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First let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote.

The Second Coming
Turning and turning in a widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer:
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned,
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand,
Surely the second Coming is at hand.
The second coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again, but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?
William Butler Yeats

Where to begin? That is a question that has perplexed me for sometime, even before the council asked me as the town’s librarian to finally create a real history of those early years. It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do for some time. To try to get it all down and in the right order while those of us who actually witnessed these events are s’til around to give their testimony.

I believe the council is right in wanting to do this, since if for no other reason than future generations will be born and live their lives and have no direct knowledge of or connection to the old world even if that connection was only through the memories of those of us who are s’til around who remember it. These future children will also have no knowledge of those dangerous and perilous first few years after the fall of the old world and they will need to know what happened and why.

These future generations will need to know not only about the successes we had that led to our thriving community today, but also about the sacrifices that were made necessary to ensure the survival of our group.

I must also find a way to tell them about our failures, we had so many for they too played a role in shaping who we are as a people today.

The effort that is underway already to more or less idolize the groups early leaders especially Kevin is only natural I suppose given what the human race has been through its only natural to want to have hero’s, someone to look up too.

But s’til the unvarnished truth needs to be put down since the Kevin Thompson I knew certainly didn’t intend for this growing settlement to be his legacy. I honestly don’t think he wanted anything to do with any of this at first. In fact I’m sure he didn’t. I was only a young girl at the time of course but like the rest of us I remember that I had to grow up fast and take on more responsibility than I would have ever thought I was capable of but I did it and Kevin told be once that he was proud of me and all my hard work.

I have often wondered if Kevin experienced the same sorts or doubts and uncertainties that I did. I guess we’ll never know.

But Kevin did step up and do what had to be done to ensure the groups survival but did that make him a hero that so many would like to paint him as today? I don’t know, perhaps its for history itself to decided these things, but I do know that he would have been the first to laugh at the very idea of him being some sort of larger than life figure. Perhaps to call a Kevin a reluctant hero would be closer to the truth. In any case it is now my responsibility to try to get our early history from the time of the fall of the old world to now as accurately as I can. I owe it not only to the future but also to the past to get it right. So I’m back to my original question of where to begin but I guess like any great story it needs to start like they did.

In the beginning……

It’s not everyday that you get to see the beginning of the end of the world and everything you know right in front of you. So it could be understandable that Kevin Thompson didn’t fully appreciate what the initial reports of the viral outbreak meant when he watched the news that first night.

Having just gotten home after another long day of sweating his ass off from driving a truck for a construction company in Lincoln, Nebraska, he’d made the nearly hour long drive home just in time on this warm May evening to flip on CNN and catch some actual news or at least as close as they ever got to it before the network went to hours of nothing more than talking heads.

But after a day at work he, like any good news junkie, just wanted to get his fix and not listen to hours of inane chatter from a group of people he considered having the combined IQ of a piece of cauliflower and a small piece at that.

However the attractive brunette on the screen with what could only be described as a truly impressive set of tits was rambling on about authorities in China quarantining a local village in response to what looked like another flare-up of the bird flu.

He’d heard this before just like everyone else that bothered to follow the news and most of these flare ups were either stamped out quickly or were just another false alarm to begin with so Kevin didn’t pay much attention, after all he had his own problems to deal with.

The little blurb of a story was out of the news cycle for a few days ”til cases of apparently the same thing suddenly popped up in Southeast Asia and in Europe on the same day, that’s when he at least first started to get worried. Apparently though he was about the only person that was worried since no one at work or even in the news seemed to be taking it all that seriously at least publicly.

That is ’til the first wave of infected people started to die on live TV, and die they did. That was when The World Health organization as well as the CDC started sounding the alarm in earnest. More and more of the so called experts started talking about the idea that this was in fact the big one that they had all been warning about.

Apparently this was the nightmare scenario that virologists the world over had been having so many sleepless nights about. A virus that spread person to person through the air like the flu, but unlike the regular flu which just makes most people that catch it feel like crap for a couple of days and then they get better, this bug ferociously attacks the body leading to almost certain death.

To make matters worse the disease seemed to be resistant to just about anything they could throw at it. So now all those enormous stockpiles of pills, which had been amassed at great expense by governments and individuals like, at the urging of the big drug conglomerates to protect the people, were now found to be all but useless against the very thing they were intended to work against.

So just at the moment then the human race needed modern medical science the most, medical science came to realize that the viruses and bacteria out in the world still had a lot to teach us about our place in the great scheme of things.

The New Plague, as it was quickly dubbed in the media, had already spread by this time of course and continued to spread with almost breath taking speed. With modern air travel people who either didn’t realize how infectious they were or maybe they just didn’t care continued to travel normally, the damn fools got on airplanes, busses, trains and other forms of mass transit where they spread a deadly pathogen to as many new victims as could be done. Of course the places they went had l
ots of people in them and simply by breathing and interacting with all these unsuspecting intervals the virus continued to spread.

The bug started appearing all over the world in the next week and of course global panic wasn’t far behind.

From the scale of national governments to individual people everyone started to try to quarantine themselves, just like in the 13th and 14th centuries during the time of the black death when cities like London tried to wall themselves in to keep the disease out.

In the 21st century it worked about as well as it did then, the bug still found its way in, assuming it wasn’t already there before they tried to stop it.

The number of cases globally exploded exponentially in the big mega cities around the world, hospitals that were already operating at near capacity on a normal day were completely overwhelmed with the sick and dying as well as all the people who just thought they were.

Just like people all over the world, Kevin got to watch the end of the world live on 24 hour television. In a space of a few days the story went from just hardly being mentioned at all to being all they talked about and humans, being the herd animals they were, panicked even more.

Kevin found it was amazing to watch it all play out even mesmerizing in an abstract sort of way. Seeing just how fast modern civilization could unravel like a cheap rug.

He kept going to work since he needed the money, but many of his co-workers didn’t show up, not that he could really blame them. Then the first of them started to die, just one at first then another and another. With no one to replace them Kevin’s company like most everything else soon ground to a halt and the owners told the workers that were left to just go home ’til it was all over.

Kevin figured they couldn’t have kept going much longer anyway since it was getting harder to get fuel, spare parts, you name it as the transportation system infrastructure began to break down.

The various government agencies for the most part did their best to keep people calm, as well as keeping basic services like electrical power and the water on. They also organized the shipping of food and medicine to towns and cities all over the country. Other counties were doing the same, in the case of Beatrice, Nebraska, the local Wal-mart was chosen as the distribution point. It was one of the few sites in town that had enough refrigerated storage space for that much food, as well as its designed purpose being that it was intended to move large numbers of people in and out as quickly as possible which suited the authorities needs.

On top of that with its location being out away from town the military and police who were running the show thought they could more easily secure the area. This idea took on new importance when the supply convoys in different parts of the country started being attacked.

That was when martial law was finally declared. A curfew was announced and military units started appearing more frequently in town and just about everywhere else as well it seemed from what they were saying on TV, even with the new level of censorship that had been imposed.

Just who these people attacking the convoys were wasn’t really clear but it looked like that with the implementation of rationing a black market had not surprisingly quickly sprung up and these same groups wanted whatever was in those trucks for themselves.

Now Kevin was no virologist but he didn’t think it was a good idea for so many people to be crowded together at a single distribution point with an airborne virus on the loose. The problem was no one seemed to be able to come up with another way to get food to all the people that needed it any other way. It was finally decided that people were just going to have to risk it.

The government did have medics there all the time looking for anyone that might be sick and they found them too. More and more often, ’til a temporary clinic was set up in the parking lot to handle the growing number of sick people that were being pulled out of line, a temporary morgue was set up as well for the same reason.

Big military two and a half ton trucks could be heard rumbling through town everyday. Kevin had seen them himself, people in protective suits going door to door,kicking the doors in where necessary and pulling out the bodies of the dead and taking the sick but still living to the field hospitals they had set up.

Field hospitals now that was a good one, Kevin thought. There were so few doctors to go around by now that most were being operated by anyone that had any medical training at all. He’d heard that the bodies of the dead were being taken to mass graves that had been dug outside of town but he hadn’t seen them and the news broad casts were forbidden under the rules of the state of emergency that had been declared from showing them or even talking about it all that much. It made sense he supposed but still the way it was going they were all going to end up there eventually. So what was the point?

Of course with all the camera phones out there someone finally managed to get close enough to get some pictures of what was going on and then posting them on the internet. It showed both troops and civilian contractors he supposed in full biohazard gear running bull dozers and backhoes digging long trenches then the trucks of all kinds would start showing up. They back up to the edge and would dump their load of bodies. It was clear from the video that it was human bodies, many were in black plastic body bags others were wrapped in sheets and still others were just wearing whatever they had on when they had died or had been found.

It wasn’t long after that sight made it into the public consciences when the TV news broadcasts started going off the air. Kevin, sitting in his living room, couldn’t help but wonder, was this how we were really going out?

Chapter 2

Sitting in a very uncomfortable plastic chair and trying to doze in the staff break room which was one of the few areas of the hospital that hadn’t been turned into wards for all the sick and dying people that had come in, Kelly Peterson couldn’t help but think about how she had come to this point.

Being the child of mix race parents made her something of a novelty in her home town of Beatrice which was about as much of a corn fed white bread town as you would find just about anywhere but here in Lincoln she blended in much better, with it’s larger population leading to a lot more ethnic diversity.

Her long black hair was currently pulled back into a pony tail for convenience sake and the dark bags under her honey colored eyes, a gift from her father, were showing the stress of the last few weeks.

Her mother Helen Peterson had wanted to be a doctor all of her life and both she and her family were ecstatic when she got a scholarship to the University of Nebraska to study medicine. She’d planned for everything that is everything except meeting Kelly’s father. Walter Ucumba was an exchange student from West Africa. He had never been so far away from home and he had found the United States both fascinating as well as frightening. Experiencing the usual home sickness that many college students felt, Walter threw himself into his studies. That is ’til he met Kelly with her brown hair and blue eyes, she caught his attention right away. Walter hadn’t come to the states to get into a relationship, he was here to work, to better himself. But Helen was just such a sweet person he couldn’t help himself but to fall in love with her.

The day she met Walter was one of the greatest days of Helen’s life, no matter how it ultimately turned out. She and Walter had an instant connection, soon they were inseparable and being college age kids, one thing led to another and Kelly found herself pregnant.

Walter was terrified at the prospect of fatherhood, he did love Kelly there wasn’t any doubt about that but he also knew that he wasn’
t ready to get married to her or anyone else at this point in his life. Neither of them believed in abortion so that only left one option.

Helen dropped out of school and moved home. Her family had pretty much disowned her over her affair with not just a college boy but a black one at that. Only her grandmother and a couple close friends stood by her during these years and though times were hard she and her daughter got by.

Walter to his credit didn’t abandon his unwanted family, he knew it was his responsibility to look after them and he did his best. He sent what money he could while he was still in school and once he had his degree, he sent more. He made sure that Helen and Kelly had everything that he could give them.

Helen knew though that she still wanted to work in medicine so after Kelly started school she went back to school herself and worked toward and earned a degree in nursing. Growing up and seeing how hard her mom worked and how much good she did, Kelly knew what she wanted to do with her life and followed her mom into nursing. Getting her Bachelors of Science she went to work as an RN in a hospital in Lincoln just weeks before the outbreak had started.

Being a young inexperienced nurse Kelly was just getting her feet on the ground when the news reports started about what was happening in China and the hospital received its first alert on what to keep an eye out for.

Unfortunately it didn’t take long for the first cases to appear, just a couple that first day then more the next and more and more ’til there was an almost steady stream of people coming in, not only to her hospital but the only other major hospital in town as well as every clinic and doctor’s office as well.

In all too short a time, every bed was full and they were lining people up in the halls, on the floor, in the waiting areas and any other space that was big enough to hold at least a couple of beds or even just a mattress on the floor or table and whatever equipment could be scrounged to help them. Ventilators in particular were desperately needed since as the disease progressed, it attacked the lungs causing them to fill with fluid, without a ventilator to help them breathe a person could literally drown in their own fluids.

But even with a ventilator the hospitals staff found with hard won but quickly acquired experience that it only prolonged the inevitable, none of the different drugs or high tech equipment they had seemed to help much. Very few people that got the virus recovered from it. Most lasted a few days to maybe a week if they were lucky or not depending on how you looked at it.

Quickly being over whelmed, they called for help and the military did send a couple of doctors to take over and as many medics as they could spare. It really didn’t matter though, since it was like trying to hold back the ocean tide with a broom.

Unfortunately not only were the patients dying but the hospital staff started to die as well, some from the disease, some others from the increasingly lawless nature of the city she had until recently called home. There were just not enough soldiers and police to go around now. Many were sick or already dead themselves, others were trying to protect their own families. As their numbers dwindled however the gangs of people that had started to come together to survive started fighting among themselves staking their claims to what was left. Not unlike vultures, she thought grimly, picking away the meat of a mostly dead but still squirming animal.

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So as jenny’s 16th year went by, Jenny met with both Bob and Barbara his wife or both whenever wherever they could meet. The sex was amazing for all of them now that Jenny had learned to suck cock and eat pussy and fuck like a pro. She was As good as or better than the adults now and even better Jenny hungered for more all the time. Jenny loved the fact that both Barb and Bobby loved to eat her pussy and make love to her young body. The orgasms from Barb were new and very exciting as Barbara...

2 years ago
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NubilesPorn Kali Renee The Real Girl Nextdoor

Real amateur Kali Renee wants her boyfriend Logan Reed to love on every inch of her body as he works. When she decides he’s finished cleaning the pool, she reaches for him so that she can whip out his stiffie for a BJ reward for a job well done. Logan can’t help but thrust into Kali’s warm lips as she works him with long loving sucks. After she peels off her bikini bra and bottom, Kali helps Logan onto the chaise that she has been lounging on. Once he’s comfortable, she...

3 years ago
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The Sleepover Part 1

"So, Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?" I looked over at Laurie and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get an answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sleepover, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of Southern Comfort Laurie had...

3 years ago
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First Gay Gym Experience In Shower

This past summer I became a member at this gym in San Diego which is in the building of my office so it was very convenient and I used it all the time. This gym is always full of young, hardworking professionals who enjoy being in shape and as a twenty-one-year-old bi male, it's always fun to check out both the girls and guys who work out here. I had pretty much only hooked up with girls at this point in my life but I knew I had an interest in men. There was something about a hot set of abs...

Gay Male
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PenthouseGold Dani Blu Coed Lives Out Her Professor Fantasy

College coed Dani Blu has a meeting at hunky professor Filthy Rich’s house and confesses that she’s always had a crush on him. He takes the grand opportunity to start kissing the brunette beauty and fondles her perky titties over the floral print dress that soon comes off enabling him to suck on bare nipples and get access to trimmed pussy. After the young student gives her teacher a blowjob, it’s a nonstop pussy fucking session that she had only fantasized about until this...

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Jealous Magic

Jealous Magic Prologue My name is, or was, Vince McGrath. I was once a 20-year-old man, but all that was taken from me by magic, yes magic. When I had left school at 18, had managed to be accepted into a very select university located just outside a large but picturesque Scottish village known as Darkhaven. Surrounded by thick Scottish woodland, Darkhaven is one of those villages where the rich have moved in, raising the property prices and forcing most of the original...

1 year ago
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Theres Nothing Better Than A Sister

Note: This story is entirely fictional!! Growing up I have always been close with my younger sister Erin. She is only a year younger then me and we are pretty much best friends. We do everything together and share almost all the same interests. And for the past couple of years, I've taken an interest in her. At 19 years old Erin has already grown into one of the most attractive girls I have ever seen. She's 5'5 and 110 lbs. She plays lacrosse and lifeguards so needless to say her tight,...

3 years ago
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Taking Haley

Chapter One Waking up Haley felt herself being flung into the dark, tiny room.  She couldn’t even brace her landing as she fell to the floor, her hands and arms have been bound for so long that she lost their use.  Her back and ass screamed in agony after being whipped severely.? Her body was slick with sweat, tears and what seemed like gallons of semen which was drying all over her face, hair, ass and vagina.  She was in so much pain that she could not even feel it.  She tried desperately to...

4 years ago
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Mother and Son 2nd Encounter

thanks for your comments here is the next instalment.After the first encounter I was more eager to fuck her now than ever during the week that past I caught glimpses of her in the bath and even heard her one night when I was in my own bed she was maturbating as I could hear the her moans and groans I was wondering what she was fantasing about.I had to wank my hard cock at the sounds of her masturbating and wished it was me playing with her wet pussy and hard nipples.It was now Friday and my mom...

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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 2

Earth Date 09/30/2018 After I was up and dressed, a harsh knock was happening at my front door. Opening the door, I saw Dianne and Larry. He said, “I caught her sneaking out of the house. She told me she was coming over to visit you. I’m not stupid. What’s going on between you two?” She pulled from him and went into my arms, “I’m in love with Jeff, and he loves me.” “Is this true?” he said looking at the two of us together. “You’re not as smart as you think you are. We’ve been seeing...

3 years ago
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Reunion With My English Teacher 8211 Part I

She is about 39 yr old,5 ft 3 in, very fair and a well toned body. Her assets were something to die for, firm round breasts and pretty round ass. She use to wear salwar suit most of the time and that always highlighted her assets. The woman referred above is someone’s mother, someone’s beloved wife but also my favorite teacher. I first saw her when I was 18 years of age where I was already into adult age and any nice looking women gave me tingly feeling inside my pants. She teaches us English...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part V A Real Whore

The next morning as I awoke, I realized that in just a few hours I was to re-experience the previous day’s activities. This seemed too much too soon, but I had agreed. Of course I could always cancel, but then if I did so I would wonder how much I’d miss it and whether I would have acclimated to the frequency and intensity. I decided to just forge ahead and so I got dressed and left for work, girly clothes under my street clothes and wig in hand. I thought to myself, “This is ridiculous.”...

2 years ago
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Married Friends on holiday

Holiday WifeYet again i have had the call to run to the airport to pick my friends up.After picking them up we drove down the short stretch of motorway, whilst on the motorway I was asked if we could find a restaurant as they hadn´t eaten for some hours. No problem. I drove to a nice fish restaurant in a small fishing village I know. As we were getting out of the car my friend gave me a remote and told me to press the button as and when I wanted to, and he would explain later.Kind of a weird...

4 years ago
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Indiana Jones and the temple of temptation

You crack your whip, pulling the spear from the native's hand. He takes of running and disappears in the bush. You look back to the cave entrance. This is the legendary entrance to the caves of Mt. Phallus. You step in, walking slowly, examining the primitive art on the walls. It all appears to be an early attempt at sexual drawings. Your eye catches a particular set of breasts on the wall whose nipples appear to project from the wall. You press them and suddenly the floor drops from beneath...

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A transvestite meets up with a guy and his dog

As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...

4 years ago
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The Perils of Powers

What a time to find out you have powers. Forty years old. Don't ask me how it happened, why or what, because I don't know. My parents don't have any powers that I know of, nor anyone else in my family. Me, some months after my fortieth birthday I woke up after a poor night's sleep to discover that I was covered in fur! I panicked and desperately wished it would go away, and it did. I lay back, relaxed, and put it down to a lucid dream. But I was curious. I tried experimenting. ...

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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 34

We flew in a charter first to Montgomery where I picked up my car and drove around to the general aviation side and picked up Eve and the three grandchildren along with my suitcase and Eve's. I also loaded some of the kids' luggage, too. We all got in my car and started the trip to the farm after watching the small jet take off for Luverne. The grand-kids were excited to be riding with us after the jet flight to Montgomery. Soon they fell asleep as the miles rolled under my tires. Eve and...

2 years ago
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Chapters of Cheat

#1 ‘Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love.’ _________________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught. She picked up her phone and dialled a number. The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. ‘I thought you blacklisted me?’, he said ‘It’s time for some sex,...

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‘Can we please stop? My feet are fucking killing me’ James glanced over his shoulder, catching Kate leaning against a tree rubbing her ankle. ‘Jesus, how many times are we gonna have to fricken stop?’ James moaned, turning back to help her. ‘Oh I’m sorry, but um, who’s dumb-ass idea was it to go on a hike on the hottest day of the year?’ Kate snarled sarcastically. ‘I mean really James, who the fuck hikes in the middle of July? I’m sweating like hell, being eaten alive by mosquitoes and my...

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Draft Only Older Mans Toy

Older Mans Toy - Draft Only, Comments / Suggestions Welcome I had trawled the Internet and was a frequent visitor to crossdresser / sissy sites and would edge and stroke myself for hours before letting forth a huge torrent of cum that I either landed in my hand and licked up or with my nylon encased legs over my head into my own mouth.On this occasion I had received a web prompt from someone else on the site asking if I would be interested in a home visit to explore my sexuality further....

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Tanha Khushi Ko Apna Banaya

Hi! This is Shahid.I m 24 Years Old. Good looking. Having Good Sense Of Humor.Ok lets start the story. Mai UPSC exams ki tayyari kr rha hu. upsc class aur library k liye mujhe apne gaon se dur poona shehar aana pada. Shehar me rehna Bada Mehenga tha iss liye Mai waha se 20 km dur ek gao me reh kr wahi se aa ja rha tha. Jaha pe mai rehta tha wo ek lower class family thi. jin ka chotasa do manzil ka pushtaini ghar tha. Upar k chotese kamre me mai rehne lga tha. Makan malik aadhi umar ka insaan...

1 year ago
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Sucking Her Lovers CockSC83part1of1

One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn’t say anything. Sucking Her Lover's CockPart-1-of-1 One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn’t say anything. Barbara introduced him and asked me to...

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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 21

CHAPTER 21 - The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ellen initially had planned on returning to work as soon as possible. With all that had happened, she decided to take an extra month's maternity leave. In addition to recovering from her delivery, she wanted a chance to get reacquainted with George and help him through his emotional crisis. As a starting point, they turned off all of their electrical devices...

2 years ago
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A Ladyboy for Master Hans

After Chip had cooked dinner and waited on Hans, and had his own meal in the kitchen, cleaning up quickly, he got busy polishing Hans's shoes and boots. But in the middle of polishing Master Hans's last set of boots, Hans interrupted Chip. "Chip. How many times I must tell you? You have not?written down?your Stuhlgang, your poo-poo!." Hans, who was a strict hygienist, required that his submissive weigh and record his bowel movements, using little plastic gloves and a small digital kitchen...

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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 20

Dusty shook her head, she was damn sure that she was being set up. “Demetri, we aren’t Wizards we are only High Mages,” she told him. “May I be rude and ask to see your item?” he asked politely. Dusty stood and told her items to appear, “See, we only have four gems.” Demetri stood and walked over to her. “What is it the thing that appeared on your arm?” “Oh, this is a vambrace. Mine is a bit odd as it has four gems but two of them are different from the others on my medallion. Lee said...

2 years ago
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Start Of Incest Journey With Shalini Didi Part 8211 6

To all the readers and friends who read my previous posts, thank you all for your valuable and positive feedback and suggestions, I really feel glad to go through your mails/messages with all the suggestions, advice and recommendations. It encourages me as well as helps me a lot to improve my ways of expression and writing. In the previous part I explained how I and aunty were getting into steamy action and how at the very wrong time, we both were interrupted by Shalini didi. When Shalini came...

3 years ago
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How My Wife Ended Up In Bed With A 19 Year Old

This all happened by accident one day as my wife and I had visited the home improvement store. We had been checking on prices as we wanted to change out our carpet in our home. We were in their flooring department when a young gentlemen walked over to help us. He introduced himself as Matt and began to show us all the different styles of carpeting they had. He said he had been working in this department for the last two months. He laid out several choices of carpeting down on the floor so we...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Pose For Me

I never, in all my five years of being a model, expected to pose nude for a photographer. But that's what I agree to when my agent phones, telling me that hotshot photographer, Ethan Mills, wants me as his nude model. It's the deal of a lifetime that I, Chely Daniels, would be crazy to turn down. I'm kind of taller than most girls. I'm tan, have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm slim and I never have any problems finding modeling jobs. But I'm having doubts, as I tell my best friend and roomie,...

Straight Sex
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So pleasedI wake feeling so pleased with my pet thinking about all the ways he has pampered and worshiped latley, feeling so wet and horney and never feeling this pleased with a petbefor im kinda lost on how to reward him.. i think about it as i shower and get ready for my day off... i completly loose my train of thought when i relise i havean intire day to tease and torment my pet and decide to get started early.. giving a lil wistle from my shower then shouting "you better be in here when i...

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First Threesome Story In ISS Leads To A Foursome Experience

Hi, all. Madhu here again with a new story. Part of the below story is true and part of it is fictions. I have got a good response for my previous story regarding my first threesome which actually was a real incident. I have a chat friend in Gmail. We became friends once I read her story in ISS and complimented her(at least 2 years back). She is from Hyderabad. I shared the link of my 3 some story to my friends in my Gmail contact list. That Hyderabad lady was also part of that mailing...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 380

Saturday morning we went to the airport restaurant for breakfast again. We had a few odd and ends to take care of, then all of us were going to the gun club; the girls wanted to do a few minutes practice to stay proficient. Linda, Alice and Ellen had been at the club for half an hour practicing when we arrived. They all were definitely better; they were now putting all the rounds in eye at the 60 foot mark. I was satisfied with the improvement and told them so. According to the blueprints of...

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My TeacherMy TeaseHer Control

I loved attention, so having older women tell me how much of a help I was or how cute or good looking I was always, motivated me keep people happy and I’m still like that today. Now...my new teacher..Madame Guillemette was in her 40’s...tall, dressed like a sexy librarian (pencil skirts, nylons/thigh highs...I could see from where i sat) always high heels a blouse and I’m sure she had fake boobs. Her face...she looked 40, redish hair, stylish with glasses and for some reason....none of my...

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