Nicole And Her Mothers Boyfriends: Pt.2 free porn video

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Introduction: Second part, Nicole and John finaly meet up. Im sorry for the delay, my computer got a virus in the middle of writing, but I finished yay!
This is part two to Nicole and her mothers Boyfriends. I suggest you read the first story to find out how Nicole and John first met up, and theres the character description also, so if youd like to know what they look like, thats also in part one. Thank you for all of your nice comments and good ratings!!! Please continue to rate, and enjoy the story.

Friday night came, school had let out for the week, and Nicole couldnt wait to get home.
She had got out of her best friends car and told her shed give her a call when ever she could.
She walked into the house and threw her bag on the floor. She checked her phone– Missed calls: 0– had teased her into almost giving up on her great night planned ahead.
She pouted and walked into her room. looking in the mirror trying to decide weather or not to get ready for John. Just as she as she almost said forget it the house phone rang….
We have to stop meeting like this…haha
Hello John
Hi…so, we still on for tonight?
Thats completely up to you. she said sexily.
Then the answer is yes, get ready as soon as I pick your mother up–
How do you plan on picking me up?
Walk to the drug store and Ill get you from there at about 6:30
Ok…see you then
You dont even know how bad I want to
Ill take your word for it
Haha…bye kiddo
They hung up.

Nicole heard Johns car pull up in the driveway, he was there to pick up her mother. Shed already gotten ready to leave, she had on a pair of tight jeans, a dark red V-neck shirt, a black lacy bra that peaked over the top, and a pair of black wedges that made her four inches taller. She wore her hair straight down her back and had her bangs swept to the side of her face.
She opened the door for John and let him in smiling. Hey John, long time – no see she said looking directly into his eyes, which once again made their way to her cleavage. Hey Nicole, nice seeing you, is your mother still getting ready? Yes, she should be finished soon. she said rolling her eyes. Go ahead and have a seat, Ill keep you company while you wait. she said. He smiled at her and sat on the couch. She sat on the love seat and crossed her legs. So where r u kids headed to night? she asked smirking. Wherever she wants to go. he said smirking back.

She gave him a mean look and stood up, Well I hope you have fun, I need to go, Im meeting a friend he looked at her confused and said Um…okay, have fun then. He watched her as she stormed out of the house yanking her cell phone from her purse. She quickly dialed a number and started talking to someone then hung up 2 minutes later. He heard the faint sound of Sasha on the phone he was sure she was on the phone with another man. A few minutes later, a black van playing very loud rap music, pulled into the driveway behind his car. She quickly walked to the passenger side [male driver] and got in and they drove off. Right after, Sasha walked out her room in high heels, tight dark jeans, a black button up, showing allot of [breast implant enhanced] cleavage. Her milk chocolate skin was smooth and she also had a pretty face, not unlike her daughter. She had long black, very expensive hair falling down her back in loose curls. She grabbed her huge Prada bag and smiled at him then said are you ready to go? He fakely grinned and said yes.

He drove her to the restaurant and she ordered a salad knowing she was going to eat junk food at home. They made small talk for about an hour and a half and she asked him to take her to the mall, he looked at his watch, it was 5:17 and he was wondering if Nicole had left for good. He reached in his wallet and pulled out ten crisp 100 dollar bills. She looked at him curiously and he said I dont really have the time, so heres something to go shopping with she pouted at him for a second before grabbing the money and putting it neatly in her purse. They left the restaurant and he drove her home.
It was 6:00 and Nicole was in the middle of pushing her Guy-Friend off of her, when she checked her messages, John had called and told her he was on his way from his hotel to the store. Cmon…..could you just blow me then….please? she looked at him and asked him to take her home. Unlike allot of guys his age, he knew when he wasnt going to get any so he stood up and took her hand to help her off the floor. She was glad that he didnt push his luck and she made a mental note to reward him for that next time, but for now she had other plans….

They were in the intersection where the drug store met with her street and she told him to pull in there. She could tell he thought he was going to get some in the parking lot but he was once again wrong. She got out of the car and told him thank you for the ride and gave him a 20 dollar bill for gas, she kissed him on the lips softly and told him goodbye. He drove off hopeful. She walked into the store picked up a basket, grabbed a pack of large condoms, some cherry chapstick, and a magazine. She paid for all of the items and put all of them except for the water bottle, in her big purse. She walked outside and took a sip of her water as she looked at the time on her phone, it was 6:13 and she sighed as she put her phone back in into her purse.
Then it rang….
Hello Jonathan she said
What–no John?
I guess I dont use nick-names for people who use me.
Hmmm….Ok, well I have a question then
Who was your friend?
The guy who picked me up?
Im assuming
A friend….why?
Do you always kiss your friends that way?
she smiled knowing shed been caught waiting for him at the store
Yea, as a matter of fact I do….you spyin on me John?
No, you just have a cute face when youre angry

She paused and looked around for his car wondering how close he was—about 10 feet. She hung up the phone and walked to his car.
Jesus do you want to get caught? he laughed staring at her. So why were you so mad when u left the house today? She frowned You were teasing me about taking my mother to dinner and it was irritating as fuck. He laughed again and put his keys in the ignition. She looked over at him Where are we headed? he ignored her. She shrugged and pulled her phone along with a pair of head phones out of her purse. The drive was quiet-not awkward-just quiet, as he drove and she listened to music. He thought to himself how different she was from her mother, who would be ignoring calls left and right and chattering away about a new un-needed item she just bought.

They arrived at the five-star hotel and she asked him who would go in first, again he laughed at her– They dont know you here and I doubt they would think you were 16 She rolled her eyes and got out of the car. He escorted her into the hotel with her arm hooked around his elbow. She smiled as she noticed younger rich looking guys with shock all over their faces. She pictured to herself – An older man [with money] and a very cute exotic girl on his arm in heels that that made you shiver when they tapped the floor. She could understand where they would be a little bit upset- hell she looked good.
They got into the elevator and she immediately stood in front of him, she was confident but his green eyes put her in her place as he wrapped his arms around her back. She was torn between taking control and wanting to let him do what he wants. She slid her hands underneath the open sides of his unzipped jacket and put the around his waist. She kissed his bottom lip the licked it and looked at him. He smiled. She knew they were getting closer to the floor and she was getting antsy. She heard the elevator DING! and she jumped. Gripping his hand she pulled him down the hallway to his room and had him open the door. She calmed down as she saw the bed. Her immaturity always went away when she was close to a man with a bed.

She kicked off her pumps and sat her purse on the floor. Sit she said narrowing her eyes and pointing to the bed. He did as he was told and she continued. She moved all of her long black hair to one side, hooked her thumbs into her jeans, pushed the fabric together slipping the button out causing the jeans to unzipp, and pushed them down her full thighs, then stepped out of them. Her black lace underwear were now exposed and she could see his face turn red. She peeled off her shirt and tank top leaving her in only underwear. She was far from shy but a little bit self conscious because she was curvy. She stood in front of him and walked over, he gulped. She put her hands on his knees and leaned forward to whisper in his ear unclip me and she turned around. He slowly unclipped both hooks of her bra with his hands shaking.
She held the bra against her chest until she turned around. Both of them knew this wasnt the first time her breasts were out in the open but this time felt different. She slowly let go of the bra listening to him draw in air deeply and noticed the bulge that started to grow in his pants. Beautiful he said to himself quietly, she blushed. She pulled his hand so he could stand up and started to tug at his coat. He helped her take it off. He then kicked off his shoes. She went for his belt as he took off his shirt. She paused as she though that there was no way this man was in his 40s. He had abs out of this world. She felt her self getting wetter by the second and rushed the belt right off, then told him to take care of his pants while she grabbed something. She went to her purse and took out the new box of condoms that she had just bought.
She returned to the other side of the room with the condoms and smiled Mr. John, I believe you have a favor to return

He put a serious look on his face and took the box from her hand. Before she could react, he had thrown the condoms on the nightstand, grabbed her hand and flipped her onto the bed. She let out a surprised Whoo! as her body hit the bed and he pushed her back. She wasnt expecting him to be so aggressive, and she liked it. She pulled her panties off quickly showing her completely shaven [womanly looking] vagina. He pushed her ankles back so that her knees were bent and she happily spread her thighs. At first he only ran a finger on the outside of her lips, which by the way made them tingle like crazy. Then he ran his finger lightly across her clit and she looked straight up at him. He was laughing inside knowing she wanted stimulation badly. Then he slowly circled her hole bringing his finger back up to her clit and lightly rubbed the very tip. She was squirming, he watched her hips move trying to get his fingers to add pressure. After he thought shed had enough, he slowly dipped his middle finger deeply inside, and twisted it side to side touching her walls. He looked back up to her, her eyes were now closed, with his other hand, he took two fingers and shocked the hell out of her by quickly rubbing her clit. Then he slipped a second finger inside and began to rub her g spot. Her hands were digging into the sheets and she was starting to moan.

He pulled his hand back and she quickly shot up staring at him. Calm down, and lay back he said widely pushing her thighs apart while she leaned back. He put each of her legs over her shoulder while he layed on his stomach. She leaned on her elbows to see what he was doing. He looked up at her while he slid his tongue from the bottom of her slit, to the top. Her back began to arch, then he went from top to bottom, slowly teasing her. She began to get irritated and grabbed his hair, he got the message. He pushed her thighs wider apart and had full access. He ran his tongue quickly back and fourth across her clit, adding pressure, and slid two fingers inside her quickly rubbing her g spot. She couldnt rest on her elbows any more and she was moaning as loud as she could, occasionally mumbling oh my god and fuck. He wrapped his lips around her clit and softly sucked, the pleasure was too much, she hadnt even cum yet but she was pushing him off. He used his free hand to push her stomach back and began to suck harder. She was almost screaming but now she was rocking her hips into his face. She said Im about to cum with the breath she had left, and he felt her muscles tighten up, she put her leg across his back and let out a loud scream. He slowed down his sucking as he felt her muscles tighten around his fingers. She was pushing him off with more force this time and he finally let go.

She layed for about five minutes panting and then got out of the bed to use the bathroom. She cleaned her self up a bit and fixed her hair then returned to the room. Jonathan was sitting back on the bed with his head resting on his hands looking at her. He smirked at her Satisfied? he asked. She shot back the same look No she nonchalantly said as she walked over to the bed, pulling a condom from the box. He quietly watched her as she climbed on top of him with the wrapped condom between her teeth. She slowly started to pull down his boxers and he helped her as she had to get up when they got past his thighs.

Looking him in his eyes she slowly began to stroke him, with her other hand she took the condom from her mouth and put it next to him. She leaned forward and began to kiss him softly, pulling back to bite his bottom lip. His hand traced the side of her body and found her inner thigh, she leaned in closer giving him more room to do what he wanted. He went straight for her clit, rubbing in circles with two fingers. She was still stroking him and her grip tightened. He was getting harder by the second, but feeling her get wetter in his hand, and the softness of her mouth made him even harder.

She pulled back and quickly opened the condom, rolling it slowly onto him. Then she got fully up onto her knees while he held himself, and she slowly guided herself onto the tip of his dick. The deeper he went inside her, the further she threw her head back. When he got fully inside of her he let go of his dick and took a hold of her hips. She leaned forward and put her hands on the bed, her breasts were touching his chest. She began to rock her hips al the way forward until she could feel him almost all the way out side of her, then she pushed all the way back down. She was breathing deeply, and she began to move her hips faster, kissing his chest. He moved his hands from her hips to her ass pulling and pushing her on top and away from his dick. She was moaning loudly, she thought she could feel him in the pit of her stomach.

She reluctantly stopped to sit up and began to bounce up and down, his mind was lost, his hands were everywhere, teasing her nipples, sliding a finger in her mouth, rubbing her clit, back to her hip, back to her ass, and so on. Her legs were getting tired so she stopped and had him enter from the back. She was on her knees and elbows and he had her by the hips. This time he went in fast and had her moaning his name. She was gripping she sheets tightly as he went in deeply then pulled out and teased her with the tip. She felt another orgasm building and she began to push her hips back to meet his strokes. She froze as everything below the waist began to throb tightly. He could feel her muscles squeeze him while he continued to fuck her while she screamed.

She wanted him to cum right after her, so as her body relaxed she told him to go as fast and as hard as he could. He did what she asked and fucked her determined to cum. He was groaning and squeezing her hips tightly. He yelled Fuck! as he began to cum and slowed down his pumping as he came inside the condom.

He pulled out as he calmed down and layed back. She layed next to him, Now&hellip,..Im satisfied she said, looking up at the ceiling. He laughed and said Good. After a few minutes she got up, grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. 20 minutes later she came out of the bathroom fully dressed looking as if nothing ever happened. He looked at her with a sad look on his face not leaving me already are you? She smiled at him and said Yea, you know I cant stay here, its gunna look like I was fucking some random guy all night, she winked at him. and itll just get better next time if youre left wanting more. He smiled at her comment and got up. Fine, let me get ready and Ill take you to a friends house. She nodded and straightened up the room, collecting her belongings. He came out of the bathroom and saw her sitting in a nearby chair reading a magazine. She looked at him and stood up seeing that he was ready to go. He kissed her on the lips and said Thank you she smiled at him and said Thank you and they left the room.

They arrived in her friends drive way and she said they couldnt kiss because her mother was weird like that he laughed and said See you next time Nicole. She got out of his car and waved good bye.

The whole time over her friends house all she could think of was the other attractive men her mother often brought over, and what kind of trouble she wanted to get her self into.

***Part 3?***

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Nicole felt the great pain as she opened her eyes in the dark. She looked around the room trying to find out where she was. She was both frightened and thirsty. It was such an effort to raise her head that after an initial try, she let it drop back onto the pillow. Tears from the searing aching all over her body ran down her cheeks. She felt weak as a kitten as the howling wind outside made things rattle and shake. She tried staying awake but her body was beaten and broken. She closed her...

3 years ago
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NicoleChapter 10

Nicole awoke later with her bladder filled. She got out of bed and walked barefoot over the ice cold floor to the bathroom. The toilet seat was cold and she had to put it down in order to relieve herself. ‘Men are pigs, ‘ she thought, flushing what urine she expelled. She washed her hands in the frigid water and made her way back to the bed. In the darkness, Nicole saw a shadow move. She observed Horace shifting in the lazy boy. The cold was affecting her feet and she imagined he was...

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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 5

Nicole cried for a while. Then she remembered that she had homework to do. It was difficult to study when you knew people were staring at a photo of your pussy on the internet and debating if you should shave. She tried not to think about having to fuck a bottle tomorrow. She needed to concentrate on the present. Get through this one day at a time. The photos inside her pussy and ass made her feel weird. If at least she could take them out while she was doing her homework. She took a deep...

1 year ago
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Nicole Aniston Twitter 14000

When I see crappy porn sites, I sometimes wonder if what I do for a living is right. But then I find myself writing about slut goddesses, realizing that what I do is right.The holy scriptures of the wankers say: You will never stop desiring or loving porn actresses who have come so far. Today, my brothers, I'm standing before you to tell you about this divine whore's beauty and how badly I want to fuck her. But don't worry, there's enough of her for everyone. I am not envious; I am willing to...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Nicole my first girl

This happened a few years ago… the fucking weirdest weekend of my life… when I got fucking laid by the hottest young chick EVER!!! Not to mention, she busted my cherry- female-wise- and addicted me to women ever since!. Her name is Nicole, and even though there is another woman in my life these days (and different in every way!), she will always be my first!I used to have this dumb-ass job as an attendant at a male sex club called MACK Folsom Prison… and yeah- that it is a whole different...

2 years ago
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Nicoles New Life

You, Nicole, stifle another yawn and look at the clock again...12:15am. You had hoped you could make it until your new boss arrived. You're used to getting up early and jogging as the sun comes up so this late of an hour is hard. It probably wouldn't look too good to your new boss to be sleeping when he arrives.You can't believe your luck on finding this job. Just fresh out of college, you sent out applications to all the companies listed in the phone book that did interior decorating, but...

1 year ago
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Nicole my first girl

This happened a few years ago… the fucking weirdest weekend of my life… when I got fucking laid by the hottest young chick EVER!!! Not to mention, she busted my cherry- female-wise- and addicted me to women ever since!. Her name is Nicole, and even though there is another woman in my life these days (and different in every way!), she will always be my first!I used to have this dumb-ass job as an attendant at a male sex club called MACK Folsom Prison… and yeah- that it is a whole different...

4 years ago
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Nicoles Reward

As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...

3 years ago
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Nicole by Leigh de Santa Fe Nick Gordon came home early one day to find his wife blowing a strange man in their bedroom. They hadn't heard his approach so when he walked past the bedroom he saw the tableau vivant as though he were glimpsing a pornographic movie. The man was lying on his back on their bed, his legs dangling over the side while his naked wife crouched between his legs, working away at her task with an assiduousness she'd never applied in their own lovemaking....

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Dream Pt2

Florence and I lay in her bed for about the next half hour just holding each other and kissing and petting. My mind kept racing about the events that had unfolded that evening. Here I was in bed with my stepmother, the woman that I had a secret crush on for the last few years. Waves of guilt and excitement flowed through me. She was almost 25 years my senior but to me she was better than a teenage prom queen.I pulled her close to me and I could feel her body heat and her smell that had...

3 years ago
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Nicole The Truth at Last a From Jeannie to Vanessa Story Chapter 02

If you haven't read "From Jeannie to Vanessa," you need to read it. Also, you need to read Chapter 1 of this story. These are NOT stand alone stories.****Chapter 2: Siller comes to callSiller stood in the doorway of the bedroom, an absolutely HUGE shit-eating grin on his face and eyes looking like they were going to jump out of his skull.Siller, (short for Sylvester, "rhymes with killer" he always said, although I sometimes called him "Silly") was my boyfriend.Vanessa and I, attired in...

1 year ago
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NicoleChapter 13

According to procedure, Nicole had to be handcuffed when she boarded the FBI jet to Washington. Once it took off for the flight across Canada and the lower States, she was freed from her restraints and permitted to wear one of her outfits Zachary sent. “Thank you,” Nicole sat down across from Agent Kennelly. She found him to be an attractive man but the gold band on his finger made him out of bounds. Nicole never played with married men. Even sob stories about how bad his home life was,...

3 years ago
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Nicole The Pizza Shop BBW Part 1

There's a great pizza place a few miles from where I work and usually go there for lunch once or twice a week. One of the owners, Nicole is a pretty hot BBW. What I've learned from talking with her is that she's in her early 50's, divorced, with grown k**s. She lives with one of the Spanish women (Maria) who works in the kitchen in a 2 bedroom condo. Nicole is tall with long brown hair, she's very Italian looking, with olive skin, very big tits and really juicy looking big ass. She's usually...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Nicole was in her late 40s but looked much younger. If you've read my previous stories you'll know how we met but for those that haven't I'll briefly explain. I'd been fucking a mature slut from work following a works Christmas party. The woman in question was the filthiest woman I'd ever been with, there was nothing she would say no to. After a couple of wild nights we had extended the invite to a friend of mine and the three of us enjoyed a threesome. The following week Christine asked that...

3 years ago
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Nicole@Dave by gimme_your_loadNicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her...

1 year ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 3

Nicole stopped in front of the door to take a deep breath. She was glad to no longer be in public but she was afraid of what Barry would want next. Her nipples still hurt badly and she could feel her panties inside her pussy. She knew her computer was on and so was the webcam. Barry would be waiting. She opened the door and went inside. She had just set down her bag when she heard Barry's voice through the speakers. "Welcome home, slut. Take off your clothes and show me your...

2 years ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 6

Nicole slept badly. She regretted that her computer was in her bedroom. She had to leave it on all night so Barry could watch her if he wanted to. She felt very uncomfortable. She woke up to the sound of crying. Barry was playing a video on her computer. As she got up she realized it was herself in the video. Crying as she had to bite her own breasts. She swore to herself that today would be different. She was a strong woman. Barry could control her but he wouldn't get the pleasure of...

2 years ago
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Nicole was at one of her husband's boring law firm parties. Nicole was a very attractive brownish-blonde haired woman. Nicole had awesome stats at 5ft.-10 tall-36D-23-34 measurements and was a slender 120 pounds. Nicole never shaved her natural hairy body and had thick brownish-blonde hair in her armpits. Nicole also had a thick brownish-blonde hairy pussy with thick hair all the way up her hairy belly to her hairy navel. Tonight she was hoping the boredom at her husband's party would be...

4 years ago
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NicoleChapter 2

Nicole walked into the Churchill Building in a suburb of Washington, D.C. It looked like any other structure only the top three stories held a secret covert operations department that congress was unaware of existing. Only the President and a few of his staff knew of its existence. It was as secret as any organization was in the world. It was funded by money that was ear marked for the Department of Agriculture. It was formed under the Clinton Administration in 1993 during the first year of...

4 years ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 7

Nicole took some time to compose herself. Running to the toilet had been a mistake but what else could she have done? This was going too far. She knew there was nothing she could do. Barry's trap was perfect. She loved her sister too much to deny her Barry's money and she believed in her own career too much to let a geek like Barry ruin it. But there had to be some limits! She tried to compose herself before walking out. It's hard to be dignified when you are naked and the person you are...

3 years ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 9

Nicole was trying to listen to what the professor was saying, but she kept looking down at her laptop. She pretended to be taking notes, but the truth was she was nervous about Barry. He was watching her through the webcam. She was nervous about her clothes too. The white shirt she was wearing made her look very professional, but it was thin and tight and she wasn't wearing a bra. Several guys had already stared at her. A few weeks ago the size of her breasts had given her a sense of power,...

3 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa Pt2

Chapter 2 - Jessica Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I'd stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn't often I'd stay over two nights in a row. I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time on...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Dream Pt2

Florence and I lay in her bed for about the next half hour just holding each other and kissing and petting. My mind kept racing about the events that had unfolded that evening. Here I was in bed with my stepmother, the woman that I had a secret crush on for the last few years. Waves of guilt and excitement flowed through me. She was almost 25 years my senior but to me she was better than a teenage prom queen. I pulled her close to me and I could feel her body heat and her smell that had...

3 years ago
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NicoleChapter 3

Nicole caught her flight from Washington to Seattle on Friday. She then got onto a connecting flight from Sea-Tac to Anchorage. She was weary upon arriving and got a cab from the airport to a hotel. She recalled reading something somewhere that Anchorage had experienced the worst earthquake ever recorded in North America in the 1960’s. There was no sign whatsoever of that destructive event. She checked into a Ramada Inn for two nights to catch up on the time zone. Nicole dragged herself...

1 year ago
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Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2

Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2 In part 1, I took my sexy nymph from the fancy restaurant where we met to the hotel where we enjoyed a very hot evening of sex!!! When I left off the story, we were just getting ready to shower and sit in the in room hot tub. This story picks up just a little while after the tub. I am relaxing she is drying her hair. Can you hear the hair dryer? [/Image]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting in my chair I smiled as I swirled the...

4 years ago
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Sandi and Sherry Go Down

Prologue Her head hurt as she wandered along the rocky shoreline. Oblivious to the waves washing over her feet, she was lulled by the sound of the surf, but the cold breeze seemed to cut right through her. 'What am I doing here?'Sherry stopped walking and gazed out at the ocean. Heavy cloud cover blocked the sun, turning everything black and white. Wisps of her dark, shoulder-length hair danced in the breeze. Looking back at the footprints she'd left in the otherwise undisturbed sand, she saw...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2 That was Saturday. Then came Sunday. Being dominated completely and being helpless for a 6’3” bull that has been a strength coach is a dream come true. If it is yours as well, Please read. I knocked on the door and she stood there looking at me with a mix of happiness and condescension on her face. She had on black yoga pants that hugged her muscular lower body. Her tanned abs were obvious below the sport bra that fought to control her large breasts. ...

4 years ago
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My Therapist pt2

As I left you guys, my friend patch decided that she was going to scare me half to death after a cuddle-therapy session by grabbing the crotch of my pants. The issue is that she's a lesbian and had never been attracted to guys. I guess here and now is the best place to start again. So patch has asked me how big my manhood was. Needless to say my cheeks were getting a little red at this point. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my size, I'm just as average as any white guy. I was just...

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