Tradeshow_(1) free porn video

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‘So how may I help you today?’ I asked. ‘I’m not sure you can’ she replied. Her voice was very quiet, self assured. ‘Try me’ I said giving her my best smile. She paused and looked around before looking up at me as if contemplating her next words. ‘I’m looking for some advice for a project’. She stated very matter of fact. ‘Ok, why not tell me what it is that you are looking for and I will see if I can help?’ ‘Maybe’ she replied and turned away and started to read some display material. Her voice was extremely cultured, quietly well spoken and very engaging to listen to even if her mannerisms were cold and aloof.

There was no doubt that she was used to making people work for their money but there was something about her that fascinated me. As she turned to peruse the stand I fetched a brochure and watched her as discreetly as I could. She carried herself well, very poised and elegant. She was dressed in an expensive two piece business suit. The jacket was fitted, a high neck line accentuated with an expensive silk scarf. Her closely fitting skirt was cut just about the knee, dark stockings or tights and wearing an extremely pretty pair of back shoes with white leather inlay like a bow. Even in her heals she only stood about five foot four, her figure extremely trim and very petite. Her red hair was cut short but ample grey hair was clearly visible at her roots which for some reason just added to her allure. Her eyes were beautifully made up with just the right amount of eye liner which enhanced her stunning, cold blue eyes. She had fantastic high cheekbones, hints of a beautiful engaging smile and although she had the figure of a teen age girl and the face of a thirty year old, I suspected that she would probably be about sixty.

Turning back to me she waited and it was clear that she wasn’t going to walk over to me so grabbing a brochure I strode forward. As I did so I felt very self-conscious. Normally I use my height and confidence, my presence carrying me forward and yet as I stepped towards her I felt more like an eager child and handed it to her. ‘No thank you’ she said. Slightly taken back I then offered her my business card and for some seconds she just looked at it and I feared I was suddenly making myself look quite stupid. I felt extremely grateful when she eventually took the edge of the card. However, she didn’t take it from me. Instead, we both held a corner each for at least a second or two. Once again her demeaner, the long pause, it all made me feel slightly anxious and maybe a little belittled before she took it from me thanking me without even looking at it or me. Opening her elegant black handbag she glanced at my card and slipped it inside, turned and still looking at the promotion boards, she stepped slowly down from the stand. ‘Wait!’ I was slightly startled at the abrupt tone of my voice. In fact, I felt like I had shouted and couldn’t help notice a few glances from those passing. Slowly she turned and fixed me with a cold stare, impossible to read I felt incredibly flustered and embarrassed, my six foot plus muscular frame shrinking in the face of this petite, beautiful, alluring woman. I went to speak but my words caught in my throat. I stepped forwards and feeling quite shamefaced, acting remarkably unprofessional, sounding horribly desperate and rather too keenly, I asked her name? ‘Sorry?’ she said. ‘Your name? I didn’t get your name or your details. You know, for the visitors record’. Still that impartial gaze, nothing given away she paused, looked up at me and then reaching into her handbag she took out a card, gave it to me dismissively and slowly, almost regally walked slowly away.

I don’t know how long I stood there looking but she had disappeared from sight and I was still looking as if to expect to see her walk back any second. Finally, as if entering back into normality I looked down at her card. Embossed in gold typeface was her name, ‘Pamela’, Director, PDM Estates. It’s an unusual thing but sometimes, just every once in a while, you meet a woman who totally throws you. I don’t mean just physically or by her stunning beauty. I’m referring to something more sublime, something so exceptional that everything you do, say or think pales into insignificance. The effect it has on me is like love but it’s not heart wrenchingly besotted. It feels like passion but it’s not carnal. It doesn’t just catch my attention, it completely over powers me and makes me shrink and hide from myself. My hand is shaking, in fact so are my legs, a sudden rush of adrenaline or is it nerves? Either way, this isn’t me. Even if I’m not confident and doubt myself, I have the ability to carry it through and yet here I was star struck, shocked and deeply moved by this elegant, self assured women probably twenty five years my senior.

At the end of the day I sent her an email, telling her it was a pleasure to meet her, thanking her for giving me the opportunity to provide her with information about the company and asking her to please contact me if she required anymore information or I could assist her in anyway. Its what I call a fishing trip. Throwing out an email or text to receive a reply to which engage further. It failed! Nothing and over the coming days I repeatedly thought about the effect she had had on me before she faded from my mind.

It was four weeks later. I received a text, it simply said. ‘I have time tomorrow afternoon in my schedule. Can we meet?’ Pamela. ‘Of course. Great to hear from you, where and what time?’ I replied. ‘Hackney Wick, 2pm’. ‘Excellent, where shall we meet?’ but I received no further answer. Apart from being astounded to hear from her the other puzzling thing was why Hackney Wick? I quickly did a search on google but nothing jumped out at me. I checked the train lines and estimated the time to leave from my previous meeting in the city and at 1pm the next day I was on the tube and on my way not knowing what to expect, some advice perhaps, more information, maybe a perspective client but deep down, I didn’t feel there could be a single good reason that she should ask to see me.

Pulling into Hackney Wick I saw a sign leading from the platform which was above the road and followed the steps down until I stood at the entrance at the road. The few passengers who had alighted soon disappeared and for the next fifteen minutes I stood eagerly watching every face that entered or left the station but ten minutes after two, still no Pamela. I decided to ring her phone but it went to voicemail. By twenty past I was angry, dejected and feeling like a complete fool. I gave her mobile another call but again, no answer. ‘This is ridiculous’ I told myself. Feeling stupid I berated myself and then turning to walk up to the platform I saw her watching me from across the road. I was sure I hadn’t seen her there a few minutes before and as she stepped across the road I couldn’t hide my anger. ‘Good afternoon’ she said gaily. ‘Have you been waiting long’. ‘No!’ I lied. ‘Are you sure? She said. ‘Yes, I’m sure’ I responded irritatingly. ‘That’s funny because I’ve been watching you for the past thirty minutes’. By now my patience had worn thin. I felt belittled. Her response was to reach up, place her hands on my shoulders and on tip toes she planted a delicate small kiss on my cheek before walking away. I was still angry but that small gesture deflated every root of anger and I simply melted in shock. ‘Are you coming or not?’ and with that she strode away leaving me standing open mouth and exasperated!

Coming to my senses I jogged after her and as I caught up I asked where we were going. Without a word she placed her arm through mine and led me up the road at the side of the station. Again I asked her where we were going? ‘You will see’ and continued to pull me along. As we walked I looked down at her. She was wearing the most beautifully tailored navy blue two piece suit, this time with a fitted skirt with narrow slits down each thigh, her hair tied back in a short pony tail which made her cheekbones even more prominent and her scent intoxicated me every time I caught it on the breeze. Turning left we passed into a courtyard with small industrial units and walking half way along she drew me to a red door and pressed the buzzer. ‘Where are we’ I asked but she just smiled, the door was buzzed open and she stepped inside. A staircase led up from the door to the first floor. At the top was a kind of reception desk but everything looked like it was being renovated. Down a short corridor she turned into a small office and there leaning against a desk was a man, scruffily dressed who greeted her by name and a kiss on both cheeks. ‘this is Paul’ she said gesturing to me. ‘John’ he said. ‘I’m the owner’. Owner of what I thought and then gesturing to a small coffee table I saw a tray with a bottle of champagne and two flute glasses. Of all the things I expected to see, this was probably the last thing I would have thought of. ‘Mine?’ she asked. ‘Of course Pamela’ he said smiling. ‘Paul Darling, would you mind’ and startled I bent down, picked up the tray and followed her out of the room and down the corridor.

By now my mind was in turmoil. We are basically in a warehouse industrial unit and an incongruous man had champagne ready and clearly chilled. Then looking across at another small room I was surprised to see a large double bed, only bigger and oval in shape with a red satin cover. The walls were black. ‘Wait here for a moment please’. Pamela stepped out of the room and I heard her heals on the flooring next door and suddenly light shone through from the other room from several different sized holes placed strategically along the wall separating the two rooms. Each hole was roughly at waist height and I knew immediately what they were. It was like a switch had gone on inside me and as Pamela walked back inside she stood with her back to the wall. Reaching behind her she started to run her fingers seductively around the lip of the holes, gradually making her way along the total length. ‘Do you know what these are?’ I nodded and tried to speak. My mouth was dry. ‘Gloryholes’ I replied eventually. ‘Mmmm, do you know how many men I’ve sucked through each one of these?’ I shook my head. ‘Dozens!’ This used to be an adult club but its closed at the moment. When business get too much I come here. Its off the beaten track, totally discreet and I can be whoever I want to be’. ‘Come on’ and turning she walked out and led me down the corridor and entered what I can only describe as a kind of bedroom.

As we entered there was a massive bed. The Black satin cover did nothing to hide the fact that at least ten people could easily play on it. Dark black satin curtains covered the window and in front of it was an extremely elegant black, incredibly polished dressing table modelled as it if was from the French Renaissance. The walls and carpet were a deep, dark red and the only illumination from some candles and some very soft downlighters in the ceiling casting a soft glow around the room. In the corner stood a black wardrobe, large and ornate I could only imagine what was inside. ‘Please put the tray on the table. Do you mind pouring?’ I did so as she sauntered over to me. She took her glass, stood in front of me and even though she only reached to me chest, her presence and her petite frame totally dominated me. She sipped her drink never taking her eyes from mine and I realised I was breathing deeply, my forehead sweating. ‘Are you hot Darling’ she asked teasingly. ‘I’m fine’ I responded, ‘it just feels very warm in here’. She was less than a metre from me and slowly took a step forward until she was virtually pressed against my chest. For reasons I can’t explain I felt nervous, really apprehensive and involuntarily recoiled back a pace. ‘What’s wrong?’ she cooed at me. ‘Nothing’ I said as she stepped forwards making me step back again until I felt the edge of the bed against my calves. ‘You look nervous’ she said and placing her hand against my chest she pushed me back sending me sprawling back on the bed, my champagne spilling down my front. I went to get up. ‘Don’t move, stay there and do as you are told’.

I simply couldn’t believe it. Normally it was me who would be assured, always trying to maintain control and dominate but at this present moment I felt like I was about to be chastised, a small boy before his mother or a child before her teacher. Stepping forward she hoisted her skirt to her slim, toned thighs, parted her legs and placed them either side of my knees. Time seemed to stand still as I felt my erection grow and she purred above me like a cat that has got its prey.

I remained still, silently watching as she gently swayed her hips from side to side. Every time I felt her leg touch mine it was electric. Her eyes bore into mine, her confidence so consuming I felt powerless to do anything other than wait for her command. She finished her champagne, tossed the glass over her shoulder, it landed with barely a noise on the thick woollen carpet and then reaching round she undid her skirt and it fell to the floor. I lay back transfixed confronted by her legs encased in sheer nylon stockings held up by pale blue suspenders and a matching pair of shiny satin French knickers. She not only looked incredibly sexy and beautiful but elegant. Her legs, thin but toned. Then she reached up and starting at the top began to undo the buttons on her suit jacket. Very slowly, one by one she undid them, first revealing a matching pale blue bra that perfectly cupped her small petite breast. Her stomach was beautiful, toned, her skin pale and translucent.

She leant forward and placed her hands, one on each thigh and telling me to stay perfectly still leant forward, undid my tie and pulled it free. Then she was pulling at my jacket and lifting myself off the bed slightly I assisted her in removing it followed by my shirt and tie. She ran her hands down my chest, all the while I lay compliant, unmoving unless instructed. Then it was my belt, then the clasp of my trousers and lifting my hips she dragged them down roughly. She stepped back. ‘Take them off!’ Her dominance was complete and sitting on the edge of the bed I undid my shoes, took off my socks, pulled off my trousers and after a moment of hesitation I removed my boxers before covering my genitals, something I don’t ever remember doing before. ‘Take your hands away and lay back’ Slowly I complied as she stepped forward and stood between my knees. She stood above me, watching me intensely, all the while gently gyrating hips.

My cock was now pulsing, throbbing, I felt unable to move as I lay with my hands above my head as if tied securely. Reaching behind her she unclasped her bra and holding it in front of her breasts she slowly revealed them. Her breasts were very small, the firmness gone, her skin tone very pale and giving insight into her age. Her areola were small, a very soft pinky brown colour, her nipples quite long and very erect. She tossed her bra and stood above me, still gyrating slowly as if to an imaginary tune as she brushed her palms over her breasts before pinching her nipples. For the first time she took her eyes of me, closing her eyes and biting her lip as she continued to play with her breasts as I looked on. Then opening her eyes, she leant forward, cupping her breasts in each hand as if offering them to me I raised myself from the bed as she fed me her nipples, first one and then the other into my mouth as I brushed them with my mouth, licking and sucking each in turn.

For some minutes I continued, her breathing getting deeper and heavier, moaning softly as I nipped and sucked her buds. Then she stepped back, pushing me back onto the bed. Then hooking her thumbs into the top of her French knickers she pulled them down slowly until she was stood just in her shoes and stockings. Looking between her legs she has a very neat triangle of hair, a mix of a pale ginger and grey intertwined. I groan. I couldn’t help it as my cock pulses and a large drop of cum is deposited onto my stomach. Without a word she leans forward, takes my cock firmly in her hand and runs her thumb over the eye of my cockhead, wipes the cum in her fingers before wiping it around my cockhead making me groan loudly. What happens next totally throws me. Still holding my cock, she straddles my thighs and places her body over my cock. Holding it upright I’m expecting her to lower herself down onto me, burying herself upon my hardness but instead she strokes my hardness several times, lets go and grabbing my wrists one in each hand pulls my hands above my head. I don’t resist and go with it. Then she holds my wrists with one hand and reaching under the satin bed covers produces a scarlet red cord which she loops around my wrists and pulls tight. I’m not alarmed, testing the cord I try to pull my hands down but realise that the other end of the cord must be affixed to the bedhead somewhere as I’m incapable of pulling my hands down to even touch the top of my head. Satisfied, she then positions herself above my chest and moves forward until her knees are either side of my head and then slowly lowers herself down until her pussy is poised, moist and open above my face. She slowly lowers herself above my mouth as I frantically try to lick and taste her pussy. She holds herself aloft just enough that I have to strain to reach her, my tongue only just able to lick her moist lips before she leans forwards allowing me access to her clit.

Im moaning now, licking and sucking as she repeatedly teases me, lifting up and down so that I never get to taste her for more than a few seconds at a time. My frustration is now so severe I’m practically crying and begging for her to let me continue but she doesn’t relent as every minute or so she raises herself and I’m left empty, her wetness just inches above reach. She reaches down, parts her lips and starts to massage and stroke her clit until I’m pleading to lick her. Finally she lowers herself upon my face and I feel her body weight press down upon my face as she slides her lips across my face as I listen to her moan quietly. She is very wet now, her clit has grown large and engorged, surprisingly large for such a small woman and I take it in my mouth and lick and suck it relentlessly. She is coming but then just as I think she is about to explode and orgasm on my face she places her hands on the bed, edges back down my body, takes my erect, wet cock in her hand and impales herself upon it in one swift stroke. He small frame is now pressed down upon my chest, I can feel her hard, erect nipples brush against my chest as she starts to ride me using long slow strokes, holding me deep inside her before lifting herself and thrusting down on me in one hard, deep push.

I want to cum. I can feel her pussy clamping around my cock, her contractions making it increasingly difficult to hold back. ‘I’m cumming’ I warn her but rather than ease off she sits back and drives herself hard and deep upon my cock and moaning through gritted teeth I feel her wetness as she orgasms and I shoot my seed deep inside her, practically shouting as I do so. For a long while we lay like this before I soften and drop out from within her. She makes no effort to move but just lays silently upon my chest until finally she lifts herself clear and rolls next to me. Reaching up she unties my hands before walking over to the dresser, takes my glass, fills it, and handing it to me we share the glass finishing the bottle. Refreshed, she asked me if I was ready? ‘ready’ for what? I asked but she didn’t answer but leans down and takes me in her mouth and sucks me again until I finally explode in her mouth totally spent.


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Teachers Pet

This one took a little while. Same as usual, CTRL+F “SEX STARTS HERE” to skip right to the sex. This is based upon a real teacher; I was going to use her real name until I googled it and found every result was her… :P too risky. Anyhow, enjoy!_____________________________________________________________________________________The last day of the semester was finally here. I fumbled around with a pen on my desk, only half-listening to the very last lecture; nothing of importance would be said,...

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mothers and sons

I have been wanting to fuck these two woman ever since I could remember. My spank bank has been shooting hot cum for years picturing my cock buried deep inside them both. My imagination never fails to get my cock hard, but tonight my dick is hard because in less then an hour, I will have both of them to do as I please with for as long as I want. But first a little history of who we are and what is going to happen in this story. My name is Joe I am 35 sitting next to me is my nephew Rick and he...

2 years ago
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Past Love

I expect all husbands' wonder what our wives did before we met them, but most husbands will never know. Somehow I was lucky, or otherwise depending how you look at it. Sara had been going to this hypnotist for some weeks now to help her stop smoking. At first, I went too, but it was all so boring just sitting in the waiting room reading all those old magazines, so that after a few weeks I stopped. "Debbie is taking me but I need a ride home. Can you pick me up afterwards?" she asked one...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 22 Adams and Eve

November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 52

I spent Friday in the office and was bored to tears by noon. Sharon had worked with Wanda a little to get an idea of how she could assist her. Wanda said "Why don't you two go home," when it was time to consider lunch. They always have a decent lunch on the patio." Sharon looked eager to leave, so I told Wanda, "I need to go down to Costa Rica for a couple of days. You know where I'll be If I'm needed. I'll try to be back in a couple of days, but I do have some traveling to do. I...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Auntie Pauline

True story from coljac another xhamster memberEver since I was a little boy, I had a special relationship with my auntie Pauline, as she did not have c***dren of her own, I became her favourite nephew. I remember she would sit me on her knee for cuddles and take me places, like to see Father Christmas, as much as a treat for her as for me. I would go and stop at her house and we would play games and stuff like that and I can remember her tucking me in to bed on a night.My family were a big...

4 years ago
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my first time

    I’m 28 now. I have been interested in women’s clothing as long as I can remember. I can remember when I was around 7 my sister caught me trying on a pair of her panties that I stole out of her room, I don’t think she ever told on me about that. As I grew I was always stealing pantyhose, dresses, skirts and etc from mostly my family and my friends sisters. I wasn’t really turned on by guys, but when I would slide those sexy pantyhose over my legs, I would find myself fantasizing a friend...

2 years ago
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my Spy

Well. Summer is almost over and it has been fun. Days I am not working I have been spending either jogging or laying out by my pool working on my all over tan. My backyard is pretty secluded with wooden fencing all the way around, and the houses on each side have windows that could catch a view of me if they really tried, but I thought I would know if they were looking. I am a 50ish Hispanic female with 36d breasts and am 5 foot 6inches weighing in at about 145. I have always enjoyed sex...

4 years ago
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At The End Of a Long Hard Day

12:09 pm, January 15 Demonizor Hello to all who read this. This is just a little ‘Fantasy Sex’ scenario story I wrote for this new neighbor lady of mine that I’m trying to convince to go out with me? She said I didn’t seem like the ‘Romantic’ type & until I’m able to prove other wise to her? That’s where she firmly stands! So I wrote this but I haven’t given it to her yet. I guess I’m afraid of rejection I don’t know? But if it’s not too much trouble to ask? When your finished reading this, &...

2 years ago
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My First Glory Hole

I had been messing with guys at school for a few years but it wasn't enough for me. I wanked several times a day over porno mags and vids and getting fucked by strangers got me soo fucking hot.I got so horny that I went on a tour of the local public toilets until one was quite clearly somewhere that guys like me went. There were holes of different sizes in all of the cubicles and I went to one at the end of the row and watched through the smallish hole in the wall.About 15 minutes later a guy...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 36

I got Janet to help me get over to Violet’s prone body, remembering the sound of bones breaking when she had hit the corner of the wall. She was breathing shallowly, but she was still alive. “Why did you do that, Violet? Why did you try to help me after trying to hurt and even kill me?!” “I did not do it for you, dummy,” Violet said, struggling to get air. “He had to pay for deceiving me and then casting me aside!” “He played on your insecurities and desires, Violet, you could not control...

3 years ago
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Prize Bitch

Chapter 1 Hello!; I’m Elaine Richmond, Our house stands in a select part of town where my father runs his consultancy practice. Mother runs a department at the university which I’m due to attend before long. I’ve had the same boyfriend since I was fourteen; Gerald Fairweather. He’s a bit boring really. His parents have always known mine and plan for us to marry after we graduate. But that’s a long way off and I want to enjoy everything going before I get tied down with little ‘ole...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e3 Helen Mahr 43 fishy fun

We begin with home video footage of a young boy and his mother in a doctor’s office. It’s one of those feel-good Youtube clips of a child getting his first aural implant. The boy is cute, his mother is nervous and but trying to sit still. We focus on her for a second, wondering if she’s our guest this week ... Then the audiologist leans in – her fiery orange-red hair hanging down loose over her shoulders, a warming smile, a pretty face. She tinkers with a small plastic implant on the side of...

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Window Fuck

A few years back when I was visiting New York, I was upgraded to a hotel room on the 50th floor room with floor to ceiling windows overlooking Times Square. It was a beautiful view of all the lights and people below. The view actually gave me an idea. I quickly booted up my laptop and posted my add on Craigslist where I described that I was bottom and wanted a top to suck and fuck right in front of the window overlooking Times Square. I have found Manhattan hit and miss on Craigslist,...

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Three o'clock in the morning with just a deck chair a three quarter bottle of whisky and a full glass which I knew if I started to drink I won’t stop. Battered bruised and feeling sorry for myself following a very painful divorce. The only true statement my wife made during the divorce was I thought more of my Mother than her, yes it’s true.I found my wife now my ex wife naked riding my bosses penis whilst slapping her thighs with a riding crop I instantly resigned by the only way I knew...

3 years ago
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Finally Getting Fucked

Ty and I grew closer since the day he invited me to his room and gave me my first oral. Even though we barely saw each other during the day, we were constantly texting each other. I grew more comfortable around him and could share much more personal things than before the pussy licking experience. Whenever Ty and I would text, the conversation would start out ordinary but would always lead to something erotic. We flirted so much but we could only get so far then retreat to the usual small...

First Time
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The Dental PlanChapter 9

The new rules didn’t last intact for very long, of course. Within a day or two, there were already adjustments necessary, mostly because keeping track of whose day was whose was just a bit hard to carry out in practice. We had to have a meeting, and soon, to sort this out, and so we did. As was often the case, Melissa cleaned up her own mess pretty fast, “So, I think that this has a simple solution, and one so blindingly obvious that I can’t believe that I complicated it so much. It’s easy....

2 years ago
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How Life Can Change Ch 02

Authors Note: Thank you for reading my story. Any critics or advice you have are always welcome. Please feel to send them along I read and take it in to consideration. Please feel free to rate my stories. There are no graphic sexual descriptions in this story. All Places and People in this story are completely fictional and over eighteen years of age. As always enjoy. _________________________________ It took about 2 weeks to finalize to sell of the 100 acres of land to Mr. Smith’s company...

4 years ago
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A strange little tale about a guy and his more than human girlfriend

She was human, but she wasn’t… It’s hard to explain. At least most of her was human. She was originally an experiment. Half of her genes were human, the other half were that of an albino tigress. The way she turned out is just fine by me. She is covered by short, fine fur, her head is somewhat tigerish, and she has an exquisite tail. It really doesn’t matter. All that is really important is that we love each other and that we love what we engage in. She is my mistress,...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 56

We got back in before the sun was too high. They were just finishing up with the fish so we waited and then rinsed everything down. We hoisted one of the females up and they started the butchering and skinning. I just helped with the hoisting and changed carcasses when needed. Once the people were done with the butchering and skinning, I rinsed the wagon and truck out and the floor of the garage and went into the main cave. Cherrine came over and had a large bag in her hands. It seemed so...

1 year ago
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Center Stage

"Greetings and welcome friends! I am the master of the mental forces, Hypnotico!" You call out in a boisterous voice. The crowd before you applauds you warmly, though you note it could have been better. Well this is your first gig after all. Can't complain too much. You bow cockily, adjusting your mask as you come back up. You see that you have a good sized crowd before you. Almost a full house. Now all you had to do was wow them. "Hypnotico greets you friends! He hopes you enjoy the show! At...

Mind Control
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WinnerChapter 16

The long-anticipated All-Star break, the supposed halfway point of the major league baseball season, finally arrived. I felt as if I had just finished running a marathon while carrying an elephant on my back. It was as if I had been through at least a hundred games instead of about half that number. In fact there were already stories comparing the Nats to the most horribly bad teams of all times such as the Baltimore club that started a season with twenty-one losses. Casey Stengel's Mets had...

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Wifes talk about Cuckolding

Characters of the story are Mandy & Bud, Jan & John, and Mary & Don. "Mandy wait until I tell you what happened last night!" my sister almost yelled into the phone at me.It was Jan and while I was happy to talk with her since she is my sister, I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear any more about what she had been doing lately involving her new sexual adventures. You see it seems my sister was now completely taken over by the idea of her husband's that involved sharing her with other...

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GloryHole Brooklyn Chase Chanel Preston 05082017

Girls day out. Ever imagine what one would be like? Shopping and sipping Mojitos and gossiping? What happens if they stumble across an opportunity to get “naughty”? Enter Brooklyn Chase and Chanel Preston: they’re out and away from their fellahs and planning out their “girls’ day” when they happen upon an adult bookstore. Watch Brooklyn drag Chanel into the store! And once inside, their eyes are as wide-open as their mouths! It gets better: once the clerk...

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Fantasy Woman

Author's Note: This was just a quick little story I thought up. Hope you enjoy it. If not, well, leave feedback either way so I know what to write to please people. Fantasy Woman By CRUNCH Ok, let's cut right to the chase. My wife hates pornography. I can't really tell you why. She just hates it. It's not that she's real religious or a prude or anything of that sort, she just doesn't find it appealing. She tells me it's disgusting to see women in poses like that,...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 12

Morg led his friends to the library where they made themselves comfortable in liftchairs which they manoeuvred about a reading table. "We haven't thought beyond the idea itself" he started "now we have to think this into an operational basis — the finished product, unless we want to give it to others to develop commercially?" "No," Ivy said "I've got enough in this to be selfish enough to want to take it to a conclusion at whatever point we might decide. Morg, you sounded as if you...

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Jenna and Viola first time for everything

Jenna and Viola have always had a dark side to themselves. Both have had a secret desire to experience sexual intercourse with the same sex. But like any other person, has always hesitated trying. Jenna and Viola have been good friends, not close friends but close enough. They hung out together throughout high school, parted their ways when it came to going to college and grad school. One day, Viola was walking down Michigan Ave in downtown Chicago. She was in a rush and was worried she'd be...

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The Old Pervert

This happened to me quite some time ago and i would like to share this experince with you.Firstly i was back then a gangly teenager,with what i would call an average size cock,around where we lived at the top of our road used to be situated houses that were divided into 2 flats one up one down,for the older generation il call it,my friends and i were always playing football around the streets, and one particular evening the ball was kicked half way up the road,so i went to fetch it upon...

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The Captive Prince

Marcus was reading in bed when his kingdom fell. It was over an hour past his bedtime, but the young prince wanted to stay up and finish his book by candelight. It was way too exciting a story to put down, all about a brave and noble lady knight who saved a peasant boy from the clutches of an evil sorceress. He had his heart in his mouth at the thrilling action scenes, and when the knight took the boy in her arms for a romantic kiss he felt his cheeks flush and his belly flutter. If only that...

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After T

After the Party; Part 1.After the incident between my new-found friend and myself in the quiet room, we quickly made plans to leave the party, but one at a time. We knew that we were probably obvious but you get into these things and imagine that it might be better not to grab each other and run out of the place. He told me his address and it was close and so he left and I talked with someone else for a few minutes (in agony!) and then left to walk the few blocks to his house. When I got to the...

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Live out your desire

You are drunk, all your friends are already home and you just walked out of the club on the streets. No girl is with you, you left your ex Cameron three weeks ago, well maybe it was a mutual breakup. Nevertheless it was the right decision. You had some great years and even when the sex was good it was never what you truly desired. You never had the courage to act out your fetish cause you feared that Cameron would tell anyone and with the word spread you must fear to lose your business and your...

2 years ago
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How I Became A Vampiress

How I Became A Vampiress By JRD I used to be a normal guy. Actually, that's not quite true. I used to be a wimp. Truth was, I aspired to wimp. Physically, I was barely a man. I was 5 ft. 6, weighed barely 100 lbs., had a cock that was barely five inches when hard, and was, as they say, gay as Caesar, although considering how big, strong, and dominant some gay men are, I don't suppose that last means much. But my physical shortcomings were only the beginning of it....

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Her Everything

I’m on my knees by the door. My head is lowered looking at the floor. I know He’ll be home any moment. He wants me waiting for Him by the door each night when He comes home. It’s one of His biggest rules. I gladly obey Him because nothing pleases me more then making sure that He is happy. My name is Alex, but my Master calls me Kitty. I’m 28 years old. I’ve been with my Master for five years. My Master’s name is Jake. He is 33 years old. I’ve known him for about six years. We we’re great...

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