3rd Chromosome Someone to Love
- 3 years ago
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Hey everyone! So this one is a request from me. Yes me. I realized a plot in the last few Chapters now I’m running with it. Contains, futa, hyper, sex, celebs, etc. A little science and such too. Maybe also a little meta. Remember this is fantasy folks, so there are logical inconsistencies. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy!
People cleared out of the way as Taylor Swift strutted down the sidewalk. Strutting was absolutely necessary and really the only way her gait could be described. Her heels clicked against concrete as went. Taylor was a 3C. Perhaps even the ultimate 3C. Yet, in her mind, she was more than that. Genetics proved that she was a 4C. Born not with 2 or 3 Chromosomes she instead had 4. Her doctor said it went XXYX, not that she cared. If someone were to look at her, they may start at her legs. Their eyes would travel up her mile-long legs to her fantastic body. Her hips flared out and carried a full, womanly ass while tapering down to a narrow waist. If one could see her stomach they’d see a set of abs worth of any fitness model, yet those were obscured by her boobs. Her perfectly formed orbs sat high on her chest, with enough sag to declare that they were, in fact, real. Each one projected at least a foot from her body, with her semi erect nipples projecting several inches past her slightly puffy areola. Her face was that of a goddess, with puffy lips like Angelina, and a sultry smirk like Kat Dennings. Blonde curls fell luxuriously across her face. Each individual strand glistening in the light. Like it or not, Taylor was the ultimate woman.
Almost. Jutting from her groin was what made her the true alpha. It was a dick. Not just a dick, but a truly massive fuck rod. Taylor couldn’t remember the last time she measured it. When she did it topped off at a whopping 34 inches erect. Her mammoth member was a whopping 16 inches around and more than 5 inches thick. One would presume that such a size would preclude her from taking partners. Yet, she had no such inconvenience. Ladies were at her beck and call, anyone she wanted she was able to have. Just below her massive shaft was a pair of truly impressive nuts as well. Each testicle was as big as a basketball, constantly sloshing as they endlessly produced buckets of sperm. Such things would be expected to weigh her down, but she didn’t suffer from that either. Instead, her tall 7-foot frame was nicely muscled, not body builder level but certainly at the level of a top fitness instructor. With all this, Taylor was certainly the ultimate person.
Taylor’s eyes snapped open as she woke up. A layer of sweat permeated her skin, dampening her sheets. That was in addition to the juices that had come out of her cunt. Her right hand was buried in her snatch knuckles deep. With a sharp, she extracted her digits and licked them clean.
Taylor sighed as she sat up in bed. That was the 3rd time she had that dream and she had no idea why. Taylor had everything going for her yet still found it lacking. Was she jealous of 3Cs? A bit, but they seemed just as susceptible to her domination as everyone else. Did she want a cock? Possibly, yet genetics weren’t as kind to her. Taylor stewed on that for several moments. Unsatisfied with the answers her brain came up with she laid back down. Slowly, Taylor went back to a fitful sleep.
‘Are you ok?’
‘Yeah I’m fine.’ Taylor flipped through a magazine at lightspeed, not even looking at the pages. ‘Why?’
‘You just seem distracted lately,’ Chloe responded.
‘I have been, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.’ Taylor tossed the magazine onto the coffee. She let out a huge sigh and leaned back into the padded chair. She wanted to tell her companion, she really did, but she held back.
Chloe stood up with a wry smile on her face.
‘I know what you need.’ She advanced on Taylor, stripping clothes as she went. Taylor didn’t react. Instead, she inspected the nude 3C through half closed eyes.
‘No. I’m not in the mood.’
‘Not in the mood?’ Chloe redressed. This was concerning to her. Taylor didn’t give her time to ponder, though. The blonde 2er shot up out of her chair.
‘I’m going to lunch.’ She declared.
‘I’ll just get my bag…’
‘Oh…’ Chloe frowned. ‘Ok.’
Chloe did move until she heard the door slam. Now safe she pulled out her phone. ‘Hey, it’s Chloe. Taylor isn’t acting like herself and I’m getting concerned…Thanks.’
‘Thanks again for meeting on such short notice.’
‘It’s perfectly fine, I’ll always make time for you.’ Iggy Azalea responded. Taylor needed someone to talk to she could trust and while Chloe was trustworthy, Taylor wasn’t sure if she’d know what to do. ‘So what’s bugging you?’
Taylor looked around the cafe, ensuring no one was listening. ‘I’ve been having these weird dreams lately and it’s freaking me out.’
Iggy paused mid bite of her blt. She chewed slowly, ‘You wanted to talk about dreams?’
Taylor just stared into her salad. ‘It’s more than that. I’ve been dreaming about being a 3C.’
‘Interesting.’ Iggy swallowed, ‘And I’m involved cause…?’
‘What’s it like?’ She finally blurted it out.
‘You’re asking me? The one with two dicks?’ Iggy asked but could see Taylor was serious. ‘Where’s Chloe for this? Or Katy?’
The 2er squirmed. ‘Katy would just laugh, and Chloe wouldn’t be the best I think.’
‘Leaving me.’ Iggy put down her sandwich. ‘Okay, I’m game. I was a late bloomer, but that didn’t stop me from masturbating or anything. Before my 3rd showed up, everything was fine. Normal compared to what my girlfriends discussed.
‘When the twins arrived,’ She pointed at her crotch. ‘Nothing really changed. I just had more ways to play around. It just felt like sex, and I’ve asked guys about this. You feel a sense of power with a penis, or in my case 2. There’s something about shooting a big load that just does something for me. Not only that but the satisfaction. I’ve seen it in Jennifer’s face, and Nicky’s. That’s not to say I’m ignoring my feminine areas, the male ones just feel stronger. Especially if you get off on giving your partner pleasure.’
‘Hmmm.’ Taylor tapped her chin in thought. ‘Do you suppose it’s possible to become a 3C?’
‘Like what from a pill bottle?’ Iggy cocked her head to the side. ‘There are pills that are for enhancement, but nothing like growing something that isn’t there. I’ve heard Lindsay Lohan uses those.’
‘So it would be genetics.’
Iggy chewed thoughtfully. ‘I suppose that’s one way to think about it. What happens is there’s a mutation on the chromosome that causes a 3rd chromosome to attach to the strand. That’s not a big deal except if there wasn’t another mutation that caused the SRY to activate at puberty.’
Taylor dropped her fork. ‘How do you know that?’
‘I read genetics books when my doctor told me what was happening.’ Iggy opined, ‘I was fortunate to have the 3rd mutation that caused a double strand to appear. Hence, two dicks and 4 balls. Though, mine is not as common. I’ve heard Molly Quinn, much like Katy, has an enlarged sequence hence her gigantic member. There are also cases where a person could be XXX. Ariel Winter and Christina Hendricks are two such women.’
‘The girl from Modern Family?’ Iggy nodded affirmatively. Taylor tried to conjure up Ariel’s image in her head. Glasses, black hair, and tits like you wouldn’t believe. They projected far out from her body and looked perfectly formed despite their larger than basketball size. Add to that a curvaceous behind and you had a bubbling sex pot.
‘There’s a nickname for them…like 3C or 2er.’ Iggy scrunched her forehead in concentration. ‘Bah, I don’t remember. Why the interest in 3Cs? I know you enjoy fucking them.’
‘I want to know if you could become one,’ Taylor stated flatly.
‘That I don’t know. Genetics labs exist, I think there’s one in Sydney. Very expensive and very dangerous. Pretty sure I got sequenced there.’ Iggy stared at the pop star. ‘Taylor, can I be honest?’
‘Being a 3C taints you. Sure there are several success stories, but a lot of the world hates you for what you are. You may want it, but you have a choice, the rest of us didn’t. There’s nothing wrong with Taylor, you don’t need to be 3C Taylor.’
‘I guess you’re right.’ That didn’t satisfy her, however.
‘I’m not gonna preach to you or try to stop you. But please call me before you do anything stupid.’
‘I’m will.’ Taylor finished off her salad. Just as they finished the waiter brought up the bill.
‘She’s getting that.’ Iggy pointed it over to her friend.
‘Bitch.’ Taylor snagged the bill. After they had paid and left the restaurant Iggy turned to her.
‘You got time for a…?’
‘For you, certainly.’ Taylor grabbed her hand and led the 3C to her SUV.
Minutes later Taylor walked back to her own car, wiping off the last vestiges of cum still on her face as she went. Iggy watched Taylor go.
‘Don’t do anything stupid. Please.’
‘I don’t get it. I mean, what’s up with her she hasn’t said anything to you has she?’ Chloe whined. Her companion didn’t say anything. Instead, she continued to bob her head up and down Chloe’s cock. Gigi hit a sweet causing the blonde to shudder.
‘Oh keep that up…you’re gonna make me…’ Gigi slammed her entire face down into Chloe’s crotch, the entire length of her member disappearing in an instant. Chloe continued to spasm as her cock let loose a torrent of jizz. Her hips bucked as Gigi swallowed her load.
Several seconds later she was spent and collapsed back into the chair. Gigi popped free of her deflating member and licked it clean. ‘Taylor’s a smart girl. I just think something is bugging her. If she wants to talk she’ll talk.’
‘I know ..it’s just…’ Chloe gestured with hands. ‘I feel so helpless.’
Gigi paused. ‘Do you love her?’
Chloe’s mouth worked up and shut several times. ‘…maybe?’
‘Then give her some space.’ The model started to pump Chloe’s member back to life. ‘You need to respect her privacy. Does she know?’
‘Don’t tell her yet. Wait for her to sort this out.’ Gigi gave her erect dick a squeeze and stood up. One by one pieces of clothing formed a puddle on the floor. Chloe admired Gigi’s body, If Taylor’s was sensual, Gigi’s was sexual. Long tan legs lead to a well formed rear. From there her body tightened into a narrow waist before coming back out to support her chest. Her boobs were not big, definitely a handful, and always soft in her hands. Her face had a sultry smirk across it. It promised countless physical delights. Gigi took her hand and pulled her up. ‘Forget this, for now, I’m gonna fuck you til your balls are empty.’
Chloe allowed Gigi to lead her up the stairs into the bedroom. She let the 5’10 inch model strip the remaining clothes off of her. Chloe gave no resistance as she was pushed onto the queen size bed. A mere whimper escaped her lips as Gigi mounted her. It was a sight that many in the world would have killed for. Gigi Hadid, one of the top models in the world, laying out a string of obscenities as she rode Chloe’s member. Her entire body glistened with a sheen of perspiration as she bounced merrily on the 11-inch cock. Gigi’s breasts were heaving as she let loose a howl of satisfaction. Her cunt contracted against Chloe’s dick as her entire body was racked with an orgasm.
Gigi rode her harder in her cowgirl position, coaxing whatever pleasure she could out of their sexual experience. Yet, Chloe still wasn’t feeling. Physically sure, her body reacted to Gigi and she bucked her hips in their synchronic fucking, her voice matched her partners in tone and intensity. Mentally, however, she was tuned out. Chloe couldn’t get Taylor out of her head. There was something there, nagging at her, that she couldn’t get past. Was it a mental link she shared with her? Or just a sense of awareness she had? Her partner sped up on her cock, obviously wanting more pleasure. ‘Give it to me! Give me your seed!’
Chloe brow furrowed as she tried to stave off cumming. Yet, it was of little use. She grabbed Gigi’s hips and slammed them down onto her member as she let loose. A howl escaped her lips as spurts of cum escaped her cock, shooting deep into Gigi’s tight sex. The brunette’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came, Gigi’s own orgasm overwhelming her brain. Her body seized for a brief second as pleasure permeated every pore but slackening. Chloe’s partner fell back limp. Unfortunately, her positioning was such that her dick was still buried in Gigi. Chloe did have to admit it did look kinda cute. Gigi was splayed out legs wide Chloe’s cock deep inside her. Her back was arched backward like she was reaching back for a drink, yet her head and her arms were both limp.
‘Gigi…’ Chloe tried to push her off, but it was 120 lbs of dead weight on her hips. A soft snore escaped the model’s lips. Great. I fucked her unconscious. Looks like I’m not going anywhere for awhile. The blonde looked about, searching to see where her pants landed. Not just her pants, her phone was buried inside there somewhere. Unfortunately, they were at the far end of the bed out of reach. Fuck! She pounded the bed in frustration which only caused Gigi to start snoring.
Taylor idly inspected her nails while sitting on her throne. The word throne seemed a bit pretentious to describe a sitting implement, but in this case, it was quite on task. It was a magnificent design, hewn oak legs rose up all the 4 corners. These spider webbed off as they approached the first level, each split going and meets its closest neighbors. Yet, the main legs kept going til they reached the seat itself. The throne’s high back was carved with an intricate pattern of spirals and symbols. Taylor would have loved to say it was a family crest or a symbol of her increasingly divine nature, instead, it was a design that she just liked. The seat was solid wood, but a large velvet cushion rested upon it. In the front there was a large cutout that traveled towards the center, for anyone gazing upon the throne without Taylor upon it, the purpose would be a mystery. One would surmise it would be a stylistic commode. Yet, that was dead wrong. Instead, Taylor’s mammoth sack was able to fit through the cutout. It allowed her basketball sized testicles to sit comfortably on the lower level, again on a velvet cushion like her rear end. The entire thing was a masterful construction, lacquered till it glistened in the light of her ‘throne room’.
With her inspection complete, Taylor stretched, bones popped loudly as she did. Her member twitched inside her skirt. How long has it been? 1 hour? 2? No matter. The chair groaned as she pushed herself up off of it. Her hand traced the high back as she went back behind it to her private chambers. Chloe, her ever faithful confident and fuck buddy slide up next to her.
‘What do you require?’
‘Entertainment. It’s been several hours and I think I need another release.’ Taylor responded as she made her way inside the room. ‘Who’s available.’
‘Everyone as always, but I think you want something unique.’ Chloe left to a side room as Taylor marched up on the steps to her California king bed. As she turned and sat down, Chloe had returned with someone. She was petite, very petite, with a pixieish face framed by brunette hair. ‘May I present Ariel Winter.’
Taylor let herself smirk. Ariel Winter was exactly as she recalled all those years ago. Her melons were massively large, possibly even larger than her own. Her cock swelled with anticipation. Ariel advanced on the 4C, her shirt being torn apart as she went. Her tits were, to Taylor’s amazement, firm. There was enough sag to shout that they were r
eal. They wobbled wonderfully as she approached, hypnotically bouncing as she ascending the steps to Taylor. ‘May I?’
Taylor was pleased that Ariel asked, she wasn’t sure if she was trained for that or if it was just her nature. ‘You may.’
Ariel wasted no time in starting to massage Taylor’s prodigious member. It quickly swelled in size under her ministrations until 34 inches of girl cock jutted freely from her crotch. Ariel’s mouth went to work across her member, covering it in kisses while her tongue slathered every inch of the dick with saliva. Now good and wet, Ariel’s hands slid much more easily til the slick sounds filled the room. They were joined by Taylor’s own coos of pleasure as Ariel worked her rod. ‘Lean back, I’m going to send you to heaven.’
Taylor’s eyes fluttered as she leaned back onto the bed. The cool air wrapped around her member as it went vertical. Yet, Ariel ignored her monolithic member and instead went for the two balls beneath it. Taylor gasped, her hands sliding sensuously down her body, as Ariel started fondling her balls. She felt them go back and forth, up and down as the 3C explored every inch of her gonads with her fingers. If she had to compare it, it was like breast play, but it wasn’t her own large tits that were being massaged, it was her balls. Her twin cum factories sloshed approvingly as Ariel fondled them.
Taylor couldn’t see around her member but knew Ariel had stopped playing with her nuts. She felt hands travel up her dick followed by Ariel’s warm breath. She shivered at that. Yet, the best part was coming. Through half closed eyes Taylor saw Ariel’s breasts start to engulf her cock. The pillar of pleasure disappeared into her cleavage as Ariel’s breasts wrapped around it. Then she started fucking.
Taylor let out a soft moan as the brunette began working her boobs. From her vantage point, she saw the breasts rise and fall, tightening and releasing her member from their soft prison. Where’d she learn this?! Taylor thought as Ariel continued to ruthlessly use her breasts to her advantage.
‘Oh god oh god oh god oh god…’ Faint rips were heard as Taylor tightened her grip on the sheets. The way Ariel moved around was just too much to bear. It was sensual and erotic. Those mammoth melons would slide up and down her 34-inch pole. Her tongue would lash out lick at the very top where precum flowed like a river down the shaft. Yet, what was most surprising was her ass.
Being an XXX 3C, Ariel had not just tits that defied alphabetical categorization. She had a mammoth ass as well. So much that her closest competitors combined wouldn’t have as much gluteus maximus as she did. Yet it was not, as one would imagine, disgusting. Instead, her butt was a thing of beauty to be praised and admired. The impossibly firm, tight, yet like play-dough in one’s hands. Said butt was now working over her member. Ariel had crawled over atop her and started this action. Taylor was nearly to heaven as those two cheeks twerked, no that was a vulgar word, massaged her cock.
She wasn’t sure how Ariel was doing it, grabbing and releasing with her butt, but it felt wonderful. Equally wonderful was the motorboating she was managing. Those two boobs shook in front of her face, knocking her from side to side in a stupor as she vainly grasped for one of those long enticing nipples.
‘God keep that up!’ Taylor shouted, yet her cry merely came out as a murmur, such as she was surrounded by tit flesh. Instead, those boobs were ripped away, much to her dismay, as Ariel pulled off of her and went back to her tit fucking. Those luscious orbs bounced hypnotically up and down along her member. The much smaller brunette pushed her tits from side to side as she bounced them up and down, the warm canyon was heavenly around Taylor’s member.
Ariel continued her oral assault as well, that tongue of her ravishing the sensitive head of her cock. Occasionally it would move up and fondle the slit which was now perpetually open leaking out pre. Taylor’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she felt her balls tighten up. Her mind was already slipping away as pleasure coursed through her body, forming a tidal wave that was crashing into her skull. This was going to be a big one.
Here we go, another 3C story request. This one is for Anonymous10584. I was going to post this one later but my test reader insisted on it going up next. Demanded even. So, what do we have? Celebs, futa, multicock, sexiness, sex, etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are of course welcome. Enjoy! *** The rivalry between Iggy Azalea and Nicki Minaj was reaching nuclear proportions. One couldn’t flip open a gossip magazine without reading about how bad their fighting was getting....
Hey everyone, another request here. This is for Harvey Logan. Anyway, another 3rd Chromosome story! This one is a tad different, as the previous 3Cs dealt with people uncomfortable with their condition. Not so in this case! Also, it’s much longer than the others…by a lot. Contains the usual, celebrities, sex, futanari, you know what I write. Everyone is over 18, Comments and feedback welcome. Enjoy! *** Natalie slammed the door shut and leaned heavily against it. She let out a deep breath...
Hello there! Another tale to tell here. This was a request from DarkRage. Contains the usual. Futa, sexiness, celebs, sex, and career assumptions from being a 3C. Comments and feedback are welcome. Everyone is over 18, etc. Enjoy! *** Hilary tapped her foot impatiently as the receptionist typed information into the computer. ‘You’re all set. Is there anything else I can get you?’ The brunette behind the counter closed out her computer screen. ‘Is Destiny available today?’ ‘She is not....
Chromosome Change: One Man's Story Chapter I - A Pretty Average Guy Robert Kleid was pretty average. Forty-one years old, he lived in Redwood City, California, in a four-bedroom ranch-style home, with his wife and two children. He went to work each weekday in a suit and tie, did the lawn on weekends, played a mean game of basketball, and could take apart and put back together a car engine in a single afternoon. He loved his wife, Debbie. They had...
Hello! We’re on our second to last 3C story for now. This one was requested by…another anonymous individual. So, what do we have? The usual: celebs, futanari, and sex. Everyone is over 18 and celebs don’t act like this. Comments and feedback are welcome. For those that asked: I don’t have a timeline just yet for DT, but I’ll try to make it worth the wait. Enjoy! *** No Sex in the Pool. That’s what the sign said. Why it said that Charlotte didn’t know. The busty blonde lazily paddled her laps...
Here we go, another 3C story request. This one is for someone who wishes to remain anonymous, so we’re going to call him Chesterfield Snapdragon McFistcuffs. (Actually my test reader) So, what do we have? Celebs, futa, sexiness, sex, oral, etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are of course welcome. Enjoy! *** Alexandra sighed as she entered her trailer. Filming Baywatch was a new level of exhaustion. Wearing full makeup on the beach was bad enough, but add in the water, acting, and...
Hey everyone, this is a request for an anonymous individual. Contains the usual: Celebs, sex, futa, etc. Also everyone’s favorite megalomaniac. Everyone is over 18. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** The cheers of the crowd slowly faded away as the twin sisters headed back to their dressing room. Once free from the crowd they finally let out their breaths. ‘Another fine performance.’ ‘Yes, how much more on this tour?’ Sara asked. ‘We just started,’ Tegan replied as she pushed...
Hey there! A new story for you here. This one follows immediately after ‘The Real Party’ so reading it is recommended but not required. Contains: futa, celebs, etc etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback is welcome. Enjoy! *** Lucy sighed as the warm water cascaded over her body. Last night was exactly what she needed. Initially, she was stuck at a London party for media executives. She expected it to be filled with slapping people off of her as they tried to make a play. She wasn’t...
Hey everyone, I have another request here for you. Contains the usual: futa, celebs, sexiness. Also some large sizes and such. Also, this one builds off the chapter ‘Someone to Love’ reading that beforehand is highly recommended. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are, of course, welcome. Enjoy! *** *Knock* The sound reverberated through the apartment, causing the occupants to groan. Both of them were firmly in bed, wrapped in layers of blanket and each other. Neither stirred....
Hello again everyone! Sorry about the delay, life gets in the way. I have another 3C story for all. This is from the classic star request I made awhile back. Hopefully this satisfies, as I’m not entirely happy with it. I mess with the time period a little, but it works. Contains: futa, sex, oral, etc. Everyone is over 18, celebs don’t act like this. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** ‘Quick in here!’ Evelyn Keyes held open a side door waving frantically at Rita. The elegant woman...
Hello again. Another tale for your enjoyment. This one came together surprisingly fast. A combination of requests here but thanks goes to Donut plains for their suggestions/support. Go read their writings…I’ll wait. Back? Ok…this contains: Futa, celebs, sex, dancing, etc. Everyone is over 18. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** Dull. That was the word to describe this affair. Mind numbingly dull. Dominique Tipper continued adding adjectives in her head to describe the party she was...
Hey everyone! Another request here from…someone that once again didn’t give me a name. So we’re going to call him Dave. Dave requested another 3C tale of his choosing. Apologies about the tardiness, I had a medical issue spring up, but unfortunately for everyone, i’m fine and back to poison your minds. Contains: celebs, futa, sexiness, etc, you know what I write. Everyone is over 18…enjoy! *** Emma hated landings. She hated flying in general but landings were the worst. That part where the...
Here we go, another 3C story request from…a lot of people. I was going to post this one later but it proved surprisingly popular with my test reader. So, what do we have? Celebs, sensuality, futa, massive cocks, sexiness, sex, etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are of course welcome. Enjoy! *** ‘It’s not going to work.’ Chloe put down her wine glass. ‘Are you sure?’ Her host replied. ‘Quite.’ Chloe picked at some lint on her shirt. ‘Taylor is very particular and I don’t...
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BDSMYou look at the rays of light rising in the horizon, knowing that the "Sun" you are looking at is merely the eletromagnetic waves being distorted by the gravity of the planet, not really the real thing, though that is the feeling you have been experiencing since your first breath, you were born in a kingdom with an ample number of astounishing women, but you soon discovered that none would be yours, your father, raised you to respect his rights of possesion over all of them, instilling in you a...
GayHere I am...at a theater that was once just a regular movie theater that we all used to go to when we were young in this city. But times have changed haven't they....but what was happening to me now in this theater I bet no one thought as much. I have been gone for over 5 years and things can change in this city very quickly....people can too.So what was happening to me you wonder at this moment of reflection to which will soon go to the way side when a very well dressed stranger slides his...
Hello all, and thanks for your continued reading and comments. Again, this is a continuation of “that” summer, our 3rd session.Well, I decided to hold true and not cum again until Steve & I got together. But I admit I did come close to losing it the 2nd night. With Steve gone I was bored and went and got the porno mag, promising myself I would only play a little. I was looking at one of the scenes where the girl is giving blowjobs to the 2 guys and really noticing the look on her face...
My best friend is a 49yr old blonde big breasted female. We have been friends 10 years, best best past 6 years. In short she has a equally body/breasted 27 year old daughter who Is married with c***d. In short, In September we slept over her daughters house, while daughters husband out of town. around 3am daughter nicely/forced herself on me, and we had intercourse. She was on top of me riding me bareback entire time. My load entirely filled her pussy, luckily she didn't get pregnant. Today I...
Their black eyes shimmered as a dark terror rendered him immobile. An existential cry for help drowned in the deluge of panic that filled his mind. His paralysed vocal chords felt so numb and useless, and his leaden limbs refused to move.Forward they advanced, self-assured with each step, their impassive faces certain they had their transgressor. Digging deep, the tardy swell of adrenaline fuelled his need for flight. He turned and ran; his sluggish legs moved but felt disconnected and...
SupernaturalYou’re walking in a park near to your home. There’s a pleasant breeze, and there’s a supermoon tonight. It is truly a beautiful night, but that isn’t why you’ve come here. You came here to think after what happened at your house. FLASHBACK You had been at a friend’s house celebrating your graduation from Westfield High School, but after a while it got dull and you decided to head home. Your parents told you to enjoy the night with your friends. They also wanted to wait for your sister, Kate, to...
IncestSo in this story you will choose the role of a Dragon Ball character, and they will be sexually superior to every other character in their story. This will mean they can do whatever they want or whoever they want. Alot of the time everyone will be more than happy to comply with their demands if it means pleasing the main character, and even if they don't they will bite their teeth and and bear it. You can set your story in any dragon ball era or timeline as long as it uses a canon character as...
Changing school is always a drag, meeting new people, having to join a new group of friends. And changing before the senior year is even worse. I would have a lot of girls wanting to be my prom date at my last school, but here? I'll have to conquer them all over again. I sigh as I walk through the open doors, the interior is very similar to what my last school looked like. I ask one of the security guards where the principal’s office is and he gives me the directions. When I arrive there I...
TeenThis is the first story I have written in over a year. I have been busy editing for some authors you might know: StangStar06, Pars 001, Red Tempest, Dead Writer, and some others. Due to that, I haven't written in some time, but the real reason is that I just haven't the need or inclination to write. I guess I lost my muse or drive to write. I'm not even sure I'm back for good now either. I will take it a little at a time. I have about twenty unfinished stories started, but I will have to...
Cathy - 2 - Insemination Complete - Cuckold Starts My name is Steve and I have been married to Cathy for some 5 years. We are both 30 and had a great marriage. She is a leggy blond with great hips, a full bosom with rosy red nipples that stick out like bubble gum and a shapely arse. Her golden hair frames her pretty face and she has sparkly blue eyes and a beautiful smile.We got on really well and I think that after a series of tumultuous relationships she saw me as someone safe, dependable who...
Hi everyone, This was my real experience which happened 6 month back nd I thought to sharing it with you. Please do read my other real nd best experience fun which posted here. Coming back to the story, I am an active member of the AFF dating website. I have met 3 couples who were looking for a threesome and cuckold fantasy. I will share the experience I had with a cuckold fantasy couple which happened 6 month back.I was chatting on AFF and pinged a couple’s id. I introduced myself and told...
Last part is here:https://xhamster.com/stories/2nd-tv-cottaging-trip-and-so-friday-cums-626954It completed at the following point:"I then cleaned up, as best as I could, freshened up, as best as I could, and then drove home, with a really sore arse and an aching jaw.But would I be there next Tuesday, to prepare and then be used again? Of course I would, I was a TV slut, I was an addict to mature cock, especially groups of them, he knew it and I knew it, and worse still, he knew I knew and so...
Hubby and me had been dogging twice before, the first time was with me in stockings and sitting in the front with the window closed and men looking at me and wanking. The second time was with me sat in the back of the car with the window down and about half a dozen men touching me.So onto the third time, im dressed in a pair of dark tan suspender tights, ankle bracelet and not a lot else lol. We drove to the spot where we had been before and I then took off my coat and got into the back of the...
My cousin was Mia for that weekend I didn't hear from her. Then Monday it was my turn to drive so I picked her up that morning. Our work is only about 15 miles from her house. To my surprise soon as we got out of her driveway she leaned over and put her head in my lap. She started kissing at my cock threw my shorts. Soon as she could tell it was hard she started pulling at my waistband. When she finally got it free she just devoured my cock . I said damn girl you getting me started early. ...
As a former health care professional, I was used to experiencing and finding sexual acts. In a hospital, during my career in health care, it was not unusual to open a door to a storage room and discover two co-workers enjoying some time together.In my case, it was a bit different. I made aquaintance with an ER nurse at a Level II care facility. Meeting by meeting, we became more than just casual conversationalists. I finally asked her if she would be interested in some pre-hospital emergency...
“Hi Mike,” I heard as I picked up the phone, “Its Susan. We need to talk.” Susan was my Beth’s 21 year-old sister. “Sure,” I replied, “What about?” “I don’t want to discuss it over the phone,” said Susan, “Can you come over to my apartment?” “Sure,” I told her, “I will be over in just a bit.” “Great,” she replied, “But please don’t tell Beth you are coming over.” I had no idea what she wanted, but I wasn’t about to pass up a chance to spend some time with Susan. I had been dating Beth since 7th...
First TimeWorking third shift isn't all bad. I mean, you certainly meet some interesting people when you work the graveyard - most "normal" people wouldn't even consider working at this time, unless maybe they're nurses or something. I never claimed to be normal though. On the plus side, I do have a rather intersting co-worker here. He's tall, with dark hair, a goattee, and the kind of eyes you just can't help but get lost in. He's built thickly, like a line-man, only just a little soft. I've never seen...
EroticI saw her as she walked out of a restaurant. She was a petite, dark haired girl with stunning blue eyes. She caught my attention not only by the fact that she was incredibly beautiful, but also by her peculiar way of walking. Two aluminum crutches were tucked under her arms, making her look vulnerable. I stopped, stared at these old fashioned devices, and wondered when I had last seen someone walking on crutches. It must have been many years ago. She looked around her, then cautiously descended...
The big toe of her left foot twitched. Slightly, but it really twitched. I looked at Nicole’s face. Her jaw muscles were tight, her face glistening with sweat. Then I noticed that her right eye looked normal again. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You can remove the charger.” “Is everything all right? You don’t look very well,” I said, sitting beside her. “The system is still not functioning properly, but I will be fine soon.” “It is painful, isn’t it?” She nodded. “I have cramps,”...
Two weeks later, Nicole was getting around on her crutches quite confidently. The pain in her pelvis was under control and she looked much better. Since the accident, we were very careful in bed. Most of the time, I just let her do what she wanted, but assisted her if she needed any help. She had limited mobility in her hips so we were forced to contrive new techniques. I was learning how to meet the requirements of her body, a body which had sustained 43 fractures. She was a great teacher....
Nicole’s GP arrived about ten minutes after I called her. She was a good-looking woman in her mid- thirties. Not wasting any time, she brushed past me and headed toward the bedroom. I followed her. Nicole was still lying motionless on the bed. Her eyes seemed darkened with anxiety and pain. “What has happened, my dear?” the doctor asked and knelt beside her. “Hi, Nadja! My pelvis is giving me problems again,” Nicole replied shakily. Nadja sat on the bed and pulled back the sheets. Nicole...
We were sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the doorbell started to ring. Nicole swung her braced leg around, preparing to stand up. I stopped her with a gesture, then reached out and tickled her toes, which were curled up in a way I found very seductive. “Don’t bother, I will open the door,” I said and reluctantly withdrew my hand. “Thank you, Peter. Who could that be?” Her eyes flickered worriedly. A blond girl about Nicole’s age was standing outside. “Hi, I’m Hanna,” she said and...
Nicole lay on her back with her thighs apart, and her knees pointing at the ceiling. Her bare feet were hanging limply, almost touching the bedclothes. The cast wasn’t heavy, but surely was very restrictive. With her hips completely immobilized, she was helpless as a baby. She was able to turn on her side, and even to pull herself up into a sitting position, but that was all she could do. In these moments of activity, she was so painfully clumsy that I feared she might hurt herself. I felt...
She was lying motionless on the bed, her good eye fixed pensively on the ceiling. The position of her body was a bit unnatural. Her hands were hanging limply by the sides of the bed, her feet bent inward in puppet like fashion. Only her head gave some sign of life. “Are you comfortable?” I asked. “Maybe. If I am not comfortable, I can’t feel it. I am paralyzed now,” she replied “There must be something I can do for you.” “Don’t worry! I will be fine soon. By the way, you know where the...
We were sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the doorbell started to ring. Nicole swung her braced leg around, preparing to stand up. I stopped her with a gesture, then reached out and tickled her toes, which were curled up in a way I found very seductive. “Don’t bother; I will open the door,” I said and reluctantly withdrew my hand. “Thank you, Peter. Who could that be?” Her eyes flickered worriedly. A blond girl about Nicole’s age was standing outside. “Hi, I’m Hanna,” she said and winked...
FetishTwo weeks later, Nicole was getting around on her crutches quite confidently. The pain in her pelvis was under control and she looked much better. Since the accident, we were very careful in bed. Most of the time, I just let her do what she wanted, but assisted her if she needed any help. She had limited mobility in her hips so we were forced to contrive new techniques. I was learning how to meet the requirements of her body, a body which had sustained 43 fractures. She was a great teacher....
FetishNicole lay on her back with her thighs apart, and her knees pointing at the ceiling. Her bare feet were hanging limply, almost touching the bedclothes. The cast wasn’t heavy, but surely was very restrictive. With her hips completely immobilized, she was helpless as a baby. She was able to turn on her side, and even to pull herself up into a sitting position, but that was all she could do. In these moments of activity, she was so painfully clumsy that I feared she might hurt herself. I felt...
FetishNicole’s GP arrived about ten minutes after I called her. She was a good-looking woman in her mid- thirties. Not wasting any time, she brushed past me and headed toward the bedroom. I followed her. Nicole was still lying motionless on the bed. Her eyes seemed darkened with anxiety and pain. “What has happened, my dear?” the doctor asked and knelt beside her. “Hi, Nadja! My pelvis is giving me problems again,” Nicole replied shakily. Nadja sat on the bed and pulled back the sheets. Nicole...
FetishThe big toe of her left foot twitched. Slightly, but it really twitched. I looked at Nicole’s face. Her jaw muscles were tight, her face glistening with sweat. Then I noticed that her right eye looked normal again. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You can remove the charger.” “Is everything all right? You don’t look very well,” I said, sitting beside her. “The system is still not functioning properly, but I will be fine soon.” “It is painful, isn’t it?” She nodded. “I have cramps,” she said...
FetishShe was lying motionless on the bed, her good eye fixed pensively on the ceiling. The position of her body was a bit unnatural. Her hands were hanging limply by the sides of the bed, her feet bent inward in puppet like fashion. Only her head gave some sign of life. “Are you comfortable?” I asked. “Maybe. If I am not comfortable, I can’t feel it. I am paralyzed now,” she replied “There must be something I can do for you.” “Don’t worry! I will be fine soon. By the way, you know where the...
FetishI saw her as she walked out of a restaurant. She was a petite, dark haired girl with stunning blue eyes. She caught my attention not only by the fact that she was incredibly beautiful, but also by her peculiar way of walking. Two aluminum crutches were tucked under her arms, making her look vulnerable. I stopped, stared at these old fashioned devices, and wondered when I had last seen someone walking on crutches. It must have been many years ago. She looked around her, then cautiously descended...
FetishSexy Shae is a pilot in public, in private a personal fine friend from long love at long distance of ten hours.Sexy Shae is sometimes at Schphol for a short stop-over, but never ever came at coffee meeting me there.Sexy Shae is aware I am in Amsterdam, but prefers privacy above all. She does not want to risk her juicy job.Sexy Shae is commuting up and down in her hot long hauls across the Atlantic Ocean to me in Amsterdam.Sexy Shae shares her looks with me, "real time":...
Written by Master Lord_Mithus for HIS cookie A. Is for ankle, surrounded by leather B. is for breast, encircled with rope C. is for corset, confining you snugly D. is for dedication to serving Master E. is for eyes, hidden by silk F. is for foreplay, whenever Master chooses G. is for gag, that I desire H. is for heart, sounding the rhythm of love I. is for intensity, the bond between us J. is for joy, felt at the sight of Masters restraints K. is for key, hanging from Masters...