Seduction free porn video

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Introduction: Hope you have fun ? Dont forget to email me @ [email protected] Damn Desiree ! Thats not what Im saying . Its like a dessert down there. Do you know we havent had sex in over 8 months and I think the whole state of California has ran out of batteries . Michelle said stirring up her pot.

So you the damn reason my baby cant play with his Xbox, Jamar I found some batteries Desiree said chuckling.

Girl that aint funny, Im horny as shit and this damn vibrator aint cutting it Click! Damn Mathius home Ill call you tonight .

Nawl, Ill be over there tomorrow. The phone went dead on the other end .

Hey babe Mathius said setting down his briefcase.

Babe sit down dinners almost done I said giving him a kiss.

Whats to eat he said. I put a plate in front of him.

Mmmm, Cabanera . I placed my food next to him and dat down.

How was church? I said stuffing my face full of food.

Good, how were things here?

The roof is leaking again.

Oh, you need for me to fix it again ? He asked raising an eyebrow.

Noooo, I called a repairman.

Bay but I am a repairman!

Thats why the bed posts keep squeaking, huh?

I got on top of his lap and started placing kisses, on his lips. I started to unbutton his shirt…..

Stop! He said pushing me off of him, When Im done eating THEN we can go to the bedroom and have sex.

I stood up and went to the bedroom.

Your not going to finish eating? I heard him say.

Are we gonna finish fucking, I whispered.

Good Morning, Mrs. Smith. I shook hands with Daniece, I am your new assistant.

Well hello Ms….

Oh its Mrs. Givens.

She looked at my hand.

Youre married.

Yes Maam.

Oh please call me Daniece.

Well, Daniece what do we have scheduled for today? She led me to her office.

*Knock, knock*

Ummm, Mrs. Smith your 10:30 is here. Her secretary stood at the door.

Five minutes later a tall 63 brown skinned man entered the office.

She stood up to greet him.

Hello Mr. Davidson they shook hands, this is my assistant Mrs. Givens I stepped up to shake his hand.

He flashed a smile, and he had the whitest teeth, a smile so wide you thought it huffed

, and those lips. Good Gawd!

Hello, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Givens, Mr. Richardson gave us both a hand shake.

A few moments later Mr. Brown walked in, Hello Mr. Richardson, have a seat.

We all sat around the the coffee table in Danieces office.

Well as you all know Im looking to do a two-year contract with a advertising company for P&T Contracting,Mr. Richardson said.

Well you came to the right place, Mr. Brown.

Well, I havent made my final decision its between you guys & Levitt Advertising Mr. Richardson replied, what makes Browns so different.

I jumped in, Sir, what makes us different is if you wanted a 16 foot poster plastered on the moon we would do are VERY best to do it if that means me strapping myself to a rocket and doing it myself.

Everybody looked at me, but Mr. Richardson bust out into a huge smile.

Great, Mr. Richardson said, how about you brainstorm a few ideas and Ill be here tomorrow .

We stood up and shook hands.

It was nice meeting you all, Mr. Richardson left.

Look at the lil exec, Daniece said, Watch Out Tony she might put you out of business.

I couldnt stop smiling.

Tony this is Mrs. Givens, he shook my hand.

I like the way you speak its a bright future here for you, um Ill see you two later I have a conference call in 30 minutes, he walked out the office.
After getting to know Danieces Dos & Donts, as well as finishing up the draft for P&T Contracting. I was beat, horny but BEAT. I walked in my house to see my man had finished dinner I was so happy.

Babe, I dropped my things and gave him a HUGE hug.

I felt bad about yesterday, so I thought id make it up. We kissed passionetely.

After dinner I walked into the bedroom to find he had put candles everywhere. I paused.

Beautiful? He said kissing my neck and removing my clothes.

Gorgeous, I answered.

He pushed me to the bed, where I slipped off my bra and panties. I watched him take off his clothes I was stunned that at 43 he could pass for a 25 year old and we was blessed (if you know what I mean). He climbed on top and you know that gasp you take when they first slide in. He was hitting every spot.

Yes, thats it! Was my chant. Until after five minutes I heard.

Im Cumming.

What the hell!

Bae, what was that?! I said pushing him off me.

Baby Im sorry I think the stress from the church is finally getting to me. He said slipping his boxers back on.

I was so mad I didnt even catch myself going to sleep.
Mrs.Givens someone is at your door. I rolled out of the bed to be in a floor length sleeping gown in an extravagant hotel room.

You look stunning, a masked figure said grabbing me in to his embrace.

He stared at my light brown figure. Slim waist thick ass, what can I say it was the Jiffy. My hair flowed down blending in with the gown. My hazel eyes twinkled in the candle light. I hope he was pleased. He started sucking on my neck. He was wearing a mask you usually saw someone wearing at a masquerade. His hands sliding up and down my back made my spine melt. He laid me down on the
bed my gown just seemed to slip away. I was laying there naked in front of these man I didnt even know. I watched him as he slowly undressed, but his mask stayed on. He climb on top of me kissing me. From my lips, to my
neck, to my stomach. He paused at my ever so wet pussy and stared. He slowly opened my lips and took a lick at my clit. I shuttered. He devoured my clit and began sucking, I dug my hands in the
back of his hands. He was licking up and down, lapping up my juices, I began screaming and moaning. He reached up and grabbed my throat, he began squeezing little pulses at a time. My moans were trapped
in my throat. He lifted up his head to gaze at me, he grabbed my legs and dragged me to the end of the bed. I was anticipating what was next. He took his ever so big friend and played with
my clit. He took his time making his way pausing and stopping it drew me crazy. I started thrusting forward. He choked me up, I stopped. He
pushed in all the way making sure I could feel it in my belly. I wanted more. He was in and out, in and out. I was moaning, grunting, and cursing up a storm. This is
what it felt like to be alive. I felt his balls smacking my ass its sent me over. My first orgasm. I shuttered and froze this orgasm
sent me into convulsions. He knew I came, he let out a small chuckle. He flipped me over and smacked my ass. He pushed in, all in one motion. I turned around to look
at him. The stroke was real. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it. Ahhhhhhhhh, fuck! He kept a tight grip on my hair. Making my back arch. He was
grunting and moaning, smacking my ass. He kept pumping faster and faster I came over and over again. My body couldnt take another orgasm.Uhhhhhhh! I think
it was his his time. He thrusted harder and harder. I was about to…

Bae, bae, you alright, I was awaken by Mathius tapping me.

Yea, why you ask, I said.

You were screaming . He said getting up.

You hungry, I said wiping the crust out of my eyes.

I walked to the kitchen. Looked at the stove it was 6:32. An hour and a half till show-time.

Mathius, dont forget about tonight . At eight, okay? I gave him the reminder añ,d left for Brown & Serum Advertising.

Mrs. Givens may I talk to you? I walked into Mr.Browns office.

Mrs. Given… I interrupted him.

Call me Michelle, continue I sat.

Well, Michelle I saw your work for P&T it was outstanding you can have a real future in this. He sat on the edge of his deck.

Well, thank you sir. That really means a lot. I stood up.

Well, I thank you for your time. Thats all. We shook hands.
Waiting in Danieces office for our 12:00 was so nerve wrecking. Would he like it, wouldnt he like it. I saw him at the corner of my eye he was walking towards the door. We stood up to greet him.

Mr.Richardson, nice to meet you again, we shook hands.

I would like to think you all have those ideas ready? He said taking a seat.

Well, Mrs. Givens here brainstormed last night and I love what she came up with.

Well, shoot he said pointing at the canvas.

Well, I wanted the key element in your advertising to be a lumber jack. One who is very light skinned, he could pass for white or black. Yes, its hard to believe racism still exists. Hes going to look like your average Joe. Cute enough for the women of the house to be impressed but average enough for the man of the house to not be jealous. If you sign with us we have 30 second spots on over 100 channels. We have advertising signs in almost every city you have a franchise. We have deals with newspapers and magazines. Your ad will be seen. I finished off by taking a seat next to him.

What do you think Mr. Richardson? Daniece said looking him dead in the eye.

It was, it was great, I loved every bit of it. But I do have some questions for Mrs. Givens if you dont mind.

No I dont, Ill be in Browns office if you need anything. She walked out and left.
After three hours of working out the kinks we had an ad that would be a hit.

Ummm, Mr. Richardson Im so sorry I have to cut this short. But I have a lot to do today.

Like, he said raising an eyebrow.

Well if you must know, my husband and I are celebrating are 6th year anniversary.

6 years, you dont seem that old?! He said turning to face me.

Im not, Im only 24 I met him when he was 27 and I was 18. I said walking towards the elevator.

Thats nice, you rarely find couples like you all. Well congratulations on six years. He presses the button to go down.

Why thank you Mr. Richardson.

Call me Brian. He said helping me into the elevator.

Michelle. I said as the door closed.

Michelle, her name is Michelle.

After the third text and the 10th call I decided to take my food home. Mathius forgot our damn anniversary, fuck em! I saw a club on my way home, I dont know what intrigued me about it. For all I know it wasnt even a club, it just had a huge Lion on the door. I parked my car in the lot across the street. Something about the Lion drew me in, his big green eyes were talking to me. When I pulled open the giant doors a man was waiting there.

Do wish to enter? The man said.

Yes, but…. I said looking lost.

But….. Youre a new comer? No?

Well enter into ecstacy. Enjoy! he tapped the door three times and a man opened the even bigger doors.

I walked in to see everyone hugging, caressing, touching people in places unknown. Men with women, men with men, women with women, I was in shock. I stumbled through all the smoke. And made way to the bar.

Excuse me bartender, can I have a coke?

Yes Miss coming right up. When he comes back I noticed he was naked.

He had nothing on but a faux collar. I stared. His dick was huge.

I noticed the drink hhe had put in front of me was far from a coke.

Sir, I didnt order this. I tried to give it back.

I did. I turned around to see Brian face-to-face with me.

What are you doing here? I asked pushing the drink away.

I was about to ask you the same thing. he said, doesnt seem like your type of crowd he said sitting next to me .

It isnt. What is this place?

Freedom! Come with me I took his awaiting hand and he led me to a room , Pass the kissing, the caressing, the sex. I walked past a couple and they were literally having sex.

Sit. I did as I was told. It was a room full of candles, and in the middle was a sofa.
He sat next to me, and just looked at me. He looked and looked and looked. He looked me up and down just stared. I started twirling with my hair.
Is it something on my face? I said giving him a grin.
No, but it should be.
I gave him a puzzled looked. 15 minutes had passed by and he had not said a word.
I guess things didnt go as planned for your anniversary?. He said giving me a serious look.
Why you say that, I said finishing my drink.
Your here, he said rubbing my thigh.
His touch sent a shock through my body.
Well everything was perfect I might add.
Dont lie to me, his eyes got narrow.
I gotta go, I got up and ran.

Sitting in the driveway I cant believe he stood me up.

I walked in and saw Mathius on the couch half asleep.

Mathius, I said knocking him upside his head.

Bad I am so sorry about tonight I got so caught up at church I forgot what time ii was, and about time I found out it was too late. He got up and tried to get up and hold me.

I pushed him away.

You couldve called, ya know, I said walking to the kitchen.

My phone was dead, I was on my way home, he looked at me puzzled.

I couldnt lie his 63 muscular frame looked good against that mocha colored complexion and that cold soft hair made my pussy wet, but why start something HE couldnt finish.

Leave me alone Mathius! It seems like excuse, after excuse, after excuse. Be gone!

I walked into the bedroom Mathius following behind me. I took off my clothes and put on my robe I walked back in to the kitchen and got a bottle off champagne I hadnt opened since our wedding a gift from my parents. I grabbed a glass and to the patio I went. I stretched out on the lawn chair and drank glass after glass, looking at the stars. I dozed off….

Something lifted me up. Mathius was carrying me to bed. I squeezed him tight I wanted his embrace. It was either this moment or the fact that I was still drunk but I was horny as hell. I want him.

Eeh, eeh, eeh, the alarm was going off. I smacked it off the night stand. I looked over to my left to see, something I havent seen in a while. Mathius Dick. I decided to surprise him. I slid under the covers and opened the slit in his boxers to release my fully erect friend. I guess its true what they say about morning wood. I started French kissing his dick starting with the head, how I longed to taste him again. He was waking up, I decided to deepthroat the whole thing. My head started going up and down getting intune with the motion. I took his Dick out my mouth and started licking up and down his shaft. His veins were poking. I was loving it.

W, w,w, what?!

Mathius was awakened. He looked under the covers and I looked him straight in the eyes. He threw the covers off us. His hand found the back of my head and he shoved his Dick deeper. I went to town sucking and slurping, hitting all his spots. I sucked on his head until he was about to cum. I hopped up and dropped my robe the the floor giving him a little dance in the process. Bra and panties off. I hopped on my DICK! I placed kisses on Mathius lips, to his neck. Oh how I loved him! He closed his eyes as I rode him throwing his head back. I hopped up and down making sure that he felt it. I felt it in my stomach. My knees were getting weak. He flipped me over making me sit on his lap, the dick still inside. My moans were getting louder and louder. He picked me up and slammed me down time and time again I was cumming again, and again, and again.

Ahhhhhh! D-d-d-d-d-daddyyyyyyyyy! I needed this.

He smacked my ass, and pulled my hair. He threw me on the bed.

Roll over, Mathius said playing with his dick while I gave him a show.

I stuck my ass up and he rammed in.

Ahhhh, babe, he smacked my ass making me shut up.

He was in and out, in and out , I didnt want it to end. But I couldnt take me cumming one more time. He slammed into me one last time then I knew he was nutting inside me. He slid out and I felt the warm cum oozing out of me.

Ding dong! Ding, dong!

Somebody was at the door.

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Dolly has been supremely slacking in her music class. When she confronts Mr. Oliver about it he makes her a deal. If she can play at least one of the instruments in the classroom, she gets an A in his class! Should be easy right? Wrong. Dolly is the least musically inclined person in the entire school. She tries to play a riff on the guitar and she can barely hit any of the notes. Then she gets to the flute and doesnt even know how to use it! Mr. Oliver tries to help her out and screams BLOW...

3 years ago
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With My Hot Sister 8211 Part 4

Hi friends this is sanjay again, I really enjoyed a lot with my sister bindu on my birthday. After intense fucking on my birthday, my sexual urge towards my sister increased several times, so was her. Today morning i got up and saw that my sister was missing. I got up and went for searching her. She was in kitchen preparing tea for both of us. I could see that she had taken bath and was looking refreshing in her t-shirt and skirt. Her ass was so inviting and I could not keep my eyes off. I was...

2 years ago
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No PromisesChapter 6

I was still looking forward to my Wednesday-night quickie-date with Molly when, the night before, my phone rang. "Hello?" "Greg? It's Sarah. From next door?" "Oh. Hi, Sarah." "Are you working tomorrow?" "Uh. Yes. Regular day. Why?" "Well, I'm taking a day off. I only have two classes on Wednesdays, and one of them was cancelled. I've decided to tank the other one." "Uhh. O.K." "If you're going to be away from home, working, I thought I might spend some time out back...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Emma Blanco 12182020

Meet 19 year old Emma Blanco from the sunshine state of Florida. This girl has spunk and is overflowing with moxie which translates into the perfect combination of cute, bold, sexy, fun, hot as fuck, mysterious, provocative, spirited, seductive, fine assed, cuddly, sensual, enthusiastic, risque, stimulating, energetic, titillating, sultry, adrenalizing and full of electrifying life newbie who just happens to exude ball tingling energy with a perfect, and I mean PERFECT, body who must be a gift...

3 years ago
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Rennen! Das war momentan Noras einziger Gedanke. Möglichst schnell, möglichst weit weg. Die Rufe hinter ihr nahm sie genauso wenig wahr, wie die Leute, welche ihr auf dem Bürgersteig erschrocken auswichen. Die Ampel vor ihr war auf rot, doch sie achtete gar nicht darauf. Sie rannte über die Strasse, sprang über die Motorhaube eines Volvos, welcher erschrocken abbremste. Sie warf einen Blick über die Schulter. Entsetzt merkte sie, dass der Mann, von dem sie seit dem Einkaufszentrum verfolgt...

3 years ago
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Virgin Brother

Growing up, my life was a living hell. In the neighborhood we live in, everyone was obsessed with athletic and academic perfection. Unfortunately, I wasn’t an athlete or a genius. My older sister, Jayla, however, was on the gymnastics team and captain of the quiz bowl team.If it weren’t for her, my life would’ve been much worse. She looked out for me and made sure things never went too far. Whenever pranks did cross a line, Jayla beat somebody’s ass.One day, after a particularly horrendous...

2 years ago
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Gay Massage At Resort

Hi all! This is Av back after a long long time. Some of you who are new to my stories can follow the following links to my previous stories to know more about me. All incidents posted by me are real life experiences. O have tried my best to make a narrative as close to reality as possible. So, while it might seem a bit long, I hope that it makes you horny and gives you a good reason to shag a huge load or have some of the hottest sex with your spouse. Do mail me on I am bi curious. So,...

Gay Male
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The Younger Brother

Thanks to a friend who will remain unnamed for helping with this.  You know who you are.    A friend and his younger brother, Jordan, had been over to my house for a visit.   My friend had to head out to work and since he had brought his younger brother he was going to take him home before heading of to work.   We all had know each other for years and got along well.   The brother was about 10 years our junior but I don’t really care about age.   Usually when we get together the talks can get...

Straight Sex
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Shadow of a DoubtChapter 9

Leah took my hands in hers and smiled. "Everyone's gone home, Shannon. It's just you and me now." "Yeah, you and me... and the three Doms waiting for me in the games room," I said nervously. We were sitting in my kitchen, clothed again of course, and sipping our 'one last margueritas'. I'd just finished telling her how embarrassing tonight had been, and yet how wonderful it was to be massaged by so many hands afterwards. Even though my mind was doing cartwheels, every muscle in my...

2 years ago
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Bottoms UpChapter 9 Some time later

From that point on we spent quite a bit of time together. It was not unusual to play games where the loser had to take strokes of a strap or a cane, though I noticed Larry laid it on Deb's arse a good deal harder than I dared with Suzy. One evening, about a couple of months after we had got to know one another, we decided to go for a drink round the corner. Little did I realise that this would lead to what might be called the climax of our inter-family relationship. Before leaving we had...

1 year ago
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The Rooming House

So there I was, in my second year at university and ready to leave the dorm. Too many knuckleheaded straights and me with a perpetual hard-on. So, following up on an ad in the paper, I checked out an ad for a room with board in a private house. When I arrived at the house, it was a grand old Georgian that had fallen on hard times. I rang the bell and was greeting by an old crone with bright magenta hair. I explained that I'd seen the ad and needed a room. She was none too friendly but she...

2 years ago
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Love Story Flirting True Love Cheating 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am not an ISS reader. I just shared my story with my friends as I wanted someones opinion on my life but I didn’t wanted anyone to know that this was my story. That’s why I wrote it in a story form. And when I shared the story with my friends one of my friends suggested me to share it on ISS. Which I thought is a good idea. Hope you Like my stories and I also hope for positive feed-backs and suggestions as this is my first time. So the story goes on as mentioned below. It is based on true...

4 years ago
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Reader Meets Author

“I imagine I’m not what you expected.”You can say that again.I had the uncomfortable feeling that whatever I said, the woman would see right through me in a flash. “I wasn’t sure what to expect.”But I’d had my suspicions. Rather unflattering suspicions at that. Revealing them would no doubt make me seem shallow or worse, as if I’d come prepared to throw stones in the glasshouse that was my own physical frame, which I had taken little care of in the years since my wife…No, let’s not go there....

1 year ago
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Vacant House Sex Story

Tom and Madison, like a lot of engaged couples, were arguing about driving directions, but one thing they could agree upon, was that they looked good. They were driving to a cocktail party at the home of their good friends in Las Vegas, and as was the custom, everyone dressed up. Madison, a petite brunette with brown hair, wore a black matte jersey strapless dress that nicely showed off her legs. She wore black patent leather stilettos. Her girlfriends always complimented her about her...

2 years ago
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A New JobChapter 3

I woke up on Saturday around 1 pm by someone caressing my head. As I slowly became aware of things I realized I was still all dressed up in rubber with both the dildopanties and the ballet boots. I opened my eyes and saw Susan smiling at me as she continued caressing my body all over. Suddenly I felt the dildos came to life inside me as she kissed me deeply. I kissed her back and held her close to me as I had a nice slow but long orgasm. She turned off the vibrations as we just lay in a nice...

3 years ago
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The Biggest Loser Of All Time

There is no limit to what man will do, without thought or reason that will alter or even destroy his life. Plus you are caught in a perpetual spiral that doesn’t stop and you can’t control anything. This is my story and it is real. I had the idyllic life, beautiful wife and daughter, home, great job, good friends, annual vacation you name it. I did have some vices, some drinking, a little loose with credit debt, but mostly it was the slow growing seedy vice: gambling. It started innocently...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Zodiac 04

The towncar delivered Zack to his hotel on San Antonio’s River Walk. He was disappointed that TWA had not seen fit to book him into the Gina and Jenny’s boutique hotel but cooler heads had seen to that. Continued close presence with the sisters would compromise Zack’s full attention to his next assignment. That would be unfair and in fact detrimental. Total Woman Academy was highly regarded for its superb graduates. Zodiacs were expected to follow rigorous quality assurance procedures to...

3 years ago
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Gigolo Service in Gujarat

Hello dosto,kalp again,mai gujarat me rahata hu ap sab ne meri pehli story padhi hogi. Lekin ek response ek married female ka mila. Usne likha tha “ nav, mujhe aapki story achhi lagi, kash ye mere sath bhi ho pata!” To dosto main us ledy ke sath ka apna experience share kerna chahta hoon. Meri ye real story padh ke response zaroor bhejein. To dosto maine us mail ka reply diya, usne mujhe milne ke liye bulaya when her husband was not at home. Main uske batai hui jagah per pahuncha. There was a...

2 years ago
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PlushChapter 13

Arriving just in time for rehearsal Monday morning probably didn't enhance my stock. "You wouldn't happen to be Joseph?" asked a fey African American man about my age, lean and subtly muscular and about 5'9". "I am," I said. He shook his head and smiled wryly and shook my hand. "Lance," he said. Two other men, white and not much taller and less fey but scanning me conspicuously, also dressed in t-shirts and small gym shorts introduced themselves as Ken and Jordan. "You might...

3 years ago
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The Secret Life of Rosalie Wren

“What..” famed race car driver Rosalie Wren began, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by a savage mouth. Rumbles reverberating through the pits drowned her protest. Even if logic hadn’t told her who it was, that kiss would have. There was no taste to it, only wetness and strength, and a hungry, agile tongue that slid around hers like a snake. It was Juan Pablo, whom she had twice thrashed already and would defeat again today unless, of course, she allowed herself to be distracted...

2 years ago
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The Day That I Became His

As I lay in my bed trying to sleep, I am lost in my many thoughts of belonging. I was lost in such a different world, trying to accept my thoughts and feelings of being used and belonging to someone. the love and trust that we would each have to have for one another. For us to let go of all our morals and inhibitions when around each other. To complete our hearts and sexual desires. work together through everything…         As I was lost in thought suddenly my phone rings and I jump. I...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Sandy Love Malina Melendez I8217ll Teach You How To Pleasure Him

Malina tells her stepmom Sandy how grateful she is to have her as a stepmother because she’s been taking care of her and her dad really well. Malina then opens the fridge and finds a big, thick zucchini, so she starts sucking it as if it were a dick! Sandy sees this and tells her off, so Malina confesses that she’s very inexperienced when it comes to pleasuring men. Sandy takes this chance to undress her and teach her a few things with some spanking. Later, Malina’s new boyfriend Nicky pays...

3 years ago
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Two Forms of ID Part 3

Two Forms of I.D. By Joe Six-Pack Part 3 Escorted by her lawyer David Ibsen, Christina Angler was seated out side the opulent Los Angeles offices of the Cannon Record Group, waiting for her appointment with the Chairman and CEO of the company. Harvey thought that he was just coming to the place to introduce himself to all the record people. But now he found himself on the top floor of the tallest building he'd ever seen, ready to meet the most powerful person in the entire...

3 years ago
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My friends fantasy for me

Hi Sweetie,Well, I was with you in your bedroom and I was completely naked and you were sitting on the bed, just wearing your girdle and stockings (you were wearing 10den. FF copper Cuban heel Elegantis, from an 8 strap girdle), and I got on my knees and I started kissing your toes, with the red nails ( Lovely)..., before moving sideways to your heels (so smooth), and then when I lifted your feet off the floor to put my nose (and lips and tongue and fingers) to your soles and catch that...

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The Traveller

I am Sebastian Tombs. A Master and a slaver and this is the story of how I started my calling. I make no apologies for not delving deeply into the minds of the women along the way, after all ‘a woman is a woman is a slave’ and who cares what a slave feels? Surprisingly some of us very much but not in ways you may think. And anyway this is my story and it may surprise you to know that men also have to find their place in life and come to terms with the beasts of their sexuality. If you believe...

3 years ago
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20 years of Infidelity Part 14

Finished with breakfast, the sun was just coming up as we walked back to the condo. Back at the condo, Jason joined me for another hot shower. A full stomach, hot steamy water and Jason's hands massaging my shoulders and neck chased away the last hint of a headache. The only ache left was a deep, deep ache in my cunt muscles from coming so hard and long under Marty's pussy eating mouth. Remembering my orgasm had my pussy clenching around the wand as I moved it up and around the inside of my...

4 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Elevenhellip The End

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

2 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 3

It was a few days later before I had any further contact with anyone from the village. I had finished the new bar and after dismantling it, I took it up to the Manor, dropping Aggie off at home on the way. I’d tried to load it as it was, but even with Bert’s help it was just too awkward and heavy, so in pieces it went. Ginny answered the door and I received wonderful, though unmerited, smile. She had clearly just been, or just about to go riding. Her very tight jodhpurs, defined and...

4 years ago
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Gor The Hard Way

The usual disclaimers. This story is about the gang ra pe and beating of a slavegirl. If this offends please don't read it.   [Author's note: The following is an adaptation and extension of a scene fromJohn Norman's "Slave G irl of G or" published by Daw Books, 1977.I highly recommend the entire ? G or? series for any interested in sci-fi orthe RPP genre though most of the content is tame compared to the G host. My story goes where even Tarl Cabot feared to tread...].   I stood in the field...

3 years ago
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Bondage Nightmare Part 3

I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up the next morning. I just pulled myself out of bed, showered and looked on the security camera monitor to check how my new toy was doing. She was still sleeping in her cell. I decided I wanted the fun to start early today. So I put on my black skull mask with the mirrored glass lenses so she couldn't see my eyes. The reason I wear masks is so my prey can't see me. So they can't see my soul. When they can't see my soul they soon start to realize that...

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