The Serial Rapist – Asian Delinquency Part 3 free porn video

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After a couple of hours Lewis awoke, refreshed but a little hungry. He made a quick check on Anna and found her still asleep. She must have worn herself out sucking his cock. He knew she would be hungry as well when she woke up, so he headed off to cook something for them both.

When he returned, tray of food in hand, Anna was waking up. The smell of cooking food had awakened her. Lewis took off the cuffs and let her go to the bathroom. She was staving and quickly ate the meal Lewis prepared.

Nothing was said between them as they ate. All Lewis could think of was how wonderful her tight little asshole was going to feel. As he sat there envisioning the upcoming experience Anna asked him a question. He was so fixated on his vision he did not hear her.

Sorry Honey, what did you say, he quickly replied.

When can I go home, Anna asked as tears started to roll down her cheek.

Lewis had not prepared himself for this. As much as he enjoyed watching her cry as he made her fulfill his every fantasy, he did not like to see her cry like this. This tugged at his heart strings. This made him question what he was doing. This made him feel sorry for her.

Anna could see a change in Lewis. He seemed confused, almost concerned about her. Had she hit a cord with him, if so would she be able to capitalize on it. She so wanted to get away and back to her loving family.

Her tears increased and she started pleading, I will not tell anyone about you, please let me go.
Lewis was really starting to get uncomfortable. He did not like where this was heading and needed for it to change directions quickly. He remembered how cooperative she was about sucking his cock earlier that day. Would she be that cooperative with her asshole, if he promised to let her go early?

He started to think things through, he remembered how wonderful it felt when savagely took the bar slut Lisas asshole months ago. She had really pissed him off and she deserved the treatment she got. This girl had not pissed him off, she just happen to wander into his life. She did have that I am out of your league attitude at first, but now she was a helpless little girl.

Again he thought back to how wonderful it had felt for her to willingly suck his cock. He had never had a woman so intent on fulfilling his desires as she was at that moment. As good as it had felt to Lisas asshole he knew it would feel even better if Anna gave hers to him.

He had to admit to himself that he had under estimated the effort it took to take care of her up to this point and he would probably be better off ending it early and getting out of town. With that he decided to make her a proposition. He would let her go later that night in return for her asshole. If she did not accept then he would take it anyway. Hopefully she would see her situation and take his offer.

Lewis sat back in his chair. Anna once again noticed a change in him. Had her begging and crying worked, was he feeling sorry for her?

Lewis calmly started to talk, I know you want to go home, trust me I really want to see you get back home. But as I have said before that is up to you, I could make it happen later tonight if you would like.

Annas heart jumped. Had she heard him correctly? She quickly blurted, Really, you will let me go tonight? Her excitement and eagerness to get away from her situation betrayed her.

Lewis grinned and continued, Yes. Yes I will let you go tonight. He paused to let what he said sink in. He saw her excitement in her eyes, then he proceeded, That is if you do something for me.

Anna was so elated to have the possibility of going home later, she almost did not hear him say he wanted her to do something. It took her a second to replay it and understand her freedom depended upon her doing something yet again. This something would without a doubt be sexual. She took a deep breath and quietly asked what it was he wanted.

Lewis smiled once again and leaned forward, Earlier today I so enjoyed your willingly giving me the most awesome blow job of my life. Anna stiffened, there was no way she would be able to take that monster in her throat again. He had almost killed her with it earlier.

All her excitement of going home started to crash as she thought of that monster cock ripping down her throat once again. Lewis sensed her mood changing and figured he should press his advantage. There is one other thing I have always wanted. Anna quickly looked up realizing her throat was not his target. For a fleeting moment she was relieved.

Lewis continued, You have such a sexy little ass. I would love to watch you sit on my cock and slide it up your asshole. Annas mouth dropped open in horror. The thought of that monster cock entering her ass was unthinkable. It would rip her wide open.

Lewis sat quite as she ran everything through her mind. He could tell she did not want to be ass fucked, but she wanted to get away and back home. As he sat there he became quite amused watching her. He wondered which desire would over ride the other, the desire to go home or the desire not to be ass fucked.

He hoped her desire to go home won out, because either way she was not leaving here without his cock going in her ass and he would much more enjoy it if she was willingly giving her ass.

Annas worst nightmare was being presented to her. Anal sex was something that scared her to death, she never wanted anything to ever go up her ass. What was she going to do? She so wanted to go home, was he serious about letting her go. Could she actually go through a session of anal sex with him?

Lewis could tell she was on the fence. He quickly said, I know you are asking yourself will he actually let me go home if I do this. I promise you I will let you go home later tonight. While I have enjoyed our time here together I feel it is time to end it. But I have a desire for that sweet little ass of yours before you go.

Lewis hoped she would understand her asshole was going to be the main course tonight. The only thing unanswered was will it be offered or taken.

Anna had picked up on his message. She felt all resolve leave her as she realized what she must do. She knew if she refused he would more than likely force his cock in her ass, which she was sure would be worse than if she was in control. In addition if she refused and he forced her would he get pissed at her and keep her, just to do it more to her?

She made up her mind, looked him in the face, and calmly said, If I give you my ass I want to go home. You have to promise me and one more thing, I control what happens. I will make sure it all gets in, but I do not want you shoving it.

Lewis smiled and agreed. This was exactly what he had hoped for. He smiled and asked one last question, I have to know something, have you ever had anal sex before?

Anna hated giving him the pleasure of knowing the fact that he was to be the first and probably the last man to ever enter her ass, but she did. She hoped it would make him be patient and not get out of control.

Lewis recalled how Anna had experienced an oral orgasm and wanted to give her another one. Since he had her agree to be a willing participant he might as well make the best of it. She was being so cooperative he decided to not put the hand cuffs back on her either. He could hardly contain his excitement.

Anna pushed herself back into the bed as Lewis moved onto it. She was a little surprised when he gently kissed her knee. She froze for a second not sure how to react, as the kiss so gently, almost loving. She calmly watched as he slowly moved between her legs and kissed his way down her inner thigh. Her legs instinctually parted giving him full access to her naked pussy.

To his pleasant surprise she did not protest his advance. This fueled his desire that much more. He moved his face so it was resting just above her delicious cunt. He blew on lightly and was rewarded by her lips parting, opening for him. He lowered his mouth over her little cunt and softly darted his tongue into her hole and up to her clit.

Her reaction was immediate. Her hips thrust up and her mouth gapped open. Anna felt as though a bolt of lightning traveled through her body as his tongue explored her pussy. She never would have dreamed she would love oral sex as much as she did. She loved to have her pussy licked and kissed, even by this beast of a man that had abducted her and raped her.

Her clit was hard as a rock and sent shock waves though her each time he would touch it with his tongue. She was not paying attention but each time he touched it she would push her pelvis into his face.
Lewis loved the action she was sharing. He decided to move her closer to an orgasm and focus on her clit. He moved slightly so it was positioned perfectly in his mouth. With his tongue he started making gentle circles and figure 8s on it. Anna through her head back and started moaning deep and loud.

Anna loved the sensations she was feeling in her pelvis. This man may be a monster, but he knew how to lick a pussy. She found herself moaning uncontrollably. During an especially loud and deep moan, she violently grabbed the back of his head and pushed it into her pussy as hard as she could.

She had lost all control and her mind was on auto pilot, her body took command. She violently started to thrust her crotch into his face and push his head into her as if she wanted to stick inside of her.
The aggressiveness Anna was showing caught Lewis a little of guard, but he was enjoying every moment. He ensured to keep his tongue in place and lips working, she was doing the rest. After a few minutes he could feel her body tense and her motions became more desperate and with intent.

He looked up at her and she was staring him in the eyes, hers full of lust and desire. Her mouth was wide open but only a faint sound was escaping. Her orgasm was building and about to explode all over him. He pushed harder into her, which was the trigger she needed to explode in a violent and wet orgasm.

Anna had never felt the sensations running throughout her entire body, but she liked every one of them. She could feel a huge pressure building deep inside her like nothing she had ever felt before. Then Lewis pushed into her crotch and she felt herself explode. Her pussy literally tried to turn itself inside out.

She was spraying fluid everywhere, she could not catch her breath, her whole body was locked in the most intense sensation she had ever experienced. It felt as though it lasted for hours, but really was less than a minute. When she regained a little control she looked down and Lewis face was covered in a shiny liquid and the bed was soaked.

He was licking as fast as he could, it appeared to her he was trying to get every drop out of her and she did not mind if he did. He finally stopped and moved up in the bed and lay beside her. He was gasping for breath as heavy as she was.

For a moment Lewis thought Anna was trying to suffocate him, maybe in revenge for shoving all of his cock in her throat earlier in the day. He quickly realized she was simply having an extremely physical and intense orgasm. As he lay besides her gasping for breath he started to chuckle.

He looked at her and said, I guess I deserved that after doing the same to you earlier.

Anna quickly replied, Your damned right, but you had me in a worse position than I had you.

After arguing for a few minutes they agreed that they were even orally. Anna shockingly realized that she was laughing and enjoying what was happening. How could this be, he had abducted her, held her against her will, and raped her?

Never the less she had just experienced the most intense orgasm of her young life and for what it was worth was in a better mood. As they lay there, catching their breaths, she remembers what is to come next.
Her initial reaction is fear, will that monster rip her wide open? She realized her pussy made it through the invasion just fine, a little stretched but overall just like before. She recalled the most pain was when he tried to shove the entire length into her and hit the backend of her tunnel. That hurt like all hell, then she smiled as she knew there was no backend to her ass and when it did bottom out it would be because it was all in her.

She could not believe how she was thinking. Was she actually looking forward to being ass fucked by this maniac and his huge cock, or was she just preparing herself for the inevitable? She determined it was the inevitable and a little bit of curiousness mixed in. She figured since she was going to be in control she might as well try to enjoy it.

If she did it would be a lot less painful and she would get something out of it. If not, well she did not want to think about what was behind that door. With that she rolled over and asked Lewis, Would you happen to have something to lubricate your cock with? I do not think you could even force that thing up my ass dry.

Lewis grinned and told her to look in the drawer next to the bed. She rolled over and located a new bottle of KY Lubricant. She thanked the heavens for small miracles and rolled back over. She looked at Lewis and said with a smile, Are we going to do this with your clothes on?

Lewis had been so preoccupied with her and how things had turned for his benefit that he forgot he was still dressed. He laughed and quickly removed everything. When he lay back down, Anna quickly started applying large amounts of lubricant and jacking him off. Her hands were magical. She worked both of them up and down the entire length of his hardening cock. He thought to himself how wonderful it would be to have her jack him off all over her face.

He had to stop thinking about that or he knew he would cum and ruin what was to come. Anna felt his cock stiffen to steel strength and prayed to god she would be able to handle sliding it up her ass. She leaned slightly forward and liberally applied lubricant to her puckering little asshole. As she rubbed it she wondered what it would feel like next time she touched it.

She inserted a well lubricated finger up to the knuckle, so as to make sure everything was well lubed. To her surprise the discomfort was minimal, maybe that huge cock will not be much worse. With that she threw her left leg over Lewis and straddled his body.

The feeling of Anna sitting on his crotch was heaven. He looked up at her and he swore he had never seen such a beautiful site in his life. She hovered over his hard cock like a cat hovering over a mouse. She reached down and pulled up and back, she rose up so she could move it back to her asshole.

Anna took a deep breath and pulled his cock back until the head was slightly pushing against her asshole. She stopped there and took a couple of deep breaths, then looked down and said, Remember I control everything.

Lewis shook his head that he agreed. She closed her eyes and slowly lowered her body, causing the head of his massive cock to push hard on her anal ring. She added a little additional force and the head broke through and past the ring. She gasped as this occurred more from fear than pain. Her ass ring was being stretched, but not to the point of being torn.

Lewis was in pure bliss, he thought Lisas asshole had been tight, it had nothing on this one. His head was being crushed by the pressure her anal ring was applying. He could not wait to feel the depths of her insides, but he knew he had to be patient.

Anna took a few seconds to get her wits together, while so far it was not been as bad as she expected she knew the widest part was yet to come. Once she got control of her nerves she took another deep breath and pushed down again on his cock. About 4 inches slid up her ass and the pain increased beyond her imagination. She froze in place and started breathing fast.

Everything in her body told her to get it out and get away, her mind told her to stay in place and take it. Lewis knew she was at the point of either jumping off or taking it all. He knew to patient and let her get used to his cock being in her ass. Hopefully she will get pasted this point and take the rest on her own, but he was fully prepared to roll her over and slam it home if she started to move off of it.

Anna could not believe how bad it hurt. It felt as if someone had stuck a hot rod up her ass. She felt her asshole stretch way beyond what it should be to accommodate the intruder entering it. She was concentrating on breathing and was just about to give in to the pain and pull it out when the pain started to subside.

She put her left hand down on Lewis chest and calmly said to him, Please do not move, give me a second and I will put the rest in.

Lewis cock was sending sensations to his body that he had never felt before. He had never felt anything so tight around his cock in his life. As he heard he talk he knew a heard of wild horse would not get him to move. All he did was shack his head yes.

Anna saw that he was still sticking to his part of the bargain and not moving. As she sat there with half of his cock up her ass, she started to feel a strange sensation stirring deep in her body. Her pussy started to tingle and tighten. She started to enjoy the feelings cursing through her body.

She decided it would be best to get past all the pain and forced her ass down on the rest of his cock. The pain was no worse but the sensations increased tremendously. All she could was sit there and breathe.
Lewis was taken by surprise as she lowered herself on his entire length. He lay there holding her hips not moving. Her ass muscles were flexing up and down the shaft, as her anal ring clamped snug around the base and squeezed.

He never knew something could feel so erotic and satisfying. Anna was just as surprised. When she pushed the last of his cock into her ass, she was taken away in a wave of erotic and intense sensations. It still hurt slightly, but the other sensations made the discomfort forgettable.

After a while she started to rock back and forth, this caused her engorged clit to rub against Lewis pelvis bone sending even more sensations through her body. The more she moved the less she felt the pain and the more intense the erotic sensations became. Before she knew it she was rocking at a steady pace and grunting deep from within her body.

She felt dirty, sexy, alive, but most of all lustful. She wanted his cock in her ass. She looked down at Lewis, he had his eyes closed holding her hips tightly. She knew she owned him at this point, her ass was in complete control. The site of him holding her hips, the realization of control, and the intense sensations drove Anna over the edge and into the most explosive orgasm she had ever felt.

She thought the oral ones as intense, this hand them all beat. She pushed down hard on Lewis cock, wanting every last bit of it up her ass. She threw her head back and screamed to the top of her lungs, OH FUCK, FUCK ME, MY GOD FUCK ME.

Lewis opened his eyes just as she exploded and started screaming. As she screamed she started to buck up and down on his cock. He tightened his grasp on her hips and thrust his cock up into her ass as she grinded it down on his cock. The sensations were out of this world.

Anna was beside herself, she could not believe she was enjoying being fuck in the ass. She felt him starting to thrust up to her, which sent additional sensations racing through her body and mind. She never wanted the sensations to end.

She sped up her pace a little and started to move more of his cock in and out of her ass. Within a few minutes he was pulling all but the head out and pushing back in as far as he could bury it.

All Anna could do was lay her head back in shear bliss and scream, FUCK MY ASS, MY GOD FUCK MY ASS

Lewis could hold out no longer, hearing her scream for him to fuck her in the ass took him to that point of no return. His cock stiffened ever harder, he pulled Anna down to his chest, and started grinding his cock up her ass in earnest.

Anna knew he was about to cum and wanted to feel him explode deep in her ass. She moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, CUM IN MY ASS BABY, I NEED YOUR CUM DEEP IN MY ASS.

Upon hearing those words Lewis let forth a fire hose of cum deep in Annas bowels. He pushed as hard and deep as he possibly could. Anna pushed back just as ever bit hard as Lewis was. She wanted to feel his cock deep inside her. She had one orgasm after another, her mind was a blur of erotic pleasure. Each blast of hot cum from his cock sent shivers throughout her body.

By the end they both were pushing into each other with everything they had and screaming to the top of their lungs. Totally spent they collapsed holding each other. Anna could not believe what she had just experienced. She looked up at Lewis who was just recovering as well. She slowly raised her lips to his and kissed him deep and passionately.

Lewis was shocked by her unsolicited display of affection. Here he was being kissed by a woman he had abducted, abused, raped, and still had his dick in her ass that he made her fuck him with. He kissed her back and slowly rolled her over. He removed his cock from ass, which popped when his head came out. This caused them both to laugh.

Lewis finally got up to use the bathroom. While he was pissing Anna entered and started the shower, she looked over at him and ask if he would like to join her. Could this actually be true, he thought to himself. He looked at her and she motioned him to join her. Once in the shower she washed both her body and then his, paying close attention to the cock. She scrubbed it completely clean.

She then turned to Lewis grinned and dropped to her knees. She took his half hard cock and placed it in her mouth. Lewis let out a groan, and leaned back against the shower wall as he felt his cock slide in and out of her little mouth.

Anna was absolutely consumed with desire for his cock. She had never felt anything as intense as the days orgasms. She had to make him cum one last time. She worked his cock for all it was worth, she never could get it all in but she was finally rewarded as he cummed on her face and tits.

Once out of the shower Anna jumped back on the bed. She started to think twice about heading home, maybe she could stay the night. Lewis knew he had to get her back now. She was starting to enjoy everything and that could really lead to a lot of trouble.

They talked and he explained that it would be best if he take her back to town. Her wireless phone was in her purse and she could call her parents as soon as he dropped her off. He told her it would be best if she was returned the same way she was brought here, blindfolded and unconscious. It would be best for him and her.

She reluctantly agreed. Lewis gave her the pants he had removed from her. She put them on, but he had cut her shirt and bra off, so he gave her a t-shirt he had bought. Once she was dressed he told he need to knock her out with the chloroform. She quickly kissed him, and turned around.

Anna did not want to go, but he was right it would be best for both of them to do it this way. As she was thinking this she realized she had not asked him his name, just as she was about to ask she felt a damp rag cover her mouth and nose.

She quickly went to sleep. Lewis gathered up everything and took it to the car, then returned to get her. As he drove back to Knoxville, he reflected on his little encounter with Anna. He wondered to himself if under different circumstances they could have a relationship. He knew the answer. NO.

He told himself next time he would not allow his feelings to get in the way. He had started to feel for Anna, he had let the experience turn into something that he had not intended. He would keep everything cold and calculating next time.

After about 20 minutes he pulled into a parking lot of a local ball park. He knew he could place her on a bench and drive away without anyone noticing. Before he left her he checked to see if she was starting to wake up, she was still out probably exhausted from all the recent activities. He did not want to apply any additional chloroform to her, as he wanted to her to awaken quickly after his departure.

Once he felt she was secure he made a quick retreat to his vehicle and left. Once back at the cabin he went straight to bed and asleep. He wanted to hit the road early in the morning and get back home.

Anna had awakened on their way to the ball park. When she opened her eyes she realized a hood was over her head. She quickly remembered what was going on and decided not to let on she was awake. Shortly after she did awaken the vehicle stopped and she was carried to what felt like some metal table or bench.

She continued to pretend to be asleep. She hoped Lewis would not give her anymore of the stuff he used to sedate her with and to her pleasure she heard him walk away after checking to see if she was still asleep.

She reached up and pulled the hood up when she heard his vehicle start. She quickly focused and saw a dark colored car that looked like an American model. He slowly pulled away, and Anna read the license plate number as he did.

She repeated the number over and over in her head, until she saw him pull onto the main road and drive away. She rose up, located her purse, found her address book, and wrote the license plate number down. She then located her wireless phone and called her parents.

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Fear and Loathing. Disclaimer. This series shows disturbing scenes of violence done to both men and women, a young woman being stalked and insights into the demented mind of a Serial Killer. You have been warned. If this type of thing is not your ‘cup of tea’ turn back now, for those brave enough to venture in, welcome and we hope you enjoy. ***** Rachel May Pierson was sitting on a bench overlooking the beautiful Folsom Lake and enjoying the afternoon air. When she was a little girl...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 06

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS36: STARR SCORES VI—’Avenging Forthwith’ *** 36 stories, six (square root of 36) now belong to this series. averaging out to one of each of these six ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ stories for every six of the Smokey Sagas thus far. Just a coincidence. Absolutely nothing to do with this actual story itself, however. Another coincidence: this is going to appear...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 03

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES III: ‘Return Of The ‘Jed’ Guy’ *** April 30th, 10:27 a.m. ‘Hi babe! How’s she lookin’?’ Angela casually asked Paula, the ‘she’ in question being the daily docket of patients. ‘Pretty good, Starr,’ Paula answered. ‘Full schedule, you’ve got one every two hours today. ‘S see, you’ve got…a new visitor, Mr. Ray Reynolds in three minutes, he just got here, and...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 07

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. ***Dr. Angela Starr: The Hypnothe-Rapist*** SS44: STARR SCORES VII—’Divorce Awakens’ *** January 16th, 3:23 p.m. HEY HEY STARR! LAST CHERUB OF THE DAY HAS JUST LANDED AT OUR DOOR. NEWBIE: MR. SEAN MCMANUS. FILLING OUT HIS FORM RIGHT NOW. ID AND INSURANCE XEROXED, JUST NEED YOUR O.K. TO SEND HIM BACK. THANKS, NICE LADY!! JUST FINISHING UP WITH MR. BROCKWELL RIGHT NOW, SO AS SOON AS HE COMES...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 02

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* STARR SCORES II: ‘The Impotence Strikes Back’ *** February 12th, 4:02 p.m. Angela put the finishing updates on the file of her 2:00 returning patient, deposited it in the appropriate section of her cabinet, shut it, and pushed herself off it to roll her chair back across the office to her desk. She held down the intercom button. ‘Hi Paula! One more today, right?’ Paula’s...

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HypnotheRapist Starr Scores Ch 04

To every gentleman in need of female companionship and affection…your dream doctor. Literally. *The Hypnothe-Rapist* SMOKEY SAGAS #20: STARR SCORES IV—’The Man Called Dennis’ *** August 9th, 9:31 a.m. Angie slid open the window and welcomed the summer morning breeze into her office with open lungs. She closed her eyes, smiled and inhaled the balmy air. She was in such a wonderful mood. Everything was terrific: her day, her job, her life. She felt so happy she could burst. The daily joys...

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The Pantyhose RapistChapter 3

Detective Mike Harris lay on his bed masturbating; his cock was encased in the tan pantyhose Nadine Bouvier had discarded after he had raped her. He had the gusset of the hose over his head and was inhaling the scent the juices of her cunt had left on the hose. He had one of the legs of her pantyhose pulled tight over his cock. He came and a puddle of white creamy semen oozed through the sheer nylon stretched tightly over his glans. He wiped up the mess and dropped the garment into a drawer...

2 years ago
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Wife8217s a bitch Husband8217s a Rapist

“Hey John, I am getting an early parole. I’ll be out in two weeks! Can I stay with you?” With that one phone conversation John knew that his life was about to change. Again. He had not heard the voice on the phone for over five years now. A lifetime for both of them. Ronald had been convicted of the brutal rape and abduction of a prominent Senator’s daughter. What idiot would be stupid enough to let him out after only 5 years? Now he wanted to come stay with John and...

4 years ago
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The Transsexual Rapist

Let me explain myself, as my mom and I seem to be the only normal people in this god-forsaken town. My name is Nicole, but I usually go by Nyx (you know? The goddess of night), I'm 16, Black hair, half White and half Hispanic, blue-grey eyes. I would say my ass is my best asset, just the right size and firmness, I'm skinny, and according to my (almost obese) physical education teacher, on the verge of anorexic. I have a D-cup breast's, with pink, velvet like nipples. My mom is a single...

3 years ago
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The Pantyhose RapistChapter 4

"A re-enactment? Are you fucking crazy!" Michele Bouvier hissed into her phone. "Look, I know it's a big ask; but we have nothing to go on. Forensics is not giving us anything but maybe we can use a re-enactment to establish this guy's MO. What we record during the re-enactment may help convict this guy when we finally arrest him; a pattern of behaviour will add greatly to any circumstantial evidence we might gather," Mike pleaded. "But it won't be shown on TV, not on Crime Stoppers...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 01

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

1 year ago
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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 03

The Stalker Vs The Serial Killer Chapter Three Love and Sacrifice Disclaimer. This series shows disturbing scenes of violence done to both men and women, a young woman being stalked and insights into the demented mind of a Serial Killer. You have been warned. If this type of thing is not your ‘cup of tea’ turn back now, for those brave enough to venture in, welcome and we hope you enjoy. Jacob Lawrence was a former police officer who had been tragically wounded in the line of duty while...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 02

Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction supervisor. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her life. Turned out that her stalker hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Parallelalities The Serial Take

Parallelalities - The Serial Take (Part 1 of 5) by Bill Hart Randy stared at his television totally disgusted. He simply couldn't believe all the worthless crap that was being put out on his new six-foot screen. And the garbage wasn't coming from just the six over-the-air networks. Even his recently expanded digital cable system had absolutely nothing he considered worth taking the time to watch on any of its over two hundred channels. Tonight was going to be one...

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SOFIA Dating Delinquency Prt 3

To sneak out of my parents’ house, I removed the screen from my bedroom window, crawled up through the window well, and pulled close the glass behind me. Keeping to the shadows, I chugged down the street toward Suave’s house. I quickly located his vehicle that was parked on the curb beside his home and found the doors unlocked. With a quick search of the interior I located the spare key that was found hidden in the ashtray. The car started right up and I swiftly drove it out of the...

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SOFIA dating delinquency Prt 2

Shortly after I accepted an invitation from Sofia’s parents to their home for dinner one wintery night, I realized that I had previously made plans with Dirty and Suave to go out mailboxing. After much deliberation, it was decided amongst my friends and I that they could pick me up at Sofia’s house after midnight. At which point, we could then proceed to destroy mailboxes on the drive home. The late night hour, as it was rationalized, would provide additional protection from any persons who...

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SOFIA Dating Delinquency Prt 1

Sofia was the first Latina who sexually molested me. She had long, black hair, plump breasts, and a beautifully bronzed complexion. Sofia was a nineteen-year old, legal adult when she first started using me for her selfish pleasure. I was still a minor and finishing high school at the time. I never reported to anyone about the sexual abuse that Sofia put me through, simply because I liked it and I certainly did not want her to stop. On one particular winter weekend, Sofia and I met up...

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The Humility Rapist

It's kind of a funny story really. Not "Ha-Ha" funny. More like "No, oh god no, not that, please help meEEEEK!!" funny. Heh. I guess it's kinda whatchamacallit Ironical. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Jaz. My real name is John, but you can call me Jaz. I'm a Rapeaholic (123, "HI JAZ!") Some of you may know me. I've been writing rape stories on the internet for years. Hardcore, nasty stuff. That's what I like. But they were just fiction for the most part. Oh some of...

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A college girl gets her revenge when the campus rapist picks on her 8211 fiction

I’d heard about the rapist; that’s why I had my dad’s war souvenir with me that night. But I didn’t really expect to need it. I’d been carrying it every day since the second rape. Dad called it ‘the equalizer,’ and Mom couldn’t stand the sight of it. She made him lock it up; but he slipped it to me before I left for college. “You might need it,” he’d whispered. “Some of those athletes don’t know what...

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Love Letter To My Future Rapist

LOVE LETTER TO MY FUTURE RAPIST Dear Rapist: If you find me here in the woods, PLEASE don't be nice and kind and make conversation first. That's what I dread the most. I am very serious about this.?? It's best for me if you break a thin sapling branch off a tree, a real thin one, a "switch". And when you come in, don't SAY anything. I'll be completely naked, just like I am now. Don't announce your name; I don't CARE who it is. I'd really rather not even know. I will put the keyboard...

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Memoirs of a Rapist

Chapter 1: The Bunny-girl She was not one of my first; I had been perfecting my perversion for many years before her. No, she was just one of the most memorable and that's why I start with her. So why did I name her that? Was it her real name. Not. I spotted her one summer day working in her front flowerbed as I was on my way to a client. Her red hair almost glowed in the morning sun. It was beautiful, thick and waistlength, tied in two pigtails like big floppy ears. As I approached her...

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My Rapist the Worst Thing That Can HappenChapter 7

My rapist finally left. I didn't even follow him out to lock the door. It hurt too much to walk. I undressed and hobbled into the bathroom and took a long hot bath. I soaked for half an hour. Then I dried off and followed the directions for the care of the new holes in my body. I was crying softly as I crawled under the covers and slept for several hours. I was physically exhausted. But I was even more exhausted emotionally. I needed to shut my mind off for a while. I woke up before Sean...

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Lesbian RapistPart 2 Police Woman Betrayed

The room was completely silent as John Pressman finished speaking. He had just confessed to the brutal rape of over 15 young, attractive lesbian women on national television. He had laughed at the police, the DA's office and the judicial system. He bragged about how it felt to shove his 8 inch dick down an unwilling lesbian's throat, to look her in the eye while he fucked her face and she choked on his cock. The soft heavy feel as he fondled her jiggling tits. He loved the mixed smell of...

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Ye pshyco the rapist hota hai pshycotherapist nahin

Kaisey hain aap sab. Main swati wapis hoon apney agle kissey ke saath. Aapney mujhey kaafi mailki mujhey acha laga lekin kaafi logo ney mujhey friend request bheji jo ki mujhey bilkul pasand nahin. Kaafi ladkiyon ki bhi farmaish thi ki main unki virginity todoon lekin saheliyon main koi ladka thodi naa hoon haan ye baat jaroor hai agr aap mere saath company karna chahti hain toh jaroor batayein. Main jaroor koshish karoongi commit nahi kar sakti. Kyunki agar mainey aisey kisi ka saath diya toh...

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Some Thoughts From The Rapist

There is an interesting half-truth propagated about rapists. Experts almost consistently preach, "Rape is not about sex. Rape is about power." The experts will usually continue to point out that many rapists are actually impotent and bottles and such. Perhaps it comforts the feminists --some of whom also claim that pornography is not about sex--to think that rapists don't want to fuck them. Well, it is true that rape is about power--Those experts have no idea how arousing it is to have such...

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Beginnings of an Asian Cuckold Boy

Disclaimer1: This used to be on my tumblr, but I believe it was taken down for being too sexual in nature. Reposting it here.Disclaimer2: This story does not reflect my real life views and/or opinions of Asian males, Asian females, or white males. This story is fiction and was written for other Asian “boys” like me who enjoy any of the following sexual fetishes: small penis humiliation, Asian cuckold/white bull, or Asian-white raceplay.Like all of my friends, I was still virgin when I started...

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Training of asian women

Training of asian womenA guide for any White man who owns asian womenPreamble: The objective of training asian women can be manifold.  Asian women must be trained to be able to provide full pleasure to White men by any means necessary.  Asian women must also learn to abide by the slave protocol as set by White men But most importantly, the essence of training asian women is to make them become fully aware of their own inferiority to White men.  An asian woman's inferiority, in all aspects of...

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StripChat Asian

Are you hot and ready to get off to sexy camgirls? Of course, you are – when are you not prepared to shoot cum out of your tiny prick? Besides, these models know exactly what to do to have you wetting your pants in moments. However, like everything else in life, we always have a preference. And this means that not every camgirl will make you cum all the time. Sometimes, you want a specific type of girl to get you off, depending on your current mood.Well, if your preference is Asian camgirls,...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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HotMovies Asian

Do you love watching professional Asian porn? Are you the type of mother fucker that does not want to watch porn made by amateurs? If you want to see the best work their magic and won’t settle for anything else, then you need a place to go where you can watch all of this type of porn!But that can get fucking expensive! If you want to pay for what you watch, most of the time, you have to subscribe to individual channels on their respective sites. What if you could pay for all of the content that...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 02

Close calls and unexpected discoveries. Single mother Rachel Pierson was working in diner when she met a man who claimed to be a construction superviser. He had been funny and charming and smart and promised to return the next day. He didn’t return again for eight months. When he did he began stalking her, terrifying the woman. After nearly two weeks of being stalked a Serial Killer who had been working his way down he west coast targeted her and only her stalkers timely arrival saved her...

3 years ago
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Jackies Adventures in Utopia A Sweet and Sexy Serial 1

Jackie's Adventures in Utopia: A Sweet and Sexy Serial, #1 By Jackie Quick Good day, sweethearts! My name's Jackie. I live in a place you may have dreamed of, but I'm sure you've never been here: Utopia. I don't mean just any "utopia" with a little "u"; I mean the real Utopia, the one Sir Thomas More wrote about centuries ago. It's a whole lot different here now than it was then, though--come with me and see! Down here, hidden away somewhere between Tahiti and Antarctica, there's...

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memories of a serial killer homosexsual

the sleeping pill had worked great. too. For a moment I feared that the boy was dead. Instead it was stone dead, but sleeping. fell in a few minutes like a cooked pear. I now had to give me to do. drag it down below, in the playroom. So call: the playroom.-I can offer you a drink? - The little shit had accepted - thank you gladly - and there in the kitchen drops down in the drink while he could not see me. then a good mixed and the magic potion that was pretty ready. poor bastard.I was polite...

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The Pantyhose RapistChapter 2

Detective Mike Harris tipped up Michele Bouvier's black leather shoulder bag and spilled out the contents onto the desk in his bedroom. It was now two days since he raped Michele Bouvier in the railway station workshop but this was the first chance he had to explore the contents of her bag. He and detective sergeant Janine Munner had been busy working the Pantyhose Rapist case, waiting for the forensic evidence and poring over the statements they had taken. He knew that nothing would come...

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Innocent Asian Teen Gangbang

Sophia shivered just reading Liam’s text. It had been another couple of weeks of endless blowjobs for Liam. Even though he now dominated both Sonya and Sophia, he showed a clear preference to Sophia, because she was smaller and still had a bit of baby fat which made her adorable. Master Liam made sure to fuck his two freshman girls at school several times per week, making sure to spare Sonya’s virginity for the upcoming party. He finally had a plan to give them a night they would never...

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Cam4 Asian

Do you love Asian girls? Does the thought of being with an Asian babe make you wet your pants? Well, there’s nothing to be ashamed of here, pal. We all love sluts from that region with their petite frames and overwhelming sexual allure. But, unfortunately, while I can fuck all the bitches I want in this world, you losers don’t have that luxury, so you’ve to settle for the next best thing. And that’s where Asian cam girls come in. I have seen tons of you fuckers flood the internet searching for...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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PornHub Asian

While the whole world is on lockdown thanks to the coronavirus, I’ve found the isolation has been good for helping ease another serious ailment: my crippling case of yellow fever. Yeah, I just can’t seem to stop whacking off to hot Asian broads no matter how dire the situation gets outside. Thank God for PornHub’s Asian section, am I right?You already know, and if you try to claim otherwise, I’m going to call you a damn dirty liar and a closet pervert on top of that. They get like 3...

Asian Porn Sites
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Asian Onlyfans

Sure, you crave looking at babes on platforms like OnlyFans. Fuck, you may even subscribe to a couple of them. I don’t fucking blame you. It’s proven beyond a goddamn shadow of a doubt that platforms like OnlyFans is a fucking hit anyway. Look at how many models have make fucking millions by being themselves. And look at the professional porn stars that are now jumping on board to earn even more cabbage.Will all porn go the way of OnlyFans? Who the fuck do I look like? A goddamn psychic? I only...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Crazy Asian GFs

CrazyAsianGFS! Who among us can say that they’ve never wished they had a nymphomaniacal Asian girlfriend? Exactly as I expected: none of us. And for good reason. There’s just something so sexy about Asian girls. First of all, they are often petite, making for the perfect spinners; they’re pussies are tiny and tight, gripping your cock like a suction cup, and they have the sexiest bedroom eyes on the planet, making them so irresistibly seductive.It doesn’t even really matter where in Asia the...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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BongaCams Asian

Not all live streaming sites are made equal. BongaCams has been killing it lately with their devotion to high-quality free content. Live streaming has been under this tricky business model for the longest time, where streams are technically free until they aren’t, and it’s sort of been up to the models to decide when they want to hide behind a paywall. Somehow, BongaCams have managed to get around that problem by motivating their models to stay public for much longer than I’m used to seeing on...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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XloveCam Asian

Well, hello there! Do you love Asian women? Are you looking for some free Asian cams? Well, if your response was a nod to both questions, I bet you will appreciate what has on offer in their Asian cams section. In this article, we will be dissecting the website, particularly their Asian cams, down to the tiniest bit so that you can completely understand what you would be getting into if you visit this platform. Alright, all that being said, it’s time to dive into the website and...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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Asian Hotties

Asian Hotties have always been one of my favorite topics here at ThePornDude, and frankly, I had a serious and crippling case of yellow fever even before I became a professional porn reviewer. There’s just something special about oriental women, whether we’re talking about babes from China, Japan, Korea, or any of those islands out in the Pacific Ocean. Just the thought of them makes me start getting hard, which is why I was eager to check out this next joint just as soon as I heard their...

Asian Porn Sites
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Asian Bondage

Asian Bondage is the kind of thing that some folks simply can’t get enough of. That’s what I told the barista after one of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching on my laptop, but she didn’t seem to care. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I was just trying to express my love for tied-up Chinese chicks, and Karen over here had to get her panties in a bunch. I took my fap session back home, where I can express myself in peace, but my yellow fever rages...

Fetish Porn Sites

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