The Babysitter
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Sweet cheerleader Jenny goes on her first lesbian date. BEDDING THE BABYSITTER CHAPTER 6
Summary: Cheerleader Jenny goes on her first lesbian date.
A summary of the first five parts (although if you have not read them, I highly suggest you do…especially part 3 for this one)
Part 1: 18 year old Jenny is a shy, curious babysitter who is pulled into the lesbian lifestyle by her pretty, seductive neighbor and employer, Megan.
Part 2: Jenny is taken out for a makeover where she meets her school crush (cheerleader Karen) and ends up the lesbian club (La Chteau) where she accepts unconditionally that she is a submissive lesbian.
Part 3: Jenny, now a sub to cheerleading captain Karen, ends up becoming popular, sets new fashions, starts seducing a female teacher and ends up as the pet for a group of cheerleaders at a retreat.
Part 4: Jenny attempts to complete her seduction of her pretty teacher.
Part 5: Returning home, she walks in on her Mom who has submitted to Karen. Shocked, Jenny listens to how her mother became a sub just like her.
Note 1: As always a great thanks to Estragon for his copy-editing of my work. His countless hours editing mine and other writers work is critical to the quality work available on this website. Another thanks to LaRascasse for his thoughtful suggestions.
Note 2: A special thanks for the patience of my readers as this series has been a labour of love for me. And although I spend a lot of time on all my stories, this series is the one closest to my heart and thus I dont release a chapter until I am completely satisfied with it (Although I cringe when I read Chapter 1 and think about all the changes I would make now). Thus the story you are about to read is draft six and is substantially different from draft one. So Im again sorry for the lengthy delay between chapters and I hope you enjoy.
Once in my room, I tried to erase the shocking scene I had just witnessed from my mind. I simply couldnt believe my Mother had sexually submitted to one of my friends…even though Karen had hinted at it over and over again.
Karen, still pretty much naked, said smugly, I told you I could get her to submit.
So you did, I replied, unsure how I was possibly going to deal with talking to my Mom now that both of our naughty secrets had been spilt in such a revealing way. I was mortified by how my Mother had found out about my sexual identity and I was stunned by her own story of submission. I hadnt really had time to process all this information before I had to get ready for my first date ever.
She was even easier than I thought she would be, Karen said with a smile.
Trying to change the subject, not wanting to talk about my Mothers sex life, I reminded her, I finished my seduction of Miss Morgan.
I cant fucking believe it, Karen responded, clearly surprised by my success. Do tell.
I retold the whole ordeal from the initial rejection, to the hands of fate bringing us back together, to the inevitable climax when I went back to her place.
Wow, Karen said, impressed, you are both the hunter and the prey.
I shrugged.
The question is which of those are you tonight? Karen questioned.
I reflected on the question. In every other sexual encounter it was clear that I was the submissive, other than my seduction of Miss Morgan, I suppose. But this was different. I dont know.
Karens phone rang and it was her Mom. Im at Jennys. What? I was? Fine, I am on my way. Karen hung up. Apparently I was supposed to babysit my little brother ten minutes ago. I have to go. I guess I better go and untie your Mom.
Good call, I replied, shaking my head at the obvious absurdity of my Karens last sentence.
She left and I in a tizzy over what to wear, how to act, and scared to deal with my Mom, decided to go to Megan, the person who started it all, for advice.
I knocked on her door and was thankful when she answered. Her genuine smile told me she was happy to see me. Well, hi Jenny. Max is going to freak out.
A second later that prediction came true when Megans son Max attacked my legs screaming, Wenny, It took fifteen minutes of playing before he calmed down and I promised, I will come back and play in a bit, but I need to talk to your Mommy, ok?
Ok, Wenny, he agreed, watching some kid TV show I no longer was cool enough to recognize.
Megan had poured iced tea for us and asked, What is bothering you, Jenny?
How do you know something is bothering me? I asked.
Am I wrong? she asked, her hand falling on my knee.
I unloaded all the sordid details of my life, the good and the bad and the preposterous and my fear of how to deal with my Mom after what I witnessed and she learned about me and my upcoming date.
Megan listened without interruption before responding. Well, that is a lot for any eighteen-year-old to deal with. But I am more concerned about Susan.
My Mom? Why? I asked.
Well, sure your Mom found out you are a lesbian, but she was just humiliated in front of her only daughter, who has since left the house without talking to her. I can only imagine how emotionally unstrung she must feel right now, Megan pointed out.
I am such a bad daughter. I sighed, tears beginning to form.
No, you are an amazing young lady who is finally coming to grips with who she is sexually. But you are lucky you found out when you were eighteen, Susan is just learning now. You followed your natural instinct when crisis or upheaval comes unexpectedly….fight or flight, and you chose flight.
I need to go, I acknowledged.
Yes you do. But remember she is probably very fragile right now. Although she is the adult, right now it is your turn to be there for her. Talk to her. Listen to her. Let her help you with our date, Megan instructed me, her maternal side flowing out of her…no evidence of the sexy seductress she was.
Ok, I agreed, standing up, although still scared for the conversation I had to have.
Jenny, I am always here for you. I am a friend first, a Mistress second, although I wouldnt mind seeing you soon for the latter, she smiled, implying she missed the intimacy we shared.
I would like that, I agreed and Megan wrapped her arms around me for a warm embrace of security.
Thanks, I said, when the long embrace ended.
You are welcome, Jenny. I will always be here for you.
I left and returned home. I paused at my front door, still unsure what to say. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to have a conversation I never in a million years thought I would have.
Mom was vacuuming, which shouldnt have been a surprise. When she is stressed, she cleans even if the house is already spotless, which it was as yesterday was her usual cleaning day. I dont think she even heard me come in until I said, Hi, Mom.
She turned round and the sheer fear in her eyes broke my heart. I was originally petrified to tell my Mom my true sexual identity and now it was Mom worried about having a similar conversation with me. Her first words were, not surprisingly, an apology. Jenny, I am so, so, sorry you had to witness what you did.
I replied, moving towards her, I am sorry too. I unleashed her on you. I am to blame.
Oh honey, you are not to blame for my weakness and my loneliness, she replied, tears already beginning to stream down her face.
Smiling, I officially came out to my Mother. Well Mom, in case you had any lingering doubts. I like girls.
Only girls? Mom asked clearly digging deeper without obviously digging deeper.
Yes, only girls. I have accepted that I am a lesbian, but was too scared to tell you, I admitted.
I just thought you are already a single Mother trying to raise a child on your own, the last thing you needed was to learn I was a lesbian.
Honey, I love everything about you. You know that, right? Mom asked, her tone heartfelt, and concerned.
Oh Mom, I know. It was a silly insecurity, but I have only explored my curiosity very recently, I explained.
I understand, she said, before adding with a sad smile attempting to lighten the heavy mood, I too have only recently explored my curiosity.
Touché,, I quipped back, before adding, It is ok, Mom. You are allowed to have sex.
With my daughters friend? Mom asked, mortified by her actions.
Well, it is not the most orthodox choice, but you really had no choice. Karen is utterly irresistible, I comforted her with saying the truth.
And to be treated like a, like a, like a…. Mom couldnt even finish the sentence.
Its ok, Mom. I am a sub too.
But I am your Mother! she exclaimed, trying to cover herself with even guilt for her actions.
I know. But I am an adult too, I pointed out.
I try to forget that. Mom smiled. Its tough seeing you grow up and not need me anymore.
Oh Mom, I said, giving her a hug, I will always need you.
After a silence, Mom asked, Well, now what?
Well, no more secrets, I suggested.
Agreed, Mom concurred.
Can I suggest something?
Sure, honey.
You should go talk to Megan, I suggested.
Ms. Cameron?
Yes, my real Mistress, I said and told Mom everything that had transpired the past few weeks.
Once I had finished, Mom was silent before she finally said, I dont even know what to say.
You dont have to say anything, Mom, you just have to support me.
Of course, honey, she softly replied, its just this has been a lot to digest in one day. Both my predicament as well as learning my daughter is gay.
I know, Mom, I replied. Looking at the clock, I freaked out. Shoot, I am suppose to meet Ashley in twenty minutes and I havent even started getting ready.
Well, what can I do?
Drive me, I asked.
Of course, honey, she chuckled.
When the day started if someone would have told me I would be driving my daughter on a date that would have surprised me. That it was a date with another girl would have surprised me even more. Yet, after all that has happened today….
I know Mom. I smiled.I know. I gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, before I hurried to my room and rifled through my closet. What to wear on my date? If it was a date? Was it a date? Or was it two friends going to a movie? Time being my enemy, I didnt have time to analyze what it was or wasnt and focused on what to wear. I decided to stick to my more provocative style I had worn since my transformation. A long plaid skirt, thigh high stockings and a white blouse. My hair wasnt perfect, but it would have to do.
I quickly texted Megan:
Mistress Megan,
I talked to Mom. I think we are cool if that is possible after today. Could you please check on her. She knows about you and I.
Pet Jenny
Megan texted back while I was in the car with my Mom:
Pet Jenny,
Oh my… she knows. How is she taking it?
I typed back:
Mistress Megan,
Fine…I think. I just think she needs an adult to talk to.
Pet Jenny
She responded:
Will do, sexy.
We drove in silence to the theatre while I texted. Once I put my phone away, Mom asked, Who you texting?
Mistress Megan, I admitted.
Mistress, she repeated, still attempting to come to grips with what she had done, I cant believe how many times I have heard or said that word today.
Tell me about it, I joked, before warning I asked Mistress to check on you.
You did? she asked, instantly going red.
Yes, she can help you sort out all your feelings like she did for me, I explained.
But she seduced you, Mom pointed out.
She opened the door to who I am, I corrected. After a brief pause, I added, Plus, although she is a Mistress, she is above all a compassionate woman. Promise me you will talk to her if she comes over or invites you over.
Ok, she reluctantly agreed.
At the theatre, Mom smiled. Call me if you need me to pick you up.
Will do, I smiled and have her a quick hug, like I had always done.
I watched her pull away and my anxiety instantly grew. Considering all I had done the past couple of weeks, and the fact that Ashley and I had already had sex, albeit under strange circumstances, I was incredibly nervous. I entered the theatre and saw Ashley already there. She too had on a plaid skirt, black stockings and a pink blouse. She looked so adorable, so sweet and yet so sexy. I felt a chill go up my spine just looking at her. I could tell though, that like me, she was nervous.
I walked over to her and she handed me a ticket. I got here early to make sure we got tickets, she said, handing me my ticket.
Good call, I replied, before adding wittily, two great minds think alike.
What? she asked, confused.
We could be fashion twins, I joked.
I wanted to try to pull off what you have been lately, her tone implying flattery.
Well, that you did, I confirmed, you look adorable.
As do you, she returned the compliment.
Well, its settled. We both look adorable.
Agreed, she laughed, her smile so radiant. We are two hotties.
Damn right, I laughed. Now lets go get some snacks.
We waited in line and talked about cheerleading and the upcoming competition in three weeks. Ashley flattered me. I cant believe how quickly you learned all our routines.
Well, Ms Hopkins scares me. She is a drill sergeant.
True, but she has a heart of gold underneath that intense exterior, Ashley pointed out.
I complimented her back. And you are the silent leader of the group.
Not really, she said, uncomfortable with getting praise.
I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Seriously, this group would be lost without you.
Suddenly there was silence as I carelessly made the first move by accident and in case I had any doubts if this was potentially more than a date it became obvious by the nervous awkwardness of the moment. Before I had time to consider this, the cashier called next and I let go off her warm hand and smiled, What would you like?
The moment passed, we ordered a big tub of popcorn to share and a couple of drinks. Once in the theatre and seated, we both had time to consider our feelings. We each grabbed some popcorn and ate as a way to avoid the awkward conversation that we both were obviously insecure about. Suddenly my phone rang and it was a text from Karen.
Karen: Have u fucked her yet?
I went instantly red.
Ashley asked, You ok?
Yes, I replied, putting my phone on vibrate.
Are you really going to the prom with Troy? Ashley asked.
I shrugged. It happened so quick. One moment I am a shy, nerdy outcast, the next a popular cheerleader. I never really had a chance to catch my breath. We have not even talked other than at school.
Do you want to? she asked, her facial expression so insecure.
I dont know. I have never had a boy interested in me, but now that I do I realized something, I admitted, after a brief consideration.
What is that? Ashley asked, anticipating my every word.
I am not really interested in boys. I threw the hint out there, scared to declare my confirmed lesbian status, yet hinting at it in a way to say I was available to her. After a brief silence, I asked, Are you going with anyone?
I was supposed to go with Dixon, but we broke up last night, she revealed, seemingly opening the door for me the same way I had for her.
Oh, I replied, how did that go over?
She smiled, clearly not heartbroken by the ending of the relationship. He told me I was a cock-tease, a bitch and that I would regret dumping him.
You dumped him?
This time her hand went to mine and she revealed, I have fallen for someone else.
My face flushed again and I was briefly speechless. After a lingering silence where the silence spoke wonders, I asked, tentatively, even though every sign screamed yes, Me?
Yes, you, Jenny, she admitted, playfully slapping my shoulder. I always questioned my sexuality, and the fact that I never remotely wanted to have sex with Dixon only enhanced my doubt of my true sexuality. Dixon and I never had intercourse. I gave him head a few times, but that was it and I cant say that was even remotely appealing. After a pause she added, Other than the odd fooling around with the girls in hotels at cheerleading competitions, I am rather inexperienced.
I was too, until very recently, I admitted, hoping to make her less insecure about her lack of experience.
Jenny, I like you, I mean I like-like you, she admitted nervously, putting her heart on her sleeve, her cheeks ruby red.
I didnt hesitate when I repeated her words, I like-like you too, Ashley.
Her eyes lit up, her cautious smile broke wide open and ignoring the quickly filling theatre, she leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was soft and tender, cautious and sweet. It only lasted a few seconds, five maybe, before we broke it realizing the setting for such intimacy was not ideal.
Our feelings now out in the open, we had a full movie to silently consider the repercussions of our declarations to each other. I assume Ashley pondered how her very Christian family would take the news, while my worries went in a completely opposite direction. Even though Karen already approved Ashleys and my relationship, I pondered how to deal with having two Mistresses and a girlfriend? Did I actually have a girlfriend? Just a couple of weeks ago I was a virgin and unsure of my sexuality and now I was very confident of who I was. The lights dimmed, the first of many trailers began and I suddenly was nervous to reach for popcorn. I wanted to just hold her hand, but even after our declarations and our kiss, I was nervous.
After the first trailer, which I could tell you nothing about as my head ping-ponged inside over my insecurity and excitement, Ashley, sensing my anxiety asked, as she purposely dropped a couple of pieces of popcorn down her very nice cleavage, Do you want some popcorn?
I blushed like I had so many times this past several months. I would love some.
I glanced around slyly, nervous of others seeing before I leaned over and retrieved the popcorn pieces that were lingering on the top of her small but well-showcased breasts. I returned to my upright position as Ashley pointed out, unbuttoning one, then two, buttons on her blouse, Jenny, you missed a piece.
My mouth dropped open slightly before I quickly leaned over and retrieved the lost popcorn piece from right between her breasts in her white lace bra. I felt a rush, as I sat back up and chewed thoroughly the lucky piece of popcorn. Ashley didnt fix her blouse as she offered me popcorn the traditional way and returned to watching the movie with a sexy smile on her face. I took some popcorn and, suddenly relaxed, I watched the trailers.
A few minutes into the movie, Ashley put the popcorn bag down and entwined her fingers between mine. A chill electrified my spine and a sweet warmth filled my body.
The next hour and half, give or take, was the simplest and most amazing of my life. Everything just made sense. We watched the movie, both of us content to just be together with our declarations and the indescribable warmth that goes with it. Neither of us ever touched the popcorn again, neither of us willing to let go to the security that went with just holding hands.
As the credits inevitably ended, I felt a wave of disappointment, not because the movie was done, but because our first date, this small ripple of perfect time was ending. Real life was so much more complicated than any one small moment of bliss that always ended. Instantly, even as we both sat quietly as the credits rolled, I wondered: now what?
Eventually, we were the only two left in the theatre when Ashley finally spoke, breaking the lengthy awkward silence, So I guess we didnt eat much of the popcorn.
The words came out of my mouth without thinking, That wasnt what I was hungry for.
A second later, when I realized what I had just said, I apologized. I am so sorry, I dont know why….
My apology was stopped mid-sentence by Ashleys soft lips.
Her tongue parted between my lips and we were soon in a tender, passionate kiss like nothing I had ever experienced. I imagined the fireworks above my head exploding like in the movies as yet another chill of pleasure slid up my spine. The kiss lasted only a fraction of a minute before the lights began to flicker. Ashley asked, Do you want to come over to my house for a bit?
Sure, I eagerly agreed, my loins on fire even though I assumed there was no way we would be able to do what I was craving.
Ashley took my hand, entwined our fingers again and led me out of the theatre. A couple of people noticed, but I didnt care. I was a lesbian and I no longer wanted to pretend otherwise. In a move totally unlike the old me, I even blew a kiss to a guy who was watching us.
In the car, we drove in silence, both of us content with what we had shared and admitted, although I was nervous and excited at the possibilities of a relationship. It was hard to believe that this day started with me attempting, failing and then succeeding in seducing Ms Morgan, was followed by me walking in on my Mother being dommed by Karen and now I was potentially in a real relationship. It was all so surreal, the kind of stuff you read on Literotica, not the stuff that actually happens…yet it all had happened and this crazy day was not yet over.
Pulling into her driveway, Ashley announced news that instantly sparked a fire down below, her tone implying she was thinking the same thing I was. My parents are at some charity event and wont be home till late.
In the house, she suddenly was nervous and unsure what to do. I tried to help by asking, not so subtlety, So, where is your room?
Her face went red, but it seemed to be the tiny push she needed. She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs and into her room. On the wall were posters of various eighties bands. She apologized, Sorry, I love the eighties.
Me too, I said, and began singing, Wake me up before you go-go, dont leave….
She joined in and we danced and goofed off, allowing the awkward tension to fade.
Exhausted and giggly, I fell on her bed. She looked at me. I smiled and teased, Come over here Ashley, I dont bite…hard.
She laughed nervously, but joined me. I looked into her eyes and she mine and I leaned in for the kiss. She closed her eyes and our lips touched. When we first had sex at the cheerleaders retreat it was amazing and somewhat intimate, considering the circumstances and my position at the time as a submissive for Karen. But now, just the two of us, it was different. We kissed with tenderness, exploring each others mouths. Her hands began to unbutton my shirt, and the anticipation of more tingled all over. Not wearing a bra, a chill went up my back as my blouse was opened. Once she had my breasts uncovered, I returned the favour, pulling, unbuttoning her blouse button by button. Her lace push-up bra showcased her small sculpted breasts. I reached around and unclasped her bra and allowed it to fall between us. I smiled, We have almost identical breasts.
Small, but perky, she shivered, feeling the same cold breeze.
Lets warm you up, I offered, pushing her onto the bed. She pulled me down with her and our breasts drew together, and we returned to kissing. The heat picked up as the kissing became more raw and needy, each of us melting into the other, until there was no more other…two becoming one.
Wanting to please her, I pushed her onto her back and moved to her breasts. I spattered kisses all over her breasts, before teasing each nipple with my teeth, not hard bites, but nibbles that made her breathing increase. I slid my tongue down her toned belly, past her cute belly button, before reaching her sweetness. I was greeted by a slight gleam on her shaved pussy and a sweet aroma that I wanted to die in. I extended my tongue and began licking, savoring each lick. Her moans increased quickly and after only a couple of minutes of pleasure she begged, Finger me, Jenny, please.
I slid two fingers inside her hot pussy and her moans increased exponentially. Shy, conservative Ashley left the room and was replaced by horny animated Ashley. As I pumped my fingers in and out of her, she got animated. Oh fuck Jenny, harder, fuck my cunt harder.
I did, thrusting my fingers in and out as quickly as I could, but it wasnt enough.
Another finger, she begged and I allowed my three middle fingers to fuck her.
More, she moaned, another, please.
I couldnt fathom another finger fitting into her pussy, but I added my pinkie, which her cunt surprisingly easily allowed.
Aaaah, she screamed, and I was thankful her parents were not home.
A minute later, Ashley clearly on the brink of orgasm, she surprised me when she begged, Fist-fuck me Jenny.
Really? I asked, not able to fathom my hand, although petite as hands go, fitting inside her.
Fucking do it! she demanded, fist-fuck my cunt now.
Her urgency startled me, but with trepidation I did, scared I would hurt her. But like the four fingers, my fist slid inside her wet pussy rather easily. Once in, she began bucking her hips on my fist, literally fucking herself. I watched in amazed awe at how Ashley had transformed from a sweet timid girl to a raging slut so quickly, before realizing I had done the exact same thing in the past month.
Seeing her sweat, desperate to come, I leaned forward and sucked her swollen clit into my mouth. That was the pebble that broke the dam, as Ashleys legs wrapped around my head and she screamed, loud enough I was worried the neighbors would think she was being murdered, Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
She collapsed onto the bed as her cum sprayed out of her, like a broken water fountain. I eagerly tried to catch all her sweet nectar, as all the while I continued to fist-fuck my beautiful girlfriend. Her whimpers continued for a long time, as did her orgasm. Finally she begged, Please stop, I have to pee.
I pulled my fist out, which was surprisingly harder than putting it in, and Ashley scurried to the bathroom. As I lay in her bed, giddy with what had just occurred and hoping she was going to return the favor, my cunt tingling like theres no tomorrow, I heard the front door open and close.
I quickly searched for my clothes, just as Ashley returned to her room freaking out. Shit, shit, shit, my parents are home.
Its ok, I said, trying to calm her down, get dressed and they will never know. I tossed her her skirt and she quickly pulled it on, just as I finished dressing.
She quickly found her blouse and I made the bed, which was a complete disaster, just as there was a knock on her door.
Her mom announced, We are home, sweetheart. Can I come in?
Ashley, her face still just fucked red, looked at me as I jumped on the bed and opened a textbook, answered, Sure.
Her mom came in, dressed in a beautiful red cocktail dress, looking like a twin to Ashley, not a mother. Oh, you have company.
Ashley was paralyzed, clearly not used to lying to her mom or almost getting caught having lesbian sex. So I stood up and walked over to her. Hi, Mrs. Swanson, I am Jenny.
Hi, Jenny, she replied cordially, adding, we have heard a lot about you.
You have? I questioned, playing all innocent. I hope it was all good.
Of course, she smiled, well, I will leave you two alone. But it is getting late.
I was just leaving, I replied.
Once the door was closed, Ashley collapsed on the bed. Oh my God, do you think she knows?
How would she? I asked. It looked like two girls studying.
I suppose, she sighed, looking so cute in her insecurity.
But I should be getting home, I said.
I am so sorry I didnt get to….
I returned to her bed and I put my finger on her lips. Ill take a rain check. I kissed her, quickly wanting to remember her softness.
We went downstairs and after meeting her father and chatting shortly with her mother about cheerleading, it was decided her dad would drive me home, which was a disappointment as I wanted to spend more precious time with Ashley.
Generic chit-chat later and I was home. I noticed the light was still on at Megans, but resisted the temptation to go over, even though my pussy was still begging for attention. I figured I would have to pleasure myself the old fashioned way…with my fingers.
Checking my phone before going in, I noticed three texts:
Karen: Answer me, slut!
Karen: I am going to punish you tomorrow, slut!!!
Ashley: Will you be my prom date?
My whole body warmed at Ashleys six words. My hand trembled as I typed my response.
I would LOVE to be your date.
Your girlfriend?
I sat on my doorstep, eagerly awaiting a response from Ashley that didnt come. I considered texting Karen, but I didnt even know where to begin so I figured I would worry about Karen and her threat tomorrow. Today was too perfect to ruin.
Ashley then texted me:
I cant wait!!! I really LOVE spending time with you and YES you are MY girlfriend.
On cloud nine, I put my phone way and entered the house.
Once in the house, I went to the front room and was surprised for one last time today. For the second time today, I saw my mother in a compromising position…this time she was on her knees between the legs of Mistress Megan.
Megan looked up, smiled at me and asked casually, as if my Mother wasnt currently pleasing her, How was your date?
The end
Jenny was almost 16 and had never had a boyfriend or even kissed a boy not even held a boys hand. She was the daughter of a single mother who had become very obsessed with her church after getting pregnant very young. Her mother would not divulge the name of her father and Jenny had even snuck a peek at her birth certificate and under father it said None. After getting involved heavily in her church her mother never dated another man and she intended to isolate her daughter in the same manner...
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The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...
The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...
LesbianRachel was just pulling her coat on when John came down the stairs. He handed Rachel her payment in cash."Thank you, Mr. Greene." Rachel smiled in gratitude."You're welcome," he replied. "You deserve every penny. Kathy and I are very happy with you. There is no one that we trust the k**s with more than you.""Thank you, that means a lot. I love them like they're my own. I would do anything for you guys." Rachel was starting to blush and was having a hard time meeting John's gaze. For his part,...
Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months ago they hadn’t had a night out together and in fact they rarely had a few hours sleep in a row. But tonight they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club. Mr. Crudele had obtained the name of a young woman from a subordinate at his company who said that she was very reliable and came highly recommended. He had called her and she was...
Introduction: A fifteen-year-old gets to babysit two incredibly hot twin boys My name is Mark. Im fifteen, with light brown hair and brown eyes. Im just an average kid, 57, 150 lbs. I think Im into guys, but Im not sure. I mean, I dont want to be gay, but sometimes I catch myself staring at some guys ass, and I think I might be. I know that younger boys turn me on. Theres one family across the street that has two of the hottest boys Ive ever seen. Theyre twins, and they look about ten or...
Introduction: OK readers, here comes a LONG story that I have been working on for a while. I dont think this will become a series unless I get requests for it. Tina comes home early and finds a surprise in her bedroom, the babysitter masturbating on her bed. She could just fire the girl, but decides to punish her, while living out one of her fantasies. Paul and Tina have been married for about 6 years, and have a 3 year old daughter. Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a...
The new babysitterAt this time i want to tell you a story of when i got a new evening my parents chatting and came up with the idea of going out on a romantic dinner for two being they were married for about 11 years and didn’t get the chance to go out much for some alone time for a long time now,being i was sick often and hadand therapy and other activities and a baby sister my mom had her hands dad brought up the idea of perhaps having dinner just the two of...
I walked towards the door and saw her through the small window. 'Oh, there she is the barely legal dazzling brunette I have babysitting my son. What I wouldn't do to give a ride, and I don't mean in my car. Shit, she is wearing a dress like that to a babysitting gig? Is she trying to turn me on now?'I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor.I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking...
TabooBlondie/Dennis The Menace: The New Babysitter (Or When Dennis Meets Blondie)by Sniper32One Friday night Dennis was introduced to his new babysitter, a nice younglady named Blondie Bumsted. She was a 35 years old friend of his mother, shewas a stunning 5'9, slimmed hipped, long legs, a nice ass and a perfect setof 38c breasts.Denise's parents Henry and Alice were going out for dinner and dancing fortheir anniversary and would be gone most of the night.Now as everybody knows Dennis is a handful...
I love my wife. One of her best qualities is how she let’s me treat her thirteen year old daughter, Michelle. My first treat was when she informed me that I should be the one spanking her, and that she would be stripped first. I went along and spanked her thinking it was just the way they did things in their family; the fact that I was enjoying myself I kept to myself. Than one day I came home to see that my wife had invited all of her friends over and had Michelle in diapers on the...
It's never easy for a child when his parents split up. Circumstances affect circumstances and usually for the worse. In Billy Bonds' case, his parents' impending divorce was all the harder because he knew deep down that, despite what they always say, he was the cause of it all. He wasn't, of course. But what's a 14 year-old boy on the edge of puberty and teenage defiance, painfully self-aware and utterly confused about everything supposed to know about life? You could say Billy was a...
This is my first try… Leave comments to what you think could be improved! * * * It was six oclock on Friday night when Abigail began to make her way down the street towards the OLachlan house. She grumbled under her breath. There were plenty of things that she would rather be doing on a Friday night that didnt involve babysitting two teenage brats. Her mother had pressured her into babysitting the OLachlans kids, though Abigail didnt see why they needed babysitting. The oldest, Jacob, was...
Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a babysitter come in to watch her during the day. They had just recently hired a new babysitter, Jennifer, an 18 year old freshman at the local university. Jennifer only took afternoon and evening classes, so she was able to babysit until Tina or Paul got home. Jennifer stands average height, with an average build. She did play sports in high school, along with being a cheerleader. She was excited about finding the babysitting job so...
Paul and Tina have been married for about 6 years, and have a 3 year old.Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a babysitter come in to watch her during the day. They had just recently hired a new babysitter, Jennifer, an 18 year old freshman at the local university. Jennifer only took afternoon and evening classes, so she was able to babysit until Tina or Paul got home.Jennifer stands average height, with an average build. She did play sports in high school, along with being...
My wife, Amy, had left to go see her sister for a few days, apparently her and her husband were having some marriage troubles and she wanted to be there to support her. That left me at home to watch our two little girls Sarah, who was three and Paula, who was five. They were good girls and helped Daddy as much as three and five-year old girls can. My wife was supposed to be gone for a week but maybe longer, it would depend on what happened with her sister. I didn't mind her going, I try to be...
TabooIn a sudden delusion caused by two simultaneous synapses crossing each other, I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be keen to tell the story of how I, Harvey Marcus, got started with all of this screwing around. I mean, it didn't just happen out of nothing. Everything has a cause, a spark, an ignition. So, here's my first Official Retrospective. Appropriately, it is my Origin Episode, how I involuntarily got sucked into a campaign of accidental sex with all of the world's eighteen-year and older...
Falling victim to the fashion trend of the tight black leggins, left almost nothing to the imagination, as her legs, small hips, and the tiny gap between her thighs, were open-season for anyone who dared to view them for more than two seconds. She was not the first babysitter Mister I would have chosen to watch his k**s, since Teagan was just a k** herself, yet he also didn't dare to tell his wife that he found her to be somewhat of a distraction as well."The k**s love her," she always said,...
Chapter 1Chelsea, our regular babysitter for the last five years had recently left for college but recommended her younger sister, Angela, for the job. Chelsea told us that Angela had graduated high school a year early with honors but was taking a year off before she went to college on a full academic scholarship and would welcome the income, and she also loved kids.So, about a week ago, my wife Janice arranged for Angela to watch our five-year-old son for a couple of hours so that we could go...
TeenMy husband and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary and we asked our babysitter to come over. Sandy is a young woman who’s nineteen, very reliable and always available to make some money. She’s so good with our children and we’ve had her babysit our children for the last few years. Our children just love her to death. Rex and I were celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary. We always go to the same restaurant when we're celebrating special events. We both love Italian food and...
Group Sex(It is implied that all characters in the story are atleast 18, and at no point am I implying that any characters are under 18) ======================================= It was hot Saturday night in the fall, and your parents wanted to go out on a nice date. They wanted to get dinner and then go watch a show in the city, which meant you had a good 4-5 hours at home alone. You got really excited when you heard that. You just thought of all the porn you could watch in 4...
TeenWhen I was a little boy, mom had just been mom, but recently I had begun to notice that she was also a gorgeous female and I checked out her amazing body whenever I figured I could do so unnoticed. Since my parents really weren’t really very prude, I had even managed to get a couple of glimpses of my mom in partial or full state of undress, in the bathroom for instance. Being a horny young teenage boy, I of course jacked off all the time and the images that were burned in my mind of my nude mom...
You're sitting in class paying close attention to the clock as it ticks down to the final bell. You were just seconds away from becoming free from High school. Everyone else in the classroom now seemed to be doing the same thing you were doing as you start to hear the class shout 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! RIIINNNGGG! The entire class of seniors stands up and cheers as their 4 long years of High School were finally over. You get and smile as you walk out of class with your friend Joe. You...
I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...
I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...
The babysitter used to cover what we called our split, the time my wife would go to work until the time I got home from work. It usually was no more than a couple of hours. I never really got a chance to spend time with the babysitter because as soon as I showed up she needed to head out the door to go to her college class. She was 18 years old and the neighbor’s daughter; it was a really convenient situation for all of us. She was definitely a site to see, about 5’6 with a slender build and...
First TimeThis was so embarrassing… He would be here in nearly an hour. I am 18 after all, why on earth did my parents have to call a babysitter on me for the night. I am no baby! Just because last summer when they were away I had a party and had the cops called on me, was no reason to put me through having a babysitter for just one night. They were going to be gone only ONE NIGHT! This was ridiculous. I was in my room, pouting of course. What could I do to make my parents feel stupid for this? There had...
I had just turned sixteen but my parents still insisted I have a babysitter. I wasn't the most mature sixteen year old so I guess you could understand it. My babysitter was a nineteen year old girl called Rosie. She was in the sixth form at my school and was a was an incredibly sexy girl who always wore sexy clothes and was very popular with boys and girls alike. She was tall and slim with long blond hair. All my friends fancied her so I was kind of happy she was my babysitter I guess. One...
Spanking------ Shifting his position on the couch, Shane re-adjusted his laptop on his legs. Laying his head back on the arm of the couch, Shane sighed happily. In just fifteen minutes, his parents would be out of the house, and away for a week. He’d been planning what to do for months, and was looking forward to it. As soon as they were at the end of the road, he was calling a bunch of mates to come round and stay over. It would be utter bliss to just have a week where he had to do absolutely...
As it turned out, she wasn’t even mine. My ex-wife had screwed a guy, got pregnant, had the baby and never let on that she wasn’t even my child. I’d still be in the dark if my Maggie hadn’t come down with this rare blood problem and they wanted a blood transfusion from me. But after checking my blood type they said that I wasn’t her daddy so they had to get the blood somewhere else. She’s fine now, a beautiful little second grader that’s full of herself but needless to say, I was shocked...
"You know dear," I blurted, "if you’re going to ogle my husband like he's a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look." Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we'd been teasing each other about her crush...
TabooFiction...blah blah blah… Usual disclaimers, you know the stuff by now…Well, me and my wife Kim were on the way home from a night out with friends, the usual shit, restaurant, couple of drinks, me driving. As ever, she’s bending my ear about some nonsense that must only be important to women because I’m really not getting any of it, I’ve got bigger things on my mind…You see, I’ve been shagging the babysitter for months now. She’s called Danielle, she’s 18, only short but with a frame to die...
My wife, Amy, had left to go see her sister for a few days, apparently her and her husband were having some marriage troubles and she wanted to be there to support her. That left me at home to watch our two little girls Sarah, who was three and Paula, who was five. They were good girls and helped Daddy as much as three and five-year old girls can. My wife was supposed to be gone for a week but maybe longer, it would depend on what happened with her sister. I didn’t mind her going, I try to...
I’d planned to work late but various meetings were cancelled so I caught an earlier train. On the walk from the station, as usual, I called in to The Bull and Bush pub for a quick drink, then made my way home – only a 5 minute walk.There was a strange car in the drive so I walked round the side of the house. It was dark so I knew I wouldn’t be seen. When I looked in through the patio windows, there was Laura, our 18-year old babysitter, on her knees giving a boy a blowjob. She seemed quite...
Straight SexI hate working on Saturdays but you can’t have everything in life. It was 2.30 pm and surprisingly I was able to finish my work which was supposed to go until night, so I rushed out of my office to be with my k**s. I didn’t have to worry because of Nina, my babysitter, who has been with me for a while and even does some household work. She didn’t complain about my many demands because I paid her generously. She was 21 years old but looked a bit younger and very devoted to looking after my two...
It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave.“Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told...
It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave. “Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told Sarah....
EroticA babysitter story with a twist.Let me start by telling you that I am a divorced man in my fifties and I never expected this to happen to me. It was a rare Saturday that I had off my work, the day was warm so I decided I’d wash the car, something I enjoy doing, making it look good again.My neighbour Pete was also out doing the same and we got chatting. He told me it was his wedding anniversary and he and Cathy, his wife, were going out for a posh meal this evening, they’d got their regular...
I had just turned sixteen but my parents still insisted I have a babysitter. I wasn’t the most mature sixteen year old so I guess you could understand it. My babysitter was a nineteen year old girl called Rosie. She was in the sixth form at my school and was a was an incredibly sexy girl who always wore sexy clothes and was very popular with boys and girls alike. She was tall and slim with long blond hair. All my friends fancied her so I was kind of happy she was my babysitter I guess. One...
It was like nothing I’ve ever felt, but it still didn’t compare to what came after, when I pinned her supple and innocent body beneath me. “Oh, my-” “Don’t talk,” I told her. “You don’t need to tell me how much you want this.” Goosebumps shot across her skin and a cry of sheer pleasure escaped her lips, the very moment my head brushed her soaking wet entrance. “Your body will take care of that, all on its own.” I couldn’t have possibly imagined that that was how my day would end, but as I...
As a middle aged salesman and father of two, I rarely have time for dating. I usually get by on random hookups, but recently I experienced a drought. After a couple of rough months, I was dying for release. I arranged for the babysitter to watch my daughters and headed to the bars in a last ditch effort to get laid. Unfortunately, I suffered a night of strikeouts and returned in defeat. As soon as I got in the door, I headed straight for my living room. My plan was to promptly pay the...
This is a true story. “But MOM!” I pleaded. “I don’t NEED a babysitter! Can’t I just stay by myself this once?” But she wasn’t budging. For Pete’s sake, I was f******n. Just because my parents had to go out of town for the weekend, why did I have to have somebody staying with me like I was some little k**! “Look Jeff, I’ve heard all I’m going to hear from you. I’m getting Mrs. Walker’s daughter, Rachel to stay with you, and that’s all there is to it.” Then her voice softened somewhat. “Listen...
My name is Megan. I am a 35 year old single woman with a baby. Jenny was the perfect sitter. She went to a private school and always wore the plaid skirt and knee high nylons (I found it interesting that she wore knee high nylons and not socks like most girls). She always wore her dark brown hair in pigtails or a braid and her glasses made her look like a nerd or a geek, whatever term you prefer. Anyways, Jenny was in grade 12 and had turned 18 a couple months ago when I started noticing that...
LesbianTalk about the worst date night ever. Marie, my wife, started drinking from the get-go way too early, and by dessert, she was smashed. I mean, I get it. We have triplets and they are a handful, but this was supposed to be our anniversary and she drank it away. I was slightly drunk but nowhere near her level, nor could I get there as now I was paying a babysitter to watch triplets while I babysat my wife. She stumbled out of the taxi door and almost face-planted into the snow. I sighed and...
Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...
It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Adam was relaxing in his room when he heard a sudden shattering of glass downstairs. He ran down the stairs to find one of the front windows was now in pieces all over the floor, a frisbee laid on the carpet in amongst the glass. Just as moved to the door to look for the culprits the door bell sounded. Two girls from his school, Tilly and Summer, stood at the doorstep with guilty expressions on their faces.?Hi.? Said Tilly. ?We’re really sorry but it was us...
A New Christmas Mommy Part 7: The Best Babysitter (Jan 13-23 2019) "Mhm, yeah, this looks promising....." Tim spoke as he surfed the web in his private office in the condo owned by Diana Princeton. Luckily, Diana had enough seniority at work that she was granted an automatic week off every 6 months or so, and that was Tim's time to unwind. Though, this week had proved to be a bit tougher with Jane in the picture. Though Diana would come in to see Jane off to school and welcome her back...
The doorbell rang at precisely 7am, signaling the arrival of Meghan Stewart, our babysitter. She lived across the street and two doors down and had been watching our kids on a semi-regular basis for the past three years, since she was fifteen. Cathy and I didn't need babysitting very often, since Cathy, my wife, was a stay-at-home mom, but whenever we did wish to go out for a night on the town or whenever there was a meeting or some other function that Cathy needed to attend while I was at...
The Babysitter Saturday, after breakfast my wife packed her car, gathered up our sons and left for the lake to spend the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend. ‘I’ve arranged for Clarice to come over to babysit with you,’ Alice said with a twinkle in her eye as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. ‘She is coming around 3:00 because she thought she would like a swim before dinner.’ Clarice had been our babysitter since the boys were born, and over time had become a virtual...
Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...
Straight SexThe Babysitter Saturday, after breakfast my wife packed her car, gathered up our sons and left for the lake to spend the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend. "I've arranged for Clarice to come over to babysit with you," Alice said with a twinkle in her eye as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "She is coming around 3:00 because she thought she would like a swim before dinner." Clarice had been our babysitter since the boys were born, and over time had become a virtual...
TabooIntroduction: Adam gets to fuck the babysitter. Note: Ive posted this story on another account but it got deleted so im posting it a second time. Im the original author of it. This is my first story ive wrote, leave your pheedbacks and tell me what you think. All pheedbacks, corrections, ciritisizm and suggestions will be appreciated. This is not a true story, its just a fantasy of mine. Enjoy! ———————————– I put up a babysitting ad on craigslist. Its not that i needed the money but i guess...
Introduction: Little Adam gets to fuck the babysitter. This is my first story ive wrote, leave your pheedbacks and tell me what you think. All pheedbacks, corrections, ciritisizm and suggestions will be appreciated. This is not a true story, its just a fantasy of mine. Enjoy! ———————————– I put up a babysitting ad on craigslist. Its not that i needed the money but i guess id like the extra cash. My name is kristen, im 16, 52 brunette, brown eyes, i have pretty firm round ass and i wear a C...