Love Or Torture? free porn video

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It had taken a lot of convincing, but finally, FINALLY, Chloes parents had agreed to let her go on holiday with her friends over the summer. There were six of them going including her, going on a group holiday before going back to school. Chloe was over the moon. It had taken weeks of sucking up, extra chores, love-me eyes and generally being over the top nice to convince her parents, but finally they had relented.
Chloe was above average looks for a girl of just 15. Long naturally wavy blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders to her mid back, bright blue eyes, flawless skin, curvy body (but only in the right places) Nice firm boobs with bright pink nipples, a heart-shaped bubble butt and long legs. Despite having long legs however, she only just brushed over five-foot-two, she really wasnt tall.
She was probably the best looking of her group of friends, although the twins, Kelly and Cindy were also teenage knockouts. Both had jet black hair that was straight as an arrow, Kelly had hers only to her shoulders whilst Cindys fell all the way down to her butt. They each had blue eyes too, swimmers bodies and were tall, a good six inches over Chloe. They did everything together and turned many heads as they paraded through town wearing as little as was socially acceptable.
The other three girls, Danni, Jess and Lily were all good looking girls, but really werent in the same league as the others. Jess was carrying a little extra weight and Danni had a rather hideous pair of glasses that didnt suit her at all and certainly didnt do her any favours.
But none of this really mattered, they were all really close, and they were finally heading on holiday to Spain.
The weeks dragged by, Chloe ticking seemingly endless days off of her calendar, buying clothes and lotion and sunglasses and all the essentials for a girls-only holiday.
Eventually, the day arrived and her parents dropped her at the airport. Final hugs and warnings were given and her mother shed a tear as she waved her through the gate. Chloe was happy though, and was laughing as she took her seat next to Lily on the plane. Not a care in the world. Nothing could spoil this holiday.
She might have felt differently if she had known that this was the last time that she would ever see her parents.
The plane landed a little after nine PM local time, and it was not dark but evening was certainly setting in. As teenage girls always will when booking their own holidays, none had thought to book a cab to their hotel and so they found two outside the airport and after some pointing at maps and showing booking forms, the cab drivers loaded their luggage and set off.
The first sign that something was wrong was that the drivers headed off in the complete wrong direction. But having no local knowledge and not really focusing on where they were going, the girls didnt notice this. It was getting steadily darker and as the initial excitement was wearing thin, the first trace that something was amiss dawned on Chloe.
They had left the city long behind and were deep into the country now. There were no buildings to speak of and the scenery was getting less and less green and turning almost into dry desert. Chloe looked across at Jess beside her, before glancing at Cindy in the front seat. They all exchanged worried and confused looks. Then she caught the eyes of the driver in the rear view mirror.
Before she even had time to work out what had happened, he had slammed the brakes on, sending her flying into the back of his seat. Cindy had very nearly smacked her head on the dashboard and Jess had been sent smashing into the seat in front of her as well. If she hadnt been so worried about her own situation she would have noticed the other Taxi (which was slightly ahead of them) had stopped as well.
Recovering from her shock, she looked into the front to see the driver had knocked Cindy out cold. A trickle of blood was running from her forehead. Chloe screamed but she knew it was useless. The doors had automatically locked and they were in the middle of nowhere. The driver reached into the back, pinning her against the door. Jess was hammering at his back, but her efforts were barely evening bothering the man as he shoved a rag into Chloes face. She could barely breathe, she felt herself slowly slipping unconscious. Barely thirty seconds later, she blacked out.
She was lying down on a bed. Across from her was a light brown door that was closed. She knew without having to be told that it was locked. A small round window was pouring light onto her face. She had woken with a start and realised that her wrists were shackled above her head to the bed frame. She had clothes on. The same she had been wearing. A tight fitting pair of denim shorts, a pink vest top and pop socks. Her shoes were missing. She had been comfortable in these clothes when she put them on, but now, somehow, she felt very exposed.
She had no idea how long she lay there for. By the time that she heard voices outside the door however, the light beam had moved all the way to her knees. A key turned in the lock and the door swung open. She had a brief look at another door on the other side of a hallway before a man entered and the door swung shut again.
He was tall. Much taller than her. And well-built as well. He wore a tight fitting tank top and cargo shorts. His beard was black and clipped short, like the hair on top of his head. His eyes were piercing, he seemed to take every detail of her in. He didnt speak for a while.
So he said softly, youre English?
He spoke with a Spanish accent for sure, but his English was very good.
Y-y-yes Chloe stammered back at him. Her heart was pounding and her brain was going a thousand miles an hour.
Hmmm it was disconcerting that his eyes never left hers. He never seemed to blink. Vacation huh? You got a little bit more than you were expecting on this trip, huh little girl?
There was no answer that she could give, but he didnt seem to need one.
It does not matter. What matters is that you belong to me now. Your body, your mind. I own you little girl, that is all that matters!
She was truly terrified. This was a situation that she had never even believed could happen outside of movies. All she could think of was one thing.
M-m-m-m-my friends! What h-have you done, w-with them? She stammered at him so fast she barely had time to think before saying the words.
Ha! Your friends are here. You are in with luck little girl. Normally we split groups like yours up, but we have had a request for six girls, and we were thinking we were out of luck until you came along
She was confused. Her friends were safe. Well, they were here and by the sounds of it alive, but beyond that she had no idea what was going on. She managed to string together a question from what he had told her.
W-what do you mean a request?
He cocked his head to one side and for the first time blinked.
You are all to be sold, to a very wealthy client. Tomorrow, we will move you to him
Before that could sink in, he had moved to the door, opened it and was gone.
Sold?! She had been sold, her friends too! To who?
She began to cry. She was so terrified. Her thoughts were of her parents, so far away, so unaware of what their daughter was going through. They might not even notice anything was wrong for ten days. It would have been a small comfort to see her friends, but even they were beyond her reach for the time being.
She was hungry. Sleep would not come. She was thirsty.
It was dark before the door opened again.
The man who entered didnt say a word. He simply carried a tray to her, on it was a glass of water, some bread and a slice of ham.
He fed her and gave her a drink, which she would have rejected if she had been in any position to move or struggle. Plus she was famished.
After he had done his duty, he left, Chloes shouted questions falling on apparently deaf ears.
She cried again, but with food and water inside of her, she could at least manage to cry herself to sleep.
The light hit her again. She woke with a start. The first man was in front of her again. He had a rope in his hand. She let her sleepy eyes wander to the door, two more men were standing there, holding long knives. He approached her, she whimpered but there was no compassion in his eyes. He tied the rope around her arms and then unshackled her before forcing a hood over her head. He was rough, pushing her to the door. He led her down the hall and shoved her into a van parked at the end. She fell to the floor but hit something soft, another person.
Hello? she whispered.
Chloe? came a voice that she recognised as Kellys. she sounded if anything more terrified than her.
Oh my god what is happening?! Chloe reeled off quickly. She felt a blow to her head and shriek to her left told her Kelly had received the same.
No talk, NO talk! came a gruff voice she didnt recognise.
After a few minutes another thud told her another of her friends had been put in the van, then another, then another and finally, another. She didnt dare say anything and none of them spoke either, although she head some muffled sobs.
They drove what seemed for hours. None of them speaking, seeing where they were going, just feeling the road go by beneath them.
After what seemed forever they stopped and the doors opened. She was roughly grabbed and dragged around what she assumed were halls. Faint music was playing in the background.
She was brought suddenly to her feet. Her hood was removed, but before she could get more than a glimpse of her surroundings, she was unconscious again.
When she woke again she was tied to another bed. This time though, it was different. She was not on her back, she had been tied clamped in the doggy position. What was more, she was clean, had her hair back in a ponytail, but worst of all, was naked. She could tell this because she was facing a mirror. This was not an ordinary bedroom though. Whoever owned this was RICH! The sheets beneath her were silk she could tell, and the mirror was surely surrounded by gold? The walls were patterned beautifully and the room was perfumed and smelled beautiful. Behind her reflection she could make a door out, white.
Her head was unrestricted and she cast around for a better look at her surroundings, but nothing seemed to help. There were no windows in this room. As she turned her head she noticed something else about herself. Tied around her waist was a bow. Large and red, it too looked like it was made of silk. She looked, she thought, like a present.
The door burst opened and sprang back so quickly it shut again off of its hinges. The man who came through was taller even than the man who had taken her. He was black, extremely muscular, he wore only a red silk robe that left his torso bare and only covered the waist down. He certainly was not an attractive man. One of his eyes was white, there was no pupil and he had a terrible scar that cut down his cheek and made his beard look strange. However his physique made her think of body builders and pictures that she had seen of men like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Good evening young lady he spoke, again with a perfect English dialect but his accent was African not Spanish. He spoke as though she was not tied to his bed and stark naked.
I am aware that this must be a very unusual situation you find yourself in. However you should know that I am not going to hurt you, so long as you do what I say he smiled. He was standing right behind her. He had not looked anywhere but her eyes, he was totally at ease.
She was bewildered. She was still petrified but there was something about this man that made her less afraid, she knew the terror was all coming from her and that this man was not telling her lies.
Then he said something that totally shattered that illusion.
However he carried on, the smile instantly gone, to be replaced with an expression of malice. if you do disobey me, even slightly, your friends will be made to suffer and you will watch their punishment
A cry of terror caught in her throat and her eyes welled up. The man however was smiling again.
Anyway he said brightly, as though they were about to discuss a movie or dinner, let us get down to business
For the first time he looked across her body. Down her neck, along her back across her spread bum cheeks, down her crack to her bright pink pussy, then down her legs, and back up to her face.
Very nice! he said, giving her a toothy grin. She noticed two of his teeth were missing.
He reached and undid the bow. It fell off of her, the silk brushing her sides. He stepped right up to her, cupping one cheek of her ass with his hand and leaning to her ear. She felt the power of the man as he leaned gently on her.
Just as a last reminder he almost whispered, disobey me, and your friends will suffer
He stood back again and released his robe. Despite her situation, Chloe could not help but gasp.
She had had sex before. Barely a year ago, her boyfriend had taken her virginity. However he had a penis about five inches long.
The man standing behind her defenceless body had a penis that was at least eight inches long. And it was soft.
You really are a present are you not! he exclaimed. Before she really saw him move he had raised his hand and it had come crashing down on her left cheek. It stung like fire and she screamed out loud at the force.
Now, young lady, no need to scream like that. You will not scream again, that is an order!
She was ready for what happened this time, and as his hand came crashing down on her right cheek, her friends face played through her mind. She bit so hard into her lip, she bled.
Better he said smiling. She noticed that his cock was gradually hardening, it was up to ten inches and growing now.
He straddled her waist. Putting his massive tool between her thighs he squished them around it and began fucking her thighs. She saw in the mirror his one good eye was closed. It was a fully hard cock now sliding between her legs.
Without warning he slid his dick from between her thighs and put it at the entrance to her pussy. She gasped as the head pressed against her entrance and then in one fluid motion, he was inside her.
She shrieked.
His eye did not open. His rhythm did not stop. He began to fuck her. Slowly at first. His cock sliding all the way out of her pussy until only the tip was left in. then he would slowly insert it all the way back. He did about an inch a second.
It had hurt when he first went in, she was not horny, she was scared. However now. She had to admit, feeling that monster in her was turning her on.
He had not said anything about her outburst. Maybe it only applied to spanking? Or maybe he had been too caught up in the moment to realise.
Gradually the stroked got faster. He was putting more force in as well, his mighty sack was slapping at her as he thrust himself into her again and again.
She hated herself for it. But she came. Her orgasm burst over her, she had never cum so hard before. Careful not to risk crying out again, she satisfied herself with groaning and moaning as quietly as possible. It was not easy. He was filling her 15 year old pussy so well. It occurred to her in that state of orgasmic bliss, she never wanted that cock to leave her pussy.
Her eyes closed again, as she came for the second time. On and on he pounded, he did not tire. He just keep pounding away.
A finger slipped into her ass. It was unexpected, but she welcomed it. It was just another stimulation to bring her to her next mind blowing orgasm.
Finally. Just as she peaked for the third time. He came.
He spewed inside of her, the cum spurted so hard that even with his cock buried inside her tight little twat, it spurted out of the sides.
She was ashamed as she came back down. A tear rolled down her cheek.
You did good young lady he said, she was worried that he was not even out of breath. Clean yourself up he indicated a box of tissues on the counter as he reached for a key and undid her bindings.
Not even bothering to retrieve his robe he walked to the door. He opened it and was across the threshold before he turned.
Oh, the second outburst did not go un-noticed he said, stern but looking over his shoulder so she could not see the emotion in his eyes. She stopped rubbing her wrists at once.
In half an hour, you will see what happens when you break my rules with that he slammed the door.
Chloe felt the tears come again, she had let her friends down. But worse. She had given herself totally, mind and body, to the man who had bought her as a slave.
(I will do more of this series if you want. Ive got some ideas, let me know what you think)

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Government Torture

A door opened in front of him and he realised he was facing a one-way mirror. A man came in dragging a girl on a lease. She struggled with every step, but the man was large and he pulled her all the way to the table. John noticed that she had some metal pin thing sticking out the top of her head and John got a very bad feeling. The girl looked at Johns inflamed cock and started to scream. John 11-inch dick had always caused him problems. He struggled to get and to stay hard and no one would...

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My Torture

my TortureFirst ScenarioI sat on the chair .The arms were fastened first, loops of rope around the wrist and below the elbow, fixing my lower arms along the flat arms of the chair. Next was the chest, loops of rope passed above and below my small balls, wrapping around the chair back. The lady took the opportunity to punch and squeeze the balls. Finally, the legs were tied in place, each ankle pulled painfully to the outside of a chair leg before the rope was applied. This maximized the tension...

3 years ago
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moonbeams training tit torture

This is another story written for Jack, my former Mentor. Jack wanted me to explore the idea of tit torture? In this story, i use the physical equivalent of safe words, as i was taught by my Mentor, and although Master Falcon has given me safe words to use, I have never felt the need to use them with Him. This topic could be debated at length, i imagine. This story also mentions the use of nipple clamps with teeth, which can be dangerous if used in the wrong way. When i wrote this, i had not...

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Gloria and The Tgurl Torturer

Gloria and The Tgurl Torturer WENDY struggled furiously against the restraints and called through her heavily gagged mouth. "MMppphhh! Ummpphhggt!" It was no use; the restraints were too secure and the gag tight and heavy enough to muffle her cries for help, even if there were anyone around to hear them. She was in trouble, and was not likely to survive for much longer. The pain was excruciating, The only comfort - if you could call it that - was that Wendy would be rendered...

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Torture “Comfortable?” His sardonic smile didn’t quite make his eyes. She looked at him through tear swelled and reddened, half closed lids. The saline water of her tears seemed to enhance colours; the silver badge of his office on his tunic shone, becoming branded into her mind. Not waiting for her reply, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The resounding smack rebounded off the whitewashed walls. She would have screamed, but the tape across her mouth allowed for a...

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My StepSister 04 ndash The ladder torture

My Step-Sister 04 – The ladder torture.My older, by 11 minutes, step-sister is sunbathing. Her tight teen body is perspiring under the summer sun. The very small bikini she is wearing has a piece of triangular material covering jut her nipples. Which, by the way are hard as she knowingly teases me. Her clean shaven pussy is just covered by a slightly larger piece of material. Her bum only has the strings holding the fabric in place.At just turned 16 Nichole has developed into a fine young...

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Breast Nipple torture

Breast / Nipple tortureOkay so the Life style activities I enjoy are extensive. One word of phrase barely constitutes an insight into what I like about it or how it makes me feel emotionally or physically. For me receiving Breast / Nipple torture is one of, if not the most delicious way to receive pain. (But I’m always open to ideas!)My nipples have always been sensitive, I’ve had them pierced, had the piercing ripped out, although not intentionally or as part of play, and still get off on the...

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Cheerleaders Rape and Torture

Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders' who get lost and have theircar breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turnthem into slaves. Thanks for reading…Semiater ([email protected]) Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funnything is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I havea guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit...

4 years ago
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The Real Torture

Introduction: Only for readers who are sadists or love pain others please avoid reading it. Long ago there was a primitive country named Tonk barbaric activities were on a massive scale there especially for female natives. When they won any battle he captured all girls of conquered region and distributed them to nobles of the capital. One of the richest and most powerful noble Divnoor was a sadist he loved torturing, tormenting and killing females. Once after invading a country numbers of...

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Medieval Torture

Long ago there was a primitive country named Tonk barbaric activities were on a massive scale there especially for female natives. When they won any battle he captured all girls of conquered region and distributed them to nobles of the capital. One of the richest and most powerful noble Divnoor was a sadist he loved torturing, tormenting and killing females. Once after invading a country numbers of female prisoners were bought in the town center all girls were allotted and on the highest bid by...

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A Nurses torture

                              The Tortured NurseThis is a true story of my life as a slave.I am a 42 year old male of average looks and of average physique. I am a Registered Nurse. I have been single my entire life, mostly because I am an extreme submissive masochist. I have never had a ?vanilla? relationship. Sure, I have dated, but nothing meaningful ever  came out of that. I resigned myself to the fact that I needed to be used and abused, so most of my adult life I saw Pro-Dommes for self...

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Chinese Daughter Torture

Suddenly, a set of hands reached out from a dark alley and pulled my drunken ass to the ground. In a flash, I saw red...then I was unconscious. When I woke up, my uniform had been stripped off me and I was strapped into a chair. It wasn't really a chair in the traditional sense, and the straps weren't the most unusual aspect of the chair. The seat was shaped like a toilet seat, which completely exposed my asshole. Cold air was being blown in the room like a cold winter day in Colorado....

1 year ago
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Mistress Viagra Torture

mistress Viagra tortureThis story is 100% pure fantasy. None of it ever happened. If you are offended by stories of a mature nature containing references to bondage and humiliation, please do not read.This is fiction!!!!!I had been chatting with a new online mistress for a number of months and during that time she had me buying all kinds of sexy woman's cloths, new sex toys and various other implements that she would have me send her pictures of once I had purchased them. Mistress had me buy...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 7 Katies torture

Katie's Torture Continues I awake the next morning rejuvenated. I decided I can play her little game. I give her a little kiss on the back of the neck as I caress her hips. My dick is already starting to grow. It seems the longer she teases me and denies me a release the larger it gets. I get out of bed to go make coffee and my hard on is protruding from boxers. Katie starts laughing as she sees me. "I can play your little game. Are you ready to cum? Do you want my tongue or my fingers,...

2 years ago
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A Time for Love Sex Bondage and Torture

A Time for Love, Sex, Bondage and TortureChapter OneI swung my leather whip sharply through the air. As the crack of its tip reverberated through the air, the nude woman bound so helplessly in the center of my dungeon shook and let out a gasp of terror. I approached her slowly, letting her hear the sound of my heels on the floor as I did so. She stiffened as I drew nearer, struggling against the handcuffs that restrained her arms in a wide 'V' above her head. I could well imagine her terrified...

3 years ago
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Psychological Torture

Psychological Torture Christina Dupont, PhD, had every reason to be satisfied.  Her job at the state prison allowed her free access to the bodies of young men, the prime target for her sexual obsession.  Today, she was expecting an 18-year old who had been convicted of rape.  She intended to administer her special treatment for rapists, a treatment that left them so sexually traumatized that they could not repeat the offense.         She examined herself in her mirror and was pleased with...

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My FUTHER torture

My FUTHER torture Hello to all. This is a letter written to My Mistress’s slave Miss Angie. She is slave for Mistress but for me she is also my Second Mistress. Mistress gave me orders to follow her every order like I follow hers.She is very good and expert in giving pain. Once during our talk I don’t behave like a good slave, so Miss Angie disappointed from me. So to make Her happy and show that how sorry I am for my misbehavior, I conduct that punishment. This is an original letter and I do...

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My Weekend Of Happy Torture

I washed the dishes and put the kitchen back in order from dinner. Master said that he was going to show our guest around the house. It was Harry's first time here. I had met Harry a time or two, when going to Master's workplace. He was very good looking. As I stood there, loading the dishwasher, I thought about him. Master and I had an open relationship. He also knew that I liked blond guys. I couldn't get Harry out of my mind. He was tall, blond, deep blue eyes, and had a pronounced bulge...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Cock Ball Torture

I miss my cock. Sometimes. I had one once - one of my very own, connected right to me - but now it's gone. Never thought I would miss it. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I am a full transexual. I had the boob job and started hormone treatment years ago and felt much better as a shemale than as a male. Just being gay I got my share of cock to suck and to be fucked by, but as a shemale I got so much more I couldn't believe it. For the most part I still loved my own cock too, but a year ago I...

She Males
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Water torture

Vienna, Austria, 1944. Ilsa Hoffmeyer knew instinctively that she was in deep trouble. The two men in leather black trench coats had been following her for the better part of two hours now, "They must be Gestapo," she thought to herself!!! She ducked into a small cafe, hoping to find her way out the back into the alley, but her path was blocked by a bunch of old crates up against the rear door, and as she turned around she was standing face to face with her pursuers, two Gestapo agents of...

3 years ago
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My Torturess

I woke up as if coming out of a fog, like I was experiencing one of those antihistamine or sleeping tablet hangovers. It took more than a few moments to realize something was drastically wrong. I blinked several times to try to clear my vision, but the room that I was in was so dark that, even though my vision had cleared, I still couldn't see. My arms were somehow being lifted at my elbows and shoulders, and there was a leather strap gag in my mouth.At first, my mind was racing and I started...

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An innocent gets tortured

Chapter one Now I thought to myself, “This has now gone past the point of no return”. I wonder if I’ll survive the next couple of hours with my sanity intact. Can I possibly bear the torture that is in store for me? After all, a cock is not really the biggest part of the body and how bad can it get? I first contacted Helmut on a BDSM site. I’d posted all of my deepest wishes as though they were something I do regularly. This site is amazing. They encourage you to tell all, even the...

2 years ago
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An innocent gets tortured

THE INNOCENT Chapter one Now I thought to myself, “This has now gone past the point of no return”. I wonder if I’ll survive the next couple of hours with my sanity intact. Can I possibly bear the torture that is in store for me? After all, a cock is not really the biggest part of the body and how bad can it get? I first contacted Helmut on a BDSM site. I’d posted all of my deepest wishes as though they were something I do regularly. This site is amazing. They encourage you to tell all, even...

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An innocent gets tortured

THE INNOCENTChapter oneNow I thought to myself, “This has now gone past the point of no return”. I wonder if I’ll survive the next couple of hours with my sanity intact. Can I possibly bear the torture that is in store for me? After all, a cock is not really the biggest part of the body and how bad can it get?I first contacted Helmut on a BDSM site. I’d posted all of my deepest wishes as though they were something I do regularly. This site is amazing. They encourage you to tell all, even the...

4 years ago
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An innocent gets tortured

THE INNOCENTChapter oneNow I thought to myself, ?This has now gone past the point of no return?.  I wonder if I’ll survive the next couple of hours with my sanity intact. Can I possibly bear the torture that is in store for me? After all, a cock is not really the biggest part of the body and how bad can it get?I first contacted Helmut on a BDSM site. I’d posted all of my deepest wishes as though they were something I do regularly. This site is amazing. They encourage you to tell all, even the...

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Lovey came with me

Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...

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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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Love being tortured

I was home alone one day and my brother's friend came by. He asked if he could wait for him. I said it was okay. Then I went to watch TV. He came and sat beside me and started making small talk. I was very shy so I would just answer him and try to watch my show. Then he surprised me by asking me if I was a moaner or a screamer. Being so shy, no one ever talked to me like that before. I got really embarassed and said "I don't know." in a kinda quiet voice. I could feel him staring at me for what...

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Medieval Torture

Introduction: inspired from real event.., This is an improved sequel of slave market…… has an happy ending so dont pass any type of ratings or comments before atleast reading its ending it is a real story inspired from a historical event which lead to a revolution which abolished use of a torturus device named breast ripper………, i used pesonification as aliena in this…………,please read slave market before… Medieval revolution….thanks so lets begin i hope youll enjoy it more than 1st..,ok...

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