The Story Of Ann Chapter 8 Learning The Truth From Jack free porn video

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Introduction: I learn of Jacks past and also about Vietnam and the secrets he holds. The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

I borrowed Janets car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English.

Ann, he keeps looking toward the door as if he is expecting someone and from the look in his eyes I think it is trouble he is expecting, Susan said to me on the phone.

Take that bottle from him, I replied to her into the phone.

I tried too but he just shook his head no at me when I did, Susan said.

I told her I would be right there. I drove into town not knowing what or who I was about to face. I hoped it was Jack. The man I was falling deeply in love with back then. However, I was not sure of his past or of him. It seemed that at one time during the Vietnam War he was a different man.

He never had explained to me or to grandma about just falling off the face on the earth when he went to Vietnam. He had also done the same thing when he found out I had married Rick. Jack then suffered his wounds and it was almost a year before grandma heard from him. Where and what was he doing?

I thought about Susan telling me he acted as if he was waiting for someone to come through the door at the bar. Those men called the Devils entered my mind along with Captain Bobs words about Jack seeking revenge.

Either it was a slow night at the bar or Jack had run everyone out of there. I parked around back entering the bar from the back door. I saw Jack sitting at his normal seat at the end of the bar. Susan looked at me then looked away as Jack sat there with his back to me. I slowly walked up behind him stopping a ways behind him. I had not made any sound when I walked up to him from behind. I watched as he picked the bottle up in front of him and took a long hard drink.

Jack placed the bottle onto the bar as he said, Xin chà,o Ann, without turning around to see who it was behind him. He then asked, Ban ã, en uong voi ma guy?

I turned Jack on his bar stool as I asked, What did you just say to me?

Jack replied, Hello Ann, have you come to drink with the Devil?

I looked into his eyes and those eyes were not Jacks. They filled with sorrow, despair as well as anger. His eyes did not sparkle or shine as I looked into them. Jack turned back on his bar stool taking the bottle into his hand once more. He took a big long drink then sat it back down in front of himself.

I sat down by him as I said, Jack, come home I am sorry about what I said.

Jack grabbed the bottle again to take a drink. I grabbed it from his hand before he could. He stared at me, which was almost more of a glare than a stare.

If you are not drinking I would like my bottle back Ann, Jack said to me almost sweetly.

I saw two shot glasses sitting in front of him and as I reached for one Jack blocked my hand as he said, Those are taken, as he stood up and asked Susan for another shot glass.

Jack did not sit back down as he said, Excuse me Ann, I have to drain my lizard.

I watched him walk to the bathroom. Jack walked straight and true all the way there. Susan came over with the shot glass and I asked her just how much he had to drink. She told me that bottle was full and was two thirds of the way gone now. I asked her about the two shot glasses in front of him.

He told me he had a feeling someone would be joining him, Susan said. I thought he meant you until I called you, She added.

Susan walked away as Jack returned and sat down. I poured myself a shot and I kicked it back. It burnt all the way down and I started to cough and gag. Jack smiled and he told me it was an acquired taste. He took the bottle and placed it back in front of himself.

Jack why did you say, Men are not punished for their sins, but by them? I asked him.

Jack turned toward me as his started to say Because of my past, but then his eyes went to the front door of the bar. His eyes seemed to fill with blackness as he stared at the door. I turned to see the door opening and a man walking into the bar. The man entering the bar was the one who shot him.

Jack, I said turning to him in panic and in fear.

Jack got up from his bar stool and he stood in front of me blocking me from the man as he walked toward us. I looked down to see Jacks good hand clinched in a fist. The man walked over to Jack until he was almost toe-to-toe with him. They stared into each others eyes just glaring at each other.

Hello, Jack, the man said finally never taking his eyes from Jack.

Hello Daniel, Jack replied. I would shake your hand but I seem to only have one good fucking arm at this time, Jack added with a lot of anger in his voice as his eyes focused on Daniels eyes.

Daniel stepped back from Jack as he hung his head for a few seconds then said, That is why I am here Jack, I am sorry for shooting you, Daniel looked around Jack as he added, I believe I own you an apology as well Miss, looking at me.

Jack stepped up into Daniels face as he replied, She has no part in this as it is between you and I.

Then lets have our toast and get on with it, Daniel said reaching for the shot glasses and the bottle.

Daniel poured two shot glasses full. He sat the bottle back down looking at them with his hands on the bar. I thought he was thinking rather to just strike Jack and for go their drink. But then he handed oneshot glass to Jack and took one himself.

He turned to Jack as he held his shot glass up he said, May the Devil himself fear us when his own ride into Hell, his eyes black as Jacks.

Jack raised his shot as he replied, May all Devils be allowed into heaven someday.

The two drank their shots then slammed their shot glasses onto the bar counter. I saw Susan reaching for the phone. I guessed she was calling the police as it looked like the two men were going to fight to settle the score for the last time.

Susan, put the phone down there will be no trouble here this night, Jack said to her.

Jack, I am sorry that war turned good men into Devils. I can only thank you for not pressing charges. I also wanted to tell you it was not me who shot you but this Devil I have turned into.

I too was once a Devil until I found something worth loving again more than death, Jack replied looking back to me.

Daniel hung his head for a second then lifted it as he looked to me as he said, Miss, you have a good man here see that he stays that way. Daniel turned to Jack as he added, So she is the one who purged your soul.

Yes and I returned to Vietnam to purge all of yours souls too, But it was to late for any of you, Jack replied in a bitter tone of voice.

Jack, I swear it was not one of us who shot you in Vietnam at least I know it was not me, If it was one of us I would have killed that person where he stood. We all were brothers over there Jack with you as the leader of the Devils. Each of us had a reason for what we did or did not do, Men are not punished for their sins, but by them, Daniel said holding out his hand to Jack.

Jack stared at his outstretched hand, as he replied, No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from. Jack took Daniels hand into his as he added, The time has come to put this evil to an end.

That is why I am here Jack, You led us into that evil and now you must led us from it. The time has come to disband the Devils and purge our souls as you have, Daniel said to him.

I was never the leader for men lead only themselves to hell and hope they dont live to regret it, Jack replied.

They shook hands then the two big men embraced. As they embraced I noticed Daniels eyes were not black they were the loveliest shade of blue that went with his long blonde hair. The men broke their embrace and faced each other again.

You made me realized our souls might belong to the Devil but our hearts never will. Thanks for not pressing charges as we both know that caging an animal is not the way, Daniel said to him.

Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday. Get the help you need and if you need to talk you know where to find me, Jack replied.

Daniel shook his head yes, as he turned walking from the bar. Jack grabbed the bottle from the bar taking it back to his seat. He screwed the cap back on to it then handed the bottle to Susan as he told her he would not need that any more.

How about bringing me one of my usual instead, Jack said to her. Make that two of them, he added as he looked to me.

Jack, what is all of this about? If I love you and you love me do I not have a right to know? I asked him.

You have every right to know and you shall, Jack replied as Susan placed two tall glasses of ginger ale in front of us.

Jack lifted his glass taking a sip then said, Life without love is a shadow of things that might be. I learned that as a young boy growing up on the streets.

I was a boy of seven unloved by his parents and dumped into the streets like garbage. I was neglected and beaten as a boy at home if you could call that a home. I was better off on my own in the streets. The streets harden me into an adult without enjoying a childhood quickly as they were my home now. I stole to survive on the streets.
The cop who walked that beat at the time was Captain Bob. He was but a rookie back then and had caught me stealing newspapers that I would then sale on the next block. He was the first person to have showed me any compassion. He took me to breakfast and asked me who I was and where I live.

They call me Jack and the streets are my home, I replied to him.

Officer Bob decided that sending me to the detention center would only harden me more. Instead, he took me home to his place. He was the first person to have ever showed me compassion. I repaid his compassion by stealing his TV when he went back to work.

I avoided Officer Bob for about a month before he caught me again. This time he took me to jail. The judge decided I was an orphan of the state, as they could not find my parents. They sent me to the orphanage where they mistreated me as I had been at home.

I ran away every chance I got and if anyone did adopt me I ran away or caused trouble until they shipped me back to the orphanage. After a while, they never showed me to parents looking to adopt a boy. When I ran away, I returned to the streets and Officer Bob or one of the other members of the police department would return me to the orphanage. I knew most of the police department by their first names and they were really my only friends.

One day Kim-ly and Dai Dinh my soon to be adoptive parents came to the orphanage. They showed all the children to them except for me. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my head down as Kim-ly walked by me. She asked why I not shown to them.

That boy is Jack and he is nothing but trouble, they told her.

Kim-ly walked up to me lifting my head as she said, Blonde hair, blue green eyes sign of devil but I see a loving, caring heart in eyes too. Kim-ly smiled at me as she added, We take boy named Jack.

I went home with two people who were not even Americans I thought. They talked to each other in a language I did not understand. They took me home and as I was unpacking by belongings I heard them talking in English.

That boy will only be big problem, Dai Dinh said.

That boy strong and be big help on farm, Kim-ly replied.

I thought that is why they picked me to use me as a slave on their farm. I did not say anything to either of them. They feed me something I never seen or had, but I must admit it tasted better than what I had been eating. They showed me their farm and told me I would be helping them to run it.

I did not say anything I just followed them until they left me alone. I ran across field after fields trying to get away. I fell into barbwire trying to get over fences or around them. I had no idea of where I was and it was getting dark outside. I saw a barn in the distance and I ran to it.

I went inside and climbed up into the hayloft. Your grandfather found me the next morning. He was kind to me and took me inside where I met your grandmother. He told her look what he found in the barn.

Can we keep him? Grandma asked him.

Your grandfather shook his head no, as he asked me about myself. Where I came from, who my parents were and my name. I just stood there with my head down, as I did not want to go back to those that I had just ran away from.

Grandmas cooking loosened my tongue as I told them they call me Jack. After breakfast and with no money to pay for breakfast your grandfather told me I could work it off and then be on my way. He told me nothing was ever free in life as one way or the other you will pay for it in the end. As we worked, I told him my story of growing up alone and unloved on the streets of the city. I explained I had lied and stolen while living on the streets. I only did those things to survive.

No one can survive without love, your grandfather said to me. If you want to be truly loved, you have to first give love in order to receive love. If you want to be wanted one must never take what they want, only one who gives it to you can give you the feeling that you are wanted and needed.

His words took to me as I realized I had never shown any compassion to anyone. Before we had lunch, I told him who my adoptive parents were and gave him their phone number. He told me Dai Dinh was a good man and his lovely wife Kim-ly would be a good mother to me. He also told me never judge ones who are different from yourself.

His words held true as I grew to love them as my real parents and they loved me as well. I also grew to accept your grandparents as my own as mine lived far away. I knew very little of where my adoptive parents came from other than the few photos they had of their homeland.

Kim-ly used to tell me their families would accept me as one of their own as they had. I came home from school one day to find her crying in the bedroom. I asked her what was wrong she told me the North Vietnamese had wiped out their families during the war going on over there.

I remember in a few days telling your grandfather and Frank when I grow up I would seek revenge on those who took her family from her. Your grandfather told me, War has a way of changing a man if he gets caught up in all the death.

You know I was going to go to college and that I had a sweetheart back then. She only gave me the push I needed to seek my revenge. I do not believe she played a part, as I wanted to go seek revenge against those who had made Kim-ly cry so I went off to war in Vietnam seeking revenge on those who made her cry.

Your grandfather was right about war having a way of changing a man. Between the deaths that I saw, the death I handed out, the injustice from both sides as well as my own injustice it changed me. Nothing he or my own parents had taught me about right or wrong growing up mattered any more to me.

My head and my hands only had death upon them. I no longer had compassion for anyone even myself. I found there were others like me while on leave in country. I met then while in Vung Tau while on a 3 day R&R there.

One of them was Daniel and members of his squad most were from around my hometown. During our R&R, we saw news reports of how returning soldiers were treated. They called us baby killers and spit at us. The news portrayed us to the public as crazed psychopathic killers with no morals or control over our aggression.

When I saw that, everything that I knew that was right left me. If that was what they thought us to be then maybe, we were. Daniel, his men and I formed a group and called ourselves The Devils. We were already in hell so why not become the devil as well. Anywhere the devils went hell was set up it did not matter whether it was in the jungles of Vietnam, in Vung Tau or even back at home.

Jack told me of members raping and even killing girls over there. Jack swore to me he never took part in that but that he never stopped or reported it. He explained he took his hate and anger out on the enemy, as he was there seeking revenge on them and no one else.

My year of duty was up and I returned home. I was looking forward to it as grandma had written to me about her granddaughter who was now living with her. She had told me we had a lot in common. However, I no sooner stepped from the plane to boos, spit and chants of being a baby killer upon arriving in the USA.

I thought once that I removed the uniform I could remove the bad taste I had in my mouth and the smell upon me. However, it did not for all I could see was death when I closed my eyes. My mind was pretty much gone by then, as I no longer knew right from wrong. During that party when I took you, I knew it was wrong but I could not stop myself nor did I want too.

Then to know the rubber had broken and I might have placed a Devil baby into you. With as screwed up as I was. I thought your baby would be too. I ran back to where I belonged which was in Vietnam, stuck in my own hell.

Upon my return to Vietnam, all I could think about was you. I did not even know your name but I saw your face each time I closed my eyes. After a mission, I would return to my quarters and lie upon my bed hoping you would come to me in my dreams. Your face was the only sanity I had left.

I broke all ties at home with everyone. As I did not want anyone to know what I had become or had done to you. This was my home now for this was hell and it was where I belonged. You were still on my mind and in my dreams. I wrote many letters confessing what I had done to Kim-ly and asked her to find you. However, I never had the guts to mail them.

My life in Hell went on and while I was not part of the ones known as the Devils any longer, I still wore their mark. I would hear of their exploits from time to time. I stopped opening letters from home as I just threw them away until my commanding officer informed me my parents and others were concerned about me. He suggested I write them unless I was crazy and then he would have to ship me home. One of the first letters I opened from home was from your grandma.

When I did, the photo of you with Michelle in your arms fell out onto the ground. I left it on the ground as I read the letter. In her letter, she told me about her lovely granddaughter named Ann. How your life had been a hard one with the struggles you had with your mom and then with your husband.

She explained you were divorced now living back there and that you were the one she had written to me about before and wanted me to meet when I was home the first time. I picked the photo up looking at it. I realized I had met you and had my way with you. When I saw Michelles eyes, her lovely blonde hair I realized she might be mine.

Shortly after receiving her letter my adoptive father died and I returned home. It was no accident running into you two that day at the store. I had been following you two all day long. When I picked Michelle up, I knew she was mine. However, how could I tell you that I had raped you and gave you this child? Kim-ly and your grandma thought Vietnam was on my mind and causing me problems.

That was not my problem the problem was you and Michelle and I did not know what to do. Grandma had even told me she thought we would make a cute couple when I talked to her that night. She talked about giving that sweet child Michelle a future like the one another boy was once given.

I told her that child does not need a coward for her father, Jack said to me.

I was a coward because I would not face the wrong I had done to you here or the wrong I had turned my back on in Vietnam. There was only one future for me and that was Hell. Once again I did not belong here I belonged back in hell from where I had came.

I returned to Vietnam with you on my mind. We went out on a mission upon my return and on the way back to base our helicopter ran into some mechanical problems and we crashed in the jungle. The pilot, co pilot and I were unhurt but hopelessly lost in the jungle.

We stumbled upon a remote village in the jungle. I knew the language so I told them we meant them no harm. They welcomed us into their village where they shared their food and water with us. One of them even guided us through the jungle to where the birds without wings would find us. That was what they called a helicopter.

Any chance we got we would return to their village bringing them supplies. At the time, they were far enough away from the front lines so it was somewhat safe to do. I realized these people had shown me compassion just as my adoptive parents had at home. These people of this village became them to me. They also gave me my own compassion back.

I wrote grandma asking about you and your lovely baby Michelle. I wanted to right my wrong of that night. In my next letter to her, I was going to confess what I had done to you and confess my love for you and for Michelle. However, she wrote back that you had remarried once more.

Men are not punished for their sins, but by them, Jack said to me lowering his head.

The punishments for my sins were I was not to hold you or be a father to Michelle. The girl I loved and the baby I had given her would never be mine. After reading that letter, I could only think of you and dream of being with you and raising her together.

Jack removed a bit of bandage from his left arm to show a big scar. He explained there used to be a tattoo of the devil there as it was the mark we all wore as Devils. I removed that mark as I cut it from my arm with my knife. I swore that night I would right the wrongs I had placed upon this earth here in Vietnam and back at home.

This war had changed me once maybe it could change me again. I ran into Daniel and his men as they were doing missions from our base some that I had been their cover fire on protecting them as they withdrew from the jungle. I informed them I was no longer one of them and told them to find a new leader. I explained a girl and her sweet child had purged my soul and I could no longer be an Devil.

Daniel had no problem with that, as he had wanted to be the leader of the Devils in the first place. The other members were not pleased about me leaving as I knew what these men had done. I even heard talk the Devils wanted me dead but I took it as just talk and went on with my duties. Daniel and his men went out on a mission with another group of soldiers one day.

Daniel had wanted us to fly his group and be their cover if needed as well as to pick them up however I talked our pilots in taking the other group in instead as I wanted nothing to do with the Devils ever again. When we returned to pick the group up, they radioed us saying it was a safe zone. The only team or people in the jungle were Daniels group waiting for their chopper to come for them.

I felt three bullets tearing into my back and exiting my chest that day getting into the helicopter. It was only when I was in the hospital and my pilot and co pilot came to see me that they gave me this. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a smashed bullet round.

He told me it was an American issued round. He explained there was a chance it had been friendly fire or maybe even a Devil had shot him. He was not for sure. However once out of the hospital he checked around trying to find answers. That was until he was told to just forget it as revenge was something best served cold.

Jack told me most of the Devils had finished their time in the service and got home before he did. Bob had written to Jack asking about a group of Vietnam vets who called themselves Devils who had been causing some trouble in the city. Jack wrote back to Bob telling him the story of how the Devils had came to be upon this earth.

When Jack got out of the army the first place he went to was Phils bar. Jack had heard that Phil needed a bouncer and he was the man for the job. Jack knew that eventually the Devils would be walking into his bar someday. Captain Bob had warned him of them tearing up different bars in neighboring cities, as he knew Jack used to be part of that outfit. Jack turned to me and looked deeply into my eyes.

I was going to see that the Devils reign of terror was stopped and finally send them to hell where they belonged, even if it meant I had to join them in Hell, Jack said looking at me.

Jack, I dont know what to say, I said to him wiping the tears from my eyes.

Say you love me and that someday you will become my wife, Jack replied.

Jack, are you asking me to marry you? I asked.

Jack slipped from his bar stool and got down onto one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He flipped the ring box open showing me a lovely diamond engagement ring as he asked, Ann will you marry me?

With tears streaming down my face I replied, Yes Jack I will marry you.

Jack slipped the ring upon my finger and took me into his arms. He kissed me deeply and with passion. I returned his kiss as those bells and whistles went out in my head. When we broke our kiss, we heard cheers from the few people and Susan who were present in the bar.

Jack had Susan get him a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork and filled glasses for everyone. With me at his side, he held his glass high as he said, Here is too righting the wrong of one night and to giving three a future this night.

I might have been the only one in that bar who knew what he meant by that. However, to me it was the sweetest toast I had ever heard. I clicked my glass to his.

I love you Jack, I said to him.

I love you Ann, Jack replied then we drank.

Jack told everyone he hates to drink and run but it was late. I looked to the clock to see that it was almost two in the morning. Jack told me to leave Janets car and he would drive her to pick it up later. Jack walked me to the passenger side of his truck and opened the door.

You ride I will drive, I said to him taking the keys from his hand.

Jack and I left the parking lot and headed home. We had only gone a few blocks when red flashing lights appeared in the rear view mirror. I told Jack I might have been speeding as I pulled over to a stop. I looked to see Captain Bob getting out of the cruiser. Captain Bob walked up to the drivers window.

Out kind of late arent you Miss Ann? Captain Bob asked. He looked to Jack as he said, You mind getting out of the truck Jack.

Jack got out of the truck as Captain Bob told him to place his one good hand onto the front of the truck. I asked him what Jack did. Captain Bob told me to never mind and to join Jack at the front of the front. I got out and joined Jack with both my hands on the front of the truck.

Captain Bob walked to the front of the truck and he said, Both of you turn around and face me. Jack and I did as he asked. Captain Bob took Jacks hand and shook it as he said, Son, it is about time you settled down. He looked at me as he added, Congratulation Miss Ann, Susan at the bar told me the news and told me I just missed you two, I sort of figured I could catch you two before you left town.

Thanks Bob, Jack replied smiling. Jack then asked, How about you being my best man at the wedding.

Son, it would be my honor, Captain Bob replied shaking his hand again. Captain Bob looked at me as he added, You have a good man here Miss Ann you take real good care of him you hear.

Oh I will Bob, real good care of him, I replied as I threw my arms around Jack bringing him down to my level as I kissed him deeply.

You two have better get on home before I have to arrest you, Captain Bob said. Oh by the way Jack, Daniel stopped in tonight and turned himself in for shooting you, But we know it was just an accident and I turned him loose after he told me about his meeting with you tonight, Captain Bob added.

You wont be seeing the Devils no more as their souls have been purged as well as another wrong made right this night, Jack replied as Captain Bob walked away leaving Jack and I standing there.

Jack and I got back into the truck and we drove home. Once at home we walked up the stairs and into Michelles room. She lies fast asleep in her bed.

Jack bent down and kissed her forehead as he said, Daddies home for good little one.

Jack and I went from her room to ours. We opened the door and turned the light on to find Janet asleep in the bed. Jack turned the light back out as I told him lets not wake her. Jack and I undressed and we climbed into bed. Jack rolled over to me as a buzzing sound filled the room.

What the hell? Jack said with a puzzled look on his face.

He looked at me and I told him it was not me. Jack reached under the covers beside him. He pulled a long plastic vibrator from the bed. He turned it off as he shook his head.

Janet gets tense when she is filled with stress, it helps, I said to him smiling.

We kissed and Jack held me as I closed my eyes with my head upon his chest. The alarm clock woke me in a couple of hours. I was still in his arms. Jack turned the alarm clock off as he got out of bed.

Where do you think you are going? I asked him.

The horses have to be fed, Jack replied as he slipped his jeans onto his body.

JACK, was all I got out before his lips went to mine. I was going to tell him he needed to rest. Frank and I could feed the horses.

Jack broke our kiss as he said, A little hard work never hurt anyone.

Jack was dressed before I was and waiting on me. He was not dressed all the way, as he could not figure out how to slip a tee shirt on over his arm sling. He finally looked to me as he asked if I could help. I took his tee shirt and ripped it at the shoulder and arm sleeve making it a little bigger. It slipped right over his sling.

WILL you two go feed the horses already, some of us are trying to sleep, Janet mumbled out in a half asleep voice.

Jack and I laughed as we went from our room. We walked down stairs to find grandma and Frank already at the kitchen table. Jack walked over to grandma and took her hand.

Grandma I did something bad last night, Jack said to her. Grandma looked at him with worry in her eyes then he added, I asked Ann to marry me without asking you first.

Grandma turned to me and I showed her the ring upon my finger. She came to me hugging me as Frank got up shaking Jacks hand then hugged him as well. Grandma broke her hug and she went to Jack. She hugged him tightly as Frank hugged me.

Your grandfather would be proud of you both, grandma said.

Frank broke our hug as he said, Wouldnt that make this incest?

We all looked at him not saying a word as Frank added, What I am just saying?

Jack and I waited until the following spring to marry in 1979. Jack was 24, I was just a few months away of being 22 years old, and this was to be my fourth marriage. We wanted just a small simple wedding however, Kim-ly was not going to let that happen. Jack was still in the Army reserves so he worn his military uniform. I worn a lovely white gown that Kim-ly had made herself.

Janet was my maid of honor and Captain Bob in his police uniform was Jacks best man. Daniel and two other former Devils even attended our wedding. They were changed men after seeking treatment dealing with the stresses caused from the Vietnam War. Jack still never spoke much about that war as he just soon not talk about it to anyone even me.

We honeymooned in Hawaii then returned to the ranch. Grandma and Frank semi retired and gave us the horse ranch to run. They told Jack and me they were taking the honeymoon they never had. The two of them globe tottered around the world and the United States. They would return home from time to time and on holidays to be with the family.

Jack gave up being the bouncer at Phils bar as he had the horse ranch to run and within that first year we had raised more winning horse than anyone near us. Jacks mustang, which we named Lucy, was our prized horse, everyone wanted to buy her however she was not for sale. Lucy was still a free willed and wild animal when not in Jacks hands. That damn horse would nip at my shoulder any chance she got when and if I was near her. I think she was jealous of me being with Jack.

Michelle was six soon to be seven years old. She was the apple of her daddys eyes. Sometimes I thought she was more precious to him than I was. However, I was just happy she had a father she could love and I had a man who loved me as well.

The living arrangement on the ranch changed a little as well. Janet had her own room, as did Michelle. Janet would spend most of her weekends with us when she was not out having fun with some man. Janet just never met the right man for her at least yet. She would in time but her time was not now.

Jack and I both turned out to be sex freaks. We had and enjoyed sex any where and at any time of the day or night as long as Michelle was not around us. Anytime that grandma and Frank did return home we took the weekends off from the ranch. We would drive or fly to a special romantic getaways. During our first getaway in August, we met a couple named Patty and George. We did not know it when we met them just what kind of a couple they were.

Jack and I had flown to the Bahamas for a three-day stay at a lovely resort. We were sitting in the resorts lounge having a drink after dinner our first night there. We both saw this couple walking into the lounge. Patty was hard to miss standing about 5 9 with long flaming red hair down to her waist, huge 44DD tits and a pair of sexy hot legs and thick thighs sticking out from an off color white tight mini skirt that even had my mouth watering.

Patty was not fat just plump where it mattered. She had a nice round ass that I saw Jack checking out as well. Patty had on nylons, held up with a garter belt that you could see the straps every now and then as she walked while George was dressed plainly in blue jeans and a polo shirt. Jack was staring at those huge tits as she walked by as they bounced and jiggled at the same time. I know because I was looking at them too.

George the man with her was about the same size as her but then again she had high heels on her. He had brown hair, average built and he wore glasses. In a way, I thought maybe she was a high-class hooker out enjoying the evening with her client. Hell, if she was I wondered if Jack would buy me a night with her.

Nice tits dont you think Jack? I asked him after catching him staring at her.

Ahh yes I guess so, Jack replied turning a little red.

Jack its OK, I dont care if you look at other women, I said to him. After all I share Janet with you all the time, I added smiling at him.

Janet is different she is like our sister, Jack replied.

Like our sister does that mean it is incest between you and me? I asked.

You know what I meant funny lady, Jack replied with a laugh. He reached across the table taking my hand as he added, There is something I have wanted to talk to you about.

What is that, Jack? I asked him.

That women see how she is dressed, Jack said looking to the woman with those huge fucking tits. Well I like&hellip,. Jack added but stopped as if he was afraid to say what was on his mind.

Jack, just tell me, I am your wife and we no longer have any secrets, I replied.

I would love it if you dressed like that Ann. You know show what you have, Jack said to me smiling.

Jack, you want me to dress like a slut, I replied curiously.

Yes Ann and I want you to be my little slut, Jack said.

Jack, are you serious? I asked.

I know you think I am sick or something never mind, Ann, Jack replied.

No Jack I do not think you are sick I just wanted to know why you want me to dress that way, I said to him.

Because I love showing you off Ann, Jack replied. I love when men look at you and then lust after you, he added.

Jack it would not be right to tease then not to please the men, I replied.

If you want you can tease and please, Jack said with a smile.

Let me get this right Jack, I replied. I then added, You would let me have sex with other men.

Yes as long as I was there to watch, I mean just to see that you were safe, Jack said.

Jack you pervert you want to watch other men screw me, I replied.

Ann it is just sex and yes damn it I do want to watch other men screw you, Jack said. I want them to enjoy you as I do Ann, Jack added.

So only after a few months you have grown tried of me, I said fighting back my tears. You just want me to screw other men so you can screw other women, I added pulling my hand from his.

No Ann it is not like that at all, You share Janet with me and that is enough now let me share you with other men, Jack said to me.

Jack, are you sure about this? I asked him.

Look at that woman Ann, now look at all the men who have their eyes on her, Jack said to me. Ann I want those eyes on you, Jack added.

I dont know Jack what if it causes problems between us? I asked.

Then we stop, Jack, replied. He smiled as he added, Try it Ann you might like it.

OK Jack but you are going to have to take me shopping, I said to him.

I looked over to that woman and she smiled at me then winked at me. I smiled back to her. Jack and I stayed to have a few more drinks then we went up to our room. I told Jack to get into bed as I had a surprise for him. I grabbed my little bag and went into the bathroom.

Janet and I had gone shopping before our little trip. I had picked up some sexy lingerie to wear at nighttime for him. I first did my hair up nicely and put a little make up on which included some bright red lipstick onto my lush lips.

I opened my bag and pull out a red lace bustier which had sexy panties and red nylons to go with it. I slipped into the bustier getting my big tits just right in it. I sat on the toilet seat as I slipped the red nylons over my legs. I fastened them to the bustier then slipped the panties on, as they would be the first thing to come off. I stepped into a pair of white high heel shoes.

I checked myself out in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door. The bustier pushed my 40 c tits nicely into the air. The red nylons made my shapely legs even sexier. The red panties cover my pussy but not much of the hair around it, which was OK as Jack, loved my pussy hairy. The panties were more like a thong as there was just a thin piece of red material running up between my butt cheeks.

Damn Ann, you do clean up nicely, I thought as I looked into the mirror.

I turned the light out and opened the door walking out into the bedroom. Jack was sitting at the edge of the bed waiting patiently. My high heels made a clip clop sound as I walked across the small part of tile floor leading from the bathroom. Jack turned toward me as he heard my high heels.

Jack jumped from the bed as he said, Hot damn girl you are hot and sexy, as his eyes took me in from head to toe.

I stopped and posed for him as he stood there. I bent over so he could see my big tits flowing from the bustier. I turned my back to him bending over placing my hands onto the floor. I shook and wiggled my ass as I looked at him from between my legs.

Jacks cock was limp and soft when I had entered the room. However, it was standing tall and dancing in front of him now. I stood back up turning back toward him. I walked a sexy walk toward him and pushed him back onto the bed.

You be a good boy and just watch me, I cooed sexily to him running my tongue over my bright red lush lips.

Jack placed his hand a little ways behind his back leaning into them watching me. I danced as I rubbed at my tits and at my pussy. I rubbed both hands on my thighs slowly bringing them up to my hairy pussy. I pulled the red panties to the side showing Jack a patch of my thick pussy hair. I ran my finger under the panties shoving one up inside of my pussy. I stirred my finger then removed it licking at the wetness on it with my tongue.

I ran my hands to my tits where I rubbed and played with them through the bustier. I scooped one tit out then the other letting the girls hang in front of me. I pinched and pulled at my nipples making them grow big and hard.

I cupped my breasts in my hands lifting them to my mouth. I slowly ran my tongue over one nipple then the other. Jack was watching me intently from the bed with his cock dancing and even growing harder. His big curved cock was over his belly button and almost touching his abdomen.

I licked at one tit then sucked at the nipple of the other. I felt my own pussy flexing as I did. I dropped my tits from my hands as I slowly rubbed at my pussy through the panties. I pressed harder with my fingers so the juices dripping from my pussy coated them.

I slowly removed my panties as I showed Jack my ass. I stepped from my panties turning to him. I brought my panties to my nose sniffing at the sweet smelling juices I had placed into them. I tossed them at Jack hitting him in the face with them. He pulled them from his face then rubbed them against his nose as he breathed in deeply.

I did a sexy walk to our suitcase and opened it. I pulled out a 7-inch long rubber dildo with a set of balls attached to it. I had purchased it at the same time I had the lingerie. I walked back toward Jack on the bed. His eyes grew big and were wide open as I got there.

I kissed, and then licked at the dildo before slipping it into my mouth. I sucked at it as if it was a real cock. I removed it from my mouth making sure it was wet with my own spit as I rubbed it between my tits. I started to pump the dildo between my tits and flicking my tongue at it each time it came from between my tits.

Jacks one hand went to his cock as he slowly pumped at his cock. I placed one on my feet up onto the bed beside his thigh. I ran the dildo down to my pussy. I ran it over my hair then between my pussy lips. I slipped it between my pussy lips for a while as I watched Jack stroking his big cock.

Watching him stroking his cock to me made my pussy drip onto the dildo. My juices were running down it as I brought it up to my mouth. I licked at my juices then moved it to Jacks mouth. His tongue licked my juices from it.

Suck that cock and make it wet for my pussy, I said to Jack holding the fake dick dildo in front of his mouth.

Jack wrapped his lips around the dildo sucking at it as I slowly worked it in and out of his mouth. I made a mental note to ask him about that later as it seemed as if he knew how to suck cock. I pulled the dildo from his mouth.

I ran it back between my legs then shoved it up into my hairy pussy. I started to run it in and out, as Jack went back to stroking his cock. I worked the dildo in and out until I had the fake balls banging against my ass cheeks.

With the dildo buried deeply into my pussy, I removed my foot from the bed. I straddled Jacks leg right above his knee. I sat down pressing the balls of the dildo into his leg as I started to hump the dildo. It did not work to good so I stood back up squeezing my pussy tightly around the dildo as I did.

I was standing with the dildo still firmly buried into my pussy. I parted my legs as I left the dildo slowly slip from my pussy. It made a wet squishy sound as it fell from my pussy onto the floor. I dropped to my knees in front of Jack as if I was going to pick it up from the floor.

However, I pushed his hand from his cock as I slipped my mouth down onto it. I placed my hands onto his thighs as I slowly moved my mouth down onto his cock. I had a little trouble getting all of his cock into my mouth. I think he was so excited it had made his cock grow an inch or so.

I finally managed to take all of his cock into my mouth. I slowly ran my mouth up and down the full length of his cock. I sucked hard at it as I pulled my mouth up the full length of his cock. I slipped my mouth back down his cock taking it all into my mouth. I bobbed my head until Jack pulled my head from his cock.

Get up here with me and 69, Jack suggested with a smile.

I pushed him back onto the bed as I crawled up to him. I kissed him briefly then spun around until my pussy was over his face. Jacks hands went to my butt cheeks as he pulled my pussy to his mouth. He pulled at my hanging pussy lips with his mouth then ran his tongue along them. His tongue wiggled into my open pussy as my mouth enclosed around his cock.

I sucked wildly at his cock as his tongue wiggled inside my pussy. I pulled my pussy from his face. I reached down off the bed and picked the dildo up giving it to him. I told him to use it as well. I went back to sucking on his cock and I felt his tongue digging back up inside my pussy. I felt Jack sliding the dildo up and down between my butt cheeks. He must have sucked at it first because I could feel wetness on it as he did.

AHHhh Jack, I moaned out as I felt him pressing the head of the dildo against my asshole.

I gave another little grunt as he shoved just the head of it into my asshole. Jack held it there as he tongued at my pussy. I went back to sucking on his cock. I wrapped one hand around his cock and pumped at it as I teased the head of his cock with my tongue. After a while, I started to move my ass back toward the dildo trying to take more of it into my ass.

AHHhhhh Jack, fuck my ass with that toy, I cooed out as I started to move my ass back and forth.

I closed my eyes and I pictured another man fucking my asshole as Jack licked at my pussy. In less than a minute, my pussy started to twitch. As it did, Jack removed his tongue as he slipped two fingers up inside of my pussy. He pressed them against the membrane between my pussy and my asshole.

AHHhhhhhh Jack, I can feel your fingers and that toy, I moaned out as my orgasm came over me.

I used both my hands on Jacks hard cock pumping wildly at it as my pussy shook and my asshole gripped at the toy. I gave a couple quick squirts from my pussy splashing Jack in his face. Jack buried the dildo as far up my ass as it would go as I felt those fake balls pressing into my pussy from behind.

AHhhhhh Shit Jack I cant hold it, I screamed.

My pussy convulsed as it released a long steady stream of my golden pee. Jack just pressed the dildo hard into my asshole. It caused me to pee even more as I had not gone to the bathroom after drinking so much. I could not stop the flow of pee if I had tried.

AHhhhhhhhhhh ANN, Jack moaned loudly.

I felt his cock swell in my hands then start to throb. I pumped at it wildly as cum started to erupt from the head of his cock. They were huge powerful shots as they streamed from his cock. Some landed in my hair, some on my face and on my hand. I just kept pumping at it his cock until I had milked all of it from his cock.

Jack pulled the dildo from my asshole, which almost gave me another orgasm as he did. Jack pulled my ass down toward his face as he snaked his tongue in and out of my open asshole. He then ran his tongue from my asshole to my pussy licking at the droplets of pee dripping from my pussy lips and from the hair down there. Jacks cock started to go soft and I pumped and squeezed at it.

AH Ann you might not want to do that as I have to pee too, Jack said to me pulling his face from under my pussy.

Do it Jack pee for me. I said as I shook his cock.

I was pointing his cock this way and that way. However, nothing was happening as no pee came from it. I pointed it toward my face and wham a warm stream of piss streamed from his cock hitting me squarely in my face. My pussy twitched as his warm urine splashed against my face. I opened my mouth and filled it letting it flow back from my mouth back over his cock.

Jacks cock seemed to pee forever but then slowed to just a drip. I shook the last bit from his cock and I spit his pee from my mouth back over his cock. I engulfed the head of his dick into my mouth. I started to suck and lick at it as Jack pulled me from his cock.

That tickles, Jack yelled out as he started to laugh.

He pulled me around until I was facing him. I was laughing to as I had just found a sensitive spot on my man. I had my head just above his as I looked down into his face. His eyes sparkled and shined, as they never have before.

Jack brushed my piss wet hair from my forehead as he said, Ann, I love you.

I love you too Jack, I replied as I moved my lips to his.

After our kiss, Jack rolled me from on top of him as he got out of the bed. He looked at the bed as we had gotten it all wet with our pee. It was a good thing that our room had two double beds in it as we at least had a dry bed to sleep in that night. Jack picked me from the bed taking me into his arms he carried me into the bathroom where we showered then went to bed.

The next day we were up early. It was a warm day so I slipped into a thong, a pair of tight shorts and a tank top with a built in bra. Jack was sitting on the bed pulling his shirt on over his head when I walked from the bathroom.

I bent over in front of him to grab my sandals. My tits hung nicely from the tank top. They did not fall out but you could see way down into the valley between my 40 Cs tits. I then turned and stuck my butt right into his face. My shorts were white and you could see the black thong I had on under it plainly.

I turned back to Jack as I asked, Is this sluttish enough for you?

Jack smiled as he replied, That will do for now, as he got up from the bed and took me into his arms.

Jack pressed his lips to mine and kissed me. His kiss was hot with passion and it breathed fire onto my pussy. He slipped his tongue into my mouth as I slipped mine into his. Our tongues battled for minutes as we stood there kissing. Jacks hands were roaming all over my ass pulling at my butt cheeks. My pussy was twitching as my hand went to the front of his shorts he had worn. I rubbed at his big hard cock with my hand.

I finally broke our kiss as I said, You better stop or we will never get out of the room today. I looked down to his shorts as I added, You might want to splash some cold water onto that as well. Just because I am showing does not mean you can show your stuff off to the other girls.

Jack reached down into his shorts did some adjusting and replied, Ok I am ready now.

We spent most of the day shopping for clothes for me. We only picked out revealing stuff. Tops that showed my tits, short mini skirts that showed my shapely legs and tight shorts that gripped at my ass. We purchased all colors and shades of nylons and crotch less pantyhose to wear under the skirts and dresses as well as a few pairs of high heels. We also picked up some new style push up bras which showed my tits very nicely however they had wire in them and they sort of hurt but I got them anyways because Jack liked how they caused my tits to overflow in them.

While we were shopping, I also gave Jack and a few other men a little show. At the one shop we were in there was an older man about in his fifties. I told Jack to go stand over there while I tease him. The man looked bored as he walked with his wife through the store following her like a lost puppy. I made my way close to him and when I saw he was looking at I me I dropped the article of clothing I had in my hand.

I bent over to pick it up right in front of him. As I bent over my tits hung nicely in my tank top. I decided to give them a little jiggle for him however when I did they both fell from my tank top. I stood up and smiled to the man before I slipped them back into my tank top.

I went back to Jack and he grabbed me into his arms. His lips pressed against mine as he kissed me deeply. I broke our kiss as I fanned myself with my hand. I felt as if I was in heat from his passionate kisses. I could also feel his hard cock pressing into my pussy as we kissed.

Jack, what has gotten into you? I asked smiling at him.

God I love you as a slut, Jack replied. Look at the boner you gave the old man, he added.

I turned to looked at him. The man was standing sideways and you could see his hard cock tenting the front of his pants. My pussy twitched in my shorts as I stared at his cock. We walked to the check out as I thought I might just like being the slut as well. As we were standing in line to check out that older man and his wife was checking out next to us.

The man walked over to Jack as he said, Son if that girl is your wife you are the luckiest man on this earth.

Jack smiled back at him as he replied, She is and I am.

As to myself, I was a little embarrassed as his wife gave me one of those you fucking slut looks. However, I felt my pussy twitching as Jack and that man talked. I was sure I was going to enjoy being his slut.

That night for dinner, I wore a black low cut tight one-piece mini dress that barely covered my butt. I had a pair of tan crotch less pantyhose beneath it. My bushy hairy pussy filled the crotch of them. My tits heaved up high and overflowed the top of my dress with that new push up bra that I had also worn. I walked out to Jack and stood it front of him.

Well do I look good enough to eat? I asked him.

Jack looked at me then turned his head a little sideways as he replied, No something is missing. I was checking myself out as Jack walked over and he added, This belongs around that pretty little neck of yours, as he showed me a sparkling diamond necklace.

Jack went behind me slipping it around my neck as I said, Jack that had to cost you a fortune.

Money has no meaning unless you can spend it on the ones you love, Jack whispered into my ear.

I looked into the mirror and Jack was right that something was missing from my outfit. That diamond necklace sparkled and shined making you not to see the diamonds around my neck but the tits on my chest. It was perfect to drawing your eyes to my best asset. I turned to Jack and threw my arms around his neck pulling him down which was not too far as I had on 5 inch heels as well. I rubbed my nose against his nose then planted light kisses upon his lips pecking at his lips with my lips

I kissed him fully as I said, Thank you Jack the necklace is lovely.

By the time, we made it down to have dinner the other quests were already at their tables. Jack walked me into the room with a big smile on his face. I had never seen so many heads turn and do a double take in my life. My pussy twitched with each step I took knowing that everyone was looking at me.

Men and women noticed me as Jack pulled my chair out for me to sit down. As I sat down, I saw that woman we had seen the other night the one with the long flaming red hair and those big fucking tits. She and her husband were sitting across from us. Her husband had a good view of me as I sat down. I smiled at him as I gave him a full beaver shot of my hairy pussy by spreading my legs wide open for him to see up into.

The mans eyes grew big and he touched his wifes arms. I did not close my legs as she stared up my dress giving her a full shot of my hairy pussy as well. The woman smiled and waved at me. I waved back as I closed my legs. I used the menu to fan myself.

Is something wrong Ann? Jack asked.

I explained what I had done as he had pulled my chair out for me. Jack turned and looked at the couple. They both held their glasses up to him. Jack smiled grabbed his and toasted them back. Jack and I order and as we sat there more than a few couples walked by and stopped. The women would all tell me what a lovely necklace I had around my neck while the men stared at my pushed up tits.

I reached across the table and took Jacks hand as I said, You were right I do like being the slut, smiling at him.

After dinner, Jack and I went into the lounge. We found ourselves a table near the dance floor. We no sooner sat down than that red head and her husband walked over to us.

May we join you? The woman asked me bending down in front of me.

Her huge tits almost bounced off my nose as she leaned down at me. My eyes fixed on her massive big tits hanging in my face. I have always loved to play with another womans tits and was aching to play with hers.

Sure, My name is Ann and this is my husband Jack. I replied.

I am Patty and this is my husband George, Patty replied smiling.

George and Jack shook hands then George said, Thanks Jack those rocks hanging around your wifes neck are going to cost me plenty, as he gave a little laugh.

I told you honey something was missing from my outfit, Patty said smiling.

With those lovely breasts of yours, you need no jewelry to brighten the view, I replied smiling at her.

Thank you my dear and may I say that you are sexy and hot as well, Patty said smiling to me.

George looked under the table for a second then looked to Jack as he said, Hey nice boner Jack. Patty gave him a look then John added, What I am just saying, I meant it as a joke.

We all broke out laughing which was a wonderful way to break the ice so to speak. The four of us talked and we found out they had been married for over a year and they were just now taking their honeymoon. We explained we had only been married four months. As we talked, we kept our drinks flowing as well.

Patty reached her hand across the table to mine as she asked, You two dont happen to be swingers are you?

No, I am just his slut, I replied without thinking.

Jack gave a little laugh as he said, She means that with the utmost respect as well.

Jack explained he just loved showing me off to others. He told them it turned him on knowing other men lusted after me. With a body like hers, it should not be covered but shown off to others Jack told them.

So you just tease then, Patty said to me.

OH, I can please as well, I replied. It is our first time doing anything like this so it is new to us both, I added.

Let us break you two in then, Patty said with a smile.

I looked to Jack and he nodded his head giving his approval as I asked, Where do we start?

First let me show you how to tease a man, Patty replied. She looked to Jack as she added, Dance with me big boy, shaking those huge tits at him.

Jack stood up and went to Patty helping her from her chair. It was a slow song playing and Jack wrapped his arms around her neck. Patty looked at me and smiled as she pulled Jacks one hand from her shoulder and placed it on her ass.

George pulled his chair over next to mine as he said, She will be gentle with him.

I looked at him as I replied, It is not him I am worried about, smiling at him.

As Patty danced with Jack, she brushed her huge tits against his chest. Every now and then Patty would rub her thigh against Jacks cock as they danced. Patty pulled Jacks head down and whispered something in his ear. Jack danced her over near our table. Jacks hand lifted the back of her mini dress slowly to reveal Pattys lovely rounded butt as she had no panties on under her dress. As Jack did that I saw Pattys hand go between them as they danced.

Patty looked to me as she said, He is a big boy, smiling at me.

They danced away from our table with Jack staring down at Pattys tits. I left my napkin from my drink fall to the floor. I scooted my chair from Georges as I bent over to pick it up from the floor. Georges eyes went to my tits as I jiggled them in their bra.

Those sure are some perky tits you got there, George said to me smiling.

I sat back up as I parted my legs placing one foot onto the brace of the chair leg. I spread my legs giving him a close up view of my hairy pussy in my crotch less pantyhose. I flexed my pussy muscles at him as he stared into my pussy. If you would like to see me flexing my pussy muscles, email me and ask me for a video of that.

Was your pussy just talking to me? George asked with a little laugh.

I scooted my chair back next to him as I replied, Yes it was. It was telling you to touch me.

I felt Georges hand on my thigh as he worked it up to my pussy under my mini dress. The table had a tablecloth around it so no one near us could see what he was doing under the table. His fingers tease at my hair then brushed against my hanging pussy lips. They parted as one of his fingers entered into my pussy.

I wrapped one arm around his neck pulling his face to mine. I pressed my lips against his as he started to slide his finger in and out of my pussy. I squirmed in my seat when he added another finger to my pussy. I moaned softly into his mouth as I kissed him.

I slipped my free hand under the table to the front of his pants. My hand encountered his hard cock pressing his pants outward. I rubbed and squeezed at his cock as he fingered me. I broke our kiss as I moved my mouth to his ear.

AHHhhh George, I moaned softly into his ear.

I closed my thighs tightly around his hand as he worked his two fingers in and out of my pussy. I did so I did not have a powerful wet orgasm. Instead I dripped a little bit of juices onto his fingers and hand as I orgasm at the table. George pulled his fingers from my pussy. He held them in front of us showing my juices on them.

Let me taste those fingers, Patty cooed sexily.

I had not even realized her and Jack had returned to our table. Patty leaned over taking his fingers into her mouth. She sucked at them seductively as she looked to Jack who was sitting beside me now. I reached over under the table to the front of his pants. Patty had teased him well as his cock was hard and throbbing.

I brushed the palm of my hand on his hard cock as Patty teased him by sucking my juices from her husbands fingers. Her huge fucking tits hanging once more in front of me just asking to be felt. I could not help myself as I moved my one hand to her hanging tits. I caressed her nipple through her dress.

Her nipple grew long and hard poking from her dress. I took it between my index finger and my thumb. I pinched and pulled at it milking it as if it was a cows teat. A wet spot formed at her dress near her nipple as I pulled my fingers away. Jack and I both stared at the wet spot as it grew bigger then dripped a milky liquid from around her nipple.

Patty stood up and smiled as she said, We had our first child a few months ago and I breast feed him.

Jacks cock throbbed and danced in the palm of my hand when he heard her say that. Patty went and sat beside Jack placing her hand on top of mine in his lap. We both squeezed at his hard cock with our hands. I moved my hand back to Georges hard cock in his pants. I rubbed at his and Jacks cock as I thought about having them both at the same time. Jack reached down and removed our hands from his lap.

Girls you keep that up and I am going to have a wet spot in my pants, Jack said smiling at us.

We all had a little laugh then Patty added, Now that is how you tease, smiling at me.

And now lets go please, I replied smiling back at her.

Your room or ours? Patty asked.

Better make it yours as our spare bed is a little wet right now, I replied with a little laugh.

Patty and George walked us to their room. We entered and George turned some music on as Patty pushed Jack to the bed. George climbed up into the other bed as their room also had double beds. Patty came to me and wrapped her arms around me. Her big tits pressing tightly against my mine own.

Lets give the boys a little show, Patty whispered into my ear.

Patty and I d

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The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil

My kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if in silent prayer. I looked into Jack’s face as I said, “Please Jack, come back, I need you.” “MISS, we will take it from here,” a paramedic said to me. “Miss, you're not hurt are you?” He then asked. I shook my head no, as he helped me to my feet. The...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 11 The Duty of Men and Fathers

Introduction: My life goes on as we bring a new one into our family and another gets ready to leave. The Story of Ann Chapter 11 The Duty of Men and Fathers I happened to have made a mistake in my dates in my last chapter. The revised date is in the beginning of this chapter. I awoke one morning six or seven months later down the road. Jack had not been home for the last month due to some type of extended training. I was hoping he would return home this weekend. It was Saturday April 25 1980...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group

Introduction: I learn some more of this man named Jack and the people he flies with in the Army reserves. The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group Patty, George, Jack and I had another round of sex before Jack and I dressed and went to our own room. I was a little unsure of the nights events. I had enjoyed myself with Patty and with George however her words of I love you Jack, were still on my mind. Jack and I took off our clothes once more and climbed into bed. I cuddled up...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 3 How I Ruined my Life Before it even Started

In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license. I also told you about meeting a ranch hand named Sonny who helped Frank put the truck together for me. Sonny had asked me to the races next weekend and my grandma told me I could go with him. Sonny asked me to pick him up, as he wanted to show off my truck while we were at the races. I picked him up at his house, which was an apartment building almost in town. We went to a dirt track...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

Introduction: Will my love for Jack grow? Who where these Devils heading toward our happiness? The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town I drove home leaving Jacks thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

I drove home leaving Jack’s thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him with grandma while at the store that day. I think it was the uniform that he wore that day and the fact that Michelle seemed to like him as well. However,...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 4 How to Hate Men without Really Trying

Introduction: Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me? The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

Introduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 1 The Beginning

Introduction: Hello, my name is Ann and if you have read my recent story then you know I am pretty much a slut. I was not always like this for I once was just a plain Jane. I did enjoy sex but not like, I do now. There will be some heartache in my story, as I was not always as happy as I am now with my life. The Story of Ann Chapter 1: The Beginning Hello, my name is Ann and if you have read my recent story then you know I am pretty much a slut. I was not always like this for I once was just a...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was way out in the county. Come September of that year I would be starting at a new school where none of...

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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 5 Anns escapades continue as she walks back home from the woods

Ann finally realized she had been laying there till almost noon. The whole ordeal was over within a few hours. But her body still screamed for release. She had held her orgasm back so long, to keep her little body receptive to all the fucking, that now she yearned for a true climax. But how could she achieve it now with all the beasts gone? She thought about her manufactured cock and knot veggies back at home, but that would take too long of a walk. Then she thought about the empty wine...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 4 How to Hate Men without Really Trying

Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and said, “MAMA.” After dinner was over and the dishes done grandma, suggested Rick and I go for a walk around the ranch. She told me she...

1 year ago
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My cousin Joanne and my sister Ann

It was my sister, 'wake up sleepy head' she said gigeling. 'Whats so funny' i said laughing They gigled some more and then pointed to my trousers. I had a huge hard on. It was boulging through my jeans. I blushed and tried to pretend it wasn't there by pulling my t-shirt down over it. They then started teasing me trying to pull my top of. I struggled and went for theres but just then my mum came through, we all quickly sat down pretending we were talking. 'Go and say bye to...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 1 The Beginning

Hello, my name is Ann and if you have read my recent story then you know I am pretty much a slut. I was not always like this for I once was just a plain Jane. I did enjoy sex but not like, I do now. There will be some heartache in my story, as I was not always as happy as I am now with my life. I was born to a loving mom and dad. However, by the time I had turned seven I lose my father in a car accident. His brother my uncle rather took his place as my father after we lost him. My Uncle...

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Danna Deanna Our Story

DANNA Our eighteenth birthday party on January eighteen was in full swing. The holidays had just ended and we had just gotten a good start on the second semester of our senior year in high school. The Saturday afternoon was cold and snowy outside, but warm and cozy inside in our basement rec. room. With six gorgeous senior girls in addition to my beautiful twin sister, Deanna, my male testosterone level was elevated, to say the least. Their six dates weren't too impressed with the way the...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group

Patty, George, Jack and I had another round of sex before Jack and I dressed and went to our own room. I was a little unsure of the night’s events. I had enjoyed myself with Patty and with George however her words of “I love you Jack,” were still on my mind. Jack and I took off our clothes once more and climbed into bed. I cuddled up next to him laying my head upon his chest. I ran my hand over his abdomen tracing the six-pack that was there. “You’re quiet Ann,” Jack said. Then he...

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Nicole The Truth at Last a From Jeannie to Vanessa Story Chapter 02

If you haven't read "From Jeannie to Vanessa," you need to read it. Also, you need to read Chapter 1 of this story. These are NOT stand alone stories.****Chapter 2: Siller comes to callSiller stood in the doorway of the bedroom, an absolutely HUGE shit-eating grin on his face and eyes looking like they were going to jump out of his skull.Siller, (short for Sylvester, "rhymes with killer" he always said, although I sometimes called him "Silly") was my boyfriend.Vanessa and I, attired in...

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A Genny Story Ann

  I was so happy to get all the nice mail about Melly's and my adventurewith her new strap-on. I was asked to send in some more of my stories soI thought I would start at the beginning. I am GennyI was always a very sensual kid. My mom tells me that when I was veryyoung I would rub myself on her leg when I sat on her lap to get a storyread, and when I was a little older there was a hand rail for thestairway that was just crotch high I remember spending long minutes onthe old wall phone talking...

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Nicole The Truth at Last a From Jeannie to Vanessa story Chapter 01

Chapter 01: Meeting Vanessa Jack and Vanessa always called us their "vanilla" friends, which was kind of an inside joke since we were both African-American. She showed me what she wrote in Literotica and on Lush, and I thought it was cool that she did it in honor of Jack. She agreed to publish it under her "v22omk" identity, so that our stories could be connected. So here it is.I came into her tale in Chapter 5 (Lush version), although I had known "Jeannie" for some time. That day in the...

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Ann And Me 8211 Story Won Me A Prize

Hi. This is Karthik again with another scintillating story, only this time it is too special and real. I never thought writing stories on ISS would help me to encounter a real incident, but it happened last week. I am writing this story with the consent of the people involved in it, but have changed their names for the obvious reason. Feel free to message me at After my last story, I got a few emails, but most of them were deprived guys who wanted contact numbers of the ladies I described...

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DianneChapter 7 Integrated Learning Platform

--Thursday, 27th May, 1999-- Early hours of the morning... My head spun in a haze, a perfect storm of lust, alcohol and intense sensation. I was lying face up on my bed, Debbie astride my hips, Jessica kneeling over my face. The two girls’ lips made wet smacking sounds as they kissed while riding me, moaning and sighing softly, sometimes giggling. I didn’t know how long we’d been at it, and I didn’t care. I never wanted tonight to end. “Is his cock good in your hot little pussy?” Jessica...

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William and Ann Chapter 12

Chapter 12 It was Sunday morning when William decided to go out for an hour-long bike ride. He took off down the street and felt full of joy knowing he was in love with Ann, his dad wasn’t going to be able to control his actions, and his sister’s friend, Natalie, had secretly participated with him while he was with Ann. For Will, life couldn’t possibly be better. As he got a few blocks down, he noticed a group of young girls mulling around on the sidewalk. One of the girls was Natalie! ...

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William and Ann Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Kelly, Belinda, Susan, and Natalie had been talking about the news they learned about Ann at the mall. The more they discussed it, the more aroused they got. The girls went back to Natalie’s house. Natalie lived just 2 blocks from Ann, so she said she would go drop by for a visit and report back on what she saw to the other girls. Kelly and Belinda started making calls to their friends to let them in on the gossip, but Susan said she would wait to hear back from Natalie’s...

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OtherworldChapter 3 Gianna

I awoke as the sun was rising the next morning. I looked over at Gianna, who was still asleep. I walked down to the lake and splashed some water on my face. I took a small sip from my water bottle, then moved back to our campsite. The fire had died out a couple hours ago. She woke up as I walked back, looking at me. "Can you sit up?" I asked her. She slowly sat up, wincing at the marks across her back as she did so. I held the water bottle out to her. She looked at the plastic bottle...

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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 8 Ann Meets Robert and Alice

The phone rang as Ann was coming out of the shower. Holding a towel to her hair and ignoring her nudity, she answered the phone and was surprised to find that Alice and Robert were inviting her over an hour ahead of the scheduled time if it was not inconvenient. "Of course," she replied, almost purring. "I have the directions and it's not an inconvenience at all, Alice." 'Certainly not an inconvenience, ' she thought, putting the phone back down. 'My God, they want have the...

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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 4 The Seduction of Ann Stinson

It's early AM Friday. Dutch moved stealthy under the covers until he reached Rosa's cunt. As he began to lick her she angrily shoved his head away. "Maybe later, Dutch, not now. My clit is so sore, so tender and sensitive that I'll go right through the roof if you try to eat me right now. I promise you can suck your come out of me later. Now go back to sleep. Dream about Ann for a while." "Well I can't help it, baby, I'm too fucking horny to sleep and I've got this hardon that...

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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 3 Little Ann Prepares for Her Next Encounter

As Ann continued to relax at the ranch, her thoughts kept coming back to the past days events. Her sexual appetite had soared from the gang type rape endured by the dog pack. Her pussy and asshole seemed alive with a new realization of her body’s needs. She loved fucking! But not just by anyone, but the raw savage animal instinct she had out in the woods. It was pure fucking at its best. No wining and dining. No drama or the nasty rumors she had heard of so much in school of the girls who...

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Anne Shows Savannah A New Way To Have Sex

Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually.He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn't get them that...

Monster Sex
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Anns first bull A true story

Her first experience.So I have decided to tell the true story of how my wife was persuaded to fuck another guy.It was September and I was working freelance as an equipment demonstrater for catering equipment at Trade Shows throughout UK. At the show in question I took her with me for the 3 day event in Cornwall.Arriving at the hotel which had been organised for us by the company I was working for, we were introduced to the other staff I would be working with for the 3 day event, with the...

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AnnChapter 2

Ann arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...

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Evil Ann and Miss KittyChapter 3

Beth tugged Ann's discarded costume over to her and examined it "Where do you get the stuff? I always wondered" "Mostly from second hand stores and then I alter them. This one I got off EBay, you can try it on if you want" Beth considered for a moment then stepped into the legs. Beth struggled into the leather garment, it fit Ann very well and she wasn't quite as skinny but with some effort and help from Ann she managed to get into it. She pulled the zipper up but it would not close...

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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 2 Ann Takes a Walk in the Woods

The next morning Ann awoke to a rainy day. It was the type of rain that lasted all morning, but since she had homework and house chores to do, she made good time of staying indoors today. Her pussy had also returned to normal. The slight knowledge that she had fucked herself silly the day before was reduced to a mere memory. The small tickle deep within her tummy, close to her cervix reminded her though. Her little clit became hard as she reminisced about the fun day. But Ann was a a good...

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Little Ann Cums HomeChapter 4 Ann Meets Up With Her Friends in the Woods

Ann had slept a lot later than she had expected the next morning. As she awoke, the sun was getting high in the sky already. Glancing at the alarm clock she saw it was already 11:00! But then remembering the days events last night, plus the two bottles of wine, she had every right to sleep in. Besides reminiscing about the ordeal she placed upon her little frame, she needed the healing time too. She felt a little stiff as she rose from the warm covers. Glancing over at the full length mirror,...

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Whoa Did That Really HappenChapter 13 Whoa The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black

At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I’ll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don’t understand why. I’ve already been through the university’s orientation class.” “That’s fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You may come to enjoy it a great deal more than the one...

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Evil Ann and Miss KittyChapter 2

Beth carefully peeled her skin tight costume down to her waist revealing a black strapless bra encasing a vast amount of perfectly tanned cleavage. She stood up and turned to face Ann. She unclasped her bra and let it fall away but kept her breast concealed with her hands. Teasingly she slowly slid her hands apart only to quickly reposition them, then she squeezed her breasts together and bent over. Unable to wait any longer Ann took her wrists and pulled them aside revealing her huge yet...

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A True Story About Ann

Ann was a beautiful brunette with large hazel eyes, perfect smile and a body to die for. She had large firm breasts with a cleavage so inciting you wanted to kiss her and bring her great sexual pleasure just by looking into her eyes.Ann had a look that would follow you into your dreams. The only problem was that Ann knew it! Ann would tease and bring you right up to the point of thinking, just maybe she will let me into her world with great kisses and the promise of better things to come.One...

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AnnChapter 3

Casey looked over all those Polaroid pictures, and chose twenty four. I counted because I wanted to be sure I got them all back. I got Casey and I another beer, Ann did not want more wine. Ann told us that the pictures were good enough to turn Casey's wife on. Some were of just Ann, some were of just me, all were taken in the nude. Most of the pictures were of she and I in some pose having either oral or vaginal sex. Several were taken that day and showed her face as she was having a...

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Truth or Dare

The pressure was on as the young woman glanced at the people around her, trying to decide who was going to be next. Her choices came down to either one of the three young men who sat in front of her, or her blonde friend who sat next to her. Two of the men who sat before her were brunettes, while the other had short, raven hair. All three of them had athletic builds, although one of the brunettes seemed more muscular than the other two. She knew she wanted to pick one of them, but which one? ...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 6 The Mary Ann Trap

The island that the castaways have spent the last 3 years on is not large, but it is big enough for two people to wander on aimlessly for a very long time without bumping into to each other. However, Gilligan's luck was of a sort that often defied the laws of probability, especially when it involved running into people, and even more when the target was the Skipper. "Gilligan," bellowed the Skipper as he picked himself up off the ground, "Why don't you look where you going?" "Sorry,...

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AnnChapter 4

Leigh had been introduced to me by Casey when they had arrived. I introduced Ann to them both when she came in. Both ladies were dressed in short cocktail dresses, hose and medium heels. They were "drop dead" beautiful. Ann and Leigh started talking and I had to interrupt to ask Ann what she would have to drink. Ann asked for wine and Leigh gave me her empty glass to fill again. I only put a small amount of 190 proof in Leigh's. I wanted her sober through our meal. I heard Ann telling...

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Ann is one of my wife Kat's ladys that I have saved from her asshole husband Tom's drunking fits (read my last story) anyway Ann has become my girl for sex and all. Today I went to Ann's home around 2:30 knowing Tom would be home soon I walk in without knocking and she is making supper and talking to Tom's sister Beth they both look like deer in headlites at me I say to Ann come here and hit your knees, Beth just looks in shock as Ann drops down undoing my pants and starts to suck me, Beth...

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Anne Shows Savannah a New Way to Have Sex

Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually. He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn’t get them...

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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 7 Ann Reminisces Her First Woman

Ann decided not to refill her drink. She put a Sarah MacLaughlin disc onto the CD player and as that artist's wistful vocal filled the silence of the room, Ann harkened back to the summer break after graduating high school. Before starting college. She had been hanging out with a girl named Kelly. Ann had been friends with Kelly, a junior in high school, for more than a month before it occurred to Ann that she was sexually attracted to the girl. Boys paid scant attention to Kelly,...

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William and Ann Chapter 1

Introduction: A brothers desire begins to form Back in 1988, William was a senior in high school. His younger sister, Ann, was a freshman. Ann had begun her transformation into womanhood, and it did not go unnoticed by her brother. He constantly attempted to get a glimpse of her budding beauty, whether it was by trying to barge into her room without knocking, needing to use the bathroom while she was showering or bathing, and going outside late in the evening to watch her undress from her...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 54

I sat at my desk, thoughts of my recent encounter with Lena in the toilet running through my mind. I'd had to lock my office door and change my liner, as I hadn't had my bag with me in the toilet. Now as I sat at my desk, the image and feel of Lena's wonderful clit was dominating my thinking. There was a loud knock at the door and the handle rattled, I'd forgotten to unlock it. I opened it to find a slightly flustered Barbara standing there. " Where've you been Ann, I've got Mr. and...

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Father Mike and Sister Ann

Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...

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Anne and MaryChapter 36 Annes Christmas

Christmas was just what I needed. Restful, happy. The whole study group was home, we had a wonderful reunion. We found we all had new friends, new lovers. We were just as close, but somehow we didn't end up in bed. On the other hand, Frank, a junior now, was busy catching up with his old girlfriends, some of whom spent the night. Ralph had his own girls, usually in the afternoon. I spent hours with Mom and Dad, telling them about college, the group, our plans for Still Waters Art. I had a...

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William and Ann Chapter 1

One day, William decided to get a great look at his sister in the nude using the guise of scaring her. He hid under her bed while she was in the shower, knowing she would return to her room to apply lotion to her body before getting her nightgown on. His plan worked better than expected because his dad was out with his work friends watching March Madness games. Their mother had died from cancer two years earlier, so it was now just the three of them at home. When Ann came out of the...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 25

The first aid course wasn't going too well. I was having fun of course, feeling up Evie and she touching me up. But that was the problem. I wasn't taking in enough of the information. I was sure I wouldn't pass the fairly tough exam at the end of the week. I was beginning to think that I might have to bribe George the instructor in to giving me a pass. Not money of course. Even though George looked in his fifties, I reckoned I could persuade him to pass me if I offered him shag. I'd have...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 58

I spent about twenty minutes in the kitchen making us some thick tomato soup and some garlic bread. I also filtered some fresh coffee to go with it. I got rid of the sweaty clothes, throwing them straight in the washing machine. I brushed out my hair, and wiped a soapy face cloth over my body, to get rid of most of the sweat. Naked, I took a tray of the food up to the bedroom. Lena was no longer dozing. Now she was on her back again, and was gently trying to insert the dildo in to her arse....

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 64

I got in to work over an hour late. My boss Brian, pretended to be annoyed but later, alone in his office, he said I could stay late and 'make it up to him'. This turned out to be a handjob in his office when everyone else had gone home. I just let him stick his hand up my skirt and have a fiddle in my undies while I squeezed his tiny cock. It only took a few moments before streams of cum flew across his lap and landed on the carpet under his desk. As he's my boss, I felt it my duty to...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 5Gilligus Interruptus

Mary Ann's earlier cry for help when she had been first restrained had not gone unheeded. Only a couple hundred yards away, Gilligan was stomping through the jungle hunting for pirates. He was completely lost, of course, and was convinced that he was on the other side of the island from the huts. Thus, when he happened to pause and hear Mary Ann's faint cry for help, Gilligan instantly came to the one possible conclusion that would fit all the facts as he saw them - Mary Ann had been...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 66

We didn't bother to finish our tea, we just got out of that café in a hell of a hurry and headed for the bus stop.No one we knew was around now so it didn't matter if we were seen together. We stood in the queue, both in a state of heightened sexual arousal, in fact I was hornier than I'd felt in a long time. I stood behind Lena allowing her to gently rock back and forth, pressing her lovely big fat round arse against my crotch. I pushed myself against her, slowly rubbing my aching...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 76

My alarm radio woke me gently at a quarter to seven. I'd been enjoying a dream that was incredibly bizarre and erotic. In my dream, Amanda became a magnificent black horse, a stallion which mounted me and fucked me with a cock that was three times the size of a human one. Miraculously, I managed to accommodate such a huge dick and actually climaxed, with Amanda the horse, shooting spunk over me like a hose pipe and completely soaking me from head to foot in warm sticky semen. God, what a...

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