A Supermodel s Downfall
- 3 years ago
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Mr Masterson stroked his long cane in anticipation as Tamara looked on anxiously. She knew what to expect and she knew it was going to hurt, her bottom tensed beneath her school skirt! At Le Blanc Maison finishing school for girls if you misbehaved there would be only one outcome, corporal punishment and if you were sent to the Headmaster, that would mean the cane! There would be no mitigating circumstances, the unfortunate girl would have to take off her knickers and bend over for however many strokes he thought she deserved. Tamara knew everything about her impending punishment even though she had never actually been caned at the school before.
Tamara was just coming up to her twentieth birthday and had been at Le Blanc since she was eighteen, the minimum entry level. This was no ordinary finishing school, this was the finishing school for young ladies wanting to attract very eligible men, and a very rich men! The fees were astronomical but the rewards were huge and most of the girls went on to live very wealthy lives with powerful businessmen able to give them everything they desired. The harsh discipline was one of the conditions and everyone accepted it although they were all free to leave at any time. As far as Tamara was concerned there would be no question of leaving the school and awaited her punishment without question.
‘You know why you are here, Tamara?’ the Headmaster enquired, still stroking the long length of slender rattan between his fingers.
‘Yes Sir,’ she acknowledged.
‘Then tell me,’ he asked impatiently.
Tamara gulped hard. ‘I was caught cheating in the Algebra exam, Sir,’ she blurted, and with a trembling voice added, ‘I have been sent to you for the cane, Sir.’ She shuffled nervously in her black flat-heeled court shoes hoping her school uniform was in perfect order. She had pulled up and straightened her seamed stockings, refastening the studs on her suspenders and her pleated bottle green school skirt was newly pressed, her matching jacket looking neat and smart. Tamara’s school tie dangled between her ample breasts over the crisp white blouse and she fingered the knot apprehensively, Mr Masterson would add extra strokes if her uniform were not up to his detailed scrutiny.
She had seen the striped bottoms of countless girls who had stood in the very same spot she now occupied, heard their stories of extra strokes for an untidy skirt or lopsided tie or even non regulation knickers. Detailed accounts of how the cane would resemble a white-hot branding iron on her bare bottom filled her mind. Yes, on her bare bottom, Mr Masterson never caned across either skirt or knickers.
He flexed his cane between his hands. ‘I am very disappointed in you Tamara. Of all the girls in this school you are the last I would have expected this from.’
And well he might! Tamara Wentwith was, after all, the school’s Head Girl. She knew she had to get top marks in that damned exam to assure her of a top graduation certificate, she also knew the only way she would get it would be to take in some notes, which she had on a small piece of paper tucked up the sleeve of her blouse. Unfortunately, the eagle eyed faculty teacher, Miss Graham spotted it and immediately hauled her unceremoniously out of the examination room. It was pure embarrassment for Tamara who had for so long been a highly respected senior pupil and the beginning of her downward spiral.
As Head Girl she was granted many special powers and privileges, including a room of her own instead of the usual dormitory bed for all the other pupils and she was allowed to wear black stockings instead of the usual white knee socks. She also attended the monthly meeting with the Headmaster and members of the governing board, and acted as class minder when a teacher was absent from the classroom for any length of time.
Tamara was also the proud possessor of the coveted Head Girl’s Strap! This short, two tongued leather tawse was for her use in controlling any unruly behavior amongst the girls when in their dormitories. Minor spats and misdemeanors were dealt with by the Head Girl in her room rather than bother the teachers or the Headmaster. She could award up to six strokes of the strap to any girl in the school but only across a clothed bottom.
Tamara had been tyrannical in her approach to discipline in the dormitories and regularly applied her strap to a girl bent over the little desk in her room. The Dormitory Monitor, one of the girls who showed leadership qualities, usually reported these girls to her and even Dormitory Monitors had bent over her desk for not keeping up her high standards. Of course in her capacity as Head Girl she had sent girls to the Headmaster for more severe punishment, they had stood right where she was standing now, waiting for the order to bare their bottoms for the swish of the cane.
The most memorable was that of Judy who was, and still is, one of the dormitory monitors, Tamara had been allowed to stay and witness her punishment of one stroke across each hand and six across her bare bottom. Judy had squealed and danced with each stroke and they were now sworn enemies.
It was within this background that she stood contritely before the Headmaster, knowing full well that she would be shown no mercy.
‘Have you considered the alternative to my punishment?’ he asked.
She nodded quickly. The alternative would be to leave the school and that could not be considered. ‘I accept your punishment, Sir,’ she acknowledged.
He continued. ‘In that case young lady, I have no alternative but to award you sixteen strokes of the cane. You will receive two on each hand and twelve on your bottom, do you understand?’
Tamara winced at her sentence and nodded once more.
‘You will also be stripped of your status as the school’s Head Girl,’ he held out his hand for the coveted gold badge in her blazer lapel.
Her fingers trembled as she removed the pin, which symbolized her authority and handed it to him.
‘When a replacement has been selected you will move into one of the dormitories.’
‘Yes, Sir,’ she stuttered, her voice quavering and barely audible.
Again he flexed the long cane between his hands and she eyed up the Headmaster, in his fifties with graying hair, dressed in a sober business suit beneath his long black gown.
‘You will remove your skirt and knickers and place them on my desk,’ he instructed.
Again this order was no surprise to her, many girls had recounted their horror at having to strip from the waist down before dancing and howling on the end of his fearsome cane. Her stomach was doing somersaults as she fingered the button on the back of her skirt then unzipping it and letting it drop from her waist before stepping out of it, folding it neatly and placing it on his desk as requested. Tamara stood briefly before him, her white cotton knickers pulled high up her waist with the blouse tucked into its elastic waistband, her black suspenders disappearing beneath them.
He tapped the cane into his other hand as a sign of his impatience and she deftly hooked her fingers into the elastic and drew her knickers down to her knees, stopping momentarily as the cool of the room engulfed her secret areas. She bent forward to pull the knickers over her shoes and again folded them and placed them on top of her skirt.
Mr Masterson eyed the disgraced Head Girl, her blouse was short cut and didn’t reach the wispy triangle, unable to conceal the beginnings of her female opening vanishing beneath the curve of her tummy. She had very shapely legs even in the clumpy school shoes and the black seamed stockings made them seem endless.
Tamara attempted to preserve her modesty by standing before him with her hands clasped in front of her in the classic naughty schoolgirl pose but his order to put her hand out thwarted that attempt and she stuck her arm out towards him with her palm upturned.
With an expert accuracy from countless canings Mr Masterson swished the rattan back over his shoulder and thwacked it hard against her small hand. Tamara squealed from both the searing pain and the shock of the sheer force of the stroke. The next stroke saw her tucking the reddened hand beneath her armpit for comfort and jigging on the spot as the heat from the cane seemed to spread through her whole body.
‘Other hand,’ he said curtly. She thrust it out and the slender rattan sliced across her slim fingers. Now both hands were concealed beneath her armpits, ‘and again.’
She stuck it out gingerly and he held it firmly before quickly whacking her palm.
‘Now bend over and touch your toes, my girl,’ he ordered.
Two days ago in her monthly meeting with the Governors and the Headmaster it would have been unthinkable that he would be punishing his Head Girl. Now she was to bend over in front of him, naked from the waist down and offer him her bared bottom. Bending forward she reached down to her toes, her long fingers just touching the gleaming tips of her shoes. Tamara felt her suspenders tighten straining against the tops of her stockings, the flimsy belts running up the sides of each of her bottom cheeks without hindering his target. She was always immaculately turned out, her attention to detail often remarked upon by the Governors, her seams were without exception, rod straight up the back of her legs and her shoes highly polished.
‘Head down and bottom up young lady,’ he demanded.
She obeyed and waited, and then she heard the ‘swish’ but was still surprised when it snaked across her bottom, both cheeks receiving an equal searing as the thin cane traced a line across its whole width. The breath sucked out of her with a long squeal and the heat radiated down to her core. Another followed quickly and seemed to land in exactly the same place as the first, two more swished across her and she was up on her feet, hands cupping her throbbing lower curves.
The heat from the cane across her hands did nothing to help quell the heat now lighting up her whole rear end and she suddenly realised what Judy and all those others had experienced. Tamara felt his cane on the middle of her back persuading her to retake her position. Slowly she bent forward and again reaching for her toes, her long blonde hair slumping over her head towards the study carpet.
Mr Masterson swished back his cane and instantly re-ignited her twin peaks, another and yet another seared her tender bottom and again she was up on her feet.
Her hands worked hard to prepare for the last five strokes. Five strokes! The prospect daunted her.
‘Touch your toes young lady,’ came the order and yet again she bent over and obeyed.
Two more swishes and that was it for Tamara, her rear end was on fire and she was back on her feet yet again, rubbing and hopping from one foot to the other. The Headmaster waited patiently for her to regain control of herself as she squirmed, gyrating her hips with both hands clamped to her scorching rear end.
‘Three more strokes to go, my girl,’ he informed her.
Tamara shook her head in despair. ‘Pl … please Sir,’ she sobbed. ‘I really don’t think I can take any more.’
Mr Masterson was obviously aware of her distress. ‘I could commute the last three strokes to six spanks with my hand,’ he offered.
Tamara shook back her blonde hair. ‘Yes please Sir,’ she accepted gratefully.
He placed the cane on his desk and half seated himself on its corner, his long black gown falling open to reveal one leg firmly grounded and the other in position to bend her over.
He beckoned her to him and she shuffled to his side, her eyes fixed downward, staring at the well-pressed crease in his expensive tailored trousers. His hand arrived at the back of her neck and forced her forward. ‘Over my knee Tamara,’ he commanded.
Tamara went over, her head sinking down by the side of his desk whilst her crimson striped bottom reared uppermost from his knee. Her suspenders must have moved a little because she felt him pluck each one out of the way of her fleshy cheeks. With his arm firmly around her waist he spanked her six times with his open hand, each smack slow and deliberate in its application covering each of her cheeks fully in turn. Tamara’s tenure as the school’s Head Girl was now in ruins, her reputation gone together with her status as a leading and exemplary pupil. She was just another recalcitrant girl sprawled across the Headmaster’s knee with her skirt and her knickers removed. He finished her spanking and tilted her back to her feet, the sound of his bare hand on her bare bottom still ringing in her ears when he began to speak.
‘You will relinquish all of your privileges as Head Girl as of now,’ he told her as she quickly looped the knickers over her shoes and pulled them up. You will vacate your room and move into a dormitory once I have selected your replacement. Is that understood?’
‘Yes Sir.’
She stepped into her school skirt and hoisted it up to her waist, hurriedly reaching behind her to zip it up, her face flushed from having been bent over. ‘Thank you Sir,’ she acknowledged and left the room. Back in her room she lay on her bed, face down and cursed at the sheer stupidity of what she had done, wondering who might be her successor. This was the beginning of a whole new chapter in her life and she knew that corporal punishment was going to play a major role in it and there were very few girls out there whom she could call a friend. Strangely she felt the need to feel herself, not her seared bottom but between her legs!
The news couldn’t have been worse! Judy had been appointed the new Head Girl and within the hour Tamara was ushered out of her private room and deposited in the least favourite bed in her old dormitory. Samantha, a well-endowed eighteen-year-old with long blonde hair was elevated to Dormitory Monitor. Tamara suddenly had two girls superior to her, and in a position to make her life a difficult. Judy was an old enemy and would waste no time in getting even, whilst Tamara had warmed the seat of Samantha’s pyjamas on several occasions. She shuddered visibly.
Tamara was at a loss to understand how the wayward Judy had managed to get selected for such a highly responsible position. What Tamara hadn’t known was that Judy’s father was rich and a generous benefactor to the school and this was a kind of payback.
All the teachers at the school employed their own brand of corporal punishment to maintain discipline in their classrooms. Both Mr Giles and Mr Owen used the slipper whilst Miss Chalmers used the back of her old wooden hairbrush and Miss Jones a short thick strap similar to the Head Girls’.
It had been a week since her hiding from Mr Masterson and the marks on her bottom had vanished and finally, she was getting used to her new lowly status in the school. Her bed in the dormitory was harder than the one in her old private room and as she shared with eight other girls there was a lot of arguments. Samantha, her new monitor had made it perfectly clear that she was waiting for her to step out of line so she could get even with her.
In the classroom she was now seated at the back of the class whist Judy, the new Head Girl had taken her old seat at the head of the class just in front of the teacher. Judy was now wearing black stockings and Tamara in white knee socks. Mr Owen was giving his lesson on the dreaded algebra, the cause of her downward spiral.
A very tall man in his forties, Mr Owen was perhaps the most feared teacher after Mr Masterson, he kept absolute control of all the girls in his class together with his trusty old slipper known to every girl in the school as the ‘black prince’. Generations of girls had danced to the tune of the ‘black prince’ across their bare bottoms, a huge size ten jet black gym shoe with a smooth rubber sole from warming the rear ends of literally hundreds of girls. Mr Owen used it liberally and the only girl in the school protected from it was the Head Girl, and that was why Tamara had never experienced it personally!
She had witnessed countless girls bending over his desk with their pants down only inches away from her, many of them reported to him by Tamara herself, but Judy now occupied that position.
Mr Owen had to leave the class for a short time and as usual handed over to the Head Girl with the order that the class would remain in total silence until he got back. Judy left her desk and took up her place at the front, pacing up and down on the lookout for anyone talking. She knew she had power and she aimed to demonstrate it in front of her new audience. Her hair was now bunched up in a prim, school-marm bun and her bottle green blazer and pleated skirt immaculately pressed, the shiny Head Girl’s badge gleaming in her lapel. Her black stockings were pulled up tightly and shimmering on her slender legs her black court shoes polished like mirrors.
She gave Tamara a knowing smile and turned to the blackboard and chalked up ‘TW’ in the lower right corner. Tamara’s stomach churned over and the other girls in the class gave out a collective ‘oooh!’ of surprise and excitement of what was to come. Judy had effectively reported her for talking in class, and that would bring with it four of the best from the ‘back prince’ when Mr Owen returned. Every girl in the class turned to look at Tamara knowing that for the first time the snooty ex Head Girl, previously untouchable, was going over the desk for the slipper! With her knickers down!
‘I didn’t say anything,’ Tamara retorted in her defence, her face red with both embarrassment and panic. She knew her plea would be hopeless but she felt she had to try.
Another ‘oooh’ filled the room as Judy returned to the blackboard and added ‘TW’ again beneath the other one.
Tamara felt her stomach churn at the grim realisation that Judy had just doubled her punishment. This would mean eight of the best with that fearsome slipper!
‘Please Judy,’ Tamara implored risking a third notation on the blackboard. ‘You know I hadn’t spoken,’
Judy turned on her heels and was about to add her once again when she stopped, turning to face her. ‘You’re right,’ she acknowledged much to Tamara’s relief. ‘But you have spoken twice since then so I will leave it at that. Think yourself lucky it’s only eight!’ she beamed.
She attempted a last desperate silent plea for clemency from Judy, which was rejected with a withering arrogant smile from the new Head Girl. The sound of Mr Owen’s heavy footsteps in the corridor as he approached the class sealed her fate and Tamara knew the ‘black prince’ would be roasting her rear-end within minutes! Just thinking about the huge slipper made her bottom glow hot inside her cotton knickers as she shuffled nervously on the hard seat of her chair.
Mr Owen strode into the classroom, a huge presence in his grey business suit and quickly eyed the initials on the blackboard.
He looked to the Head Girl, ‘Thank you Judy,’ he said and she retook her seat. ‘TW, ah Tamara Wentwith, out to the front of the class young lady,’ he barked without any sign of emotion or surprise.
The only sound in the room was that of Tamara’s chair scraping back as she got up from behind her desk and every eye in that classroom followed her to the front where she stood with both hands clasped at front of her skirt. Mr Owen went to his desk and opened its drawer withdrawing a book and the ‘black prince’, gripping it by its heel and demonstrating its suppleness by bending it almost double between his hands. Tamara stared at it intently, she had seen it dozens of times before but this time she noticed it in much more detail. The black canvas upper-shoe was faded and ragged from years of use, its smooth shiny rubber sole looking cold and menacing between his hands.
‘Can you explain why you spoke twice during my absence?’ he asked harshly.
Tamara knew it would be hopeless to protest her innocence and besides there was a code to be followed, there was no way she would question the actions of the Head Girl in front of a teacher. ‘No, Sir,’ she replied.
‘Do you accept my punishment Tamara?’
‘Yes Sir,’ she squeaked in agreement.
‘Then please sign the book,’ which she did with a shaking hand. ‘Since you like to make a noise in my class, eight of the slipper should have you singing very loudly,’ he announced sarcastically. ‘Take down your knickers and bend over my desk,’ he ordered.
Tamara knew the drill even though it was her first time, her fingers slowly sliding up each side of her skirt to the waistband of her white cotton knickers pulling them down over her bottom to just above her knees. Hitching her skirt up around her waist she bent forward over his desk, the bared bottom of the former Head Girl causing a stir amongst the girls who had never expected to witness this event.
Mr Owen took up his position behind her and suddenly the dull ‘WHUPP! … WHUPP!’ echoed around the room as the ‘black prince’ opened the batting on her pale cheeks. First one and then the other bounced beneath the rubber sole and the heat suddenly seemed to spread across her whole bottom. ‘WHUPP! … WHUPP!’ and her first slippering was in full swing bringing her to the very tips of her toes, her long slender legs taut as she involuntarily rose to meet his slipper.
She felt as if she had sat on a hot plate as the ‘black prince’ continued to pump its heat across her proffered bottom. ‘WHUPP! … WHUPP!’ Mr Owen, with expert ease, flicked his wrist and delivered his flame accurately on the very pinnacles of her cheeks. Tamara had steeled herself to stay silent throughout her spanking but suddenly heard her own squeals as she sang in a key she had never had to sing before. Her feet had left the floor and kicked high into the air as the girls in the class watched her bottom turn from pink to crimson red. ‘WHUPP! … WHUPP!’ interrupted her shrill squeals as the slipper finally finished whacking its target.
‘You can get up now,’ Mr Owen said placing his trusty slipper back into his drawer.
Tamara stood up gingerly, her knickers sliding to her ankles and her skirt cascading back into position as she delicately cupped her roasted cheeks in her small hands. Quickly she pulled up her pants and scurried back to her desk, wincing as the hard seat pressed against her red-hot bottom. Eyes were still turned on her as she sat red-faced trying to concentrate on the lesson, convinced that her pants were actually on fire! Her first ever slippering had left her exhausted and she now knew that all those stories about Mr Owen and his ‘black prince’ were true! Some girls had spoken of being sort of aroused ‘down there’ after getting the slipper and apart from the immense heat on her bottom she did feel strangely ‘hot’ between her legs!
Samantha’s patience had obviously worn thin. For two weeks now she had taken a special interest in Tamara’s area of the dormitory, hoping to find something she could report to the new Head Girl. Tamara knew the drill and had taken particular care to ensure nothing was out of place. She didn’t want to give the ample breasted Samantha anything to use against her.
The last lesson of the day was physical education and all the girls returned to the dormitory still dressed in their gym kit. Samantha led the way and her boobs bobbed animatedly beneath her tight white T-shirt, no bra’s were allowed in PE, they all wore identical short navy pleated skirts and matching knickers, white ankle socks and black pumps. They entered the dormitory and all eyes focused on Tamara’s bed which was unmade. As she entered the room her eyes bulged out in disbelief, she had made her bed, it was the last thing she did before leaving for lessons, she was sure she had and then she remembered. Samantha had given her a task to do before she had left the room and consequently was the last to leave and in the rush to make class on time she had forgot.
Samantha was all smiles as she poked at the crumpled bed linen. ‘Come with me,’ she ordered. It was obvious where they were going, she followed Samantha out of the room and down the hall to her old room giving a short knock before entering. Judy sat at her desk still in full school uniform and the short, thick, Head Girl’s strap lay on the desk before her, the very one that once belonged to Tamara. Samantha recounted her ‘misdeed’ to the Head Girl who listened with a wry smile pinned on her face.
‘You know what this means?’ Judy began. She picked up the strap and fingered it as she sat in judgment. ‘I’m going to award you six strokes,’ she decreed. The maximum allowed under the rules, she was making sure there would be no way for Tamara to appeal. She stood in front of her with hands clasped down her front, knowing that any protest would only sweeten their revenge. She was going to feel the strap and nothing could prevent that.
Judy stood up and rounded her desk, Samantha stood to one side beaming as the new Head Girl teased the hapless girl by slapping the shiny leather into her other hand. ‘You remember strapping me and Samantha over this very desk, don’t you?’ she hissed.
Tamara nodded stiffly.
Judy tossed back her hair and swayed her hips in an arrogant swagger making her skirt sway around her legs. ‘Do you wish to appeal to the Headmaster?’
‘No Judy, I accept your authority to punish me.’
‘Then bend over my desk,’ she ordered her knickers suddenly damp.
Tamara obeyed and reached forward until her breasts flattened against the hard surface.
‘Hands on the chair,’ she added.
Tamara stretched her arms out in front of her and placed her hands on the still warm seat just vacated by Judy. She felt her tiny skirt being lifted and her gym knickers pulled up into the cleft between her cheeks exposing as much bare bottom as possible under the rules.
The strap snaked a path centrally across both cheeks and Tamara sucked in her breath in surprise at how fierce the little strap could be. The second stroke seemed to follow the exact same path and the heat doubled. The third stroke brought out her first squeal much to the delight of the two girls behind her.
‘Scorch her backside, Judy,’ Samantha exclaimed excitedly.
Judy reciprocated with a lash that seared her cheeks and brought her feet kicking off the floor. Tamara was shocked that her once trusty strap could inflict such a sting across her poor bottom, especially as it had been given by a girl no older than she was, with her equally small hand at its helm. Mr Owen himself couldn’t have applied that strap any harsher than Judy.
A fifth then a sixth stroke whipped her bared cheeks, wobbling like a jelly with her knickers pulled out of the way. Tamara relaxed a little after the last stroke but soon tensed up again as a seventh arrived. A long squeal preceded her protest at the extra stroke when yet another seared her already burning behind sending her feet into a mid-air dance for freedom. Samantha’s hand appeared on her back to hold her down as Judy whacked her with two further strokes before letting her up.
Tamara sprang to her feet and turned to the new Head Girl who stroked the wide leather between her slender fingers, her little gym skirt falling back into place over hands busy searching out relief on her bottom. Her eyes narrowed in on Judy still caressing her new strap lovingly, still surprised at how such small hands could wield the strap so effectively.
‘You gave me ten strokes,’ she complained. ‘You are only allowed to give me six.’
A conceited smile crossed Judy’s face. ‘How many strokes did you count, Samantha?’
‘Only six Judy,’ she beamed, one hand inside her T-shirt playing with those ample breasts, the other between her legs fingering her pussy through her knickers.
‘OK, to be fair I’ll let you give me four strokes as payback,’ Judy husked handing Tamara the strap then bending over her desk. Tamara was still reeling when Judy whisked up her skirt and quickly pulled down her knickers. ‘You can whip me for old times’ sake,’ she added wiggling her bare bottom in anticipation.
Samantha sounded as though she was having an orgasm as Tamara released the tensions of the last two weeks, slapping Judy’s bottom as hard as she could. Judy took the strap without a sound and pulled up her knickers, smoothing down her skirt before stepping forward to come face to face with her. Tamara could hardly believe she had strapped Judy on her bare, seeing her pouting entrance making her own tingle in a way she had never before experienced. Suddenly her lips met Judy’s, kissing passionately, hands exploring each other over their clothing then parting, stepping back from each other in shocked surprise. An open mouthed Samantha rubbed her pussy feverishly at the sight of the two girls embracing, a Cardinal sin as far as the school rules were concerned.
Judy stiffened and quickly regained control. ‘You will report to me each morning before breakfast and tidy my room,’ she declared. ‘And if I am not satisfied, you will stand for your breakfast wearing very hot knickers. Understand?’
Tamara was suitably contrite. ‘Yes Judy,’ she accepted.
As she was leaving the room Judy gave her a chilling promise. ‘Oh, and you can expect to feel the ‘black prince’ on your bottom again very soon.’
She left Judy’s room and immediately ‘came’ in her knickers.
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PrologueI was twenty-one-years-old when all this happened. Although a truly unforgettable experience, I didn’t write about it earlier because… in the first place it never occurred to me to do so and, secondly, it's a true story or saga involving real people, some of whom are still friends to this day. That said, all names apart from my own, have been changed to protect the innocent. The rest of the account, as they pledge, is "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”Part 1Nick...
TrueVanessa Sinclair is the CEO of a large corporation which sells electronic products. She is seen by her employees as a stuck-up "rich bitch" who only cares about her looks and her money. She is constantly rude to her employees, who despise her. Vanessa has a stunning body, which she uses to her advantage. With her D cup breasts, hourglass figure and perfect ass she is able to seduce any man she wants. Some people say that this is how she got the role of CEO in the first place. Vanessa keeps the...
FetishBefore we begin let me break down the first branches for you so that you can what to expect. ENF - embarrassed naked female situations; pantsings, strippings, spankings, etc. No diapers, enemas, potty training, bedwetting, laxatives, diuretics, or anything else that is remotely associated with ABDL (Adult Baby, Diaper Lover) content. ABDL - can still contain ENF related content but will ultimately branch out to ABDL territory. This does NOT mean she will be babied or that she will enjoy wearing...
PLEASE WRITE SOME CHAPTERS- - - - - - Description: My life was great. 18, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "James, how am I going to get enough money for my prom dress? Between school and the job I have at...
TeenMy new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really lucky I was allowed...
Mr Masterson stroked his long cane in anticipation as Tamara looked on anxiously. She knew what to expect and she knew it was going to hurt; her bottom tensed beneath her school skirt! At Le Blanc Maison finishing school for girls if you misbehaved there would be only one outcome; corporal punishment and if you were sent to the Headmaster, that would mean the cane! There would be no mitigating circumstances, the unfortunate girl would have to take off her knickers and bend over for however many...
SpankingHi all, sorry I haven't continued yet with Jakki and Michelle. Unfortunately work has got in the way. Please enjoy this in the meantime and let me know what you think by emailing me at [email protected]! lol xx Rob Brown sighed and sat back from his office desk. He rubbed his tired eyes and sighed in frustration as yet another day seemed doomed to grind its way to a slow end. Rob was a middle manager in a small business concern and his days were filled with the tedium of reading...
His story:I first met her 5 or so years ago... Rebecca, the new woman in one of the companies' departments. I'd read her resumé, but hadn't hired her myself. It was my role here to keep abreast of all the employees. Finger on the pulse, as they say.She had just turned 40. Back in the workforce after 18 years raising k**s. She was a shy one. Not a lot of confidence, but fuck she had great legs. Athletic, toned, the kind of legs I'd like wrapped around my waist.I'd only caught up with her a few...
38 year old Nina was at her desk when Hannah came in. It was early so not many people had yet arrived at the office. Hannah was rubbing her bottom so Nina knew what had happened. 18 year old Hannah had been spanked before coming to work so had to ask Nina to look after her knickers for the day, and to check during the day Hannah hadn’t slipped on another pair. Nina shuffled on her chair trying to get comfortable as her own bottom was burning from the spanking she got this morning followed by...
SpankingKim looked at her reflection while she waited. Still dressed in what she called her "Power Suit". Her thigh length skirt showed just enough of her stocking encased legs while her 6 inch heels along with padded shoulders made her look bigger and more intimidating. Kim Li took great joy in towering over employees while she berated them for there incompetence. Now she hoped employ that same level of intimidation on her blonde bimbo stepmother. The blonde bimbo that's how Kim referred to her late...
BDSMMonica is an 18 year old high school student living with her mother. After getting an F in two of her classes, her mother decides to punish her for it in the most horrible way possible. Now Monica must work on getting her grades up while dealing with all the stares and laughter from the other students because of that punishment. ********************************************************************************************************* “Mom, please! Don’t make me do this!,” said Monica to her...
BDSMCopyright© I mostly enjoy my work carrying out maintenance work on supermarkets and banks as I get to travel around the country, enjoying the driving and working mostly by myself. The only part of my work that spoils the enjoyment is dealing with Maxine in the office at Heage. Maxine is "the Controller" in the Keycare service centre who dispatches the various jobs to our team of guys. Maxine is full of her own importance, takes credit for the successes, and runs to Tony, the boss when...
My name is Randy X and I was born in one of those southern states where kinfolk are generally closer than most families up north. My mom had me when she was only eighteen and now I am the same age. Recently, she has been going through male friends on a regular basis and one day it was "Uncle Bill" and then the next day it was "Uncle Harry". I didn't mind too much because I am still a virgin and I can easily understand how important it was for her to have a daily dosage of sex since she was...
We were all surprised when, after we’d been there for ten days or so, we looked up at the headland one morning and saw a black flag. We had talked it over, I liked to talk everything over, and everyone knew what to do. Frankly, that was one of the differences between ‘civilization’ and ‘wilderness’. Civilized people tried to educate everyone so that everyone knew their jobs as well as someone else’s. If you or your buddy got injured or killed, the job would still get done since you both knew...
Princess Elaheh was not at all pleased to be given peremptory orders to move into the Golden Palace. She was still less pleased to hear that she could not bring any of her harem with her. She had a nasty feeling that her half-brother had some very unpleasant plans for her, and she wondered what measures she could take to protect herself and her entourage. Bleakly she remembered that a woman here had few rights, and she seriously doubted that her father's long-standing edict that she was to...
"Hey Everyone! Today I'm looking at another exciting product of a local creator. I'm sure Momo will like it very much", Naomi started a new recording in her thick Chinese accent. Naomi was sitting in front of her camera ready to review another product. She was wearing a small tube top, which barely contained her K-size fake tits. Her hair was tied in a thick braid that kept her hair out of her whorishly made-up face. She sported long fake eyelashes and Roush to accentuate her cheekbones. Below...
Mind ControlAfter defeating the royal advisor Jafar, and trapping him in a black magic lamp. Our heroes are now in the process of organizing The Royal Wedding, and since its four months away for the big day. Aladdin is starting to feel a little horny, but the problem is that Princess Jasmine is not putting out. So now Aladdin is breaking his own promise of no longer cheating on Jasmine, and changing his promise he made on himself to not cheat on her til after the wedding. Since he is not worried of any...
BDSMThe harrowing,ghastly atmosphere of this gigantic eerie manor in the middle of nowhere really dug it’s claws deep into our unlucky hero’s nerves.Throughout his life,Ethan has seen what most would claim to be pure fiction,but this perhaps is his strangest venture yet.A deadly battle for survival inside a vampiric castle - certainly not the vacation he was counting on.He didn’t have much on him,only a mere flashlight that felt like it was lighting the path one last time before throwing in the...
FetishBritney's life had always been perfect. As the daughter of the biggest movie producer in Hollywood she lived a life without any concern. She always had plenty of money, she went to the best schools and everybody wanted to be her friend. Her name Britney was very fitting since at the age of 18, she looked alot like a young Britney Spears. The only thing Britney missed in her life was a mother, her mother had passed away when Britney was young, but as the only child of Jerry and Beth, this only...
Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...
Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept. The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke. As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed Sarah and...
Tgirls.xxx aka shemale.xxx! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose Tgirls.xxx. I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that Tgirls.xxx is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesThis next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesReddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW ListWhere Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...
The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...
Chapter 1. Lifes a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewaters edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...
Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah Author’s Note: I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World. I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area. If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett? http://forum.dolcettgirls.com/index.php/topic,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673 so you can bring...
Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island. The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester. Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break. Of course they had...
Reddit Redheads, aka r/Redheads! A lot of men choose between either blondes or brunettes when it comes to the kind of woman they want. They usually don't even consider the more important dimensions to weigh out, like, for example, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and, of course, breast size and ass-to-waist ratio. But there are a million things to consider when picking women, and I bet that a lot of you don't even think about red hair when weighing those things out in your...
Reddit NSFW ListAndrea stood in front of Mr Garvey, her headmaster felling ashamed, worried and slightly aroused. He had seen the video of her sucking a fellow six-form members cock in the school toilets and had threatened to expel her however it seemed it he was willing to offer the teenager another option and she didn't think she would mind the punishment too much. She stood in her uniform green blouse, bottle green skirt, white socks and black court shoes listening to him speak. "Andrea you are well aware...
Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...
About East Coast Slavers Organization stories: My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned A...
David, my husband has an older brother, Steven who has two sons, Charlie and Miles with his wife Karen. At the time of this incident, Steven was serving in the British Army based out in Germany, both sons thanks to the Army paying some of the fees, had been educated at UK boarding schools since they were 8 years old, flying out to see their parents at full holiday times, at other times we were their legal guardian in the UK and looked after them on the half term breaks. Charlie is 2 years...
When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer: Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show. All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly. Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper. Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...
(I will not be using the names, usernames, or website of the actual event. I don't want to possibly anger any beautiful camgirls out there) Something interesting happened last time I was browsing the webcams of my favorite porn site. See, one of the things I enjoy watching is two girls having fun on a camera. I never really pay, I just like to see how they flirt, and chat with their costumers. This time was different, though. I clicked on one of the cams I have never tried before. The picture...
Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...
You were bent forwards now, legs splayed, your ass and pussy only just covered by your tiny gym slip, but not for long. I reached forwards and drew the skirt up - a finger gently tracing along the line between your cheeks - and left it gathered around your waist. I heard you cry out as you felt yourself exposed to me. By now you will have realized what a tough headmaster I could be and you must have been more than a little scared as to what was to come next. I stared at you, stroking my cock...
Straight SexFor the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...
For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...
Straight SexI’m Angie, just started my A Levels in the lower sixth and I’m head girl at my Co-ed Grammar School in the North West. I play hockey in the first team so I’m pretty fit. Being a co-ed school it’s not always easy to concentrate as the boys get very competitive and are always joking around. However, our newly arrived headmistress told the school that she determined to root out any acts of sexism. Two weeks ago I was invited by the headmistress to watch Mike get the strap and the cane. Because I...
SpankingI'm sure most of you are familiar with the show "Manswers". One episode was questioning the hornyness of Blondes vs Brunettes vs Redheads. I've always had an affinity towards blondes, but have always been attracted to pale redheads, but had never had the pleasure of ones company. As most of you would assume, I thought blondes would be the hornyest, but Redheads were determined to be more horny and more sexually active! "Yeah right" I thought, "Bullshit". It wasn't long after I saw this episode...
The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...
There is a hesitant tap on the headmasters door."Come in" Mr Garvey repliesAndrea walked in, her head is slightly bowed a worried expression on her face as she steps forward to hand the headmaster a note. He takes it and quickly read the contents while she stands nervously beside the door. Andrea looks down at her black shoes before bringing her gaze upwards to her white knee length socks, bottle green skirt and pale green blouse. He sighs and look up at her "Let me have it then" he asks...
Head Mridul babu master besh khato manush, tar sashtho khub valo, mukhe gof ache. Age roj bayam korten, tai shorirta ekhono thik ache. Mathar chulgulo pray sada hoye gechhe tar. Ei school e mastari korchhen onek din holo. Sobai take khub valobashe. Kao ke kono din boka den na. Sobaike manush hotey bolen. Sobai tai bipode apode unar kachhe jai budhdhi nebar jonno.tini biye koren ni. Asoley biye korar somoy tai tar konodin hoyni. Aj school er bangla teacher pratimadevi amake ke nokol korar somoy...
The summer school trip was coming up. It wouldn't be like your usual school trip, however. The Long Stockings Private School for Gifted Girls and Young Ladies never really seemed to have party style school trips. They would go to Sea World to study the marine life – no rides while there, no swimming, no fun! The students even had to have their swimmers made to school regulation, with a bare minimum of flesh to be seen and not skimpy in any way. That was a no no. Head mistress Miss Noefun always...
LesbianHeadlights Girl Part 1 Hi, honey. You here for dinner or just drinks? Dinner? Great! Just follow me to a table and we'll get you set right up. We can talk between customers. Glancing back at you as I lead you to your table, I can see where your eyes are focused. Right on my behind as it swings sexily back and forth. You might not look at it in quite the same way if you only knew... well, never mind. You'll never know who the REAL me is and it's probably just as well. My...