The Invasion
- 3 years ago
- 33
- 0
My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, after a party in Cocoa Beach. We brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away.
The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee.
Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and they were sensitive enough to turn on whenever a raccoon or armadillo wandered by.
Security is a concern for me. Because my family is fairly wealthy, we’re targets for robbers and burglars and kidnappers. Four years ago, my sister was snatched off the street in Boca Raton by two men who’d dragged her into a van driven by a third attacker. Unfortunately for them, she’d been armed and started shooting. When the smoke cleared, only she and the driver were left alive. He was doing life without parole and my sister had permanent hearing damage. Lesson learned. I wasn’t about to make it easy for anyone who came after me.
My high-priced alarm system had become erratic lately, disarming itself without warning or refusing to arm at all. The system was shut down until a service tech could look it over. In the meantime, I was on my own. The security light had probably been activated by some passing critter, but it wouldn’t hurt to be sure.
The nightstand next to my bed looked like an ordinary rectangular table with a couple of drawers, but it was more complicated than that. I pressed my hand on the middle of a dark tile set into the top and a sensor recognized my palm print. A shallow drawer slid out, exposing my home defense weapon. After much thought and experimentation, I’d settled on a Springfield Armory XD Service Model .45 pistol. An Osprey suppressor was screwed onto the 4′ barrel and a powerful Surefire flashlight was mounted to the rail in front of the trigger guard. It certainly wasn’t a small package, but it was easy to handle indoors. The gun held fourteen rounds of Hydra-Shok hollow point ammo, thirteen in the magazine plus one more in the chamber. As an added bonus, it wouldn’t blow out my eardrums if I had to use it. In the movies and on TV, people shoot pistols and rifles indoors all the time and never mention the noise. I knew better.
I pulled on a pair of cargo shorts, shoved a spare magazine into a back pocket and went downstairs to check things out. When I looked into the bathroom at the rear of the house, I could see light through the frosted window in the pool door leading to the patio. The security light was on. Shapes were moving outside the door and it sure as hell wasn’t a pack of raccoons. I left the inside lights off and crossed the family room into the kitchen.
Next to the phone above the kitchen counter was a Bluetooth headset. I slipped it on and hit the speed dial button for 9-1-1.
‘9-1-1, what is your emergency?’
‘Home invasion in progress at this address.’ I knew my address was showing on her Caller ID screen and didn’t waste time repeating it.
‘Are they in the house?’
‘Not yet. They’re breaking in through the pool door in the back.’
As I knelt behind the door frame, I could hear rapid typing.
‘I have deputies on the way,’ she said.
‘Please inform the deputies that the homeowner is armed. There’s a woman upstairs in the back bedroom.’ Oops, I thought, I’d better warn Vicky. ‘Stand by, please.’
I stood up, hit the Bluetooth ‘hold’ button and punched the button for the master bedroom on the intercom panel next to the phone.
‘Vicky, wake up! Vicky, get to the intercom! Hurry up, damn it! Vicky!’
A sleepy feminine voice came out of the speaker. ‘Danny, where are you? Shit, I was asleep!’
‘Well, you’d better wake up fast. Somebody’s breaking in through the pool door. Cops are on the way. I want you to lock the bedroom door, go into the bathroom, lock that door and call me on the intercom.’
Her only answer was a faint click as she released the button.
The door leading from the downstairs bathroom to the family room opened into the bathroom, away from me, and it wasn’t reinforced. The hinges were inside the bathroom and the door locked from the inside. It was useless for security, but it still might do me some good. While I was waiting for Vicky, I hurried across the family room and closed the bathroom door. Back in the kitchen, I selected a high intensity battery powered floodlight from the stash of hurricane supplies I kept in the walk-in pantry. I set it on an end table in the family room, aimed it at the bathroom door and switched it on.
A few seconds later Vicky called.
‘Okay, I’m in the bathroom. Both doors are locked. I brought my cell phone.’
Smart girl. I should have thought of the phone myself.
‘Great. Now get in the tub and stay there until I come for you. If a cop tries to get you to come out, make him slide his ID under the door.’
‘Yeah, I’ll do that. Holy shit Danny, I’m scared! Don’t you get hurt, you bastard!’
‘I’ll be fine. The cops will be here any time now.’
I released the intercom button, thinking, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.
I hit the Bluetooth button. ‘I’m back. My girlfriend is locked in the master bathroom. If one of your people could call her on her cell, that would be good.’ I gave the dispatcher Vicky’s number.
‘I’ll have somebody make the call,’ she said.
There was a series of tortured metallic screeches as the invaders pried the steel pool door away from its frame. All the glass windows in my house had been replaced with ‘bulletproof’ Level VIII polycarbonate, including the window in the pool door. The invaders couldn’t break the window and they couldn’t pry it out. The door was strong, but they were serious about getting in and they had the right tools.
‘Deputies are three minutes out,’ said the dispatcher reassuringly. I didn’t bother to answer. I had a strong feeling the cops would be too late.
My parents gave me my first gun, a .22 target rifle, when I was thirteen and from then on I was hooked. I’ve been involved in competitive shooting ever since. In college, I got into handguns, shooting mostly ‘action pistol’ events. I enjoy shooting in matches where both speed and accuracy are required. I discovered that I enjoy laying it all on the line, shooting in front of a crowd. The pressure I felt while waiting for the invaders was familiar to me, but the stakes in this contest would be much higher than any I’d known.
The .45 was equipped with extra tall sights so I could see them over the suppressor. I lined the sights up on the bathroom door and concentrated on controlling my breathing.
With a final, loud screech, the pool door gave way. Four seconds later, the bathroom door jerked open, revealing a bulky man wearing a ski mask and holding a combat shotgun. Another masked man was behind him to the right. The glare from the floodlight was blinding and the shotgun man hesitated, blinking. Time seemed to slow dramatically. I quickly interpreted the man’s bulky appearance as body armor and my focus sharpened as I raised my sights to the middle of his face.
I pulled the trigger straight back. The gun made a sound like you’d get by slapping a heavy punching bag with a hockey stick. The sights danced up and slightly to the right as a nickel-plated cartridge case spun out of the ejection port. When the sights bounced back to where the man’s face had been, the face wasn’t there.
Invader #2 was standing sideways with his back against the open bathroom door, no doubt shocked by the shower of blood, brains and bone chips that had blasted out the back of his partner’s skull. He was holding a handgun and also had the look of a man wearing body armor, but body armor doesn’t cover the shoulder area, especially when the guy shooting at you has you in profile. The sights moved o
f their own volition to the center of his shoulder and the magic that operates triggers worked its spell. Once again, the gun made its slapping sound, the sights did their dance and returned to the target. This time the target was still there and the pistol fired immediately. Invader #2 dropped in a heap, kicking.
Silhouetted in the light coming through the pool door, Invader #3 stood frozen. He was holding something in both hands that might have been a weapon. The floodlight didn’t illuminate him directly, but I could see my sights just fine. I moved my sight picture to the top of his left thigh and fired. He screamed and fell backwards onto the tiled patio.
Off in the distance, I heard sirens. It occurred to me that I was still wearing the Bluetooth headset.
‘You still there?’ I asked.
‘Yes sir. What’s happening?’
‘I’ve got three down, two inside and one on the back porch.’
‘I didn’t hear any shooting. What happened? I heard someone yell.’
‘I’m using a suppressed weapon. The yell you heard was from the third guy. Tell the deputies he’s on the patio and may be armed. I don’t think the other two will be a problem.’
‘Yes sir,’ she said. ‘Hold please.’
The sirens were much closer. Suddenly, I heard the roar of an engine and the screech of tires from in front of my house. Was there a fourth guy? Oh well, not my problem. On the other hand, there might be a whole platoon of bad guys out there. Cursing myself for a dumbshit, I dug out my spare magazine are reloaded. The first magazine still held 9 rounds and I dropped it into my pocket. Now I had 14 rounds available again and 9 more for backup.
Down the street, tires screeched again. A few seconds later, I heard two ‘pops’ from a handgun followed by a flurry of much louder ‘bangs’ from rifles. So there was another guy or two. There might be more. I held my position.
Sirens wailed as patrol cars wheeled into my driveway. Footfalls pounded by on both sides of the house.
‘Drop your weapon!! Show me your hands!!’
Through the doorway, I watched as a deputy grabbed something away from Invader #3 and threw it into the back yard. Other cops piled onto the wounded man. The shouting and thrashing continued for several seconds, handcuffs flashed and then things calmed down. A deputy stuck his head into the bathroom and immediately backed out, talking into his handset.
‘Looks like things are under control,’ I said into the Bluetooth. ‘Thanks for your help.’
‘Glad to be of assistance,’ she said brightly. ‘I hope no one was hurt.’
I didn’t know what to say to that, so I hung up.
I stood up, ejecting the magazine from my .45. I set it on the counter, turned the gun sideways and worked the slide. The chambered round popped out and bounced across the counter. I locked the slide back and placed the gun next to the magazine, along with my spare mag.
Someone was pounding on my front door. I turned on the family room lights, clicked off the floodlight and trotted into the foyer. Through the faux stained glass door I could see cops. I opened the door and stepped back.
Three cops hurried through the door with their guns drawn. I kept my hands in plain view and tried not to babble. ‘I’m the homeowner. There are two dead men in the back bathroom and your guys have the one outside. My gun’s on the kitchen counter. It’s unloaded.’
The first two cops ran into the family room while the third one stayed to keep an eye on me. I punched a button on the entryway intercom panel.
‘All clear, Vicky. You can come out now. I’ll meet you in the dining room.’
The next few hours were a blur. Other that telling the cops that I’d been defending myself and producing the Federal paperwork proving the suppressor was legally owned, I didn’t say much. They didn’t push me. The crime scene techs took pictures of the dead invaders and showed them to me on an iPad. I didn’t recognize them and I refused to let Vicky look at photos of men I’d just killed. By the time the cops and EMTs and crime scene folks were finished, the sun was up.
After they were gone, we screwed hurricane shutters over my ruined pool door with the help of a neighbor and moved to a hotel. The cops had taken my .45 as evidence. I had other guns in the safe and I selected a Glock 17 and two spare magazines to take with me. There was no way I could feel safe if I was unarmed. A reliable 9mm with 52 rounds of ammo went a long way toward producing a warm feeling of security.
Vicky and I showered and put on sweats, then sat on the sofa in the hotel room, talking. We were both suffering the aftereffects of a massive adrenaline dump. Sleep was out of the question.
‘It was so strange,’ I told Vicky. ‘It was like watching a video. The sights moved by themselves and the gun seemed to fire on its own. I could see the slide move and the cases spinning out, all in slo-mo. It was like some kind of violent Zen experience. My training just took over and I didn’t have to do anything except watch.’
Vicky seemed more upset about feeling helpless, curled up in the tub talking to the 9-1-1 operator, than the shooting. ‘I hated that,’ she hissed. ‘I always hated the movies and TV shows that portrayed the poor, defenseless girl cowering, hoping some big, strong man would come to her rescue. To hell with that!’ She looked me in the eye. ‘You have to teach me to shoot. I can’t just be a goddamn helpless victim. Screw that!! I want to be ready!’
I checked the early TV news broadcasts and all the central Florida stations were making the most of the story. Crime scene tape kept reporters and their damned cameras away from my house, but they repeatedly ran footage of a county worker hosing blood off the street where the getaway driver had tried to shoot it out with the cops.
We met with Sheriff Dunton in his office at 11AM. The adrenaline had worn off and Vicky and I were feeling wrung out from hours of tension and a lack of sleep.
The sheriff directed us to a sofa and pulled up a padded chair across from us. Vicky held my hand. She was trembling and I was trying to stay calm. The sheriff did his best to put us at ease, but in real life, no one shoots three people in the middle of the night and then feels relaxed the next morning.
‘First of all,’ Dunton told me, ‘the shooting last night was unquestionably in self defense. No charges of any kind will be brought against you. Under Florida law, the second those men forcibly entered your home, they were bought and paid for. You won’t be charged and no one can bring any kind of civil action in connection with this incident. You’re completely in the clear.’ He smiled. ‘And when we’re finished here I’ll walk you down to the arms room. Your weapon isn’t considered evidence anymore. You can take it home today.’ He smiled again and shook his head. ‘That’s one hell of a pistol you’re got. It’s just perfect. I’m going to see about getting those for my Fugitive Apprehension and SWAT teams.’
‘Now, if you’re interested, I’ll go over what we’ve learned about the shooting and what those poor fools were doing.’ He looked at Vicky. ‘Some of this is going to be pretty graphic. You might not want to hear the details.’
Vicky squeezed my hand. ‘I’ll be fine. I’m not letting Danny out of my sight.’
‘Okay then. Here we go.’ He turned to me.
‘The guy you shot in the head never knew he was in trouble. The bullet entered through the right side of his nose, penetrated the hindbrain and exited just above the top of his spine. It must have gone out the door. We didn’t find it.’ He paused, looking at Vicky. ‘Miss, are you sure you want to be here for this?’
Vicky was a little pale, but determined. ‘Yeah. Go ahead.’
The Sheriff nodded and glanced at me. I shrugged and he continued.
‘You hit the next guy through the upper part of the left arm bone. Twice. We can’t tell which shot hit first, but both were fatal. One smashed the top of the heart and the other
blew a big hole in the aorta. The medical examiner found them in the right lung, expanded to about .80 caliber.’ The sheriff sat back and looked at me. ‘You’re a hell of a good shot. Those two rounds landed less than an inch apart, one right above the other. I listened to the 9-1-1 tape. Once you know what to listen for, the sound of your .45 is easy to pick out. The time between your second and third shots was only forty eight one hundredths of a second. You put two bullets practically on top of each other in less than half a second. Your head shot was perfect, too. And you nailed the third guy right through the hip joint. Most people couldn’t find the goddamned hip joint on an x-ray and you hit it from thirty five feet away. Please don’t tell me you were aiming center mass!’
I shook my head. ‘Nope, the shot went right where I wanted it to. He looked like he was getting ready to take off and I didn’t want to go for the head. I figured running a .45 slug through his hip socket ought to slow him down and make him easy to catch.’
‘Oh, yeah, my deputies didn’t have any trouble with him.’ Sheriff Dunton sighed. ‘The getaway driver was another story. I’m sure you’ve seen the TV coverage. He tried to fight my boys. He had a damned .380 pistol and they had their patrol rifles. The guy was a moron and they blew him out of his socks.’ The sheriff smiled. ‘That makes three counts of first degree felony murder we can hang on the survivor.’ His expression turned grim. ‘One thing we got out of him was the reason for the break-in. They intended to grab your girlfriend here,’ he pointed to Vicky, ‘and demand two million bucks in ransom.’
Vicky gasped. ‘They were after me?’
The sheriff nodded his head. ‘That’s right. They wanted you. And from what he told us, they weren’t planning to let you go. They were going to leave one of your ears with Danny when they left, just to show they meant business.’
Vicky started to cry. I held her tight. This was not what I’d expected to hear. They were going to kidnap Vicky, mutilate her and kill her? For money? Any residual guilt I might have felt for killing those men evaporated. They’d had it coming. A quick death was too good for them.
‘Something I don’t understand,’ I said quietly. ”What made those shitheads think they could break in, kidnap Vicky and get away before two dozen cops showed up?’
The sheriff rolled his eyes. ‘They hired a 16 year old kid to dump five gallons of gas into two cars on King Street in West Cocoa and set them on fire,’ he said. ‘That would have pulled most of my guys away from the beach, but an undercover drug investigator with the Cocoa PD saw what the kid was doing and stopped him before he could light the gas. My deputies never got the call. The kidnappers didn’t think you’d call us anyway, but if you did, they thought they’d have at least twenty minutes before we got there. They were sure you’d be asleep. They didn’t plan on you spotting them or how long it would take them to get through your door. They sure as hell didn’t plan on running into the shitstorm you rained on them.’
He paused for a minute. Vicky sobbed into my shirt. My emotions were off the scale.
‘All those men,’ the sheriff continued softly, ‘had long records. They were bad, bad dudes. Nobody’s going to get hysterical with grief over them. The world’s a better place without them.’ He leaned forward in his chair. ‘You can expect to go through some rough times because of this. Being attacked is a shock. Killing people, even vicious assholes like those, is a shock. I advise counseling and I can recommend someone. I’ll give you her card before you go.’
Vicky sniffled and shook herself. She sat up straight. ‘We’ll go to counseling, but there’s one thing I want to know right now.’
Sheriff Dunton looked puzzled. ‘What’s that?’
‘How do I apply for a license to carry a gun?’
Five months later, Vicky stepped up to the firing line on the ‘Roundabout’ stage at the local Steel Challenge pistol match. The Range Officer took his position behind her.
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Cassie Smith didn't have the greatest life A middle aged single mom of two daughters, living paycheck to paycheck in a small two bedroom apartment. Her husband ran off years prior, leaving her to raise 2 kids on her own and working long hours to make ends meet. She didn't understand why her ex left her cause she thought she still looked great for her age. Shoulder length blonde hair, a nice ass and decent sized breasts. Cassie was feeling pretty lonely due to working all the time and not dating...
FantasyStory by LesLes. Concept by Solddate. Art by Oo_Sebastian_oO Five Years After Syndrome's Attack "Honestly, sweetie, if there's ever a type of villain you don't want to go solo against, it's a mind controller." The villainess Mezmerella leaned against the top of a classic ball chair as she spoke. The smooth white plastic of the chair was a half-sphere sliced at a steep angle, the inside filled with red cashmere and soft red cushions. Mezmerella was in full costume, the figure-hugging white...
LesbianThe rain lashed down upon the window without mercy as it tore you from your slumber. Stretching awkwardly you casually ease yourself from between the sheets before pulling yourself upwards into a seating position. Casting a bleary glance downwards you notice the time on your phone reads 6:00 am. You let out a tired groan before cursing to yourself. Placing both feet on the cold wooden floor you casually pace over towards the bathroom and clamber unceremonially into the shower. Jet's of steaming...
BDSMAshven was waiting in the abandoned school, not having found anything of interest during her patrol. She was sitting in the cellar, uncertain wether to leave or to stay, torn between her fear and her lust. Three days ago, she had faced Zargal, an alien terrifying the city and she was unable to forget the savage rape she had suffered. Now here she was, sitting in the pale light hoping he would return to fuck her once more. She had promised the city council to rid them of the beast but that...
(I'm gonna be adding to this story over time, so it has a lot of dead ends in it right now. i'm not a professional writer by far, but hopefully it's to your liking.) It started on Friday night. you where doing your usual porn searches as you usually do and forgot about the time. "fuck, it's 3am!" You exclaim quietly and decide to end the secession angry at not being able to release your load. You close the laptop and turn off the lights but you notice something outside your window is making it...
FantasyLate one night at a hidden lab a scientist was just completing his latest experiment. He had created a sentient small and gooey slime creature that could squeeze through almost any opening or hole. His original idea was to have create a self thinking creature that could spy on enemies and gather intelligence. However, the only think that he could see the slime doing was squeezing in cracks and doing nothing. Having believed the experiment to be a failure he sealed the slime into a protective...
FetishYou awake in a room, a bright light shines into your eyes. Unable to move your arms and legs, you try to look about. Slowly the light clears and you can see.
A society of aliens, ruled by females, is invading Earth. Here are the options: Amazines: Human in appearance, the Amazines are a barbaric people who are very strong and tall. They want to show all other races the superiority not only of Amazines, but females in general. Felinineceans: a cat-like society of hunters, the males of their species are not sentient. As a result of these two factors, they seek to hunt and dominate males of other species. LLirgs: a race of completely hairless...
BDSMQueen Sheena Belacqua sat on her throne in the royal capital ship. The grand structure had roughly the same square footage as the state of Texas and was orbitting the queen's newest target for assimilation, Earth. The Amazonian Empire had spread quite far in this sector, as it seemed intelligent life was ripe for the picking, smart enough to communicate and highly evolved so that they were not enslaving animals; yet they were also dumb enough that they couldn't put up a fight at all to the...
It came in the middle of the night. For hours a storm had raged in the skies above; lightning arced downwards, and thunder rolled over the town of Red Springs. Most citizens had retreated indoors by the time the winds picked up, and were pretty glad they did. Weather reports placed them at up to 40 miles per hour at the height of the storm. It even looked, at one point or another, like hail might begin to tumble down. However, the nature of the world is not the focus of this tale. No, what came...
A harden ball of crystal-like structure slowly drifted towards the blue planet below it. Its hyper-technology scanned and found beings that fit the criteria it was created the search for, and nudged the craft so that it would land somewhere that would allow its precious cargo to find such a being. Inside the football sized craft laid a pool of liquid that was the last of its race, if it could have been called that. N, for the lack of a name, was part of a liquid based race that did not exactly...
Mind ControlFor eons, mankind has looked to the sky and wondered that great question: are we alone? Imagine then, if one day that question was answered, that we discovered beyond any shadow of a doubt that there was in fact intelligent life out there. Imagine, if you will, what they might be like. Would they be friendly? Would they have the secrets of the universe to share with us? Would they be benevolent, godlike, ushering in a new age of peace and advancement for the human race. In a small town in...
Demi had just gotten to the park, brunette hair tied up in a cute ponytail. It was early evening, tired from work but wanting that buzz that running gave her as a pick me up. As soon as she’d gotten home she slipped out of her work attire and into her tight three quarter leggings, more yoga pants, fitting just how she liked showing off her thick thighs and tight round butt. She decided against her sports bra today, feeling a little excited already confident her ample breasts would be held in...
I so looked forward to the slow times on the farm, summer-time near the 4th of July, when most were to busy to have plans travel to visit friends and relatives, amusement parks and recreation areas; things that have much more interesting activities than just riding horses. Most all of the help was given the week off, and my family planned to go visiting old friends in the city, leaving me alone to man the farm. I eagerly called my old friend Kelly and arranged for her to come visit thinking we...
I groaned as I rolled over. Today was the day. My stupid family would be here all day and I had to play nice. I had only meet the two cousins that were causing a fuss once in my life, and that had been a long time ago. I was 10 or eleven when we took a trip to England to meet them. I hadn't been impressed then and I didn't hold out much hope for being impressed now. Ian, who was the same age as my older sister Sara, had spent a lot of the time picking on me. I know it's normal for families to...
IncestIt’s been a long day and you have gone to sleep early. You are sleeping on the couch like you normally do. Or at least that is my assumption by the order you turn the lights off in your house when you are alone. The last room with any light is always closest to the street. I know you have a security system and I’m not sure how you arm it when you are home by yourself, but I am not going to take any chances in getting caught doing this, so in the small collection of things I am carrying with...
Where do I start, I'm 48 gay, single & have a thing for hot young guys, as do many of my type, I have recently taken up swimming at the local pools, & have noticed there are a lot of young fit Korean & Japanese lads that go there, over the last couple of months I watch them get undressed, one day, right in front of me one Asian lad stripped right off in front of me & sat naked, on the bench waiting for the showers to become available, the thing is he bent forward, when he did...
Drusilla, was a very petite young lady, she was in her second year of a Master Program in Physiology. Most of the guys that had dated her had said she was strange, strange or not she was built like a brick s--t house. She stood about 5'1" and weighed nearly 125lbs, flashing eyes and a disarming smile that would melt ice. I found myself alone with her, in one of the stacks of the library, with out thinking I asked 'would you like to take a break and go have a soda?' She smiled and thought for a...
Catherine closed the book and looked out the window. Outside the rain brushed lightly against the window of the library. "I must leave soon" She thought as she took off her reading glasses and put them back into their case. Her stomach sounded slightly, "Jack in the box" she thought. She wasn't in the mood to cook for herself tonight. She just felt like relaxing, spending some time to herself. She didn't feel particularly tired, in fact she felt more energetic than usual. Catherine...
??????????? The shadow darted across the front lawn? moving not much more silently then the object of its creation. Not much more silently until the heavy boots moved up the steps and the broad shouldered, shadow hidden figure moved a key into the hole designed for this one purpose. ??????????? The figure open the door, and immediately reach in a hand to switch on a light, revealing his 6ft, well built frame, showing the point this young man was equipped with broad and strong shoulders....
I was so tired after a very hard week at the office.As soon as I got back home, I had a relaxing shower and later a delicious meal for dinner that my loving husband cooked for me.I climbed into bed with Victor and I cuddled up tightly to him. It always made me feel safe knowing that he is close to me. I began to drift into a happy dream. Suddenly I felt Victor being pulled from my side. I could sense that something was going wrong. I heard voices but could see no one in the darkness.A strong...
He creeps in as the clock strikes the witching hour, assuming that everyone is sleeping soundly as they should be, forgetting that bitch insomnia, He makes sure his Wal-mart stocking mask is on tight."Perfect," he whispers to himself before continuing inside the dark house lit only by the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree, a soundless and slow strobing neon.For a moment he feels like the Grinch about to steal Christmas from the dumb little Whos in whoville but then he remembers where he is...
VoyeurAfter humans reached space we found many things we did not expect. Other races and worlds and many lost legends. Like the Shining Ones or the worlds of chaos and darkness. Orcs and ogres and other dark people who only lived to destroy. The Shining Ones had visited earth many millennian ago and were the Sidhe or elves. With them were their brothers or cousins the Dark Elves. Those we thought the same as them until much later when they had learned to travel in space like us. They used humans...
Not on my Planet, You Won't. Where in the seven hells did that come from? he wondered. Seconds ago he had been doing what he loved more than anything. Fishing. On the Looking Glass River. In Michigan. It was past dark and he knew it was time and more to go home, but just one more cast ... That would be the seventh ... one more cast. The hand carved 1926 Fred Arbogast Jitterbug flew out from the rod tip ... Daddy's favorite lure ... and plunked into the water just like a frog jumping off the...
Amber looked in the mirror studying her reflection. She was bald. She still had her hair, but it was hidden under a colored skull thing. The package it came in had called it a bald cap. All she knew was that she looked stupid wearing it. While being bald was bad enough, she was also light green from head to toe. Well, she was mostly green with some brownish spots that ran along her back. There was rather intricate patterning in tan and white offsetting the overwhelming green on her face....
Getting out of Scotland and to the Metéora proved more complicated than anticipated. Rebecca spent most of Thursday at the embassy retrieving her updated passport with her new name. She ran to the university and explained to Dr. Reston that she would be pursuing a lead in Central Greece where a form of goddess worship was still practiced at the very foot of the Orthodox monasteries. And that while based in the Greek pantheon, it appeared that a single goddess was the object of reverence. This...
Tamara Jenkins was shocked and apalled at her behavior the previous night. Less than a week ago she never would have considered doing anything of the sort, and now she was without a doubt no longer a virgin in any respect. Numerous boys and a couple of men had put body parts into her pussy, her mouth, and one had even pushed his way into her ass hole! Of all the things she'd done at Kevin's house the night before, that was the only one she truly felt disgusted by. The rest were stunning to...
Our flight back the next morning seemed shorter than the one out. Mr Perry was thinking about my story concerning the home trees and what I found inside them. We landed at the colony landing pads to see people running everywhere. As soon as we stepped out we found out why. A large Cariss warship was insystem headed for the planet. We all knew that meant they were here to strip the planet before anyone could come to help us. Cariss was one race that was always warlike. They only fought as a...
Homer Simpson falls in love with co worker Mindy Simmons who is very sexy she is attracted to him too Homer and Mindy are working together and she's flirting with him and he is so attracted to her he thinks about her naked in his dreams she's a young beautiful redhead with green eyes and red lips he wants to kiss her she feels like kissing him too he leans in kissing her she keeps kissing him then says to him Homer I'm in love with you he says me too Mindy they are in the hotelroom they are...