First-Time Tales #1: Emily And Jason free porn video

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AUTHORS NOTE: This story is based on the true first-time experience of a dear friend. She loved it so much that she begged me to submit it to XNXX, which I had never even heard of before. This is my first attempt at writing erotic fiction. Please help out a new writer by posting a constructive comment below.

As a result of writing this story, Ive fallen in love with the bg genre and would like to write about more true first-time bg experiences. If you lost your virginity in a real-life bg relationship, you can fill out an anonymous survey through the link in my profile. I cant promise to adapt all of your stories, but Ill do my best if you can take the time to give me something to work with.

First-Time Tales #1: Emily and Jason
By Missy Younglove

I first made love early on a fresh spring morning back in 1994. I was 11 years old and he was 12.

We were kind of a Mutt and Jeff pair. He was small, skinny and blond while I was tall, stocky, and dark. Even though he was a year older than me, hed barely started puberty while I already had breasts the size of oranges and a fairly mature (and horny) vagina. I was already a good six inches taller than he was.

We were both pretty average-looking kids. Better-looking boys had shown an interest in me because my body was more mature than a lot of girls my age, but I liked Jason because he was funny and made me laugh a lot. Wed known each other for about a year and had just decided to go steady and prove our love by fucking.

We had fooled around a little bit, mostly in the weeks leading up to that. It started out as innocent stuff that gradually became less innocent. We usually played little games of keep-away while sitting on a bench or a couch. Wed take turns pretending to grab for an object while accidentally grabbing whatever we wanted on the other persons body. At first, wed touch each other very tentatively, but that turned into full-out petting over the course of a few weeks when we could find enough privacy for it.

Eventually, we stopped all pretense of game-playing. We just found a private spot and kissed and petted like the lust-crazed kids we were. Fearing discovery, wed always stayed fully clothed while slipping our hands underneath each others clothing. Hed caress my breasts and dripping pussy while I mainly played with his hard little cock inside his loose boxers.

It didnt take me long to discover that our sessions would be over as soon as I felt his warm, watery fluid oozing into my fist. I learned to handle it very carefully until Id gotten my own thrills. I dont think I ever really came from his awkward stroking, but I did get some nice little tingles and shivers out of it. Jason got his horny little nuts off every time, though.

We both had older siblings whod already started having sex and loved it. We also knew of other kids in school whod lost their virginity, so it was pretty much a no-brainer for us at that point. We decided to go steady on a Friday evening and to make love the following morning when everyone else was still in bed.

I was so excited that I didnt sleep a wink that night. I was so horny that I must have frigged myself a hundred times and had to put a towel underneath me to soak up the juices that were steadily flowing out of my pussy. Finally, at ten minutes before 6:00, I threw on a loose pair of shorts and a T-shirt with nothing on underneath, quietly snuck out of the house, and trotted eagerly around the block to where he lived.

I saw him perched nervously on an old tricycle near the side door to his garage and his face lit up with delight the moment he saw me. He hair was a tousled mess and he had circles under his eyes from his own sleepless night, but he couldnt have looked any better to me. Im sure I was in a similar state, but he didnt seem to care one bit. We quietly went into the garage and he led me to a little fort hed made amidst several stacks of boxes. The floor was padded with old moving blankets, but hed thrown a clean beach towel over them. His pants were already tented out with his little boner.

I pulled him close and we kissed deeply. His hard-on went straight between my legs and rubbed against my crotch. We kissed and thrust against each other until our overheated young bodies needed too much air and we had to pull apart, gasping. I reached up and pulled my shirt off in one smooth motion. Tossing it aside, I stood there looking hotly at him. He was stunned, staring wide-eyed at my jiggling boobies for the very first time.

It made me feel good to be admired in such a way, but I didnt have the patience to let him stare very long. I grabbed his shirt and started to lift it off. He finally got the message and helped. Soon, I was staring at his bony, undeveloped chest and tiny nipples. I looked pointedly down at his tented pants until a blush spread from his face to his chest. He didnt hesitate long, though, and soon I was staring at the object Id been wanting to see for so long.

It was circumcised and about three inches long, with a gentle upward curve. It was also hard, throbbing, and pointed almost straight up at my wondering eyes. The stalk was very pale, but the plump, mushroom-shaped head was a purplish pink. There was a tiny slit at the end that had pouted open to emit a tiny bead of clear fluid. His balls were pulled into a tight round sack that was a deep pink near the top, fading to pale white underneath. I could see the little ovals inside, kind of pulled forward and up rather than sitting at the bottom. They looked to be just a little larger than almonds. I watched the stalk bob in the air for several beats of his heart while my mouth watered and my pussy dripped at the sight of his perfect little organ.

Finally, I pulled my own shorts down to reveal my full, dark bush. My inner thighs were smeared with my juices, but my embarrassment was eased by his delighted gasp of appreciation.

My knees had grown weak, so I sat down on the towel with one knee in the air and patted the spot next to me. He sank down and I directed him to lie on his back in front of me so that I could look down on his beautiful little boyhood. The clear little droplet had moved to his hairless abdomen when his prick bounced against it, leaving just a slimy film at the tip which had become more red in color. Looking closely, I could just barely see the tiny blond fuzz that had sprouted on his pubic mound just above his balls. I could also see three blond strands growing from the bottom of his scrotum.

I took him in my fist and began to pump him gently, wanting to finally see what it looked like when he got off rather than just feel it on my hand. I wasnt aware at the time that boys orgasms were any different from girls. I knew that I could have several in a row, so why couldnt he?

My concentration was momentarily broken when I felt his cool fingers gently probing my vagina. I scooted my bottom a little bit to give him a better view of the aroused pinkness inside and heard him sigh appreciatively. I rubbed his bony chest with my free hand while I let my gaze wander between his crotch and his face. He was being gentle with my pussy and his fingers felt nice rubbing along the meaty ridge that housed my swollen clitoris. I knew that my vagina was drooling uncontrollably into his hand but he didnt seem to mind at all.

After about 20 or 30 seconds, his body started to jerk with the familiar agitation that signaled his approaching orgasm. I noted with interest that his ball sack was no longer round. It had flattened like a pancake near the base of his cock with his little balls nestling tightly against his stalk. When I looked back at his face, it had grown red and his eyes were wide and watery. He started to sit up and pull me down onto the blankets, obviously wanting to mount me right then and there, but I wanted to watch him come so I resisted. He finally laid back down with a look of disappointment as I continued to gently pump him.

I groaned and squirmed as I finally felt one of his fingers enter my love tunnel. I usually resisted his poking me there, but not this time. I clamped down tightly on his probing digit and enjoyed the feel of something hard inside my dripping channel. That seemed to set something off in him because his hips began to jerk upward in chaotic little thrusts and he started to whimper like an excited puppy.

Then I felt his free hand cover my fist and hold it tightly. His penis swelled, then began to throb strongly. Little droplets began to fly out of the slit in his cock and sprinkle his tummy faster than my eyes could see in the gloom of the garage. There must have been about 20 clear little puddles by the time his hand began to guide mine in a slow milking motion and I felt the familiar warm wetness of his oozing juices start to smear my palm. I was fascinated by the entire process and felt an urge to lick it all up but was afraid that it would taste like pee.

After that, he pulled his fingers away from my pussy and just sort of laid there with his eyes closed and a satisfied look on his face as his dick went soft and limp in my hand. When it finally became a slimy little noodle, I let go of it and dried my hand on the towel next to me. He may have been satisfied, but watching him get off had made me hornier than ever!

I moved my bottom down next to his, then leaned over him until my breasts were crushing my swollen nipples against his warm, skinny chest. More juices filled my pussy as sparks of pleasure shot down to it from my breasts. I pressed my lips to his and began to kiss him passionately. He didnt respond at first, but I was insistent. Finally, he let my tongue into his mouth and we began to French. That really seemed to perk him up and he began to fondle the sides of my breasts. I raised myself up onto my knees to give him better access, and he took a breast into each of his soft little hands and began to knead them thoroughly, pinching my nips delightfully between his thumb and forefingers.

I pulled my mouth away from his to gasp for air and looked down to see three inches of hard, throbbing boy meat pointing straight at me. I raised my eyes back to his and learned what pure, burning desire looked like. He must have seen the same thing in mine, because he rose up and pressed me back onto the towel. This time, I laid back willingly and even felt my knees rise and fall apart as my body instinctively prepared itself to receive him. The air felt cool and comforting against the swollen, overheated tissues of my vagina.

His excited little prick bounced and swayed as he moved between my upthrust knees. I watched as he sat back on his heels for a moment to gaze at the swollen, dripping vagina that was about to take his virginity. Meanwhile, I gazed hungrily at the proud young cock and tight little ball sack that were moments away from putting an end to my own life as a virgin.

Our eyes met once again, then he placed a hand flat on the towel beneath each of my armpits and stretched his lean body over mine with his arms outstretched so that we could both watch his penis home in on my waiting bullseye. Then I felt its burning touch as he brought it in contact with my clitoris. I gasped as my hips jerked upward to crush the throbbing erection against my wet pussy. He pressed back and we ground our inflamed crotches together, moaning and grunting with the new and wonderful sensations that were overloading our young brains. It only took a few moments for the head of his penis to find my gaping entrance and work its way inside. I clamped my cunt muscles down on it to trap it there, but he had no intention of pulling it out again. He thrust it home firmly and I felt a brief sting as he broke through my maidenhead and slid deeply into me with a loud, wet smacking noise. His arms gave out and he fell flat on top of me, driving me down into the mats and pressing himself even more deeply inside of me.

Neither of us moved for what seemed like a long time, but was probably just a minute. I reveled in the feeling of having a hard cock in me for the first time. Even though I was very wet, I could clearly feel its slender, curving form and the swollen tip at the end. I began to experimentally flex my cunt muscles around his cock and was delighted when he started to moan with pleasure. He was the perfect size for me, making me feel satisfyingly full but not painfully so. He had dropped his full weight onto me, but I felt no discomfort at all. I rubbed my hands down his smooth back and hairless buttocks, feeling very secure and content beneath him. The only awkward part was that his unkempt hair was right at the level of my mouth.

It began with a gentle screwing motion of his hips that sent sparks of pleasure from my clitty through the rest of my body. His bald pubic area rubbed warmly against my slimy clit ridge, sending me into girl heaven. His chin had been pressing into the top of one of my breasts, so he pulled himself up to hook it over my shoulder. Doing so caused his prick to angle downward so that the top ridge of his prick scraped warmly against my swollen and exposed clitty. That sent me into girl seventh heaven.

He then began to nail me with gentle vertical thrusts that quickly had me breathing hard and approaching my first penis-induced orgasm. My clitty felt like it was about to burst into flames and my nipples became hard little peas beneath his warm chest. I tried to hold back but it hit me like a sledge hammer. It was all I could do not to wake his whole family as my mouth opened in a silent scream and my pussy began to spasm wildly, chewing hard on his invading boy meat. He froze at the bottom of a thrust, apparently puzzled by the sudden tenseness in my body and the wild spasms he was feeling inside of me.

Im coming, Im coming! Hold still, I managed to gasp through a mouthful of his hair. He heard and remained still while I blissfully came all over his hard little prick. The intense feelings had started in my overstimulated clitoris, then flared both outward to my nipples and inward to the depths of my vagina. It was the most powerful orgasm of my young life, made even more wonderful by having a nice hard boy cock to squeeze on while it happened.

That feels good, I heard him whisper in my ear as my orgasm finally began to wane.

After a minute, I gave him a pat on his soft, boyish bottom and said OK, go. He did so, with abandon. Getting milked by my spasming cunt must have gotten him pretty worked up, because there was no gentleness now. He began to fuck me with with boyish enthusiasm. Loud smacking and slurping noises began to echo in the garage as he slid his penis in and out of me at warp speed. It only took half a minute of that for me to have another orgasm. This one was just as intense but it hit me with no warning whatsoever. One moment, I was laying there enjoying the feel of his boy cock slamming into me, the next, I was bucking underneath him like a mad woman. I tried desperately to grab his butt and grind him down into me as I came all over him again, but he was too far gone in his own pleasure to even notice. My pussy just had to grasp at whatever it could each time it spasmed. His balls and my bottom were by then completely gooey from my thick orgasmic juices, making the noises of our fucking even louder.

Jasons breathing was harsh and hot against my neck as my bottom finally sank back down to the towel. His slender hips were going a mile a minute, driving his young meat in and out of me as hard and fast as he could go. I knew he was close to getting his little nuts off and was curious to see what it would feel like when it happened inside of me. It only took a few more frantic thrusts to find out.

He began to come in the middle of one of those rabbit thrusts. I heard him make a tiny Nngh sound in my ear, then his penis swelled as he was in the process of driving it home. It stayed thick as he made a couple more rapid thrusts. Then he began fucking me much more slowly and chaotically as his hips shook and spasmed. That lasted for about six or seven thrusts, then his body went limp as he pressed his prick as far into me as he could and held it there tightly. It swelled and strained in there for what seemed like a really long time, but was probably just 15 or 20 seconds. I did my best to try and feel his juices squirting into me, but I was already so unbelievably wet that I probably would have had a hard time feeling a grown-up cock shooting off in there.

I caressed him while he laid relaxed and satisfied on top of me. His limp little noodle finally fell out of me about a minute later. I quickly wiped my cunt with the towel, then tenderly and carefully wiped my thick, white juices off his loose little nut sack and limp red penis. It was hard to believe that soft little thing had just taken my virginity forever.

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Emily Gets Her Dues

She’d seen it online and thought it’d be perfect for her perky C cup breast. She was wearing a purple blouse that blended shadows well and underneath a cupless bra. The satin felt amazing against her nipples and every time she moved she felt a little arousal. She was having a management team meeting today and really wanted to get the guys riled up. She knew that with this get-up every dick in the room would be rock hard as the men did their best to stare at the conference table. To add to her...

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mark and emily osment

There were dark clouds that loitered above the small Washington town. There was going to be a bad rainstorm here in a couple of days, mark frowned as he saw them roll towards the town. He ran a hand over his short brown lump of hair as he turned and walked back into the main bar of his coffee shop. There weren't many people in today, but that was typical due to it being almost five o'clock in the afternoon. The main flow of people tended to die down at two or three o'clock in the afternoon,...

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my sistersexslave emily happy valentines day emmy

hey Emily this is your little brother. I wrote this story for you to let you know how much I want to shove my cock down your throat and up your asshole. I heard you talking to your bestfriend telling her about the rough sex you've been having so here is a fantasy for you.this is a story for my sister emily who is a nasty whore that likes rough,hardcore, dirty sex. sometimes emily and I write stories together but I wrote this on just for her. emily is a nasty fuck toy whore that likes the kind...

4 years ago
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Abigail and Emily

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I’d always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn’t mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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Abigail and Emily Ch 01

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I'd always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn't mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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Emily and Megan

“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...

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My Brother Emily

My Brother, Emily I was ten when our Dad left us. The police said that he had been drinking and that everyone was very lucky that no one else was involved in the accident. Mom was upset for weeks afterward, but she seemed to hold it all together pretty well. She had always wanted to start her own career, but things had never worked out. She said that at the end of the school year we'd be moving into a different house in a different city and everything would be ok. My little...

2 years ago
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pregnant emily pt 2

Emily and Ulysses had lunch together after the next several class sessions. When Emily was hanging out with Ulysses she forgot about the late bills, the small, messy house, the constant crying or whining from her c***dren, the lack of quality sleep and the lack of a quality sex life with Randy.Each lunch ended with a hug that seemed a tad longer than the previous one. He rested his hand on the small of her back and continued chatting for a moment at the end of their last lunch date. Emily asked...

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my sister sexslave emily valentines day

this is a story for my sister emily who is a nasty whore that likes rough,hardcore, dirty sex. sometimes emily and I write stories together but I wrote this on just for her. emily is a nasty fuck toy whore that likes the kind of sex described in this story My sister/sexslave Emily Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emilys house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o"clock. After dinner Emily said she...

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Emily Invites Catherine To Meet Adam

Having had sex on three consecutive days, Emily and Adam did not have any sexual contact in the next two although there was a little bit of mild flirting when they were in the car together.Emily had telephoned her friend Catherine Phillipson to tell her about the wonderful sex she was getting from her twenty-two-year-old chauffeur and to suggest that Catherine might like to join her and Adam for an afternoon of sexual adventures. Catherine, like Emily, was equally happy having sex with males or...

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Jacob Finds Emily Their Story Begins

Emily isn’t your average twenty-one-year-old girl. She is extremely shy and loves Disney movies. She has a secret that no one knows about. She is almost five feet tall with brown hair and bright green eyes.Running late, like always, Emily leaves her bag in the back of the kitchen out of the way, so she thought. Emily waits tables at ‘Il Piacere’, an upscale Italian restaurant. She is very good at her job but really hates the high brow clientele.Il Piacere’s executive chef, Jacob, is very...

3 years ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 8 Fantasies

Amy turned around facing me and asked, How did Emily SHIT in your mouth...??? She was smiling with a curiosity but also looked a little jealous. You know that Emily sucked my cock and swallowed my cum Amy.... Right...??? Yes Kevin..... Well.... I felt like I needed to return the favor.... So.... I had Emily get on top of me and get in a sixty-nine position. I admitted. Yes.... And then what...??? Amy asked. I could tell that this was intriguing her. Her eyes were beginning to sparkle with...

1 year ago
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Happy birthday Emily

Happy birthday, Emily! a Whateley Academy story by Souffle Girl August 13th, 2011 , Boston , USA. Somewhere in a workshop. "Dinner's ready!" The call echoed from the intercom through the large workshop. A slender figure looked up from the pile of circuits lying on the bench, revealing the face of a young boy with brown, smart eyes. The boy stood up, stretched his shoulders and threw his long brown ponytail on his back. He washed his hands and turned down a door, finding...

2 years ago
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Emilys 1st Time

Brian was a married man and had been for about 22 years. He was in his late 40’s and so was his wife.He had a daughter called Sally who was 18. They lived on the outskirts of London where Brian a predominant commuted to daily.One day Sally came home with a new friend.Hi dad this is Emily she said as she came in to the lounge, we can’t stop long I came back for my mobile and then we have to go back to Emily’s as it her 18th birthday party today. Brian looked round, he thought he would be polite...

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Emily Our TexMex Waitress

My wife and I frequent a Mexican restaurant here in a Dallas-area suburb. Our favorite waitress is Emily, a young girl about twenty-five with long brown hair and an hour glass figure. Emily is always very friendly and provides excellent table-side service. On one particular night, not long ago, as I was seated across the booth from my wife, Emily stood at the side of our table, taking our drink orders, I scooted over and patted the cushioned seat next to me. I could see that Emily was tired....

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Emily and the surprise

We’d both giggled and shared our time through puberty and had no shame with each other. We had often “beat off” in each others company, staring at the latest porno mag we’d got hold of or looking at internet porn pictures. Jack’s cock was long and thin, like him,although it appeared to be longer than mine, because mine was much thicker, my stature mirrored my cock, shorter and stout, it was the same length, yes, we had measured each other. Never had we touched each other or even thought...

1 year ago
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Jessie and Emily The Hunters Second and Third

I was driving to my favorite grocery store to stock up on essentials. I saw a blur appear in my peripheral vision and woke up two days later in the hospital. I had a broken leg, a broken wrist and a concussion. A delivery truck had run a red light and broadsided my car. Luckily for me, a policeman was witness to the accident and had quickly gotten an ambulance on the scene. Even better for me was the four moving violations issued to the driver of the truck. The company had sent a...

4 years ago
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maddy and emily in big trobules

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mandy and Emily in big trouble, Part I by BlackMass "Mandy, time to get up!" "Yes Mom.." The young girl was lounging in her bed, the sun was shining in her eyes. She got up and grabbed her clothes. Mandy was 15 years old now. But she was looking younger, maybe because of the braces she still had to wear. She was a conspicuous slender girl, quite petite and dainty. She somehow seemed fragile....

3 years ago
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Emily and Oliver

Emily and OliverMy wife died today. Seven years ago, but today. She walked out the door only to be carried back in, a small wooden urn that stunk of extinguished flames. I love my wife though. Love her. Walking through the door and driving down to the shops into an unexplained tragedy. It wasn’t the impact that killed my wife you see, but the airbag. As the motor company representative told me later, with only a freckled hint of apology marking his face, the mechanism that should have deflated...

3 years ago
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Aid in Africa Part One Emily

PART ONE: EMILY (this is the first of three parts,each part will concentrate with one girl, though the second and third will include the preceding characters as well) The girls were excited. Their NGO had just tied up with an aid organization working in Africa for victims of human trafficking and drug addiction, and they had been selected by their head Mr Samuels for going there. It would be the first time Mandy, Emily and Trish went out of their country. They weren’t sure what exactly...

2 years ago
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The Making of Emily

Making of Emily by Emily Ross Prologue I often ask myself how it all started. I was in my first year at university and was living in a hall of residence. My cousin Claire lived in the same town. She was at least five years older than me. I didn't think we had much in common so I hardly ever saw her. One day I bumped into her shopping in town. She said it was her day off and invited me to her flat that afternoon for a cup of tea. It was good to see her and I accepted without...

4 years ago
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Ferry Couple 9 The Neighbour Emily

If you remember I had seduced our neighbour, Michelle, and after Helene convinced her she was okay with that, the two girls had bathed together, washing each other. Helene had told Michelle she wouldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want to do, but the idea was implanted in Michelle’s mind.So Wednesday arrived, and we got ready to all go out together. We still hadn’t told Michelle where to but had told her she would love the music and to dress smart casual.It wasn’t until we got in the...

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It was a quiet day then a simple phone call……. I had been a bull for some time, in fact I was bull for a couple just this past week. But I wanted something more regular so I joined a dating service. I am 5 foot 9 inches and in very good shape. The call, there was a woman interested in meeting me. I drove over and watched her video and reviewed her profile. She was probably a small C-cup, 22, 5foot 4 inches, blonde, since I was 33, I questioned the age difference. The lady at the dating service...

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pregnant emily pt 1

Emily rolled her eyes discreetly as several women behind her giggled when Ulysses entered the room. She was one of 20 women, in varying degrees of pregnancy, enrolled in a yoga class. It was a special yoga class designed for pregnant women. Emily's older sister, Christine, suggested she try it out. The exercises and poses were easy on the joints and easy to do. After several weeks, Emily noticed a significant improvement with her mobility and strength. This helped out tremendously as her...

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Emily Osments Best Christmas Ever

It had been a few months since I'd seen Miley and Emily. Since our last encounter, my family and Miley's parents had decided to rekindle the tradition that we did years ago. I tried to make it to the one last year but couldn't because of a freak snowstorm that swept in dumping 4 feet of snow and ice on my doorstep where I couldn't get out for a week. I told them that I would make it next year come hell or high water since I had to work Christmas Eve and couldn't get to an airport to fly in and...

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Pimping Emily Part Two

When Phil woke up, Emily was asleep beside him. She looked beautiful and peaceful in her flower print nightie. He looked at her for a moment before everything flooded back from the day before. He realized he was naked and lying in a dried patch of his own cum. How could he have masturbated and had an orgasm thinking about her and that guy Bob? Imagining a scene he hadn’t witnessed? As he lay there thinking this, and looking at her, he felt his cock stiffen once again. Why was he so excited?...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 6 Memories of Emily

Mike was dead. Well, not all the way. Opening his eyes to the blinding light coming through the curtains, he realized that the sensation of death was no more than the events of the last two days catching up with him. He groaned, sliding out of bed and sitting on the floor. His legs wobbled beneath him, muscles protesting his attempts to stand. His head pounding, he stumbled into the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink. “You’re a mess this morning, aren’t you?” Naia’s head and...

4 years ago
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Emily at Nutrition Providers School

She longed to go on to College but realizing the connection between entry and grade average doubted she would ever find a college which would take her. Her mother ,undaunted, wrote away on her behalf to college after college trying to gain admission by way of a scholarship as Mrs Perkins, a widow, had little money of her own. Rejection slip after rejection slip arrived at their letterbox and still Gloria persevered until one day a large envelope arrived. The letter from Fish Memorial...

2 years ago
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Emily Takes It Up The Arse

Adam was not too happy the next morning because sitting down was uncomfortable after the whipping that Emily had given him so the prospect of possibly spending most of the day in the driving seat of the car was not very appealing.To add to his discontent he had had a row on the telephone with his, sort of, steady girlfriend who he had been neglecting recently both with his time and sexual attention. He had not helped matters when she demanded on the phone, "Are you shagging someone else?" and...

3 years ago
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Emily and our failed three some Chapter 15

Lee stopped by this morning just in time for breakfast although it was almost lunch time .Emily and I were still in our robes and just getting frisky when she arrived.Emily poured Lee her coffee and after giving her a kiss, I asked her how it went with the lawyers. She laid a check down on the table “the diner is sold ,they paid my price. Now we can get on to planning the camp ground “she said” although the lawyer said having it a nudist resort may be difficult. He said he would...

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