it all out. Id lost my girlfriend and one of my best friends. All my other friends already knew, some for longer than I had, but just felt they couldnt tell me. Id gone out with Beth for five years, and lived together for the last two. Id had plans to ask her to marry me, but shed just been using my love for free rent.

I looked at the blonde woman and sat down next to her. What a pair we are, I laughed.

Then she looked me in the eye, She must have been hot?

What? I asked confused.

You didnt want to sleep with me, so I must not be as good looking, she explained.

I felt bad, seeing her sad and messy face so grabbed a box of tissues and handed them to her. She thanked me and cleaned up her makeup while I tried to comfort her. Actually I think you are much hotter, way out of my league, but you cannot be too careful with date rape these days.

God! Political correctness will be the death of us, she said exasperated. I really need to feel like a woman. Can you help me? She pleaded with deep blue puppy dog eyes, now mostly clean from her makeup, but still shimmering wet from her tears. Before I knew it she had drawn me into a kiss.

Her breath was quite bad, like rotten fruit from the copious amounts of booze she had put away last night, but Im sure mine was no better. And once our lips touched it didnt matter. Nothing mattered. Id felt the same way she must have, lonely, hurt, betrayed, alone. So just being allowed to loving someone, even on the shaky pretense of a drunken one-nighter was enough to discard all my doubts and inhibitions. She needed me and I needed her. I reached over and took her into my arms as our hungry tongues darted and probed back and forth, dueling each other as the flames of our lust feed off each other.

Our hands were all over each other, grabbing, squeezing, pulling at our clothing. Her green party dress easily came off her shoulders easily and exposed her bra-less plump and delicious tits that I left her face to suckle on. She moaned in pleasure at my pulling and sucking as her nipples grew hard and pointed, letting me tweak and nibble on the hard bumpy flesh. She hadnt stopped undressing me as I did this, but couldnt unbutton my shirt properly, so I lost a button or two and she fought with it. Once it was open she pushed me back off the couch and right to the floor, where she pounced on me, grabbing my belt and harshly yanking it off and tossing it once itd been pulled free. Then she opened my fly and pried open my jeans button.

I hadnt expected anything so was wearing tight white underwear that were now getting painfully tight. She grabbed my waistband and tugged them down, but I had to arch back to lift my butt to give her the ability to pull them down. Then, much as I had with her tits she swallowed my schlong whole. I wasnt fully hard yet, still woozy from the alcohol that hadnt yet been cleaned from my system, but at least a few hours had passed so I wasnt totally out of it.

I laughed as she was able to fit my whole few inches in her mouth and put her lips right into my bristly bush. She wasnt able to do that for long though as her mouth massaged my cock the rest of the way awake. All I could think is that Beth would never do this for me, always claiming that it was gross, but then I could see her sucking every cock in town behind my back and here was this woman I just met going to town on me. I opened my eyes again pulled her blonde mess of frizzy hair aside so I could watch her lips vacuuming up my shaft, her cheeks sucked in, pleasantly bobbing up and down my long hard shaft now, only able to get halfway down now that I was at full size.

Then she let my dong pop free as she climbed up my body. Immediately my brain finally gave off a warning. Id always used condoms with Beth, and now was thankful since shed been whoring and had who knew how many diseases. She had been my first and only lover in college, and Id fallen for her hard when I first meet her. She was so wild and carefree, having been open and honest about sex, or so I though, telling me I was her twentieth lover. She told me I was the best, but obviously not good enough to keep adding to that list.

Id always wanted to go bareback, maybe have some kids, but Beth totally hated that idea, and Id changed my life to accept that reality because I loved her. But now I had no delusions that this woman was going to be my one and only. I didnt know her at all, and her own lover had been a cheater as well. I had no idea if she was clean, and I didnt want to regret this moment for the rest of my life. All this blitzed through my brain in half a second as soon as I realized she was moving to ride me.

There are condoms in the bedstand if you want, I offered, trying to make it sound like a suggestion to protect her instead of self-preservation.

Brian&hellip, she said as if just saying the name of her ex was torture. Ive never been with anyone else and he always used them. She paused, unsure but considering her words. Then she lifted off of me, Ill get one.

Wait&hellip, I said and grabbed her hips to bring her back to me. I believed her, but still the risks weighed heavily on me. Even if she was clean I didnt want a child with a stranger that I was going to have to pay for the rest of my life. Ive always had to use them too, but what if you get pregnant? I asked.

She smiled and bent down to kiss me again, pushing up her beautiful tits as she held my face. Dont worry, it should be a safe day for me. And I promise, no matter what, you never have to see me again if you dont want to. I dont even know your name&hellip, I started to speak, but she put her finger to my lips, Dont. Its better this way.

I didnt argue with her after that. She hiked up her dress letting me see her simple white panties concealing her womanhood. Then she just pulled them a little and I couldnt see it well enough, but her hands grabbed my cock and pushed it inside her. It was so hot and wet, nothing like the cold gooey or chafing condoms. It was like a warm buttery heaven wrapped around my pole and smothered it with love.

She must have been thinking the same thing. Oh God, its so hot&hellip, she moaned as her vagina swallowed me up. Once she was almost all the way in her pelvis settled onto mine, but I wasnt all the way in yet. I pushed up and pulled down on her hips, causing her to squeak in surprise as I pushed her to her interior limits. She smiled down at me, And so big too.

After that we didnt speak. She closed her eyes and just worked her body up and down, churning on my cock to hit her pleasure spots and driving me wild. It was amazing and wonderful. I was seeing stars and my head was swimming with euphoria. It had been almost a weeks since Beth had let me fuck her last so I was worried I wouldnt last long enough for this sexy woman.

I returned my attention to her large tits that were hanging down over my chest, lifting on and craning my neck up to suckle on it as she rocked back and forth, but it was awkward and painful on my hard wood floor I gave her other breast similar treatment for a moment, then relaxed my head back and just fondled her twins with my hands as her riding was getting more serious. Her breathing was getting shallower, and I could tell she was getting close, but I was starting to be in pain from being flat on my back on the floor and so wasnt staying completely hard and she could tell, Whats wrong?

My back&hellip, I said regretfully. Here was the sexiest moment in my life, only rivaled by the night Beth took my virginity, and I was ruining it.

Oh, she said sorry and got up off of me. I groaned and rolled up to my knees stretching my back and neck out. She didnt waste any time though and got back on the couch, facing away from me with her ass in the air, still wearing the dress and panties which had flopped back to being mostly in place. Here, do me this way.

She pulled her panties back to the side, letting me see clearly her fuzzy light brown cunt hair. I guess she wasnt a true blonde, but that didnt bother me. I got behind her and instead of taking her invitation to go right back to fucking decided to show her what Beth called my best quality, my mouth on her cunt.

I pulled her panties all the way down, discarding them to the floor, and pressed my mouth against her wet vagina and flicked my tongue over her clit. She went wild, shaking and squealing, and I loved showing off how good I was. Beth always made me lick her off before I was allowed to fuck her, and she never came quite as hard from fucking as she did from my tongue, but now I wondered if she wasnt faking her second orgasms just to get me off and done with.

My new lover cried out how it was the driving her insane and I didnt let up until I could tell she was cuming. Her body tensed, her ass shook, and her breathing stopped as she groaned her pleasure wordlessly and loudly. She almost collapsed and I pulled back and leaned to look around her ass on the side her head was pressed up against the back of the couch and made sure she was alright.

Her eyes finished rolling and fluttering, and she pulled back her hair to look at me clearly. God, and girl that would cheat on that is an idiot.

Her complement was heartwarming and I returned it in kind, Id have to say the same about you. You are by far the sexist woman Ive ever seen.

Yea right&hellip, she scoffed and adjusted herself back up to a kneeling position.

No, I mean it, I insisted.

Well, show me then. Im all wet and need some fucking hard cock in me, she said pushing out her ass again. I was still pretty hard, and happy to oblige. I stood behind her and lined up my dick with her wide open cunt lips and pushed back inside. Come on, give it all to me, she urged me on as I pushed all the way in. It only took a few thrusts before my hardon had once more regained its full rigidity and I was spearing her twat relentlessly, jabbing at her cervix. Oh yea, there it is.

After that we just fucked like animals for several minutes. She was a woman, and I was a man, and it was just nature. I needed to relieve myself, and she needed the same. Then she said something that caught me up, Thats it. Harder. Use me. Im Beth and I want it.

What? I asked.

You still love her, the woman said over her shoulder. I can tell. Just&hellip, pretend Im her for one last time. She didnt look at me, but could tell I was unsure about doing this. If&hellip, you pretend Im her and I pretend you are Brian&hellip, Would that be okay?

I thought, and figured, what the hell. I pushed back into her and closed my eyes to change her blonde hair to brown and said, God Beth, your pussy is so tight tonight.

Something about making her Beth in my mind made all the difference. While I had been hard and the fucking had felt great it just needed that little spark to really get me off. I wondered if she had imagined my oral loving of her as being given from Brian, but I didnt care. I focused on the imaginary Beth and found my stride in making love to her now, no longer just rutting like an animal.

She panted and moaned over the wet slapping of my cock as it drilled inside her, my hips pounding into her ass. Of, fuck, she cried as I felt one hand of hers reach down to rub her clit as I banged her. It was like a switch had flipped and I was going to cum in just seconds, the blood quickly pounding in my ears. Cum for me Brian, she moaned as he pussy tightened. I need it.

I could be Brian as long as she was Beth. Im cuming! I grunted and felt the deliriously pleasant felling of my sperm spray out, bathing her womb with my salty swimmers. Over and over I convulsed, like a cannon, unloading into her, then a half second pause as I reloaded before firing once more. Her body churned and sucked my every shot out as Beths never had. I wasnt just spraying it into the tight rubber tip of a condom , but actually having real sex for the first time. It was pure ecstasy.

I stayed locked against her, both of us panting for breath and just letting the pleasure wash over our bodies locked together in desperate desire. When my cock had gotten too soft to stay in I pulled back, and her cooch expelled a long sticky trail of semen to the floor.

She convulsed a few times to squeeze it out, probably thinking she didnt want to get pregnant if she didnt have to risk it either, but I didnt care. I went and got some paper towels from the kitchen and found she had left her clothes here and was now using my shower. When she got out I gave her a towel and she covered her nakedness from me, strangely shy now after what we had just done. I quickly pissed and showered off as well, and wrapped a towel around my waist as I saw her checking her phone that must have been in her purse.

What are you doing? I asked.

Oh, I just called into work, she explained. Im going to have such a hangover today, she sighed rubbing her forehead.

Yea, thats a good idea, I agreed and grabbed my own phone. It was always an office joke about people calling in here on the Tuesday following Saint Patricks Day, so Im sure Id get an earful from my boss, but that would be a bridge Id cross tomorrow. I sent a quick text to my boss, then saw her grabbing her clothes. Leaving already?

Yea, she said sounding sorry that she had inconvenienced me. Youve been great, but&hellip,

Yea&hellip, I said thinking this was just the way it had to be, two strangers passing in the night, needing each other for just one moment, then never to see one another ever again. I thought then how spontaneous Beth had been, and wondered if Id still be a virgin today if she hadnt made the first move. Even here this woman had initiated this whole encounter, and Id just gone alone with it. It was then I decided I needed to change.

Its still not quite dawn, and its not like youre going to be late for work&hellip, I suggested.

Well&hellip, she hesitated holding her clothes about to enter the bathroom to change.

Come to back to bed, I said then realized she hadnt been in my bed yet. Well, to bed anyway, for at least a few hours at least. Then I laughed, Its not like either of us are worried of taking advantage of the other.

She laughed back. Thats true. Okay, she agreed and followed me into my bedroom, orange with the rising sun coming in the window. I dropped my towel and shamelessly got into my bed nude. Then I watched her do the same in dawns light, now clearly able to see all of her beautiful naked body for only a second as she got into bed next to me. Goodnight, said softly and closed her eyes. I was exhausted too, and soon drifted off to sleep, a smile on my face with the beautiful mystery woman in my bed.

When I woke up we were spooning, her back pressed up against my chest, one arm under her head and the other on her waist. I wasnt sure if she was awake yet, so squinted at the clock. It was now almost noon and I was getting hungry. More importantly though, my cock woke up again being pressed up close to this beauty again. Beth hated being touched and always slept apart from me, only touching when we had sex about once a week, but unless I missed my guess she had snuggled up to me as I slept.

Good morning, she said pleasantly, yet unmoving.

Morning, I replied. How long you been up?

Not long, she answered. But you have a great alarm clock, she informed me, wiggling her hip that my cock was pressing up against.

Great huh? I chuckled and grabbed my cock to rub the head against her ass crack.

Dont do that! Youll make me want you again, she squirmed to pull away, but I liked this and grabbed her hip with one hand and a tit with the other, pulling her back into my embrace.

And what would be so bad about that? I asked teasing her nipple, feeling it harden to my gently prodding fingertip.

Because Im not drunk anymore, she said sadly. Look, Im not normally like this&hellip, she started to explain but I cut her off.

And you think I am? I shot back. She tried to speak, but I was putting my foot down. You werent too drunk to forget what we did last night. Its okay, we both needed it. But now we are not Brian and Beth anymore. People get together for all sorts of crazy reasons, and I dont know about you, but I had a really good time last night, and Im not just talking about the sex.

My lover just quietly considered my words, and I let her go to roll her on her back as I leaned up to look her in the eye. Lets just start fresh. Hi. My name is Rick.

She laughed and squinted her eyes as her smile engulfed her whole face, Pleased to meet you Rick. Im Karen. She held up her hand and instead of shaking it since I was holding myself up with my hands I just kissed it, making her laugh again.

It seems to me Karen, that we are a lot alike, including in our unfaithful exs, I explained. So I propose that you and I should start dating. Its not like either of us are seeing anyone else.

I&hellip, she looked like she was about to instantly agree before her brain over road her. Im not looking for just a rebound, she countered. You seem like a really nice guy, but isnt it just too soon?

My brain said she was right, but to hell with that. Maybe it was just my little brain talking but I answered her honestly. I dont care. On top of being the sexiest woman whos ever given me the time of day, you are can cuss like a sailor and really hold your booze. So far this has been the best date of my life.

Then she pulled me down into a fierce hug whispered in my ear, Mine too. I held her close, glad she really felt the same way, but then she surprised me. So&hellip, if we are dating, then could you&hellip, she whispered, unsure if she should be saying it out loud, do that&hellip, with your mouth?

I laughed out loud, truly and deeply. She was a little nervous and scared, unsure of what to make of my reaction, but I was elated. Oh, I am going to marry you! I informed her as I kissed my way down her body, throwing off the covers before going down on her again.

And I did after only six months later. Our friends said it was a mistake, and a whirlwind wedding, or accusing her of being pregnant, but she wasnt yet, and I knew even after that first time that she was my one. A little after a year we had our first child, a girl, and we easily agreed that the only name on our list was Patty.


Im a lone amateur author, underemployed, with no editors or reviewers, so I apologize for any typos you may find (which Im sure you will.) But I try to review them several times, and I think they come out fairly well.

PLEASE, if you liked this story, rate and review it. The more copies I sell, the more I can make this a real business, maybe even make it profession and write even more and spend more time on each story.

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Would you like to try it Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

4 years ago
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Sharing the Load Snowballing

"Have you ever heard of snowballing?" my wife asked me one night as she sensed my moment of climax rapidly approaching.We often spoke to each other during sex, even oral sex, which was our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other.Recently we had increased our gym nights from two to three each week, working out on the machines and enjoying the ever-present eye candy. For a couple in our forties, we were both in pretty good shape, if I must say so myself, and sweating and straining...

3 years ago
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Miss cartwright 3

To fully understand this story it is recommended that you read parts Miss Cartwright And Miss Cartwright 2. I had not seen Miss Cartwright for more than 20 years, I was now a fully fledged Customs Officer working at a local Airport (which will remain nameless). I was on night shift and it was 2am the flight from Faro had just landed, I scanned the crowd as I always did and saw someone I thought was familiar, I quickly checked the flight manifest and yes there she was Miss Sarah Cartwright, I...

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Brighton Pier

Brighton Pier By Belle Gordon The heavy iron door banged shut and the keys turned in the lock. I lay down on my bed and resigned myself to being locked up for the next twenty two hours. As I'd done many times previously I cursed my stupidity. Love had blinded me to the risks and dangers involved in breaking the law. I thought I had covered my tracks but I'd got careless and greedy. Inevitably I got caught. I should have foreseen what was likely to happen when I'd stolen the...

3 years ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 2 updated

It was a long day for me. Hardly paying attention to schoolwork. Thinking of what I had done the previous night. The long ride home in the back seat of the car with my own drunk Mom on my lap. Getting so full of lust that I actually fucked my own mother without her even knowing. Going several times to the washroom and half whacking off, but stopping myself in anticipation of that evening. I helped Mom make dinner and sat with her for awhile on the sofa watching TV. I had mentioned a movie...

1 year ago
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Drunk college Student got more than he bargained for

Ryan was with his buddies drinking at a near by Billiards bar, when he received a text from his girlfriend. can't wait too see you next week included with a nude picture. Now Ryan had been without sex for almost a month as they were attending different schools in different cities. Ryan had a long walk home, and was so horny he remembered one of his bi friends had told him about a discreet web-site he could find quick easy blow jobs from other men online, now Ryan wasn't gay but he really needed...

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Linda Wright’s seven year old nephew Matthew has been living in her home for a month with her sixteen year old daughter Mary, and her thirteen year old daughter Donna. Along with her loving Christian husband Dan whom she has been happily married to for over twenty years. Linda was very pleased with how well behaved Matthew has been ever since that fateful day in church, where he learned a good lesson, after lying over Miss Calusa’s knee. Matthew has been provided with structure, along with...

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Discovering BanyaCh 3Boris Hero Of Brighton Beach Meets Eve Banya Girl

The day after the hurricane the waves were huge at Brighton Beach.  The Russian part of the population had defied the emergency evacuation order and now crossed the yellow police tape to have a look.One person stepped out of the crowd, let his robe drop, and strode proudly naked to take the plunge.  Boris rode the breakers up and down, past the jetty, accompanied by roaring applause from the appreciative group remaining on shore.Several hours later, Eve, who had witnessed the fantastic event...

Love Stories
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On The London to Brighton Line

It’s early. Far to early to be up on New Years Day, but we are up anyway. We are on our way to Brighton from London. My girlfriend Jess is asleep with her head in my lap, as the train passes through Gatwick and our carriage empties out. It looks like not a lot of people are on their way to Brighton this rather chilly early New Years morning. Jess wakes up as we stop at the next station. She looks up and me and smiles sleepily. She has a great smile. Her long brown hair is tousled and partly...

2 years ago
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A Night in Brighton

Friday 28 November 1952 Our one night together in Brighton began by us meeting as arranged in the concourse of London Bridge railway station, at five in the afternoon to catch the 17.15 train. I had already picked up the first class tickets from the office. There was a freezing pea-souper in London that Friday afternoon in late November and you could barely see a hand in front of your face. As the weather was so bad I left my rented house in Croydon half an hour early so I was waiting for her...

2 years ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. ‘Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

1 year ago
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Miss Cartwright 2

Miss Cartwright Part 2 Part 1 ended where I had suffered a Spanking and caning at the hand of Miss Cartwright the Art teacher for submitting a picture of her in a class project. The following week I handed in my Art homework as usual it had been a landscape and I knew that I could do that okay so I had no worries, school went on and I sat my exams and on the last day of term I once again saw Miss Cartwright. "Are Peter, your last day at school have you learnt your lesson in how to behave and...

1 year ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 3 updated

The next evening was a washout. Mom went out with her sister and came home late and went right to bed. I had no choice but to stay home and whack off. I talked to Jimmy that day, told him that I had seen my Mom’s tits. His eyes lit up. He said he would love to suck on them, he had sucked a grade 10 girl’s tits and she loved it. He then told me he fucked her too but she was too slutty and he just came his load. Jimmy asked if I had ever fucked a girl yet and I said yes, but wouldn’t tell...

3 years ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 1 updated

Over a few years, my Mom started having a drinking problem. I was too young when I realized it two years ago, and had no idea what to do I thought it was because my Dad was overbearing and controlling. He paid no attention to me much or my school work. He would only allow her to have female friends that he knew. He worked a lot in sales and basically neglected me and Mom. He also traveled a bit. One night she had gone to an all girls’ party with her sister. The host called...

3 years ago
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drunk dad 2

By the end of the next week my anger towards my hubby was starting to bubble over, because I knew what he was missing and that he most likely didn’t seem to care. The bastard had not touched me in years and I had a hormonally enraged teenager enraptured with me. Now after two weeks of my son staring at my breasts I guess that I started to emotionally snap a little. I finally said something. As we were walking Mr Drunk up the stairs I said to Ricky “I do have eyes you know” my god he...

3 years ago
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Drunk sexy Aunty

This story had happened when I was 18yrs old. My parents were settled in a village 40km from Ernakulam. There were no good colleges near by our village. So I had to go to Ernakulam for my college. It was difficult for me to go all the way to college from my home everyday and also my parents didn’t have enough money to admit me in the hostel. So the only option left was to stay with one of my distant relative ANJU who was living in Ernakulam. She readily agreed to this option because she was...

1 year ago
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Drunk Maid Stay Nude For Two Days 8211 Part I

Hello Friends.. Sorry for the long narration but thats my habit of story telling. It will excite you with every detail. I am a 22 years old guy with my graduation finished and searching for a good job in Hyderabad. Everybody in my relatives and friends circle got settled with a good job and status. While I was depressed with this situation, i got a call from my aunt who resides in USA asking me about my current work status. I said I am not doing anything and I am searching for a job. She said...

1 year ago
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Drunk Again

He watched as she sleep. His daddy’s new wife was hot, if he had to use one word to describe her that would be the word, she made his young cock stand up to attention many times. And his nights were filled with hot fucking and sucking. As he watches her, she turns over and out pops a tit. She had some of the biggest titties and huge nipples he’s ever seen. They were made for licking and sucking. His mouth was watering thinking about it. He walks closer, she turn’s again and he see that her...

1 year ago
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Drunk aunty

Hi My name is Ravi 25yrs old settled in Bangalore. I was from a lower middle class family. My father was a school teacher and my mother housewife. This story had happened when I was 18yrs old. My parents were settled in a village 40km from Ernakulam. There were no good colleges near by our village. So I had to go to Ernakulam for my college. It was difficult for me to go all the way to college from my home everyday and also my parents didn’t have enough money to admit me in the hostel. So the...

1 year ago
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Drunk Girlfriends Cheats

It was the 29th of October 2005. Me and my girlfriend had been invited to a halloween party two days later so we were discussing what we were going to wear. She said she had it all planned out. She was going to dress up as a naughty school girl. You know, plaid skirt, shirt tied in a knot with all the top buttons open...all the good stuff. Now what made Jessica look even hotter in that dress was the fact she had nice round tits with the perfect ass for an 18 yr old. For the jokes of it, I...

Drunk sex
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Drunk wife cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer. We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

Drunk sex
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Drunken Stepfather is a blog site featuring hundreds of posts and ‘step links’ for naked celebrities and all kinds of funny videos. It’s all about celebs and babes, and almost every post has some nipples, butts or just sexy underwear of girls you know (or may not know). You will find SFW cam girl clips, nip slips, pussy slips, celebs caught in compromising situations and much more. If you are the kind of sick individual that likes peeping under girls’ skirts, wardrobe malfunctions featuring...

The Fappening
3 years ago
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Brighton Manor Ch 01

Chapter 1 An exploration of a love-hate relationship That old manor was no place for a city girl like Stella. Perhaps if she’d been born in this country and her parents hadn’t decided to move to America when they tuned 18, she might feel more comfortable running this big mansion. She would have been living here all along if her mother hadn’t passed this house on to her younger sister when their parents died. Now that Stella’s aunt had died a lonely, some say crazy, maid at 45, her mother was...

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Brighton Nude Beach story

Four years ago my wife (my girlfriend back then) and I moved down to Brighton and had a wonderful flat just off the seafront, only 100 yards from the beach. When the summer came around it was great to go and sit on the beach and relax in the sun with a good book, magazine or just our thoughts. My girlfriend was then a petite size 14 (UK) with lovely 36D tits and curvy hips that blend into a lovely pert bottom. She has long red hair that she often wears in bunches and the prettiest little face...

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London to Brighton

I sit in Dylan Rey’s hair salon on Tunbridge Wells High Street and stare at my new little black bob.I worried it wouldn’t suit my face, that I wouldn’t be able to manage the upkeep, and that at thirty-six I was too old. Scariest of all, if I didn’t have long hair would I look blokey – the perennial risk for a transgender woman?But it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.A chunky, straight fringe hangs from a small white parting. Neat curtains either side of my face ease into dagger points...

1 year ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 15 Brighton Peer

The Prince Regent's Pavilion at Brighton is an extravagant architectural confection of English Gothic, Indian Palatial and, as a result of the Prince's predecessor, European Brutalism. The concrete and steel wing added ten years ago in an attempt to provide more comfortable living space was generally judged to have ruined the façade as seen from Old Steine but still the Pavilion presented a pleasing and mildly eccentric profile when viewed from most other directions. Miss Voutrakis and I...

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Sex With Married Teacher Of Lucknow

Friends, I am a teacher in Lucknow , this story is about my fucking experience with my co-teacher in Lucknow. Her name is Jaya Sinha (name changed) , she is so hot and sexy though short height her eyes is like sea, uska husband busy rehta hai, one day she said that mere ko subject test likhna hai maine bola aap mere ghar chalo wahin aaram se discuss karte hain. Wo maan gayin ghar pahunch kar maine coffee banayi fir hum discuss karne lag gaye uske baad meri nazar uske boobs par gayi jo bahar...

3 years ago
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Lovemaking In Lucknow

Hey girls and guys this is Aditya again with a smoking and sizzling story that will send tremors and shivers running down your spine. Girls looking for a casual relationship in Delhi or Lucknow may reach to me at Your privacy will be taken care of. This story is about Shwetha (name changed for obvious reasons). I met her through ISS only. I had posted a story “Hot Sex in Lucknow” to which corresponded and mailed me. She was a second year BBA student studying at Amity University. In her email...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex In Lucknow

Hey horny girls and guys, hope you are all doing well. They story that I narrate is a true incident that happened with me during my current stay in Lucknow. I have been in Lucknow for the past one year and have found plenty of opportunities to explore its vices and other evils. This happened during the hot month of August getting Straight to the story the girl in the story is Priya (name changed for Privacy Reasons). Let me describe myself. I am 5’9″ in height, weighing about 200 pounds and...

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The Snowstorm

The Snowstorm Mom was transferred to a new city in another part of the state, where she would be the Store Manager in charge of the local tractor supply store. It was a good promotion for her and a raise in pay. Mom and I were on the trip there when we stopped during a bad snowstorm. We were still a few hours from our destination when we found a sign pointing the way to an old hotel. It was like something out of a horror movie. We made it inside and found no one there. Mom hit the bell...

1 year ago
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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of...

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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of Miss...

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Drunk Opportunities 1 Jordan0

I made it a habit. Now though, instead of waiting for girls to drink themselves to black out, I prefer to give them a little concoction of roofies I mixed myself. The drug would not only render the taker unconscious, but it reduced reflexes and causes amnesia. I took me years to perfect it, but now with a gram of powder I could have hours of uninterrupted fun without any fear the victim would wake up or remember what happened. Nightclubs are the perfect places to be. They were louder and more...

1 year ago
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Drunk Mom visits her Son Part 1

By Sleep Walker Introduction: Moms drunk and upset, needs a shoulder to cry on Mom is 39, her Son is 18 Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray movie on his new big screen TV. They laid next to one another holding hands. Danny thought that it may be his lucky night. This was his first night with Kate alone in his new apartment. He just moved in three weeks ago. He started work six months ago, after a small course at his uncles firm where they make computer software. He was...

3 years ago
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Drunk wife gets ride home

She has always had girls night but it seemed that it had become more frequent in the last year. I really didn't think twice when she mentioned it earlier in the week. Without me asking she said that her and her friends Irene, Sandra, Vanessa and her bestie Monica were planning to visit a local bar that had dancing on weekends. I nodded in agreement. Saturday at around 7pm my wife was in the shower as I layed on our bed reading online. I started thinking about my wife's night ahead and...

3 years ago
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Drunk wife fucked by strangers 2

Introduction: Faithful wife gets drunk and husband allows totals strangers to have her without contraception. After a short while getting his breath back, Dimitri rolled off Elaine and stood up. His cock was softening now onl semi- erect, its full length glistening wetly. I looked at Elaine laid on her back. legs spread wide and apparently out for the count. I was aroused to see a shiny,white, pearl like, glob of Dimitris semen between her parted,hairy labia. I felt a sort of butterflies...

4 years ago
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Drunk Daughter

Introduction: A drunk daughter comes home to deal with her angry father. Oh Jesus Christ. . . I mumble through the fog of a hangover. What happened last night? Oh no. The memories start to drift back into my head as the dizziness of sitting up subsides. I didnt. I didnt do what I think I did. I couldnt have. Could I? Its hazy but I think I remember having sex last night. Im almost sure of it. I cant believe I lost my virginity to my Dad. But with who? I remember coming home early last night....

3 years ago
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Drunk Suzy Strips in a Club

Introduction: As a tourist in Botswana, Suzy Karol does the unthinkable. DRUNK SUZY STRIPS NUDE IN A CLUB It was my first time visiting Africa. First, my name is Suzy Karol. I stay in Bretford, England, with my old husband, who is fifty-eight. We have produced three sons in fifteen years of marriage: Ryan, Dean, and Peter. I was shocked to learn that Africa can be exceedingly cold like it normally is here in Europe. The day was Tuesday, 8 September. I arrived at Gaborone International...

1 year ago
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drunk and stupid 2

bang bang bang''there you go boi , take it in that cute mouth''bang bang bangmy head bouncing on the shower walls his thrust so deep in my mouth hands up no excape, mouth fuck by the black older life guard and his powerfull cock''you are getting hard lil fag you love my bigger cock''pumping in my mouth with his cock ''oh your so small , i love training lil cock white boy like you to be happy in secret sucking a bigger cock''''that little cock so cute and happy''''yes boi look at me like this,...

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Drunk wife taken advantage of and I dont sto

The wife and I were on a vacation at a resort in the Dominican. As you can imagine we spent the day sipping cocktails in the sun. By dinner time we were both pretty hammered. After dinner we made our way to the bar, and continued the party. By about 11pm, I noticed my wife was beyond drunk. The bartenders had been putting out tequila shots, and she just kept taking them. I decided I needed to take her home, because pretty soon she would be puking all over the bar. But when I tried to convince...

4 years ago
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Drunk Nikki

It was late. Or early depending on how you looked at it. Around three in the morning and the apartment was quiet. You thought your roommate and her girlfriend were asleep in the other bedroom. Your roommate’s name is Nikki and she has a girlfriend named Katie. Katie was a curvy blonde with not much use for men. To you Katie kinda looked like a younger and blonder Christina Hendricks. You assumed both her and Nikki were both lesbians as you had never seen or heard Nikki talk about any guys. Also...

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