Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts – Part 2 – Clothing Optional free porn video

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Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit.

Story Codes: ncon, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy

Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 2 – Clothing Optional
by Avatrek ([email protected])

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to the 1976-1977 school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Using one of only two special time-turner devices that Dumbledore himself had created, Harry and his friends had traveled back in time to stop Draco Malfoy from stealing four very special magical objects from the school and forever changing future events. Harry had agreed to take on the dangerous mission to both help ensure the safety of his parents, who were enrolled at the school as sixth years and stop Malfoy from altering the timeline and stealing the four magical objects for an eagerly waiting Lord Voldemort, who had sent the budding Death Eater to do his dirty work. Harry had chosen four of his friends to accompany him and with the help of the Dumbledore of his time, had created fake names and transfer papers to allow them all to attend their fifth and sixth years of education at Hogwarts in Gryffindor House, alongside Harrys parents. An added bonus to the trip would be the opportunity for everyone, especially Harry to meet his parents, their friends and all the people that would have a profound impact on future events which helped shape the magical world. Dumbledore had warned Harry and his friends of the differences in culture and attitudes during the 70s and although Harry was sceptical that there would be much of a difference, things were about to become much clearer.

Knock… Knock… Knock! Hermione wrapped on the Headmasters door, getting ready to present the Headmaster with the fake transfer papers. I cant believe Im meeting the Headmaster wearing these clothes… We all look like total sluts in these uniforms! She sighed, trying her hardest to pull her tiny tight skirt down over the rest of her luscious teenage ass. The school uniforms of the 1970s had adopted a far more liberal stance than those of Hermiones usual dress wear and although she complained about what she was wearing, neither Harry or Ron had much to object to as their eyes continue to scan over Hermione, Ginny and Luna.

I have no problem with what youre wearing Hermione. Ron said slyly as they waited for the Headmaster to answer the door. Besides… I dont think our uniforms are that bad.

What would you have to complain about Ron… The boys uniforms are exactly like what you wear back in our own time. Hermione replied, looking back at Ron with a little jealousy and anger. Just as she was about to turn around and smack Ron and Harry for continually looking at her ass, the Dumbledore of 1976 opened his door and welcomed the five teenagers into his office. Almost everything in the office looked exactly the same as it would in the future and although Harry thought Dumbledore would be surprised by their arrival, especially because it was mere hours before the sorting of houses was to begin, but Dumbledore didnt seem the least bit startled.

Welcome Harry, Ronald, Hermione, Ginevra and Luna to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry… I have been eagerly waiting for your arrival! Dumbledore said with a smile on his face and no hint of surprise.

You were? Harry asked, not sure how the Dumbledore of 1976 could possible know who they were before they introduced themselves. Harry thought that maybe Dumbledore had somehow traveled back in time with them and had taken his past selfs place. He did look shockingly similar in looks but after her remembered what his Dumbledore had told him about the danger of seeing himself in the past, he realized that his Dumbledore must have somehow already sent back a letter to himself to let his past self know of the eventual transfer.

I received a letter two weeks ago explaining the reasons for your transfer and when youd be arriving. Dumbledore said, confirming Harrys hypothesis and allowing Harry to relax just a little. I also see that you all have already gotten dressed for Gryffindor House. Unfortunately I have some bad news on that front… There is only room for three of you Gryffindor House… Two of you will have to spend your final two years of magical education in Slytherin House. The letter I received told me you already know about the differences in the four school houses so I know you know that youll all experience a different side to Hogwarts. Ginevra Beazleby and Luna Lumsley will join the fifth year Gryffindor girls and since there is one open slot available for the sixth year male students in Gryffindor House, Ronald Weatherly will also join you two girls. That means Miss Hermione Stranger will join the sixth year Slytherin girls and Harry Cotter will join the sixth year Slytherin boys. Im sorry for the inconvenience, but there just isnt any room in Gryffindor House to take on Harry and Hermione. Luckily for you two however, another sixth year boy has just transferred from Durmstrang and will be joining you Harry in the sixth year of Slytherin House.

What… But… Were all friends! Hermione pleaded with the Headmaster, knowing that if anyone learned of her Muggle heritage, shed be persecuted to no end by the Slytherins. It would especially dangerous for her because Malfoy was obviously the new Slytherin transfer and he knew all about her parents. All Hermione could hope for was that Dumbledore was able to make a good enough cover story up for her to allay any suspicion.

Im sorry, but this was the only way to allow all of you to attend. No other houses have any room for you. Dumbledore replied, looking genuinely sorry for the inconvenience. There will be a change of clothing for the both of you in your quarters down in Slytherin House. Here is a map and some information about the school… These two prefects will take you to your respective houses and help you get acquainted with your housemates and new homes. Dumbledore continued, pointing back at his door where two recognizable students walked through the door looking at each other with pure disgust for each other in their eyes.

This is James Potter… He will escort Miss Lumsley, Miss Beazleby and Mister Weatherly to Gryffindor House, Dumbledore said, pointing to Harrys father, who was almost the spitting image of Harry, even though everybody failed to really notice it. Harry wanted to reach out and shake his fathers hand, but before he could Dumbledore introduced both his and Hermiones escort. And this is Severus Snape… He is a Slytherin Prefect and will be more than happy to help both of you become better accustomed with Slytherin House. Harry looked on in horror as Snape reached out to shake both his and Hermiones hands in succession. His greasy hair and large bird-like nose were almost exactly like those that had haunted his dreams for five years at Hogwarts.

Without even being able to say goodbye to Ron, Ginny or Luna, Harry and Hermione were guided out of the office, down the Headmasters staircase and towards the dungeons and Slytherin House.

If youre lucky youll never have to suffer the presence of Potter again. Snape said with a devilish grin as he guided them down the Grand Staircase.

He didnt seem so bad. Hermione chided in order to distract Harry from wanting to punch Snape square in his big nose.

Hes a blood traitor and doesnt deserve to be a pure blood wizard. I have already taken it upon myself to browse through both of your files and Im glad to see that both of you come from a long line of wizard and witches of notable mention. Snape replied, as they made it to the main level and made for the doors to the dungeons.

Why should that matter? Harry said in reply as they made their way down the steps.

It matters because almost all those without pure wizarding blood should be thrown in Azkaban for stealing our worlds magical secrets.

Is there anything else we should know? Hermione said a little snippily, just as they made it to Slytherins secret entrance.

Only that you should speak only when spoken to bitch! Snape replied back harshly. You will soon find out that the female students at Hogwarts and especially those in Slytherin know their roles very well.

Huh? Hermione replied, looking worried as she and Harry laid eyes on the statue covering the secret entrance. If Hermione was not already shocked and confused enough, when she and Harry saw what was protecting their new houses entrance, her hand started shaking.

Is that a… Harry started before being interrupted by Snape again.

A dirty Muggle whore! He said with a smirk as he pulled out his wand. On her knees completely naked with her ass sticking up in the air to show everyone present, her juicy stone ass and pussy, was a perfect stone replica of a Muggle looking back at them, gagged and crying. On her stone head was a cone shaped hat that had the word Muggle written on it. Just take your wand, completely insert it in her pussy or ass and say the password… Which is currently Muggle-Whore. He said, doing exactly that before the statue moaned out loud like a whore and moved aside to reveal the Slytherin House entrance.

Awesome! Harry murmured out loud before he and Hermione followed Snape into the Slytherin chambers. Harry had been in Slytherin House once before, but he was shocked to see it was nothing like he remembered. At the center of an extremely large stone room was a massive jet-powered hot tub. At the far side of the room was a stage and tall metal pole that went from the floor to the ceiling.

Whats that pole for? Hermione asked innocently.

Oh… Youll find out soon enough, ha ha ha. Your rooms are up here and the two doors on either side of common room lead to two similarly large rooms I or someone else in Slytherin will introduce you to in the days to come. Right now however, we all need to make our way back up to the Great Hall to participate in the sorting thats just about to start. Snape said, picking up two Slytherin cloaks and handing them to Harry and Hermione. Youll have to wait to get changed later… Just throw these on and well worry about your clothes later. He finished, directing his last comment specifically at Hermione.

What did he mean that Ill find out soon enough? Hermione asked Harry as she put on her Slytherin cloak and followed Snape back out the entrance and towards the Great Hall.

I dont know, but like he said… Well find out soon enough. Harry replied as they walked into a nearly full Great Hall.

You can take a seat next to the other new transfer student over here Harry and Hermione. Snape told them before sitting down beside two other male sixth year Slytherin students and basically completely ignoring them.

You! Harry and Hermione said in unison after laying eyes on a largely inconspicuous Draco Malfoy.

I knew you two would follow me here… Dont say another word or Ill blow your cover and change history forever. Malfoy said with a smirk as Harry and Hermione took a seat next to him. Im surprised to see you in Slytherin colours Mudblood… But Im sure youll be even more surprised later. My father told me some interesting things about Hogwarts in the 1960 and 70s.

What do you mean Malfoy… All we have to do is get you alone and send you back to our time and this whole thing will be over. Harry said, looking ready to jump Malfoy and do exactly that as his fingers grasped the time-turner device in his pocket.

You wouldnt dare try it in a crowded area like this and besides, Ive already slipped your dear old daddy a slow acting toxin that will take almost an entire year to take effect and kill him. If you blow my cover or get in my way, youll never find out what Ive poisoned him with and youll never get the cure. Malfoy said with a smirk before picking up the plate of food that had just appeared in front of him and walking down the table to find another spot to eat beside Snape.

Dammit… Were just going to have to find those objects and protect them from Malfoy and just hope he doesnt try to blow our cover. Harry concluded as he looked around the hall at all the unfamiliar faces. Ron, Ginny and Luna still hadnt made it down to the Great Hall and he still couldnt see any sign of his mother, father or any of his friends. He could only hope that nothing bad had happened to them already as he surveyed the hall one more time and quickly recognized a few of the teachers sitting at the front table. There was Dumbledore, a younger Hagrid who was as big as ever. He saw several of the older teachers like Minerva McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey and even Pomona Sprout all looking both young and very attractive. After Ron, Ginny, Luna and rest of Gryffindor House joined the students waiting in the Great Hall, the sorting began and the feast started in earnest. After Dumbledore gave a short speech that Harry failed to follow because he was more interested in checking out the hundred or so gorgeous beauties all around him, Harry followed the rest of Slytherin House back down to the dungeons and a special little surprise planned for the newest female transfer student.

What Hermione or Harry didnt know was that Slytherin had a special initiation they put every female transfer student through upon arriving at Hogwarts. It was customary for the new girl to get up on stage with every Slytherin student watching and strip out of their clothes. If that wasnt enough the transfer student had to get a spanking from every single male member of the house before receiving her new Slytherin clothing.

As Harry and Hermione made it to the secret entrance of Slytherin House, Malfoy walked by them and whispered to Hermione, Youre going to love this Mudblood! he said squeezing her ass quickly before running into the Slytherin common room and grabbing a seat for the show.

What… Fuck you Malfoy! Hermione cried in shock before she heard the high tempo beat of a familiar Wizard rock band.

Hmmm… I wonder what theyre planning in there. Harry said as they walked into the common room to find every single male Slytherin student sitting in chairs around the stage and long metal pole.

And there she is… Hermione Stranger… Our newest Slytherin slut and the next one on the pole for our entertainment. Snapes voice boomed as if he was talking through a microphone.

What… Im not a slut and Im not stripping for you pigs! Hermione shouted back, trying to back away out of the common room to safety. Before she could leave though, Harry grabbed her by the elbow and whispered in her ear.

You have to do it Hermione… We cant break our cover and if you refuse to follow through with their traditions, they may do some digging and find out that were not from their time. Harry whispered to her as he guided her towards the stage. In truth, Harry really wanted to see her naked again, and the thought of seeing her doing a little strip dance in front of him was extremely hot.

Are you fucking kidding Harry? You want me to get naked for these sickos? Hermione asked Harry looking extremely worried.

You gotta take one for the team Hermione… Its the only way! Harry told her before grabbing her cloak and tearing it off her while he pushed her onto the stage.

The crowd of Slytherin boys cheered in approval as Hermione got on stage and grabbed the strippers pole tentatively. She had no idea what she was doing up there, she had taken some basic dance classes in her early youth, but exotic dancing was a whole lot different than ballet or tap. Gripping the pole, Hermione spun around it quickly, letting her tiny skirt flutter up past her thong, showing off her gorgeous ass and causing the crowd of horny boys cheer out. Blushing and not really sure why she was actually enjoying herself, Hermione continued to twirl around the pole before ripping off her tight white dress shirt to reveal her pert young breasts and erect little pink nipples.

Holy fuck Hermione… You are a Slytherin slut! Harry said mostly to himself as he felt his cock begin to harden again. Hermione was really getting into it by that point and had already pulled off her tiny skirt to show off her amazing teen ass. She still was twirling around the metal pole, wearing only her white sneakers, knee-high socks, tiny red and gold thong, and her small little Gryffindor tie around her neck.

Take them off! Take them off! Take them off!!! Everyone started shouting, urging Hermione on to take off her little panties and let everyone get a good look at her tight little pussy and finely trimmed little landing strip. Just to egg them on a little more, Hermione toyed with them a little longer by ever so slowly sliding them down her hips to her ankles. Hermione then kicked them off into the crowd and right into Harrys face. With one last twirl around the pole to let everyone see her full body one last time, the song ended and her performance came to an abrupt close. Before Hermione could get off the stage, a large ugly seventh year boy grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the stage. As every one of the boys lined up in two lines on either side of Hermione, she was slowly led between them, being forced to stop every few feet so each one of them could either grope her pert young ass or spank her for being such a naughty slut.

Oww… Owwwww…! Hermione cried in succession, after each boy gave her a quick spanking. Malfoy got a little frisky by groping her ass and running his finger across her little trimmed pubic strip. FUCK YOU MALFOY! Hermione whined in protest, just before Harry gave her ass one good last squeeze, before the seventh year guiding her spanked her harder than anyone and giving her a new Slytherin uniform to wear. Hermione was nearly in tears as she slowly walked up to her new room with a red ass and a feeling that she had degraded herself by participating in such a disgusting little Slytherin tradition. She could only hope that Ginny and Luna hadnt faced any similar disgusting tradition and that Ron would protect them from anything to bad, unlike Harry had done for her.

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Battle of Hogwarts

Introduction: Harry finally meets his destiny in the final battle for his life. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 10 Voldemort deeply inhaled the cold, stinging air as he turned to face the thousands of his supporters behind him. A few of the Death Eaters gasped in awe at the impressive sight of him. Voldemort was stood high above them on a giant stone, with the impressive castle of Hogwarts...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

5 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

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Harry Potter and the Gerexium Part One

(All things in relation to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series are of course copyrighted to their rightful owners, this work is simply one of a fan of the series, and all of the characters, and most of the events are taken from the book series, which I accept no credit for.) This story takes place in an alternate universe, parallel to the one J.K. Rowlings' has continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, anything in the first 4 books has already happened, but...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 The Hogwarts Express

Introduction: James gets upto no good on the Hogwarts Express while Harry and Kingsley hold an important meeting. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 Quickly now Harry, the trains about to leave, cried Ginny above the din of the trains engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives...

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Harry Potter and the Unicorn Mare

Warning Spoilers, If you haven't read all the books. The following story may contain spoilers. The story may also not be suitable for younger readers. You have been warned. Any complaints will be ignored. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I am only playing in the world created by J.K. Rowling. No money is being made. Title: "Harry Potter and How I Became a Unicorn Mare" By: Not Telling. |_| Ever hear the phrase, "Try walking A Mile In My Shoes, and then judge the choices I...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Discipline Room

Harry Potter sighed as he contemplated his bleak future. He was sitting on his bed in the boy’s dormitory in Gryffindor tower, hugging his legs against his chest and resting his forehead on his knees. He sighed again, lifted his head and looked at his carved, four-poster bed which was hung with rich, red, velvet curtains. He wondered whether he was seeing it for the last time. Harry was certain that he was going to be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for engaging in a...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

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Harry Potter And the Ring Of Salazar Part 3

He was amaze by what he was seeing. Ginny Weasly was resting on her back on the side of Harry's bed. Her head was lying down the corner and Harry Potter was fucking her throat like he never think it was possible. Ginny's face was coated with slip and even some puke... Maybe because Harry was letting her only take 10 second of air for any minute of facial rape. He was gag fucking her for at least 30 minutes, getting strength each time he allow her to breath. Malfoy was amaze by the way Ginny...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter And The Love Feather

"Common, Harry it's getting late, lets all go to bed," Ron said. I got up and packed my homework. We were in the Gryffindor (our house in our school, Hoghwarts) common room studying. "Yeah, lets go," Neville agreed. We all talked and then walked to our dormitory of five. It was lit by candles and immediately caused us to feel drowsy. That was the beauty of magic. We all jumped into our beds and went to sleep immediately as we were dog-tired from the Quiditch match (I love that game)...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 2

Something had happened, but Harry wasn't sure what yet. Mr. Weasley had come and got him from the Dursley's and was just explaining to him about getting the tickets to the Quidditch World Cup when they had entered the Weasley house. As soon as they had entered Harry had heard raised voices followed by a slap then seconds later a groan and a thud as someone had fallen to the floor. As he reached the stairs he was met by Hermione, moving fast and obviously crying. She pushed past Harry and...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Saturday - MAY 16, 1998 The Day of the Weddings! With the Battle of Hogwarts still fresh in everyone’s mind, a memorium was placed in the backyard of the Burrow for those who were lost. Although, obviously buried in their families’ cemeteries, a faux colorful headstone was made for each of them: Lavender Brown (Gryffindor) (Member of the DA) Born 07/07/1980 Died 02/05/1998 Colin Creevey (Gryffindor) (Member of the DA) Born 06/07/1981 Died 02/05/1998 Romilda...

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

I'm a Harry Potter Fans but i love aslo extreme sexual fantasy about Potter universe. This story contain Character of JK Rowling Book two last thing before you read this first i'm not English Native Speaker so be easy on me... maybe soe part of my text are all wrong grammaticaly but i think it's still easy to understand Second, this story Contains Harcore Porn like Scat for this one chapter and many other sexual deviance so don't read it if you don't like extreme shit Finally This is...

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Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part IV

PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 6

Part 6 Ron couldn't believe the sight in front of him. The confusion and worry over Harry's disappearance had caused him to forget all about the reward Hermione had promised him. His excitement growing Ron felt his cock begin to rise at the prospect of what he was about to do with Hermione. Ron was still a little bit confused however. 'What's that bottle your holding?' Ron asked curiously. 'It's lubrication, if your going to have anal sex with me then your going to need...

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Harry Potter That Need Part 7 8

"Well, I guess I could ask you the same question, but they’ve invited us along in a few hours. Let’s just see what they’re up to then," Harry said with a grin. "Besides, we had a go right after we left them Saturday night. At least maybe they’ve managed to keep their hands off each other the whole week." Then the grin slid off his face, "Ron, do you think we should tell them, about us I mean?" "I can’t just walk up to Hermione and say ‘by the way, I went down on Harry after I shagged...

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

This was the first story I ever wrote in 2011. I posted it on XNXX under the writer's name VoldemortSlave. It was way before I started to do fakes and wrote stuff in here. I realized that the chapters I wrote back then have been posted on many sites for fanfiction stories. I decided I should probably post it back here for people to enjoy and add to it if they want. I made 11 chapters back then so this version should update fast at first. I still want to write stuff for my Celeb Handler story so...

Mind Control
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The burrow was filled with numerous relatives and friends of the weasley family, all in bright wedding attire. Everyone was happily socialising and why not? The boy who lived had defeated the dark lord Voldemort and there was peace in the magical world.Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to...

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Harry potter and the veela bride

Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to take his wife to bed..but where in Merlin was she? He looked around to find his beautiful redhead sister Ginny sitting nearby in one of the wedding tents talking with Hermione Granger and walked towards them. His sister had grown into quite the...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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“Close your mouth, William. You look like a fool.”“Sorry, Fleur.” Her husband Bill grinned at her sheepishly before looking back around. “But it’s just—veela!”“Oui, veela,” she said, sighing. “I know.”Fleur had been excited to invite the extended Weasley family to accompany her on her trip to visit her grandmother at the veela conclave in France. She hadn’t expected it to be much of a problem. Even the members of the family that had barely been able to speak to her without drooling had gotten...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 9

Introduction: As the Battle of Hogwarts comes to an end Harry Potter would like nothing more than to have a peaceful life with Ginny Weasley, unknown to Harry theres still one man that seeks his death. Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Part 9 Mr Weasley appeared outside of Lunas house. Hed had a long day at work trying to cover the whole saga about Luna hexing the poor muggle boy. ...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the real ending

Harry awoke with a gasp, his body ached but he was surprised to find he was on silk sheets, which wouldn't have surprised him half as much, if he wasn't expecting not to wake up at all. Voldemort cast the killing curse at him, it should have destroyed both himself and the horcrux living within him. Perhaps this is the afterlife he thought to himself, if it was it was a drab one at that. Dark curtains partially covered a large dusty window which let in a trickle of light for Harry to see...

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Harry Potter And The Ladies Of The Realm A HP AU story

The Golden, Enchanted Bells rang loud and clear throughout the City of London. All who heard it, Noble and commoner alike, knew what those Bells ringing meant. James Potter, The Magical King, Protector of the Magical United kingdom, High Scion of England, Scotland and Ireland, was dead. Lily Evans did not seem to care as the 32 year old Witch sipped her coffee and observed the events from the small cafe she sat outside of. The common born cried and wailed in the streets while the nobles and...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 7

Part 7 Ginny ran out of Luna's house quickly and made her way down the path towards the local village. She needed some time to think. She still couldn't believe she'd just kissed Luna. Luna who looked so sad when she had told her about wanting to have sex with someone, and now Ginny had mislead her. And there was Harry. Was she going to have to tell him? Would he be angry if he found out? Would he leave her? Her thoughts were spinning and she felt sick with worry when she noticed a...

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Harry Potter Life after Hogwarts

Harry lay in his huge king size bed at his home at Godrics Hollow. He had just finished school, and was looking forward to a long period of relaxation and more importantly, exploring his sexual side. Harry was still a virgin and had every intention to lose it as quickly as possible. He had a few ideas of whom he could shag, but was looking for a long lasting relationship, with someone who trusted and loved him. Harry lay in a sleepy state, only half awake, when he heard a knock on the...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

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