No Name free porn video

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Introduction: Strangers meet She smelled him before she saw him. That mix of cologne, stale cigarettes, beer and man-scent. She gasped as his arms went around her waist and she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.

She had known he would follow her. They made eye contact in the bar, this tall, dark Irishman with the burning eyes.

Its dangerous for a woman to be standing out here alone, at night, he growled in her ear.

When she entered Buskers Bar & Boomerang Night Club, after a day at the Dublin Writers Festival, it was filled with boisterous men screaming their support for their favorite team. Large-screen televisions glowed with athletic action. This was probably not a place for a lone woman to enter, but it was convenient and she was craving a beer.

She traveled here on her own to explore the home of James Joyce, to bask in the literature of the festival and to lose herself in the Irish culture. Her friends thought she was insane for traveling alone to a country she had never been, but she didnt care. She had always welcomed the excitement of the unknown.

She thought the bar would be a safe choice, located where she stayed, at the Temple Bar Hotel. For the most part, her quiet entrance went unnoticed, except for the man with the dark, burning eyes. She felt his eyes on her from the moment the door closed behind her.

She went straight to the bar and ordered a dark ale. The strong liquid immediately warmed her. As she turned around to look over the crowded room, she saw him staring at her. The warmth she felt quickly turned to heat.

She blushed, turned back to the bar, and downed her ale a little too fast. It was probably not the smartest thing to do, on an empty stomach. As soon as she set the empty mug on the bar, a second ale was placed in front of her.

Excuse me, but I didnt order another one.

S-okay miss, the gentleman took care of it.

She knew exactly where to look. He stared at her from the corner of the bar, and raised his glass in a salute. His face was serious and there was no indication of friendliness, just a smoldering look.

She returned his salute and tried to look away, but she couldnt. She expected him to move towards her, but he didnt. His eyes held hers not relinquishing their hold. Her hand shook as she raised her mug to her lips. He raised his at the same time. When she lowered hers, he did too, slowly licking his lips afterwards.

The heat she felt deep inside her increased. She felt herself grow wet. No, this was wrong. She needed to escape.

She finished her ale, turned, and blindly headed for the door. She didnt look back she didnt dare. Bursting through the door, the night air slapped her face, and she felt the alcohol rush run through her.

Walk I need to walk, she thought, trying to escape the inexplicable feelings that were stirring inside her.

It was a short couple of blocks to the river. The lights from buildings on the other side caused rippled reflections. It was quiet as she stood at the railing. She needed this time to calm down. But still, she waited, wondering.

His arms pulled her closer, molding his body against hers. His lips touched her neck, behind her ear. She did not fight him as she felt his hardness push into her ass. What was the point? She wanted this.

She leaned back against him, raising and tilting her head as he continued kissing her neck, nibbling her earlobe. Her hands rested on his arms. Her body felt hot, yet she had goose bumps. There was a need building in her that screamed to be met, and it scared her.

He turned her in his arms, pulling her close. Her breasts were crushed against him. His mouth came down on hers, devouring it. She answered his kiss with a passion that surprised him. She needed this. She needed him.

His hands clenched her hair as he held her face to his. Her hands went around his waist, trying to pull him closer. She ground herself against him. It was then he knew for certain, and tore himself away from her.

Youre coming with me, was all he said, as he reached for her hand.

She found herself running behind this tall, dark stranger. His grip was vice-like. He was not going to lose her. One time, she stumbled, and he quickly turned and caught her in his arms. A quick flicker of concern appeared on his face, but it was gone as quickly as it arrived. Certain she was fine he turned to lead her again.

She had no idea where she was, or how far they had gone, weaving up and down the Dublin streets, but they soon found themselves in a doorway. He made quick work of the lock, opened the door and led her through.

Once inside, he pushed her against the wall, kissing her deeply. His tongue invaded her mouth, as he possessed her. He broke the kiss and led her upstairs to an apartment. Once inside he wasted no time.

As he removed her jacket, she tore at his shirt. He lifted her sweater over her head, and her hands went to the buttons on his pants. The movements were desperate, urgent. In just a minute, she stood before him, wearing nothing but her bra and panties. He stood before her, wearing nothing but his hard, uncut cock.

She tried to calm her breathing as her chest heaved. Her nipples were hard with excitement and they strained against her lace bra. He looked down at her lace-covered mound. He could smell her desire. He stepped forward, one arm went around her waist, the other dropped and his hand went between her legs. She moaned as he rubbed her up and down. It was just as he thought, she was already wet. Her arms went to his shoulders, steadying herself.

He brought his lips back to hers in a hungry kiss, and began to walk her backwards, through the door, into the bedroom. Back, back until they reached his bed. He took his hands and placed them on her shoulders, guiding her to sit on the edge of his bed, her face now level with his cock.

Suck me, he commanded.

She took to his cock as hungrily as a newborn animal takes to its mothers teat. With one motion, she took him deep into her throat. Christ, he hadnt expected that. All eight inches were held by her mouth, very tightly. It was she who finally backed off and released him. And then, she began.

She gave him long, firm licks, up and down his shaft. Each time she reached the head, she pressed her lips around him, easing his foreskin down and bringing the sensitive head into her hot mouth. He shuddered and placed his hands on her head, just running his fingers through her hair.

He wasnt sure how long he would last, when she released him from her mouth and took him in her hand. She raised his cock, stroking him up and down, while moving to his balls. She immediately sucked both of them into her mouth. He opened his legs to give her better access. She sucked and rolled them while her hand continued its movements. He eyes closed and he began to lose himself in this pleasure, as the minutes ticked by.

He felt the cool air of the room on his balls, before he realized she had released them. He looked down to see her put her fingers in her mouth, thoroughly wetting them. She smiled and went back to his balls, but this time there was a difference.

As she stroked his cock and sucked his balls he felt her slide her other hand through his legs. She ran her wet fingers up and down his crack, working their way in. He felt a gentle, but firm pressure at his sphincter. At that moment she stroked his cock harder, rolled his balls in her mouth and pressed a finger into his ass.

Jesus, woman! he cried out.

His control had been removed. Stroking his cock, sucking his balls and now fucking his ass with her finger, this woman became his Mistress, and he, her slave. More and more, the pleasure was building, as she pushed a second finger in. His hands grabbed at her hair, not meaning to, but pulling at it.

She sensed a change in him, and felt his balls tense. She knew his juices were beginning to boil. She took his cock in her mouth once more, put her hand on his balls and drove her fingers in to press on his prostate.


His reaction was almost immediate. He howled as he forced his cock deep into her throat, firing his seed into her stomach. Never-ending spurts were urged more and more by the pressure she put on his gland, and her squeezing his balls.

She swallowed every drop greedily, emptying his cock. His hands released her head and his cock softened in her mouth. She let go of his balls, and removed her fingers from his ass. While she very gently licked him clean, she moved her hand down her belly and began to rub herself through her panties.

She curled her tongue around his cock, cleaning every inch. He looked down as this woman intently catered to him. He had just cum and yet, he felt urges rising in him again. What was she, a witch?

He put his hands on her arms and urged her to stand. He placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head up and kissed the mouth that had just brought him such pleasure, tasting himself as he pushed in his tongue.

She felt her body melt against his. She also felt her own juices seep from inside her. When they broke the kiss, she looked in his eyes. They werent black, but a deep ocean blue. She brushed his black hair out of his eyes. The two were silent.

His hands went to her back and unclasped her bra. Her ample breasts dropped as he slid the straps down her arms and dropped the bra on the floor. He stepped back and looked at the beautiful white globes and their very prominent, hard, pink nipples. He placed a hand underneath each, as if weighing them, and then bent to capture one in his mouth.

Her hands went to his head, holding him closer.

Harder, she demanded.

Oh, he thought, she likes it a bit rough.

His arms held her body tight as he gnawed at her nipple. In a series of licks, sucks and bites, he had her moaning and trembling. He turned his attentions to her other breast and was rewarded with the same reaction.

Please&hellip, she whispered in a husky voice.

He released her breast. He had the smile of the devil as he moved her back and laid her on the bed. He hooked his fingers in her panties and pulled them down and off her. Her smell saturated the air and made his need to taste her undeniable. He spread her legs and saw her hair was visibly wet.

He moved to kneel between her legs and ran his finger over her slit, parting the hair. She trembled at his touch. He opened her with his thumbs and leaned his face into her. Her clit was hard and red, aching to be touched. He blew his hot breath over her, and she moaned.

She tasted sweet as he ran his tongue up her slit, stopping before he got to her clit. He ran his tongue again, this time diving into her hot, quivering hole, to lap up more of her nectar. Her hips were writhing, anxious for him to explore all of her.

He knew what she wanted, but he toyed with her. He pressed his tongue in and out of her like a small cock. Her hips kept moving trying to force his tongue elsewhere.

For Gods sake, please&hellip, she begged.

That was all he wanted. He wanted her to beg. He dove straight at her clit and sucked it into his mouth. Her cry was music to his ears. He pressed his teeth above it and pressed her clit into them with his tongue. Hard on one side, soft on the other her mind registered confusion, pleasure and pain.

Sucking, nipping, licking her clit, he curled his two middle fingers up and thrust them inside her. She started to fuck herself on his hand at a fast pace. Her head rolled back and forth as mewing sounds came from her throat.

He massaged her g-spot with vigor and sucked her clit hard. Her back arched, her legs tensed and she cried out. Quickly, he pulled his fingers from her and stuck his tongue in deep. He was greeted by her flowing juices, and he drank from her.

He kept drinking from her hole, gently rubbing her very sensitive clit. He was amazed at how hard and how long she came. As he slowed his movements she began to calm.

He rose up and lay on top of her, cupping her face in his hands. He tenderly covered her face with kisses, finally ending at her mouth. His kiss was deep and penetrating. The pair smelled and tasted themselves on each other. He rolled off of her, gathering her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. Exhausted, they dozed.

The smell of smoke and the strong scent of sex woke her. His cigarette glowed in the darkness, as he sat in the chair, watching her sleep. She smiled as she looked at him. Her hair was tousled and her lips looked soft and full.

She sat up and stretched her arms over her head. The movement lifted her large breasts out from under the blanket, and his cock reacted immediately to the sight.

Dousing his cigarette, he walked to the bed and pulled the blanket away from her body.

Woman, you have bewitched me, he whispered hoarsely.

She looked at him and smiled again. Her hand reached out to his cock and she began to stroke it. He moaned as it grew.

Without ceremony, he reached for her and rolled her onto her belly. He lifted her ass and began probing her pussy with the cock she had stroked to hardness. She was still drenched, but she was also well on her way to fresh wetness.

As he held the tip of his cock to her hot hole, she backed into him, desperate to have him inside her. He played with her, sliding in an inch, then out, then two inches, then out. It was agonizingly slow. It took all his strength not to ram his meat into her with each re-entering. Her pussy seemed to grab him tighter, and tried to pull him in.

Finally, he could take no more. He firmly moved his length into her and then held still. She felt deliciously full of him, and could feel his cock pulse inside her.

His moves were slow and deliberate, as he began a steady action of in and out, in and out. He enjoyed the feeling of the hot wetness that wrapped his cock. He enjoyed the way her body tried, over and over, to pull him in.

She moaned with each entry. She tried to back up and force him in deeper, faster, but his hands that gripped her hips held fast. He was in control and he intended to stay that way.

Damn it, I need you to fuck me! she hissed.

Patience, woman, patience.

Frustrated, she tried to pull away from him, but still he held tight. He started moving a little faster, but with the same deliberate in and out motion. He knew deep down she wanted it harder, rougher, but he was so enjoying making her sweat.

On and on, in and out, he loved the feel of her pussy stroking his cock. He looked down to watch as he slid in and out of her. He spread her ass cheeks and his eyes were drawn to her red rosebud. He smiled and then spit on her, hitting his target.

Still moving, he placed his middle finger on her back hole, and spread his spittle around. As his cock pulled back, he pushed his finger into her. She groaned when she felt the invasion. As his cock pushed in, he drew his finger out, leaving just the tip of it inside her. Thus began the see-sawing motion of cock and finger.

He kept up this deliberate pace, listening to her moans of pleasure. But now it was he who needed more. The effort of his next thrust surprised her. She cried out as he rammed his cock in. At the same time, as his finger began its thrust, he placed a second finger inside her. She had never felt so full.

His thrusts were manic, his fingers relentless. Her head and arms rested on the bed, as she reached back under her belly and began to rub her clit. He could feel the walls of her pussy contracting on his cock as a deep wail tore from her.

She drove herself back against him, her body craving release. She moved away from her clit as her spasms started, her body went rigid, every muscle as tight as a violin string. She threw her head up and screamed.

He drove his cock and fingers in as far as they would go. He saw white lights as he exploded once more. Pushing, pushing, and making her accept all his body would give. Their juices combining, leaking down her legs, spilling over his balls. His hand leaving red marks on her hip as he gripped her tight, his other hand trapped by her anus.

They rocked together until they had drained each other completely. He collapsed on her back, kissing her neck and biting her shoulder.

They rolled apart, and then came together their lips hungrily searching out the others. They stayed like that for a long time holding, petting, kissing, and enjoying the sensuality of the night.

I really need to shower and get back to my hotel, she said.

He stood up, offering his hand, and leading her into the bathroom. His eyes moved up and down her body, and she felt her resolve waning.

No, please, let me shower. I have to leave.

So, he left her, and returned to the bedroom. He put on his pants and grabbed a sweater, preferring to keep the smell of her with him for a while. He found her clothes and set them on the bed, except her panties. He sat in his chair, lit a cigarette, and held them under his nose. He never tired of a womans natural perfume.

She came into the bedroom, wrapped in a towel, her hair in wet tendrils. She smiled as he held her panties. She walked over to collect them from him and he pulled her into his lap. He cradled her in his arms, kissing her deeply, starting to play with her towel.

No, I really cant. As much as I want to, I need to sleep. I have a long day, tomorrow.

So be it, he said releasing her.

He watched her dress, realizing that underneath her gentle ways, a slut was hiding.

Could you call me a cab so I can get back to the Temple Bar Hotel?

Its not far. Ill walk you.

The streets of Dublin were quiet in the wee hours of the morning. They walked with his arm over her shoulders in a protective fashion. She was surprised at how near the hotel they were.

As they approached the main entrance, he pulled her aside and drew her into his arms. He kissed her deeply, longingly, until he felt her arms go around his neck, and she returned his kiss. He buried his face in her neck and just held her.

It was she who stepped out of the embrace. She held his face and kissed his lips.

I need to go in now. Thank you. She said breathlessly, as she turned to leave.

But miss, I dont know your name, he said.

As she walked to the door she looked back, smiled, and said, It doesnt matter.

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MAU The Loan Shark

New story, old premise. Charlies owes a loan shark but can't pay him back. The loan shark has a friend who can. Charlie is in deep doodoo. Thanks to Ellie for the review, and suggestions, and Steve Zink for editing. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: The Loan Shark The woman sat by herself, visibly alone even in the crowd sharing the tiny cell with her. Despite the obvious similarities - the low-cut...

3 years ago
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accidental performer

      My wife is an attractive 27 year old secretary with a gorgeous body and 36C tits. We recently went by her office to pick up some stuff she left there after going out to dinner. She has a key and no one else was there. So we started making out and before long I had her naked and told her I wanted to watch while she masturbated on her desk. She really got into much so that I was quickly out of my clothes and had her on her knees giving me great head. I finally pulled hr up and laid...

4 years ago
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Early fireworks with my daughters friend

My daughter Emily had just graduated from high-school a few weeks before, and she had invited a number of her friends to celebrate the Fourth with us. I had always been a faithful husband, nevertheless, I was hoping to see Emily's friends prance around my backyard in their bikinis. Especially Brittany, who was absolutely stunning. She was about 5'5" tall, probably weighed not more than 105 lbs, had shoulder length auburn hair with highlights, and a face that belonged on Teen Vogue. Her...

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My Asian Domination pt 1

my boyfriend sky was taking me to a party his friend was throwing. i wasn't really up for it. because i knew all eyes would be on us. sky is good looking and alot of girls like him. he has medium length brown hair, blue eyes, an amazing smile, and a cute butt. just the typical guy every teenage girl wants. he treats me good and all but he isn't quite what I'm looking for. i hear my name being called from across the room. " Tiffany!" Cassandra runs towards me. " hey wutz up?" "...

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Getting EVEN

When I was just eighteen, I fell in love with a girl named Jodi. She was the sweetest girl I'd ever known, and she told me that she loved me too. She was also the first to suck my cock, the first pussy I ever tasted, and the first woman I ever fucked. I was convinced that after college she was the woman I was going to marry, and we'd live happily ever after. Of course, that was before I came home one night and found her in my parents' living room on her hands and knees while my older brother...

2 years ago
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Cock CandyChapter 16

Candace cuts the water to the shower and steps from the enclosure. She grabs a towel and hands it to Luke first before grabbing her own. “The ship is going to dock soon,” he offers. “We can probably find a little shop and buy some new clothes.” “Yeah,” she says excited. Candace drops the towel and hugs him. The boy’s cock presses against her belly. “This ship?” she asks, tugging on it. “Or this one,” she continues as she taps her foot on the floor. “Both?” he teases. Luke turns her and...

2 years ago
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Be sure your sins will find you out

Margot La Salle loathed her son-in-law with a passion. Why her darling Sarah had married him when she could have done so much better, she was at a loss to understand? He did something called ‘sales and marketing’ which to Margot sounded common, and barely a step up from a street stall. Surely he was some sort of ‘spiv’. He was making a lot of money, but it wasn’t from a decent source such as law or banking. These were things she understood. The last straw, as far as she was concerned, was when...

1 year ago
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Big RedChapter 4 Decisions

Brenda had plenty of time to think on the long bus ride back to Providence. She had a lot to think about. First, there was Pete. Pete Polson had arrived in her life this past summer. She began to think that for the second time, she might be falling in love. Her first experience with the emotion was Mike Wilson. Now there was Pete. She was excited by him and that last time at the farm together when they made love was sublime. It was something she hoped would sustain her over the coming...

2 years ago
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Sissys First Orgasm

The first time I ever came I was wearing woman's clothes. I guess I was always destined to come to this. Even before puberty struck I found myself rustling through my mother's dresser looking for something soft and shiny to feel against my skin. There was a comfort there and while I still didn't fully understand it an excitement too. When I first discovered women it was still a pre internet age and pornography didn't go any further than the lingerie section of my mother's shopping catalogues....

1 year ago
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BrattySis Aubree Valentine Stepsis Is A Closet Freak

Aubree Valentine has gone to visit her stepbrother, Tony. Once she arrives at Tony’s apartment, she enthusiastically starts making plans. Aubree tells her stepbro that she has just got one commitment tomorrow and that she’s free for the rest of the trip to do whatever he wants. Tony shows Aubree to her room and lets her know that she should make herself comfortable while he runs to the bank. When Tony returns to the apartment a minute later because he forgot his wallet, he can’t help but...

2 years ago
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Today’s Friday and I’m out at the pub after work with some colleagues as you said you were working late. It’s about 6pm and I’m on my second pint; we finish early on Fridays so we’ve been here since 4pm. I check my phone and see I have a message from you. I open it and I nearly choke on my beer, coughing and spluttering over the table, one of my friends patting me on the back asking if I was okay; I nod my head, choking out a “yes” but move from the table to get some fresh air. Once outside, I...

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A Baby For Becky Part I

We sat quietly in our car at the hotel car park for a few minutes. Though neither of us spoke we knew exactly what the other was thinking; we may have only been married three years but we had lived together for five years before that. We knew each other very well. Becky and I could be at different ends of a room and from just a glance we knew what the other one was thinking; we were that close. We may not have been at opposite ends of the room now but there was a lot of distance between us as...

3 years ago
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KellyChapter 30

Ten days had passed and the schedule changes had been put in place. Kelly noticed that most of the students were now wearing uniforms to school. This morning she was wearing a simple spring dress rather than her uniform and was sitting in the student lounge sipping coffee and reading a book on military strategy. She had not yet sat in on any classes nor had she done anything about teaching a course. It was a little after eleven o’clock. With classes beginning at eight o’clock, many of the...

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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 5

I am currently working on #s 2, 3, and 4, but the idea for this one struck me, and I had to write it down, and I couldn't wait to post it! Please leave feedback, no matter how small. Enjoy! Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 5 By humbleslave I awoke on Friday morning to the sound of Mistress Brittany on the phone. "Yes, we'll be there to pick up the car at noon, thank you," she said. "Well slave, I decided to wrap up the conference early, so we can take a side trip. It's a surprise...

2 years ago
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Sitges Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. I had to go to a conference in a small city near Barcelona called Sitges. It was early March and my home town was covered with snow and ice cold. In Sitges spring had already started. It predicted lots of sun, nice temperatures and no wind. Something to look forward to. After a short flight I landed in Barcelona and took...

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The poker game surprise

I had been invited by Jack to play poker with him and some friends on Friday night. Jack invited two other guys and I from work to play at his house. He told us to be at his house at 6:00pm and bring money. He said he would have a special treat for us. I wondered what he had in mind but I was up for what ever it was. I arrived at his house just a little before 6pm and rang the doorbell. Jack opened the door, “Hi Bruce, come on in” he said as he stepped back and motioned for me to come...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I

I will start out by telling you all that I am 19 and my boyfriend it 20. We have been together for over a year. I am 5’5′ with long dark hair and bright blue eyes. He is about 5’7′, dark hair and he also has blue eyes. We are very intimate with each other every time we get the chance. One day, we had the house all to ourselves. Since this doesn’t happen very often, we both knew what this meant. We were going to have a long wonderful day filled with sex and romance. He had stayed with me the...

1 year ago
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Cuck 4K! My readers accomplish something impressive without even realizing it. It’s not something you guys put effort into; it just happens, and you get a little better at it every day. I personally think you guys deserve some credit for it, but I doubt that either you or the world agrees with me.Hidden SkillsMy readers are cucks. That's not the impressive part, though. I know plenty of cucks. What’s impressive is that you guys manage to be cucks while also being permanently single. You have...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 127

SUNDAY AFTERNOON, THE NURSES' HOME The new doctor had just left. Whatley, Grigsby, Sandra and Bobby sat in the den as the nurses briefed the two FBI agents. Whatley had talked to the doctor, but maybe because of their shared history, Whatley trusted the nurses more and had asked for a meeting with them. "So, he's on oral medications entirely now?" "He's a free man," Bobby joked. "No IV's or drains anywhere." Grigsby flinched, picturing the drains being jerked out, since he had...

2 years ago
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Wife Has a Bang up Time

My wife Joyce and I have had an open marriage for our entire 14 years together and we have decided to share our adventures with you, the reader. Because of her body and looks Joyce receives many offers from men wanting to enjoy her sexually. Joyce loves the attention and loves to fuck. I enjoy and encourage her to date some of these men because I especially enjoy making love to her after she has been with another man. I enjoy her telling me what she and her lover did to satisfy their sexual...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Kira Perez Kira Satisfies His Maid Fetish

Kira Perez gets the work with the legendary Charles Dera today, but he has one request. He apparently has a huge maid fetish, and he saw her last Dirty Maid video on Bang Bros and really wants to make another one. She agrees and they have some fun. He takes off her clothes, showing off her perfect tits and ass and he loves it. She pretends to clean his house before he whips out his dick and tells her to clean his cock. She gives him an amazing blowjob and then he fucks her tight pussy. They...

2 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 7

That afternoon... “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being called here by my nephew? In front of my daughter, no less,” Manfred Schultz asked with a rather wary tone of voice. He hadn’t seen me in literal years, of course. Daddy’s lawyer, that is. Daddy Troy. Simon, Sr. He would naturally be on edge. Why wouldn’t he be? Especially when he knew how rich and powerful I was now. He wasn’t sure what to expect of me. “Well, for starters, Simon Says to get me some legal paperwork to help me...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 22

Our first week on the Moon was very interesting to put it politely. We were greeted by Senior Detective Darla Taylor. She was, as far as we understood, our team leader. Since we were officially on our honeymoon for the first week, we had a week to settle in before we were to report for duty. The thirty-six domes and the Space Station had been divided into three provinces. Each province had two teams of six detectives that were assigned to it. We were assigned to Province 3, or P3 as the...

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Cyber Fun Ch 02

(Please read chapter 1 of Cyber Fun, and don’t forget to leave comments and vote.) Red looked at her phone as it rang, blushing, he hadn’t done this before. Rob had always suggested that they take care of themselves then come back to the computer. With slight hesitation she answered her phone. ‘Yes.’ She said quietly into the phone. ‘What took so long?’ ‘I was trying to decide whether or not to answer.’ Blushing so much now that her ears were red. ‘Not sure I’m ok with the whole phone sex...

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The Bosss Concrete Fortress

In April 1989, I was working at a corporation with so many layers that I couldn’t precisely say who my actual employer was. At the top was a conglomerate that had started out as an auto parts manufacturer. As it added and shed many lines of business over the decades it needed a new identity. Eventually, it had purchased an old-line Hollywood studio called Apex and it had glamorously renamed itself Apex Communications.Apex must have been doing well because it built itself a skyscraper...

3 years ago
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Benny fell asleep while I was talking to Regina and I played Alina with Reggie. When Benny called Reggie, Reggie went.After a while Benny and Reggie came along."Don't you get bored?", Benny asked.“Oh, no. We were just telling the story, ”I said."Can you eat it?""Yes," I said. Regi took the blood. Herringbone. More, pickle. After lunch, Benny Small started beating."Have you started again?", Regi asked. "That", Benny muttered."Don't you want to?", Benny asked.“A headache,” I said.“But don't eat,”...

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Making Sister Pregnant For Love

Hi this is Mr. Raaj ray from Delhi, santi nagar, India. My age is 20 and am doing my engineering from Bangalore and friends this is real story which I am going to narrate to the readers…… reply me on This is based on my story of recent 5th January, 2013 during her birthday. Although I fuck her till death and as there is no tomorrow and also punish her that night,, but I feel ashamed, because she my cousin sister, with whom I stay in delhi . I shouldn’t have done this to her but my real man,...

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As I approached the door, the voices and nervous chatter became clearer. My ex-wife, Barbara, who I'd divorced eight years ago, was giving her two cents on every issue. I heard the naive laughter of my youngest daughter, nineteen year old Tracy, and the protests of her sister, Kelly, the bride. Twenty-one years young and headstrong, when she had called to tell me she was getting married, my silence deceived the shock and disappointment, but I recovered enough to wish her the best of luck and a...

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Market ForcesChapter 51 What Are Friends For

The winding corridor eventually took us along to the accommodation cells. As we walked by Sarah said, "Aren't we going to see the girls after all? I thought..." "They've been moved," said Brad. We turned a corner. Coming the other way was one of Brad's guards. Clad only in black leather trousers and a leather hood that masked the upper half of his face, his torso glistened with the sweat of recent effort. He and Brad exchanged a few quiet words. The guard took the ring of keys that...

4 years ago
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He needed my Ass Badly

I chat with guys online all the time. I have a girlfriend i'm bi-sexual but she doesn't know. She think I'm only into women. I'm feminine. so is my girlfriend. I've been doing this for over two years. Just chat with guys all over the world. 99percent of them are trying to get me to take off my clothes. I do most of the time. Just to see what they would do. It's a lot of fun. I let my best friend Irene send her brother a picture of me. She told him he NEVER have a chance with me...

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EuroTeenErotica Roxy Lips Ass Fucking Exploration

See hot teen Roxy Lips gets her ass rocked for the first time in this eXXXclusive premium porn Euro Teen Erotica scene. The naughty little Russian has been thinking about finally exploring anal with her man Oliver Stone, and well, today is his lucky day as he gets to penetrate her tight little puckered hole with his pecker and you get to watch it all happen in 4K. The slim framed brown-eyed babe had been in a deep state of contemplation whilst getting herself all turned on at the thought of her...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1Cast

Parties to the Agreement Brian Frost: About a month before his fifteenth birthday and ready to start his freshman year in high school. Rhonda Gordon: Brian's former girlfriend, current best friend, and love of his life, but not that way. Brenda Lenox: 5'4" blonde bombshell, cheerleader, and leader of the posse, sometimes girlfriend of Carl. Rose Davis: 5'1" blonde bombshell, cheerleader. Whitney Anderson: 6'0" thin girl basketball player and also called "The Fairy...

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