Spartan Bonding
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Cyrus, a trainee in the Spartan army, bonds with the perfect one. Hey people! Im thinking of starting a series of stories based on historical times. This is my attempt at one and if you guys like it, please leave positive feedback! And if you feel like it, leave me some time periods. Ill be more than happy to do some research and write a story. Happy reading!
Birth Records– Winter 561 B.C.
37 male children have been born and taken into the custody of the Spartan Army.
Of the 37 children, 9 children were found to be inadequate for the needs of the Spartan Army. The remaining 28 have been committed to training.
Cyrus! Keep your shield up! My trainer yelled, followed quickly by the sound of a cracking whip at my heels. I quickly brought my shield up and felt my shield arm get shaken as my partner strikes at me. I pull my shield away to stab my partner with my wooden spear and land a strike on his arm.
Cyrus! You left yourself open! A searing pain coursed through my leg as my trainer struck the back of my thigh with his whip. I fell to my knee and dropped my shield. I could hear my trainer yelling at me to pick my shield up, followed by the pain of his whip.
In Sparta, boys begin training for the army at the age of 7. We are put into Agelai, or packs, and put through harsh training. On our 7th birthday we are given a set of scant clothing and no shoes. The sleeveless tunics barely covered us, only going halfway down our thighs. For the first few weeks it wasnt uncommon for us to groan and complain about our sore and abused feet, in the safety of our barracks. But our feet became stronger and the aches and pains slowly died down. Only to be replaced by new pains caused from training and chores. Moving piles of dirt and rocks to help buffer the wall surround our camp, running the miles between camp and nearby rivers and streams. We were also taught how to read and write, mostly so that we could read military maps. Hunger was becoming apart of our daily lives as we were given little to no food. We were forced to rely on thievery in order to survive. Now, being caught stealing food was always punished, not for the actual act of stealing but because we were bad thieves. I have received many beatings but I soon became skilled enough avoid weekly beatings. Not only were we encouraged to steal but we were encouraged to hold mock fights with our pack mates, as a way to strengthen our brotherly bonds. Often we would catch a few fights everyday during a meal break or after our duties. I can proudly say that I won a majority of my fights.
Once we became 12 we were considered youth by our older proctors and trainers. We were given harder chores and put into harder training sessions. This shaped our minds and bodies into perfect weapons. Chiseled muscles and definite outlines became the normal shape for our young adolescent bodies. A few months after our 12th birthday we were put through a brutal survival task. We had to survive a week in the wilderness by ourselves. We were allowed to work in groups of 2-3 but any larger was forbidden. We relied on our skills to bring down game so that we could eat. We lost 3 other youths to this task but the rest made it out with only minor scrapes and bruises. Once we returned we were given a special feast and a few days to rest and recuperate. During those days one of the senior Captains approached us in our meal hall.
Attention! He called and we stood from our places. Now that you have successfully begun your career into the Spartan Army we expect many great actions from all of you lads. The captain told us.
In order to make you the best of the best we know that you will need role models. We wish to encourage you to find older soldiers, recruiters, or even officers to become something of a fatherly figure to you. This is a choice that you can make or not. As you were. We salute the Captain as he leaves and return to our warm meal. As I take a spoonful of soup my best friend, Demetrius, speaks up to my side.
Hey Cyrus, do you think you will find someone? He asks as he takes a bite of bread. I shake my head and glance up at the table where the trainers sat, eating. Many of the men were formidable and very skilled warriors, but to none of them really seemed fatherly to me. They were my teachers and that is where it ended. Besides it was well known that the sexual acts often ensued between the youth and the older Spartan.
Mmmm, Demetrius hums and chews his bread. I was thinking of asking Trainer Kyros. He said and I glanced up to the trainer who sat towards the end of the table. He was a younger officer, but did have an impressive military record and was single. Aside from that he was a decent looking man. Typically we were encouraged to find unwed young men, but on a few occasions married men have been known to take a few youth under their wing. I laugh and poke his side, What? Are you afraid of asking Captain Tolis? I snicker pointing at the hardened captain who sat at the middle of the table. He was known as a fierce warrior and a brutal trainer. Demetrius laughed and we both went back to eating.
A few months later, Demetrius approached me during a water break during training.
Cyrus. Ive decided. Im going to ask Kyros if he will guide me. He says as he grabs a cup of water to drink.
Are you? Do you think he will say yes? I ask, refilling my cup. Demetrius looks uncertain for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders.
Honestly? I have no idea. Demetrius sets his cup down and looks towards the sky. Gods, that survival challenge was easier than this! He jokes. We both laughed and returned to our training. Later that night he returned to the barracks near bedtime with a huge grin on his face. I grin back at him, He agreed? Demetrius nodded and sat down on his bed.
It took me all day to gather to the courage to approach him. I finally caught up to him after dinner and asked him. He said yes! Demetrius happily recalled as I took off my tunic and climbed under my blanket. I smiled at him and stared up at the ceiling.
Have you given any thought to finding a guide? He asked, undressing and climbing into his bed.
Nah, Im not so sure that I will. Maybe if the right person comes along, but for now, I think I will be okay. I say, glancing over at him. He shrugs and soon we fall asleep. The next day Demetrius duties are rearranged and he is put to task working with Kyros. It was almost another month later when I am waiting for Demetrius to return to the barracks … but he never did. I went to sleep that night staring at Demetrius empty bed. I wake up the next morning to the same sight. Later that morning when most of the boys had gone off to breakfast, I stayed behind to clean up the barracks. I had almost finished when I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around to see Demetrius sneaking into the barracks wearing nothing. His hands hid himself as he ran to his bunk and searched for a replacement tunic. I walked over to him to ask him a question when I was hit with a musky scent.
Demetrius? Are you alright? What happened? I asked, looking at my best friend as he slipped his tunic on.
Uh…well…Kyros asked me to spend the night in his tent. Demetrius said, facing away from me.
Wait. He asked you to sleep with him? Is that why you were… I gesture back to the entrance.
Yeah. Demetrius said. I stood and my space, staring at Demetrius back.
Well…I met him at the tent and he shared some wine with me. It started out innocently enough, he just wanted to congratulate me for some successful training, Demetrius started and then stopped as he sat down on his bed. I did the same and looked over at him. Well, we went through the bottle of wine rather quickly… and one bottle led to two and then three. After we went through the wine, he got rather friendly. He started off with simple touches and he full on grabbed me. He slipped off my tunic and his own equipment. He was erect when he sat down on his bed. He invited me onto his lap and he… uh… he… Demetrius doesnt even finish as he grabbed his arm and looked outside. I stared at Demetrius and then looked outside to the empty training lot. Like I said earlier, sexual relations were fairly common between youth and proctor, although the first time usually is the one encounter that is met with mixed feelings. Some react to the first encounter with intense feelings of lust and enjoy every encounter afterwards, while some become devastated by it and quickly drop the proctor. The most common reaction was to be hesitant with the sexual advances at first but have them become a common event in the youths lives.
The third option is what happened with Demetrius too. At first he would only spend one night every two weeks or three weeks, but after several months the visits become more frequent. After a couple years he would spend his nights with his proctor as often as three to five time a week. He would sometimes say a little bit about the trainers prowess between the sheets, but he would always comment on the volume the trainer would always produce.
It was around this time that we were cleaning the public bath house when I met the one. We were scrubbing the tiled wall with warm water while a few officers bathed in the giant pool. I had finished with a wall and stood up to grab a new bucket of clean water. I walked around a corner deep in thought when I accidentally bumped into someone.
Gods, forgive me. I am so sorry. I say, holding the bucket close to me as I bow my head. I look up and am greeted with the chiseled face of a young man, in his early twenties. The man stares back at me with steel blue eyes and I know that I am in the presence of someone very important. His eyes are hard but not cold. His pale body is in the same chiseled state as the other officers, but it is slightly bigger. His hard face had a well kept beard that only added to the feeling of power. I take a few steps back and allow this man to pass. I continue to stand there and stare at the back of the man as he sets aside his towel and lower himself into the water. Demetrius appears in my view carrying his own bucket.
Cyrus? Are you okay? He asked with a concerned look on his face. I stare at him for a minute and then shake my head, clearing my thoughts.
Yeah, Im fine. Its just… do you know who that man is? I ask, nodding my chin to the man who is soaking in the bath. Demetrius looks behind him and then nod his head.
Yeah, I believe that that is Captain Arceino. He is one of the youngest soldiers to achieve the rank of captain. Rumor has it that he is up for Krypteia candidacy. Demetrius explains and I follow him outside to empty our buckets. I looked over at Demetrius in surprise, Krypteia is an elite military cell of the Spartan Army. A true honor to be given a chance to join it.
He got moved here after a successful campaign in the east. Demetrius said as he filled his bucket full of clean water.
Did Kyros tell you this? I asked filling up my own bucket with a smirk. Demetrius just smiled as we head back into the bath house.
He does pass on helpful information now and then. He laughed. We worked through the day and I did not see Arceino till later that night at dinner. He sat near the end of the table and remained fairly quiet. Demetrius tapped my shoulder bringing my attention back to my untouched food.
You have been staring at the captain all night. Whats wrong? He asked, a slight smile playing across his lips. I feel my face turn a little red as I realize that he was right.
Its nothing. I turn my attention to my meal, but keeping my eyes on Arceino. There was something about him that was interesting about him, almost magnetic.
It was the next day that truly attracted me to the young captain. Demetrius and I were in the middle of a training session. The hot sun beat down on our naked chest, our sweat making our bodies shine. I struck the dummies with my gladius, aiming for the face, throat, and vital areas. In the middle of our practice we heard the sound of excited chatter coming to the left of us, near the middle of the compound. A large group had formed and the sound was only growing. Demetrius and I looked at each other and shrugged. We sheathed our weapons and moved towards the group. The group had actually formed a ring around a sparring couple. As we moved to the inner edge of the circle we saw that it was Arceino sparring with an older student.
While the crowd cheered at the fight I could only stare at Arceino. He moved with power and strength, he took a hit to his shield only to bring his mock spear up to rapidly strike the student. He brought the butt of his spear around and knocked the legs out from under the student. The student fell and stayed down as pain racked his body. Arceino backed off and set the sparring equipment to the side.
The crowd seemed to part as they let Arceino pass to his tent. I watched as he disappeared behind the tent flaps.
Wow! I had heard he was good, but that was just impressive. Demetrius said he stood by me. I nodded, but didnt say a word. The crowd dispersed but I remained in my spot, Demetrius by my side. We returned to our training and continued until sundown. I set my gladius aside and looked towards Demetrius.
Wanna have a quick fight? I offer, taking a stance across from him. Demetrius smiles and raises his hands to show his willingness. We circled each other and then struck hard and fast. We exchanged blow for blow, strike for strike. A small ring of younger boys circled us to see our display of strength. Our spar only lasted several moments before I finally slipped under his guard and swept him off of his feet. He landed on his back, hard, and stared up at me. I smiled down at him and helped him up.
Okay so next time, I dont need to pull my punches. He said with a small smile.
Pull your punches? I am very sure that I just beat you, because I am better than you. I laughed and shook my head. As we headed back to the mess hall for dinner, I looked over and saw Arceino standing in the shadows, his eyes following me. Did he just see me in the duel? What did he think? Was I strong, weak??? I gulped and sat down at my seat with some food. I glanced up towards the main table and saw that he was still watching me, quite openly. I avert my eyes and focus on my food. Could Arceino see something in me? Cou…Could Arceino be my father figure? I glance back up at Arcenio and let my thoughts wander in that area. Demetrius brought me back to solid ground.
Youve been watching Arceino non-stop all day. Are you going to ask him to look after you? He asked, grabbing my arm. I look back at him and see all of those night when his bed remain empty. His skill has increased significantly in these past couple years but he has almost become addicted to spending nights with his proctor. Could I really lower myself to that state. I remain quiet for the rest of the meal until all of the boys had gone back to their barracks. I am one of the last ones to leave the mess hall and as I do, a voice calls out for me.
Youth! Cyrus! Come here. I look to the side and saw Arceino standing off to the side of the hall. I approached him and saluted him, Captain? I inquired. He saluted me in return and folded his arms in front of his body.
Tell me, do you know who I am? He asks, I nod.
So you know who I am and I have noticed that you have kept your eyes on me all day, why? He blatantly asks. I feel myself redden with embarrassment, silently thanking the Gods that darkness has fallen.
Sir… I was wondering… would you be willing to accept me under your wing? I asked, saluting Arceino again. He remained silent for a moment, a moment longer. He was quiet for so long that I began to doubt myself. Had I asked for too much? Did he already have someone? I was about to apologize for the question and retire for the night when I heard him agree.
Yes, I will accept you as a student. You seem strong and capable enough. Arceino declared, I could almost collapse with relief. He informed me that I would begin training with him the next day. Once he disappeared from sight I ran back to the barracks to tell Demetrius what had happened, only to find his bed empty. He was spending yet another night with his proctor. I waved my hand at his bed and climbed into my own, falling into blissful sleep.
Working with Arceino was difficult, even more so than what the others went through, but it was worth it. I became stronger, faster, smarter…all of the things necessary to being an officer in the army. Arceino was hard to figure out for the first few months but slowly he gave way to some of my questions. He graduated top of his class and had been in several military campaigns. The rumor about him joining the Krypteia was just that, a rumor. He had been offered a high official position but had turned it down in order to get more hands on training in actual camps. He had not intended to take on a full student like he did with me, but he says that he saw potential in me. I felt so honored and felt like my skills really blossomed under his guidance. Demetrius kept pushing for details about the nights with the young captain but I could never tell him anything. It had been over half a year since he took me under his wing and in that time he had made no advance. Not that I was complaining or anything, the thoughts of sleeping with the captain terrified me. But in the back of my mind, I knew it would come. And it did.
After dinner one night, I had just finished mopping the mess hall when a captain approached me.
Youth, run this to Captain Arceino once you finish in here. He ordered, handing me a scroll stamped with a wax seal. I nodded and saluted the man as he left. Quickly finishing the floors I headed across the dirt compound to Arceinos tent. The cool night air, feeling good on my cheeks. I knocked on the center post before pushing a flap to the side.
Arceino? I have a message for you. I announced as I entered the tent. Arceino was sitting at a small desk looking over some other messages, by candlelight, as I handed it to him. He took it and opened it, silently reading it.
Thank you Cyrus. He said setting it to the side. I saluted him and started out when I heard him call out to me.
Sir? I ask facing him again. I saw him rise from his desk and approach me slowly.
Cyrus, you should know. I have watched you grow and it has impressed me how much you improve everyday. He said, moving closer. I cock my head a little and force a smile.
Uh, thank you sir. Is there anything you need sir? I ask, feeling my stomach flutter a little. Arceino smiled bent down a little until he was eye level with me.
Well, as you probably know, there is a special act Proctors do with their students. Maybe it is time we partake in that event. He said, placing his arm on my shoulder. We locked eyes as he slowly rubbed my shoulder and moved to rubbing my arm.
What do you say? He said as his arm moves from my shoulder to my chin where he guides it upwards, towards his face. At the same time I felt his other hand slide up my leg and, softly, grip my crotch. I let out a little groan as I feel his hand rest on my midsection, my blood flowing to that area. I saw Arceino smile as he felt my crotch harden.
So, Ill take that as a yes. He said, his hand sliding from my chin to my shoulders, smoothly undressing me. My tunic fell to the ground around my feet as my weapon stood at the ready. Arceino pulled off his own shirt and gestured to the bed. I quickly moved and slid under the blankets as Arceino moved towards his desk and blew out the candles. While it darkened the tent, firelight from outside illuminated the interior enough that I could see Arceinos silhouette reach up and undo his pants. He moved forward and slid into the bed with me. I felt scared at the fact that we were about to do this, but also a part of me was so excited to finally do this… especially with Arceino. Working with him has given me a deeper level of understanding him.
While I couldnt see definite shapes I could feel the heat from Arceino and his rod. He was huge!!! This added to the fear but again the fear was coupled with excitement. As I lay on my back staring at the cloth ceiling, Arceino rolled on top of me and I felt his full length press against mine. He was at least twice as long as I was, if not more. And his thickness was very impressive too. He braced himself on his elbow as he leaned down and kissed my cheeks, gently rubbing his great length against mine. I let out a soft moan as I felt bits of pleasure flow through my body. Arceinos mouth found its way from my cheeks to my slightly ajar mouth. His lips were warm and soft, his tongue slipping into taste mine. For as big as Arceino was, he was very gentle with my smaller body. His hand slipped down between us to encircle my rod. He gently brushed it and toyed with it as I writhed in pleasure from his touch. I felt myself leak some fluid as he played with my innocent body. Arceino rolled off of me to pull a jar out from under his bed. It was a jar of grease which he had dipped his fingers into. He reached back and generously coated his spear with it. Taking another dollop he reached down and caressed my ass. I moan and wrapped my arms around his built upper body, doing my best to try and relax for Arceino. I could hear him snicker a little which made me turn beet red. His finger then brushed my quivering boy hole, spreading the grease all around it. He then put pressure against me and slide his finger in part way. I felt my back arch and a louder groan of pain escape my lips. I bit my lip in hopes of being quiet as Arceino pulled out and pushed his finger back in. He was preparing my virgin hole for his hot, thick, cock. He massaged my inside with his finger before pulling out and trying to add two fingers. It took a little longer, but soon he was knuckle deep inside my tight hole. I could sense that Arceino was getting impatient as his own cock started to leak a little bit, but he was determined to be gentle with his toy. He bent down and whispered softly into my ear, Im going to slide it it… carefully.
His hand raised my ass for better access and he pressed his swollen head to my virgin rosebud. He grunted very loudly and added more pressure. With a very loud pop, he slid his entire head in on the first go. I let out a loud cry of pain and gasped for air as tears brimmed my eyes. The pain was so intense, but it was coupled with pure euphoria. Arceino didnt move for several minutes, as he let me grow accustomed to having his thick dick in my ass. He heavy breath was blowing on my ear, when I told him he was okay. He pulled out a little and pushed more in, again and again. Adding more of his rod each time, until after what seemed like hours, he pushed all of the way in and I could feel his balls resting at my ass. We laid motionless as we just enjoyed the pleasure of each others being. I still clung tightly to my proctor as he breathed into my ear and braced himself on one elbow. He pulled out halfway and pushed right back in. He was no longer going to wait, he was going to take me right now…. and I was okay with that. No matter how much I tried, our groans, moans, and gasps couldnt be kept quiet as he started to move faster and faster.
Each time he pulled out, Arceino would slam his way back in… making it seem like he would go further each time. Pleasure was traveling through my body in waves and all I could do was lie motionless as Arceino moved with such force and strength. The friction between our two bodies was so erotic I could feel a pressure building in my balls. Finally he strokes went from long and fast, to deep and hard. He pushed deeper and deeper each time, determined to put his seed all the way inside of me. He grunted several times and then pushed as hard as he could inside of me. I felt a warm explosion inside of me as he emptied his balls into my waiting ass. The heat inside of me triggered my own moment, covering my toned torso in my creamy milk. Arceino remained erect, inside of me for several minutes until he started to soften a little bit. He pulled out and left this feeling of empty inside of me. He collapsed onto his side and tried to catch his breath, his arm covering my torso. I smiled and felt sleep pull at my mind. For my first time with someone, it was fantastic. I felt no guilt, no conflicting emotions, no fear. As I looked over at Arceino, all I felt was peace. Peace that I had built such a trusting bond with my teacher, my friend, my lover. Arceino.
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Two women stood in the kitchen looking into the living room. On the coffee table stood their latest purchase from their favorite sex shop, a board game still shiny with plastic wrap. The blond turned her head away from the game and bent gently to retrieve something from the refrigerator. Her perfect silhouette was contained within a deep purple dress that included a corset-like front and white trimmings. The skirt portion jutted from her hips in a downward diagonal that cut off abruptly above...
LesbianThe door was opened by a slim young man with short hair and extremely regular features. He was possibly the handsomest man I have ever seen in my life. But even more than his features, what caught my eye was his clothing. He wore a shirt of almost painful whiteness and a deepgreen necktie with a fine pattern. Not only was the necktie itself stylish, but it even had the perfect knot, every twist and dip exactly as one might see in a men's fashion magazine. His pants were dark gray, and he had...
It had only been recently that they had discovered the desire to share their bodies with one another. Meg had held back her incestuous thoughts for fear of offending her bother who she'd loved only to find out that he was interested in her as well. Meg stood at the end of Chris' bed and felt the wetness growing between her legs in her young cunt. A warm flush started in meg's belly and spread through her whole body to her young tight wet hairless cunt. Chris' eyes were closed while...
‘I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I’ve been enjoying myself immensely!’ she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other’s absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...
(This is my first story on this site please comment and review but be constructive) (I'm sorry I haven't published the last chapter yet. I been busy with real life and I lost the flash drive I keep as a backup. I've also noticed some weird wording errors and sentence structures so I'm going back and fixing past chapters starting with this one.) (I'm again making some minor tweaks, but only to the Becca chapters where she will now have an older brother and eldest sister as a set of fraternal...
IncestFive years. That’s how long it has been since your world ended. That’s how long it has been since your lovely and vibrant wife, Lisa, died. A not-insignificant part of you died when Lisa did. Married for ten years, it’s not an exaggeration to say that they were the happiest years of your life. You hadn’t known what you were missing before meeting her. She took you into her life in her gentle and eager way, making you feel like the center of her universe. You’re not stupid, you were not, but she...
I woke up to not the sound of my normal alarm, but a reminder alarm. "Shit. That's right." I muttered to myself. I almost forgot I'd have to basically babysit my younger sister on her birthday despite her being 18 now. Stupid parents going on business trips..... "AMANDA!" Natalie yelled down the hall "Mom and dad said you had to take care of me and do all my birthday stuff today!" I groaned. "I know, can you let me wake up first?" I yelled back. There was a reason me and all my friends called...
IncestJana sat in the driveway of her family's home. Gripping the steering wheel, she still couldn't believe her luck that night. It was just before 8 pm and she should have been on her first date at this moment. Not just any first date, but her literal first date ever. Then the jerk had to go and stand her up, ditching her for another girl. And she was honestly planning on giving him her virginity that night! At the very least, her parents were gone for the weekend leaving she and her older brother...
IncestIt was my 17th birthday and my dad finally agreed to let me get my room redone. He and my brother, Drew, said that this would be a gift from the both of them, due to the cost and the effort they would have put into it.The room was now more mature and more than I could ask for. Complete with a full vanity, king bed and 55" plasma screen TV. It was a teenage girl's paradise.At school, my friends gathered around my locker to give me gifts. All of them were lovely, but it was the gift from my best...
IncestJay was a guy I knew from the neighborhood bar I went to in Manhattan. Not a close friend, just someone I saw in there from time to time. A few years older than my close circle. We played pool together and watched a ballgame or two. On TV, even up at the stadium a couple of times. I liked the bar, it was pretty low-key and there was plenty of girls came in, giving me ample opportunity for one-nighters. New York girls aren't shy.Anyway, this isn't about girls. This is about the time with Jay.We...
"I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I've been enjoying myself immensely!" she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other's absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...
BDSMWhen I was around 15 years old I started to view women in a sexual way. At the time i was nervous and didn't really think it was normal for a girl to like other girls but they were just so sexy. The lipstick, the curves and the elegance just made me want to touch myself. I'm average height with blonde hair and fair skin. Ever since i realised the sexiness in boobs and ass i started to work out and try to give myself a hotter look. I'd like to think that the effect has worked. My ass is tight...
At 16, I was dating a girl in my high school for six months. She had a sexy and tight body with great firm tits and sexy nose ring. She was hot and had it going on, but she wasn't the best blowjob giver around. She lacked rhythm and was occasionally teethy and almost lazy. I could tell I was the first to receive fellatio from her and i always trying to get her more enthused, but we would just end up fucking anyway. When we fucked, I usually had to do a lot of the work but it was great finishing...
I was sitting in my living room, watching movies and playing video games that'd played so many times that I could do all the lines from the movies and make all the moves in the games in my sleep. If it hadn't been pouring down rain, I could have been at the local park, playing catch or riding my bike, but it was another of six straight days of rain and I had a bad cases of what my family called "Cabin Fever." "There's nothin' good on TV and I've played all of these games before," I...
Bryce waited outside the bathroom door, waiting for his younger sister to come out. He’d just come home from college for a few weeks and couldn’t wait to take a nice long shower. “Kayla, hurry up in there!” He yelled, banging on the door. That was the problem with sharing a bathroom with your 16 year old sister; she always takes so damn long! He groaned in annoyance and leaned against the wall. Finally, the door flew open and Kayla emerged from the bathroom with only a small white towel...
IncestMy daughter Jenny has always been a very petite girl when she was ten she looked to be about six. Very short for her age and only weigh about sixty pounds. My wife and I were concerned that she might not be growing like a normal c***d but that the doctor assured us that she would get a growth spurt soon. So over the next seven years Jenny started to slowly grow. Now at s*******n she is almost five feet tall but still just a wisp of a girl. Jenny and her mother talked privately all the time. I...
Iliafray looked up and the drow and replied “Orc Cunt confirms her mistress’s explanation and begs for her Mercy” as she said this both she and Xanaphia assumed the present position kneeling in front of their mistress. The drow smiled down at the two “Well if I can’t arrange the first time for Elf Bitch to have sex at least I can be the first to experience her talents and you Orc Cunt can help to motivate her” She pulled the pain wand from her belt and pushed Iliafray backwards with her foot...
The next few days were a whirlwind of activity for my little family and marked some important "firsts" for us. Our hens finally started laying eggs. We had nine eggs on the first day and on the next we had another fourteen. After doing some thinking, I decided that we had enough eggs to last us for at least another week and I wanted to let this first batch hatch. We had plenty of feed to get through the winter for another six-dozen birds. I planned to harvest some of the grains to make even...
I had built a nice fire in the fireplace and when it came time to go to bed we spread out an oversize sleeping bag and pulled some covers off the beds. The sleeping arrangements were a little strange. I got the place furthest from the fireplace so I could get up easily to put more wood on the fire during the night. Brenda next to me then came Teresa, Virginia and Linda who was closest to the fire. I was thoroughly kissed before we settled down and even then a lot of cuddling was taking...
Art and Louie had arrived in the small town of McNeil Arkansas on Friday, two day's prior to the reverend Earnest Bishop weekly Sunday sermon. They discovered the reverend held service inside a large tent set up a few miles outside of town at a place called Magnesia Springs. As it turned out, they also found it was impossible to find any lodging in McNeil at any price. Bishop had become such a big deal all bed's had been previously rented out well in advance by people hopeful of gaining...
I wasn’t feeling too charitable towards my younger sibling when I crawled out of bed. He snores! “Wakey, wakey!” {groan} “Get up! It’s a gorgeous day!” I said as I bounced on the side of Phil’s bed. “Go away,” he said, as he tried to shove me off the side of his bed. “We have the breakfast surprise,” I whispered conspiringly. “Okay ... okay, give me a minute,” Phil groaned. I was an evil genius. I was finally going to get my brother and dad for all the times they’d stolen my favorite...
Spent, Floyd pulled out of his teen breeder. Rolling onto his back the forty-six year old was reminded just of how hot it was in the tent. He felt beads of sweat roll off his body. It clung to every part of him like a second skin. Beside him Sona sat up. “That wasn’t bad.” “I aim to please,” came Floyd’s offhanded reply. With the back of his hand he wiped the sweat from his brow. “Please don’t tell anyone we did this. I’ll get in trouble,” Sona pleaded. Looking over Floyd found the blonde...
Greg worked half a day on Saturday, finishing up some last-minute work that he couldn't avoid. During the gloomy period after his discovery of his children's incestuous affair, he had tried to stay out of the house as much as possible, which often meant working extra hours. It eventually became expected, and now he was having a hard time getting back to his original 5-day schedule. Fortunately, he was caught up now and it would likely be the last Saturday that he went into the office. Jeff...
December 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois When I arrived home, I went upstairs to shower and shave while everyone else was eating dinner. When I finished in the bathroom, I dressed in my tuxedo and then went downstairs. “Jesus,” Abbie breathed when she saw me. “Don’t give him any ideas!” Elyse laughed. “His ego is already big enough!” “There can only be one person in the house who thinks they are a god,” I said piously, “and Jess has that position sewn up!” “Watch it, Tiger. For all intents...
I wanted to meet Jeni bond a Home Shopping Network product demo lady that I really think is gorgeous, she's lovely sexy and tan. i came into the studios and greeted her. "Jeni Bond, your word is your bond." I said to her walking up to her. "yes it is but that's not what you're here for is it?" she asked."I really wanted to meet you, I know you're married but I must say you have a gorgeous figure." I told her. "really?" she asked."I'm serious I always check you out your presentations on Bissell...
Mom was not one to pull punches when she was upset with me. “What were you thinking bringing your girlfriend over here to skinny dip in broad daylight while I am at work? I have four messages from Mrs. Bergman on my phone complaining about your promiscuity.” “But mom...” “No buts. Mrs. Bergman even left a message insinuating that you had an erection and were fondling Kimberly. Mark, you are eighteen years old and should know better. You better not be fucking her in my house.” “But...
Then there was the fact that Rashala was in love with Master Jake, she knew that the elite warrior Jinns were all fighting and not really nothing else. Sighing she had to back away from the doorway, it was obvious that the sexual pull of Master Jake was weak after sex, but began to rebuild mere minutes after the act was finished. How, she thought, was she going to resist throwing Master Jake down and trying to screw his and her brains out? Shaking her head she would just have to keep her...
294 Kitty and her James Bond. Brady, the man in the tuxedo took his place at the bar, the barman did not need telling and within seconds the tall glass appeared, looking like something dell boy would have ordered. The man sat quietly waiting, he was the only one in the big bar and the silence was broken only by the tick of the bulkhead clock the barman keeping a discrete distance from the yachts owner, he knowing his place, and the wrath of the owner was well known. They were tied to a pier...
Template Bound to BondSynopsisThe clinic where Melanie and Robert were sent for therapy, proved a painful experience. Bound to Bondby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living,...
Trading Stocks for Bonds - how Linsey was collared(Complete Short Story)by AureliusHer teacup chinked against its saucer. Not once, but five or six timesin quick rattling succession. She was trembling and couldnt hideit.I can pay you back, Linsey Altmell pleaded passionately. Youknow I can net that amount in just one year. I did it in 2002!Apart from a security man blocking the door there was only one otherperson in the plush office at 6:30pm on a Friday evening....
12/20/2015* 1500 hours London, UK. Jamie bond stepped into the SIS building and headed towards the elevators. As she walked through the Christmas-themed lobby, she started thinking about her newest assignment. M hadn't given her any details. She'd just told her that she was to report to HQ straight away, and that she shouldn't worry about the assignment, as it would be easy and she'll be done before the new year's holiday. Yet something didn't sit well with her, and she didn't know why. She...
BDSMPaul and Karen, from the outsiders view were like any other mother and c***d, aside from on thing. In the early stages of her life Karen was volunteered to be the test subject to a groundbreaking form of genetic manipulation by her own foster parents who at the time were leading academics in human sexual manipulation. Periodically Karen would be injected with large amounts of growth hormone and other chemicals were fed into her body via deep canals into her reproductive organs and brain.The...
Hello, friends, this is Arjun. I am from Hyderabad a good height fair handsome 18-year-old boy. You all can hang out me on for feedbacks/queries/etc etc. This is my real sex story. I have an elder sister, her name is Neha. Age 20. She is super cute and looks damn sexy. Her cute thighs often blew me up. Her silky hair, her adorable arms are just too sweet to describe. Best sister in the world. This morning, I got up with a huge tight hug and a face full of sweet kisses from someone very special...
IncestShe awoke to complete darkness and the sense of vulnerability. At first she was scared about her ability – or lack of – to see until she realized a blindfold was strapped to her face. She went to remove the blindfold until she realized that each of her extremities was securely, yet comfortably bound to the posts of the bed. “What the fuck is going on, Dakota?” She yelled out from the strict confines of the prison that consisted of their bed. A few minutes passed of unbearably loud silence as...
BDSMOnly months after starting college, My brother, Jason, was killed in a car accident leaving me and Zeke alone to fend for ourselves. Zeke happened to be a roommate in the house we were all living in and was almost like a brother to me. Zeke and I had well paying jobs, I was a bartender and Zeke made plenty of money as a real estate agent. Zeke was on the wild side and was always in and out of relationships with several women (and popping several cherries). I, on the other hand, was still a...
First TimeSupper that night was a fairly quiet affair, which was a little strange for the two of us. Usually we talked over the day's events, threw comments at each other, and stopped to fondle and caress and kiss. I think we both knew where the evening was heading, even though nothing had been said, and neither of us was sure of its outcome. As we were cleaning up the dishes, I noticed her collar laying on the kitchen counter. It was still where I had put it last evening, when she had handed it to...
She stepped onto the path that led into the forest, worn bare by her feet alone. Unlike the townsfolk, she didn’t believe the woods to be dangerous, but also did not deny occasionally feeling a presence there from time to time. The trail she followed was narrow and winding, but she knew it well. She paused for a moment to take a deep breath, taking in the cool scent of the dew-covered moss and damp earth. A light breeze blew through the trees, lifting a strand of brown hair that had...
It would seems my hight changed from 5'8 to 6'3. What ever I eat burns off like nothing, I've lost more weight then gained. For the first time in my life I have a six pack. I've also notice when ever I deactivate my power I feel light headed and lose my craving for sex. As far as the women go, the ones I have had sex with seem to forget about me the instant I deactivate my power, but as soon as I reactivate my power they all seem to call me by the name master. The women I have not...